1 /*
2 XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3     Copyright (C) 2014  Lun�ville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18 	\file unit_Collection.cpp
19 	\author E. Lun�ville
20 	\since 18 dec 2017
21 	\date 18 dec 2017
23 	Low level tests of Collection and PCollection classes.
24 	Almost functionalities are checked.
25 	This function may either creates a reference file storing the results (check=false)
26 	or compares results to those stored in the reference file (check=true)
27 	It returns reporting information in a string
28 */
30 #include "xlife++-libs.h"
31 #include "testUtils.hpp"
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <fstream>
35 #include <sstream>
37 using namespace xlifepp;
39 namespace unit_collection {
unit_collection(bool check)41 String unit_collection(bool check)
42 {
43   String rootname = "unit_collection";
44   trace_p->push(rootname);
45   std::stringstream out;                  // string stream receiving results
46   out.precision(testPrec);
48   // test Strings~Collection<String>
49   out<<"Test Strings ~ Collection<String>"<<eol;
50   out<<"---------------------------------"<<eol;
51   Strings ss0; out<<"ss0 : "<<eol<<ss0<<eol;
52   Strings ss1("s1");out<<"ss1 : "<<eol<<ss1<<eol;
53   Strings ss2("s1","s2");out<<"ss2 : "<<eol<<ss2<<eol;
54   Strings ss3(3,"s3"); out<<"ss3 : "<<eol<<ss3<<eol;
55   Strings ss4;
56   for(Number i=0;i<4;i++) ss4<<"s"+tostring(i+1);
57   out<<"ss4 : "<<eol<<ss4<<eol;
58   Strings ss5(5);
59   for(Number i=1;i<=5;i++) ss5(i)="s"+tostring(i);
60   out<<"ss5 : "<<eol<<ss5<<eol;
61   out<<"join(ss5,',') : "<< join(ss5,",")<<eol;
62   #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
63   Strings ssi={"si1","si2","si3"};
64   out<<eol<<"C++11 initializer list : "<<eol<< ssi<<eol;
65   #endif
67   // test Numbers~Collection<Number>
68   out<<eol<<"Test Numbers ~ Collection<Number>"<<eol;
69   out<<     "---------------------------------"<<eol;
70   Numbers ns0; out<<"ns0 : "<<eol<<ns0<<eol;
71   Numbers ns1(1);out<<"ns1 : "<<eol<<ns1<<eol;
72   Numbers ns2(1,2);out<<"ns2 : "<<eol<<ns2<<eol;
73   Numbers ns3(1,2,3); out<<"ns3 : "<<eol<<ns3<<eol;
74   Numbers ns4;
75   for(Number i=0;i<4;i++) ns4<<(i+1);
76   out<<"ns4 : "<<eol<<ns4<<eol;
77   Numbers ns5; ns5.resize(5);
78   for(Number i=1;i<=5;i++) ns5(i)=i;
79   out<<"ns5 : "<<eol<<ns5<<eol;
80   #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
81   Numbers nsi={1,2,3};
82   out<<"C++11 initializer list : "<< eol<<nsi<<eol;
83   #endif
85   // test Numbers~Collection<Int>
86   out<<eol<<"Test Ints ~ Collection<Int>"<<eol;
87   out<<     "---------------------------"<<eol;
88   Ints is0; out<<"is0 : "<<eol<<is0<<eol;
89   Ints is1(1);out<<"is1 : "<<eol<<is1<<eol;
90   Ints is2(1,2);out<<"is2 : "<<eol<<is2<<eol;
91   Ints is3(1,2,3); out<<"is3 : "<<eol<<is3<<eol;
92   Ints is4;
93   for(Int i=0;i<4;i++) is4<<(i+1);
94   out<<"is4 : "<<eol<<is4<<eol;
95   Ints is5; is5.resize(5);
96   for(Int i=1;i<=5;i++) is5(i)=i;
97   out<<"is5 : "<<eol<<is5<<eol;
98   #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
99   Ints isi={1,2,3};
100   out<<"C++11 initializer list : "<< eol<<isi<<eol;
101   #endif
103   // test Domains~PCollection<GeomDomain>
104   Strings sn("Gamma1","Gamma2","Gamma3","Gamma4");
105   Mesh mesh2d(Rectangle(_xmin=0,_xmax=0.5,_ymin=0,_ymax=1,_nnodes=Numbers(3,6),_domain_name="Omega",_side_names=sn),_triangle,1,_structured);
