1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * shard_pruning.c
4  *   Shard pruning related code.
5  *
6  * The goal of shard pruning is to find a minimal (super)set of shards that
7  * need to be queried to find rows matching the expression in a query.
8  *
9  * In PruneShards we first make a compact representation of the given
10  * query logical tree. This tree represents boolean operators and its
11  * associated valid constraints (expression nodes) and whether boolean
12  * operator has associated unknown constraints. This allows essentially
13  * unknown constraints to be replaced by a simple placeholder flag.
14  *
15  * For example query: WHERE (hash_col IN (1,2)) AND (other_col=1 OR other_col=2)
16  * Gets transformed by steps:
17  * 1. AND(hash_col IN (1,2), OR(X, X))
18  * 2. AND(hash_col IN (1,2), OR(X))
19  * 3. AND(hash_col IN (1,2), X)
20  * Where X represents any set of unrecognized unprunable constraint(s).
21  *
22  * Above allows the following pruning machinery to understand that
23  * the target shard is determined solely by constraint: hash_col IN (1,2).
24  * Here it does not matter what X is as its ANDed by a valid constraint.
25  * Pruning machinery will fail, returning all shards, if it encounters
26  * eg. OR(hash_col=1, X) as this condition does not limit the target shards.
27  *
28  * PruneShards secondly computes a simplified disjunctive normal form (DNF)
29  * of the logical tree as a list of pruning instances. Each pruning instance
30  * contains all AND-ed constraints on the partition column. An OR expression
31  * will result in two or more new pruning instances being added for the
32  * subexpressions. The "parent" instance is marked isPartial and ignored
33  * during pruning.
34  *
35  * We use the distributive property for constraints of the form P AND (Q OR R)
36  * to rewrite it to (P AND Q) OR (P AND R) by copying constraints from parent
37  * to "child" pruning instances. However, we do not distribute nested
38  * expressions. While (P OR Q) AND (R OR S) is logically equivalent to (P AND
39  * R) OR (P AND S) OR (Q AND R) OR (Q AND S), in our implementation it becomes
40  * P OR Q OR R OR S. This is acceptable since this will always result in a
41  * superset of shards. If this proves to be a issue in practice, a more
42  * complete algorithm could be implemented.
43  *
44  * We then evaluate each non-partial pruning instance in the disjunction
45  * through the following, increasingly expensive, steps:
46  *
47  * 1) If there is a constant equality constraint on the partition column, and
48  *    no overlapping shards exist, find the shard interval in which the
49  *    constant falls
50  *
51  * 2) If there is a hash range constraint on the partition column, find the
52  *    shard interval matching the range
53  *
54  * 3) If there are range constraints (e.g. (a > 0 AND a < 10)) on the
55  *    partition column, find the shard intervals that overlap with the range
56  *
57  * 4) If there are overlapping shards, exhaustively search all shards that are
58  *    not excluded by constraints
59  *
60  * Finally, the union of the shards found by each pruning instance is
61  * returned.
62  *
63  * Copyright (c) Citus Data, Inc.
64  *
65  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
66  */
67 #include "postgres.h"
69 #include "distributed/pg_version_constants.h"
71 #include "fmgr.h"
73 #include "distributed/shard_pruning.h"
75 #include "access/nbtree.h"
76 #include "catalog/pg_am.h"
77 #include "catalog/pg_collation.h"
78 #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
79 #include "distributed/distributed_planner.h"
80 #include "distributed/listutils.h"
81 #include "distributed/log_utils.h"
82 #include "distributed/metadata_cache.h"
83 #include "distributed/multi_join_order.h"
84 #include "distributed/multi_physical_planner.h"
85 #include "distributed/pg_dist_partition.h"
86 #include "distributed/shardinterval_utils.h"
87 #include "distributed/version_compat.h"
88 #include "distributed/worker_protocol.h"
89 #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
90 #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
91 #include "optimizer/clauses.h"
92 #include "optimizer/planner.h"
93 #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
94 #include "utils/arrayaccess.h"
95 #include "utils/catcache.h"
96 #include "utils/fmgrprotos.h"
97 #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
98 #include "utils/memutils.h"
99 #include "utils/ruleutils.h"
102 /*
103  * Tree node for compact representation of the given query logical tree.
104  * Represent a single boolean operator node and its associated
105  * valid constraints (expression nodes) and invalid constraint flag.
106  */
107 typedef struct PruningTreeNode
108 {
109 	/* Indicates is this AND/OR boolean operator */
110 	BoolExprType boolop;
112 	/* Does this boolean operator have unknown/unprunable constraint(s) */
113 	bool hasInvalidConstraints;
115 	/* List of recognized valid prunable constraints of this boolean opearator */
116 	List *validConstraints;
118 	/* Child boolean producing operators. Parents are always different from their children */
119 	List *childBooleanNodes;
120 } PruningTreeNode;
122 /*
123  * Context used for expression_tree_walker
124  */
125 typedef struct PruningTreeBuildContext
126 {
127 	Var *partitionColumn;
128 	PruningTreeNode *current;
129 } PruningTreeBuildContext;
131 /*
132  * A pruning instance is a set of ANDed constraints on a partition key.
133  */
134 typedef struct PruningInstance
135 {
136 	/* Does this instance contain any prunable expressions? */
137 	bool hasValidConstraint;
139 	/*
140 	 * This constraint never evaluates to true, i.e. pruning does not have to
141 	 * be performed.
142 	 */
143 	bool evaluatesToFalse;
145 	/*
146 	 * Constraints on the partition column value. If multiple values are
147 	 * found the more restrictive one should be stored here. Even for
148 	 * a hash-partitioned table, actual column-values are stored here, *not*
149 	 * hashed values.
150 	 */
151 	Const *lessConsts;
152 	Const *lessEqualConsts;
153 	Const *equalConsts;
154 	Const *greaterEqualConsts;
155 	Const *greaterConsts;
157 	/*
158 	 * Constraint using a pre-hashed column value. The constant will store the
159 	 * hashed value, not the original value of the restriction.
160 	 */
161 	Const *hashedEqualConsts;
163 	/*
164 	 * Has this PruningInstance been added to
165 	 * ClauseWalkerContext->pruningInstances? This is not done immediately,
166 	 * but the first time a constraint (independent of us being able to handle
167 	 * that constraint) is found.
168 	 */
169 	bool addedToPruningInstances;
171 	/*
172 	 * When OR clauses are found, the non-ORed part (think of a < 3 AND (a > 5
173 	 * OR a > 7)) of the expression is stored in one PruningInstance which is
174 	 * then copied for the ORed expressions. The original is marked as
175 	 * isPartial, to avoid being used for pruning.
176 	 */
177 	bool isPartial;
178 } PruningInstance;
181 /*
182  * Partial instances that need to be finished building. This is used to
183  * collect all ANDed restrictions, before looking into ORed expressions.
184  */
185 typedef struct PendingPruningInstance
186 {
187 	PruningInstance *instance;
188 	PruningTreeNode *continueAt;
189 } PendingPruningInstance;
191 typedef union \
192 { \
193 	FunctionCallInfoBaseData fcinfo; \
194 	/* ensure enough space for nargs args is available */ \
195 	char fcinfo_data[SizeForFunctionCallInfo(2)]; \
196 } FunctionCall2InfoData;
198 /*
199  * We also ignore this warning in ./configure, but that's not always enough.
200  * The flags that are used during compilation by ./configure are determined by
201  * the compiler support it detects. This is usually GCC. This warning is only
202  * present in clang. So it would normally be fine to not use it with GCC. The
203  * problem is that clang is used to compile the JIT bitcode when postgres is
204  * compiled with -with-llvm. So in the end both clang and GCC are used to
205  * compile the project.
206  *
207  * So the flag is not provided on the command line, because ./configure notices
208  * that GCC doesn't support it. But this warning persists when compiling the
209  * bitcode. So that's why we ignore it here explicitly.
210  */
211 #ifdef __clang__
212 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end"
213 #endif /* __clang__ */
215 /*
216  * Data necessary to perform a single PruneShards().
217  */
218 typedef struct ClauseWalkerContext
219 {
220 	Var *partitionColumn;
221 	char partitionMethod;
223 	/* ORed list of pruning targets */
224 	List *pruningInstances;
226 	/*
227 	 * Partially built PruningInstances, that need to be completed by doing a
228 	 * separate PrunableExpressionsWalker() pass.
229 	 */
230 	List *pendingInstances;
232 	/* PruningInstance currently being built, all eligible constraints are added here */
233 	PruningInstance *currentPruningInstance;
235 	/*
236 	 * Information about function calls we need to perform. Re-using the same
237 	 * FunctionCall2InfoData, instead of using FunctionCall2Coll, is often
238 	 * cheaper.
