1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   (C) 2005 William Hoggarth <whoggarth@users.sourceforge.net>           *
3  *   (C) 2005-2009 Michal Rudolf <mrudolf@kdewebdev.org>                   *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9  ***************************************************************************/
11 #ifndef MOVE_H_INCLUDED
12 #define MOVE_H_INCLUDED
14 #include "piece.h"
15 #include "square.h"
17 #include <QString>
18 #include <QVector>
20 class BitBoard;
22 /** @ingroup Core
23    Moves are dependent on current position, (remembers piece, check, capture etc)
24    and don't make much sense when considered without a Board.
25    However, you can create a move with only a source and destination square,
26    Such moves are considered "illegal", but can be convenient when dealing with move entry.
27 */
isFile(const char c)30 inline bool isFile(const char c)
31 {
32     return c >= 'a' && c <= 'h';
33 }
isRank(const char c)35 inline bool isRank(const char c)
36 {
37     return c >= '1' && c <= '8';
38 }
40 class Move
41 {
42 public:
43     using List = QVector<Move>;
45     /** Default constructor, creates an empty (illegal) move */
46     Move();
Move(const Move & move)48     Move(const Move& move)
49     {
50         m = move.m;
51         u = move.u;
52     }
54     /** Move entry constructor, untested (illegal) move with only from, and to squares set */
55     Move(const chessx::Square from, const chessx::Square to);
57     /** Construct a untested (illegal) Move from a SAN like string */
58     inline Move fromUCI(const QByteArray& bs);
60     /** Set type of piece (Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn) pawn promoted to */
61     void setPromoted(PieceType p);
63     // Query
64     /** return Square piece sits on after move */
65     chessx::Square to() const;
66     /** return Square piece sat on before move */
67     chessx::Square from() const;
68     /** return Square where rook is placed after castling */
69     chessx::Square castlingRookTo() const;
70     /** return Square when en-passant is captured. Undefined if there is no en-passant. */
71     chessx::Square enPassantSquare() const;
72     /** return Square where rook was placed before castling */
73     chessx::Square castlingRookFrom() const;
74     /** Convert to algebraic notation (e2e4, g8f6 etc.) */
75     QString fromSquareString() const;
76     QString toSquareString() const;
77     QString toAlgebraic() const;
78     QString dumpAlgebraic() const;
79     QString toAlgebraicDebug() const;
81     /** Get the piece type moving -- note, returns Pawn, QUEEN, etc.. not colorized */
82     Piece pieceMoved() const;
83     /** Piece captured from the opponent by this move */
84     Piece capturedPiece() const;
85     /** If move is promotion, get promotion piece. Result is undefined if there is no promotion */
86     Piece promotedPiece() const;
88     /** Check whether a given move is a null move ( an illegal move by the king to its own square ) often used as a placeholder in ebooks */
89     bool isNullMove() const;
90     Move& setNullMove();
92     /** Check whether move is special (promotion, castling, en passant */
93     bool isSpecial() const;
94     /** Check whether move is a promotion */
95     bool isPromotion() const;
96     /** Check whether move is a castling */
97     bool isCastling() const;
98     /** Determine if this castling is short (to the kingside) */
99     bool isCastlingShort() const;
100     /** Check whether the move is a pawn double advance */
101     bool isDoubleAdvance() const;
102     /** Check whether move is an en passant */
103     bool isEnPassant() const;
104     /** Check if move is completely legal in the context it was created */
105     bool isLegal() const;
107     Color color() const;
109     /** Return true if this move was made by given color */
110     bool operator==(const Color& color) const;
111     /** Return true if this move was NOT made by given color */
112     bool operator!=(const Color& color) const;
113     /** Return true if this move was made by given piece */
114     bool operator==(const Piece& p) const;
115     /** Return true if this move was NOT made by given piece */
116     bool operator!=(const Piece& p) const;
118     Move& operator=(const Move& move)
119     {
120         if (this != &move)
121         {
122             m = move.m;
123             u = move.u;
124         }
125         return *this;
126     }
128     /** Moves are considered the same, only if they match exactly */
129     friend bool operator==(const Move& m1, const Move& m2);
