1 /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
2     Copyright (C) 1997 Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>
3     Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Hans Petter Bieker <bieker@kde.org>
4     Copyright (c) 2002 Lukas Tinkl <lukas@kde.org>
6     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7     modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
8     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9     version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     Library General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
17     along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
18     the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
19     Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 */
21 #ifndef KLOCALE_H
22 #define KLOCALE_H
24 #include <kdelibs4support_export.h>
25 #include <ksharedconfig.h>
27 // Include for providing source code compatibility
28 #include <klocalizedstring.h>
30 #include <QString>
31 #include <QList>
33 class QStringList;
34 class QTextCodec;
35 class QDate;
36 class QTime;
37 class QDateTime;
39 class KDateTime;
40 class KCalendarSystem;
41 class KCurrencyCode;
42 class KDayPeriod;
44 class KLocalePrivate;
46 /**
47  * \file klocale.h
48  */
50 /**
51   * KLocale provides support for language and country specific stuff.
52   *
53   * KLocale supports specifying the format
54   * for numbers, currency, time, and date.
55   *
56   * Use KLocale::global() to get pointer to the global KLocale object,
57   * containing the applications current locale settings.
58   *
59   * For example, to format the date May 17, 1995 in the current locale, use:
60   *
61   * \code
62   *   QString date = KLocale::global()->formatDate(QDate(1995,5,17));
63   * \endcode
64   *
65   * @author Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>, Preston Brown <pbrown@kde.org>,
66   * Hans Petter Bieker <bieker@kde.org>, Lukas Tinkl <lukas.tinkl@suse.cz>
67   * @short class for supporting locale settings
68   *
69   * @deprecated since 5.0. For translation support use KLocalizedString (from the
70   * KI18n framework); for string formatting use QLocale() or KFormat (from the
71   * KCoreAddons framework) if QLocale doesn't provide the formatting you need.
72   * For more information about porting code that is still using KLocale see:
73   * https://community.kde.org/Frameworks/Porting_Notes#Localization
74   */
76 {
77 public:
78     /**
79      * Constructs a KLocale.
80      *
81      * The constructor looks for entries Language and Country
82      * in the group Locale in the configuration file.
83      *
84      * If no configuration file is specified, it will also look for languages
85      * and country using the environment variables (KDE_LANG, LC_MESSAGES,
86      * LC_ALL, LANG), as well as the global configuration file.
87      *
88      * If you specify a configuration file, it has to be valid until the KLocale
89      * object is destroyed.  Note that a setLocale() will be performed on the
90      * config using the current locale language and country, which may cause
91      * a sync() and reparseConfiguration() which will save any changes
92      * you have made and load any changes other shared copies have made.
93      *
94      * @param config  a configuration file with a Locale group detailing
95      *                locale-related preferences (such as language, country,
96      *                and formatting options).
97      */
98     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED explicit KLocale(KSharedConfig::Ptr config = KSharedConfig::Ptr());
100     /**
101      * Constructs a KLocale.
102      *
103      * Allows you to override the language and, optionally, the
104      * country of this locale.
105      *
106      * If you specify a configuration file, a setLocale() will be performed on
107      * the config using the current locale language and country,
108      * which may cause a sync() and reparseConfiguration() which
109      * will save any changes you have made.
110      *
111      * @param language the ISO Language Code for the locale, e.g. "en" for English
112      * @param country  the ISO Country Code for the locale, e.g. "US" for USA
113      * @param config   a configuration file with a Locale group detailing
114      *                 locale-related preferences (such as language, country,
115      *                 and formatting options).
116      */
117     KLocale(const QString &language, const QString &country = QString(),
118             KConfig *config = nullptr);
120     /**
121      * Copy constructor
122      */
123     KLocale(const KLocale &rhs);
125     /**
126      * Assignment operator
127      */
128     KLocale &operator= (const KLocale &rhs);
130     /**
131      * Destructor
132      */
133     virtual ~KLocale();
135     /**
136      * Changes the current encoding.
137      *
138      * @param mibEnum The mib of the preferred codec
139      *
140      * @return True on success.
141      */
142     bool setEncoding(int mibEnum);
144     /**
145      * Various positions for where to place the positive or negative
146      * sign when they are related to a monetary value.
147      */
148     enum SignPosition {
149         /**
150          * Put parantheses around the quantity, e.g. "$ (217)"
151          */
152         ParensAround = 0,
153         /**
154          * Prefix the quantity with the sign, e.g. "$ -217"
155          */
156         BeforeQuantityMoney = 1,
157         /**
158          * Suffix the quanitity with the sign, e.g. "$ 217-"
159          */
160         AfterQuantityMoney = 2,
161         /**
162          * Prefix the currency symbol with the sign, e.g. "-$ 217"
163          */
164         BeforeMoney = 3,
165         /**
166          * Suffix the currency symbol with the sign, e.g. "$- 217"
167          */
168         AfterMoney = 4
169     };
171     /**
172      * @since 4.3
173      *
174      * The set of digit characters used to display and enter numbers.
175      */
176     enum DigitSet {
177         ArabicDigits,             /**< 0123456789 (European and some Asian
178                                        languages and western Arabic dialects) */
179         ArabicIndicDigits,        /**< ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ (eastern Arabic dialects) */
180         EasternArabicIndicDigits, /**< ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹ (Persian and Urdu) */
181         DevenagariDigits,         /**< ०१२३४५६७८९ (Hindi) */
182         BengaliDigits,            /**< ০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯ (Bengali and  Assamese) */
183         GujaratiDigits,           /**< ૦૧૨૩૪૫૬૭૮૯ (Gujarati) */
184         GurmukhiDigits,           /**< ੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯ (Punjabi) */
185         KannadaDigits,            /**< ೦೧೨೩೪೫೬೭೮೯ (Kannada) */
186         KhmerDigits,              /**< ០១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩ (Khmer) */
187         MalayalamDigits,          /**< ൦൧൨൩൪൫൬൭൮൯ (Malayalam) */
188         OriyaDigits,              /**< ୦୧୨୩୪୫୬୭୮୯ (Oriya) */
189         TamilDigits,              /**< ௦௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮ (Tamil) */
190         TeluguDigits,             /**< ౦౧౨౩౪౫౬౭౯ (Telugu) */
191         ThaiDigits                /**< ๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙ (Thai) */
192         // The following Decimal Digit Sets are defined in Unicode but the associated
193         // languages are not yet translated in KDE, so are not yet enabled.
194         // The script names are taken from the Unicode standard, the associated
195         // languages from Wikipedia.
196         //  BalineseDigits,           /**< ᭐᭑᭒᭓᭔᭕᭖᭗᭘᭙ (Balinese) */
197         //  ChamDigits,               /**< ꩐꩑꩒꩓꩔꩕꩖꩗꩘꩙ (Cham) */
198         //  JavaneseDigits,           /**< ꧐꧑꧒꧓꧔꧕꧖꧗꧘꧙ (Javanese) */
199         //  KayahLiDigits,            /**< ꤀꤁꤂꤃꤄꤅꤆꤇꤈꤉ (Kayah) */
200         //  LaoDigits,                /**< ໐໑໒໓໔໕໖໗໘໙ (Lao) */
201         //  LepchaDigits,             /**< ᱀᱁᱂᱃᱄᱅᱆᱇᱈᱉ (Lepcha) */
202         //  LimbuDigits,              /**< ᥆᥇᥈᥉᥊᥋᥌᥍᥎᥏ (Limbu) */
203         //  MeeteiMayekDigits,        /**< ꯰꯱꯲꯳꯴꯵꯶꯷꯸꯹ (Meitei) */
204         //  MongolianDigits,          /**< ᠐᠑᠒᠓᠔᠕᠖᠗᠘᠙ (Mongolian) */
205         //  MyanmarDigits,            /**< ၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉ (Myanmar/Burmese ) */
206         //  MyanmarShanDigits,        /**< ႐႑႒႓႔႕႖႗႘႙ (Shan) */
207         //  NewTaiLueDigits,          /**< ᧐᧑᧒᧓᧔᧕᧖᧗᧘᧙ (Tai Lü) */
208         //  NKoDigits,                /**< ߀߁߂߃߄߅߆߇߈߉ (Mande and N'Ko) */
209         //  OlChikiDigits,            /**< ᱐᱑᱒᱓᱔᱕᱖᱗᱘᱙ (Santali) */
210         //  OsmanyaDigits,            /**< ҠҡҢңҤҥҦҧҨҩ (Somali) */
211         //  SaurashtraDigits,         /**< ꣐꣑꣒꣓꣔꣕꣖꣗꣘꣙ (Saurashtra) */
212         //  SundaneseDigits,          /**< ᮰᮱᮲᮳᮴᮵᮶᮷᮸᮹ (Sundanese) */
213         //  TaiThamDigits,            /**< ᪐᪑᪒᪓᪔᪕᪖᪗᪘᪙ (Tai Lü) */
214         //  TibetanDigits,            /**< ༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩ (Tibetan) */
215         //  VaiDigits,                /**< ꘠꘡꘢꘣꘤꘥꘦꘧꘨꘩ (Vai) */
216     };
218     /**
219      * @since 4.3
220      *
221      * Convert a digit set identifier to a human readable, localized name.
