2  * --------------------------------------
3  *
4  * This file is part of liblcf. Copyright (c) 2021 liblcf authors.
5  * https://github.com/EasyRPG/liblcf - https://easyrpg.org
6  *
7  * liblcf is Free/Libre Open Source Software, released under the MIT License.
8  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
9  * file that was distributed with this source code.
10  */
12 #ifndef LCF_RPG_ITEM_H
13 #define LCF_RPG_ITEM_H
15 // Headers
16 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include <vector>
18 #include "lcf/dbbitarray.h"
19 #include "lcf/dbstring.h"
20 #include "lcf/enum_tags.h"
21 #include "lcf/rpg/battleranimationitemskill.h"
22 #include "lcf/context.h"
23 #include <ostream>
24 #include <type_traits>
26 /**
27  * rpg::Item class.
28  */
29 namespace lcf {
30 namespace rpg {
31 	class Item {
32 	public:
33 		// Sentinel name used to denote that the default item start message should be used.
34 		static constexpr const char* kDefaultMessage = "default_message";
36 		enum Type {
37 			Type_normal = 0,
38 			Type_weapon = 1,
39 			Type_shield = 2,
40 			Type_armor = 3,
41 			Type_helmet = 4,
42 			Type_accessory = 5,
43 			Type_medicine = 6,
44 			Type_book = 7,
45 			Type_material = 8,
46 			Type_special = 9,
47 			Type_switch = 10
48 		};
49 		static constexpr auto kTypeTags = lcf::makeEnumTags<Type>(
50 			"normal",
51 			"weapon",
52 			"shield",
53 			"armor",
54 			"helmet",
55 			"accessory",
56 			"medicine",
57 			"book",
58 			"material",
59 			"special",
60 			"switch"
61 		);
62 		enum Trajectory {
63 			Trajectory_straight = 0,
64 			Trajectory_return = 1
65 		};
66 		static constexpr auto kTrajectoryTags = lcf::makeEnumTags<Trajectory>(
67 			"straight",
68 			"return"
69 		);
70 		enum Target {
71 			Target_single = 0,
72 			Target_center = 1,
73 			Target_simultaneous = 2,
74 			Target_sequential = 3
75 		};
76 		static constexpr auto kTargetTags = lcf::makeEnumTags<Target>(
77 			"single",
78 			"center",
79 			"simultaneous",
80 			"sequential"
81 		);
83 		int ID = 0;
84 		DBString name;
85 		DBString description;
86 		int32_t type = 0;
87 		int32_t price = 0;
88 		int32_t uses = 1;
89 		int32_t atk_points1 = 0;
90 		int32_t def_points1 = 0;
91 		int32_t spi_points1 = 0;
92 		int32_t agi_points1 = 0;
93 		bool two_handed = false;
94 		int32_t sp_cost = 0;
95 		int32_t hit = 90;
96 		int32_t critical_hit = 0;
97 		int32_t animation_id = 1;
98 		bool preemptive = false;
99 		bool dual_attack = false;
100 		bool attack_all = false;
101 		bool ignore_evasion = false;
102 		bool prevent_critical = false;
103 		bool raise_evasion = false;
104 		bool half_sp_cost = false;
105 		bool no_terrain_damage = false;
106 		bool cursed = false;
107 		bool entire_party = false;
108 		int32_t recover_hp_rate = 0;
109 		int32_t recover_hp = 0;
110 		int32_t recover_sp_rate = 0;
111 		int32_t recover_sp = 0;
112 		bool occasion_field1 = false;
113 		bool ko_only = false;
114 		int32_t max_hp_points = 0;
115 		int32_t max_sp_points = 0;
116 		int32_t atk_points2 = 0;
117 		int32_t def_points2 = 0;
118 		int32_t spi_points2 = 0;
119 		int32_t agi_points2 = 0;
120 		int32_t using_message = 0;
121 		int32_t skill_id = 1;
122 		int32_t switch_id = 1;
123 		bool occasion_field2 = true;
124 		bool occasion_battle = false;
125 		DBBitArray actor_set;
126 		DBBitArray state_set;
127 		DBBitArray attribute_set;
128 		int32_t state_chance = 0;
129 		bool reverse_state_effect = false;
130 		int32_t weapon_animation = -1;
131 		std::vector<BattlerAnimationItemSkill> animation_data;
132 		bool use_skill = false;
133 		DBBitArray class_set;
134 		int32_t ranged_trajectory = 0;
135 		int32_t ranged_target = 0;
136 		DBString easyrpg_using_message = DBString(kDefaultMessage);
