2Univariate structural time series models
4TODO: tests: "** On entry to DLASCL, parameter number  4 had an illegal value"
6Author: Chad Fulton
7License: Simplified-BSD
10from warnings import warn
12import numpy as np
14from statsmodels.compat.pandas import Appender
15from statsmodels.tools.tools import Bunch
16from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import OutputWarning, SpecificationWarning
17import statsmodels.base.wrapper as wrap
19from statsmodels.tsa.filters.hp_filter import hpfilter
20from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import lagmat
22from .mlemodel import MLEModel, MLEResults, MLEResultsWrapper
23from .initialization import Initialization
24from .tools import (
25    companion_matrix, constrain_stationary_univariate,
26    unconstrain_stationary_univariate, prepare_exog)
28_mask_map = {
29    1: 'irregular',
30    2: 'fixed intercept',
31    3: 'deterministic constant',
32    6: 'random walk',
33    7: 'local level',
34    8: 'fixed slope',
35    11: 'deterministic trend',
36    14: 'random walk with drift',
37    15: 'local linear deterministic trend',
38    31: 'local linear trend',
39    27: 'smooth trend',
40    26: 'random trend'
44class UnobservedComponents(MLEModel):
45    r"""
46    Univariate unobserved components time series model
48    These are also known as structural time series models, and decompose a
49    (univariate) time series into trend, seasonal, cyclical, and irregular
50    components.
52    Parameters
53    ----------
55    endog : array_like
56        The observed time-series process :math:`y`
57    level : {bool, str}, optional
58        Whether or not to include a level component. Default is False. Can also
59        be a string specification of the level / trend component; see Notes
60        for available model specification strings.
61    trend : bool, optional
62        Whether or not to include a trend component. Default is False. If True,
63        `level` must also be True.
64    seasonal : {int, None}, optional
65        The period of the seasonal component, if any. Default is None.
66    freq_seasonal : {list[dict], None}, optional.
67        Whether (and how) to model seasonal component(s) with trig. functions.
68        If specified, there is one dictionary for each frequency-domain
69        seasonal component.  Each dictionary must have the key, value pair for
70        'period' -- integer and may have a key, value pair for
71        'harmonics' -- integer. If 'harmonics' is not specified in any of the
72        dictionaries, it defaults to the floor of period/2.
73    cycle : bool, optional
74        Whether or not to include a cycle component. Default is False.
75    autoregressive : {int, None}, optional
76        The order of the autoregressive component. Default is None.
77    exog : {array_like, None}, optional
78        Exogenous variables.
79    irregular : bool, optional
80        Whether or not to include an irregular component. Default is False.
81    stochastic_level : bool, optional
82        Whether or not any level component is stochastic. Default is False.
83    stochastic_trend : bool, optional
84        Whether or not any trend component is stochastic. Default is False.
85    stochastic_seasonal : bool, optional
86        Whether or not any seasonal component is stochastic. Default is True.
87    stochastic_freq_seasonal : list[bool], optional
88        Whether or not each seasonal component(s) is (are) stochastic.  Default
89        is True for each component.  The list should be of the same length as
90        freq_seasonal.
91    stochastic_cycle : bool, optional
92        Whether or not any cycle component is stochastic. Default is False.
93    damped_cycle : bool, optional
94        Whether or not the cycle component is damped. Default is False.
95    cycle_period_bounds : tuple, optional
96        A tuple with lower and upper allowed bounds for the period of the
97        cycle. If not provided, the following default bounds are used:
98        (1) if no date / time information is provided, the frequency is
99        constrained to be between zero and :math:`\pi`, so the period is
100        constrained to be in [0.5, infinity].
101        (2) If the date / time information is provided, the default bounds
102        allow the cyclical component to be between 1.5 and 12 years; depending
103        on the frequency of the endogenous variable, this will imply different
104        specific bounds.
105    mle_regression : bool, optional
106        Whether or not to estimate regression coefficients by maximum likelihood
107        as one of hyperparameters. Default is True.
108        If False, the regression coefficients are estimated by recursive OLS,
109        included in the state vector.
110    use_exact_diffuse : bool, optional
111        Whether or not to use exact diffuse initialization for non-stationary
112        states. Default is False (in which case approximate diffuse
113        initialization is used).
115    See Also
116    --------
117    statsmodels.tsa.statespace.structural.UnobservedComponentsResults
118    statsmodels.tsa.statespace.mlemodel.MLEModel
120    Notes
121    -----
123    These models take the general form (see [1]_ Chapter 3.2 for all details)
125    .. math::
127        y_t = \mu_t + \gamma_t + c_t + \varepsilon_t
129    where :math:`y_t` refers to the observation vector at time :math:`t`,
130    :math:`\mu_t` refers to the trend component, :math:`\gamma_t` refers to the
131    seasonal component, :math:`c_t` refers to the cycle, and
132    :math:`\varepsilon_t` is the irregular. The modeling details of these
133    components are given below.
135    **Trend**
137    The trend component is a dynamic extension of a regression model that
138    includes an intercept and linear time-trend. It can be written:
140    .. math::
142        \mu_t = \mu_{t-1} + \beta_{t-1} + \eta_{t-1} \\
143        \beta_t = \beta_{t-1} + \zeta_{t-1}
145    where the level is a generalization of the intercept term that can
146    dynamically vary across time, and the trend is a generalization of the
147    time-trend such that the slope can dynamically vary across time.
149    Here :math:`\eta_t \sim N(0, \sigma_\eta^2)` and
150    :math:`\zeta_t \sim N(0, \sigma_\zeta^2)`.
152    For both elements (level and trend), we can consider models in which:
154    - The element is included vs excluded (if the trend is included, there must
155      also be a level included).
156    - The element is deterministic vs stochastic (i.e. whether or not the
157      variance on the error term is confined to be zero or not)
159    The only additional parameters to be estimated via MLE are the variances of
160    any included stochastic components.
162    The level/trend components can be specified using the boolean keyword
163    arguments `level`, `stochastic_level`, `trend`, etc., or all at once as a
164    string argument to `level`. The following table shows the available
165    model specifications:
167    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
168    | Model name                       | Full string syntax                   | Abbreviated syntax | Model                                            |
169    +==================================+======================================+====================+==================================================+
170    | No trend                         | `'irregular'`                        | `'ntrend'`         | .. math:: y_t = \varepsilon_t                    |
171    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
172    | Fixed intercept                  | `'fixed intercept'`                  |                    | .. math:: y_t = \mu                              |
173    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
174    | Deterministic constant           | `'deterministic constant'`           | `'dconstant'`      | .. math:: y_t = \mu + \varepsilon_t              |
175    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
176    | Local level                      | `'local level'`                      | `'llevel'`         | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t + \varepsilon_t \\        |
177    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \eta_t                  |
178    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
179    | Random walk                      | `'random walk'`                      | `'rwalk'`          | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t \\                        |
180    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \eta_t                  |
181    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
182    | Fixed slope                      | `'fixed slope'`                      |                    | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t \\                        |
183    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \beta                   |
184    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
185    | Deterministic trend              | `'deterministic trend'`              | `'dtrend'`         | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t + \varepsilon_t \\        |
186    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \beta                   |
187    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
188    | Local linear deterministic trend | `'local linear deterministic trend'` | `'lldtrend'`       | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t + \varepsilon_t \\        |
189    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \beta + \eta_t          |
190    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
191    | Random walk with drift           | `'random walk with drift'`           | `'rwdrift'`        | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t \\                        |
192    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \beta + \eta_t          |
193    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
194    | Local linear trend               | `'local linear trend'`               | `'lltrend'`        | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t + \varepsilon_t \\        |
195    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \beta_{t-1} + \eta_t \\ |
196    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \beta_t &= \beta_{t-1} + \zeta_t             |
197    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
198    | Smooth trend                     | `'smooth trend'`                     | `'strend'`         | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t + \varepsilon_t \\        |
199    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \beta_{t-1} \\          |
200    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \beta_t &= \beta_{t-1} + \zeta_t             |
201    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
202    | Random trend                     | `'random trend'`                     | `'rtrend'`         | .. math:: y_t &= \mu_t \\                        |
203    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \mu_t &= \mu_{t-1} + \beta_{t-1} \\          |
204    |                                  |                                      |                    |     \beta_t &= \beta_{t-1} + \zeta_t             |
205    +----------------------------------+--------------------------------------+--------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
207    Following the fitting of the model, the unobserved level and trend
208    component time series are available in the results class in the
209    `level` and `trend` attributes, respectively.
