1"""Semantic analysis of types"""
3import itertools
4from itertools import chain
5from contextlib import contextmanager
6from mypy.ordered_dict import OrderedDict
8from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Iterator, TypeVar, Iterable, Sequence
9from typing_extensions import Final
10from mypy_extensions import DefaultNamedArg
12from mypy.messages import MessageBuilder, quote_type_string, format_type_bare
13from mypy.options import Options
14from mypy.types import (
15    Type, UnboundType, TypeVarType, TupleType, TypedDictType, UnionType, Instance, AnyType,
16    CallableType, NoneType, ErasedType, DeletedType, TypeList, TypeVarDef, SyntheticTypeVisitor,
17    StarType, PartialType, EllipsisType, UninhabitedType, TypeType, TypeGuardType,
18    CallableArgument, TypeQuery, union_items, TypeOfAny, LiteralType, RawExpressionType,
19    PlaceholderType, Overloaded, get_proper_type, TypeAliasType, TypeVarLikeDef, ParamSpecDef
22from mypy.nodes import (
23    TypeInfo, Context, SymbolTableNode, Var, Expression,
24    get_nongen_builtins, check_arg_names, check_arg_kinds, ARG_POS, ARG_NAMED,
25    ARG_OPT, ARG_NAMED_OPT, ARG_STAR, ARG_STAR2, TypeVarExpr, TypeVarLikeExpr, ParamSpecExpr,
26    TypeAlias, PlaceholderNode, SYMBOL_FUNCBASE_TYPES, Decorator, MypyFile
28from mypy.typetraverser import TypeTraverserVisitor
29from mypy.tvar_scope import TypeVarLikeScope
30from mypy.exprtotype import expr_to_unanalyzed_type, TypeTranslationError
31from mypy.plugin import Plugin, TypeAnalyzerPluginInterface, AnalyzeTypeContext
32from mypy.semanal_shared import SemanticAnalyzerCoreInterface
33from mypy.errorcodes import ErrorCode
34from mypy import nodes, message_registry, errorcodes as codes
36T = TypeVar('T')
38type_constructors = {
39    'typing.Callable',
40    'typing.Optional',
41    'typing.Tuple',
42    'typing.Type',
43    'typing.Union',
44    'typing.Literal',
45    'typing_extensions.Literal',
46    'typing.Annotated',
47    'typing_extensions.Annotated',
48}  # type: Final
51    'mypy_extensions.Arg': ARG_POS,
52    'mypy_extensions.DefaultArg': ARG_OPT,
53    'mypy_extensions.NamedArg': ARG_NAMED,
54    'mypy_extensions.DefaultNamedArg': ARG_NAMED_OPT,
55    'mypy_extensions.VarArg': ARG_STAR,
56    'mypy_extensions.KwArg': ARG_STAR2,
57}  # type: Final
60    'queue.Queue',
61    'builtins._PathLike',
62    'asyncio.futures.Future',
63}  # type: Final
66def analyze_type_alias(node: Expression,
67                       api: SemanticAnalyzerCoreInterface,
68                       tvar_scope: TypeVarLikeScope,
69                       plugin: Plugin,
70                       options: Options,
71                       is_typeshed_stub: bool,
72                       allow_unnormalized: bool = False,
73                       allow_placeholder: bool = False,
74                       in_dynamic_func: bool = False,
75                       global_scope: bool = True) -> Optional[Tuple[Type, Set[str]]]:
76    """Analyze r.h.s. of a (potential) type alias definition.
78    If `node` is valid as a type alias rvalue, return the resulting type and a set of
79    full names of type aliases it depends on (directly or indirectly).
80    Return None otherwise. 'node' must have been semantically analyzed.
81    """
82    try:
83        type = expr_to_unanalyzed_type(node)
84    except TypeTranslationError:
85        api.fail('Invalid type alias: expression is not a valid type', node)
86        return None
87    analyzer = TypeAnalyser(api, tvar_scope, plugin, options, is_typeshed_stub,
88                            allow_unnormalized=allow_unnormalized, defining_alias=True,
89                            allow_placeholder=allow_placeholder)
90    analyzer.in_dynamic_func = in_dynamic_func
91    analyzer.global_scope = global_scope
92    res = type.accept(analyzer)
93    return res, analyzer.aliases_used
96def no_subscript_builtin_alias(name: str, propose_alt: bool = True) -> str:
97    msg = '"{}" is not subscriptable'.format(name.split('.')[-1])
98    # This should never be called if the python_version is 3.9 or newer
99    nongen_builtins = get_nongen_builtins((3, 8))
100    replacement = nongen_builtins[name]
101    if replacement and propose_alt:
102        msg += ', use "{}" instead'.format(replacement)
103    return msg
106class TypeAnalyser(SyntheticTypeVisitor[Type], TypeAnalyzerPluginInterface):
107    """Semantic analyzer for types.
109    Converts unbound types into bound types. This is a no-op for already
110    bound types.
112    If an incomplete reference is encountered, this does a defer. The
113    caller never needs to defer.
114    """
116    # Is this called from an untyped function definition?
117    in_dynamic_func = False  # type: bool
118    # Is this called from global scope?
119    global_scope = True  # type: bool
121    def __init__(self,
122                 api: SemanticAnalyzerCoreInterface,
123                 tvar_scope: TypeVarLikeScope,
124                 plugin: Plugin,
125                 options: Options,
126                 is_typeshed_stub: bool, *,
127                 defining_alias: bool = False,
128                 allow_tuple_literal: bool = False,
129                 allow_unnormalized: bool = False,
130                 allow_unbound_tvars: bool = False,
131                 allow_placeholder: bool = False,
132                 report_invalid_types: bool = True) -> None:
133        self.api = api
134        self.lookup_qualified = api.lookup_qualified
135        self.lookup_fqn_func = api.lookup_fully_qualified
136        self.fail_func = api.fail
137        self.note_func = api.note
138        self.tvar_scope = tvar_scope
139        # Are we analysing a type alias definition rvalue?
140        self.defining_alias = defining_alias
141        self.allow_tuple_literal = allow_tuple_literal
142        # Positive if we are analyzing arguments of another (outer) type
143        self.nesting_level = 0
144        # Should we allow unnormalized types like `list[int]`
145        # (currently allowed in stubs)?
146        self.allow_unnormalized = allow_unnormalized
147        # Should we accept unbound type variables (always OK in aliases)?
148        self.allow_unbound_tvars = allow_unbound_tvars or defining_alias
149        # If false, record incomplete ref if we generate PlaceholderType.
150        self.allow_placeholder = allow_placeholder
151        # Should we report an error whenever we encounter a RawExpressionType outside
152        # of a Literal context: e.g. whenever we encounter an invalid type? Normally,
153        # we want to report an error, but the caller may want to do more specialized
154        # error handling.
155        self.report_invalid_types = report_invalid_types
156        self.plugin = plugin
157        self.options = options
158        self.is_typeshed_stub = is_typeshed_stub
159        # Names of type aliases encountered while analysing a type will be collected here.
160        self.aliases_used = set()  # type: Set[str]
162    def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType, defining_literal: bool = False) -> Type:
163        typ = self.visit_unbound_type_nonoptional(t, defining_literal)
164        if t.optional:
165            # We don't need to worry about double-wrapping Optionals or
166            # wrapping Anys: Union simplification will take care of that.
