1 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2 @NAME       : mincresample.h
3 @DESCRIPTION: Header file for mincresample.c
4 @METHOD     :
5 @GLOBALS    :
6 @CALLS      :
7 @CREATED    : February 8, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
9  * $Log: mincresample.h,v $
10  * Revision 6.8  2008-01-13 09:38:54  stever
11  * Avoid compiler warnings about functions and variables that are defined
12  * but not used.  Remove some such functions and variables,
13  * conditionalize some, and move static declarations out of header files
14  * into C files.
15  *
16  * Revision 6.7  2005/07/13 21:34:25  bert
17  * Add sinc interpolant (ported from 1.X branch)
18  *
19  * Revision 6.6  2004/11/01 22:38:39  bert
20  * Eliminate all references to minc_def.h
21  *
22  * Revision 6.5  2004/04/27 15:31:20  bert
23  * Added -2 option
24  *
25  * Revision 6.4  2002/11/06 13:32:23  jason
26  * Fixes to mincresample: setting the interpolation type is now done
27  * through an enum rather than function pointers.
28  *
29  * Revision 6.3  2001/04/17 18:40:23  neelin
30  * Modifications to work with NetCDF 3.x
31  * In particular, changed NC_LONG to NC_INT (and corresponding longs to ints).
32  * Changed NC_UNSPECIFIED to NC_NAT.
33  * A few fixes to the configure script.
34  *
35  * Revision 6.2  2001/04/02 14:58:09  neelin
36  * Added -keep_real_range option to prevent rescaling of slices on output
37  *
38  * Revision 6.1  1999/10/19 14:45:27  neelin
39  * Fixed Log subsitutions for CVS
40  *
41  * Revision 6.0  1997/09/12 13:23:21  neelin
42  * Release of minc version 0.6
43  *
44  * Revision 5.0  1997/08/21  13:24:22  neelin
45  * Release of minc version 0.5
46  *
47  * Revision 4.1  1997/08/13  15:41:12  neelin
48  * Fixed initialization problem that caused crashing under Linux.
49  *
50  * Revision 4.0  1997/05/07  19:59:42  neelin
51  * Release of minc version 0.4
52  *
53  * Revision 3.4  1996/01/31  15:22:02  neelin
54  * Fixed bug in transformation of input sampling.
55  *
56  * Revision 3.3  1995/12/12  19:15:35  neelin
57  * Added -spacetype, -talairach and -units options.
58  *
59  * Revision 3.2  1995/11/21  14:13:20  neelin
60  * Transform input sampling with transformation and use this as default.
61  * Added -tfm_input_sampling to specify above option.
62  * Added -use_input_sampling to get old behaviour (no longer the default).
63  * Added -origin option (to specify coordinate instead of start values).
64  * Added -standard_sampling option (to set standard values of start, step
65  * and direction cosines).
66  * Added -invert_transformation option.
67  *
68  * Revision 3.1  1995/11/07  15:04:02  neelin
69  * Modified argument parsing so that only one pass is done.
70  *
71  * Revision 3.0  1995/05/15  19:30:57  neelin
72  * Release of minc version 0.3
73  *
74  * Revision 2.0  1994/09/28  10:32:48  neelin
75  * Release of minc version 0.2
76  *
77  * Revision 1.11  94/09/28  10:32:40  neelin
78  * Pre-release
79  *
80  * Revision 1.10  93/11/04  15:13:40  neelin
81  * Added support for irregularly spaced dimensions.
82  *
83  * Revision 1.9  93/11/02  11:23:56  neelin
84  * Handle imagemax/min potentially varying over slices (for vector data, etc.)
85  *
86  * Revision 1.8  93/10/20  14:05:42  neelin
87  * Added VOXEL_COORD_EPS - an epsilon for doing voxel coordinate comparisons.
88  *
89  * Revision 1.7  93/08/11  14:31:50  neelin
90  * Changed prototype for check_imageminmax.
91  *
92  * Revision 1.6  93/08/11  13:34:20  neelin
93  * Converted to use Dave MacDonald's General_transform code.
94  * Fixed bug in get_slice - for non-linear transformations coord was
95  * transformed, then used again as a starting coordinate.
96  * Handle files that have image-max/min that doesn't vary over slices.
97  * Handle files that have image-max/min varying over row/cols.
98  * Allow volume to extend to voxel edge for -nearest_neighbour interpolation.
99  * Handle out-of-range values (-fill values from a previous mincresample, for
100  * example).
101  * Save transformation file as a string attribute to processing variable.
102  *
104               Copyright 1993 Peter Neelin, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
105               Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University.
106               Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
107               software and its documentation for any purpose and without
108               fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
109               notice appear in all copies.  The author and McGill University
110               make no representations about the suitability of this
111               software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without
112               express or implied warranty.
