1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2011 Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17  *
18  * Author: Manuel Requena <manuel.requena@cttc.es>
19  */
21 #ifndef FF_MAC_COMMON_H
22 #define FF_MAC_COMMON_H
24 #include <ns3/simple-ref-count.h>
25 #include <ns3/ptr.h>
26 #include <vector>
29 /**
30  * Constants. See section 4.4
31  */
32 #define MAX_SCHED_CFG_LIST    10
33 #define MAX_LC_LIST           10
35 #define MAX_RACH_LIST         30
36 #define MAX_DL_INFO_LIST      30
37 #define MAX_BUILD_DATA_LIST   30
38 #define MAX_BUILD_RAR_LIST    10
39 #define MAX_BUILD_BC_LIST     3
40 #define MAX_UL_INFO_LIST      30
41 #define MAX_DCI_LIST          30
42 #define MAX_PHICH_LIST        30
43 #define MAX_TB_LIST           2
44 #define MAX_RLC_PDU_LIST      30
45 #define MAX_NR_LCG            4
46 #define MAX_MBSFN_CONFIG      5
47 #define MAX_SI_MSG_LIST       32
48 #define MAX_SI_MSG_SIZE       65535
50 #define MAX_CQI_LIST          30
51 #define MAX_UE_SELECTED_SB    6
52 #define MAX_HL_SB             25
53 #define MAX_SINR_RB_LIST      100
54 #define MAX_SR_LIST           30
55 #define MAX_MAC_CE_LIST       30
57 namespace ns3 {
59 /// Result_e enumeration
60 enum Result_e
61 {
64 };
66 /// SetupRelease_e enumeration
67 enum SetupRelease_e
68 {
69   setup,
70   release
71 };
73 /// CeBitmap_e
74 enum CeBitmap_e
75 {
76   TA,
77   DRX,
78   CR
79 };
81 /// NormalExtended_e enumeration
82 enum NormalExtended_e
83 {
84   normal,
85   extended
86 };
89 /**
90  * \brief See section 4.3.1 dlDciListElement
91  * \struct DlDciListElement_s
92  */
93 struct DlDciListElement_s
94 {
95   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
96   uint32_t  m_rbBitmap {UINT8_MAX}; ///< RB bitmap
97   uint8_t   m_rbShift {UINT8_MAX}; ///< RB shift
98   uint8_t   m_resAlloc {UINT8_MAX}; ///< The type of resource allocation
99   std::vector <uint16_t>  m_tbsSize; ///< The TBs size
100   std::vector <uint8_t>   m_mcs; ///< MCS
101   std::vector <uint8_t>   m_ndi; ///< New data indicator
102   std::vector <uint8_t>   m_rv; ///< Redundancy version
103   uint8_t   m_cceIndex {UINT8_MAX}; ///< Control Channel Element index
104   uint8_t   m_aggrLevel {UINT8_MAX}; ///< The aggregation level
105   uint8_t   m_precodingInfo {UINT8_MAX}; ///< precoding info
106   /// Format enumeration
107   enum Format_e
108   {
109     ONE, ONE_A, ONE_B, ONE_C, ONE_D, TWO, TWO_A, TWO_B, NotValid_Dci_Format
110   } m_format {NotValid_Dci_Format}; ///< the format
111   uint8_t   m_tpc {UINT8_MAX}; ///< Tx power control command
112   uint8_t   m_harqProcess {UINT8_MAX}; ///< HARQ process
113   uint8_t   m_dai {UINT8_MAX}; ///< DL assignment index
114   /// Vrb Format enum
115   enum VrbFormat_e
116   {
119     NotValid_VRB_Format
120   } m_vrbFormat {NotValid_VRB_Format}; ///< the format
121   bool      m_tbSwap {false}; ///< swap?
122   bool      m_spsRelease {false}; ///< release?
123   bool      m_pdcchOrder {false}; ///< cch order?
