1 /* $Header: /home/jcb/MahJong/newmj/RCS/tiles.h,v 12.0 2009/06/28 20:43:13 jcb Rel $
2  * tiles.h
3  * Declares the datatype representing a tile, and the access functions.
4  * At present, the access functions are actually macros, but you're not
5  * supposed to know that.
6  */
7 /****************** COPYRIGHT STATEMENT **********************
8  * This file is Copyright (c) 2000 by J. C. Bradfield.       *
9  * Distribution and use is governed by the LICENCE file that *
10  * accompanies this file.                                    *
11  * The moral rights of the author are asserted.              *
12  *                                                           *
13  ***************** DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY ********************
14  * This code is not warranted fit for any purpose. See the   *
15  * LICENCE file for further information.                     *
16  *                                                           *
17  *************************************************************/
22 /* A tile is actually a (signed) short. */
24 typedef short Tile;
26 /* The internal representation is viewed as a two digit decimal number
27    (for ease of debugging, ahem; but why not?).
28    The first digit is the suit, the second the value. Specials hacked in.
29    The code -1 is returned as an error.
30    The code 0 denotes a blank tile. (Distinguished from White Dragon!).
31    Otherwise: first digit 1,2,3 denotes characters,bamboo,circles,
32    and second digit 1-9 gives the value;
33    first digit 4 is winds, second digit 1,2,3,4 is E,S,W,N;
34    first digit 5 is dragons, second digit 1,2,3 is Red,White,Green;
35    first digit 6 is flowers, 1,2,3,4 is erm...whatever
36    first digit 7 is seasons, 1,2,3,4 is erm...what order are they?
37    (The fact that Winds, Dragons, etc are honorary suits is public
38    information; but the is_suit function refers to real suits.
39    Hm. This is maybe wrong.)
41    The following commitments are made about these datatype; external
42    code that relies on anything else is asking for trouble:
43    (1) Tile is a signed integer (of some length) datatype.
44    (2) the HiddenTile value is 0.
45    (3) the ErrorTile value is -1.
46    (4) within each suit, the tile values form consecutive integers;
47        in particular, 1 or 2 can be added to/subtracted from a suit tile
48        to obtain the tile 1 or 2 away.
49    (5) for wind and dragon tiles, the value_of is the appropriate
50        wind or dragon enum.
51    (7) the flowers and seasons appear in the order corresponding to the winds,
52        and the value_of a flower or season is the Wind corresponding to it.
53 */
55 #define ErrorTile ((Tile) -1)
56 #define HiddenTile ((Tile) 0)
57 /* MaxTile is guaranteed to be bigger than any real tile value, and so
58    can be used to specify the sizes of arrays that want to be indexed by
59    tile values */
60 #define MaxTile 80
62 /* these values are not guaranteed */
63 typedef enum {
64   BambooSuit = 1,
65   CharacterSuit = 2,
66   CircleSuit = 3,
67   WindSuit = 4,
68   DragonSuit = 5,
69   FlowerSuit = 6,
70   SeasonSuit = 7
71 } TileSuit ;
73 /* These values are guaranteed */
74 typedef enum {
75   UnknownWind = 0, /* for convenience ... */
76   EastWind = 1,
77   SouthWind = 2,
78   WestWind = 3,
79   NorthWind = 4
80 } TileWind ;
82 /* These values are guaranteed */
83 typedef enum {
84   RedDragon = 1,
85   WhiteDragon = 2,
86   GreenDragon = 3
87 } TileDragon ;
89 /* These values are guaranteed, by the requirement that
90    flowers/seasons match their winds
91 */
93 typedef enum {
94   Plum = 1,
95   Orchid = 2,
96   Chrysanthemum = 3,
97   Bamboo = 4
98 } TileFlower;
100 typedef enum {
101   Spring = 1,
102   Summer = 2,
103   Autumn = 3,
104   Winter = 4
105 } TileSeason;
107 #define suit_of(t) ((TileSuit)((short) t/10))
108 #define value_of(t) ((short) t % 10)
110 #define is_suit(t) (suit_of(t) >= 1 && suit_of(t) <= 3)
111 #define is_wind(t) (suit_of(t) == (short)WindSuit)
112 #define is_dragon(t) (suit_of(t) == (short)DragonSuit)
113 #define is_season(t) (suit_of(t) == (short)SeasonSuit)
114 #define is_flower(t) (suit_of(t) == (short)FlowerSuit)
116 #define is_normal(t) (is_suit(t)||is_wind(t)||is_dragon(t))
117 #define is_special(t) (is_season(t)||is_flower(t))
118 #define is_honour(t) (is_wind(t)||is_dragon(t))
119 #define is_terminal(t) (is_suit(t) && (value_of(t) == 1 || value_of(t) == 9))
120 #define is_simple(t) (is_suit(t) && (value_of(t) >= 2 || value_of(t) <= 8))
121 #define is_minor is_simple
122 #define is_major(t) (is_honour(t) || is_terminal(t))
123 /* this says whether a tile is green in the sense of Imperial Jade */
124 int is_green(Tile t);
126 /* this is an array of thirteen tiles listing the 13 unique wonders */
127 extern Tile thirteen_wonders[];
129 /* this function is a convenience for iterating over all tiles.
130    The initial argument should be HiddenTile; if then fed its result,
131    it will generate all the tiles (in some order), finishing by
132    returning HiddenTile.
133    The second argument says whether to include the flowers and seasons.
134 */
135 Tile tile_iterate(Tile t,int includespecials);
137 /* return the next wind in playing order */
138 TileWind next_wind(TileWind w);
140 /* and the previous */
141 TileWind prev_wind(TileWind w);
143 /* make_tile: takes a suit and a value, and returns the tile.
144    The value arg is an int, as it will frequently be calculated */
146 Tile make_tile(TileSuit s,int v);
148 /* tile_name: takes a tile and returns a string describing it
149    The returned string is guaranteed to be in static storage and
150    not to change.*/
152 const char *tile_name(Tile t);
154 /* tile_code: returns a two letter code for the tile.
155    Result is static and immutable.
156 */
157 const char *tile_code(Tile t);
159 /* tile_decode: turn a two-letter code into a tile. */
160 Tile tile_decode(const char *c);
162 /* random_tiles: the argument should point to an array of tiles
163    big enough to take all the required tiles.
164    This function will deal tiles into the array randomly.
165    The second argument says whether to include flowers and seasons.
166 */
167 void random_tiles(Tile *tp,int includespecials);
169 #include "tiles-enums.h"
171 #endif /* TILES_H_INCLUDED */