1module Language.PureScript.Errors
2  ( module Language.PureScript.AST
3  , module Language.PureScript.Errors
4  ) where
6import           Prelude.Compat
7import           Protolude (ordNub)
9import           Control.Arrow ((&&&))
10import           Control.Exception (displayException)
11import           Control.Monad
12import           Control.Monad.Error.Class (MonadError(..))
13import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
14import           Control.Monad.Writer
15import           Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
16import           Data.Bitraversable (bitraverse)
17import           Data.Char (isSpace)
18import           Data.Either (partitionEithers)
19import           Data.Foldable (fold)
20import           Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
21import           Data.List (transpose, nubBy, partition, dropWhileEnd, sortOn)
22import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
23import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
24import           Data.Maybe (maybeToList, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
25import qualified Data.Map as M
26import           Data.Ord (Down(..))
27import qualified Data.Set as S
28import qualified Data.Text as T
29import           Data.Text (Text)
30import qualified GHC.Stack
31import           Language.PureScript.AST
32import qualified Language.PureScript.Bundle as Bundle
33import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants.Prelude as C
34import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants.Prim as C
35import           Language.PureScript.Crash
36import qualified Language.PureScript.CST.Errors as CST
37import qualified Language.PureScript.CST.Print as CST
38import           Language.PureScript.Environment
39import           Language.PureScript.Label (Label(..))
40import           Language.PureScript.Names
41import           Language.PureScript.Pretty
42import           Language.PureScript.Pretty.Common (endWith)
43import           Language.PureScript.PSString (decodeStringWithReplacement)
44import           Language.PureScript.Roles
45import           Language.PureScript.Traversals
46import           Language.PureScript.Types
47import qualified Language.PureScript.Publish.BoxesHelpers as BoxHelpers
48import qualified System.Console.ANSI as ANSI
49import qualified Text.Parsec as P
50import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as PE
51import           Text.Parsec.Error (Message(..))
52import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes as Box
54-- | A type of error messages
55data SimpleErrorMessage
56  = InternalCompilerError Text Text
57  | ModuleNotFound ModuleName
58  | ErrorParsingFFIModule FilePath (Maybe Bundle.ErrorMessage)
59  | ErrorParsingModule P.ParseError
60  | ErrorParsingCSTModule CST.ParserError
61  | WarningParsingCSTModule CST.ParserWarning
62  | MissingFFIModule ModuleName
63  | UnnecessaryFFIModule ModuleName FilePath
64  | MissingFFIImplementations ModuleName [Ident]
65  | UnusedFFIImplementations ModuleName [Ident]
66  | InvalidFFIIdentifier ModuleName Text
67  | DeprecatedFFIPrime ModuleName Text
68  | FileIOError Text IOError -- ^ A description of what we were trying to do, and the error which occurred
69  | InfiniteType SourceType
70  | InfiniteKind SourceType
71  | MultipleValueOpFixities (OpName 'ValueOpName)
72  | MultipleTypeOpFixities (OpName 'TypeOpName)
73  | OrphanTypeDeclaration Ident
74  | OrphanKindDeclaration (ProperName 'TypeName)
75  | OrphanRoleDeclaration (ProperName 'TypeName)
76  | RedefinedIdent Ident
77  | OverlappingNamesInLet
78  | UnknownName (Qualified Name)
79  | UnknownImport ModuleName Name
80  | UnknownImportDataConstructor ModuleName (ProperName 'TypeName) (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
81  | UnknownExport Name
82  | UnknownExportDataConstructor (ProperName 'TypeName) (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
83  | ScopeConflict Name [ModuleName]
84  | ScopeShadowing Name (Maybe ModuleName) [ModuleName]
85  | DeclConflict Name Name
86  | ExportConflict (Qualified Name) (Qualified Name)
87  | DuplicateModule ModuleName
88  | DuplicateTypeClass (ProperName 'ClassName) SourceSpan
89  | DuplicateInstance Ident SourceSpan
90  | DuplicateTypeArgument Text
91  | InvalidDoBind
92  | InvalidDoLet
93  | CycleInDeclaration Ident
94  | CycleInTypeSynonym (NEL.NonEmpty (ProperName 'TypeName))
95  | CycleInTypeClassDeclaration (NEL.NonEmpty (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)))
96  | CycleInKindDeclaration (NEL.NonEmpty (Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName)))
97  | CycleInModules (NEL.NonEmpty ModuleName)
98  | NameIsUndefined Ident
99  | UndefinedTypeVariable (ProperName 'TypeName)
100  | PartiallyAppliedSynonym (Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName))
101  | EscapedSkolem Text (Maybe SourceSpan) SourceType
102  | TypesDoNotUnify SourceType SourceType
103  | KindsDoNotUnify SourceType SourceType
104  | ConstrainedTypeUnified SourceType SourceType
105  | OverlappingInstances (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType] [Qualified (Either SourceType Ident)]
106  | NoInstanceFound
107      SourceConstraint -- ^ constraint that could not be solved
108      Bool -- ^ whether eliminating unknowns with annotations might help
109  | AmbiguousTypeVariables SourceType [Int]
110  | UnknownClass (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
111  | PossiblyInfiniteInstance (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType]
112  | PossiblyInfiniteCoercibleInstance
113  | CannotDerive (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType]
114  | InvalidDerivedInstance (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType] Int
115  | ExpectedTypeConstructor (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType] SourceType
116  | InvalidNewtypeInstance (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType]
117  | MissingNewtypeSuperclassInstance (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType]
118  | UnverifiableSuperclassInstance (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [SourceType]
119  | CannotFindDerivingType (ProperName 'TypeName)
120  | DuplicateLabel Label (Maybe Expr)
121  | DuplicateValueDeclaration Ident
122  | ArgListLengthsDiffer Ident
123  | OverlappingArgNames (Maybe Ident)
124  | MissingClassMember (NEL.NonEmpty (Ident, SourceType))
125  | ExtraneousClassMember Ident (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
126  | ExpectedType SourceType SourceType
127  -- | constructor name, expected argument count, actual argument count
128  | IncorrectConstructorArity (Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName)) Int Int
129  | ExprDoesNotHaveType Expr SourceType
130  | PropertyIsMissing Label
131  | AdditionalProperty Label
132  | OrphanInstance Ident (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) (S.Set ModuleName) [SourceType]
133  | InvalidNewtype (ProperName 'TypeName)
134  | InvalidInstanceHead SourceType
135  | TransitiveExportError DeclarationRef [DeclarationRef]
136  | TransitiveDctorExportError DeclarationRef [ProperName 'ConstructorName]
137  | HiddenConstructors DeclarationRef (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName))
138  | ShadowedName Ident
139  | ShadowedTypeVar Text
140  | UnusedTypeVar Text
141  | UnusedName Ident
142  | UnusedDeclaration Ident
143  | WildcardInferredType SourceType Context
144  | HoleInferredType Text SourceType Context (Maybe TypeSearch)
145  | MissingTypeDeclaration Ident SourceType
146  | MissingKindDeclaration KindSignatureFor (ProperName 'TypeName) SourceType
147  | OverlappingPattern [[Binder]] Bool
148  | IncompleteExhaustivityCheck
149  | MisleadingEmptyTypeImport ModuleName (ProperName 'TypeName)
150  | ImportHidingModule ModuleName
151  | UnusedImport ModuleName (Maybe ModuleName)
152  | UnusedExplicitImport ModuleName [Name] (Maybe ModuleName) [DeclarationRef]
153  | UnusedDctorImport ModuleName (ProperName 'TypeName) (Maybe ModuleName) [DeclarationRef]
154  | UnusedDctorExplicitImport ModuleName (ProperName 'TypeName) [ProperName 'ConstructorName] (Maybe ModuleName) [DeclarationRef]
155  | DuplicateSelectiveImport ModuleName
156  | DuplicateImport ModuleName ImportDeclarationType (Maybe ModuleName)
157  | DuplicateImportRef Name
158  | DuplicateExportRef Name
159  | IntOutOfRange Integer Text Integer Integer
160  | ImplicitQualifiedImport ModuleName ModuleName [DeclarationRef]
161  | ImplicitQualifiedImportReExport ModuleName ModuleName [DeclarationRef]
162  | ImplicitImport ModuleName [DeclarationRef]
163  | HidingImport ModuleName [DeclarationRef]
164  | CaseBinderLengthDiffers Int [Binder]
165  | IncorrectAnonymousArgument
166  | InvalidOperatorInBinder (Qualified (OpName 'ValueOpName)) (Qualified Ident)
167  | CannotGeneralizeRecursiveFunction Ident SourceType
168  | CannotDeriveNewtypeForData (ProperName 'TypeName)
169  | ExpectedWildcard (ProperName 'TypeName)
170  | CannotUseBindWithDo Ident
171  -- | instance name, type class, expected argument count, actual argument count
172  | ClassInstanceArityMismatch Ident (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) Int Int
173  -- | a user-defined warning raised by using the Warn type class
174  | UserDefinedWarning SourceType
175  -- | a declaration couldn't be used because it contained free variables
176  | UnusableDeclaration Ident [[Text]]
177  | CannotDefinePrimModules ModuleName
178  | MixedAssociativityError (NEL.NonEmpty (Qualified (OpName 'AnyOpName), Associativity))
179  | NonAssociativeError (NEL.NonEmpty (Qualified (OpName 'AnyOpName)))
180  | QuantificationCheckFailureInKind Text
181  | QuantificationCheckFailureInType [Int] SourceType
182  | VisibleQuantificationCheckFailureInType Text
183  | UnsupportedTypeInKind SourceType
184  -- | Declared role was more permissive than inferred.
