1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:        DataVariables
10 //- Description:
11 //-
12 //-
13 //- Owner:        Mike Eldred
14 //- Version: $Id: DataVariables.hpp 7024 2010-10-16 01:24:42Z mseldre $
19 #include "dakota_system_defs.hpp"
20 #include "dakota_global_defs.hpp"  // for Cerr
21 #include "dakota_data_types.hpp"
22 #include "MPIPackBuffer.hpp"
24 namespace Dakota {
26 // special values for domain: Relaxed or Mixed
28 // special values for active view: All, Design, {A+E,A,E} Uncertain, or State
31 // special values for active and inactive views include EMPTY_VIEW plus the
32 // 12 combinations of All, Design, {A+E,A,E} Uncertain, or State active view
33 // [6 total] and Relaxed or Mixed domain [2 total].
40 /// values differentiating subsets of variables for I/O
43 // special values for SharedVariablesData::variablesComponents and
44 // SharedVariablesData::all*Types (Note: these differ from the
45 // pecos_global_defs.hpp enumeration, which is focused on ranVarTypesX/U)
61 // special values for indexing of SharedVariablesData::variablesCompsTotals;
62 // last value is used for sizing arrays of vars_comps_totals
67        NUM_VC_TOTALS };
70 /// Body class for variables specification data.
72 /** The DataVariablesRep class is used to contain the data from a
73     variables keyword specification.  Default values are managed in
74     the DataVariablesRep constructor.  Data is public to avoid
75     maintaining set/get functions, but is still encapsulated within
76     ProblemDescDB since ProblemDescDB::dataVariablesList is private. */
78 class DataVariablesRep
79 {
80   //
81   //- Heading: Friends
82   //
84   /// the handle class can access attributes of the body class directly
85   friend class DataVariables;
87 //private:
88 public:
90   ~DataVariablesRep(); ///< destructor
92   //
93   //- Heading: Data
94   //
96   /// string identifier for the variables specification data set
97   /// (from the \c id_variables specification in \ref VarSetId)
98   String idVariables;
99   /// user selection/override of variables view: {DEFAULT,ALL,DESIGN,
101   short varsView;
102   /// user selection/override of variables domain:
104   short varsDomain;
105   /// flag indicating user specification of initial points (for local
106   /// optimization-based UQ methods) for at least one uncertain variable type
107   bool uncertainVarsInitPt;
108   /// number of continuous design variables (from the \c continuous_design
109   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
110   size_t numContinuousDesVars;
111   /// number of discrete design variables defined by an integer range
112   /// (from the \c discrete_design_range specification in \ref VarDV)
113   size_t numDiscreteDesRangeVars;
114   /// number of discrete design variables defined by a set of integers
115   /// (from the \c discrete_design_set integer specification in \ref VarDV)
116   size_t numDiscreteDesSetIntVars;
117   /// number of discrete design variables defined by a set of strings
118   /// (from the \c discrete_design_set string specification in \ref VarDV)
119   size_t numDiscreteDesSetStrVars;
120   /// number of discrete design variables defined by a set of reals
121   /// (from the \c discrete_design_set real specification in \ref VarDV)
122   size_t numDiscreteDesSetRealVars;
123   /// number of normal uncertain variables (from the \c normal_uncertain
124   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
125   size_t numNormalUncVars;
126   /// number of lognormal uncertain variables (from the \c lognormal_uncertain
127   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
128   size_t numLognormalUncVars;
129   /// number of uniform uncertain variables (from the \c uniform_uncertain
130   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
131   size_t numUniformUncVars;
132   /// number of loguniform uncertain variables (from the \c
133   /// loguniform_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
134   size_t numLoguniformUncVars;
135   /// number of triangular uncertain variables (from the \c
136   /// triangular_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
137   size_t numTriangularUncVars;
138   /// number of exponential uncertain variables (from the \c
139   /// exponential_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
140   size_t numExponentialUncVars;
141   /// number of beta uncertain variables (from the \c beta_uncertain
142   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
143   size_t numBetaUncVars;
144   /// number of gamma uncertain variables (from the \c gamma_uncertain
145   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
146   size_t numGammaUncVars;
147   /// number of gumbel uncertain variables (from the \c gumbel_uncertain
148   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
149   size_t numGumbelUncVars;
150   /// number of frechet uncertain variables (from the \c frechet_uncertain
151   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
152   size_t numFrechetUncVars;
153   /// number of weibull uncertain variables (from the \c weibull_uncertain
154   /// specification in \ref VarAUV)
155   size_t numWeibullUncVars;
156   /// number of histogram bin uncertain variables (from the \c
157   /// histogram_bin_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
158   size_t numHistogramBinUncVars;
159   /// number of Poisson uncertain variables (from the \c
160   /// poisson_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
161   size_t numPoissonUncVars;
162   /// number of binomial uncertain variables (from the \c
163   /// binomial_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
164   size_t numBinomialUncVars;
165   /// number of negative binomial uncertain variables (from the \c
166   /// negative_binomial_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
167   size_t numNegBinomialUncVars;
168   /// number of geometric uncertain variables (from the \c
169   /// geometric_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV
170   size_t numGeometricUncVars;
171   /// number of hypergeometric uncertain variables (from the \c
172   /// hypergeometric_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV))
173   size_t numHyperGeomUncVars;
174   /// number of integer-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the \c
175   /// histogram_point_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
176   size_t numHistogramPtIntUncVars;
177   /// number of string-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the \c
178   /// histogram_point_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
179   size_t numHistogramPtStrUncVars;
180   /// number of real-valued histogram point uncertain variables (from the \c
181   /// histogram_point_uncertain specification in \ref VarAUV)
182   size_t numHistogramPtRealUncVars;
183   /// number of continuous epistemic interval uncertain variables (from
184   /// the \c continuous_interval_uncertain specification in \ref VarEUV)
185   size_t numContinuousIntervalUncVars;
186   /// number of discrete epistemic interval uncertain variables (from the
187   /// \c discrete_interval_uncertain specification in \ref VarEUV)
188   size_t numDiscreteIntervalUncVars;
189   /// number of discrete epistemic uncertain integer set variables (from
190   /// the \c discrete_uncertain_set integer specification in \ref VarEUV)
