1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors
4# Licensed under the terms of the MIT License
5# (see spyder/__init__.py for details)
7"""Mix-in classes
9These classes were created to be able to provide Spyder's regular text and
10console widget features to an independant widget based on QTextEdit for the
11IPython console plugin.
14# Standard library imports
15from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
16import os
17import os.path as osp
18import re
19import sre_constants
20import textwrap
22# Third party imports
23from qtpy.QtCore import QPoint, Qt
24from qtpy.QtGui import QCursor, QTextCursor, QTextDocument
25from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QToolTip
26from qtpy import QT_VERSION
28# Local imports
29from spyder.config.base import _
30from spyder.py3compat import is_text_string, to_text_string
31from spyder.utils import encoding, sourcecode, programs
32from spyder.utils.dochelpers import (getargspecfromtext, getobj,
33                                     getsignaturefromtext)
34from spyder.utils.misc import get_error_match
35from spyder.widgets.arraybuilder import NumpyArrayDialog
37QT55_VERSION = programs.check_version(QT_VERSION, "5.5", ">=")
39if QT55_VERSION:
40    from qtpy.QtCore import QRegularExpression
42    from qtpy.QtCore import QRegExp
45class BaseEditMixin(object):
47    def __init__(self):
48        self.eol_chars = None
49        self.calltip_size = 600
51    #------Line number area
52    def get_linenumberarea_width(self):
53        """Return line number area width"""
54        # Implemented in CodeEditor, but needed for calltip/completion widgets
55        return 0
58    #------Calltips
59    def _format_signature(self, text):
60        formatted_lines = []
61        name = text.split('(')[0]
62        rows = textwrap.wrap(text, width=50,
63                             subsequent_indent=' '*(len(name)+1))
64        for r in rows:
65            r = escape(r) # Escape most common html chars
66            r = r.replace(' ', ' ')
67            for char in ['=', ',', '(', ')', '*', '**']:
68                r = r.replace(char,
69                       '<span style=\'color: red; font-weight: bold\'>' + \
70                       char + '</span>')
71            formatted_lines.append(r)
72        signature = '<br>'.join(formatted_lines)
73        return signature, rows
75    def show_calltip(self, title, text, signature=False, color='#2D62FF',
76                     at_line=None, at_position=None):
77        """Show calltip"""
78        if text is None or len(text) == 0:
79            return
81        # Saving cursor position:
82        if at_position is None:
83            at_position = self.get_position('cursor')
84        self.calltip_position = at_position
86        # Preparing text:
87        if signature:
88            text, wrapped_textlines = self._format_signature(text)
89        else:
90            if isinstance(text, list):
91                text = "\n    ".join(text)
92            text = text.replace('\n', '<br>')
93            if len(text) > self.calltip_size:
94                text = text[:self.calltip_size] + " ..."