185  | RoleMismatch
186      Text -- ^ Type variable in question
187      Role -- ^ inferred role
188      Role -- ^ declared role
189  | InvalidCoercibleInstanceDeclaration [SourceType]
190  | UnsupportedRoleDeclaration
191  | RoleDeclarationArityMismatch (ProperName 'TypeName) Int Int
192  | DuplicateRoleDeclaration (ProperName 'TypeName)
193  deriving (Show)
195data ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage
196  [ErrorMessageHint]
197  SimpleErrorMessage
198  deriving (Show)
200newtype ErrorSuggestion = ErrorSuggestion Text
202-- | Get the source span for an error
203errorSpan :: ErrorMessage -> Maybe (NEL.NonEmpty SourceSpan)
204errorSpan = findHint matchSpan
205  where
206  matchSpan (PositionedError ss) = Just ss
207  matchSpan _ = Nothing
209-- | Get the module name for an error
210errorModule :: ErrorMessage -> Maybe ModuleName
211errorModule = findHint matchModule
212  where
213  matchModule (ErrorInModule mn) = Just mn
214  matchModule _ = Nothing
216findHint :: (ErrorMessageHint -> Maybe a) -> ErrorMessage -> Maybe a
217findHint f (ErrorMessage hints _) = getLast . foldMap (Last . f) $ hints
219-- | Remove the module name and span hints from an error
220stripModuleAndSpan :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage
221stripModuleAndSpan (ErrorMessage hints e) = ErrorMessage (filter (not . shouldStrip) hints) e
222  where
223  shouldStrip (ErrorInModule _) = True
224  shouldStrip (PositionedError _) = True
225  shouldStrip _ = False
227-- | Get the error code for a particular error type
228errorCode :: ErrorMessage -> Text
229errorCode em = case unwrapErrorMessage em of
230  InternalCompilerError{} -> "InternalCompilerError"
231  ModuleNotFound{} -> "ModuleNotFound"
232  ErrorParsingFFIModule{} -> "ErrorParsingFFIModule"
233  ErrorParsingModule{} -> "ErrorParsingModule"
234  ErrorParsingCSTModule{} -> "ErrorParsingModule"
235  WarningParsingCSTModule{} -> "WarningParsingModule"
236  MissingFFIModule{} -> "MissingFFIModule"
237  UnnecessaryFFIModule{} -> "UnnecessaryFFIModule"
238  MissingFFIImplementations{} -> "MissingFFIImplementations"
239  UnusedFFIImplementations{} -> "UnusedFFIImplementations"
240  InvalidFFIIdentifier{} -> "InvalidFFIIdentifier"
241  DeprecatedFFIPrime{} -> "DeprecatedFFIPrime"
242  FileIOError{} -> "FileIOError"
243  InfiniteType{} -> "InfiniteType"
244  InfiniteKind{} -> "InfiniteKind"
245  MultipleValueOpFixities{} -> "MultipleValueOpFixities"
246  MultipleTypeOpFixities{} -> "MultipleTypeOpFixities"
247  OrphanTypeDeclaration{} -> "OrphanTypeDeclaration"
248  OrphanKindDeclaration{} -> "OrphanKindDeclaration"
249  OrphanRoleDeclaration{} -> "OrphanRoleDeclaration"
250  RedefinedIdent{} -> "RedefinedIdent"
251  OverlappingNamesInLet -> "OverlappingNamesInLet"
252  UnknownName{} -> "UnknownName"
253  UnknownImport{} -> "UnknownImport"
254  UnknownImportDataConstructor{} -> "UnknownImportDataConstructor"
255  UnknownExport{} -> "UnknownExport"
256  UnknownExportDataConstructor{} -> "UnknownExportDataConstructor"
257  ScopeConflict{} -> "ScopeConflict"
258  ScopeShadowing{} -> "ScopeShadowing"
259  DeclConflict{} -> "DeclConflict"
260  ExportConflict{} -> "ExportConflict"
261  DuplicateModule{} -> "DuplicateModule"
262  DuplicateTypeClass{} -> "DuplicateTypeClass"
263  DuplicateInstance{} -> "DuplicateInstance"
264  DuplicateTypeArgument{} -> "DuplicateTypeArgument"
265  InvalidDoBind -> "InvalidDoBind"
266  InvalidDoLet -> "InvalidDoLet"
267  CycleInDeclaration{} -> "CycleInDeclaration"
268  CycleInTypeSynonym{} -> "CycleInTypeSynonym"
269  CycleInTypeClassDeclaration{} -> "CycleInTypeClassDeclaration"
270  CycleInKindDeclaration{} -> "CycleInKindDeclaration"
271  CycleInModules{} -> "CycleInModules"
272  NameIsUndefined{} -> "NameIsUndefined"
273  UndefinedTypeVariable{} -> "UndefinedTypeVariable"
274  PartiallyAppliedSynonym{} -> "PartiallyAppliedSynonym"
275  EscapedSkolem{} -> "EscapedSkolem"
276  TypesDoNotUnify{} -> "TypesDoNotUnify"
277  KindsDoNotUnify{} -> "KindsDoNotUnify"
278  ConstrainedTypeUnified{} -> "ConstrainedTypeUnified"
279  OverlappingInstances{} -> "OverlappingInstances"
280  NoInstanceFound{} -> "NoInstanceFound"
281  AmbiguousTypeVariables{} -> "AmbiguousTypeVariables"
282  UnknownClass{} -> "UnknownClass"
283  PossiblyInfiniteInstance{} -> "PossiblyInfiniteInstance"
284  PossiblyInfiniteCoercibleInstance -> "PossiblyInfiniteCoercibleInstance"
285  CannotDerive{} -> "CannotDerive"
286  InvalidNewtypeInstance{} -> "InvalidNewtypeInstance"
287  MissingNewtypeSuperclassInstance{} -> "MissingNewtypeSuperclassInstance"
288  UnverifiableSuperclassInstance{} -> "UnverifiableSuperclassInstance"
289  InvalidDerivedInstance{} -> "InvalidDerivedInstance"
290  ExpectedTypeConstructor{} -> "ExpectedTypeConstructor"
291  CannotFindDerivingType{} -> "CannotFindDerivingType"
292  DuplicateLabel{} -> "DuplicateLabel"
293  DuplicateValueDeclaration{} -> "DuplicateValueDeclaration"
294  ArgListLengthsDiffer{} -> "ArgListLengthsDiffer"
295  OverlappingArgNames{} -> "OverlappingArgNames"
296  MissingClassMember{} -> "MissingClassMember"
297  ExtraneousClassMember{} -> "ExtraneousClassMember"
298  ExpectedType{} -> "ExpectedType"
299  IncorrectConstructorArity{} -> "IncorrectConstructorArity"
300  ExprDoesNotHaveType{} -> "ExprDoesNotHaveType"
301  PropertyIsMissing{} -> "PropertyIsMissing"
302  AdditionalProperty{} -> "AdditionalProperty"
303  OrphanInstance{} -> "OrphanInstance"
304  InvalidNewtype{} -> "InvalidNewtype"
305  InvalidInstanceHead{} -> "InvalidInstanceHead"
306  TransitiveExportError{} -> "TransitiveExportError"
307  TransitiveDctorExportError{} -> "TransitiveDctorExportError"
308  HiddenConstructors{} -> "HiddenConstructors"
309  ShadowedName{} -> "ShadowedName"
310  UnusedName{} -> "UnusedName"
311  UnusedDeclaration{} -> "UnusedDeclaration"
312  ShadowedTypeVar{} -> "ShadowedTypeVar"
313  UnusedTypeVar{} -> "UnusedTypeVar"
314  WildcardInferredType{} -> "WildcardInferredType"
315  HoleInferredType{} -> "HoleInferredType"
316  MissingTypeDeclaration{} -> "MissingTypeDeclaration"
317  MissingKindDeclaration{} -> "MissingKindDeclaration"
318  OverlappingPattern{} -> "OverlappingPattern"
319  IncompleteExhaustivityCheck{} -> "IncompleteExhaustivityCheck"
320  MisleadingEmptyTypeImport{} -> "MisleadingEmptyTypeImport"
321  ImportHidingModule{} -> "ImportHidingModule"
322  UnusedImport{} -> "UnusedImport"
323  UnusedExplicitImport{} -> "UnusedExplicitImport"
324  UnusedDctorImport{} -> "UnusedDctorImport"
325  UnusedDctorExplicitImport{} -> "UnusedDctorExplicitImport"
326  DuplicateSelectiveImport{} -> "DuplicateSelectiveImport"
327  DuplicateImport{} -> "DuplicateImport"
328  DuplicateImportRef{} -> "DuplicateImportRef"
329  DuplicateExportRef{} -> "DuplicateExportRef"
330  IntOutOfRange{} -> "IntOutOfRange"
331  ImplicitQualifiedImport{} -> "ImplicitQualifiedImport"
332  ImplicitQualifiedImportReExport{} -> "ImplicitQualifiedImportReExport"
333  ImplicitImport{} -> "ImplicitImport"
334  HidingImport{} -> "HidingImport"
335  CaseBinderLengthDiffers{} -> "CaseBinderLengthDiffers"
336  IncorrectAnonymousArgument -> "IncorrectAnonymousArgument"
337  InvalidOperatorInBinder{} -> "InvalidOperatorInBinder"
338  CannotGeneralizeRecursiveFunction{} -> "CannotGeneralizeRecursiveFunction"
339  CannotDeriveNewtypeForData{} -> "CannotDeriveNewtypeForData"
340  ExpectedWildcard{} -> "ExpectedWildcard"
341  CannotUseBindWithDo{} -> "CannotUseBindWithDo"
342  ClassInstanceArityMismatch{} -> "ClassInstanceArityMismatch"
343  UserDefinedWarning{} -> "UserDefinedWarning"
344  UnusableDeclaration{} -> "UnusableDeclaration"
345  CannotDefinePrimModules{} -> "CannotDefinePrimModules"
346  MixedAssociativityError{} -> "MixedAssociativityError"
347  NonAssociativeError{} -> "NonAssociativeError"
348  QuantificationCheckFailureInKind {} -> "QuantificationCheckFailureInKind"
349  QuantificationCheckFailureInType {} -> "QuantificationCheckFailureInType"
350  VisibleQuantificationCheckFailureInType {} -> "VisibleQuantificationCheckFailureInType"
351  UnsupportedTypeInKind {} -> "UnsupportedTypeInKind"
352  RoleMismatch {} -> "RoleMismatch"
353  InvalidCoercibleInstanceDeclaration {} -> "InvalidCoercibleInstanceDeclaration"
354  UnsupportedRoleDeclaration {} -> "UnsupportedRoleDeclaration"
355  RoleDeclarationArityMismatch {} -> "RoleDeclarationArityMismatch"
356  DuplicateRoleDeclaration {} -> "DuplicateRoleDeclaration"
358-- | A stack trace for an error
359newtype MultipleErrors = MultipleErrors
360  { runMultipleErrors :: [ErrorMessage]
361  } deriving (Show, Semigroup, Monoid)
363-- | Check whether a collection of errors is empty or not.
364nonEmpty :: MultipleErrors -> Bool
365nonEmpty = not . null . runMultipleErrors
367-- | Create an error set from a single simple error message
368errorMessage :: SimpleErrorMessage -> MultipleErrors
369errorMessage err = MultipleErrors [ErrorMessage [] err]
371-- | Create an error set from a single simple error message and source annotation
372errorMessage' :: SourceSpan -> SimpleErrorMessage -> MultipleErrors
373errorMessage' ss err = MultipleErrors [ErrorMessage [positionedError ss] err]
375-- | Create an error set from a single simple error message and source annotations
376errorMessage'' :: NEL.NonEmpty SourceSpan -> SimpleErrorMessage -> MultipleErrors
377errorMessage'' sss err = MultipleErrors [ErrorMessage [PositionedError sss] err]
379-- | Create an error from multiple (possibly empty) source spans, reversed sorted.
380errorMessage''' :: [SourceSpan] -> SimpleErrorMessage -> MultipleErrors
381errorMessage''' sss err =
382  maybe (errorMessage err) (flip errorMessage'' err)
383    . NEL.nonEmpty
384    . sortOn Down
385    $ filter (/= NullSourceSpan) sss
387-- | Create an error set from a single error message
388singleError :: ErrorMessage -> MultipleErrors
389singleError = MultipleErrors . pure
391-- | Lift a function on ErrorMessage to a function on MultipleErrors
392onErrorMessages :: (ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage) -> MultipleErrors -> MultipleErrors
393onErrorMessages f = MultipleErrors . map f . runMultipleErrors
395-- | Add a hint to an error message
396addHint :: ErrorMessageHint -> MultipleErrors -> MultipleErrors
397addHint hint = addHints [hint]
399-- | Add hints to an error message
400addHints :: [ErrorMessageHint] -> MultipleErrors -> MultipleErrors
401addHints hints = onErrorMessages $ \(ErrorMessage hints' se) -> ErrorMessage (hints ++ hints') se
403-- | A map from rigid type variable name/unknown variable pairs to new variables.
404data TypeMap = TypeMap
405  { umSkolemMap   :: M.Map Int (String, Int, Maybe SourceSpan)
406  -- ^ a map from skolems to their new names, including source and naming info
407  , umUnknownMap  :: M.Map Int Int
408  -- ^ a map from unification variables to their new names
409  , umNextIndex   :: Int
410  -- ^ unknowns and skolems share a source of names during renaming, to
411  -- avoid overlaps in error messages. This is the next label for either case.
