1 {
2      File:       CarbonCore/TextCommon.h
4      Contains:   TextEncoding-related types and constants, and prototypes for related functions
6      Copyright:  � 1995-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
8      Bugs?:      For bug reports, consult the following page on
9                  the World Wide Web:
11                      http://bugs.freepascal.org
13 }
14 {     Pascal Translation Updated:  Gale R Paeper, <gpaeper@empirenet.com>, June 2018 }
16 {
17     Modified for use with Free Pascal
18     Version 308
19     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
20 }
22 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
23 {$mode macpas}
24 {$modeswitch cblocks}
25 {$packenum 1}
26 {$macro on}
27 {$inline on}
28 {$calling mwpascal}
30 unit TextCommon;
31 interface
33 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
35 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
37 {$endc}
39 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
40 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
41 {$endc}
42 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
43 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
44 {$endc}
46 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
47 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
48 {$elsec}
49 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
50 {$endc}
51 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
52 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
53 {$elsec}
54 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
55 {$endc}
56 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
57 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
58 {$elsec}
59 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
60 {$endc}
61 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
62 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
63 {$elsec}
64 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
65 {$endc}
66 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
67 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
68 {$elsec}
69 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
70 {$endc}
71 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
72   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
73 {$elsec}
74   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
75 {$endc}
77 {$ifc defined cpu64}
78   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
79 {$elsec}
80   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
81 {$endc}
84 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
85 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
86 {$endc}
88 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
89 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
90 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
91 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
92 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
93 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
94 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
95 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
99 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
100 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
101 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
102 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
103 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
104 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
105 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
106 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
107 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
110 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
111 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
112 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
113 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
114 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
115 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
116 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
117 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
118  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
119 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
121 {$elsec}
122 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
123 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
125 {$endc}
127 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
128 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
129 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
130 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
131 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
132 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
133 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
134 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
135  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
136 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
138 {$elsec}
139 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
140 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
142 {$endc}
144 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
145 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
146 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
147 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
148 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
149 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
150 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
151 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
152 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
155 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
156 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
157 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
158 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
159 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
160 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
161 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
162 {$ifc defined ios}
163 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
164 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
166 {$elsec}
167 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
168 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
170 {$endc}
172 {$elsec}
173 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
174 {$endc}
176 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
177   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
178 {$elsec}
179   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
180 {$endc}
182 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
185 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
188 {$elsec}
189 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
190 {$endc}
195 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
197 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
200 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
201 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
202 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
203 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
204 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
206 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
207 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
208 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
209 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
212 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
213 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
214 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
215 uses MacTypes;
216 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
219 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
221 {$ALIGN MAC68K}
223 {
224  *  Generic Text Alignment Constants
225  *
226  *  Summary:
227  *    These constants are implemented to supplant the old TextEdit
228  *    Manager constants ( teFlushDefault, teCenter teFlushRight,
229  *    teFlushLeft ) These constants are used outside the context of the
230  *    legacy TextEdit Manager Framework. Use these as you would use the
231  *    old TextEdit.h constants to specify how text should be justified
232  *    (word aligned.) The new constants use the same values as the the
233  *    old TextEdit ones, for backwards compatibility.
234  }
235 const
236 {
237    * Flush according to the line direction
238    }
239 	kTextFlushDefault = 0;
241   {
242    * Center justify (word alignment)
243    }
244 	kTextCenter = 1;
246   {
247    * Flush right
248    }
249 	kTextFlushRight = -1;
251   {
252    * Flush left
253    }
254 	kTextFlushLeft = -2;
256 { TextEncodingBase type & values }
257 { (values 0-32 correspond to the Script Codes defined in Inside Macintosh: Text pages 6-52 and 6-53 }
258 type
259 	TextEncodingBase = UInt32;
260 const
261 { Mac OS encodings}
262 	kTextEncodingMacRoman = 0;
263 	kTextEncodingMacJapanese = 1;
264 	kTextEncodingMacChineseTrad = 2;
265 	kTextEncodingMacKorean = 3;
266 	kTextEncodingMacArabic = 4;
267 	kTextEncodingMacHebrew = 5;
268 	kTextEncodingMacGreek = 6;
269 	kTextEncodingMacCyrillic = 7;
270 	kTextEncodingMacDevanagari = 9;
271 	kTextEncodingMacGurmukhi = 10;
272 	kTextEncodingMacGujarati = 11;
273 	kTextEncodingMacOriya = 12;
274 	kTextEncodingMacBengali = 13;
275 	kTextEncodingMacTamil = 14;
276 	kTextEncodingMacTelugu = 15;
277 	kTextEncodingMacKannada = 16;
278 	kTextEncodingMacMalayalam = 17;
279 	kTextEncodingMacSinhalese = 18;
280 	kTextEncodingMacBurmese = 19;
281 	kTextEncodingMacKhmer = 20;
282 	kTextEncodingMacThai = 21;
283 	kTextEncodingMacLaotian = 22;
284 	kTextEncodingMacGeorgian = 23;
285 	kTextEncodingMacArmenian = 24;
286 	kTextEncodingMacChineseSimp = 25;
287 	kTextEncodingMacTibetan = 26;
288 	kTextEncodingMacMongolian = 27;
289 	kTextEncodingMacEthiopic = 28;
290 	kTextEncodingMacCentralEurRoman = 29;
291 	kTextEncodingMacVietnamese = 30;
292 	kTextEncodingMacExtArabic = 31;   { The following use script code 0, smRoman}
293 	kTextEncodingMacSymbol = 33;
294 	kTextEncodingMacDingbats = 34;
295 	kTextEncodingMacTurkish = 35;
296 	kTextEncodingMacCroatian = 36;
297 	kTextEncodingMacIcelandic = 37;
298 	kTextEncodingMacRomanian = 38;
299 	kTextEncodingMacCeltic = 39;
300 	kTextEncodingMacGaelic = 40;
301 	kTextEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs = 41;
303 { The following are older names for backward compatibility}
304 const
305 	kTextEncodingMacTradChinese = kTextEncodingMacChineseTrad;
306 	kTextEncodingMacRSymbol = 8;
307 	kTextEncodingMacSimpChinese = kTextEncodingMacChineseSimp;
308 	kTextEncodingMacGeez = kTextEncodingMacEthiopic;
309 	kTextEncodingMacEastEurRoman = kTextEncodingMacCentralEurRoman;
310 	kTextEncodingMacUninterp = 32;
313 {
314    Beginning in Mac OS 8.5, the following meta-value is used to indicate Unicode in some parts
315    of the Mac OS which previously only expected a Mac OS script code. In some of these places,
316    only 7 bits are available to indicate encoding (script code), so kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault
317    cannot be used. For example, kTextEncodingMacUnicode can be used to indicate Unicode in the
318    7-bit script code field of a Unicode input method's ComponentDescription.componentFlags field;
319    it can also be used to indicate Unicode in the 16-bit script code field of an AppleEvent's
320    typeIntlWritingCode text tag.
