1{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
3-- | Unification algorithm for specializing datatype indices, as described in
4--     \"Unifiers as Equivalences: Proof-Relevant Unification of Dependently
5--     Typed Data\" by Jesper Cockx, Dominique Devriese, and Frank Piessens
6--     (ICFP 2016).
8--   This is the unification algorithm used for checking the left-hand side
9--   of clauses (see @Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS@), coverage checking (see
10--   @Agda.TypeChecking.Coverage@) and indirectly also for interactive case
11--   splitting (see @Agda.Interaction.MakeCase@).
13--   A unification problem (of type @UnifyState@) consists of:
15--   1. A telescope @varTel@ of free variables, some or all of which are
16--      flexible (as indicated by @flexVars@).
18--   2. A telescope @eqTel@ containing the types of the equations.
20--   3. Left- and right-hand sides for each equation:
21--      @varTel ⊢ eqLHS : eqTel@ and @varTel ⊢ eqRHS : eqTel@.
23--   The unification algorithm can end in three different ways:
24--   (type @UnificationResult@):
26--   - A *positive success* @Unifies (tel, sigma, ps)@ with @tel ⊢ sigma : varTel@,
27--     @tel ⊢ eqLHS [ varTel ↦ sigma ] ≡ eqRHS [ varTel ↦ sigma ] : eqTel@,
28--     and @tel ⊢ ps : eqTel@. In this case, @sigma;ps@ is an *equivalence*
29--     between the telescopes @tel@ and @varTel(eqLHS ≡ eqRHS)@.
31--   - A *negative success* @NoUnify err@ means that a conflicting equation
32--     was found (e.g an equation between two distinct constructors or a cycle).
34--   - A *failure* @UnifyStuck err@ means that the unifier got stuck.
36--   The unification algorithm itself consists of two parts:
38--   1. A *unification strategy* takes a unification problem and produces a
39--      list of suggested unification rules (of type @UnifyStep@). Strategies
40--      can be constructed by composing simpler strategies (see for example the
41--      definition of @completeStrategyAt@).
43--   2. The *unification engine* @unifyStep@ takes a unification rule and tries
44--      to apply it to the given state, writing the result to the UnifyOutput
45--      on a success.
47--   The unification steps (of type @UnifyStep@) are the following:
49--   - *Deletion* removes a reflexive equation @u =?= v : a@ if the left- and
50--     right-hand side @u@ and @v@ are (definitionally) equal. This rule results
51--     in a failure if --without-K is enabled (see \"Pattern Matching Without K\"
52--     by Jesper Cockx, Dominique Devriese, and Frank Piessens (ICFP 2014).
54--   - *Solution* solves an equation if one side is (eta-equivalent to) a
55--     flexible variable. In case both sides are flexible variables, the
56--     unification strategy makes a choice according to the @chooseFlex@
57--     function in @Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Problem@.
59--   - *Injectivity* decomposes an equation of the form
60--     @c us =?= c vs : D pars is@ where @c : Δc → D pars js@ is a constructor
61--     of the inductive datatype @D@ into a sequence of equations
62--     @us =?= vs : delta@. In case @D@ is an indexed datatype,
63--     *higher-dimensional unification* is applied (see below).
65--   - *Conflict* detects absurd equations of the form
66--     @c₁ us =?= c₂ vs : D pars is@ where @c₁@ and @c₂@ are two distinct
67--     constructors of the datatype @D@.
69--   - *Cycle* detects absurd equations of the form @x =?= v : D pars is@ where
70--     @x@ is a variable of the datatype @D@ that occurs strongly rigid in @v@.
72--   - *EtaExpandVar* eta-expands a single flexible variable @x : R@ where @R@
73--     is a (eta-expandable) record type, replacing it by one variable for each
74--     field of @R@.
76--   - *EtaExpandEquation* eta-expands an equation @u =?= v : R@ where @R@ is a
77--     (eta-expandable) record type, replacing it by one equation for each field
78--     of @R@. The left- and right-hand sides of these equations are the
79--     projections of @u@ and @v@.
81--   - *LitConflict* detects absurd equations of the form @l₁ =?= l₂ : A@ where
82--     @l₁@ and @l₂@ are distinct literal terms.
84--   - *StripSizeSuc* simplifies an equation of the form
85--     @sizeSuc x =?= sizeSuc y : Size@ to @x =?= y : Size@.
87--   - *SkipIrrelevantEquation@ removes an equation between irrelevant terms.
89--   - *TypeConInjectivity* decomposes an equation of the form
90--     @D us =?= D vs : Set i@ where @D@ is a datatype. This rule is only used
91--     if --injective-type-constructors is enabled.
93--   Higher-dimensional unification (new, does not yet appear in any paper):
94--   If an equation of the form @c us =?= c vs : D pars is@ is encountered where
95--   @c : Δc → D pars js@ is a constructor of an indexed datatype
96--   @D pars : Φ → Set ℓ@, it is in general unsound to just simplify this
97--   equation to @us =?= vs : Δc@. For this reason, the injectivity rule in the
98--   paper restricts the indices @is@ to be distinct variables that are bound in
99--   the telescope @eqTel@. But we can be more general by introducing new
100--   variables @ks@ to the telescope @eqTel@ and equating these to @is@:
101--   @
102--       Δ₁(x : D pars is)Δ₂
103--        ≃
104--       Δ₁(ks : Φ)(x : D pars ks)(ps : is ≡Φ ks)Δ₂
105--   @
106--   Since @ks@ are distinct variables, it's now possible to apply injectivity
107--   to the equation @x@, resulting in the following new equation telescope:
108--   @
109--     Δ₁(ys : Δc)(ps : is ≡Φ js[Δc ↦ ys])Δ₂
110--   @
111--   Now we can solve the equations @ps@ by recursively calling the unification
112--   algorithm with flexible variables @Δ₁(ys : Δc)@. This is called
113--   *higher-dimensional unification* since we are unifying equality proofs
114--   rather than terms. If the higher-dimensional unification succeeds, the
115--   resulting telescope serves as the new equation telescope for the original
116--   unification problem.
118module Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Unify
119  ( UnificationResult
120  , UnificationResult'(..)
121  , unifyIndices ) where
123import Prelude hiding (null)
125import Control.Monad
126import Control.Monad.State
127import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT(..), MonadWriter(..))
128import Control.Monad.Except
130import Data.Semigroup hiding (Arg)
131import qualified Data.List as List
132import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
133import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
134import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
136import qualified Agda.Benchmarking as Bench
138import Agda.Interaction.Options (optInjectiveTypeConstructors)
140import Agda.Syntax.Common
141import Agda.Syntax.Internal
142import Agda.Syntax.Literal
144import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
145import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Benchmark as Bench
146import Agda.TypeChecking.Conversion.Pure
147import Agda.TypeChecking.Constraints
148import Agda.TypeChecking.Datatypes
149import Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance
150import Agda.TypeChecking.Level (reallyUnLevelView)
151import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
152import qualified Agda.TypeChecking.Patterns.Match as Match
153import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
154import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
155import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
156import Agda.TypeChecking.Free
157import Agda.TypeChecking.Free.Precompute
158import Agda.TypeChecking.Free.Reduce
159import Agda.TypeChecking.Records
161import Agda.TypeChecking.Rules.LHS.Problem
163import Agda.Utils.Benchmark
164import Agda.Utils.Either
165import Agda.Utils.Function
166import Agda.Utils.Functor
167import Agda.Utils.Lens
168import Agda.Utils.List
169import Agda.Utils.ListT
170import Agda.Utils.Maybe
171import Agda.Utils.Monad
172import Agda.Utils.Null
173import Agda.Utils.PartialOrd
174import Agda.Utils.Permutation
175import Agda.Utils.Singleton
176import Agda.Utils.Size
177import Agda.Utils.Tuple
179import Agda.Utils.Impossible
181-- | Result of 'unifyIndices'.