412  } deriving Show
414defaultUnknownMap :: TypeMap
415defaultUnknownMap = TypeMap M.empty M.empty 0
417-- | How critical the issue is
418data Level = Error | Warning deriving Show
420-- | Extract nested error messages from wrapper errors
421unwrapErrorMessage :: ErrorMessage -> SimpleErrorMessage
422unwrapErrorMessage (ErrorMessage _ se) = se
424replaceUnknowns :: SourceType -> State TypeMap SourceType
425replaceUnknowns = everywhereOnTypesM replaceTypes where
426  replaceTypes :: SourceType -> State TypeMap SourceType
427  replaceTypes (TUnknown ann u) = do
428    m <- get
429    case M.lookup u (umUnknownMap m) of
430      Nothing -> do
431        let u' = umNextIndex m
432        put $ m { umUnknownMap = M.insert u u' (umUnknownMap m), umNextIndex = u' + 1 }
433        return (TUnknown ann u')
434      Just u' -> return (TUnknown ann u')
435  replaceTypes (Skolem ann name mbK s sko) = do
436    m <- get
437    case M.lookup s (umSkolemMap m) of
438      Nothing -> do
439        let s' = umNextIndex m
440        put $ m { umSkolemMap = M.insert s (T.unpack name, s', Just (fst ann)) (umSkolemMap m), umNextIndex = s' + 1 }
441        return (Skolem ann name mbK s' sko)
442      Just (_, s', _) -> return (Skolem ann name mbK s' sko)
443  replaceTypes other = return other
445onTypesInErrorMessage :: (SourceType -> SourceType) -> ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage
446onTypesInErrorMessage f = runIdentity . onTypesInErrorMessageM (Identity . f)
448onTypesInErrorMessageM :: Applicative m => (SourceType -> m SourceType) -> ErrorMessage -> m ErrorMessage
449onTypesInErrorMessageM f (ErrorMessage hints simple) = ErrorMessage <$> traverse gHint hints <*> gSimple simple
450  where
451  gSimple (InfiniteType t) = InfiniteType <$> f t
452  gSimple (TypesDoNotUnify t1 t2) = TypesDoNotUnify <$> f t1 <*> f t2
453  gSimple (ConstrainedTypeUnified t1 t2) = ConstrainedTypeUnified <$> f t1 <*> f t2
454  gSimple (ExprDoesNotHaveType e t) = ExprDoesNotHaveType e <$> f t
455  gSimple (InvalidInstanceHead t) = InvalidInstanceHead <$> f t
456  gSimple (NoInstanceFound con unks) = NoInstanceFound <$> overConstraintArgs (traverse f) con <*> pure unks
457  gSimple (AmbiguousTypeVariables t us) = AmbiguousTypeVariables <$> f t <*> pure us
458  gSimple (OverlappingInstances cl ts insts) = OverlappingInstances cl <$> traverse f ts <*> traverse (traverse $ bitraverse f pure) insts
459  gSimple (PossiblyInfiniteInstance cl ts) = PossiblyInfiniteInstance cl <$> traverse f ts
460  gSimple (CannotDerive cl ts) = CannotDerive cl <$> traverse f ts
461  gSimple (InvalidNewtypeInstance cl ts) = InvalidNewtypeInstance cl <$> traverse f ts
462  gSimple (MissingNewtypeSuperclassInstance cl1 cl2 ts) = MissingNewtypeSuperclassInstance cl1 cl2 <$> traverse f ts
463  gSimple (UnverifiableSuperclassInstance cl1 cl2 ts) = UnverifiableSuperclassInstance cl1 cl2 <$> traverse f ts
464  gSimple (InvalidDerivedInstance cl ts n) = InvalidDerivedInstance cl <$> traverse f ts <*> pure n
465  gSimple (ExpectedTypeConstructor cl ts ty) = ExpectedTypeConstructor cl <$> traverse f ts <*> f ty
466  gSimple (ExpectedType ty k) = ExpectedType <$> f ty <*> pure k
467  gSimple (OrphanInstance nm cl noms ts) = OrphanInstance nm cl noms <$> traverse f ts
468  gSimple (WildcardInferredType ty ctx) = WildcardInferredType <$> f ty <*> traverse (sndM f) ctx
469  gSimple (HoleInferredType name ty ctx env) = HoleInferredType name <$> f ty <*> traverse (sndM f) ctx  <*> traverse (onTypeSearchTypesM f) env
470  gSimple (MissingTypeDeclaration nm ty) = MissingTypeDeclaration nm <$> f ty
471  gSimple (MissingKindDeclaration sig nm ty) = MissingKindDeclaration sig nm <$> f ty
472  gSimple (CannotGeneralizeRecursiveFunction nm ty) = CannotGeneralizeRecursiveFunction nm <$> f ty
473  gSimple (InvalidCoercibleInstanceDeclaration tys) = InvalidCoercibleInstanceDeclaration <$> traverse f tys
474  gSimple other = pure other
476  gHint (ErrorInSubsumption t1 t2) = ErrorInSubsumption <$> f t1 <*> f t2
477  gHint (ErrorUnifyingTypes t1 t2) = ErrorUnifyingTypes <$> f t1 <*> f t2
478  gHint (ErrorCheckingType e t) = ErrorCheckingType e <$> f t
479  gHint (ErrorCheckingKind t k) = ErrorCheckingKind <$> f t <*> f k
480  gHint (ErrorInferringKind t) = ErrorInferringKind <$> f t
481  gHint (ErrorInApplication e1 t1 e2) = ErrorInApplication e1 <$> f t1 <*> pure e2
482  gHint (ErrorInInstance cl ts) = ErrorInInstance cl <$> traverse f ts
483  gHint (ErrorSolvingConstraint con) = ErrorSolvingConstraint <$> overConstraintArgs (traverse f) con
484  gHint other = pure other
486errorDocUri :: ErrorMessage -> Text
487errorDocUri e = "https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/" <> errorCode e <> ".md"
489-- TODO Other possible suggestions:
490-- WildcardInferredType - source span not small enough
491-- DuplicateSelectiveImport - would require 2 ranges to remove and 1 insert
492errorSuggestion :: SimpleErrorMessage -> Maybe ErrorSuggestion
493errorSuggestion err =
494    case err of
495      UnusedImport{} -> emptySuggestion
496      DuplicateImport{} -> emptySuggestion
497      UnusedExplicitImport mn _ qual refs -> suggest $ importSuggestion mn refs qual
498      UnusedDctorImport mn _ qual refs -> suggest $ importSuggestion mn refs qual
499      UnusedDctorExplicitImport mn _ _ qual refs -> suggest $ importSuggestion mn refs qual
500      ImplicitImport mn refs -> suggest $ importSuggestion mn refs Nothing
501      ImplicitQualifiedImport mn asModule refs -> suggest $ importSuggestion mn refs (Just asModule)
502      ImplicitQualifiedImportReExport mn asModule refs -> suggest $ importSuggestion mn refs (Just asModule)
503      HidingImport mn refs -> suggest $ importSuggestion mn refs Nothing
504      MissingTypeDeclaration ident ty -> suggest $ showIdent ident <> " :: " <> T.pack (prettyPrintSuggestedTypeSimplified ty) <> "\n"
505      MissingKindDeclaration sig name ty -> suggest $ prettyPrintKindSignatureFor sig <> " " <> runProperName name <> " :: " <> T.pack (prettyPrintSuggestedTypeSimplified ty) <> "\n"
506      WildcardInferredType ty _ -> suggest $ T.pack (prettyPrintSuggestedTypeSimplified ty)
507      WarningParsingCSTModule pe -> do
508        let toks = CST.errToks pe
509        case CST.errType pe of
510          CST.WarnDeprecatedRowSyntax -> do
511            let kind = CST.printTokens $ drop 1 toks
512                sugg | " " `T.isPrefixOf` kind = "Row" <> kind
513                     | otherwise = "Row " <> kind
514            suggest sugg
515          CST.WarnDeprecatedForeignKindSyntax -> suggest $ "data " <> CST.printTokens (drop 3 toks)
516          CST.WarnDeprecatedConstraintInForeignImportSyntax -> Nothing
517          CST.WarnDeprecatedKindImportSyntax -> suggest $ CST.printTokens $ drop 1 toks
518          CST.WarnDeprecatedKindExportSyntax -> suggest $ CST.printTokens $ drop 1 toks
519      _ -> Nothing
520  where
521    emptySuggestion = Just $ ErrorSuggestion ""
522    suggest = Just . ErrorSuggestion
524    importSuggestion :: ModuleName -> [ DeclarationRef ] -> Maybe ModuleName -> Text
525    importSuggestion mn refs qual =
526      "import " <> runModuleName mn <> " (" <> T.intercalate ", " (mapMaybe prettyPrintRef refs) <> ")" <> qstr qual
528    qstr :: Maybe ModuleName -> Text
529    qstr (Just mn) = " as " <> runModuleName mn
530    qstr Nothing = ""
532suggestionSpan :: ErrorMessage -> Maybe SourceSpan
533suggestionSpan e =
534  -- The `NEL.head` is a bit arbitrary here, but I don't think we'll
535  -- have errors-with-suggestions that also have multiple source
536  -- spans. -garyb
537  getSpan (unwrapErrorMessage e) . NEL.head <$> errorSpan e
538  where
539    startOnly SourceSpan{spanName, spanStart} = SourceSpan {spanName, spanStart, spanEnd = spanStart}
541    getSpan simple ss =
542      case simple of
543        MissingTypeDeclaration{} -> startOnly ss
544        MissingKindDeclaration{} -> startOnly ss
545        _ -> ss
547showSuggestion :: SimpleErrorMessage -> Text
548showSuggestion suggestion = case errorSuggestion suggestion of
549  Just (ErrorSuggestion x) -> x
550  _ -> ""
552ansiColor :: (ANSI.ColorIntensity, ANSI.Color) -> String
553ansiColor (intensity, color) =
554   ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.SetColor ANSI.Foreground intensity color]
556ansiColorReset :: String
557ansiColorReset =
558   ANSI.setSGRCode [ANSI.Reset]
560colorCode :: Maybe (ANSI.ColorIntensity, ANSI.Color) -> Text -> Text
561colorCode codeColor code = case codeColor of
562  Nothing -> code
563  Just cc -> T.pack (ansiColor cc) <> code <> T.pack ansiColorReset
565colorCodeBox :: Maybe (ANSI.ColorIntensity, ANSI.Color) -> Box.Box -> Box.Box
566colorCodeBox codeColor b = case codeColor of
567  Nothing -> b
568  Just cc
569    | Box.rows b == 1 ->
570        Box.text (ansiColor cc) Box.<> b `endWith` Box.text ansiColorReset
572    | otherwise -> Box.hcat Box.left -- making two boxes, one for each side of the box so that it will set each row it's own color and will reset it afterwards
573        [ Box.vcat Box.top $ replicate (Box.rows b) $ Box.text $ ansiColor cc
574        , b
575        , Box.vcat Box.top $ replicate (Box.rows b) $ Box.text ansiColorReset
576        ]
579-- | Default color intensity and color for code
580defaultCodeColor :: (ANSI.ColorIntensity, ANSI.Color)
581defaultCodeColor = (ANSI.Dull, ANSI.Yellow)
583-- | `prettyPrintSingleError` Options
584data PPEOptions = PPEOptions
585  { ppeCodeColor         :: Maybe (ANSI.ColorIntensity, ANSI.Color) -- ^ Color code with this color... or not
586  , ppeFull              :: Bool -- ^ Should write a full error message?
587  , ppeLevel             :: Level -- ^ Should this report an error or a warning?
588  , ppeShowDocs          :: Bool -- ^ Should show a link to error message's doc page?
589  , ppeRelativeDirectory :: FilePath -- ^ FilePath to which the errors are relative
590  }
592-- | Default options for PPEOptions
593defaultPPEOptions :: PPEOptions
594defaultPPEOptions = PPEOptions
595  { ppeCodeColor         = Just defaultCodeColor
596  , ppeFull              = False
597  , ppeLevel             = Error
598  , ppeShowDocs          = True
599  , ppeRelativeDirectory = mempty
600  }
602-- | Pretty print a single error, simplifying if necessary
603prettyPrintSingleError :: PPEOptions -> ErrorMessage -> Box.Box
604prettyPrintSingleError (PPEOptions codeColor full level showDocs relPath) e = flip evalState defaultUnknownMap $ do
605  em <- onTypesInErrorMessageM replaceUnknowns (if full then e else simplifyErrorMessage e)
606  um <- get
607  return (prettyPrintErrorMessage um em)
608  where
609  (markCode, markCodeBox) = (colorCode &&& colorCodeBox) codeColor
611  -- Pretty print an ErrorMessage
612  prettyPrintErrorMessage :: TypeMap -> ErrorMessage -> Box.Box
613  prettyPrintErrorMessage typeMap (ErrorMessage hints simple) =
614    paras $
615      [ foldr renderHint (indent (renderSimpleErrorMessage simple)) hints
616      ] ++
617      maybe [] (return . Box.moveDown 1) typeInformation ++
618      [ Box.moveDown 1 $ paras
619          [ line $ "See " <> errorDocUri e <> " for more information, "
620          , line $ "or to contribute content related to this " <> levelText <> "."
621          ]
622      | showDocs
623      ]
624    where
625    typeInformation :: Maybe Box.Box
626    typeInformation | not (null types) = Just $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left [ line "where", paras types ]
627                    | otherwise = Nothing
628      where
629      types :: [Box.Box]
630      types = map skolemInfo  (M.elems (umSkolemMap typeMap)) ++
631              map unknownInfo (M.elems (umUnknownMap typeMap))
633      skolemInfo :: (String, Int, Maybe SourceSpan) -> Box.Box
634      skolemInfo (name, s, ss) =
635        paras $
636          line (markCode (T.pack (name <> show s)) <> " is a rigid type variable")
637          : foldMap (return . line . ("  bound at " <>) . displayStartEndPos) ss
639      unknownInfo :: Int -> Box.Box
640      unknownInfo u = line $ markCode ("t" <> T.pack (show u)) <> " is an unknown type"
642    renderSimpleErrorMessage :: SimpleErrorMessage -> Box.Box
643    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InternalCompilerError ctx err) =
644      paras [ line "Internal compiler error:"
645            , indent $ line err
646            , line ctx
647            , line "Please report this at https://github.com/purescript/purescript/issues"
648            ]
649    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ModuleNotFound mn) =
650      paras [ line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " was not found."
