1 /*****************************************************************************\
2  *  assoc_mgr.h - keep track of local cache of accounting data.
3  *****************************************************************************
4  *  Copyright (C) 2004-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
5  *  Copyright (C) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
6  *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
7  *  Written by Danny Auble <da@llnl.gov>
8  *  CODE-OCEC-09-009. All rights reserved.
9  *
10  *  This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program.
11  *  For details, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
12  *  Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
13  *
14  *  Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
15  *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
16  *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
17  *  any later version.
18  *
19  *  In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
20  *  to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
21  *  certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and
22  *  distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU
23  *  General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
24  *  OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this
25  *  exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do
26  *  so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
27  *  version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source files in
28  *  the program, then also delete it here.
29  *
30  *  Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
31  *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
32  *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
33  *  details.
34  *
35  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
36  *  with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
37  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
38  *****************************************************************************
39  * NOTE: When using lock_slurmctld() and assoc_mgr_lock(), always call
40  * lock_slurmctld() before calling assoc_mgr_lock() and then call
41  * assoc_mgr_unlock() before calling unlock_slurmctld().
42 \*****************************************************************************/
44 #ifndef _SLURM_ASSOC_MGR_H
45 #define _SLURM_ASSOC_MGR_H
47 #include "src/common/list.h"
48 #include "src/common/slurm_accounting_storage.h"
49 #include "src/common/slurmdbd_defs.h"
50 #include "src/slurmctld/slurmctld.h"
51 #include "src/slurmctld/locks.h"
52 #include "slurm/slurm.h"
53 #include "slurm/slurm_errno.h"
55 #define ASSOC_MGR_CACHE_ASSOC 0x0001
56 #define ASSOC_MGR_CACHE_QOS   0x0002
57 #define ASSOC_MGR_CACHE_USER  0x0004
58 #define ASSOC_MGR_CACHE_WCKEY 0x0008
59 #define ASSOC_MGR_CACHE_RES   0x0010
60 #define ASSOC_MGR_CACHE_TRES  0x0020
61 #define ASSOC_MGR_CACHE_ALL   0xffff
63 /* to lock or not */
64 typedef struct {
65 	lock_level_t assoc;
66 	lock_level_t file;
67 	lock_level_t qos;
68 	lock_level_t res;
69 	lock_level_t tres;
70 	lock_level_t user;
71 	lock_level_t wckey;
72 } assoc_mgr_lock_t;
74 typedef enum {
83 } assoc_mgr_lock_datatype_t;
85 typedef struct {
86  	uint16_t cache_level;
87 	uint16_t enforce;
88 	uint16_t *running_cache;
89 	void (*add_license_notify) (slurmdb_res_rec_t *rec);
90 	void (*resize_qos_notify) (void);
91 	void (*remove_assoc_notify) (slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *rec);
92 	void (*remove_license_notify) (slurmdb_res_rec_t *rec);
93 	void (*remove_qos_notify) (slurmdb_qos_rec_t *rec);
94 	char **state_save_location;
95 	void (*sync_license_notify) (List clus_res_list);
96 	void (*update_assoc_notify) (slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *rec);
97 	void (*update_cluster_tres) (void);
98 	void (*update_license_notify) (slurmdb_res_rec_t *rec);
99 	void (*update_qos_notify) (slurmdb_qos_rec_t *rec);
100 	void (*update_resvs) ();
101 } assoc_init_args_t;
103 extern List assoc_mgr_tres_list;
104 extern slurmdb_tres_rec_t **assoc_mgr_tres_array;
105 extern char **assoc_mgr_tres_name_array;
106 extern List assoc_mgr_assoc_list;
107 extern List assoc_mgr_res_list;
108 extern List assoc_mgr_qos_list;
109 extern List assoc_mgr_user_list;
110 extern List assoc_mgr_wckey_list;
112 extern slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc_mgr_root_assoc;
114 extern uint32_t g_qos_max_priority; /* max priority in all qos's */
115 extern uint32_t g_qos_count; /* count used for generating qos bitstr's */
116 extern uint32_t g_user_assoc_count; /* Number of associations which are users */
117 extern uint32_t g_tres_count; /* Number of TRES from the database
118 			       * which also is the number of elements
119 			       * in the assoc_mgr_tres_array */
121 extern int assoc_mgr_init(void *db_conn, assoc_init_args_t *args,
122 			  int db_conn_errno);
123 extern int assoc_mgr_fini(bool save_state);
124 extern void assoc_mgr_lock(assoc_mgr_lock_t *locks);
125 extern void assoc_mgr_unlock(assoc_mgr_lock_t *locks);
127 #ifndef NDEBUG
128 extern bool verify_assoc_lock(assoc_mgr_lock_datatype_t datatype, lock_level_t level);
129 #endif
131 /* ran after a new tres_list is given */
132 extern int assoc_mgr_post_tres_list(List new_list);
134 /*
135  * get info from the storage
136  * IN:  assoc - slurmdb_assoc_rec_t with at least cluster and
137  *		    account set for account association.  To get user
138  *		    association set user, and optional partition.