321 }
322 const
323 	kTextEncodingMacUnicode = $7E;  { Meta-value, Unicode as a Mac encoding}
325 { Variant Mac OS encodings that use script codes other than 0}
326 const
327 { The following use script code 4, smArabic}
328 	kTextEncodingMacFarsi = $8C; { Like MacArabic but uses Farsi digits}
329                                         { The following use script code 7, smCyrillic}
330 	kTextEncodingMacUkrainian = $98; { Meta-value in TEC 1.5 & later; maps to kTextEncodingMacCyrillic variant    }
331                                         { The following use script code 28, smEthiopic}
332 	kTextEncodingMacInuit = $EC; { The following use script code 32, smUnimplemented}
333 	kTextEncodingMacVT100 = $FC;  { VT100/102 font from Comm Toolbox: Latin-1 repertoire + box drawing etc}
335 { Special Mac OS encodings}
336 const
337 	kTextEncodingMacHFS = $FF;  { Meta-value, should never appear in a table.}
339 { Unicode & ISO UCS encodings begin at 0x100}
340 const
341 	kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault = $0100; { Meta-value, should never appear in a table.}
342 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV1_1 = $0101;
343 	kTextEncodingISO10646_1993 = $0101; { Code points identical to Unicode 1.1}
344 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_0 = $0103; { New location for Korean Hangul}
345 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_1 = $0103; { We treat both Unicode 2.0 and Unicode 2.1 as 2.1}
346 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV3_0 = $0104;
347 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV3_1 = $0105; { Adds characters requiring surrogate pairs in UTF-16}
348 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV3_2 = $0106;
349 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV4_0 = $0108;
350 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV5_0 = $010A;
351 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV5_1 = $010B; { No constant for Unicode 5.2, but leave an opening.}
352 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV6_0 = $010D; { Adds many symbols, including emoji support.}
353 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV6_1 = $010E;  { Adds emoji variation sequences, properties changes.}
354 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV6_3 = $0110; { Adds new bidi controls.}
355 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV7_0 = $0111; { Adds RUBLE SIGN, symbols from Wingdings/Webdings.}
356 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV8_0 = $0112; { Adds LARI SIGN, lowercase Cherokee, emoji modifiers, CJK Ext E, 6 scripts.}
357 	kTextEncodingUnicodeV9_0 = $0113;  { Adds Tangut and 5 other scripts, 72 emoji.}
359 { ISO 8-bit and 7-bit encodings begin at 0x200}
360 const
361 	kTextEncodingISOLatin1 = $0201; { ISO 8859-1, Western European}
362 	kTextEncodingISOLatin2 = $0202; { ISO 8859-2, Central European}
363 	kTextEncodingISOLatin3 = $0203; { ISO 8859-3, South European (Maltese...)}
364 	kTextEncodingISOLatin4 = $0204; { ISO 8859-4, North European & some Baltic}
365 	kTextEncodingISOLatinCyrillic = $0205; { ISO 8859-5}
366 	kTextEncodingISOLatinArabic = $0206; { ISO 8859-6, = ASMO 708, =DOS CP 708}
367 	kTextEncodingISOLatinGreek = $0207; { ISO 8859-7}
368 	kTextEncodingISOLatinHebrew = $0208; { ISO 8859-8}
369 	kTextEncodingISOLatin5 = $0209; { ISO 8859-9, Turkish}
370 	kTextEncodingISOLatin6 = $020A; { ISO 8859-10, Nordic                    }
371 	kTextEncodingISOLatin7 = $020D; { ISO 8859-13, Baltic Rim                   }
372 	kTextEncodingISOLatin8 = $020E; { ISO 8859-14, Celtic                    }
373 	kTextEncodingISOLatin9 = $020F; { ISO 8859-15, 8859-1 changed for EURO & CP1252 letters  }
374 	kTextEncodingISOLatin10 = $0210; { ISO 8859-16, Romanian}
376 { MS-DOS & Windows encodings begin at 0x400}
377 const
378 	kTextEncodingDOSLatinUS = $0400; { code page 437}
379 	kTextEncodingDOSGreek = $0405; { code page 737 (formerly code page 437G)}
380 	kTextEncodingDOSBalticRim = $0406; { code page 775}
381 	kTextEncodingDOSLatin1 = $0410; { code page 850, "Multilingual"}
382 	kTextEncodingDOSGreek1 = $0411; { code page 851}
383 	kTextEncodingDOSLatin2 = $0412; { code page 852, Slavic}
384 	kTextEncodingDOSCyrillic = $0413; { code page 855, IBM Cyrillic}
385 	kTextEncodingDOSTurkish = $0414; { code page 857, IBM Turkish}
386 	kTextEncodingDOSPortuguese = $0415; { code page 860}
387 	kTextEncodingDOSIcelandic = $0416; { code page 861}
388 	kTextEncodingDOSHebrew = $0417; { code page 862}
389 	kTextEncodingDOSCanadianFrench = $0418; { code page 863}
390 	kTextEncodingDOSArabic = $0419; { code page 864}
391 	kTextEncodingDOSNordic = $041A; { code page 865}
392 	kTextEncodingDOSRussian = $041B; { code page 866}
393 	kTextEncodingDOSGreek2 = $041C; { code page 869, IBM Modern Greek}
394 	kTextEncodingDOSThai = $041D; { code page 874, also for Windows}
395 	kTextEncodingDOSJapanese = $0420; { code page 932, also for Windows; Shift-JIS with additions}
396 	kTextEncodingDOSChineseSimplif = $0421; { code page 936, also for Windows; was EUC-CN, now GBK (EUC-CN extended)}
397 	kTextEncodingDOSKorean = $0422; { code page 949, also for Windows; Unified Hangul Code (EUC-KR extended)}
398 	kTextEncodingDOSChineseTrad = $0423; { code page 950, also for Windows; Big-5}
399 	kTextEncodingWindowsLatin1 = $0500; { code page 1252}
400 	kTextEncodingWindowsANSI = $0500; { code page 1252 (alternate name)}
401 	kTextEncodingWindowsLatin2 = $0501; { code page 1250, Central Europe}
402 	kTextEncodingWindowsCyrillic = $0502; { code page 1251, Slavic Cyrillic}
403 	kTextEncodingWindowsGreek = $0503; { code page 1253}
404 	kTextEncodingWindowsLatin5 = $0504; { code page 1254, Turkish}
405 	kTextEncodingWindowsHebrew = $0505; { code page 1255}
406 	kTextEncodingWindowsArabic = $0506; { code page 1256}
407 	kTextEncodingWindowsBalticRim = $0507; { code page 1257}
408 	kTextEncodingWindowsVietnamese = $0508; { code page 1258}
409 	kTextEncodingWindowsKoreanJohab = $0510; { code page 1361, for Windows NT}