167            return make_optional_type(typ)
168        return typ
170    def visit_unbound_type_nonoptional(self, t: UnboundType, defining_literal: bool) -> Type:
171        sym = self.lookup_qualified(t.name, t)
172        if sym is not None:
173            node = sym.node
174            if isinstance(node, PlaceholderNode):
175                if node.becomes_typeinfo:
176                    # Reference to placeholder type.
177                    if self.api.final_iteration:
178                        self.cannot_resolve_type(t)
179                        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
180                    elif self.allow_placeholder:
181                        self.api.defer()
182                    else:
183                        self.api.record_incomplete_ref()
184                    return PlaceholderType(node.fullname, self.anal_array(t.args), t.line)
185                else:
186                    if self.api.final_iteration:
187                        self.cannot_resolve_type(t)
188                        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
189                    else:
190                        # Reference to an unknown placeholder node.
191                        self.api.record_incomplete_ref()
192                        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
193            if node is None:
194                self.fail('Internal error (node is None, kind={})'.format(sym.kind), t)
195                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
196            fullname = node.fullname
197            hook = self.plugin.get_type_analyze_hook(fullname)
198            if hook is not None:
199                return hook(AnalyzeTypeContext(t, t, self))
200            if (fullname in get_nongen_builtins(self.options.python_version)
201                    and t.args and
202                    not self.allow_unnormalized and
203                    not self.api.is_future_flag_set("annotations")):
204                self.fail(no_subscript_builtin_alias(fullname,
205                                                     propose_alt=not self.defining_alias), t)
206            tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym)
207            if isinstance(sym.node, ParamSpecExpr):
208                if tvar_def is None:
209                    self.fail('ParamSpec "{}" is unbound'.format(t.name), t)
210                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
211                self.fail('Invalid location for ParamSpec "{}"'.format(t.name), t)
212                self.note(
213                    'You can use ParamSpec as the first argument to Callable, e.g., '
214                    "'Callable[{}, int]'".format(t.name),
215                    t
216                )
217                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
218            if isinstance(sym.node, TypeVarExpr) and tvar_def is not None and self.defining_alias:
219                self.fail('Can\'t use bound type variable "{}"'
220                          ' to define generic alias'.format(t.name), t)
221                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
222            if isinstance(sym.node, TypeVarExpr) and tvar_def is not None:
223                assert isinstance(tvar_def, TypeVarDef)
224                if len(t.args) > 0:
225                    self.fail('Type variable "{}" used with arguments'.format(t.name), t)
226                return TypeVarType(tvar_def, t.line)
227            special = self.try_analyze_special_unbound_type(t, fullname)
228            if special is not None:
229                return special
230            if isinstance(node, TypeAlias):
231                self.aliases_used.add(fullname)
232                an_args = self.anal_array(t.args)
233                disallow_any = self.options.disallow_any_generics and not self.is_typeshed_stub
234                res = expand_type_alias(node, an_args, self.fail, node.no_args, t,
235                                        unexpanded_type=t,
236                                        disallow_any=disallow_any)
237                # The only case where expand_type_alias() can return an incorrect instance is
238                # when it is top-level instance, so no need to recurse.
239                if (isinstance(res, Instance) and  # type: ignore[misc]
240                        len(res.args) != len(res.type.type_vars) and
241                        not self.defining_alias):
242                    fix_instance(
243                        res,
244                        self.fail,
245                        self.note,
246                        disallow_any=disallow_any,
247                        python_version=self.options.python_version,
248                        use_generic_error=True,
249                        unexpanded_type=t)
250                if node.eager:
251                    # TODO: Generate error if recursive (once we have recursive types)
252                    res = get_proper_type(res)
253                return res
254            elif isinstance(node, TypeInfo):
255                return self.analyze_type_with_type_info(node, t.args, t)
256            else:
257                return self.analyze_unbound_type_without_type_info(t, sym, defining_literal)
258        else:  # sym is None
259            return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
261    def cannot_resolve_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> None:
262        # TODO: Move error message generation to messages.py. We'd first
263        #       need access to MessageBuilder here. Also move the similar
264        #       message generation logic in semanal.py.
265        self.api.fail(
266            'Cannot resolve name "{}" (possible cyclic definition)'.format(t.name),
267            t)
269    def try_analyze_special_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType, fullname: str) -> Optional[Type]:
270        """Bind special type that is recognized through magic name such as 'typing.Any'.
272        Return the bound type if successful, and return None if the type is a normal type.
273        """
274        if fullname == 'builtins.None':
275            return NoneType()
276        elif fullname == 'typing.Any' or fullname == 'builtins.Any':
277            return AnyType(TypeOfAny.explicit)
278        elif fullname in ('typing.Final', 'typing_extensions.Final'):
279            self.fail("Final can be only used as an outermost qualifier"
280                      " in a variable annotation", t)
281            return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
282        elif (fullname == 'typing.Tuple' or
283             (fullname == 'builtins.tuple' and (self.options.python_version >= (3, 9) or
284                                                self.api.is_future_flag_set('annotations')))):
285            # Tuple is special because it is involved in builtin import cycle
286            # and may be not ready when used.
287            sym = self.api.lookup_fully_qualified_or_none('builtins.tuple')
288            if not sym or isinstance(sym.node, PlaceholderNode):
289                if self.api.is_incomplete_namespace('builtins'):
290                    self.api.record_incomplete_ref()
291                else:
292                    self.fail('Name "tuple" is not defined', t)
293                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
294            if len(t.args) == 0 and not t.empty_tuple_index:
295                # Bare 'Tuple' is same as 'tuple'
296                any_type = self.get_omitted_any(t)
297                return self.named_type('builtins.tuple', [any_type],
298                                       line=t.line, column=t.column)
299            if len(t.args) == 2 and isinstance(t.args[1], EllipsisType):
300                # Tuple[T, ...] (uniform, variable-length tuple)
301                instance = self.named_type('builtins.tuple', [self.anal_type(t.args[0])])
302                instance.line = t.line
303                return instance
304            return self.tuple_type(self.anal_array(t.args))
305        elif fullname == 'typing.Union':
306            items = self.anal_array(t.args)
307            return UnionType.make_union(items)
308        elif fullname == 'typing.Optional':
309            if len(t.args) != 1:
310                self.fail('Optional[...] must have exactly one type argument', t)
311                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
312            item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
313            return make_optional_type(item)
314        elif fullname == 'typing.Callable':
315            return self.analyze_callable_type(t)
316        elif (fullname == 'typing.Type' or
317             (fullname == 'builtins.type' and (self.options.python_version >= (3, 9) or
318                                               self.api.is_future_flag_set('annotations')))):
319            if len(t.args) == 0:
320                if fullname == 'typing.Type':
321                    any_type = self.get_omitted_any(t)
322                    return TypeType(any_type, line=t.line, column=t.column)
323                else:
324                    # To prevent assignment of 'builtins.type' inferred as 'builtins.object'
325                    # See https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/9476 for more information
326                    return None
327            type_str = 'Type[...]' if fullname == 'typing.Type' else 'type[...]'
