1 /***************************************************************************
2                           main.h  -  description
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : Tue Sep 19 2000
5     copyright            : (C) 2000 by Michael Bridak
6     email                : michael.bridak@verizon.net
7 $Id: main.h,v 1.11 2003/07/18 03:50:00 mbridak Exp $
8  ***************************************************************************/
10 /***************************************************************************
12     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
15      .
17  ***************************************************************************/
19 #ifndef MAIN_H
20 #define MAIN_H
22 #ifndef VERSION
23 #define VERSION 1.4
24 #endif
26 #include "helicopter.h"
28 // delay between game loops
29 #define GAME_DELAY 10
30 #define MAP_FACTOR 20
31 #define MAX_MAP_SCALE 500
33 #define PERISCOPE_DEPTH 50
34 #define MAX_SUBS 20
36 #define DEFAULT_SEA_STATE 3
37 #define SHIP_HEIGHT 100
40 /** Our main program and control loop
41   *@author Michael Bridak
42   */
43 // Some defs for easy living.
44 #define		SONAR	1
45 #define		NAVMAP	2
46 #define		TMA	3
47 #define		QUIT	4
48 #define		COMPRESSTIME	5
49 #define		UNCOMPRESSTIME	6
50 #define		INCREASESPEED	7
51 #define		DECREASESPEED	8
52 #define		DUMPSCREEN	9
53 #define		TURNPORT	10
54 #define		TURNSTARBOARD	11
55 #define		INCREASEDEPTH	12
56 #define		DECREASEDEPTH	13
59 #define		CENTERDISPLAY	16
60 #define		EXTENDARRAY	17
61 #define		RETRACTARRAY	18
62 #define		STOPWINCH	19
63 #define		PAUSEGAME	20
64 #define		SHIPCONTROL 21
65 #define		SCROLLMAPUP	22
66 #define		SCROLLMAPDOWN	23
67 #define		SCROLLMAPLEFT	24
68 #define		SCROLLMAPRIGHT	25
71 #define		UPPERCRTBUTTON	28
72 #define		LOWERCRTBUTTON	29
73 #define		ASSIGNTRACKER 30
74 #define		TRACKER1 31
75 #define		TRACKER2 32
76 #define		TRACKER3 33
77 #define		TRACKER4 34
78 #define		ESM 35
79 #define		RADAR 36
81 // Radar Event Updates
82 #define		TOGGLER10	37
83 #define		TOGGLER20	38
84 #define		TOGGLER30	39
85 #define		TOGGLER40	40
86 #define		TOGGLER50	41
87 #define		TOGGLER60	42
88 #define		RADARDOWN	43
89 #define		RADARUP		44
90 #define		RING0	        45
91 #define		RING5	        46
92 #define		RING10   	47
93 #define		RING15  	48
94 #define		RING20  	49
95 #define		RING25  	50
97 // Esm Event Updates
98 #define		ESMDOWN		51
99 #define		ESMUP		52
101 // Control Station Updates
102 #define		ASTOP	        53
103 #define		A13	        54
104 #define		A23      	55
105 #define		ASTD     	56
106 #define		AFULL    	57
107 #define		AFLK            58
108 #define		B13     	59
109 #define		B23      	60
110 #define		BSTD     	61
111 #define		BEMER      	62
112 #define		DESIGNATECONTACT	63
113 #define 	SWITCHTARGET 64
114 #define 	WEAPONS 65
115 #define		LOAD_TORPEDO 66
116 #define		LOAD_NOISEMAKER 67
117 #define		UNLOAD_TUBE 68
118 #define		FIRE_TUBE 69
119 #define		WHICHTUBE 70
120 #define		USE_TUBE 71
121 #define		CUTARRAY 72
122 #define         SEND_PING 73
123 #define         UP_THERMAL 74
124 #define         HOLD_DEPTH 75
125 #define         DOWN_THERMAL 76
126 #define		GO_PERISCOPE_DEPTH 77
127 #define		GO_SURFACE 78
130 //globals
132 // int	ships = 19; // why does ships equal 19, isn't this set in CreateShips?