113 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
115 /* Constants used in program */
117 /* Number of dimensions for various things */
118 #define VOL_NDIMS    3   /* Number of volume dimensions */
119 #define WORLD_NDIMS  3   /* Number of world spatial dimensions */
120 #define SLICE_NDIMS  2   /* Number of slice dimensions */
121 #define MAT_NDIMS    WORLD_NDIMS+1   /* Number of dims for homogenous matrix */
122 /* For referring to world axes in arrays subscripted by WORLD_NDIMS */
123 #define NO_AXIS -1
124 #define XAXIS 0
125 #define YAXIS 1
126 #define ZAXIS 2
127 /* For referring to volume axes in arrays subscripted by VOL_NDIMS */
128 #define SLC_AXIS  0
129 #define ROW_AXIS    1
130 #define COL_AXIS    2
131 /* For referring to slice axes in arrays subscripted by SLICE_NDIMS */
132 #define SLICE_ROW 0
133 #define SLICE_COL 1
134 /* For referring to world coordinates in Coord_Vector */
135 #define XCOORD 0
136 #define YCOORD 1
137 #define ZCOORD 2
138 /* For referring to volume coordinates in Coord_Vector */
139 #define SLICE  0
140 #define ROW    1
141 #define COLUMN 2
142 /* Various constants */
143 #define NO_VALUE DBL_MAX   /* Constant to flag fact that value not set */
144 #define DEFAULT_MAX 1.0
145 #define DEFAULT_MIN 0.0
146 #define FILL_DEFAULT DBL_MAX   /* Fillvalue indicating -nofill */
147 #define SMALL_VALUE (100.0*FLT_MIN)   /* A small floating-point value */
148 #define VOXEL_COORD_EPS (100.0*FLT_EPSILON)  /* Epsilon for voxel coords */
150 #define PROCESSING_VAR "processing"
151 #define TEMP_IMAGE_VAR "mincresample-temporary-image"
152 #ifndef TRUE
153 #  define TRUE 1
154 #  define FALSE 0
155 #endif
157 /* Types used in program */
160 typedef double Coord_Vector[WORLD_NDIMS];
162 typedef struct {
163    char *name;
164    int mincid;
165    int imgid;
166    int maxid;
167    int minid;
168    int ndims;
169    nc_type datatype;
170    int is_signed;
171    double vrange[2];                /* [0]=min, [1]=max */
172    long nelements[MAX_VAR_DIMS];    /* Size of each dimension */
173    int world_axes[MAX_VAR_DIMS];    /* Relates variable index to X, Y, Z
174                                        or NO_AXIS */
175    int indices[VOL_NDIMS];        /* Indices of volume dimenions (subscripted
176                                        from slowest to fastest) */
177    int axes[WORLD_NDIMS];    /* Relates world X,Y,Z (index) to dimension
178                                 order (value=0,1,2; 0=slowest varying) */
179    int using_icv;            /* True if we are using an icv to read data */
180    int icvid;                /* Id of icv (if used) */
181    long slices_per_image;    /* Number of volume slices (row, column) per
182                                 minc file image */
183    long images_per_file;     /* Number of minc file images in the file */
184    int do_slice_renormalization; /* Flag indicating that we need to
185                                     loop through the data a second time,
186                                     recomputing the slices to normalize
187                                     images properly */
188    int keep_real_range;      /* Flag indicating whether we should keep
189                                 the real range of the input data or not */
190 } File_Info;
192 typedef struct {
193    long size[SLICE_NDIMS];   /* Size of each dimension */
194    double *data;             /* Pointer to slice data */
195 } Slice_Data;
197 typedef struct Volume_Data_Struct Volume_Data;
198 typedef int (*Interpolating_Function)
199      (Volume_Data *volume, Coord_Vector coord, double *result);
200 struct Volume_Data_Struct {
201    nc_type datatype;         /* Type of data in volume */
202    int is_signed;            /* Sign of data (TRUE if signed) */
203    int use_fill;             /* TRUE if fill values should be used in
204                                 calculation of output image max/min */
205    double fillvalue;         /* Value to return when out of bounds */
206    double vrange[2];         /* [0]=min, [1]=max */
207    double real_range[2];     /* Real min and max for current volume */
208    int size[VOL_NDIMS];      /* Size of each dimension */
209    void *data;               /* Pointer to volume data */
210    double *scale;            /* Pointer to array of scales for slices */
211    double *offset;           /* Pointer to array of offsets for slices */
212    Interpolating_Function interpolant; /* Function Pointer */
213 };
215 typedef struct {
216    File_Info *file;           /* Information about associated file */
217    Volume_Data *volume;      /* Volume data for (input volume) */
218    Slice_Data *slice;        /* Slice data for (output volume) */
219    General_transform *voxel_to_world;
220    General_transform *world_to_voxel;
221 } VVolume;
223 typedef struct {
224    int axes[WORLD_NDIMS];    /* Relates world X,Y,Z (index) to dimension
225                                 order (value=0,1,2; 0=slowest varying) */
