1 /*
2  *	gfx.h
3  *	AYM 1998-08-01
4  */
7 #ifndef YH_GFX  /* Prevent multiple inclusion */
8 #define YH_GFX  /* Prevent multiple inclusion */
11 /* Width and height of font cell. Those figures are not meant to
12    represent the actual size of the character but rather the step
13    between two characters. For example, for the original 8x8 BGI
14    font, FONTW was 8 and FONTH was 10. DrawScreenText() is supposed
15    to draw characters properly _centered_ within that space, taking
16    into account the optional underscoring. */
17 extern unsigned FONTW;
18 extern unsigned FONTH;
19 extern int font_xofs;
20 extern int font_yofs;
23 /* This number is the Y offset to use when underscoring a character.
24    For example, if you want to draw an underscored "A" at (x,y),
25    you should do :
26      DrawScreenString (x, y,         "A");
27      DrawScreenString (x, y + FONTU, "_"); */
28 #define FONTU  1
30 /* Narrow spacing around text. That's the distance in pixels
31    between the characters and the inner edge of the box. */
32 #define NARROW_HSPACING  4
33 #define NARROW_VSPACING  2
35 /* Wide spacing around text. That's the distance in pixels
36    between the characters and the inner edge of the box. */
38 #define WIDE_VSPACING  (FONTH / 2)
40 /* Boxes */
41 #define BOX_BORDER    2	 // Offset between outer and inner edges of a 3D box
42 #define NARROW_BORDER 1	 // Same thing for a shallow 3D box
43 #define HOLLOW_BORDER 1	 // Same thing for a hollow box
44 #define BOX_VSPACING  WIDE_VSPACING  // Vertical space between two hollow boxes
46 /* Parameters set by command line args and configuration file */
47 extern const char *BGIDriver;	// BGI: default extended BGI driver
48 extern bool  CirrusCursor;	// use HW cursor on Cirrus Logic VGA cards
49 extern bool  FakeCursor;	// use a "fake" mouse cursor
50 extern const char *font_name;	// X: the name of the font to load
51 				// (if NULL, use the default)
52 extern Win_dim initial_window_width;// X: the name says it all
53 extern Win_dim initial_window_height;// X: the name says it all
54 extern int   no_pixmap;		// X: use no pixmap -- direct window output
55 extern int   VideoMode;		// BGI: default video mode for VESA cards
57 /* Global variables */
58 extern int   GfxMode;		// current graphics mode, or 0 for text
59 extern int   OrigX;		// Map X-coord of centre of screen/window
60 extern int   OrigY;		// Map Y-coord of centre of screen/window
61 extern int   ScrCenterX;	// Display X-coord of center of screen/window
62 extern int   ScrCenterY;	// Display Y-coord of center of screen/window
63 #ifdef Y_X11
64 typedef unsigned long xpv_t;	// The type of a pixel value in X's opinion
65 #ifdef X_PROTOCOL
66 extern Display *dpy;
67 extern int      scn;
68 extern Colormap cmap;		// The X colormap
69 extern Window   win;
70 extern Drawable drw;
71 extern GC       gc;
72 extern Visual  *win_vis;	// The visual for win
73 extern int      win_depth;	// The depth of win in bits
74 extern int      win_bpp;	// The depth of win in bytes
75 extern int	x_server_big_endian;	// Is the X server big-endian ?
76 extern int      ximage_bpp;	// Number of bytes per pixels in XImages
77 extern int      ximage_quantum;	// Pad XImage lines to a mult of that many B.
78 #endif  // ifdef X_PROTOCOL
79 #endif  // ifdef Y_X11
80 extern int	text_dot;     // DrawScreenText()/DrawScreenString() debug flag
82 /* gfx.cc */
83 int InitGfx (void);
84 void SwitchToVGA256 (void);
85 void SwitchToVGA16 (void);
86 void TermGfx (void);
87 void SetWindowSize (int width, int height);
88 void ClearScreen (void);
89 void update_display ();
90 void force_window_not_pixmap ();
91 void SetLineThickness (int thick);
92 void SetDrawingMode (int _xor);
93 void DrawMapCircle (int, int, int);
94 void DrawMapLine (int mapx1, int mapy1, int mapx2, int mapy2);
95 void DrawMapVector (int, int, int, int);
96 void DrawMapArrow (int, int, unsigned);
97 void DrawScreenLine (int, int, int, int);
98 void DrawScreenRect (int x, int y, int width, int height);
99 void DrawScreenBox (int, int, int, int);
100 void DrawScreenBoxwh (int scrx0, int scry0, int width, int height);
101 void DrawScreenBox3D (int, int, int, int);
102 void DrawScreenBox3DShallow (int, int, int, int);
103 void DrawScreenBoxHollow (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, acolour_t colour);
104 void draw_box_border (int x, int y, int width, int height,
105    int thickness, int raised);
106 void DrawScreenText (int, int, const char *, ...);
107 void DrawScreenString (int, int, const char *);
108 void DrawScreenChar (int x, int y, char c);
109 void DrawPointer (bool);
110 void DrawScreenMeter (int, int, int, int, float);
111 void DrawScreenLineLen (int x, int y, int width, int height);
112 int TranslateToDoomColor (int);
113 #if defined Y_BGI && defined CIRRUS_PATCH
114 void SetHWCursorPos (unsigned, unsigned);
115 void SetHWCursorCol (long, long);
116 void SetHWCursorMap (char *);
117 #endif /* Y_BGI && CIRRUS_PATCH */
118 #ifdef PCOLOUR_NONE
119 void set_pcolour (pcolour_t colour);
120 #endif
121 acolour_t get_colour ();
122 void set_colour (acolour_t);
123 void push_colour (acolour_t colour);
124 void pop_colour (void);
125 void draw_point (int x, int y);
126 void draw_map_point (int mapx, int mapy);