411 { Various national standards begin at 0x600}
412 const
413 	kTextEncodingUS_ASCII = $0600;
414 	kTextEncodingANSEL = $0601; { ANSEL (ANSI Z39.47) for library use}
415 	kTextEncodingJIS_X0201_76 = $0620; { JIS Roman and 1-byte katakana (halfwidth)}
416 	kTextEncodingJIS_X0208_83 = $0621;
417 	kTextEncodingJIS_X0208_90 = $0622;
418 	kTextEncodingJIS_X0212_90 = $0623;
419 	kTextEncodingJIS_C6226_78 = $0624;
420 	kTextEncodingShiftJIS_X0213 = $0628; { Shift-JIS format encoding of JIS X0213 planes 1 and 2}
421 	kTextEncodingJIS_X0213_MenKuTen = $0629; { JIS X0213 in plane-row-column notation (3 bytes)}
422 	kTextEncodingGB_2312_80 = $0630;
423 	kTextEncodingGBK_95 = $0631; { annex to GB 13000-93; for Windows 95; EUC-CN extended}
424 	kTextEncodingGB_18030_2000 = $0632; { This is actually implemented as GB_18030_2005}
425 	kTextEncodingGB_18030_2005 = $0632;
426 	kTextEncodingKSC_5601_87 = $0640; { same as KSC 5601-92 without Johab annex}
427 	kTextEncodingKSC_5601_92_Johab = $0641; { KSC 5601-92 Johab annex}
428 	kTextEncodingCNS_11643_92_P1 = $0651; { CNS 11643-1992 plane 1}
429 	kTextEncodingCNS_11643_92_P2 = $0652; { CNS 11643-1992 plane 2}
430 	kTextEncodingCNS_11643_92_P3 = $0653; { CNS 11643-1992 plane 3 (was plane 14 in 1986 version)}
432 { ISO 2022 collections begin at 0x800}
433 const
434 	kTextEncodingISO_2022_JP = $0820; { RFC 1468}
435 	kTextEncodingISO_2022_JP_2 = $0821; { RFC 1554}
436 	kTextEncodingISO_2022_JP_1 = $0822; { RFC 2237}
437 	kTextEncodingISO_2022_JP_3 = $0823; { JIS X0213}
438 	kTextEncodingISO_2022_CN = $0830; { RFC 1922}
439 	kTextEncodingISO_2022_CN_EXT = $0831; { RFC 1922}
440 	kTextEncodingISO_2022_KR = $0840; { RFC 1557}
442 { EUC collections begin at 0x900}
443 const
444 	kTextEncodingEUC_JP = $0920; { ISO 646, 1-byte katakana, JIS 208, JIS 212}
445 	kTextEncodingEUC_CN = $0930; { ISO 646, GB 2312-80}
446 	kTextEncodingEUC_TW = $0931; { ISO 646, CNS 11643-1992 Planes 1-16}
447 	kTextEncodingEUC_KR = $0940; { RFC 1557: ISO 646, KS C 5601-1987}
449 { Misc standards begin at 0xA00}
450 const
451 	kTextEncodingShiftJIS = $0A01; { plain Shift-JIS}
452 	kTextEncodingKOI8_R = $0A02; { RFC 1489, Russian internet standard}
453 	kTextEncodingBig5 = $0A03; { Big-5 (has variants)}
454 	kTextEncodingMacRomanLatin1 = $0A04; { Mac OS Roman permuted to align with ISO Latin-1}
455 	kTextEncodingHZ_GB_2312 = $0A05; { HZ (RFC 1842, for Chinese mail & news)}
456 	kTextEncodingBig5_HKSCS_1999 = $0A06; { Big-5 with Hong Kong special char set supplement}
457 	kTextEncodingVISCII = $0A07; { RFC 1456, Vietnamese}
458 	kTextEncodingKOI8_U = $0A08; { RFC 2319, Ukrainian}
459 	kTextEncodingBig5_E = $0A09; { Taiwan Big-5E standard}
461 { Other platform encodings}
462 const
463 	kTextEncodingNextStepLatin = $0B01; { NextStep Latin encoding}
464 	kTextEncodingNextStepJapanese = $0B02; { NextStep Japanese encoding (variant of EUC-JP)}
466 { EBCDIC & IBM host encodings begin at 0xC00}
467 const
468 	kTextEncodingEBCDIC_LatinCore = $0C01; { Common base subset of EBCDIC Latin encodings}
469 	kTextEncodingEBCDIC_CP037 = $0C02; { code page 037, extended EBCDIC (Latin-1 set) for US,Canada...}
471 { Special values}
472 const
473 	kTextEncodingMultiRun = $0FFF; { Multi-encoding text with external run info}
474 	kTextEncodingUnknown = $FFFF; { Unknown or unspecified                  }
476 { The following are older names for backward compatibility}
477 const
478 	kTextEncodingEBCDIC_US = $0C01;
481 { TextEncodingVariant type & values }
482 type
483 	TextEncodingVariant = UInt32;
484 { Default TextEncodingVariant, for any TextEncodingBase}
485 const
486 	kTextEncodingDefaultVariant = 0;
488 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacRoman                                                        }
489 const
490 	kMacRomanDefaultVariant = 0;    { meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System }
491 	kMacRomanCurrencySignVariant = 1;    { Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN}
492 	kMacRomanEuroSignVariant = 2;     { Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN      }
494 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacCyrillic (for TEC 1.5 and later)                             }
495 const
496 	kMacCyrillicDefaultVariant = 0;    { meta value, maps to 1, 2, or 3 depending on System}
497 	kMacCyrillicCurrSignStdVariant = 1;   { Mac OS < 9.0 (RU,BG), 0xFF = CURRENCY SIGN, 0xA2/0xB6 = CENT / PARTIAL DIFF.}
498 	kMacCyrillicCurrSignUkrVariant = 2;   { Mac OS < 9.0 (UA,LangKit), 0xFF = CURRENCY SIGN, 0xA2/0xB6 = GHE WITH UPTURN}
499 	kMacCyrillicEuroSignVariant = 3;     { Mac OS >= 9.0, 0xFF is EURO SIGN, 0xA2/0xB6 = GHE WITH UPTURN}
501 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacIcelandic                                                    }
502 const
503 	kMacIcelandicStdDefaultVariant = 0;   { meta value, maps to 2 or 4 depending on System }
504 	kMacIcelandicTTDefaultVariant = 1;    { meta value, maps to 3 or 5 depending on System }
505                                         { The following are for Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN             }
506 	kMacIcelandicStdCurrSignVariant = 2;  { 0xBB/0xBC are fem./masc. ordinal indicators}
507 	kMacIcelandicTTCurrSignVariant = 3;   { 0xBB/0xBC are fi/fl ligatures}
508                                         { The following are for Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN                  }
509 	kMacIcelandicStdEuroSignVariant = 4;  { 0xBB/0xBC are fem./masc. ordinal indicators}
510 	kMacIcelandicTTEuroSignVariant = 5;    { 0xBB/0xBC are fi/fl ligatures}
512 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacCroatian                                                     }
513 const
514 	kMacCroatianDefaultVariant = 0;    { meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System }
515 	kMacCroatianCurrencySignVariant = 1;  { Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN       }
516 	kMacCroatianEuroSignVariant = 2;     { Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN      }
