1 /*========================== begin_copyright_notice ============================
3 Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Intel Corporation
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
7 ============================= end_copyright_notice ===========================*/
9 //
10 /// GenXLiveness
11 /// ------------
12 ///
13 /// GenXLiveness is an analysis that contains the liveness information for the
14 /// values in the code. Unlike the usual LLVM liveness analysis, the values
15 /// are in LLVM IR rather than machine IR.
16 ///
17 /// This GenXLiveness pass is a container for the data structures required
18 /// for liveness analysis, plus methods to perform the analysis. The pass itself
19 /// does nothing; later passes manipulate it:
20 ///
21 /// * GenXCategory creates a LiveRange and sets the category on it for each
22 ///   value.
23 ///
24 /// * GenXLiveRanges calls GenXLiveness to set up the LiveRange for each
25 ///   value that needs one (a non-baled instruction or a function argument),
26 ///   and erases the LiveRange for a value that does not need one (a baled
27 ///   in instruction).
28 ///
29 /// GenXLiveness is a FunctionGroupWrapperPass, because we want to share
30 /// liveness information between all the Functions in a FunctionGroup (i.e.
31 /// between a GenX kernel/function and its subroutines). Any pass that uses
32 /// GenXLiveness, which is almost all passes that run after it, must itself be a
33 /// FunctionGroupWrapperPass.
34 ///
35 /// Here is what a LiveRange might look like if you dump() it in the debugger,
36 /// or see it as part of the liveness info in a -print-after-all:
37 ///
38 /// ``add12.split48172:[145,199){general,align32}``
39 ///
40 /// * ``add12.split48172`` is the Value attached to the LiveRange. As outlined
41 /// below,
42 ///   a LiveRange actually has SimpleValues rather than Values; if the attached
43 ///   SimpleValue had been an element of a struct rather than a scalar value in
44 ///   its own right, the name would have had # then the flattened index
45 ///   appended.
46 ///
47 /// * A LiveRange can have more than one value attached after GenXCoalescing.
48 ///   This would be shown by multiple comma-separated names.
49 ///
50 /// * ``[145,199)`` is the segment in which the LiveRange is live. A LiveRange
51 /// can
52 ///   have multiple segments. This one is a normal (strong) segment; a weak one
53 ///   has the start number prefixed with 'w' and a phicpy one has the start
54 ///   number prefixed with 'ph'.
55 ///
56 /// * ``general`` is the register category of the LiveRange.
57 ///
58 /// * ``align32`` shows that the LiveRange has been marked as needing to be 32
59 ///   byte (i.e. GRF) aligned.
60 ///
61 /// * If the LiveRange was a kernel argument, its allocated offset would have
62 ///   been shown with the word 'offset'.
63 ///
64 /// SimpleValue
65 /// ^^^^^^^^^^^
66 ///
67 /// Liveness information deals with SimpleValues rather than Values.
68 /// SimpleValue (a GenX backend specific class) is the entity that can have
69 /// a live range attached and a register allocated. A SimpleValue is either a
70 /// non-struct Value, or a non-struct element of a struct Value (where the
71 /// struct can contain nested structs).
72 ///
73 /// A SimpleValue is represented by a pair:
74 ///
75 /// - a Value *
76 /// - a flattened index for a non-struct element of a struct, otherwise 0
77 ///
78 /// Having a flattened index (as generated by IndexFlattener::flatten()) allows
79 /// us to encode an element in multiply nested structs with a single index.
80 ///
81 /// The idea of SimpleValue is that, where the LLVM IR contains a struct value,
82 /// which is unavoidable when a function has multiple return values, we want
83 /// to allocate a register to each non-struct element, not the whole struct.
84 ///
85 /// Segments
86 /// ^^^^^^^^
87 ///
88 /// A live range consists of one or more non-overlapping *segments*, where each
89 /// segment has a start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) instruction number, and
90 /// a strength, which is strong (normal), weak (see below) or phicpy (see
91 /// below). Two segments cannot be abutting if they have the same strength.