96        # Formatting text
97        font = self.font()
98        size = font.pointSize()
99        family = font.family()
100        format1 = '<div style=\'font-family: "%s"; font-size: %spt; color: %s\'>'\
101                  % (family, size, color)
102        format2 = '<div style=\'font-family: "%s"; font-size: %spt\'>'\
103                  % (family, size-1 if size > 9 else size)
104        tiptext = format1 + ('<b>%s</b></div>' % title) + '<hr>' + \
105                  format2 + text + "</div>"
107        # Showing tooltip at cursor position:
108        cx, cy = self.get_coordinates('cursor')
109        if at_line is not None:
110            cx = 5
111            cursor = QTextCursor(self.document().findBlockByNumber(at_line-1))
112            cy = self.cursorRect(cursor).top()
113        point = self.mapToGlobal(QPoint(cx, cy))
114        point.setX(point.x()+self.get_linenumberarea_width())
115        point.setY(point.y()+font.pointSize()+5)
116        if signature:
117            self.calltip_widget.show_tip(point, tiptext, wrapped_textlines)
118        else:
119            QToolTip.showText(point, tiptext)
122    #------EOL characters
123    def set_eol_chars(self, text):
124        """Set widget end-of-line (EOL) characters from text (analyzes text)"""
125        if not is_text_string(text): # testing for QString (PyQt API#1)
126            text = to_text_string(text)
127        eol_chars = sourcecode.get_eol_chars(text)
128        is_document_modified = eol_chars is not None and self.eol_chars is not None
129        self.eol_chars = eol_chars
130        if is_document_modified:
131            self.document().setModified(True)
132            if self.sig_eol_chars_changed is not None:
133                self.sig_eol_chars_changed.emit(eol_chars)
135    def get_line_separator(self):
136        """Return line separator based on current EOL mode"""
137        if self.eol_chars is not None:
138            return self.eol_chars
139        else:
140            return os.linesep
142    def get_text_with_eol(self):
143        """Same as 'toPlainText', replace '\n'
144        by correct end-of-line characters"""
145        utext = to_text_string(self.toPlainText())
146        lines = utext.splitlines()
147        linesep = self.get_line_separator()
148        txt = linesep.join(lines)
149        if utext.endswith('\n'):
150            txt += linesep
151        return txt
154    #------Positions, coordinates (cursor, EOF, ...)
155    def get_position(self, subject):
156        """Get offset in character for the given subject from the start of
157           text edit area"""
158        cursor = self.textCursor()
159        if subject == 'cursor':
160            pass
161        elif subject == 'sol':
162            cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock)
163        elif subject == 'eol':
164            cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock)
165        elif subject == 'eof':
166            cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End)
167        elif subject == 'sof':
168            cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Start)
169        else:
170            # Assuming that input argument was already a position
171            return subject
172        return cursor.position()
174    def get_coordinates(self, position):
175        position = self.get_position(position)
176        cursor = self.textCursor()
177        cursor.setPosition(position)
178        point = self.cursorRect(cursor).center()
179        return point.x(), point.y()
181    def get_cursor_line_column(self):
182        """Return cursor (line, column) numbers"""
183        cursor = self.textCursor()
184        return cursor.blockNumber(), cursor.columnNumber()
186    def get_cursor_line_number(self):
187        """Return cursor line number"""
188        return self.textCursor().blockNumber()+1
190    def set_cursor_position(self, position):
191        """Set cursor position"""
192        position = self.get_position(position)
193        cursor = self.textCursor()
194        cursor.setPosition(position)
195        self.setTextCursor(cursor)
196        self.ensureCursorVisible()
198    def move_cursor(self, chars=0):
199        """Move cursor to left or right (unit: characters)"""
200        direction = QTextCursor.Right if chars > 0 else QTextCursor.Left
201        for _i in range(abs(chars)):
202            self.moveCursor(direction, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor)
204    def is_cursor_on_first_line(self):
205        """Return True if cursor is on the first line"""
206        cursor = self.textCursor()
207        cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.StartOfBlock)
208        return cursor.atStart()
210    def is_cursor_on_last_line(self):
211        """Return True if cursor is on the last line"""
212        cursor = self.textCursor()
213        cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.EndOfBlock)
214        return cursor.atEnd()
216    def is_cursor_at_end(self):
217        """Return True if cursor is at the end of the text"""
218        return self.textCursor().atEnd()
220    def is_cursor_before(self, position, char_offset=0):
221        """Return True if cursor is before *position*"""
222        position = self.get_position(position) + char_offset
223        cursor = self.textCursor()
224        cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End)
225        if position < cursor.position():
226            cursor.setPosition(position)
227            return self.textCursor() < cursor
229    def __move_cursor_anchor(self, what, direction, move_mode):
230        assert what in ('character', 'word', 'line')
231        if what == 'character':
232            if direction == 'left':
233                self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter, move_mode)
234            elif direction == 'right':
235                self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.NextCharacter, move_mode)
236        elif what == 'word':
237            if direction == 'left':
238                self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.PreviousWord, move_mode)
239            elif direction == 'right':
240                self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.NextWord, move_mode)
241        elif what == 'line':
242            if direction == 'down':
243                self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.NextBlock, move_mode)
244            elif direction == 'up':
245                self.moveCursor(QTextCursor.PreviousBlock, move_mode)
247    def move_cursor_to_next(self, what='word', direction='left'):
248        """
249        Move cursor to next *what* ('word' or 'character')
250        toward *direction* ('left' or 'right')
251        """
252        self.__move_cursor_anchor(what, direction, QTextCursor.MoveAnchor)
255    #------Selection
256    def clear_selection(self):
257        """Clear current selection"""
258        cursor = self.textCursor()
259        cursor.clearSelection()
260        self.setTextCursor(cursor)
262    def extend_selection_to_next(self, what='word', direction='left'):
263        """
264        Extend selection to next *what* ('word' or 'character')
265        toward *direction* ('left' or 'right')
266        """
267        self.__move_cursor_anchor(what, direction, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
270    #------Text: get, set, ...