651            , line $
652                if isBuiltinModuleName mn
653                  then
654                    "Module names in the Prim namespace are reserved for built-in modules, but this version of the compiler does not provide module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> ". You may be able to fix this by updating your compiler to a newer version."
655                  else
656                    "Make sure the source file exists, and that it has been provided as an input to the compiler."
657            ]
658    renderSimpleErrorMessage (FileIOError doWhat err) =
659      paras [ line $ "I/O error while trying to " <> doWhat
660            , indent . lineS $ displayException err
661            ]
662    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ErrorParsingFFIModule path extra) =
663      paras $ [ line "Unable to parse foreign module:"
664              , indent . lineS $ path
665              ] ++
666              map (indent . lineS) (concatMap Bundle.printErrorMessage (maybeToList extra))
667    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ErrorParsingModule err) =
668      paras [ line "Unable to parse module: "
669            , prettyPrintParseError err
670            ]
671    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ErrorParsingCSTModule err) =
672      paras [ line "Unable to parse module: "
673            , line $ T.pack $ CST.prettyPrintErrorMessage err
674            ]
675    renderSimpleErrorMessage (WarningParsingCSTModule err) =
676      paras [ line $ T.pack $ CST.prettyPrintWarningMessage err
677            ]
678    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MissingFFIModule mn) =
679      line $ "The foreign module implementation for module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " is missing."
680    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnnecessaryFFIModule mn path) =
681      paras [ line $ "An unnecessary foreign module implementation was provided for module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> ": "
682            , indent . lineS $ path
683            , line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " does not contain any foreign import declarations, so a foreign module is not necessary."
684            ]
685    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MissingFFIImplementations mn idents) =
686      paras [ line $ "The following values are not defined in the foreign module for module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> ": "
687            , indent . paras $ map (line . runIdent) idents
688            ]
689    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnusedFFIImplementations mn idents) =
690      paras [ line $ "The following definitions in the foreign module for module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " are unused: "
691            , indent . paras $ map (line . runIdent) idents
692            ]
693    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InvalidFFIIdentifier mn ident) =
694      paras [ line $ "In the FFI module for " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> ":"
695            , indent . paras $
696                [ line $ "The identifier " <> markCode ident <> " is not valid in PureScript."
697                , line "Note that exported identifiers in FFI modules must be valid PureScript identifiers."
698                ]
699            ]
700    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DeprecatedFFIPrime mn ident) =
701      paras [ line $ "In the FFI module for " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> ":"
702            , indent . paras $
703                [ line $ "The identifier " <> markCode ident <> " contains a prime (" <> markCode "'" <> ")."
704                , line "Primes in identifiers exported from FFI modules are deprecated and won’t be supported in the future."
705                ]
706            ]
707    renderSimpleErrorMessage InvalidDoBind =
708      line "The last statement in a 'do' block must be an expression, but this block ends with a binder."
709    renderSimpleErrorMessage InvalidDoLet =
710      line "The last statement in a 'do' block must be an expression, but this block ends with a let binding."
711    renderSimpleErrorMessage OverlappingNamesInLet =
712      line "The same name was used more than once in a let binding."
713    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InfiniteType ty) =
714      paras [ line "An infinite type was inferred for an expression: "
715            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
716            ]
717    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InfiniteKind ki) =
718      paras [ line "An infinite kind was inferred for a type: "
719            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ki
720            ]
721    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MultipleValueOpFixities op) =
722      line $ "There are multiple fixity/precedence declarations for operator " <> markCode (showOp op)
723    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MultipleTypeOpFixities op) =
724      line $ "There are multiple fixity/precedence declarations for type operator " <> markCode (showOp op)
725    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OrphanTypeDeclaration nm) =
726      line $ "The type declaration for " <> markCode (showIdent nm) <> " should be followed by its definition."
727    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OrphanKindDeclaration nm) =
728      line $ "The kind declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName nm) <> " should be followed by its definition."
729    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OrphanRoleDeclaration nm) =
730      line $ "The role declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName nm) <> " should follow its definition."
731    renderSimpleErrorMessage (RedefinedIdent name) =
732      line $ "The value " <> markCode (showIdent name) <> " has been defined multiple times"
733    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownName name@(Qualified Nothing (IdentName (Ident i)))) | i `elem` [ C.bind, C.discard ] =
734      line $ "Unknown " <> printName name <> ". You're probably using do-notation, which the compiler replaces with calls to the " <> markCode i <> " function. Please import " <> markCode i <> " from module " <> markCode "Prelude"
735    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownName name@(Qualified Nothing (IdentName (Ident i)))) | i == C.negate =
736      line $ "Unknown " <> printName name <> ". You're probably using numeric negation (the unary " <> markCode "-" <> " operator), which the compiler replaces with calls to the " <> markCode i <> " function. Please import " <> markCode i <> " from module " <> markCode "Prelude"
737    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownName name) =
738      line $ "Unknown " <> printName name
739    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownImport mn name) =
740      paras [ line $ "Cannot import " <> printName (Qualified Nothing name) <> " from module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn)
741            , line "It either does not exist or the module does not export it."
742            ]
743    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownImportDataConstructor mn tcon dcon) =
744      line $ "Module " <> runModuleName mn <> " does not export data constructor " <> markCode (runProperName dcon) <> " for type " <> markCode (runProperName tcon)
745    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownExport name) =
746      line $ "Cannot export unknown " <> printName (Qualified Nothing name)
747    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownExportDataConstructor tcon dcon) =
748      line $ "Cannot export data constructor " <> markCode (runProperName dcon) <> " for type " <> markCode (runProperName tcon) <> ", as it has not been declared."
749    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ScopeConflict nm ms) =
750      paras [ line $ "Conflicting definitions are in scope for " <> printName (Qualified Nothing nm) <> " from the following modules:"
751            , indent $ paras $ map (line . markCode . runModuleName) ms
752            ]
753    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ScopeShadowing nm exmn ms) =
754      paras [ line $ "Shadowed definitions are in scope for " <> printName (Qualified Nothing nm) <> " from the following open imports:"
755            , indent $ paras $ map (line . markCode . ("import " <>) . runModuleName) ms
756            , line $ "These will be ignored and the " <> case exmn of
757                Just exmn' -> "declaration from " <> markCode (runModuleName exmn') <> " will be used."
758                Nothing -> "local declaration will be used."
759            ]
760    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DeclConflict new existing) =
761      line $ "Declaration for " <> printName (Qualified Nothing new) <> " conflicts with an existing " <> nameType existing <> " of the same name."
762    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ExportConflict new existing) =
763      line $ "Export for " <> printName new <> " conflicts with " <> printName existing
764    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateModule mn) =
765      line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " has been defined multiple times"
766    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateTypeClass pn ss) =
767      paras [ line ("Type class " <> markCode (runProperName pn) <> " has been defined multiple times:")
768            , indent $ line $ displaySourceSpan relPath ss
769            ]
770    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateInstance pn ss) =
771      paras [ line ("Instance " <> markCode (showIdent pn) <> " has been defined multiple times:")
772            , indent $ line $ displaySourceSpan relPath ss
773            ]
774    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CycleInDeclaration nm) =
775      line $ "The value of " <> markCode (showIdent nm) <> " is undefined here, so this reference is not allowed."
776    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CycleInModules mns) =
777      case mns of
778        mn :| [] ->
779          line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " imports itself."
780        _ ->
781          paras [ line "There is a cycle in module dependencies in these modules: "
782                , indent $ paras (line . markCode . runModuleName <$> NEL.toList mns)
783                ]
784    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CycleInTypeSynonym names) =
785      paras $ cycleError <>
786            [ line "Cycles are disallowed because they can lead to loops in the type checker."
787            , line "Consider using a 'newtype' instead."
788            ]
789      where
790      cycleError = case names of
791        pn :| [] -> pure . line $ "A cycle appears in the definition of type synonym " <> markCode (runProperName pn)
792        _ -> [ line " A cycle appears in a set of type synonym definitions:"
793             , indent $ line $ "{" <> T.intercalate ", " (markCode . runProperName <$> NEL.toList names) <> "}"
794             ]
795    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CycleInTypeClassDeclaration (name :| [])) =
796      paras [ line $ "A type class '" <> markCode (runProperName (disqualify name)) <> "' may not have itself as a superclass." ]
797    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CycleInTypeClassDeclaration names) =
798      paras [ line "A cycle appears in a set of type class definitions:"
799            , indent $ line $ "{" <> T.intercalate ", " (markCode . runProperName . disqualify <$> NEL.toList names) <> "}"
800            , line "Cycles are disallowed because they can lead to loops in the type checker."
801            ]
802    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CycleInKindDeclaration (name :| [])) =
803      paras [ line $ "A kind declaration '" <> markCode (runProperName (disqualify name)) <> "' may not refer to itself in its own signature." ]
804    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CycleInKindDeclaration names) =
805      paras [ line "A cycle appears in a set of kind declarations:"
806            , indent $ line $ "{" <> T.intercalate ", " (markCode . runProperName . disqualify <$> NEL.toList names) <> "}"
807            , line "Kind declarations may not refer to themselves in their own signatures."
808            ]
809    renderSimpleErrorMessage (NameIsUndefined ident) =
810      line $ "Value " <> markCode (showIdent ident) <> " is undefined."
811    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UndefinedTypeVariable name) =
812      line $ "Type variable " <> markCode (runProperName name) <> " is undefined."
813    renderSimpleErrorMessage (PartiallyAppliedSynonym name) =
814      paras [ line $ "Type synonym " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName name) <> " is partially applied."
815            , line "Type synonyms must be applied to all of their type arguments."
816            ]
817    renderSimpleErrorMessage (EscapedSkolem name Nothing ty) =
818      paras [ line $ "The type variable " <> markCode name <> " has escaped its scope, appearing in the type"
819            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
820            ]
821    renderSimpleErrorMessage (EscapedSkolem name (Just srcSpan) ty) =
822      paras [ line $ "The type variable " <> markCode name <> ", bound at"
823            , indent $ line $ displaySourceSpan relPath srcSpan
824            , line "has escaped its scope, appearing in the type"
825            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
826            ]
827    renderSimpleErrorMessage (TypesDoNotUnify u1 u2)
828      = let (row1Box, row2Box) = printRows u1 u2
830        in paras [ line "Could not match type"
831                 , row1Box
832                 , line "with type"
833                 , row2Box
834                 ]
836    renderSimpleErrorMessage (KindsDoNotUnify k1 k2) =
837      paras [ line "Could not match kind"
838            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType k1
839            , line "with kind"
840            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType k2
841            ]
842    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ConstrainedTypeUnified t1 t2) =
843      paras [ line "Could not match constrained type"
844            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType t1
845            , line "with type"
846            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType t2
847            ]
848    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OverlappingInstances _ _ []) = internalError "OverlappingInstances: empty instance list"
849    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OverlappingInstances nm ts ds) =
850      paras [ line "Overlapping type class instances found for"
851            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
852                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
853                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
854                ]
855            , line "The following instances were found:"
856            , indent $ paras (map prettyInstanceName ds)
857            ]
858    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnknownClass nm) =
859      paras [ line "No type class instance was found for class"
860            , markCodeBox $ indent $ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
861            , line "because the class was not in scope. Perhaps it was not exported."
862            ]
863    renderSimpleErrorMessage (NoInstanceFound (Constraint _ C.Fail _ [ ty ] _) _) | Just box <- toTypelevelString ty =
864      paras [ line "A custom type error occurred while solving type class constraints:"
865            , indent box
866            ]
867    renderSimpleErrorMessage (NoInstanceFound (Constraint _ C.Partial
868                                                          _
869                                                          _
870                                                          (Just (PartialConstraintData bs b))) _) =
871      paras [ line "A case expression could not be determined to cover all inputs."
872            , line "The following additional cases are required to cover all inputs:"
873            , indent $ paras $
874                Box.hsep 1 Box.left
875                  (map (paras . map (line . markCode)) (transpose bs))
876                  : [line "..." | not b]
877            , line "Alternatively, add a Partial constraint to the type of the enclosing value."
878            ]
879    renderSimpleErrorMessage (NoInstanceFound (Constraint _ C.Discard _ [ty] _) _) =
880      paras [ line "A result of type"
881            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
882            , line "was implicitly discarded in a do notation block."
883            , line ("You can use " <> markCode "_ <- ..." <> " to explicitly discard the result.")
884            ]
885    renderSimpleErrorMessage (NoInstanceFound (Constraint _ nm _ ts _) unks) =
886      paras [ line "No type class instance was found for"
887            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
888                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
889                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
890                ]
891            , paras [ line "The instance head contains unknown type variables. Consider adding a type annotation."
