1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <copyright file="ExpressionConverter.cs" company="Microsoft">
3 //      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4 // </copyright>
5 //
6 // @owner  Microsoft
7 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
9 namespace System.Data.Objects.ELinq
10 {
11     using System.Collections;
12     using System.Collections.Generic;
13     using System.Data.Common;
14     using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees;
15     using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder;
16     using System.Data.Common.EntitySql;
17     using System.Data.Common.Utils;
18     using System.Data.Entity;
19     using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
20     using System.Diagnostics;
21     using System.Globalization;
22     using System.Linq;
23     using System.Linq.Expressions;
24     using System.Reflection;
25     using System.Text;
27     /// <summary>
28     /// Class supporting conversion of LINQ expressions to EDM CQT expressions.
29     /// </summary>
30     internal sealed partial class ExpressionConverter
31     {
32         #region Fields
33         private readonly Funcletizer _funcletizer;
34         private readonly Perspective _perspective;
35         private readonly Expression _expression;
36         private readonly BindingContext _bindingContext;
37         private Func<bool> _recompileRequired;
38         private List<KeyValuePair<ObjectParameter, QueryParameterExpression>> _parameters;
39         private Dictionary<DbExpression, Span> _spanMappings;
40         private MergeOption? _mergeOption;
41         private Dictionary<Type, InitializerMetadata> _initializers;
42         private Span _span;
43         private HashSet<ObjectQuery> _inlineEntitySqlQueries;
44         private int _ignoreInclude;
45         private readonly AliasGenerator _aliasGenerator = new AliasGenerator("LQ", 0);
46         private readonly OrderByLifter _orderByLifter;
48         #region Consts
49         private const string s_visualBasicAssemblyFullName =
50             "Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
51         private static readonly Dictionary<ExpressionType, Translator> s_translators = InitializeTranslators();
53         internal const string s_entityCollectionCountPropertyName = "Count";
54         internal const string s_nullableHasValuePropertyName = "HasValue";
55         internal const string s_nullableValuePropertyName = "Value";
57         /// <summary>
58         /// Gets the name of the key column appearing in ELinq GroupBy projections
59         /// </summary>
60         internal const string KeyColumnName = "Key";
62         /// <summary>
63         /// Gets the name of the group column appearing in ELinq CQTs (used in GroupBy expressions)
64         /// </summary>
65         internal const string GroupColumnName = "Group";
67         /// <summary>
68         /// Gets the name of the parent column appearing in ELinq EntityCollection projections
69         /// </summary>
70         internal const string EntityCollectionOwnerColumnName = "Owner";
72         /// <summary>
73         /// Gets the name of the children column appearing in ELinq EntityCollection projections
74         /// </summary>
75         internal const string EntityCollectionElementsColumnName = "Elements";
77         /// <summary>
78         /// The Edm namespace name, used for canonical functions
79         /// </summary>
80         internal const string EdmNamespaceName = "Edm";
81         #endregion
83         #region Canonical Function Names
84         private const string Concat = "Concat";
85         private const string IndexOf = "IndexOf";
86         private const string Length = "Length";
87         private const string Right = "Right";
88         private const string Substring = "Substring";
89         private const string ToUpper = "ToUpper";
90         private const string ToLower = "ToLower";
91         private const string Trim = "Trim";
92         private const string LTrim = "LTrim";
93         private const string RTrim = "RTrim";
94         private const string Reverse = "Reverse";
95         private const string BitwiseAnd = "BitwiseAnd";
96         private const string BitwiseOr = "BitwiseOr";
97         private const string BitwiseNot = "BitwiseNot";
98         private const string BitwiseXor = "BitwiseXor";
99         private const string CurrentUtcDateTime = "CurrentUtcDateTime";
100         private const string CurrentDateTimeOffset = "CurrentDateTimeOffset";
101         private const string CurrentDateTime = "CurrentDateTime";
102         private const string Year = "Year";
103         private const string Month = "Month";
104         private const string Day = "Day";
105         private const string Hour = "Hour";
106         private const string Minute = "Minute";
107         private const string Second = "Second";
108         private const string Millisecond = "Millisecond";
109         #endregion
111         #region Additional Entity function names
112         private const string AsUnicode = "AsUnicode";
113         private const string AsNonUnicode = "AsNonUnicode";
114         #endregion
115         #endregion
117         #region Constructors and static initializors
ExpressionConverter(Funcletizer funcletizer, Expression expression)118         internal ExpressionConverter(Funcletizer funcletizer, Expression expression)
119         {
120             EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(funcletizer, "funcletizer");
121             EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(expression, "expression");
123             // Funcletize the expression (identify subexpressions that should be evaluated
124             // locally)
125             _funcletizer = funcletizer;
126             expression = funcletizer.Funcletize(expression, out _recompileRequired);
128             // Normalize the expression (replace obfuscated parts of the tree with simpler nodes)
129             LinqExpressionNormalizer normalizer = new LinqExpressionNormalizer();
130             _expression = normalizer.Visit(expression);
132             _perspective = funcletizer.RootContext.Perspective;
133             _bindingContext = new BindingContext();
134             _ignoreInclude = 0;
135             _orderByLifter = new OrderByLifter(_aliasGenerator);
136         }
138         // initialize translator dictionary (which support identification of translators
139         // for LINQ expression node types)
InitializeTranslators()140         private static Dictionary<ExpressionType, Translator> InitializeTranslators()
141         {
142             Dictionary<ExpressionType, Translator> translators = new Dictionary<ExpressionType, Translator>();
143             foreach (Translator translator in GetTranslators())
144             {
145                 foreach (ExpressionType nodeType in translator.NodeTypes)
146                 {
147                     translators.Add(nodeType, translator);
148                 }
149             }
151             return translators;
152         }
GetTranslators()154         private static IEnumerable<Translator> GetTranslators()
155         {
156             yield return new AndAlsoTranslator();
157             yield return new OrElseTranslator();
158             yield return new LessThanTranslator();
159             yield return new LessThanOrEqualsTranslator();
160             yield return new GreaterThanTranslator();
161             yield return new GreaterThanOrEqualsTranslator();
162             yield return new EqualsTranslator();
163             yield return new NotEqualsTranslator();
164             yield return new ConvertTranslator();
165             yield return new ConstantTranslator();
166             yield return new NotTranslator();
167             yield return new MemberAccessTranslator();
168             yield return new ParameterTranslator();
169             yield return new MemberInitTranslator();
170             yield return new NewTranslator();
171             yield return new AddTranslator();
172             yield return new ConditionalTranslator();
173             yield return new DivideTranslator();
174             yield return new ModuloTranslator();
175             yield return new SubtractTranslator();
176             yield return new MultiplyTranslator();
177             yield return new NegateTranslator();
178             yield return new UnaryPlusTranslator();
179             yield return new MethodCallTranslator();
180             yield return new CoalesceTranslator();
181             yield return new AsTranslator();
182             yield return new IsTranslator();
183             yield return new QuoteTranslator();
184             yield return new AndTranslator();
185             yield return new OrTranslator();
186             yield return new ExclusiveOrTranslator();
187             yield return new ExtensionTranslator();
188             yield return new NewArrayInitTranslator();
189             yield return new ListInitTranslator();
190             yield return new NotSupportedTranslator(
191                 ExpressionType.LeftShift,
192                 ExpressionType.RightShift,
193                 ExpressionType.ArrayLength,
194                 ExpressionType.ArrayIndex,
195                 ExpressionType.Invoke,
196                 ExpressionType.Lambda,
197                 ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds,
198                 ExpressionType.Power);
199         }
200         #endregion
202         #region Properties
203         private EdmItemCollection EdmItemCollection
204         {
205             get
206             {
207                 return (EdmItemCollection)_funcletizer.RootContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.CSpace, true);
208             }
209         }
210         internal DbProviderManifest ProviderManifest
211         {
212             get
213             {
214                 return ((StoreItemCollection)_funcletizer.RootContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.SSpace)).StoreProviderManifest;
215             }
216         }
GetParameters()217         internal System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<ObjectParameter, QueryParameterExpression>> GetParameters()
218         {
219             if (null != _parameters) { return _parameters.AsReadOnly(); }
220             return null;
221         }
222         internal MergeOption? PropagatedMergeOption { get { return _mergeOption; } }
223         internal Span PropagatedSpan { get { return _span; } }
224         internal Func<bool> RecompileRequired { get { return _recompileRequired; } }
225         internal int IgnoreInclude { get { return _ignoreInclude; } set { _ignoreInclude = value; } }
226         internal AliasGenerator AliasGenerator { get { return _aliasGenerator; } }
227         #endregion
229         #region Internal methods
230         // Convert the LINQ expression to a CQT expression and (optional) Span information.