137 		int32_t easyrpg_max_count = -1;
138 	};
139 	inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Item::Type code) {
140 		os << static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<decltype(code)>>(code);
141 		return os;
142 	}
143 	inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Item::Trajectory code) {
144 		os << static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<decltype(code)>>(code);
145 		return os;
146 	}
147 	inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Item::Target code) {
148 		os << static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<decltype(code)>>(code);
149 		return os;
150 	}
152 	inline bool operator==(const Item& l, const Item& r) {
153 		return l.name == r.name
154 		&& l.description == r.description
155 		&& l.type == r.type
156 		&& l.price == r.price
157 		&& l.uses == r.uses
158 		&& l.atk_points1 == r.atk_points1
159 		&& l.def_points1 == r.def_points1
160 		&& l.spi_points1 == r.spi_points1
161 		&& l.agi_points1 == r.agi_points1
162 		&& l.two_handed == r.two_handed
163 		&& l.sp_cost == r.sp_cost
164 		&& l.hit == r.hit
165 		&& l.critical_hit == r.critical_hit
166 		&& l.animation_id == r.animation_id
167 		&& l.preemptive == r.preemptive
168 		&& l.dual_attack == r.dual_attack
169 		&& l.attack_all == r.attack_all
170 		&& l.ignore_evasion == r.ignore_evasion
171 		&& l.prevent_critical == r.prevent_critical
172 		&& l.raise_evasion == r.raise_evasion
173 		&& l.half_sp_cost == r.half_sp_cost
174 		&& l.no_terrain_damage == r.no_terrain_damage
175 		&& l.cursed == r.cursed
176 		&& l.entire_party == r.entire_party
177 		&& l.recover_hp_rate == r.recover_hp_rate
178 		&& l.recover_hp == r.recover_hp
179 		&& l.recover_sp_rate == r.recover_sp_rate
180 		&& l.recover_sp == r.recover_sp
181 		&& l.occasion_field1 == r.occasion_field1
182 		&& l.ko_only == r.ko_only
183 		&& l.max_hp_points == r.max_hp_points
184 		&& l.max_sp_points == r.max_sp_points
185 		&& l.atk_points2 == r.atk_points2
186 		&& l.def_points2 == r.def_points2
187 		&& l.spi_points2 == r.spi_points2
188 		&& l.agi_points2 == r.agi_points2
189 		&& l.using_message == r.using_message
190 		&& l.skill_id == r.skill_id
191 		&& l.switch_id == r.switch_id
192 		&& l.occasion_field2 == r.occasion_field2
193 		&& l.occasion_battle == r.occasion_battle
194 		&& l.actor_set == r.actor_set
195 		&& l.state_set == r.state_set
196 		&& l.attribute_set == r.attribute_set
197 		&& l.state_chance == r.state_chance
198 		&& l.reverse_state_effect == r.reverse_state_effect
199 		&& l.weapon_animation == r.weapon_animation
200 		&& l.animation_data == r.animation_data
201 		&& l.use_skill == r.use_skill
202 		&& l.class_set == r.class_set
203 		&& l.ranged_trajectory == r.ranged_trajectory
204 		&& l.ranged_target == r.ranged_target
205 		&& l.easyrpg_using_message == r.easyrpg_using_message
206 		&& l.easyrpg_max_count == r.easyrpg_max_count;
207 	}
209 	inline bool operator!=(const Item& l, const Item& r) {
210 		return !(l == r);
211 	}
213 	std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Item& obj);
215 	template <typename F, typename ParentCtx = Context<void,void>>
216 	void ForEachString(Item& obj, const F& f, const ParentCtx* parent_ctx = nullptr) {
217 		const auto ctx1 = Context<Item, ParentCtx>{ "name", -1, &obj, parent_ctx };
218 		f(obj.name, ctx1);
219 		const auto ctx2 = Context<Item, ParentCtx>{ "description", -1, &obj, parent_ctx };
220 		f(obj.description, ctx2);
221 		const auto ctx53 = Context<Item, ParentCtx>{ "easyrpg_using_message", -1, &obj, parent_ctx };
222 		f(obj.easyrpg_using_message, ctx53);
223 		(void)obj;
224 		(void)f;
225 		(void)parent_ctx;
226 	}
228 } // namespace rpg
229 } // namespace lcf
231 #endif