211    **Seasonal (Time-domain)**
213    The seasonal component is modeled as:
215    .. math::
217        \gamma_t = - \sum_{j=1}^{s-1} \gamma_{t+1-j} + \omega_t \\
218        \omega_t \sim N(0, \sigma_\omega^2)
220    The periodicity (number of seasons) is s, and the defining character is
221    that (without the error term), the seasonal components sum to zero across
222    one complete cycle. The inclusion of an error term allows the seasonal
223    effects to vary over time (if this is not desired, :math:`\sigma_\omega^2`
224    can be set to zero using the `stochastic_seasonal=False` keyword argument).
226    This component results in one parameter to be selected via maximum
227    likelihood: :math:`\sigma_\omega^2`, and one parameter to be chosen, the
228    number of seasons `s`.
230    Following the fitting of the model, the unobserved seasonal component
231    time series is available in the results class in the `seasonal`
232    attribute.
234    **Frequency-domain Seasonal**
236    Each frequency-domain seasonal component is modeled as:
238    .. math::
240        \gamma_t & =  \sum_{j=1}^h \gamma_{j, t} \\
241        \gamma_{j, t+1} & = \gamma_{j, t}\cos(\lambda_j)
242                        + \gamma^{*}_{j, t}\sin(\lambda_j) + \omega_{j,t} \\
243        \gamma^{*}_{j, t+1} & = -\gamma^{(1)}_{j, t}\sin(\lambda_j)
244                            + \gamma^{*}_{j, t}\cos(\lambda_j)
245                            + \omega^{*}_{j, t}, \\
246        \omega^{*}_{j, t}, \omega_{j, t} & \sim N(0, \sigma_{\omega^2}) \\
247        \lambda_j & = \frac{2 \pi j}{s}
249    where j ranges from 1 to h.
251    The periodicity (number of "seasons" in a "year") is s and the number of
252    harmonics is h.  Note that h is configurable to be less than s/2, but
253    s/2 harmonics is sufficient to fully model all seasonal variations of
254    periodicity s.  Like the time domain seasonal term (cf. Seasonal section,
255    above), the inclusion of the error terms allows for the seasonal effects to
256    vary over time.  The argument stochastic_freq_seasonal can be used to set
257    one or more of the seasonal components of this type to be non-random,
258    meaning they will not vary over time.
260    This component results in one parameter to be fitted using maximum
261    likelihood: :math:`\sigma_{\omega^2}`, and up to two parameters to be
262    chosen, the number of seasons s and optionally the number of harmonics
263    h, with :math:`1 \leq h \leq \lfloor s/2 \rfloor`.
265    After fitting the model, each unobserved seasonal component modeled in the
266    frequency domain is available in the results class in the `freq_seasonal`
267    attribute.
269    **Cycle**
271    The cyclical component is intended to capture cyclical effects at time
272    frames much longer than captured by the seasonal component. For example,
273    in economics the cyclical term is often intended to capture the business
274    cycle, and is then expected to have a period between "1.5 and 12 years"
275    (see Durbin and Koopman).
277    .. math::
279        c_{t+1} & = \rho_c (\tilde c_t \cos \lambda_c t
280                + \tilde c_t^* \sin \lambda_c) +
281                \tilde \omega_t \\
282        c_{t+1}^* & = \rho_c (- \tilde c_t \sin \lambda_c  t +
283                \tilde c_t^* \cos \lambda_c) +
284                \tilde \omega_t^* \\
286    where :math:`\omega_t, \tilde \omega_t iid N(0, \sigma_{\tilde \omega}^2)`
288    The parameter :math:`\lambda_c` (the frequency of the cycle) is an
289    additional parameter to be estimated by MLE.
291    If the cyclical effect is stochastic (`stochastic_cycle=True`), then there
292    is another parameter to estimate (the variance of the error term - note
293    that both of the error terms here share the same variance, but are assumed
294    to have independent draws).
296    If the cycle is damped (`damped_cycle=True`), then there is a third
297    parameter to estimate, :math:`\rho_c`.
299    In order to achieve cycles with the appropriate frequencies, bounds are
300    imposed on the parameter :math:`\lambda_c` in estimation. These can be
301    controlled via the keyword argument `cycle_period_bounds`, which, if
302    specified, must be a tuple of bounds on the **period** `(lower, upper)`.
303    The bounds on the frequency are then calculated from those bounds.
305    The default bounds, if none are provided, are selected in the following
306    way:
308    1. If no date / time information is provided, the frequency is
309       constrained to be between zero and :math:`\pi`, so the period is
310       constrained to be in :math:`[0.5, \infty]`.
311    2. If the date / time information is provided, the default bounds
312       allow the cyclical component to be between 1.5 and 12 years; depending
313       on the frequency of the endogenous variable, this will imply different
314       specific bounds.
316    Following the fitting of the model, the unobserved cyclical component
317    time series is available in the results class in the `cycle`
318    attribute.
320    **Irregular**
322    The irregular components are independent and identically distributed (iid):
324    .. math::
326        \varepsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma_\varepsilon^2)
328    **Autoregressive Irregular**
330    An autoregressive component (often used as a replacement for the white
331    noise irregular term) can be specified as:
333    .. math::
335        \varepsilon_t = \rho(L) \varepsilon_{t-1} + \epsilon_t \\
336        \epsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma_\epsilon^2)
338    In this case, the AR order is specified via the `autoregressive` keyword,
339    and the autoregressive coefficients are estimated.
341    Following the fitting of the model, the unobserved autoregressive component
342    time series is available in the results class in the `autoregressive`
343    attribute.
345    **Regression effects**
347    Exogenous regressors can be pass to the `exog` argument. The regression
348    coefficients will be estimated by maximum likelihood unless
349    `mle_regression=False`, in which case the regression coefficients will be
350    included in the state vector where they are essentially estimated via
351    recursive OLS.
353    If the regression_coefficients are included in the state vector, the
354    recursive estimates are available in the results class in the
355    `regression_coefficients` attribute.
357    References
358    ----------
359    .. [1] Durbin, James, and Siem Jan Koopman. 2012.
360       Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods: Second Edition.
361       Oxford University Press.
362    """  # noqa:E501
364    def __init__(self, endog, level=False, trend=False, seasonal=None,
365                 freq_seasonal=None, cycle=False, autoregressive=None,
366                 exog=None, irregular=False,
367                 stochastic_level=False,
368                 stochastic_trend=False,
369                 stochastic_seasonal=True,
370                 stochastic_freq_seasonal=None,
371                 stochastic_cycle=False,
372                 damped_cycle=False, cycle_period_bounds=None,
373                 mle_regression=True, use_exact_diffuse=False,
374                 **kwargs):
376        # Model options
377        self.level = level
378        self.trend = trend
379        self.seasonal_periods = seasonal if seasonal is not None else 0
380        self.seasonal = self.seasonal_periods > 0
381        if freq_seasonal:
382            self.freq_seasonal_periods = [d['period'] for d in freq_seasonal]
383            self.freq_seasonal_harmonics = [d.get(
384                'harmonics', int(np.floor(d['period'] / 2))) for
385                d in freq_seasonal]
386        else:
387            self.freq_seasonal_periods = []
388            self.freq_seasonal_harmonics = []
389        self.freq_seasonal = any(x > 0 for x in self.freq_seasonal_periods)
390        self.cycle = cycle
391        self.ar_order = autoregressive if autoregressive is not None else 0
392        self.autoregressive = self.ar_order > 0
393        self.irregular = irregular
395        self.stochastic_level = stochastic_level
396        self.stochastic_trend = stochastic_trend
397        self.stochastic_seasonal = stochastic_seasonal
398        if stochastic_freq_seasonal is None:
399            self.stochastic_freq_seasonal = [True] * len(
400                self.freq_seasonal_periods)
401        else:
402            if len(stochastic_freq_seasonal) != len(freq_seasonal):
403                raise ValueError(
404                    "Length of stochastic_freq_seasonal must equal length"
405                    " of freq_seasonal: {!r} vs {!r}".format(
406                        len(stochastic_freq_seasonal), len(freq_seasonal)))
407            self.stochastic_freq_seasonal = stochastic_freq_seasonal
408        self.stochastic_cycle = stochastic_cycle
410        self.damped_cycle = damped_cycle
411        self.mle_regression = mle_regression
412        self.use_exact_diffuse = use_exact_diffuse
414        # Check for string trend/level specification
415        self.trend_specification = None
416        if isinstance(self.level, str):
417            self.trend_specification = level
418            self.level = False
420            # Check if any of the trend/level components have been set, and
421            # reset everything to False
422            trend_attributes = ['irregular', 'level', 'trend',
423                                'stochastic_level', 'stochastic_trend']
424            for attribute in trend_attributes:
425                if not getattr(self, attribute) is False:
426                    warn("Value of `%s` may be overridden when the trend"
427                         " component is specified using a model string."
