1 /*========================== begin_copyright_notice ============================
3 Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Intel Corporation
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
7 ============================= end_copyright_notice ===========================*/
9 #pragma once
11 #include "usc_config.h"
13 #define USC_DBG_OFF                  (0x00000000)
14 #define USC_DBG_CRITICAL             (0x00000001)
15 #define USC_DBG_NORMAL               (0x00000002)
16 #define USC_DBG_VERBOSE              (0x00000004)
17 #define USC_DBG_VERBOSE_VERBOSITY    (0x00000040)
19 #define USC_DBG_FUNCTION             (0x80000000)
21 #define USC_DBG_INTERFACE                ((0x00010000) | USC_DBG_FUNCTION)
22 #define USC_DBG_HARDWARE                 ((0x00020000) | USC_DBG_VERBOSE)
23 #define USC_DBG_COMPILER                 ((0x00040000) | USC_DBG_VERBOSE)
24 #define USC_DBG_COMPILER_LIR_DUMP        ((0x00001000) | USC_DBG_VERBOSE)
25 #define USC_DBG_COMPILER_IR_TO_LIR_TRACE ((0x00002000))
27 namespace USC
28 {
30 #if defined (_DEBUG) || defined (_INTERNAL)
31 /*****************************************************************************\
32     Debug structure for manual control over debug logging level.
33 \*****************************************************************************/
34 struct SDebugLevel
35 {
36     unsigned int   Critical              : 1;
37     unsigned int   Normal                : 1;
38     unsigned int   Verbose               : 1;
39     unsigned int   VerboseVerbosity      : 1;
41     unsigned int   : 4;
43     unsigned int   : 4;
45     unsigned int   CompilerLirDump       : 1;
46     unsigned int   CompilerIRToLIRTrace  : 1;
47     unsigned int   : 2;
49     unsigned int   Interface             : 1;
50     unsigned int   Hardware              : 1;
51     unsigned int   Compiler              : 1;
53     unsigned int   : 5;
55     unsigned int   : 4;
57     unsigned int   : 3;
58     unsigned int   Function              : 1;
59 };
61 /*****************************************************************************\
62     Debug structure that holds MsgLevel together with break on assert option.
63 \*****************************************************************************/
64 struct SDebugControl
65 {
66     bool            breakOnAssert;
68     union
69     {
70         unsigned int       MsgLevelValue;
71         SDebugLevel MsgLevel;
72     };
73 };
75  // Debug variable that holds MsgLevel together with break on assert option
76  // for USC.
77 USC_API extern SDebugControl g_DebugControl;
78 #endif //_DEBUG
80 /*****************************************************************************\
81     Debug structure for overriding USC behavior.
82 \*****************************************************************************/
83 struct SDebugVariables
84 {
85     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
86     // Hardware Debug Controls
87     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
88     unsigned int   PassThroughVertexShaderEnable           : 1;
89     unsigned int   PassThroughPixelShaderEnable            : 1;
91     unsigned int   MaxSoftwareGRFRegistersOverride;
93     unsigned int   MaxVSThreadsOverride;
94     unsigned int   MaxGSThreadsOverride;
95     unsigned int   MaxGSThreadsOverrideWithSO;
96     unsigned int   MaxPSThreadsOverride;
97     unsigned int   MaxHSThreadsOverride;
98     unsigned int   MaxDSThreadsOverride;
99     unsigned int   MaxCSThreadsOverride;
101     unsigned int   MaxVSURBEntriesOverride;
102     unsigned int   MaxGSURBEntriesOverride;
104     unsigned int   MaxShaderScratchSpaceOverride; // Overrides the limit on the maximum scratch space
105                                                   // size used by all threads in each stage of 3D pipeline.
107     unsigned int   GSExecutionMode;
109     unsigned int   ExtendAllSourceLiveRanges;
110     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
111     // Software Debug Controls
112     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113     unsigned int   BreakInCreateCompiler                   : 1;
114     unsigned int   PrintVertexShaderKeyEnable              : 1;
115     unsigned int   PrintGeometryShaderKeyEnable            : 1;
116     unsigned int   PrintPixelShaderKeyEnable               : 1;
117     unsigned int   ReportAssertEnable                      : 1;
118     unsigned int   ImprovedIsaDisassemblyEnable            : 1;
119     unsigned int   ShaderDumpEnable                        : 1;
120     unsigned int   ShaderDumpToRamdisk                     : 1;
121     unsigned int   PrintLirRegSetsEnable                   : 1;
122     unsigned int   PrintFunctionBodyInstructionListEnable  : 1;
123     unsigned int   ShaderDumpPidDisable                    : 1;
124     unsigned int   ShaderDumpDuplicatesEnable              : 1;
125     unsigned int   IsaInjectionEnable                      : 1;
126     unsigned int   IsaLabelPrintingEnable                  : 1;
127     unsigned int   EnableDebugFileDump                     : 1;
128     unsigned int   AllDumpsInSingleFile                    : 1;
129     unsigned int   OptimizationStatsEnable                 : 1;
130     unsigned int   CompilationTimeDumpEnable               : 1;
131     unsigned int   QualityMetricsEnable                    : 1;
132     unsigned int   CodeStatsEnable                         : 1;
133     unsigned int   MemoryStatsEnable                       : 1;
134     unsigned int   MemoryStatsDetailedEnable               : 1;
135     unsigned int   TimeStatsEnable                         : 1;
136     unsigned int   DisablePixelShaderSampleInstructions    : 1;
137     unsigned int   DisableVertexShaderSampleInstructions   : 1;
138     unsigned int   ForceSampler2x2                         : 1;
139     unsigned int   DisableRenderTargetSurfaceState         : 1;
140     unsigned int   ForceSampleCToSample                    : 1;
141     unsigned int   IllegalInstructionAfterEOTEnable        : 1;
142     unsigned int   ResetUninitializedVariablesEnable       : 1;
143     unsigned int   CompilerLogsInReleaseBuildEnable        : 1;
145     unsigned int   ISASchedulerLogs;
147     unsigned int   RetailMessageControl;
149     unsigned int   FullLIRDumpHashCode;
150     unsigned int   DisableMcsFastClear;
151     unsigned int   DisableMcsMsaa;
153     unsigned int   ShaderDebugHashCode;
154     unsigned int   ShaderDebugExtra;
155     unsigned int   ShaderDebugHashCodeInKernel             : 1;
156     unsigned int   SystemThreadCacheFlushEnable            : 1;
157     unsigned int   SystemThreadCacheFlushCountOverride;
159     unsigned int   PrintSimdMaskInLIR                     : 1;
161     unsigned int   KillPixelHangWorkaroundOverrideEnable;
162     unsigned int   KillPixelHangWorkaroundOverride;     // 0-always enable message header for RT write messages
163                                                         // 1-dispatch simd8 only when kill pixel enabled
164                                                         // 2-thread count = 84(42 GT1) always
165                                                         // 3-thread count = 84(42 GT1) when kill pixel enabled
166     unsigned int   SendsSupportEnable                      : 1;
168     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
169     // Compiler Debug Controls
170     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
171     unsigned int   SystemThreadEnable                      : 1;
172     unsigned int   InstructionCompactionEnable             : 1;    // TODO: change to Override
173     unsigned int   SIMD32CompileOverride                   : 1;
174     unsigned int   SIMD32CompileEnable                     : 1;
175     unsigned int   SIMD32CompileForce                      : 1;
176     unsigned int   SIMD32AllowSpillFill                    : 1;
177     unsigned int   SIMD16CompileOverride                   : 1;
178     unsigned int   SIMD16CompileEnable                     : 1;
179     unsigned int   SIMD16CompileForce                      : 1;
180     unsigned int   SIMD8CompileOverride                    : 1;
181     unsigned int   SIMD8CompileEnable                      : 1;
182     unsigned int   CSSIMD32CompileForce                    : 1;
183     unsigned int   CSSIMD16CompileForce                    : 1;
184     unsigned int   CSSIMD8CompileForce                     : 1;
185     unsigned int   HeaderBypassDisable                     : 1;
186     unsigned int   DisableOptimizeDependencies             : 1;
187     unsigned int   DisableMergePatchConstantShaders        : 1;
188     unsigned int   DisableInstanceUnroll                   : 1;
189     unsigned int   HSIndexedControlPointShaderEnable       : 1;
190     unsigned int   HSUseSingleHardwareThreadEnable         : 1;
191     unsigned int   ForceVSPullModel                        : 1;
192     unsigned int   ForceGSPullModel                        : 1;
193     unsigned int   ForceHSPullModel                        : 1;
194     unsigned int   ForceDSPullModel                        : 1;
195     unsigned int   ForceSampleUVtoZero                     : 1;
196     unsigned int   ForceSkipValueNumberingForSample        : 1;
197     unsigned int   VSSIMD4x2CompileForce                   : 1;
198     unsigned int   HSSIMD4x2CompileForce                   : 1;
199     unsigned int   DSSIMD4x2CompileForce                   : 1;
200     unsigned int   GSSIMD4x2CompileForce                   : 1;
201     unsigned int   VSSIMD8CompileForce                     : 1;
202     unsigned int   HSSIMD8CompileForce                     : 1;
203     unsigned int   DSSIMD8CompileForce                     : 1; // For Gen9+ this mean SIMD8 single- and dual-patch compilation instead of SIMD4x2.
