1 /*
2  * COPYRIGHT (c) International Business Machines Corp. 2016-2017
3  *
4  * This program is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
5  * version 1.0 (CPL-1.0). Any use, reproduction or distribution for this
6  * software constitutes recipient's acceptance of CPL-1.0 terms which can be
7  * found in the file LICENSE file or at
8  * https://opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php
9  */
11 typedef CK_RV (*m_GenerateRandom_t) (CK_BYTE_PTR rnd, CK_ULONG len,
12                                      uint64_t target);
13 typedef CK_RV (*m_SeedRandom_t) (CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed, CK_ULONG ulSeedLen,
14                                  uint64_t target);
15 typedef CK_RV (*m_Digest_t) (const unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
16                              CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG len,
17                              CK_BYTE_PTR digest, CK_ULONG_PTR dglen,
18                              uint64_t target);
19 typedef CK_RV (*m_DigestInit_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t * len,
20                                  const CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
21                                  uint64_t target);
22 typedef CK_RV (*m_DigestUpdate_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
23                                    CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG dlen,
24                                    uint64_t target);
25 typedef CK_RV (*m_DigestKey_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
26                                 const unsigned char *key, size_t klen,
27                                 uint64_t target);
28 typedef CK_RV (*m_DigestFinal_t) (const unsigned char *state,
29                                   size_t slen, CK_BYTE_PTR digest,
30                                   CK_ULONG_PTR dlen, uint64_t target);
31 typedef CK_RV (*m_DigestSingle_t) (CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
32                                    CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG len,
33                                    CK_BYTE_PTR digest, CK_ULONG_PTR dlen,
34                                    uint64_t target);
35 typedef CK_RV (*m_EncryptInit_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t * slen,
36                                   CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
37                                   const unsigned char *key, size_t klen,
38                                   uint64_t target);
39 typedef CK_RV (*m_DecryptInit_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t * slen,
40                                   CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
41                                   const unsigned char *key, size_t klen,
42                                   uint64_t target);
43 typedef CK_RV (*m_EncryptUpdate_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
44                                     CK_BYTE_PTR plain, CK_ULONG plen,
45                                     CK_BYTE_PTR cipher,
46                                     CK_ULONG_PTR clen, uint64_t target);
47 typedef CK_RV (*m_DecryptUpdate_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
48                                     CK_BYTE_PTR cipher, CK_ULONG clen,
49                                     CK_BYTE_PTR plain, CK_ULONG_PTR plen,
50                                     uint64_t target);
51 typedef CK_RV (*m_Encrypt_t) (const unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
52                               CK_BYTE_PTR plain, CK_ULONG plen,
53                               CK_BYTE_PTR cipher, CK_ULONG_PTR clen,
54                               uint64_t target);
55 typedef CK_RV (*m_Decrypt_t) (const unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
56                               CK_BYTE_PTR cipher, CK_ULONG clen,
57                               CK_BYTE_PTR plain, CK_ULONG_PTR plen,
58                               uint64_t target);
59 typedef CK_RV (*m_EncryptFinal_t) (const unsigned char *state,
60                                    size_t slen, CK_BYTE_PTR output,
61                                    CK_ULONG_PTR len, uint64_t target);
62 typedef CK_RV (*m_DecryptFinal_t) (const unsigned char *state,
63                                    size_t slen, CK_BYTE_PTR output,
64                                    CK_ULONG_PTR len, uint64_t target);