428                         % attribute, SpecificationWarning)
429                    setattr(self, attribute, False)
431            # Now set the correct specification
432            spec = self.trend_specification
433            if spec == 'irregular' or spec == 'ntrend':
434                self.irregular = True
435                self.trend_specification = 'irregular'
436            elif spec == 'fixed intercept':
437                self.level = True
438            elif spec == 'deterministic constant' or spec == 'dconstant':
439                self.irregular = True
440                self.level = True
441                self.trend_specification = 'deterministic constant'
442            elif spec == 'local level' or spec == 'llevel':
443                self.irregular = True
444                self.level = True
445                self.stochastic_level = True
446                self.trend_specification = 'local level'
447            elif spec == 'random walk' or spec == 'rwalk':
448                self.level = True
449                self.stochastic_level = True
450                self.trend_specification = 'random walk'
451            elif spec == 'fixed slope':
452                self.level = True
453                self.trend = True
454            elif spec == 'deterministic trend' or spec == 'dtrend':
455                self.irregular = True
456                self.level = True
457                self.trend = True
458                self.trend_specification = 'deterministic trend'
459            elif (spec == 'local linear deterministic trend' or
460                    spec == 'lldtrend'):
461                self.irregular = True
462                self.level = True
463                self.stochastic_level = True
464                self.trend = True
465                self.trend_specification = 'local linear deterministic trend'
466            elif spec == 'random walk with drift' or spec == 'rwdrift':
467                self.level = True
468                self.stochastic_level = True
469                self.trend = True
470                self.trend_specification = 'random walk with drift'
471            elif spec == 'local linear trend' or spec == 'lltrend':
472                self.irregular = True
473                self.level = True
474                self.stochastic_level = True
475                self.trend = True
476                self.stochastic_trend = True
477                self.trend_specification = 'local linear trend'
478            elif spec == 'smooth trend' or spec == 'strend':
479                self.irregular = True
480                self.level = True
481                self.trend = True
482                self.stochastic_trend = True
483                self.trend_specification = 'smooth trend'
484            elif spec == 'random trend' or spec == 'rtrend':
485                self.level = True
486                self.trend = True
487                self.stochastic_trend = True
488                self.trend_specification = 'random trend'
489            else:
490                raise ValueError("Invalid level/trend specification: '%s'"
491                                 % spec)
493        # Check for a model that makes sense
494        if trend and not level:
495            warn("Trend component specified without level component;"
496                 " deterministic level component added.", SpecificationWarning)
497            self.level = True
498            self.stochastic_level = False
500        if not (self.irregular or
501                (self.level and self.stochastic_level) or
502                (self.trend and self.stochastic_trend) or
503                (self.seasonal and self.stochastic_seasonal) or
504                (self.freq_seasonal and any(
505                    self.stochastic_freq_seasonal)) or
506                (self.cycle and self.stochastic_cycle) or
507                self.autoregressive):
508            warn("Specified model does not contain a stochastic element;"
509                 " irregular component added.", SpecificationWarning)
510            self.irregular = True
512        if self.seasonal and self.seasonal_periods < 2:
513            raise ValueError('Seasonal component must have a seasonal period'
514                             ' of at least 2.')
516        if self.freq_seasonal:
517            for p in self.freq_seasonal_periods:
518                if p < 2:
519                    raise ValueError(
520                        'Frequency Domain seasonal component must have a '
521                        'seasonal period of at least 2.')
523        # Create a bitmask holding the level/trend specification
524        self.trend_mask = (
525            self.irregular * 0x01 |
526            self.level * 0x02 |
527            self.level * self.stochastic_level * 0x04 |
528            self.trend * 0x08 |
529            self.trend * self.stochastic_trend * 0x10
530        )
532        # Create the trend specification, if it was not given
533        if self.trend_specification is None:
534            # trend specification may be none, e.g. if the model is only
535            # a stochastic cycle, etc.
536            self.trend_specification = _mask_map.get(self.trend_mask, None)
538        # Exogenous component
539        (self.k_exog, exog) = prepare_exog(exog)
541        self.regression = self.k_exog > 0
543        # Model parameters
544        self._k_seasonal_states = (self.seasonal_periods - 1) * self.seasonal
545        self._k_freq_seas_states = (
546            sum(2 * h for h in self.freq_seasonal_harmonics)
547            * self.freq_seasonal)
548        self._k_cycle_states = self.cycle * 2
549        k_states = (
550            self.level + self.trend +
551            self._k_seasonal_states +
552            self._k_freq_seas_states +
553            self._k_cycle_states +
554            self.ar_order +
555            (not self.mle_regression) * self.k_exog
556        )
557        k_posdef = (
558            self.stochastic_level * self.level +
559            self.stochastic_trend * self.trend +
560            self.stochastic_seasonal * self.seasonal +
561            ((sum(2 * h if self.stochastic_freq_seasonal[ix] else 0 for
562                  ix, h in enumerate(self.freq_seasonal_harmonics))) *
563             self.freq_seasonal) +
564            self.stochastic_cycle * (self._k_cycle_states) +
565            self.autoregressive
566        )
568        # Handle non-default loglikelihood burn
569        self._loglikelihood_burn = kwargs.get('loglikelihood_burn', None)
571        # We can still estimate the model with just the irregular component,
572        # just need to have one state that does nothing.
573        self._unused_state = False
574        if k_states == 0:
575            if not self.irregular:
576                raise ValueError('Model has no components specified.')
577            k_states = 1
578            self._unused_state = True
579        if k_posdef == 0:
580            k_posdef = 1
582        # Setup the representation
583        super(UnobservedComponents, self).__init__(
584            endog, k_states, k_posdef=k_posdef, exog=exog, **kwargs
585        )
586        self.setup()
588        # Set as time-varying model if we have exog
589        if self.k_exog > 0:
590            self.ssm._time_invariant = False
592        # Need to reset the MLE names (since when they were first set, `setup`
593        # had not been run (and could not have been at that point))
594        self.data.param_names = self.param_names
596        # Get bounds for the frequency of the cycle, if we know the frequency
597        # of the data.
598        if cycle_period_bounds is None:
599            freq = self.data.freq[0] if self.data.freq is not None else ''
600            if freq == 'A':
601                cycle_period_bounds = (1.5, 12)
602            elif freq == 'Q':
603                cycle_period_bounds = (1.5*4, 12*4)
604            elif freq == 'M':
605                cycle_period_bounds = (1.5*12, 12*12)
606            else:
607                # If we have no information on data frequency, require the
608                # cycle frequency to be between 0 and pi
609                cycle_period_bounds = (2, np.inf)
611        self.cycle_frequency_bound = (
612            2*np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[1], 2*np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[0]
613        )
615        # Update _init_keys attached by super
616        self._init_keys += ['level', 'trend', 'seasonal', 'freq_seasonal',
617                            'cycle', 'autoregressive', 'irregular',
618                            'stochastic_level', 'stochastic_trend',
619                            'stochastic_seasonal', 'stochastic_freq_seasonal',
620                            'stochastic_cycle',
621                            'damped_cycle', 'cycle_period_bounds',
622                            'mle_regression'] + list(kwargs.keys())
624        # Initialize the state
625        self.initialize_default()
627    def _get_init_kwds(self):
628        # Get keywords based on model attributes
629        kwds = super(UnobservedComponents, self)._get_init_kwds()
631        # Modifications
632        if self.trend_specification is not None:
633            kwds['level'] = self.trend_specification
635            for attr in ['irregular', 'trend', 'stochastic_level',
636                         'stochastic_trend']:
637                kwds[attr] = False
639        kwds['seasonal'] = self.seasonal_periods
640        kwds['freq_seasonal'] = [
641            {'period': p,
642             'harmonics': self.freq_seasonal_harmonics[ix]} for
643            ix, p in enumerate(self.freq_seasonal_periods)]
644        kwds['autoregressive'] = self.ar_order
646        return kwds
648    def setup(self):
649        """
650        Setup the structural time series representation
651        """
652        # Initialize the ordered sets of parameters
653        self.parameters = {}
654        self.parameters_obs_intercept = {}
655        self.parameters_obs_cov = {}
656        self.parameters_transition = {}
657        self.parameters_state_cov = {}
659        # Initialize the fixed components of the state space matrices,
660        i = 0  # state offset
661        j = 0  # state covariance offset
663        if self.irregular:
664            self.parameters_obs_cov['irregular_var'] = 1
665        if self.level:
666            self.ssm['design', 0, i] = 1.