204     unsigned int   DSSIMD8SPCompileForce                   : 1; // For Gen9+ only, this mean only single-patch compilation.
205     unsigned int   GSSIMD8CompileForce                     : 1;
206     unsigned int   VSSIMD8WithFullEpilogEnable             : 1;
207     unsigned int   GSSIMD8WithSpillFillCompileEnable       : 1;
208     unsigned int   HSSIMD8DualPatchModeCompileEnable       : 1;
209     unsigned int   HSSIMD8EightPatchModeCompileEnable      : 1;
210     unsigned int   DSSIMD8SingleOrDualPatchModeCompileEnable : 1;
211     unsigned int   DisableGPGPUIndirectPayload             : 1;
212     unsigned int   LowPrecisionOverride                    : 1;
213     unsigned int   LowPrecisionEnable                      : 1;
214     unsigned int   SampleLdWithNativeZeroLodDisable        : 1;
215     unsigned int   SIMDExpansionEnable                     : 1;
216     unsigned int   OCLSurfaceStateSpillFillEnable          : 1;
217     unsigned int   DisableHSBarrierRead                    : 1;
218     unsigned int   ClearVHEnable                           : 1;
219     unsigned int   ForceSamplerPointer                     : 1;
220     unsigned int   ForceDoubleSamplerSlots                 : 1;
221     unsigned int   URBPaddingSIMD8Disable                  : 1;
222     unsigned int   ForceSendTGSMFence                      : 1;
223     unsigned int   DisableRSPushConstants                  : 1;
224     unsigned int   DisableRSPushConstantsCompute           : 1;
225     unsigned int   SWStencilPushConstantEnable             : 1;
226     unsigned int   AppendPaddingToISA                      : 1;
227     unsigned int   CallToSubroutineCallForceEnable         : 1;
229     unsigned int   ForceCompilerInlineFunctionPolicy;
231     unsigned int   MaxHSPatchConstantShaders;
232     unsigned int   MaxSIMD16PixelShaderInstructionCount;
233     unsigned int   MaxSIMD32PixelShaderInstructionCount;
235     unsigned int   SIMD32CpiThreshold;
236     unsigned int   OCLSIMD32InstructionThreshold;
237     unsigned int   OCLSIMD32LIRThreshold;
238     unsigned int   OCLSIMD32TPMThreshold;
239     unsigned int   MaxSIMD16ComputeShaderInstructionCount;
240     unsigned int   MaxSIMD32ComputeShaderInstructionCount;
242     unsigned int   SamplerOffsetWorkaroundMinSampleCount;
243     unsigned int   L3WAMaxShortVSLength;
244     unsigned int   DoLlvmOptimize;
245     unsigned int   ShaderTestFlagsFound;
246     unsigned int   MaxInstructionsToFixPrecision;
248     unsigned int   ForceShortenURBDataLenght :1;
249     unsigned int   DisableILReflectOpts;
250     unsigned int   DisableSIMD32DueEarlyEOTAfterDiscard :1;
251     unsigned int   EnableResourceIndexAlwaysNonUniform :1;
252     // USCTester and USCLauncher use different compiler settings, e.g. USCTester does not support CB2CR on other platforms than HSW
253     // This is needed to pass this information from USCTester.