231         // Span information will only be present if ObjectQuery instances that specify Spans
232         // are referenced from the LINQ expression in a manner consistent with the Span combination
233         // rules, otherwise the Span for the CQT expression will be null.
Convert()234         internal DbExpression Convert()
235         {
236             DbExpression result = this.TranslateExpression(_expression);
237             if (!TryGetSpan(result, out _span))
238             {
239                 _span = null;
240             }
241             return result;
242         }
CanFuncletizePropertyInfo(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)244         internal static bool CanFuncletizePropertyInfo(PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
245         {
246             return MemberAccessTranslator.CanFuncletizePropertyInfo(propertyInfo);
247         }
CanIncludeSpanInfo()249         internal bool CanIncludeSpanInfo()
250         {
251             return (_ignoreInclude == 0);
252         }
253         #endregion
255         #region Private Methods
NotifyMergeOption(MergeOption mergeOption)257         private void NotifyMergeOption(MergeOption mergeOption)
258         {
259             if (!this._mergeOption.HasValue)
260             {
261                 this._mergeOption = mergeOption;
262             }
263         }
265         // Requires: metadata must not be null.
266         //
267         // Effects: adds initializer metadata to this query context.
268         //
269         // Ensures that the given initializer metadata is valid within the current converter context.
270         // We do not allow two incompatible structures representing the same type within a query, e.g.,
271         //
272         //      outer.Join(inner, o => new Foo { X = o.ID }, i => new Foo { Y = i.ID }, ...
273         //
274         // since this introduces a discrepancy between the CLR (where comparisons between Foo are aware
275         // of both X and Y) and in ELinq (where comparisons are based on the row structure only), resulting
276         // in the following join predicates:
277         //
278         //      Linq: foo1 == foo2 (which presumably amounts to foo1.X == foo2.X && foo1.Y == foo2.Y
279         //      ELinq: foo1.X == foo2.Y
280         //
281         // Similar problems occur with set operations such as Union and Concat, where one of the initialization
282         // patterns may be ignored.
283         //
284         // This method performs an overly strict check, requiring that all initializers for a given type
285         // are structurally equivalent.
286         [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2301", Justification = "metadata.ClrType is not expected to be an Embedded Interop Type.")]
ValidateInitializerMetadata(InitializerMetadata metadata)287         internal void ValidateInitializerMetadata(InitializerMetadata metadata)
288         {
289             Debug.Assert(null != metadata);
290             InitializerMetadata existingMetadata;
291             if (_initializers != null && _initializers.TryGetValue(metadata.ClrType, out existingMetadata))
292             {
293                 // Verify the initializers are compatible.
294                 if (!metadata.Equals(existingMetadata))
295                 {
296                     throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedHeterogeneousInitializers(
297                         ExpressionConverter.DescribeClrType(metadata.ClrType)));
298                 }
299             }
300             else
301             {
302                 // Register the metadata so that subsequent initializers for this type can be verified.
303                 if (_initializers == null)
304                 {
305                     _initializers = new Dictionary<Type, InitializerMetadata>();
306                 }
307                 _initializers.Add(metadata.ClrType, metadata);
308             }
309         }
AddParameter(QueryParameterExpression queryParameter)311         private void AddParameter(QueryParameterExpression queryParameter)
312         {
313             if (null == _parameters)
314             {
315                 _parameters = new List<KeyValuePair<ObjectParameter, QueryParameterExpression>>();
316             }
317             if (!_parameters.Select(p => p.Value).Contains(queryParameter))
318             {
319                 ObjectParameter parameter = new ObjectParameter(queryParameter.ParameterReference.ParameterName, queryParameter.Type);
320                 _parameters.Add(new KeyValuePair<ObjectParameter, QueryParameterExpression>(parameter, queryParameter));
321             }
322         }
IsQueryRoot(Expression Expression)324         private bool IsQueryRoot(Expression Expression)
325         {
326             //
327             // An expression is the query root if it was the expression used
328             // when constructing this converter.
329             //
330             return object.ReferenceEquals(_expression, Expression);
331         }
333         #region Span Mapping maintenance methods
335         /// <summary>
336         /// Adds a new mapping from DbExpression => Span information for the specified expression,
337         /// after first ensuring that the mapping dictionary has been instantiated.
338         /// </summary>
339         /// <param name="expression">The expression for which Span information should be added</param>
340         /// <param name="span">
341         ///     The Span information, which may be <c>null</c>.
342         ///     If <c>null</c>, no attempt is made to update the dictionary of span mappings.
343         /// </param>
344         /// <returns>The original <paramref name="expression"/> argument, to allow <c>return AddSpanMapping(expression, span)</c> scenarios</returns>
AddSpanMapping(DbExpression expression, Span span)345         private DbExpression AddSpanMapping(DbExpression expression, Span span)
346         {
347             if (span != null && this.CanIncludeSpanInfo())
348             {
349                 if (null == _spanMappings)
350                 {
351                     _spanMappings = new Dictionary<DbExpression, Span>();
352                 }
353                 Span storedSpan = null;
354                 if (_spanMappings.TryGetValue(expression, out storedSpan))
355                 {
356                     foreach (Span.SpanPath sp in span.SpanList)
357                     {
358                         storedSpan.AddSpanPath(sp);
359                     }
360                     _spanMappings[expression] = storedSpan;
361                 }
362                 else
363                 {
364                     _spanMappings[expression] = span;
365                 }
366             }
368             return expression;
369         }
371         /// <summary>
372         /// Attempts to retrieve Span information for the specified DbExpression.
373         /// </summary>
374         /// <param name="expression">The expression for which Span information should be retrieved.</param>
375         /// <param name="span">Will contain the Span information for the specified expression if it is present in the Span mapping dictionary.</param>
376         /// <returns><c>true</c> if Span information was retrieved for the specified expression and <paramref name="span"/> now contains this information; otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
TryGetSpan(DbExpression expression, out Span span)377         private bool TryGetSpan(DbExpression expression, out Span span)
378         {
379             if (_spanMappings != null)
380             {
381                 return _spanMappings.TryGetValue(expression, out span);
382             }
384             span = null;
385             return false;
386         }
388         /// <summary>
389         /// Removes the Span mapping entry for the specified <paramref name="from"/> expression,
390         /// and creates a new entry for the specified <paramref name="to"/> expression that maps
391         /// to the <paramref name="from"/> expression's original Span information. If no Span
392         /// information is present for the specified <paramref name="from"/> expression then no
393         /// changes are made to the Span mapping dictionary.
394         /// </summary>
395         /// <param name="from">The expression from which to take Span information</param>
396         /// <param name="to">The expression to which the Span information should be applied</param>
ApplySpanMapping(DbExpression from, DbExpression to)397         private void ApplySpanMapping(DbExpression from, DbExpression to)
398         {
399             Span argumentSpan;
400             if (TryGetSpan(from, out argumentSpan))
401             {
402                 AddSpanMapping(to, argumentSpan);
403             }
404         }
406         /// <summary>
407         /// Unifies the Span information from the specified <paramref name="left"/> and <paramref name="right"/>
408         /// expressions, and applies it to the specified <paramref name="to"/> expression. Unification proceeds
409         /// as follows:
410         /// - If neither <paramref name="left"/> nor <paramref name="right"/> have Span information, no changes are made
411         /// - If one of <paramref name="left"/> or <paramref name="right"/> has Span information, that single Span information
412         ///   entry is removed from the Span mapping dictionary and used to create a new entry that maps from the <paramref name="to"/>
413         ///   expression to the Span information.
414         /// - If both <paramref name="left"/> and <paramref name="right"/> have Span information, both entries are removed
415         ///   from the Span mapping dictionary, a new Span is created that contains the union of the original Spans, and
416         ///   a new entry is added to the dictionary that maps from <paramref name="to"/> expression to this new Span.
417         /// </summary>
418         /// <param name="left">The first expression argument</param>
419         /// <param name="right">The second expression argument</param>
420         /// <param name="to">The result expression</param>
UnifySpanMappings(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, DbExpression to)421         private void UnifySpanMappings(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, DbExpression to)
422         {
423             Span leftSpan = null;
424             Span rightSpan = null;
426             bool hasLeftSpan = TryGetSpan(left, out leftSpan);
427             bool hasRightSpan = TryGetSpan(right, out rightSpan);
428             if (!hasLeftSpan && !hasRightSpan)
429             {
430                 return;
431             }
433             Debug.Assert(leftSpan != null || rightSpan != null, "Span mappings contain null?");
434             AddSpanMapping(to, Span.CopyUnion(leftSpan, rightSpan));
435         }
436         #endregion
438         // The following methods correspond to query builder methods on ObjectQuery
439         // and MUST be called by expression translators (instead of calling the equivalent
440         // CommandTree.CreateXxExpression methods) to ensure that Span information flows
441         // correctly to the root of the Command Tree as it is constructed by converting
442         // the LINQ expression tree. Each method correctly maintains a Span mapping (if required)
443         // for its resulting expression, based on the Span mappings of its argument expression(s).