182type UnificationResult = UnificationResult'
183  ( Telescope                  -- @tel@
184  , PatternSubstitution        -- @sigma@ s.t. @tel ⊢ sigma : varTel@
185  , [NamedArg DeBruijnPattern] -- @ps@    s.t. @tel ⊢ ps    : eqTel @
186  )
188data UnificationResult' a
189  = Unifies  a                        -- ^ Unification succeeded.
190  | NoUnify  NegativeUnification      -- ^ Terms are not unifiable.
191  | UnifyBlocked Blocker              -- ^ Unification got blocked on a metavariable
192  | UnifyStuck   [UnificationFailure] -- ^ Some other error happened, unification got stuck.
193  deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
195-- | Unify indices.
197--   In @unifyIndices gamma flex a us vs@,
199--   * @us@ and @vs@ are the argument lists to unify, eliminating type @a@.
201--   * @gamma@ is the telescope of free variables in @us@ and @vs@.
203--   * @flex@ is the set of flexible (instantiable) variabes in @us@ and @vs@.
205--   The result is the most general unifier of @us@ and @vs@.
207  :: (PureTCM m, MonadBench m, BenchPhase m ~ Bench.Phase)
208  => Telescope     -- ^ @gamma@
209  -> FlexibleVars  -- ^ @flex@
210  -> Type          -- ^ @a@
211  -> Args          -- ^ @us@
212  -> Args          -- ^ @vs@
213  -> m UnificationResult
214unifyIndices tel flex a us vs =
215  Bench.billTo [Bench.Typing, Bench.CheckLHS, Bench.UnifyIndices] $
216    unifyIndices' tel flex a us vs
219  :: (PureTCM m)
220  => Telescope     -- ^ @gamma@
221  -> FlexibleVars  -- ^ @flex@
222  -> Type          -- ^ @a@
223  -> Args          -- ^ @us@
224  -> Args          -- ^ @vs@
225  -> m UnificationResult
226unifyIndices' tel flex a [] [] = return $ Unifies (tel, idS, [])
227unifyIndices' tel flex a us vs = do
228    reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 10 $
229      sep [ "unifyIndices"
230          , ("tel  =" <+>) $ nest 2 $ prettyTCM tel
231          , ("flex =" <+>) $ nest 2 $ addContext tel $ text $ show $ map flexVar flex
232          , ("a    =" <+>) $ nest 2 $ addContext tel $ parens (prettyTCM a)
233          , ("us   =" <+>) $ nest 2 $ addContext tel $ prettyList $ map prettyTCM us
234          , ("vs   =" <+>) $ nest 2 $ addContext tel $ prettyList $ map prettyTCM vs
235          ]
236    initialState    <- initUnifyState tel flex a us vs
237    reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 20 $ "initial unifyState:" <+> prettyTCM initialState
238    reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 70 $ "initial unifyState:" <+> text (show initialState)
239    (result,output) <- runUnifyLogT $ unify initialState rightToLeftStrategy
240    let ps = applySubst (unifyProof output) $ teleNamedArgs (eqTel initialState)
241    return $ fmap (\s -> (varTel s , unifySubst output , ps)) result
244-- Equalities
247data Equality = Equal
248  { _eqType  :: Dom Type
249  , _eqLeft  :: Term
250  , _eqRight :: Term
251  }
253instance Reduce Equality where
254  reduce' (Equal a u v) = Equal <$> reduce' a <*> reduce' u <*> reduce' v
256eqConstructorForm :: HasBuiltins m => Equality -> m Equality
257eqConstructorForm (Equal a u v) = Equal a <$> constructorForm u <*> constructorForm v
259eqUnLevel :: HasBuiltins m => Equality -> m Equality
260eqUnLevel (Equal a u v) = Equal a <$> unLevel u <*> unLevel v
261  where
262    unLevel (Level l) = reallyUnLevelView l
263    unLevel u         = return u
266-- Unify state
269data UnifyState = UState
270  { varTel   :: Telescope     -- ^ Don't reduce!
271  , flexVars :: FlexibleVars
272  , eqTel    :: Telescope     -- ^ Can be reduced eagerly.
273  , eqLHS    :: [Arg Term]    -- ^ Ends up in dot patterns (should not be reduced eagerly).
274  , eqRHS    :: [Arg Term]    -- ^ Ends up in dot patterns (should not be reduced eagerly).
275  } deriving (Show)
276-- Issues #3578 and #4125: avoid unnecessary reduction in unifier.
278lensVarTel   :: Lens' Telescope UnifyState
279lensVarTel   f s = f (varTel s) <&> \ tel -> s { varTel = tel }
280--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
281--lensFlexVars :: Lens' FlexibleVars UnifyState
282--lensFlexVars f s = f (flexVars s) <&> \ flex -> s { flexVars = flex }
284lensEqTel    :: Lens' Telescope UnifyState
285lensEqTel    f s = f (eqTel s) <&> \ x -> s { eqTel = x }
287--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
288--lensEqLHS    :: Lens' Args UnifyState
289--lensEqLHS    f s = f (eqLHS s) <&> \ x -> s { eqLHS = x }
291--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
292--lensEqRHS    :: Lens' Args UnifyState
293--lensEqRHS    f s = f (eqRHS s) <&> \ x -> s { eqRHS = x }
295-- UNUSED Andreas, 2019-10-14
296-- instance Reduce UnifyState where
297--   reduce' (UState var flex eq lhs rhs) =
298--     UState <$> reduce' var
299--            <*> pure flex
300--            <*> reduce' eq
301--            <*> reduce' lhs
302--            <*> reduce' rhs
304-- Andreas, 2019-10-14, issues #3578 and #4125:
305-- | Don't ever reduce the whole 'varTel', as it will destroy
306-- readability of the context in interactive editing!
307-- To make sure this insight is not lost, the following
308-- dummy instance should prevent a proper 'Reduce' instance for 'UnifyState'.