92 /// Later passes can interrogate this information to find out whether two live
93 /// ranges interfere, and can modify it by coalescing (merging) two live ranges.
94 /// After coalescing, multiple SimpleValues share the same live range.
95 ///
96 /// The numbering of instructions is handled in GenXNumbering.
97 ///
98 /// Weak liveness
99 /// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
100 ///
101 /// A live range that extends over a call has the entire range of the called
102 /// subroutine, and any subroutines it can call, added to it. This makes that
103 /// live range interfere with any live range inside the subroutine, and thus
104 /// stops them using the same register.
105 ///
106 /// However, because a subroutine has a single range in instruction numbering,
107 /// rather than one range per call site, this scheme means that two values A
108 /// and B that are live over two *different* call sites of the same subroutine
109 /// both include the subroutine's range, and thus look like they interfere.
110 /// This could stop A and B being coalesced, and thus add extra code and
111 /// register pressure.
112 ///
113 /// To fix this, we have the concept of *weak liveness*. The values A and B
114 /// are only weakly live inside the subroutine. Two values are considered to
115 /// interfere only if there is some point where both are live, and at least
116 /// one of them is not weakly live at that point.
117 ///
118 /// Thus, in our A and B example, A and B each interferes with any value inside
119 /// the subroutine, but not with each other.
120 ///
121 /// Phicpy liveness
122 /// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
123 ///
124 /// A phi node has a short segment of liveness (a *phicpy segment*) at the end
125 /// of each of its incoming blocks, from the phi copy insertion point up to the
126 /// end of the block. The use of the incoming value in the phi node is counted
127 /// as being at that phi copy insertion point.
128 ///
129 /// Normally, we split critical edges, so an incoming block to a phi node has
130 /// only the one successor, and the use of the incoming value at the phi copy
131 /// insertion point is a kill use. Often, the phi node and the incoming can be
132 /// coalesced, unless there is some interference elsewhere due to other values
133 /// previously coalesced into the two live ranges.
134 ///
135 /// However, in one case (a goto/join branching to a join), we cannot split the
136 /// critical edge. Thus the phi copy insertion point is before the conditional
137 /// branch in a block with two successors, and the incoming value is likely to
138 /// be used in the other successor too. Then, there is interference between the
139 /// phi node and the incoming value, even though they could be coalesced.
140 ///
141 /// To avoid this problem, each phicpy segment in a live range is marked as
142 /// such. A phicpy segment is valid only if there is no segment abutting it
143 /// before; if there is an abutting before segment, the coalescing code turns it
144 /// into a normal strong segment and merges the two together.
145 ///
146 /// Then, interference between two live ranges LR1 and LR2 is ignored if:
147 ///
148 /// 1. the interference arises between a phicpy segment in LR1 and a normal
149 ///    (strong) segment in LR2; and
150 ///
151 /// 2. the start of the phicpy segment is the phi copy insertion point where the
152 ///    phi node is in LR1 and the incoming value is in LR2.
153 ///
154 /// This then allows the incoming value and the phi node to be coalesced, even
155 /// if the incoming value is also used in the branch's other successor.
156 ///
157 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
158 #ifndef GENXLIVENESS_H
159 #define GENXLIVENESS_H
161 #include "FunctionGroup.h"
162 #include "GenXSubtarget.h"
163 #include "IgnoreRAUWValueMap.h"
164 #include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
165 #include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
166 #include "llvm/IR/ValueHandle.h"
167 #include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
168 #include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
169 #include <map>
170 #include <set>
171 #include <string>
172 #include <vector>
173 #include "Probe/Assertion.h"
175 namespace llvm {
177 class BasicBlock;
178 class CastInst;
179 class CallInst;
180 class Function;
181 class FunctionPass;
182 class GenXBaling;
183 class GenXLiveness;
184 class GenXNumbering;
185 class GenXSubtarget;
186 class Instruction;
187 class PHINode;
188 class raw_ostream;
189 class ReturnInst;
190 class Value;
192 ModulePass *createGenXGroupPrinterPass(raw_ostream &O,
193                                        const std::string &Banner);
195 namespace genx {
197 class Bale;
199 /***********************************************************************
200  * IndexFlattener : a class containing some (static) utility functions to
201  * convert between struct indices (as found in an extractelement instruction)
202  * and a flattened index, in which a struct containing further structs is
203  * flattened as if it is a single struct containing just the non-struct
204  * elements.