222      *
223      * @param digitSet the digit set identifier
224      * @param withDigits whether to add the digits themselves to the name
225      *
226      * @return the human readable and localized name of the digit set
227      *
228      * @see DigitSet
229      */
230     QString digitSetToName(DigitSet digitSet, bool withDigits = false) const;
232     /**
233      * @since 4.3
234      *
235      * Provides list of all known digit set identifiers.
236      *
237      * @return list of all digit set identifiers
238      * @see DigitSet
239      * @see digitSetToName
240      */
241     QList<DigitSet> allDigitSetsList() const;
243     /**
244      * Returns what a decimal point should look like ("." or "," etc.)
245      * according to the current locale or user settings.
246      *
247      * @return The decimal symbol used by locale.
248      */
249     QString decimalSymbol() const;
251     /**
252      * Returns what the thousands separator should look
253      * like ("," or "." etc.)
254      * according to the current locale or user settings.
255      *
256      * @return The thousands separator used by locale.
257      */
258     QString thousandsSeparator() const;
260     /**
261      * @since 4.3
262      *
263      * Returns the identifier of the digit set used to display numbers.
264      *
265      * @return the digit set identifier
266      * @see DigitSet
267      * @see digitSetToName
268      */
269     DigitSet digitSet() const;
271     /**
272      * @since 4.4
273      *
274      * Returns the ISO 4217 Currency Code for the current locale
275      *
276      * @return The default ISO Currency Code used by locale.
277     */
278     QString currencyCode() const;
280     /**
281      * @since 4.4
282      *
283      * Returns the Currency Code object for the current locale
284      *
285      * @return The default Currency Code object used by locale.
286     */
287     KCurrencyCode *currency() const;
289     /**
290      * Returns what the symbol denoting currency in the current locale
291      * as as defined by user settings should look like.
292      *
293      * @return The default currency symbol used by locale.
294      */
295     QString currencySymbol() const;
297     /**
298      * Returns what a decimal point should look like ("." or "," etc.)
299      * for monetary values, according to the current locale or user
300      * settings.
301      *
302      * @return The monetary decimal symbol used by locale.
303      */
304     QString monetaryDecimalSymbol() const;
306     /**
307      * Returns what a thousands separator for monetary values should
308      * look like ("," or " " etc.) according to the current locale or
309      * user settings.
310      *
311      * @return The monetary thousands separator used by locale.
312      */
313     QString monetaryThousandsSeparator() const;
315     /**
316      * Returns what a positive sign should look like ("+", " ", etc.)
317      * according to the current locale or user settings.
318      *
319      * @return The positive sign used by locale.
320      */
321     QString positiveSign() const;
323     /**
324      * Returns what a negative sign should look like ("-", etc.)
325      * according to the current locale or user settings.
326      *
327      * @return The negative sign used by locale.
328      */
329     QString negativeSign() const;
331     /**
332      * @deprecated use decimalPlaces() or monetaryDecimalPlaces()
333      *
334      * The number of fractional digits to include in monetary values (usually 2).
335      *
336      * @return Default number of fractional digits used by locale.
337      */
338     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED int fracDigits() const;
340     /**
341      * @since 4.4
342      *
343      * The number of decimal places to include in numeric values (usually 2).
344      *
345      * @return Default number of numeric decimal places used by locale.
346      */
347     int decimalPlaces() const;
349     /**
350      * @since 4.4
351      *
352      * The number of decimal places to include in monetary values (usually 2).
353      *
354      * @return Default number of monetary decimal places used by locale.
355      */
356     int monetaryDecimalPlaces() const;
358     /**
359      * If and only if the currency symbol precedes a positive value,
360      * this will be true.
361      *
362      * @return Where to print the currency symbol for positive numbers.
363      */
364     bool positivePrefixCurrencySymbol() const;
366     /**
367      * If and only if the currency symbol precedes a negative value,
368      * this will be true.
369      *
370      * @return True if the currency symbol precedes negative numbers.
371      */
372     bool negativePrefixCurrencySymbol() const;
374     /**
375      * Returns the position of a positive sign in relation to a
376      * monetary value.
377      *
378      * @return Where/how to print the positive sign.
379      * @see SignPosition
380      */
381     SignPosition positiveMonetarySignPosition() const;
383     /**
384      * Denotes where to place a negative sign in relation to a
385      * monetary value.
386      *
387      * @return Where/how to print the negative sign.
388      * @see SignPosition
389      */
390     SignPosition negativeMonetarySignPosition() const;
392     /**
393      * @since 4.3
394      *
395      * Retuns the digit set used to display monetary values.
396      *
397      * @return the digit set identifier
398      * @see DigitSet
399      * @see digitSetToName
400      */
401     DigitSet monetaryDigitSet() const;
403     /**
404      * Given a double, converts that to a numeric string containing
405      * the localized monetary equivalent.
406      *
407      * e.g. given 123456, return "$ 123,456.00".
408      *
409      * If precision isn't specified or is < 0, then the default monetaryDecimalPlaces() is used.
410      *
411      * @param num The number we want to format
412      * @param currency The currency symbol you want.
413      * @param precision Number of decimal places displayed
414      *
415      * @return The number of money as a localized string
416      * @see monetaryDecimalPlaces()
417      */
418     QString formatMoney(double num, const QString &currency = QString(), int precision = -1) const;
420     /**
421      * Given a double, converts that to a numeric string containing
422      * the localized numeric equivalent.
423      *
424      * e.g. given 123456.78F, return "123,456.78" (for some European country).
425      *
426      * If precision isn't specified or is < 0, then the default decimalPlaces() is used.
427      *
428      * This function is a wrapper that is provided for convenience.
429      *
430      * @param num The number to convert
431      * @param precision Number of decimal places used.
432      *
433      * @return The number as a localized string
434      * @see formatNumber(const QString, bool, int)
435      * @see decimalPlaces()
436      */
437     QString formatNumber(double num, int precision = -1) const;
439     /**
440      * Given a string representing a number, converts that to a numeric
441      * string containing the localized numeric equivalent.
442      *
443      * e.g. given 123456.78F, return "123,456.78" (for some European country).
444      *
445      * If precision isn't specified or is < 0, then the default decimalPlaces() is used.
446      *
447      * @param numStr The number to format, as a string.
448      * @param round Round fractional digits. (default true)
449      * @param precision Number of fractional digits used for rounding. Unused if round=false.
450      *
451      * @return The number as a localized string
452      */
453     QString formatNumber(const QString &numStr, bool round = true, int precision = -1) const;
455     /**
456      * Given an integer, converts that to a numeric string containing
457      * the localized numeric equivalent.
458      *
459      * e.g. given 123456L, return "123,456" (for some European country).
460      *
461      * @param num The number to convert
462      *
463      * @return The number as a localized string
464      */
465     QString formatLong(long num) const;
467     /**
468      * These binary units are used in KDE by the formatByteSize()
469      * functions.
470      *
471      * NOTE: There are several different units standards:
472      * 1) SI  (i.e. metric), powers-of-10.
473      * 2) IEC, powers-of-2, with specific units KiB, MiB, etc.
474      * 3) JEDEC, powers-of-2, used for solid state memory sizing which
475      *    is why you see flash cards labels as e.g. 4GB.  These (ab)use
476      *    the metric units.  Although JEDEC only defines KB, MB, GB, if
477      *    JEDEC is selected all units will be powers-of-2 with metric
478      *    prefixes for clarity in the event of sizes larger than 1024 GB.
479      *
480      * Although 3 different dialects are possible this enum only uses
481      * metric names since adding all 3 different names of essentially the same
482      * unit would be pointless.  Use BinaryUnitDialect to control the exact
483      * units returned.