892                    | unks
893                    ]
894            ]
895    renderSimpleErrorMessage (AmbiguousTypeVariables t us) =
896      paras [ line "The inferred type"
897            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType t
898            , line "has type variables which are not determined by those mentioned in the body of the type:"
899            , indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
900              [ Box.vcat Box.left
901                [ line $ markCode ("t" <> T.pack (show u)) <> " could not be determined"
902                | u <- us ]
903              ]
904            , line "Consider adding a type annotation."
905            ]
906    renderSimpleErrorMessage (PossiblyInfiniteInstance nm ts) =
907      paras [ line "Type class instance for"
908            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
909                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
910                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
911                ]
912            , line "is possibly infinite."
913            ]
914    renderSimpleErrorMessage PossiblyInfiniteCoercibleInstance =
915      line $ "A " <> markCode "Coercible" <> " instance is possibly infinite."
916    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CannotDerive nm ts) =
917      paras [ line "Cannot derive a type class instance for"
918            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
919                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
920                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
921                ]
922            , line "since instances of this type class are not derivable."
923            ]
924    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InvalidNewtypeInstance nm ts) =
925      paras [ line "Cannot derive newtype instance for"
926            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
927                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
928                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
929                ]
930            , line "Make sure this is a newtype."
931            ]
932    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MissingNewtypeSuperclassInstance su cl ts) =
933      paras [ line "The derived newtype instance for"
934            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
935                [ line (showQualified runProperName cl)
936                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
937                ]
938            , line $ "does not include a derived superclass instance for " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName su) <> "."
939            ]
940    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnverifiableSuperclassInstance su cl ts) =
941      paras [ line "The derived newtype instance for"
942            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
943                [ line (showQualified runProperName cl)
944                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
945                ]
946            , line $ "implies an superclass instance for " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName su) <> " which could not be verified."
947            ]
948    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InvalidDerivedInstance nm ts argCount) =
949      paras [ line "Cannot derive the type class instance"
950            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
951                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
952                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
953                ]
954            , line $ fold
955                [ "because the "
956                , markCode (showQualified runProperName nm)
957                , " type class has "
958                , T.pack (show argCount)
959                , " type "
960                , if argCount == 1 then "argument" else "arguments"
961                , ", but the declaration specifies " <> T.pack (show (length ts)) <> "."
962                ]
963            ]
964    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ExpectedTypeConstructor nm ts ty) =
965      paras [ line "Cannot derive the type class instance"
966            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
967                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
968                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
969                ]
970            , "because the type"
971            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
972            , line "is not of the required form T a_1 ... a_n, where T is a type constructor defined in the same module."
973            ]
974    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CannotFindDerivingType nm) =
975      line $ "Cannot derive a type class instance, because the type declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName nm) <> " could not be found."
976    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateLabel l expr) =
977      paras $ [ line $ "Label " <> markCode (prettyPrintLabel l) <> " appears more than once in a row type." ]
978                       <> foldMap (\expr' -> [ line "Relevant expression: "
979                                             , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth expr'
980                                             ]) expr
981    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateTypeArgument name) =
982      line $ "Type argument " <> markCode name <> " appears more than once."
983    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateValueDeclaration nm) =
984      line $ "Multiple value declarations exist for " <> markCode (showIdent nm) <> "."
985    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ArgListLengthsDiffer ident) =
986      line $ "Argument list lengths differ in declaration " <> markCode (showIdent ident)
987    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OverlappingArgNames ident) =
988      line $ "Overlapping names in function/binder" <> foldMap ((" in declaration " <>) . showIdent) ident
989    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MissingClassMember identsAndTypes) =
990      paras [ line "The following type class members have not been implemented:"
991            , Box.vcat Box.left
992              [ markCodeBox $ Box.text (T.unpack (showIdent ident)) Box.<> " :: " Box.<> prettyType ty
993              | (ident, ty) <- NEL.toList identsAndTypes ]
994            ]
995    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ExtraneousClassMember ident className) =
996      line $ "" <> markCode (showIdent ident) <> " is not a member of type class " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName className)
997    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ExpectedType ty kind) =
998      paras [ line $ "In a type-annotated expression " <> markCode "x :: t" <> ", the type " <> markCode "t" <> " must have kind " <> markCode C.typ <> "."
999            , line "The error arises from the type"
1000            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
1001            , line "having the kind"
1002            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType kind
1003            , line "instead."
1004            ]
1005    renderSimpleErrorMessage (IncorrectConstructorArity nm expected actual) =
1006      paras [ line $ "Data constructor " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName nm) <> " was given " <> T.pack (show actual) <> " arguments in a case expression, but expected " <> T.pack (show expected) <> " arguments."
1007            , line $ "This problem can be fixed by giving " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName nm) <> " " <> T.pack (show expected) <> " arguments."
1008            ]
1009    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ExprDoesNotHaveType expr ty) =
1010      paras [ line "Expression"
1011            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth expr
1012            , line "does not have type"
1013            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
1014            ]
1015    renderSimpleErrorMessage (PropertyIsMissing prop) =
1016      line $ "Type of expression lacks required label " <> markCode (prettyPrintLabel prop) <> "."
1017    renderSimpleErrorMessage (AdditionalProperty prop) =
1018      line $ "Type of expression contains additional label " <> markCode (prettyPrintLabel prop) <> "."
1019    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OrphanInstance nm cnm nonOrphanModules ts) =
1020      paras [ line $ "Orphan instance" <> prettyPrintPlainIdent nm <> " found for "
1021            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
1022                [ line (showQualified runProperName cnm)
1023                , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom ts)
1024                ]
1025            , Box.vcat Box.left $ case modulesToList of
1026                [] -> [ line "There is nowhere this instance can be placed without being an orphan."
1027                      , line "A newtype wrapper can be used to avoid this problem."
1028                      ]
1029                _  -> [ Box.text $ "This problem can be resolved by declaring the instance in "
1030                          <> T.unpack formattedModules
1031                          <> ", or by defining the instance on a newtype wrapper."
1032                      ]
1033                ]
1034      where
1035        modulesToList = S.toList $ S.delete (moduleNameFromString "Prim") nonOrphanModules
1036        formattedModules = T.intercalate " or " (markCode . runModuleName <$> modulesToList)
1037    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InvalidNewtype name) =
1038      paras [ line $ "Newtype " <> markCode (runProperName name) <> " is invalid."
1039            , line "Newtypes must define a single constructor with a single argument."
1040            ]
1041    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InvalidInstanceHead ty) =
1042      paras [ line "Type class instance head is invalid due to use of type"
1043            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
1044            , line "All types appearing in instance declarations must be of the form T a_1 .. a_n, where each type a_i is of the same form, unless the type is fully determined by other type class arguments via functional dependencies."
1045            ]
1046    renderSimpleErrorMessage (TransitiveExportError x ys) =
1047      paras [ line $ "An export for " <> markCode (prettyPrintExport x) <> " requires the following to also be exported: "
1048            , indent $ paras $ map (line . markCode . prettyPrintExport) ys
1049            ]
1050    renderSimpleErrorMessage (TransitiveDctorExportError x ctors) =
1051      paras [ line $ "An export for " <> markCode (prettyPrintExport x) <> " requires the following data constructor" <> (if length ctors == 1 then "" else "s") <> " to also be exported: "
1052            , indent $ paras $ map (line . markCode . runProperName) ctors
1053            ]
1054    renderSimpleErrorMessage (HiddenConstructors x className) =
1055      paras [ line $ "An export for " <> markCode (prettyPrintExport x) <> " hides data constructors but the type declares an instance of " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName className) <> "."
1056            , line "Such instance allows to match and construct values of this type, effectively making the constructors public."
1057            ]
1058    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ShadowedName nm) =
1059      line $ "Name " <> markCode (showIdent nm) <> " was shadowed."
1060    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ShadowedTypeVar tv) =
1061      line $ "Type variable " <> markCode tv <> " was shadowed."
1062    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnusedName nm) =
1063      line $ "Name " <> markCode (showIdent nm) <> " was introduced but not used."
1064    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnusedDeclaration nm) =
1065      line $ "Declaration " <> markCode (showIdent nm) <> " was not used, and is not exported."
1066    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnusedTypeVar tv) =
1067      line $ "Type variable " <> markCode tv <> " is ambiguous, since it is unused in the polymorphic type which introduces it."
1068    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MisleadingEmptyTypeImport mn name) =
1069      line $ "Importing type " <> markCode (runProperName name <> "(..)") <> " from " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " is misleading as it has no exported data constructors."
1070    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ImportHidingModule name) =
1071      paras [ line "hiding imports cannot be used to hide modules."
1072            , line $ "An attempt was made to hide the import of " <> markCode (runModuleName name)
1073            ]
1074    renderSimpleErrorMessage (WildcardInferredType ty ctx) =
1075      paras $ [ line "Wildcard type definition has the inferred type "
1076              , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
1077              ] <> renderContext ctx
1078    renderSimpleErrorMessage (HoleInferredType name ty ctx ts) =
1079      let
1080        maxTSResults = 15
1081        tsResult = case ts of
1082          Just TSAfter{tsAfterIdentifiers=idents} | not (null idents) ->
1083            let
1084              formatTS (names, types) =
1085                let
1086                  idBoxes = Box.text . T.unpack . showQualified id <$> names
1087                  tyBoxes = (\t -> BoxHelpers.indented
1088                              (Box.text ":: " Box.<> prettyType t)) <$> types
1089                  longestId = maximum (map Box.cols idBoxes)
1090                in
1091                  Box.vcat Box.top $
1092                      zipWith (Box.<>)
1093                      (Box.alignHoriz Box.left longestId <$> idBoxes)
1094                      tyBoxes
1095            in [ line "You could substitute the hole with one of these values:"
1096               , markCodeBox (indent (formatTS (unzip (take maxTSResults idents))))
1097               ]
1098          _ -> []
1099      in
1100        paras $ [ line $ "Hole '" <> markCode name <> "' has the inferred type "
1101                , markCodeBox (indent (prettyTypeWithDepth maxBound ty))
1102                ] ++ tsResult ++ renderContext ctx
1103    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MissingTypeDeclaration ident ty) =
1104      paras [ line $ "No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of " <> markCode (showIdent ident) <> "."
1105            , line "It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation."
1106            , line $ "The inferred type of " <> markCode (showIdent ident) <> " was:"
1107            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyTypeWithDepth maxBound ty
1108            ]
1109    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MissingKindDeclaration sig name ty) =
1110      let sigKw = prettyPrintKindSignatureFor sig in
1111      paras [ line $ "The inferred kind for the " <> sigKw <> " declaration " <> markCode (runProperName name) <> " contains polymorphic kinds."
1112            , line "Consider adding a top-level kind signature as a form of documentation."
1113            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
1114                [ line $ sigKw <> " " <> runProperName name <> " ::"
1115                , prettyTypeWithDepth maxBound ty
1116                ]
1117            ]
1118    renderSimpleErrorMessage (OverlappingPattern bs b) =
1119      paras $ [ line "A case expression contains unreachable cases:\n"
1120              , Box.hsep 1 Box.left (map (paras . map (line . prettyPrintBinderAtom)) (transpose bs))
1121              ] ++
1122              [ line "..." | not b ]
1123    renderSimpleErrorMessage IncompleteExhaustivityCheck =
1124      paras [ line "An exhaustivity check was abandoned due to too many possible cases."
1125            , line "You may want to decompose your data types into smaller types."