271    def __select_text(self, position_from, position_to):
272        position_from = self.get_position(position_from)
273        position_to = self.get_position(position_to)
274        cursor = self.textCursor()
275        cursor.setPosition(position_from)
276        cursor.setPosition(position_to, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
277        return cursor
279    def get_text_line(self, line_nb):
280        """Return text line at line number *line_nb*"""
281        # Taking into account the case when a file ends in an empty line,
282        # since splitlines doesn't return that line as the last element
283        # TODO: Make this function more efficient
284        try:
285            return to_text_string(self.toPlainText()).splitlines()[line_nb]
286        except IndexError:
287            return self.get_line_separator()
289    def get_text(self, position_from, position_to):
290        """
291        Return text between *position_from* and *position_to*
292        Positions may be positions or 'sol', 'eol', 'sof', 'eof' or 'cursor'
293        """
294        cursor = self.__select_text(position_from, position_to)
295        text = to_text_string(cursor.selectedText())
296        all_text = position_from == 'sof' and position_to == 'eof'
297        if text and not all_text:
298            while text.endswith("\n"):
299                text = text[:-1]
300            while text.endswith(u"\u2029"):
301                text = text[:-1]
302        return text
304    def get_character(self, position, offset=0):
305        """Return character at *position* with the given offset."""
306        position = self.get_position(position) + offset
307        cursor = self.textCursor()
308        cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.End)
309        if position < cursor.position():
310            cursor.setPosition(position)
311            cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.Right,
312                                QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
313            return to_text_string(cursor.selectedText())
314        else:
315            return ''
317    def insert_text(self, text):
318        """Insert text at cursor position"""
319        if not self.isReadOnly():
320            self.textCursor().insertText(text)
322    def replace_text(self, position_from, position_to, text):
323        cursor = self.__select_text(position_from, position_to)
324        cursor.removeSelectedText()
325        cursor.insertText(text)
327    def remove_text(self, position_from, position_to):
328        cursor = self.__select_text(position_from, position_to)
329        cursor.removeSelectedText()
331    def get_current_word(self):
332        """Return current word, i.e. word at cursor position"""
333        cursor = self.textCursor()
335        if cursor.hasSelection():
336            # Removes the selection and moves the cursor to the left side
337            # of the selection: this is required to be able to properly
338            # select the whole word under cursor (otherwise, the same word is
339            # not selected when the cursor is at the right side of it):
340            cursor.setPosition(min([cursor.selectionStart(),
341                                    cursor.selectionEnd()]))
342        else:
343            # Checks if the first character to the right is a white space
344            # and if not, moves the cursor one word to the left (otherwise,
345            # if the character to the left do not match the "word regexp"
346            # (see below), the word to the left of the cursor won't be
347            # selected), but only if the first character to the left is not a
348            # white space too.