205  *
206  * SimpleValue uses this to encode and decode its flattened index.
207  * Liveness and coalescing use flattenArg and getNumArgElements to calculate
208  * live ranges for function args at the call sites.
209  */
210 struct IndexFlattener {
211   // flatten : convert struct indices into a flattened index
212   static unsigned flatten(StructType *ST, ArrayRef<unsigned> Indices);
213   // getNumElements : get the number of non-struct elements in the flattened
214   // struct. Returns 1 if it is not a struct type, but 0 for void type.
getNumElementsIndexFlattener215   static unsigned getNumElements(Type *Ty) {
216     if (auto ST = dyn_cast<StructType>(Ty))
217       return flatten(ST, ST->getNumElements());
218     return !Ty->isVoidTy();
219   }
220   // unflatten : convert a flattened index back into normal struct indices
221   static unsigned unflatten(StructType *ST, unsigned Unflattened, SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *Indices);
222   // getElementType : get type of struct element from flattened index
223   static Type *getElementType(Type *Ty, unsigned FlattenedIndex);
224   // flattenArg : flatten an arg in a function or call, i.e. calculate the
225   //    total number of flattened indices used up by previous args. If all
226   //    previous args are not struct type, then this just returns the arg
227   //    index
228   static unsigned flattenArg(FunctionType *FT, unsigned ArgIndex);
229   // getNumArgElements : get the number of non-struct elements in all args
230   //    of the function
getNumArgElementsIndexFlattener231   static unsigned getNumArgElements(FunctionType *FT) {
232     return flattenArg(FT, FT->getNumParams());
233   }
234 };
236 class AssertingSV;
238 /***********************************************************************
239  * SimpleValue : a non-struct value, possibly inside a struct
240  * See comment at the top of the file.
241  */
242 class SimpleValue {
243   Value *V;
244   unsigned Index; // flattened struct index
245 public:
SimpleValue()246   SimpleValue() : V(nullptr), Index(0) {}
247   // Constructor from a non-struct value
SimpleValue(Value * V)248   SimpleValue(Value *V) : V(V), Index(0) {}
249   // Constructor from a struct value and an already flattened index
SimpleValue(Value * V,unsigned Index)250   SimpleValue(Value *V, unsigned Index) : V(V), Index(Index) {}
251   // Constructor from a struct value and unflattened indices (as found in extractelement)
SimpleValue(Value * V,ArrayRef<unsigned> Indices)252   SimpleValue(Value *V, ArrayRef<unsigned> Indices) : V(V),
253     Index(IndexFlattener::flatten(cast<StructType>(V->getType()), Indices)) {}
254   SimpleValue(const AssertingSV &);
255   // Accessors
getValue()256   Value *getValue() const { return V; }
getIndex()257   unsigned getIndex() const { return Index; }
258   // getType : get the type of the (element) value
259   Type *getType() const;
260   // Comparisons
261   bool operator==(SimpleValue Rhs) const { return V == Rhs.V && Index == Rhs.Index; }
262   bool operator!=(SimpleValue Rhs) const { return !(*this == Rhs); }
263   bool operator<(SimpleValue Rhs) const {
264     if (V != Rhs.V)
265       return V < Rhs.V;
266     return Index < Rhs.Index;
267   }
268   // Debug dump/print
269 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
270   void dump() const;
271 #endif
272   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
273   void printName(raw_ostream &OS) const;
274 };
276 inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, SimpleValue V) {
277   V.print(OS);
278   return OS;
279 }
281 // AssertingSV : like a SimpleValue, but contains an AssertingVH
282 class AssertingSV {
283   AssertingVH<Value> V;
284   unsigned Index = 0;
285 public:
AssertingSV(SimpleValue SV)286   AssertingSV(SimpleValue SV) : V(SV.getValue()), Index(SV.getIndex()) {}
get()287   SimpleValue get() const { return SimpleValue(V, Index); }
getValue()288   Value *getValue() const { return V; }
getIndex()289   unsigned getIndex() const { return Index; }
getType()290   Type *getType() const { return get().getType(); }
291 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(LLVM_ENABLE_DUMP)
dump()292   void dump() const { get().dump(); }
293 #endif
print(raw_ostream & OS)294   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const { get().print(OS); }
printName(raw_ostream & OS)295   void printName(raw_ostream &OS) const { get().printName(OS); }
296 };
298 // Segment : a single range of instruction numbers in which a value is
299 // live
300 struct Segment {
301   enum SegmentType : unsigned char { WEAK, PHICPY, STRONG };
302   SegmentType Strength;
304 private:
305   unsigned Start;
306   unsigned End;
307 public:
SegmentSegment308   Segment() :  Strength(STRONG), Start(0), End(0) {}
309   Segment(unsigned S, unsigned E, SegmentType Strength = STRONG)
StrengthSegment310       : Strength(Strength) {
311     IGC_ASSERT(E >= S);
312     Start = S;
313     End = E;
314   }
getStartSegment315   unsigned getStart() const noexcept { return Start; }
setStartSegment316   void setStart(unsigned S) noexcept {
317     IGC_ASSERT(End >= S);
318     Start = S;
319   }
getEndSegment320   unsigned getEnd() const noexcept{ return End; }
setEndSegment321   void setEnd(unsigned E) noexcept{
322     IGC_ASSERT(E >= Start);
323     End = E;
324   }
setStartEndSegment325   void setStartEnd(unsigned S, unsigned E) noexcept{
326     IGC_ASSERT(E >= S);
327     Start = S;
328     End = E;
329   }
330   bool operator<(Segment Rhs) const noexcept{
331     if (Start != Rhs.Start)
332       return Start < Rhs.Start;
333     return End < Rhs.End;
334   }
336   // use this via std::hash<Segment> (see end of this file)
hashSegment337   size_t hash() const noexcept {
338     return hash_combine(Start, End, Strength);
339   }
340   bool operator==(Segment Rhs) const noexcept{
341     return (Start == Rhs.Start) && (End == Rhs.End) &&
342            (Strength == Rhs.Strength);
343   }
isWeakSegment344   bool isWeak() const noexcept{ return Strength == WEAK; }
345 };
347 // LiveRange : a collection of Segment structs, in order, describing
348 // all points in the program in which a value is live.
349 // Also contains a list of each SimpleValue that points to this LiveRange.
350 // Also a bitmap of register classes (general, surface, etc) that
351 // its def and uses need.
352 class LiveRange {
353   friend class llvm::GenXLiveness;
354   typedef SmallVector<Segment, 2> Segments_t;
355   Segments_t Segments;
356   typedef SmallVector<AssertingSV, 2> Values_t;
357   Values_t Values;
358 public:
359   // kernel/stack functions that this LR spans across
360   std::set<llvm::Function*> Funcs;
361   unsigned Category :8;
362   unsigned LogAlignment :7;
363   bool DisallowCASC: 1; // disallow call arg special coalescing
364   unsigned Offset :12; // kernel arg offset, else 0
LiveRange()365   LiveRange() : Category(0), LogAlignment(0), DisallowCASC(false), Offset(0) {}
366   // Iterator forwarders for Segments
367   typedef Segments_t::iterator iterator;
368   typedef Segments_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
begin()369   iterator begin() { return Segments.begin(); }
end()370   iterator end() { return Segments.end(); }
begin()371   const_iterator begin() const { return Segments.begin(); }
end()372   const_iterator end() const { return Segments.end(); }
size()373   unsigned size() const { return Segments.size(); }
resize(unsigned len)374   void resize(unsigned len) { Segments.resize(len); }
375   // Iterator forwarders for Values.