254     unsigned int   DisableUSCTesterUnsupportedFeatures  : 1;
256     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
257     // USC WA Override Controls
258     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
259     unsigned int    WaDisable_WIZUnit_ScratchSpace;
260     unsigned int    WaClampSamplerArrayIndex;
261     unsigned int    WaForcePushConstantEvenReadLength;
262     unsigned int    WaDisableHeaderBypassForPSDepthOutput;
263     unsigned int    WaForceHeaderForKillPixInstructions;
264     unsigned int    WaDecomposePowToLogMulExp;
265     unsigned int    WaDisableMadSrc0Replicate;
266     unsigned int    WaSamplerChannelDisables;
267     unsigned int    WaUAVTypedWriteOverlapping;
268     unsigned int    WaUAVTypedReadOverwritesAllDestChannels;
269     unsigned int    WaUseOnlySIMD8UntypedRead;
270     unsigned int    WaUVoffsetToZeroForLd2dms;
271     unsigned int    WaPerThreadScratchSpaceInGPGPUIncrease;
272     unsigned int    WaUseFDP3InsteadOfFDP2;
273     unsigned int    WaApplyAbsToFrcInstruction;
274     unsigned int    WaForPlusInfRoundingModeFrcInstruction;
275     unsigned int    WaEmulateIBFEInstrucion;
276     unsigned int    WaShaderCalculateResourceOffsets;
277     unsigned int    WaUseThreadPayloadCompression;
278     unsigned int    WaUnlitCentroidInterpolation;
279     unsigned int    WaAddCallToEOTEnabled;
280     unsigned int    WaZeroUnusedSampleDGradientsParameters;
281     unsigned int    WaAlphaToOneOGL;
282     unsigned int    WaOGLGSVertexReordering;
283     unsigned int    WaOGLGSVertexReorderingTriStripAdjOnly;
284     unsigned int    WaXScaledFormatConversion;
285     unsigned int    WaCMPInstFlagDepClearedEarly;
286     unsigned int    WaScalarAtomic;
287     unsigned int    WaL3UseSamplerForLoadDualConstant;
288     unsigned int    WaL3UseSamplerForVectorLoadScatter;
289     unsigned int    Wa1DSurfaceSIMD4x2ArrayIndexInRAddress;
290     unsigned int    WaBreakSimd16TernaryInstructionsIntoSimd8;
291     unsigned int    WaGSPullModelForPatchlistInputTopology;
292     unsigned int    WaGSSingleDispatchModeForTriangleInput;
293     unsigned int    WaForceSIMD8ForBFIInstruction;
294     unsigned int    WaBreakSimd16InstWhenAccIsUsedIntoSimd8;
295     unsigned int    WaEnableDummyMovInGpgpuContextSave;
296     unsigned int    WaClearNotificationRegInGpgpuContextSave;
297     unsigned int    WaNotifRegSwapInGpGpuContextRestore;
298     unsigned int    WaStoreSlmOffsetInSRDuringGpGpuPreemption;
299     unsigned int    WaSampleGCToSampleLC;
300     unsigned int    WaCMPInstNullDstForcesThreadSwitch;
301     unsigned int    WaCMPInstNullDstBreaksR0Scoreboarding;
302     unsigned int    WaForceHeaderForDualSourceBlendHi;
303     unsigned int    WaForceHSPullModel;
304     unsigned int    WaInsertNopToHaltDestination;
305     unsigned int    WaForceTypeConvertF32To16ToAlign1;
306     unsigned int    WaAdditionalMovWhenSrc1ModOnMulMach;
307     unsigned int    WaForceMulSrc1WordToAlign1;
308     unsigned int    WaCallForcesThreadSwitch;
309     unsigned int    WaThreadSwitchAfterCall;
310     unsigned int    WANOPBeetweenIndirectAdressingAndBranch;
311     unsigned int    WaA32StatelessMessagesRequireHeader;
312     unsigned int    WaNoA32ByteScatteredStatelessMessages;
313     unsigned int    WaUrbAtomics;
314     unsigned int    WaBasicCompilationForDPInstructions;
315     unsigned int    WaHalfFloatSelNotAllowedWithSourceModifiers;
316     unsigned int    WaLowPrecWriteRTOnlyFloat;
317     unsigned int    WaBreakF32MixedModeIntoSimd8;
318     unsigned int    WaDisableDSDualPatchMode;
319     unsigned int    WaDisableNoSrcDepSetBeforeEOTSend;
320     unsigned int    WaDstSubRegNumNotAllowedWithLowPrecPacked;
321     unsigned int    WaHeaderRequiredOnSimd16Sample16bit;
322     unsigned int    WaLodRequiredOnTypedMsaaUav;
323     unsigned int    AccWrEnNotAllowedToAcc1With16bit;
324     unsigned int    WaSendsSrc1Length0NotAllowed;
325     unsigned int    WaDisableEuBypassOnSimd16Float16;
326     unsigned int    WaDisableEuBypassOnSimd16Float32;
327     unsigned int    WaStructuredBufferAsRawBufferOverride;
328     unsigned int    WaSrc1ImmHfNotAllowed;
329     unsigned int    WaCselUnsupported;
330     unsigned int    WaDisableDSCaching;
331     unsigned int    WaDisallow64BitImmMov;
332     unsigned int    WaDisallowDFImmMovWithSimd8;
333     unsigned int    WaEmitVtxWhenOutVtxCntIsZero;
334     unsigned int    WaFixCentroidInterpolationRTIR16X;
335     unsigned int    WaDisableIndirectDataForGPGPUWalker;
336     unsigned int    WaDisableIndirectDataAndFlushGPGPUWalker;
337     unsigned int    WaDisablePushConstantHSGS;
338     unsigned int    WaEnableAllWriteChannelMask;
339     unsigned int    WaGather4WithGreenChannelSelectOnR32G32Float;
340     unsigned int    WaPreventHSTessLevelsInterference;
341     unsigned int    WaAvoidDomainShaderCacheStall;
342     unsigned int    WaClearArfDependenciesBeforeEot;
343     unsigned int    WaDoNotPushConstantsForAllPulledGSTopologies;
344     unsigned int    WaDisableDbg0Register;
345     unsigned int    WaGrfDependecyClearInGpgpuContextRestore;
346     unsigned int    WaRestoreFCandMSGRegistersFromUpperOword;
347     unsigned int    WaRestoreFC4RegisterDW0fromDW1;
348     unsigned int    WaRestoreFc0RegistersWithOffset;
349     unsigned int    WaGrfDepClearOnOutstandingSamplerInGpgpuContextSave;
350     unsigned int    WaStoreAcc2to9InAlign16InGpgpuContextSave;
351     unsigned int    WaGrfScoreboardClearInGpgpuContextSave;
352     unsigned int    WaClearFlowControlGpgpuContextSave;
353     unsigned int    WaClearCr0SpfInGpgpuContextRestore;
354     unsigned int    WaSendsSrc1SizeLimitWhenEOT;
355     unsigned int    WaDisableMixedModeLog;
356     unsigned int    WaDisableMixedModePow;
357     unsigned int    WaDisableMixedModeFdiv;
358     unsigned int    WaFloatMixedModeSelNotAllowedWithPackedDestination;
359     unsigned int    WaDisableNativeDWxDWMultiplication;
360     unsigned int    WaForceMinMaxGSThreadCount;
361     unsigned int    WaIntegerDivisionSourceModifierNotSupported;
362     unsigned int    WaDisableLowPrecisionWriteRTRepData;
363     unsigned int    WAResetN0AfterRenderTargetRead;
365     unsigned int    WADisableWriteCommitForPageFault;   // Disables Write commit for page fault
366     unsigned int    WaDisableDeepLoopsUnrolling;
367     unsigned int    EnableRegSizeConsistencyCheck   :1; // Enables RegSizeConsistencyCheck
368     unsigned int    EnableUntypedSrfRead    :1;
369 };
371 #if ( defined _DEBUG ) || ( defined _INTERNAL )
372 //  Debug variable for overriding USC behavior.
373 USC_API extern SDebugVariables g_DebugVariables;
374 #endif // defined _DEBUG || defined _INTERNAL
376 /*****************************************************************************\
377 MACRO: USC_RV_Declare
378 PURPOSE: Declares a new entry in the global registry table.
379 \*****************************************************************************/
380 #define USC_RV_Declare(type, name, value, subkey, description)                             \
381 struct SRegistryEntry##name : public SRegistryEntry                                            \
382 {                                                                                               \
383     SRegistryEntry##name()                                                                      \
384     : SRegistryEntry(value, false, #name, subkey, #type, description, USC_RV_SetGroup) \
385 {                                                                                           \
386 }                                                                                           \
387 } name
390 /*****************************************************************************\
391 MACRO: USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl
392 PURPOSE: Declares a new control debug variable which can be use to override
393 workaround related to USC.