239 	 */
240 	FunctionCall2InfoData compareValueFunctionCall;
241 	FunctionCall2InfoData compareIntervalFunctionCall;
242 } ClauseWalkerContext;
244 static bool BuildPruningTree(Node *node, PruningTreeBuildContext *context);
245 static void SimplifyPruningTree(PruningTreeNode *node, PruningTreeNode *parent);
246 static void PrunableExpressions(PruningTreeNode *node, ClauseWalkerContext *context);
247 static void PrunableExpressionsWalker(PruningTreeNode *node,
248 									  ClauseWalkerContext *context);
249 static bool IsValidPartitionKeyRestriction(OpExpr *opClause);
250 static void AddPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext *context,
251 												 OpExpr *opClause, Var *varClause,
252 												 Const *constantClause);
253 static void AddSAOPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext *context,
254 													ScalarArrayOpExpr *
255 													arrayOperatorExpression);
256 static bool SAORestrictions(ScalarArrayOpExpr *arrayOperatorExpression,
257 							Var *partitionColumn,
258 							List **requestedRestrictions);
259 static void ErrorTypesDontMatch(Oid firstType, Oid firstCollId, Oid secondType,
260 								Oid secondCollId);
261 static bool IsValidHashRestriction(OpExpr *opClause);
262 static void AddHashRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext *context, OpExpr *opClause,
263 										 Var *varClause, Const *constantClause);
264 static void AddNewConjuction(ClauseWalkerContext *context, PruningTreeNode *node);
265 static PruningInstance * CopyPartialPruningInstance(PruningInstance *sourceInstance);
266 static List * ShardArrayToList(ShardInterval **shardArray, int length);
267 static List * DeepCopyShardIntervalList(List *originalShardIntervalList);
268 static int PerformValueCompare(FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall, Datum a,
269 							   Datum b);
270 static int PerformCompare(FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall);
272 static List * PruneOne(CitusTableCacheEntry *cacheEntry, ClauseWalkerContext *context,
273 					   PruningInstance *prune);
274 static List * PruneWithBoundaries(CitusTableCacheEntry *cacheEntry,
275 								  ClauseWalkerContext *context,
276 								  PruningInstance *prune);
277 static List * ExhaustivePrune(CitusTableCacheEntry *cacheEntry,
278 							  ClauseWalkerContext *context,
279 							  PruningInstance *prune);
280 static bool ExhaustivePruneOne(ShardInterval *curInterval,
281 							   ClauseWalkerContext *context,
282 							   PruningInstance *prune);
283 static int UpperShardBoundary(Datum partitionColumnValue,
284 							  ShardInterval **shardIntervalCache,
285 							  int shardCount, FunctionCallInfo compareFunction,
286 							  bool includeMin);
287 static int LowerShardBoundary(Datum partitionColumnValue,
288 							  ShardInterval **shardIntervalCache,
289 							  int shardCount, FunctionCallInfo compareFunction,
290 							  bool includeMax);
291 static PruningTreeNode * CreatePruningNode(BoolExprType boolop);
292 static OpExpr * SAORestrictionArrayEqualityOp(ScalarArrayOpExpr *arrayOperatorExpression,
293 											  Var *partitionColumn);
294 static void DebugLogNode(char *fmt, Node *node, List *deparseCtx);
295 static void DebugLogPruningInstance(PruningInstance *pruning, List *deparseCtx);
296 static int ConstraintCount(PruningTreeNode *node);
299 /*
300  * PruneShards returns all shards from a distributed table that cannot be
301  * proven to be eliminated by whereClauseList.
302  *
303  * For non-distributed tables such as reference table, the function
304  * simply returns the single shard that the table has.
305  *
306  * When there is a single <partition column> = <constant> filter in the where
307  * clause list, the constant is written to the partitionValueConst pointer.
308  */
309 List *
PruneShards(Oid relationId,Index rangeTableId,List * whereClauseList,Const ** partitionValueConst)310 PruneShards(Oid relationId, Index rangeTableId, List *whereClauseList,
311 			Const **partitionValueConst)
312 {
313 	CitusTableCacheEntry *cacheEntry = GetCitusTableCacheEntry(relationId);
314 	int shardCount = cacheEntry->shardIntervalArrayLength;
315 	char partitionMethod = cacheEntry->partitionMethod;
316 	ClauseWalkerContext context = { 0 };
317 	ListCell *pruneCell;
318 	List *prunedList = NIL;
319 	bool foundRestriction = false;
320 	bool foundPartitionColumnValue = false;
321 	Const *singlePartitionValueConst = NULL;
323 	/* there are no shards to return */
324 	if (shardCount == 0)
325 	{
326 		return NIL;
327 	}
329 	/* always return empty result if WHERE clause is of the form: false (AND ..) */
330 	if (ContainsFalseClause(whereClauseList))
331 	{
332 		return NIL;
333 	}
335 	/* short circuit for non-distributed tables such as reference table */
336 	if (IsCitusTableTypeCacheEntry(cacheEntry, CITUS_TABLE_WITH_NO_DIST_KEY))
337 	{
338 		prunedList = ShardArrayToList(cacheEntry->sortedShardIntervalArray,
339 									  cacheEntry->shardIntervalArrayLength);
340 		return DeepCopyShardIntervalList(prunedList);
341 	}
344 	context.partitionMethod = partitionMethod;
345 	context.partitionColumn = PartitionColumn(relationId, rangeTableId);
346 	context.currentPruningInstance = palloc0(sizeof(PruningInstance));
348 	if (cacheEntry->shardIntervalCompareFunction)
349 	{
350 		/* initiate function call info once (allows comparators to cache metadata) */
351 		InitFunctionCallInfoData(*(FunctionCallInfo) &
352 								 context.compareIntervalFunctionCall,
353 								 cacheEntry->shardIntervalCompareFunction,
354 								 2, cacheEntry->partitionColumn->varcollid, NULL, NULL);
355 	}
356 	else
357 	{
358 		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("shard pruning not possible without "
359 							   "a shard interval comparator")));
360 	}
362 	if (cacheEntry->shardColumnCompareFunction)
363 	{
364 		/* initiate function call info once (allows comparators to cache metadata) */
365 		InitFunctionCallInfoData(*(FunctionCallInfo) &
366 								 context.compareValueFunctionCall,
367 								 cacheEntry->shardColumnCompareFunction,
368 								 2, cacheEntry->partitionColumn->varcollid, NULL, NULL);
369 	}
370 	else
371 	{
372 		ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("shard pruning not possible without "
373 							   "a partition column comparator")));
374 	}
376 	PruningTreeNode *tree = CreatePruningNode(AND_EXPR);
378 	PruningTreeBuildContext treeBuildContext = { 0 };
379 	treeBuildContext.current = tree;
380 	treeBuildContext.partitionColumn = PartitionColumn(relationId, rangeTableId);
382 	/* Build logical tree of prunable restrictions and invalid restrictions */
383 	BuildPruningTree((Node *) whereClauseList, &treeBuildContext);
385 	/* Simplify logic tree of prunable restrictions */
386 	SimplifyPruningTree(tree, NULL);
388 	/* Figure out what we can prune on */
389 	PrunableExpressions(tree, &context);
391 	List *debugLoggedPruningInstances = NIL;
393 	/*
394 	 * Prune using each of the PrunableInstances we found, and OR results
395 	 * together.
396 	 */
397 	foreach(pruneCell, context.pruningInstances)
398 	{
399 		PruningInstance *prune = (PruningInstance *) lfirst(pruneCell);
401 		/*
402 		 * If this is a partial instance, a fully built one has also been
403 		 * added. Skip.
404 		 */
405 		if (prune->isPartial)
406 		{
407 			continue;
408 		}
410 		/*
411 		 * If the current instance has no prunable expressions, we'll have to
412 		 * return all shards. No point in continuing pruning in that case.
413 		 */
414 		if (!prune->hasValidConstraint)
415 		{
416 			foundRestriction = false;
417 			break;
418 		}
420 		if (context.partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH)
421 		{
422 			if (!prune->evaluatesToFalse && !prune->equalConsts &&
423 				!prune->hashedEqualConsts)
424 			{
425 				/* if hash-partitioned and no equals constraints, return all shards */
426 				foundRestriction = false;
427 				break;
428 			}
429 			else if (partitionValueConst != NULL && prune->equalConsts != NULL)
430 			{
431 				if (!foundPartitionColumnValue)
432 				{
433 					/* remember the partition column value */
434 					singlePartitionValueConst = prune->equalConsts;
435 					foundPartitionColumnValue = true;
436 				}
437 				else if (singlePartitionValueConst == NULL)
438 				{
439 					/* already found multiple partition column values */
440 				}
441 				else if (!equal(prune->equalConsts, singlePartitionValueConst))
442 				{
443 					/* found multiple partition column values */
444 					singlePartitionValueConst = NULL;
445 				}
446 			}
447 		}
449 		List *pruneOneList = PruneOne(cacheEntry, &context, prune);
451 		if (prunedList)
452 		{
453 			/*
454 			 * We can use list_union_ptr, which is a lot faster than doing
455 			 * comparing shards by value, because all the ShardIntervals are
456 			 * guaranteed to be from
457 			 * CitusTableCacheEntry->sortedShardIntervalArray (thus having the
458 			 * same pointer values).
459 			 */
460 			prunedList = list_union_ptr(prunedList, pruneOneList);
461 		}
462 		else
463 		{
464 			prunedList = pruneOneList;
465 		}
466 		foundRestriction = true;
468 		if (IsLoggableLevel(DEBUG3) && pruneOneList)
469 		{
470 			debugLoggedPruningInstances = lappend(debugLoggedPruningInstances, prune);
471 		}
472 	}
474 	/* found no valid restriction, build list of all shards */
475 	if (!foundRestriction)
476 	{
477 		prunedList = ShardArrayToList(cacheEntry->sortedShardIntervalArray,
478 									  cacheEntry->shardIntervalArrayLength);
479 	}
481 	if (IsLoggableLevel(DEBUG3))
482 	{
483 		char *relationName = get_rel_name(relationId);
484 		if (foundRestriction && debugLoggedPruningInstances != NIL)
485 		{
486 			List *deparseCtx = deparse_context_for("unknown", relationId);
487 			foreach(pruneCell, debugLoggedPruningInstances)
488 			{
489 				PruningInstance *prune = (PruningInstance *) lfirst(pruneCell);
490 				DebugLogPruningInstance(prune, deparseCtx);
491 			}
492 		}
493 		else
494 		{
495 			ereport(DEBUG3, (errmsg("no sharding pruning constraints on %s found",
496 									relationName)));
497 		}
499 		ereport(DEBUG3, (errmsg("shard count after pruning for %s: %d", relationName,
500 								list_length(prunedList))));
501 	}
503 	/* if requested, copy the partition value constant */
504 	if (partitionValueConst != NULL)
505 	{
506 		if (singlePartitionValueConst != NULL)
507 		{
508 			*partitionValueConst = copyObject(singlePartitionValueConst);
509 		}
510 		else
511 		{
512 			*partitionValueConst = NULL;
513 		}
514 	}
516 	/*
517 	 * Deep copy list, so it's independent of the CitusTableCacheEntry
518 	 * contents.