328            if len(t.args) != 1:
329                self.fail(type_str + ' must have exactly one type argument', t)
330            item = self.anal_type(t.args[0])
331            return TypeType.make_normalized(item, line=t.line)
332        elif fullname == 'typing.ClassVar':
333            if self.nesting_level > 0:
334                self.fail('Invalid type: ClassVar nested inside other type', t)
335            if len(t.args) == 0:
336                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics, line=t.line, column=t.column)
337            if len(t.args) != 1:
338                self.fail('ClassVar[...] must have at most one type argument', t)
339                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
340            return self.anal_type(t.args[0])
341        elif fullname in ('mypy_extensions.NoReturn', 'typing.NoReturn'):
342            return UninhabitedType(is_noreturn=True)
343        elif fullname in ('typing_extensions.Literal', 'typing.Literal'):
344            return self.analyze_literal_type(t)
345        elif fullname in ('typing_extensions.Annotated', 'typing.Annotated'):
346            if len(t.args) < 2:
347                self.fail("Annotated[...] must have exactly one type argument"
348                          " and at least one annotation", t)
349                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
350            return self.anal_type(t.args[0])
351        elif self.anal_type_guard_arg(t, fullname) is not None:
352            # In most contexts, TypeGuard[...] acts as an alias for bool (ignoring its args)
353            return self.named_type('builtins.bool')
354        return None
356    def get_omitted_any(self, typ: Type, fullname: Optional[str] = None) -> AnyType:
357        disallow_any = not self.is_typeshed_stub and self.options.disallow_any_generics
358        return get_omitted_any(disallow_any, self.fail, self.note, typ,
359                               self.options.python_version, fullname)
361    def analyze_type_with_type_info(
362            self, info: TypeInfo, args: Sequence[Type], ctx: Context) -> Type:
363        """Bind unbound type when were able to find target TypeInfo.
365        This handles simple cases like 'int', 'modname.UserClass[str]', etc.
366        """
368        if len(args) > 0 and info.fullname == 'builtins.tuple':
369            fallback = Instance(info, [AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)], ctx.line)
370            return TupleType(self.anal_array(args), fallback, ctx.line)
371        # Analyze arguments and (usually) construct Instance type. The
372        # number of type arguments and their values are
373        # checked only later, since we do not always know the
374        # valid count at this point. Thus we may construct an
375        # Instance with an invalid number of type arguments.
376        instance = Instance(info, self.anal_array(args), ctx.line, ctx.column)
377        # Check type argument count.
378        if len(instance.args) != len(info.type_vars) and not self.defining_alias:
379            fix_instance(instance, self.fail, self.note,
380                         disallow_any=self.options.disallow_any_generics and
381                         not self.is_typeshed_stub,
382                         python_version=self.options.python_version)
384        tup = info.tuple_type
385        if tup is not None:
386            # The class has a Tuple[...] base class so it will be
387            # represented as a tuple type.
388            if args:
389                self.fail('Generic tuple types not supported', ctx)
390                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
391            return tup.copy_modified(items=self.anal_array(tup.items),
392                                     fallback=instance)
393        td = info.typeddict_type
394        if td is not None:
395            # The class has a TypedDict[...] base class so it will be
396            # represented as a typeddict type.
397            if args:
398                self.fail('Generic TypedDict types not supported', ctx)
399                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
400            # Create a named TypedDictType
401            return td.copy_modified(item_types=self.anal_array(list(td.items.values())),
402                                    fallback=instance)
403        return instance
405    def analyze_unbound_type_without_type_info(self, t: UnboundType, sym: SymbolTableNode,
406                                               defining_literal: bool) -> Type:
407        """Figure out what an unbound type that doesn't refer to a TypeInfo node means.
409        This is something unusual. We try our best to find out what it is.
410        """
411        name = sym.fullname
412        if name is None:
413            assert sym.node is not None
414            name = sym.node.name
415        # Option 1:
416        # Something with an Any type -- make it an alias for Any in a type
417        # context. This is slightly problematic as it allows using the type 'Any'
418        # as a base class -- however, this will fail soon at runtime so the problem
419        # is pretty minor.
420        if isinstance(sym.node, Var):
421            typ = get_proper_type(sym.node.type)
422            if isinstance(typ, AnyType):
423                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_unimported_type,
424                               missing_import_name=typ.missing_import_name)
425        # Option 2:
426        # Unbound type variable. Currently these may be still valid,
427        # for example when defining a generic type alias.
428        unbound_tvar = (isinstance(sym.node, TypeVarExpr) and
429                        self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym) is None)
430        if self.allow_unbound_tvars and unbound_tvar:
431            return t
433        # Option 3:
434        # Enum value. Note: we only want to return a LiteralType when
435        # we're using this enum value specifically within context of
436        # a "Literal[...]" type. So, if `defining_literal` is not set,
437        # we bail out early with an error.
438        #
439        # If, in the distant future, we decide to permit things like
440        # `def foo(x: Color.RED) -> None: ...`, we can remove that
441        # check entirely.
442        if isinstance(sym.node, Var) and sym.node.info and sym.node.info.is_enum:
443            value = sym.node.name
444            base_enum_short_name = sym.node.info.name
445            if not defining_literal:
446                msg = message_registry.INVALID_TYPE_RAW_ENUM_VALUE.format(
447                    base_enum_short_name, value)
448                self.fail(msg, t)
449                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
450            return LiteralType(
451                value=value,
452                fallback=Instance(sym.node.info, [], line=t.line, column=t.column),
453                line=t.line,
454                column=t.column,
455            )
457        # None of the above options worked. We parse the args (if there are any)
458        # to make sure there are no remaining semanal-only types, then give up.
459        t = t.copy_modified(args=self.anal_array(t.args))
460        # TODO: Move this message building logic to messages.py.
461        notes = []  # type: List[str]
462        if isinstance(sym.node, Var):
463            notes.append('See https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/'
464                         'stable/common_issues.html#variables-vs-type-aliases')
465            message = 'Variable "{}" is not valid as a type'
466        elif isinstance(sym.node, (SYMBOL_FUNCBASE_TYPES, Decorator)):
467            message = 'Function "{}" is not valid as a type'
468            notes.append('Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?')
469        elif isinstance(sym.node, MypyFile):
470            # TODO: suggest a protocol when supported.
471            message = 'Module "{}" is not valid as a type'
472        elif unbound_tvar:
473            message = 'Type variable "{}" is unbound'
474            short = name.split('.')[-1]
475            notes.append(('(Hint: Use "Generic[{}]" or "Protocol[{}]" base class'
476                          ' to bind "{}" inside a class)').format(short, short, short))
477            notes.append('(Hint: Use "{}" in function signature to bind "{}"'
478                         ' inside a function)'.format(short, short))
479        else:
480            message = 'Cannot interpret reference "{}" as a type'
481        self.fail(message.format(name), t, code=codes.VALID_TYPE)
482        for note in notes:
483            self.note(note, t, code=codes.VALID_TYPE)
485        # TODO: Would it be better to always return Any instead of UnboundType
486        # in case of an error? On one hand, UnboundType has a name so error messages
487        # are more detailed, on the other hand, some of them may be bogus,
488        # see https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4987.