394 \*****************************************************************************/
395 #define USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( name )  \
396     USC_RV_Declare( DWORD, name, DGB_VAR_INITIAL_VALUE, "", "" )
398 /*****************************************************************************\
399 MACRO: USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl
400 PURPOSE: Declares a new compiler control debug variable meta data, one per
401 shader unit
402 \*****************************************************************************/
403 #define USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( type, name, value, subkey, description )  \
404     USC_RV_Declare( type, VS_##name, value, subkey, description ); \
405     USC_RV_Declare( type, GS_##name, value, subkey, description ); \
406     USC_RV_Declare( type, PS_##name, value, subkey, description ); \
407     USC_RV_Declare( type, HS_##name, value, subkey, description ); \
408     USC_RV_Declare( type, DS_##name, value, subkey, description ); \
409     USC_RV_Declare( type, CS_##name, value, subkey, description )
411 /*****************************************************************************\
412 STRUCT:  SRegistryVariable
413 PURPOSE: Defines data for holding/defining registry variables
414 \*****************************************************************************/
415 struct SRegistryEntry
416 {
SRegistryEntrySRegistryEntry417     SRegistryEntry(
418         unsigned int in_value,
419         bool         in_isSet,
420         const char*  in_pName,
421         const char*  in_pSubKey,
422         const char*  in_pType,
423         const char*  in_pDescription,
424         const char*  in_pGroup)
425         : Value(in_value),
426         IsSet(in_isSet),
427         pName(in_pName),
428         pSubKey(in_pSubKey),
429         pType(in_pType),
430         pDescription(in_pDescription),
431         pGroup(in_pGroup)
432     {
433     }
435     unsigned int Value;
436     bool         IsSet;
437     const char*  pName;
438     const char*  pSubKey;
439     const char*  pType;
440     const char*  pDescription;
441     const char*  pGroup;
442 };
443 /*****************************************************************************\
444 STRUCT: Global definition for the USC registry variables.
445 \*****************************************************************************/
446 struct SUSCRegistryVariables
447 {
448     // Only use USC_RV_Declare macros in this structure.  Any other data declaration will break the
449     // functionality when parsing this data.
451 #define USC_RV_SetGroup "DebugVariables"
452     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PassThroughVertexShaderEnable, false, "", " Doesn't do anything, just pass through the default values" );
453     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PassThroughPixelShaderEnable , false, "", " Doesn't do anything, just pass through the default values" );
454     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxSoftwareGRFRegistersOverride, 0, "", " Sets maximum number of software registers(max is 128)" );
455     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxVSThreadsOverride , 0, "", " Max number of Vertex Shader thread" );
456     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxGSThreadsOverride , 0, "", " Max number of Geometry Shader thread" );
457     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxGSThreadsOverrideWithSO   , 0, "", " Max number of Geometry Shader threads when stream output is enabled" );
458     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxPSThreadsOverride , 0, "", " Max number  of Pixel Shader thread" );
459     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxHSThreadsOverride , 0, "", " Max number  of Hull Shader thread " );
460     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxDSThreadsOverride , 0, "", " Max number  of Domain Shader thread " );
461     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxCSThreadsOverride , 0, "", " Max number  of Compute Shader thread " );
462     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxVSURBEntriesOverride, 0, "", " Max number  of Vertex Shader URB entries" );
463     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxGSURBEntriesOverride, 0, "", " Max number  of Geometry Shader URB entries" );
464     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxShaderScratchSpaceOverride, 0, "", " Maximum amount of scratch space to be used by all threads. " );
465     USC_RV_Declare( dword, GSExecutionMode, 0xffffffff, "", " Mode of GS compilation. Set 0 for single mode or 1 for dual mode. " );
466     USC_RV_Declare( dword, ExtendAllSourceLiveRanges, 0, "", "" );
468     USC_RV_Declare( bool, IllegalInstructionAfterEOTEnable, false, "", "Enables debug/release internal driver to insert illegal instruction at the end of each kernel. " );
469     USC_RV_Declare( bool, BreakInCreateCompiler, false, "", "Will cause halt on breakpoint situated in CreateCompiler. " );
470     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PrintVertexShaderKeyEnable   , false, "", "Enables the printing of different vertex shader keys" );
471     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PrintGeometryShaderKeyEnable , false, "", "Enables the printing of different geometry shader keys" );
472     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PrintPixelShaderKeyEnable    , false, "", "Enables the printing of different pixel shader keys " );
473     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ShaderDumpEnable     , false, "", "Enables debug/release driver to dump IL and ISA shaders to GHAL3D_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY" );
474     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ShaderDumpToRamdisk, false, "", "Enables debug/release driver to dump IL and ISA shaders to ramdisk defined in system environmental variable. Works only with ShaderDumpEnable flag, used only for Jenkins automatization purposes. " );
475     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PrintLirRegSetsEnable, false, "", "Enables/Disables printing LIR reg sets (e.g. Live-In, Live-Out, etc) in LIR shader dumps" );
476     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PrintFunctionBodyInstructionListEnable, false, "", "" );
477     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ShaderDumpPidDisable     , false, "", "Enables adding PID to the name of shader dump directory" );
478     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ShaderDumpDuplicatesEnable   , false, "", "Enables dumping duplicate shader dumps. Works only with ShaderDumpEnable flag." );
479     USC_RV_Declare( bool, IsaInjectionEnable   , false, "", "Enables loading of kernels precompiled with IsaASM." );
480     USC_RV_Declare( bool, IsaLabelPrintingEnable   , true, "", "Enables using Labels instead of JIP and UIP numbers." );
481     USC_RV_Declare( bool, EnableDebugFileDump  , false, "", "Enables dumping debug output to file. " );
482     USC_RV_Declare( bool, AllDumpsInSingleFile, false, "", "All dumps will be dumped into one file. ");
483     USC_RV_Declare( bool, OptimizationStatsEnable, false, "", "Enables counting optimizations statistics. " );
484     USC_RV_Declare( bool, CompilationTimeDumpEnable    , false, "", "Enables compilation time dump. " );
485     USC_RV_Declare( bool, QualityMetricsEnable , false, "", "Enables computing Shader Quality Metrics. " );
486     USC_RV_Declare( bool, TimeStatsEnable, false, "", "Enables computing time statisics. " );
487     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisablePixelShaderSampleInstructions, false, "", "Disables sample Pixel shader instructions for debug purposes" );
488     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceSampler2x2, false, "", "" );
489     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableRenderTargetSurfaceState, false, "", "" );
490     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceSampleCToSample, false, "", "" );
491     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ResetUninitializedVariablesEnable, false, "", "Enables initialization of all uninitialized variables" );
492     USC_RV_Declare( bool, CompilerLogsInReleaseBuildEnable, false, "", "Enables some compiler logs in release-internal builds" );
493     USC_RV_Declare( dword, ISASchedulerLogs, 0, "", "Enables ISA scheduler logs: 1 - timings only, 2 - summary file " );
494     USC_RV_Declare( dword, RetailMessageControl, 0, "", "" );
495     USC_RV_Declare( dword, FullLIRDumpHashCode  , 0, "", "" );
496     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableMcsFastClear  , false, "", "Runs without color fast clear" );
497     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableMcsMsaa, false, "", "Runs without MSAA compression" );
498     USC_RV_Declare( dword, ShaderDebugHashCode  , 0, "", "The driver will set a breakpoint in the first instruction of the shader which has the provided hash code. It works only when the value is different then 0 and SystemThreadEnable is set to TRUE." );
499     USC_RV_Declare( dword, ShaderDebugExtra, 0, "", "Bits 0-5: flags for setting breakpoint in VS,HS,DS,GS,PS,CS. Bits 16-31 contain zero-based number of ISA instruction to set a breakpoint. Remained bits are unused.");
500     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ShaderDebugHashCodeInKernel, false, "", "" );
501     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SystemThreadCacheFlushDisable, false, "", "" );
502     USC_RV_Declare( dword, SystemThreadCacheFlushCountOverride , 0, "", "" );
503     USC_RV_Declare( bool, PrintSimdMaskInLIR, false, "", "Prints the destination SIMD mask in the LIR dump" );
504     USC_RV_Declare( bool, KillPixelHangWorkaroundOverrideEnable, false, "", "" );
505     USC_RV_Declare( dword, KillPixelHangWorkaroundOverride, 0, "", "" );
506     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SendsSupportEnable, false, "", "Enables Sends instruction support for Gen9+." );
508     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SystemThreadEnable, false, "", "This key forces software to create a system thread. The system thread may still be created by software even if this control is set to false. The system thread is invoked if either the software requires exception handling or if kernel debugging is active and a breakpoint is hit." );