376   using value_iterator = Values_t::iterator;
377   using const_value_iterator = Values_t::const_iterator;
getValues()378   Values_t& getValues() { return Values; }
value_begin()379   value_iterator value_begin() { return Values.begin(); }
value_end()380   value_iterator value_end() { return Values.end(); }
value_begin()381   const_value_iterator value_begin() const { return Values.begin(); }
value_end()382   const_value_iterator value_end() const { return Values.end(); }
value_size()384   unsigned value_size() { return Values.size(); }
value_empty()385   bool value_empty() { return Values.empty(); }
386   // find : return iterator to segment containing Num (including the case
387   // of being equal to the segment's End), or, if in a hole, the
388   // iterator of the next segment, or, if at end, end().
389   iterator find(unsigned Num);
clear()390   void clear() { Segments.clear(); Values.clear(); }
push_back(Segment Seg)391   void push_back(Segment Seg) { Segments.push_back(Seg); }
push_back(unsigned S,unsigned E)392   void push_back(unsigned S, unsigned E) { Segments.push_back(Segment(S, E)); }
addValue(SimpleValue V)393   SimpleValue addValue(SimpleValue V) { Values.push_back(V); return V; }
394   // contains : test whether live range contains instruction number
contains(unsigned Num)395   bool contains(unsigned Num) {
396     iterator i = find(Num);
397     return i != end() && i->getEnd() != Num && i->getStart() <= Num;
398   }
399   // getCategory : get the LR's register category
getCategory()400   unsigned getCategory() const { return Category; }
401   // setCategory : set the LR's register category
setCategory(unsigned Cat)402   void setCategory(unsigned Cat) { Category = Cat; }
403   // getOrDefaultCategory : return category; if none, set default
404   unsigned getOrDefaultCategory();
405   // getLogAlignment : get log alignment
getLogAlignment()406   unsigned getLogAlignment() const { return LogAlignment; }
407   // setAlignmentFromValue : increase alignment if necessary from a value
408   void setAlignmentFromValue(const DataLayout &DL, const SimpleValue V,
409                              const unsigned GRFWidth);
410   // setLogAlignment : set log alignment to greater than implied by the LR's values
setLogAlignment(unsigned Align)411   void setLogAlignment(unsigned Align) { LogAlignment = std::max(LogAlignment, Align); }
412   // addSegment : add a segment to a live range
413   void addSegment(Segment Seg);
414   // setSegmentsFrom : for this live range, clear out its segments
415   //    and copy them from the other live range
416   void setSegmentsFrom(LiveRange *Other);
417   // addSegments : add segments from another LR to this one
418   void addSegments(LiveRange *LR2);
419   // sortAndMerge : after doing some push_backs, sort the segments
420   //    and merge overlapping/adjacent ones
421   void sortAndMerge();
422   // prepareFuncs : fill the Funcs set with kernel or stack functions which this
423   //    LR is alive in
424   void prepareFuncs(FunctionGroupAnalysis *FGA);
425   // getLength : add up the number of instructions covered by this LR
426   unsigned getLength(bool WithWeak) const;
427   // debug dump/print
428   void dump() const;
429   void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool Detailed = false) const;
430   void printSegments(raw_ostream &OS) const;
431 private:
value_clear()432   void value_clear() { Values.clear(); }
