1 /* $TOG: XmStrDefs.ht /main/2 1997/06/18 17:50:15 samborn $ */
2 #ifndef _XmStrDefs_h_
3 #define _XmStrDefs_h_
5 #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
7 #ifndef _XmConst
8 #define _XmConst /**/
9 #endif
11 #ifdef __cplusplus
12 extern "C" {
13 #endif
15 /* $TOG: makestrs.c /main/11 1998/02/06 11:24:15 kaleb $ */
16 /* This file is automatically generated. */
17 /* Default ABI version -- Do not edit */
18 /* TOG: xmstring.list /main/5 1997/06/20 08:37:02 samborn */
21 #define XmS ""
22 #define XmCAccelerator "Accelerator"
23 #define XmCAcceleratorText "AcceleratorText"
24 #define XmCAdjustLast "AdjustLast"
25 #define XmCAdjustMargin "AdjustMargin"
26 #define XmCAlignment "Alignment"
27 #define XmCAllowOverlap "AllowOverlap"
28 #define XmCAllowUnusedSpace "AllowUnusedSpace"
29 #define XmCAnimationMask "AnimationMask"
30 #define XmCAnimationPixmap "AnimationPixmap"
31 #define XmCAnimationPixmapDepth "AnimationPixmapDepth"
32 #define XmCAnimationStyle "AnimationStyle"
33 #define XmCApplyLabelString "ApplyLabelString"
34 #define XmCArmCallback "ArmCallback"
35 #define XmCArmColor "ArmColor"
36 #define XmCArmPixmap "ArmPixmap"
37 #define XmCArrowDirection "ArrowDirection"
38 #define XmCAttachment "Attachment"
39 #define XmCAudibleWarning "AudibleWarning"
40 #define XmCAutoShowCursorPosition "AutoShowCursorPosition"
41 #define XmCAutoUnmanage "AutoUnmanage"
42 #define XmCAutomaticSelection "AutomaticSelection"
43 #define XmCAvailability "Availability"
44 #define XmCBackgroundPixmap "BackgroundPixmap"
45 #define XmCBlendModel "BlendModel"
46 #define XmCBlinkRate "BlinkRate"
47 #define XmCBottomShadowColor "BottomShadowColor"
48 #define XmCBottomShadowPixmap "BottomShadowPixmap"
49 #define XmCButtonAcceleratorText "ButtonAcceleratorText"
50 #define XmCButtonAccelerators "ButtonAccelerators"
51 #define XmCButtonCount "ButtonCount"
52 #define XmCButtonFontList "ButtonFontList"
53 #define XmCButtonMnemonicCharSets "ButtonMnemonicCharSets"
54 #define XmCButtonMnemonics "ButtonMnemonics"
55 #define XmCButtonSet "ButtonSet"
56 #define XmCButtonType "ButtonType"
57 #define XmCButtons "Buttons"
58 #define XmCCancelLabelString "CancelLabelString"
59 #define XmCChildHorizontalAlignment "ChildHorizontalAlignment"
60 #define XmCChildHorizontalSpacing "ChildHorizontalSpacing"
61 #define XmCChildPlacement "ChildPlacement"
62 #define XmCChildType "ChildType"
63 #define XmCChildVerticalAlignment "ChildVerticalAlignment"
64 #define XmCChildren "Children"
65 #define XmCClientData "ClientData"
66 #define XmCClipWindow "ClipWindow"
67 #define XmCColumns "Columns"
68 #define XmCCommandWindow "CommandWindow"
69 #define XmCCommandWindowLocation "CommandWindowLocation"
70 #define XmCConvertProc "ConvertProc"
71 #define XmCCursorBackground "CursorBackground"
72 #define XmCCursorForeground "CursorForeground"
73 #define XmCCursorPosition "CursorPosition"
74 #define XmCCursorPositionVisible "CursorPositionVisible"
75 #define XmCDarkThreshold "DarkThreshold"
76 #define XmCDecimalPoints "DecimalPoints"
77 #define XmCDefaultButtonShadowThickness "DefaultButtonShadowThickness"
78 #define XmCDefaultButtonType "DefaultButtonType"
79 #define XmCDefaultCopyCursorIcon "DefaultCopyCursorIcon"
80 #define XmCDefaultFontList "DefaultFontList"
81 #define XmCDefaultInvalidCursorIcon "DefaultInvalidCursorIcon"
82 #define XmCDefaultLinkCursorIcon "DefaultLinkCursorIcon"
83 #define XmCDefaultMoveCursorIcon "DefaultMoveCursorIcon"
84 #define XmCDefaultNoneCursorIcon "DefaultNoneCursorIcon"
85 #define XmCDefaultPosition "DefaultPosition"
86 #define XmCDefaultSourceCursorIcon "DefaultSourceCursorIcon"
87 #define XmCDefaultValidCursorIcon "DefaultValidCursorIcon"
88 #define XmCDeleteResponse "DeleteResponse"
89 #define XmCDesktopParent "DesktopParent"
90 #define XmCDialogStyle "DialogStyle"
91 #define XmCDialogTitle "DialogTitle"
92 #define XmCDialogType "DialogType"
93 #define XmCDirListItemCount "DirListItemCount"
94 #define XmCDirListItems "DirListItems"
95 #define XmCDirListLabelString "DirListLabelString"
96 #define XmCDirMask "DirMask"
97 #define XmCDirSearchProc "DirSearchProc"
98 #define XmCDirSpec "DirSpec"
99 #define XmCDirectory "Directory"
100 #define XmCDirectoryValid "DirectoryValid"
101 #define XmCDisarmCallback "DisarmCallback"
102 #define XmCDoubleClickInterval "DoubleClickInterval"
103 #define XmCDragContextClass "DragContextClass"
104 #define XmCDragDropFinishCallback "DragDropFinishCallback"
105 #define XmCDragIconClass "DragIconClass"
106 #define XmCDragInitiatorProtocolStyle "DragInitiatorProtocolStyle"
107 #define XmCDragMotionCallback "DragMotionCallback"
108 #define XmCDragOperations "DragOperations"
109 #define XmCDragOverMode "DragOverMode"
110 #define XmCDragProc "DragProc"
111 #define XmCDragReceiverProtocolStyle "DragReceiverProtocolStyle"
112 #define XmCDropProc "DropProc"
113 #define XmCDropRectangles "DropRectangles"
114 #define XmCDropSiteActivity "DropSiteActivity"
115 #define XmCDropSiteEnterCallback "DropSiteEnterCallback"
116 #define XmCDropSiteLeaveCallback "DropSiteLeaveCallback"
117 #define XmCDropSiteManagerClass "DropSiteManagerClass"
118 #define XmCDropSiteOperations "DropSiteOperations"
119 #define XmCDropSiteType "DropSiteType"
120 #define XmCDropStartCallback "DropStartCallback"
121 #define XmCDropTransferClass "DropTransferClass"
122 #define XmCDropTransfers "DropTransfers"
123 #define XmCEditable "Editable"
124 #define XmCEntryBorder "EntryBorder"
125 #define XmCEntryClass "EntryClass"
126 #define XmCExportTargets "ExportTargets"
127 #define XmCExposeCallback "ExposeCallback"
128 #define XmCExtensionType "ExtensionType"
129 #define XmCFileListItemCount "FileListItemCount"
130 #define XmCFileListItems "FileListItems"
131 #define XmCFileListLabelString "FileListLabelString"
132 #define XmCFileSearchProc "FileSearchProc"
133 #define XmCFileTypeMask "FileTypeMask"
134 #define XmCFillOnArm "FillOnArm"
135 #define XmCFillOnSelect "FillOnSelect"
136 #define XmCFilterLabelString "FilterLabelString"
137 #define XmCFontList "FontList"
138 #define XmCForegroundThreshold "ForegroundThreshold"
139 #define XmCHelpLabelString "HelpLabelString"
140 #define XmCHighlightColor "HighlightColor"
141 #define XmCHighlightOnEnter "HighlightOnEnter"
142 #define XmCHighlightPixmap "HighlightPixmap"
143 #define XmCHighlightThickness "HighlightThickness"
144 #define XmCHorizontalFontUnit "HorizontalFontUnit"
145 #define XmCHorizontalScrollBar "HorizontalScrollBar"
146 #define XmCHot "Hot"
147 #define XmCICCHandle "ICCHandle"
148 #define XmCImportTargets "ImportTargets"
149 #define XmCIncrement "Increment"
150 #define XmCIncremental "Incremental"
151 #define XmCIndicatorOn "IndicatorOn"
152 #define XmCIndicatorSize "IndicatorSize"
153 #define XmCIndicatorType "IndicatorType"
154 #define XmCInitialDelay "InitialDelay"
155 #define XmCInitialFocus "InitialFocus"
156 #define XmCInputCreate "InputCreate"
157 #define XmCInputMethod "InputMethod"
158 #define XmCInvalidCursorForeground "InvalidCursorForeground"
159 #define XmCIsAligned "IsAligned"
160 #define XmCIsHomogeneous "IsHomogeneous"
161 #define XmCItemCount "ItemCount"
162 #define XmCItems "Items"
163 #define XmCKeyboardFocusPolicy "KeyboardFocusPolicy"
164 #define XmCLabelFontList "LabelFontList"
165 #define XmCLabelInsensitivePixmap "LabelInsensitivePixmap"
166 #define XmCLabelPixmap "LabelPixmap"
167 #define XmCLabelString "LabelString"
168 #define XmCLabelType "LabelType"
169 #define XmCLightThreshold "LightThreshold"
170 #define XmCListLabelString "ListLabelString"
171 #define XmCListMarginHeight "ListMarginHeight"
172 #define XmCListMarginWidth "ListMarginWidth"
173 #define XmCListSizePolicy "ListSizePolicy"
174 #define XmCListSpacing "ListSpacing"
175 #define XmCListUpdated "ListUpdated"
176 #define XmCLogicalParent "LogicalParent"
177 #define XmCMainWindowMarginHeight "MainWindowMarginHeight"
178 #define XmCMainWindowMarginWidth "MainWindowMarginWidth"
179 #define XmCMappingDelay "MappingDelay"
180 #define XmCMarginBottom "MarginBottom"
181 #define XmCMarginHeight "MarginHeight"
182 #define XmCMarginLeft "MarginLeft"
183 #define XmCMarginRight "MarginRight"
184 #define XmCMarginTop "MarginTop"
185 #define XmCMarginWidth "MarginWidth"
186 #define XmCMask "Mask"
187 #define XmCMaxItems "MaxItems"
188 #define XmCMaxLength "MaxLength"
189 #define XmCMaxValue "MaxValue"
190 #define XmCMaximum "Maximum"
191 #define XmCMenuBar "MenuBar"
192 #define XmCMenuPost "MenuPost"
193 #define XmCMenuWidget "MenuWidget"
194 #define XmCMessageProc "MessageProc"
195 #define XmCMessageWindow "MessageWindow"
196 #define XmCMinimizeButtons "MinimizeButtons"
197 #define XmCMinimum "Minimum"
198 #define XmCMnemonic "Mnemonic"
199 #define XmCMnemonicCharSet "MnemonicCharSet"
200 #define XmCMoveOpaque "MoveOpaque"
201 #define XmCMultiClick "MultiClick"
202 #define XmCMustMatch "MustMatch"
203 #define XmCMwmDecorations "MwmDecorations"
204 #define XmCMwmFunctions "MwmFunctions"
205 #define XmCMwmInputMode "MwmInputMode"
206 #define XmCMwmMenu "MwmMenu"
207 #define XmCMwmMessages "MwmMessages"
208 #define XmCNavigationType "NavigationType"
209 #define XmCNeedsMotion "NeedsMotion"
210 #define XmCNoMatchString "NoMatchString"
211 #define XmCNoResize "NoResize"
212 #define XmCNoneCursorForeground "NoneCursorForeground"
213 #define XmCNotifyProc "NotifyProc"
214 #define XmCNumChildren "NumChildren"
215 #define XmCNumColumns "NumColumns"
216 #define XmCNumDropRectangles "NumDropRectangles"
217 #define XmCNumDropTransfers "NumDropTransfers"
218 #define XmCNumExportTargets "NumExportTargets"
219 #define XmCNumImportTargets "NumImportTargets"
220 #define XmCOffset "Offset"
221 #define XmCOkLabelString "OkLabelString"
222 #define XmCOperationChangedCallback "OperationChangedCallback"
223 #define XmCOperationCursorIcon "OperationCursorIcon"
224 #define XmCOptionLabel "OptionLabel"
225 #define XmCOptionMnemonic "OptionMnemonic"
226 #define XmCOutputCreate "OutputCreate"
227 #define XmCPacking "Packing"
228 #define XmCPageIncrement "PageIncrement"
229 #define XmCPaneMaximum "PaneMaximum"
230 #define XmCPaneMinimum "PaneMinimum"
231 #define XmCPattern "Pattern"
232 #define XmCPendingDelete "PendingDelete"
233 #define XmCPopupEnabled "PopupEnabled"
234 #define XmCPositionIndex "PositionIndex"
235 #define XmCPostFromButton "PostFromButton"
236 #define XmCPostFromCount "PostFromCount"
237 #define XmCPostFromList "PostFromList"
238 #define XmCPreeditType "PreeditType"
239 #define XmCProcessingDirection "ProcessingDirection"
240 #define XmCPromptString "PromptString"
241 #define XmCProtocolCallback "ProtocolCallback"
242 #define XmCPushButtonEnabled "PushButtonEnabled"
243 #define XmCQualifySearchDataProc "QualifySearchDataProc"
244 #define XmCRadioAlwaysOne "RadioAlwaysOne"
245 #define XmCRadioBehavior "RadioBehavior"
246 #define XmCRecomputeSize "RecomputeSize"
247 #define XmCRectangles "Rectangles"
248 #define XmCRepeatDelay "RepeatDelay"
249 #define XmCResizeCallback "ResizeCallback"
250 #define XmCResizeHeight "ResizeHeight"
251 #define XmCResizePolicy "ResizePolicy"
252 #define XmCResizeWidth "ResizeWidth"
253 #define XmCRowColumnType "RowColumnType"
254 #define XmCRows "Rows"
255 #define XmCRubberPositioning "RubberPositioning"
256 #define XmCSashHeight "SashHeight"
257 #define XmCSashIndent "SashIndent"
258 #define XmCSashWidth "SashWidth"
259 #define XmCScaleHeight "ScaleHeight"
260 #define XmCScaleMultiple "ScaleMultiple"
261 #define XmCScaleWidth "ScaleWidth"
262 #define XmCScroll "Scroll"
263 #define XmCScrollBarDisplayPolicy "ScrollBarDisplayPolicy"
264 #define XmCScrollBarPlacement "ScrollBarPlacement"
265 #define XmCScrollSide "ScrollSide"
266 #define XmCScrolledWindowMarginHeight "ScrolledWindowMarginHeight"
267 #define XmCScrolledWindowMarginWidth "ScrolledWindowMarginWidth"
268 #define XmCScrollingPolicy "ScrollingPolicy"
269 #define XmCSelectColor "SelectColor"
270 #define XmCSelectInsensitivePixmap "SelectInsensitivePixmap"
271 #define XmCSelectPixmap "SelectPixmap"
272 #define XmCSelectThreshold "SelectThreshold"
273 #define XmCSelectedItemCount "SelectedItemCount"
274 #define XmCSelectedItems "SelectedItems"
275 #define XmCSelectionArrayCount "SelectionArrayCount"
276 #define XmCSelectionLabelString "SelectionLabelString"
277 #define XmCSelectionPolicy "SelectionPolicy"
278 #define XmCSeparatorOn "SeparatorOn"
279 #define XmCSeparatorType "SeparatorType"
280 #define XmCSet "Set"
281 #define XmCShadowThickness "ShadowThickness"
282 #define XmCShadowType "ShadowType"
283 #define XmCShellUnitType "ShellUnitType"
284 #define XmCShowArrows "ShowArrows"
285 #define XmCShowAsDefault "ShowAsDefault"
286 #define XmCShowSeparator "ShowSeparator"
287 #define XmCShowValue "ShowValue"
288 #define XmCSimpleCheckBox "SimpleCheckBox"
289 #define XmCSimpleMenuBar "SimpleMenuBar"
290 #define XmCSimpleOptionMenu "SimpleOptionMenu"
291 #define XmCSimplePopupMenu "SimplePopupMenu"
292 #define XmCSimplePulldownMenu "SimplePulldownMenu"
293 #define XmCSimpleRadioBox "SimpleRadioBox"
294 #define XmCSizePolicy "SizePolicy"
295 #define XmCSliderSize "SliderSize"
296 #define XmCSource "Source"
297 #define XmCSourceCursorIcon "SourceCursorIcon"
298 #define XmCSourceIsExternal "SourceIsExternal"