519 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacRomanian                                                     }
520 const
521 	kMacRomanianDefaultVariant = 0;    { meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System }
522 	kMacRomanianCurrencySignVariant = 1;  { Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN       }
523 	kMacRomanianEuroSignVariant = 2;     { Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN      }
526 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacJapanese}
527 const
528 	kMacJapaneseStandardVariant = 0;
529 	kMacJapaneseStdNoVerticalsVariant = 1;
530 	kMacJapaneseBasicVariant = 2;
531 	kMacJapanesePostScriptScrnVariant = 3;
532 	kMacJapanesePostScriptPrintVariant = 4;
533 	kMacJapaneseVertAtKuPlusTenVariant = 5;
535 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacArabic}
536 const
537 	kMacArabicStandardVariant = 0;    { 0xC0 is 8-spoke asterisk, 0x2A & 0xAA are asterisk (e.g. Cairo)}
538 	kMacArabicTrueTypeVariant = 1;    { 0xC0 is asterisk, 0x2A & 0xAA are multiply signs (e.g. Baghdad)}
539 	kMacArabicThuluthVariant = 2;    { 0xC0 is Arabic five-point star, 0x2A & 0xAA are multiply signs}
540 	kMacArabicAlBayanVariant = 3;     { 8-spoke asterisk, multiply sign, Koranic ligatures & parens}
542 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacFarsi}
543 const
544 	kMacFarsiStandardVariant = 0;    { 0xC0 is 8-spoke asterisk, 0x2A & 0xAA are asterisk (e.g. Tehran)}
545 	kMacFarsiTrueTypeVariant = 1;     { asterisk, multiply signs, Koranic ligatures, geometric shapes}
547 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacHebrew}
548 const
549 	kMacHebrewStandardVariant = 0;
550 	kMacHebrewFigureSpaceVariant = 1;
552 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacGreek}
553 const
554 	kMacGreekDefaultVariant = 0;    { meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System}
555 	kMacGreekNoEuroSignVariant = 1;    { Mac OS version < 9.2.2, 0x9C is SOFT HYPHEN, 0xFF is undefined}
556 	kMacGreekEuroSignVariant = 2;     { Mac OS version >= 9.2.2, 0x9C is EURO SIGN, 0xFF is SOFT HYPHEN}
558 { Variants of kTextEncodingMacVT100                                                        }
559 const
560 	kMacVT100DefaultVariant = 0;    { meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System }
561 	kMacVT100CurrencySignVariant = 1;    { Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN       }
562 	kMacVT100EuroSignVariant = 2;     { Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN      }
564 { Variants of Unicode & ISO 10646 encodings}
565 const
566 	kUnicodeNoSubset = 0;
567 	kUnicodeNormalizationFormD = 5;    { canonical decomposition (NFD); excludes composed chars}
568 	kUnicodeNormalizationFormC = 3;    { canonical composition (NFC); uses the composed chars as of Unicode 3.1}
569 	kUnicodeHFSPlusDecompVariant = 8;    { decomposition for HFS+; doesn't decompose in 2000-2FFF, F900-FAFF, 2F800-2FAFF}
570 	kUnicodeHFSPlusCompVariant = 9;     { composition based on HFS+ decomposition}
572 { Variants of kTextEncodingISOLatin1}
573 const
574 	kISOLatin1StandardVariant = 0;
575 	kISOLatin1MusicCDVariant = 1;
577 {
578    Variants of kTextEncodingISOLatinArabic, kTextEncodingISOLatinHebrew.
579    Per RFC 1556 and ECMA TR/53, there are three ways of handling bidirectional text
580    in the ISO character sets 8859-6 (Arabic) and 8859-8 (Hebrew).
581    1. Implicit or Logical order is "a presentation method in which the direction is
582    determined by an algorithm according to the type of characters and their position
583    relative to the adjacent characters and according to their primary direction." This
584    is the method normally used for Unicode and for the Mac OS and Windows Arabic and
585    Hebrew encodings.
586    2. Visual order assumes the text is already ordered such that it can be displayed
587    in a left-to-right display direction with no further directional processing. This
588    is equivalent to treating all characters as having strong left-right directionality.
589    This is the default assumed for internet Hebrew text encoded in ISO 8859-8, unless
590    the charset label suffix specifically indicates implicit (-i) or explicit (-e)
591    ordering.
592    3. Explicit order is "a presentation method in which the direction is explicitly
593    defined by using control sequences which are interleaved within the text and are
594    used for direction determination."
595 }
596 const
597 	kISOLatinArabicImplicitOrderVariant = 0;
598 	kISOLatinArabicVisualOrderVariant = 1;
599 	kISOLatinArabicExplicitOrderVariant = 2;
601 const
602 	kISOLatinHebrewImplicitOrderVariant = 0;
603 	kISOLatinHebrewVisualOrderVariant = 1;
604 	kISOLatinHebrewExplicitOrderVariant = 2;
606 { Variants of kTextEncodingWindowsLatin1}
607 const
608 	kWindowsLatin1StandardVariant = 0;
609 	kWindowsLatin1PalmVariant = 1;     { PalmSource variant of cp1252}
611 { Variants of kTextEncodingDOSJapanese}
612 const
613 	kDOSJapaneseStandardVariant = 0;
614 	kDOSJapanesePalmVariant = 1;     { PalmSource variant of cp932}
616 {
617    Variants of EUC_CN
618    The DOSVariant is like kTextEncodingDOSChineseSimplif, but with the
619    basic EUC_CN part mapped as per kTextEncodingEUC_CN.
620 }
621 const
622 	kEUC_CN_BasicVariant = 0;
623 	kEUC_CN_DOSVariant = 1;
625 {
626    Variants of EUC_KR
627    The DOSVariant is like kTextEncodingDOSKorean, but with the
628    basic EUC_KR part mapped as per kTextEncodingEUC_KR.
629 }
630 const
631 	kEUC_KR_BasicVariant = 0;
632 	kEUC_KR_DOSVariant = 1;
634 {
635    Variants of ShiftJIS
636    The DOSVariant is like kTextEncodingDOSJapanese, but with the
637    basic ShiftJIS part mapped as per kTextEncodingShiftJIS.
638 }
639 const
640 	kShiftJIS_BasicVariant = 0;
641 	kShiftJIS_DOSVariant = 1;
642 	kShiftJIS_MusicCDVariant = 2;     { MusicShiftJIS, per RIS-506 (RIAJ)}
644 {
645    Variants of Big-5 encoding
646    The DOSVariant is like kTextEncodingDOSChineseTrad, but with the
647    basic Big5 part mapped as per kTextEncodingBig5.