Distinct(DbExpression argument)445         private DbDistinctExpression Distinct(DbExpression argument)
446         {
447             DbDistinctExpression retExpr = argument.Distinct();
448             ApplySpanMapping(argument, retExpr);
449             return retExpr;
450         }
Except(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)452         private DbExceptExpression Except(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
453         {
454             DbExceptExpression retExpr = left.Except(right);
455             ApplySpanMapping(left, retExpr);
456             return retExpr;
457         }
Filter(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate)459         private DbExpression Filter(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate)
460         {
461             DbExpression retExpr = _orderByLifter.Filter(input, predicate);
462             ApplySpanMapping(input.Expression, retExpr);
463             return retExpr;
464         }
Intersect(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)466         private DbIntersectExpression Intersect(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
467         {
468             DbIntersectExpression retExpr = left.Intersect(right);
469             UnifySpanMappings(left, right, retExpr);
470             return retExpr;
471         }
Limit(DbExpression argument, DbExpression limit)473         private DbExpression Limit(DbExpression argument, DbExpression limit)
474         {
475             DbExpression retExpr = _orderByLifter.Limit(argument, limit);
476             ApplySpanMapping(argument, retExpr);
477             return retExpr;
478         }
OfType(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage ofType)480         private DbExpression OfType(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage ofType)
481         {
482             DbExpression retExpr = _orderByLifter.OfType(argument, ofType);
483             ApplySpanMapping(argument, retExpr);
484             return retExpr;
485         }
Project(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression projection)487         private DbExpression Project(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression projection)
488         {
489             DbExpression retExpr = _orderByLifter.Project(input, projection);
490             // For identity projection only, the Span is preserved
491             if (projection.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.VariableReference &&
492                ((DbVariableReferenceExpression)projection).VariableName.Equals(input.VariableName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
493             {
494                 ApplySpanMapping(input.Expression, retExpr);
495             }
496             return retExpr;
497         }
Sort(DbExpressionBinding input, IList<DbSortClause> keys)499         private DbSortExpression Sort(DbExpressionBinding input, IList<DbSortClause> keys)
500         {
501             DbSortExpression retExpr = input.Sort(keys);
502             ApplySpanMapping(input.Expression, retExpr);
503             return retExpr;
504         }
Skip(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression skipCount)506         private DbExpression Skip(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression skipCount)
507         {
508             DbExpression retExpr = _orderByLifter.Skip(input, skipCount);
509             ApplySpanMapping(input.Expression, retExpr);
510             return retExpr;
511         }
UnionAll(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)513         private DbUnionAllExpression UnionAll(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
514         {
515             DbUnionAllExpression retExpr = left.UnionAll(right);
516             UnifySpanMappings(left, right, retExpr);
517             return retExpr;
518         }
520         /// <summary>
521         /// Gets the target type for a CQT cast operation.
522         /// </summary>
523         /// <returns>Appropriate type usage, or null if this is a "no-op"</returns>
GetCastTargetType(TypeUsage fromType, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType, bool preserveCastForDateTime)524         private TypeUsage GetCastTargetType(TypeUsage fromType, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType, bool preserveCastForDateTime)
525         {
526             // An inlined ObjectQuery or an IOrderedQueryable expression being cast to IQueryable for use in a sequence method is a no-op.
527             if(fromClrType != null &&
528                 fromClrType.IsGenericType && toClrType.IsGenericType &&
529                 (fromClrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ObjectQuery<>) || fromClrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IOrderedQueryable<>)) &&
530                 (toClrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IQueryable<>) || toClrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IOrderedQueryable<>)) &&
531                 fromClrType.GetGenericArguments()[0] == toClrType.GetGenericArguments()[0])
532             {
533                 return null;
534             }
536             // If the types are the same or the fromType is assignable to toType, return null
537             // (indicating no cast is required)
538             TypeUsage toType;
539             if (TryGetValueLayerType(toClrType, out toType) && CanOmitCast(fromType, toType, preserveCastForDateTime))
540             {
541                 return null;
542             }
544             // Check that the cast is supported and adjust the target type as necessary.
545             toType = ValidateAndAdjustCastTypes(toType, fromType, toClrType, fromClrType);
547             return toType;
548         }
550         /// <summary>
551         /// Check that the given cast specification is supported and if necessary adjust target type (for instance
552         /// add precision and scale for Integral -> Decimal casts)
553         /// </summary>
ValidateAndAdjustCastTypes(TypeUsage toType, TypeUsage fromType, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType)554         private static TypeUsage ValidateAndAdjustCastTypes(TypeUsage toType, TypeUsage fromType, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType)
555         {
556             // only support primitives if real casting is involved
557             if (toType == null || !TypeSemantics.IsScalarType(toType) || !TypeSemantics.IsScalarType(fromType))
558             {
559                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedCast(DescribeClrType(fromClrType), DescribeClrType(toClrType)));
560             }
562             PrimitiveTypeKind fromTypeKind = Helper.AsPrimitive(fromType.EdmType).PrimitiveTypeKind;
563             PrimitiveTypeKind toTypeKind = Helper.AsPrimitive(toType.EdmType).PrimitiveTypeKind;
565             if (toTypeKind == PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal)
566             {
567                 // Can't figure out the right precision and scale for decimal, so only accept integer types
568                 switch (fromTypeKind)
569                 {
570                     case PrimitiveTypeKind.Byte:
571                     case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16:
572                     case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32:
573                     case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int64:
574                     case PrimitiveTypeKind.SByte:
575                         // adjust precision and scale to ensure sufficient width
576                         toType = TypeUsage.CreateDecimalTypeUsage((PrimitiveType)toType.EdmType, 19, 0);
577                         break;
578                     default:
579                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedCastToDecimal);
580                 }
581             }
583             return toType;
584         }
586         /// <summary>
587         /// Determines if an instance of fromType can be assigned to an instance of toType using
588         /// CLR semantics. in case of primitive type, it must rely on identity since unboxing primitive requires
589         /// exact match. for nominal types, rely on subtyping.
590         /// </summary>
CanOmitCast(TypeUsage fromType, TypeUsage toType, bool preserveCastForDateTime)591         private static bool CanOmitCast(TypeUsage fromType, TypeUsage toType, bool preserveCastForDateTime)
592         {
593             bool isPrimitiveType = TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(fromType);
595             //SQLBUDT #573573: This is to allow for a workaround on Katmai via explicit casting by the user.
596             // The issue is that SqlServer's type Date maps to Edm.DateTime, same as SqlServer's DateTime and SmallDateTime.
597             // However the conversion is not possible for all values of Date.
599             //Note: we could also call here TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(TypeUsage type, PrimitiveTypeKind primitiveTypeKind),
600             //  but that checks again whether the type is primitive
601             if (isPrimitiveType && preserveCastForDateTime && ((PrimitiveType)fromType.EdmType).PrimitiveTypeKind == PrimitiveTypeKind.DateTime)
602             {
603                 return false;
604             }
606             if (TypeUsageEquals(fromType, toType))
607             {
608                 return true;
609             }
611             if (isPrimitiveType)
612             {
613                 return fromType.EdmType.EdmEquals(toType.EdmType);
614             }
616             return TypeSemantics.IsSubTypeOf(fromType, toType);
617         }
619         /// <summary>
620         /// Gets the target type for an Is or As expression.
621         /// </summary>
622         /// <param name="fromType">Input type in model metadata.</param>
623         /// <param name="toClrType">Test or return type.</param>
624         /// <param name="operationType">Type of operation; used in error reporting.</param>
625         /// <param name="fromClrType">Input type in CLR metadata.</param>
626         /// <returns>Appropriate target type usage.</returns>
GetIsOrAsTargetType(TypeUsage fromType, ExpressionType operationType, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType)627         private TypeUsage GetIsOrAsTargetType(TypeUsage fromType, ExpressionType operationType, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType)
628         {
629             Debug.Assert(operationType == ExpressionType.TypeAs || operationType == ExpressionType.TypeIs);
631             // Interpret all type information
632             TypeUsage toType;
633             if (!this.TryGetValueLayerType(toClrType, out toType) ||
634                 (!TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(toType) &&
635                  !TypeSemantics.IsComplexType(toType)))
636             {
637                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedIsOrAs(operationType,
638                     DescribeClrType(fromClrType), DescribeClrType(toClrType)));
639             }
641             return toType;
642         }
644         // requires: inlineQuery is not null and inlineQuery is Entity-SQL query
645         // effects: interprets the given query as an inline query in the current expression and unites
646         // the current query context with the context for the inline query. If the given query specifies
647         // span information, then an entry is added to the span mapping dictionary from the CQT expression
648         // that is the root of the inline query, to the span information that was present in the inline
649         // query's Span property.