1126            ]
1128    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnusedImport mn qualifier) =
1129      let
1130        mark = markCode . runModuleName
1131        unqualified = "The import of " <> mark mn <> " is redundant"
1132        msg' q = "The qualified import of " <> mark mn <> " as " <> mark q <> " is redundant"
1133        msg = maybe unqualified msg'
1134      in line $ msg qualifier
1136    renderSimpleErrorMessage msg@(UnusedExplicitImport mn names _ _) =
1137      paras [ line $ "The import of module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " contains the following unused references:"
1138            , indent $ paras $ map (line . markCode . runName . Qualified Nothing) names
1139            , line "It could be replaced with:"
1140            , indent $ line $ markCode $ showSuggestion msg ]
1142    renderSimpleErrorMessage msg@(UnusedDctorImport mn name _ _) =
1143      paras [line $ "The import of type " <> markCode (runProperName name)
1144                    <> " from module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " includes data constructors but only the type is used"
1145            , line "It could be replaced with:"
1146            , indent $ line $ markCode $ showSuggestion msg ]
1148    renderSimpleErrorMessage msg@(UnusedDctorExplicitImport mn name names _ _) =
1149      paras [ line $ "The import of type " <> markCode (runProperName name)
1150                     <> " from module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " includes the following unused data constructors:"
1151            , indent $ paras $ map (line . markCode . runProperName) names
1152            , line "It could be replaced with:"
1153            , indent $ line $ markCode $ showSuggestion msg ]
1155    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateSelectiveImport name) =
1156      line $ "There is an existing import of " <> markCode (runModuleName name) <> ", consider merging the import lists"
1158    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateImport name imp qual) =
1159      line $ "Duplicate import of " <> markCode (prettyPrintImport name imp qual)
1161    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateImportRef name) =
1162      line $ "Import list contains multiple references to " <> printName (Qualified Nothing name)
1164    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateExportRef name) =
1165      line $ "Export list contains multiple references to " <> printName (Qualified Nothing name)
1167    renderSimpleErrorMessage (IntOutOfRange value backend lo hi) =
1168      paras [ line $ "Integer value " <> markCode (T.pack (show value)) <> " is out of range for the " <> backend <> " backend."
1169            , line $ "Acceptable values fall within the range " <> markCode (T.pack (show lo)) <> " to " <> markCode (T.pack (show hi)) <> " (inclusive)." ]
1171    renderSimpleErrorMessage msg@(ImplicitQualifiedImport importedModule asModule _) =
1172      paras [ line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName importedModule) <> " was imported as " <> markCode (runModuleName asModule) <> " with unspecified imports."
1173            , line $ "As there are multiple modules being imported as " <> markCode (runModuleName asModule) <> ", consider using the explicit form:"
1174            , indent $ line $ markCode $ showSuggestion msg
1175            ]
1176    renderSimpleErrorMessage msg@(ImplicitQualifiedImportReExport importedModule asModule _) =
1177      paras [ line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName importedModule) <> " was imported as " <> markCode (runModuleName asModule) <> " with unspecified imports."
1178            , line "As this module is being re-exported, consider using the explicit form:"
1179            , indent $ line $ markCode $ showSuggestion msg
1180            ]
1182    renderSimpleErrorMessage msg@(ImplicitImport mn _) =
1183      paras [ line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " has unspecified imports, consider using the explicit form: "
1184            , indent $ line $ markCode $ showSuggestion msg
1185            ]
1187    renderSimpleErrorMessage msg@(HidingImport mn _) =
1188      paras [ line $ "Module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " has unspecified imports, consider using the inclusive form: "
1189            , indent $ line $ markCode $ showSuggestion msg
1190            ]
1192    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CaseBinderLengthDiffers l bs) =
1193      paras [ line "Binder list length differs in case alternative:"
1194            , indent $ line $ T.intercalate ", " $ fmap prettyPrintBinderAtom bs
1195            , line $ "Expecting " <> T.pack (show l) <> " binder" <> (if l == 1 then "" else "s") <> "."
1196            ]
1198    renderSimpleErrorMessage IncorrectAnonymousArgument =
1199      line "An anonymous function argument appears in an invalid context."
1201    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InvalidOperatorInBinder op fn) =
1202      paras [ line $ "Operator " <> markCode (showQualified showOp op) <> " cannot be used in a pattern as it is an alias for function " <> showQualified showIdent fn <> "."
1203            , line "Only aliases for data constructors may be used in patterns."
1204            ]
1206    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CannotGeneralizeRecursiveFunction ident ty) =
1207      paras [ line $ "Unable to generalize the type of the recursive function " <> markCode (showIdent ident) <> "."
1208            , line $ "The inferred type of " <> markCode (showIdent ident) <> " was:"
1209            , markCodeBox $ indent $ prettyType ty
1210            , line "Try adding a type signature."
1211            ]
1213    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CannotDeriveNewtypeForData tyName) =
1214      paras [ line $ "Cannot derive an instance of the " <> markCode "Newtype" <> " class for non-newtype " <> markCode (runProperName tyName) <> "."
1215            ]
1217    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ExpectedWildcard tyName) =
1218      paras [ line $ "Expected a type wildcard (_) when deriving an instance for " <> markCode (runProperName tyName) <> "."
1219            ]
1221    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CannotUseBindWithDo name) =
1222      paras [ line $ "The name " <> markCode (showIdent name) <> " cannot be brought into scope in a do notation block, since do notation uses the same name."
1223            ]
1225    renderSimpleErrorMessage (ClassInstanceArityMismatch dictName className expected actual) =
1226      paras [ line $ "The type class " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName className) <>
1227                     " expects " <> T.pack (show expected) <> " " <> argsMsg <> "."
1228            , line $ "But the instance" <> prettyPrintPlainIdent dictName <> mismatchMsg <> T.pack (show actual) <> "."
1229            ]
1230        where
1231          mismatchMsg = if actual > expected then " provided " else " only provided "
1232          argsMsg = if expected > 1 then "arguments" else "argument"
1234    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UserDefinedWarning msgTy) =
1235      let msg = fromMaybe (prettyType msgTy) (toTypelevelString msgTy) in
1236      paras [ line "A custom warning occurred while solving type class constraints:"
1237            , indent msg
1238            ]
1240    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnusableDeclaration ident unexplained) =
1241      paras $
1242        [ line $ "The declaration " <> markCode (showIdent ident) <> " contains arguments that couldn't be determined."
1243        ] <>
1245        case unexplained of
1246          [required] ->
1247            [ line $ "These arguments are: { " <> T.intercalate ", " required <> " }"
1248            ]
1250          options  ->
1251            [ line "To fix this, one of the following sets of variables must be determined:"
1252            , Box.moveRight 2 . Box.vsep 0 Box.top $
1253                map (\set -> line $ "{ " <> T.intercalate ", " set <> " }") options
1254            ]
1256    renderSimpleErrorMessage (CannotDefinePrimModules mn) =
1257      paras
1258        [ line $ "The module name " <> markCode (runModuleName mn) <> " is in the Prim namespace."
1259        , line "The Prim namespace is reserved for compiler-defined terms."
1260        ]
1262    renderSimpleErrorMessage (MixedAssociativityError opsWithAssoc) =
1263      paras
1264        [ line "Cannot parse an expression that uses operators of the same precedence but mixed associativity:"
1265        , indent $ paras $ map (\(name, assoc) -> line $ markCode (showQualified showOp name) <> " is " <> markCode (T.pack (showAssoc assoc))) (NEL.toList opsWithAssoc)
1266        , line "Use parentheses to resolve this ambiguity."
1267        ]
1269    renderSimpleErrorMessage (NonAssociativeError ops) =
1270      if NEL.length ops == 1
1271        then
1272          paras
1273            [ line $ "Cannot parse an expression that uses multiple instances of the non-associative operator " <> markCode (showQualified showOp (NEL.head ops)) <> "."
1274            , line "Use parentheses to resolve this ambiguity."
1275            ]
1276        else
1277          paras
1278            [ line "Cannot parse an expression that uses multiple non-associative operators of the same precedence:"
1279            , indent $ paras $ map (line . markCode . showQualified showOp) (NEL.toList ops)
1280            , line "Use parentheses to resolve this ambiguity."
1281            ]
1283    renderSimpleErrorMessage (QuantificationCheckFailureInKind var) =
1284      paras
1285        [ line $ "Cannot generalize the kind of type variable " <> markCode var <> " since it would not be well-scoped."
1286        , line "Try adding a kind annotation."
1287        ]
1289    renderSimpleErrorMessage (QuantificationCheckFailureInType us ty) =
1290      let unks =
1291            fmap (\u -> Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ "where"
1292                                           , markCodeBox (prettyType (srcTUnknown u))
1293                                           , "is an unknown kind."
1294                                           ]) us
1295      in paras
1296           [ line "Cannot unambiguously generalize kinds appearing in the elaborated type:"
1297           , indent $ markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth ty
1298           , paras unks
1299           , line "Try adding additional kind signatures or polymorphic kind variables."
1300           ]
1302    renderSimpleErrorMessage (VisibleQuantificationCheckFailureInType var) =
1303      paras
1304        [ line $ "Visible dependent quantification of type variable " <> markCode var <> " is not supported."
1305        , line "If you would like this feature supported, please bother Liam Goodacre (@LiamGoodacre)."
1306        ]
1308    renderSimpleErrorMessage (UnsupportedTypeInKind ty) =
1309      paras
1310        [ line "The type:"
1311        , indent $ markCodeBox $ prettyType ty
1312        , line "is not supported in kinds."
1313        ]
1315    renderSimpleErrorMessage (RoleMismatch var inferred declared) =
1316      paras
1317        [ line $ "Role mismatch for the type parameter " <> markCode var <> ":"
1318        , indent . line $
1319            "The annotation says " <> markCode (displayRole declared) <>
1320            " but the role " <> markCode (displayRole inferred) <>
1321            " is required."
1322        ]
1324    renderSimpleErrorMessage (InvalidCoercibleInstanceDeclaration tys) =
1325      paras
1326        [ line "Invalid type class instance declaration for"
1327        , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
1328            [ line (showQualified runProperName C.Coercible)
1329            , Box.vcat Box.left (map prettyTypeAtom tys)
1330            ]
1331        , line "Instance declarations of this type class are disallowed."
1332        ]
1334    renderSimpleErrorMessage UnsupportedRoleDeclaration =
1335      line "Role declarations are only supported for data types, not for type synonyms nor type classes."
1337    renderSimpleErrorMessage (RoleDeclarationArityMismatch name expected actual) =
1338      line $ T.intercalate " "
1339        [ "The type"
1340        , markCode (runProperName name)
1341        , "expects"
1342        , T.pack (show expected)
1343        , if expected == 1 then "argument" else "arguments"
1344        , "but its role declaration lists"
1345            <> if actual > expected then "" else " only"
1346        , T.pack (show actual)
1347        , if actual > 1 then "roles" else "role"
1348        ] <> "."
1350    renderSimpleErrorMessage (DuplicateRoleDeclaration name) =
1351      line $ "Duplicate role declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName name) <> "."