191   size_t numDiscreteUncSetIntVars;
192   /// number of discrete epistemic uncertain string set variables (from
193   /// the \c discrete_uncertain_set string specification in \ref VarEUV)
194   size_t numDiscreteUncSetStrVars;
195   /// number of discrete epistemic uncertain real set variables (from
196   /// the \c discrete_uncertain_set real specification in \ref VarEUV)
197   size_t numDiscreteUncSetRealVars;
198   /// number of continuous state variables (from the \c continuous_state
199   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
200   size_t numContinuousStateVars;
201   /// number of discrete state variables defined by an integer range
202   /// (from the \c discrete_state_range specification in \ref VarDV)
203   size_t numDiscreteStateRangeVars;
204   /// number of discrete state variables defined by a set of integers
205   /// (from the \c discrete_state_set integer specification in \ref VarDV)
206   size_t numDiscreteStateSetIntVars;
207   /// number of discrete state variables defined by a set of strings
208   /// (from the \c discrete_state_set string specification in \ref VarDV)
209   size_t numDiscreteStateSetStrVars;
210   /// number of discrete state variables defined by a set of reals
211   /// (from the \c discrete_state_set real specification in \ref VarDV)
212   size_t numDiscreteStateSetRealVars;
214   // Design arrays
216   /// initial values for the continuous design variables array (from
217   /// the \c continuous_design \c initial_point specification in \ref VarDV)
218   RealVector continuousDesignVars;
219   /// lower bounds array for the continuous design variables (from the
220   /// \c continuous_design \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarDV)
221   RealVector continuousDesignLowerBnds;
222   /// upper bounds array for the continuous design variables (from the
223   /// \c continuous_design \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarDV)
224   RealVector continuousDesignUpperBnds;
225   /// scale types array for the continuous design variables (from the
226   /// \c continuous_design \c scale_types specification in \ref VarDV)
227   StringArray continuousDesignScaleTypes;
228   /// scales array for the continuous design variables (from the
229   /// \c continuous_design \c scales specification in \ref VarDV)
230   RealVector continuousDesignScales;
232   /// initial values for the discrete design variables defined by an
233   /// integer range (from the \c discrete_design_range \c initial_point
234   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
235   IntVector discreteDesignRangeVars;
236   /// lower bounds array for the discrete design variables defined by an
237   /// integer range (from the \c discrete_design_range \c lower_bounds
238   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
239   IntVector discreteDesignRangeLowerBnds;
240   /// upper bounds array for the discrete design variables defined
241   /// by an integer range(from the \c discrete_design_range \c
242   /// upper_bounds specification in \ref VarDV)
243   IntVector discreteDesignRangeUpperBnds;
244   /// is each ddr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
245   BitArray discreteDesignRangeCat;
247   /// initial values for the discrete design variables defined by an
248   /// integer set (from the \c discrete_design_set integer \c initial_point
249   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
250   IntVector discreteDesignSetIntVars;
251   /// initial values for the discrete design variables defined by a
252   /// string set (from the \c discrete_design_set string \c initial_point
253   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
254   StringArray discreteDesignSetStrVars;
255   /// initial values for the discrete design variables defined by a
256   /// real set (from the \c discrete_design_set real \c initial_point
257   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
258   RealVector discreteDesignSetRealVars;
259   /// complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete design
260   /// variables defined by an integer set (from the
261   /// \c discrete_design_set integer \c set_values specification in \ref VarDV)
262   IntSetArray discreteDesignSetInt;
263   /// complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete design
264   /// variables defined by a string set (from the
265   /// \c discrete_design_set string \c set_values specification in \ref VarDV)
266   StringSetArray discreteDesignSetStr;
267   /// complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete design
268   /// variables defined by a real set (from the \c discrete_design_set real
269   /// \c set_values specification in \ref VarDV)
270   RealSetArray discreteDesignSetReal;
272   /// is each ddsi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
273   BitArray discreteDesignSetIntCat;
274   /// is each ddsr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
275   BitArray discreteDesignSetRealCat;
277   /// Adjacency matrices for each of the discrete design variables defined
278   /// by an integer set (from the \c discrete_design_set integer
279   /// \c categorical \c adjacency specification in \ref VarDV
280   RealMatrixArray discreteDesignSetIntAdj;
281   /// Adjacency matrices for each of the discrete design variables defined
282   /// by a string set (from the \c discrete_design_set string
283   ///  \c adjacency specification in \ref VarDV
284   RealMatrixArray discreteDesignSetStrAdj;
285   /// Adjacency matrices for each of the discrete design variables defined
286   /// by a real set (from the \c discrete_design_set real
287   /// \c categorical \c adjacency specification in \ref VarDV
288   RealMatrixArray discreteDesignSetRealAdj;
290   /// labels array for the continuous design variables (from the
291   /// \c continuous_design \c descriptors specification in \ref VarDV)
292   StringArray continuousDesignLabels;
293   /// labels array for the discrete design variables defined by an
294   /// integer range (from the \c discrete_design_range \c descriptors
295   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
296   StringArray discreteDesignRangeLabels;
297   /// labels array for the discrete design variables defined by an
298   /// integer set (from the \c discrete_design set int \c descriptors
299   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
300   StringArray discreteDesignSetIntLabels;
301   /// labels array for the discrete design variables defined by a
302   /// string set (from the \c discrete_design_set string \c descriptors
303   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
304   StringArray discreteDesignSetStrLabels;
305   /// labels array for the discrete design variables defined by a
306   /// real set (from the \c discrete_design_set real; \c descriptors
307   /// specification in \ref VarDV)
308   StringArray discreteDesignSetRealLabels;
310   // Aleatory uncertain arrays
312   /// means of the normal uncertain variables (from the \c means
313   /// specification in \ref VarCAUV_Normal)
314   RealVector normalUncMeans;
315   /// standard deviations of the normal uncertain variables (from
316   /// the \c std_deviations specification in \ref VarCAUV_Normal)
317   RealVector normalUncStdDevs;
318   /// distribution lower bounds for the normal uncertain variables
319   /// (from the \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Normal)
