1 #pragma once
3 #include <iosfwd>
4 #include <map>
5 #include <memory>
6 #include <optional>
7 #include <string>
8 #include <vector>
10 #include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
11 #include <dune/vtk/filewriter.hh>
12 #include <dune/vtk/function.hh>
13 #include <dune/vtk/types.hh>
15 namespace Dune
16 {
17   /// Interface for file writers for the Vtk XML file formats
18   /**
19    * \tparam GV  Model of Dune::GridView
20    * \tparam DC  Model of \ref DataCollectorInterface
21    **/
22   template <class GV, class DC>
23   class VtkWriterInterface
24       : public Vtk::FileWriter
25   {
26     template <class> friend class TimeseriesWriter;
27     template <class> friend class PvdWriter;
29   public:
30     using GridView = GV;
31     using DataCollector = DC;
33   protected:
34     using VtkFunction = Dune::Vtk::Function<GridView>;
35     using pos_type = typename std::ostream::pos_type;
37     enum PositionTypes {
38       POINT_DATA,
39       CELL_DATA
40     };
42   public:
43     /// \brief Constructor, passes the gridView to the DataCollector
44     /**
45      * Creates a new VtkWriterInterface for the provided GridView. Initializes a
46      * DataCollector that is used to collect point coordinates, cell connectivity and
47      * data values.
48      *
49      * This constructor assumes, that the DataCollector can be constructed from a single argument,
50      * the passed gridView.
51      *
52      * \param gridView  Implementation of Dune::GridView
53      * \param format    Format of the VTK file, either Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY, Vtk::FormatTypes::ASCII, or Vtk::COMPRESSED
54      * \param datatype  Data type of a single component of the point coordinates [Vtk::DataTypes::FLOAT32]
55      * \param headertype  Integer type used in binary data headers [Vtk::DataTypes::UINT32]
56      **/
VtkWriterInterface(GridView const & gridView,Vtk::FormatTypes format=Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY,Vtk::DataTypes datatype=Vtk::DataTypes::FLOAT32,Vtk::DataTypes headertype=Vtk::DataTypes::UINT32)57     VtkWriterInterface (GridView const& gridView,
58                         Vtk::FormatTypes format = Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY,
59                         Vtk::DataTypes datatype = Vtk::DataTypes::FLOAT32,
60                         Vtk::DataTypes headertype = Vtk::DataTypes::UINT32)
61       : VtkWriterInterface(std::make_shared<DataCollector>(gridView), format, datatype, headertype)
62     {}
64     /// \brief Constructor, wraps the passed DataCollector in a non-destroying shared_ptr
VtkWriterInterface(DataCollector & dataCollector,Vtk::FormatTypes format=Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY,Vtk::DataTypes datatype=Vtk::DataTypes::FLOAT32,Vtk::DataTypes headertype=Vtk::DataTypes::UINT32)65     VtkWriterInterface (DataCollector& dataCollector,
66                         Vtk::FormatTypes format = Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY,
67                         Vtk::DataTypes datatype = Vtk::DataTypes::FLOAT32,
68                         Vtk::DataTypes headertype = Vtk::DataTypes::UINT32)
69       : VtkWriterInterface(stackobject_to_shared_ptr(dataCollector), format, datatype, headertype)
70     {}
72     /// \brief Constructor, stores the passed DataCollector
VtkWriterInterface(std::shared_ptr<DataCollector> dataCollector,Vtk::FormatTypes format=Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY,Vtk::DataTypes datatype=Vtk::DataTypes::FLOAT32,Vtk::DataTypes headertype=Vtk::DataTypes::UINT32)73     VtkWriterInterface (std::shared_ptr<DataCollector> dataCollector,
74                         Vtk::FormatTypes format = Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY,
75                         Vtk::DataTypes datatype = Vtk::DataTypes::FLOAT32,
76                         Vtk::DataTypes headertype = Vtk::DataTypes::UINT32)
77       : dataCollector_(std::move(dataCollector))
78     {
79       setFormat(format);
80       setDatatype(datatype);
81       setHeadertype(headertype);
82     }
85     /// \brief Write the attached data to the file
86     /**
87      * \param fn   Filename of the VTK file. May contain a directory and any file extension.