139  *		    Sets "id" field with the association ID.
140  * IN: enforce - return an error if no such association exists
141  * IN/OUT: assoc_list - contains a list of assoc_rec ptrs to
142  *                      associations this user has in the list.  This
143  *                      list should be created with list_create(NULL)
144  *                      since we are putting pointers to memory used elsewhere.
145  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success, else SLURM_ERROR
146  *
147  * NOTE: Since the returned assoc_list is full of pointers from the
148  *       assoc_mgr_assoc_list assoc_mgr_lock_t READ_LOCK on
149  *       associations must be set before calling this function and while
150  *       handling it after a return.
151  */
152 extern int assoc_mgr_get_user_assocs(void *db_conn,
153 				     slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc,
154 				     int enforce,
155 				     List assoc_list);
157 /*
158  * get info from the storage
159  * IN/OUT:  tres - slurmdb_tres_rec_t with at least id or type and
160  *                  optional name set.
161  * IN: enforce - return an error if no such tres exists
162  * IN/OUT: tres_pptr - if non-NULL then return a pointer to the
163  *			slurmdb_tres record in cache on success
164  *                      DO NOT FREE.
165  * IN: locked - If you plan on using tres_pptr after this function
166  *              you need to have an assoc_mgr_lock_t READ_LOCK for
167  *              tres while you use it before and after the
168  *              return.  This is not required if using the assoc for
169  *              non-pointer portions.
170  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success, else SLURM_ERROR
171  */
172 extern int assoc_mgr_fill_in_tres(void *db_conn,
173 				   slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres,
174 				   int enforce,
175 				   slurmdb_tres_rec_t **tres_pptr,
176 				   bool locked);
178 /*
179  * get info from the storage
180  * IN/OUT:  assoc - slurmdb_assoc_rec_t with at least cluster and
181  *		    account set for account association.  To get user
182  *		    association set user, and optional partition.
183  *		    Sets "id" field with the association ID.
184  * IN: enforce - return an error if no such association exists
185  * IN/OUT: assoc_pptr - if non-NULL then return a pointer to the
186  *			slurmdb_assoc record in cache on success
187  *                      DO NOT FREE.
188  * IN: locked - If you plan on using assoc_pptr after this function
189  *              you need to have an assoc_mgr_lock_t READ_LOCK for
190  *              associations and users while you use it before and after the
191  *              return.  This is not required if using the assoc for
192  *              non-pointer portions.
193  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success, else SLURM_ERROR
194  */
195 extern int assoc_mgr_fill_in_assoc(void *db_conn,
196 				   slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc,
197 				   int enforce,
198 				   slurmdb_assoc_rec_t **assoc_pptr,
199 				   bool locked);
201 /*
202  * get info from the storage
203  * IN/OUT:  user - slurmdb_user_rec_t with the name set of the user.
204  *                 "default_account" will be filled in on
205  *                 successful return DO NOT FREE.
206  * IN/OUT: user_pptr - if non-NULL then return a pointer to the
207  *		       slurmdb_user record in cache on success
208  *                     DO NOT FREE.
209  * IN: locked - If you plan on using user_pptr outside
210  *              this function you need to have an assoc_mgr_lock_t
211  *              READ_LOCK for User while you use it before and after the
212  *              return.  This is not required if using the assoc for
213  *              non-pointer portions.