519 	 */
520 	return DeepCopyShardIntervalList(prunedList);
521 }
524 /*
525  * IsValidConditionNode checks whether node is a valid constraint for pruning.
526  */
527 static bool
IsValidConditionNode(Node * node,Var * partitionColumn)528 IsValidConditionNode(Node *node, Var *partitionColumn)
529 {
530 	if (IsA(node, OpExpr))
531 	{
532 		OpExpr *opClause = (OpExpr *) node;
533 		Var *varClause = NULL;
534 		if (VarConstOpExprClause(opClause, &varClause, NULL))
535 		{
536 			if (equal(varClause, partitionColumn))
537 			{
538 				return IsValidPartitionKeyRestriction(opClause);
539 			}
540 			else if (varClause->varattno == RESERVED_HASHED_COLUMN_ID)
541 			{
542 				return IsValidHashRestriction(opClause);
543 			}
544 		}
546 		return false;
547 	}
548 	else if (IsA(node, ScalarArrayOpExpr))
549 	{
550 		ScalarArrayOpExpr *arrayOperatorExpression = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) node;
551 		return SAORestrictions(arrayOperatorExpression, partitionColumn, NULL);
552 	}
553 	else
554 	{
555 		return false;
556 	}
557 }
560 /*
561  * BuildPruningTree builds a logical tree of constraints for pruning.
562  */
563 static bool
BuildPruningTree(Node * node,PruningTreeBuildContext * context)564 BuildPruningTree(Node *node, PruningTreeBuildContext *context)
565 {
566 	if (node == NULL)
567 	{
568 		return false;
569 	}
571 	if (IsA(node, List))
572 	{
573 		return expression_tree_walker(node, BuildPruningTree, context);
574 	}
575 	else if (IsA(node, BoolExpr))
576 	{
577 		BoolExpr *boolExpr = (BoolExpr *) node;
579 		if (boolExpr->boolop == NOT_EXPR)
580 		{
581 			/*
582 			 * With Var-Const conditions we should not encounter NOT_EXPR nodes.
583 			 * Postgres standard planner applies De Morgan's laws to remove them.
584 			 * We still encounter them with subqueries inside NOT, for example with:
585 			 * WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM something).
586 			 * We treat these as invalid constraints for pruning when we encounter them.
587 			 */
588 			context->current->hasInvalidConstraints = true;
590 			return false;
591 		}
592 		else if (context->current->boolop != boolExpr->boolop)
593 		{
594 			PruningTreeNode *child = CreatePruningNode(boolExpr->boolop);
596 			context->current->childBooleanNodes = lappend(
597 				context->current->childBooleanNodes, child);
599 			PruningTreeBuildContext newContext = { 0 };
600 			newContext.partitionColumn = context->partitionColumn;
601 			newContext.current = child;
603 			return expression_tree_walker((Node *) boolExpr->args,
604 										  BuildPruningTree, &newContext);
605 		}
606 		else
607 		{
608 			return expression_tree_walker(node, BuildPruningTree, context);
609 		}
610 	}
611 	else if (IsValidConditionNode(node, context->partitionColumn))
612 	{
613 		context->current->validConstraints = lappend(context->current->validConstraints,
614 													 node);
616 		return false;
617 	}
618 	else
619 	{
620 		context->current->hasInvalidConstraints = true;
622 		return false;
623 	}
624 }
627 /*
628  * SimplifyPruningTree reduces logical tree of valid and invalid constraints for pruning.
629  * The goal is to remove any node having just a single constraint associated with it.
630  * This constraint is assigned to the parent logical node.
631  *
632  * For example 'AND(hash_col = 1, OR(X))' gets simplified to 'AND(hash_col = 1, X)',
633  * where X is any unknown condition.
634  */
635 static void
SimplifyPruningTree(PruningTreeNode * node,PruningTreeNode * parent)636 SimplifyPruningTree(PruningTreeNode *node, PruningTreeNode *parent)
637 {
638 	/* Copy list of children as its mutated inside the loop */
639 	List *childBooleanNodes = list_copy(node->childBooleanNodes);
641 	ListCell *cell;
642 	foreach(cell, childBooleanNodes)
643 	{
644 		PruningTreeNode *child = (PruningTreeNode *) lfirst(cell);
645 		SimplifyPruningTree(child, node);
646 	}
648 	if (!parent)
649 	{
650 		/* Root is always ANDed expressions */
651 		Assert(node->boolop == AND_EXPR);
652 		return;
653 	}
655 	/* Boolean operator with single (recognized/unknown) constraint gets simplified */
656 	if (ConstraintCount(node) <= 1)
657 	{
658 		Assert(node->childBooleanNodes == NIL);
659 		parent->validConstraints = list_concat(parent->validConstraints,
660 											   node->validConstraints);
661 		parent->hasInvalidConstraints = parent->hasInvalidConstraints ||
662 										node->hasInvalidConstraints;
664 		/* Remove current node from parent. Its constraint was assigned to the parent above */
665 		parent->childBooleanNodes = list_delete_ptr(parent->childBooleanNodes, node);
666 	}
667 }
670 /*
671  * ContainsFalseClause returns whether the flattened where clause list
672  * contains false as a clause.
673  */
674 bool
ContainsFalseClause(List * whereClauseList)675 ContainsFalseClause(List *whereClauseList)
676 {
677 	bool containsFalseClause = false;
678 	ListCell *clauseCell = NULL;
680 	foreach(clauseCell, whereClauseList)
681 	{
682 		Node *clause = (Node *) lfirst(clauseCell);
684 		if (IsA(clause, Const))
685 		{
686 			Const *constant = (Const *) clause;
687 			if (constant->consttype == BOOLOID && !DatumGetBool(constant->constvalue))
688 			{
689 				containsFalseClause = true;
690 				break;
691 			}
692 		}
693 	}
695 	return containsFalseClause;
696 }
699 /*
700  * PrunableExpressions builds a list of all prunable expressions in node,
701  * storing them in context->pruningInstances.
702  */
703 static void
PrunableExpressions(PruningTreeNode * tree,ClauseWalkerContext * context)704 PrunableExpressions(PruningTreeNode *tree, ClauseWalkerContext *context)
705 {
706 	/*
707 	 * Build initial list of prunable expressions. As long as only,
708 	 * implicitly or explicitly, ANDed expressions are found, this perform a
709 	 * depth-first search. When an ORed expression is found, the current
710 	 * PruningInstance is added to context->pruningInstances (once for each
711 	 * ORed expression), then the tree-traversal is continued without
712 	 * recursing. Once at the top-level again, we'll process all pending
713 	 * expressions - that allows us to find all ANDed expressions, before
714 	 * recursing into an ORed expression.
715 	 */
716 	PrunableExpressionsWalker(tree, context);
718 	/*
719 	 * Process all pending instances. While processing, new ones might be
720 	 * added to the list, so don't use foreach().
721 	 *
722 	 * Check the places in PruningInstanceWalker that push onto
723 	 * context->pendingInstances why construction of the PruningInstance might
724 	 * be pending.
725 	 *
726 	 * We copy the partial PruningInstance, and continue adding information by
727 	 * calling PrunableExpressionsWalker() on the copy, continuing at the
728 	 * node stored in PendingPruningInstance->continueAt.
729 	 */
730 	while (context->pendingInstances != NIL)
731 	{
732 		PendingPruningInstance *instance =
733 			(PendingPruningInstance *) linitial(context->pendingInstances);
734 		PruningInstance *newPrune = CopyPartialPruningInstance(instance->instance);
736 		context->pendingInstances = list_delete_first(context->pendingInstances);
738 		context->currentPruningInstance = newPrune;
739 		PrunableExpressionsWalker(instance->continueAt, context);
740 		context->currentPruningInstance = NULL;
741 	}
742 }
745 /*
746  * PrunableExpressionsWalker() is the main work horse for
747  * PrunableExpressions().
748  */
749 static void
PrunableExpressionsWalker(PruningTreeNode * node,ClauseWalkerContext * context)750 PrunableExpressionsWalker(PruningTreeNode *node, ClauseWalkerContext *context)
751 {
752 	ListCell *cell = NULL;
754 	if (node == NULL)
755 	{
756 		return;
757 	}
759 	if (node->boolop == OR_EXPR)
760 	{
761 		/*
762 		 * "Queue" partial pruning instances. This is used to convert
763 		 * expressions like (A AND (B OR C) AND D) into (A AND B AND D),
764 		 * (A AND C AND D), with A, B, C, D being restrictions. When the
765 		 * OR is encountered, a reference to the partially built
766 		 * PruningInstance (containing A at this point), is added to
767 		 * context->pendingInstances once for B and once for C. Once a
768 		 * full tree-walk completed, PrunableExpressions() will complete
769 		 * the pending instances, which'll now also know about restriction
770 		 * D, by calling PrunableExpressionsWalker() once for B and once
771 		 * for C.