484      *
485      * @since 4.4
486      * @see binaryUnitDialect
487      */
488     enum BinarySizeUnits {
489         /// Auto-choose a unit such that the result is in the range [0, 1000 or 1024)
490         DefaultBinaryUnits = -1,
492         // The first real unit must be 0 for the current implementation!
493         UnitByte,      ///<  B         1 byte
494         UnitKiloByte,  ///<  KiB/KB/kB 1024/1000 bytes.
495         UnitMegaByte,  ///<  MiB/MB/MB 2^20/10^06 bytes.
496         UnitGigaByte,  ///<  GiB/GB/GB 2^30/10^09 bytes.
497         UnitTeraByte,  ///<  TiB/TB/TB 2^40/10^12 bytes.
498         UnitPetaByte,  ///<  PiB/PB/PB 2^50/10^15 bytes.
499         UnitExaByte,   ///<  EiB/EB/EB 2^60/10^18 bytes.
500         UnitZettaByte, ///<  ZiB/ZB/ZB 2^70/10^21 bytes.
501         UnitYottaByte, ///<  YiB/YB/YB 2^80/10^24 bytes.
502         UnitLastUnit = UnitYottaByte
503     };
505     /**
506      * This enum chooses what dialect is used for binary units.
507      *
508      * Note: Although JEDEC abuses the metric prefixes and can therefore be
509      * confusing, it has been used to describe *memory* sizes for quite some time
510      * and programs should therefore use either Default, JEDEC, or IEC 60027-2
511      * for memory sizes.
512      *
513      * On the other hand network transmission rates are typically in metric so
514      * Default, Metric, or IEC (which is unambiguous) should be chosen.
515      *
516      * Normally choosing DefaultBinaryDialect is the best option as that uses
517      * the user's selection for units.
518      *
519      * @since 4.4
520      * @see binaryUnitDialect
521      * @see setBinaryUnitDialect
522      */
523     enum BinaryUnitDialect {
524         DefaultBinaryDialect = -1, ///< Used if no specific preference
525         IECBinaryDialect,          ///< KDE Default, KiB, MiB, etc. 2^(10*n)
526         JEDECBinaryDialect,        ///< KDE 3.5 default, KB, MB, etc. 2^(10*n)
527         MetricBinaryDialect,       ///< SI Units, kB, MB, etc. 10^(3*n)
528         LastBinaryDialect = MetricBinaryDialect
529     };
531     /**
532      * Converts @p size from bytes to the string representation using the
533      * user's default binary unit dialect.  The default unit dialect is
534      * IEC 60027-2.
535      *
536      * Example:
537      * formatByteSize(1024) returns "1.0 KiB" by default.
538      *
539      * @param  size  size in bytes
540      * @return converted size as a string - e.g. 123.4 KiB , 12.0 MiB
541      * @see BinaryUnitDialect
542      * @todo KDE 5: Remove in favor of overload added in KDE 4.4.
543      */
544     QString formatByteSize(double size) const;
546     /**
547      * @since 4.4
548      *
549      * Converts @p size from bytes to the appropriate string representation
550      * using the binary unit dialect @p dialect and the specific units @p specificUnit.
551      *
552      * Example:
553      * formatByteSize(1000, unit, KLocale::UnitKiloByte) returns:
554      *   for KLocale::MetricBinaryDialect, "1.0 kB",
555      *   for KLocale::IECBinaryDialect,    "0.9 KiB",
556      *   for KLocale::JEDECBinaryDialect,  "0.9 KB".
557      *
558      * @param size size in bytes
559      * @param precision number of places after the decimal point to use.  KDE uses
560      *        1 by default so when in doubt use 1.
561      * @param dialect binary unit standard to use.  Use DefaultBinaryDialect to
562      *        use the localized user selection unless you need to use a specific
563      *        unit type (such as displaying a flash memory size in JEDEC).
564      * @param specificUnit specific unit size to use in result.  Use
565      *        DefaultBinaryUnits to automatically select a unit that will return
566      *        a sanely-sized number.
567      * @return converted size as a translated string including the units.
568      *         E.g. "1.23 KiB", "2 GB" (JEDEC), "4.2 kB" (Metric).
569      * @see BinaryUnitDialect
570      */
571     QString formatByteSize(double size, int precision,
572                            BinaryUnitDialect dialect = KLocale::DefaultBinaryDialect,
573                            BinarySizeUnits specificUnit = KLocale::DefaultBinaryUnits) const;
575     /**
576      * Returns the user's configured binary unit dialect.
577      * e.g. if MetricBinaryDialect is returned then the values
578      * configured for how much a set of bytes are worth would
579      * be 10^(3*n) and KB (1000 bytes == 1 KB), in this case.
580      *
581      * Will never return DefaultBinaryDialect.
582      *
583      * @since 4.4
584      * @return User's configured binary unit dialect
585      * @see BinaryUnitDialect
586      */
587     BinaryUnitDialect binaryUnitDialect() const;
589     /**
590      * Sets @p newDialect to be the default dialect for this locale (and only
591      * this locale).  Newly created KLocale objects will continue to default
592      * to the user's choice.
593      *
594      * @param newDialect the new dialect to set as default for this locale object.
595      * @since 4.4
596      */
597     void setBinaryUnitDialect(BinaryUnitDialect newDialect);
599     /**
600      * Given a number of milliseconds, converts that to a string containing
601      * the localized equivalent
602      *
603      * e.g. given formatDuration(60000), returns "1.0 minutes"
604      *
605      * @param mSec Time duration in milliseconds
606      * @return converted duration as a string - e.g. "5.5 seconds" "23.0 minutes"
607      */
608     QString formatDuration(unsigned long mSec) const;
610     /**
611      * Given a number of milliseconds, converts that to a pretty string containing
612      * the localized equivalent.
613      *
614      * e.g. given prettyFormatDuration(60001) returns "1 minute"
615      *      given prettyFormatDuration(62005) returns "1 minute and 2 seconds"
616      *      given prettyFormatDuration(90060000) returns "1 day and 1 hour"
617      *
618      * @param mSec Time duration in milliseconds
619      * @return converted duration as a string.
620      *         Units not interesting to the user, for example seconds or minutes when the first
621      *         unit is day, are not returned because they are irrelevant. The same applies for
622      *         seconds when the first unit is hour.
623      * @since 4.2
624      */
625     QString prettyFormatDuration(unsigned long mSec) const;
627     /**
628      * @deprecated
629      *
630      * Use this to determine whether nouns are declined in
631      * locale's language. This property should remain
632      * read-only (no setter function)
633      *
634      * @return If nouns are declined
635      */
636     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED bool nounDeclension() const;
638     /**
639      * @since 4.6
640      *
641      * Available Calendar Systems
642      *
643      * @see setCalendarSystem()
644      * @see calendarSystem()
645      */
646     enum CalendarSystem {
647         GregorianCalendar = 1, /**< KDE Default, proleptic Gregorian Calendar as used by QDate */
648         //BahaiCalendar = 2, /**< Baha'i Calendar */
649         //BuddhistLunarCalendar = 3, /**< Buddhist Lunar Calendar*/
650         //ChineseCalendar = 4, /**< Chinese Calendar */
651         CopticCalendar = 5, /**< Coptic Calendar as used Coptic Church and some parts of Egypt */
652         EthiopianCalendar = 6, /**< Ethiopian Calendar, aka Ethiopic Calendar */
653         //EthiopianAmeteAlemCalendar = 7, /**< Ethiopian Amete Alem version, aka Ethiopic Amete Alem */
654         HebrewCalendar = 9, /**< Hebrew Calendar, aka Jewish Calendar */
655         //HinduCalendar = 10, /**< Hindu Lunar Calendar */
656         //IslamicLunarCalendar = 11, /**< Islamic Lunar Calendar */
657         IslamicCivilCalendar = 12, /**< Islamic Civil Calendar, aka Hijri, not the Lunar Calendar */
658         //IslamicUmAlQuraCalendar = 13, /**< Islamic Lunar Calendar, Um Al Qura varient used in Saudi Arabia */
659         IndianNationalCalendar = 14, /**< Indian National Calendar, not the Lunar Calendar */
660         //Iso8601Calendar = 15, /**< ISO 8601 Standard Calendar */
661         JalaliCalendar = 16, /**< Jalali Calendar, aka Persian or Iranian, also used in Afghanistan */
662         //JalaliBirashkCalendar = 17, /**< Jalali Calendar, Birashk Algorythm variant */
663         //Jalali33YearCalendar = 18, /**< Jalali Calendar, 33 Year cycle variant */
664         JapaneseCalendar = 19, /**< Japanese Calendar, Gregorian calculation using Japanese Era (Nengô) */
665         //JucheCalendar = 20, /**< Juche Calendar, used in North Korea */
666         JulianCalendar = 21, /**< Julian Calendar, as used in Orthodox Churches */
667         MinguoCalendar = 22, /**< Minguo Calendar, aka ROC, Republic of China or Taiwanese */
668         ThaiCalendar = 23, /**< Thai Calendar, aka Buddhist or Thai Buddhist */
670         QDateCalendar = GregorianCalendar /**< @deprecated Alias for GregorianCalendar */
671     };
673     /**
674      * @since 4.6
675      *
676      * System used for Week Numbers
677      *
678      * @see setWeekNumberSystem()
679      * @see weekNumberSystem()
680      */
681     enum WeekNumberSystem {
682         DefaultWeekNumber = -1, /**< The system locale default */
683         IsoWeekNumber     =  0, /**< ISO Week Number */
684         FirstFullWeek     =  1, /**< Week 1 starts on the first Week Start Day in year ends after 7 days */
685         FirstPartialWeek  =  2, /**< Week 1 starts Jan 1st ends day before first Week Start Day in year */
686         SimpleWeek        =  3  /**< Week 1 starts Jan 1st ends after 7 days */
687     };
689     /**
690      * @since 4.4
691      *
692      * Standard used for Date Time Format String
693      */
694     enum DateTimeFormatStandard {
695         KdeFormat,        /**< KDE Standard */
696         PosixFormat,      /**< POSIX Standard */
697         UnicodeFormat     /**< UNICODE Standard (Qt/Java/OSX/Windows) */
698     };
700     /**
701      * @since 4.6
702      *
703      * Mode to use when parsing a Date Time input string
704      */
705     enum DateTimeParseMode {
706         LiberalParsing   /**< Parse Date/Time liberally.  So long as the
707                                input string contains at least a reconizable
708                                month and day the input will be accepted. */
709         //ModerateParsing, /**< Parse Date/Time with modeate tolerance.