349            def is_space(move):
350                curs = self.textCursor()
351                curs.movePosition(move, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
352                return not to_text_string(curs.selectedText()).strip()
353            if is_space(QTextCursor.NextCharacter):
354                if is_space(QTextCursor.PreviousCharacter):
355                    return
356                cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.WordLeft)
358        cursor.select(QTextCursor.WordUnderCursor)
359        text = to_text_string(cursor.selectedText())
360        # find a valid python variable name
361        match = re.findall(r'([^\d\W]\w*)', text, re.UNICODE)
362        if match:
363            return match[0]
365    def get_current_line(self):
366        """Return current line's text"""
367        cursor = self.textCursor()
368        cursor.select(QTextCursor.BlockUnderCursor)
369        return to_text_string(cursor.selectedText())
371    def get_current_line_to_cursor(self):
372        """Return text from prompt to cursor"""
373        return self.get_text(self.current_prompt_pos, 'cursor')
375    def get_line_number_at(self, coordinates):
376        """Return line number at *coordinates* (QPoint)"""
377        cursor = self.cursorForPosition(coordinates)
378        return cursor.blockNumber()-1
380    def get_line_at(self, coordinates):
381        """Return line at *coordinates* (QPoint)"""
382        cursor = self.cursorForPosition(coordinates)
383        cursor.select(QTextCursor.BlockUnderCursor)
384        return to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()).replace(u'\u2029', '')
386    def get_word_at(self, coordinates):
387        """Return word at *coordinates* (QPoint)"""
388        cursor = self.cursorForPosition(coordinates)
389        cursor.select(QTextCursor.WordUnderCursor)
390        return to_text_string(cursor.selectedText())
392    def get_block_indentation(self, block_nb):
393        """Return line indentation (character number)"""
394        text = to_text_string(self.document().findBlockByNumber(block_nb).text())
395        text = text.replace("\t", " "*self.tab_stop_width_spaces)
396        return len(text)-len(text.lstrip())
398    def get_selection_bounds(self):
399        """Return selection bounds (block numbers)"""
400        cursor = self.textCursor()
401        start, end = cursor.selectionStart(), cursor.selectionEnd()
402        block_start = self.document().findBlock(start)
403        block_end = self.document().findBlock(end)
404        return sorted([block_start.blockNumber(), block_end.blockNumber()])
407    #------Text selection
408    def has_selected_text(self):
409        """Returns True if some text is selected"""
410        return bool(to_text_string(self.textCursor().selectedText()))
412    def get_selected_text(self):
413        """
414        Return text selected by current text cursor, converted in unicode
416        Replace the unicode line separator character \u2029 by
417        the line separator characters returned by get_line_separator
418        """
419        return to_text_string(self.textCursor().selectedText()).replace(u"\u2029",
420                                                     self.get_line_separator())
422    def remove_selected_text(self):
423        """Delete selected text"""
424        self.textCursor().removeSelectedText()
426    def replace(self, text, pattern=None):
427        """Replace selected text by *text*
428        If *pattern* is not None, replacing selected text using regular
429        expression text substitution"""
430        cursor = self.textCursor()
431        cursor.beginEditBlock()
432        if pattern is not None:
433            seltxt = to_text_string(cursor.selectedText())
434        cursor.removeSelectedText()
435        if pattern is not None:
436            text = re.sub(to_text_string(pattern),
437                          to_text_string(text), to_text_string(seltxt))
438        cursor.insertText(text)
439        cursor.endEditBlock()
442    #------Find/replace
443    def find_multiline_pattern(self, regexp, cursor, findflag):
444        """Reimplement QTextDocument's find method
446        Add support for *multiline* regular expressions"""
447        pattern = to_text_string(regexp.pattern())