124   uint8_t   m_preambleIndex {UINT8_MAX}; ///< preamble index
125   uint8_t   m_prachMaskIndex {UINT8_MAX}; ///< RACH mask index
126   /// Ngap enum
127   enum Ngap_e
128   {
129     GAP1, GAP2, NotValid_Ngap
130   } m_nGap {NotValid_Ngap}; ///< the gap
131   uint8_t   m_tbsIdx {UINT8_MAX}; ///< tbs index
132   uint8_t   m_dlPowerOffset {UINT8_MAX}; ///< DL power offset
133   uint8_t   m_pdcchPowerOffset {UINT8_MAX}; ///<  CCH power offset
134 };
136 /**
137  * \brief See section 4.3.2 ulDciListElement
138  * \struct UlDciListElement_s
139  */
140 struct UlDciListElement_s
141 {
142   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
143   uint8_t   m_rbStart {UINT8_MAX}; ///< start
144   uint8_t   m_rbLen {UINT8_MAX}; ///< length
145   uint16_t  m_tbSize {UINT16_MAX}; ///< size
146   uint8_t   m_mcs {UINT8_MAX}; ///< MCS
147   uint8_t   m_ndi {UINT8_MAX}; ///< NDI
148   uint8_t   m_cceIndex {UINT8_MAX}; ///< Control Channel Element index
149   uint8_t   m_aggrLevel {UINT8_MAX}; ///< The aggregation level
150   uint8_t   m_ueTxAntennaSelection {UINT8_MAX}; ///< UE antenna selection
151   bool      m_hopping {false}; ///< hopping?
152   uint8_t   m_n2Dmrs {UINT8_MAX}; ///< n2 DMRS
153   int8_t    m_tpc {INT8_MIN}; ///< Tx power control command
154   bool      m_cqiRequest {false}; ///< CQI request
155   uint8_t   m_ulIndex {UINT8_MAX}; ///< UL index
156   uint8_t   m_dai {UINT8_MAX}; ///< DL assignment index
157   uint8_t   m_freqHopping {UINT8_MAX}; ///< freq hopping
158   int8_t    m_pdcchPowerOffset {INT8_MIN}; ///< CCH power offset
159 };
161 /**
162 * \brief Base class for storing the values of vendor specific parameters
163 */
164 struct VendorSpecificValue : public SimpleRefCount<VendorSpecificValue>
165 {
166   virtual ~VendorSpecificValue ();
168 };
170 /**
171  * \brief See section 4.3.3 vendorSpecifiListElement
172  * \struct VendorSpecificListElement_s
173  */
174 struct VendorSpecificListElement_s
175 {
176   uint32_t m_type {UINT32_MAX}; ///< type
177   uint32_t m_length {UINT32_MAX}; ///< length
178   Ptr<VendorSpecificValue> m_value; ///< value
179 };
181 /**
182  * \brief See section 4.3.4 logicalChannelConfigListElement
183  * \struct LogicalChannelConfigListElement_s
184  */
185 struct LogicalChannelConfigListElement_s
186 {
187   uint8_t   m_logicalChannelIdentity {UINT8_MAX}; ///< logical channel identity
188   uint8_t   m_logicalChannelGroup {UINT8_MAX}; ///< logical channel group
190   /// Direction enum
191   enum Direction_e
192   {
193     DIR_UL,
194     DIR_DL,
195     DIR_BOTH,
196     NotValid
197   } m_direction {NotValid}; ///< the direction
199   /// QosBearerType enum
200   enum QosBearerType_e
201   {
202     QBT_NON_GBR,
203     QBT_GBR,
204     NotValid_QosBearerType
205   } m_qosBearerType {NotValid_QosBearerType}; ///< the QOS bearer type
207   uint8_t   m_qci {UINT8_MAX}; ///< QCI
208   uint64_t  m_eRabMaximulBitrateUl {UINT64_MAX}; ///< ERAB maximum bit rate UL
209   uint64_t  m_eRabMaximulBitrateDl {UINT64_MAX}; ///< ERAB maximum bit rate DL
210   uint64_t  m_eRabGuaranteedBitrateUl {UINT64_MAX}; ///< ERAB guaranteed bit rate UL