772 		 */
774 		if (node->hasInvalidConstraints)
775 		{
776 			PruningTreeNode *child = CreatePruningNode(AND_EXPR);
777 			child->hasInvalidConstraints = true;
779 			AddNewConjuction(context, child);
780 		}
782 		foreach(cell, node->validConstraints)
783 		{
784 			Node *constraint = (Node *) lfirst(cell);
786 			PruningTreeNode *child = CreatePruningNode(AND_EXPR);
787 			child->validConstraints = list_make1(constraint);
789 			AddNewConjuction(context, child);
790 		}
792 		foreach(cell, node->childBooleanNodes)
793 		{
794 			PruningTreeNode *child = (PruningTreeNode *) lfirst(cell);
795 			Assert(child->boolop == AND_EXPR);
796 			AddNewConjuction(context, child);
797 		}
799 		return;
800 	}
802 	Assert(node->boolop == AND_EXPR);
804 	foreach(cell, node->validConstraints)
805 	{
806 		Node *constraint = (Node *) lfirst(cell);
808 		if (IsA(constraint, OpExpr))
809 		{
810 			OpExpr *opClause = (OpExpr *) constraint;
811 			PruningInstance *prune = context->currentPruningInstance;
812 			Var *varClause = NULL;
813 			Const *constantClause = NULL;
815 			if (!prune->addedToPruningInstances)
816 			{
817 				context->pruningInstances = lappend(context->pruningInstances, prune);
818 				prune->addedToPruningInstances = true;
819 			}
821 			if (VarConstOpExprClause(opClause, &varClause, &constantClause))
822 			{
823 				if (equal(varClause, context->partitionColumn))
824 				{
825 					/*
826 					 * Found a restriction on the partition column itself. Update the
827 					 * current constraint with the new information.
828 					 */
829 					AddPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(context, opClause, varClause,
830 														 constantClause);
831 				}
832 				else if (varClause->varattno == RESERVED_HASHED_COLUMN_ID)
833 				{
834 					/*
835 					 * Found restriction that directly specifies the boundaries of a
836 					 * hashed column.
837 					 */
838 					AddHashRestrictionToInstance(context, opClause, varClause,
839 												 constantClause);
840 				}
841 				else
842 				{
843 					/* We encounter here only valid constraints */
844 					Assert(false);
845 				}
846 			}
847 			else
848 			{
849 				/* We encounter here only valid constraints */
850 				Assert(false);
851 			}
852 		}
853 		else if (IsA(constraint, ScalarArrayOpExpr))
854 		{
855 			ScalarArrayOpExpr *arrayOperatorExpression = (ScalarArrayOpExpr *) constraint;
856 			AddSAOPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(context, arrayOperatorExpression);
857 		}
858 		else
859 		{
860 			/* We encounter here only valid constraints */
861 			Assert(false);
862 		}
863 	}
865 	if (node->hasInvalidConstraints)
866 	{
867 		PruningInstance *prune = context->currentPruningInstance;
869 		/*
870 		 * Mark unknown expression as added, so we'll fail pruning if there's no ANDed
871 		 * restrictions that we know how to deal with.
872 		 */
873 		if (!prune->addedToPruningInstances)
874 		{
875 			context->pruningInstances = lappend(context->pruningInstances, prune);
876 			prune->addedToPruningInstances = true;
877 		}
878 	}
880 	foreach(cell, node->childBooleanNodes)
881 	{
882 		PruningTreeNode *child = (PruningTreeNode *) lfirst(cell);
883 		Assert(child->boolop == OR_EXPR);
884 		PrunableExpressionsWalker(child, context);
885 	}
886 }
889 /*
890  * VarConstOpExprClause check whether an expression is a valid comparison of a Var to a Const.
891  * Also obtaining the var with constant when valid.
892  */
893 bool
VarConstOpExprClause(OpExpr * opClause,Var ** varClause,Const ** constantClause)894 VarConstOpExprClause(OpExpr *opClause, Var **varClause, Const **constantClause)
895 {
896 	Var *foundVarClause = NULL;
897 	Const *foundConstantClause = NULL;
899 	Node *leftOperand;
900 	Node *rightOperand;
901 	if (!BinaryOpExpression((Expr *) opClause, &leftOperand, &rightOperand))
902 	{
903 		return false;
904 	}
906 	if (IsA(rightOperand, Const) && IsA(leftOperand, Var))
907 	{
908 		foundVarClause = (Var *) leftOperand;
909 		foundConstantClause = (Const *) rightOperand;
910 	}
911 	else if (IsA(leftOperand, Const) && IsA(rightOperand, Var))
912 	{
913 		foundVarClause = (Var *) rightOperand;
914 		foundConstantClause = (Const *) leftOperand;
915 	}
916 	else
917 	{
918 		return false;
919 	}
921 	if (varClause)
922 	{
923 		*varClause = foundVarClause;
924 	}
925 	if (constantClause)
926 	{
927 		*constantClause = foundConstantClause;
928 	}
929 	return true;
930 }
933 /*
934  * AddSAOPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance adds partcol = arrayelem operator
935  * restriction to the current pruning instance for each element of the array. These
936  * restrictions are added to pruning instance to prune shards based on IN/=ANY
937  * constraints.
938  */
939 static void
AddSAOPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext * context,ScalarArrayOpExpr * arrayOperatorExpression)940 AddSAOPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext *context,
941 										ScalarArrayOpExpr *arrayOperatorExpression)
942 {
943 	List *restrictions = NULL;
944 	bool validSAORestriction PG_USED_FOR_ASSERTS_ONLY =
945 		SAORestrictions(arrayOperatorExpression, context->partitionColumn, &restrictions);
947 	Assert(validSAORestriction);
949 	PruningTreeNode *node = CreatePruningNode(OR_EXPR);
950 	node->validConstraints = restrictions;
951 	AddNewConjuction(context, node);
952 }
955 /*
956  * SAORestrictions checks whether an SAO constraint is valid.
957  * Also obtains equality restrictions.
958  */
959 static bool
SAORestrictions(ScalarArrayOpExpr * arrayOperatorExpression,Var * partitionColumn,List ** requestedRestrictions)960 SAORestrictions(ScalarArrayOpExpr *arrayOperatorExpression, Var *partitionColumn,
961 				List **requestedRestrictions)
962 {
963 	Node *leftOpExpression = linitial(arrayOperatorExpression->args);
964 	Node *strippedLeftOpExpression = strip_implicit_coercions(leftOpExpression);
965 	bool usingEqualityOperator = OperatorImplementsEquality(
966 		arrayOperatorExpression->opno);
967 	Expr *arrayArgument = (Expr *) lsecond(arrayOperatorExpression->args);
969 	/* checking for partcol = ANY(const, value, s); or partcol IN (const,b,c); */
970 	if (usingEqualityOperator && strippedLeftOpExpression != NULL &&
971 		equal(strippedLeftOpExpression, partitionColumn) &&
972 		IsA(arrayArgument, Const))
973 	{
974 		Const *arrayConst = (Const *) arrayArgument;
975 		int16 typlen = 0;
976 		bool typbyval = false;
977 		char typalign = '\0';
978 		Datum arrayElement = 0;
979 		Datum inArray = arrayConst->constvalue;
980 		bool isNull = false;
981 		bool foundValid = false;
983 		/* check for the NULL right-hand expression*/
984 		if (inArray == 0)
985 		{
986 			return false;
987 		}
989 		ArrayType *array = DatumGetArrayTypeP(arrayConst->constvalue);
991 		/* get the necessary information from array type to iterate over it */
992 		Oid elementType = ARR_ELEMTYPE(array);
993 		get_typlenbyvalalign(elementType,
994 							 &typlen,
995 							 &typbyval,
996 							 &typalign);
998 		/* Iterate over the righthand array of expression */
999 		ArrayIterator arrayIterator = array_create_iterator(array, 0, NULL);
1000 		while (array_iterate(arrayIterator, &arrayElement, &isNull))
1001 		{
1002 			if (isNull)
1003 			{
1004 				/*
1005 				 * We can ignore IN (NULL) clauses because a value is never
1006 				 * equal to NULL.
1007 				 */
1008 				continue;
1009 			}
1011 			foundValid = true;
1013 			if (requestedRestrictions)
1014 			{
1015 				Const *constElement = makeConst(elementType, -1,
1016 												arrayConst->constcollid,
1017 												typlen, arrayElement,
1018 												isNull, typbyval);
1020 				/* build partcol = arrayelem operator */
1021 				OpExpr *arrayEqualityOp = SAORestrictionArrayEqualityOp(
1022 					arrayOperatorExpression,
1023 					partitionColumn);
1024 				arrayEqualityOp->args = list_make2(strippedLeftOpExpression,
1025 												   constElement);
1027 				*requestedRestrictions = lappend(*requestedRestrictions, arrayEqualityOp);
1028 			}
1029 			else
1030 			{
1031 				break;
1032 			}
1033 		}
1035 		return foundValid;
1036 	}
1038 	return false;
1039 }
1042 /*
1043  * AddNewConjuction adds the OpExpr to pending instance list of context
1044  * as conjunction as partial instance.
1045  */
1046 static void
AddNewConjuction(ClauseWalkerContext * context,PruningTreeNode * node)1047 AddNewConjuction(ClauseWalkerContext *context, PruningTreeNode *node)
1048 {
1049 	PendingPruningInstance *instance = palloc0(sizeof(PendingPruningInstance));
1051 	instance->instance = context->currentPruningInstance;
1052 	instance->continueAt = node;
1054 	/*
1055 	 * Signal that this instance is not to be used for pruning on
1056 	 * its own. Once the pending instance is processed, it'll be
1057 	 * used.