309instance Reduce UnifyState where
310  reduce' = __IMPOSSIBLE__
312--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
313--reduceEqTel :: UnifyState -> TCM UnifyState
314--reduceEqTel = lensEqTel reduce
316-- UNUSED Andreas, 2019-10-14
317-- instance Normalise UnifyState where
318--   normalise' (UState var flex eq lhs rhs) =
319--     UState <$> normalise' var
320--            <*> pure flex
321--            <*> normalise' eq
322--            <*> normalise' lhs
323--            <*> normalise' rhs
325instance PrettyTCM UnifyState where
326  prettyTCM state = "UnifyState" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
327    [ "variable tel:  " <+> prettyTCM gamma
328    , "flexible vars: " <+> pshow (map flexVarF $ flexVars state)
329    , "equation tel:  " <+> addContext gamma (prettyTCM delta)
330    , "equations:     " <+> addContext gamma (prettyList_ (zipWith prettyEquality (eqLHS state) (eqRHS state)))
331    ])
332    where
333      flexVarF fi = (flexVar fi, flexForced fi)
334      gamma = varTel state
335      delta = eqTel state
336      prettyEquality x y = prettyTCM x <+> "=?=" <+> prettyTCM y
339  :: PureTCM m
340  => Telescope -> FlexibleVars -> Type -> Args -> Args -> m UnifyState
341initUnifyState tel flex a lhs rhs = do
342  (tel, a, lhs, rhs) <- instantiateFull (tel, a, lhs, rhs)
343  let n = size lhs
344  unless (n == size rhs) __IMPOSSIBLE__
345  TelV eqTel _ <- telView a
346  unless (n == size eqTel) __IMPOSSIBLE__
347  return $ UState tel flex eqTel lhs rhs
348  -- Andreas, 2019-02-23, issue #3578: do not eagerly reduce
349  -- reduce $ UState tel flex eqTel lhs rhs
351isUnifyStateSolved :: UnifyState -> Bool
352isUnifyStateSolved = null . eqTel
354varCount :: UnifyState -> Int
355varCount = size . varTel
357-- | Get the type of the i'th variable in the given state
358getVarType :: Int -> UnifyState -> Dom Type
359getVarType i s = indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ (flattenTel $ varTel s) i
361getVarTypeUnraised :: Int -> UnifyState -> Dom Type
362getVarTypeUnraised i s = snd <$> indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ (telToList $ varTel s) i
364eqCount :: UnifyState -> Int
365eqCount = size . eqTel
367-- | Get the k'th equality in the given state. The left- and right-hand sides
368--   of the equality live in the varTel telescope, and the type of the equality
369--   lives in the varTel++eqTel telescope
370getEquality :: Int -> UnifyState -> Equality
371getEquality k UState { eqTel = eqs, eqLHS = lhs, eqRHS = rhs } =
372    Equal (indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ (flattenTel eqs) k)
373          (unArg $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ lhs k)
374          (unArg $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ rhs k)
376-- | As getEquality, but with the unraised type
377getEqualityUnraised :: Int -> UnifyState -> Equality
378getEqualityUnraised k UState { eqTel = eqs, eqLHS = lhs, eqRHS = rhs } =
379    Equal (snd <$> indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ (telToList eqs) k)
380          (unArg $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ lhs k)
381          (unArg $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ rhs k)
383--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
384--getEqInfo :: Int -> UnifyState -> ArgInfo
385--getEqInfo k UState { eqTel = eqs } =
386--  domInfo $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ (telToList eqs) k
388---- | Add a list of equations to the front of the equation telescope
389--addEqs :: Telescope -> [Arg Term] -> [Arg Term] -> UnifyState -> UnifyState
390--addEqs tel us vs s =
391--  s { eqTel = tel `abstract` eqTel s
392--    , eqLHS = us ++ eqLHS s
393--    , eqRHS = vs ++ eqRHS s
394--    }
395--  where k = size tel
397--addEq :: Type -> Arg Term -> Arg Term -> UnifyState -> UnifyState
398--addEq a u v = addEqs (ExtendTel (defaultDom a) (Abs underscore EmptyTel)) [u] [v]
402-- | Instantiate the k'th variable with the given value.
403--   Returns Nothing if there is a cycle.
404solveVar :: Int             -- ^ Index @k@
405         -> DeBruijnPattern -- ^ Solution @u@
406         -> UnifyState -> Maybe (UnifyState, PatternSubstitution)
407solveVar k u s = case instantiateTelescope (varTel s) k u of
408  Nothing -> Nothing
409  Just (tel' , sigma , rho) -> Just $ (,sigma) $ UState
410      { varTel   = tel'
411      , flexVars = permuteFlex (reverseP rho) $ flexVars s
412      , eqTel    = applyPatSubst sigma $ eqTel s
413      , eqLHS    = applyPatSubst sigma $ eqLHS s
414      , eqRHS    = applyPatSubst sigma $ eqRHS s
415      }
416  where
417    permuteFlex :: Permutation -> FlexibleVars -> FlexibleVars
418    permuteFlex perm =
419      mapMaybe $ \(FlexibleVar ai fc k p x) ->
420        FlexibleVar ai fc k p <$> List.elemIndex x (permPicks perm)
422applyUnder :: Int -> Telescope -> Term -> Telescope
423applyUnder k tel u
424 | k < 0     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
425 | k == 0    = tel `apply1` u
426 | otherwise = case tel of
427    EmptyTel         -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
428    ExtendTel a tel' -> ExtendTel a $
429      Abs (absName tel') $ applyUnder (k-1) (absBody tel') u
431dropAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
432dropAt _ [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
433dropAt k (x:xs)
434 | k < 0     = __IMPOSSIBLE__
435 | k == 0    = xs
436 | otherwise = x : dropAt (k-1) xs
438-- | Solve the k'th equation with the given value, which can depend on
439--   regular variables but not on other equation variables.
440solveEq :: Int -> Term -> UnifyState -> (UnifyState, PatternSubstitution)
441solveEq k u s = (,sigma) $ s
442    { eqTel    = applyUnder k (eqTel s) u'
443    , eqLHS    = dropAt k $ eqLHS s
444    , eqRHS    = dropAt k $ eqRHS s
445    }
446  where
447    u'    = raise k u
448    n     = eqCount s
449    sigma = liftS (n-k-1) $ consS (dotP u') idS
451--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
452---- | Simplify the k'th equation with the given value (which can depend on other
453----   equation variables). Returns Nothing if there is a cycle.
454--simplifyEq :: Int -> Term -> UnifyState -> Maybe (UnifyState, PatternSubstitution)
455--simplifyEq k u s = case instantiateTelescope (eqTel s) k u of
456--  Nothing -> Nothing
457--  Just (tel' , sigma , rho) -> Just $ (,sigma) $ UState
458--    { varTel   = varTel s
459--    , flexVars = flexVars s
460--    , eqTel    = tel'
461--    , eqLHS    = permute rho $ eqLHS s
462--    , eqRHS    = permute rho $ eqRHS s
463--    }
466-- Unification strategies
469data UnifyStep
470  = Deletion
471    { deleteAt           :: Int
472    , deleteType         :: Type
473    , deleteLeft         :: Term
474    , deleteRight        :: Term
475    }
476  | Solution
477    { solutionAt         :: Int
478    , solutionType       :: Dom Type
479    , solutionVar        :: FlexibleVar Int
480    , solutionTerm       :: Term
481    }
482  | Injectivity
483    { injectAt           :: Int
484    , injectType         :: Type
485    , injectDatatype     :: QName
486    , injectParameters   :: Args
487    , injectIndices      :: Args
488    , injectConstructor  :: ConHead
489    }
490  | Conflict
491    { conflictAt         :: Int
492    , conflictType       :: Type
493    , conflictDatatype   :: QName
494    , conflictParameters :: Args
495    , conflictLeft       :: Term
496    , conflictRight      :: Term
497    }
498  | Cycle
499    { cycleAt            :: Int
500    , cycleType          :: Type
501    , cycleDatatype      :: QName
502    , cycleParameters    :: Args
503    , cycleVar           :: Int
504    , cycleOccursIn      :: Term
505    }
506  | EtaExpandVar
507    { expandVar           :: FlexibleVar Int
508    , expandVarRecordType :: QName
509    , expandVarParameters :: Args
510    }
511  | EtaExpandEquation
512    { expandAt           :: Int
513    , expandRecordType   :: QName
514    , expandParameters   :: Args
515    }
516  | LitConflict
517    { litConflictAt      :: Int
518    , litType            :: Type
519    , litConflictLeft    :: Literal
520    , litConflictRight   :: Literal
521    }
522  | StripSizeSuc
523    { stripAt            :: Int
524    , stripArgLeft       :: Term
525    , stripArgRight      :: Term
526    }
527  | SkipIrrelevantEquation
528    { skipIrrelevantAt   :: Int
529    }
530  | TypeConInjectivity
531    { typeConInjectAt    :: Int
532    , typeConstructor    :: QName
533    , typeConArgsLeft    :: Args
534    , typeConArgsRight   :: Args
535    } deriving (Show)
537instance PrettyTCM UnifyStep where
538  prettyTCM step = case step of
539    Deletion k a u v -> "Deletion" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
540      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
541      , "type:       " <+> prettyTCM a
542      , "lhs:        " <+> prettyTCM u
543      , "rhs:        " <+> prettyTCM v
544      ])
545    Solution k a i u -> "Solution" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
546      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
547      , "type:       " <+> prettyTCM a
548      , "variable:   " <+> text (show (flexVar i, flexPos i, flexForced i, flexKind i))
549      , "term:       " <+> prettyTCM u