130     friend bool operator!=(const Move& m1, const Move& m2);
131     /** Required for keeping moves in some map-like structures */
132     friend bool operator<(const Move& m1, const Move& m2);
rawMove()134     unsigned int rawMove() const { return m; }
rawUndo()135     unsigned short rawUndo() const { return u; }
137     friend class BitBoard;
138 private:
139     static const quint64 CASTLE = 9;
140     static const quint64 TWOFORWARD = 22;
141     static const quint64 PROMOTE = 38;
142     static const quint64 ENPASSANT = 14;
144     static const quint64 CASTLINGBIT =  1uL << 15;
145     static const quint64 TWOFORWARDBIT = 1uL << 16;
146     static const quint64 PROMOTEBIT = 1uL << 17;
147     static const quint64 ENPASSANTBIT = 1uL << 21;
148     static const quint64 LEGALITYBIT =  1uL << 31;
150     static const quint64 PTCLEAR = ~(7uL << 12);
151     static const quint64 CAPCLEAR = ~(7uL << 18);
152     static const quint64 PROCLEAR = ~((7uL << 22) | PROMOTEBIT);
153     static const quint64 BLACKTM = 1uL << 26;
155     /** Set Pawn move of one forward */
156     void genOneForward(unsigned int from, unsigned int to);
157     /** Set two-squares forward move of Pawn */
158     void genTwoForward(unsigned int from, unsigned int to);
159     /** Set pawn promotion move to given Piecetype */
160     void genPromote(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int type);
161     /** Set pawn capture and promotion, promote to piece type, capturing type */
162     void genCapturePromote(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int type, unsigned int captured);
163     /** Set pawn en passant capture of opponent pawn */
164     void genEnPassant(unsigned int from, unsigned int to);
165     /** Set simple pawn move with capture of piece type */
166     void genPawnMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured);
167     /** Set knight move, capturing piece type */
168     void genKnightMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured);
169     /** Set bishop move, capturing piece type */
170     void genBishopMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured);
171     /** Set rook move, capturing piece type */
172     void genRookMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured);
173     /** Set queen move, capturing piece type */
174     void genQueenMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured);
175     /** Set king move, capturing piece type */
176     void genKingMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured);
177     /** Set castling short move for White with king and rook */
178     void genWhiteOO();
179     /** Set castling long move for White with king and rook */
180     void genWhiteOOO();
181     /** Set castling short move for Black with king and rook */
182     void genBlackOO();
183     /** Set castling long move for Black with king and rook */
184     void genBlackOOO();
185     /** Mark this move as validated and fully legal in position */
186     void setLegalMove();
187     /** Set source square for this move */
188     void setFrom(chessx::Square from);
189     /** Set destination square for this move */
190     void setTo(chessx::Square to);
191     /** Mark this move as being made by the Black side */
192     void setBlack();
193     /** Return piece type of promoted piece (or 0 if none) */
194     unsigned int promoted() const;
195     /** Set type of piece (Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn) making move */
196     void setPieceType(unsigned char p);
197     /** Set type of piece (Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Pawn) captured */
198     void setCaptureType(unsigned char p);
199     /** Mark this move as an initial pawn move of 2 squares */
200     void setTwoForward();
201     /** Mark this move capturing a pawn en passant */
202     void setEnPassant();
203     /** Mark this move as giving check */
204     void setCheck();
205     /** Mark this move as giving checkmate */
206     void setMate();
207     /** Add castling bit in addition to other flags */
208     void SetCastlingBit();
211     /** Return pawn2forward, castle or piece type for doMove() and undoMove() */
212     unsigned int action() const;
213     /** Return captured piece or En passant for doMove() and undoMove() */
214     unsigned int removal() const;
215     /** Return piece type of captured piece (or 0 if none) */
216     unsigned int capturedType() const;
218     // The move definition 'm' bitfield layout:
219     // 00000000 00000000 00000000 00111111 = from square     = bits 1-6