299 #define XmCSourcePixmapIcon "SourcePixmapIcon"
300 #define XmCSourceWidget "SourceWidget"
301 #define XmCSourceWindow "SourceWindow"
302 #define XmCSpacing "Spacing"
303 #define XmCStartTime "StartTime"
304 #define XmCStateCursorIcon "StateCursorIcon"
305 #define XmCStringDirection "StringDirection"
306 #define XmCTearOffModel "TearOffModel"
307 #define XmCTextFontList "TextFontList"
308 #define XmCTextString "TextString"
309 #define XmCTextValue "TextValue"
310 #define XmCTitleString "TitleString"
311 #define XmCTopCharacter "TopCharacter"
312 #define XmCTopItemPosition "TopItemPosition"
313 #define XmCTopLevelEnterCallback "TopLevelEnterCallback"
314 #define XmCTopLevelLeaveCallback "TopLevelLeaveCallback"
315 #define XmCTopShadowColor "TopShadowColor"
316 #define XmCTopShadowPixmap "TopShadowPixmap"
317 #define XmCTransferProc "TransferProc"
318 #define XmCTransferStatus "TransferStatus"
319 #define XmCTraversalOn "TraversalOn"
320 #define XmCTraversalType "TraversalType"
321 #define XmCTreeUpdateProc "TreeUpdateProc"
322 #define XmCTroughColor "TroughColor"
323 #define XmCUnitType "UnitType"
324 #define XmCUnpostBehavior "UnpostBehavior"
325 #define XmCUnselectPixmap "UnselectPixmap"
326 #define XmCUpdateSliderSize "UpdateSliderSize"
327 #define XmCUseAsyncGeometry "UseAsyncGeometry"
328 #define XmCUserData "UserData"
329 #define XmCValidCursorForeground "ValidCursorForeground"
330 #define XmCValueChangedCallback "ValueChangedCallback"
331 #define XmCValueWcs "ValueWcs"
332 #define XmCVerifyBell "VerifyBell"
333 #define XmCVerticalAlignment "VerticalAlignment"
334 #define XmCVerticalFontUnit "VerticalFontUnit"
335 #define XmCVerticalScrollBar "VerticalScrollBar"
336 #define XmCVisibleItemCount "VisibleItemCount"
337 #define XmCVisibleWhenOff "VisibleWhenOff"
338 #define XmCVisualPolicy "VisualPolicy"
339 #define XmCWhichButton "WhichButton"
340 #define XmCWordWrap "WordWrap"
341 #define XmCWorkWindow "WorkWindow"
342 #define XmCXmString "XmString"
343 #define XmNaccelerator "accelerator"
344 #define XmNacceleratorText "acceleratorText"
345 #define XmNactivateCallback "activateCallback"
346 #define XmNadjustLast "adjustLast"
347 #define XmNadjustMargin "adjustMargin"
348 #define XmNalignment "alignment"
349 #define XmNallowOverlap "allowOverlap"
350 #define XmNallowResize "allowResize"
351 #define XmNallowUnusedSpace "allowUnusedSpace"
352 #define XmNanimationMask "animationMask"
353 #define XmNanimationPixmap "animationPixmap"
354 #define XmNanimationPixmapDepth "animationPixmapDepth"
355 #define XmNanimationStyle "animationStyle"
356 #define XmNapplyCallback "applyCallback"
357 #define XmNapplyLabelString "applyLabelString"
358 #define XmNarmCallback "armCallback"
359 #define XmNarmColor "armColor"
360 #define XmNarmPixmap "armPixmap"
361 #define XmNarrowDirection "arrowDirection"
362 #define XmNattachment "attachment"
363 #define XmNaudibleWarning "audibleWarning"
364 #define XmNautoShowCursorPosition "autoShowCursorPosition"
365 #define XmNautoUnmanage "autoUnmanage"
366 #define XmNautomaticSelection "automaticSelection"
367 #define XmNavailability "availability"
368 #define XmNblendModel "blendModel"
369 #define XmNblinkRate "blinkRate"
370 #define XmNbottomAttachment "bottomAttachment"
371 #define XmNbottomOffset "bottomOffset"
372 #define XmNbottomPosition "bottomPosition"
373 #define XmNbottomShadowColor "bottomShadowColor"
374 #define XmNbottomShadowPixmap "bottomShadowPixmap"
375 #define XmNbottomWidget "bottomWidget"
376 #define XmNbrowseSelectionCallback "browseSelectionCallback"
377 #define XmNbuttonAcceleratorText "buttonAcceleratorText"
378 #define XmNbuttonAccelerators "buttonAccelerators"
379 #define XmNbuttonCount "buttonCount"
380 #define XmNbuttonFontList "buttonFontList"
381 #define XmNbuttonMnemonicCharSets "buttonMnemonicCharSets"
382 #define XmNbuttonMnemonics "buttonMnemonics"
383 #define XmNbuttonSet "buttonSet"
384 #define XmNbuttonType "buttonType"
385 #define XmNbuttons "buttons"
386 #define XmNcancelButton "cancelButton"
387 #define XmNcancelCallback "cancelCallback"
388 #define XmNcancelLabelString "cancelLabelString"
389 #define XmNcascadePixmap "cascadePixmap"
390 #define XmNcascadingCallback "cascadingCallback"
391 #define XmNchildHorizontalAlignment "childHorizontalAlignment"
392 #define XmNchildHorizontalSpacing "childHorizontalSpacing"
393 #define XmNchildPlacement "childPlacement"
394 #define XmNchildPosition "childPosition"
395 #define XmNchildType "childType"
396 #define XmNchildVerticalAlignment "childVerticalAlignment"
397 #define XmNclientData "clientData"
398 #define XmNclipWindow "clipWindow"
399 #define XmNcolumns "columns"
400 #define XmNcommand "command"
401 #define XmNcommandChangedCallback "commandChangedCallback"
402 #define XmNcommandEnteredCallback "commandEnteredCallback"
403 #define XmNcommandWindow "commandWindow"
404 #define XmNcommandWindowLocation "commandWindowLocation"
405 #define XmNconvertProc "convertProc"
406 #define XmNcursorBackground "cursorBackground"
407 #define XmNcursorForeground "cursorForeground"
408 #define XmNcursorPosition "cursorPosition"
409 #define XmNcursorPositionVisible "cursorPositionVisible"
410 #define XmNdarkThreshold "darkThreshold"
411 #define XmNdecimalPoints "decimalPoints"
412 #define XmNdecrementCallback "decrementCallback"
413 #define XmNdefaultActionCallback "defaultActionCallback"
414 #define XmNdefaultButton "defaultButton"
415 #define XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness "defaultButtonShadowThickness"
416 #define XmNdefaultButtonType "defaultButtonType"
417 #define XmNdefaultCopyCursorIcon "defaultCopyCursorIcon"
418 #define XmNdefaultFontList "defaultFontList"
419 #define XmNdefaultInvalidCursorIcon "defaultInvalidCursorIcon"
420 #define XmNdefaultLinkCursorIcon "defaultLinkCursorIcon"
421 #define XmNdefaultMoveCursorIcon "defaultMoveCursorIcon"
422 #define XmNdefaultNoneCursorIcon "defaultNoneCursorIcon"
423 #define XmNdefaultPosition "defaultPosition"
424 #define XmNdefaultSourceCursorIcon "defaultSourceCursorIcon"
425 #define XmNdefaultValidCursorIcon "defaultValidCursorIcon"
426 #define XmNdeleteResponse "deleteResponse"
427 #define XmNdesktopParent "desktopParent"
428 #define XmNdialogStyle "dialogStyle"
429 #define XmNdialogTitle "dialogTitle"
430 #define XmNdialogType "dialogType"
431 #define XmNdirListItemCount "dirListItemCount"
432 #define XmNdirListItems "dirListItems"
433 #define XmNdirListLabelString "dirListLabelString"
434 #define XmNdirMask "dirMask"
435 #define XmNdirSearchProc "dirSearchProc"
436 #define XmNdirSpec "dirSpec"
437 #define XmNdirectory "directory"
438 #define XmNdirectoryValid "directoryValid"
439 #define XmNdisarmCallback "disarmCallback"
440 #define XmNdoubleClickInterval "doubleClickInterval"
441 #define XmNdragCallback "dragCallback"
442 #define XmNdragContextClass "dragContextClass"
443 #define XmNdragDropFinishCallback "dragDropFinishCallback"
444 #define XmNdragIconClass "dragIconClass"
445 #define XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle "dragInitiatorProtocolStyle"
446 #define XmNdragMotionCallback "dragMotionCallback"
447 #define XmNdragOperations "dragOperations"
448 #define XmNdragOverMode "dragOverMode"
449 #define XmNdragProc "dragProc"
450 #define XmNdragReceiverProtocolStyle "dragReceiverProtocolStyle"
451 #define XmNdropFinishCallback "dropFinishCallback"
452 #define XmNdropProc "dropProc"
453 #define XmNdropRectangles "dropRectangles"
454 #define XmNdropSiteActivity "dropSiteActivity"
455 #define XmNdropSiteEnterCallback "dropSiteEnterCallback"
456 #define XmNdropSiteLeaveCallback "dropSiteLeaveCallback"
457 #define XmNdropSiteManagerClass "dropSiteManagerClass"
458 #define XmNdropSiteOperations "dropSiteOperations"
459 #define XmNdropSiteType "dropSiteType"
460 #define XmNdropStartCallback "dropStartCallback"
461 #define XmNdropTransferClass "dropTransferClass"
462 #define XmNdropTransfers "dropTransfers"
463 #define XmNeditMode "editMode"
464 #define XmNeditable "editable"
465 #define XmNentryAlignment "entryAlignment"
466 #define XmNentryBorder "entryBorder"
467 #define XmNentryCallback "entryCallback"
468 #define XmNentryClass "entryClass"
469 #define XmNentryVerticalAlignment "entryVerticalAlignment"
470 #define XmNexportTargets "exportTargets"
471 #define XmNexposeCallback "exposeCallback"
472 #define XmNextendedSelectionCallback "extendedSelectionCallback"
473 #define XmNextensionType "extensionType"
474 #define XmNfileListItemCount "fileListItemCount"
475 #define XmNfileListItems "fileListItems"
476 #define XmNfileListLabelString "fileListLabelString"
477 #define XmNfileSearchProc "fileSearchProc"
478 #define XmNfileTypeMask "fileTypeMask"
479 #define XmNfillOnArm "fillOnArm"
480 #define XmNfillOnSelect "fillOnSelect"
481 #define XmNfilterLabelString "filterLabelString"
482 #define XmNfocusCallback "focusCallback"
483 #define XmNfocusMovedCallback "focusMovedCallback"
484 #define XmNfocusPolicyChanged "focusPolicyChanged"
485 #define XmNfontList "fontList"
486 #define XmNforegroundThreshold "foregroundThreshold"
487 #define XmNfractionBase "fractionBase"
488 #define XmNgainPrimaryCallback "gainPrimaryCallback"
489 #define XmNhelpCallback "helpCallback"
490 #define XmNhelpLabelString "helpLabelString"
491 #define XmNhighlightColor "highlightColor"
492 #define XmNhighlightOnEnter "highlightOnEnter"
493 #define XmNhighlightPixmap "highlightPixmap"
494 #define XmNhighlightThickness "highlightThickness"
495 #define XmNhistoryItemCount "historyItemCount"
496 #define XmNhistoryItems "historyItems"
497 #define XmNhistoryMaxItems "historyMaxItems"
498 #define XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount "historyVisibleItemCount"
499 #define XmNhorizontalFontUnit "horizontalFontUnit"
500 #define XmNhorizontalScrollBar "horizontalScrollBar"
501 #define XmNhorizontalSpacing "horizontalSpacing"
502 #define XmNhotX "hotX"
503 #define XmNhotY "hotY"
504 #define XmNiccHandle "iccHandle"
505 #define XmNimportTargets "importTargets"
506 #define XmNincrement "increment"
507 #define XmNincrementCallback "incrementCallback"
508 #define XmNincremental "incremental"
509 #define XmNindicatorOn "indicatorOn"
510 #define XmNindicatorSize "indicatorSize"
511 #define XmNindicatorType "indicatorType"
512 #define XmNinitialDelay "initialDelay"
513 #define XmNinitialFocus "initialFocus"
514 #define XmNinputCallback "inputCallback"
515 #define XmNinputCreate "inputCreate"
516 #define XmNinputMethod "inputMethod"
517 #define XmNinvalidCursorForeground "invalidCursorForeground"
518 #define XmNisAligned "isAligned"
519 #define XmNisHomogeneous "isHomogeneous"
520 #define XmNitemCount "itemCount"
521 #define XmNitems "items"
522 #define XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy "keyboardFocusPolicy"
523 #define XmNlabelFontList "labelFontList"
524 #define XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap "labelInsensitivePixmap"
525 #define XmNlabelPixmap "labelPixmap"
526 #define XmNlabelString "labelString"
527 #define XmNlabelType "labelType"
528 #define XmNleftAttachment "leftAttachment"
529 #define XmNleftOffset "leftOffset"
530 #define XmNleftPosition "leftPosition"
531 #define XmNleftWidget "leftWidget"
532 #define XmNlightThreshold "lightThreshold"
533 #define XmNlineSpace "lineSpace"
534 #define XmNlistItemCount "listItemCount"
535 #define XmNlistItems "listItems"
536 #define XmNlistLabelString "listLabelString"
537 #define XmNlistMarginHeight "listMarginHeight"
538 #define XmNlistMarginWidth "listMarginWidth"
539 #define XmNlistSizePolicy "listSizePolicy"
540 #define XmNlistSpacing "listSpacing"
541 #define XmNlistUpdated "listUpdated"
542 #define XmNlistVisibleItemCount "listVisibleItemCount"
543 #define XmNlogicalParent "logicalParent"
544 #define XmNlosePrimaryCallback "losePrimaryCallback"
545 #define XmNlosingFocusCallback "losingFocusCallback"
546 #define XmNmainWindowMarginHeight "mainWindowMarginHeight"
547 #define XmNmainWindowMarginWidth "mainWindowMarginWidth"
548 #define XmNmapCallback "mapCallback"
549 #define XmNmappingDelay "mappingDelay"
550 #define XmNmargin "margin"
551 #define XmNmarginBottom "marginBottom"
552 #define XmNmarginHeight "marginHeight"
553 #define XmNmarginLeft "marginLeft"
554 #define XmNmarginRight "marginRight"
555 #define XmNmarginTop "marginTop"
556 #define XmNmarginWidth "marginWidth"
557 #define XmNmask "mask"
558 #define XmNmaxLength "maxLength"
559 #define XmNmaximum "maximum"
560 #define XmNmenuAccelerator "menuAccelerator"
561 #define XmNmenuBar "menuBar"
562 #define XmNmenuCursor "menuCursor"
563 #define XmNmenuHelpWidget "menuHelpWidget"
564 #define XmNmenuHistory "menuHistory"
565 #define XmNmenuPost "menuPost"
566 #define XmNmessageAlignment "messageAlignment"
567 #define XmNmessageProc "messageProc"
568 #define XmNmessageString "messageString"
569 #define XmNmessageWindow "messageWindow"
570 #define XmNminimizeButtons "minimizeButtons"
571 #define XmNminimum "minimum"
572 #define XmNmnemonic "mnemonic"
573 #define XmNmnemonicCharSet "mnemonicCharSet"
574 #define XmNmodifyVerifyCallback "modifyVerifyCallback"
575 #define XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs "modifyVerifyCallbackWcs"