489        return t
491    def visit_any(self, t: AnyType) -> Type:
492        return t
494    def visit_none_type(self, t: NoneType) -> Type:
495        return t
497    def visit_uninhabited_type(self, t: UninhabitedType) -> Type:
498        return t
500    def visit_erased_type(self, t: ErasedType) -> Type:
501        # This type should exist only temporarily during type inference
502        assert False, "Internal error: Unexpected erased type"
504    def visit_deleted_type(self, t: DeletedType) -> Type:
505        return t
507    def visit_type_list(self, t: TypeList) -> Type:
508        self.fail('Bracketed expression "[...]" is not valid as a type', t)
509        self.note('Did you mean "List[...]"?', t)
510        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
512    def visit_callable_argument(self, t: CallableArgument) -> Type:
513        self.fail('Invalid type', t)
514        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
516    def visit_instance(self, t: Instance) -> Type:
517        return t
519    def visit_type_alias_type(self, t: TypeAliasType) -> Type:
520        # TODO: should we do something here?
521        return t
523    def visit_type_var(self, t: TypeVarType) -> Type:
524        return t
526    def visit_callable_type(self, t: CallableType, nested: bool = True) -> Type:
527        # Every Callable can bind its own type variables, if they're not in the outer scope
528        with self.tvar_scope_frame():
529            if self.defining_alias:
530                variables = t.variables
531            else:
532                variables = self.bind_function_type_variables(t, t)
533            special = self.anal_type_guard(t.ret_type)
534            ret = t.copy_modified(arg_types=self.anal_array(t.arg_types, nested=nested),
535                                  ret_type=self.anal_type(t.ret_type, nested=nested),
536                                  # If the fallback isn't filled in yet,
537                                  # its type will be the falsey FakeInfo
538                                  fallback=(t.fallback if t.fallback.type
539                                            else self.named_type('builtins.function')),
540                                  variables=self.anal_var_defs(variables),
541                                  type_guard=special,
542                                  )
543        return ret
545    def visit_type_guard_type(self, t: TypeGuardType) -> Type:
546        return t
548    def anal_type_guard(self, t: Type) -> Optional[Type]:
549        if isinstance(t, UnboundType):
550            sym = self.lookup_qualified(t.name, t)
551            if sym is not None and sym.node is not None:
552                return self.anal_type_guard_arg(t, sym.node.fullname)
553        # TODO: What if it's an Instance? Then use t.type.fullname?
554        return None
556    def anal_type_guard_arg(self, t: UnboundType, fullname: str) -> Optional[Type]:
557        if fullname in ('typing_extensions.TypeGuard', 'typing.TypeGuard'):
558            if len(t.args) != 1:
559                self.fail("TypeGuard must have exactly one type argument", t)
560                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
561            return self.anal_type(t.args[0])
562        return None
564    def visit_overloaded(self, t: Overloaded) -> Type:
565        # Overloaded types are manually constructed in semanal.py by analyzing the
566        # AST and combining together the Callable types this visitor converts.
567        #
568        # So if we're ever asked to reanalyze an Overloaded type, we know it's
569        # fine to just return it as-is.
570        return t
572    def visit_tuple_type(self, t: TupleType) -> Type:
573        # Types such as (t1, t2, ...) only allowed in assignment statements. They'll
574        # generate errors elsewhere, and Tuple[t1, t2, ...] must be used instead.
575        if t.implicit and not self.allow_tuple_literal:
576            self.fail('Syntax error in type annotation', t, code=codes.SYNTAX)
577            if len(t.items) == 0:
578                self.note('Suggestion: Use Tuple[()] instead of () for an empty tuple, or '
579                'None for a function without a return value', t, code=codes.SYNTAX)
580            elif len(t.items) == 1:
581                self.note('Suggestion: Is there a spurious trailing comma?', t, code=codes.SYNTAX)
582            else:
583                self.note('Suggestion: Use Tuple[T1, ..., Tn] instead of (T1, ..., Tn)', t,
584                          code=codes.SYNTAX)
585            return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
586        star_count = sum(1 for item in t.items if isinstance(item, StarType))
587        if star_count > 1:
588            self.fail('At most one star type allowed in a tuple', t)
589            if t.implicit:
590                return TupleType([AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) for _ in t.items],
591                                 self.named_type('builtins.tuple'),
592                                 t.line)
593            else:
594                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
595        any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
596        # If the fallback isn't filled in yet, its type will be the falsey FakeInfo
597        fallback = (t.partial_fallback if t.partial_fallback.type
598                    else self.named_type('builtins.tuple', [any_type]))
599        return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.items), fallback, t.line)
601    def visit_typeddict_type(self, t: TypedDictType) -> Type:
602        items = OrderedDict([
603            (item_name, self.anal_type(item_type))
604            for (item_name, item_type) in t.items.items()
605        ])
606        return TypedDictType(items, set(t.required_keys), t.fallback)
608    def visit_raw_expression_type(self, t: RawExpressionType) -> Type:
609        # We should never see a bare Literal. We synthesize these raw literals
610        # in the earlier stages of semantic analysis, but those
611        # "fake literals" should always be wrapped in an UnboundType
612        # corresponding to 'Literal'.
613        #
614        # Note: if at some point in the distant future, we decide to
615        # make signatures like "foo(x: 20) -> None" legal, we can change
616        # this method so it generates and returns an actual LiteralType
617        # instead.
619        if self.report_invalid_types:
620            if t.base_type_name in ('builtins.int', 'builtins.bool'):
621                # The only time it makes sense to use an int or bool is inside of
622                # a literal type.
623                msg = "Invalid type: try using Literal[{}] instead?".format(repr(t.literal_value))
624            elif t.base_type_name in ('builtins.float', 'builtins.complex'):
625                # We special-case warnings for floats and complex numbers.
626                msg = "Invalid type: {} literals cannot be used as a type".format(t.simple_name())
627            else:
628                # And in all other cases, we default to a generic error message.
629                # Note: the reason why we use a generic error message for strings
630                # but not ints or bools is because whenever we see an out-of-place
631                # string, it's unclear if the user meant to construct a literal type
632                # or just misspelled a regular type. So we avoid guessing.