710         //                      The date components in the format must all
711         //                      occur in the input and in the same order,
712         //                      but the spacing and the componants themselves
713         //                      may vary from the strict format. */
714         //StrictParsing    /**< Parse Date/Time strictly to the format. */
715     };
717     /**
718      * @since 4.6
719      *
720      * The various Components that make up a Date / Time
721      * In the future the Components may be combined as flags for dynamic
722      * generation of Date Formats.
723      *
724      * @see KCalendarSystem
725      * @see KLocalizedDate
726      * @see DateTimeComponentFormat
727      */
728     enum DateTimeComponent {
729         Year          = 0x1,        /**< The Year portion of a date, may be number or name */
730         YearName      = 0x2,        /**< The Year Name portion of a date */
731         Month         = 0x4,        /**< The Month portion of a date, may be number or name */
732         MonthName     = 0x8,        /**< The Month Name portion of a date */
733         Day           = 0x10,       /**< The Day portion of a date, may be number or name */
734         DayName       = 0x20,       /**< The Day Name portion of a date */
735         JulianDay     = 0x40,       /**< The Julian Day of a date */
736         EraName       = 0x80,       /**< The Era Name portion of a date */
737         EraYear       = 0x100,      /**< The Era and Year portion of a date */
738         YearInEra     = 0x200,      /**< The Year In Era portion of a date */
739         DayOfYear     = 0x400,      /**< The Day Of Year portion of a date, may be number or name */
740         DayOfYearName = 0x800,      /**< The Day Of Year Name portion of a date */
741         DayOfWeek     = 0x1000,     /**< The Day Of Week / Weekday portion of a date, may be number or name */
742         DayOfWeekName = 0x2000,     /**< The Day Of Week Name / Weekday Name portion of a date */
743         Week          = 0x4000,     /**< The Week Number portion of a date */
744         WeekYear      = 0x8000,     /**< The Week Year portion of a date */
745         MonthsInYear  = 0x10000,    /**< The Months In Year portion of a date */
746         WeeksInYear   = 0x20000,    /**< The Weeks In Year portion of a date */
747         DaysInYear    = 0x40000,    /**< The Days In Year portion of a date */
748         DaysInMonth   = 0x80000,    /**< The Days In Month portion of a date */
749         DaysInWeek    = 0x100000,   /**< The Days In Week portion of a date */
750         Hour          = 0x200000,   /**< The Hours portion of a date */
751         Minute        = 0x400000,   /**< The Minutes portion of a date */
752         Second        = 0x800000,   /**< The Seconds portion of a date */
753         Millisecond   = 0x1000000,  /**< The Milliseconds portion of a date */
754         DayPeriod     = 0x2000000,  /**< The Day Period portion of a date, e.g. AM/PM */
755         DayPeriodHour = 0x4000000,  /**< The Day Period Hour portion of a date */
756         Timezone      = 0x8000000,  /**< The Time Zone portion of a date, may be offset or name */
757         TimezoneName  = 0x10000000, /**< The Time Zone Name portion of a date */
758         UnixTime      = 0x20000000  /**< The UNIX Time portion of a date */
759     };
760     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DateTimeComponents, DateTimeComponent)
762     /**
763      * @since 4.6
764      *
765      * Format used for individual Date/Time Components when converted to/from a string
766      * Largely equivalent to the UNICODE CLDR format width definitions 1..5
767      *
768      * @see DateTimeComponentFormat
769      */
770     enum DateTimeComponentFormat {
771         DefaultComponentFormat = -1, /**< The system locale default for the componant */
772         ShortNumber = 0,             /**< Number at its natural width, e.g. 2 for the 2nd*/
773         LongNumber,                  /**< Number padded to a required width, e.g. 02 for the 2nd*/
774         //OrdinalNumber                /**< Ordinal number format, e.g. "2nd" for the 2nd */
775         NarrowName = 3,              /**< Narrow text format, may not be unique, e.g. M for Monday */
776         ShortName,                   /**< Short text format, e.g. Mon for Monday */
777         LongName                     /**< Long text format, e.g. Monday for Monday */
778     };
780     /**
781      * Format for date string.
782      */
783     enum DateFormat {
784         ShortDate,        /**< Locale Short date format, e.g. 08-04-2007 */
785         LongDate,         /**< Locale Long date format, e.g. Sunday 08 April 2007 */
786         FancyShortDate,   /**< Same as ShortDate for dates a week or more ago. For more
787                                recent dates, it is represented as Today, Yesterday, or
788                                the weekday name. */
789         FancyLongDate,    /**< Same as LongDate for dates a week or more ago. For more
790                                recent dates, it is represented as Today, Yesterday, or
791                                the weekday name. */
792         IsoDate,          /**< ISO-8601 Date format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2009-12-31 */
793         IsoWeekDate,      /**< ISO-8601 Week Date format YYYY-Www-D, e.g. 2009-W01-1 */
794         IsoOrdinalDate    /**< ISO-8601 Ordinal Date format YYYY-DDD, e.g. 2009-001 */
795     };
797     /**
798      * Returns a string formatted to the current locale's conventions
799      * regarding dates.
800      *
801      * @param date the date to be formatted
802      * @param format category of date format to use
803      *
804      * @return the date as a string
805      */
806     QString formatDate(const QDate &date, DateFormat format = LongDate) const;
808     /**
809      * Returns a string formatted to the current locale's conventions
810      * regarding both date and time.
811      *
812      * @param dateTime the date and time to be formatted
813      * @param format category of date format to use
814      * @param includeSecs if @c true, the string will include the seconds part
815      *                    of the time; otherwise, the seconds will be omitted
816      *
817      * @return the date and time as a string
818      */
819     QString formatDateTime(const QDateTime &dateTime, DateFormat format = ShortDate,
820                            bool includeSecs = false) const;
822     /**
823      * Options for formatting date-time values.
824      */
825     enum DateTimeFormatOption {
826         TimeZone = 0x01,    /**< Include a time zone string */
827         Seconds  = 0x02     /**< Include the seconds value */
828     };
829     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DateTimeFormatOptions, DateTimeFormatOption)
831     /**
832      * Returns a string formatted to the current locale's conventions
833      * regarding both date and time.