133 float	flowandambientnoise;
134 SDL_Surface	*screen=NULL; //The screen we are goin to be looking at
135 SDL_Surface	*towedarrayscreen=NULL; //scratch blit surface
137 // rdm
138 SDL_Surface	*radarscreen=NULL; //scratch blit surface
139 SDL_Surface	*esmscreen=NULL; //scratch blit surface
140 SDL_Surface *controlscreen=NULL;
144 SDL_Surface	*tempscreen=NULL; //scratch screen
145 SDL_Surface	*sonarbuttonup=NULL; //button element
146 SDL_Surface	*sonarbuttondown=NULL; //button element
147 SDL_Surface	*navbuttonup=NULL; //button element
148 SDL_Surface	*navbuttondown=NULL; //button element
149 SDL_Surface	*tmabuttonup=NULL; //button element
150 SDL_Surface	*tmabuttondown=NULL; //button element
151 SDL_Surface	*shipcontrolbuttonup=NULL;//button element
152 SDL_Surface	*shipcontrolbuttondown=NULL;//button element
153 SDL_Surface	*esmbuttonup=NULL;//button element
154 SDL_Surface	*esmbuttondown=NULL;//button element
155 SDL_Surface	*radarbuttonup=NULL;//button element
156 SDL_Surface	*radarbuttondown=NULL;//button element
157 SDL_Surface	*quitbuttonup=NULL; //button element
158 SDL_Surface	*quitbuttondown=NULL; //button element
159 SDL_Surface	*plusbuttonup=NULL; //button element
160 SDL_Surface	*plusbuttondown=NULL; //button element
161 SDL_Surface	*centerbuttonup=NULL; //button element
162 SDL_Surface	*centerbuttondown=NULL; //button element
163 SDL_Surface	*leftbuttonup=NULL; //button element
164 SDL_Surface	*leftbuttondown=NULL; //button element
165 SDL_Surface	*rightbuttonup=NULL; //button element
166 SDL_Surface	*rightbuttondown=NULL; //button element
167 SDL_Surface	*upbuttonup=NULL; //button element
168 SDL_Surface	*upbuttondown=NULL; //button element
169 SDL_Surface	*downbuttonup=NULL; //button element
170 SDL_Surface	*downbuttondown=NULL; //button element
171 SDL_Surface	*minusbuttonup=NULL; //button element
172 SDL_Surface	*minusbuttondown=NULL; //button element
173 SDL_Surface	*ncscale=NULL;
174 SDL_Surface	*scscale=NULL;
175 SDL_Surface	*truerel[2]={NULL, NULL};
176 SDL_Surface	*sphertowed[2]={NULL, NULL};
177 SDL_Surface	*tb16winchon=NULL;
178 SDL_Surface	*tb16winchoff=NULL;
179 SDL_Surface	*extendtb16[2]={NULL, NULL};
180 SDL_Surface	*retracttb16[2]={NULL, NULL};
181 SDL_Surface	*uppercrtoff=NULL;
182 SDL_Surface	*uppercrton=NULL;
183 SDL_Surface	*lowercrtoff=NULL;
184 SDL_Surface	*lowercrton=NULL;
185 SDL_Surface	*assigntrackerwidget[2]={NULL, NULL};
186 SDL_Surface	*tracker1[2]={NULL, NULL};
187 SDL_Surface	*tracker2[2]={NULL, NULL};
188 SDL_Surface	*tracker3[2]={NULL, NULL};
189 SDL_Surface	*tracker4[2]={NULL, NULL};
190 SDL_Surface	*noisemaker_image = NULL;
191 SDL_Surface	*torpedo_image = NULL;
194 //a mutex so we don't crash and burn
195 //when accessing the same globals
196 //in a callback function.
197 SDL_mutex *tmamutex;
199 SDL_Rect destination_rectangle; //rectangle structure for blitting
201 DFont fnt(const char*, const char *);
202 DFont fnt2(const char*, const char *);
204 int tube_action = 0;    // what are we doing with a torpedo tube
205 int tube_to_use = -1;   // the tube to perform this action on
207 int drawsonar; //flags for UpdateDisplay()
208 int drawmap; //flags for UpdateDisplay()
209 int drawtma; //flags for UpdateDisplay()
210 //rdm
211 int drawweapons;  // display weapons screen
212 int drawradar; //flags for UpdateDisplay()
213 int drawesm; //flags for UpdateDisplay()
214 int drawcontrol; //flags for UpdateDisplay
216 int mapscale = 25;
217 int mapcenter = 1;   // by default, center the map on our ship
218 int timecompression;
219 int sonarwidget, navwidget, quitwidget, tmawidget; //button pressed flags
220 int shipcontrolwidget, esmwidget, radarwidget; //shouldn't these be bools?
221 Uint32 textcolor, black, white, red, green, yellow, grey, mapcolor;//Place to hold color info
222 Uint32 dark_green, dark_red, brown, dark_grey;
223 bool show_spherical_traces = true, northcenter = true, pause_game = false;
224 bool assigntracker = false;
225 Submarine *current_target = NULL;
226 int update_weapons_screen = TRUE;
227 int my_mission_status;
228 int should_update_everything = TRUE;
230 GameClock Clock;
231 // Submarine Subs[MAX_SUBS]; //Somewhere to put our little floating buddies.
