1 /*****************************************************************************\
2  *  slurmdb_defs.h - definitions used by slurmdb api
3  ******************************************************************************
4  *  Copyright (C) 2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
5  *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
6  *  Written by Danny Auble da@llnl.gov, et. al.
7  *  CODE-OCEC-09-009. All rights reserved.
8  *
9  *  This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program.
10  *  For details, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
11  *  Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
12  *
13  *  Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14  *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
15  *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
16  *  any later version.
17  *
18  *  In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
19  *  to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
20  *  certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and
21  *  distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU
22  *  General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
23  *  OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this
24  *  exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do
25  *  so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
26  *  version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source files in
27  *  the program, then also delete it here.
28  *
29  *  Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
30  *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
31  *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
32  *  details.
33  *
34  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
35  *  with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
36  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
37 \*****************************************************************************/
38 #ifndef _SLURMDB_DEFS_H
39 #define _SLURMDB_DEFS_H
41 #include "slurm/slurmdb.h"
43 /* Defined purge macros */
50 #define SLURMDB_PURGE_IN_DAYS(_X) \
55 /* This is used to point out constants that exist in the
56  * TRES records.  This should be the same order as
57  * the enum pointing out the order in the array that is defined in
58  * src/slurmctld/slurmctld.h.  If this changes please also update
59  * src/plugins/accounting_storage/filetxt/accounting_storage_filetxt.c
60  * acct_storage_p_get_tres() to reflect things as it is static.
61  */
62 typedef enum {
63 	TRES_CPU = 1,
72 } tres_types_t;
74 /* These #defines are for the tres_str functions below and should be
75  * sent when flags are allowed in the functions.
76  */
77 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_NONE        0x00000000 /* No flags, meaning by
78 					      * default the string
79 					      * will contain -1 and
80 					      * be unique honoring
81 					      * the first value found
82 					      * in an incoming string */
83 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_ONLY_CONCAT 0x00000001 /* Only concat the
84 					      * string, this will
85 					      * most likely trump the
86 					      * other flags below. */
87 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_REPLACE     0x00000002 /* Replace previous count
88 					      * values found, if this
89 					      * is not set duplicate
90 					      * entries will be skipped. */
91 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_REMOVE      0x00000004 /* If -1 entries are
92 					      * found remove them, by
93 					      * default they will be
94 					      * added to the string
95 					      */
96 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_SORT_ID     0x00000008 /* sort string by ID */
97 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_SIMPLE      0x00000010 /* make a simple string */
98 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_COMMA1      0x00000020 /* make a first char a comma */
99 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_NO_NULL     0x00000040 /* return blank string
100 					      * instead of NULL */
101 #define TRES_STR_CONVERT_UNITS    0x00000080 /* Convert number units */
102 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_SUM         0x00000100 /* Sum entries of the same type
103 					      * ignoring -1 */
104 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_MAX         0x00000200 /* Set Max value from entries of
105 					      * the same type ignoring -1 */
106 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_MIN         0x00000400 /* Set Min value from entries of
107 					      * the same type ignoring -1 */
108 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_ALLOW_REAL  0x00000800 /* Allow all counts (even zero)
109 					      * unless INFINITE64 or NO_VAL64 */
110 #define TRES_STR_FLAG_BYTES       0x00000800 /* Convertable Usage in Bytes */
112 typedef struct {
113 	slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec;
114 	int preempt_cnt;
115 	time_t start_time;
116 } local_cluster_rec_t;
118 extern slurmdb_job_rec_t *slurmdb_create_job_rec();
119 extern slurmdb_step_rec_t *slurmdb_create_step_rec();
120 extern slurmdb_assoc_usage_t *slurmdb_create_assoc_usage(int tres_cnt);
121 extern slurmdb_qos_usage_t *slurmdb_create_qos_usage(int tres_cnt);
123 extern char *slurmdb_cluster_fed_states_str(uint32_t states);
124 extern uint32_t str_2_cluster_fed_states(char *states);
125 extern char *slurmdb_federation_flags_str(uint32_t flags);
126 extern uint32_t str_2_federation_flags(char *flags, int option);
127 extern char *slurmdb_job_flags_str(uint32_t flags);
128 extern uint32_t str_2_job_flags(char *flags);
129 extern char *slurmdb_qos_str(List qos_list, uint32_t level);
130 extern uint32_t str_2_slurmdb_qos(List qos_list, char *level);
131 extern char *slurmdb_qos_flags_str(uint32_t flags);
132 extern uint32_t str_2_qos_flags(char *flags, int option);
133 extern char *slurmdb_res_flags_str(uint32_t flags);
134 extern uint32_t str_2_res_flags(char *flags, int option);
135 extern char *slurmdb_res_type_str(slurmdb_resource_type_t type);
137 extern char *slurmdb_admin_level_str(slurmdb_admin_level_t level);
138 extern slurmdb_admin_level_t str_2_slurmdb_admin_level(char *level);
140 /* The next three functions have pointers to assoc_list so do not
141  * destroy assoc_list before using the list returned from this function.