834      *
835      * @param dateTime the date and time to be formatted
836      * @param format category of date format to use
837      * @param options additional output options
838      *
839      * @return The date and time as a string
840      */
841     QString formatDateTime(const KDateTime &dateTime, DateFormat format = ShortDate,
842                            DateTimeFormatOptions options = {}) const;
844     /**
845      * Use this to determine whether in dates a possessive form of month
846      * name is preferred ("of January" rather than "January")
847      *
848      * @return If possessive form should be used
849     */
850     bool dateMonthNamePossessive() const;
852     /**
853      * @deprecated replaced by formatLocaleTime()
854      *
855      * Returns a string formatted to the current locale's conventions
856      * regarding times.
857      *
858      * @param pTime The time to be formatted.
859      * @param includeSecs if true, seconds are included in the output,
860      *        otherwise only hours and minutes are formatted.
861      * @param isDuration if true, the given time is a duration, not a clock time.
862      * This means "am/pm" shouldn't be displayed.
863      *
864      * @return The time as a string
865      */
866     QString formatTime(const QTime &pTime, bool includeSecs = false, bool isDuration = false) const;
868     /**
869      * @since 4.4
870      *
871      * Format flags for readLocaleTime() and formatLocaleTime()
872      */
873     enum TimeFormatOption {
874         TimeDefault        = 0x0,   ///< Default formatting using seconds and the format
875         ///< as specified by the locale.
876         TimeWithoutSeconds = 0x1,   ///< Exclude the seconds part of the time from display
877         TimeWithoutAmPm    = 0x2,   ///< Read/format time string without am/pm suffix but
878         ///< keep the 12/24h format as specified by locale time
879         ///< format, eg. "07.33.05" instead of "07.33.05 pm" for
880         ///< time format "%I.%M.%S %p".
881         TimeDuration       = 0x6,   ///< Read/format time string as duration. This will strip
882         ///< the am/pm suffix and read/format times with an hour
883         ///< value of 0-23 hours, eg. "19.33.05" instead of
884         ///< "07.33.05 pm" for time format "%I.%M.%S %p".
885         ///< This automatically implies @c TimeWithoutAmPm.
886         TimeFoldHours      = 0xE    ///< Read/format time string as duration. This will not
887                              ///< not output the hours part of the duration but will
888                              ///< add the hours (times sixty) to the number of minutes,
889                              ///< eg. "70.23" instead of "01.10.23" for time format
890                              ///< "%I.%M.%S %p".
891     };
892     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(TimeFormatOptions, TimeFormatOption)
894     /**
895      * @since 4.4
896      *
897      * Returns a string formatted to the current locale's conventions
898      * regarding times.
899      *
900      * @param pTime the time to be formatted
901      * @param options format option to use when formatting the time
902      * @return The time as a string
903      */
904     QString formatLocaleTime(const QTime &pTime,
905                              TimeFormatOptions options = KLocale::TimeDefault) const;
907     /**
908      * @since 4.3
909      *
910      * Returns the identifier of the digit set used to display dates and time.
911      *
912      * @return the digit set identifier
913      * @see DigitSet
914      * @see digitSetToName
915      */
916     DigitSet dateTimeDigitSet() const;
918     /**
919      * Use this to determine if the user wants a 12 hour clock.
920      *
921      * @return If the user wants 12h clock
922      * @deprecated. A possible equivalent would be:
923      * @code
924      * static bool use12Clock()
925      * {
926      *     const QString str = QLocale().timeFormat();
927      *     // 'A' or 'a' means am/pm is shown (and then 'h' uses 12-hour format)
928      *     // but 'H' forces a 24-hour format anyway, even with am/pm shown.
929      *     return str.contains(QLatin1Char('a'), Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !str.contains(QLatin1Char('H'));
930      * }
931      * @endcode
932      */
933     bool use12Clock() const;
935     /**
936      * @since 4.6
937      *
938      * Returns the Day Period matching the time given
939      *
940      * @param time the time to return the day period for
941      * @param format the format to return teh day period in
942      * @return the Day Period for the given time
943      */
944     QString dayPeriodText(const QTime &time, DateTimeComponentFormat format = DefaultComponentFormat) const;
946     /**
947      * Use this to determine which day is the first day of the week.
948      *
949      * @return an integer (Monday=1..Sunday=7)
950      */
951     int weekStartDay() const;
953     /**
954      * Use this to determine which day is the first working day of the week.
955      *
956      * @since 4.2
957      * @return an integer (Monday=1..Sunday=7)
958      */
959     int workingWeekStartDay() const;
961     /**
962      * Use this to determine which day is the last working day of the week.
963      *
964      * @since 4.2
965      * @return an integer (Monday=1..Sunday=7)
966      */
967     int workingWeekEndDay() const;
969     /**
970      * Use this to determine which day is reserved for religious observance
971      *
972      * @since 4.2
973      * @return day number (None = 0, Monday = 1, ..., Sunday = 7)
974      */
975     int weekDayOfPray() const;
977     /**
978      * Returns a pointer to the calendar system object.
979      *
980      * @return the current calendar system instance
981      */
982     const KCalendarSystem *calendar() const;
984     /**
985      * @deprecated use calendarSystem() instead
986      *
987      * Returns the name of the calendar system that is currently being
988      * used by the system.
989      *
990      * @see calendarSystem()
991      * @return the name of the calendar system
992      */
993     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED QString calendarType() const;
995     /**
996      * @since 4.6
997      *
998      * Returns the type of Calendar System used in this Locale
999      *
1000      * @see KLocale::CalendarSystem
1001      * @see KCalendarSystem
1002      * @return the type of Calendar System
1003      */
1004     KLocale::CalendarSystem calendarSystem() const;
1006     /**
1007      * @deprecated use setCalendarSystem() instead
1008      *
1009      * Changes the current calendar system to the calendar specified.
1010      * If the calendar system specified is not found, gregorian will be used.
1011      *
1012      * @see setCalendarSystem()
1013      * @param calendarType the name of the calendar type
1014      */
1015     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED void setCalendar(const QString &calendarType);
1017     /**
1018      * @since 4.6
1019      *
1020      * Sets the type of Calendar System to use in this Locale
1021      *
1022      * @see KLocale::CalendarSystem
1023      * @see KCalendarSystem
1024      * @param calendarSystem the Calendar System to use
1025      */
1026     void setCalendarSystem(KLocale::CalendarSystem calendarSystem);
1028     /**
1029      * @since 4.6
1030      *
1031      * Sets the type of Week Number System to use in this Locale
1032      *
1033      * @see Klocale::WeekNumberSystem
1034      * @see weekNumberSystem()
1035      * @param weekNumberSystem the Week Number System to use
1036      */
1037     void setWeekNumberSystem(KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem);
1039     /**
1040      * @since 4.6
1041      *
1042      * Returns the type of Week Number System used in this Locale
1043      *
1044      * @see Klocale::WeekNumberSystem
1045      * @see setWeekNumberSystem()
1046      * @returns the Week Number System used
1047      */
1048     KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem();
1050     /**
1051      * @since 4.7
1052      *
1053      * Returns the type of Week Number System used in this Locale
1054      *
1055      * @see Klocale::WeekNumberSystem
1056      * @see setWeekNumberSystem()
1057      * @returns the Week Number System used
1058      */
1059     KLocale::WeekNumberSystem weekNumberSystem() const;
1061     /**
1062      * Converts a localized monetary string to a double.
1063      *
1064      * @param numStr the string we want to convert.
1065      * @param ok the boolean that is set to false if it's not a number.
1066      *           If @p ok is 0, it will be ignored
1067      *
1068      * @return The string converted to a double
1069      */
1070     double readMoney(const QString &numStr, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
1072     /**
1073      * Converts a localized numeric string to a double.
1074      *
1075      * @param numStr the string we want to convert.
1076      * @param ok the boolean that is set to false if it's not a number.
1077      *           If @p ok is 0, it will be ignored
1078      *
1079      * @return The string converted to a double
1080      */
1081     double readNumber(const QString &numStr, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
1083     /**
1084      * Converts a localized date string to a QDate.  This method will try all
1085      * ReadDateFlag formats in preferred order to read a valid date.
1086      *
1087      * The bool pointed by ok will be invalid if the date entered was not valid.
1088      *
1089      * @param str the string we want to convert.
1090      * @param ok the boolean that is set to false if it's not a valid date.
1091      *           If @p ok is 0, it will be ignored
1092      *
1093      * @return The string converted to a QDate
1094      * @see KCalendarSystem::readDate()
1095      */
1096     QDate readDate(const QString &str, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
1098     /**
1099      * Converts a localized date string to a QDate, using the specified format.
1100      * You will usually not want to use this method.