550      ])
551    Injectivity k a d pars ixs c -> "Injectivity" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
552      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
553      , "type:       " <+> prettyTCM a
554      , "datatype:   " <+> prettyTCM d
555      , "parameters: " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM pars)
556      , "indices:    " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM ixs)
557      , "constructor:" <+> prettyTCM c
558      ])
559    Conflict k a d pars u v -> "Conflict" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
560      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
561      , "type:       " <+> prettyTCM a
562      , "datatype:   " <+> prettyTCM d
563      , "parameters: " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM pars)
564      , "lhs:        " <+> prettyTCM u
565      , "rhs:        " <+> prettyTCM v
566      ])
567    Cycle k a d pars i u -> "Cycle" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
568      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
569      , "type:       " <+> prettyTCM a
570      , "datatype:   " <+> prettyTCM d
571      , "parameters: " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM pars)
572      , "variable:   " <+> text (show i)
573      , "term:       " <+> prettyTCM u
574      ])
575    EtaExpandVar fi r pars -> "EtaExpandVar" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
576      [ "variable:   " <+> text (show fi)
577      , "record type:" <+> prettyTCM r
578      , "parameters: " <+> prettyTCM pars
579      ])
580    EtaExpandEquation k r pars -> "EtaExpandEquation" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
581      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
582      , "record type:" <+> prettyTCM r
583      , "parameters: " <+> prettyTCM pars
584      ])
585    LitConflict k a u v -> "LitConflict" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
586      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
587      , "type:       " <+> prettyTCM a
588      , "lhs:        " <+> prettyTCM u
589      , "rhs:        " <+> prettyTCM v
590      ])
591    StripSizeSuc k u v -> "StripSizeSuc" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
592      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
593      , "lhs:        " <+> prettyTCM u
594      , "rhs:        " <+> prettyTCM v
595      ])
596    SkipIrrelevantEquation k -> "SkipIrrelevantEquation" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
597      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
598      ])
599    TypeConInjectivity k d us vs -> "TypeConInjectivity" $$ nest 2 (vcat $
600      [ "position:   " <+> text (show k)
601      , "datatype:   " <+> prettyTCM d
602      , "lhs:        " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM us)
603      , "rhs:        " <+> prettyList_ (map prettyTCM vs)
604      ])
606type UnifyStrategy = forall m. (PureTCM m, MonadPlus m) => UnifyState -> m UnifyStep
608--UNUSED Liang-Ting Chen 2019-07-16
609--leftToRightStrategy :: UnifyStrategy
610--leftToRightStrategy s =
611--    msum (for [0..n-1] $ \k -> completeStrategyAt k s)
612--  where n = size $ eqTel s
614rightToLeftStrategy :: UnifyStrategy
615rightToLeftStrategy s =
616    msum (for (downFrom n) $ \k -> completeStrategyAt k s)
617  where n = size $ eqTel s
619completeStrategyAt :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
620completeStrategyAt k s = msum $ map (\strat -> strat k s) $
621-- ASR (2021-02-07). The below eta-expansions are required by GHC >=
622-- 9.0.1 (see Issue #4955).
623    [ (\n -> skipIrrelevantStrategy n)
624    , (\n -> basicUnifyStrategy n)
625    , (\n -> literalStrategy n)
626    , (\n -> dataStrategy n)
627    , (\n -> etaExpandVarStrategy  n)
628    , (\n -> etaExpandEquationStrategy n)
629    , (\n -> injectiveTypeConStrategy n)
630    , (\n -> injectivePragmaStrategy n)
631    , (\n -> simplifySizesStrategy n)
632    , (\n -> checkEqualityStrategy n)
633    ]
635-- | @isHom n x@ returns x lowered by n if the variables 0..n-1 don't occur in x.
637-- This is naturally sensitive to normalization.
638isHom :: (Free a, Subst a) => Int -> a -> Maybe a
639isHom n x = do
640  guard $ getAll $ runFree (All . (>= n)) IgnoreNot x
641  return $ raise (-n) x
643findFlexible :: Int -> FlexibleVars -> Maybe (FlexibleVar Nat)
644findFlexible i flex = List.find ((i ==) . flexVar) flex
646basicUnifyStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
647basicUnifyStrategy k s = do
648  Equal dom@Dom{unDom = a} u v <- eqUnLevel (getEquality k s)
649    -- Andreas, 2019-02-23: reduce equality for the sake of isHom?
650  ha <- fromMaybeMP $ isHom n a
651  (mi, mj) <- addContext (varTel s) $ (,) <$> isEtaVar u ha <*> isEtaVar v ha
652  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 30 $ "isEtaVar results: " <+> text (show [mi,mj])
653  case (mi, mj) of
654    (Just i, Just j)
655     | i == j -> mzero -- Taken care of by checkEqualityStrategy
656    (Just i, Just j)
657     | Just fi <- findFlexible i flex
658     , Just fj <- findFlexible j flex -> do
659       let choice = chooseFlex fi fj
660           firstTryLeft  = msum [ return (Solution k dom{unDom = ha} fi v)
661                                , return (Solution k dom{unDom = ha} fj u)]
662           firstTryRight = msum [ return (Solution k dom{unDom = ha} fj u)
663                                , return (Solution k dom{unDom = ha} fi v)]
664       reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 40 $ "fi = " <+> text (show fi)
665       reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 40 $ "fj = " <+> text (show fj)
666       reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 40 $ "chooseFlex: " <+> text (show choice)
667       case choice of
668         ChooseLeft   -> firstTryLeft
669         ChooseRight  -> firstTryRight
670         ExpandBoth   -> mzero -- This should be taken care of by etaExpandEquationStrategy
671         ChooseEither -> firstTryRight
672    (Just i, _)
673     | Just fi <- findFlexible i flex -> return $ Solution k dom{unDom = ha} fi v
674    (_, Just j)
675     | Just fj <- findFlexible j flex -> return $ Solution k dom{unDom = ha} fj u
676    _ -> mzero
677  where
678    flex = flexVars s
679    n = eqCount s
681dataStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
682dataStrategy k s = do
683  Equal Dom{unDom = a} u v <- eqConstructorForm =<< eqUnLevel =<< reduce (getEqualityUnraised k s)
684  sa <- reduce $ getSort a
685  case unEl a of
686    Def d es | Type{} <- sa -> do
687      npars <- catMaybesMP $ getNumberOfParameters d
688      let (pars,ixs) = splitAt npars $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
689      reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 40 $ addContext (varTel s `abstract` eqTel s) $
690        "Found equation at datatype " <+> prettyTCM d
691         <+> " with parameters " <+> prettyTCM (raise (size (eqTel s) - k) pars)
692      case (u, v) of
693        (Con c _ _   , Con c' _ _  ) | c == c' -> return $ Injectivity k a d pars ixs c
694        (Con c _ _   , Con c' _ _  ) -> return $ Conflict k a d pars u v
695        (Var i []  , v         ) -> ifOccursStronglyRigid i v $ return $ Cycle k a d pars i v
696        (u         , Var j []  ) -> ifOccursStronglyRigid j u $ return $ Cycle k a d pars j u
697        _ -> mzero
698    _ -> mzero
699  where
700    ifOccursStronglyRigid i u ret = do
701        -- Call forceNotFree to reduce u as far as possible
702        -- around any occurrences of i
703        (_ , u) <- forceNotFree (singleton i) u
704        case flexRigOccurrenceIn i u of
705          Just StronglyRigid -> ret
706          _ -> mzero
708checkEqualityStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
709checkEqualityStrategy k s = do
710  let Equal Dom{unDom = a} u v = getEquality k s
711      n = eqCount s
712  ha <- fromMaybeMP $ isHom n a
713  return $ Deletion k ha u v
715literalStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
716literalStrategy k s = do
717  let n = eqCount s
718  Equal Dom{unDom = a} u v <- eqUnLevel $ getEquality k s
719  ha <- fromMaybeMP $ isHom n a
720  (u, v) <- reduce (u, v)
721  case (u , v) of
722    (Lit l1 , Lit l2)
723     | l1 == l2  -> return $ Deletion k ha u v
724     | otherwise -> return $ LitConflict k ha l1 l2
725    _ -> mzero
727etaExpandVarStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
728etaExpandVarStrategy k s = do
729  Equal Dom{unDom = a} u v <- eqUnLevel <=< reduce $ getEquality k s
730  shouldEtaExpand u v a s `mplus` shouldEtaExpand v u a s
731  where
732    -- TODO: use IsEtaVar to check if the term is a variable
733    shouldEtaExpand :: Term -> Term -> Type -> UnifyStrategy
734    shouldEtaExpand (Var i es) v a s = do
735      fi       <- fromMaybeMP $ findFlexible i (flexVars s)
736      reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 50 $
737        "Found flexible variable " <+> text (show i)
738      -- Issue 2888: Do this if there are only projections or if it's a singleton
739      -- record or if it's unified against a record constructor term. Basically
740      -- we need to avoid EtaExpandEquation if EtaExpandVar is possible, or the
741      -- forcing translation is unhappy.