211   uint64_t  m_eRabGuaranteedBitrateDl {UINT64_MAX}; ///< ERAB guaranteed bit rate DL
212 };
214 /**
215  * \brief See section 4.3.6 rachListElement
216  * \struct RachListElement_s
217  */
218 struct RachListElement_s
219 {
220   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
221   uint16_t  m_estimatedSize {UINT16_MAX}; ///< estimated size
222 };
224 /**
225  * \brief See section 4.3.7 phichListElement
226  * \struct PhichListElement_s
227  */
228 struct PhichListElement_s
229 {
230   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
231   /// Phich enum
232   enum Phich_e
233   {
234     ACK, NACK, NotValid
235   } m_phich {NotValid}; ///< the phich
236 };
238 /**
239  * \brief See section 4.3.9 rlcPDU_ListElement
240  */
241 struct RlcPduListElement_s
242 {
243   uint8_t   m_logicalChannelIdentity {UINT8_MAX}; ///< logical channel identity
244   uint16_t  m_size {UINT16_MAX}; ///< size
245 };
247 /**
248  * \brief See section 4.3.8 builDataListElement
249  * \struct BuildDataListElement_s
250  */
251 struct BuildDataListElement_s
252 {
253   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
254   struct DlDciListElement_s m_dci; ///< DCI
255   std::vector <enum CeBitmap_e> m_ceBitmap; ///< CE bitmap
256   std::vector < std::vector <struct RlcPduListElement_s> > m_rlcPduList; ///< RLC PDU list
257 };
259 /**
260  * \brief Substitutive structure for specifying BuildRarListElement_s::m_grant field
261  */
262 struct UlGrant_s
263 {
264   uint16_t m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
265   uint8_t m_rbStart {UINT8_MAX}; ///< start
266   uint8_t m_rbLen {UINT8_MAX}; ///< length
267   uint16_t m_tbSize {UINT16_MAX}; ///< size
268   uint8_t m_mcs {UINT8_MAX}; ///< MCS
269   bool m_hopping {false}; ///< hopping?
270   int8_t m_tpc {INT8_MIN}; ///< Tx power control command
271   bool m_cqiRequest {false}; ///< CQI request?
272   bool m_ulDelay {false}; ///< UL delay?
273 };
275 /**
276  * \brief See section 4.3.10 buildRARListElement
277  */
278 struct BuildRarListElement_s
279 {
280   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
281   //uint32_t  m_grant; // Substituted with type UlGrant_s
282   UlGrant_s m_grant; ///< grant
283   struct DlDciListElement_s m_dci; ///< DCI
284 };
286 /**
287  * \brief See section 4.3.11 buildBroadcastListElement
288  */
289 struct BuildBroadcastListElement_s
290 {
291   /// Type enum
292   enum Type_e
293   {
294     BCCH, PCCH, NotValid
295   } m_type {NotValid}; ///< the type
296   uint8_t m_index {UINT8_MAX}; ///< index
297   struct DlDciListElement_s m_dci; ///< DCI
298 };
300 /**
301  * \brief See section 4.3.12 ulInfoListElement
302  */
303 struct UlInfoListElement_s
304 {
305   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
306   std::vector <uint16_t> m_ulReception; ///< UL reception
307   /// Reception status enum
308   enum ReceptionStatus_e
309   {
310     Ok, NotOk, NotValid
311   } m_receptionStatus {NotValid}; ///< the status
312   uint8_t   m_tpc {UINT8_MAX}; ///< Tx power control command
313 };
315 /**