576 #define XmNmotionVerifyCallback "motionVerifyCallback"
577 #define XmNmoveOpaque "moveOpaque"
578 #define XmNmultiClick "multiClick"
579 #define XmNmultipleSelectionCallback "multipleSelectionCallback"
580 #define XmNmustMatch "mustMatch"
581 #define XmNmwmDecorations "mwmDecorations"
582 #define XmNmwmFunctions "mwmFunctions"
583 #define XmNmwmInputMode "mwmInputMode"
584 #define XmNmwmMenu "mwmMenu"
585 #define XmNmwmMessages "mwmMessages"
586 #define XmNnavigationType "navigationType"
587 #define XmNneedsMotion "needsMotion"
588 #define XmNnoMatchCallback "noMatchCallback"
589 #define XmNnoMatchString "noMatchString"
590 #define XmNnoResize "noResize"
591 #define XmNnoneCursorForeground "noneCursorForeground"
592 #define XmNnotifyProc "notifyProc"
593 #define XmNnumColumns "numColumns"
594 #define XmNnumDropRectangles "numDropRectangles"
595 #define XmNnumDropTransfers "numDropTransfers"
596 #define XmNnumExportTargets "numExportTargets"
597 #define XmNnumImportTargets "numImportTargets"
598 #define XmNnumRectangles "numRectangles"
599 #define XmNoffsetX "offsetX"
600 #define XmNoffsetY "offsetY"
601 #define XmNokCallback "okCallback"
602 #define XmNokLabelString "okLabelString"
603 #define XmNoperationChangedCallback "operationChangedCallback"
604 #define XmNoperationCursorIcon "operationCursorIcon"
605 #define XmNoptionLabel "optionLabel"
606 #define XmNoptionMnemonic "optionMnemonic"
607 #define XmNoutputCreate "outputCreate"
608 #define XmNpacking "packing"
609 #define XmNpageDecrementCallback "pageDecrementCallback"
610 #define XmNpageIncrement "pageIncrement"
611 #define XmNpageIncrementCallback "pageIncrementCallback"
612 #define XmNpaneMaximum "paneMaximum"
613 #define XmNpaneMinimum "paneMinimum"
614 #define XmNpattern "pattern"
615 #define XmNpendingDelete "pendingDelete"
616 #define XmNpopupEnabled "popupEnabled"
617 #define XmNpositionIndex "positionIndex"
618 #define XmNpostFromButton "postFromButton"
619 #define XmNpostFromCount "postFromCount"
620 #define XmNpostFromList "postFromList"
621 #define XmNpreeditType "preeditType"
622 #define XmNprocessingDirection "processingDirection"
623 #define XmNpromptString "promptString"
624 #define XmNprotocolCallback "protocolCallback"
625 #define XmNpushButtonEnabled "pushButtonEnabled"
626 #define XmNqualifySearchDataProc "qualifySearchDataProc"
627 #define XmNradioAlwaysOne "radioAlwaysOne"
628 #define XmNradioBehavior "radioBehavior"
629 #define XmNrealizeCallback "realizeCallback"
630 #define XmNrecomputeSize "recomputeSize"
631 #define XmNrectangles "rectangles"
632 #define XmNrefigureMode "refigureMode"
633 #define XmNrepeatDelay "repeatDelay"
634 #define XmNresizable "resizable"
635 #define XmNresizeCallback "resizeCallback"
636 #define XmNresizeHeight "resizeHeight"
637 #define XmNresizePolicy "resizePolicy"
638 #define XmNresizeWidth "resizeWidth"
639 #define XmNrightAttachment "rightAttachment"
640 #define XmNrightOffset "rightOffset"
641 #define XmNrightPosition "rightPosition"
642 #define XmNrightWidget "rightWidget"
643 #define XmNrowColumnType "rowColumnType"
644 #define XmNrows "rows"
645 #define XmNrubberPositioning "rubberPositioning"
646 #define XmNsashHeight "sashHeight"
647 #define XmNsashIndent "sashIndent"
648 #define XmNsashShadowThickness "sashShadowThickness"
649 #define XmNsashWidth "sashWidth"
650 #define XmNscaleHeight "scaleHeight"
651 #define XmNscaleMultiple "scaleMultiple"
652 #define XmNscaleWidth "scaleWidth"
653 #define XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy "scrollBarDisplayPolicy"
654 #define XmNscrollBarPlacement "scrollBarPlacement"
655 #define XmNscrollHorizontal "scrollHorizontal"
656 #define XmNscrollLeftSide "scrollLeftSide"
657 #define XmNscrollTopSide "scrollTopSide"
658 #define XmNscrollVertical "scrollVertical"
659 #define XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight "scrolledWindowMarginHeight"
660 #define XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth "scrolledWindowMarginWidth"
661 #define XmNscrollingPolicy "scrollingPolicy"
662 #define XmNselectColor "selectColor"
663 #define XmNselectInsensitivePixmap "selectInsensitivePixmap"
664 #define XmNselectPixmap "selectPixmap"
665 #define XmNselectThreshold "selectThreshold"
666 #define XmNselectedItemCount "selectedItemCount"
667 #define XmNselectedItems "selectedItems"
668 #define XmNselectionArrayCount "selectionArrayCount"
669 #define XmNselectionLabelString "selectionLabelString"
670 #define XmNselectionPolicy "selectionPolicy"
671 #define XmNseparatorOn "separatorOn"
672 #define XmNseparatorType "separatorType"
673 #define XmNset "set"
674 #define XmNshadow "shadow"
675 #define XmNshadowThickness "shadowThickness"
676 #define XmNshadowType "shadowType"
677 #define XmNshellUnitType "shellUnitType"
678 #define XmNshowArrows "showArrows"
679 #define XmNshowAsDefault "showAsDefault"
680 #define XmNshowSeparator "showSeparator"
681 #define XmNshowValue "showValue"
682 #define XmNsimpleCallback "simpleCallback"
683 #define XmNsingleSelectionCallback "singleSelectionCallback"
684 #define XmNsizePolicy "sizePolicy"
685 #define XmNskipAdjust "skipAdjust"
686 #define XmNsliderSize "sliderSize"
687 #define XmNsource "source"
688 #define XmNsourceCursorIcon "sourceCursorIcon"
689 #define XmNsourceIsExternal "sourceIsExternal"
690 #define XmNsourcePixmapIcon "sourcePixmapIcon"
691 #define XmNsourceWidget "sourceWidget"
692 #define XmNsourceWindow "sourceWindow"
693 #define XmNspacing "spacing"
694 #define XmNspotLocation "spotLocation"
695 #define XmNstartTime "startTime"
696 #define XmNstateCursorIcon "stateCursorIcon"
697 #define XmNstringDirection "stringDirection"
698 #define XmNsubMenuId "subMenuId"
699 #define XmNsymbolPixmap "symbolPixmap"
700 #define XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback "tearOffMenuActivateCallback"
701 #define XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback "tearOffMenuDeactivateCallback"
702 #define XmNtearOffModel "tearOffModel"
703 #define XmNtextAccelerators "textAccelerators"
704 #define XmNtextColumns "textColumns"
705 #define XmNtextFontList "textFontList"
706 #define XmNtextString "textString"
707 #define XmNtextTranslations "textTranslations"
708 #define XmNtextValue "textValue"
709 #define XmNtitleString "titleString"
710 #define XmNtoBottomCallback "toBottomCallback"
711 #define XmNtoPositionCallback "toPositionCallback"
712 #define XmNtoTopCallback "toTopCallback"
713 #define XmNtopAttachment "topAttachment"
714 #define XmNtopCharacter "topCharacter"
715 #define XmNtopItemPosition "topItemPosition"
716 #define XmNtopLevelEnterCallback "topLevelEnterCallback"
717 #define XmNtopLevelLeaveCallback "topLevelLeaveCallback"
718 #define XmNtopOffset "topOffset"
719 #define XmNtopPosition "topPosition"
720 #define XmNtopShadowColor "topShadowColor"
721 #define XmNtopShadowPixmap "topShadowPixmap"
722 #define XmNtopWidget "topWidget"
723 #define XmNtransferProc "transferProc"
724 #define XmNtransferStatus "transferStatus"
725 #define XmNtraversalCallback "traversalCallback"
726 #define XmNtraversalOn "traversalOn"
727 #define XmNtraversalType "traversalType"
728 #define XmNtraverseObscuredCallback "traverseObscuredCallback"
729 #define XmNtreeUpdateProc "treeUpdateProc"
730 #define XmNtroughColor "troughColor"
731 #define XmNunitType "unitType"
732 #define XmNunmapCallback "unmapCallback"
733 #define XmNunpostBehavior "unpostBehavior"
734 #define XmNunselectPixmap "unselectPixmap"
735 #define XmNupdateSliderSize "updateSliderSize"
736 #define XmNuseAsyncGeometry "useAsyncGeometry"
737 #define XmNuserData "userData"
738 #define XmNvalidCursorForeground "validCursorForeground"
739 #define XmNvalueChangedCallback "valueChangedCallback"
740 #define XmNvalueWcs "valueWcs"
741 #define XmNverifyBell "verifyBell"
742 #define XmNverticalFontUnit "verticalFontUnit"
743 #define XmNverticalScrollBar "verticalScrollBar"
744 #define XmNverticalSpacing "verticalSpacing"
745 #define XmNvisibleItemCount "visibleItemCount"
746 #define XmNvisibleWhenOff "visibleWhenOff"
747 #define XmNvisualPolicy "visualPolicy"
748 #define XmNwhichButton "whichButton"
749 #define XmNwordWrap "wordWrap"
750 #define XmNworkWindow "workWindow"
751 #define XmRAlignment "Alignment"
752 #define XmRAnimationMask "AnimationMask"
753 #define XmRAnimationPixmap "AnimationPixmap"
754 #define XmRAnimationStyle "AnimationStyle"
755 #define XmRArrowDirection "ArrowDirection"
756 #define XmRAtomList "AtomList"
757 #define XmRAttachment "Attachment"
758 #define XmRAudibleWarning "AudibleWarning"
759 #define XmRAvailability "Availability"
760 #define XmRBackgroundPixmap "BackgroundPixmap"
761 #define XmRBlendModel "BlendModel"
762 #define XmRBooleanDimension "BooleanDimension"
763 #define XmRBottomShadowPixmap "BottomShadowPixmap"
764 #define XmRButtonType "ButtonType"
765 #define XmRCallbackProc "CallbackProc"
766 #define XmRChar "Char"
767 #define XmRCharSetTable "CharSetTable"
768 #define XmRChildHorizontalAlignment "ChildHorizontalAlignment"
769 #define XmRChildPlacement "ChildPlacement"
770 #define XmRChildType "ChildType"
771 #define XmRChildVerticalAlignment "ChildVerticalAlignment"
772 #define XmRCommandWindowLocation "CommandWindowLocation"
773 #define XmRCompoundText "CompoundText"
774 #define XmRDefaultButtonType "DefaultButtonType"
775 #define XmRDeleteResponse "DeleteResponse"
776 #define XmRDialogStyle "DialogStyle"
777 #define XmRDialogType "DialogType"
778 #define XmRDoubleClickInterval "DoubleClickInterval"
779 #define XmRDragInitiatorProtocolStyle "DragInitiatorProtocolStyle"
780 #define XmRDragReceiverProtocolStyle "DragReceiverProtocolStyle"
781 #define XmRDropSiteActivity "DropSiteActivity"
782 #define XmRDropSiteOperations "DropSiteOperations"
783 #define XmRDropSiteType "DropSiteType"
784 #define XmRDropTransfers "DropTransfers"
785 #define XmRExtensionType "ExtensionType"
786 #define XmRFileTypeMask "FileTypeMask"
787 #define XmRFontList "FontList"
788 #define XmRGadgetPixmap "GadgetPixmap"
789 #define XmRHighlightPixmap "HighlightPixmap"
790 #define XmRHorizontalDimension "HorizontalDimension"
791 #define XmRHorizontalInt "HorizontalInt"
792 #define XmRHorizontalPosition "HorizontalPosition"
793 #define XmRIconAttachment "IconAttachment"
794 #define XmRImportTargets "ImportTargets"
795 #define XmRIndicatorType "IndicatorType"
796 #define XmRItemCount "ItemCount"
797 #define XmRItems "Items"
798 #define XmRKeySym "KeySym"
799 #define XmRKeySymTable "KeySymTable"
800 #define XmRKeyboardFocusPolicy "KeyboardFocusPolicy"
801 #define XmRLabelType "LabelType"
802 #define XmRListMarginHeight "ListMarginHeight"
803 #define XmRListMarginWidth "ListMarginWidth"
804 #define XmRListSizePolicy "ListSizePolicy"
805 #define XmRListSpacing "ListSpacing"
806 #define XmRManBottomShadowPixmap "ManBottomShadowPixmap"
807 #define XmRManForegroundPixmap "ManForegroundPixmap"
808 #define XmRManHighlightPixmap "ManHighlightPixmap"
809 #define XmRManTopShadowPixmap "ManTopShadowPixmap"
810 #define XmRMenuWidget "MenuWidget"
811 #define XmRMnemonic "Mnemonic"
812 #define XmRMultiClick "MultiClick"
813 #define XmRNavigationType "NavigationType"
814 #define XmRPacking "Packing"
815 #define XmRPrimForegroundPixmap "PrimForegroundPixmap"
816 #define XmRProc "Proc"
817 #define XmRProcessingDirection "ProcessingDirection"
818 #define XmRRectangleList "RectangleList"
819 #define XmRResizePolicy "ResizePolicy"
820 #define XmRRowColumnType "RowColumnType"
821 #define XmRScrollBarDisplayPolicy "ScrollBarDisplayPolicy"
822 #define XmRScrollBarPlacement "ScrollBarPlacement"
823 #define XmRScrollingPolicy "ScrollingPolicy"
824 #define XmRSelectedItemCount "SelectedItemCount"
825 #define XmRSelectedItems "SelectedItems"
826 #define XmRSelectionPolicy "SelectionPolicy"
827 #define XmRSelectionType "SelectionType"
828 #define XmRSeparatorType "SeparatorType"
829 #define XmRShadowType "ShadowType"
830 #define XmRShellHorizDim "ShellHorizDim"
831 #define XmRShellHorizPos "ShellHorizPos"
832 #define XmRShellUnitType "ShellUnitType"
833 #define XmRShellVertDim "ShellVertDim"
834 #define XmRShellVertPos "ShellVertPos"
835 #define XmRSizePolicy "SizePolicy"
836 #define XmRStringDirection "StringDirection"
837 #define XmRTearOffModel "TearOffModel"
838 #define XmRTopShadowPixmap "TopShadowPixmap"
839 #define XmRTransferStatus "TransferStatus"
840 #define XmRTraversalType "TraversalType"
841 #define XmRUnitType "UnitType"
842 #define XmRUnpostBehavior "UnpostBehavior"
843 #define XmRValueWcs "ValueWcs"
844 #define XmRVerticalAlignment "VerticalAlignment"
845 #define XmRVerticalDimension "VerticalDimension"
846 #define XmRVerticalInt "VerticalInt"
847 #define XmRVerticalPosition "VerticalPosition"
848 #define XmRVirtualBinding "VirtualBinding"
849 #define XmRVisibleItemCount "VisibleItemCount"
850 #define XmRVisualPolicy "VisualPolicy"
851 #define XmRWhichButton "WhichButton"
852 #define XmRXmBackgroundPixmap "XmBackgroundPixmap"
853 #define XmRXmString "XmString"
854 #define XmRXmStringCharSet "XmStringCharSet"
855 #define XmRXmStringTable "XmStringTable"
856 #define XmVosfActivate "osfActivate"
857 #define XmVosfAddMode "osfAddMode"
858 #define XmVosfBackSpace "osfBackSpace"
859 #define XmVosfBeginLine "osfBeginLine"