TranslateInlineQueryOfT(ObjectQuery inlineQuery)650         private DbExpression TranslateInlineQueryOfT(ObjectQuery inlineQuery)
651         {
652             if (!object.ReferenceEquals(_funcletizer.RootContext, inlineQuery.QueryState.ObjectContext))
653             {
654                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedDifferentContexts);
655             }
657             // Check if the inline query has been encountered so far. If so, we don't need to
658             // include its parameters again. We do however need to translate it to a new
659             // DbExpression instance since the expressions may be tagged with span information
660             // and we don't want to mistakenly apply the directive to the wrong part of the query.
661             if (null == _inlineEntitySqlQueries)
662             {
663                 _inlineEntitySqlQueries = new HashSet<ObjectQuery>();
664             }
665             bool isNewInlineQuery = _inlineEntitySqlQueries.Add(inlineQuery);
667             // The ObjectQuery should be Entity-SQL-based at this point. All other query types are currently
668             // inlined.
669             EntitySqlQueryState esqlState = (EntitySqlQueryState)inlineQuery.QueryState;
671             // We will produce the translated expression by parsing the Entity-SQL query text.
672             DbExpression resultExpression = null;
674             // If we are not converting a compiled query, or the referenced Entity-SQL ObjectQuery
675             // does not have parameters (and so no parameter references can be in the parsed tree)
676             // then the Entity-SQL can be parsed directly using the conversion command tree.
677             ObjectParameterCollection objectParameters = inlineQuery.QueryState.Parameters;
678             if (!_funcletizer.IsCompiledQuery ||
679                 objectParameters == null ||
680                 objectParameters.Count == 0)
681             {
682                 // Add parameters if they exist and we haven't yet encountered this inline query.
683                 if (isNewInlineQuery && objectParameters != null)
684                 {
685                     // Copy the parameters into the aggregated parameter collection - this will result
686                     // in an exception if any duplicate parameter names are encountered.
687                     if (this._parameters == null)
688                     {
689                         this._parameters = new List<KeyValuePair<ObjectParameter, QueryParameterExpression>>();
690                     }
691                     foreach (ObjectParameter prm in inlineQuery.QueryState.Parameters)
692                     {
693                         this._parameters.Add(new KeyValuePair<ObjectParameter, QueryParameterExpression>(prm.ShallowCopy(), null));
694                     }
695                 }
697                 resultExpression = esqlState.Parse();
698             }
699             else
700             {
701                 // We are converting a compiled query and parameters are present on the referenced ObjectQuery.
702                 // The set of parameters available to a compiled query is fixed (so that adding/removing parameters
703                 // to/from a referenced ObjectQuery does not invalidate the compiled query's execution plan), so the
704                 // referenced ObjectQuery will be fully inlined by replacing each parameter reference with a
705                 // DbConstantExpression containing the value of the referenced parameter.
706                 resultExpression = esqlState.Parse();
707                 resultExpression = ParameterReferenceRemover.RemoveParameterReferences(resultExpression, objectParameters);
708             }
710             return resultExpression;
711         }
713         private class ParameterReferenceRemover : DefaultExpressionVisitor
714         {
RemoveParameterReferences(DbExpression expression, ObjectParameterCollection availableParameters)715             internal static DbExpression RemoveParameterReferences(DbExpression expression, ObjectParameterCollection availableParameters)
716             {
717                 ParameterReferenceRemover remover = new ParameterReferenceRemover(availableParameters);
718                 return remover.VisitExpression(expression);
719             }
721             private readonly ObjectParameterCollection objectParameters;
ParameterReferenceRemover(ObjectParameterCollection availableParams)722             private ParameterReferenceRemover(ObjectParameterCollection availableParams)
723                 : base()
724             {
725                 Debug.Assert(availableParams != null, "Parameter collection cannot be null");
727                 this.objectParameters = availableParams;
728             }
Visit(DbParameterReferenceExpression expression)730             public override DbExpression Visit(DbParameterReferenceExpression expression)
731             {
732                 if (this.objectParameters.Contains(expression.ParameterName))
733                 {
734                     // A DbNullExpression is required for null values; DbConstantExpression otherwise.
735                     ObjectParameter objParam = objectParameters[expression.ParameterName];
736                     if (null == objParam.Value)
737                     {
738                         return DbExpressionBuilder.Null(expression.ResultType);
739                     }
740                     else
741                     {
742                         // This will throw if the value is incompatible with the result type.
743                         return DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(expression.ResultType, objParam.Value);
744                     }
745                 }
746                 return expression;
747             }
748         }
750         // creates a CQT cast expression given the source and target CLR type
CreateCastExpression(DbExpression source, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType)751         private DbExpression CreateCastExpression(DbExpression source, Type toClrType, Type fromClrType)
752         {
753             // see if the source can be normalized as a set
754             DbExpression setSource = NormalizeSetSource(source);
755             if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(source, setSource))
756             {
757                 // if the resulting cast is a no-op (no either kind is supported
758                 // for set sources), yield the source
759                 if (null == GetCastTargetType(setSource.ResultType, toClrType, fromClrType, true))
760                 {
761                     return source;
762                 }
763             }
765             // try to find the appropriate target target for the cast
766             TypeUsage toType = GetCastTargetType(source.ResultType, toClrType, fromClrType, true);
767             if (null == toType)
768             {
769                 // null indicates a no-op cast (from the perspective of the model)
770                 return source;
771             }
773             return source.CastTo(toType);
774         }
776         // Utility translator method for lambda expressions. Given a lambda expression and its translated
777         // inputs, translates the lambda expression, assuming the input is a collection
TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input, out DbExpressionBinding binding)778         private DbExpression TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input, out DbExpressionBinding binding)
779         {
780             input = NormalizeSetSource(input);
782             // create binding context for this lambda expression
783             binding = input.BindAs(_aliasGenerator.Next());
785             return TranslateLambda(lambda, binding.Variable);
786         }
788         // Utility translator method for lambda expressions. Given a lambda expression and its translated
789         // inputs, translates the lambda expression, assuming the input is a collection
TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input, string bindingName, out DbExpressionBinding binding)790         private DbExpression TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input, string bindingName, out DbExpressionBinding binding)
791         {
792             input = NormalizeSetSource(input);
794             // create binding context for this lambda expression
795             binding = input.BindAs(bindingName);
797             return TranslateLambda(lambda, binding.Variable);
798         }
800         // Utility translator method for lambda expressions that are part of group by. Given a lambda expression and its translated
801         // inputs, translates the lambda expression, assuming the input needs to be used as a grouping input
TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input, out DbGroupExpressionBinding binding)802         private DbExpression TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input, out DbGroupExpressionBinding binding)
803         {
804             input = NormalizeSetSource(input);
806             // create binding context for this lambda expression
807             string alias = _aliasGenerator.Next();
808             binding = input.GroupBindAs(alias, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Group{0}", alias));
810             return TranslateLambda(lambda, binding.Variable);
811         }
813         // Utility translator method for lambda expressions. Given a lambda expression and its translated
814         // inputs, translates the lambda expression
TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input)815         private DbExpression TranslateLambda(LambdaExpression lambda, DbExpression input)
816         {
817             Binding scopeBinding = new Binding(lambda.Parameters[0], input);
819             // push the binding scope
820             _bindingContext.PushBindingScope(scopeBinding);
822             // translate expression within this binding scope
823 #if DEBUG
824             int preValue = _ignoreInclude;
825 #endif
826             _ignoreInclude++;
827             DbExpression result = TranslateExpression(lambda.Body);
828             _ignoreInclude--;
829 #if DEBUG
830             Debug.Assert(preValue == _ignoreInclude);
831 #endif
833             // pop binding scope
834             _bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
836             return result;
837         }
839         // effects: unwraps any "structured" set sources such as IGrouping instances
840         // (which acts as both a set and a structure containing a property)
NormalizeSetSource(DbExpression input)841         private DbExpression NormalizeSetSource(DbExpression input)
842         {
843             Debug.Assert(null != input);
845             // If input looks like "select x from (...) as x", rewrite it as "(...)".