648 }
649 const
650 	kBig5_BasicVariant = 0;
651 	kBig5_StandardVariant = 1;    { 0xC6A1-0xC7FC: kana, Cyrillic, enclosed numerics}
652 	kBig5_ETenVariant = 2;    { adds kana, Cyrillic, radicals, etc with hi bytes C6-C8,F9}
653 	kBig5_DOSVariant = 3;
655 { Variants of MacRomanLatin1                                                               }
656 const
657 	kMacRomanLatin1DefaultVariant = 0;    { meta value, maps to others depending on System}
658 	kMacRomanLatin1StandardVariant = 2;   { permuted MacRoman, EuroSignVariant}
659 	kMacRomanLatin1TurkishVariant = 6;    { permuted MacTurkish}
660 	kMacRomanLatin1CroatianVariant = 8;   { permuted MacCroatian, EuroSignVariant}
661 	kMacRomanLatin1IcelandicVariant = 11; { permuted MacIcelandic, StdEuroSignVariant}
662 	kMacRomanLatin1RomanianVariant = 14;   { permuted MacRomanian, EuroSignVariant}
664 { Unicode variants not yet supported (and not fully defined)}
665 const
666 	kUnicodeNoCompatibilityVariant = 1;
667 	kUnicodeNoCorporateVariant = 4;
669 { The following are older names for backward compatibility}
670 const
671 	kMacRomanStandardVariant = 0;
672 	kMacIcelandicStandardVariant = 0;
673 	kMacIcelandicTrueTypeVariant = 1;
674 	kJapaneseStandardVariant = 0;
675 	kJapaneseStdNoVerticalsVariant = 1;
676 	kJapaneseBasicVariant = 2;
677 	kJapanesePostScriptScrnVariant = 3;
678 	kJapanesePostScriptPrintVariant = 4;
679 	kJapaneseVertAtKuPlusTenVariant = 5;
680 	kTextEncodingShiftJIS_X0213_00 = $0628; { Shift-JIS format encoding of JIS X0213 planes 1 and 2}
681                                         { kJapaneseStdNoOneByteKanaVariant = 6,  // replaced by kJapaneseNoOneByteKanaOption}
682                                         { kJapaneseBasicNoOneByteKanaVariant = 7,    // replaced by kJapaneseNoOneByteKanaOption    }
683 	kHebrewStandardVariant = 0;
684 	kHebrewFigureSpaceVariant = 1;    { Old Unicode variants. Variant 2 (kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant, kUnicodeMaxDecomposedVariant) is ambiguous and means}
685                                         { different things in different contexts. When normalizing (using ConvertFromUnicodeToText to convert from arbitrary}
686                                         { Unicode to a normalized form), Unicode variant 2 means the same thing as kUnicodeNormalizationFormD (i.e. NFD).}
687                                         { However, when converting between Unicode and traditional Mac OS encodings, Unicode variant 2 means the same thing as}
688                                         { kUnicodeHFSPlusDecompVariant (i.e. the special HFS decomposition which excludes some character ranges from normalization).}
689                                         { For clarity, please use the less ambiguous constants: kUnicodeNormalizationFormD = 5, kUnicodeHFSPlusDecompVariant = 8.}
690                                         { }
691 	kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant = 2;   { use kUnicodeNormalizationFormD or kUnicodeHFSPlusDecompVariant}
692 	kUnicodeMaxDecomposedVariant = 2;    { use kUnicodeNormalizationFormD or kUnicodeHFSPlusDecompVariant}
693 	kUnicodeCanonicalCompVariant = 3;    { replaced by kUnicodeNormalizationFormC}
694 	kUnicodeNoComposedVariant = 3;     { this really meant NoComposing; replaced by kUnicodeNormalizationFormC}
696 { TextEncodingFormat type & values }
697 type
698 	TextEncodingFormat = UInt32;
699 const
700 { Default TextEncodingFormat for any TextEncodingBase}
701 	kTextEncodingDefaultFormat = 0;    { Formats for Unicode & ISO 10646}
702 	kUnicodeUTF16Format = 0;    { UTF16 form (16-bit units), native or external byte order (see below)}
703 	kUnicodeUTF7Format = 1;    { UTF7 form}
704 	kUnicodeUTF8Format = 2;    { UTF8 form}
705 	kUnicodeUTF32Format = 3;    { UTF32 form (32-bit units), native or external byte order (see below)}
706 	kUnicodeUTF16BEFormat = 4;    { UTF16 form, explicit big-endian byte order, no BOM}
707 	kUnicodeUTF16LEFormat = 5;    { UTF16 form, explicit little-endian byte order, no BOM}
708 	kUnicodeUTF32BEFormat = 6;    { UTF32 form, explicit big-endian byte order, no BOM}
709 	kUnicodeUTF32LEFormat = 7;    { UTF32 form, explicit little-endian byte order, no BOM}
710 	kUnicodeSCSUFormat = 8;    { Std. Compression Scheme for Unicode, Unicode Tech Std. #6}
711                                         { Note for kUnicodeUTF16Format and kUnicodeUTF32Format:}
712                                         { - An array of UTF16Char (UniChar) or UTF32Char is normally understood to use "internal" or}
713                                         { platform-native byte ordering for kUnicodeUTF16Format and kUnicodeUTF32Format; the array MAY}
714                                         { begin with byte-order mark (BOM), but the BOM should match the internal ordering.}
715                                         { - If an array of bytes (such as char *) that can be in various encodings is specified to be}
716                                         { in Unicode with kUnicodeUTF16Format or kUnicodeUTF32Format (not explicitly BE or LE), then it}
717                                         { is assumed to use "external" byte ordering, which means: If there is a BOM at the beginning}
718                                         { of text, the BOM specifies the byte ordering, otherwise big-endian is assumed.}
719                                         { Synonyms for some Unicode formats}
720 	kUnicode16BitFormat = 0;
721 	kUnicode32BitFormat = 3;
723 { TextEncoding type }
724 type
725 	TextEncoding = UInt32;
726 	TextEncoding_fix = TextEncoding;  { used as field type when a record declaration contains a TextEncoding field identifier }
727 	TextEncodingPtr = ^TextEncoding; { when a VAR xx: TextEncoding parameter can be nil, it is changed to xx: TextEncodingPtr }
728 { name part selector for GetTextEncodingName}
729 type
730 	TextEncodingNameSelector = UInt32;
731 const
732 	kTextEncodingFullName = 0;
733 	kTextEncodingBaseName = 1;
734 	kTextEncodingVariantName = 2;
735 	kTextEncodingFormatName = 3;
737 { Types used in conversion }
738 type
739 	TextEncodingRun = record
740 		offset: ByteOffset;
741 		textEncoding: TextEncoding_fix;
742 	end;
743 	TextEncodingRunPtr = ^TextEncodingRun;
744 type
745 	ConstTextEncodingRunPtr = {const} TextEncodingRunPtr;
746 	ScriptCodeRun = record
747 		offset: ByteOffset;
748 		script: ScriptCode;
749 	end;
750 	ScriptCodeRunPtr = ^ScriptCodeRun;
751 type
752 	ConstScriptCodeRunPtr = {const} ScriptCodeRunPtr;
753 	TextPtr = UInt8Ptr;
754 	ConstTextPtr = {const} UInt8Ptr;
755 { Basic types for Unicode characters and strings:}
756 type
757 	UniCharArrayPtr = UniCharPtr;
758 	ConstUniCharArrayPtr = {const} UniCharPtr;
759 {
760    UniCharArrayHandle is a handle type to correspond to UniCharArrayPtr,
761    i.e. a handle to an array of UniChars (UInt16s).