633                msg = 'Invalid type comment or annotation'
635            self.fail(msg, t, code=codes.VALID_TYPE)
636            if t.note is not None:
637                self.note(t.note, t, code=codes.VALID_TYPE)
639        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error, line=t.line, column=t.column)
641    def visit_literal_type(self, t: LiteralType) -> Type:
642        return t
644    def visit_star_type(self, t: StarType) -> Type:
645        return StarType(self.anal_type(t.type), t.line)
647    def visit_union_type(self, t: UnionType) -> Type:
648        if (t.uses_pep604_syntax is True
649                and t.is_evaluated is True
650                and self.api.is_stub_file is False
651                and self.options.python_version < (3, 10)
652                and self.api.is_future_flag_set('annotations') is False):
653            self.fail("X | Y syntax for unions requires Python 3.10", t)
654        return UnionType(self.anal_array(t.items), t.line)
656    def visit_partial_type(self, t: PartialType) -> Type:
657        assert False, "Internal error: Unexpected partial type"
659    def visit_ellipsis_type(self, t: EllipsisType) -> Type:
660        self.fail('Unexpected "..."', t)
661        return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
663    def visit_type_type(self, t: TypeType) -> Type:
664        return TypeType.make_normalized(self.anal_type(t.item), line=t.line)
666    def visit_placeholder_type(self, t: PlaceholderType) -> Type:
667        n = None if t.fullname is None else self.api.lookup_fully_qualified(t.fullname)
668        if not n or isinstance(n.node, PlaceholderNode):
669            self.api.defer()  # Still incomplete
670            return t
671        else:
672            # TODO: Handle non-TypeInfo
673            assert isinstance(n.node, TypeInfo)
674            return self.analyze_type_with_type_info(n.node, t.args, t)
676    def analyze_callable_args_for_paramspec(
677        self,
678        callable_args: Type,
679        ret_type: Type,
680        fallback: Instance,
681    ) -> Optional[CallableType]:
682        """Construct a 'Callable[P, RET]', where P is ParamSpec, return None if we cannot."""
683        if not isinstance(callable_args, UnboundType):
684            return None
685        sym = self.lookup_qualified(callable_args.name, callable_args)
686        if sym is None:
687            return None
688        tvar_def = self.tvar_scope.get_binding(sym)
689        if not isinstance(tvar_def, ParamSpecDef):
690            return None
692        # TODO(shantanu): construct correct type for paramspec
693        return CallableType(
694            [AnyType(TypeOfAny.explicit), AnyType(TypeOfAny.explicit)],
695            [nodes.ARG_STAR, nodes.ARG_STAR2],
696            [None, None],
697            ret_type=ret_type,
698            fallback=fallback,
699            is_ellipsis_args=True
700        )
702    def analyze_callable_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
703        fallback = self.named_type('builtins.function')
704        if len(t.args) == 0:
705            # Callable (bare). Treat as Callable[..., Any].
706            any_type = self.get_omitted_any(t)
707            ret = CallableType([any_type, any_type],
708                               [nodes.ARG_STAR, nodes.ARG_STAR2],
709                               [None, None],
710                               ret_type=any_type,
711                               fallback=fallback,
712                               is_ellipsis_args=True)
713        elif len(t.args) == 2:
714            callable_args = t.args[0]
715            ret_type = t.args[1]
716            if isinstance(callable_args, TypeList):
717                # Callable[[ARG, ...], RET] (ordinary callable type)
718                analyzed_args = self.analyze_callable_args(callable_args)
719                if analyzed_args is None:
720                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
721                args, kinds, names = analyzed_args
722                ret = CallableType(args,
723                                   kinds,
724                                   names,
725                                   ret_type=ret_type,
726                                   fallback=fallback)
727            elif isinstance(callable_args, EllipsisType):
728                # Callable[..., RET] (with literal ellipsis; accept arbitrary arguments)
729                ret = CallableType([AnyType(TypeOfAny.explicit),
730                                    AnyType(TypeOfAny.explicit)],
731                                   [nodes.ARG_STAR, nodes.ARG_STAR2],
732                                   [None, None],
733                                   ret_type=ret_type,
734                                   fallback=fallback,
735                                   is_ellipsis_args=True)
736            else:
737                # Callable[P, RET] (where P is ParamSpec)
738                maybe_ret = self.analyze_callable_args_for_paramspec(
739                    callable_args,
740                    ret_type,
741                    fallback
742                )
743                if maybe_ret is None:
744                    # Callable[?, RET] (where ? is something invalid)
745                    # TODO(shantanu): change error to mention paramspec, once we actually have some
746                    # support for it
747                    self.fail('The first argument to Callable must be a list of types or "..."', t)
748                    return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
749                ret = maybe_ret
750        else:
751            self.fail('Please use "Callable[[<parameters>], <return type>]" or "Callable"', t)
752            return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
753        assert isinstance(ret, CallableType)
754        return ret.accept(self)
756    def analyze_callable_args(self, arglist: TypeList) -> Optional[Tuple[List[Type],
757                                                                         List[int],
758                                                                         List[Optional[str]]]]:
759        args = []   # type: List[Type]
760        kinds = []  # type: List[int]
761        names = []  # type: List[Optional[str]]
762        for arg in arglist.items:
763            if isinstance(arg, CallableArgument):
764                args.append(arg.typ)
765                names.append(arg.name)
766                if arg.constructor is None:
767                    return None
768                found = self.lookup_qualified(arg.constructor, arg)
769                if found is None:
770                    # Looking it up already put an error message in
771                    return None
772                elif found.fullname not in ARG_KINDS_BY_CONSTRUCTOR:
773                    self.fail('Invalid argument constructor "{}"'.format(
774                        found.fullname), arg)
775                    return None
776                else:
777                    assert found.fullname is not None
778                    kind = ARG_KINDS_BY_CONSTRUCTOR[found.fullname]
779                    kinds.append(kind)
780                    if arg.name is not None and kind in {ARG_STAR, ARG_STAR2}:
781                        self.fail("{} arguments should not have names".format(
782                            arg.constructor), arg)
783                        return None
784            else:
785                args.append(arg)
786                kinds.append(ARG_POS)
787                names.append(None)
788        # Note that arglist below is only used for error context.
789        check_arg_names(names, [arglist] * len(args), self.fail, "Callable")
790        check_arg_kinds(kinds, [arglist] * len(args), self.fail)
791        return args, kinds, names
793    def analyze_literal_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
794        if len(t.args) == 0:
795            self.fail('Literal[...] must have at least one parameter', t)
796            return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
798        output = []  # type: List[Type]
799        for i, arg in enumerate(t.args):
800            analyzed_types = self.analyze_literal_param(i + 1, arg, t)
801            if analyzed_types is None:
802                return AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error)
803            else:
804                output.extend(analyzed_types)
805        return UnionType.make_union(output, line=t.line)
807    def analyze_literal_param(self, idx: int, arg: Type, ctx: Context) -> Optional[List[Type]]:
808        # This UnboundType was originally defined as a string.
809        if isinstance(arg, UnboundType) and arg.original_str_expr is not None:
810            assert arg.original_str_fallback is not None
811            return [LiteralType(
812                value=arg.original_str_expr,
813                fallback=self.named_type_with_normalized_str(arg.original_str_fallback),
814                line=arg.line,
815                column=arg.column,
816            )]
818        # If arg is an UnboundType that was *not* originally defined as
819        # a string, try expanding it in case it's a type alias or something.
820        if isinstance(arg, UnboundType):
821            self.nesting_level += 1
822            try:
823                arg = self.visit_unbound_type(arg, defining_literal=True)
824            finally:
825                self.nesting_level -= 1
827        # Literal[...] cannot contain Any. Give up and add an error message
828        # (if we haven't already).
829        arg = get_proper_type(arg)
830        if isinstance(arg, AnyType):
831            # Note: We can encounter Literals containing 'Any' under three circumstances:
832            #
833            # 1. If the user attempts use an explicit Any as a parameter
834            # 2. If the user is trying to use an enum value imported from a module with
835            #    no type hints, giving it an an implicit type of 'Any'
836            # 3. If there's some other underlying problem with the parameter.