742      b         <- reduce $ unDom $ getVarTypeUnraised (varCount s - 1 - i) s
743      (d, pars) <- catMaybesMP $ isEtaRecordType b
744      ps        <- fromMaybeMP $ allProjElims es
745      guard =<< orM
746        [ pure $ not $ null ps
747        , isRecCon v  -- is the other term a record constructor?
748        , (Right True ==) <$> runBlocked (isSingletonRecord d pars)
749        ]
750      reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 50 $
751        "with projections " <+> prettyTCM (map snd ps)
752      reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 50 $
753        "at record type " <+> prettyTCM d
754      return $ EtaExpandVar fi d pars
755    shouldEtaExpand _ _ _ _ = mzero
757    isRecCon (Con c _ _) = isJust <$> isRecordConstructor (conName c)
758    isRecCon _           = return False
760etaExpandEquationStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
761etaExpandEquationStrategy k s = do
762  -- Andreas, 2019-02-23, re #3578, is the following reduce redundant?
763  Equal Dom{unDom = a} u v <- reduce $ getEqualityUnraised k s
764  (d, pars) <- catMaybesMP $ addContext tel $ isEtaRecordType a
765  guard =<< orM
766    [ (Right True ==) <$> runBlocked (isSingletonRecord d pars)
767    , shouldProject u
768    , shouldProject v
769    ]
770  return $ EtaExpandEquation k d pars
771  where
772    shouldProject :: PureTCM m => Term -> m Bool
773    shouldProject = \case
774      Def f es   -> usesCopatterns f
775      Con c _ _  -> isJust <$> isRecordConstructor (conName c)
777      Var _ _    -> return False
778      Lam _ _    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
779      Lit _      -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
780      Pi _ _     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
781      Sort _     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
782      Level _    -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
783      MetaV _ _  -> return False
784      DontCare _ -> return False
785      Dummy s _  -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ s
787    tel = varTel s `abstract` telFromList (take k $ telToList $ eqTel s)
789simplifySizesStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
790simplifySizesStrategy k s = do
791  isSizeName <- isSizeNameTest
792  Equal Dom{unDom = a} u v <- reduce $ getEquality k s
793  case unEl a of
794    Def d _ -> do
795      guard $ isSizeName d
796      su <- sizeView u
797      sv <- sizeView v
798      case (su, sv) of
799        (SizeSuc u, SizeSuc v) -> return $ StripSizeSuc k u v
800        (SizeSuc u, SizeInf  ) -> return $ StripSizeSuc k u v
801        (SizeInf  , SizeSuc v) -> return $ StripSizeSuc k u v
802        _ -> mzero
803    _ -> mzero
805injectiveTypeConStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
806injectiveTypeConStrategy k s = do
807  injTyCon <- optInjectiveTypeConstructors <$> pragmaOptions
808  guard injTyCon
809  eq <- eqUnLevel <=< reduce $ getEquality k s
810  case eq of
811    Equal a u@(Def d es) v@(Def d' es') | d == d' -> do
812      -- d must be a data, record or axiom
813      def <- getConstInfo d
814      guard $ case theDef def of
815                Datatype{} -> True
816                Record{}   -> True
817                Axiom{}    -> True
818                DataOrRecSig{} -> True
819                AbstractDefn{} -> False -- True triggers issue #2250
820                Function{}   -> False
821                Primitive{}  -> False
822                PrimitiveSort{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
823                GeneralizableVar{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
824                Constructor{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__  -- Never a type!
825      let us = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
826          vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es'
827      return $ TypeConInjectivity k d us vs
828    _ -> mzero
830injectivePragmaStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
831injectivePragmaStrategy k s = do
832  eq <- eqUnLevel <=< reduce $ getEquality k s
833  case eq of
834    Equal a u@(Def d es) v@(Def d' es') | d == d' -> do
835      -- d must have an injective pragma
836      def <- getConstInfo d
837      guard $ defInjective def
838      let us = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
839          vs = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es'
840      return $ TypeConInjectivity k d us vs
841    _ -> mzero
843skipIrrelevantStrategy :: Int -> UnifyStrategy
844skipIrrelevantStrategy k s = do
845  let Equal a _ _ = getEquality k s                               -- reduce not necessary
846  guard . (== Right True) =<< runBlocked (isIrrelevantOrPropM a)  -- reduction takes place here
847  -- TODO: do something in case the above is blocked (i.e. `Left b`)
848  return $ SkipIrrelevantEquation k
852-- Actually doing the unification
855data UnifyLogEntry
856  = UnificationStep  UnifyState UnifyStep
857--  | UnificationDone  UnifyState -- unused?