448        text = to_text_string(self.toPlainText())
449        try:
450            regobj = re.compile(pattern)
451        except sre_constants.error:
452            return
453        if findflag & QTextDocument.FindBackward:
454            # Find backward
455            offset = min([cursor.selectionEnd(), cursor.selectionStart()])
456            text = text[:offset]
457            matches = [_m for _m in regobj.finditer(text, 0, offset)]
458            if matches:
459                match = matches[-1]
460            else:
461                return
462        else:
463            # Find forward
464            offset = max([cursor.selectionEnd(), cursor.selectionStart()])
465            match = regobj.search(text, offset)
466        if match:
467            pos1, pos2 = match.span()
468            fcursor = self.textCursor()
469            fcursor.setPosition(pos1)
470            fcursor.setPosition(pos2, QTextCursor.KeepAnchor)
471            return fcursor
473    def find_text(self, text, changed=True, forward=True, case=False,
474                  words=False, regexp=False):
475        """Find text"""
476        cursor = self.textCursor()
477        findflag = QTextDocument.FindFlag()
478        if not forward:
479            findflag = findflag | QTextDocument.FindBackward
480        if case:
481            findflag = findflag | QTextDocument.FindCaseSensitively
482        moves = [QTextCursor.NoMove]
483        if forward:
484            moves += [QTextCursor.NextWord, QTextCursor.Start]
485            if changed:
486                if to_text_string(cursor.selectedText()):
487                    new_position = min([cursor.selectionStart(),
488                                        cursor.selectionEnd()])
489                    cursor.setPosition(new_position)
490                else:
491                    cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor.PreviousWord)
492        else:
493            moves += [QTextCursor.End]
494        if not regexp:
495            text = re.escape(to_text_string(text))
496        if QT55_VERSION:
497            pattern = QRegularExpression(r"\b{}\b".format(text) if words else
498                                         text)
499            if case:
500                pattern.setPatternOptions(
501                    QRegularExpression.CaseInsensitiveOption)
502        else:
503            pattern = QRegExp(r"\b{}\b".format(text)
504                              if words else text, Qt.CaseSensitive if case else
505                              Qt.CaseInsensitive, QRegExp.RegExp2)
507        for move in moves:
508            cursor.movePosition(move)
509            if regexp and '\\n' in text:
510                # Multiline regular expression
511                found_cursor = self.find_multiline_pattern(pattern, cursor,
512                                                           findflag)
513            else:
514                # Single line find: using the QTextDocument's find function,
515                # probably much more efficient than ours
516                found_cursor = self.document().find(pattern, cursor, findflag)
517            if found_cursor is not None and not found_cursor.isNull():
518                self.setTextCursor(found_cursor)
519                return True
520        return False
522    def is_editor(self):
523        """Needs to be overloaded in the codeeditor where it will be True"""
524        return False
526    def get_number_matches(self, pattern, source_text='', case=False):
527        """Get the number of matches for the searched text."""
528        pattern = to_text_string(pattern)
529        if not pattern:
530            return 0
531        if not source_text:
532            source_text = to_text_string(self.toPlainText())
533        try:
534            if case:
535                regobj = re.compile(pattern)
536            else:
537                regobj = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
538        except sre_constants.error:
539            return
541        number_matches = 0
542        for match in regobj.finditer(source_text):
543            number_matches += 1
545        return number_matches
547    def get_match_number(self, pattern, case=False):
548        """Get number of the match for the searched text."""