509     USC_RV_Declare( bool, InstructionCompactionEnable, true, "", "Enables instruction compaction capability" );
510     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD32CompileOverride, false, "", "Overrides current SIMD32 settings with regkey settings for Pixel Shaders." );
511     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD32CompileEnable, true, "", "Enables/Disables SIMD32 Compile. If we compile SIMD32 we also need to compile SIMD16 Note: JIT compiler may use additional heuristics which will suppress SIMD32 kernels with this settings (for example SIMD32 kernels will not be generated if there is already SIMD16 kernel which hides IO latencies)." );
512     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD32CompileForce, false, "", "Forces SIMD32 compile, all JIT heuristics are bypassed. SIMD32 kernels will not be generated only if SIMD32AllowSpillFill flag is set to FALSE and SIMD32 kernel would require spill-fills." );
513     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD32AllowSpillFill, false, "", "Allow / disallow SIMD32 compilation with spill-fills" );
514     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD16CompileOverride, false, "", "Overrides current SIMD16 settings with regkey settings" );
515     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD16CompileEnable, true, "", "Enables/Disables SIMD16 Compile" );
516     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD16CompileForce, false, "", "Forces SIMD16 compile " );
517     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD8CompileOverride, false, "", "Overrides current SIMD8 settings with regkey settings" );
518     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMD8CompileEnable, true, "", "Enables/Disables SIMD8 Compile" );
519     USC_RV_Declare( bool, CSSIMD32CompileForce, false, "", "Forces SIMD32 compilation of compute shaders (may result in spill-fills)." );
520     USC_RV_Declare( bool, CSSIMD16CompileForce, false, "", "Forces SIMD16 compilation of compute shaders (may result in spill-fills)." );
521     USC_RV_Declare( bool, CSSIMD8CompileForce, false, "", "Forces SIMD8 compilation of compute shaders (may result in spill-fills)." );
522     USC_RV_Declare( bool, HeaderBypassDisable, false, "", "" );
523     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableOptimizeDependencies, false, "", "" );
524     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableMergePatchConstantShaders, false, "", "Set to disable merging Patch Constant Hull Shaders" );
525     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableInstanceUnroll, false, "", "Set to disable Hull Shader instance unrolling optimization" );
526     USC_RV_Declare( bool, HSIndexedControlPointShaderEnable, true, "", "Enable/Disable Hull Shader pass-through Control Point phase to use indexing" );
527     USC_RV_Declare( bool, HSUseSingleHardwareThreadEnable , true, "", "Enable/Disable Hull Shader single thread compile heuristic" );
528     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceVSPullModel  , false, "", "" );
529     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceGSPullModel  , false, "", "" );
530     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceHSPullModel  , false, "", "" );
531     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceDSPullModel  , false, "", "" );
532     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceSampleUVtoZero, false, "", "" );
533     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceSkipValueNumberingForSample, false, "", "" );
534     USC_RV_Declare( bool, VSSIMD4x2CompileForce, false, "", "" );
535     USC_RV_Declare( bool, HSSIMD4x2CompileForce, false, "", "" );
536     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DSSIMD4x2CompileForce, false, "", "" );
537     USC_RV_Declare( bool, GSSIMD4x2CompileForce, false, "", "" );
538     USC_RV_Declare( bool, VSSIMD8CompileForce, false, "", "" );
539     USC_RV_Declare( bool, HSSIMD8CompileForce, false, "", "" );
540     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DSSIMD8CompileForce, false, "", "" );
541     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DSSIMD8SPCompileForce, false, "", "" );
542     USC_RV_Declare( bool, GSSIMD8CompileForce, false, "", "" );
543     USC_RV_Declare( bool, VSSIMD8WithFullEpilogEnable, false, "", "Enabling this causes sending all parts of Vertex Header and position as paramter for DX9 from VS" );
544     USC_RV_Declare( bool, HSSIMD8DualPatchModeCompileEnable, false, "", "" );
545     USC_RV_Declare( bool, HSSIMD8EightPatchModeCompileEnable, false, "", "For Gen9+ this mean SIMD8 single- and dual-patch compilation instead of SIMD4x2" );
546     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DSSIMD8SingleOrDualPatchModeCompileEnable, false, "", "For Gen9+ only, this mean only single-patch compilation" );
547     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxHSPatchConstantShaders  , 0, "", "Set the upper limit for the number of Patch Constant Hull Shaders" );
548     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxSIMD16PixelShaderInstructionCount, 8192, "", "SIMD16 kernels will be disabled if their instruction count exceeds the default number" );
549     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxSIMD32PixelShaderInstructionCount, 8192, "", "SIMD32 kernels will be disabled if their instruction count exceeds the default number" );
550     USC_RV_Declare( dword, SIMD32CpiThreshold, 150, "", "(0 for VLV2) SIMD32 kernels will be disabled if SIMD16 CPI will be lower than number of threads per EU on given platform times this number/100" );
551     USC_RV_Declare( dword, OCLSIMD32InstructionThreshold, 2048, "", "Compute Shader Compiler will attempt SIMD32 if the number of IL instructions is below this number.  Currently used by OpenCL only." );
552     USC_RV_Declare( dword, OCLSIMD32LIRThreshold, 65, "", "Compute Shader Compiler will attempt SIMD32 with any extra heuristic checks if the number of LIR instructions is below this number.  Currently used by OpenCL only." );
553     USC_RV_Declare( dword, OCLSIMD32TPMThreshold, 256, "", "Compute Shader Compiler will attempt SIMD32 if the TPM (thread private memory) used by the shader is less than or equal to this number." );
554     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxSIMD16ComputeShaderInstructionCount, 8192, "", "" );
555     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxSIMD32ComputeShaderInstructionCount  , 4096, "", "" );
556     USC_RV_Declare( dword, SamplerOffsetWorkaroundMinSampleCount, 4, "", "" );
557     USC_RV_Declare( dword, L3WAMaxShortVSLength, 0xffff, "", "" );
558     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DoLlvmOptimize, false, "", "" );
559     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableGPGPUIndirectPayload, false, "", "" );
560     USC_RV_Declare( bool, LowPrecisionOverride, false, "", " Overrides support for low precision values" );
561     USC_RV_Declare( bool, LowPrecisionEnable, true, "", " Enables support for low precision values" );
562     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SampleLdWithNativeZeroLodDisable, false, "", " Disables usage of native HW sample_lz, sample_c_lz_and ld_lz. Instead sample, sample_c and ld with LOD 0 are used." );
563     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SIMDExpansionEnable, true, "", "When enabled simd expansion will be performed while compiling shader to higher simd (compile time optimization)" );
564     USC_RV_Declare( bool, OCLSurfaceStateSpillFillEnable, false, "", "Set to enable OpenCL spill/fills to go to a surface instead of stateless memory." );
565     USC_RV_Declare( dword, MaxInstructionsToFixPrecision, 2, "", " Maximum number of instructions that can have degraded performence due to precision change before compiler decides to insert converting MOV" );
566     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceShortenURBDataLenght, false, "", "Forces shorten URBData lenght" );
567     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableILReflectOpts, false, "", "Disable T-Rex Reflection Optimization");
568     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableSIMD32DueEarlyEOTAfterDiscard, false, "","Disable SIMD32 Due Early EOT After Discard");
569     USC_RV_Declare( bool, EnableResourceIndexAlwaysNonUniform, false, "", "D3d12 - Treat all indexing as they are maked non-uniform");
570     USC_RV_Declare( bool, EnableRegSizeConsistencyCheck, true, "","Enables RegSizeConsistencyCheck");
571     USC_RV_Declare( bool, EnableUntypedSrfRead, false, "", "Common optimization for all shaders. Use untyped surface read message to load scattered constant buffer.");
572     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableHSBarrierRead, false, "", "Removes pre-barrier URB read intended to force URB sync." );
573     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ClearVHEnable, false, "", "Clear VH DW0..DW7 for VS,DS,GS." );
574     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceSamplerPointer, false, "", "Forces sampler instructions to use sampler table pointer " );
575     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceDoubleSamplerSlots, false, "", "Forces sampler instructions to use double spaced slots in sampler table access" );
576     USC_RV_Declare( bool, URBPaddingSIMD8Disable, false, "", "Disables URB padding for shaders compiled in SIMD8 mode." );
577     USC_RV_Declare( bool, ForceSendTGSMFence, false, "", "Send a memory fence for TGSM/SLM even if this it not required for the device." );
578     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableRSPushConstants, false, "", "Control whether CBs for RC/RD/samplers are used for graphics stages. Must be kept in line with IGFX\\D3D_\\DisableRSPushConstants." );
579     USC_RV_Declare( bool, DisableRSPushConstantsCompute, false, "", "Control whether CBs for RC/RD/samplers are used for compute stage. Must be kept in line with (as opposite to) IGFX\\D3D_\\UseRTLPushConstantsCompute." );
580     USC_RV_Declare( bool, SWStencilPushConstantEnable, false, "", "Whether SW stencil should use push or pull constants" );
581     USC_RV_Declare( bool, CallToSubroutineCallForceEnable, false, "", "Forces replacing simple CALL with SUBROUTINE_CALL" );