433   bool testLiveRanges() const;
434 };
436 inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const LiveRange &LR) {
437   LR.print(OS);
438   return OS;
439 }
441 // CallGraph : the call graph within a FunctionGroup
442 class CallGraph {
443   FunctionGroup *FG = nullptr;
444 public:
445   class Node;
446   struct Edge {
447     unsigned Number = 0;
448     CallInst *Call = nullptr;
449     Node *Callee = nullptr;
450     bool operator==(Edge Rhs) const { return Number == Rhs.Number; }
451     bool operator!=(Edge Rhs) const { return !(*this == Rhs); }
452     bool operator<(Edge Rhs) const { return Number < Rhs.Number; }
EdgeEdge453     Edge() : Number(0), Call(0) {}
EdgeEdge454     Edge(unsigned Number, CallInst *Call) : Number(Number), Call(Call) {}
455   };
456   class Node {
457     std::set<Edge> Edges;
458   public:
459     typedef std::set<Edge>::iterator iterator;
begin()460     iterator begin() { return Edges.begin(); }
end()461     iterator end() { return Edges.end(); }
insert(Edge E)462     void insert(Edge E) { Edges.insert(E); }
463   };
464 private:
465   std::map<Function *, Node> Nodes;
466 public:
467   // constructor from FunctionGroup
CallGraph(FunctionGroup * FG)468   CallGraph(FunctionGroup *FG) : FG(FG) {}
469   // build : build the call graph from the FunctionGroup
470   void build(GenXLiveness *Liveness);
472   // getRoot : get the root node
getRoot()473   Node *getRoot() { return &Nodes[FG->getHead()]; }
474   // getNode : get the node for a Function
getNode(Function * F)475   Node *getNode(Function *F) { return &Nodes[F]; }
476 };
478 } // end namespace genx
480 class GenXLiveness : public FGPassImplInterface, public IDMixin<GenXLiveness> {
481   FunctionGroup *FG = nullptr;
482   using LiveRangeMap_t = std::map<genx::SimpleValue, genx::LiveRange *>;
483   LiveRangeMap_t LiveRangeMap;
484   std::unique_ptr<genx::CallGraph> CG;
485   GenXBaling *Baling = nullptr;
486   GenXNumbering *Numbering = nullptr;
487   const GenXSubtarget *Subtarget = nullptr;
488   const DataLayout *DL = nullptr;
489   std::map<Function *, Value *> UnifiedRets;
490   std::map<Value *, Function *> UnifiedRetToFunc;
491   std::map<AssertingVH<Value>, Value *> ArgAddressBaseMap;
492   // Flipped ArgAddressBaseMap. Mulpimap is chosen because the same base may be
493   // used for different convert.addr instructions.
494   std::multimap<Value *, Value *> BaseToArgAddrMap;
496   bool CoalescingDisabled = false;
498 public:
499   static void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &Info);
getPassName()500   static StringRef getPassName() { return "GenX liveness analysis"; }
~GenXLiveness()502   ~GenXLiveness() { releaseMemory(); }
503   bool runOnFunctionGroup(FunctionGroup &FG) override;
504   // setBaling : tell GenXLiveness where GenXBaling is
setBaling(GenXBaling * B)505   void setBaling(GenXBaling *B) { Baling = B; }
506   // experimental option to extend all LR till the end of a function
setNoCoalescingMode(bool NoCoalescingMode)507   void setNoCoalescingMode(bool NoCoalescingMode) {
508     CoalescingDisabled = NoCoalescingMode;
509   }
510   // Iterator forwarders.
511   // This gives you an iterator of LiveRangeMap. The ->first field is the
512   // value, and you only get each value once. The ->second field is the
513   // LiveRange pointer, and you may get each one multiple times because
514   // a live range may contain multiple values.