214  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success SLURM_ERROR else
215  */
216 extern int assoc_mgr_fill_in_user(void *db_conn, slurmdb_user_rec_t *user,
217 				  int enforce,
218 				  slurmdb_user_rec_t **user_pptr, bool locked);
220 /*
221  * get info from the storage
222  * IN/OUT:  qos - slurmdb_qos_rec_t with the id set of the qos.
223  * IN/OUT:  qos_pptr - if non-NULL then return a pointer to the
224  *		       slurmdb_qos record in cache on success
225  *                     DO NOT FREE.
226  * IN: locked - If you plan on using qos_pptr, or g_qos_count outside
227  *              this function you need to have an assoc_mgr_lock_t
228  *              READ_LOCK for QOS while you use it before and after the
229  *              return.  This is not required if using the assoc for
230  *              non-pointer portions.
231  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success SLURM_ERROR else
232  */
233 extern int assoc_mgr_fill_in_qos(void *db_conn, slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos,
234 				 int enforce,
235 				 slurmdb_qos_rec_t **qos_pptr, bool locked);
236 /*
237  * get info from the storage
238  * IN/OUT:  wckey - slurmdb_wckey_rec_t with the name, cluster and user
239  *		    for the wckey association.
240  *		    Sets "id" field with the wckey ID.
241  * IN: enforce - return an error if no such wckey exists
242  * IN/OUT: wckey_pptr - if non-NULL then return a pointer to the
243  *			slurmdb_wckey record in cache on success
244  * IN: locked - If you plan on using wckey_pptr outside
245  *              this function you need to have an assoc_mgr_lock_t
246  *              READ_LOCK for WCKey and Users while you use it before and after
247  *              the return.  This is not required if using the assoc for
248  *              non-pointer portions.
249  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success, else SLURM_ERROR
250  */
251 extern int assoc_mgr_fill_in_wckey(void *db_conn,
252 				   slurmdb_wckey_rec_t *wckey,
253 				   int enforce,
254 				   slurmdb_wckey_rec_t **wckey_pptr,
255 				   bool locked);
257 /*
258  * get admin_level of uid
259  * IN: uid - uid of user to check admin_level of.
260  * RET: admin level SLURMDB_ADMIN_NOTSET on error
261  */
262 extern slurmdb_admin_level_t assoc_mgr_get_admin_level(void *db_conn,
263 						       uint32_t uid);
265 /*
266  * see if user is coordinator of given acct
267  * IN: uid - uid of user to check.
268  * IN: acct - name of account
269  * RET: true or false
270  */
271 extern bool assoc_mgr_is_user_acct_coord(void *db_conn, uint32_t uid,
272 					char *acct);
274 /*
275  * get the share information from the association list
276  * IN: uid: uid_t of user issuing the request
277  * IN: req_msg: info about request
278  * IN/OUT: resp_msg: message filled in with assoc_mgr info
279  */
280 extern void assoc_mgr_get_shares(void *db_conn,
281 				 uid_t uid, shares_request_msg_t *req_msg,
282 				 shares_response_msg_t *resp_msg);
284 /*
285  * get the state of the association manager and pack it up in buffer
286  * OUT buffer_ptr - the pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
287  * OUT buffer_size - set to size of the buffer in bytes
288  * IN: msg: request for various states
289  * IN: uid: uid_t of user issuing the request
290  * IN: db_conn: needed if not already connected to the database or DBD
291  * IN: protocol_version: version of Slurm we are sending to.
292  */
293 extern void assoc_mgr_info_get_pack_msg(
294 	char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size,
295 	assoc_mgr_info_request_msg_t *msg, uid_t uid,
296 	void *db_conn, uint16_t protocol_version);
298 /*
299  * unpack the packing of the above assoc_mgr_get_pack_state_msg function.