846             // If input has span information attached to to it then leave it as is, otherwise
847             // span info will be lost.
848             Span span;
849             if (input.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Project && !TryGetSpan(input, out span))
850             {
851                 var project = (DbProjectExpression)input;
852                 if (project.Projection == project.Input.Variable)
853                 {
854                     input = project.Input.Expression;
855                 }
856             }
858             // determine if the lambda input is an IGrouping or EntityCollection that needs to be unwrapped
859             InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata;
860             if (InitializerMetadata.TryGetInitializerMetadata(input.ResultType, out initializerMetadata))
861             {
862                 if (initializerMetadata.Kind == InitializerMetadataKind.Grouping)
863                 {
864                     // for group by, redirect the binding to the group (rather than the property)
865                     input = input.Property(ExpressionConverter.GroupColumnName);
866                 }
867                 else if (initializerMetadata.Kind == InitializerMetadataKind.EntityCollection)
868                 {
869                     // for entity collection, redirect the binding to the children
870                     input = input.Property(ExpressionConverter.EntityCollectionElementsColumnName);
871                 }
872             }
873             return input;
874         }
876         // Given a method call expression, returns the given lambda argument (unwrapping quote or closure references where
877         // necessary)
GetLambdaExpression(MethodCallExpression callExpression, int argumentOrdinal)878         private LambdaExpression GetLambdaExpression(MethodCallExpression callExpression, int argumentOrdinal)
879         {
880             Expression argument = callExpression.Arguments[argumentOrdinal];
881             return (LambdaExpression)GetLambdaExpression(argument);
882         }
GetLambdaExpression(Expression argument)884         private Expression GetLambdaExpression(Expression argument)
885         {
886             if (ExpressionType.Lambda == argument.NodeType)
887             {
888                 return argument;
889             }
890             else if (ExpressionType.Quote == argument.NodeType)
891             {
892                 return GetLambdaExpression(((UnaryExpression)argument).Operand);
893             }
895             throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.UnexpectedLinqLambdaExpressionFormat);
896         }
898         // Translate a LINQ expression acting as a set input to a CQT expression
TranslateSet(Expression linq)899         private DbExpression TranslateSet(Expression linq)
900         {
901             return NormalizeSetSource(TranslateExpression(linq));
902         }
904         // Translate a LINQ expression to a CQT expression.
TranslateExpression(Expression linq)905         private DbExpression TranslateExpression(Expression linq)
906         {
907             Debug.Assert(null != linq);
909             DbExpression result;
910             if (!_bindingContext.TryGetBoundExpression(linq, out result))
911             {
912                 // translate to a CQT expression
913                 Translator translator;
914                 if (s_translators.TryGetValue(linq.NodeType, out translator))
915                 {
916                     result = translator.Translate(this, linq);
917                 }
918                 else
919                 {
920                     throw EntityUtil.InternalError(EntityUtil.InternalErrorCode.UnknownLinqNodeType, -1,
921                         linq.NodeType.ToString());
922                 }
923             }
924             return result;
925         }
927         // Cast expression to align types between CQT and eLINQ
AlignTypes(DbExpression cqt, Type toClrType)928         private DbExpression AlignTypes(DbExpression cqt, Type toClrType)
929         {
930             Type fromClrType = null; // not used in this code path
931             TypeUsage toType = GetCastTargetType(cqt.ResultType, toClrType, fromClrType, false);
932             if (null != toType)
933             {
934                 return cqt.CastTo(toType);
935             }
936             else
937             {
938                 return cqt;
939             }
940         }
942         // Determines whether the given type is supported for materialization
CheckInitializerType(Type type)943         private void CheckInitializerType(Type type)
944         {
945             // nominal types are not supported
946             TypeUsage typeUsage;
947             if (_funcletizer.RootContext.Perspective.TryGetType(type, out typeUsage))
948             {
949                 BuiltInTypeKind typeKind = typeUsage.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind;
950                 if (BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType == typeKind ||
951                     BuiltInTypeKind.ComplexType == typeKind)
952                 {
953                     throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedNominalType(
954                         typeUsage.EdmType.FullName));
955                 }
956             }
958             // types implementing IEnumerable are not supported
959             if (TypeSystem.IsSequenceType(type))
960             {
961                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedEnumerableType(
962                     DescribeClrType(type)));
963             }
964         }
967         // requires: Left and right are non-null.
968         // effects: Determines if the given types are equivalent, ignoring facets. In
969         // the case of primitive types, consider types equivalent if their kinds are
970         // equivalent.
971         // comments: This method is useful in cases where the type facets or specific
972         // store primitive type are not reliably known, e.g. when the EDM type is determined
973         // from the CLR type
TypeUsageEquals(TypeUsage left, TypeUsage right)974         private static bool TypeUsageEquals(TypeUsage left, TypeUsage right)
975         {
976             Debug.Assert(null != left);
977             Debug.Assert(null != right);
978             if (left.EdmType.EdmEquals(right.EdmType)) { return true; }
980             // compare element types for collection
981             if (BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType == left.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind &&
982                 BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType == right.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind)
983             {
984                 return TypeUsageEquals(
985                     ((CollectionType)left.EdmType).TypeUsage,
986                     ((CollectionType)right.EdmType).TypeUsage);
987             }
989             // special case for primitive types
990             if (BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType == left.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind &&
991                 BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType == right.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind)
992             {
993                 // since LINQ expressions cannot indicate model types directly, we must
994                 // consider types equivalent if they match on the given CLR equivalent
995                 // types (consider the Xml and String primitive types)
996                 return ((PrimitiveType)left.EdmType).ClrEquivalentType.Equals(
997                     ((PrimitiveType)right.EdmType).ClrEquivalentType);
998             }
1000             return false;
1001         }
GetValueLayerType(Type linqType)1003         private TypeUsage GetValueLayerType(Type linqType)
1004         {
1005             TypeUsage type;
1006             if (!TryGetValueLayerType(linqType, out type))
1007             {
1008                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedType(linqType));
1009             }
1010             return type;
1011         }
1013         // Determine C-Space equivalent type for linqType
TryGetValueLayerType(Type linqType, out TypeUsage type)1014         private bool TryGetValueLayerType(Type linqType, out TypeUsage type)
1015         {
1016             // Remove nullable
1017             Type nonNullableType = TypeSystem.GetNonNullableType(linqType);
1019             // Enum types are only supported for EDM V3 and higher, do not force loading
1020             // enum types for previous versions of EDM
1021             if (nonNullableType.IsEnum && this.EdmItemCollection.EdmVersion < XmlConstants.EdmVersionForV3)
1022             {
1023                 nonNullableType = nonNullableType.GetEnumUnderlyingType();
1024             }
1026             // See if this is a primitive type
1027             PrimitiveTypeKind primitiveTypeKind;
1028             if (ClrProviderManifest.Instance.TryGetPrimitiveTypeKind(nonNullableType, out primitiveTypeKind))
1029             {
1030                 type = EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetCanonicalModelTypeUsage(primitiveTypeKind);
1031                 return true;
1032             }
1034             // See if this is a collection type (if so, recursively resolve)
1035             Type elementType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(nonNullableType);
1036             if (elementType != nonNullableType)
1037             {
1038                 TypeUsage elementTypeUsage;
1039                 if (TryGetValueLayerType(elementType, out elementTypeUsage))
1040                 {
1041                     type = TypeHelpers.CreateCollectionTypeUsage(elementTypeUsage);
1042                     return true;
1043                 }
1044             }
1046             // Ensure the metadata for this object type is loaded
1047             _perspective.MetadataWorkspace.ImplicitLoadAssemblyForType(linqType, null);
1049             if(!_perspective.TryGetTypeByName(nonNullableType.FullName, false, out type))
1050             {
1051                 // If the user is casting to a type that is not a model type or a primitive type it can be a cast to an enum that
1052                 // is not in the model. In that case we use the underlying enum type.
1053                 // Note that if the underlying type is not any of the EF primitive types we will fail with and InvalidCastException.
1054                 // This is consistent with what we would do when seeing a cast to a primitive type that is not a EF valid primitive
1055                 // type (e.g. ulong).
1056                 if(nonNullableType.IsEnum && ClrProviderManifest.Instance.TryGetPrimitiveTypeKind(nonNullableType.GetEnumUnderlyingType(), out primitiveTypeKind))
1057                 {
1058                     type = EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetCanonicalModelTypeUsage(primitiveTypeKind);
1059                 }
1060             }
1062             return type != null;
1063         }
1065         /// <summary>
1066         /// Utility method validating type for comparison ops (isNull, equals, etc.).