667            self.ssm['transition', i, i] = 1.
668            if self.trend:
669                self.ssm['transition', i, i+1] = 1.
670            if self.stochastic_level:
671                self.ssm['selection', i, j] = 1.
672                self.parameters_state_cov['level_var'] = 1
673                j += 1
674            i += 1
675        if self.trend:
676            self.ssm['transition', i, i] = 1.
677            if self.stochastic_trend:
678                self.ssm['selection', i, j] = 1.
679                self.parameters_state_cov['trend_var'] = 1
680                j += 1
681            i += 1
682        if self.seasonal:
683            n = self.seasonal_periods - 1
684            self.ssm['design', 0, i] = 1.
685            self.ssm['transition', i:i + n, i:i + n] = (
686                companion_matrix(np.r_[1, [1] * n]).transpose()
687            )
688            if self.stochastic_seasonal:
689                self.ssm['selection', i, j] = 1.
690                self.parameters_state_cov['seasonal_var'] = 1
691                j += 1
692            i += n
693        if self.freq_seasonal:
694            for ix, h in enumerate(self.freq_seasonal_harmonics):
695                # These are the \gamma_jt and \gamma^*_jt terms in D&K (3.8)
696                n = 2 * h
697                p = self.freq_seasonal_periods[ix]
698                lambda_p = 2 * np.pi / float(p)
700                t = 0  # frequency transition matrix offset
701                for block in range(1, h + 1):
702                    # ibid. eqn (3.7)
703                    self.ssm['design', 0, i+t] = 1.
705                    # ibid. eqn (3.8)
706                    cos_lambda_block = np.cos(lambda_p * block)
707                    sin_lambda_block = np.sin(lambda_p * block)
708                    trans = np.array([[cos_lambda_block, sin_lambda_block],
709                                      [-sin_lambda_block, cos_lambda_block]])
710                    trans_s = np.s_[i + t:i + t + 2]
711                    self.ssm['transition', trans_s, trans_s] = trans
712                    t += 2
714                if self.stochastic_freq_seasonal[ix]:
715                    self.ssm['selection', i:i + n, j:j + n] = np.eye(n)
716                    cov_key = 'freq_seasonal_var_{!r}'.format(ix)
717                    self.parameters_state_cov[cov_key] = 1
718                    j += n
719                i += n
720        if self.cycle:
721            self.ssm['design', 0, i] = 1.
722            self.parameters_transition['cycle_freq'] = 1
723            if self.damped_cycle:
724                self.parameters_transition['cycle_damp'] = 1
725            if self.stochastic_cycle:
726                self.ssm['selection', i:i+2, j:j+2] = np.eye(2)
727                self.parameters_state_cov['cycle_var'] = 1
728                j += 2
729            self._idx_cycle_transition = np.s_['transition', i:i+2, i:i+2]
730            i += 2
731        if self.autoregressive:
732            self.ssm['design', 0, i] = 1.
733            self.parameters_transition['ar_coeff'] = self.ar_order
734            self.parameters_state_cov['ar_var'] = 1
735            self.ssm['selection', i, j] = 1
736            self.ssm['transition', i:i+self.ar_order, i:i+self.ar_order] = (
737                companion_matrix(self.ar_order).T
738            )
739            self._idx_ar_transition = (
740                np.s_['transition', i, i:i+self.ar_order]
741            )
742            j += 1
743            i += self.ar_order
744        if self.regression:
745            if self.mle_regression:
746                self.parameters_obs_intercept['reg_coeff'] = self.k_exog
747            else:
748                design = np.repeat(self.ssm['design', :, :, 0], self.nobs,
749                                   axis=0)
750                self.ssm['design'] = design.transpose()[np.newaxis, :, :]
751                self.ssm['design', 0, i:i+self.k_exog, :] = (
752                    self.exog.transpose())
753                self.ssm['transition', i:i+self.k_exog, i:i+self.k_exog] = (
754                    np.eye(self.k_exog)
755                )
757                i += self.k_exog
759        # Update to get the actual parameter set
760        self.parameters.update(self.parameters_obs_cov)
761        self.parameters.update(self.parameters_state_cov)
762        self.parameters.update(self.parameters_transition)  # ordered last
763        self.parameters.update(self.parameters_obs_intercept)
765        self.k_obs_intercept = sum(self.parameters_obs_intercept.values())
766        self.k_obs_cov = sum(self.parameters_obs_cov.values())
767        self.k_transition = sum(self.parameters_transition.values())
768        self.k_state_cov = sum(self.parameters_state_cov.values())
769        self.k_params = sum(self.parameters.values())
771        # Other indices
772        idx = np.diag_indices(self.ssm.k_posdef)
773        self._idx_state_cov = ('state_cov', idx[0], idx[1])
775        # Some of the variances may be tied together (repeated parameter usage)
776        # Use list() for compatibility with python 3.5
777        param_keys = list(self.parameters_state_cov.keys())
778        self._var_repetitions = np.ones(self.k_state_cov, dtype=int)
779        if self.freq_seasonal:
780            for ix, is_stochastic in enumerate(self.stochastic_freq_seasonal):
781                if is_stochastic:
782                    num_harmonics = self.freq_seasonal_harmonics[ix]
783                    repeat_times = 2 * num_harmonics
784                    cov_key = 'freq_seasonal_var_{!r}'.format(ix)
785                    cov_ix = param_keys.index(cov_key)
786                    self._var_repetitions[cov_ix] = repeat_times
788        if self.stochastic_cycle and self.cycle:
789            cov_ix = param_keys.index('cycle_var')
790            self._var_repetitions[cov_ix] = 2
791        self._repeat_any_var = any(self._var_repetitions > 1)
793    def initialize_default(self, approximate_diffuse_variance=None):
794        if approximate_diffuse_variance is None:
795            approximate_diffuse_variance = self.ssm.initial_variance
796        if self.use_exact_diffuse:
797            diffuse_type = 'diffuse'
798        else:
799            diffuse_type = 'approximate_diffuse'
801            # Set the loglikelihood burn parameter, if not given in constructor
802            if self._loglikelihood_burn is None:
803                k_diffuse_states = (
804                    self.k_states - int(self._unused_state) - self.ar_order)
805                self.loglikelihood_burn = k_diffuse_states
807        init = Initialization(
808            self.k_states,
809            approximate_diffuse_variance=approximate_diffuse_variance)
811        if self._unused_state:
812            # If this flag is set, it means we have a model with just an
813            # irregular component and nothing else. The state is then
814            # irrelevant and we can't put it as diffuse, since then the filter
815            # will never leave the diffuse state.
816            init.set(0, 'known', constant=[0])
817        elif self.autoregressive:
818            offset = (self.level + self.trend +
819                      self._k_seasonal_states +
820                      self._k_freq_seas_states +
821                      self._k_cycle_states)
822            length = self.ar_order
823            init.set((0, offset), diffuse_type)
824            init.set((offset, offset + length), 'stationary')
825            init.set((offset + length, self.k_states), diffuse_type)
826        # If we do not have an autoregressive component, then everything has
827        # a diffuse initialization
828        else:
829            init.set(None, diffuse_type)
831        self.ssm.initialization = init
833    def clone(self, endog, exog=None, **kwargs):
834        return self._clone_from_init_kwds(endog, exog=exog, **kwargs)
836    @property
837    def _res_classes(self):
838        return {'fit': (UnobservedComponentsResults,
839                        UnobservedComponentsResultsWrapper)}
841    @property
842    def start_params(self):
843        if not hasattr(self, 'parameters'):
844            return []
846        # Eliminate missing data to estimate starting parameters
847        endog = self.endog
848        exog = self.exog
849        if np.any(np.isnan(endog)):
850            mask = ~np.isnan(endog).squeeze()
851            endog = endog[mask]
852            if exog is not None:
853                exog = exog[mask]
855        # Level / trend variances
856        # (Use the HP filter to get initial estimates of variances)
857        _start_params = {}
858        if self.level:
859            resid, trend1 = hpfilter(endog)
861            if self.stochastic_trend:
862                cycle2, trend2 = hpfilter(trend1)
863                _start_params['trend_var'] = np.std(trend2)**2
864                if self.stochastic_level:
865                    _start_params['level_var'] = np.std(cycle2)**2
866            elif self.stochastic_level:
867                _start_params['level_var'] = np.std(trend1)**2
868        else:
869            resid = self.ssm.endog[0]
871        # Regression
872        if self.regression and self.mle_regression:
873            _start_params['reg_coeff'] = (
874                np.linalg.pinv(exog).dot(resid).tolist()
875            )
876            resid = np.squeeze(
877                resid - np.dot(exog, _start_params['reg_coeff'])
878            )
880        # Autoregressive
881        if self.autoregressive:
882            Y = resid[self.ar_order:]
883            X = lagmat(resid, self.ar_order, trim='both')
884            _start_params['ar_coeff'] = np.linalg.pinv(X).dot(Y).tolist()
885            resid = np.squeeze(Y - np.dot(X, _start_params['ar_coeff']))
886            _start_params['ar_var'] = np.var(resid)
888        # The variance of the residual term can be used for all variances,
889        # just to get something in the right order of magnitude.