300  * OUT: object - what to unpack into
301  * IN: buffer - buffer to unpack
302  * IN: version of Slurm this is packed in
304  */
305 extern int assoc_mgr_info_unpack_msg(
306 	assoc_mgr_info_msg_t **object, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version);
308 /*
309  * assoc_mgr_update - update the association manager
310  * IN update_list: updates to perform
311  * IN locked: if appropriate write locks are locked before calling or not
312  * RET: error code
313  * NOTE: the items in update_list are not deleted
314  */
315 extern int assoc_mgr_update(List update_list, bool locked);
317 /*
318  * update associations in cache
319  * IN:  slurmdb_update_object_t *object
320  * IN   locked: if appropriate write locks are locked before calling or not
321  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success (or not found) SLURM_ERROR else
322  */
323 extern int assoc_mgr_update_assocs(slurmdb_update_object_t *update,
324 				   bool locked);
326 /*
327  * update wckeys in cache
328  * IN:  slurmdb_update_object_t *object
329  * IN   locked: if appropriate write locks are locked before calling or not
330  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success (or not found) SLURM_ERROR else
331  */
332 extern int assoc_mgr_update_wckeys(slurmdb_update_object_t *update,
333 				   bool locked);
335 /*
336  * update qos in cache
337  * IN:  slurmdb_update_object_t *object
338  * IN   locked: if appropriate write locks are locked before calling or not
339  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success (or not found) SLURM_ERROR else
340  */
341 extern int assoc_mgr_update_qos(slurmdb_update_object_t *update,
342 				bool locked);
344 /*
345  * update cluster resources in cache
346  * IN:  slurmdb_update_object_t *object
347  * IN   locked: if appropriate write locks are locked before calling or not
348  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success (or not found) SLURM_ERROR else
349  */
350 extern int assoc_mgr_update_res(slurmdb_update_object_t *update,
351 				bool locked);
353 /*
354  * update cluster tres in cache
355  * IN:  slurmdb_update_object_t *object
356  * IN   locked: if appropriate write locks are locked before calling or not
357  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success (or not found) SLURM_ERROR else
358  */
359 extern int assoc_mgr_update_tres(slurmdb_update_object_t *update,
360 				 bool locked);
362 /*
363  * update users in cache
364  * IN:  slurmdb_update_object_t *object
365  * IN   locked: if appropriate write locks are locked before calling or not
366  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success (or not found) SLURM_ERROR else
367  */
368 extern int assoc_mgr_update_users(slurmdb_update_object_t *update,
369 				  bool locked);
371 /*
372  * validate that an association ID is still valid
373  * IN:  assoc_id - association ID previously returned by
374  *		get_assoc_id(void *db_conn,
375  )
376  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success SLURM_ERROR else
377  */
378 extern int assoc_mgr_validate_assoc_id(void *db_conn,
379 				       uint32_t assoc_id,
380 				       int enforce);
382 /*
383  * clear the used_* fields from every association,
384  *	used on reconfiguration
385  */
386 extern void assoc_mgr_clear_used_info(void);
388 /*
389  * Remove the association's accumulated usage
390  * IN:  slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc
391  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success or else SLURM_ERROR
392  */
393 extern void assoc_mgr_remove_assoc_usage(slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc);
395 /*
396  * Remove the QOS's accumulated usage
397  * IN:  slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos
398  * RET: SLURM_SUCCESS on success or else SLURM_ERROR
399  */
400 extern void assoc_mgr_remove_qos_usage(slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos);
402 /*
403  * Dump the state information of the association mgr just in case the
404  * database isn't up next time we run.
405  */
406 extern int dump_assoc_mgr_state(void);
408 /*
409  * Read in the past usage for associations.
410  */
411 extern int load_assoc_usage(void);
413 /*
414  * Read in the past usage for qos.
415  */
416 extern int load_qos_usage(void);
418 /*
419  * Read in the past tres list.
420  */
421 extern int load_assoc_mgr_last_tres(void);
423 /*
424  * Read in the information of the association mgr if the database
425  * isn't up when starting.
426  */
427 extern int load_assoc_mgr_state(bool only_tres);
429 /*
430  * Refresh the lists if when running_cache is set this will load new
431  * information from the database (if any) and update the cached list.
432  */
433 extern int assoc_mgr_refresh_lists(void *db_conn, uint16_t cache_level);
435 /*
436  * Sets the uids of users added to the system after the start of the
437  * calling program.
438  */
439 extern int assoc_mgr_set_missing_uids();
441 /* Normalize shares for an association. External so a priority plugin
442  * can call it if needed.