1058 	 */
1059 	instance->instance->isPartial = true;
1060 	context->pendingInstances = lappend(context->pendingInstances, instance);
1061 }
1064 /*
1065  * IsValidPartitionKeyRestriction check whether an operator clause is
1066  * a valid restriction for comparing to a partition column.
1067  */
1068 static bool
IsValidPartitionKeyRestriction(OpExpr * opClause)1069 IsValidPartitionKeyRestriction(OpExpr *opClause)
1070 {
1071 	ListCell *btreeInterpretationCell = NULL;
1072 	bool matchedOp = false;
1074 	List *btreeInterpretationList =
1075 		get_op_btree_interpretation(opClause->opno);
1076 	foreach(btreeInterpretationCell, btreeInterpretationList)
1077 	{
1078 		OpBtreeInterpretation *btreeInterpretation =
1079 			(OpBtreeInterpretation *) lfirst(btreeInterpretationCell);
1081 		if (btreeInterpretation->strategy == ROWCOMPARE_NE)
1082 		{
1083 			/* TODO: could add support for this, if we feel like it */
1084 			return false;
1085 		}
1087 		matchedOp = true;
1088 	}
1090 	return matchedOp;
1091 }
1094 /*
1095  * AddPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance adds information about a PartitionKey
1096  * $op Const restriction to the current pruning instance.
1097  */
1098 static void
AddPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext * context,OpExpr * opClause,Var * partitionColumn,Const * constantClause)1099 AddPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext *context, OpExpr *opClause,
1100 									 Var *partitionColumn, Const *constantClause)
1101 {
1102 	PruningInstance *prune = context->currentPruningInstance;
1103 	ListCell *btreeInterpretationCell = NULL;
1105 	/* only have extra work to do if const isn't same type as partition column */
1106 	if (constantClause->consttype != partitionColumn->vartype)
1107 	{
1108 		/* we want our restriction value in terms of the type of the partition column */
1109 		constantClause = TransformPartitionRestrictionValue(partitionColumn,
1110 															constantClause, true);
1111 		if (constantClause == NULL)
1112 		{
1113 			/* couldn't coerce value, its invalid restriction */
1114 			return;
1115 		}
1116 	}
1118 	if (constantClause->constisnull)
1119 	{
1120 		/* we cannot do pruning on NULL values */
1121 		return;
1122 	}
1124 	/* at this point, we'd better be able to pass binary Datums to comparison functions */
1125 	Assert(IsBinaryCoercible(constantClause->consttype, partitionColumn->vartype));
1127 	List *btreeInterpretationList = get_op_btree_interpretation(opClause->opno);
1128 	foreach(btreeInterpretationCell, btreeInterpretationList)
1129 	{
1130 		OpBtreeInterpretation *btreeInterpretation =
1131 			(OpBtreeInterpretation *) lfirst(btreeInterpretationCell);
1133 		switch (btreeInterpretation->strategy)
1134 		{
1135 			case BTLessStrategyNumber:
1136 			{
1137 				if (!prune->lessConsts ||
1138 					PerformValueCompare((FunctionCallInfo) &
1139 										context->compareValueFunctionCall,
1140 										constantClause->constvalue,
1141 										prune->lessConsts->constvalue) < 0)
1142 				{
1143 					prune->lessConsts = constantClause;
1144 				}
1145 				break;
1146 			}
1148 			case BTLessEqualStrategyNumber:
1149 			{
1150 				if (!prune->lessEqualConsts ||
1151 					PerformValueCompare((FunctionCallInfo) &
1152 										context->compareValueFunctionCall,
1153 										constantClause->constvalue,
1154 										prune->lessEqualConsts->constvalue) < 0)
1155 				{
1156 					prune->lessEqualConsts = constantClause;
1157 				}
1158 				break;
1159 			}
1161 			case BTEqualStrategyNumber:
1162 			{
1163 				if (!prune->equalConsts)
1164 				{
1165 					prune->equalConsts = constantClause;
1166 				}
1167 				else if (PerformValueCompare((FunctionCallInfo) &
1168 											 context->compareValueFunctionCall,
1169 											 constantClause->constvalue,
1170 											 prune->equalConsts->constvalue) != 0)
1171 				{
1172 					/* key can't be equal to two values */
1173 					prune->evaluatesToFalse = true;
1174 				}
1175 				break;
1176 			}
1178 			case BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber:
1179 			{
1180 				if (!prune->greaterEqualConsts ||
1181 					PerformValueCompare((FunctionCallInfo) &
1182 										context->compareValueFunctionCall,
1183 										constantClause->constvalue,
1184 										prune->greaterEqualConsts->constvalue) > 0
1185 					)
1186 				{
1187 					prune->greaterEqualConsts = constantClause;
1188 				}
1189 				break;
1190 			}
1192 			case BTGreaterStrategyNumber:
1193 			{
1194 				if (!prune->greaterConsts ||
1195 					PerformValueCompare((FunctionCallInfo) &
1196 										context->compareValueFunctionCall,
1197 										constantClause->constvalue,
1198 										prune->greaterConsts->constvalue) > 0)
1199 				{
1200 					prune->greaterConsts = constantClause;
1201 				}
1202 				break;
1203 			}
1205 			default:
1206 				Assert(false);
1207 		}
1208 	}
1210 	prune->hasValidConstraint = true;
1211 }
1214 /*
1215  * TransformPartitionRestrictionValue works around how PostgreSQL sometimes
1216  * chooses to try to wrap our Var in a coercion rather than the Const.
1217  * To deal with this, we strip coercions from both and manually coerce
1218  * the Const into the type of our partition column.
1219  * It is conceivable that in some instances this may not be possible,
1220  * in those cases we will simply fail to prune partitions based on this clause.
1221  */
1222 Const *
TransformPartitionRestrictionValue(Var * partitionColumn,Const * restrictionValue,bool missingOk)1223 TransformPartitionRestrictionValue(Var *partitionColumn, Const *restrictionValue,
1224 								   bool missingOk)
1225 {
1226 	Node *transformedValue = coerce_to_target_type(NULL, (Node *) restrictionValue,
1227 												   restrictionValue->consttype,
1228 												   partitionColumn->vartype,
1229 												   partitionColumn->vartypmod,
1230 												   COERCION_ASSIGNMENT,
1231 												   COERCE_IMPLICIT_CAST, -1);
1233 	/* if NULL, no implicit coercion is possible between the types */
1234 	if (transformedValue == NULL)
1235 	{
1236 		if (!missingOk)
1237 		{
1238 			ErrorTypesDontMatch(partitionColumn->vartype, partitionColumn->varcollid,
1239 								restrictionValue->consttype,
1240 								restrictionValue->constcollid);
1241 		}
1243 		return NULL;
1244 	}
1246 	/* if still not a constant, evaluate coercion */
1247 	if (!IsA(transformedValue, Const))
1248 	{
1249 		transformedValue = (Node *) expression_planner((Expr *) transformedValue);
1250 	}
1252 	/* if still not a constant, no immutable coercion matched */
1253 	if (!IsA(transformedValue, Const))
1254 	{
1255 		if (!missingOk)
1256 		{
1257 			ErrorTypesDontMatch(partitionColumn->vartype, partitionColumn->varcollid,
1258 								restrictionValue->consttype,
1259 								restrictionValue->constcollid);
1260 		}
1262 		return NULL;
1263 	}
1265 	return (Const *) transformedValue;
1266 }
1269 /*
1270  * ErrorTypesDontMatch throws an error explicitly printing the type names.
1271  */
1272 static void
ErrorTypesDontMatch(Oid firstType,Oid firstCollId,Oid secondType,Oid secondCollId)1273 ErrorTypesDontMatch(Oid firstType, Oid firstCollId, Oid secondType, Oid secondCollId)
1274 {
1275 	Datum firstTypename =
1276 		DirectFunctionCall1Coll(regtypeout, firstCollId, ObjectIdGetDatum(firstType));
1278 	Datum secondTypename =
1279 		DirectFunctionCall1Coll(regtypeout, secondCollId, ObjectIdGetDatum(secondType));
1281 	ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("Cannot coerce %s to %s",
1282 						   DatumGetCString(secondTypename),
1283 						   DatumGetCString(firstTypename))));
1284 }
1287 /*
1288  * IsValidHashRestriction checks whether an operator clause is a valid restriction for hashed column.
1289  */
1290 static bool
IsValidHashRestriction(OpExpr * opClause)1291 IsValidHashRestriction(OpExpr *opClause)
1292 {
1293 	ListCell *btreeInterpretationCell = NULL;
1295 	List *btreeInterpretationList =
1296 		get_op_btree_interpretation(opClause->opno);
1297 	foreach(btreeInterpretationCell, btreeInterpretationList)
1298 	{
1299 		OpBtreeInterpretation *btreeInterpretation =
1300 			(OpBtreeInterpretation *) lfirst(btreeInterpretationCell);
1302 		if (btreeInterpretation->strategy == BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber)
1303 		{
1304 			return true;
1305 		}
1306 	}
1308 	return false;
1309 }
1312 /*
1313  * AddHashRestrictionToInstance adds information about a
1314  * RESERVED_HASHED_COLUMN_ID = Const restriction to the current pruning
1315  * instance.