890        var_resid = np.var(resid)
892        # Seasonal
893        if self.stochastic_seasonal:
894            _start_params['seasonal_var'] = var_resid
896        # Frequency domain seasonal
897        for ix, is_stochastic in enumerate(self.stochastic_freq_seasonal):
898            cov_key = 'freq_seasonal_var_{!r}'.format(ix)
899            _start_params[cov_key] = var_resid
901        # Cyclical
902        if self.cycle:
903            _start_params['cycle_var'] = var_resid
904            # Clip this to make sure it is positive and strictly stationary
905            # (i.e. do not want negative or 1)
906            _start_params['cycle_damp'] = np.clip(
907                np.linalg.pinv(resid[:-1, None]).dot(resid[1:])[0], 0, 0.99
908            )
910            # Set initial period estimate to 3 year, if we know the frequency
911            # of the data observations
912            freq = self.data.freq[0] if self.data.freq is not None else ''
913            if freq == 'A':
914                _start_params['cycle_freq'] = 2 * np.pi / 3
915            elif freq == 'Q':
916                _start_params['cycle_freq'] = 2 * np.pi / 12
917            elif freq == 'M':
918                _start_params['cycle_freq'] = 2 * np.pi / 36
919            else:
920                if not np.any(np.isinf(self.cycle_frequency_bound)):
921                    _start_params['cycle_freq'] = (
922                        np.mean(self.cycle_frequency_bound))
923                elif np.isinf(self.cycle_frequency_bound[1]):
924                    _start_params['cycle_freq'] = self.cycle_frequency_bound[0]
925                else:
926                    _start_params['cycle_freq'] = self.cycle_frequency_bound[1]
928        # Irregular
929        if self.irregular:
930            _start_params['irregular_var'] = var_resid
932        # Create the starting parameter list
933        start_params = []
934        for key in self.parameters.keys():
935            if np.isscalar(_start_params[key]):
936                start_params.append(_start_params[key])
937            else:
938                start_params += _start_params[key]
939        return start_params
941    @property
942    def param_names(self):
943        if not hasattr(self, 'parameters'):
944            return []
945        param_names = []
946        for key in self.parameters.keys():
947            if key == 'irregular_var':
948                param_names.append('sigma2.irregular')
949            elif key == 'level_var':
950                param_names.append('sigma2.level')
951            elif key == 'trend_var':
952                param_names.append('sigma2.trend')
953            elif key == 'seasonal_var':
954                param_names.append('sigma2.seasonal')
955            elif key.startswith('freq_seasonal_var_'):
956                # There are potentially multiple frequency domain
957                # seasonal terms
958                idx_fseas_comp = int(key[-1])
959                periodicity = self.freq_seasonal_periods[idx_fseas_comp]
960                harmonics = self.freq_seasonal_harmonics[idx_fseas_comp]
961                freq_seasonal_name = "{p}({h})".format(
962                    p=repr(periodicity),
963                    h=repr(harmonics))
964                param_names.append(
965                    'sigma2.' + 'freq_seasonal_' + freq_seasonal_name)
966            elif key == 'cycle_var':
967                param_names.append('sigma2.cycle')
968            elif key == 'cycle_freq':
969                param_names.append('frequency.cycle')
970            elif key == 'cycle_damp':
971                param_names.append('damping.cycle')
972            elif key == 'ar_coeff':
973                for i in range(self.ar_order):
974                    param_names.append('ar.L%d' % (i+1))
975            elif key == 'ar_var':
976                param_names.append('sigma2.ar')
977            elif key == 'reg_coeff':
978                param_names += [
979                    'beta.%s' % self.exog_names[i]
980                    for i in range(self.k_exog)
981                ]
982            else:
983                param_names.append(key)
984        return param_names
986    @property
987    def state_names(self):
988        names = []
989        if self.level:
990            names.append('level')
991        if self.trend:
992            names.append('trend')
993        if self.seasonal:
994            names.append('seasonal')
995            names += ['seasonal.L%d' % i
996                      for i in range(1, self._k_seasonal_states)]
997        if self.freq_seasonal:
998            names += ['freq_seasonal.%d' % i
999                      for i in range(self._k_freq_seas_states)]
1000        if self.cycle:
1001            names += ['cycle', 'cycle.auxilliary']
1002        if self.ar_order > 0:
1003            names += ['ar.L%d' % i
1004                      for i in range(1, self.ar_order + 1)]
1005        if self.k_exog > 0 and not self.mle_regression:
1006            names += ['beta.%s' % self.exog_names[i]
1007                      for i in range(self.k_exog)]
1008        if self._unused_state:
1009            names += ['dummy']
1011        return names
1013    def transform_params(self, unconstrained):
1014        """
1015        Transform unconstrained parameters used by the optimizer to constrained
1016        parameters used in likelihood evaluation
1017        """
1018        unconstrained = np.array(unconstrained, ndmin=1)
1019        constrained = np.zeros(unconstrained.shape, dtype=unconstrained.dtype)
1021        # Positive parameters: obs_cov, state_cov
1022        offset = self.k_obs_cov + self.k_state_cov
1023        constrained[:offset] = unconstrained[:offset]**2
1025        # Cycle parameters
1026        if self.cycle:
1027            # Cycle frequency must be between between our bounds
1028            low, high = self.cycle_frequency_bound
1029            constrained[offset] = (
1030                1 / (1 + np.exp(-unconstrained[offset]))
1031            ) * (high - low) + low
1032            offset += 1
1034            # Cycle damping (if present) must be between 0 and 1
1035            if self.damped_cycle:
1036                constrained[offset] = (
1037                    1 / (1 + np.exp(-unconstrained[offset]))
1038                )
1039                offset += 1
1041        # Autoregressive coefficients must be stationary
1042        if self.autoregressive:
1043            constrained[offset:offset + self.ar_order] = (
1044                constrain_stationary_univariate(
1045                    unconstrained[offset:offset + self.ar_order]
1046                )
1047            )
1048            offset += self.ar_order
1050        # Nothing to do with betas
1051        constrained[offset:offset + self.k_exog] = (
1052            unconstrained[offset:offset + self.k_exog]
1053        )
1055        return constrained
1057    def untransform_params(self, constrained):
1058        """
1059        Reverse the transformation
1060        """
1061        constrained = np.array(constrained, ndmin=1)
1062        unconstrained = np.zeros(constrained.shape, dtype=constrained.dtype)
1064        # Positive parameters: obs_cov, state_cov
1065        offset = self.k_obs_cov + self.k_state_cov
1066        unconstrained[:offset] = constrained[:offset]**0.5
1068        # Cycle parameters
1069        if self.cycle:
1070            # Cycle frequency must be between between our bounds
1071            low, high = self.cycle_frequency_bound
1072            x = (constrained[offset] - low) / (high - low)
1073            unconstrained[offset] = np.log(
1074                x / (1 - x)
1075            )
1076            offset += 1
1078            # Cycle damping (if present) must be between 0 and 1
1079            if self.damped_cycle:
1080                unconstrained[offset] = np.log(
1081                    constrained[offset] / (1 - constrained[offset])
1082                )
1083                offset += 1
1085        # Autoregressive coefficients must be stationary
1086        if self.autoregressive:
1087            unconstrained[offset:offset + self.ar_order] = (
1088                unconstrain_stationary_univariate(
1089                    constrained[offset:offset + self.ar_order]
1090                )
1091            )
1092            offset += self.ar_order
1094        # Nothing to do with betas
1095        unconstrained[offset:offset + self.k_exog] = (
1096            constrained[offset:offset + self.k_exog]
1097        )
1099        return unconstrained
1101    def _validate_can_fix_params(self, param_names):
1102        super(UnobservedComponents, self)._validate_can_fix_params(param_names)
1104        if 'ar_coeff' in self.parameters:
1105            ar_names = ['ar.L%d' % (i+1) for i in range(self.ar_order)]
1106            fix_all_ar = param_names.issuperset(ar_names)
1107            fix_any_ar = len(param_names.intersection(ar_names)) > 0
1108            if fix_any_ar and not fix_all_ar:
1109                raise ValueError('Cannot fix individual autoregressive.'