65 typedef CK_RV (*m_EncryptSingle_t) (const unsigned char *key,
66                                     size_t klen, CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech,
67                                     CK_BYTE_PTR plain, CK_ULONG plen,
68                                     CK_BYTE_PTR cipher,
69                                     CK_ULONG_PTR clen, uint64_t target);
70 typedef CK_RV (*m_DecryptSingle_t) (const unsigned char *key,
71                                     size_t klen, CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech,
72                                     CK_BYTE_PTR cipher, CK_ULONG clen,
73                                     CK_BYTE_PTR plain, CK_ULONG_PTR plen,
74                                     uint64_t target);
75 typedef CK_RV (*m_ReencryptSingle_t) (const unsigned char *dkey,
76                                       size_t dklen,
77                                       const unsigned char *ekey,
78                                       size_t eklen,
79                                       CK_MECHANISM_PTR pdecrmech,
80                                       CK_MECHANISM_PTR pencrmech,
81                                       CK_BYTE_PTR in, CK_ULONG ilen,
82                                       CK_BYTE_PTR out, CK_ULONG_PTR olen,
83                                       uint64_t target);
84 typedef CK_RV (*m_GenerateKey_t) (CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
85                                   CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR ptempl,
86                                   CK_ULONG templcount,
87                                   const unsigned char *pin,
88                                   size_t pinlen, unsigned char *key,
89                                   size_t * klen, unsigned char *csum,
90                                   size_t * clen, uint64_t target);
91 typedef CK_RV (*m_GenerateKeyPair_t) (CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
92                                       CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR ppublic,
93                                       CK_ULONG pubattrs,
94                                       CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pprivate,
95                                       CK_ULONG prvattrs,
96                                       const unsigned char *pin,
97                                       size_t pinlen, unsigned char *key,
98                                       size_t * klen,
99                                       unsigned char *pubkey,
100                                       size_t * pklen, uint64_t target);
101 typedef CK_RV (*m_SignInit_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t * slen,
102                                CK_MECHANISM_PTR alg,
103                                const unsigned char *key, size_t klen,
104                                uint64_t target);
105 typedef CK_RV (*m_VerifyInit_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t * slen,
106                                  CK_MECHANISM_PTR alg,
107                                  const unsigned char *key, size_t klen,
108                                  uint64_t target);
109 typedef CK_RV (*m_SignUpdate_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
110                                  CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG dlen,
111                                  uint64_t target);
112 typedef CK_RV (*m_VerifyUpdate_t) (unsigned char *state, size_t slen,
113                                    CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG dlen,
114                                    uint64_t target);
115 typedef CK_RV (*m_SignFinal_t) (const unsigned char *state, size_t stlen,
116                                 CK_BYTE_PTR sig, CK_ULONG_PTR siglen,
117                                 uint64_t target);
118 typedef CK_RV (*m_VerifyFinal_t) (const unsigned char *state,
119                                   size_t stlen, CK_BYTE_PTR sig,
120                                   CK_ULONG siglen, uint64_t target);
121 typedef CK_RV (*m_Sign_t) (const unsigned char *state, size_t stlen,
122                            CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG dlen,
123                            CK_BYTE_PTR sig, CK_ULONG_PTR siglen,
124                             uint64_t target);
125 typedef CK_RV (*m_Verify_t) (const unsigned char *state, size_t stlen,