837            #
838            # We report an error in only the first two cases. In the third case, we assume
839            # some other region of the code has already reported a more relevant error.
840            #
841            # TODO: Once we start adding support for enums, make sure we report a custom
842            # error for case 2 as well.
843            if arg.type_of_any not in (TypeOfAny.from_error, TypeOfAny.special_form):
844                self.fail('Parameter {} of Literal[...] cannot be of type "Any"'.format(idx), ctx)
845            return None
846        elif isinstance(arg, RawExpressionType):
847            # A raw literal. Convert it directly into a literal if we can.
848            if arg.literal_value is None:
849                name = arg.simple_name()
850                if name in ('float', 'complex'):
851                    msg = 'Parameter {} of Literal[...] cannot be of type "{}"'.format(idx, name)
852                else:
853                    msg = 'Invalid type: Literal[...] cannot contain arbitrary expressions'
854                self.fail(msg, ctx)
855                # Note: we deliberately ignore arg.note here: the extra info might normally be
856                # helpful, but it generally won't make sense in the context of a Literal[...].
857                return None
859            # Remap bytes and unicode into the appropriate type for the correct Python version
860            fallback = self.named_type_with_normalized_str(arg.base_type_name)
861            assert isinstance(fallback, Instance)
862            return [LiteralType(arg.literal_value, fallback, line=arg.line, column=arg.column)]
863        elif isinstance(arg, (NoneType, LiteralType)):
864            # Types that we can just add directly to the literal/potential union of literals.
865            return [arg]
866        elif isinstance(arg, Instance) and arg.last_known_value is not None:
867            # Types generated from declarations like "var: Final = 4".
868            return [arg.last_known_value]
869        elif isinstance(arg, UnionType):
870            out = []
871            for union_arg in arg.items:
872                union_result = self.analyze_literal_param(idx, union_arg, ctx)
873                if union_result is None:
874                    return None
875                out.extend(union_result)
876            return out
877        else:
878            self.fail('Parameter {} of Literal[...] is invalid'.format(idx), ctx)
879            return None
881    def analyze_type(self, t: Type) -> Type:
882        return t.accept(self)
884    def fail(self, msg: str, ctx: Context, *, code: Optional[ErrorCode] = None) -> None:
885        self.fail_func(msg, ctx, code=code)
887    def note(self, msg: str, ctx: Context, *, code: Optional[ErrorCode] = None) -> None:
888        self.note_func(msg, ctx, code=code)
890    @contextmanager
891    def tvar_scope_frame(self) -> Iterator[None]:
892        old_scope = self.tvar_scope
893        self.tvar_scope = self.tvar_scope.method_frame()
894        yield
895        self.tvar_scope = old_scope
897    def infer_type_variables(self,
898                             type: CallableType) -> List[Tuple[str, TypeVarLikeExpr]]:
899        """Return list of unique type variables referred to in a callable."""
900        names = []  # type: List[str]
901        tvars = []  # type: List[TypeVarLikeExpr]
902        for arg in type.arg_types:
903            for name, tvar_expr in arg.accept(
904                TypeVarLikeQuery(self.lookup_qualified, self.tvar_scope)
905            ):
906                if name not in names:
907                    names.append(name)
908                    tvars.append(tvar_expr)
909        # When finding type variables in the return type of a function, don't
910        # look inside Callable types.  Type variables only appearing in
911        # functions in the return type belong to those functions, not the
912        # function we're currently analyzing.
913        for name, tvar_expr in type.ret_type.accept(
914            TypeVarLikeQuery(self.lookup_qualified, self.tvar_scope, include_callables=False)
915        ):
916            if name not in names:
917                names.append(name)
918                tvars.append(tvar_expr)
919        return list(zip(names, tvars))
921    def bind_function_type_variables(
922        self, fun_type: CallableType, defn: Context
923    ) -> Sequence[TypeVarLikeDef]:
924        """Find the type variables of the function type and bind them in our tvar_scope"""
925        if fun_type.variables:
926            for var in fun_type.variables:
927                var_node = self.lookup_qualified(var.name, defn)
928                assert var_node, "Binding for function type variable not found within function"
929                var_expr = var_node.node
930                assert isinstance(var_expr, TypeVarLikeExpr)
931                self.tvar_scope.bind_new(var.name, var_expr)
932            return fun_type.variables
933        typevars = self.infer_type_variables(fun_type)
934        # Do not define a new type variable if already defined in scope.
935        typevars = [(name, tvar) for name, tvar in typevars
936                    if not self.is_defined_type_var(name, defn)]
937        defs = []  # type: List[TypeVarLikeDef]
938        for name, tvar in typevars:
939            if not self.tvar_scope.allow_binding(tvar.fullname):
940                self.fail('Type variable "{}" is bound by an outer class'.format(name), defn)
941            self.tvar_scope.bind_new(name, tvar)
942            binding = self.tvar_scope.get_binding(tvar.fullname)
943            assert binding is not None
944            defs.append(binding)
946        return defs
948    def is_defined_type_var(self, tvar: str, context: Context) -> bool:
949        tvar_node = self.lookup_qualified(tvar, context)
950        if not tvar_node:
951            return False
952        return self.tvar_scope.get_binding(tvar_node) is not None
954    def anal_array(self, a: Iterable[Type], nested: bool = True) -> List[Type]:
955        res = []  # type: List[Type]
956        for t in a:
957            res.append(self.anal_type(t, nested))
958        return res
960    def anal_type(self, t: Type, nested: bool = True) -> Type:
961        if nested:
962            self.nesting_level += 1
963        try:
964            return t.accept(self)
965        finally:
966            if nested:
967                self.nesting_level -= 1
969    def anal_var_def(self, var_def: TypeVarLikeDef) -> TypeVarLikeDef:
970        if isinstance(var_def, TypeVarDef):
971            return TypeVarDef(
972                var_def.name,
973                var_def.fullname,
974                var_def.id.raw_id,
975                self.anal_array(var_def.values),
976                var_def.upper_bound.accept(self),
977                var_def.variance,
978                var_def.line
979            )
980        else:
981            return var_def
983    def anal_var_defs(self, var_defs: Sequence[TypeVarLikeDef]) -> List[TypeVarLikeDef]:
984        return [self.anal_var_def(vd) for vd in var_defs]
986    def named_type_with_normalized_str(self, fully_qualified_name: str) -> Instance:
987        """Does almost the same thing as `named_type`, except that we immediately
988        unalias `builtins.bytes` and `builtins.unicode` to `builtins.str` as appropriate.
989        """
990        python_version = self.options.python_version
991        if python_version[0] == 2 and fully_qualified_name == 'builtins.bytes':
992            fully_qualified_name = 'builtins.str'
993        if python_version[0] >= 3 and fully_qualified_name == 'builtins.unicode':
994            fully_qualified_name = 'builtins.str'
995        return self.named_type(fully_qualified_name)
997    def named_type(self, fully_qualified_name: str,
998                   args: Optional[List[Type]] = None,
999                   line: int = -1,
1000                   column: int = -1) -> Instance:
1001        node = self.lookup_fqn_func(fully_qualified_name)
1002        assert isinstance(node.node, TypeInfo)
1003        any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
1004        return Instance(node.node, args or [any_type] * len(node.node.defn.type_vars),
1005                        line=line, column=column)
1007    def tuple_type(self, items: List[Type]) -> TupleType:
1008        any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.special_form)
1009        return TupleType(items, fallback=self.named_type('builtins.tuple', [any_type]))
1012TypeVarLikeList = List[Tuple[str, TypeVarLikeExpr]]
1014# Mypyc doesn't support callback protocols yet.