1067         /// Only primitive types, entity types, and simple row types (no IGrouping/EntityCollection) are
1068         /// supported.
1069         /// </summary>
VerifyTypeSupportedForComparison(Type clrType, TypeUsage edmType, Stack<EdmMember> memberPath)1070         private static void VerifyTypeSupportedForComparison(Type clrType, TypeUsage edmType, Stack<EdmMember> memberPath)
1071         {
1072             // NOTE: due to bug in null handling for complex types, complex types are currently not supported
1073             // for comparisons (see SQL BU 543956)
1074             switch (edmType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind)
1075             {
1076                 case BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType:
1077                 case BuiltInTypeKind.EnumType:
1078                 case BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType:
1079                 case BuiltInTypeKind.RefType:
1080                     return;
1081                 case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType:
1082                     {
1083                         InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata;
1084                         if (!InitializerMetadata.TryGetInitializerMetadata(edmType, out initializerMetadata) ||
1085                             initializerMetadata.Kind == InitializerMetadataKind.ProjectionInitializer ||
1086                             initializerMetadata.Kind == InitializerMetadataKind.ProjectionNew)
1087                         {
1088                             VerifyRowTypeSupportedForComparison(clrType, (RowType)edmType.EdmType, memberPath);
1089                             return;
1090                         }
1091                         break;
1092                     }
1093                 default:
1094                     break;
1095             }
1096             if (null == memberPath)
1097             {
1098                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedComparison(DescribeClrType(clrType)));
1099             }
1100             else
1101             {
1102                 // build up description of member path
1103                 StringBuilder memberPathDescription = new StringBuilder();
1104                 foreach (EdmMember member in memberPath)
1105                 {
1106                     memberPathDescription.Append(Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedRowMemberComparison(member.Name));
1107                 }
1108                 memberPathDescription.Append(Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedRowTypeComparison(DescribeClrType(clrType)));
1109                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedRowComparison(memberPathDescription.ToString()));
1110             }
1111         }
VerifyRowTypeSupportedForComparison(Type clrType, RowType rowType, Stack<EdmMember> memberPath)1113         private static void VerifyRowTypeSupportedForComparison(Type clrType, RowType rowType, Stack<EdmMember> memberPath)
1114         {
1115             foreach (EdmMember member in rowType.Properties)
1116             {
1117                 if (null == memberPath)
1118                 {
1119                     memberPath = new Stack<EdmMember>();
1120                 }
1121                 memberPath.Push(member);
1122                 VerifyTypeSupportedForComparison(clrType, member.TypeUsage, memberPath);
1123                 memberPath.Pop();
1124             }
1125         }
1127         /// <summary>
1128         /// Describe type for exception message.
1129         /// </summary>
DescribeClrType(Type clrType)1130         internal static string DescribeClrType(Type clrType)
1131         {
1132             string clrTypeName = clrType.Name;
1133             // Yes, this is a heuristic... just a best effort way of getting
1134             // a reasonable exception message
1135             if (IsCSharpGeneratedClass(clrTypeName, "DisplayClass") ||
1136                 IsVBGeneratedClass(clrTypeName, "Closure"))
1137             {
1138                 return Strings.ELinq_ClosureType;
1139             }
1140             if (IsCSharpGeneratedClass(clrTypeName, "AnonymousType") ||
1141                 IsVBGeneratedClass(clrTypeName, "AnonymousType"))
1142             {
1143                 return Strings.ELinq_AnonymousType;
1144             }
1146             string returnName = string.Empty;
1147             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(clrType.Namespace))
1148             {
1149                 returnName += clrType.Namespace + ".";
1150             }
1151             returnName += clrType.Name;
1152             return returnName;
1153         }
IsCSharpGeneratedClass(string typeName, string pattern)1155         private static bool IsCSharpGeneratedClass(string typeName, string pattern)
1156         {
1157             return typeName.Contains("<>") && typeName.Contains("__") && typeName.Contains(pattern);
1158         }
IsVBGeneratedClass(string typeName, string pattern)1160         private static bool IsVBGeneratedClass(string typeName, string pattern)
1161         {
1162             return typeName.Contains("_") && typeName.Contains("$") && typeName.Contains(pattern);
1163         }
1165         /// <summary>
1166         /// Creates an implementation of IsNull. Throws exception when operand type is not supported.
1167         /// </summary>
CreateIsNullExpression(DbExpression operand, Type operandClrType)1168         private DbExpression CreateIsNullExpression(DbExpression operand, Type operandClrType)
1169         {
1170             VerifyTypeSupportedForComparison(operandClrType, operand.ResultType, null);
1171             return operand.IsNull();
1172         }
1174         /// <summary>
1175         /// Creates an implementation of equals using the given pattern. Throws exception when argument types
1176         /// are not supported for equals comparison.
1177         /// </summary>
CreateEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern, Type leftClrType, Type rightClrType)1178         private DbExpression CreateEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern, Type leftClrType, Type rightClrType)
1179         {
1180             VerifyTypeSupportedForComparison(leftClrType, left.ResultType, null);
1181             VerifyTypeSupportedForComparison(rightClrType, right.ResultType, null);
1183             //For Ref Type comparison, check whether they refer to compatible Entity Types.
1184             TypeUsage leftType = left.ResultType;
1185             TypeUsage rightType = right.ResultType;
1186             if (leftType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.RefType && rightType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.RefType)
1187             {
1188                 TypeUsage commonType;
1189                 if (!TypeSemantics.TryGetCommonType(leftType, rightType, out commonType))
1190                 {
1191                     RefType leftRefType = left.ResultType.EdmType as RefType;
1192                     RefType rightRefType = right.ResultType.EdmType as RefType;
1193                     throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedRefComparison(leftRefType.ElementType.FullName, rightRefType.ElementType.FullName));
1194                 }
1195             }
1197             return RecursivelyRewriteEqualsExpression(left, right, pattern);
1198         }
RecursivelyRewriteEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern)1199         private DbExpression RecursivelyRewriteEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern)
1200         {
1201             // check if either side is an initializer type
1202             RowType leftType = left.ResultType.EdmType as RowType;
1203             RowType rightType = left.ResultType.EdmType as RowType;
1205             if (null != leftType || null != rightType)
1206             {
1207                 if ((null != leftType && null != rightType) && leftType.EdmEquals(rightType))
1208                 {
1209                     DbExpression shreddedEquals = null;
1210                     // if the types are the same, use struct equivalence semantics
1211                     foreach (EdmProperty property in leftType.Properties)
1212                     {
1213                         DbPropertyExpression leftElement = left.Property(property);
1214                         DbPropertyExpression rightElement = right.Property(property);
1215                         DbExpression elementsEquals = RecursivelyRewriteEqualsExpression(
1216                             leftElement, rightElement, pattern);
1218                         // build up and expression
1219                         if (null == shreddedEquals) { shreddedEquals = elementsEquals; }
1220                         else { shreddedEquals = shreddedEquals.And(elementsEquals); }
1221                     }
1222                     return shreddedEquals;
1223                 }
1224                 else
1225                 {
1226                     // if one or both sides is an initializer and the types are not the same,
1227                     // "equals" always evaluates to false
1228                     return DbExpressionBuilder.False;
1229                 }
1230             }
1231             else
1232             {
1233                 return ImplementEquality(left, right, pattern);
1234             }
1235         }
1237         // For comparisons, where the left and right side are nullable or not nullable,
1238         // here are the (compositionally safe) null equality predicates:
1239         // -- x NOT NULL, y NULL
1240         // x = y AND  NOT (y IS NULL)
1241         // -- x NULL, y NULL
1242         // (x = y AND  (NOT (x IS NULL OR y IS NULL))) OR (x IS NULL AND y IS NULL)
1243         // -- x NOT NULL, y NOT NULL
1244         // x = y
1245         // -- x NULL, y NOT NULL
1246         // x = y AND  NOT (x IS NULL)
ImplementEquality(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern)1247         private DbExpression ImplementEquality(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern)
1248         {
1249             switch (left.ExpressionKind)
1250             {
1251                 case DbExpressionKind.Constant:
1252                     switch (right.ExpressionKind)
1253                     {
1254                         case DbExpressionKind.Constant: // constant EQ constant
