xref: /netbsd/sys/arch/newsmips/apbus/if_snvar.h (revision 3c4c4c64)
1 /*	$NetBSD: if_snvar.h,v 1.15 2021/11/10 17:19:29 msaitoh Exp $	*/
3 /*
4  * Copyright (c) 1991   Algorithmics Ltd (http://www.algor.co.uk)
5  * You may use, copy, and modify this program so long as you retain the
6  * copyright line.
7  */
9 /*
10  * if_snvar.h -- National Semiconductor DP8393X (SONIC) NetBSD/newsmips vars
11  */
13 /*
14  * Memory access macros. Since we handle SONIC in 16 bit mode (PB5X0)
15  * and 32 bit mode (everything else) using a single GENERIC kernel
16  * binary, all structures have to be accessed using macros which can
17  * adjust the offsets appropriately.
18  */
19 #define	SWO(m, a, o, x)	(*(uint32_t *)((uint32_t *)(a) + (o)) = (x))
20 #define	SRO(m, a, o)	(*(uint32_t *)((uint32_t *)(a) + (o)) & 0xffff)
22 /*
23  * Register access macros. We use bus_space_* to talk to the Sonic
24  * registers. A mapping table is used in case a particular configuration
25  * hooked the regs up at non-word offsets.
26  */
27 #define	NIC_GET(sc, reg)	((sc)->sc_regbase[(reg) * 4 + 3])
28 #define	NIC_PUT(sc, reg, val)	((sc)->sc_regbase[(reg) * 4 + 3] = val)
30 #define	SONIC_GETDMA(sc, p)	(((sc)->sc_flags & F_NWS40S0) == 0 ?	\
31 	    ((uint32_t)(p)) : (((uint32_t)(p) & 0xffff) | 0xfff00000))
32 #define	SONIC_BUFFER(sc, p)	(((sc)->sc_flags & F_NWS40S0) == 0 ?	\
33 	    (p) :							\
34 	    (void *)(((uint32_t)((sc)->buffer)) | ((uint32_t)(p) & 0xffff)))
36 #define	SN_REGSIZE	(SN_NREGS * 4)
38 #include <mips/locore.h>
40 /*
41  * buffer sizes in 32 bit mode
42  * 1 TXpkt is 4 hdr words + (3 * FRAGMAX) + 1 link word == 23 words == 92 bytes
43  *
44  * 1 RxPkt is 7 words == 28 bytes
45  * 1 Rda   is 4 words == 16 bytes
46  *
47  * The CDA is 17 words == 68 bytes
48  *
49  * total space in page 0 = NTDA * 92 + NRRA * 16 + NRDA * 28 + 68
50  */
52 #define NRBA    4		/* # receive buffers < NRRA */
53 #define RBAMASK (NRBA - 1)
54 #define NTDA    4		/* # transmit descriptors */
55 #define NRRA    8		/* # receive resource descriptors */
56 #define RRAMASK (NRRA - 1)	/* the reason why NRRA must be power of two */
58 #define FCSSIZE 4		/* size of FCS appended to packets */
60 /*
61  * maximum receive packet size plus 2 byte pad to make each
62  * one aligned. 4 byte slop (required for eobc)
63  */
66 /*
67  * transmit buffer area
68  */
69 #define TXBSIZE	1536	/* 6*2^8 -- the same size as the 8390 TXBUF */
71 #define	SN_NPAGES	2 + NRBA + (NTDA / 2)
73 typedef struct mtd {
74 	void		*mtd_txp;
75 	uint32_t	mtd_vtxp;
76 	void 		*mtd_buf;
77 	uint32_t	mtd_vbuf;
78 	struct mbuf	*mtd_mbuf;
79 } mtd_t;
81 /*
82  * The sn_softc for NEWS5000 if_sn.
83  */
84 struct sn_softc {
85 	device_t	sc_dev;
86 	struct ethercom	sc_ethercom;
87 #define sc_if	sc_ethercom.ec_if	/* network visible interface */
89 	void *		sc_hwbase;	/* hardware base address */
90 	volatile uint16_t *sc_regbase;	/* register base address */
92 	int		bitmode;	/* 32 bit mode == 1, 16 == 0 */
94 	uint16_t	snr_dcr;	/* DCR for this instance */
95 	uint16_t	snr_dcr2;	/* DCR2 for this instance */
96 	int		slotno;		/* Slot number */
98 	int		sc_rramark;	/* index into p_rra of wp */
99 	void		*p_rra[NRRA];	/* RX resource descs */
100 	uint32_t	v_rra[NRRA];	/* DMA addresses of p_rra */
101 	uint32_t	v_rea;		/* ptr to the end of the rra space */
103 	int		sc_rxmark;	/* current hw pos in rda ring */
104 	int		sc_rdamark;	/* current sw pos in rda ring */
105 	int		sc_nrda;	/* total number of RDAs */
106 	void		*p_rda;
107 	uint32_t	v_rda;
109 	void 		*rbuf[NRBA];
111 	struct mtd	mtda[NTDA];
112 	int		mtd_hw;		/* idx of first mtd given to hw */
113 	int		mtd_prev;	/* idx of last mtd given to hardware */
114 	int		mtd_free;	/* next free mtd to use */
115 	int		mtd_tlinko;	/*
116 					 * offset of tlink of last txp given
117 					 * to SONIC. Need to clear EOL on
118 					 * this word to add a desc.