1110                                 ' parameters. Must either fix all'
1111                                 ' autoregressive parameters or none.')
1113    def update(self, params, transformed=True, includes_fixed=False,
1114               complex_step=False):
1115        params = self.handle_params(params, transformed=transformed,
1116                                    includes_fixed=includes_fixed)
1118        offset = 0
1120        # Observation covariance
1121        if self.irregular:
1122            self.ssm['obs_cov', 0, 0] = params[offset]
1123            offset += 1
1125        # State covariance
1126        if self.k_state_cov > 0:
1127            variances = params[offset:offset+self.k_state_cov]
1128            if self._repeat_any_var:
1129                variances = np.repeat(variances, self._var_repetitions)
1130            self.ssm[self._idx_state_cov] = variances
1131            offset += self.k_state_cov
1133        # Cycle transition
1134        if self.cycle:
1135            cos_freq = np.cos(params[offset])
1136            sin_freq = np.sin(params[offset])
1137            cycle_transition = np.array(
1138                [[cos_freq, sin_freq],
1139                 [-sin_freq, cos_freq]]
1140            )
1141            if self.damped_cycle:
1142                offset += 1
1143                cycle_transition *= params[offset]
1144            self.ssm[self._idx_cycle_transition] = cycle_transition
1145            offset += 1
1147        # AR transition
1148        if self.autoregressive:
1149            self.ssm[self._idx_ar_transition] = (
1150                params[offset:offset+self.ar_order]
1151            )
1152            offset += self.ar_order
1154        # Beta observation intercept
1155        if self.regression:
1156            if self.mle_regression:
1157                self.ssm['obs_intercept'] = np.dot(
1158                    self.exog,
1159                    params[offset:offset+self.k_exog]
1160                )[None, :]
1161            offset += self.k_exog
1164class UnobservedComponentsResults(MLEResults):
1165    """
1166    Class to hold results from fitting an unobserved components model.
1168    Parameters
1169    ----------
1170    model : UnobservedComponents instance
1171        The fitted model instance
1173    Attributes
1174    ----------
1175    specification : dictionary
1176        Dictionary including all attributes from the unobserved components
1177        model instance.
1179    See Also
1180    --------
1181    statsmodels.tsa.statespace.kalman_filter.FilterResults
1182    statsmodels.tsa.statespace.mlemodel.MLEResults
1183    """
1185    def __init__(self, model, params, filter_results, cov_type=None,
1186                 **kwargs):
1187        super(UnobservedComponentsResults, self).__init__(
1188            model, params, filter_results, cov_type, **kwargs)
1190        self.df_resid = np.inf  # attribute required for wald tests
1192        # Save _init_kwds
1193        self._init_kwds = self.model._get_init_kwds()
1195        # Save number of states by type
1196        self._k_states_by_type = {
1197            'seasonal': self.model._k_seasonal_states,
1198            'freq_seasonal': self.model._k_freq_seas_states,
1199            'cycle': self.model._k_cycle_states}
1201        # Save the model specification
1202        self.specification = Bunch(**{
1203            # Model options
1204            'level': self.model.level,
1205            'trend': self.model.trend,
1206            'seasonal_periods': self.model.seasonal_periods,
1207            'seasonal': self.model.seasonal,
1208            'freq_seasonal': self.model.freq_seasonal,
1209            'freq_seasonal_periods': self.model.freq_seasonal_periods,
1210            'freq_seasonal_harmonics': self.model.freq_seasonal_harmonics,
1211            'cycle': self.model.cycle,
1212            'ar_order': self.model.ar_order,
1213            'autoregressive': self.model.autoregressive,
1214            'irregular': self.model.irregular,
1215            'stochastic_level': self.model.stochastic_level,
1216            'stochastic_trend': self.model.stochastic_trend,
1217            'stochastic_seasonal': self.model.stochastic_seasonal,
1218            'stochastic_freq_seasonal': self.model.stochastic_freq_seasonal,
1219            'stochastic_cycle': self.model.stochastic_cycle,
1221            'damped_cycle': self.model.damped_cycle,
1222            'regression': self.model.regression,
1223            'mle_regression': self.model.mle_regression,
1224            'k_exog': self.model.k_exog,
1226            # Check for string trend/level specification
1227            'trend_specification': self.model.trend_specification
1228        })
1230    @property
1231    def level(self):
1232        """
1233        Estimates of unobserved level component
1235        Returns
1236        -------
1237        out: Bunch
1238            Has the following attributes:
1240            - `filtered`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1241                          the component
1242            - `filtered_cov`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1243                          the variance/covariance of the component
1244            - `smoothed`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1245                          the component
1246            - `smoothed_cov`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1247                          the variance/covariance of the component
1248            - `offset`: an integer giving the offset in the state vector where
1249                        this component begins
1250        """
1251        # If present, level is always the first component of the state vector
1252        out = None
1253        spec = self.specification
1254        if spec.level:
1255            offset = 0
1256            out = Bunch(filtered=self.filtered_state[offset],
1257                        filtered_cov=self.filtered_state_cov[offset, offset],
1258                        smoothed=None, smoothed_cov=None,
1259                        offset=offset)
1260            if self.smoothed_state is not None:
1261                out.smoothed = self.smoothed_state[offset]
1262            if self.smoothed_state_cov is not None:
1263                out.smoothed_cov = self.smoothed_state_cov[offset, offset]
1264        return out
1266    @property
1267    def trend(self):
1268        """
1269        Estimates of of unobserved trend component
1271        Returns
1272        -------
1273        out: Bunch
1274            Has the following attributes:
1276            - `filtered`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1277                          the component
1278            - `filtered_cov`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1279                          the variance/covariance of the component
1280            - `smoothed`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1281                          the component
1282            - `smoothed_cov`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1283                          the variance/covariance of the component
1284            - `offset`: an integer giving the offset in the state vector where
1285                        this component begins
1286        """
1287        # If present, trend is always the second component of the state vector
1288        # (because level is always present if trend is present)
1289        out = None
1290        spec = self.specification
1291        if spec.trend:
1292            offset = int(spec.level)
1293            out = Bunch(filtered=self.filtered_state[offset],
1294                        filtered_cov=self.filtered_state_cov[offset, offset],
1295                        smoothed=None, smoothed_cov=None,
1296                        offset=offset)
1297            if self.smoothed_state is not None:
1298                out.smoothed = self.smoothed_state[offset]
1299            if self.smoothed_state_cov is not None:
1300                out.smoothed_cov = self.smoothed_state_cov[offset, offset]
1301        return out
1303    @property
1304    def seasonal(self):
1305        """
1306        Estimates of unobserved seasonal component
1308        Returns
1309        -------
1310        out: Bunch
1311            Has the following attributes:
1313            - `filtered`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1314                          the component
1315            - `filtered_cov`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1316                          the variance/covariance of the component
1317            - `smoothed`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1318                          the component
1319            - `smoothed_cov`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1320                          the variance/covariance of the component
1321            - `offset`: an integer giving the offset in the state vector where
1322                        this component begins
1323        """
1324        # If present, seasonal always follows level/trend (if they are present)
1325        # Note that we return only the first seasonal state, but there are
1326        # in fact seasonal_periods-1 seasonal states, however latter states
1327        # are just lagged versions of the first seasonal state.
1328        out = None
1329        spec = self.specification
1330        if spec.seasonal:
1331            offset = int(spec.trend + spec.level)
1332            out = Bunch(filtered=self.filtered_state[offset],
1333                        filtered_cov=self.filtered_state_cov[offset, offset],
1334                        smoothed=None, smoothed_cov=None,
1335                        offset=offset)
1336            if self.smoothed_state is not None:
1337                out.smoothed = self.smoothed_state[offset]
1338            if self.smoothed_state_cov is not None:
1339                out.smoothed_cov = self.smoothed_state_cov[offset, offset]
1340        return out
1342    @property
1343    def freq_seasonal(self):
1344        """
1345        Estimates of unobserved frequency domain seasonal component(s)
1347        Returns
1348        -------
1349        out: list of Bunch instances
1350            Each item has the following attributes:
1352            - `filtered`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1353                          the component
1354            - `filtered_cov`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1355                          the variance/covariance of the component
1356            - `smoothed`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1357                          the component
1358            - `smoothed_cov`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1359                          the variance/covariance of the component
1360            - `offset`: an integer giving the offset in the state vector where
1361                        this component begins
1362        """
1363        # If present, freq_seasonal components always follows level/trend
1364        #  and seasonal.