226    long nelements[WORLD_NDIMS]; /* These are subscripted by X, Y and Z */
227    double step[WORLD_NDIMS];
228    double start[WORLD_NDIMS];
229    double dircos[WORLD_NDIMS][WORLD_NDIMS];
230    double *coords[WORLD_NDIMS];
231    char units[WORLD_NDIMS][MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN];
232    char spacetype[WORLD_NDIMS][MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN];
233 } Volume_Definition;
235 typedef struct {
236    int verbose;
237 } Program_Flags;
239 typedef struct {
240    int invert_transform;
241    char *file_name;
242    char *file_contents;
243    long buffer_length;
244    General_transform *transformation;
245 } Transform_Info;
247 typedef struct {
248    int clobber;
249    int keep_real_range;
250    nc_type datatype;
251    int is_signed;
252    double vrange[2];
253    double fillvalue;
254    double origin[3];
255    Program_Flags flags;
256    enum Interpolant_type interpolant_type;  /* Type of interpolation */
257    Transform_Info transform_info;
258    Volume_Definition volume_def;
259    int v2format;                /* If non-zero, create a MINC 2.0 output */
260 } Arg_Data;
262 typedef struct {
263    long last_index[VOL_NDIMS];
264    long nelements[VOL_NDIMS];
265    double *coords[VOL_NDIMS];
266 } Irregular_Transform_Data;
268 /* Macros used in program */
270 #define DO_TRANSFORM(result, transformation, coord) \
271    general_transform_point(transformation, \
272       coord[XCOORD], coord[YCOORD], coord[ZCOORD], \
273       &result[XCOORD], &result[YCOORD], &result[ZCOORD])
275 #define DO_INVERSE_TRANSFORM(result, transformation, coord) \
276    general_inverse_transform_point(transformation, \
277       coord[XCOORD], coord[YCOORD], coord[ZCOORD], \
278       &result[XCOORD], &result[YCOORD], &result[ZCOORD])
280 #define IS_LINEAR(transformation) \
281    (get_transform_type(transformation)==LINEAR)
283 #define VECTOR_COPY(result, first) { \
284    result[XCOORD] = first[XCOORD]; \
285    result[YCOORD] = first[YCOORD]; \
286    result[ZCOORD] = first[ZCOORD]; \
287 }
289 #define VECTOR_DIFF(result, first, second) { \
290    result[XCOORD] = first[XCOORD] - second[XCOORD]; \
291    result[YCOORD] = first[YCOORD] - second[YCOORD]; \
292    result[ZCOORD] = first[ZCOORD] - second[ZCOORD]; \
293 }
295 #define VECTOR_ADD(result, first, second) { \
296    result[XCOORD] = first[XCOORD] + second[XCOORD]; \
297    result[YCOORD] = first[YCOORD] + second[YCOORD]; \
298    result[ZCOORD] = first[ZCOORD] + second[ZCOORD]; \
299 }
301 #define VECTOR_SCALAR_MULT(result, vector, scalar) { \
302    result[XCOORD] = vector[XCOORD] * (scalar); \
303    result[YCOORD] = vector[YCOORD] * (scalar); \
304    result[ZCOORD] = vector[ZCOORD] * (scalar); \
305 }
307 #ifdef INTERPOLATE
308 #  undef INTERPOLATE
309 #endif
311 #define INTERPOLATE(volume, coord, result) \
312    (*volume->interpolant) (volume, coord, result)
314 #define VOLUME_VALUE(volume, slcind, rowind, colind, value) \
315 { \
316    long offset; \
317  \
318    offset = ((slcind)*volume->size[ROW_AXIS] + \
319              (rowind))*volume->size[COL_AXIS] + (colind); \
320    switch (volume->datatype) { \
321    case NC_BYTE: \
322       if (volume->is_signed) \
323          value = *((signed char *) volume->data + offset); \
324       else \
325          value = *((unsigned char *) volume->data + offset); \
326       break; \
327    case NC_SHORT: \
328       if (volume->is_signed) \
329          value = *((signed short *) volume->data + offset); \
330       else \
331          value = *((unsigned short *) volume->data + offset); \
332       break; \
333    case NC_INT: \
334       if (volume->is_signed) \
335          value = *((signed int *) volume->data + offset); \
336       else \
337          value = *((unsigned int *) volume->data + offset); \
338       break; \
339    case NC_FLOAT: \
340       value = *((float *) volume->data + offset); \
341       break; \
342    case NC_DOUBLE: \
343       value = *((double *) volume->data + offset); \
344       break; \
345    } \
346 }
348 /* Function prototypes */
350 extern void resample_volumes(Program_Flags *program_flags,
351                              VVolume *in_vol, VVolume *out_vol,
352                              General_transform *transformation);
353 extern int trilinear_interpolant(Volume_Data *volume,
354                                  Coord_Vector coord, double *result);
355 extern int tricubic_interpolant(Volume_Data *volume,
356                                 Coord_Vector coord, double *result);
357 extern int nearest_neighbour_interpolant(Volume_Data *volume,
358                                          Coord_Vector coord, double *result);
359 extern int windowed_sinc_interpolant(Volume_Data *volume,
360                                      Coord_Vector coord, double *result);
362 #define SINC_HALF_WIDTH_MAX 10
363 #define SINC_HALF_WIDTH_MIN 1
365 enum sinc_interpolant_window_t {
369 };
371 extern enum sinc_interpolant_window_t sinc_window_type;
372 extern int sinc_half_width;