126                              CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG dlen,
127                              CK_BYTE_PTR sig, CK_ULONG siglen,
128                              uint64_t target);
129 typedef CK_RV (*m_SignSingle_t) (const unsigned char *key, size_t klen,
130                                  CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
131                                  CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG dlen,
132                                  CK_BYTE_PTR sig, CK_ULONG_PTR slen,
133                                  uint64_t target);
134 typedef CK_RV (*m_VerifySingle_t) (const unsigned char *key, size_t klen,
135                                    CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
136                                    CK_BYTE_PTR data, CK_ULONG dlen,
137                                    CK_BYTE_PTR sig, CK_ULONG slen,
138                                    uint64_t target);
140 /* mackey is NULL for PKCS#11 formats, not for authenticated ones */
141 typedef CK_RV (*m_WrapKey_t) (const unsigned char *key, size_t keylen,
142                               const unsigned char *kek, size_t keklen,
143                               const unsigned char *mackey, size_t mklen,
144                               const CK_MECHANISM_PTR pmech,
145                               CK_BYTE_PTR wrapped, CK_ULONG_PTR wlen,
146                                uint64_t target);
147  /**/
148 /* mackey is NULL for PKCS#11 formats, not for authenticated ones */
149 typedef CK_RV (*m_UnwrapKey_t) (const CK_BYTE_PTR wrapped, CK_ULONG wlen,
150                                 const unsigned char *kek, size_t keklen,
151                                 const unsigned char *mackey,
152                                 size_t mklen, const unsigned char *pin,
153                                 size_t pinlen,
154                                 const CK_MECHANISM_PTR uwmech,
155                                 const CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR ptempl,
156                                 CK_ULONG pcount,
157                                 unsigned char *unwrapped, size_t * uwlen,
158                                 CK_BYTE_PTR csum, CK_ULONG * cslen,
159                                 uint64_t target);
161 typedef CK_RV (*m_DeriveKey_t) (CK_MECHANISM_PTR pderivemech,
162                                 CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR ptempl,
163                                 CK_ULONG templcount,
164                                 const unsigned char *basekey,
165                                 size_t bklen,
166                                 const unsigned char *data, size_t dlen,
167                                 const unsigned char *pin, size_t pinlen,
168                                 unsigned char *newkey, size_t * nklen,
169                                 unsigned char *csum, size_t * cslen,
170                                 uint64_t target);
172 typedef CK_RV (*m_GetMechanismList_t) (CK_SLOT_ID slot,
173                                        CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR mechs,
174                                        CK_ULONG_PTR count,
175                                        uint64_t target);
176 typedef CK_RV (*m_GetMechanismInfo_t) (CK_SLOT_ID slot,
177                                        CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech,
178                                        CK_MECHANISM_INFO_PTR pmechinfo,
179                                        uint64_t target);
180 typedef CK_RV (*m_GetAttributeValue_t) (const unsigned char *obj,
181                                         size_t olen,
182                                         CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
183                                         CK_ULONG ulCount,
184                                         uint64_t target);
185 typedef CK_RV (*m_SetAttributeValue_t) (unsigned char *obj, size_t olen,
186                                         CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate,
187                                         CK_ULONG ulCount,
188                                         uint64_t target);
189 typedef CK_RV (*m_Login_t) (CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pin, CK_ULONG pinlen,
190                             const unsigned char *nonce, size_t nlen,
191                             unsigned char *pinblob, size_t * pinbloblen,