1015MsgCallback = Callable[[str, Context, DefaultNamedArg(Optional[ErrorCode], 'code')], None]
1018def get_omitted_any(disallow_any: bool, fail: MsgCallback, note: MsgCallback,
1019                    orig_type: Type, python_version: Tuple[int, int],
1020                    fullname: Optional[str] = None,
1021                    unexpanded_type: Optional[Type] = None) -> AnyType:
1022    if disallow_any:
1023        nongen_builtins = get_nongen_builtins(python_version)
1024        if fullname in nongen_builtins:
1025            typ = orig_type
1026            # We use a dedicated error message for builtin generics (as the most common case).
1027            alternative = nongen_builtins[fullname]
1028            fail(message_registry.IMPLICIT_GENERIC_ANY_BUILTIN.format(alternative), typ,
1029                 code=codes.TYPE_ARG)
1030        else:
1031            typ = unexpanded_type or orig_type
1032            type_str = typ.name if isinstance(typ, UnboundType) else format_type_bare(typ)
1034            fail(
1035                message_registry.BARE_GENERIC.format(quote_type_string(type_str)),
1036                typ,
1037                code=codes.TYPE_ARG)
1038            base_type = get_proper_type(orig_type)
1039            base_fullname = (
1040                base_type.type.fullname if isinstance(base_type, Instance) else fullname
1041            )
1042            # Ideally, we'd check whether the type is quoted or `from __future__ annotations`
1043            # is set before issuing this note
1044            if python_version < (3, 9) and base_fullname in GENERIC_STUB_NOT_AT_RUNTIME_TYPES:
1045                # Recommend `from __future__ import annotations` or to put type in quotes
1046                # (string literal escaping) for classes not generic at runtime
1047                note(
1048                    "Subscripting classes that are not generic at runtime may require "
1049                    "escaping, see https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/runtime_troubles.html"
1050                    "#not-generic-runtime",
1051                    typ,
1052                    code=codes.TYPE_ARG)
1054        any_type = AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error, line=typ.line, column=typ.column)
1055    else:
1056        any_type = AnyType(
1057            TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics, line=orig_type.line, column=orig_type.column
1058        )
1059    return any_type
1062def fix_instance(t: Instance, fail: MsgCallback, note: MsgCallback,
1063                 disallow_any: bool, python_version: Tuple[int, int],
1064                 use_generic_error: bool = False,
1065                 unexpanded_type: Optional[Type] = None,) -> None:
1066    """Fix a malformed instance by replacing all type arguments with Any.
1068    Also emit a suitable error if this is not due to implicit Any's.
1069    """
1070    if len(t.args) == 0:
1071        if use_generic_error:
1072            fullname = None  # type: Optional[str]
1073        else:
1074            fullname = t.type.fullname
1075        any_type = get_omitted_any(disallow_any, fail, note, t, python_version, fullname,
1076                                   unexpanded_type)
1077        t.args = (any_type,) * len(t.type.type_vars)
1078        return
1079    # Invalid number of type parameters.
1080    n = len(t.type.type_vars)
1081    s = '{} type arguments'.format(n)
1082    if n == 0:
1083        s = 'no type arguments'
1084    elif n == 1:
1085        s = '1 type argument'
1086    act = str(len(t.args))
1087    if act == '0':
1088        act = 'none'
1089    fail('"{}" expects {}, but {} given'.format(
1090        t.type.name, s, act), t, code=codes.TYPE_ARG)
1091    # Construct the correct number of type arguments, as
1092    # otherwise the type checker may crash as it expects
1093    # things to be right.
1094    t.args = tuple(AnyType(TypeOfAny.from_error) for _ in t.type.type_vars)
1095    t.invalid = True
1098def expand_type_alias(node: TypeAlias, args: List[Type],
1099                      fail: MsgCallback, no_args: bool, ctx: Context, *,
1100                      unexpanded_type: Optional[Type] = None,
1101                      disallow_any: bool = False) -> Type:
1102    """Expand a (generic) type alias target following the rules outlined in TypeAlias docstring.
1104    Here:
1105        target: original target type (contains unbound type variables)
1106        alias_tvars: type variable names
1107        args: types to be substituted in place of type variables
1108        fail: error reporter callback
1109        no_args: whether original definition used a bare generic `A = List`
1110        ctx: context where expansion happens
1111    """
1112    exp_len = len(node.alias_tvars)
1113    act_len = len(args)
1114    if exp_len > 0 and act_len == 0:
1115        # Interpret bare Alias same as normal generic, i.e., Alias[Any, Any, ...]
1116        return set_any_tvars(node, ctx.line, ctx.column,
1117                             disallow_any=disallow_any, fail=fail,
1118                             unexpanded_type=unexpanded_type)
1119    if exp_len == 0 and act_len == 0:
1120        if no_args:
1121            assert isinstance(node.target, Instance)  # type: ignore[misc]
1122            # Note: this is the only case where we use an eager expansion. See more info about
1123            # no_args aliases like L = List in the docstring for TypeAlias class.
1124            return Instance(node.target.type, [], line=ctx.line, column=ctx.column)
1125        return TypeAliasType(node, [], line=ctx.line, column=ctx.column)
1126    if (exp_len == 0 and act_len > 0
1127            and isinstance(node.target, Instance)  # type: ignore[misc]
1128            and no_args):
1129        tp = Instance(node.target.type, args)
1130        tp.line = ctx.line
1131        tp.column = ctx.column
1132        return tp
1133    if act_len != exp_len:
1134        fail('Bad number of arguments for type alias, expected: %s, given: %s'
1135             % (exp_len, act_len), ctx)
1136        return set_any_tvars(node, ctx.line, ctx.column, from_error=True)
1137    typ = TypeAliasType(node, args, ctx.line, ctx.column)
1138    assert typ.alias is not None
1139    # HACK: Implement FlexibleAlias[T, typ] by expanding it to typ here.