1101      * @see KCalendarSystem::readDate()
1102      */
1103     QDate readDate(const QString &intstr, const QString &fmt, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
1105     /**
1106      * Flags for readDate()
1107      */
1108     enum ReadDateFlags {
1109         NormalFormat          =    1, /**< Only accept a date string in
1110                                            the locale LongDate format */
1111         ShortFormat           =    2, /**< Only accept a date string in
1112                                            the locale ShortDate format */
1113         IsoFormat             =    4, /**< Only accept a date string in
1114                                            ISO date format (YYYY-MM-DD) */
1115         IsoWeekFormat         =    8, /**< Only accept a date string in
1116                                            ISO Week date format (YYYY-Www-D) */
1117         IsoOrdinalFormat      =   16  /**< Only accept a date string in
1118                                            ISO Week date format (YYYY-DDD) */
1119     };
1121     /**
1122      * Converts a localized date string to a QDate.
1123      * This method is stricter than readDate(str,&ok): it will only accept
1124      * a date in a specific format, depending on @p flags.
1125      *
1126      * @param str the string we want to convert.
1127      * @param flags what format the the date string will be in
1128      * @param ok the boolean that is set to false if it's not a valid date.
1129      *           If @p ok is 0, it will be ignored
1130      *
1131      * @return The string converted to a QDate
1132      * @see KCalendarSystem::readDate()
1133      */
1134     QDate readDate(const QString &str, ReadDateFlags flags, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
1136     /**
1137      * Converts a localized time string to a QTime.
1138      * This method will try to parse it with seconds, then without seconds.
1139      * The bool pointed to by @p ok will be set to false if the time entered was
1140      * not valid.
1141      *
1142      * @param str the string we want to convert.
1143      * @param ok the boolean that is set to false if it's not a valid time.
1144      *           If @p ok is 0, it will be ignored
1145      *
1146      * @return The string converted to a QTime
1147      */
1148     QTime readTime(const QString &str, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
1150     /**
1151      * Flags for the old version of readTime()
1152      *
1153      * @deprecated replaced by TimeFormatOptions
1154      */
1155     enum ReadTimeFlags {
1156         WithSeconds = 0,    ///< Only accept a time string with seconds. Default (no flag set)
1157         WithoutSeconds = 1  ///< Only accept a time string without seconds.
1158     }; // (maybe use this enum as a bitfield, if adding independent features?)
1160     /**
1161      * @deprecated replaced readLocaleTime()
1162      *
1163      * Converts a localized time string to a QTime.
1164      * This method is stricter than readTime(str,&ok): it will either accept
1165      * a time with seconds or a time without seconds.
1166      * Use this method when the format is known by the application.
1167      *
1168      * @param str the string we want to convert.
1169      * @param flags whether the time string is expected to contain seconds or not.
1170      * @param ok the boolean that is set to false if it's not a valid time.
1171      *           If @p ok is 0, it will be ignored
1172      *
1173      * @return The string converted to a QTime
1174      */
1175     QTime readTime(const QString &str, ReadTimeFlags flags, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
1177     /**
1178      * Additional processing options for readLocaleTime().
1179      *
1180      * @remarks This is currently used as an enum but declared as a flag
1181      *          to be extensible
1182      */
1183     enum TimeProcessingOption {
1184         ProcessStrict    = 0x1,    ///< Process time in a strict manner, ie.
1185         ///< a read time string has to exactly match
1186         ///< the defined time format.
1187         ProcessNonStrict = 0x2     ///< Process time in a lax manner, ie.
1188                            ///< allow spaces in the time-format to be
1189                            ///< left out when entering a time string.
1190     };
1191     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(TimeProcessingOptions, TimeProcessingOption)
1193     /**
1194      * @since 4.4
1195      *
1196      * Converts a localized time string to a QTime.
1197      * This method is stricter than readTime(str, &ok) in that it will either
1198      * accept a time with seconds or a time without seconds.
1199      *
1200      * @param str the string we want to convert
1201      * @param ok the boolean that is set to false if it's not a valid time.
1202      *           If @p ok is 0, it will be ignored.
1203      * @param options format option to apply when formatting the time
1204      * @param processing if set to @c ProcessStrict, checking will be strict
1205      *               and the read time string has to have the exact time format
1206      *               specified. If set to @c ProcessNonStrict processing the time
1207      *               is lax and spaces in the time string can be left out.
1208      *
1209      * @return The string converted to a QTime
1210      */
1211     QTime readLocaleTime(const QString &str, bool *ok = nullptr,
1212                          TimeFormatOptions options = KLocale::TimeDefault,
1213                          TimeProcessingOptions processing = ProcessNonStrict) const;
1215     /**
1216      * Returns the language code used by this object.
1217      *
1218      * Use languageCodeToName(language) to get human readable, localized
1219      * language name.
1220      *
1221      * @return the currently used language code
1222      *
1223      * @see languageCodeToName
1224      */
1225     QString language() const;
1227     /**
1228      * Returns the country code of the country where the user lives.
1229      *
1230      * The returned code complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard,
1231      * except by KDE convention it is returned in lowercase whereas the
1232      * official standard is uppercase.
1233      * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 for details.
1234      *
1235      * defaultCountry() is returned by default, if no other available,
1236      * this will always be uppercase 'C'.
1237      *
1238      * Use countryCodeToName(country) to get human readable, localized
1239      * country names.
1240      *
1241      * @return the country code for the user
1242      *
1243      * @see countryCodeToName
1244      */
1245     QString country() const;
1247     /**
1248      * @since 4.6
1249      *
1250      * Returns the Country Division Code of the Country where the user lives.
1251      * When no value is set, then the Country Code will be returned.
1252      *
1253      * The returned code complies with the ISO 3166-2 standard.
1254      * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2 for details.
1255      *
1256      * Note that unlike country() this method will return the correct case,
1257      * i.e. normally uppercase..
1258      *
1259      * In KDE 4.6 it is the apps responsibility to obtain a translation for the
1260      * code, translation and other services will be priovided in KDE 4.7.
1261      *
1262      * @return the Country Division Code for the user
1263      * @see setCountryDivisionCode
1264      */
1265     QString countryDivisionCode() const;
1267     /**
1268      * Returns the language codes selected by user, ordered by decreasing
1269      * priority.
1270      *
1271      * Use languageCodeToName(language) to get human readable, localized
1272      * language name.
1273      *
1274      * @return list of language codes
1275      *
1276      * @see languageCodeToName
1277      */
1278     QStringList languageList() const;
1280     /**
1281      * @since 4.4
1282      *
1283      * Returns the ISO Currency Codes used in the locale, ordered by decreasing
1284      * priority.
1285      *
1286      * Use KCurrency::currencyCodeToName(currencyCode) to get human readable,
1287      * localized language name.
1288      *
1289      * @return list of ISO Currency Codes
1290      *
1291      * @see currencyCodeToName
1292      */
1293     QStringList currencyCodeList() const;
1295     /**
1296      * Returns the user's preferred encoding.
1297      *
1298      * @return The name of the preferred encoding
1299      *
1300      * @see codecForEncoding
1301      * @see encodingMib
1302      */
1303     const QByteArray encoding() const;
1305     /**
1306      * Returns the user's preferred encoding.
1307      *
1308      * @return The Mib of the preferred encoding
1309      *
1310      * @see encoding
1311      * @see codecForEncoding
1312      */
1313     int encodingMib() const;
1315     /**
1316      * Returns the user's preferred encoding. Should never be NULL.
1317      *
1318      * @return The codec for the preferred encoding
1319      *
1320      * @see encoding
1321      * @see encodingMib
1322      */
1323     QTextCodec *codecForEncoding() const;
1325     /**
1326      * Returns the file encoding.
1327      *
1328      * @return The Mib of the file encoding
1329      *
1330      * @see QFile::encodeName
1331      * @see QFile::decodeName
1332      */
1333     int fileEncodingMib() const;
1335     /**
1336      * Changes the current date format.
1337      *
1338      * The format of the date is a string which contains variables that will
1339      * be replaced:
1340      * @li %Y with the whole year (e.g. "2004" for "2004")
1341      * @li %y with the lower 2 digits of the year (e.g. "04" for "2004")
1342      * @li %n with the month (January="1", December="12")
1343      * @li %m with the month with two digits (January="01", December="12")
1344      * @li %e with the day of the month (e.g. "1" on the first of march)
1345      * @li %d with the day of the month with two digits (e.g. "01" on the first of march)
1346      * @li %b with the short form of the month (e.g. "Jan" for January)
1347      * @li %B with the long form of the month (e.g. "January")
1348      * @li %a with the short form of the weekday (e.g. "Wed" for Wednesday)
1349      * @li %A with the long form of the weekday (e.g. "Wednesday" for Wednesday)
1350      *
1351      * Everything else in the format string will be taken as is.