119 					 */
120 	int		mtd_pint;	/* Counter to set TXP_PINT */
122 	void		*p_cda;
123 	uint32_t	v_cda;
125 	uint8_t		*memory;
126 	uint8_t		*buffer;
127 	u_int		sc_flags;
128 #define	F_NWS40S0	0x0001
129 };
131 /*
132  * Accessing SONIC data structures and registers as 32 bit values
133  * makes code endianness independent.  The SONIC is however always in
134  * bigendian mode so it is necessary to ensure that data structures shared
135  * between the CPU and the SONIC are always in bigendian order.
136  */
138 /*
139  * Receive Resource Descriptor
140  * This structure describes the buffers into which packets
141  * will be received.  Note that more than one packet may be
142  * packed into a single buffer if constraints permit.
143  */
144 #define	RXRSRC_PTRLO	0	/* buffer address LO */
145 #define	RXRSRC_PTRHI	1	/* buffer address HI */
146 #define	RXRSRC_WCLO	2	/* buffer size (16bit words) LO */
147 #define	RXRSRC_WCHI	3	/* buffer size (16bit words) HI */
149 #define	RXRSRC_SIZE(sc)	(4 * 4)
151 /*
152  * Receive Descriptor
153  * This structure holds information about packets received.
154  */
155 #define	RXPKT_STATUS	0
156 #define	RXPKT_BYTEC	1
157 #define	RXPKT_PTRLO	2
158 #define	RXPKT_PTRHI	3
159 #define	RXPKT_SEQNO	4
160 #define	RXPKT_RLINK	5
161 #define	RXPKT_INUSE	6
162 #define	RXPKT_SIZE(sc)	(7 * 4)
164 #define RBASEQ(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xff)
165 #define PSNSEQ(x) ((x) & 0xff)
167 /*
168  * Transmit Descriptor
169  * This structure holds information about packets to be transmitted.
170  */
171 #define FRAGMAX	8		/* maximum number of fragments in a packet */
173 #define	TXP_STATUS	0	/* + transmitted packet status */
174 #define	TXP_CONFIG	1	/* transmission configuration */
175 #define	TXP_PKTSIZE	2	/* entire packet size in bytes */
176 #define	TXP_FRAGCNT	3	/* # fragments in packet */
178 #define	TXP_FRAGOFF	4	/* offset to first fragment */
179 #define	TXP_FRAGSIZE	3	/* size of each fragment desc */
180 #define	TXP_FPTRLO	0	/* ptr to packet fragment LO */
181 #define	TXP_FPTRHI	1	/* ptr to packet fragment HI */
182 #define	TXP_FSIZE	2	/* fragment size */
184 #define	TXP_WORDS	(TXP_FRAGOFF + (FRAGMAX * TXP_FRAGSIZE) + 1)	/* 1 for tlink */
185 #define	TXP_SIZE(sc)	(TXP_WORDS*4)
187 #define EOL	0x0001		/* end of list marker for link fields */
189 /*
190  * CDA, the CAM descriptor area. The SONIC has a 16 entry CAM to
191  * match incoming addresses against. It is programmed via DMA
192  * from a memory region.
193  */
194 #define MAXCAM	16	/* number of user entries in CAM */
195 #define	CDA_CAMDESC	4	/* # words i na descriptor */
196 #define	CDA_CAMEP	0	/* CAM Address Port 0 xx-xx-xx-xx-YY-YY */
197 #define	CDA_CAMAP0	1	/* CAM Address Port 1 xx-xx-YY-YY-xx-xx */
198 #define	CDA_CAMAP1	2	/* CAM Address Port 2 YY-YY-xx-xx-xx-xx */
199 #define	CDA_CAMAP2	3
200 #define	CDA_ENABLE	64	/* mask enabling CAM entries */
201 #define	CDA_SIZE(sc)	((4 * 16 + 1) * ((sc->bitmode) ? 4 : 2))
203 int	snsetup(struct sn_softc *sc, uint8_t *);
204 int	snintr(void *);
205 void	sn_md_init(struct sn_softc *);