860 #define XmVosfCancel "osfCancel"
861 #define XmVosfClear "osfClear"
862 #define XmVosfCopy "osfCopy"
863 #define XmVosfCut "osfCut"
864 #define XmVosfDelete "osfDelete"
865 #define XmVosfDown "osfDown"
866 #define XmVosfEndLine "osfEndLine"
867 #define XmVosfHelp "osfHelp"
868 #define XmVosfInsert "osfInsert"
869 #define XmVosfLeft "osfLeft"
870 #define XmVosfMenu "osfMenu"
871 #define XmVosfMenuBar "osfMenuBar"
872 #define XmVosfPageDown "osfPageDown"
873 #define XmVosfPageLeft "osfPageLeft"
874 #define XmVosfPageRight "osfPageRight"
875 #define XmVosfPageUp "osfPageUp"
876 #define XmVosfPaste "osfPaste"
877 #define XmVosfPrimaryPaste "osfPrimaryPaste"
878 #define XmVosfQuickPaste "osfQuickPaste"
879 #define XmVosfRight "osfRight"
880 #define XmVosfSelect "osfSelect"
881 #define XmVosfUndo "osfUndo"
882 #define XmVosfUp "osfUp"
885 #define XmRTopItemPosition "TopItemPosition"
886 #define XmNtearOffTitle "tearOffTitle"
887 #define XmCTearOffTitle "TearOffTitle"
888 #define XmNpopupHandlerCallback "popupHandlerCallback"
889 #define XmNconvertCallback "convertCallback"
890 #define XmNdestinationCallback "destinationCallback"
891 #define XmNselectedItem "selectedItem"
892 #define XmCSelectedItem "SelectedItem"
893 #define XmNselectionCallback "selectionCallback"
894 #define XmNmatchBehavior "matchBehavior"
895 #define XmCMatchBehavior "MatchBehavior"
896 #define XmNnoFontCallback "noFontCallback"
897 #define XmNtextPath "textPath"
898 #define XmNeditingPath "editingPath"
899 #define XmCEditingPath "EditingPath"
900 #define XmNbidirectionalCursor "bidirectionalCursor"
901 #define XmCBidirectionalCursor "BidirectionalCursor"
902 #define XmNcollapsedStatePixmap "collapsedStatePixmap"
903 #define XmNdetailColumnHeading "detailColumnHeading"
904 #define XmNdetailCount "detailCount"
905 #define XmNdetailTabList "detailTabList"
906 #define XmNexpandedStatePixmap "expandedStatePixmap"
907 #define XmNlargeCellHeight "largeCellHeight"
908 #define XmNlargeCellWidth "largeCellWidth"
909 #define XmNlayoutType "layoutType"
910 #define XmNoutlineIndentation "outlineIndentation"
911 #define XmNoutlineLineStyle "outlineLineStyle"
912 #define XmNprimaryOwnership "primaryOwnership"
913 #define XmNselectionTechnique "selectionTechnique"
914 #define XmNsmallCellHeight "smallCellHeight"
915 #define XmNsmallCellWidth "smallCellWidth"
916 #define XmNspatialStyle "spatialStyle"
917 #define XmNentryParent "entryParent"
918 #define XmNlargeIconX "largeIconX"
919 #define XmNlargeIconY "largeIconY"
920 #define XmNsmallIconX "smallIconX"
921 #define XmNsmallIconY "smallIconY"
922 #define XmCCollapsedStatePixmap "CollapsedStatePixmap"
923 #define XmCDetailColumnHeading "DetailColumnHeading"
924 #define XmCDetailCount "DetailCount"
925 #define XmCDetailMask "DetailMask"
926 #define XmCEntryViewType "EntryViewType"
927 #define XmCLineStyle "LineStyle"
928 #define XmCDetailTabList "DetailTabList"
929 #define XmCExpandedStatePixmap "ExpandedStatePixmap"
930 #define XmCIncludeModel "IncludeModel"
931 #define XmCCellHeight "CellHeight"
932 #define XmCCellWidth "CellWidth"
933 #define XmCLayoutType "LayoutType"
934 #define XmCOutlineIndentation "OutlineIndentation"
935 #define XmCPlaceModel "PlaceModel"
936 #define XmCPrimaryOwnership "PrimaryOwnership"
937 #define XmCSelectionTechnique "SelectionTechnique"
938 #define XmCSpatialStyle "SpatialStyle"
939 #define XmCEntryDetail "EntryDetail"
940 #define XmCExpandState "ExpandState"
941 #define XmNlargeIcon "largeIcon"
942 #define XmNlargeIconMask "largeIconMask"
943 #define XmNlargeIconPixmap "largeIconPixmap"
944 #define XmNsmallIcon "smallIcon"
945 #define XmNsmallIconMask "smallIconMask"
946 #define XmNsmallIconPixmap "smallIconPixmap"
947 #define XmCIcon "Icon"
948 #define XmCViewType "ViewType"
949 #define XmCVisualEmphasis "VisualEmphasis"
950 #define XmNcurrentPageNumber "currentPageNumber"
951 #define XmNfirstPageNumber "firstPageNumber"
952 #define XmNlastPageNumber "lastPageNumber"
953 #define XmNbackPagePlacement "backPagePlacement"
954 #define XmNbackPageNumber "backPageNumber"
955 #define XmNbackPageSize "backPageSize"
956 #define XmNbackPageForeground "backPageForeground"
957 #define XmNbackPageBackground "backPageBackground"
958 #define XmNframeBackground "frameBackground"
959 #define XmNbindingType "bindingType"
960 #define XmNbindingPixmap "bindingPixmap"
961 #define XmNbindingWidth "bindingWidth"
962 #define XmNmajorTabSpacing "majorTabSpacing"
963 #define XmNminorTabSpacing "minorTabSpacing"
964 #define XmNinnerMarginWidth "innerMarginWidth"
965 #define XmNinnerMarginHeight "innerMarginHeight"
966 #define XmNframeShadowThickness "frameShadowThickness"
967 #define XmNpageNumber "pageNumber"
968 #define XmCCurrentPageNumber "CurrentPageNumber"
969 #define XmCFirstPageNumber "FirstPageNumber"
970 #define XmCLastPageNumber "LastPageNumber"
971 #define XmCBackPagePlacement "BackPagePlacement"
972 #define XmCBackPageNumber "BackPageNumber"
973 #define XmCBackPageSize "BackPageSize"
974 #define XmCBackPageForeground "BackPageForeground"
975 #define XmCBackPageBackground "BackPageBackground"
976 #define XmCFrameBackground "FrameBackground"
977 #define XmCBindingType "BindingType"
978 #define XmCBindingPixmap "BindingPixmap"
979 #define XmCBindingWidth "BindingWidth"
980 #define XmCMajorTabSpacing "MajorTabSpacing"
981 #define XmCMinorTabSpacing "MinorTabSpacing"
982 #define XmCInnerMarginWidth "InnerMarginWidth"
983 #define XmCInnerMarginHeight "InnerMarginHeight"
984 #define XmCPageChangeCallback "PageChangeCallback"
985 #define XmCPageNumber "PageNumber"
986 #define XmRArrowLayout "ArrowLayout"
987 #define XmRArrowSensitivity "ArrowSensitivity"
988 #define XmRSpinBoxChildType "SpinBoxChildType"
989 #define XmNarrowLayout "arrowLayout"
990 #define XmCArrowLayout "ArrowLayout"
991 #define XmNarrowSensitivity "arrowSensitivity"
992 #define XmCArrowSensitivity "ArrowSensitivity"
993 #define XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity "defaultArrowSensitivity"
994 #define XmCDefaultArrowSensitivity "DefaultArrowSensitivity"
995 #define XmNarrowSize "arrowSize"
996 #define XmCArrowSize "ArrowSize"
997 #define XmNspinBoxChildType "spinBoxChildType"
998 #define XmCSpinBoxChildType "SpinBoxChildType"
999 #define XmNposition "position"
1000 #define XmNnumValues "numValues"
1001 #define XmCNumValues "NumValues"
1002 #define XmNvalues "values"
1003 #define XmCValues "Values"
1004 #define XmNminimumValue "minimumValue"
1005 #define XmCMinimumValue "MinimumValue"
1006 #define XmNmaximumValue "maximumValue"
1007 #define XmCMaximumValue "MaximumValue"
1008 #define XmNincrementValue "incrementValue"
1009 #define XmCIncrementValue "IncrementValue"
1010 #define XmRAutomaticSelection "AutomaticSelection"
1011 #define XmRLineStyle "LineStyle"
1012 #define XmREntryViewType "EntryViewType"
1013 #define XmRDirection "Direction"
1014 #define XmRLayoutType "LayoutType"
1015 #define XmRPrimaryOwnership "PrimaryOwnership"
1016 #define XmRSelectionTechnique "SelectionTechnique"
1017 #define XmRSpatialStyle "SpatialStyle"
1018 #define XmRTabList "TabList"
1019 #define XmRViewType "ViewType"
1020 #define XmRVisualEmphasis "VisualEmphasis"
1021 #define XmRBindingType "BindingType"
1022 #define XmRNBChildType "NBChildType"
1023 #define XmNentryViewType "entryViewType"
1024 #define XmNinsensitiveStippleBitmap "insensitiveStippleBitmap"
1025 #define XmNlayoutDirection "layoutDirection"
1026 #define XmNviewType "viewType"
1027 #define XmNvisualEmphasis "visualEmphasis"
1028 #define XmCLayoutDirection "LayoutDirection"
1029 #define XmNsnapBackMultiple "snapBackMultiple"
1030 #define XmNslidingMode "slidingMode"
1031 #define XmNsliderVisual "sliderVisual"
1032 #define XmNautoDragModel "autoDragModel"
1033 #define XmNcolorCalculationProc "colorCalculationProc"
1034 #define XmNbitmapConversionModel "bitmapConversionModel"
1035 #define XmNcolorAllocationProc "colorAllocationProc"
1036 #define XmNselectionMode "selectionMode"
1037 #define XmNselectedPositions "selectedPositions"
1038 #define XmNselectedPositionCount "selectedPositionCount"
1039 #define XmCSnapBackMultiple "SnapBackMultiple"
1040 #define XmCSliderVisual "SliderVisual"
1041 #define XmCSlidingMode "SlidingMode"
1042 #define XmCAutoDragModel "AutoDragModel"
1043 #define XmCColorCalculationProc "ColorCalculationProc"
1044 #define XmCBitmapConversionModel "BitmapConversionModel"
1045 #define XmCColorAllocationProc "ColorAllocationProc"
1046 #define XmCInsensitiveStippleBitmap "InsensitiveStippleBitmap"
1047 #define XmCSelectionMode "SelectionMode"
1048 #define XmCSelectedPositions "SelectedPositions"
1049 #define XmCSelectedPositionCount "SelectedPositionCount"
1050 #define XmRSlidingMode "SlidingMode"
1051 #define XmRShowArrows "ShowArrows"
1052 #define XmRSliderVisual "SliderVisual"
1053 #define XmRShowValue "ShowValue"
1054 #define XmRAutoDragModel "AutoDragModel"
1055 #define XmRSWChildType "SWChildType"
1056 #define XmRBitmapConversionModel "BitmapConversionModel"
1057 #define XmRSelectionMode "SelectionMode"
1058 #define XmNinputPolicy "inputPolicy"
1059 #define XmCInputPolicy "InputPolicy"
1060 #define XmRInputPolicy "InputPolicy"
1061 #define XmNtoggleMode "toggleMode"
1062 #define XmCToggleMode "ToggleMode"
1063 #define XmRToggleMode "ToggleMode"
1064 #define XmRIndicatorOn "IndicatorOn"
1065 #define XmRSet "Set"
1066 #define XmNindeterminatePixmap "indeterminatePixmap"
1067 #define XmCIndeterminatePixmap "IndeterminatePixmap"
1068 #define XmNunselectColor "unselectColor"
1069 #define XmCUnselectColor "UnselectColor"
1070 #define XmNselectedPosition "selectedPosition"
1071 #define XmNarrowSpacing "arrowSpacing"
1072 #define XmCArrowSpacing "ArrowSpacing"
1073 #define XmRMatchBehavior "MatchBehavior"
1074 #define XmRComboBoxType "ComboBoxType"
1075 #define XmCSelectedPosition "SelectedPosition"
1076 #define XmNenableWarp "enableWarp"
1077 #define XmCEnableWarp "EnableWarp"
1078 #define XmREnableWarp "EnableWarp"
1079 #define XmNmotifVersion "motifVersion"
1080 #define XmCMotifVersion "MotifVersion"
1081 #define XmNdefaultGlyphPixmap "defaultGlyphPixmap"
1082 #define XmCDefaultGlyphPixmap "DefaultGlyphPixmap"
1083 #define XmCRendition "Rendition"
1084 #define XmNtag "tag"
1085 #define XmCTag "Tag"
1086 #define XmNfontName "fontName"
1087 #define XmCFontName "FontName"
1088 #define XmNfontType "fontType"
1089 #define XmCFontType "FontType"
1090 #define XmRFontType "FontType"
1091 #define XmNloadModel "loadModel"
1092 #define XmCLoadModel "LoadModel"
1093 #define XmRLoadModel "LoadModel"
1094 #define XmNtabList "tabList"
1095 #define XmCTabList "TabList"
1096 #define XmRRenditionPixel "RenditionPixel"
1097 #define XmNunderlineType "underlineType"
1098 #define XmCUnderlineType "UnderlineType"
1099 #define XmNstrikethruType "strikethruType"
1100 #define XmCStrikethruType "StrikethruType"
1101 #define XmRLineType "LineType"
1102 #define XmNrenderTable "renderTable"
1103 #define XmCRenderTable "RenderTable"
1104 #define XmRRenderTable "RenderTable"
1105 #define XmNbuttonRenderTable "buttonRenderTable"
1106 #define XmCButtonRenderTable "ButtonRenderTable"
1107 #define XmRButtonRenderTable "ButtonRenderTable"
1108 #define XmNlabelRenderTable "labelRenderTable"
1109 #define XmCLabelRenderTable "LabelRenderTable"
1110 #define XmRLabelRenderTable "LabelRenderTable"
1111 #define XmNtextRenderTable "textRenderTable"
1112 #define XmCTextRenderTable "TextRenderTable"
1113 #define XmRTextRenderTable "TextRenderTable"
1114 #define XmNdragStartCallback "dragStartCallback"
1115 #define XmNnoRenditionCallback "noRenditionCallback"
1116 #define XmSXmAS_IS "XmAS_IS"
1117 #define XmMIsWhiteSpaceMethod "IsWhiteSpaceMethod"
1118 #define XmMIsScanBreakMethod "IsScanBreakMethod"
1119 #define XmMCharDirection "CharDirection"
1120 #define XmMInitialCharsDirection "InitialCharsDirection"
1121 #define XmNpatternType "patternType"
1122 #define XmNsubstitute "substitute"
1123 #define XmNinvokeParseProc "invokeParseProc"
1124 #define XmNincludeStatus "includeStatus"
1125 #define XmVosfBackTab "osfBackTab"
1126 #define XmVosfBeginData "osfBeginData"
1127 #define XmVosfDeselectAll "osfDeselectAll"
1128 #define XmVosfEndData "osfEndData"
1129 #define XmVosfEscape "osfEscape"
1130 #define XmVosfExtend "osfExtend"
1131 #define XmVosfLeftLine "osfLeftLine"
1132 #define XmVosfNext "osfNext"
1133 #define XmVosfNextField "osfNextField"
1134 #define XmVosfNextMenu "osfNextMenu"
1135 #define XmVosfNextMinor "osfNextMinor"
1136 #define XmVosfPrevField "osfPrevField"
1137 #define XmVosfPrevMenu "osfPrevMenu"
1138 #define XmVosfPrior "osfPrior"
1139 #define XmVosfPriorMinor "osfPriorMinor"
1140 #define XmVosfReselect "osfReselect"
1141 #define XmVosfRestore "osfRestore"
1142 #define XmVosfRightLine "osfRightLine"
1143 #define XmVosfSelectAll "osfSelectAll"
1144 #define XmVosfSwitchDirection "osfSwitchDirection"
1145 #define XmNnotebookChildType "notebookChildType"
1146 #define XmCNotebookChildType "NotebookChildType"
1147 #define XmRNotebookChildType "NotebookChildType"
1148 #define XmNscrolledWindowChildType "scrolledWindowChildType"
1149 #define XmCScrolledWindowChildType "ScrolledWindowChildType"
1150 #define XmRScrolledWindowChildType "ScrolledWindowChildType"