1353    renderHint :: ErrorMessageHint -> Box.Box -> Box.Box
1354    renderHint (ErrorUnifyingTypes t1@RCons{} t2@RCons{}) detail =
1355      let (row1Box, row2Box) = printRows t1 t2
1356      in paras [ detail
1357            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while trying to match type"
1358                                 , row1Box
1359                                 ]
1360            , Box.moveRight 2 $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "with type"
1361                                                   , row2Box
1362                                                   ]
1363            ]
1364    renderHint (ErrorUnifyingTypes t1 t2) detail =
1365      paras [ detail
1366            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while trying to match type"
1367                                 , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth t1
1368                                 ]
1369            , Box.moveRight 2 $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "with type"
1370                                                   , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth t2
1371                                                   ]
1372            ]
1373    renderHint (ErrorInExpression expr) detail =
1374      paras [ detail
1375            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ Box.text "in the expression"
1376                                 , markCodeBox $ markCodeBox $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth expr
1377                                 ]
1378            ]
1379    renderHint (ErrorInModule mn) detail =
1380      paras [ line $ "in module " <> markCode (runModuleName mn)
1381            , detail
1382            ]
1383    renderHint (ErrorInSubsumption t1 t2) detail =
1384      paras [ detail
1385            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while checking that type"
1386                                 , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth t1
1387                                 ]
1388            , Box.moveRight 2 $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "is at least as general as type"
1389                                                   , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth t2
1390                                                   ]
1391            ]
1392    renderHint (ErrorInInstance nm ts) detail =
1393      paras [ detail
1394            , line "in type class instance"
1395            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top
1396               [ line $ showQualified runProperName nm
1397               , Box.vcat Box.left (map (typeAtomAsBox prettyDepth) ts)
1398               ]
1399            ]
1400    renderHint (ErrorCheckingKind ty kd) detail =
1401      paras [ detail
1402            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while checking that type"
1403                                 , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth ty
1404                                 ]
1405            , Box.moveRight 2 $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "has kind"
1406                                                   , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth kd
1407                                                   ]
1408            ]
1409    renderHint (ErrorInferringKind ty) detail =
1410      paras [ detail
1411            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while inferring the kind of"
1412                                 , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth ty
1413                                 ]
1414            ]
1415    renderHint ErrorCheckingGuard detail =
1416      paras [ detail
1417            , line "while checking the type of a guard clause"
1418            ]
1419    renderHint (ErrorInferringType expr) detail =
1420      paras [ detail
1421            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while inferring the type of"
1422                                 , markCodeBox $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth expr
1423                                 ]
1424            ]
1425    renderHint (ErrorCheckingType expr ty) detail =
1426      paras [ detail
1427            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while checking that expression"
1428                                 , markCodeBox $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth expr
1429                                 ]
1430            , Box.moveRight 2 $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "has type"
1431                                                   , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth ty
1432                                                   ]
1433            ]
1434    renderHint (ErrorCheckingAccessor expr prop) detail =
1435      paras [ detail
1436            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while checking type of property accessor"
1437                                 , markCodeBox $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth (Accessor prop expr)
1438                                 ]
1439            ]
1440    renderHint (ErrorInApplication f t a) detail =
1441      paras [ detail
1442            , Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "while applying a function"
1443                                 , markCodeBox $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth f
1444                                 ]
1445            , Box.moveRight 2 $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "of type"
1446                                                   , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth t
1447                                                   ]
1448            , Box.moveRight 2 $ Box.hsep 1 Box.top [ line "to argument"
1449                                                   , markCodeBox $ prettyPrintValue prettyDepth a
1450                                                   ]
1451            ]
1452    renderHint (ErrorInDataConstructor nm) detail =
1453      paras [ detail
1454            , line $ "in data constructor " <> markCode (runProperName nm)
1455            ]
1456    renderHint (ErrorInTypeConstructor nm) detail =
1457      paras [ detail
1458            , line $ "in type constructor " <> markCode (runProperName nm)
1459            ]
1460    renderHint (ErrorInBindingGroup nms) detail =
1461      paras [ detail
1462            , line $ "in binding group " <> T.intercalate ", " (NEL.toList (fmap showIdent nms))
1463            ]
1464    renderHint (ErrorInDataBindingGroup nms) detail =
1465      paras [ detail
1466            , line $ "in data binding group " <> T.intercalate ", " (map runProperName nms)
1467            ]
1468    renderHint (ErrorInTypeSynonym name) detail =
1469      paras [ detail
1470            , line $ "in type synonym " <> markCode (runProperName name)
1471            ]
1472    renderHint (ErrorInValueDeclaration n) detail =
1473      paras [ detail
1474            , line $ "in value declaration " <> markCode (showIdent n)
1475            ]
1476    renderHint (ErrorInTypeDeclaration n) detail =
1477      paras [ detail
1478            , line $ "in type declaration for " <> markCode (showIdent n)
1479            ]
1480    renderHint (ErrorInTypeClassDeclaration name) detail =
1481      paras [ detail
1482            , line $ "in type class declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName name)
1483            ]
1484    renderHint (ErrorInKindDeclaration name) detail =
1485      paras [ detail
1486            , line $ "in kind declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName name)
1487            ]
1488    renderHint (ErrorInRoleDeclaration name) detail =
1489      paras [ detail
1490            , line $ "in role declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName name)
1491            ]
1492    renderHint (ErrorInForeignImport nm) detail =
1493      paras [ detail
1494            , line $ "in foreign import " <> markCode (showIdent nm)
1495            ]
1496    renderHint (ErrorInForeignImportData nm) detail =
1497      paras [ detail
1498            , line $ "in foreign data type declaration for " <> markCode (runProperName nm)
1499            ]
1500    renderHint (ErrorSolvingConstraint (Constraint _ nm _ ts _)) detail =
1501      paras [ detail
1502            , line "while solving type class constraint"
1503            , markCodeBox $ indent $ Box.hsep 1 Box.left
1504                [ line (showQualified runProperName nm)
1505                , Box.vcat Box.left (map (typeAtomAsBox prettyDepth) ts)
1506                ]
1507            ]
1508    renderHint (MissingConstructorImportForCoercible name) detail =
1509      paras
1510        [ detail
1511        , Box.moveUp 1 $ Box.moveRight 2 $ line $ "Solving this instance requires the newtype constructor " <> markCode (showQualified runProperName name) <> " to be in scope."
1512        ]
1513    renderHint (PositionedError srcSpan) detail =
1514      paras [ line $ "at " <> displaySourceSpan relPath (NEL.head srcSpan)
1515            , detail
1516            ]
1518    printRow :: (Int -> Type a -> Box.Box) -> Type a -> Box.Box
1519    printRow f = markCodeBox . indent . f prettyDepth .
1520      if full then id else eraseForAllKindAnnotations . eraseKindApps
1522    -- If both rows are not empty, print them as diffs
1523    -- If verbose print all rows else only print unique rows
1524    printRows :: Type a -> Type a -> (Box.Box, Box.Box)
1525    printRows r1 r2 = case (full, r1, r2) of
1526      (True, _ , _) -> (printRow typeAsBox r1, printRow typeAsBox r2)
1528      (_, RCons{}, RCons{}) ->
1529        let (sorted1, sorted2) = filterRows (rowToList r1) (rowToList r2)
1530        in (printRow typeDiffAsBox sorted1, printRow typeDiffAsBox sorted2)
1532      (_, _, _) -> (printRow typeAsBox r1, printRow typeAsBox r2)
1535    -- Keep the unique labels only
1536    filterRows :: ([RowListItem a], Type a) -> ([RowListItem a], Type a) -> (Type a, Type a)
1537    filterRows (s1, r1) (s2, r2) =
1538         let sort' = sortOn $ \(RowListItem _ name ty) -> (name, ty)
1539             (unique1, unique2) = diffSortedRowLists (sort' s1, sort' s2)
1540          in ( rowFromList (unique1, r1)
1541             , rowFromList (unique2, r2)
1542             )
1544    -- Importantly, this removes exactly the same number of elements from
1545    -- both lists, even if there are repeated (name, ty) keys. It requires
1546    -- the inputs to be sorted but ensures that the outputs remain sorted.
1547    diffSortedRowLists :: ([RowListItem a], [RowListItem a]) -> ([RowListItem a], [RowListItem a])
1548    diffSortedRowLists = go where
1549      go = \case
1550        (s1@(h1@(RowListItem _ name1 ty1) : t1), s2@(h2@(RowListItem _ name2 ty2) : t2)) ->
1551          case (name1, ty1) `compare` (name2, ty2) of
1552            EQ ->                go (t1, t2)
1553            LT -> first  (h1:) $ go (t1, s2)
1554            GT -> second (h2:) $ go (s1, t2)
1555        other -> other
1557    renderContext :: Context -> [Box.Box]
1558    renderContext [] = []
1559    renderContext ctx =
1560      [ line "in the following context:"
1561      , indent $ paras
1562          [ Box.hcat Box.left [ Box.text (T.unpack (showIdent ident) ++ " :: ")
1563                              , markCodeBox $ typeAsBox prettyDepth ty'
1564                              ]
1565          | (ident, ty') <- take 5 ctx
1566          ]
1567      ]
1569    printName :: Qualified Name -> Text
1570    printName qn = nameType (disqualify qn) <> " " <> markCode (runName qn)
1572    nameType :: Name -> Text
1573    nameType (IdentName _) = "value"
1574    nameType (ValOpName _) = "operator"
1575    nameType (TyName _) = "type"
1576    nameType (TyOpName _) = "type operator"
1577    nameType (DctorName _) = "data constructor"
1578    nameType (TyClassName _) = "type class"
1579    nameType (ModName _) = "module"
1581    runName :: Qualified Name -> Text
1582    runName (Qualified mn (IdentName name)) =
1583      showQualified showIdent (Qualified mn name)
1584    runName (Qualified mn (ValOpName op)) =
1585      showQualified showOp (Qualified mn op)
1586    runName (Qualified mn (TyName name)) =
1587      showQualified runProperName (Qualified mn name)
1588    runName (Qualified mn (TyOpName op)) =
1589      showQualified showOp (Qualified mn op)
1590    runName (Qualified mn (DctorName name)) =
1591      showQualified runProperName (Qualified mn name)
1592    runName (Qualified mn (TyClassName name)) =
1593      showQualified runProperName (Qualified mn name)
1594    runName (Qualified Nothing (ModName name)) =
1595      runModuleName name
1596    runName (Qualified _ ModName{}) =
1597      internalError "qualified ModName in runName"
1599  prettyDepth :: Int
1600  prettyDepth | full = 1000
1601              | otherwise = 3
1603  prettyType :: Type a -> Box.Box
1604  prettyType = prettyTypeWithDepth prettyDepth
1606  prettyTypeWithDepth :: Int -> Type a -> Box.Box
1607  prettyTypeWithDepth depth
1608    | full = typeAsBox depth
1609    | otherwise = typeAsBox depth . eraseForAllKindAnnotations . eraseKindApps
1611  prettyTypeAtom :: Type a -> Box.Box
1612  prettyTypeAtom
1613    | full = typeAtomAsBox prettyDepth
1614    | otherwise = typeAtomAsBox prettyDepth . eraseForAllKindAnnotations . eraseKindApps
1616  levelText :: Text
1617  levelText = case level of
1618    Error -> "error"
1619    Warning -> "warning"
1621  paras :: [Box.Box] -> Box.Box
1622  paras = Box.vcat Box.left
1624  -- | Simplify an error message
1625  simplifyErrorMessage :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage
1626  simplifyErrorMessage (ErrorMessage hints simple) = ErrorMessage (simplifyHints hints) simple
1627    where
1628    -- Take the last instance of each "hint category"
1629    simplifyHints :: [ErrorMessageHint] -> [ErrorMessageHint]
1630    simplifyHints = reverse . nubBy categoriesEqual . stripRedundantHints simple . reverse
1632    -- Don't remove hints in the "other" category
1633    categoriesEqual :: ErrorMessageHint -> ErrorMessageHint -> Bool
1634    categoriesEqual x y =
1635      case (hintCategory x, hintCategory y) of
1636        (OtherHint, _) -> False
1637        (_, OtherHint) -> False
1638        (c1, c2) -> c1 == c2
1640    -- | See https://github.com/purescript/purescript/issues/1802
1641    stripRedundantHints :: SimpleErrorMessage -> [ErrorMessageHint] -> [ErrorMessageHint]
1642    stripRedundantHints ExprDoesNotHaveType{} = stripFirst isCheckHint
1643      where
1644      isCheckHint ErrorCheckingType{} = True
1645      isCheckHint _ = False
1646    stripRedundantHints TypesDoNotUnify{} = stripFirst isUnifyHint
1647      where
1648      isUnifyHint ErrorUnifyingTypes{} = True
1649      isUnifyHint _ = False
1650    stripRedundantHints (NoInstanceFound (Constraint _ C.Coercible _ args _) _) = filter (not . isSolverHint)
1651      where
1652      isSolverHint (ErrorSolvingConstraint (Constraint _ C.Coercible _ args' _)) = args == args'
1653      isSolverHint _ = False
1654    stripRedundantHints NoInstanceFound{} = stripFirst isSolverHint
1655      where
1656      isSolverHint ErrorSolvingConstraint{} = True
1657      isSolverHint _ = False
1658    stripRedundantHints _ = id
1660    stripFirst :: (ErrorMessageHint -> Bool) -> [ErrorMessageHint] -> [ErrorMessageHint]
1661    stripFirst p (PositionedError pos : hs) = PositionedError pos : stripFirst p hs
1662    stripFirst p (ErrorInModule mn    : hs) = ErrorInModule mn    : stripFirst p hs
1663    stripFirst p (hint                : hs)
1664      | p hint = hs
1665      | otherwise = hint : hs
1666    stripFirst _ [] = []
1668  hintCategory :: ErrorMessageHint -> HintCategory
1669  hintCategory ErrorCheckingType{}                  = ExprHint
1670  hintCategory ErrorInferringType{}                 = ExprHint
1671  hintCategory ErrorInExpression{}                  = ExprHint
1672  hintCategory ErrorUnifyingTypes{}                 = CheckHint
1673  hintCategory ErrorInSubsumption{}                 = CheckHint
1674  hintCategory ErrorInApplication{}                 = CheckHint
1675  hintCategory ErrorCheckingKind{}                  = CheckHint
1676  hintCategory ErrorSolvingConstraint{}             = SolverHint
1677  hintCategory PositionedError{}                    = PositionHint
1678  hintCategory _                                    = OtherHint
1680  prettyPrintPlainIdent :: Ident -> Text
1681  prettyPrintPlainIdent ident =
1682    if isPlainIdent ident
1683    then " " <> markCode (showIdent ident)
1684    else ""
1686  prettyInstanceName :: Qualified (Either SourceType Ident) -> Box.Box
1687  prettyInstanceName = \case
1688    Qualified maybeMn (Left ty) ->
1689      "instance "
1690        Box.<> (case maybeMn of
1691                  Just mn -> "in module "
1692                    Box.<> line (markCode $ runModuleName mn)
1693                    Box.<> " "
1694                  Nothing -> Box.nullBox)
1695        Box.<> "with type "
1696        Box.<> markCodeBox (prettyType ty)
1697        Box.<> " "
1698        Box.<> (line . displayStartEndPos . fst $ getAnnForType ty)
1699    Qualified mn (Right inst) -> line . markCode . showQualified showIdent $ Qualified mn inst
1701-- Pretty print and export declaration
1702prettyPrintExport :: DeclarationRef -> Text
1703prettyPrintExport (TypeRef _ pn _) = runProperName pn
1704prettyPrintExport ref =
1705  fromMaybe
1706    (internalError "prettyPrintRef returned Nothing in prettyPrintExport")
1707    (prettyPrintRef ref)
1709prettyPrintImport :: ModuleName -> ImportDeclarationType -> Maybe ModuleName -> Text
1710prettyPrintImport mn idt qual =
1711  let i = case idt of
1712            Implicit -> runModuleName mn
1713            Explicit refs -> runModuleName mn <> " (" <> T.intercalate ", " (mapMaybe prettyPrintRef refs) <> ")"
1714            Hiding refs -> runModuleName mn <> " hiding (" <> T.intercalate ", " (mapMaybe prettyPrintRef refs) <> ")"