762 }
763 type
764 	UniCharArrayHandle = ^UniCharArrayPtr;
765 {
766    UniCharArrayOffset is used to indicate an edge offset in an array
767    of UniChars (UInt16s).
768 }
769 type
770 	UniCharArrayOffset = UNSIGNEDLONG;
771 	UniCharArrayOffsetPtr = ^UniCharArrayOffset;
772 { enums for TextEncoding Conversion routines}
773 const
774 	kTextScriptDontCare = -128;
775 	kTextLanguageDontCare = -128;
776 	kTextRegionDontCare = -128;
778 { struct for TECGetInfo}
780 type
781 	TECInfo = record
782 		format: UInt16;                 { format code for this struct}
783 		tecVersion: UInt16;             { TEC version in BCD, e.g. 0x0121 for 1.2.1}
784 		tecTextConverterFeatures: UInt32; { bitmask indicating TEC features/fixes}
785 		tecUnicodeConverterFeatures: UInt32; { bitmask indicating UnicodeConverter features/fixes}
786 		tecTextCommonFeatures: UInt32;  { bitmask indicating TextCommon features/fixes}
787 		tecTextEncodingsFolderName: Str31; { localized name of Text Encodings folder (pascal string)}
788 		tecExtensionFileName: Str31;   { localized name of TEC extension (pascal string)}
789 		tecLowestTEFileVersion: UInt16; { Lowest version (BCD) of all files in Text Encodings folder}
790 		tecHighestTEFileVersion: UInt16; { Highest version (BCD) of all files in Text Encodings folder}
791 	end;
792 	TECInfoPtr = ^TECInfo;
793 type
794 	TECInfoHandle = ^TECInfoPtr;
795 { Value for TECInfo format code}
796 const
797 	kTECInfoCurrentFormat = 2;     { any future formats will just add fields at the end}
799 {
800    Defined feature/fix bits for tecUnicodeConverterFeatures field
801    Bit:                             Meaning if set:
802    ----                             ---------------
803    kTECKeepInfoFixBit               Unicode Converter no longer ignores other control flags if
804                                     kUnicodeKeepInfoBit is set. Bug fix in TEC Manager 1.2.1.
805    kTECFallbackTextLengthFixBit     Unicode Converter honors the *srcConvLen and *destConvLen
806                                     returned by caller-supplied fallback handler for any status it
807                                     returns except for kTECUnmappableElementErr (previously it only
808                                     honored these values if noErr was returned). Bug fix in TEC
809                                     Manager 1.2.1.
810    kTECTextRunBitClearFixBit        ConvertFromUnicodeToTextRun & ConvertFromUnicodeToScriptCodeRun
811                                     function correctly if the kUnicodeTextRunBit is set (previously
812                                     their determination of best target encoding was incorrect). Bug
813                                     fix in TEC Manager 1.3.
814    kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixBit      ConvertFromTextToUnicode uses an improved scanner and maintains
815                                     some resulting state information, which it uses for mapping.
816                                     This has several effects:
817                                     - Improved mapping of 0x30-0x39 digits in Mac OS Arabic, fewer
818                                       direction overrides when mapping Mac OS Arabic & Hebrew, and
819                                       improved mapping of certain characters in Indic encodings.
820                                     - Malformed input produces kTextMalformedInputErr.
821                                     - ConvertFromTextToUnicode accepts and uses the control flags
822                                       kUnicodeKeepInfoMask and kUnicodeStringUnterminatedMask.
823                                     Bug fix and enhancement in TEC Manager 1.3.
824    kTECAddForceASCIIChangesBit      Define new control flag bits kUnicodeForceASCIIRangeBit and
825                                     kUnicodeNoHalfwidthCharsBit for use with
826                                     ConvertFromTextToUnicode, ConvertFromUnicodeToText, etc.
827                                     Enhancement in TEC Manager 1.4.
828    kTECPreferredEncodingFixBit      CreateUnicodeToTextRunInfo and related functions fix a problem
829                                     that occurred when a preferred encoding was specified that did
830                                     not match the System script; the preferred script was not
831                                     actually placed first in the ordered list of encodings to use.
832                                     Bug fix in TEC Manager 1.4.
833    kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsBit      Define new control flag bit kUnicodeTextRunHeuristicsBit for
834                                     use with ConvertFromUnicodeToTextRun.
835    kTECAddFallbackInterruptBit      Define new option kUnicodeFallbackInterruptSafeMask for use
836                                     with SetFallbackUnicodeToText. If a client fallback handler is
837                                     installed without specifying this bit, ConvertFromUnicodeToText
838                                     will HLock the tables it uses (in case the fallback handler
839                                     moves memory); otherwise, it won't.
840 }
842 const
843 	kTECKeepInfoFixBit = 0;
844 	kTECFallbackTextLengthFixBit = 1;
845 	kTECTextRunBitClearFixBit = 2;
846 	kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixBit = 3;
847 	kTECAddForceASCIIChangesBit = 4;
848 	kTECPreferredEncodingFixBit = 5;
849 	kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsBit = 6;
850 	kTECAddFallbackInterruptBit = 7;
852 const
853 	kTECKeepInfoFixMask = 1 shl kTECKeepInfoFixBit;
854 	kTECFallbackTextLengthFixMask = 1 shl kTECFallbackTextLengthFixBit;
855 	kTECTextRunBitClearFixMask = 1 shl kTECTextRunBitClearFixBit;
856 	kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixMask = 1 shl kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixBit;
857 	kTECAddForceASCIIChangesMask = 1 shl kTECAddForceASCIIChangesBit;
858 	kTECPreferredEncodingFixMask = 1 shl kTECPreferredEncodingFixBit;
859 	kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsMask = 1 shl kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsBit;
860 	kTECAddFallbackInterruptMask = 1 shl kTECAddFallbackInterruptBit;
862 {
863    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
864    CONSTANTS for common and special Unicode code values
865    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
866 }
868 const
869 	kUnicodeByteOrderMark = $FEFF;
870 	kUnicodeObjectReplacement = $FFFC; { placeholder for non-text object}
871 	kUnicodeReplacementChar = $FFFD; { Unicode replacement for unconvertable input char}
872 	kUnicodeSwappedByteOrderMark = $FFFE; { not a Unicode char; byte-swapped version of FEFF}
873 	kUnicodeNotAChar = $FFFF; { not a Unicode char; may be used as a terminator}
876 {
877    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
878    CONSTANTS & DATA STRUCTURES for Unicode Properties
879    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
880 }
882 type
883 	UCCharPropertyType = SInt32;
884 const
885 	kUCCharPropTypeGenlCategory = 1;    { requests enumeration value}
886 	kUCCharPropTypeCombiningClass = 2;    { requests numeric value 0..255}
887 	kUCCharPropTypeBidiCategory = 3;    { requests enumeration value}
888 	kUCCharPropTypeDecimalDigitValue = 4;  { requests numeric value 0..9 for decimal digit chars (get err for others)}
890 type
891 	UCCharPropertyValue = UInt32;
892 { General Category enumeration values (requested by kUCCharPropTypeGenlCategory)}
893 const
894 { Normative categories:}
895 	kUCGenlCatOtherNotAssigned = 0;    { Cn Other, Not Assigned}
896 	kUCGenlCatOtherControl = 1;    { Cc Other, Control}
897 	kUCGenlCatOtherFormat = 2;    { Cf Other, Format}
898 	kUCGenlCatOtherSurrogate = 3;    { Cs Other, Surrogate}
899 	kUCGenlCatOtherPrivateUse = 4;    { Co Other, Private Use}
900 	kUCGenlCatMarkNonSpacing = 5;    { Mn Mark, Non-Spacing}
901 	kUCGenlCatMarkSpacingCombining = 6;   { Mc Mark, Spacing Combining}
902 	kUCGenlCatMarkEnclosing = 7;    { Me Mark, Enclosing}
903 	kUCGenlCatNumberDecimalDigit = 8;    { Nd Number, Decimal Digit}
904 	kUCGenlCatNumberLetter = 9;    { Nl Number, Letter}