582     USC_RV_Declare( dword, ForceCompilerInlineFunctionPolicy, 0, "", "Inling function policies: 0 - do not force, 1 - never, 2 - always, 3 - heuristic, 4 - when possible" );
583 #undef USC_RV_SetGroup
585 #define USC_RV_SetGroup "USCWAOverrideControl"
586     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisable_WIZUnit_ScratchSpace );
587     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaClampSamplerArrayIndex );
588     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForcePushConstantEvenReadLength );
589     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableHeaderBypassForPSDepthOutput );
590     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForceHeaderForKillPixInstructions );
591     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDecomposePowToLogMulExp );
592     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableMadSrc0Replicate );
593     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaSamplerChannelDisables );
594     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUAVTypedWriteOverlapping );
595     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUAVTypedReadOverwritesAllDestChannels );
596     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUseOnlySIMD8UntypedRead );
597     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUVoffsetToZeroForLd2dms );
598     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaPerThreadScratchSpaceInGPGPUIncrease );
599     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUseFDP3InsteadOfFDP2 );
600     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaApplyAbsToFrcInstruction );
601     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForPlusInfRoundingModeFrcInstruction );
602     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaEmulateIBFEInstrucion );
603     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaShaderCalculateResourceOffsets );
604     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUseThreadPayloadCompression );
605     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUnlitCentroidInterpolation );
606     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaAddCallToEOTEnabled );
607     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaZeroUnusedSampleDGradientsParameters );
608     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaAlphaToOneOGL );
609     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaOGLGSVertexReordering );
610     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaOGLGSVertexReorderingTriStripAdjOnly );
611     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaXScaledFormatConversion );
612     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaCMPInstFlagDepClearedEarly );
613     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaScalarAtomic );
614     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaL3UseSamplerForLoadDualConstant );
615     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaL3UseSamplerForVectorLoadScatter );
616     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( Wa1DSurfaceSIMD4x2ArrayIndexInRAddress );
617     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaBreakSimd16TernaryInstructionsIntoSimd8 );
618     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaGSPullModelForPatchlistInputTopology );
619     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaGSSingleDispatchModeForTriangleInput );
620     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForceSIMD8ForBFIInstruction );
621     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaBreakSimd16InstWhenAccIsUsedIntoSimd8 );
622     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaEnableDummyMovInGpgpuContextSave );
623     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaClearNotificationRegInGpgpuContextSave );
624     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaNotifRegSwapInGpGpuContextRestore );
625     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaStoreSlmOffsetInSRDuringGpGpuPreemption );
626     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaSampleGCToSampleLC );
627     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaCMPInstNullDstForcesThreadSwitch );
628     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaCMPInstNullDstBreaksR0Scoreboarding );
629     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForceHeaderForDualSourceBlendHi );
630     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForceHSPullModel );
631     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaInsertNopToHaltDestination );
632     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForceTypeConvertF32To16ToAlign1 );
633     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaAdditionalMovWhenSrc1ModOnMulMach );
634     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForceMulSrc1WordToAlign1 );
635     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaCallForcesThreadSwitch );
636     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaThreadSwitchAfterCall );
637     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WANOPBeetweenIndirectAdressingAndBranch );
638     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaA32StatelessMessagesRequireHeader );
639     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaNoA32ByteScatteredStatelessMessages );
640     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaUrbAtomics );
641     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaBasicCompilationForDPInstructions );
642     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaHalfFloatSelNotAllowedWithSourceModifiers );
643     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaLowPrecWriteRTOnlyFloat );
644     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaBreakF32MixedModeIntoSimd8 );
645     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableDSDualPatchMode );
646     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisallow64BitImmMov );
647     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisallowDFImmMovWithSimd8 );
648     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableNoSrcDepSetBeforeEOTSend );
649     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDstSubRegNumNotAllowedWithLowPrecPacked );
650     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaHeaderRequiredOnSimd16Sample16bit );
651     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaLodRequiredOnTypedMsaaUav );
652     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( AccWrEnNotAllowedToAcc1With16bit );
653     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaSendsSrc1Length0NotAllowed );
654     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableEuBypassOnSimd16Float16 );
655     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableEuBypassOnSimd16Float32 );
656     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaStructuredBufferAsRawBufferOverride );
657     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaSrc1ImmHfNotAllowed );
658     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaCselUnsupported );
659     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableDSCaching );
660     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaEmitVtxWhenOutVtxCntIsZero );
661     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaFixCentroidInterpolationRTIR16X );
662     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableIndirectDataForGPGPUWalker );
663     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableIndirectDataAndFlushGPGPUWalker );
664     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisablePushConstantHSGS );
665     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaEnableAllWriteChannelMask );
666     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaGather4WithGreenChannelSelectOnR32G32Float );
667     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaPreventHSTessLevelsInterference );
668     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaAvoidDomainShaderCacheStall );
669     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaClearArfDependenciesBeforeEot );
670     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDoNotPushConstantsForAllPulledGSTopologies );
671     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableDbg0Register );
672     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaGrfDependecyClearInGpgpuContextRestore );
673     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaRestoreFCandMSGRegistersFromUpperOword );
674     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaRestoreFC4RegisterDW0fromDW1 );
675     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaRestoreFc0RegistersWithOffset );
676     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaGrfDepClearOnOutstandingSamplerInGpgpuContextSave );
677     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaStoreAcc2to9InAlign16InGpgpuContextSave );
678     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaGrfScoreboardClearInGpgpuContextSave );
679     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaClearFlowControlGpgpuContextSave );
680     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaClearCr0SpfInGpgpuContextRestore );
681     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaSendsSrc1SizeLimitWhenEOT );
682     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableMixedModeLog );
683     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableMixedModePow );
684     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableMixedModeFdiv );
685     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaFloatMixedModeSelNotAllowedWithPackedDestination );
686     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableNativeDWxDWMultiplication );
687     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaForceMinMaxGSThreadCount );
688     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaIntegerDivisionSourceModifierNotSupported );
689     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableLowPrecisionWriteRTRepData );
690     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WADisableWriteCommitForPageFault );
691     USC_RV_USCWAOverrideControl( WaDisableDeepLoopsUnrolling );
692 #undef USC_RV_SetGroup
694 //NOTE: no default values in first step of this implementation.