1151 #define XmNselectedObjects "selectedObjects"
1152 #define XmCSelectedObjects "SelectedObjects"
1153 #define XmNselectedObjectCount "selectedObjectCount"
1154 #define XmCSelectedObjectCount "SelectedObjectCount"
1155 #define XmNcomboBoxType "comboBoxType"
1156 #define XmCComboBoxType "ComboBoxType"
1157 #define XmNtabValue "tabValue"
1158 #define XmNoffsetModel "offsetModel"
1159 #define XmNdecimal "decimal"
1160 #define XmNdetail "detail"
1161 #define XmCDetail "Detail"
1162 #define XmNdetailCount "detailCount"
1163 #define XmCDetailCount "DetailCount"
1164 #define XmNcontainerID "containerID"
1165 #define XmCContainerID "ContainerID"
1170 #define XmSDELETE "DELETE"
1171 #define XmSFILE "FILE"
1172 #define XmSFILE_NAME "FILE_NAME"
1173 #define XmSINCR "INCR"
1176 #define XmSLENGTH "LENGTH"
1178 #define XmS_MOTIF_ATOM_0 "_MOTIF_ATOM_0"
1196 #define XmS_MOTIF_DROP "_MOTIF_DROP"
1204 #define XmSNULL "NULL"
1205 #define XmSTARGETS "TARGETS"
1206 #define XmSTEXT "TEXT"
1208 #define XmSWM_STATE "WM_STATE"
1211 #define XmNpathMode "pathMode"
1212 #define XmRPathMode "PathMode"
1213 #define XmCPathMode "PathMode"
1214 #define XmNfileFilterStyle "fileFilterStyle"
1215 #define XmRFileFilterStyle "FileFilterStyle"
1216 #define XmCFileFilterStyle "FileFilterStyle"
1217 #define XmNdirTextLabelString "dirTextLabelString"
1218 #define XmCDirTextLabelString "DirTextLabelString"
1219 #define XmNenableBtn1Transfer "enableBtn1Transfer"
1220 #define XmCEnableBtn1Transfer "EnableBtn1Transfer"
1221 #define XmNenableButtonTab "enableButtonTab"
1222 #define XmCEnableButtonTab "EnableButtonTab"
1223 #define XmNenableEtchedInMenu "enableEtchedInMenu"
1224 #define XmCEnableEtchedInMenu "EnableEtchedInMenu"
1225 #define XmNdefaultButtonEmphasis "defaultButtonEmphasis"
1226 #define XmCDefaultButtonEmphasis "DefaultButtonEmphasis"
1227 #define XmRDefaultButtonEmphasis "DefaultButtonEmphasis"
1228 #define XmNenableToggleColor "enableToggleColor"
1229 #define XmCEnableToggleColor "EnableToggleColor"
1230 #define XmNenableToggleVisual "enableToggleVisual"
1231 #define XmCEnableToggleVisual "EnableToggleVisual"
1232 #define XmNenableDragIcon "enableDragIcon"
1233 #define XmCEnableDragIcon "EnableDragIcon"
1234 #define XmNenableUnselectableDrag "enableUnselectableDrag"
1235 #define XmCEnableUnselectableDrag "EnableUnselectableDrag"
1236 #define XmNdragOverActiveMode "dragOverActiveMode"
1237 #define XmCDragOverActiveMode "DragOverActiveMode"
1238 #define XmNinstallColormap "installColormap"
1239 #define XmCInstallColormap "InstallColormap"
1240 #define XmCOwnerEvents "OwnerEvents"
1241 #define XmNownerEvents "ownerEvents"
1242 #define XmCGrabStyle "GrabStyle"
1243 #define XmNgrabStyle "grabStyle"
1244 #define XmNforegroundState "foregroundState"
1245 #define XmNbackgroundState "backgroundState"
1246 #define XmCGroundState "GroundState"
1247 #define XmRGroundState "GroundState"
1248 #define XmRSelectColor "SelectColor"
1249 #define XmRLargeIconPixmap "LargeIconPixmap"
1250 #define XmRSmallIconPixmap "SmallIconPixmap"
1251 #define XmNoutlineState "outlineState"
1252 #define XmCOutlineState "OutlineState"
1253 #define XmROutlineState "OutlineState"
1254 #define XmNspatialIncludeModel "spatialIncludeModel"
1255 #define XmCSpatialIncludeModel "SpatialIncludeModel"
1256 #define XmRSpatialIncludeModel "SpatialIncludeModel"
1257 #define XmNspatialResizeModel "spatialResizeModel"
1258 #define XmCSpatialResizeModel "SpatialResizeModel"
1259 #define XmRSpatialResizeModel "SpatialResizeModel"
1260 #define XmNspatialSnapModel "spatialSnapModel"
1261 #define XmCSpatialSnapModel "SpatialSnapModel"
1262 #define XmRSpatialSnapModel "SpatialSnapModel"
1263 #define XmNdetailColumnHeadingCount "detailColumnHeadingCount"
1264 #define XmCDetailColumnHeadingCount "DetailColumnHeadingCount"
1265 #define XmNdetailOrder "detailOrder"
1266 #define XmCDetailOrder "DetailOrder"
1267 #define XmRCardinalList "CardinalList"
1268 #define XmNdetailOrderCount "detailOrderCount"
1269 #define XmCDetailOrderCount "DetailOrderCount"
1270 #define XmNoutlineColumnWidth "outlineColumnWidth"
1271 #define XmCOutlineColumnWidth "OutlineColumnWidth"
1272 #define XmNoutlineChangedCallback "outlineChangedCallback"
1273 #define XmCOutlineChangedCallback "OutlineChangedCallback"
1274 #define XmNoutlineButtonPolicy "outlineButtonPolicy"
1275 #define XmCOutlineButtonPolicy "OutlineButtonPolicy"
1276 #define XmROutlineButtonPolicy "OutlineButtonPolicy"
1277 #define XmCDefaultVirtualBindings "DefaultVirtualBindings"
1278 #define XmNdefaultVirtualBindings "defaultVirtualBindings"
1279 #define XmCResizable "Resizable"
1280 #define XmRDynamicPixmap "DynamicPixmap"
1281 #define XmNpageChangedCallback "pageChangedCallback"
1282 #define XmNarea "area"
1283 #define XmNdetailShadowThickness "detailShadowThickness"
1284 #define XmNsliderMark "sliderMark"
1285 #define XmCSliderMark "SliderMark"
1286 #define XmRSliderMark "SliderMark"
1287 #define XmREnableBtn1Transfer "EnableBtn1Transfer"
1288 #define XmNrenditionBackground "renditionBackground"
1289 #define XmNrenditionForeground "renditionForeground"
1290 #define XmCRenditionBackground "RenditionBackground"
1291 #define XmCRenditionForeground "RenditionForeground"
1292 #define XmNindeterminateInsensitivePixmap "indeterminateInsensitivePixmap"
1293 #define XmCIndeterminateInsensitivePixmap "IndeterminateInsensitivePixmap"
1294 #define XmNframeChildType "frameChildType"
1295 #define XmCFrameChildType "FrameChildType"
1296 #define XmNtextField "textField"
1297 #define XmCTextField "TextField"
1298 #define XmNenableThinThickness "enableThinThickness"
1299 #define XmCEnableThinThickness "EnableThinThickness"
1300 #define XmNprimaryColorSetId "primaryColorSetId"
1301 #define XmCPrimaryColorSetId "PrimaryColorSetId"
1302 #define XmNsecondaryColorSetId "secondaryColorSetId"
1303 #define XmCSecondaryColorSetId "SecondaryColorSetId"
1304 #define XmNtextColorSetId "textColorSetId"
1305 #define XmCTextColorSetId "TextColorSetId"
1306 #define XmNactiveColorSetId "activeColorSetId"
1307 #define XmCActiveColorSetId "ActiveColorSetId"
1308 #define XmNinactiveColorSetId "inactiveColorSetId"
1309 #define XmCInactiveColorSetId "InactiveColorSetId"
1310 #define XmNuseColorObj "useColorObj"
1311 #define XmCUseColorObj "UseColorObj"
1312 #define XmNuseTextColor "useTextColor"
1313 #define XmCUseTextColor "UseTextColor"
1314 #define XmNuseTextColorForList "useTextColorForList"
1315 #define XmCUseTextColorForList "UseTextColorForList"
1316 #define XmNuseMask "useMask"
1317 #define XmCUseMask "UseMask"
1318 #define XmNuseMultiColorIcons "useMultiColorIcons"
1319 #define XmCUseMultiColorIcons "UseMultiColorIcons"
1320 #define XmNuseIconFileCache "useIconFileCache"
1321 #define XmCUseIconFileCache "UseIconFileCache"
1322 #define XmSPIXEL_SET "Pixel Sets"
1323 #define XmSCUSTOMIZE_DATA "Customize Data:"
1324 #define XmSCOLOR_SRV_NAME "ColorServer"
1325 #define XmNlist "list"
1326 #define XmCList "List"
1327 #define XmNarrowOrientation "arrowOrientation"
1328 #define XmCArrowOrientation "ArrowOrientation"
1329 #define XmRArrowOrientation "ArrowOrientation"
1330 #define XmNpositionType "positionType"
1331 #define XmCPositionType "PositionType"
1332 #define XmRPositionType "PositionType"
1333 #define XmNwrap "wrap"
1334 #define XmCWrap "Wrap"
1335 #define XmNpositionMode "positionMode"
1336 #define XmCPositionMode "PositionMode"
1337 #define XmRPositionMode "PositionMode"
1338 #define XmNprintOrientation "printOrientation"
1339 #define XmCPrintOrientation "PrintOrientation"
1340 #define XmNprintOrientations "printOrientations"
1341 #define XmCPrintOrientations "PrintOrientations"
1342 #define XmNprintResolution "printResolution"
1343 #define XmCPrintResolution "PrintResolution"
1344 #define XmNprintResolutions "printResolutions"
1345 #define XmCPrintResolutions "PrintResolutions"
1346 #define XmNdefaultPixmapResolution "defaultPixmapResolution"
1347 #define XmCDefaultPixmapResolution "DefaultPixmapResolution"
1348 #define XmNstartJobCallback "startJobCallback"
1349 #define XmNendJobCallback "endJobCallback"
1350 #define XmNpageSetupCallback "pageSetupCallback"
1351 #define XmNpdmNotificationCallback "pdmNotificationCallback"
1352 #define XmNminX "minX"
1353 #define XmNminY "minY"
1354 #define XmNmaxX "maxX"
1355 #define XmNmaxY "maxY"
1356 #define XmCMinX "MinX"
1357 #define XmCMinY "MinY"
1358 #define XmCMaxX "MaxX"
1359 #define XmCMaxY "MaxY"
1360 #define XmNpreeditStartCallback "preeditStartCallback"
1361 #define XmNpreeditDoneCallback "preeditDoneCallback"
1362 #define XmNpreeditDrawCallback "preeditDrawCallback"
1363 #define XmNpreeditCaretCallback "preeditCaretCallback"
1364 #define XmNverifyPreedit "verifyPreedit"
1365 #define XmCVerifyPreedit "VerifyPreedit"
1366 #define XmNenableMultiKeyBindings "enableMultiKeyBindings"
1367 #define XmCEnableMultiKeyBindings "EnableMultiKeyBindings"
1368 #define XmRButtonFontList "ButtonFontList"
1369 #define XmRLabelFontList "LabelFontList"
1370 #define XmRTextFontList "TextFontList"
1371 #define XmSPIXEL_SET_PROP "SDT Pixel Set"
1372 #define XmS50_foreground "50_foreground"
1373 #define XmSunspecified_pixmap "unspecified_pixmap"
1374 #else
1375 externalref _XmConst char _XmStrings[];
1376 #ifndef XmS
1377 #define XmS ((char*)&_XmStrings[0])
1378 #endif
1379 #ifndef XmCAccelerator
1380 #define XmCAccelerator ((char*)&_XmStrings[1])
1381 #endif
1382 #ifndef XmCAcceleratorText
1383 #define XmCAcceleratorText ((char*)&_XmStrings[13])
1384 #endif
1385 #ifndef XmCAdjustLast
1386 #define XmCAdjustLast ((char*)&_XmStrings[29])
1387 #endif
1388 #ifndef XmCAdjustMargin
1389 #define XmCAdjustMargin ((char*)&_XmStrings[40])
1390 #endif
1391 #ifndef XmCAlignment
1392 #define XmCAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[53])
1393 #endif
1394 #ifndef XmCAllowOverlap
1395 #define XmCAllowOverlap ((char*)&_XmStrings[63])
1396 #endif
1397 #ifndef XmCAllowUnusedSpace
1398 #define XmCAllowUnusedSpace ((char*)&_XmStrings[76])
1399 #endif
1400 #ifndef XmCAnimationMask
1401 #define XmCAnimationMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[93])
1402 #endif
1403 #ifndef XmCAnimationPixmap
1404 #define XmCAnimationPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[107])
1405 #endif
1406 #ifndef XmCAnimationPixmapDepth
1407 #define XmCAnimationPixmapDepth ((char*)&_XmStrings[123])
1408 #endif
1409 #ifndef XmCAnimationStyle
1410 #define XmCAnimationStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[144])
1411 #endif
1412 #ifndef XmCApplyLabelString
1413 #define XmCApplyLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[159])
1414 #endif
1415 #ifndef XmCArmCallback
1416 #define XmCArmCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[176])
1417 #endif
1418 #ifndef XmCArmColor
1419 #define XmCArmColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[188])
1420 #endif
1421 #ifndef XmCArmPixmap
1422 #define XmCArmPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[197])
1423 #endif
1424 #ifndef XmCArrowDirection
1425 #define XmCArrowDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[207])
1426 #endif
1427 #ifndef XmCAttachment
1428 #define XmCAttachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[222])
1429 #endif
1430 #ifndef XmCAudibleWarning
1431 #define XmCAudibleWarning ((char*)&_XmStrings[233])
1432 #endif
1433 #ifndef XmCAutoShowCursorPosition
1434 #define XmCAutoShowCursorPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[248])
1435 #endif
1436 #ifndef XmCAutoUnmanage
1437 #define XmCAutoUnmanage ((char*)&_XmStrings[271])
1438 #endif
1439 #ifndef XmCAutomaticSelection
1440 #define XmCAutomaticSelection ((char*)&_XmStrings[284])
1441 #endif
1442 #ifndef XmCAvailability
1443 #define XmCAvailability ((char*)&_XmStrings[303])
1444 #endif
1445 #ifndef XmCBackgroundPixmap
1446 #define XmCBackgroundPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[316])
1447 #endif
1448 #ifndef XmCBlendModel
1449 #define XmCBlendModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[333])
1450 #endif
1451 #ifndef XmCBlinkRate
1452 #define XmCBlinkRate ((char*)&_XmStrings[344])
1453 #endif
1454 #ifndef XmCBottomShadowColor
1455 #define XmCBottomShadowColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[354])
1456 #endif
1457 #ifndef XmCBottomShadowPixmap
1458 #define XmCBottomShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[372])
1459 #endif
1460 #ifndef XmCButtonAcceleratorText
1461 #define XmCButtonAcceleratorText ((char*)&_XmStrings[391])
1462 #endif
1463 #ifndef XmCButtonAccelerators
1464 #define XmCButtonAccelerators ((char*)&_XmStrings[413])
1465 #endif
1466 #ifndef XmCButtonCount
1467 #define XmCButtonCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[432])
1468 #endif
1469 #ifndef XmCButtonFontList
1470 #define XmCButtonFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[444])
1471 #endif
1472 #ifndef XmCButtonMnemonicCharSets
1473 #define XmCButtonMnemonicCharSets ((char*)&_XmStrings[459])
1474 #endif
1475 #ifndef XmCButtonMnemonics
1476 #define XmCButtonMnemonics ((char*)&_XmStrings[482])
1477 #endif
1478 #ifndef XmCButtonSet
1479 #define XmCButtonSet ((char*)&_XmStrings[498])
1480 #endif
1481 #ifndef XmCButtonType