316  * \brief See section 4.3.13 srListElement
317  */
318 struct SrListElement_s
319 {
320   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
321 };
323 /**
324  * \brief See section 4.3.15 macCEValue
325  */
326 struct MacCeValue_u
327 {
328   uint8_t   m_phr {UINT8_MAX}; ///< phr
329   uint8_t   m_crnti {UINT8_MAX}; ///< NRTI
330   std::vector <uint8_t> m_bufferStatus; ///< buffer status
331 };
333 /**
334  * \brief See section 4.3.14 macCEListElement
335  */
336 struct MacCeListElement_s
337 {
338   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
339   /// MAC CE type enum
340   enum MacCeType_e
341   {
342     BSR, PHR, CRNTI, NotValid
343   } m_macCeType {NotValid}; ///< MAC CE type
344   struct MacCeValue_u m_macCeValue; ///< MAC CE value
345 };
347 /**
348  * \brief See section 4.3.16 drxConfig
349  */
350 struct DrxConfig_s
351 {
352   uint8_t   m_onDurationTimer {UINT8_MAX}; ///< on duration timer
353   uint16_t  m_drxInactivityTimer {UINT16_MAX}; ///< inactivity timer
354   uint16_t  m_drxRetransmissionTimer {UINT16_MAX}; ///< retransmission timer
355   uint16_t  m_longDrxCycle {UINT16_MAX}; ///< long DRX cycle
356   uint16_t  m_longDrxCycleStartOffset {UINT16_MAX}; ///< long DRX cycle start offset
357   uint16_t  m_shortDrxCycle {UINT16_MAX}; ///< short DRX cycle
358   uint8_t   m_drxShortCycleTimer {UINT8_MAX}; ///< short DRX cycle timer
359 };
361 /**
362  * \brief See section 4.3.17 spsConfig
363  */
364 struct SpsConfig_s
365 {
366   uint16_t  m_semiPersistSchedIntervalUl {UINT16_MAX}; ///< UL semi persist schedule interval
367   uint16_t  m_semiPersistSchedIntervalDl {UINT16_MAX}; ///< DL semi persist schedule interval
368   uint8_t   m_numberOfConfSpsProcesses {UINT8_MAX}; ///< number of conf SPS process
369   uint8_t   m_n1PucchAnPersistentListSize {UINT8_MAX}; ///< N1pu CCH  persistent list size
370   std::vector <uint16_t> m_n1PucchAnPersistentList; ///< N1pu CCH persistent list
371   uint8_t   m_implicitReleaseAfter {UINT8_MAX}; ///< implicit release after
372 };
374 /**
375  * \brief See section 4.3.18 srConfig
376  */
377 struct SrConfig_s
378 {
379   enum SetupRelease_e m_action {setup}; ///< action
380   uint8_t   m_schedInterval {UINT8_MAX}; ///< sched interval
381   uint8_t   m_dsrTransMax {UINT8_MAX}; ///< trans max
382 };
384 /**
385  * \brief See section 4.3.19 cqiConfig
386  */
387 struct CqiConfig_s
388 {
389   enum SetupRelease_e m_action {setup}; ///< action
390   uint16_t  m_cqiSchedInterval {UINT16_MAX}; ///< CQI schedule interval
391   uint8_t   m_riSchedInterval {UINT8_MAX}; ///< RI schedule interval
392 };
394 /**
395  * \brief See section 4.3.20 ueCapabilities
396  */
397 struct UeCapabilities_s
398 {
399   bool      m_halfDuplex {false}; ///< half duplex
400   bool      m_intraSfHopping {false}; ///< intra SF hopping
401   bool      m_type2Sb1 {false}; ///< type 2Sb1
402   uint8_t   m_ueCategory {UINT8_MAX}; ///< UE category
403   bool      m_resAllocType1 {false}; ///< alloc type 1
404 };
406 /**
407  * \brief See section 4.3.22 siMessageListElement
408  */
409 struct SiMessageListElement_s
410 {