320   RealVector normalUncLowerBnds;
321   /// distribution upper bounds for the normal uncertain variables
322   /// (from the \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Normal)
323   RealVector normalUncUpperBnds;
324   /// initial values of the normal uncertain variables (from the \c
325   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Normal)
326   RealVector normalUncVars;
327   /// lambdas (means of the corresponding normals) of the lognormal uncertain
328   /// variables (from the \c lambdas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
329   RealVector lognormalUncLambdas;
330   /// zetas (standard deviations of the corresponding normals) of the
331   /// lognormal uncertain variables (from the \c zetas specification
332   /// in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
333   RealVector lognormalUncZetas;
334   /// means of the lognormal uncertain variables (from the \c
335   /// means specification in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
336   RealVector lognormalUncMeans;
337   /// standard deviations of the lognormal uncertain variables (from
338   /// the \c std_deviations specification in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
339   RealVector lognormalUncStdDevs;
340   /// error factors for the lognormal uncertain variables (from
341   /// the \c error_factors specification in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
342   RealVector lognormalUncErrFacts;
343   /// distribution lower bounds for the lognormal uncertain variables
344   /// (from the \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
345   RealVector lognormalUncLowerBnds;
346   /// distribution upper bounds for the lognormal uncertain variables
347   /// (from the \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
348   RealVector lognormalUncUpperBnds;
349   /// initial values of the lognormal uncertain variables (from the \c
350   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Lognormal)
351   RealVector lognormalUncVars;
352   /// distribution lower bounds for the uniform uncertain variables
353   /// (from the \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Uniform)
354   RealVector uniformUncLowerBnds;
355   /// distribution upper bounds for the uniform uncertain variables
356   /// (from the \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Uniform)
357   RealVector uniformUncUpperBnds;
358   /// initial values of the uniform uncertain variables (from the \c
359   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Uniform)
360   RealVector uniformUncVars;
361   /// distribution lower bounds for the loguniform uncertain variables
362   /// (from the \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Loguniform)
363   RealVector loguniformUncLowerBnds;
364   /// distribution upper bounds for the loguniform uncertain variables
365   /// (from the \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Loguniform)
366   RealVector loguniformUncUpperBnds;
367   /// initial values of the loguniform uncertain variables (from the \c
368   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Loguniform)
369   RealVector loguniformUncVars;
370   /// modes of the triangular uncertain variables (from the \c modes
371   /// specification in \ref VarCAUV_Triangular)
372   RealVector triangularUncModes;
373   /// distribution lower bounds for the triangular uncertain variables
374   /// (from the \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Triangular)
375   RealVector triangularUncLowerBnds;
376   /// distribution upper bounds for the triangular uncertain variables
377   /// (from the \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Triangular)
378   RealVector triangularUncUpperBnds;
379   /// initial values of the triangular uncertain variables (from the \c
380   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Triangular)
381   RealVector triangularUncVars;
382   /// beta factors for the exponential uncertain variables (from
383   /// the \c betas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Exponential)
384   RealVector exponentialUncBetas;
385   /// initial values of the exponential uncertain variables (from the \c
386   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Exponential)
387   RealVector exponentialUncVars;
388   /// alpha factors for the beta uncertain variables (from
389   /// the \c means specification in \ref VarCAUV_Beta)
390   RealVector betaUncAlphas;
391   /// beta factors for the beta uncertain variables (from
392   /// the \c std_deviations specification in \ref VarCAUV_Beta)
393   RealVector betaUncBetas;
394   /// distribution lower bounds for the beta uncertain variables
395   /// (from the \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Beta)
396   RealVector betaUncLowerBnds;
397   /// distribution upper bounds for the beta uncertain variables
398   /// (from the \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarCAUV_Beta)
399   RealVector betaUncUpperBnds;
400   /// initial values of the beta uncertain variables (from the \c
401   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Beta)
402   RealVector betaUncVars;
403   /// alpha factors for the gamma uncertain variables (from
404   /// the \c alphas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Gamma)
405   RealVector gammaUncAlphas;
406   /// beta factors for the gamma uncertain variables (from
407   /// the \c betas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Gamma)
408   RealVector gammaUncBetas;
409   /// initial values of the gamma uncertain variables (from the \c
410   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Gamma)
411   RealVector gammaUncVars;
412   /// alpha factors for the gumbel uncertain variables (from the \c
413   /// alphas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Gumbel)
414   RealVector gumbelUncAlphas;
415   /// beta factors for of the gumbel uncertain variables (from
416   /// the \c betas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Gumbel)
417   RealVector gumbelUncBetas;
418   /// initial values of the gumbel uncertain variables (from the \c
419   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Gumbel)
420   RealVector gumbelUncVars;
421   /// alpha factors for the frechet uncertain variables (from
422   /// the \c alphas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Frechet)
423   RealVector frechetUncAlphas;
424   /// beta factors for the frechet uncertain variables (from
425   /// the \c betas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Frechet)
426   RealVector frechetUncBetas;
427   /// initial values of the frechet uncertain variables (from the \c
428   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Frechet)
429   RealVector frechetUncVars;
430   /// alpha factors for the weibull uncertain variables (from
431   /// the \c alphas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Weibull)
432   RealVector weibullUncAlphas;
433   /// beta factors for the weibull uncertain variables (from
434   /// the \c betas specification in \ref VarCAUV_Weibull)
435   RealVector weibullUncBetas;
436   /// initial values of the weibull uncertain variables (from the \c
437   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Weibull)
438   RealVector weibullUncVars;
440   /// An array for each real-valued bin-based histogram uncertain variable.