220     // 00000000 00000000 00001111 11000000 = to square       = bits 7-12
221     // 00000000 00000000 01110000 00000000 = piece type      = bits 13-15
222     // 00000000 00000000 10000000 00000000 = castle	         = bit  16
223     // 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 = pawn 2 forward  = bit  17
224     // 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000 = promotion       = bit  18
225     // 00000000 00011100 00000000 00000000 = capture piece   = bits 19-21
226     // 00000000 00100000 00000000 00000000 = en passant      = bit  22
227     // 00000001 11000000 00000000 00000000 = promotion piece = bits 23-25
228     // 00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 = Extra data set  = bits 26  // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
229     // 00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000 = White=0,Black=1 = bit  27
230     // 00001000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = SAN needs file  = bit  28  // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
231     // 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = SAN needs rank  = bit  29  // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
232     // 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = gives mate?     = bit  30  // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
233     // 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = gives check?    = bit  31  // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
234     // 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 = legality status = bit  32
235     unsigned int m;
236     // The undo definition 'u' bitfield layout:
237     // 00000000 11111111 = half move clock  = bits 1-8
238     // 00001111 00000000 = castling rights  = bits 8-12
239     // 11110000 00000000 = previous ep file = bits 13-16
240     unsigned short u;
241 };
243 // return true if a null move
244 // null move is coded as a2a2 which is better than a king move
isNullMove()245 inline bool Move::isNullMove() const
246 {
247     // Must be consistent with Guess::movelist::isNullMove
248     return (to() == chessx::a2 && from() == chessx::a2);
249 }
setNullMove()251 inline Move& Move::setNullMove()
252 {
253     m = chessx::a2 | (chessx::a2 << 6);
254     u = 0;
255     return *this;
256 }
from()258 inline chessx::Square Move::from() const
259 {
260     return chessx::Square(m & 63);
261 }
to()263 inline chessx::Square Move::to() const
264 {
265     return chessx::Square((m >> 6) & 63);
266 }
Move()268 inline Move::Move()
269     : m(0), u(0)
270 {}
Move(const chessx::Square from,const chessx::Square to)272 inline Move::Move(const chessx::Square from, const chessx::Square to)
273     : m(from | (to << 6)), u(0)
274 {}
fromUCI(const QByteArray & bs)276 inline Move Move::fromUCI(const QByteArray& bs)
277 {
278     const char *san = bs.constData();
279     const char* s = san;
280     char c = *(s++);
282     if(isFile(c))
283     {
284         // Check From
285         int fromFile = c - 'a';
286         c = *(s++);
287         if(isRank(c))
288         {
289             chessx::Square fromSquare = chessx::Square((c - '1') * 8 + fromFile);
290             fromFile = -1;
291             c = *(s++);
292             // Destination square
293             if(isFile(c))
294             {
295                 int f = c - 'a';
296                 c = *(s++);
297                 if(isRank(c))
298                 {
299                     chessx::Square toSquare = chessx::Square((c - '1') * 8 + f);
300                     Move m(fromSquare, toSquare);
301                     c = *(s++);
302                     if(c == '=' || c == '(' || QString("QRBN").indexOf(toupper(c))>=0)
303                     {
304                         if(c == '=' || c == '(')
305                         {
306                             c = *(s++);
307                         }
308                         PieceType promotePiece;
309                         switch(toupper(c))
310                         {
311                         case 'Q':
312                             promotePiece = Queen;
313                             break;
314                         case 'R':
315                             promotePiece = Rook;
316                             break;
317                         case 'B':
318                             promotePiece = Bishop;
319                             break;
320                         case 'N':
321                             promotePiece = Knight;
322                             break;
323                         default:
324                             promotePiece = None;