1316  */
1317 static void
AddHashRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext * context,OpExpr * opClause,Var * varClause,Const * constantClause)1318 AddHashRestrictionToInstance(ClauseWalkerContext *context, OpExpr *opClause,
1319 							 Var *varClause, Const *constantClause)
1320 {
1321 	/* be paranoid */
1322 	Assert(IsBinaryCoercible(constantClause->consttype, INT4OID));
1323 	Assert(IsValidHashRestriction(opClause));
1325 	/*
1326 	 * Ladidadida, dirty hackety hack. We only add such
1327 	 * constraints (in ShardIntervalOpExpressions()) to select a
1328 	 * shard based on its exact boundaries. For efficient binary
1329 	 * search it's better to simply use one representative value
1330 	 * to look up the shard. In practice, this is sufficient for
1331 	 * now.
1332 	 */
1333 	PruningInstance *prune = context->currentPruningInstance;
1334 	Assert(!prune->hashedEqualConsts);
1335 	prune->hashedEqualConsts = constantClause;
1336 	prune->hasValidConstraint = true;
1337 }
1340 /*
1341  * CopyPartialPruningInstance copies a partial PruningInstance, so it can be
1342  * completed.
1343  */
1344 static PruningInstance *
CopyPartialPruningInstance(PruningInstance * sourceInstance)1345 CopyPartialPruningInstance(PruningInstance *sourceInstance)
1346 {
1347 	PruningInstance *newInstance = palloc(sizeof(PruningInstance));
1349 	Assert(sourceInstance->isPartial);
1351 	/*
1352 	 * To make the new PruningInstance useful for pruning, we have to reset it
1353 	 * being partial - if necessary it'll be marked so again by
1354 	 * PrunableExpressionsWalker().
1355 	 */
1356 	*newInstance = *sourceInstance;
1357 	newInstance->addedToPruningInstances = false;
1358 	newInstance->isPartial = false;
1360 	return newInstance;
1361 }
1364 /*
1365  * ShardArrayToList builds a list of out the array of ShardInterval*.
1366  */
1367 static List *
ShardArrayToList(ShardInterval ** shardArray,int length)1368 ShardArrayToList(ShardInterval **shardArray, int length)
1369 {
1370 	List *shardIntervalList = NIL;
1372 	for (int shardIndex = 0; shardIndex < length; shardIndex++)
1373 	{
1374 		ShardInterval *shardInterval =
1375 			shardArray[shardIndex];
1376 		shardIntervalList = lappend(shardIntervalList, shardInterval);
1377 	}
1379 	return shardIntervalList;
1380 }
1383 /*
1384  * DeepCopyShardIntervalList copies originalShardIntervalList and the
1385  * contained ShardIntervals, into a new list.
1386  */
1387 static List *
DeepCopyShardIntervalList(List * originalShardIntervalList)1388 DeepCopyShardIntervalList(List *originalShardIntervalList)
1389 {
1390 	List *copiedShardIntervalList = NIL;
1392 	ShardInterval *originalShardInterval = NULL;
1393 	foreach_ptr(originalShardInterval, originalShardIntervalList)
1394 	{
1395 		ShardInterval *copiedShardInterval = CopyShardInterval(originalShardInterval);
1397 		copiedShardIntervalList = lappend(copiedShardIntervalList, copiedShardInterval);
1398 	}
1400 	return copiedShardIntervalList;
1401 }
1404 /*
1405  * PruneOne returns all shards in the table that match a single
1406  * PruningInstance.
1407  */
1408 static List *
PruneOne(CitusTableCacheEntry * cacheEntry,ClauseWalkerContext * context,PruningInstance * prune)1409 PruneOne(CitusTableCacheEntry *cacheEntry, ClauseWalkerContext *context,
1410 		 PruningInstance *prune)
1411 {
1412 	ShardInterval *shardInterval = NULL;
1414 	/* Well, if life always were this easy... */
1415 	if (prune->evaluatesToFalse)
1416 	{
1417 		return NIL;
1418 	}
1420 	/*
1421 	 * For an equal constraints, if there's no overlapping shards (always the
1422 	 * case for hash and range partitioning, sometimes for append), can
1423 	 * perform binary search for the right interval. That's usually the
1424 	 * fastest, so try that first.
1425 	 */
1426 	if (prune->equalConsts &&
1427 		!cacheEntry->hasOverlappingShardInterval)
1428 	{
1429 		shardInterval = FindShardInterval(prune->equalConsts->constvalue, cacheEntry);
1431 		/*
1432 		 * If pruned down to nothing, we're done. Otherwise see if other
1433 		 * methods prune down further / to nothing.
1434 		 */
1435 		if (!shardInterval)
1436 		{
1437 			return NIL;
1438 		}
1439 	}
1441 	/*
1442 	 * If the hash value we're looking for is known, we can search for the
1443 	 * interval directly. That's fast and should only ever be the case for a
1444 	 * hash-partitioned table.
1445 	 */
1446 	if (prune->hashedEqualConsts)
1447 	{
1448 		ShardInterval **sortedShardIntervalArray = cacheEntry->sortedShardIntervalArray;
1450 		Assert(context->partitionMethod == DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH);
1452 		int shardIndex = FindShardIntervalIndex(prune->hashedEqualConsts->constvalue,
1453 												cacheEntry);
1455 		if (shardIndex == INVALID_SHARD_INDEX)
1456 		{
1457 			return NIL;
1458 		}
1459 		else if (shardInterval &&
1460 				 sortedShardIntervalArray[shardIndex]->shardId != shardInterval->shardId)
1461 		{
1462 			/*
1463 			 * equalConst based pruning above yielded a different shard than
1464 			 * pruning based on pre-hashed equality. This is useful in case
1465 			 * of INSERT ... SELECT, where both can occur together (one via
1466 			 * join/colocation, the other via a plain equality restriction).
1467 			 */
1468 			return NIL;
1469 		}
1470 		else
1471 		{
1472 			return list_make1(sortedShardIntervalArray[shardIndex]);
1473 		}
1474 	}
1476 	/*
1477 	 * If previous pruning method yielded a single shard, and the table is not
1478 	 * hash partitioned, attempt range based pruning to exclude it further.
1479 	 *
1480 	 * That's particularly important in particular for subquery pushdown,
1481 	 * where it's very common to have a user specified equality restriction,
1482 	 * and a range based restriction for shard boundaries, added by the
1483 	 * subquery machinery.
1484 	 */
1485 	if (shardInterval)
1486 	{
1487 		if (context->partitionMethod != DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH &&
1488 			ExhaustivePruneOne(shardInterval, context, prune))
1489 		{
1490 			return NIL;
1491 		}
1492 		else
1493 		{
1494 			/* no chance to prune further, return */
1495 			return list_make1(shardInterval);
1496 		}
1497 	}
1499 	/*
1500 	 * Should never get here for hashing, we've filtered down to either zero
1501 	 * or one shard, and returned.
1502 	 */
1503 	Assert(context->partitionMethod != DISTRIBUTE_BY_HASH);
1505 	/*
1506 	 * Next method: binary search with fuzzy boundaries. Can't trivially do so
1507 	 * if shards have overlapping boundaries.
1508 	 *
1509 	 * TODO: If we kept shard intervals separately sorted by both upper and
1510 	 * lower boundaries, this should be possible?
1511 	 */
1512 	if (!cacheEntry->hasOverlappingShardInterval && (
1513 			prune->greaterConsts || prune->greaterEqualConsts ||
1514 			prune->lessConsts || prune->lessEqualConsts))
1515 	{
1516 		return PruneWithBoundaries(cacheEntry, context, prune);
1517 	}
1519 	/*
1520 	 * Brute force: Check each shard.
1521 	 */
1522 	return ExhaustivePrune(cacheEntry, context, prune);
1523 }
1526 /*
1527  * PerformCompare invokes comparator with prepared values, check for
1528  * unexpected NULL returns.
1529  */
1530 static int
PerformCompare(FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall)1531 PerformCompare(FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall)
1532 {
1533 	Datum result = FunctionCallInvoke(compareFunctionCall);
1535 	if (compareFunctionCall->isnull)
1536 	{
1537 		elog(ERROR, "function %u returned NULL", compareFunctionCall->flinfo->fn_oid);
1538 	}
1540 	return DatumGetInt32(result);
1541 }
1544 /*
1545  * PerformValueCompare invokes comparator with a/b, and checks for unexpected
1546  * NULL returns.
1547  */
1548 static int
PerformValueCompare(FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall,Datum a,Datum b)1549 PerformValueCompare(FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall, Datum a, Datum b)
1550 {
1551 	fcSetArg(compareFunctionCall, 0, a);
1552 	fcSetArg(compareFunctionCall, 1, b);
1554 	return PerformCompare(compareFunctionCall);
1555 }
1558 /*
1559  * LowerShardBoundary returns the index of the first ShardInterval that's >=
1560  * (if includeMax) or > partitionColumnValue.
1561  */
1562 static int
LowerShardBoundary(Datum partitionColumnValue,ShardInterval ** shardIntervalCache,int shardCount,FunctionCallInfo compareFunction,bool includeMax)1563 LowerShardBoundary(Datum partitionColumnValue, ShardInterval **shardIntervalCache,
1564 				   int shardCount, FunctionCallInfo compareFunction, bool includeMax)
1565 {
1566 	int lowerBoundIndex = 0;
1567 	int upperBoundIndex = shardCount;
1569 	Assert(shardCount != 0);
1571 	/* setup partitionColumnValue argument once */
1572 	fcSetArg(compareFunction, 0, partitionColumnValue);
1574 	/*
1575 	 * Now we test partitionColumnValue used in where clause such as
1576 	 * partCol > partitionColumnValue (or partCol >= partitionColumnValue)
1577 	 * against four possibilities, these are:
1578 	 * 1) partitionColumnValue falls into a specific shard, such that:
1579 	 *    partitionColumnValue >= shard[x].min, and
1580 	 *    partitionColumnValue < shard[x].max (or partitionColumnValue <= shard[x].max).