441   /// Each array entry is a map from a real value to its probability (from the
442   /// \c histogram_bin_uncertain specification in \ref VarCAUV_Bin_Histogram;
443   /// see also continuous_linear variable type in LHS manual).  Note: bin
444   /// widths may be unequal and any (x,c) count specifications are converted
445   /// to (x,y) ordinates (probability densities) within Vchk_HistogramBinUnc()
446   /// in the NIDR parser.
447   RealRealMapArray histogramUncBinPairs;
448   /// initial values of the histogram bin uncertain variables (from the
449   /// \c initial_point specification in \ref VarCAUV_Bin_Histogram)
450   RealVector histogramBinUncVars;
452   // discrete types
454   /// lambdas (rate parameter) for the poisson uncertain variables (from
455   /// the \c lambdas specification in \ref VarDAUV_Poisson)
456   RealVector poissonUncLambdas;
457   /// initial values of the poisson uncertain variables (from the \c
458   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarDAUV_Poisson)
459   IntVector poissonUncVars;
460   /// is each poisson var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
461   BitArray poissonUncCat;
463   /// probabilities per each trial (p) for the binomial uncertain variables
464   /// from the \c prob_per_trial specification in \ref VarDAUV_Binomial)
465   RealVector binomialUncProbPerTrial;
466   /// Number of trials (N) for the binomial uncertain variables
467   /// from the \c num_trials specification in \ref VarDAUV_Binomial)
468   IntVector binomialUncNumTrials;
469   /// initial values of the binomial uncertain variables (from the \c
470   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarDAUV_Binomial)
471   IntVector binomialUncVars;
472   /// is each binomial var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
473   BitArray binomialUncCat;
475   /// probabilities per each trial (p) for the negative binomial
476   /// uncertain variables from the \c prob_per_trial specification in
477   /// \ref VarDAUV_Negative_Binomial)
478   RealVector negBinomialUncProbPerTrial;
479   /// Number of trials (N) for the negative binomial uncertain variables
480   /// from the \c num_trials specification in \ref VarDAUV_Negative_Binomial)
481   IntVector negBinomialUncNumTrials;
482   /// initial values of the negative binomial uncertain variables (from the
483   /// \c initial_point specification in \ref VarDAUV_Negative_Binomial)
484   IntVector negBinomialUncVars;
485   /// is each negbinomial var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
486   BitArray negBinomialUncCat;
488   /// probabilities per each trial (p) for the geometric uncertain variables
489   /// from the \c prob_per_trial specification in \ref VarDAUV_Geometric)
490   RealVector geometricUncProbPerTrial;
491   /// initial values of the geometric uncertain variables (from the \c
492   /// initial_point specification in \ref VarDAUV_Geometric)
493   IntVector geometricUncVars;
494   /// is each geometric var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
495   BitArray geometricUncCat;
497   /// Size of total populations (N) for the hypergeometric uncertain variables
498   /// from the \c total_population specification in \ref VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
499   IntVector hyperGeomUncTotalPop;
500   /// Size of selected populations for the hypergeometric uncertain
501   /// variables from the \c selected_population specification in \ref
502   /// VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
503   IntVector hyperGeomUncSelectedPop;
504   /// Number failed in the selected populations for the hypergeometric variables
505   /// from the \c num_drawn specification in \ref VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
506   IntVector hyperGeomUncNumDrawn;
507   /// initial values of the hypergeometric uncertain variables (from the
508   /// \c initial_point specification in \ref VarDAUV_Hypergeometric)
509   IntVector hyperGeomUncVars;
510   /// is each hypergeom var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
511   BitArray hyperGeomUncCat;
513   /// An array for each integer-valued point-based histogram uncertain
514   /// variable. Each array entry is a map from an integer value to its
515   /// probability. (See discrete histogram in LHS manual; from the \c
516   /// histogram_point_uncertain specification in \ref
517   /// VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
518   IntRealMapArray histogramUncPointIntPairs;
519   /// initial values of the real-valued histogram point uncertain
520   /// variables (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref
521   /// VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
522   IntVector histogramPointIntUncVars;
523   /// is each hupi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
524   BitArray histogramUncPointIntCat;
526   /// An array for each string-valued point-based histogram uncertain
527   /// variable. Each array entry is a map from a string value to its
528   /// probability. (See discrete histogram in LHS manual; from the \c
529   /// histogram_point_uncertain specification in \ref
530   /// VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
531   StringRealMapArray histogramUncPointStrPairs;
532   /// initial values of the real-valued histogram point uncertain
533   /// variables (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref
534   /// VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
535   StringArray histogramPointStrUncVars;
536   // string variables cannot be relaxed, no categorical option
538   /// An array for each real-valued point-based histogram uncertain
539   /// variable. Each array entry is a map from a real value to its
540   /// probability. (See discrete histogram in LHS manual; from the \c
541   /// histogram_point_uncertain specification in \ref
542   /// VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
543   RealRealMapArray histogramUncPointRealPairs;
544   /// initial values of the real-valued histogram point uncertain
545   /// variables (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref
546   /// VarDAUV_Point_Histogram)
547   RealVector histogramPointRealUncVars;
548   /// is each hupr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
549   BitArray histogramUncPointRealCat;
551   /// correlation matrix for all uncertain variables (from the \c
552   /// uncertain_correlation_matrix specification in \ref
553   /// VarAUV_Correlations). This matrix specifies rank correlations
554   /// for LHS sampling and correlation coefficients (rho_ij =
555   /// normalized covariance matrix) for other methods.