859type UnifyLog = [UnifyLogEntry]
861data UnifyOutput = UnifyOutput
862  { unifySubst :: PatternSubstitution
863  , unifyProof :: PatternSubstitution
864  , unifyLog   :: UnifyLog
865  }
867instance Semigroup UnifyOutput where
868  x <> y = UnifyOutput
869    { unifySubst = unifySubst y `composeS` unifySubst x
870    , unifyProof = unifyProof y `composeS` unifyProof x
871    , unifyLog   = unifyLog x ++ unifyLog y
872    }
874instance Monoid UnifyOutput where
875  mempty  = UnifyOutput IdS IdS []
876  mappend = (<>)
878type UnifyLogT m a = WriterT UnifyOutput m a
880tellUnifySubst :: MonadWriter UnifyOutput m => PatternSubstitution -> m ()
881tellUnifySubst sub = tell $ UnifyOutput sub IdS []
883tellUnifyProof :: MonadWriter UnifyOutput m => PatternSubstitution -> m ()
884tellUnifyProof sub = tell $ UnifyOutput IdS sub []
886writeUnifyLog :: MonadWriter UnifyOutput m => UnifyLogEntry -> m ()
887writeUnifyLog x = tell $ UnifyOutput IdS IdS [x]
889runUnifyLogT :: UnifyLogT m a -> m (a,UnifyOutput)
890runUnifyLogT = runWriterT
893  :: (PureTCM m, MonadWriter UnifyOutput m)
894  => UnifyState -> UnifyStep -> m (UnificationResult' UnifyState)
896unifyStep s Deletion{ deleteAt = k , deleteType = a , deleteLeft = u , deleteRight = v } = do
897    -- Check definitional equality of u and v
898    isReflexive <- addContext (varTel s) $ runBlocked $ pureEqualTerm a u v
899    withoutK <- withoutKOption
900    splitOnStrict <- asksTC envSplitOnStrict
901    case isReflexive of
902      Left block   -> return $ UnifyBlocked block
903      Right False  -> return $ UnifyStuck []
904      Right True | withoutK && not splitOnStrict
905                   -> return $ UnifyStuck [UnifyReflexiveEq (varTel s) a u]
906      Right True   -> do
907        let (s', sigma) = solveEq k u s
908        tellUnifyProof sigma
909        Unifies <$> lensEqTel reduce s'
911unifyStep s step@Solution{} = solutionStep RetryNormalised s step
913unifyStep s (Injectivity k a d pars ixs c) = do
914  ifM (consOfHIT $ conName c) (return $ UnifyStuck []) $ do
915  withoutK <- withoutKOption
917  -- Split equation telescope into parts before and after current equation
918  let (eqListTel1, _ : eqListTel2) = splitAt k $ telToList $ eqTel s
919      (eqTel1, eqTel2) = (telFromList eqListTel1, telFromList eqListTel2)
921  -- Get constructor telescope and target indices
922  cdef  <- getConInfo c
923  let ctype  = defType cdef `piApply` pars
924  addContext (varTel s `abstract` eqTel1) $ reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 40 $
925    "Constructor type: " <+> prettyTCM ctype
926  TelV ctel ctarget <- telView ctype
927  let cixs = case unEl ctarget of
928               Def d' es | d == d' ->
929                 let args = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es
930                 in  drop (length pars) args
931               _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
933  -- Get index telescope of the datatype
934  dtype    <- (`piApply` pars) . defType <$> getConstInfo d
935  addContext (varTel s `abstract` eqTel1) $ reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 40 $
936    "Datatype type: " <+> prettyTCM dtype
938  -- This is where the magic of higher-dimensional unification happens
939  -- We need to generalize the indices `ixs` to the target indices of the
940  -- constructor `cixs`. This is done by calling the unification algorithm
941  -- recursively (this doesn't get stuck in a loop because a type should
942  -- never be indexed over itself). Note the similarity with the
943  -- computeNeighbourhood function in Agda.TypeChecking.Coverage.
944  let hduTel = eqTel1 `abstract` ctel
945      notforced = replicate (size hduTel) NotForced
946  res <- addContext (varTel s) $ unifyIndices'
947           hduTel
948           (allFlexVars notforced hduTel)
949           (raise (size ctel) dtype)
950           (raise (size ctel) ixs)
951           cixs
952  case res of
953    -- Higher-dimensional unification can never end in a conflict,
954    -- because `cong c1 ...` and `cong c2 ...` don't even have the
955    -- same type for distinct constructors c1 and c2.
956    NoUnify _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
958    -- Higher-dimensional unification is blocked: propagate
959    UnifyBlocked block -> return $ UnifyBlocked block
961    -- Higher-dimensional unification has failed. If not --without-K,
962    -- we can simply ignore the higher-dimensional equations and
963    -- simplify the equation as in the non-indexed case.
964    UnifyStuck _ | not withoutK -> do
965      -- using the same variable names as in the case where hdu succeeds.
966      let eqTel1' = eqTel1 `abstract` ctel
967          rho1    = raiseS (size ctel)
968          ceq     = ConP c noConPatternInfo $ teleNamedArgs ctel
969          rho3    = consS ceq rho1
970          eqTel2' = applyPatSubst rho3 eqTel2
971          eqTel'  = eqTel1' `abstract` eqTel2'
972          rho     = liftS (size eqTel2) rho3
974      tellUnifyProof rho
976      eqTel' <- reduce eqTel'
978      -- Compute new lhs and rhs by matching the old ones against rho
979      (lhs', rhs') <- do
980        let ps = applySubst rho $ teleNamedArgs $ eqTel s
981        (lhsMatch, _) <- Match.matchPatterns ps $ eqLHS s
982        (rhsMatch, _) <- Match.matchPatterns ps $ eqRHS s
983        case (lhsMatch, rhsMatch) of
984          (Match.Yes _ lhs', Match.Yes _ rhs') -> return
985            (reverse $ Match.matchedArgs __IMPOSSIBLE__ (size eqTel') lhs',
986             reverse $ Match.matchedArgs __IMPOSSIBLE__ (size eqTel') rhs')
987          _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
989      return $ Unifies $ s { eqTel = eqTel' , eqLHS = lhs' , eqRHS = rhs' }
992    UnifyStuck _ -> let n           = eqCount s
993                        Equal Dom{unDom = a} u v = getEquality k s
994                    in return $ UnifyStuck [UnifyIndicesNotVars
995                         (varTel s `abstract` eqTel s) a
996                         (raise n u) (raise n v) (raise (n-k) ixs)]
998    Unifies (eqTel1', rho0, _) -> do
999      -- Split ps0 into parts for eqTel1 and ctel
1000      let (rho1, rho2) = splitS (size ctel) rho0
1002      -- Compute new equation telescope context and substitution
1003      let ceq     = ConP c noConPatternInfo $ applySubst rho2 $ teleNamedArgs ctel
1004          rho3    = consS ceq rho1
1005          eqTel2' = applyPatSubst rho3 eqTel2
1006          eqTel'  = eqTel1' `abstract` eqTel2'
1007          rho     = liftS (size eqTel2) rho3
1009      tellUnifyProof rho
1011      eqTel' <- reduce eqTel'
1013      -- Compute new lhs and rhs by matching the old ones against rho
1014      (lhs', rhs') <- do
1015        let ps = applySubst rho $ teleNamedArgs $ eqTel s
1016        (lhsMatch, _) <- Match.matchPatterns ps $ eqLHS s
1017        (rhsMatch, _) <- Match.matchPatterns ps $ eqRHS s
1018        case (lhsMatch, rhsMatch) of
1019          (Match.Yes _ lhs', Match.Yes _ rhs') -> return
1020            (reverse $ Match.matchedArgs __IMPOSSIBLE__ (size eqTel') lhs',
1021             reverse $ Match.matchedArgs __IMPOSSIBLE__ (size eqTel') rhs')
1022          _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1024      return $ Unifies $ s { eqTel = eqTel' , eqLHS = lhs' , eqRHS = rhs' }
1026unifyStep s Conflict
1027  { conflictLeft  = u
1028  , conflictRight = v
1029  } =
1030  case u of
1031    Con h _ _ -> do
1032      ifM (consOfHIT $ conName h) (return $ UnifyStuck []) $ do
1033        return $ NoUnify $ UnifyConflict (varTel s) u v
1034    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1035unifyStep s Cycle