1581 	 * 2) partitionColumnValue < shard[x].min for all the shards
1582 	 * 3) partitionColumnValue > shard[x].max for all the shards
1583 	 * 4) partitionColumnValue falls in between two shards, such that:
1584 	 *    partitionColumnValue > shard[x].max and
1585 	 *    partitionColumnValue < shard[x+1].min
1586 	 *
1587 	 * For 1), we find that shard in below loop using binary search and
1588 	 * return the index of it. For the others, see the end of this function.
1589 	 */
1590 	while (lowerBoundIndex < upperBoundIndex)
1591 	{
1592 		int middleIndex = lowerBoundIndex + ((upperBoundIndex - lowerBoundIndex) / 2);
1594 		/* setup minValue as argument */
1595 		fcSetArg(compareFunction, 1, shardIntervalCache[middleIndex]->minValue);
1597 		/* execute cmp(partitionValue, lowerBound) */
1598 		int minValueComparison = PerformCompare(compareFunction);
1600 		/* and evaluate results */
1601 		if (minValueComparison < 0)
1602 		{
1603 			/* value smaller than entire range */
1604 			upperBoundIndex = middleIndex;
1605 			continue;
1606 		}
1608 		/* setup maxValue as argument */
1609 		fcSetArg(compareFunction, 1, shardIntervalCache[middleIndex]->maxValue);
1611 		/* execute cmp(partitionValue, upperBound) */
1612 		int maxValueComparison = PerformCompare(compareFunction);
1614 		if ((maxValueComparison == 0 && !includeMax) ||
1615 			maxValueComparison > 0)
1616 		{
1617 			/* value bigger than entire range */
1618 			lowerBoundIndex = middleIndex + 1;
1619 			continue;
1620 		}
1622 		/* partitionColumnValue falls into a specific shard, possibility 1) */
1623 		return middleIndex;
1624 	}
1626 	Assert(lowerBoundIndex == upperBoundIndex);
1628 	/*
1629 	 * If we get here, none of the ShardIntervals exactly contain the value
1630 	 * (we'd have hit the return middleIndex; case otherwise). Figure out
1631 	 * whether there's possibly any interval containing a value that's bigger
1632 	 * than the partition key one.
1633 	 *
1634 	 * Also note that we initialized lowerBoundIndex with 0. Similarly,
1635 	 * we always set it to the index of the  shard that we consider as our
1636 	 * lower boundary during binary search.
1637 	 */
1638 	if (lowerBoundIndex == shardCount)
1639 	{
1640 		/*
1641 		 * Since lowerBoundIndex is an inclusive index, being equal to shardCount
1642 		 * means all the shards have smaller values than partitionColumnValue,
1643 		 * which corresponds to possibility 3).
1644 		 * In that case, since we can't have a lower bound shard, we return
1645 		 * INVALID_SHARD_INDEX here.
1646 		 */
1647 		return INVALID_SHARD_INDEX;
1648 	}
1650 	/*
1651 	 * partitionColumnValue is either smaller than all the shards or falls in
1652 	 * between two shards, which corresponds to possibility 2) or 4).
1653 	 * Knowing that lowerBoundIndex is an inclusive index, we directly return
1654 	 * it as the index for the lower bound shard here.
1655 	 */
1656 	return lowerBoundIndex;
1657 }
1660 /*
1661  * UpperShardBoundary returns the index of the last ShardInterval that's <=
1662  * (if includeMin) or < partitionColumnValue.
1663  */
1664 static int
UpperShardBoundary(Datum partitionColumnValue,ShardInterval ** shardIntervalCache,int shardCount,FunctionCallInfo compareFunction,bool includeMin)1665 UpperShardBoundary(Datum partitionColumnValue, ShardInterval **shardIntervalCache,
1666 				   int shardCount, FunctionCallInfo compareFunction, bool includeMin)
1667 {
1668 	int lowerBoundIndex = 0;
1669 	int upperBoundIndex = shardCount;
1671 	Assert(shardCount != 0);
1673 	/* setup partitionColumnValue argument once */
1674 	fcSetArg(compareFunction, 0, partitionColumnValue);
1676 	/*
1677 	 * Now we test partitionColumnValue used in where clause such as
1678 	 * partCol < partitionColumnValue (or partCol <= partitionColumnValue)
1679 	 * against four possibilities, these are:
1680 	 * 1) partitionColumnValue falls into a specific shard, such that:
1681 	 *    partitionColumnValue <= shard[x].max, and
1682 	 *    partitionColumnValue > shard[x].min (or partitionColumnValue >= shard[x].min).
1683 	 * 2) partitionColumnValue > shard[x].max for all the shards
1684 	 * 3) partitionColumnValue < shard[x].min for all the shards
1685 	 * 4) partitionColumnValue falls in between two shards, such that:
1686 	 *    partitionColumnValue > shard[x].max and
1687 	 *    partitionColumnValue < shard[x+1].min
1688 	 *
1689 	 * For 1), we find that shard in below loop using binary search and
1690 	 * return the index of it. For the others, see the end of this function.
1691 	 */
1693 	while (lowerBoundIndex < upperBoundIndex)
1694 	{
1695 		int middleIndex = lowerBoundIndex + ((upperBoundIndex - lowerBoundIndex) / 2);
1697 		/* setup minValue as argument */
1698 		fcSetArg(compareFunction, 1, shardIntervalCache[middleIndex]->minValue);
1700 		/* execute cmp(partitionValue, lowerBound) */
1701 		int minValueComparison = PerformCompare(compareFunction);
1703 		/* and evaluate results */
1704 		if ((minValueComparison == 0 && !includeMin) ||
1705 			minValueComparison < 0)
1706 		{
1707 			/* value smaller than entire range */
1708 			upperBoundIndex = middleIndex;
1709 			continue;
1710 		}
1712 		/* setup maxValue as argument */
1713 		fcSetArg(compareFunction, 1, shardIntervalCache[middleIndex]->maxValue);
1715 		/* execute cmp(partitionValue, upperBound) */
1716 		int maxValueComparison = PerformCompare(compareFunction);
1718 		if (maxValueComparison > 0)
1719 		{
1720 			/* value bigger than entire range */
1721 			lowerBoundIndex = middleIndex + 1;
1722 			continue;
1723 		}
1725 		/* partitionColumnValue falls into a specific shard, possibility 1) */
1726 		return middleIndex;
1727 	}
1729 	Assert(lowerBoundIndex == upperBoundIndex);
1731 	/*
1732 	 * If we get here, none of the ShardIntervals exactly contain the value
1733 	 * (we'd have hit the return middleIndex; case otherwise). Figure out
1734 	 * whether there's possibly any interval containing a value that's smaller
1735 	 * than the partition key one.
1736 	 *
1737 	 * Also note that we initialized upperBoundIndex with shardCount. Similarly,
1738 	 * we always set it to the index of the next shard that we consider as our
1739 	 * upper boundary during binary search.
1740 	 */
1741 	if (upperBoundIndex == 0)
1742 	{
1743 		/*
1744 		 * Since upperBoundIndex is an exclusive index, being equal to 0 means
1745 		 * all the shards have greater values than partitionColumnValue, which
1746 		 * corresponds to possibility 3).
1747 		 * In that case, since we can't have an upper bound shard, we return
1748 		 * INVALID_SHARD_INDEX here.
1749 		 */
1750 		return INVALID_SHARD_INDEX;
1751 	}
1753 	/*
1754 	 * partitionColumnValue is either greater than all the shards or falls in
1755 	 * between two shards, which corresponds to possibility 2) or 4).
1756 	 * Knowing that upperBoundIndex is an exclusive index, we return the index
1757 	 * for the previous shard here.
1758 	 */
1759 	return upperBoundIndex - 1;
1760 }
1763 /*
1764  * PruneWithBoundaries searches for shards that match inequality constraints,
1765  * using binary search on both the upper and lower boundary, and returns a
1766  * list of surviving shards.
1767  */
1768 static List *
PruneWithBoundaries(CitusTableCacheEntry * cacheEntry,ClauseWalkerContext * context,PruningInstance * prune)1769 PruneWithBoundaries(CitusTableCacheEntry *cacheEntry, ClauseWalkerContext *context,
1770 					PruningInstance *prune)
1771 {
1772 	List *remainingShardList = NIL;
1773 	int shardCount = cacheEntry->shardIntervalArrayLength;
1774 	ShardInterval **sortedShardIntervalArray = cacheEntry->sortedShardIntervalArray;
1775 	bool hasLowerBound = false;
1776 	bool hasUpperBound = false;
1777 	Datum lowerBound = 0;
1778 	Datum upperBound = 0;
1779 	bool lowerBoundInclusive = false;
1780 	bool upperBoundInclusive = false;
1781 	int lowerBoundIdx = -1;
1782 	int upperBoundIdx = -1;
1783 	FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall = (FunctionCallInfo) &
1784 										   context->compareIntervalFunctionCall;
1786 	if (prune->greaterEqualConsts)
1787 	{
1788 		lowerBound = prune->greaterEqualConsts->constvalue;
1789 		lowerBoundInclusive = true;
1790 		hasLowerBound = true;
1791 	}
1792 	if (prune->greaterConsts)
1793 	{
1794 		/*
1795 		 * Use the more restrictive one, if both greater and greaterEqual
1796 		 * constraints are specified.