443  */
444 extern void assoc_mgr_normalize_assoc_shares(slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc);
446 /*
447  * Find the position of the given TRES ID or type/name in the
448  * assoc_mgr_tres_array. If the TRES name or ID isn't found -1 is returned.
449  */
450 extern int assoc_mgr_find_tres_pos(slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres_rec, bool locked);
452 /*
453  * Find the position of the given TRES name in the
454  * assoc_mgr_tres_array. Ignore anything after ":" in the TRES name.
455  * So tres_rec->name of "gpu" can match accounting TRES name of "gpu:tesla".
456  * If the TRES name isn't found -1 is returned.
457  */
458 extern int assoc_mgr_find_tres_pos2(slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres_rec, bool locked);
460 /*
461  * Calls assoc_mgr_find_tres_pos and returns the pointer in the
462  * assoc_mgr_tres_array.
463  * NOTE: The assoc_mgr tres read lock needs to be locked before calling this
464  * function and while using the returned record.
465  */
466 extern slurmdb_tres_rec_t *assoc_mgr_find_tres_rec(
467 	slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres_rec);
469 /*
470  * Calls assoc_mgr_find_tres_pos and returns the pointer in the
471  * assoc_mgr_tres_array. Ignores GRES "type" option.
472  * NOTE: The assoc_mgr tres read lock needs to be locked before calling this
473  * function and while using the returned record.
474  */
475 extern slurmdb_tres_rec_t *assoc_mgr_find_tres_rec2(
476 		slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres_rec);
478 /* fills in allocates and sets tres_cnt based off tres_str
479  * OUT tres_cnt - array to be filled in g_tres_cnt in length
480  * IN tres_str - simple format of tres used with id and count set
481  * IN init_val - what the initial value is going to be set to
482  * IN locked - if the assoc_mgr tres read lock is locked or not.
483  * RET if positions changed in array from string 1 if nothing changed 0
484  */
485 extern int assoc_mgr_set_tres_cnt_array(uint64_t **tres_cnt, char *tres_str,
486 					uint64_t init_val, bool locked);
488 /* Creates all the tres arrays for an association.
489  * NOTE: The assoc_mgr tres read lock needs to be locked before this
490  * is called. */
491 extern void assoc_mgr_set_assoc_tres_cnt(slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc);
493 /* Creates all the tres arrays for a QOS.
494  * NOTE: The assoc_mgr tres read lock needs to be locked before this
495  * is called. */
496 extern void assoc_mgr_set_qos_tres_cnt(slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos);
498 /* Make a simple tres string from a tres count array.
499  * IN tres_cnt - counts of each tres used
500  * IN flags - TRES_STR_FLAG_SIMPLE or 0 for formatted string
501  * IN locked - if the assoc_mgr tres read lock is locked or not.
502  * RET char * of simple tres string
503  */
504 extern char *assoc_mgr_make_tres_str_from_array(
505 	uint64_t *tres_cnt, uint32_t flags, bool locked);
507 /* Fill in the default qos id or name given an association record.  If
508  * none is given it gives the default qos for the system.
509  * IN/OUT: qos_rec - fills in the name or id of the default qos
510  *
511  * NOTE: READ lock needs to be set on associations and QOS before
512  * calling this. */
513 extern void assoc_mgr_get_default_qos_info(
514 	slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc_ptr, slurmdb_qos_rec_t *qos_rec);
516 /*
517  * Calculate a weighted tres value.
518  * IN: tres_cnt - array of tres values of size g_tres_count.
519  * IN: weights - weights to apply to tres values of size g_tres_count.
520  * IN: flags - priority flags (toogle between MAX or SUM of tres).
521  * IN: locked - whether the tres read assoc mgr lock is locked or not.
522  * RET: returns the calculated tres weight.
523  */
524 extern double assoc_mgr_tres_weighted(uint64_t *tres_cnt, double *weights,
525 				      uint16_t flags, bool locked);
527 /* Get TRES's old position.
528  * IN: cur_pos - the current position in the tres array.
529  */
530 extern int assoc_mgr_get_old_tres_pos(int cur_pos);
532 /* Test whether the tres positions have changed since last reading the tres
533  * list.
534  */
535 extern int assoc_mgr_tres_pos_changed();
537 #endif /* _SLURM_ASSOC_MGR_H */