1352      * For example, March 20th 1989 with the format "%y:%m:%d" results
1353      * in "89:03:20".
1354      *
1355      * @param format The new date format
1356      */
1357     void setDateFormat(const QString &format);
1359     /**
1360      * Changes the current short date format.
1361      *
1362      * The format of the date is a string which contains variables that will
1363      * be replaced:
1364      * @li %Y with the whole year (e.g. "1984" for "1984")
1365      * @li %y with the lower 2 digits of the year (e.g. "84" for "1984")
1366      * @li %n with the month (January="1", December="12")
1367      * @li %m with the month with two digits (January="01", December="12")
1368      * @li %e with the day of the month (e.g. "1" on the first of march)
1369      * @li %d with the day of the month with two digits(e.g. "01" on the first of march)
1370      * @li %b with the short form of the month (e.g. "Jan" for January)
1371      * @li %B with the long form of the month (e.g. "January")
1372      * @li %a with the short form of the weekday (e.g. "Wed" for Wednesday)
1373      * @li %A with the long form of the weekday (e.g. "Wednesday" for Wednesday)
1374      *
1375      * Everything else in the format string will be taken as is.
1376      * For example, March 20th 1989 with the format "%y:%m:%d" results
1377      * in "89:03:20".
1378      *
1379      * @param format The new short date format
1380      */
1381     void setDateFormatShort(const QString &format);
1383     /**
1384      * Changes the form of month name used in dates.
1385      *
1386      * @param possessive True if possessive forms should be used
1387      */
1388     void setDateMonthNamePossessive(bool possessive);
1390     /**
1391      * Changes the current time format.
1392      *
1393      * The format of the time is string a which contains variables that will
1394      * be replaced:
1395      * @li %H with the hour in 24h format and 2 digits (e.g. 5pm is "17", 5am is "05")
1396      * @li %k with the hour in 24h format and one digits (e.g. 5pm is "17", 5am is "5")
1397      * @li %I with the hour in 12h format and 2 digits (e.g. 5pm is "05", 5am is "05")
1398      * @li %l with the hour in 12h format and one digits (e.g. 5pm is "5", 5am is "5")
1399      * @li %M with the minute with 2 digits (e.g. the minute of 07:02:09 is "02")
1400      * @li %S with the seconds with 2 digits  (e.g. the minute of 07:02:09 is "09")
1401      * @li %p with pm or am (e.g. 17.00 is "pm", 05.00 is "am")
1402      *
1403      * Everything else in the format string will be taken as is.
1404      * For example, 5.23pm with the format "%H:%M" results
1405      * in "17:23".
1406      *
1407      * @param format The new time format
1408      */
1409     void setTimeFormat(const QString &format);
1411     /**
1412      * @since 4.3
1413      *
1414      * Set digit characters used to display dates and time.
1415      *
1416      * @param digitSet the digit set identifier
1417      * @see DigitSet
1418      */
1419     void setDateTimeDigitSet(DigitSet digitSet);
1421     /**
1422      * Changes how KLocale defines the first day in week.
1423      *
1424      * @param day first day of the week (Monday=1..Sunday=7) as integer
1425      */
1426     void setWeekStartDay(int day);
1428     /**
1429      * Changes how KLocale defines the first working day in week.
1430      *
1431      * @since 4.2
1432      * @param day first working day of the week (Monday=1..Sunday=7) as integer
1433      */
1434     void setWorkingWeekStartDay(int day);
1436     /**
1437      * Changes how KLocale defines the last working day in week.
1438      *
1439      * @since 4.2
1440      * @param day last working day of the week (Monday=1..Sunday=7) as integer
1441      */
1442     void setWorkingWeekEndDay(int day);
1444     /**
1445      * Changes how KLocale defines the day reserved for religious observance.
1446      *
1447      * @since 4.2
1448      * @param day day of the week for religious observance (None=0,Monday=1..Sunday=7) as integer
1449      */
1450     void setWeekDayOfPray(int day);
1452     /**
1453      * Returns the currently selected date format.
1454      *
1455      * @return Current date format.
1456      * @see setDateFormat()
1457      */
1458     QString dateFormat() const;
1460     /**
1461      * Returns the currently selected short date format.
1462      *
1463      * @return Current short date format.
1464      * @see setDateFormatShort()
1465      */
1466     QString dateFormatShort() const;
1468     /**
1469      * Returns the currently selected time format.
1470      *
1471      * @return Current time format.
1472      * @see setTimeFormat()
1473      */
1474     QString timeFormat() const;
1476     /**
1477      * Changes the symbol used to identify the decimal pointer.
1478      *
1479      * @param symbol The new decimal symbol.
1480      */
1481     void setDecimalSymbol(const QString &symbol);
1483     /**
1484      * Changes the separator used to group digits when formating numbers.
1485      *
1486      * @param separator The new thousands separator.
1487      */
1488     void setThousandsSeparator(const QString &separator);
1490     /**
1491      * Changes the sign used to identify a positive number. Normally this is
1492      * left blank.
1493      *
1494      * @param sign Sign used for positive numbers.
1495      */
1496     void setPositiveSign(const QString &sign);
1498     /**
1499      * Changes the sign used to identify a negative number.
1500      *
1501      * @param sign Sign used for negative numbers.
1502      */
1503     void setNegativeSign(const QString &sign);
1505     /**
1506      * @since 4.3
1507      *
1508      * Changes the set of digit characters used to display numbers.
1509      *
1510      * @param digitSet the digit set identifier
1511      * @see DigitSet
1512      */
1513     void setDigitSet(DigitSet digitSet);
1515     /**
1516      * Changes the sign position used for positive monetary values.
1517      *
1518      * @param signpos The new sign position
1519      */
1520     void setPositiveMonetarySignPosition(SignPosition signpos);
1522     /**
1523      * Changes the sign position used for negative monetary values.
1524      *
1525      * @param signpos The new sign position
1526      */
1527     void setNegativeMonetarySignPosition(SignPosition signpos);
1529     /**
1530      * Changes the position where the currency symbol should be printed for
1531      * positive monetary values.
1532      *
1533      * @param prefix True if the currency symbol should be prefixed instead of
1534      * postfixed
1535      */
1536     void setPositivePrefixCurrencySymbol(bool prefix);
1538     /**
1539      * Changes the position where the currency symbol should be printed for
1540      * negative monetary values.
1541      *
1542      * @param prefix True if the currency symbol should be prefixed instead of
1543      * postfixed
1544      */
1545     void setNegativePrefixCurrencySymbol(bool prefix);
1547     /**
1548      * @deprecated use setDecimalPlaces() or setMonetaryDecimalPlaces()
1549      *
1550      * Changes the number of digits used when formating numbers.
1551      *
1552      * @param digits The default number of digits to use.
1553      */
1554     KDELIBS4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED void setFracDigits(int digits);
1556     /**
1557      * @since 4.4
1558      *
1559      * Changes the number of decimal places used when formating numbers.
1560      *
1561      * @param digits The default number of digits to use.
1562      */
1563     void setDecimalPlaces(int digits);
1565     /**
1566      * @since 4.4
1567      *
1568      * Changes the number of decimal places used when formating money.
1569      *
1570      * @param digits The default number of digits to use.
1571      */
1572     void setMonetaryDecimalPlaces(int digits);
1574     /**
1575      * Changes the separator used to group digits when formating monetary values.
1576      *
1577      * @param separator The new thousands separator.
1578      */
1579     void setMonetaryThousandsSeparator(const QString &separator);
1581     /**
1582      * Changes the symbol used to identify the decimal pointer for monetary
1583      * values.
1584      *
1585      * @param symbol The new decimal symbol.
1586      */
1587     void setMonetaryDecimalSymbol(const QString &symbol);
1589     /**
1590      * @since 4.4
1591      *
1592      * Changes the current ISO Currency Code.
1593      *
1594      * @param newCurrencyCode The new Currency Code
1595      */
1596     void setCurrencyCode(const QString &newCurrencyCode);
1598     /**
1599      * Changes the current currency symbol.
1600      *
1601      * This symbol should be consistant with the selected Currency Code
1602      *
1603      * @param symbol The new currency symbol
1604      * @see currencyCode, KCurrency::currencySymbols
1605      */
1606     void setCurrencySymbol(const QString &symbol);
1608     /**
1609      * @since 4.3
1610      *
1611      * Set digit characters used to display monetary values.