556   RealSymMatrix uncertainCorrelations;
558   // Epistemic uncertain arrays
560   /// Probability values per interval cell per epistemic interval uncertain
561   /// variable (from the \c continuous_interval_uncertain \c interval_probs
562   /// specification in \ref VarCEUV_Interval)
563   RealRealPairRealMapArray continuousIntervalUncBasicProbs;
564   /// initial values of the continuous interval uncertain variables
565   /// (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref VarCEUV_Interval)
566   RealVector continuousIntervalUncVars;
568   /// Probability values per interval cell per epistemic interval uncertain
569   /// variable (from the \c discrete_interval_uncertain \c interval_probs
570   /// specification in \ref VarDIUV)
571   IntIntPairRealMapArray discreteIntervalUncBasicProbs;
572   /// initial values of the discrete interval uncertain variables
573   /// (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref VarDIUV)
574   IntVector discreteIntervalUncVars;
575   /// is each diu var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
576   BitArray discreteIntervalUncCat;
578   /// complete set of admissible values with associated basic probability
579   /// assignments for each of the discrete epistemic uncertain variables
580   /// defined by an integer set (from the \c discrete_uncertain_set integer
581   /// \c set_values specification in \ref VarDUSIV)
582   IntRealMapArray discreteUncSetIntValuesProbs;
583   /// initial values of the discrete uncertain set integer variables
584   /// (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref VarDUSIV)
585   IntVector discreteUncSetIntVars;
586   /// is each dusi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
587   BitArray discreteUncSetIntCat;
589   /// complete set of admissible values with associated basic probability
590   /// assignments for each of the discrete epistemic uncertain variables
591   /// defined by a string set (from the \c discrete_uncertain_set string
592   /// \c set_values specification in \ref VarDUSIV)
593   StringRealMapArray discreteUncSetStrValuesProbs;
594   /// initial values of the discrete uncertain set integer variables
595   /// (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref VarDUSIV)
596   StringArray discreteUncSetStrVars;
598   /// complete set of admissible values with associated basic probability
599   /// assignments for each of the discrete epistemic uncertain variables
600   /// defined by a real set (from the \c discrete_uncertain_set_ eal
601   /// \c set_values specification in \ref VarDUSRV)
602   RealRealMapArray discreteUncSetRealValuesProbs;
603   /// initial values of the discrete uncertain set real variables
604   /// (from the \c initial_point specification in \ref VarDUSRV)
605   RealVector discreteUncSetRealVars;
606   /// is each dusr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
607   BitArray discreteUncSetRealCat;
609   // State arrays
611   /// initial values for the continuous state variables array (from
612   /// the \c continuous_state \c initial_point specification in \ref VarSV)
613   RealVector continuousStateVars;
614   /// lower bounds array for the continuous state variables (from the
615   /// \c continuous_state \c lower_bounds specification in \ref VarSV)
616   RealVector continuousStateLowerBnds;
617   /// upper bounds array for the continuous state variables (from the
618   /// \c continuous_state \c upper_bounds specification in \ref VarSV)
619   RealVector continuousStateUpperBnds;
621   /// initial values for the discrete state variables defined by an
622   /// integer range (from the \c discrete_state_range \c initial_point
623   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
624   IntVector discreteStateRangeVars;
625   /// lower bounds array for the discrete state variables defined by an
626   /// integer range (from the \c discrete_state_range \c lower_bounds
627   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
628   IntVector discreteStateRangeLowerBnds;
629   /// upper bounds array for the discrete state variables defined
630   /// by an integer range(from the \c discrete_state_range \c
631   /// upper_bounds specification in \ref VarSV)
632   IntVector discreteStateRangeUpperBnds;
633   /// is each dsr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
634   BitArray discreteStateRangeCat;
636   /// initial values for the discrete state variables defined by an
637   /// integer set (from the \c discrete_state_set integer \c initial_point
638   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
639   IntVector discreteStateSetIntVars;
640   /// initial values for the discrete state variables defined by a
641   /// string set (from the \c discrete_state_set string \c initial_point
642   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
643   StringArray discreteStateSetStrVars;
644   /// initial values for the discrete state variables defined by a
645   /// real set (from the \c discrete_state_set real \c initial_point
646   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
647   RealVector discreteStateSetRealVars;
649   /// complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete state
650   /// variables defined by an integer set (from the
651   /// \c discrete_state_set integer \c set_values specification in \ref VarSV)
652   IntSetArray discreteStateSetInt;
653   /// complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete state
654   /// variables defined by a string set (from the \c discrete_state_set string
655   /// \c set_values specification in \ref VarSV)
656   StringSetArray discreteStateSetStr;
657   /// complete set of admissible values for each of the discrete state
658   /// variables defined by a real set (from the \c discrete_state_set real
659   /// \c set_values specification in \ref VarSV)
660   RealSetArray discreteStateSetReal;
662   /// is each dssi var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
663   BitArray discreteStateSetIntCat;
664   /// is each dssr var strictly categorical (true) or relaxable (false)