106   out<<eol<<"Test Domains ~ PCollection<GeomDomain>"<<eol;
107   out<<     "--------------------------------------"<<eol;
108   Domain omega=mesh2d.domain("Omega"), gamma1=mesh2d.domain("Gamma1"), gamma2=mesh2d.domain("Gamma2"),
109                gamma3=mesh2d.domain("Gamma3"),gamma4=mesh2d.domain("Gamma4");
110   Domains ds0; out<<"ds0 : "<<eol<<ds0<<eol;
111   Domains ds1(omega);out<<"ds1 : "<<eol<<ds1<<eol;
112   Domains ds2(gamma1,gamma2);out<<"ds2 : "<<eol<<ds2<<eol;
113   Domains ds3(gamma1,gamma2,gamma3); out<<"ds3 : "<<eol<<ds3<<eol;
114   Domains ds4;
115   for(Number i=0;i<4;i++) ds4<<mesh2d.domain(i+1);
116   out<<"ds4 : "<<eol<<ds4<<eol;
117   Domains ds5(5);
118   for(Number i=1;i<=5;i++) ds5(i)=mesh2d.domain(i-1);
119   out<<"ds5 : "<<eol<<ds5<<eol;
120   #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
121   Domains dsi={gamma1,gamma2,gamma3};
122   out<<"C++11 initializer list : "<< eol<<dsi<<eol;
123   #endif
125   // test Spaces~PCollection<Spaces>
126   out<<eol<<"Test Spaces ~ PCollection<Space>"<<eol;
127   out<<     "--------------------------------"<<eol;
128   Space V1(omega,_P1,"V1"), V2(omega,_P2,"V2"), V3(omega,_P3,"V3");
129   Spaces Vs0; out<<"ds0 : "<<eol<<ds0<<eol;
130   Spaces Vs1(V1);out<<"Vs1 : "<<eol<<Vs1<<eol;
131   Spaces Vs2(V1,V2);out<<"Vs2 : "<<eol<<Vs2<<eol;
132   Spaces Vs3(V1,V2,V3); out<<"Vs3 : "<<eol<<Vs3<<eol;
133   Spaces Vs4;
134   Vs4<<V1<<V2<<V3<<V1;
135   out<<"Vs4 : "<<eol<<Vs4<<eol;
136   Spaces Vs5(5);
137   for(Number i=1;i<=5;i++)
138     Vs5(i)=Space(omega,interpolation(Lagrange,_standard,i,H1),"V_"+tostring(i));
139   out<<"Vs5 : "<<eol<<Vs5<<eol;
140   #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
141   Spaces Vsi={V1,V2,V3};
142   out<<"C++11 initializer list : "<< eol<<Vsi<<eol;
143   #endif
144   Spaces Ws1=spaces(ds3,interpolation(Lagrange,_standard,1,H1));
145   out<<"test spaces(Domains,Interpolation) : "<<eol<<Ws1<<eol;
146   Interpolations ints(3);
147   for(Number i=1;i<=3;i++) ints(i)=interpolation(Lagrange,_standard,i,H1);
148   Spaces Ws2=spaces(omega,ints);
149   out<<"test spaces(Domain,Interpolations) : "<<eol<<Ws2<<eol;
150   Spaces Ws3=spaces(ds3,ints);
151   out<<"test spaces(Domains,Interpolations) : "<<eol<<Ws3<<eol;
153   // test Unknowns~PCollection<Unknown>
154   out<<eol<<"Test Unknowns ~ PCollection<Unknown>"<<eol;
155   out<<     "------------------------------------"<<eol;
156   Unknown u1(V1,"u1"), u2(V2,"u2"), u3(V3,"u3");
157   Unknowns us1(u1,u2,u3); out<<"us1 : "<<eol<<us1<<eol;
158   Unknowns us2;
159   us2<<u1<<u2<<u3;
160   out<<"us2 : "<<eol<<us2<<eol;
161   Unknowns us5(5);
162   for(Number i=1;i<=5;i++)
163      us5(i)=Unknown(Vs5(i),"u_"+tostring(i));
164   out<<"us5 : "<<eol<<us5<<eol;
165   #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
166   Unknowns usi={u1,u2,u3};
167   out<<"C++11 initializer list : "<< eol<<usi<<eol;
168   #endif
170   TestFunctions ts5=dualOf(us5);
171   out<<"ts5 : "<<eol<<ts5<<eol;
173   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
174   // save results in a file or compare results with some references value in a file
175   //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
176   trace_p->pop();
177   if (check) { return diffResFile(out, rootname); }
178   else { return saveResToFile(out, rootname); }
179 }
181 }