1366        # There are 2 * (harmonics) seasonal states per freq_seasonal
1367        # component.
1368        # The sum of every other state enters the measurement equation.
1369        # Additionally, there can be multiple components of this type.
1370        # These facts make this property messier in implementation than the
1371        # others.
1372        # Fortunately, the states are conditionally mutually independent
1373        # (conditional on previous timestep's states), so that the calculations
1374        # of the variances are simple summations of individual variances and
1375        # the calculation of the returned state is likewise a summation.
1376        out = []
1377        spec = self.specification
1378        if spec.freq_seasonal:
1379            previous_states_offset = int(spec.trend + spec.level
1380                                         + self._k_states_by_type['seasonal'])
1381            previous_f_seas_offset = 0
1382            for ix, h in enumerate(spec.freq_seasonal_harmonics):
1383                offset = previous_states_offset + previous_f_seas_offset
1385                period = spec.freq_seasonal_periods[ix]
1387                # Only the gamma_jt terms enter the measurement equation (cf.
1388                # D&K 2012 (3.7))
1389                states_in_sum = np.arange(0, 2 * h, 2)
1391                filtered_state = np.sum(
1392                    [self.filtered_state[offset + j] for j in states_in_sum],
1393                    axis=0)
1394                filtered_cov = np.sum(
1395                    [self.filtered_state_cov[offset + j, offset + j] for j in
1396                     states_in_sum], axis=0)
1398                item = Bunch(
1399                    filtered=filtered_state,
1400                    filtered_cov=filtered_cov,
1401                    smoothed=None, smoothed_cov=None,
1402                    offset=offset,
1403                    pretty_name='seasonal {p}({h})'.format(p=repr(period),
1404                                                           h=repr(h)))
1405                if self.smoothed_state is not None:
1406                    item.smoothed = np.sum(
1407                        [self.smoothed_state[offset+j] for j in states_in_sum],
1408                        axis=0)
1409                if self.smoothed_state_cov is not None:
1410                    item.smoothed_cov = np.sum(
1411                        [self.smoothed_state_cov[offset+j, offset+j]
1412                         for j in states_in_sum], axis=0)
1413                out.append(item)
1414                previous_f_seas_offset += 2 * h
1415        return out
1417    @property
1418    def cycle(self):
1419        """
1420        Estimates of unobserved cycle component
1422        Returns
1423        -------
1424        out: Bunch
1425            Has the following attributes:
1427            - `filtered`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1428                          the component
1429            - `filtered_cov`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1430                          the variance/covariance of the component
1431            - `smoothed`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1432                          the component
1433            - `smoothed_cov`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1434                          the variance/covariance of the component
1435            - `offset`: an integer giving the offset in the state vector where
1436                        this component begins
1437        """
1438        # If present, cycle always follows level/trend, seasonal, and freq
1439        #  seasonal.
1440        # Note that we return only the first cyclical state, but there are
1441        # in fact 2 cyclical states. The second cyclical state is not simply
1442        # a lag of the first cyclical state, but the first cyclical state is
1443        # the one that enters the measurement equation.
1444        out = None
1445        spec = self.specification
1446        if spec.cycle:
1447            offset = int(spec.trend + spec.level
1448                         + self._k_states_by_type['seasonal']
1449                         + self._k_states_by_type['freq_seasonal'])
1450            out = Bunch(filtered=self.filtered_state[offset],
1451                        filtered_cov=self.filtered_state_cov[offset, offset],
1452                        smoothed=None, smoothed_cov=None,
1453                        offset=offset)
1454            if self.smoothed_state is not None:
1455                out.smoothed = self.smoothed_state[offset]
1456            if self.smoothed_state_cov is not None:
1457                out.smoothed_cov = self.smoothed_state_cov[offset, offset]
1458        return out
1460    @property
1461    def autoregressive(self):
1462        """
1463        Estimates of unobserved autoregressive component
1465        Returns
1466        -------
1467        out: Bunch
1468            Has the following attributes:
1470            - `filtered`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1471                          the component
1472            - `filtered_cov`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1473                          the variance/covariance of the component
1474            - `smoothed`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1475                          the component
1476            - `smoothed_cov`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1477                          the variance/covariance of the component
1478            - `offset`: an integer giving the offset in the state vector where
1479                        this component begins
1480        """
1481        # If present, autoregressive always follows level/trend, seasonal,
1482        # freq seasonal, and cyclical.
1483        # If it is an AR(p) model, then there are p associated
1484        # states, but the second - pth states are just lags of the first state.
1485        out = None
1486        spec = self.specification
1487        if spec.autoregressive:
1488            offset = int(spec.trend + spec.level
1489                         + self._k_states_by_type['seasonal']
1490                         + self._k_states_by_type['freq_seasonal']
1491                         + self._k_states_by_type['cycle'])
1492            out = Bunch(filtered=self.filtered_state[offset],
1493                        filtered_cov=self.filtered_state_cov[offset, offset],
1494                        smoothed=None, smoothed_cov=None,
1495                        offset=offset)
1496            if self.smoothed_state is not None:
1497                out.smoothed = self.smoothed_state[offset]
1498            if self.smoothed_state_cov is not None:
1499                out.smoothed_cov = self.smoothed_state_cov[offset, offset]
1500        return out
1502    @property
1503    def regression_coefficients(self):
1504        """
1505        Estimates of unobserved regression coefficients
1507        Returns
1508        -------
1509        out: Bunch
1510            Has the following attributes:
1512            - `filtered`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1513                          the component
1514            - `filtered_cov`: a time series array with the filtered estimate of
1515                          the variance/covariance of the component
1516            - `smoothed`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1517                          the component
1518            - `smoothed_cov`: a time series array with the smoothed estimate of
1519                          the variance/covariance of the component
1520            - `offset`: an integer giving the offset in the state vector where
1521                        this component begins
1522        """
1523        # If present, state-vector regression coefficients always are last
1524        # (i.e. they follow level/trend, seasonal, freq seasonal, cyclical, and
1525        # autoregressive states). There is one state associated with each
1526        # regressor, and all are returned here.
1527        out = None
1528        spec = self.specification
1529        if spec.regression:
1530            if spec.mle_regression:
1531                import warnings
1532                warnings.warn('Regression coefficients estimated via maximum'
1533                              ' likelihood. Estimated coefficients are'
1534                              ' available in the parameters list, not as part'
1535                              ' of the state vector.', OutputWarning)
1536            else:
1537                offset = int(spec.trend + spec.level
1538                             + self._k_states_by_type['seasonal']
1539                             + self._k_states_by_type['freq_seasonal']
1540                             + self._k_states_by_type['cycle']
1541                             + spec.ar_order)
1542                start = offset
1543                end = offset + spec.k_exog
1544                out = Bunch(
1545                    filtered=self.filtered_state[start:end],
1546                    filtered_cov=self.filtered_state_cov[start:end, start:end],
1547                    smoothed=None, smoothed_cov=None,
1548                    offset=offset
1549                )
1550                if self.smoothed_state is not None:
1551                    out.smoothed = self.smoothed_state[start:end]
1552                if self.smoothed_state_cov is not None:
1553                    out.smoothed_cov = (
1554                        self.smoothed_state_cov[start:end, start:end])
1555        return out
1557    def plot_components(self, which=None, alpha=0.05,
1558                        observed=True, level=True, trend=True,
1559                        seasonal=True, freq_seasonal=True,
1560                        cycle=True, autoregressive=True,
1561                        legend_loc='upper right', fig=None, figsize=None):
1562        """
1563        Plot the estimated components of the model.
1565        Parameters
1566        ----------
1567        which : {'filtered', 'smoothed'}, or None, optional
1568            Type of state estimate to plot. Default is 'smoothed' if smoothed
1569            results are available otherwise 'filtered'.
1570        alpha : float, optional
1571            The confidence intervals for the components are (1 - alpha) %
1572        observed : bool, optional
1573            Whether or not to plot the observed series against
1574            one-step-ahead predictions.