1255                             return left.Equal(right);
1256                         case DbExpressionKind.Null: // null EQ constant --> false
1257                             return DbExpressionBuilder.False;
1258                         default:
1259                             return ImplementEqualityConstantAndUnknown((System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbConstantExpression)left, right, pattern);
1260                     }
1261                 case DbExpressionKind.Null:
1262                     switch (right.ExpressionKind)
1263                     {
1264                         case DbExpressionKind.Constant: // null EQ constant --> false
1265                             return DbExpressionBuilder.False;
1266                         case DbExpressionKind.Null: // null EQ null --> true
1267                             return DbExpressionBuilder.True;
1268                         default: // null EQ right --> right IS NULL
1269                             return right.IsNull();
1270                     }
1271                 default: // unknown
1272                     switch (right.ExpressionKind)
1273                     {
1274                         case DbExpressionKind.Constant:
1275                             return ImplementEqualityConstantAndUnknown((System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbConstantExpression)right, left, pattern);
1276                         case DbExpressionKind.Null: //  left EQ null --> left IS NULL
1277                             return left.IsNull();
1278                         default:
1279                             return ImplementEqualityUnknownArguments(left, right, pattern);
1280                     }
1281             }
1282         }
1284         // Generate an equality expression with one unknown operator and
ImplementEqualityConstantAndUnknown( System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbConstantExpression constant, DbExpression unknown, EqualsPattern pattern)1285         private DbExpression ImplementEqualityConstantAndUnknown(
1286             System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbConstantExpression constant, DbExpression unknown, EqualsPattern pattern)
1287         {
1288             switch (pattern)
1289             {
1290                 case EqualsPattern.Store:
1291                 case EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable: // for Joins
1292                     return constant.Equal(unknown); // either both are non-null, or one is null and the predicate result is undefined
1293                 case EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityComposable:
1294                     if (!_funcletizer.RootContext.ContextOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior)
1295                     {
1296                         return constant.Equal(unknown); // same as EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable
1297                     }
1298                     return constant.Equal(unknown).And(unknown.IsNull().Not()); // add more logic to avoid undefined result for true clr semantics
1299                 default:
1300                     Debug.Fail("unknown pattern");
1301                     return null;
1302             }
1303         }
1305         // Generate an equality expression where the values of the left and right operands are completely unknown
ImplementEqualityUnknownArguments(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern)1306         private DbExpression ImplementEqualityUnknownArguments(DbExpression left, DbExpression right, EqualsPattern pattern)
1307         {
1308             switch (pattern)
1309             {
1310                 case EqualsPattern.Store: // left EQ right
1311                     return left.Equal(right);
1312                 case EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable: // for Joins
1313                     return left.Equal(right).Or(left.IsNull().And(right.IsNull()));
1314                 case EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityComposable:
1315                     {
1316                         var bothNotNull = left.Equal(right);
1317                         var bothNull = left.IsNull().And(right.IsNull());
1318                         if (!_funcletizer.RootContext.ContextOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior)
1319                         {
1320                             return bothNotNull.Or(bothNull); // same as EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable
1321                         }
1322                         // add more logic to avoid undefined result for true clr semantics, ensuring composability
1323                         // (left EQ right AND NOT (left IS NULL OR right IS NULL)) OR (left IS NULL AND right IS NULL)
1324                         var anyOneIsNull = left.IsNull().Or(right.IsNull());
1325                         return (bothNotNull.And(anyOneIsNull.Not())).Or(bothNull);
1326                     }
1327                 default:
1328                     Debug.Fail("unexpected pattern");
1329                     return null;
1330             }
1331         }
1333         #endregion
1335         #region Helper Methods Shared by Translators
1336         /// <summary>
1337         /// Helper method for String.StartsWith, String.EndsWith and String.Contains
1338         ///
1339         /// object.Method(argument), where Method is one of String.StartsWith, String.EndsWith or
1340         /// String.Contains is translated into:
1341         ///     1) If argument is a constant or parameter and the provider supports escaping:
1342         ///         object like ("%") + argument1 + ("%"), where argument1 is argument escaped by the provider
1343         ///         and ("%") are appended on the begining/end depending on whether
1344         ///         insertPercentAtStart/insertPercentAtEnd are specified
1345         ///     2) Otherwise:
1346         ///           object.Method(argument) ->  defaultTranslator
1347         /// </summary>
1348         /// <param name="call"></param>
1349         /// <param name="insertPercentAtStart">Should '%' be inserted at the begining of the pattern</param>
1350         /// <param name="insertPercentAtEnd">Should '%' be inserted at the end of the pattern</param>
1351         /// <param name="defaultTranslator">The delegate that provides the default translation</param>
1352         /// <returns>The translation</returns>
TranslateFunctionIntoLike(MethodCallExpression call, bool insertPercentAtStart, bool insertPercentAtEnd, Func<ExpressionConverter, MethodCallExpression, DbExpression, DbExpression, DbExpression> defaultTranslator)1353         private DbExpression TranslateFunctionIntoLike(MethodCallExpression call, bool insertPercentAtStart, bool insertPercentAtEnd, Func<ExpressionConverter, MethodCallExpression, DbExpression, DbExpression, DbExpression> defaultTranslator)
1354         {
1355             char escapeChar;
1356             bool providerSupportsEscapingLikeArgument = this.ProviderManifest.SupportsEscapingLikeArgument(out escapeChar);
1357             bool useLikeTranslation = false;
1358             bool specifyEscape = true;
1360             Expression patternExpression = call.Arguments[0];
1361             Expression inputExpression = call.Object;
1363             QueryParameterExpression queryParameterExpression = patternExpression as QueryParameterExpression;
1364             if (providerSupportsEscapingLikeArgument && (queryParameterExpression != null))
1365             {
1366                 useLikeTranslation = true;
1367                 bool specifyEscapeDummy;
1368                 patternExpression = queryParameterExpression.EscapeParameterForLike(input => PreparePattern(input, insertPercentAtStart, insertPercentAtEnd, out specifyEscapeDummy));
1369             }
1371             DbExpression translatedPatternExpression = this.TranslateExpression(patternExpression);
1372             DbExpression translatedInputExpression = this.TranslateExpression(inputExpression);
1374             if (providerSupportsEscapingLikeArgument && translatedPatternExpression.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Constant)
1375             {
1376                 useLikeTranslation = true;
1377                 DbConstantExpression constantExpression = (DbConstantExpression)translatedPatternExpression;
1379                 string preparedValue = PreparePattern((string)constantExpression.Value, insertPercentAtStart, insertPercentAtEnd, out specifyEscape);
1380                 Debug.Assert(preparedValue != null, "The prepared value should not be null when the input is non-null");
1382                 //Note: the result type needs to be taken from the original expression, as the user may have specified Unicode/Non-Unicode
1383                 translatedPatternExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(constantExpression.ResultType, preparedValue);
1384             }
1386             DbExpression result;
1387             if (useLikeTranslation)
1388             {
1389                 if (specifyEscape)
1390                 {
1391                     //DevDiv #326720: The constant expression for the escape character should not have unicode set by default
1392                     var escapeExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetCanonicalModelTypeUsage(PrimitiveTypeKind.String), new String(new char[] { escapeChar }));
1393                     result = DbExpressionBuilder.Like(translatedInputExpression, translatedPatternExpression, escapeExpression);
1394                 }
1395                 else
1396                 {
1397                     result = DbExpressionBuilder.Like(translatedInputExpression, translatedPatternExpression);
1398                 }
1399             }
1400             else
1401             {
1402                 result = defaultTranslator(this, call, translatedPatternExpression, translatedInputExpression);
1403             }
1405             return result;
1406         }
1408         /// <summary>
1409         /// Prepare the given input patternValue into a pattern to be used in a LIKE expression by
1410         /// first escaping it by the provider and then appending "%" and the beginging/end depending
1411         /// on whether insertPercentAtStart/insertPercentAtEnd is specified.