695 #define USC_RV_SetGroup "ShaderCompilerControls"
696     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  IndirectTemporaryRemovalEnable,              false, "", "" );
697     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  CallCndTranslationEnable,                    false, "", "" );
698     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  LoopUnrollingEnable,                         false, "", "" );
699     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ILPatternMatchingEnable,                     false, "", "" );
700     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ConditionalExpressionSimplificationEnable,   false, "", "" );
701     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  TrivialSwitchRemovalEnable,                  false, "", "" );
702     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  TrivialIfRemovalEnable,                      false, "", "" );
703     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  EarlyEOTAfterDiscardEnable,                  false, "", "" );
704     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  SwitchTranslationEnable,                     false, "", "" );
705     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  EarlyReturnRemovalEnable,                    false, "", "" );
706     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  InlineSubstitutionEnable,                    false, "", "" );
707     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  CallToSubroutineCallEnable,                  false, "", "" );
708     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ConstantBufferToConstantRegisterEnable,      false, "", "" );
709     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ConstantBufferToConstantRegisterLDRAWEnable, false, "", "" );
710     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ParseOpcodesToPrecModifierEnable,            true,  "", "" );
711     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  IndexedTempGRFCachingEnable,                 false, "", "" );
712     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ILConstantFoldingEnable,                     false, "", "" );
713     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ILConstantFoldingAggressive,                 false, "", "" );
714     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  PrintfExpansionEnable,                       false, "", "" );
715     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  TranslateVendorExtensionsEnable,             false, "", "" );
716     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  RemoveDeadOutputEnable,                      false, "", "" );
717     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword, MaxLoopUnrollLength,                         0,      "", "" );
718     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword, MaxConstantBufferPairs,                      0,      "", "" );
719     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword, PartialUnrollFactor,                         0,      "", "" );
720     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,  ProcessDynamicResourceIndexingEnable,        true,    "", "" );
721     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword, IfConversionLength,                          0,      "", "" );
722 #undef USC_RV_SetGroup
724 #define USC_RV_SetGroup "SShaderPatternMatchControls"
725     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    FMulFAddToFMad,                       false, "", "" );
726     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    MovFCmpBranchToMovFCmp,               false, "", "" );
727     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    MovCndToMov,                          false, "", "" );
728     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    LDStructuredScalarToVector,           false, "", "" );
729     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    FLogFExp2ScalarToVector,              false, "", "" );
730     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    MovFCmpToFMax,                        false, "", "" );
731     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    FCmpGtToFMaxOrFCmpLtToFMin,           false, "", "" );
732     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    PreserveFunctionRetMovs,              false, "", "" );
733     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    IfDiscardToDiscardCND,                false, "", "" );
734     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    IfBranchFlattening,                   false, "", "" );
735     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ContinueCndRemoval,                   false, "", "" );
736     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    LDRawPtrToIndexedCB,                  false, "", "" );
737 #undef USC_RV_SetGroup
739 #define USC_RV_SetGroup "KernelCompilerControls"
740     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ValueNumberingEnable,                 false, "", "" );
741     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    BlockLoadDirectConstantsEnable,       false, "", "" );
742     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    BlockLoadIndirectConstantsEnable,     false, "", "" );
743     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    BlockLoadScatteredConstantsEnable,    false, "", "" );
744     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    OptimizeReplicateEnable,              false, "", "" );
745     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    Optimize64bitReplicateEnable,         false, "", "" );
746     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ReorderInstructionsEnable,            false, "", "" );
747     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ClusterSamplesEnable,                 false, "", "" );
748     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    DeferredInterpolationEnable,          false, "", "" );
749     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    AtomicReorderInstructionsEnable,      false, "", "" );
750     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalescingEnable,                     false, "", "" );
751     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceCopiesEnable,                 false, "", "" );
752     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceBitcastsEnable,               false, "", "" );
753     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceSplitsEnable,                 false, "", "" );
754     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceJoinsEnable,                  false, "", "" );
755     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceMultiplePayloadsEnable,       false, "", "" );
756     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceHeadersLastEnable,            false, "", "" );
757     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ImmediatesToConstantBufferEnable,     false, "", "" );
758     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword,   IndirectCBOptimizationMode,           0,     "", "" );
759     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword,   ImmediatesToConstantBufferMinImmediates, 5,  "", "" );
760     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword,   MaxNumOfMulInstructionsPerPowUnwind,     3,  "", "" );
761     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword,   MulWeightOfSqrtInstructionInPowUnwind,   2,  "", "" );
762     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( dword,   MulWeightOfInvInstructionInPowUnwind,    2,  "", "" );
763     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    OptimizeResourceLoadsEnable,          false, "", "" );
764     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ISASchedulingEnable,                  false, "", "" );
765     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    Reduce64To32ALUBitEnable,             false, "", "" );
766     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    Reduce32To8ALUBitEnable,              false, "", "" );
767     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    Reduce64To32ALUTopDownPassBitEnable,  false, "", "" );
768     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    Reduce64To32ALUBottomUpPassBitEnable, false, "", "" );
769     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    Reduce64To32ALUSplitPassBitEnable,    false, "", "" );
770     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    MergeSplitJoinDpEnable,               false, "", "" );
771     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    FoldUnpacksEnable,                    false, "", "" );
772     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ConstantFoldingEnable,                false, "", "" );
773     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    LoopInvariantCodeMotionEnable,        false, "", "" );
774     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    InputMarkingEnable,                   false, "", "" );
775     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    DispatchDetectionEnable,              false, "", "" );
776     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    SimdReductionEnable,                  false, "", "" );
777     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    LocallyScalarSimdReductionEnable,     false, "", "" );
778     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CPLoadBufferOptimizationEnable,       false, "", "" );
779     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    RoundRobinRegisterAllocationEnable,   false, "", "" );
780     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    PatternMatchReplaceEnable,            false, "", "" );
781     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    EuBypassEnable,                       false, "", "" );
782     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    GRFBankAlignmentEnable,               false, "", "" );
783     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    OptimizeValuesNamespaceEnable,        false, "", "" );
784     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    UrbAtomicsEnable,                     false, "", "" );
785     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ScalarAtomicEnable,                   false, "", "" );
786     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ComputeToAccumulatorEnable,           false, "", "" );