325                             break;
326                         }
327                         m.setPromoted(promotePiece);
328                     }
329                     return m;
330                 }
331             }
332         }
333     }
335     return Move();
336 }
castlingRookFrom()338 inline chessx::Square Move::castlingRookFrom() const
339 {
340     return chessx::Square((to() % 8 == 2) ? to() - 2 : to() + 1);
341 }
castlingRookTo()343 inline chessx::Square Move::castlingRookTo() const
344 {
345     return chessx::Square((from() + to()) / 2);
346 }
fromSquareString()348 inline QString Move::fromSquareString() const
349 {
350     QString alg;
351     alg += QChar('a' + from() % 8);
352     alg += QChar('1' + from() / 8);
353     return alg;
354 }
toSquareString()356 inline QString Move::toSquareString() const
357 {
358     QString alg;
359     alg += QChar('a' + to() % 8);
360     alg += QChar('1' + to() / 8);
361     return alg;
362 }
dumpAlgebraic()364 inline QString Move::dumpAlgebraic() const
365 {
366     QString alg;
367     alg += QChar('a' + from() % 8);
368     alg += QChar('1' + from() / 8);
369     alg += QChar('a' + to() % 8);
370     alg += QChar('1' + to() / 8);
371     if (isPromotion())
372     {
373         alg += QChar('=');
374         alg += "XKQRBNPKQRBNP"[promotedPiece()];
375     }
376     return alg;
377 }
toAlgebraic()379 inline QString Move::toAlgebraic() const
380 {
381     if (isNullMove())
382     {
383         return QString("--");
384     }
385     if(!isLegal())
386     {
387         return QString("?");
388     }
389     return dumpAlgebraic();
390 }
toAlgebraicDebug()392 inline QString Move::toAlgebraicDebug() const
393 {
394     QString alg;
395     if(!isLegal())
396     {
397         alg = "?";
398     }
399     alg += dumpAlgebraic();
400     return alg;
401 }
enPassantSquare()403 inline chessx::Square Move::enPassantSquare() const
404 {
405     return chessx::Square(from() > 31 ? to() - 8 : to() + 8);
406 }
pieceMoved()408 inline Piece Move::pieceMoved() const
409 {
410     return  Piece((7 & (m >> 12)) + (m & BLACKTM ? 6 : 0));
411 }
capturedPiece()413 inline Piece Move::capturedPiece() const
414 {
415     unsigned char p = (m >> 18) & 7;
416     if(p == 0)
417     {
418         return Piece(0);
419     }
420     return  Piece(p + (m & BLACKTM ? 0 : 6));
421 }
promotedPiece()423 inline Piece Move::promotedPiece() const
424 {
425     return Piece((7 & (m >> 22)) + (m & BLACKTM ? 6 : 0));
426 }
isSpecial()428 inline bool Move::isSpecial() const
429 {
430     return m & SPECIALBITS;
431 }
isPromotion()433 inline bool Move::isPromotion() const
434 {
435     return m & PROMOTEBIT;
436 }
isCastling()438 inline bool Move::isCastling() const
439 {
440     return m & CASTLINGBIT;
441 }
443 #define CW_00 (4 | (6 << 6) | (King << 12) | CASTLINGBIT)
444 #define CB_00 (60 | (62 << 6) | (King << 12) | CASTLINGBIT)
isCastlingShort()446 inline bool Move::isCastlingShort() const
447 {
448     return (((m & CW_00) == CW_00) || ((m & CB_00) == CB_00));
449 }
isDoubleAdvance()451 inline bool Move::isDoubleAdvance() const
452 {
453     return m & TWOFORWARDBIT;
454 }
isEnPassant()456 inline bool Move::isEnPassant() const
457 {
458     return m & ENPASSANTBIT;
459 }
isLegal()461 inline bool Move::isLegal() const
462 {
463     return m & LEGALITYBIT;
464 }
color()466 inline Color Move::color() const
467 {
468     return ((m & BLACKTM) ? Black : White);
469 }
genOneForward(unsigned int from,unsigned int to)471 inline void Move::genOneForward(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
472 {
473     m = from | (to << 6) | (Pawn << 12);
474 }
genTwoForward(unsigned int from,unsigned int to)476 inline void Move::genTwoForward(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
477 {
478     m = from | (to << 6) | (Pawn << 12)   | (1 << 16);
479 }
genPromote(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int type)481 inline void Move::genPromote(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int type)
482 {
483     m = from  | (to << 6) | (Pawn << 12)   | (type << 22)  | (1 << 17);
484 }
genCapturePromote(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int type,unsigned int captured)486 inline void Move::genCapturePromote(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int type, unsigned int captured)
487 {
488     m = from | (to << 6) | (Pawn << 12) | (captured << 18) | (type << 22) | (1 << 17);
489 }
genEnPassant(unsigned int from,unsigned int to)491 inline void Move::genEnPassant(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
492 {