1140    if (isinstance(typ.alias.target, Instance)  # type: ignore
1141            and typ.alias.target.type.fullname == 'mypy_extensions.FlexibleAlias'):
1142        exp = get_proper_type(typ)
1143        assert isinstance(exp, Instance)
1144        return exp.args[-1]
1145    return typ
1148def set_any_tvars(node: TypeAlias,
1149                  newline: int, newcolumn: int, *,
1150                  from_error: bool = False,
1151                  disallow_any: bool = False,
1152                  fail: Optional[MsgCallback] = None,
1153                  unexpanded_type: Optional[Type] = None) -> Type:
1154    if from_error or disallow_any:
1155        type_of_any = TypeOfAny.from_error
1156    else:
1157        type_of_any = TypeOfAny.from_omitted_generics
1158    if disallow_any:
1159        assert fail is not None
1160        otype = unexpanded_type or node.target
1161        type_str = otype.name if isinstance(otype, UnboundType) else format_type_bare(otype)
1163        fail(message_registry.BARE_GENERIC.format(quote_type_string(type_str)),
1164             Context(newline, newcolumn), code=codes.TYPE_ARG)
1165    any_type = AnyType(type_of_any, line=newline, column=newcolumn)
1166    return TypeAliasType(node, [any_type] * len(node.alias_tvars), newline, newcolumn)
1169def remove_dups(tvars: Iterable[T]) -> List[T]:
1170    # Get unique elements in order of appearance
1171    all_tvars = set()  # type: Set[T]
1172    new_tvars = []  # type: List[T]
1173    for t in tvars:
1174        if t not in all_tvars:
1175            new_tvars.append(t)
1176            all_tvars.add(t)
1177    return new_tvars
1180def flatten_tvars(ll: Iterable[List[T]]) -> List[T]:
1181    return remove_dups(chain.from_iterable(ll))
1184class TypeVarLikeQuery(TypeQuery[TypeVarLikeList]):
1186    def __init__(self,
1187                 lookup: Callable[[str, Context], Optional[SymbolTableNode]],
1188                 scope: 'TypeVarLikeScope',
1189                 *,
1190                 include_callables: bool = True,
1191                 include_bound_tvars: bool = False) -> None:
1192        self.include_callables = include_callables
1193        self.lookup = lookup
1194        self.scope = scope
1195        self.include_bound_tvars = include_bound_tvars
1196        super().__init__(flatten_tvars)
1198    def _seems_like_callable(self, type: UnboundType) -> bool:
1199        if not type.args:
1200            return False
1201        if isinstance(type.args[0], (EllipsisType, TypeList)):
1202            return True
1203        return False
1205    def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> TypeVarLikeList:
1206        name = t.name
1207        node = self.lookup(name, t)
1208        if node and isinstance(node.node, TypeVarLikeExpr) and (
1209                self.include_bound_tvars or self.scope.get_binding(node) is None):
1210            assert isinstance(node.node, TypeVarLikeExpr)
1211            return [(name, node.node)]
1212        elif not self.include_callables and self._seems_like_callable(t):
1213            return []
1214        elif node and node.fullname in ('typing_extensions.Literal', 'typing.Literal'):
1215            return []
1216        else:
1217            return super().visit_unbound_type(t)
1219    def visit_callable_type(self, t: CallableType) -> TypeVarLikeList:
1220        if self.include_callables:
1221            return super().visit_callable_type(t)
1222        else:
1223            return []
1226def check_for_explicit_any(typ: Optional[Type],
1227                           options: Options,
1228                           is_typeshed_stub: bool,
1229                           msg: MessageBuilder,
1230                           context: Context) -> None:
1231    if (options.disallow_any_explicit and
1232            not is_typeshed_stub and
1233            typ and
1234            has_explicit_any(typ)):
1235        msg.explicit_any(context)
1238def has_explicit_any(t: Type) -> bool:
1239    """
1240    Whether this type is or type it contains is an Any coming from explicit type annotation
1241    """
1242    return t.accept(HasExplicitAny())
1245class HasExplicitAny(TypeQuery[bool]):
1246    def __init__(self) -> None:
1247        super().__init__(any)
1249    def visit_any(self, t: AnyType) -> bool:
1250        return t.type_of_any == TypeOfAny.explicit
1252    def visit_typeddict_type(self, t: TypedDictType) -> bool:
1253        # typeddict is checked during TypedDict declaration, so don't typecheck it here.
1254        return False
1257def has_any_from_unimported_type(t: Type) -> bool:
1258    """Return true if this type is Any because an import was not followed.
1260    If type t is such Any type or has type arguments that contain such Any type
1261    this function will return true.
1262    """
1263    return t.accept(HasAnyFromUnimportedType())
1266class HasAnyFromUnimportedType(TypeQuery[bool]):
1267    def __init__(self) -> None:
1268        super().__init__(any)
1270    def visit_any(self, t: AnyType) -> bool:
1271        return t.type_of_any == TypeOfAny.from_unimported_type
1273    def visit_typeddict_type(self, t: TypedDictType) -> bool:
1274        # typeddict is checked during TypedDict declaration, so don't typecheck it here
1275        return False
1278def collect_any_types(t: Type) -> List[AnyType]:
1279    """Return all inner `AnyType`s of type t"""
1280    return t.accept(CollectAnyTypesQuery())
1283class CollectAnyTypesQuery(TypeQuery[List[AnyType]]):
1284    def __init__(self) -> None:
1285        super().__init__(self.combine_lists_strategy)
1287    def visit_any(self, t: AnyType) -> List[AnyType]:
1288        return [t]
1290    @classmethod
1291    def combine_lists_strategy(cls, it: Iterable[List[AnyType]]) -> List[AnyType]:
1292        result = []  # type: List[AnyType]
1293        for l in it:
1294            result.extend(l)
1295        return result
1298def collect_all_inner_types(t: Type) -> List[Type]:
1299    """
1300    Return all types that `t` contains
1301    """
1302    return t.accept(CollectAllInnerTypesQuery())
1305class CollectAllInnerTypesQuery(TypeQuery[List[Type]]):
1306    def __init__(self) -> None:
1307        super().__init__(self.combine_lists_strategy)
1309    def query_types(self, types: Iterable[Type]) -> List[Type]:
1310        return self.strategy([t.accept(self) for t in types]) + list(types)
1312    @classmethod
1313    def combine_lists_strategy(cls, it: Iterable[List[Type]]) -> List[Type]:
1314        return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(it))
1317def make_optional_type(t: Type) -> Type:
1318    """Return the type corresponding to Optional[t].
1320    Note that we can't use normal union simplification, since this function
1321    is called during semantic analysis and simplification only works during
1322    type checking.
1323    """
1324    t = get_proper_type(t)
1325    if isinstance(t, NoneType):
1326        return t
1327    elif isinstance(t, UnionType):
1328        items = [item for item in union_items(t)
1329                 if not isinstance(item, NoneType)]
1330        return UnionType(items + [NoneType()], t.line, t.column)
1331    else:
1332        return UnionType([t, NoneType()], t.line, t.column)
1335def fix_instance_types(t: Type, fail: MsgCallback, note: MsgCallback,
1336                       python_version: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
1337    """Recursively fix all instance types (type argument count) in a given type.
1339    For example 'Union[Dict, List[str, int]]' will be transformed into
1340    'Union[Dict[Any, Any], List[Any]]' in place.
1341    """
1342    t.accept(InstanceFixer(fail, note, python_version))
1345class InstanceFixer(TypeTraverserVisitor):
1346    def __init__(
1347        self, fail: MsgCallback, note: MsgCallback, python_version: Tuple[int, int]
1348    ) -> None:
1349        self.fail = fail
1350        self.note = note
1351        self.python_version = python_version
1353    def visit_instance(self, typ: Instance) -> None:
1354        super().visit_instance(typ)
1355        if len(typ.args) != len(typ.type.type_vars):
1356            fix_instance(typ, self.fail, self.note, disallow_any=False,
1357                         python_version=self.python_version, use_generic_error=True)