665   BitArray discreteStateSetRealCat;
667   /// labels array for the continuous state variables (from the
668   /// \c continuous_state \c descriptors specification in \ref VarSV)
669   StringArray continuousStateLabels;
670   /// labels array for the discrete state variables defined by an
671   /// integer range (from the \c discrete_state_range \c descriptors
672   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
673   StringArray discreteStateRangeLabels;
674   /// labels array for the discrete state variables defined by an
675   /// integer set (from the \c discrete_state_set \c descriptors
676   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
677   StringArray discreteStateSetIntLabels;
678   /// labels array for the discrete state variables defined by a
679   /// string set (from the \c discrete_state_set \c descriptors
680   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
681   StringArray discreteStateSetStrLabels;
682   /// labels array for the discrete state variables defined by a
683   /// real set (from the \c discrete_state_set \c descriptors
684   /// specification in \ref VarSV)
685   StringArray discreteStateSetRealLabels;
687   // Inferred arrays
689   /// discrete design integer set lower bounds inferred from set values
690   IntVector discreteDesignSetIntLowerBnds;
691   /// discrete design integer set upper bounds inferred from set values
692   IntVector discreteDesignSetIntUpperBnds;
693   /// discrete design string set lower bounds inferred from set values
694   StringArray discreteDesignSetStrLowerBnds;
695   /// discrete design stinr set upper bounds inferred from set values
696   StringArray discreteDesignSetStrUpperBnds;
697   /// discrete design real set lower bounds inferred from set values
698   RealVector discreteDesignSetRealLowerBnds;
699   /// discrete design real set upper bounds inferred from set values
700   RealVector discreteDesignSetRealUpperBnds;
701   /// array of values for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables
702   RealVector continuousAleatoryUncVars;
703   /// distribution lower bounds for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables
704   /// (collected from \c nuv_lower_bounds, \c lnuv_lower_bounds,
705   /// \c uuv_lower_bounds, \c luuv_lower_bounds, \c tuv_lower_bounds,
706   /// and \c buv_lower_bounds specifications in \ref VarAUV, and derived
707   /// for gamma, gumbel, frechet, weibull and histogram bin specifications)
708   RealVector continuousAleatoryUncLowerBnds;
709   /// distribution upper bounds for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables
710   /// (collected from \c nuv_upper_bounds, \c lnuv_upper_bounds,
711   /// \c uuv_upper_bounds, \c luuv_upper_bounds, \c tuv_lower_bounds,
712   /// and \c buv_upper_bounds specifications in \ref VarAUV, and derived
713   /// for gamma, gumbel, frechet, weibull and histogram bin specifications)
714   RealVector continuousAleatoryUncUpperBnds;
715   /// labels for all continuous aleatory uncertain variables
716   /// (collected from \c nuv_descriptors, \c lnuv_descriptors, \c
717   /// uuv_descriptors, \c luuv_descriptors, \c tuv_descriptors, \c
718   /// buv_descriptors, \c gauv_descriptors, \c guuv_descriptors, \c
719   /// fuv_descriptors, \c wuv_descriptors, and \c hbuv_descriptors
720   /// specifications in \ref VarAUV)
721   StringArray continuousAleatoryUncLabels;
723   /// array of values for all discrete integer aleatory uncertain variables
724   IntVector discreteIntAleatoryUncVars;
725   /// distribution lower bounds for all discrete integer aleatory
726   /// uncertain variables
727   IntVector discreteIntAleatoryUncLowerBnds;
728   /// distribution upper bounds for all discrete integer aleatory
729   /// uncertain variables
730   IntVector discreteIntAleatoryUncUpperBnds;
731   /// labels for all discrete integer aleatory uncertain variables
732   StringArray discreteIntAleatoryUncLabels;
734   /// array of values for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
735   StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncVars;
736   /// distribution lower bounds for all discrete string epistemic
737   /// uncertain variables
738   StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncLowerBnds;
739   /// distribution upper bounds for all discrete string epistemic
740   /// uncertain variables
741   StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncUpperBnds;
742   /// labels for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
743   StringArray discreteStrAleatoryUncLabels;
745   /// array of values for all discrete real aleatory uncertain variables
746   RealVector discreteRealAleatoryUncVars;
747   /// distribution lower bounds for all discrete real aleatory
748   /// uncertain variables
749   RealVector discreteRealAleatoryUncLowerBnds;
750   /// distribution upper bounds for all discrete real aleatory
751   /// uncertain variables
752   RealVector discreteRealAleatoryUncUpperBnds;
753   /// labels for all discrete real aleatory uncertain variables
754   StringArray discreteRealAleatoryUncLabels;
756   /// array of values for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
757   RealVector continuousEpistemicUncVars;
758   /// distribution lower bounds for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
759   RealVector continuousEpistemicUncLowerBnds;
760   /// distribution upper bounds for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
761   RealVector continuousEpistemicUncUpperBnds;
762   /// labels for all continuous epistemic uncertain variables
763   StringArray continuousEpistemicUncLabels;
765   /// array of values for all discrete integer epistemic uncertain variables
766   IntVector discreteIntEpistemicUncVars;
767   /// distribution lower bounds for all discrete integer epistemic
768   /// uncertain variables
769   IntVector discreteIntEpistemicUncLowerBnds;
770   /// distribution upper bounds for all discrete integer epistemic
771   /// uncertain variables
772   IntVector discreteIntEpistemicUncUpperBnds;
