1 //! This module is where is defined whether broot
2 //! writes on stdout, on stderr or elsewhere. It also provides helper
3 //! structs for io.
5 /// declare a style named `$dst` which is usually a reference to the `$src`
6 /// skin but, in case `selected` is true, is a clone with background changed
7 /// to the one of selected lines.
8 #[macro_export]
9 macro_rules! cond_bg {
10     ($dst:ident, $self:ident, $selected:expr, $src:expr) => {
11         let mut cloned_style;
12         let $dst = if $selected {
13             cloned_style = $src.clone();
14             if let Some(c) = $self.skin.selected_line.get_bg() {
15                 cloned_style.set_bg(c);
16             }
17             &cloned_style
18         } else {
19             &$src
20         };
21     };
22 }
24 mod areas;
25 mod col;
26 mod displayable_tree;
27 mod git_status_display;
28 pub mod flags_display;
29 pub mod status_line;
30 mod matched_string;
31 mod screen;
32 mod cell_size;
34 #[cfg(not(any(target_family="windows",target_os="android")))]
35 mod permissions;
37 pub use {
38     areas::Areas,
39     col::*,
40     cond_bg,
41     displayable_tree::DisplayableTree,
42     git_status_display::GitStatusDisplay,
43     matched_string::MatchedString,
44     screen::Screen,
45     cell_size::*,
46 };
47 use {
48     once_cell::sync::Lazy,
49     termimad::*,
50 };
52 #[cfg(not(any(target_family="windows",target_os="android")))]
53 pub use {
54     permissions::PermWriter,
55 };
57 pub static BRANCH_FILLING: Lazy<Filling> = Lazy::new(|| { Filling::from_char('─') });
59 /// if true then the status of a panel covers the whole width
60 /// of the terminal (over the other panels)
61 pub const WIDE_STATUS: bool = true;
63 /// the type used by all GUI writing functions
64 pub type W = std::io::BufWriter<std::io::Stderr>;
66 /// return the writer used by the application
writer() -> W67 pub fn writer() -> W {
68     std::io::BufWriter::new(std::io::stderr())
69 }