1575            Default is True.
1576        level : bool, optional
1577            Whether or not to plot the level component, if applicable.
1578            Default is True.
1579        trend : bool, optional
1580            Whether or not to plot the trend component, if applicable.
1581            Default is True.
1582        seasonal : bool, optional
1583            Whether or not to plot the seasonal component, if applicable.
1584            Default is True.
1585        freq_seasonal : bool, optional
1586            Whether or not to plot the frequency domain seasonal component(s),
1587            if applicable. Default is True.
1588        cycle : bool, optional
1589            Whether or not to plot the cyclical component, if applicable.
1590            Default is True.
1591        autoregressive : bool, optional
1592            Whether or not to plot the autoregressive state, if applicable.
1593            Default is True.
1594        fig : Figure, optional
1595            If given, subplots are created in this figure instead of in a new
1596            figure. Note that the grid will be created in the provided
1597            figure using `fig.add_subplot()`.
1598        figsize : tuple, optional
1599            If a figure is created, this argument allows specifying a size.
1600            The tuple is (width, height).
1602        Notes
1603        -----
1604        If all options are included in the model and selected, this produces
1605        a 6x1 plot grid with the following plots (ordered top-to-bottom):
1607        0. Observed series against predicted series
1608        1. Level
1609        2. Trend
1610        3. Seasonal
1611        4. Freq Seasonal
1612        5. Cycle
1613        6. Autoregressive
1615        Specific subplots will be removed if the component is not present in
1616        the estimated model or if the corresponding keyword argument is set to
1617        False.
1619        All plots contain (1 - `alpha`) %  confidence intervals.
1620        """
1621        from scipy.stats import norm
1622        from statsmodels.graphics.utils import _import_mpl, create_mpl_fig
1623        plt = _import_mpl()
1624        fig = create_mpl_fig(fig, figsize)
1626        # Determine which results we have
1627        if which is None:
1628            which = 'filtered' if self.smoothed_state is None else 'smoothed'
1630        # Determine which plots we have
1631        spec = self.specification
1633        comp = [
1634            ('level', level and spec.level),
1635            ('trend', trend and spec.trend),
1636            ('seasonal', seasonal and spec.seasonal),
1637        ]
1639        if freq_seasonal and spec.freq_seasonal:
1640            for ix, _ in enumerate(spec.freq_seasonal_periods):
1641                key = 'freq_seasonal_{!r}'.format(ix)
1642                comp.append((key, True))
1644        comp.extend(
1645            [('cycle', cycle and spec.cycle),
1646             ('autoregressive', autoregressive and spec.autoregressive)])
1648        components = dict(comp)
1650        llb = self.filter_results.loglikelihood_burn
1652        # Number of plots
1653        k_plots = observed + np.sum(list(components.values()))
1655        # Get dates, if applicable
1656        if hasattr(self.data, 'dates') and self.data.dates is not None:
1657            dates = self.data.dates._mpl_repr()
1658        else:
1659            dates = np.arange(len(self.data.endog))
1661        # Get the critical value for confidence intervals
1662        critical_value = norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2.)
1664        plot_idx = 1
1666        # Observed, predicted, confidence intervals
1667        if observed:
1668            ax = fig.add_subplot(k_plots, 1, plot_idx)
1669            plot_idx += 1
1671            # Plot the observed dataset
1672            ax.plot(dates[llb:], self.model.endog[llb:], color='k',
1673                    label='Observed')
1675            # Get the predicted values and confidence intervals
1676            predict = self.filter_results.forecasts[0]
1677            std_errors = np.sqrt(self.filter_results.forecasts_error_cov[0, 0])
1678            ci_lower = predict - critical_value * std_errors
1679            ci_upper = predict + critical_value * std_errors
1681            # Plot
1682            ax.plot(dates[llb:], predict[llb:],
1683                    label='One-step-ahead predictions')
1684            ci_poly = ax.fill_between(
1685                dates[llb:], ci_lower[llb:], ci_upper[llb:], alpha=0.2
1686            )
1687            ci_label = '$%.3g \\%%$ confidence interval' % ((1 - alpha) * 100)
1689            # Proxy artist for fill_between legend entry
1690            # See e.g. https://matplotlib.org/1.3.1/users/legend_guide.html
1691            p = plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=ci_poly.get_facecolor()[0])
1693            # Legend
1694            handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
1695            handles.append(p)
1696            labels.append(ci_label)
1697            ax.legend(handles, labels, loc=legend_loc)
1699            ax.set_title('Predicted vs observed')
1701        # Plot each component
1702        for component, is_plotted in components.items():
1703            if not is_plotted:
1704                continue
1706            ax = fig.add_subplot(k_plots, 1, plot_idx)
1707            plot_idx += 1
1709            try:
1710                component_bunch = getattr(self, component)
1711                title = component.title()
1712            except AttributeError:
1713                # This might be a freq_seasonal component, of which there are
1714                #  possibly multiple bagged up in property freq_seasonal
1715                if component.startswith('freq_seasonal_'):
1716                    ix = int(component.replace('freq_seasonal_', ''))
1717                    big_bunch = getattr(self, 'freq_seasonal')
1718                    component_bunch = big_bunch[ix]
1719                    title = component_bunch.pretty_name
1720                else:
1721                    raise
1723            # Check for a valid estimation type
1724            if which not in component_bunch:
1725                raise ValueError('Invalid type of state estimate.')
1727            which_cov = '%s_cov' % which
1729            # Get the predicted values
1730            value = component_bunch[which]
1732            # Plot
1733            state_label = '%s (%s)' % (title, which)
1734            ax.plot(dates[llb:], value[llb:], label=state_label)
1736            # Get confidence intervals
1737            if which_cov in component_bunch:
1738                std_errors = np.sqrt(component_bunch['%s_cov' % which])
1739                ci_lower = value - critical_value * std_errors
1740                ci_upper = value + critical_value * std_errors
1741                ci_poly = ax.fill_between(
1742                    dates[llb:], ci_lower[llb:], ci_upper[llb:], alpha=0.2
1743                )
1744                ci_label = ('$%.3g \\%%$ confidence interval'
1745                            % ((1 - alpha) * 100))
1747            # Legend
1748            ax.legend(loc=legend_loc)
1750            ax.set_title('%s component' % title)
1752        # Add a note if first observations excluded
1753        if llb > 0:
1754            text = ('Note: The first %d observations are not shown, due to'
1755                    ' approximate diffuse initialization.')
1756            fig.text(0.1, 0.01, text % llb, fontsize='large')
1758        return fig
1760    @Appender(MLEResults.summary.__doc__)
1761    def summary(self, alpha=.05, start=None):
1762        # Create the model name
1764        model_name = [self.specification.trend_specification]
1766        if self.specification.seasonal:
1767            seasonal_name = ('seasonal(%d)'
1768                             % self.specification.seasonal_periods)
1769            if self.specification.stochastic_seasonal:
1770                seasonal_name = 'stochastic ' + seasonal_name
1771            model_name.append(seasonal_name)
1773        if self.specification.freq_seasonal:
1774            for ix, is_stochastic in enumerate(
1775                    self.specification.stochastic_freq_seasonal):
1776                periodicity = self.specification.freq_seasonal_periods[ix]
1777                harmonics = self.specification.freq_seasonal_harmonics[ix]
1778                freq_seasonal_name = "freq_seasonal({p}({h}))".format(
1779                    p=repr(periodicity),
1780                    h=repr(harmonics))
1781                if is_stochastic:
1782                    freq_seasonal_name = 'stochastic ' + freq_seasonal_name
1783                model_name.append(freq_seasonal_name)
1785        if self.specification.cycle:
1786            cycle_name = 'cycle'
1787            if self.specification.stochastic_cycle:
1788                cycle_name = 'stochastic ' + cycle_name
1789            if self.specification.damped_cycle:
1790                cycle_name = 'damped ' + cycle_name
1791            model_name.append(cycle_name)
1793        if self.specification.autoregressive:
1794            autoregressive_name = 'AR(%d)' % self.specification.ar_order
1795            model_name.append(autoregressive_name)
1797        return super(UnobservedComponentsResults, self).summary(
1798            alpha=alpha, start=start, title='Unobserved Components Results',
1799            model_name=model_name
1800        )
1803class UnobservedComponentsResultsWrapper(MLEResultsWrapper):
1804    _attrs = {}
1805    _wrap_attrs = wrap.union_dicts(MLEResultsWrapper._wrap_attrs,
1806                                   _attrs)
1807    _methods = {}
1808    _wrap_methods = wrap.union_dicts(MLEResultsWrapper._wrap_methods,
1809                                     _methods)
1810wrap.populate_wrapper(UnobservedComponentsResultsWrapper,  # noqa:E305
1811                      UnobservedComponentsResults)