411   uint16_t  m_periodicity {UINT16_MAX}; ///< periodicity
412   uint16_t  m_length {UINT16_MAX}; ///< length
413 };
415 /**
416  * \brief See section 4.3.21 siConfiguration
417  */
418 struct SiConfiguration_s
419 {
420   uint16_t  m_sfn {UINT16_MAX}; ///< sfn
421   uint16_t  m_sib1Length {UINT16_MAX}; ///< sib1 length
422   uint8_t   m_siWindowLength {UINT8_MAX}; ///< window length
423   std::vector <struct SiMessageListElement_s> m_siMessageList; ///< message list
424 };
426 /**
427  * \brief See section 4.3.23 dlInfoListElement
428  */
429 struct DlInfoListElement_s
430 {
431   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
432   uint8_t   m_harqProcessId {UINT8_MAX}; ///< HARQ process ID
433   /// HARQ status enum
434   enum HarqStatus_e
435   {
436     ACK, NACK, DTX
437   };
438   std::vector <enum HarqStatus_e> m_harqStatus; ///< HARQ status
439 };
441 /**
442  * \brief See section 4.3.28 bwPart
443  */
444 struct BwPart_s
445 {
446   uint8_t   m_bwPartIndex {UINT8_MAX}; ///< bw part index
447   uint8_t   m_sb {UINT8_MAX}; ///< sb
448   uint8_t   m_cqi {UINT8_MAX}; ///< CQI
449 };
451 /**
452  * \brief See section 4.3.27 higherLayerSelected
453  */
454 struct HigherLayerSelected_s
455 {
456   uint8_t   m_sbPmi {UINT8_MAX}; ///< sb PMI
457   std::vector <uint8_t> m_sbCqi; ///< sb CQI
458 };
460 /**
461  * \brief See section 4.3.26 ueSelected
462  */
463 struct UeSelected_s
464 {
465   std::vector <uint8_t> m_sbList; ///< sb list
466   uint8_t   m_sbPmi {UINT8_MAX}; ///< sb PMI
467   std::vector <uint8_t> m_sbCqi; ///< sb CQI
468 };
470 /**
471  * \brief See section 4.3.25 sbMeasResult
472  */
473 struct SbMeasResult_s
474 {
475   struct UeSelected_s           m_ueSelected; ///< UE selected
476   std::vector <struct HigherLayerSelected_s> m_higherLayerSelected; ///< higher layer selected
477   struct BwPart_s               m_bwPart; ///< bw part
478 };
480 /**
481  * \brief See section 4.3.24 cqiListElement
482  */
483 struct CqiListElement_s
484 {
485   uint16_t  m_rnti {UINT16_MAX}; ///< RNTI
486   uint8_t   m_ri {UINT8_MAX}; ///< RI
487   /// CqiType_e enumeration
488   enum CqiType_e
489   {
490     P10, P11, P20, P21, A12, A22, A20, A30, A31, NotValid
491   } m_cqiType {NotValid}; ///< CQI type
492   std::vector <uint8_t> m_wbCqi; ///< wb CQI
493   uint8_t   m_wbPmi {UINT8_MAX}; ///< wb PMI
495   struct SbMeasResult_s m_sbMeasResult; ///< sb measure result
496 };
498 /**
499  * \brief See section 4.3.29 ulCQI
500  */
501 struct UlCqi_s
502 {
503   std::vector <uint16_t> m_sinr; ///< SINR
504   /// Type_e enumeration
505   enum Type_e
506   {
507     SRS,
508     PUSCH,
509     PUCCH_1,
510     PUCCH_2,
511     PRACH,
512     NotValid
513   } m_type {NotValid}; ///< type
514 };
516 /**
517  * \brief See section 4.3.30 pagingInfoListElement
518  */
519 struct PagingInfoListElement_s
520 {
521   uint8_t   m_pagingIndex {UINT8_MAX}; ///< paging index
522   uint16_t  m_pagingMessageSize {UINT16_MAX}; ///< paging message size
523   uint8_t   m_pagingSubframe {UINT8_MAX}; ///< paging subframe
524 };
526 } // namespace ns3
528 #endif /* FF_MAC_COMMON_H */