192                             uint64_t target);
193 typedef CK_RV (*m_Logout_t) (const unsigned char *pin, size_t len,
194                              uint64_t target);
195 typedef CK_RV (*m_admin_t) (unsigned char *response1, size_t * r1len,
196                             unsigned char *response2, size_t * r2len,
197                             const unsigned char *cmd, size_t clen,
198                             const unsigned char *sigs, size_t slen,
199                             uint64_t target);
200 typedef int (*m_add_backend_t) (const char *name, unsigned int port);
201 typedef int (*m_init_t) (void);
202 typedef int (*m_shutdown_t) (void);
205 #define XCP_SERIALNR_CHARS        8
206 #endif
207 #ifndef XCP_ADMCTR_BYTES
208 #define XCP_ADMCTR_BYTES          ((size_t) (128/8))
209 #endif
210 #ifndef XCP_ADM_QUERY
211 #define XCP_ADM_QUERY              0x10000
212 #endif
214 #define XCP_ADMQ_DOM_CTRLPOINTS    6 | XCP_ADM_QUERY    // domain CP
215 #endif
217 #ifndef __xcpadm_h__
218 typedef struct XCPadmresp {
219     uint32_t fn;
220     uint32_t domain;
221     uint32_t domainInst;
223     /* module ID || module instance */
224     unsigned char module[XCP_SERIALNR_CHARS + XCP_SERIALNR_CHARS];
225     unsigned char modNr[XCP_SERIALNR_CHARS];
226     unsigned char modInst[XCP_SERIALNR_CHARS];
228     unsigned char tctr[XCP_ADMCTR_BYTES];       /* transaction counter */
230     CK_RV rv;
231     uint32_t reason;
233     // points to original response; NULL if no payload
234     // make sure it's copied if used after releasing response block
235     //
236     const unsigned char *payload;
237     size_t pllen;
238 } *XCPadmresp_t;
239 #endif
241 #ifndef XCP_CPB_ADD_CPBS
242 #define XCP_CPB_ADD_CPBS           0  // allow addition (activation) of CP bits
243 #define XCP_CPB_DELETE_CPBS        1  // allow removal (deactivation) of CP bits
244                                       // remove both ADD_CPBs and DELETE_CPBs
245                                       // to make unit read-only
246 #define XCP_CPB_SIGN_ASYMM         2  // sign with private keys
247 #define XCP_CPB_SIGN_SYMM          3  // sign with HMAC or CMAC
248 #define XCP_CPB_SIGVERIFY_SYMM     4  // verify with HMAC or CMAC
249 #define XCP_CPB_ENCRYPT_SYMM       5  // encrypt with symmetric keys
250                                       // No asymmetric counterpart: one
251                                       // may not restrict use of public keys
252 #define XCP_CPB_DECRYPT_ASYMM      6  // decrypt with private keys
253 #define XCP_CPB_DECRYPT_SYMM       7  // decrypt with symmetric keys
254 #define XCP_CPB_WRAP_ASYMM         8  // key export with public keys
255 #define XCP_CPB_WRAP_SYMM          9  // key export with symmetric keys
256 #define XCP_CPB_UNWRAP_ASYMM       10 // key import with private keys
257 #define XCP_CPB_UNWRAP_SYMM        11 // key import with symmetric keys
258 #define XCP_CPB_KEYGEN_ASYMM       12 // generate asymmetric keypairs
259 #define XCP_CPB_KEYGEN_SYMM        13 // generate or derive symmetric keys
260                                       // including DSA parameters
261 #define XCP_CPB_RETAINKEYS         14 // allow backend to save semi/retained
262                                       // keys
263 #define XCP_CPB_SKIP_KEYTESTS      15 // disable selftests on new asymmetric
264                                       // keys
265 #define XCP_CPB_NON_ATTRBOUND      16 // allow keywrap without attribute-binding
266 #define XCP_CPB_MODIFY_OBJECTS     17 // allow changes to objects
267                                       // (Booleans only)
268 #define XCP_CPB_RNG_SEED           18 // allow mixing external seed to RNG
269 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_RAW_RSA        19 // allow RSA private-key use without
270                                       // padding (highly discouraged)
271 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_NFIPS2009      20 // allow non-FIPS-approved algs
272                                       // (as of 2009)
273                                       // including non-FIPS keysizes
274 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_NBSI2009       21 // allow non-BSI algorithms (as of 2009)
275                                       // including non-FIPS keysizes
276 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_HMAC_ANY     22 // don't enforce minimum keysize on HMAC