773   /// labels for all discrete integer epistemic uncertain variables
774   StringArray discreteIntEpistemicUncLabels;
776   /// array of values for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
777   StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncVars;
778   /// distribution lower bounds for all discrete string epistemic
779   /// uncertain variables
780   StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncLowerBnds;
781   /// distribution upper bounds for all discrete string epistemic
782   /// uncertain variables
783   StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncUpperBnds;
784   /// labels for all discrete string epistemic uncertain variables
785   StringArray discreteStrEpistemicUncLabels;
787   /// array of values for all discrete real epistemic uncertain variables
788   RealVector discreteRealEpistemicUncVars;
789   /// distribution lower bounds for all discrete real epistemic
790   /// uncertain variables
791   RealVector discreteRealEpistemicUncLowerBnds;
792   /// distribution upper bounds for all discrete real epistemic
793   /// uncertain variables
794   RealVector discreteRealEpistemicUncUpperBnds;
795   /// labels for all discrete real epistemic uncertain variables
796   StringArray discreteRealEpistemicUncLabels;
798   /// discrete state integer set lower bounds inferred from set values
799   IntVector discreteStateSetIntLowerBnds;
800   /// discrete state integer set upper bounds inferred from set values
801   IntVector discreteStateSetIntUpperBnds;
802   /// discrete state string set lower bounds inferred from set values
803   StringArray discreteStateSetStrLowerBnds;
804   /// discrete state string set upper bounds inferred from set values
805   StringArray discreteStateSetStrUpperBnds;
806   /// discrete state real set lower bounds inferred from set values
807   RealVector discreteStateSetRealLowerBnds;
808   /// discrete state real set upper bounds inferred from set values
809   RealVector discreteStateSetRealUpperBnds;
811   // Linear constraints
813   /// coefficient matrix for the linear inequality constraints (from
814   /// the \c linear_inequality_constraint_matrix specification in \ref
815   /// MethodIndControl)
816   RealVector linearIneqConstraintCoeffs;
817   /// lower bounds for the linear inequality constraints (from the \c
818   /// linear_inequality_lower_bounds specification in \ref MethodIndControl)
819   RealVector linearIneqLowerBnds;
820   /// upper bounds for the linear inequality constraints (from the \c
821   /// linear_inequality_upper_bounds specification in \ref MethodIndControl)
822   RealVector linearIneqUpperBnds;
823   /// scaling types for the linear inequality constraints (from the \c
824   /// linear_inequality_scale_types specification in \ref MethodIndControl)
825   StringArray linearIneqScaleTypes;
826   /// scaling factors for the linear inequality constraints (from the \c
827   /// linear_inequality_scales specification in \ref MethodIndControl)
828   RealVector linearIneqScales;
829   /// coefficient matrix for the linear equality constraints (from
830   /// the \c linear_equality_constraint_matrix specification in \ref
831   /// MethodIndControl)
832   RealVector linearEqConstraintCoeffs;
833   /// targets for the linear equality constraints (from the \c
834   /// linear_equality_targets specification in \ref MethodIndControl)
835   RealVector linearEqTargets;
836   /// scaling types for the linear equality constraints (from the \c
837   /// linear_equality_scale_types specification in \ref MethodIndControl)
838   StringArray linearEqScaleTypes;
839   /// scaling factors for the linear equality constraints (from the \c
840   /// linear_equality_scales specification in \ref MethodIndControl)
841   RealVector linearEqScales;
843 private:
845   //
846   //- Heading: Private functions
847   //
849   DataVariablesRep();  ///< default constructor
851   /// write a DataVariablesRep object to an std::ostream
852   void write(std::ostream& s) const;
854   /// read a DataVariablesRep object from a packed MPI buffer
855   void read(MPIUnpackBuffer& s);
856   /// write a DataVariablesRep object to a packed MPI buffer
857   void write(MPIPackBuffer& s) const;
859   //
860   //- Heading: Private data members
861   //
863 };
~DataVariablesRep()866 inline DataVariablesRep::~DataVariablesRep()
867 { }
870 /// Handle class for variables specification data.
872 /** The DataVariables class is used to provide a memory management
873     handle for the data in DataVariablesRep.  It is populated by
874     IDRProblemDescDB::variables_kwhandler() and is queried by the
875     ProblemDescDB::get_<datatype>() functions.  A list of
876     DataVariables objects is maintained in
877     ProblemDescDB::dataVariablesList, one for each variables
878     specification in an input file. */
880 class DataVariables
881 {
882   //
883   //- Heading: Friends
884   //
886   // the problem description database
887   friend class ProblemDescDB;
888   // the NIDR derived problem description database
889   friend class NIDRProblemDescDB;
891 public:
893   /// compares the idVariables attribute of DataVariables objects
id_compare(const DataVariables & dv,const std::string & id)894   static bool id_compare(const DataVariables& dv, const std::string& id)
895   { return id == dv.dataVarsRep->idVariables; }
897   //
898   //- Heading: Constructors, destructor, operators
899   //
901   DataVariables();                                ///< constructor
902   DataVariables(const DataVariables&);            ///< copy constructor
903   ~DataVariables();                               ///< destructor
905   DataVariables operator=(const DataVariables&); ///< assignment operator
906   bool operator==(const DataVariables&);          ///< equality operator
908   //
909   //- Heading: Member methods
910   //
912   /// write a DataVariables object to an std::ostream
913   void write(std::ostream& s) const;
915   /// read a DataVariables object from a packed MPI buffer
916   void read(MPIUnpackBuffer& s);
917   /// write a DataVariables object to a packed MPI buffer