88      * \param dir  The optional parameter specifies the directory of the partition files for parallel writes.
89      *
90      * \returns File name that is actually written.
91      **/
92     virtual std::string write (std::string const& fn, std::optional<std::string> dir = {}) const override;
94     /// \brief Attach point data to the writer
95     /**
96      * Attach a global function to the writer that will be evaluated at grid points
97      * (vertices and higher order points). The global function must be
98      * assignable to the function wrapper \ref Vtk::Function. Additional argument
99      * for output datatype and number of components can be passed. See \ref Vtk::Function
100      * Constructor for possible arguments.
101      *
102      * \param fct     A GridFunction, LocalFunction, or Dune::VTKFunction
103      * \param args... Additional arguments, like `name`, `numComponents`, `dataType` or `Vtk::FieldInfo`
104      **/
105     template <class Function, class... Args>
addPointData(Function && fct,Args &&...args)106     VtkWriterInterface& addPointData (Function&& fct, Args&&... args)
107     {
108       pointData_.emplace_back(std::forward<Function>(fct), std::forward<Args>(args)...,
109                               datatype_, Vtk::RangeTypes::AUTO);
110       return *this;
111     }
113     /// \brief Attach cell data to the writer
114     /**
115      * Attach a global function to the writer that will be evaluated at cell centers.
116      * The global function must be assignable to the function wrapper \ref Vtk::Function.
117      * Additional argument for output datatype and number of components can be passed.
118      * See \ref Vtk::Function Constructor for possible arguments.
119      *
120      * \param fct     A GridFunction, LocalFunction, or Dune::VTKFunction
121      * \param args... Additional arguments, like `name`, `numComponents`, `dataType` or `Vtk::FieldInfo`
122      **/
123     template <class Function, class... Args>
addCellData(Function && fct,Args &&...args)124     VtkWriterInterface& addCellData (Function&& fct, Args&&... args)
125     {
126       cellData_.emplace_back(std::forward<Function>(fct), std::forward<Args>(args)...,
127                              datatype_, Vtk::RangeTypes::AUTO);
128       return *this;
129     }
132     // Sets the VTK file format
setFormat(Vtk::FormatTypes format)133     void setFormat (Vtk::FormatTypes format)
134     {
135       format_ = format;
137       if (format_ == Vtk::FormatTypes::COMPRESSED) {
139         compressor_ = Vtk::CompressorTypes::ZLIB;
140 #else
141         std::cout << "Dune is compiled without compression. Falling back to BINARY VTK output!\n";
142         format_ = Vtk::FormatTypes::BINARY;
143 #endif
144       } else {
145         compressor_ = Vtk::CompressorTypes::NONE;
146       }
148     }
150     /// Sets the global datatype used for coordinates and other global float values
setDatatype(Vtk::DataTypes datatype)151     void setDatatype (Vtk::DataTypes datatype)
152     {
153       datatype_ = datatype;
154     }
156     /// Sets the integer type used in binary data headers
setHeadertype(Vtk::DataTypes datatype)157     void setHeadertype (Vtk::DataTypes datatype)
158     {
159       headertype_ = datatype;
160     }
162     /// Sets the compressor type used in binary data headers, Additionally a compression
163     /// level can be passed with level = -1 means: default compression level. Level must be in [0-9]
setCompressor(Vtk::CompressorTypes compressor,int level=-1)164     void setCompressor (Vtk::CompressorTypes compressor, int level = -1)
165     {
166       compressor_ = compressor;
167       compression_level = level;
168       VTK_ASSERT(level >= -1 && level <= 9);
170       if (compressor_ != Vtk::CompressorTypes::NONE)
171         format_ = Vtk::FormatTypes::COMPRESSED;
172     }
174   private:
175     /// Write a serial VTK file in Unstructured format
176     virtual void writeSerialFile (std::ofstream& out) const = 0;
178     /// Write a parallel VTK file `pfilename.pvtx` in XML format,
179     /// with `size` the number of pieces and serial files given by `pfilename_p[i].vtu`
180     /// for [i] in [0,...,size).