1412         /// </summary>
PreparePattern(string patternValue, bool insertPercentAtStart, bool insertPercentAtEnd, out bool specifyEscape)1413         private string PreparePattern(string patternValue, bool insertPercentAtStart, bool insertPercentAtEnd, out bool specifyEscape)
1414         {
1415             // Dev10 #800466: The pattern value if originating from a parameter value could be null
1416             if (patternValue == null)
1417             {
1418                 specifyEscape = false;
1419                 return null;
1420             }
1422             string escapedPatternValue = this.ProviderManifest.EscapeLikeArgument(patternValue);
1424             if (escapedPatternValue == null)
1425             {
1426                 throw EntityUtil.ProviderIncompatible(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ProviderEscapeLikeArgumentReturnedNull);
1427             }
1429             specifyEscape = patternValue != escapedPatternValue;
1431             System.Text.StringBuilder patternBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
1432             if (insertPercentAtStart)
1433             {
1434                 patternBuilder.Append("%");
1435             }
1436             patternBuilder.Append(escapedPatternValue);
1437             if (insertPercentAtEnd)
1438             {
1439                 patternBuilder.Append("%");
1440             }
1442             return  patternBuilder.ToString();
1443         }
1445         /// <summary>
1446         ///  Translates the arguments into DbExpressions
1447         ///   and creates a canonical function with the given functionName and these arguments
1448         /// </summary>
1449         /// <param name="functionName">Should represent a non-aggregate canonical function</param>
1450         /// <param name="Expression">Passed only for error handling purposes</param>
1451         /// <param name="linqArguments"></param>
1452         /// <returns></returns>
TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(string functionName, Expression Expression, params Expression[] linqArguments)1453         private DbFunctionExpression TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(string functionName, Expression Expression, params Expression[] linqArguments)
1454         {
1455             DbExpression[] translatedArguments = new DbExpression[linqArguments.Length];
1456             for (int i = 0; i < linqArguments.Length; i++)
1457             {
1458                 translatedArguments[i] = TranslateExpression(linqArguments[i]);
1459             }
1460             return CreateCanonicalFunction(functionName, Expression, translatedArguments);
1461         }
1463         /// <summary>
1464         /// Creates a canonical function with the given name and the given arguments
1465         /// </summary>
1466         /// <param name="functionName">Should represent a non-aggregate canonical function</param>
1467         /// <param name="Expression">Passed only for error handling purposes</param>
1468         /// <param name="translatedArguments"></param>
1469         /// <returns></returns>
CreateCanonicalFunction(string functionName, Expression Expression, params DbExpression[] translatedArguments)1470         private DbFunctionExpression CreateCanonicalFunction(string functionName, Expression Expression, params DbExpression[] translatedArguments)
1471         {
1472             List<TypeUsage> translatedArgumentTypes = new List<TypeUsage>(translatedArguments.Length);
1473             foreach (DbExpression translatedArgument in translatedArguments)
1474             {
1475                 translatedArgumentTypes.Add(translatedArgument.ResultType);
1476             }
1477             EdmFunction function = FindCanonicalFunction(functionName, translatedArgumentTypes, false /* isGroupAggregateFunction */, Expression);
1478             return function.Invoke(translatedArguments);
1479         }
1481         /// <summary>
1482         /// Finds a canonical function with the given functionName and argumentTypes
1483         /// </summary>
1484         /// <param name="functionName"></param>
1485         /// <param name="argumentTypes"></param>
1486         /// <param name="isGroupAggregateFunction"></param>
1487         /// <param name="Expression"></param>
1488         /// <returns></returns>
FindCanonicalFunction(string functionName, IList<TypeUsage> argumentTypes, bool isGroupAggregateFunction, Expression Expression)1489         private EdmFunction FindCanonicalFunction(string functionName, IList<TypeUsage> argumentTypes, bool isGroupAggregateFunction, Expression Expression)
1490         {
1491             return FindFunction(EdmNamespaceName, functionName, argumentTypes, isGroupAggregateFunction, Expression);
1492         }
1494         /// <summary>
1495         /// Finds a function with the given namespaceName, functionName and argumentTypes
1496         /// </summary>
1497         /// <param name="namespaceName"></param>
1498         /// <param name="functionName"></param>
1499         /// <param name="argumentTypes"></param>
1500         /// <param name="isGroupAggregateFunction"></param>
1501         /// <param name="Expression"></param>
1502         /// <returns></returns>
FindFunction(string namespaceName, string functionName, IList<TypeUsage> argumentTypes, bool isGroupAggregateFunction, Expression Expression)1503         private EdmFunction FindFunction(string namespaceName, string functionName, IList<TypeUsage> argumentTypes, bool isGroupAggregateFunction, Expression Expression)
1504         {
1505             // find the function
1506             IList<EdmFunction> candidateFunctions;
1507             if (!_perspective.TryGetFunctionByName(namespaceName, functionName, false /* ignore case */, out candidateFunctions))
1508             {
1509                 ThrowUnresolvableFunction(Expression);
1510             }
1512             Debug.Assert(null != candidateFunctions && candidateFunctions.Count > 0, "provider functions must not be null or empty");
1514             bool isAmbiguous;
1515             EdmFunction function = FunctionOverloadResolver.ResolveFunctionOverloads(candidateFunctions, argumentTypes, isGroupAggregateFunction, out isAmbiguous);
1516             if (isAmbiguous || null == function)
1517             {
1518                 ThrowUnresolvableFunctionOverload(Expression, isAmbiguous);
1519             }
1520             return function;
1521         }
1523         /// <summary>
1524         /// Helper method for FindFunction
1525         /// </summary>
1526         /// <param name="Expression"></param>
ThrowUnresolvableFunction(Expression Expression)1527         private static void ThrowUnresolvableFunction(Expression Expression)
1528         {
1529             if (Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)
1530             {
1531                 MethodInfo methodInfo = ((MethodCallExpression)Expression).Method;
1532                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMethod(methodInfo, methodInfo.DeclaringType));
1533             }
1534             else if (Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
1535             {
1536                 string memberName;
1537                 Type memberType;
1538                 MemberInfo memberInfo = TypeSystem.PropertyOrField(((MemberExpression)Expression).Member, out memberName, out memberType);
1539                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMember(memberInfo, memberInfo.DeclaringType));
1540             }
1541             throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForExpression(Expression.NodeType));
1542         }
1544         /// <summary>
1545         /// Helper method for FindCanonicalFunction
1546         /// </summary>
1547         /// <param name="Expression"></param>
ThrowUnresolvableFunctionOverload(Expression Expression, bool isAmbiguous)1548         private static void ThrowUnresolvableFunctionOverload(Expression Expression, bool isAmbiguous)
1549         {
1550             if (Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Call)
1551             {
1552                 MethodInfo methodInfo = ((MethodCallExpression)Expression).Method;
1553                 if (isAmbiguous)
1554                 {
1555                     throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMethodAmbiguousMatch(methodInfo, methodInfo.DeclaringType));
1556                 }
1557                 else
1558                 {
1559                     throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnresolvableFunctionForMethodNotFound(methodInfo, methodInfo.DeclaringType));
1560                 }
1561             }
1562             else if (Expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
1563             {
1564                 string memberName;
1565                 Type memberType;
1566                 MemberInfo memberInfo = TypeSystem.PropertyOrField(((MemberExpression)Expression).Member, out memberName, out memberType);
1567                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnresolvableStoreFunctionForMember(memberInfo, memberInfo.DeclaringType));
1568             }
1569             throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnresolvableStoreFunctionForExpression(Expression.NodeType));
1570         }
CreateNewRowExpression(List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>> columns, InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata)1572         private DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewRowExpression(List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>> columns, InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata)
1573         {
1574             List<DbExpression> propertyValues = new List<DbExpression>(columns.Count);
1575             List<EdmProperty> properties = new List<EdmProperty>(columns.Count);
1576             for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
1577             {
1578                 var column = columns[i];
1579                 propertyValues.Add(column.Value);
1580                 properties.Add(new EdmProperty(column.Key, column.Value.ResultType));
1581             }
1582             RowType rowType = new RowType(properties, initializerMetadata);
1583             TypeUsage typeUsage = TypeUsage.Create(rowType);
1584             return typeUsage.New(propertyValues);
1585         }
1587         #endregion
1589         #region Private enums
1590         // Describes different implementation pattern for equality comparisons.
1591         // For all patterns, if one side of the expression is a constant null, converts to an IS NULL
1592         // expression (or resolves to 'true' or 'false' if some constraint is known for the other side).
1593         //
1594         // If neither side is a constant null, the semantics differ:
1595         //
1596         // (1) (left EQ right) => left and right are equal and not null, so return true.
1597         // (2) (left IS NULL AND right IS NULL) => Both left and right are null, so return true.
1598         // (3) NOT (left IS NULL OR right IS NULL) =>
1599         //      If only one of left or right is null, (1) evaluates to "unknown" and (2) evaluates to false. So we get "unknown" from DB which is null in C#.
1600         //      This is not desired as it does not help in composability. Hence, (3) is used to return false instead of "unknown" when only one of the operands is null.
1601         //
1602         // Store: (1)
1603         // PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable: (1) OR (2) - suitable only for Join operators, as they are not composable
1604         // PositiveNullEqualityComposable: (1) OR (2) AND (3)
1605         //
1606         // In the actual implementation (see ImplementEquality), optimizations exist if one or the other
1607         // side is known not to be null.
1608         private enum EqualsPattern
1609         {
1610             Store, // defer to store
1611             PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable, // simulate C# semantics in store, return "null" if left or right is null, but not both. Suitable for joins.
1612             PositiveNullEqualityComposable, // simulate C# semantics in store, always return true or false
1613         }
1614         #endregion
1615     }
1616 }