1482 #define XmCButtonType ((char*)&_XmStrings[508])
1483 #endif
1484 #ifndef XmCButtons
1485 #define XmCButtons ((char*)&_XmStrings[519])
1486 #endif
1487 #ifndef XmCCancelLabelString
1488 #define XmCCancelLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[527])
1489 #endif
1490 #ifndef XmCChildHorizontalAlignment
1491 #define XmCChildHorizontalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[545])
1492 #endif
1493 #ifndef XmCChildHorizontalSpacing
1494 #define XmCChildHorizontalSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[570])
1495 #endif
1496 #ifndef XmCChildPlacement
1497 #define XmCChildPlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[593])
1498 #endif
1499 #ifndef XmCChildType
1500 #define XmCChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[608])
1501 #endif
1502 #ifndef XmCChildVerticalAlignment
1503 #define XmCChildVerticalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[618])
1504 #endif
1505 #ifndef XmCChildren
1506 #define XmCChildren ((char*)&_XmStrings[641])
1507 #endif
1508 #ifndef XmCClientData
1509 #define XmCClientData ((char*)&_XmStrings[650])
1510 #endif
1511 #ifndef XmCClipWindow
1512 #define XmCClipWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[661])
1513 #endif
1514 #ifndef XmCColumns
1515 #define XmCColumns ((char*)&_XmStrings[672])
1516 #endif
1517 #ifndef XmCCommandWindow
1518 #define XmCCommandWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[680])
1519 #endif
1520 #ifndef XmCCommandWindowLocation
1521 #define XmCCommandWindowLocation ((char*)&_XmStrings[694])
1522 #endif
1523 #ifndef XmCConvertProc
1524 #define XmCConvertProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[716])
1525 #endif
1526 #ifndef XmCCursorBackground
1527 #define XmCCursorBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[728])
1528 #endif
1529 #ifndef XmCCursorForeground
1530 #define XmCCursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[745])
1531 #endif
1532 #ifndef XmCCursorPosition
1533 #define XmCCursorPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[762])
1534 #endif
1535 #ifndef XmCCursorPositionVisible
1536 #define XmCCursorPositionVisible ((char*)&_XmStrings[777])
1537 #endif
1538 #ifndef XmCDarkThreshold
1539 #define XmCDarkThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[799])
1540 #endif
1541 #ifndef XmCDecimalPoints
1542 #define XmCDecimalPoints ((char*)&_XmStrings[813])
1543 #endif
1544 #ifndef XmCDefaultButtonShadowThickness
1545 #define XmCDefaultButtonShadowThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[827])
1546 #endif
1547 #ifndef XmCDefaultButtonType
1548 #define XmCDefaultButtonType ((char*)&_XmStrings[856])
1549 #endif
1550 #ifndef XmCDefaultCopyCursorIcon
1551 #define XmCDefaultCopyCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[874])
1552 #endif
1553 #ifndef XmCDefaultFontList
1554 #define XmCDefaultFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[896])
1555 #endif
1556 #ifndef XmCDefaultInvalidCursorIcon
1557 #define XmCDefaultInvalidCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[912])
1558 #endif
1559 #ifndef XmCDefaultLinkCursorIcon
1560 #define XmCDefaultLinkCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[937])
1561 #endif
1562 #ifndef XmCDefaultMoveCursorIcon
1563 #define XmCDefaultMoveCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[959])
1564 #endif
1565 #ifndef XmCDefaultNoneCursorIcon
1566 #define XmCDefaultNoneCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[981])
1567 #endif
1568 #ifndef XmCDefaultPosition
1569 #define XmCDefaultPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[1003])
1570 #endif
1571 #ifndef XmCDefaultSourceCursorIcon
1572 #define XmCDefaultSourceCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[1019])
1573 #endif
1574 #ifndef XmCDefaultValidCursorIcon
1575 #define XmCDefaultValidCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[1043])
1576 #endif
1577 #ifndef XmCDeleteResponse
1578 #define XmCDeleteResponse ((char*)&_XmStrings[1066])
1579 #endif
1580 #ifndef XmCDesktopParent
1581 #define XmCDesktopParent ((char*)&_XmStrings[1081])
1582 #endif
1583 #ifndef XmCDialogStyle
1584 #define XmCDialogStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[1095])
1585 #endif
1586 #ifndef XmCDialogTitle
1587 #define XmCDialogTitle ((char*)&_XmStrings[1107])
1588 #endif
1589 #ifndef XmCDialogType
1590 #define XmCDialogType ((char*)&_XmStrings[1119])
1591 #endif
1592 #ifndef XmCDirListItemCount
1593 #define XmCDirListItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[1130])
1594 #endif
1595 #ifndef XmCDirListItems
1596 #define XmCDirListItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[1147])
1597 #endif
1598 #ifndef XmCDirListLabelString
1599 #define XmCDirListLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[1160])
1600 #endif
1601 #ifndef XmCDirMask
1602 #define XmCDirMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[1179])
1603 #endif
1604 #ifndef XmCDirSearchProc
1605 #define XmCDirSearchProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[1187])
1606 #endif
1607 #ifndef XmCDirSpec
1608 #define XmCDirSpec ((char*)&_XmStrings[1201])
1609 #endif
1610 #ifndef XmCDirectory
1611 #define XmCDirectory ((char*)&_XmStrings[1209])
1612 #endif
1613 #ifndef XmCDirectoryValid
1614 #define XmCDirectoryValid ((char*)&_XmStrings[1219])
1615 #endif
1616 #ifndef XmCDisarmCallback
1617 #define XmCDisarmCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[1234])
1618 #endif
1619 #ifndef XmCDoubleClickInterval
1620 #define XmCDoubleClickInterval ((char*)&_XmStrings[1249])
1621 #endif
1622 #ifndef XmCDragContextClass
1623 #define XmCDragContextClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[1269])
1624 #endif
1625 #ifndef XmCDragDropFinishCallback
1626 #define XmCDragDropFinishCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[1286])
1627 #endif
1628 #ifndef XmCDragIconClass
1629 #define XmCDragIconClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[1309])
1630 #endif
1631 #ifndef XmCDragInitiatorProtocolStyle
1632 #define XmCDragInitiatorProtocolStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[1323])
1633 #endif
1634 #ifndef XmCDragMotionCallback
1635 #define XmCDragMotionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[1350])
1636 #endif
1637 #ifndef XmCDragOperations
1638 #define XmCDragOperations ((char*)&_XmStrings[1369])
1639 #endif
1640 #ifndef XmCDragOverMode
1641 #define XmCDragOverMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[1384])
1642 #endif
1643 #ifndef XmCDragProc
1644 #define XmCDragProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[1397])
1645 #endif
1646 #ifndef XmCDragReceiverProtocolStyle
1647 #define XmCDragReceiverProtocolStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[1406])
1648 #endif
1649 #ifndef XmCDropProc
1650 #define XmCDropProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[1432])
1651 #endif
1652 #ifndef XmCDropRectangles
1653 #define XmCDropRectangles ((char*)&_XmStrings[1441])
1654 #endif
1655 #ifndef XmCDropSiteActivity
1656 #define XmCDropSiteActivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[1456])
1657 #endif
1658 #ifndef XmCDropSiteEnterCallback
1659 #define XmCDropSiteEnterCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[1473])
1660 #endif
1661 #ifndef XmCDropSiteLeaveCallback
1662 #define XmCDropSiteLeaveCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[1495])
1663 #endif
1664 #ifndef XmCDropSiteManagerClass
1665 #define XmCDropSiteManagerClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[1517])
1666 #endif
1667 #ifndef XmCDropSiteOperations
1668 #define XmCDropSiteOperations ((char*)&_XmStrings[1538])
1669 #endif
1670 #ifndef XmCDropSiteType
1671 #define XmCDropSiteType ((char*)&_XmStrings[1557])
1672 #endif
1673 #ifndef XmCDropStartCallback
1674 #define XmCDropStartCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[1570])
1675 #endif
1676 #ifndef XmCDropTransferClass
1677 #define XmCDropTransferClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[1588])
1678 #endif
1679 #ifndef XmCDropTransfers
1680 #define XmCDropTransfers ((char*)&_XmStrings[1606])
1681 #endif
1682 #ifndef XmCEditable
1683 #define XmCEditable ((char*)&_XmStrings[1620])
1684 #endif
1685 #ifndef XmCEntryBorder
1686 #define XmCEntryBorder ((char*)&_XmStrings[1629])
1687 #endif
1688 #ifndef XmCEntryClass
1689 #define XmCEntryClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[1641])
1690 #endif
1691 #ifndef XmCExportTargets
1692 #define XmCExportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[1652])
1693 #endif
1694 #ifndef XmCExposeCallback
1695 #define XmCExposeCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[1666])
1696 #endif
1697 #ifndef XmCExtensionType
1698 #define XmCExtensionType ((char*)&_XmStrings[1681])
1699 #endif
1700 #ifndef XmCFileListItemCount
1701 #define XmCFileListItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[1695])
1702 #endif
1703 #ifndef XmCFileListItems
1704 #define XmCFileListItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[1713])
1705 #endif
1706 #ifndef XmCFileListLabelString
1707 #define XmCFileListLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[1727])
1708 #endif
1709 #ifndef XmCFileSearchProc
1710 #define XmCFileSearchProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[1747])
1711 #endif
1712 #ifndef XmCFileTypeMask
1713 #define XmCFileTypeMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[1762])
1714 #endif
1715 #ifndef XmCFillOnArm
1716 #define XmCFillOnArm ((char*)&_XmStrings[1775])
1717 #endif
1718 #ifndef XmCFillOnSelect
1719 #define XmCFillOnSelect ((char*)&_XmStrings[1785])
1720 #endif
1721 #ifndef XmCFilterLabelString
1722 #define XmCFilterLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[1798])
1723 #endif
1724 #ifndef XmCFontList
1725 #define XmCFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[1816])
1726 #endif
1727 #ifndef XmCForegroundThreshold
1728 #define XmCForegroundThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[1825])
1729 #endif
1730 #ifndef XmCHelpLabelString
1731 #define XmCHelpLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[1845])
1732 #endif
1733 #ifndef XmCHighlightColor
1734 #define XmCHighlightColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[1861])
1735 #endif
1736 #ifndef XmCHighlightOnEnter
1737 #define XmCHighlightOnEnter ((char*)&_XmStrings[1876])
1738 #endif
1739 #ifndef XmCHighlightPixmap
1740 #define XmCHighlightPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[1893])
1741 #endif
1742 #ifndef XmCHighlightThickness
1743 #define XmCHighlightThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[1909])
1744 #endif
1745 #ifndef XmCHorizontalFontUnit
1746 #define XmCHorizontalFontUnit ((char*)&_XmStrings[1928])
1747 #endif
1748 #ifndef XmCHorizontalScrollBar
1749 #define XmCHorizontalScrollBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[1947])
1750 #endif
1751 #ifndef XmCHot
1752 #define XmCHot ((char*)&_XmStrings[1967])
1753 #endif
1754 #ifndef XmCICCHandle
1755 #define XmCICCHandle ((char*)&_XmStrings[1971])
1756 #endif
1757 #ifndef XmCImportTargets
1758 #define XmCImportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[1981])
1759 #endif
1760 #ifndef XmCIncrement
1761 #define XmCIncrement ((char*)&_XmStrings[1995])
1762 #endif
1763 #ifndef XmCIncremental
1764 #define XmCIncremental ((char*)&_XmStrings[2005])
1765 #endif
1766 #ifndef XmCIndicatorOn
1767 #define XmCIndicatorOn ((char*)&_XmStrings[2017])
1768 #endif
1769 #ifndef XmCIndicatorSize
1770 #define XmCIndicatorSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[2029])
1771 #endif
1772 #ifndef XmCIndicatorType
1773 #define XmCIndicatorType ((char*)&_XmStrings[2043])
1774 #endif
1775 #ifndef XmCInitialDelay
1776 #define XmCInitialDelay ((char*)&_XmStrings[2057])
1777 #endif
1778 #ifndef XmCInitialFocus
1779 #define XmCInitialFocus ((char*)&_XmStrings[2070])
1780 #endif
1781 #ifndef XmCInputCreate
1782 #define XmCInputCreate ((char*)&_XmStrings[2083])
1783 #endif
1784 #ifndef XmCInputMethod
1785 #define XmCInputMethod ((char*)&_XmStrings[2095])
1786 #endif
1787 #ifndef XmCInvalidCursorForeground
1788 #define XmCInvalidCursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[2107])
1789 #endif
1790 #ifndef XmCIsAligned
1791 #define XmCIsAligned ((char*)&_XmStrings[2131])
1792 #endif
1793 #ifndef XmCIsHomogeneous
1794 #define XmCIsHomogeneous ((char*)&_XmStrings[2141])
1795 #endif
1796 #ifndef XmCItemCount
1797 #define XmCItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[2155])
1798 #endif
1799 #ifndef XmCItems
1800 #define XmCItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[2165])
1801 #endif
1802 #ifndef XmCKeyboardFocusPolicy
1803 #define XmCKeyboardFocusPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[2171])
1804 #endif
1805 #ifndef XmCLabelFontList
1806 #define XmCLabelFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[2191])
1807 #endif
1808 #ifndef XmCLabelInsensitivePixmap
1809 #define XmCLabelInsensitivePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[2205])
1810 #endif
1811 #ifndef XmCLabelPixmap
1812 #define XmCLabelPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[2228])
1813 #endif
1814 #ifndef XmCLabelString
1815 #define XmCLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[2240])