918   void write(MPIPackBuffer& s) const;
920   /// return dataVarsRep
921   std::shared_ptr<DataVariablesRep> data_rep();
923   // Get Functions (composite variable counts only):
925   /// return total number of design variables
continuous_design()926   size_t continuous_design() { return dataVarsRep->numContinuousDesVars; }
927   /// return total number of design variables
discrete_design()928   size_t discrete_design() { return dataVarsRep->numDiscreteDesRangeVars +
929     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteDesSetIntVars +
930     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteDesSetStrVars +
931     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteDesSetRealVars; }
932   /// return total number of continuous aleatory uncertain variables
continuous_aleatory_uncertain()933   size_t continuous_aleatory_uncertain()
934   { return dataVarsRep->numNormalUncVars +
935     dataVarsRep->numLognormalUncVars + dataVarsRep->numUniformUncVars +
936     dataVarsRep->numLoguniformUncVars + dataVarsRep->numTriangularUncVars +
937     dataVarsRep->numExponentialUncVars + dataVarsRep->numBetaUncVars +
938     dataVarsRep->numGammaUncVars + dataVarsRep->numGumbelUncVars +
939     dataVarsRep->numFrechetUncVars + dataVarsRep->numWeibullUncVars +
940     dataVarsRep->numHistogramBinUncVars; }
941   /// return total number of continuous aleatory uncertain variables
discrete_aleatory_uncertain()942   size_t discrete_aleatory_uncertain()
943   { return dataVarsRep->numPoissonUncVars + dataVarsRep->numBinomialUncVars +
944     dataVarsRep->numNegBinomialUncVars + dataVarsRep->numGeometricUncVars +
945     dataVarsRep->numHyperGeomUncVars + dataVarsRep->numHistogramPtIntUncVars +
946     dataVarsRep->numHistogramPtStrUncVars +
947     dataVarsRep->numHistogramPtRealUncVars; }
948   /// return total number of epistemic uncertain variables
continuous_epistemic_uncertain()949   size_t continuous_epistemic_uncertain()
950   { return dataVarsRep->numContinuousIntervalUncVars; }
951   /// return total number of epistemic uncertain variables
discrete_epistemic_uncertain()952   size_t discrete_epistemic_uncertain()
953   { return dataVarsRep->numDiscreteIntervalUncVars +
954     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteUncSetIntVars +
955     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteUncSetStrVars +
956     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteUncSetRealVars; }
957   /// return total number of state variables
continuous_state()958   size_t continuous_state() { return dataVarsRep->numContinuousStateVars; }
959   /// return total number of state variables
discrete_state()960   size_t discrete_state() { return dataVarsRep->numDiscreteStateRangeVars +
961     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteStateSetIntVars +
962     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteStateSetStrVars +
963     dataVarsRep->numDiscreteStateSetRealVars; }
964   /// return total number of design variables
design()965   size_t design() { return continuous_design() + discrete_design(); }
966   /// return total number of aleatory uncertain variables
aleatory_uncertain()967   size_t aleatory_uncertain()
968   { return continuous_aleatory_uncertain() + discrete_aleatory_uncertain(); }
969   /// return total number of epistemic uncertain variables
epistemic_uncertain()970   size_t epistemic_uncertain()
971   { return continuous_epistemic_uncertain() + discrete_epistemic_uncertain(); }
972   /// return total number of uncertain variables
uncertain()973   size_t uncertain() { return aleatory_uncertain() + epistemic_uncertain(); }
974   /// return total number of state variables
state()975   size_t state() { return continuous_state() + discrete_state(); }
976   /// return total number of continuous variables
continuous_variables()977   size_t continuous_variables() { return continuous_design() +
978     continuous_aleatory_uncertain() + continuous_epistemic_uncertain() +
979     continuous_state(); }
980   /// return total number of discrete variables
discrete_variables()981   size_t discrete_variables()
982   { return discrete_design() + discrete_aleatory_uncertain() +
983     discrete_epistemic_uncertain() + discrete_state(); }
984   /// return total number of variables
total_variables()985   size_t total_variables() { return design() + uncertain() + state(); }
987 private:
989   //
990   //- Heading: Data
991   //
993   /// pointer to the body (handle-body idiom)
994   std::shared_ptr<DataVariablesRep> dataVarsRep;
995 };
data_rep()998 inline std::shared_ptr<DataVariablesRep> DataVariables::data_rep()
999 {return dataVarsRep; }
operator ==(const DataVariables & data_vars)1002 inline bool DataVariables::operator==(const DataVariables& data_vars)
1003 {
1004   Cerr << "Warning:  This is not a full equality operator for the "
1005        << "DataVariables class" << std::endl;
1006   return (data_vars.dataVarsRep->idVariables == dataVarsRep->idVariables);
1007 }
1011 /// MPIPackBuffer insertion operator for DataVariables
operator <<(MPIPackBuffer & s,const DataVariables & data)1012 inline MPIPackBuffer& operator<<(MPIPackBuffer& s, const DataVariables& data)
1013 { data.write(s); return s;}
1016 /// MPIUnpackBuffer extraction operator for DataVariables
operator >>(MPIUnpackBuffer & s,DataVariables & data)1017 inline MPIUnpackBuffer& operator>>(MPIUnpackBuffer& s, DataVariables& data)
1018 { data.read(s); return s;}
1021 /// std::ostream insertion operator for DataVariables
operator <<(std::ostream & s,const DataVariables & data)1022 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const DataVariables& data)
1023 { data.write(s); return s;}
write(std::ostream & s) const1026 inline void DataVariables::write(std::ostream& s) const
1027 { dataVarsRep->write(s); }
read(MPIUnpackBuffer & s)1030 inline void DataVariables::read(MPIUnpackBuffer& s)
1031 { dataVarsRep->read(s); }
write(MPIPackBuffer & s) const1034 inline void DataVariables::write(MPIPackBuffer& s) const
1035 { dataVarsRep->write(s); }
1037 } // namespace Dakota
1039 #endif