1612      *
1613      * @param digitSet the digit set identifier
1614      * @see DigitSet
1615      */
1616     void setMonetaryDigitSet(DigitSet digitSet);
1618     /**
1619      * Returns the preferred page size for printing.
1620      *
1621      * @return The preferred page size, cast it to QPrinter::PaperSize
1622      */
1623     int pageSize() const;
1625     /**
1626      * Changes the preferred page size when printing.
1627      *
1628      * @param paperFormat the new preferred page size in the format QPrinter::PaperSize
1629      */
1630     void setPageSize(int paperFormat);
1632     /**
1633      * The Metric system will give you information in mm, while the
1634      * Imperial system will give you information in inches.
1635      */
1636     enum MeasureSystem {
1637         Metric,    ///< Metric system (used e.g. in Europe)
1638         Imperial   ///< Imperial system (used e.g. in the United States)
1639     };
1641     /**
1642      * Returns which measuring system we use.
1643      *
1644      * @return The preferred measuring system
1645      */
1646     MeasureSystem measureSystem() const;
1648     /**
1649      * Changes the preferred measuring system.
1650      *
1651      * @return value The preferred measuring system
1652      */
1653     void setMeasureSystem(MeasureSystem value);
1655     /**
1656      * Provides list of all known language codes.
1657      *
1658      * Use languageCodeToName(language) to get human readable, localized
1659      * language names.
1660      *
1661      * @return list of all language codes
1662      *
1663      * @see languageCodeToName
1664      * @see installedLanguages
1665      */
1666     QStringList allLanguagesList() const;
1668     /**
1669      * @since 4.6
1670      *
1671      * Provides list of all installed KDE Language Translations.
1672      *
1673      * Use languageCodeToName(language) to get human readable, localized
1674      * language names.
1675      *
1676      * @return list of all installed language codes
1677      *
1678      * @see languageCodeToName
1679      */
1680     QStringList installedLanguages() const;
1682     /**
1683      * Convert a known language code to a human readable, localized form.
1684      * If an unknown language code is supplied, empty string is returned;
1685      * this will never happen if the code has been obtained by one of the
1686      * KLocale methods.
1687      *
1688      * @param language the language code
1689      *
1690      * @return the human readable and localized form if the code is known,
1691      *         empty otherwise
1692      *
1693      * @see language
1694      * @see languageList
1695      * @see allLanguagesList
1696      * @see installedLanguages
1697      */
1698     QString languageCodeToName(const QString &language) const;
1700     /**
1701      * Provides list of all known country codes.
1702      *
1703      * Use countryCodeToName(country) to get human readable, localized
1704      * country names.
1705      *
1706      * @return a list of all country codes
1707      *
1708      * @see countryCodeToName
1709      */
1710     QStringList allCountriesList() const;
1712     /**
1713      * Convert a known country code to a human readable, localized form.
1714      *
1715      * If an unknown country code is supplied, empty string is returned;
1716      * this will never happen if the code has been obtained by one of the
1717      * KLocale methods.
1718      *
1719      * @param country the country code
1720      *
1721      * @return the human readable and localized form of the country name
1722      *
1723      * @see country
1724      * @see allCountriesList
1725      */
1726     QString countryCodeToName(const QString &country) const;
1728     /**
1729      * Parses locale string into distinct parts.
1730      * The format of locale is language_COUNTRY@modifier.CHARSET
1731      *
1732      * @param locale the locale string to split
1733      * @param language set to the language part of the locale
1734      * @param country set to the country part of the locale
1735      * @param modifier set to the modifer part of the locale
1736      * @param charset set to the charset part of the locale
1737      */
1738     static void splitLocale(const QString &locale, QString &language, QString &country,
1739                             QString &modifier, QString &charset);
1741     /**
1742      * Return the global KLocale instance.
1743      * This is the one used by default by all i18n calls.
1744      *
1745      * Note: in multi-threaded programs, you should call KLocale::global()
1746      * in the main thread (e.g. in main(), after creating the QCoreApplication
1747      * and setting the main component), to ensure that the initialization is
1748      * done in the main thread. However KApplication takes care of this, so this
1749      * is only needed when not using KApplication.
1750      *
1751      * @since 5.0
1752      */
1753     static KLocale *global();
1755     /**
1756      * Returns the name of the internal language.
1757      *
1758      * @return Name of the default language
1759      */
1760     static QString defaultLanguage();
1762     /**
1763      * Returns the code of the default country, i.e. "C"
1764      *
1765      * This function will not provide a sensible value to use in your app,
1766      * please use country() instead.
1767      *
1768      * @see country
1769      *
1770      * @return Name of the default country
1771      */
1772     static QString defaultCountry();
1774     /**
1775      * @since 4.4
1776      *
1777      * Returns the ISO Code of the default currency.
1778      *
1779      * @return ISO Currency Code of the default currency
1780      */
1781     static QString defaultCurrencyCode();
1783     /**
1784      * Changes the current country. The current country will be left
1785      * unchanged if failed. It will force a reload of the country specific
1786      * configuration.
1787      *
1788      * An empty country value will set the country to the system default.
1789      *
1790      * If you specify a configuration file, a setLocale() will be performed on
1791      * the config using the current locale language, which may cause a sync()
1792      * and reparseConfiguration() which will save any changes you have made.
1793      *
1794      * @param country the ISO 3166 country code
1795      * @param config  a configuration file with a Locale group detailing
1796      *                locale-related preferences (such as language, contry,
1797      *                and formatting options).
1798      *
1799      * @return @c true on success, @c false on failure
1800      */
1801     bool setCountry(const QString &country, KConfig *config);
1803     /**
1804      * @since 4.6
1805      *
1806      * Sets the Country Division Code of the Country where the user lives.
1807      *
1808      * The code must comply with the ISO 3166-2 standard.
1809      * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2 for details.
1810      *
1811      * In KDE 4.6 it is the apps responsibility to validate the input,
1812      * full validation and other services will be provided in KDE 4.7.
1813      *
1814      * @param countryDivision the Country Division Code for the user
1815      * @return @c true on success, @c false on failure
1816      * @see countryDivisionCode
1817      */
1818     bool setCountryDivisionCode(const QString &countryDivision);
1820     /**
1821      * Changes the current language. The current language will be left
1822      * unchanged if failed. It will force a reload of the country specific
1823      * configuration as well.
1824      *
1825      * If you specify a configuration file, a setLocale() will be performed on
1826      * the config using the current locale language, which may cause a sync()
1827      * and reparseConfiguration() which will save any changes you have made.
1828      *
1829      * @param language the language code
1830      * @param config   a configuration file with a Locale group detailing
1831      *                 locale-related preferences (such as language, country,
1832      *                 and formatting options).
1833      *
1834      * @return true on success
1835      */
1836     bool setLanguage(const QString &language, KConfig *config);
1838     /**
1839      * Changes the list of preferred languages for the locale. The first valid
1840      * language in the list will be used, or the default language (en_US)
1841      * if none of the specified languages were available.
1842      *
1843      * @param languages the list of language codes
1844      *
1845      * @return true if one of the specified languages were used
1846      */
1847     bool setLanguage(const QStringList &languages);
1849     /**
1850      * @since 4.3
1851      *
1852      * Convert all digits in the string to the given digit set.
1853      *
1854      * Conversion is normally not performed if the given digit set
1855      * is not appropriate in the current locale and language context.
1856      * Unconditional conversion may be requested by setting
1857      * @p ignoreContext to @c true.
1858      *
1859      * @param str the string to convert
1860      * @param digitSet the digit set identifier
1861      * @param ignoreContext unconditional conversion if @c true
1862      *
1863      * @return string with converted digits
1864      *
1865      * @see DigitSet
1866      */
1867     QString convertDigits(const QString &str, DigitSet digitSet,
1868                           bool ignoreContext = false) const;
1870     /**
1871      * @since 4.8
1872      *
1873      * Reparse locale configuration files for the current selected
1874      * language.
1875      */
1876     void reparseConfiguration();
1878 private:
1879     friend class KLocalePrivate;
1880     friend class KLocaleTest;
1881     friend class KDateTimeFormatter;
1882     KLocalePrivate *const d;
1883 };
1885 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KLocale::DateTimeFormatOptions)
1886 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KLocale::DateTimeComponents)
1887 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KLocale::TimeFormatOptions)
1888 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KLocale::TimeProcessingOptions)
1890 #endif