1797 		 */
1798 		if (!hasLowerBound ||
1799 			PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1800 								prune->greaterConsts->constvalue,
1801 								lowerBound) >= 0)
1802 		{
1803 			lowerBound = prune->greaterConsts->constvalue;
1804 			lowerBoundInclusive = false;
1805 			hasLowerBound = true;
1806 		}
1807 	}
1808 	if (prune->lessEqualConsts)
1809 	{
1810 		upperBound = prune->lessEqualConsts->constvalue;
1811 		upperBoundInclusive = true;
1812 		hasUpperBound = true;
1813 	}
1814 	if (prune->lessConsts)
1815 	{
1816 		/*
1817 		 * Use the more restrictive one, if both less and lessEqual
1818 		 * constraints are specified.
1819 		 */
1820 		if (!hasUpperBound ||
1821 			PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1822 								prune->lessConsts->constvalue,
1823 								upperBound) <= 0)
1824 		{
1825 			upperBound = prune->lessConsts->constvalue;
1826 			upperBoundInclusive = false;
1827 			hasUpperBound = true;
1828 		}
1829 	}
1831 	Assert(hasLowerBound || hasUpperBound);
1833 	/* find lower bound */
1834 	if (hasLowerBound)
1835 	{
1836 		lowerBoundIdx = LowerShardBoundary(lowerBound, sortedShardIntervalArray,
1837 										   shardCount, compareFunctionCall,
1838 										   lowerBoundInclusive);
1839 	}
1840 	else
1841 	{
1842 		lowerBoundIdx = 0;
1843 	}
1845 	/* find upper bound */
1846 	if (hasUpperBound)
1847 	{
1848 		upperBoundIdx = UpperShardBoundary(upperBound, sortedShardIntervalArray,
1849 										   shardCount, compareFunctionCall,
1850 										   upperBoundInclusive);
1851 	}
1852 	else
1853 	{
1854 		upperBoundIdx = shardCount - 1;
1855 	}
1857 	if (lowerBoundIdx == INVALID_SHARD_INDEX)
1858 	{
1859 		return NIL;
1860 	}
1861 	else if (upperBoundIdx == INVALID_SHARD_INDEX)
1862 	{
1863 		return NIL;
1864 	}
1866 	/*
1867 	 * Build list of all shards that are in the range of shards (possibly 0).
1868 	 */
1869 	for (int curIdx = lowerBoundIdx; curIdx <= upperBoundIdx; curIdx++)
1870 	{
1871 		remainingShardList = lappend(remainingShardList,
1872 									 sortedShardIntervalArray[curIdx]);
1873 	}
1875 	return remainingShardList;
1876 }
1879 /*
1880  * ExhaustivePrune returns a list of shards matching PruningInstances
1881  * constraints, by simply checking them for each individual shard.
1882  */
1883 static List *
ExhaustivePrune(CitusTableCacheEntry * cacheEntry,ClauseWalkerContext * context,PruningInstance * prune)1884 ExhaustivePrune(CitusTableCacheEntry *cacheEntry, ClauseWalkerContext *context,
1885 				PruningInstance *prune)
1886 {
1887 	List *remainingShardList = NIL;
1888 	int shardCount = cacheEntry->shardIntervalArrayLength;
1889 	ShardInterval **sortedShardIntervalArray = cacheEntry->sortedShardIntervalArray;
1891 	for (int curIdx = 0; curIdx < shardCount; curIdx++)
1892 	{
1893 		ShardInterval *curInterval = sortedShardIntervalArray[curIdx];
1895 		if (!ExhaustivePruneOne(curInterval, context, prune))
1896 		{
1897 			remainingShardList = lappend(remainingShardList, curInterval);
1898 		}
1899 	}
1901 	return remainingShardList;
1902 }
1905 /*
1906  * ExhaustivePruneOne returns whether curInterval is pruned away.
1907  */
1908 static bool
ExhaustivePruneOne(ShardInterval * curInterval,ClauseWalkerContext * context,PruningInstance * prune)1909 ExhaustivePruneOne(ShardInterval *curInterval,
1910 				   ClauseWalkerContext *context,
1911 				   PruningInstance *prune)
1912 {
1913 	FunctionCallInfo compareFunctionCall = (FunctionCallInfo) &
1914 										   context->compareIntervalFunctionCall;
1915 	Datum compareWith = 0;
1917 	/* NULL boundaries can't be compared to */
1918 	if (!curInterval->minValueExists || !curInterval->maxValueExists)
1919 	{
1920 		return false;
1921 	}
1923 	if (prune->equalConsts)
1924 	{
1925 		compareWith = prune->equalConsts->constvalue;
1927 		if (PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1928 								compareWith,
1929 								curInterval->minValue) < 0)
1930 		{
1931 			return true;
1932 		}
1934 		if (PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1935 								compareWith,
1936 								curInterval->maxValue) > 0)
1937 		{
1938 			return true;
1939 		}
1940 	}
1941 	if (prune->greaterEqualConsts)
1942 	{
1943 		compareWith = prune->greaterEqualConsts->constvalue;
1945 		if (PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1946 								curInterval->maxValue,
1947 								compareWith) < 0)
1948 		{
1949 			return true;
1950 		}
1951 	}
1952 	if (prune->greaterConsts)
1953 	{
1954 		compareWith = prune->greaterConsts->constvalue;
1956 		if (PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1957 								curInterval->maxValue,
1958 								compareWith) <= 0)
1959 		{
1960 			return true;
1961 		}
1962 	}
1963 	if (prune->lessEqualConsts)
1964 	{
1965 		compareWith = prune->lessEqualConsts->constvalue;
1967 		if (PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1968 								curInterval->minValue,
1969 								compareWith) > 0)
1970 		{
1971 			return true;
1972 		}
1973 	}
1974 	if (prune->lessConsts)
1975 	{
1976 		compareWith = prune->lessConsts->constvalue;
1978 		if (PerformValueCompare(compareFunctionCall,
1979 								curInterval->minValue,
1980 								compareWith) >= 0)
1981 		{
1982 			return true;
1983 		}
1984 	}
1986 	return false;
1987 }
1990 /*
1991  * Helper for creating a node for pruning tree
1992  */
1993 static PruningTreeNode *
CreatePruningNode(BoolExprType boolop)1994 CreatePruningNode(BoolExprType boolop)
1995 {
1996 	PruningTreeNode *node = palloc0(sizeof(PruningTreeNode));
1997 	node->boolop = boolop;
1998 	node->childBooleanNodes = NIL;
1999 	node->validConstraints = NIL;
2000 	node->hasInvalidConstraints = false;
2001 	return node;
2002 }
2005 /*
2006  * SAORestrictionArrayEqualityOp creates an equality operator
2007  * for a single element of a scalar array constraint.
2008  */
2009 static OpExpr *
SAORestrictionArrayEqualityOp(ScalarArrayOpExpr * arrayOperatorExpression,Var * partitionColumn)2010 SAORestrictionArrayEqualityOp(ScalarArrayOpExpr *arrayOperatorExpression,
2011 							  Var *partitionColumn)
2012 {
2013 	OpExpr *arrayEqualityOp = makeNode(OpExpr);
2014 	arrayEqualityOp->opno = arrayOperatorExpression->opno;
2015 	arrayEqualityOp->opfuncid = arrayOperatorExpression->opfuncid;
2016 	arrayEqualityOp->inputcollid = arrayOperatorExpression->inputcollid;
2017 	arrayEqualityOp->opresulttype = get_func_rettype(
2018 		arrayOperatorExpression->opfuncid);
2019 	arrayEqualityOp->opcollid = partitionColumn->varcollid;
2020 	arrayEqualityOp->location = -1;
2021 	return arrayEqualityOp;
2022 }
2025 /*
2026  * DebugLogNode is a helper for logging expression nodes.
2027  */
2028 static void
DebugLogNode(char * fmt,Node * node,List * deparseCtx)2029 DebugLogNode(char *fmt, Node *node, List *deparseCtx)
2030 {
2031 	if (node != NULL)
2032 	{
2033 		char *deparsed = deparse_expression(node, deparseCtx, false, false);
2034 		ereport(DEBUG3, (errmsg(fmt, deparsed)));
2035 	}
2036 }
2039 /*
2040  * DebugLogPruningInstance is a helper for logging purning constraints.
2041  */
2042 static void
DebugLogPruningInstance(PruningInstance * pruning,List * deparseCtx)2043 DebugLogPruningInstance(PruningInstance *pruning, List *deparseCtx)
2044 {
2045 	DebugLogNode("constraint value: %s",
2046 				 (Node *) pruning->equalConsts, deparseCtx);
2047 	DebugLogNode("constraint (lt) value: %s", \
2048 				 (Node *) pruning->lessConsts, deparseCtx);
2049 	DebugLogNode("constraint (lteq) value: %s", \
2050 				 (Node *) pruning->lessEqualConsts, deparseCtx);
2051 	DebugLogNode("constraint (gt) value: %s", \
2052 				 (Node *) pruning->greaterConsts, deparseCtx);
2053 	DebugLogNode("constraint (gteq) value: %s",
2054 				 (Node *) pruning->greaterEqualConsts, deparseCtx);
2055 }
2058 /*
2059  * ConstraintCount returns how many arguments this node is taking.
2060  */
2061 static int
ConstraintCount(PruningTreeNode * node)2062 ConstraintCount(PruningTreeNode *node)
2063 {
2064 	return list_length(node->childBooleanNodes) +
2065 		   list_length(node->validConstraints) +
2066 		   (node->hasInvalidConstraints ? 1 : 0);
2067 }