549        position = self.textCursor().position()
550        source_text = self.get_text(position_from='sof', position_to=position)
551        match_number = self.get_number_matches(pattern,
552                                               source_text=source_text,
553                                               case=case)
554        return match_number
556    # --- Numpy matrix/array helper / See 'spyder/widgets/arraybuilder.py'
557    def enter_array_inline(self):
558        """ """
559        self._enter_array(True)
561    def enter_array_table(self):
562        """ """
563        self._enter_array(False)
565    def _enter_array(self, inline):
566        """ """
567        offset = self.get_position('cursor') - self.get_position('sol')
568        rect = self.cursorRect()
569        dlg = NumpyArrayDialog(self, inline, offset)
571        # TODO: adapt to font size
572        x = rect.left()
573        x = x + self.get_linenumberarea_width() - 14
574        y = rect.top() + (rect.bottom() - rect.top())/2
575        y = y - dlg.height()/2 - 3
577        pos = QPoint(x, y)
578        dlg.move(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
580        # called from editor
581        if self.is_editor():
582            python_like_check = self.is_python_like()
583            suffix = '\n'
584        # called from a console
585        else:
586            python_like_check = True
587            suffix = ''
589        if python_like_check and dlg.exec_():
590            text = dlg.text() + suffix
591            if text != '':
592                cursor = self.textCursor()
593                cursor.beginEditBlock()
594                cursor.insertText(text)
595                cursor.endEditBlock()
598class TracebackLinksMixin(object):
599    """ """
600    QT_CLASS = None
601    go_to_error = None
603    def __init__(self):
604        self.__cursor_changed = False
605        self.setMouseTracking(True)
607    #------Mouse events
608    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
609        """Go to error"""
610        self.QT_CLASS.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event)
611        text = self.get_line_at(event.pos())
612        if get_error_match(text) and not self.has_selected_text():
613            if self.go_to_error is not None:
614                self.go_to_error.emit(text)
616    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
617        """Show Pointing Hand Cursor on error messages"""
618        text = self.get_line_at(event.pos())
619        if get_error_match(text):
620            if not self.__cursor_changed:
621                QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor))
622                self.__cursor_changed = True
623            event.accept()
624            return
625        if self.__cursor_changed:
626            QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
627            self.__cursor_changed = False
628        self.QT_CLASS.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)
630    def leaveEvent(self, event):
631        """If cursor has not been restored yet, do it now"""
632        if self.__cursor_changed:
633            QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
634            self.__cursor_changed = False
635        self.QT_CLASS.leaveEvent(self, event)
638class GetHelpMixin(object):
639    def __init__(self):
640        self.help = None
641        self.help_enabled = False
643    def set_help(self, help_plugin):
644        """Set Help DockWidget reference"""
645        self.help = help_plugin
647    def set_help_enabled(self, state):
648        self.help_enabled = state
650    def inspect_current_object(self):
651        text = ''
652        text1 = self.get_text('sol', 'cursor')
653        tl1 = re.findall(r'([a-zA-Z_]+[0-9a-zA-Z_\.]*)', text1)
654        if tl1 and text1.endswith(tl1[-1]):
655            text += tl1[-1]
656        text2 = self.get_text('cursor', 'eol')
657        tl2 = re.findall(r'([0-9a-zA-Z_\.]+[0-9a-zA-Z_\.]*)', text2)
658        if tl2 and text2.startswith(tl2[0]):
659            text += tl2[0]
660        if text:
661            self.show_object_info(text, force=True)
663    def show_object_info(self, text, call=False, force=False):
664        """Show signature calltip and/or docstring in the Help plugin"""
665        text = to_text_string(text)
667        # Show docstring
668        help_enabled = self.help_enabled or force
669        if force and self.help is not None:
670            self.help.dockwidget.setVisible(True)
671            self.help.dockwidget.raise_()
672        if help_enabled and (self.help is not None) and \
673           (self.help.dockwidget.isVisible()):
674            # Help widget exists and is visible
675            if hasattr(self, 'get_doc'):
676                self.help.set_shell(self)
677            else:
678                self.help.set_shell(self.parent())
679            self.help.set_object_text(text, ignore_unknown=False)
680            self.setFocus() # if help was not at top level, raising it to
681                            # top will automatically give it focus because of
682                            # the visibility_changed signal, so we must give
683                            # focus back to shell
685        # Show calltip
686        if call and self.calltips:
687            # Display argument list if this is a function call
688            iscallable = self.iscallable(text)
689            if iscallable is not None:
690                if iscallable:
691                    arglist = self.get_arglist(text)
692                    name =  text.split('.')[-1]
693                    argspec = signature = ''
694                    if isinstance(arglist, bool):
695                        arglist = []
696                    if arglist:
697                        argspec = '(' + ''.join(arglist) + ')'
698                    else:
699                        doc = self.get__doc__(text)
700                        if doc is not None:
701                            # This covers cases like np.abs, whose docstring is
702                            # the same as np.absolute and because of that a
703                            # proper signature can't be obtained correctly
704                            argspec = getargspecfromtext(doc)
705                            if not argspec:
706                                signature = getsignaturefromtext(doc, name)
707                    if argspec or signature:
708                        if argspec:
709                            tiptext = name + argspec
710                        else:
711                            tiptext = signature
712                        self.show_calltip(_("Arguments"), tiptext,
713                                          signature=True, color='#2D62FF')
715    def get_last_obj(self, last=False):
716        """
717        Return the last valid object on the current line
718        """
719        return getobj(self.get_current_line_to_cursor(), last=last)
722class SaveHistoryMixin(object):
724    INITHISTORY = None
725    SEPARATOR = None
728    append_to_history = None
730    def __init__(self, history_filename=''):
731        self.history_filename = history_filename
732        self.create_history_filename()
734    def create_history_filename(self):
735        """Create history_filename with INITHISTORY if it doesn't exist."""