1816 #endif
1817 #ifndef XmCLabelType
1818 #define XmCLabelType ((char*)&_XmStrings[2252])
1819 #endif
1820 #ifndef XmCLightThreshold
1821 #define XmCLightThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[2262])
1822 #endif
1823 #ifndef XmCListLabelString
1824 #define XmCListLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[2277])
1825 #endif
1826 #ifndef XmCListMarginHeight
1827 #define XmCListMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[2293])
1828 #endif
1829 #ifndef XmCListMarginWidth
1830 #define XmCListMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[2310])
1831 #endif
1832 #ifndef XmCListSizePolicy
1833 #define XmCListSizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[2326])
1834 #endif
1835 #ifndef XmCListSpacing
1836 #define XmCListSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[2341])
1837 #endif
1838 #ifndef XmCListUpdated
1839 #define XmCListUpdated ((char*)&_XmStrings[2353])
1840 #endif
1841 #ifndef XmCLogicalParent
1842 #define XmCLogicalParent ((char*)&_XmStrings[2365])
1843 #endif
1844 #ifndef XmCMainWindowMarginHeight
1845 #define XmCMainWindowMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[2379])
1846 #endif
1847 #ifndef XmCMainWindowMarginWidth
1848 #define XmCMainWindowMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[2402])
1849 #endif
1850 #ifndef XmCMappingDelay
1851 #define XmCMappingDelay ((char*)&_XmStrings[2424])
1852 #endif
1853 #ifndef XmCMarginBottom
1854 #define XmCMarginBottom ((char*)&_XmStrings[2437])
1855 #endif
1856 #ifndef XmCMarginHeight
1857 #define XmCMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[2450])
1858 #endif
1859 #ifndef XmCMarginLeft
1860 #define XmCMarginLeft ((char*)&_XmStrings[2463])
1861 #endif
1862 #ifndef XmCMarginRight
1863 #define XmCMarginRight ((char*)&_XmStrings[2474])
1864 #endif
1865 #ifndef XmCMarginTop
1866 #define XmCMarginTop ((char*)&_XmStrings[2486])
1867 #endif
1868 #ifndef XmCMarginWidth
1869 #define XmCMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[2496])
1870 #endif
1871 #ifndef XmCMask
1872 #define XmCMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[2508])
1873 #endif
1874 #ifndef XmCMaxItems
1875 #define XmCMaxItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[2513])
1876 #endif
1877 #ifndef XmCMaxLength
1878 #define XmCMaxLength ((char*)&_XmStrings[2522])
1879 #endif
1880 #ifndef XmCMaxValue
1881 #define XmCMaxValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[2532])
1882 #endif
1883 #ifndef XmCMaximum
1884 #define XmCMaximum ((char*)&_XmStrings[2541])
1885 #endif
1886 #ifndef XmCMenuBar
1887 #define XmCMenuBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[2549])
1888 #endif
1889 #ifndef XmCMenuPost
1890 #define XmCMenuPost ((char*)&_XmStrings[2557])
1891 #endif
1892 #ifndef XmCMenuWidget
1893 #define XmCMenuWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[2566])
1894 #endif
1895 #ifndef XmCMessageProc
1896 #define XmCMessageProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[2577])
1897 #endif
1898 #ifndef XmCMessageWindow
1899 #define XmCMessageWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[2589])
1900 #endif
1901 #ifndef XmCMinimizeButtons
1902 #define XmCMinimizeButtons ((char*)&_XmStrings[2603])
1903 #endif
1904 #ifndef XmCMinimum
1905 #define XmCMinimum ((char*)&_XmStrings[2619])
1906 #endif
1907 #ifndef XmCMnemonic
1908 #define XmCMnemonic ((char*)&_XmStrings[2627])
1909 #endif
1910 #ifndef XmCMnemonicCharSet
1911 #define XmCMnemonicCharSet ((char*)&_XmStrings[2636])
1912 #endif
1913 #ifndef XmCMoveOpaque
1914 #define XmCMoveOpaque ((char*)&_XmStrings[2652])
1915 #endif
1916 #ifndef XmCMultiClick
1917 #define XmCMultiClick ((char*)&_XmStrings[2663])
1918 #endif
1919 #ifndef XmCMustMatch
1920 #define XmCMustMatch ((char*)&_XmStrings[2674])
1921 #endif
1922 #ifndef XmCMwmDecorations
1923 #define XmCMwmDecorations ((char*)&_XmStrings[2684])
1924 #endif
1925 #ifndef XmCMwmFunctions
1926 #define XmCMwmFunctions ((char*)&_XmStrings[2699])
1927 #endif
1928 #ifndef XmCMwmInputMode
1929 #define XmCMwmInputMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[2712])
1930 #endif
1931 #ifndef XmCMwmMenu
1932 #define XmCMwmMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[2725])
1933 #endif
1934 #ifndef XmCMwmMessages
1935 #define XmCMwmMessages ((char*)&_XmStrings[2733])
1936 #endif
1937 #ifndef XmCNavigationType
1938 #define XmCNavigationType ((char*)&_XmStrings[2745])
1939 #endif
1940 #ifndef XmCNeedsMotion
1941 #define XmCNeedsMotion ((char*)&_XmStrings[2760])
1942 #endif
1943 #ifndef XmCNoMatchString
1944 #define XmCNoMatchString ((char*)&_XmStrings[2772])
1945 #endif
1946 #ifndef XmCNoResize
1947 #define XmCNoResize ((char*)&_XmStrings[2786])
1948 #endif
1949 #ifndef XmCNoneCursorForeground
1950 #define XmCNoneCursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[2795])
1951 #endif
1952 #ifndef XmCNotifyProc
1953 #define XmCNotifyProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[2816])
1954 #endif
1955 #ifndef XmCNumChildren
1956 #define XmCNumChildren ((char*)&_XmStrings[2827])
1957 #endif
1958 #ifndef XmCNumColumns
1959 #define XmCNumColumns ((char*)&_XmStrings[2839])
1960 #endif
1961 #ifndef XmCNumDropRectangles
1962 #define XmCNumDropRectangles ((char*)&_XmStrings[2850])
1963 #endif
1964 #ifndef XmCNumDropTransfers
1965 #define XmCNumDropTransfers ((char*)&_XmStrings[2868])
1966 #endif
1967 #ifndef XmCNumExportTargets
1968 #define XmCNumExportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[2885])
1969 #endif
1970 #ifndef XmCNumImportTargets
1971 #define XmCNumImportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[2902])
1972 #endif
1973 #ifndef XmCOffset
1974 #define XmCOffset ((char*)&_XmStrings[2919])
1975 #endif
1976 #ifndef XmCOkLabelString
1977 #define XmCOkLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[2926])
1978 #endif
1979 #ifndef XmCOperationChangedCallback
1980 #define XmCOperationChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[2940])
1981 #endif
1982 #ifndef XmCOperationCursorIcon
1983 #define XmCOperationCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[2965])
1984 #endif
1985 #ifndef XmCOptionLabel
1986 #define XmCOptionLabel ((char*)&_XmStrings[2985])
1987 #endif
1988 #ifndef XmCOptionMnemonic
1989 #define XmCOptionMnemonic ((char*)&_XmStrings[2997])
1990 #endif
1991 #ifndef XmCOutputCreate
1992 #define XmCOutputCreate ((char*)&_XmStrings[3012])
1993 #endif
1994 #ifndef XmCPacking
1995 #define XmCPacking ((char*)&_XmStrings[3025])
1996 #endif
1997 #ifndef XmCPageIncrement
1998 #define XmCPageIncrement ((char*)&_XmStrings[3033])
1999 #endif
2000 #ifndef XmCPaneMaximum
2001 #define XmCPaneMaximum ((char*)&_XmStrings[3047])
2002 #endif
2003 #ifndef XmCPaneMinimum
2004 #define XmCPaneMinimum ((char*)&_XmStrings[3059])
2005 #endif
2006 #ifndef XmCPattern
2007 #define XmCPattern ((char*)&_XmStrings[3071])
2008 #endif
2009 #ifndef XmCPendingDelete
2010 #define XmCPendingDelete ((char*)&_XmStrings[3079])
2011 #endif
2012 #ifndef XmCPopupEnabled
2013 #define XmCPopupEnabled ((char*)&_XmStrings[3093])
2014 #endif
2015 #ifndef XmCPositionIndex
2016 #define XmCPositionIndex ((char*)&_XmStrings[3106])
2017 #endif
2018 #ifndef XmCPostFromButton
2019 #define XmCPostFromButton ((char*)&_XmStrings[3120])
2020 #endif
2021 #ifndef XmCPostFromCount
2022 #define XmCPostFromCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[3135])
2023 #endif
2024 #ifndef XmCPostFromList
2025 #define XmCPostFromList ((char*)&_XmStrings[3149])
2026 #endif
2027 #ifndef XmCPreeditType
2028 #define XmCPreeditType ((char*)&_XmStrings[3162])
2029 #endif
2030 #ifndef XmCProcessingDirection
2031 #define XmCProcessingDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[3174])
2032 #endif
2033 #ifndef XmCPromptString
2034 #define XmCPromptString ((char*)&_XmStrings[3194])
2035 #endif
2036 #ifndef XmCProtocolCallback
2037 #define XmCProtocolCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[3207])
2038 #endif
2039 #ifndef XmCPushButtonEnabled
2040 #define XmCPushButtonEnabled ((char*)&_XmStrings[3224])
2041 #endif
2042 #ifndef XmCQualifySearchDataProc
2043 #define XmCQualifySearchDataProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[3242])
2044 #endif
2045 #ifndef XmCRadioAlwaysOne
2046 #define XmCRadioAlwaysOne ((char*)&_XmStrings[3264])
2047 #endif
2048 #ifndef XmCRadioBehavior
2049 #define XmCRadioBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[3279])
2050 #endif
2051 #ifndef XmCRecomputeSize
2052 #define XmCRecomputeSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[3293])
2053 #endif
2054 #ifndef XmCRectangles
2055 #define XmCRectangles ((char*)&_XmStrings[3307])
2056 #endif
2057 #ifndef XmCRepeatDelay
2058 #define XmCRepeatDelay ((char*)&_XmStrings[3318])
2059 #endif
2060 #ifndef XmCResizeCallback
2061 #define XmCResizeCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[3330])
2062 #endif
2063 #ifndef XmCResizeHeight
2064 #define XmCResizeHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[3345])
2065 #endif
2066 #ifndef XmCResizePolicy
2067 #define XmCResizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[3358])
2068 #endif
2069 #ifndef XmCResizeWidth
2070 #define XmCResizeWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[3371])
2071 #endif
2072 #ifndef XmCRowColumnType
2073 #define XmCRowColumnType ((char*)&_XmStrings[3383])
2074 #endif
2075 #ifndef XmCRows
2076 #define XmCRows ((char*)&_XmStrings[3397])
2077 #endif
2078 #ifndef XmCRubberPositioning
2079 #define XmCRubberPositioning ((char*)&_XmStrings[3402])
2080 #endif
2081 #ifndef XmCSashHeight
2082 #define XmCSashHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[3420])
2083 #endif
2084 #ifndef XmCSashIndent
2085 #define XmCSashIndent ((char*)&_XmStrings[3431])
2086 #endif
2087 #ifndef XmCSashWidth
2088 #define XmCSashWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[3442])
2089 #endif
2090 #ifndef XmCScaleHeight
2091 #define XmCScaleHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[3452])
2092 #endif
2093 #ifndef XmCScaleMultiple
2094 #define XmCScaleMultiple ((char*)&_XmStrings[3464])
2095 #endif
2096 #ifndef XmCScaleWidth
2097 #define XmCScaleWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[3478])
2098 #endif
2099 #ifndef XmCScroll
2100 #define XmCScroll ((char*)&_XmStrings[3489])
2101 #endif
2102 #ifndef XmCScrollBarDisplayPolicy
2103 #define XmCScrollBarDisplayPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[3496])
2104 #endif
2105 #ifndef XmCScrollBarPlacement
2106 #define XmCScrollBarPlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[3519])
2107 #endif
2108 #ifndef XmCScrollSide
2109 #define XmCScrollSide ((char*)&_XmStrings[3538])
2110 #endif
2111 #ifndef XmCScrolledWindowMarginHeight
2112 #define XmCScrolledWindowMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[3549])
2113 #endif
2114 #ifndef XmCScrolledWindowMarginWidth
2115 #define XmCScrolledWindowMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[3576])
2116 #endif
2117 #ifndef XmCScrollingPolicy
2118 #define XmCScrollingPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[3602])
2119 #endif
2120 #ifndef XmCSelectColor
2121 #define XmCSelectColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[3618])
2122 #endif
2123 #ifndef XmCSelectInsensitivePixmap
2124 #define XmCSelectInsensitivePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[3630])
2125 #endif
2126 #ifndef XmCSelectPixmap
2127 #define XmCSelectPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[3654])
2128 #endif
2129 #ifndef XmCSelectThreshold
2130 #define XmCSelectThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[3667])
2131 #endif
2132 #ifndef XmCSelectedItemCount
2133 #define XmCSelectedItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[3683])
2134 #endif
2135 #ifndef XmCSelectedItems
2136 #define XmCSelectedItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[3701])
2137 #endif
2138 #ifndef XmCSelectionArrayCount
2139 #define XmCSelectionArrayCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[3715])
2140 #endif
2141 #ifndef XmCSelectionLabelString
2142 #define XmCSelectionLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[3735])
2143 #endif
2144 #ifndef XmCSelectionPolicy
2145 #define XmCSelectionPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[3756])
2146 #endif
2147 #ifndef XmCSeparatorOn
2148 #define XmCSeparatorOn ((char*)&_XmStrings[3772])
2149 #endif
2150 #ifndef XmCSeparatorType
2151 #define XmCSeparatorType ((char*)&_XmStrings[3784])
2152 #endif
2153 #ifndef XmCSet
2154 #define XmCSet ((char*)&_XmStrings[3798])
2155 #endif
2156 #ifndef XmCShadowThickness
2157 #define XmCShadowThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[3802])
2158 #endif
2159 #ifndef XmCShadowType
2160 #define XmCShadowType ((char*)&_XmStrings[3818])
2161 #endif
2162 #ifndef XmCShellUnitType
2163 #define XmCShellUnitType ((char*)&_XmStrings[3829])
2164 #endif
2165 #ifndef XmCShowArrows
2166 #define XmCShowArrows ((char*)&_XmStrings[3843])
2167 #endif
2168 #ifndef XmCShowAsDefault
2169 #define XmCShowAsDefault ((char*)&_XmStrings[3854])
2170 #endif
2171 #ifndef XmCShowSeparator
2172 #define XmCShowSeparator ((char*)&_XmStrings[3868])
2173 #endif