905 	kUCGenlCatNumberOther = 10;   { No Number, Other}
906 	kUCGenlCatSeparatorSpace = 11;   { Zs Separator, Space}
907 	kUCGenlCatSeparatorLine = 12;   { Zl Separator, Line}
908 	kUCGenlCatSeparatorParagraph = 13;   { Zp Separator, Paragraph}
909 	kUCGenlCatLetterUppercase = 14;   { Lu Letter, Uppercase}
910 	kUCGenlCatLetterLowercase = 15;   { Ll Letter, Lowercase}
911 	kUCGenlCatLetterTitlecase = 16;   { Lt Letter, Titlecase}
912                                         { Informative categories:}
913 	kUCGenlCatLetterModifier = 17;   { Lm Letter, Modifier}
914 	kUCGenlCatLetterOther = 18;   { Lo Letter, Other}
915 	kUCGenlCatPunctConnector = 20;   { Pc Punctuation, Connector}
916 	kUCGenlCatPunctDash = 21;   { Pd Punctuation, Dash}
917 	kUCGenlCatPunctOpen = 22;   { Ps Punctuation, Open}
918 	kUCGenlCatPunctClose = 23;   { Pe Punctuation, Close}
919 	kUCGenlCatPunctInitialQuote = 24;   { Pi Punctuation, Initial quote}
920 	kUCGenlCatPunctFinalQuote = 25;   { Pf Punctuation, Final quote}
921 	kUCGenlCatPunctOther = 26;   { Po Punctuation, Other}
922 	kUCGenlCatSymbolMath = 28;   { Sm Symbol, Math}
923 	kUCGenlCatSymbolCurrency = 29;   { Sc Symbol, Currency}
924 	kUCGenlCatSymbolModifier = 30;   { Sk Symbol, Modifier}
925 	kUCGenlCatSymbolOther = 31;    { So Symbol, Other}
927 { Bidirectional Category enumeration values (requested by kUCCharPropTypeBidiCategory)}
928 const
929 	kUCBidiCatNotApplicable = 0;    { for now use this for unassigned}
930                                         { Strong types:}
931 	kUCBidiCatLeftRight = 1;    { L  Left-to-Right}
932 	kUCBidiCatRightLeft = 2;    { R  Right-to-Left}
933                                         { Weak types:}
934 	kUCBidiCatEuroNumber = 3;    { EN European Number}
935 	kUCBidiCatEuroNumberSeparator = 4;    { ES European Number Separator}
936 	kUCBidiCatEuroNumberTerminator = 5;   { ET European Number Terminator}
937 	kUCBidiCatArabicNumber = 6;    { AN Arabic Number}
938 	kUCBidiCatCommonNumberSeparator = 7;  { CS Common Number Separator}
939                                         { Separators:}
940 	kUCBidiCatBlockSeparator = 8;    { B  Paragraph Separator (was Block Separator)}
941 	kUCBidiCatSegmentSeparator = 9;    { S  Segment Separator}
942                                         { Neutrals:}
943 	kUCBidiCatWhitespace = 10;   { WS Whitespace}
944 	kUCBidiCatOtherNeutral = 11;   { ON Other Neutrals (unassigned codes could use this)}
945                                         { New categories for Unicode 3.0}
946 	kUCBidiCatRightLeftArabic = 12;   { AL Right-to-Left Arabic (was Arabic Letter)}
947 	kUCBidiCatLeftRightEmbedding = 13;   { LRE    Left-to-Right Embedding}
948 	kUCBidiCatRightLeftEmbedding = 14;   { RLE    Right-to-Left Embedding}
949 	kUCBidiCatLeftRightOverride = 15;   { LRO    Left-to-Right Override}
950 	kUCBidiCatRightLeftOverride = 16;   { RLO    Right-to-Left Override}
951 	kUCBidiCatPopDirectionalFormat = 17;  { PDF    Pop Directional Format}
952 	kUCBidiCatNonSpacingMark = 18;   { NSM    Non-Spacing Mark}
953 	kUCBidiCatBoundaryNeutral = 19;    { BN Boundary Neutral}
954                                         { New categories for Unicode 6.3}
955 	kUCBidiCatLeftRightIsolate = 20;   { LRI    Left-to-Right Isolate}
956 	kUCBidiCatRightLeftIsolate = 21;   { RLI    Right-to-Left Isolate}
957 	kUCBidiCatFirstStrongIsolate = 22;   { FSI    First Strong Isolate}
958 	kUCBidiCatPopDirectionalIsolate = 23;  { PDI    Pop Directional Isolate}
961 {
962    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
963    Prototypes for TextEncoding functions
964    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
965 }
968 {
969  *  CreateTextEncoding()
970  *
971  *  Availability:
972  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
973  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
974  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
975  }
CreateTextEncodingnull976 function CreateTextEncoding( encodingBase: TextEncodingBase; encodingVariant: TextEncodingVariant; encodingFormat: TextEncodingFormat ): TextEncoding; external name '_CreateTextEncoding';
980 {
981  *  GetTextEncodingBase()
982  *
983  *  Availability:
984  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
985  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
986  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
987  }
GetTextEncodingBasenull988 function GetTextEncodingBase( encoding: TextEncoding ): TextEncodingBase; external name '_GetTextEncodingBase';
992 {
993  *  GetTextEncodingVariant()
994  *
995  *  Availability:
996  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
997  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
998  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
999  }
GetTextEncodingVariantnull1000 function GetTextEncodingVariant( encoding: TextEncoding ): TextEncodingVariant; external name '_GetTextEncodingVariant';
1004 {
1005  *  GetTextEncodingFormat()
1006  *
1007  *  Availability:
1008  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1009  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1010  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
1011  }
GetTextEncodingFormatnull1012 function GetTextEncodingFormat( encoding: TextEncoding ): TextEncodingFormat; external name '_GetTextEncodingFormat';
1016 {
1017  *  ResolveDefaultTextEncoding()
1018  *
1019  *  Availability:
1020  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1021  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1022  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
1023  }
ResolveDefaultTextEncodingnull1024 function ResolveDefaultTextEncoding( encoding: TextEncoding ): TextEncoding; external name '_ResolveDefaultTextEncoding';
1028 {
1029  *  GetTextEncodingName()
1030  *
1031  *  Availability:
1032  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1033  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1034  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
1035  }
GetTextEncodingNamenull1036 function GetTextEncodingName( iEncoding: TextEncoding; iNamePartSelector: TextEncodingNameSelector; iPreferredRegion: RegionCode; iPreferredEncoding: TextEncoding; iOutputBufLen: ByteCount; var oNameLength: ByteCount; oActualRegion: RegionCodePtr { can be NULL }; oActualEncoding: TextEncodingPtr { can be NULL }; oEncodingName: TextPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_GetTextEncodingName';
1040 {
1041  *  TECGetInfo()
1042  *
1043  *  Availability:
1044  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1045  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1046  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.2.1 and later
1047  }
TECGetInfonull1048 function TECGetInfo( var tecInfo: TECInfoHandle ): OSStatus; external name '_TECGetInfo';
1052 {
1053  *  UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding()
1054  *
1055  *  Availability:
1056  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1057  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1058  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
1059  }
UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncodingnull1060 function UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding( iTextScriptID: ScriptCode; iTextLanguageID: LangCode; iRegionID: RegionCode; iTextFontname: StringPtr; var oEncoding: TextEncoding ): OSStatus; external name '_UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding';
1064 {
1065  *  RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo()
1066  *
1067  *  Availability:
1068  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1069  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1070  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.1 and later
1071  }
RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfonull1072 function RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo( iEncoding: TextEncoding; var oTextScriptID: ScriptCode; oTextLanguageID: LangCodePtr { can be NULL }; oTextFontname: StringPtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo';
1076 {
1077  *  GetTextEncodingFromScriptInfo()
1078  *
1079  *  Summary:
1080  *    Converts any combination of a Mac OS script code, a language
1081  *    code, and a region code to a text encoding.