181     virtual void writeParallelFile (std::ofstream& out, std::string const& pfilename, int size) const = 0;
183     /// Return the file extension of the serial file (not including the dot)
184     virtual std::string fileExtension () const = 0;
186     /// Write points and cells in raw/compressed format to output stream
187     virtual void writeGridAppended (std::ofstream& out, std::vector<std::uint64_t>& blocks) const = 0;
189   protected:
190     // Write the point or cell values given by the grid function `fct` to the
191     // output stream `out`. In case of binary format, append the streampos of XML
192     // attributes "offset" to the vector `offsets`.
193     void writeData (std::ofstream& out,
194                     std::vector<pos_type>& offsets,
195                     VtkFunction const& fct,
196                     PositionTypes type,
197                     std::optional<std::size_t> timestep = {}) const;
199     // Write point-data and cell-data in raw/compressed format to output stream
200     void writeDataAppended (std::ofstream& out, std::vector<std::uint64_t>& blocks) const;
202     // Write the coordinates of the vertices to the output stream `out`. In case
203     // of binary format, appends the streampos of XML attributes "offset" to the
204     // vector `offsets`.
205     void writePoints (std::ofstream& out,
206                       std::vector<pos_type>& offsets,
207                       std::optional<std::size_t> timestep = {}) const;
209     // Write Appended section and fillin offset values to XML attributes
210     void writeAppended (std::ofstream& out, std::vector<pos_type> const& offsets) const;
212     // Write the `values` in blocks (possibly compressed) to the output
213     // stream `out`. Return the written block size.
214     template <class HeaderType, class FloatType>
215     std::uint64_t writeValuesAppended (std::ofstream& out, std::vector<FloatType> const& values) const;
217     // Write the `values` in a space and newline separated list of ascii representations.
218     // The precision is controlled by the datatype and numerical_limits::digits10.
219     template <class T>
220     void writeValuesAscii (std::ofstream& out, std::vector<T> const& values) const;
222     // Write the XML file header of a VTK file `<VTKFile ...>`
223     void writeHeader (std::ofstream& out, std::string const& type) const;
225     /// Return PointData/CellData attributes for the name of the first scalar/vector/tensor DataArray
226     std::string getNames (std::vector<VtkFunction> const& data) const;
228     // Returns endianness
getEndian() const229     std::string getEndian () const
230     {
231       short i = 1;
232       return (reinterpret_cast<char*>(&i)[1] == 1 ? "BigEndian" : "LittleEndian");
233     }
235     // provide accessor to \ref fileExtension virtual method
getFileExtension() const236     std::string getFileExtension () const
237     {
238       return fileExtension();
239     }
241     // Returns the VTK file format initialized in the constructor
getFormat() const242     Vtk::FormatTypes getFormat () const
243     {
244       return format_;
245     }
247     // Returns the global datatype used for coordinates and other global float values
getDatatype() const248     Vtk::DataTypes getDatatype () const
249     {
250       return datatype_;
251     }
253     // Return the global MPI communicator.
comm() const254     auto comm () const
255     {
256       return MPIHelper::getCollectiveCommunication();
257     }
259   protected:
260     std::shared_ptr<DataCollector> dataCollector_;
262     Vtk::FormatTypes format_;
263     Vtk::DataTypes datatype_;
264     Vtk::DataTypes headertype_;
265     Vtk::CompressorTypes compressor_ = Vtk::CompressorTypes::NONE;
267     // attached data
268     std::vector<VtkFunction> pointData_;
269     std::vector<VtkFunction> cellData_;
271     std::size_t const block_size = 1024*32;
272     int compression_level = -1; // in [0,9], -1 ... use default value
273   };
276   template <class Writer>
277   struct IsVtkWriter
278   {
279     template <class GV, class DC>
280     static std::uint16_t test(VtkWriterInterface<GV,DC> const&);
281     static std::uint8_t  test(...); // fall-back overload
283     static constexpr bool value = sizeof(test(std::declval<Writer>())) > sizeof(std::uint8_t);
284   };
286 } // end namespace Dune
288 #include "vtkwriterinterface.impl.hh"