1715  in i <> maybe "" (\q -> " as " <> runModuleName q) qual
1717prettyPrintRef :: DeclarationRef -> Maybe Text
1718prettyPrintRef (TypeRef _ pn Nothing) =
1719  Just $ runProperName pn <> "(..)"
1720prettyPrintRef (TypeRef _ pn (Just [])) =
1721  Just $ runProperName pn
1722prettyPrintRef (TypeRef _ pn (Just dctors)) =
1723  Just $ runProperName pn <> "(" <> T.intercalate ", " (map runProperName dctors) <> ")"
1724prettyPrintRef (TypeOpRef _ op) =
1725  Just $ "type " <> showOp op
1726prettyPrintRef (ValueRef _ ident) =
1727  Just $ showIdent ident
1728prettyPrintRef (ValueOpRef _ op) =
1729  Just $ showOp op
1730prettyPrintRef (TypeClassRef _ pn) =
1731  Just $ "class " <> runProperName pn
1732prettyPrintRef (TypeInstanceRef _ ident UserNamed) =
1733  Just $ showIdent ident
1734prettyPrintRef (TypeInstanceRef _ _ CompilerNamed) =
1735  Nothing
1736prettyPrintRef (ModuleRef _ name) =
1737  Just $ "module " <> runModuleName name
1738prettyPrintRef ReExportRef{} =
1739  Nothing
1741prettyPrintKindSignatureFor :: KindSignatureFor -> Text
1742prettyPrintKindSignatureFor DataSig = "data"
1743prettyPrintKindSignatureFor NewtypeSig = "newtype"
1744prettyPrintKindSignatureFor TypeSynonymSig = "type"
1745prettyPrintKindSignatureFor ClassSig = "class"
1747prettyPrintSuggestedTypeSimplified :: Type a -> String
1748prettyPrintSuggestedTypeSimplified = prettyPrintSuggestedType . eraseForAllKindAnnotations . eraseKindApps
1750-- | Pretty print multiple errors
1751prettyPrintMultipleErrors :: PPEOptions -> MultipleErrors -> String
1752prettyPrintMultipleErrors ppeOptions = unlines . map renderBox . prettyPrintMultipleErrorsBox ppeOptions
1754-- | Pretty print multiple warnings
1755prettyPrintMultipleWarnings :: PPEOptions -> MultipleErrors -> String
1756prettyPrintMultipleWarnings ppeOptions = unlines . map renderBox . prettyPrintMultipleWarningsBox ppeOptions
1758-- | Pretty print warnings as a Box
1759prettyPrintMultipleWarningsBox :: PPEOptions -> MultipleErrors -> [Box.Box]
1760prettyPrintMultipleWarningsBox ppeOptions = prettyPrintMultipleErrorsWith (ppeOptions { ppeLevel = Warning }) "Warning found:" "Warning"
1762-- | Pretty print errors as a Box
1763prettyPrintMultipleErrorsBox :: PPEOptions -> MultipleErrors -> [Box.Box]
1764prettyPrintMultipleErrorsBox ppeOptions = prettyPrintMultipleErrorsWith (ppeOptions { ppeLevel = Error }) "Error found:" "Error"
1766prettyPrintMultipleErrorsWith :: PPEOptions -> String -> String -> MultipleErrors -> [Box.Box]
1767prettyPrintMultipleErrorsWith ppeOptions intro _ (MultipleErrors [e]) =
1768  let result = prettyPrintSingleError ppeOptions e
1769  in [ Box.vcat Box.left [ Box.text intro
1770                         , result
1771                         ]
1772     ]
1773prettyPrintMultipleErrorsWith ppeOptions _ intro (MultipleErrors es) =
1774  let result = map (prettyPrintSingleError ppeOptions) es
1775  in concat $ zipWith withIntro [1 :: Int ..] result
1776  where
1777  withIntro i err = [ Box.text (intro ++ " " ++ show i ++ " of " ++ show (length es) ++ ":")
1778                    , Box.moveRight 2 err
1779                    ]
1781-- | Pretty print a Parsec ParseError as a Box
1782prettyPrintParseError :: P.ParseError -> Box.Box
1783prettyPrintParseError = prettyPrintParseErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input" . PE.errorMessages
1785-- | Pretty print 'ParseError' detail messages.
1787-- Adapted from 'Text.Parsec.Error.showErrorMessages'.
1788-- See <https://github.com/aslatter/parsec/blob/v3.1.9/Text/Parsec/Error.hs#L173>.
1789prettyPrintParseErrorMessages :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> [Message] -> Box.Box
1790prettyPrintParseErrorMessages msgOr msgUnknown msgExpecting msgUnExpected msgEndOfInput msgs
1791  | null msgs = Box.text msgUnknown
1792  | otherwise = Box.vcat Box.left $ map Box.text $ clean [showSysUnExpect,showUnExpect,showExpect,showMessages]
1794  where
1795  (sysUnExpect,msgs1) = span (SysUnExpect "" ==) msgs
1796  (unExpect,msgs2)    = span (UnExpect    "" ==) msgs1
1797  (expect,messages)   = span (Expect      "" ==) msgs2
1799  showExpect      = showMany msgExpecting expect
1800  showUnExpect    = showMany msgUnExpected unExpect
1801  showSysUnExpect | not (null unExpect) ||
1802                    null sysUnExpect = ""
1803                  | null firstMsg    = msgUnExpected ++ " " ++ msgEndOfInput
1804                  | otherwise        = msgUnExpected ++ " " ++ firstMsg
1805    where
1806    firstMsg  = PE.messageString (head sysUnExpect)
1808  showMessages      = showMany "" messages
1810  -- helpers
1811  showMany pre msgs' = case clean (map PE.messageString msgs') of
1812                         [] -> ""
1813                         ms | null pre  -> commasOr ms
1814                            | otherwise -> pre ++ " " ++ commasOr ms
1816  commasOr []       = ""
1817  commasOr [m]      = m
1818  commasOr ms       = commaSep (init ms) ++ " " ++ msgOr ++ " " ++ last ms
1820  commaSep          = separate ", " . clean
1822  separate   _ []     = ""
1823  separate   _ [m]    = m
1824  separate sep (m:ms) = m ++ sep ++ separate sep ms
1826  clean             = ordNub . filter (not . null)
1828-- | Indent to the right, and pad on top and bottom.
1829indent :: Box.Box -> Box.Box
1830indent = Box.moveUp 1 . Box.moveDown 1 . Box.moveRight 2
1832line :: Text -> Box.Box
1833line = Box.text . T.unpack
1835lineS :: String -> Box.Box
1836lineS = Box.text
1838renderBox :: Box.Box -> String
1839renderBox = unlines
1840            . map (dropWhileEnd isSpace)
1841            . dropWhile whiteSpace
1842            . dropWhileEnd whiteSpace
1843            . lines
1844            . Box.render
1845  where
1846  whiteSpace = all isSpace
1848toTypelevelString :: Type a -> Maybe Box.Box
1849toTypelevelString (TypeLevelString _ s) =
1850  Just . Box.text $ decodeStringWithReplacement s
1851toTypelevelString (TypeApp _ (TypeConstructor _ f) x)
1852  | f == primSubName C.typeError "Text" = toTypelevelString x
1853toTypelevelString (TypeApp _ (TypeConstructor _ f) x)
1854  | f == primSubName C.typeError "Quote" = Just (typeAsBox maxBound x)
1855toTypelevelString (TypeApp _ (TypeConstructor _ f) (TypeLevelString _ x))
1856  | f == primSubName C.typeError "QuoteLabel" = Just . line . prettyPrintLabel . Label $ x
1857toTypelevelString (TypeApp _ (TypeApp _ (TypeConstructor _ f) x) ret)
1858  | f == primSubName C.typeError "Beside" =
1859    (Box.<>) <$> toTypelevelString x <*> toTypelevelString ret
1860toTypelevelString (TypeApp _ (TypeApp _ (TypeConstructor _ f) x) ret)
1861  | f == primSubName C.typeError "Above" =
1862    (Box.//) <$> toTypelevelString x <*> toTypelevelString ret
1863toTypelevelString _ = Nothing
1865-- | Rethrow an error with a more detailed error message in the case of failure
1866rethrow :: (MonadError e m) => (e -> e) -> m a -> m a
1867rethrow f = flip catchError (throwError . f)
1869warnAndRethrow :: (MonadError e m, MonadWriter e m) => (e -> e) -> m a -> m a
1870warnAndRethrow f = rethrow f . censor f
1872-- | Rethrow an error with source position information
1873rethrowWithPosition :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m) => SourceSpan -> m a -> m a
1874rethrowWithPosition pos = rethrow (onErrorMessages (withPosition pos))
1876warnWithPosition :: (MonadWriter MultipleErrors m) => SourceSpan -> m a -> m a
1877warnWithPosition pos = censor (onErrorMessages (withPosition pos))
1879warnAndRethrowWithPosition :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, MonadWriter MultipleErrors m) => SourceSpan -> m a -> m a
1880warnAndRethrowWithPosition pos = rethrowWithPosition pos . warnWithPosition pos
1882withPosition :: SourceSpan -> ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage
1883withPosition NullSourceSpan err = err
1884withPosition pos (ErrorMessage hints se) = ErrorMessage (positionedError pos : hints) se
1886withoutPosition :: ErrorMessage -> ErrorMessage
1887withoutPosition (ErrorMessage hints se) = ErrorMessage (filter go hints) se
1888  where
1889  go (PositionedError _) = False
1890  go _ = True
1892positionedError :: SourceSpan -> ErrorMessageHint
1893positionedError = PositionedError . pure
1895filterErrors :: (ErrorMessage -> Bool) -> MultipleErrors -> MultipleErrors
1896filterErrors f = MultipleErrors . filter f . runMultipleErrors
1898-- | Runs a computation listening for warnings and then escalating any warnings
1899-- that match the predicate to error status.
1901  :: (MonadWriter MultipleErrors m, MonadError MultipleErrors m)
1902  => (ErrorMessage -> Bool)
1903  -> m a
1904  -> m a
1905escalateWarningWhen isError ma = do
1906  (a, w) <- censor (const mempty) $ listen ma
1907  let (errors, warnings) = partition isError (runMultipleErrors w)
1908  tell $ MultipleErrors warnings
1909  unless (null errors) $ throwError $ MultipleErrors errors
1910  return a
1912-- | Collect errors in in parallel
1914  :: forall m a b
1915   . MonadError MultipleErrors m
1916  => [a]
1917  -> (a -> m b)
1918  -> m [b]
1919parU xs f =
1920    forM xs (withError . f) >>= collectErrors
1921  where
1922    withError :: m b -> m (Either MultipleErrors b)
1923    withError u = catchError (Right <$> u) (return . Left)
1925    collectErrors :: [Either MultipleErrors b] -> m [b]
1926    collectErrors es = case partitionEithers es of
1927      ([], rs) -> return rs
1928      (errs, _) -> throwError $ fold errs
1931  :: (MonadError MultipleErrors m, GHC.Stack.HasCallStack)
1932  => Text
1933  -> m a
1934internalCompilerError =
1935  throwError
1936    . errorMessage
1937    . InternalCompilerError (T.pack (GHC.Stack.prettyCallStack GHC.Stack.callStack))