493     m = from  | (to << 6) | (Pawn << 12) | (Pawn << 18) | (1 << 21);
494 }
genPawnMove(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int captured)496 inline void Move::genPawnMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured)
497 {
498     m = from  | (to << 6) | (Pawn << 12) | (captured << 18);
499 }
genKnightMove(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int captured)501 inline void Move::genKnightMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured)
502 {
503     m = from  | (to << 6) | (Knight << 12) | (captured << 18);
504 }
genBishopMove(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int captured)506 inline void Move::genBishopMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured)
507 {
508     m = from  | (to << 6) | (Bishop << 12) | (captured << 18);
509 }
genRookMove(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int captured)511 inline void Move::genRookMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured)
512 {
513     m = from  | (to << 6) | (Rook << 12)   | (captured << 18);
514 }
genQueenMove(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int captured)516 inline void Move::genQueenMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured)
517 {
518     m = from  | (to << 6) | (Queen << 12)  | (captured << 18);
519 }
genKingMove(unsigned int from,unsigned int to,unsigned int captured)521 inline void Move::genKingMove(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int captured)
522 {
523     m = from  | (to << 6) | (King << 12)   | (captured << 18);
524 }
genWhiteOO()526 inline void Move::genWhiteOO()
527 {
528     m = 4 | (6 << 6) | (King << 12) | CASTLINGBIT;
529 }
genWhiteOOO()531 inline void Move::genWhiteOOO()
532 {
533     m = 4 | (2 << 6) | (King << 12) | CASTLINGBIT;
534 }
genBlackOO()536 inline void Move::genBlackOO()
537 {
538     m = 60 | (62 << 6) | (King << 12) | CASTLINGBIT;
539 }
genBlackOOO()541 inline void Move::genBlackOOO()
542 {
543     m = 60 | (58 << 6) | (King << 12) | CASTLINGBIT;
544 }
SetCastlingBit()546 inline void Move::SetCastlingBit()
547 {
548     m |= CASTLINGBIT;
549 }
setLegalMove()551 inline void Move::setLegalMove()
552 {
553     m |= LEGALITYBIT;
554 }
setFrom(chessx::Square from)556 inline void Move::setFrom(chessx::Square from)
557 {
558     m = (m & (~63)) | from;
559     m &= ~LEGALITYBIT;
560 }
setTo(chessx::Square to)562 inline void Move::setTo(chessx::Square to)
563 {
564     m = (m & (~(63 << 6))) | (to << 6);
565     m &= ~LEGALITYBIT;
566 }
action()568 inline unsigned int Move::action() const
569 {
570     return (m >> 12) & 63;
571 }
removal()573 inline unsigned int Move::removal() const
574 {
575     return (m >> 18) & 15;
576 }
setBlack()578 inline void Move::setBlack()
579 {
580     m |= BLACKTM;
581 }
promoted()583 inline unsigned int Move::promoted() const
584 {
585     return 7 & (m >> 22);
586 }
capturedType()588 inline unsigned int Move::capturedType() const
589 {
590     return (m >> 18) & 7;
591 }
setPieceType(unsigned char p)593 inline void Move::setPieceType(unsigned char p)
594 {
595     m &= PTCLEAR ;
596     m |= (7 & p) << 12;
597 }
setCaptureType(unsigned char p)599 inline void Move::setCaptureType(unsigned char p)
600 {
601     m &= CAPCLEAR ;
602     m |= (7 & p) << 18;
603 }
setTwoForward()605 inline void Move::setTwoForward()
606 {
607     m |= TWOFORWARDBIT;
608 }
setEnPassant()610 inline void Move::setEnPassant()
611 {
612     m |= ENPASSANTBIT;
613     setCaptureType(Pawn);
614 }
setPromoted(PieceType p)616 inline void Move::setPromoted(PieceType p)
617 {
618     m &= PROCLEAR ;
619     m |= PROMOTEBIT | ((7 & p) << 22);
620 }
setCheck()622 inline void Move::setCheck()
623 {
624     m |= (1 << 30);
625 }
setMate()627 inline void Move::setMate()
628 {
629     m |= (1 << 29);
630 }
632 inline bool operator==(const Move& m1, const Move& m2)
633 {
634     return m1.m == m2.m;
635 }
637 inline bool operator!=(const Move& m1, const Move& m2)
638 {
639     return !(m1==m2);
640 }
642 inline bool operator<(const Move& m1, const Move& m2)
643 {
644     return m1.m < m2.m;
645 }
647 inline bool Move::operator==(const Color& color) const
648 {
649     return color == ((m & BLACKTM) ? Black : White);
650 }
652 inline bool Move::operator!=(const Color& color) const
653 {
654     return !(*this == color);
655 }
657 inline bool Move::operator==(const Piece& p) const
658 {
659     return (unsigned int) p == (((m & BLACKTM) && ((m >> 12) & 7)) ? ((m >> 12) & 7) + 6 : ((m >> 12) & 7));
660 }
662 inline bool Move::operator!=(const Piece& p) const
663 {
664     return !(*this == p);
665 }
667 #endif // MOVE_H_INCLUDED