232 Submarine *Subs = NULL;   // all subs, ships
233 Submarine *player = NULL;
234 Contact Contacts[MAX_SUBS]; //Workable contacts.
235 Submarine *torpedoes;   // a linked-list of torpedoes
236 Helicopter *helicopters;  // a linked-list of helicopters
237 TowedArray TB16;
238 TargetMotionAnalysis Tma;
239 msg Message;
240 AnBqq5 SonarStation(Subs, TB16, Tma, Message);
243 Radar RadarStation(Subs);
244 Esm EsmStation(Subs);
245 Control ControlStation(Subs);
248 //Danger  I don't know what I'm doing here
249 struct position {
250 	float lat;
251 	float lon;
252 };
253 std::list<position> SubPosLog;  //STL incompetence DANGER!
254 //End Danger
257 //declarations
258 void	SetupScreen(bool);
259 void	CreateShips(int mission_number, MAP *map);
260 void	UpdateSensors(void);
261 void	UpdateDisplay(void);
262 void	TakeCommands(void);
263 double	RelativeBearing(Submarine *observer, Submarine *target);
264 int	ReciprocalBearing(int bearing);
265 double	AngleOnBow(Submarine *observer, Submarine *target);
266 int	maximize360 ( int course );
267 int	minimize360 ( int course );
268 double	CalculateRange(Submarine *observer, Submarine *target);
269 void	LatLonDifference(Submarine *observer, Submarine *target, double *platdif, double *plondif);
270 void	PositionCursor(int, int);
271 void	ClearScreen(void);
272 void    Display_Target(void);
273 void	DrawMap(void);
274 void    Draw_Depth_Meter(Submarine *my_sub, int which_screen);
275 /*
276 void	DrawPixel(SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, Uint32 Color);
277 void	DrawLine(SDL_Surface *screen, int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, Uint32 Color);
278 void	DrawArc(SDL_Surface *screen, int X1, int Y1, int Radius, int Theta1, int Theta2, Uint32 Color);
279 void	DrawCircle(SDL_Surface *screen, int X1, int Y1, int Radius, Uint32 Color);
280 void	DrawDiamond(SDL_Surface *screen, int X1, int Y1, int Size, char Direction, Uint32 Color);
281 void	DrawBox(SDL_Surface *screen, int X1, int Y1, int Size, char Direction, Uint32 Color);
282 void    DrawRectangle(SDL_Surface *screen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Uint32 Color);
283 void	DrawCross(SDL_Surface *screen, int X1, int Y1, int Size, char Direction, Uint32 Color);
284 */
285 void	PlaceShips(int, int = 0, int = 0, Submarine *target=NULL); // the int = 0's are default values
286 // inline void	DrawPixel(SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, Uint32 Color);
287 // inline void	DrawLine(SDL_Surface *screen, int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, Uint32 Color);
288 void	LoadScreen(int screen_to_load);
289 void	ShowStation(int station);
290 void	DisplaySonar();
291 void	DisplayTMA(int xoffset=0, int yoffset=0);
292 void    DisplayWeapons(void);
293 void	LoadWidgets(void);
294 void	UnLoadWidgets(void);
295 void	DisplayWidgets(void);
296 void	DisplayNavigationWidgets();
297 void	DisplayTMAWidgets();
298 void	DisplayESMWidgets();
299 void	DisplayRADARWidgets();
300 void	ResetWidgetFlags(void);
301 inline int	RandInt(int to);
302 void	MapIcon(int x, int y, int ShipType, int Friend, Uint32 color);
303 void	DirectionalPointer(int X, int Y, int Heading, int speed, Uint32 Color);
304 int	InBaffles(Submarine *observer, Submarine *target, int sensor);
305 void	SoundEnvironment(void);
306 float	Any_Detection(double Range, Submarine *observer, Submarine *target);
307 float	Radar_Detection(double Range, Submarine *observer, Submarine *target);
308 float	Esm_Detection(double Range, Submarine *observer, Submarine *target);
309 // float	Sonar_Detection(double Range, int ObserverShipId, int TargetShipId);
310 float   Sonar_Detection_New(double Range, Submarine *observer, Submarine *target);
311 inline int		Clamp(int);
312 inline double	Clamp(double);
313 Uint32	TmaTimer(Uint32 interval, void *param);
314 Uint32	timerfunc(Uint32 interval, void *param);
316 Submarine *Add_Ship(Submarine *all_torpedoes, Submarine *new_torpedo);
317 Submarine *Remove_Ship(Submarine *all_torpedoes, Submarine *old_torpedo);
318 void Remove_Inactive_Ship(Submarine *victim);  // find and remove inactive ship
319 Helicopter *Add_Helicopter(Helicopter *all_helicopters, Helicopter *new_helicopter);
320 Helicopter *Remove_Helicopter(Helicopter *all_helicopters, Helicopter*old_helicopter);
322 #endif