142  */
143 extern List slurmdb_get_hierarchical_sorted_assoc_list(List assoc_list,
144 						       bool use_lft);
145 extern List slurmdb_get_acct_hierarchical_rec_list(List assoc_list);
146 extern List slurmdb_get_acct_hierarchical_rec_list_no_lft(List assoc_list);
148 /* This reorders the list into a alphabetical hierarchy.
149    IN/OUT: assoc_list
150  */
151 extern void slurmdb_sort_hierarchical_assoc_list(List assoc_list, bool use_lft);
153 /* IN/OUT: tree_list a list of slurmdb_print_tree_t's */
154 extern char *slurmdb_tree_name_get(char *name, char *parent, List tree_list);
156 extern int set_qos_bitstr_from_string(bitstr_t *valid_qos, char *names);
157 extern int set_qos_bitstr_from_list(bitstr_t *valid_qos, List qos_list);
158 extern char *get_qos_complete_str_bitstr(List qos_list, bitstr_t *valid_qos);
159 extern char *get_qos_complete_str(List qos_list, List num_qos_list);
161 extern char *get_classification_str(uint16_t classification);
162 extern uint16_t str_2_classification(char *classification);
164 extern const char *rollup_interval_to_string(int interval);
166 extern char *slurmdb_problem_str_get(uint16_t problem);
167 extern uint16_t str_2_slurmdb_problem(char *problem);
169 extern void log_assoc_rec(slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *assoc_ptr, List qos_list);
171 extern int slurmdb_report_set_start_end_time(time_t *start, time_t *end);
173 extern uint32_t slurmdb_parse_purge(char *string);
174 extern char *slurmdb_purge_string(uint32_t purge, char *string, int len,
175 				  bool with_archive);
176 extern int slurmdb_addto_qos_char_list(List char_list, List qos_list,
177 				       char *names, int option);
178 extern int slurmdb_send_accounting_update(List update_list, char *cluster,
179 					  char *host, uint16_t port,
180 					  uint16_t rpc_version);
181 extern slurmdb_report_cluster_rec_t *slurmdb_cluster_rec_2_report(
182 	slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster);
184 /* OUT: job_id_str - filled in with the id of the job/array
185  * RET: job_id_str */
186 extern char *slurmdb_get_selected_step_id(
187 	char *job_id_str, int len,
188 	slurmdb_selected_step_t *selected_step);
189 /* OUT: out - copy grp/max/qos limits from in
190  * IN:  in  - what to copy from
191  */
192 extern void slurmdb_copy_assoc_rec_limits(slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *out,
193 					  slurmdb_assoc_rec_t *in);
194 extern void slurmdb_copy_cluster_rec(slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *out,
195 				     slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *in);
196 extern void slurmdb_copy_federation_rec(slurmdb_federation_rec_t *out,
197 					slurmdb_federation_rec_t *in);
198 extern void slurmdb_copy_qos_rec_limits(slurmdb_qos_rec_t *out,
199 					slurmdb_qos_rec_t *in);
200 extern slurmdb_tres_rec_t *slurmdb_copy_tres_rec(slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres);
201 extern List slurmdb_copy_tres_list(List tres);
202 extern List slurmdb_diff_tres_list(List tres_list_old, List tres_list_new);
203 extern char *slurmdb_tres_string_combine_lists(
204 	List tres_list_old, List tres_list_new);
205 /* make a tres_string from a given list
206  * IN tres - list of slurmdb_tres_rec_t's
207  * IN flags - see the TRES_STR_FLAGS above
208  *                 Meaningful flags are TRES_STR_FLAG_SIMPLE
209  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_COMMA1
210  * RET char * of tres_str
211  */
212 extern char *slurmdb_make_tres_string(List tres, uint32_t flags);
213 extern char *slurmdb_format_tres_str(
214 	char *tres_in, List full_tres_list, bool simple);
215 /*
216  * Comparator used for sorting tres by id
217  *
218  * returns: -1 tres_a < tres_b   0: tres_a == tres_b   1: tres_a > tres_b
219  *
220  */
221 extern int slurmdb_sort_tres_by_id_asc(void *v1, void *v2);
223 /* Used to turn a tres string into a list containing
224  * slurmdb_tres_rec_t's with only id's and counts filled in, no
225  * formatted types or names.