277 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_BELOW80BIT   23 // allow algorithms below 80-bit strength
278                                       // public-key operations are still allowed
279 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_80BIT        24 // allow 80 to 111-bit algorithms
280 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_112BIT       25 // allow 112 to 127-bit algorithms
281 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_128BIT       26 // allow 128 to 191-bit algorithms
282 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_192BIT       27 // allow 192 to 255-bit algorithms
283 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_256BIT       28 // allow 256-bit algorithms
284 #define XCP_CPB_KEYSZ_RSA65536     29 // allow RSA public exponents below
285                                       // 0x10001
286 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_RSA            30 // RSA private-key or key-encrypt use
287 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_DSA            31 // DSA private-key use
288 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_EC             32 // EC private-key use, see also
289                                       // curve restrictions
290 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_EC_BPOOLCRV    33 // Brainpool (E.U.) EC curves
291 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_EC_NISTCRV     34 // NIST/SECG EC curves
292 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_NFIPS2011      35 // allow non-FIPS-approved algs
293                                       // (as of 2011)
294                                       // including non-FIPS keysizes
295 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_NBSI2011       36 // allow non-BSI algorithms (as of 2011)
296                                       // including non-BSI keysizes
297 #define XCP_CPB_USER_SET_TRUSTED   37 // allow non-admins to set TRUSTED on a
298                                       // blob/SPKI
299 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_SKIP_CROSSCHK  38 // do not double-check sign/decrypt ops
300 #define XCP_CPB_WRAP_CRYPT_KEYS    39 // allow keys which can en/decrypt data
301                                       // and also un/wrap other keys
302 #define XCP_CPB_SIGN_CRYPT_KEYS    40 // allow keys which can en/decrypt data
303                                       // and also sign/verify
304 #define XCP_CPB_WRAP_SIGN_KEYS     41 // allow keys which can un/wrap data
305                                       // and also sign/verify
306 #define XCP_CPB_USER_SET_ATTRBOUND 42 // allow non-administrators to
307                                       // Wire format 69/82
308                                       // mark public key objects ATTRBOUND
309 #define XCP_CPB_ALLOW_PASSPHRASE   43 // allow host to pass passprases, such as
310                                       // PKCS12 data, in the clear
311 #define XCP_CPB_WRAP_STRONGER_KEY  44 // allow wrapping of stronger keys
312                                       // by weaker keys
313 #define XCP_CPB_WRAP_WITH_RAW_SPKI 45 // allow wrapping with SPKIs without
314                                       // MAC and attributes
315 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_DH             46 // Diffie-Hellman use (private keys)
316 #define XCP_CPB_DERIVE             47 // allow key derivation (symmetric+EC/DH)
317 #define XCP_CPB_ALG_NBSI2017       61 // allow non-BSI algorithms (as of 2017)
318                                       // including non-BSI keysizes
320 #define XCP_CPBITS_MAX             XCP_CPB_ALG_NBSI2017 // marks last used CPB
322 #define  XCP_CPBLOCK_BITS          128 // handle CPs in this granularity
323 #define  XCP_CPCOUNT                \
325          XCP_CPBLOCK_BITS)
326 #define  XCP_CP_BYTES     (XCP_CPCOUNT / 8)   // full blocks, incl. unused bits
328 #endif
330 typedef long (*xcpa_queryblock_t) (unsigned char *blk, size_t blen,
331                                    unsigned int fn, uint64_t domain,
332                                    const unsigned char *payload, size_t plen);
333 typedef long (*xcpa_internal_rv_t) (const unsigned char *rsp, size_t rlen,
334                                     struct XCPadmresp * rspblk, CK_RV * rv);
336 typedef CK_RV (*m_get_xcp_info_t)(CK_VOID_PTR pinfo, CK_ULONG_PTR infbytes,
337                                 unsigned int query, unsigned int subquery,
338                                 uint64_t target);
340 #ifndef CK_IBM_XCP_HOSTQ_IDX