1036  { cycleVar        = i
1037  , cycleOccursIn   = u
1038  } =
1039  case u of
1040    Con h _ _ -> do
1041      ifM (consOfHIT $ conName h) (return $ UnifyStuck []) $ do
1042        return $ NoUnify $ UnifyCycle (varTel s) i u
1043    _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
1045unifyStep s EtaExpandVar{ expandVar = fi, expandVarRecordType = d , expandVarParameters = pars } = do
1046  recd <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> isRecord d
1047  let delta = recTel recd `apply` pars
1048      c     = recConHead recd
1049  let nfields         = size delta
1050      (varTel', rho)  = expandTelescopeVar (varTel s) (m-1-i) delta c
1051      projectFlexible = [ FlexibleVar (getArgInfo fi) (flexForced fi) (projFlexKind j) (flexPos fi) (i+j) | j <- [0..nfields-1] ]
1052  tellUnifySubst $ rho
1053  return $ Unifies $ UState
1054    { varTel   = varTel'
1055    , flexVars = projectFlexible ++ liftFlexibles nfields (flexVars s)
1056    , eqTel    = applyPatSubst rho $ eqTel s
1057    , eqLHS    = applyPatSubst rho $ eqLHS s
1058    , eqRHS    = applyPatSubst rho $ eqRHS s
1059    }
1060  where
1061    i = flexVar fi
1062    m = varCount s
1064    projFlexKind :: Int -> FlexibleVarKind
1065    projFlexKind j = case flexKind fi of
1066      RecordFlex ks -> indexWithDefault ImplicitFlex ks j
1067      ImplicitFlex  -> ImplicitFlex
1068      DotFlex       -> DotFlex
1069      OtherFlex     -> OtherFlex
1071    liftFlexible :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
1072    liftFlexible n j = if j == i then Nothing else Just (if j > i then j + (n-1) else j)
1074    liftFlexibles :: Int -> FlexibleVars -> FlexibleVars
1075    liftFlexibles n fs = mapMaybe (traverse $ liftFlexible n) fs
1077unifyStep s EtaExpandEquation{ expandAt = k, expandRecordType = d, expandParameters = pars } = do
1078  recd  <- fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ <$> isRecord d
1079  let delta = recTel recd `apply` pars
1080      c     = recConHead recd
1081  lhs   <- expandKth $ eqLHS s
1082  rhs   <- expandKth $ eqRHS s
1083  let (tel, sigma) = expandTelescopeVar (eqTel s) k delta c
1084  tellUnifyProof sigma
1085  Unifies <$> do
1086   lensEqTel reduce $ s
1087    { eqTel    = tel
1088    , eqLHS    = lhs
1089    , eqRHS    = rhs
1090    }
1091  where
1092    expandKth us = do
1093      let (us1,v:us2) = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ splitExactlyAt k us
1094      vs <- snd <$> etaExpandRecord d pars (unArg v)
1095      vs <- reduce vs
1096      return $ us1 ++ vs ++ us2
1098unifyStep s LitConflict
1099  { litType          = a
1100  , litConflictLeft  = l
1101  , litConflictRight = l'
1102  } = return $ NoUnify $ UnifyConflict (varTel s) (Lit l) (Lit l')
1104unifyStep s (StripSizeSuc k u v) = do
1105  sizeTy <- sizeType
1106  sizeSu <- sizeSuc 1 (var 0)
1107  let n          = eqCount s
1108      sub        = liftS (n-k-1) $ consS sizeSu $ raiseS 1
1109      eqFlatTel  = flattenTel $ eqTel s
1110      eqFlatTel' = applySubst sub $ updateAt k (fmap $ const sizeTy) $ eqFlatTel
1111      eqTel'     = unflattenTel (teleNames $ eqTel s) eqFlatTel'
1112  -- TODO: tellUnifyProof sub
1113  -- but sizeSu is not a constructor, so sub is not a PatternSubstitution!
1114  return $ Unifies $ s
1115    { eqTel = eqTel'
1116    , eqLHS = updateAt k (const $ defaultArg u) $ eqLHS s
1117    , eqRHS = updateAt k (const $ defaultArg v) $ eqRHS s
1118    }
1120unifyStep s (SkipIrrelevantEquation k) = do
1121  let lhs = eqLHS s
1122      (s', sigma) = solveEq k (DontCare $ unArg $ indexWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ lhs k) s
1123  tellUnifyProof sigma
1124  return $ Unifies s'
1126unifyStep s (TypeConInjectivity k d us vs) = do
1127  dtype <- defType <$> getConstInfo d
1128  TelV dtel _ <- telView dtype
1129  let deq = Def d $ map Apply $ teleArgs dtel
1130  -- TODO: tellUnifyProof ???
1131  -- but d is not a constructor...
1132  Unifies <$> do
1133   lensEqTel reduce $ s
1134    { eqTel = dtel `abstract` applyUnder k (eqTel s) (raise k deq)
1135    , eqLHS = us ++ dropAt k (eqLHS s)
1136    , eqRHS = vs ++ dropAt k (eqRHS s)
1137    }
1139data RetryNormalised = RetryNormalised | DontRetryNormalised
1140  deriving (Eq, Show)
1143  :: (PureTCM m, MonadWriter UnifyOutput m)
1144  => RetryNormalised
1145  -> UnifyState
1146  -> UnifyStep
1147  -> m (UnificationResult' UnifyState)
1148solutionStep retry s
1149  step@Solution{ solutionAt   = k
1150               , solutionType = dom@Dom{ unDom = a }
1151               , solutionVar  = fi@FlexibleVar{ flexVar = i }
1152               , solutionTerm = u } = do
1153  let m = varCount s
1155  -- Now we have to be careful about forced variables in `u`. If they appear
1156  -- in pattern positions we need to bind them there rather in their forced positions. We can safely
1157  -- ignore non-pattern positions and forced pattern positions, because in that case there will be
1158  -- other equations where the variable can be bound.
1159  -- NOTE: If we're doing make-case we ignore forced variables. This is safe since we take the
1160  -- result of unification and build user clauses that will be checked again with forcing turned on.
1161  inMakeCase <- viewTC eMakeCase
1162  let forcedVars | inMakeCase = IntMap.empty
1163                 | otherwise  = IntMap.fromList [ (flexVar fi, getModality fi) | fi <- flexVars s,
1164                                                                                 flexForced fi == Forced ]
1165  (p, bound) <- patternBindingForcedVars forcedVars u
1167  -- To maintain the invariant that each variable in varTel is bound exactly once in the pattern
1168  -- substitution we need to turn the bound variables in `p` into dot patterns in the rest of the
1169  -- substitution.
1170  let dotSub = foldr composeS idS [ inplaceS i (dotP (Var i [])) | i <- IntMap.keys bound ]
1172  -- We moved the binding site of some forced variables, so we need to update their modalities in
1173  -- the telescope. The new modality is the combination of the modality of the variable we are
1174  -- instantiating and the modality of the binding site in the pattern (returned by
1175  -- patternBindingForcedVars).
1176  let updModality md vars tel
1177        | IntMap.null vars = tel
1178        | otherwise        = telFromList $ zipWith upd (downFrom $ size tel) (telToList tel)
1179        where
1180          upd i a | Just md' <- IntMap.lookup i vars = setModality (composeModality md md') a
1181                  | otherwise                        = a
1182  s <- return $ s { varTel = updModality (getModality fi) bound (varTel s) }
1184  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify.force" 45 $ vcat
1185    [ "forcedVars =" <+> pretty (IntMap.keys forcedVars)
1186    , "u          =" <+> prettyTCM u
1187    , "p          =" <+> prettyTCM p
1188    , "bound      =" <+> pretty (IntMap.keys bound)
1189    , "dotSub     =" <+> pretty dotSub ]
1191  -- Check that the type of the variable is equal to the type of the equation
1192  -- (not just a subtype), otherwise we cannot instantiate (see Issue 2407).
1193  let dom'@Dom{ unDom = a' } = getVarType (m-1-i) s
1194  equalTypes <- addContext (varTel s) $ runBlocked $ do
1195    reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 45 $ "Equation type: " <+> prettyTCM a
1196    reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 45 $ "Variable type: " <+> prettyTCM a'
1197    pureEqualType a a'
1199  -- The conditions on the relevances are as follows (see #2640):
1200  -- - If the type of the equation is relevant, then the solution must be
1201  --   usable in a relevant position.