515   typedef LiveRangeMap_t::iterator iterator;
516   typedef LiveRangeMap_t::const_iterator const_iterator;
begin()517   iterator begin() { return LiveRangeMap.begin(); }
end()518   iterator end() { return LiveRangeMap.end(); }
begin()519   const_iterator begin() const { return LiveRangeMap.begin(); }
end()520   const_iterator end() const { return LiveRangeMap.end(); }
521   // getLiveRange : get the live range for a Value of non-struct type
getLiveRange(Value * V)522   genx::LiveRange *getLiveRange(Value *V) { return getLiveRange(genx::SimpleValue(V)); }
523   // getLiveRange : get the live range for a genx::SimpleValue
524   genx::LiveRange *getLiveRange(genx::SimpleValue V);
525   // getLiveRangeOrNull : get the live range for a Value, or 0 if none
526   genx::LiveRange *getLiveRangeOrNull(genx::SimpleValue V);
527   const genx::LiveRange *getLiveRangeOrNull(genx::SimpleValue V) const;
528   // getOrCreateLiveRange : get the live range for a Value, or create
529   // a new one if none
530   genx::LiveRange *getOrCreateLiveRange(genx::SimpleValue V);
531   genx::LiveRange *getOrCreateLiveRange(genx::SimpleValue V, unsigned Cat, unsigned LogAlign);
532   // eraseLiveRange : get rid of live range for a Value, possibly multiple
533   //  ones if it is a struct value
534   void eraseLiveRange(Value *V);
535   // eraseLiveRange : get rid of live range for a SimpleValue, if any.
536   // It is assumed that the LiveRange (if any) has no other value atached.
537   void eraseLiveRange(genx::SimpleValue V);
538   // eraseLiveRange : get rid of the specified live range, and remove its
539   // values from the map
540   void eraseLiveRange(genx::LiveRange *LR);
541   // twoAddrInterfere : check whether two live ranges interfere, allowing for single number interference sites at two address ops
542   bool twoAddrInterfere(genx::LiveRange *LR1, genx::LiveRange *LR2);
543   // interfere : test whether two live ranges interfere
544   bool interfere(genx::LiveRange *LR1, genx::LiveRange *LR2);
545   // getSingleInterferenceSites : check whether two live ranges interfere, returning single number interference sites
546   bool getSingleInterferenceSites(genx::LiveRange *LR1, genx::LiveRange *LR2, SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> *Sites);
547   // checkIfOverlappingSegmentsInterfere : given two segments that have been
548   //    shown to overlap, check whether their strengths make them interfere
549   bool checkIfOverlappingSegmentsInterfere(genx::LiveRange *LR1, genx::Segment *S1, genx::LiveRange *LR2, genx::Segment *S2);
550   // coalesce : coalesce two live ranges
551   genx::LiveRange *coalesce(genx::LiveRange *LR1, genx::LiveRange *LR2, bool DisallowCASC);
552   // Set the GenXNumbering pointer for use by live range building
setNumbering(GenXNumbering * N)553   void setNumbering(GenXNumbering *N) { Numbering = N; }
getNumbering()554   GenXNumbering *getNumbering() { return Numbering; }
555   // rebuildCallGraph : rebuild GenXLiveness's call graph
556   void rebuildCallGraph();
557   // buildSubroutineLRs : build an LR for each subroutine. Must be called
558   //    before the first BuildLiveRange
559   void buildSubroutineLRs();
560   // buildLiveRange : build live range for given value if it is simple,
561   // or one for each flattened index if it is struct type
562   void buildLiveRange(Value *V);
563   // buildLiveRange : build live range for given value
564   genx::LiveRange *buildLiveRange(genx::SimpleValue V);
565   // rebuildLiveRange : rebuild a live range that only has one value
566   void rebuildLiveRange(genx::LiveRange *LR);
567   // removeBale : remove the bale from its live range, and delete the range if
568   // it now has no values.
569   void removeBale(genx::Bale &B);
570   // removeValue : remove the value from its live range, and delete the
571   // range if it now has no values
572   void removeValue(Value *V);
573   void removeValue(genx::SimpleValue V);
574   // removeValue : remove the value from its live range. Do not delete the
575   // LR if it now has no values.
576   genx::LiveRange *removeValueNoDelete(genx::SimpleValue V);
577   // removeValuesNoDelete : remove all values from the live range, but do not
578   // delete the LR
579   void removeValuesNoDelete(genx::LiveRange *LR);
580   // replaceValue : update liveness such that NewVal has OldVal's live range,
581   // and OldVal does not have one at all.