1082  *
1083  *  Discussion:
1084  *    This function is almost identical to
1085  *    UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding except it doesn't take a font
1086  *    name and it is available in CoreServices.
1087  *
1088  *  Parameters:
1089  *
1090  *    iTextScriptID:
1091  *      A valid Script Manager script code. The Mac OS Script Manager
1092  *      defines constants for script codes using this format: smXxx. To
1093  *      designate the system script, specify the meta-value of
1094  *      smSystemScript. To indicate that you do not want to provide a
1095  *      script code for this parameter, specify the constant
1096  *      kTextScriptDontCare.
1097  *
1098  *    iTextLanguageID:
1099  *      A valid Script Manager language code. The Mac OS Script Manager
1100  *      defines constants for language codes using this format:
1101  *      langXxx. To indicate that you do not want to provide a language
1102  *      code for this parameter, specify the constant
1103  *      kTextLanguageDontCare.
1104  *
1105  *    iTextRegionID:
1106  *      A valid Script Manager region code. The Mac OS Script Manager
1107  *      defines constants for region codes using this format: verXxx.
1108  *      To indicate that you do not want to provide a region code for
1109  *      this parameter, specify the constant kTextRegionDontCare.
1110  *
1111  *    oEncoding:
1112  *      A pointer to a value of type TextEncoding. On return, this
1113  *      value holds the text encoding specification that the function
1114  *      created from the other values you provided.
1115  *
1116  *  Availability:
1117  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
1118  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
1119  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
1120  }
GetTextEncodingFromScriptInfonull1121 function GetTextEncodingFromScriptInfo( iTextScriptID: ScriptCode; iTextLanguageID: LangCode; iTextRegionID: RegionCode; var oEncoding: TextEncoding ): OSStatus; external name '_GetTextEncodingFromScriptInfo';
1125 {
1126  *  GetScriptInfoFromTextEncoding()
1127  *
1128  *  Summary:
1129  *    Converts the given Mac OS text encoding specification to the
1130  *    corresponding script code and, if possible, language code.
1131  *
1132  *  Discussion:
1133  *    This function is almost identical to
1134  *    RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo except it doesn't return a font
1135  *    name and it is available in CoreServices.
1136  *
1137  *  Parameters:
1138  *
1139  *    iEncoding:
1140  *      The text encoding specification to be converted.
1141  *
1142  *    oTextScriptID:
1143  *      A pointer to a value of type ScriptCode. On return, a Mac OS
1144  *      script code that corresponds to the text encoding specification
1145  *      you identified in the iEncoding parameter. If you do not pass a
1146  *      pointer for this parameter, the function returns a paramErr
1147  *      result code.
1148  *
1149  *    oTextLanguageID:
1150  *      A pointer to a value of type LangCode. On input, if you do not
1151  *      want the function to return the language code, specify NULL as
1152  *      the value of this parameter. On return, the appropriate
1153  *      language code, if the language can be unambiguously derived
1154  *      from the text encoding specification, for example, Japanese,
1155  *      and you did not set the parameter to NULL. If you do not
1156  *      specify NULL on input and the language is ambiguous�that is,
1157  *      the function cannot accurately derive it from the text encoding
1158  *      specification�the function returns a value of
1159  *      kTextLanguageDontCare.
1160  *
1161  *  Availability:
1162  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.2 and later in CoreServices.framework
1163  *    CarbonLib:        not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.2 and later
1164  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
1165  }
GetScriptInfoFromTextEncodingnull1166 function GetScriptInfoFromTextEncoding( iEncoding: TextEncoding; var oTextScriptID: ScriptCode; oTextLanguageID: LangCodePtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_GetScriptInfoFromTextEncoding';
1170 {
1171  *  NearestMacTextEncodings()
1172  *
1173  *  Availability:
1174  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1175  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1176  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.5 and later
1177  }
NearestMacTextEncodingsnull1178 function NearestMacTextEncodings( generalEncoding: TextEncoding; var bestMacEncoding: TextEncoding; var alternateMacEncoding: TextEncoding ): OSStatus; external name '_NearestMacTextEncodings';
1182 {
1183  *  UCGetCharProperty()
1184  *
1185  *  Availability:
1186  *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.0 and later in CoreServices.framework
1187  *    CarbonLib:        in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
1188  *    Non-Carbon CFM:   in TextCommon 1.5 and later
1189  }
UCGetCharPropertynull1190 function UCGetCharProperty( charPtr: ConstUniCharPtr; textLength: UniCharCount; propType: UCCharPropertyType; var propValue: UCCharPropertyValue ): OSStatus; external name '_UCGetCharProperty';
1194 {
1195    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1196    Surrogate pair utilities
1197    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1198 }
1201 // surrogate ranges
1202 const
1203 	kUCHighSurrogateRangeStart = $D800;
1204 	kUCHighSurrogateRangeEnd = $DBFF;
1205 	kUCLowSurrogateRangeStart = $DC00;
1206 	kUCLowSurrogateRangeEnd = $DFFF;
1208 {$endc} {TARGET_OS_MAC}
1209 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
1211 end.
1212 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}