1202  -- - If the type of the equation is (shape-)irrelevant, then the solution
1203  --   must be usable in a μ-relevant position where μ is the relevance
1204  --   of the variable being solved.
1205  --
1206  -- Jesper, Andreas, 2018-10-17: the quantity of the equation is morally
1207  -- always @Quantity0@, since the indices of the data type are runtime erased.
1208  -- Thus, we need not change the quantity of the solution.
1209  let eqrel  = getRelevance dom
1210      eqmod  = getModality dom
1211      varmod = getModality dom'
1212      mod    = applyUnless (NonStrict `moreRelevant` eqrel) (setRelevance eqrel)
1213             $ varmod
1214  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 65 $ text $ "Equation modality: " ++ show (getModality dom)
1215  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 65 $ text $ "Variable modality: " ++ show varmod
1216  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 65 $ text $ "Solution must be usable in a " ++ show mod ++ " position."
1217  -- Andreas, 2018-10-18
1218  -- Currently, the modality check has problems with meta-variables created in the type signature,
1219  -- and thus, in quantity 0, that get into terms using the unifier, and there are checked to be
1220  -- non-erased, i.e., have quantity ω.
1221  -- Ulf, 2019-12-13. We still do it though.
1222  -- Andrea, 2020-10-15: It looks at meta instantiations now.
1223  eusable <- addContext (varTel s) $ runExceptT $ usableMod mod u
1224  caseEitherM (return eusable) (return . UnifyBlocked) $ \ usable -> do
1226  reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 45 $ "Modality ok: " <+> prettyTCM usable
1227  unless usable $ reportSLn "tc.lhs.unify" 65 $ "Rejected solution: " ++ show u
1229  -- We need a Flat equality to solve a Flat variable.
1230  -- This also ought to take care of the need for a usableCohesion check.
1231  if not (getCohesion eqmod `moreCohesion` getCohesion varmod) then return $ UnifyStuck [] else do
1233  case equalTypes of
1234    Left block  -> return $ UnifyBlocked block
1235    Right False -> return $ UnifyStuck []
1236    Right True | usable ->
1237      case solveVar (m - 1 - i) p s of
1238        Nothing | retry == RetryNormalised -> do
1239          u <- normalise u
1240          s <- lensVarTel normalise s
1241          solutionStep DontRetryNormalised s step{ solutionTerm = u }
1242        Nothing ->
1243          return $ UnifyStuck [UnifyRecursiveEq (varTel s) a i u]
1244        Just (s', sub) -> do
1245          let rho = sub `composeS` dotSub
1246          tellUnifySubst rho
1247          let (s'', sigma) = solveEq k (applyPatSubst rho u) s'
1248          tellUnifyProof sigma
1249          return $ Unifies s''
1250          -- Andreas, 2019-02-23, issue #3578: do not eagerly reduce
1251          -- Unifies <$> liftTCM (reduce s'')
1252    Right True -> return $ UnifyStuck [UnifyUnusableModality (varTel s) a i u mod]
1253solutionStep _ _ _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
1256  :: (PureTCM m, MonadWriter UnifyOutput m)
1257  => UnifyState -> UnifyStrategy -> m (UnificationResult' UnifyState)
1258unify s strategy = if isUnifyStateSolved s
1259                   then return $ Unifies s
1260                   else tryUnifyStepsAndContinue (strategy s)
1261  where
1262    tryUnifyStepsAndContinue
1263      :: (PureTCM m, MonadWriter UnifyOutput m)
1264      => ListT m UnifyStep -> m (UnificationResult' UnifyState)
1265    tryUnifyStepsAndContinue steps = do
1266      x <- foldListT tryUnifyStep failure steps
1267      case x of
1268        Unifies s'     -> unify s' strategy
1269        NoUnify err    -> return $ NoUnify err
1270        UnifyBlocked b -> return $ UnifyBlocked b
1271        UnifyStuck err -> return $ UnifyStuck err
1273    tryUnifyStep :: (PureTCM m, MonadWriter UnifyOutput m)
1274                 => UnifyStep
1275                 -> m (UnificationResult' UnifyState)
1276                 -> m (UnificationResult' UnifyState)
1277    tryUnifyStep step fallback = do
1278      addContext (varTel s) $
1279        reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 20 $ "trying unifyStep" <+> prettyTCM step
1280      x <- unifyStep s step
1281      case x of
1282        Unifies s'   -> do
1283          reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 20 $ "unifyStep successful."
1284          reportSDoc "tc.lhs.unify" 20 $ "new unifyState:" <+> prettyTCM s'
1285          writeUnifyLog $ UnificationStep s step
1286          return x
1287        NoUnify{}       -> return x
1288        UnifyBlocked b1 -> do
1289          y <- fallback
1290          case y of
1291            UnifyStuck _    -> return $ UnifyBlocked b1
1292            UnifyBlocked b2 -> return $ UnifyBlocked $ unblockOnEither b1 b2
1293            _               -> return y
1294        UnifyStuck err1 -> do
1295          y <- fallback
1296          case y of
1297            UnifyStuck err2 -> return $ UnifyStuck $ err1 ++ err2
1298            _               -> return y
1300    failure :: Monad m => m (UnificationResult' a)
1301    failure = return $ UnifyStuck []
1303-- | Turn a term into a pattern while binding as many of the given forced variables as possible (in
1304--   non-forced positions).
1305patternBindingForcedVars :: PureTCM m => IntMap Modality -> Term -> m (DeBruijnPattern, IntMap Modality)
1306patternBindingForcedVars forced v = do
1307  let v' = precomputeFreeVars_ v
1308  runWriterT (evalStateT (go defaultModality v') forced)
1309  where
1310    noForced v = gets $ IntSet.disjoint (precomputedFreeVars v) . IntMap.keysSet
1312    bind md i = do
1313      Just md' <- gets $ IntMap.lookup i
1314      if related md POLE md'    -- The new binding site must be more relevant (more relevant = smaller).
1315        then do                 -- The forcing analysis guarantees that there exists such a position.
1316          tell   $ IntMap.singleton i md
1317          modify $ IntMap.delete i
1318          return $ varP (deBruijnVar i)
1319        else return $ dotP (Var i [])
1321    go md v = ifM (noForced v) (return $ dotP v) $ do
1322      v' <- lift $ lift $ reduce v
1323      case v' of
1324        Var i [] -> bind md i  -- we know i is forced
1325        Con c ci es
1326          | Just vs <- allApplyElims es -> do
1327            fs <- defForced <$> getConstInfo (conName c)
1328            let goArg Forced    v = return $ fmap (unnamed . dotP) v
1329                goArg NotForced v = fmap unnamed <$> traverse (go $ composeModality md $ getModality v) v
1330            (ps, bound) <- listen $ zipWithM goArg (fs ++ repeat NotForced) vs
1331            if IntMap.null bound
1332              then return $ dotP v  -- bound nothing
1333              else do
1334                let cpi = (toConPatternInfo ci) { conPLazy   = True } -- Not setting conPType. Is this a problem?
1335                return $ ConP c cpi $ map (setOrigin Inserted) ps
1336          | otherwise -> return $ dotP v   -- Higher constructor (es has IApply)
1338        -- Non-pattern positions
1339        Var _ (_:_) -> return $ dotP v
1340        Lam{}       -> return $ dotP v
1341        Pi{}        -> return $ dotP v
1342        Def{}       -> return $ dotP v
1343        MetaV{}     -> return $ dotP v
1344        Sort{}      -> return $ dotP v
1345        Level{}     -> return $ dotP v
1346        DontCare{}  -> return $ dotP v
1347        Dummy{}     -> return $ dotP v
1348        Lit{}       -> __IMPOSSIBLE__