582   void replaceValue(Value *OldVal, Value *NewVal);
583   void replaceValue(genx::SimpleValue OldVal, genx::SimpleValue(NewVal));
584   // Set the LiveRange for a value in the map
585   void setLiveRange(genx::SimpleValue V, genx::LiveRange *LR);
586   // Get/create the unified return value for a function
587   Value *getUnifiedRet(Function *F);
588   Value *createUnifiedRet(Function *F);
589   Value *getUnifiedRetIfExist(Function *F) const;
590   // Test whether a value is a unified return value (and return its Function).
591   Function *isUnifiedRet(Value *V);
592   // Move unified return value from OldF to NewF.
593   void moveUnifiedRet(Function *OldF, Function *NewF);
594   // copyInterfere : test whether two live ranges copy-interfere
595   bool copyInterfere(genx::LiveRange *LR1, genx::LiveRange *LR2);
596   // See if V1 is a phi node and V2 wraps round to a phi use in the same BB after V1's def
597   static bool wrapsAround(Value *V1, Value *V2);
598   // Insert a copy of a non-struct value.
599   Instruction *insertCopy(Value *InputVal, genx::LiveRange *LR,
600                           Instruction *InsertBefore, const Twine &Name,
601                           unsigned Number, const GenXSubtarget *ST);
602   // eraseUnusedTree : erase unused tree of instructions, and remove from GenXLiveness
603   void eraseUnusedTree(Instruction *Inst);
604   // setArgAddressBase : set the base value of an argument indirect address
605   void setArgAddressBase(Value *Addr, Value *Base);
606   // getAddressBase : get the base register of an address
607   Value *getAddressBase(Value *Addr);
608   // getAddressWithBase : get addresses that base register is a Base
609   std::vector<Value *> getAddressWithBase(Value *Base);
610   // isNoopCastCoalesced : see if the no-op cast has been coalesced away
611   bool isNoopCastCoalesced(CastInst *CI);
612   // Debug dump
613   void dump();
614   void print(raw_ostream &OS,
615              const FunctionGroup *dummy = nullptr) const override;
616   void releaseMemory() override;
618 private:
619   unsigned numberInstructionsInFunc(Function *Func, unsigned Num);
620   unsigned getPhiOffset(PHINode *Phi) const;
621   void rebuildLiveRangeForValue(genx::LiveRange *LR, genx::SimpleValue SV);
622   genx::LiveRange *visitPropagateSLRs(Function *F);
623   void merge(genx::LiveRange *LR1, genx::LiveRange *LR2);
624   void printValueLiveness(Value *V, raw_ostream &OS) const;
625 };
626 using GenXLivenessWrapper = FunctionGroupWrapperPass<GenXLiveness>;
628 void initializeGenXLivenessWrapperPass(PassRegistry &);
630 // Specialize DenseMapInfo for SimpleValue.
631 template <> struct DenseMapInfo<genx::SimpleValue> {
632   static inline genx::SimpleValue getEmptyKey() {
633     return genx::SimpleValue(DenseMapInfo<Value *>::getEmptyKey());
634   }
635   static inline genx::SimpleValue getTombstoneKey() {
636     return genx::SimpleValue(DenseMapInfo<Value *>::getTombstoneKey());
637   }
638   static unsigned getHashValue(const genx::SimpleValue &SV) {
639     return DenseMapInfo<Value *>::getHashValue(SV.getValue()) ^
640            DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getHashValue(SV.getIndex());
641   }
642   static bool isEqual(const genx::SimpleValue &LHS,
643                       const genx::SimpleValue &RHS) {
644     return LHS == RHS;
645   }
646 };
648 } // end namespace llvm
649 namespace std {
650 template <> struct hash<llvm::genx::Segment> {
651   size_t operator()(llvm::genx::Segment const &x) const noexcept {
652     return x.hash();
653   }
654 };
655 } // end namespace std
656 #endif // GENXLIVENESS_H