736        if self.history_filename and not osp.isfile(self.history_filename):
737            encoding.writelines(self.INITHISTORY, self.history_filename)
739    def add_to_history(self, command):
740        """Add command to history"""
741        command = to_text_string(command)
742        if command in ['', '\n'] or command.startswith('Traceback'):
743            return
744        if command.endswith('\n'):
745            command = command[:-1]
746        self.histidx = None
747        if len(self.history) > 0 and self.history[-1] == command:
748            return
749        self.history.append(command)
750        text = os.linesep + command
752        # When the first entry will be written in history file,
753        # the separator will be append first:
754        if self.history_filename not in self.HISTORY_FILENAMES:
755            self.HISTORY_FILENAMES.append(self.history_filename)
756            text = self.SEPARATOR + text
757        # Needed to prevent errors when writing history to disk
758        # See issue 6431
759        try:
760            encoding.write(text, self.history_filename, mode='ab')
761        except (IOError, OSError):
762            pass
763        if self.append_to_history is not None:
764            self.append_to_history.emit(self.history_filename, text)
767class BrowseHistoryMixin(object):
769    def __init__(self):
770        self.history = []
771        self.histidx = None
772        self.hist_wholeline = False
774    def clear_line(self):
775        """Clear current line (without clearing console prompt)"""
776        self.remove_text(self.current_prompt_pos, 'eof')
778    def browse_history(self, backward):
779        """Browse history"""
780        if self.is_cursor_before('eol') and self.hist_wholeline:
781            self.hist_wholeline = False
782        tocursor = self.get_current_line_to_cursor()
783        text, self.histidx = self.find_in_history(tocursor, self.histidx,
784                                                  backward)
785        if text is not None:
786            if self.hist_wholeline:
787                self.clear_line()
788                self.insert_text(text)
789            else:
790                cursor_position = self.get_position('cursor')
791                # Removing text from cursor to the end of the line
792                self.remove_text('cursor', 'eol')
793                # Inserting history text
794                self.insert_text(text)
795                self.set_cursor_position(cursor_position)
797    def find_in_history(self, tocursor, start_idx, backward):
798        """Find text 'tocursor' in history, from index 'start_idx'"""
799        if start_idx is None:
800            start_idx = len(self.history)
801        # Finding text in history
802        step = -1 if backward else 1
803        idx = start_idx
804        if len(tocursor) == 0 or self.hist_wholeline:
805            idx += step
806            if idx >= len(self.history) or len(self.history) == 0:
807                return "", len(self.history)
808            elif idx < 0:
809                idx = 0
810            self.hist_wholeline = True
811            return self.history[idx], idx
812        else:
813            for index in range(len(self.history)):
814                idx = (start_idx+step*(index+1)) % len(self.history)
815                entry = self.history[idx]
816                if entry.startswith(tocursor):
817                    return entry[len(tocursor):], idx
818            else:
819                return None, start_idx
821    def reset_search_pos(self):
822        """Reset the position from which to search the history"""
823        self.histidx = None