787     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    OptimizeSimd8MovsEnable,              false, "", "" );
788     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    AlignedPointerDetectionEnable,        false, "", "" );
789     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    BlockLoadGloballyScalarPointerEnable, false, "", "" );
790     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ChannelPropagationEnable,             false, "", "" );
791     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceLdThreadEnable,               false, "", "" );
792     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceLdCrossLaneEnable,            false, "", "" );
793     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceLdEnable,                     false, "", "" );
794     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CoalesceStoreEnable,                  false, "", "" );
795     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CutNonspillableLiveRangesEnable,      false, "", "" );
796     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    DecreaseGRFPressureIfSpilledEnable,   false, "", "" );
797     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CodeSinkingEnable,                    false, "", "" );
798     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    MovPropagationEnable,                 false, "", "" );
799     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    CondModPropagationEnable,             false, "", "" );
800     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    RematerializationEnable,              false, "", "" );
801     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    RegionPreSchedulingEnable,            false, "", "" );
802     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    PruningEnable,                        false, "", "" );
803     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    DeadBranchRemovalEnable,              false, "", "" );
804     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    NoSrcDepSetEnable,                    false, "", "" );
805     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ShaderHWInputPackingEnable,           false, "", "" );
806     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    ShaderDeclarationPackingEnable,       false, "", "" );
807     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    GotoJoinOptEnable,                    false, "", "" );
808     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    GotoAroundGotoMergeEnable,            false, "", "" );
809     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    StatefulCompilationEnable,            false, "", "" );
810     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    AtomicDstRemovalEnable,               false, "", "" );
811     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    MergeSimd8SamplerCBLoadsToSimd16Enable, false, "", "" );
812     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    SoftwareFp16PayloadEnable,              false, "", "");
813     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    SplitQuadTo32bitForALUEnable,           false, "", "" );
814     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    SIMD32DivergentLoopHeuristicEnable,     false, "", "" );
815     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    SIMD32SampleCountHeuristicEnable,       false, "", "" );
816     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    SIMD32ConcurrentValuesHeuristicEnable,false, "", "" );
817     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool,    SIMD32ExtraHeuristicsEnable,          false, "", "" );
819     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRChannelMatchEnable,                   false, "", "" );
820     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRPowerMatchEnable,                     false, "", "" );
821     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMREUBypassMatchEnable,                  false, "", "" );
822     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRComparisonMatchEnable,                false, "", "" );
823     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRFlowControlMatchEnable,               false, "", "" );
824     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMultiplyMatchEnable,                  false, "", "" );
825     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMulMadMatchEnable,                    false, "", "" );
826     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRSqrtMatchEnable,                      false, "", "" );
827     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRFDivMatchEnable,                      false, "", "" );
828     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRSelectMatchEnable,                    false, "", "" );
829     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMinMaxMatchEnable,                    false, "", "" );
830     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMulDivMatchEnable,                    false, "", "" );
831     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRFDP3MatchEnable,                      false, "", "" );
832     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRFDP4ToHMatchEnable,                   false, "", "" );
833     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMov0FDPMatchEnable,                   false, "", "" );
834     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMadMatchEnable,                       false, "", "" );
835     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRBfeMatchEnable,                       false, "", "" );
836     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRLrpMatchEnable,                       false, "", "" );
837     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRTrivialLrpMatchEnable,                false, "", "" );
838     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMovLrpToAddMadMatchEnable,            false, "", "" );
839     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRBfiMatchEnable,                       false, "", "" );
840     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRShrShlMatchEnable,                    false, "", "" );
841     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRAddShlMatchEnable,                    false, "", "" );
842     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRAddAddMatchEnable,                    false, "", "" );
843     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRAndShiftMatchEnable,                  false, "", "" );
844     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRJOIN_DPMatchEnable,                   false, "", "" );
845     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRConvert64bitTo32bit,                  false, "", "" );
846     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRGetValueFromActiveChannelMatchEnable, false, "", "" );
847     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRCselMatchEnable,                      false, "", "" );
848     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRReplicateComponentMatchEnable,        false, "", "" );
849     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRFDPHMatchEnable,                      false, "", "" );
850     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRPackMatchEnable,                      false, "", "" );
851     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRFFRCMatchEnable,                      false, "", "" );
852     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRConstantPropagationMatchEnable,       true, "", "Enables Constant Propagation" );
853     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRTrivialPOWMatchEnable,                false, "", "" );
854     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMulAddToMulMatchEnable,               false, "", "" );
855     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRVecImmScalarMatchEnable,              false, "", "" );
856     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMovTwoLowPrecImmEnable,               false, "", "" );
857     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRIntConvertToBitcastEnable,            false, "", "" );
858     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRHoistBitcastsEnable,                  false, "", "" );
859     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMediaBlockReadPackMatchEnable,        false, "", "" );
860     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRAverageMatchEnable,                   false, "", "" );
861     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRPropIntConvMatchEnable,               false, "", "" );
862     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRConvToMovMatchEnable,                 false, "", "" );
863     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRPropagateRedundantPackEnable,         false, "", "" );
864     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRHoistSaturateEnable,                  false, "", "" );
865     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMergeWordByteUnpacksEnable,           false, "", "" );
866     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRMergeWordUnpacksEnable,               false, "", "" );
867     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, PMRPropLowPrecEnable,                    false, "", "" );
868     USC_RV_DeclareCompilerControl( bool, DecomposeFDivToFRcpFMul,                 false, "", "" );
870 #undef USC_RV_SetGroup
872 };
873 const unsigned int NUM_REGISTRY_VARIABLES = sizeof(SUSCRegistryVariables) / sizeof(SRegistryEntry);
875 } //namespace USC
877 /*****************************************************************************\
879 \*****************************************************************************/
880 #if defined(_WIN32)
881     #define GHAL3D_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "\\Intel\\USC\\"
882 #elif defined(ANDROID)
883     #define GHAL3D_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "/sdcard/IntelUSC/"
884     #define USC_ISA_INJECTION_DIRECTORY "/sdcard/IntelUSC/IsaInjection/"
885 #else
886     #define GHAL3D_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "/tmp/IntelUSC/"
887     #define USC_ISA_INJECTION_DIRECTORY "/tmp/IntelUSC/IsaInjection/"
888 #endif