226  *
227  * IN/OUT: tres_list - list created from the simple tres string
228  * IN    : tres - simple string you want convert
229  * IN    : flags - see the TRES_STR_FLAGS above
230  *                 Meaningful flags are TRES_STR_FLAG_REPLACE
231  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_REMOVE
232  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_SORT_ID
233  */
234 extern void slurmdb_tres_list_from_string(
235 	List *tres_list, char *tres, uint32_t flags);
237 /* combine a name array and count array into a string */
238 extern char *slurmdb_make_tres_string_from_arrays(char **tres_names,
239 						  uint64_t *tres_cnts,
240 						  uint32_t tres_cnt,
241 						  uint32_t flags);
243 extern char *slurmdb_make_tres_string_from_simple(
244 	char *tres_in, List full_tres_list, int spec_unit,
245 	uint32_t convert_flags, uint32_t tres_str_flags, char *nodes);
247 /* Used to combine 2 different TRES strings together
248  *
249  * IN/OUT: tres_str_old - original simple tres string
250  * IN    : tres_str_new - string you want added
251  * IN    : flags - see the TRES_STR_FLAGS above
252  *                 Meaningful flags are TRES_STR_FLAG_ONLY_CONCAT
253  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_REPLACE
254  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_REMOVE
255  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_SORT_ID
256  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_SIMPLE
257  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_COMMA1
258  *                                      TRES_STR_FLAG_NO_NULL
259  * RET   : new tres_str_old - the new string (also sent out)
260  */
261 extern char *slurmdb_combine_tres_strings(
262 	char **tres_str_old, char *tres_str_new, uint32_t flags);
263 extern slurmdb_tres_rec_t *slurmdb_find_tres_in_string(
264 	char *tres_str_in, int id);
265 extern uint64_t slurmdb_find_tres_count_in_string(char *tres_str_in, int id);
266 extern int slurmdb_find_qos_in_list_by_name(void *x, void *key);
267 extern int slurmdb_find_qos_in_list(void *x, void *key);
268 extern int slurmdb_find_selected_step_in_list(void *x, void *key);
269 extern int slurmdb_find_assoc_in_list(void *x, void *key);
270 extern int slurmdb_find_update_object_in_list(void *x, void *key);
271 extern int slurmdb_find_tres_in_list(void *x, void *key);
272 extern int slurmdb_find_tres_in_list_by_count(void *x, void *key);
273 extern int slurmdb_find_tres_in_list_by_type(void *x, void *key);
274 extern int slurmdb_find_cluster_in_list(void *x, void *key);
275 extern int slurmdb_find_cluster_accting_tres_in_list(void *x, void *key);
276 extern int slurmdb_add_cluster_accounting_to_tres_list(
277 	slurmdb_cluster_accounting_rec_t *accting,
278 	List *tres);
279 extern int slurmdb_add_accounting_to_tres_list(
280 	slurmdb_accounting_rec_t *accting,
281 	List *tres);
282 extern int slurmdb_add_time_from_count_to_tres_list(
283 	slurmdb_tres_rec_t *tres_in, List *tres, time_t elapsed);
284 extern int slurmdb_sum_accounting_list(
285 	slurmdb_cluster_accounting_rec_t *accting,
286 	List *total_tres_acct);
287 extern void slurmdb_transfer_acct_list_2_tres(
288 	List accounting_list, List *tres);
289 extern void slurmdb_transfer_tres_time(
290 	List *tres_list_out, char *tres_str, int elapsed);
292 extern int slurmdb_get_tres_base_unit(char *tres_type);
293 extern char *slurmdb_ave_tres_usage(char *tres_string, int tasks);
295 /* Setup cluster rec with plugin_id that indexes into select list */
296 extern int slurmdb_setup_cluster_rec(slurmdb_cluster_rec_t *cluster_rec);
298 extern void slurmdb_job_cond_def_start_end(slurmdb_job_cond_t *job_cond);
299 extern int slurmdb_job_sort_by_submit_time(void *v1, void *v2);
301 #endif