342 typedef enum {
343     CK_IBM_XCPQ_API         =  0,  /* API and build identifier     */
344     CK_IBM_XCPQ_MODULE      =  1,  /* module-level information     */
345     CK_IBM_XCPQ_DOMAINS     =  2,  /* list active domains & WK IDs */
346     CK_IBM_XCPQ_DOMAIN      =  3,
347     CK_IBM_XCPQ_SELFTEST    =  4,  /* integrity & algorithm tests  */
348     CK_IBM_XCPQ_EXT_CAPS    =  5,  /* extended capabilities, count */
349     CK_IBM_XCPQ_EXT_CAPLIST =  6,  /* extended capabilities, list  */
350     CK_IBM_XCPQ_AUDITLOG    =  8,  /* audit record or records      */
351     CK_IBM_XCPQ_DESCRTEXT   =  9,  /* human-readable text/tokens   */
352     CK_IBM_XCPQ_EC_CURVES   = 10,  /* supported elliptic curves    */
353     CK_IBM_XCPQ_COMPAT      = 11,  /* domains' compatibility modes */
357 #define CK_IBM_XCP_HOSTQ_IDX  0xff000000  /* host-only queries index, min. */
358 typedef enum {
359     CK_IBM_XCPHQ_COUNT    = (int)0xff000000, /* number of host-query indexes */
360                                              /* including this type itself   */
361     CK_IBM_XCPHQ_VERSION  = (int)0xff000001, /* host-specific package version*/
362                                              /* such as packaging library ID */
364                           = (int)0xff000002, /* Assumed-unique identifier of */
365                                              /* host code, such as version-  */
366                                              /* identifying cryptographic    */
367 					     /* hash (library signature      */
368                                              /* field...)                    */
369     CK_IBM_XCPHQ_DIAGS    = (int)0xff000003, /* Host code diagnostic level.  */
370                                              /* 0 if non-diagnostics host    */
371 					     /* code.                        */
372     CK_IBM_XCPHQ_HVERSION = (int)0xff000004, /* Human-readable host version  */
373                                              /* identification (recommended: */
374                                              /* UTF-8 string)                */
375     CK_IBM_XCPHQ_TGT_MODE = (int)0xff000005, /* Host targeting modes         */
376                                              /* returns supported target     */
377                                              /* modes as bitmask.            */
378                                              /* If not available only        */
379                                              /* compat target mode is in     */
380                                              /* use. See                     */
381                                              /* CK_IBM_XCPHQ_TGT_MODES_t.    */
385 typedef struct CK_IBM_XCPAPI_INFO {
386     CK_ULONG firmwareApi;
387     CK_ULONG firmwareConfig;          /* truncated firmware hash */
392 typedef struct CK_IBM_XCP_INFO {
393     CK_ULONG   firmwareApi;         /* API ordinal number */
394                                     /* major+minor pairs  */
395     CK_ULONG   firmwareId;          /* truncated firmwareConfig */
397     CK_VERSION firmwareVersion;     /* xcp only, matches xcpConfig below */
398     CK_VERSION cspVersion;
400                                     /* hashes, possibly truncated */
401     CK_BYTE    firmwareConfig[ 32 ];
402     CK_BYTE    xcpConfig     [ 32 ];
403     CK_BYTE    cspConfig     [ 32 ];
405     CK_CHAR    serialNumber[ 16 ];    /* device || instance */
406     CK_CHAR    utcTime     [ 16 ];
408     CK_ULONG   opMode2;               /* currently, reserved 0        */
409     CK_ULONG   opMode1;               /* operational mode, card-level */
411     CK_FLAGS   flags;               /*     PKCS#11 capabilities */
412     CK_FLAGS   extflags;            /* non-PKCS#11 capabilities */
414     CK_ULONG   domains;
415     CK_ULONG   symmStateBytes;
416     CK_ULONG digestStateBytes;
417     CK_ULONG    pinBlockBytes;
418     CK_ULONG     symmKeyBytes;
419     CK_ULONG        spkiBytes;
420     CK_ULONG      prvkeyBytes;
422     CK_ULONG  maxPayloadBytes;
423     CK_ULONG   cpProfileBytes;
424     CK_ULONG    controlPoints;
429 #endif
432 #define  XCP_HMAC_BYTES ((size_t) (256 /8))     /* SHA-256 */
433 #define  XCP_WK_BYTES   ((size_t) (256 /8))     /* keypart and session sizes  */
434 #define  MOD_WRAP_BLOCKSIZE ((size_t) (128 /8)) /* blob crypt block bytecount */
436 #define  XCP_PINBLOB_BYTES  \
438 #define  XCP_MIN_PINBYTES          8
439 #define  XCP_MAX_PINBYTES         16
440 #endif