2174 #ifndef XmCShowValue
2175 #define XmCShowValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[3882])
2176 #endif
2177 #ifndef XmCSimpleCheckBox
2178 #define XmCSimpleCheckBox ((char*)&_XmStrings[3892])
2179 #endif
2180 #ifndef XmCSimpleMenuBar
2181 #define XmCSimpleMenuBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[3907])
2182 #endif
2183 #ifndef XmCSimpleOptionMenu
2184 #define XmCSimpleOptionMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[3921])
2185 #endif
2186 #ifndef XmCSimplePopupMenu
2187 #define XmCSimplePopupMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[3938])
2188 #endif
2189 #ifndef XmCSimplePulldownMenu
2190 #define XmCSimplePulldownMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[3954])
2191 #endif
2192 #ifndef XmCSimpleRadioBox
2193 #define XmCSimpleRadioBox ((char*)&_XmStrings[3973])
2194 #endif
2195 #ifndef XmCSizePolicy
2196 #define XmCSizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[3988])
2197 #endif
2198 #ifndef XmCSliderSize
2199 #define XmCSliderSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[3999])
2200 #endif
2201 #ifndef XmCSource
2202 #define XmCSource ((char*)&_XmStrings[4010])
2203 #endif
2204 #ifndef XmCSourceCursorIcon
2205 #define XmCSourceCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[4017])
2206 #endif
2207 #ifndef XmCSourceIsExternal
2208 #define XmCSourceIsExternal ((char*)&_XmStrings[4034])
2209 #endif
2210 #ifndef XmCSourcePixmapIcon
2211 #define XmCSourcePixmapIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[4051])
2212 #endif
2213 #ifndef XmCSourceWidget
2214 #define XmCSourceWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[4068])
2215 #endif
2216 #ifndef XmCSourceWindow
2217 #define XmCSourceWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[4081])
2218 #endif
2219 #ifndef XmCSpacing
2220 #define XmCSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[4094])
2221 #endif
2222 #ifndef XmCStartTime
2223 #define XmCStartTime ((char*)&_XmStrings[4102])
2224 #endif
2225 #ifndef XmCStateCursorIcon
2226 #define XmCStateCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[4112])
2227 #endif
2228 #ifndef XmCStringDirection
2229 #define XmCStringDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[4128])
2230 #endif
2231 #ifndef XmCTearOffModel
2232 #define XmCTearOffModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[4144])
2233 #endif
2234 #ifndef XmCTextFontList
2235 #define XmCTextFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[4157])
2236 #endif
2237 #ifndef XmCTextString
2238 #define XmCTextString ((char*)&_XmStrings[4170])
2239 #endif
2240 #ifndef XmCTextValue
2241 #define XmCTextValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[4181])
2242 #endif
2243 #ifndef XmCTitleString
2244 #define XmCTitleString ((char*)&_XmStrings[4191])
2245 #endif
2246 #ifndef XmCTopCharacter
2247 #define XmCTopCharacter ((char*)&_XmStrings[4203])
2248 #endif
2249 #ifndef XmCTopItemPosition
2250 #define XmCTopItemPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[4216])
2251 #endif
2252 #ifndef XmCTopLevelEnterCallback
2253 #define XmCTopLevelEnterCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[4232])
2254 #endif
2255 #ifndef XmCTopLevelLeaveCallback
2256 #define XmCTopLevelLeaveCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[4254])
2257 #endif
2258 #ifndef XmCTopShadowColor
2259 #define XmCTopShadowColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[4276])
2260 #endif
2261 #ifndef XmCTopShadowPixmap
2262 #define XmCTopShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[4291])
2263 #endif
2264 #ifndef XmCTransferProc
2265 #define XmCTransferProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[4307])
2266 #endif
2267 #ifndef XmCTransferStatus
2268 #define XmCTransferStatus ((char*)&_XmStrings[4320])
2269 #endif
2270 #ifndef XmCTraversalOn
2271 #define XmCTraversalOn ((char*)&_XmStrings[4335])
2272 #endif
2273 #ifndef XmCTraversalType
2274 #define XmCTraversalType ((char*)&_XmStrings[4347])
2275 #endif
2276 #ifndef XmCTreeUpdateProc
2277 #define XmCTreeUpdateProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[4361])
2278 #endif
2279 #ifndef XmCTroughColor
2280 #define XmCTroughColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[4376])
2281 #endif
2282 #ifndef XmCUnitType
2283 #define XmCUnitType ((char*)&_XmStrings[4388])
2284 #endif
2285 #ifndef XmCUnpostBehavior
2286 #define XmCUnpostBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[4397])
2287 #endif
2288 #ifndef XmCUnselectPixmap
2289 #define XmCUnselectPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[4412])
2290 #endif
2291 #ifndef XmCUpdateSliderSize
2292 #define XmCUpdateSliderSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[4427])
2293 #endif
2294 #ifndef XmCUseAsyncGeometry
2295 #define XmCUseAsyncGeometry ((char*)&_XmStrings[4444])
2296 #endif
2297 #ifndef XmCUserData
2298 #define XmCUserData ((char*)&_XmStrings[4461])
2299 #endif
2300 #ifndef XmCValidCursorForeground
2301 #define XmCValidCursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[4470])
2302 #endif
2303 #ifndef XmCValueChangedCallback
2304 #define XmCValueChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[4492])
2305 #endif
2306 #ifndef XmCValueWcs
2307 #define XmCValueWcs ((char*)&_XmStrings[4513])
2308 #endif
2309 #ifndef XmCVerifyBell
2310 #define XmCVerifyBell ((char*)&_XmStrings[4522])
2311 #endif
2312 #ifndef XmCVerticalAlignment
2313 #define XmCVerticalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[4533])
2314 #endif
2315 #ifndef XmCVerticalFontUnit
2316 #define XmCVerticalFontUnit ((char*)&_XmStrings[4551])
2317 #endif
2318 #ifndef XmCVerticalScrollBar
2319 #define XmCVerticalScrollBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[4568])
2320 #endif
2321 #ifndef XmCVisibleItemCount
2322 #define XmCVisibleItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[4586])
2323 #endif
2324 #ifndef XmCVisibleWhenOff
2325 #define XmCVisibleWhenOff ((char*)&_XmStrings[4603])
2326 #endif
2327 #ifndef XmCVisualPolicy
2328 #define XmCVisualPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[4618])
2329 #endif
2330 #ifndef XmCWhichButton
2331 #define XmCWhichButton ((char*)&_XmStrings[4631])
2332 #endif
2333 #ifndef XmCWordWrap
2334 #define XmCWordWrap ((char*)&_XmStrings[4643])
2335 #endif
2336 #ifndef XmCWorkWindow
2337 #define XmCWorkWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[4652])
2338 #endif
2339 #ifndef XmCXmString
2340 #define XmCXmString ((char*)&_XmStrings[4663])
2341 #endif
2342 #ifndef XmNaccelerator
2343 #define XmNaccelerator ((char*)&_XmStrings[4672])
2344 #endif
2345 #ifndef XmNacceleratorText
2346 #define XmNacceleratorText ((char*)&_XmStrings[4684])
2347 #endif
2348 #ifndef XmNactivateCallback
2349 #define XmNactivateCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[4700])
2350 #endif
2351 #ifndef XmNadjustLast
2352 #define XmNadjustLast ((char*)&_XmStrings[4717])
2353 #endif
2354 #ifndef XmNadjustMargin
2355 #define XmNadjustMargin ((char*)&_XmStrings[4728])
2356 #endif
2357 #ifndef XmNalignment
2358 #define XmNalignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[4741])
2359 #endif
2360 #ifndef XmNallowOverlap
2361 #define XmNallowOverlap ((char*)&_XmStrings[4751])
2362 #endif
2363 #ifndef XmNallowResize
2364 #define XmNallowResize ((char*)&_XmStrings[4764])
2365 #endif
2366 #ifndef XmNallowUnusedSpace
2367 #define XmNallowUnusedSpace ((char*)&_XmStrings[4776])
2368 #endif
2369 #ifndef XmNanimationMask
2370 #define XmNanimationMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[4793])
2371 #endif
2372 #ifndef XmNanimationPixmap
2373 #define XmNanimationPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[4807])
2374 #endif
2375 #ifndef XmNanimationPixmapDepth
2376 #define XmNanimationPixmapDepth ((char*)&_XmStrings[4823])
2377 #endif
2378 #ifndef XmNanimationStyle
2379 #define XmNanimationStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[4844])
2380 #endif
2381 #ifndef XmNapplyCallback
2382 #define XmNapplyCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[4859])
2383 #endif
2384 #ifndef XmNapplyLabelString
2385 #define XmNapplyLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[4873])
2386 #endif
2387 #ifndef XmNarmCallback
2388 #define XmNarmCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[4890])
2389 #endif
2390 #ifndef XmNarmColor
2391 #define XmNarmColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[4902])
2392 #endif
2393 #ifndef XmNarmPixmap
2394 #define XmNarmPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[4911])
2395 #endif
2396 #ifndef XmNarrowDirection
2397 #define XmNarrowDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[4921])
2398 #endif
2399 #ifndef XmNattachment
2400 #define XmNattachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[4936])
2401 #endif
2402 #ifndef XmNaudibleWarning
2403 #define XmNaudibleWarning ((char*)&_XmStrings[4947])
2404 #endif
2405 #ifndef XmNautoShowCursorPosition
2406 #define XmNautoShowCursorPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[4962])
2407 #endif
2408 #ifndef XmNautoUnmanage
2409 #define XmNautoUnmanage ((char*)&_XmStrings[4985])
2410 #endif
2411 #ifndef XmNautomaticSelection
2412 #define XmNautomaticSelection ((char*)&_XmStrings[4998])
2413 #endif
2414 #ifndef XmNavailability
2415 #define XmNavailability ((char*)&_XmStrings[5017])
2416 #endif
2417 #ifndef XmNblendModel
2418 #define XmNblendModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[5030])
2419 #endif
2420 #ifndef XmNblinkRate
2421 #define XmNblinkRate ((char*)&_XmStrings[5041])
2422 #endif
2423 #ifndef XmNbottomAttachment
2424 #define XmNbottomAttachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[5051])
2425 #endif
2426 #ifndef XmNbottomOffset
2427 #define XmNbottomOffset ((char*)&_XmStrings[5068])
2428 #endif
2429 #ifndef XmNbottomPosition
2430 #define XmNbottomPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[5081])
2431 #endif
2432 #ifndef XmNbottomShadowColor
2433 #define XmNbottomShadowColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[5096])
2434 #endif
2435 #ifndef XmNbottomShadowPixmap
2436 #define XmNbottomShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[5114])
2437 #endif
2438 #ifndef XmNbottomWidget
2439 #define XmNbottomWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[5133])
2440 #endif
2441 #ifndef XmNbrowseSelectionCallback
2442 #define XmNbrowseSelectionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[5146])
2443 #endif
2444 #ifndef XmNbuttonAcceleratorText
2445 #define XmNbuttonAcceleratorText ((char*)&_XmStrings[5170])
2446 #endif
2447 #ifndef XmNbuttonAccelerators
2448 #define XmNbuttonAccelerators ((char*)&_XmStrings[5192])
2449 #endif
2450 #ifndef XmNbuttonCount
2451 #define XmNbuttonCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[5211])
2452 #endif
2453 #ifndef XmNbuttonFontList
2454 #define XmNbuttonFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[5223])
2455 #endif
2456 #ifndef XmNbuttonMnemonicCharSets
2457 #define XmNbuttonMnemonicCharSets ((char*)&_XmStrings[5238])
2458 #endif
2459 #ifndef XmNbuttonMnemonics
2460 #define XmNbuttonMnemonics ((char*)&_XmStrings[5261])
2461 #endif
2462 #ifndef XmNbuttonSet
2463 #define XmNbuttonSet ((char*)&_XmStrings[5277])
2464 #endif
2465 #ifndef XmNbuttonType
2466 #define XmNbuttonType ((char*)&_XmStrings[5287])
2467 #endif
2468 #ifndef XmNbuttons
2469 #define XmNbuttons ((char*)&_XmStrings[5298])
2470 #endif
2471 #ifndef XmNcancelButton
2472 #define XmNcancelButton ((char*)&_XmStrings[5306])
2473 #endif
2474 #ifndef XmNcancelCallback
2475 #define XmNcancelCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[5319])
2476 #endif
2477 #ifndef XmNcancelLabelString
2478 #define XmNcancelLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[5334])
2479 #endif
2480 #ifndef XmNcascadePixmap
2481 #define XmNcascadePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[5352])
2482 #endif
2483 #ifndef XmNcascadingCallback
2484 #define XmNcascadingCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[5366])
2485 #endif
2486 #ifndef XmNchildHorizontalAlignment
2487 #define XmNchildHorizontalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[5384])
2488 #endif
2489 #ifndef XmNchildHorizontalSpacing
2490 #define XmNchildHorizontalSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[5409])
2491 #endif
2492 #ifndef XmNchildPlacement
2493 #define XmNchildPlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[5432])
2494 #endif
2495 #ifndef XmNchildPosition
2496 #define XmNchildPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[5447])
2497 #endif
2498 #ifndef XmNchildType
2499 #define XmNchildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[5461])
2500 #endif
2501 #ifndef XmNchildVerticalAlignment
2502 #define XmNchildVerticalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[5471])
2503 #endif
2504 #ifndef XmNclientData
2505 #define XmNclientData ((char*)&_XmStrings[5494])
2506 #endif
2507 #ifndef XmNclipWindow
2508 #define XmNclipWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[5505])
2509 #endif
2510 #ifndef XmNcolumns
2511 #define XmNcolumns ((char*)&_XmStrings[5516])
2512 #endif
2513 #ifndef XmNcommand
2514 #define XmNcommand ((char*)&_XmStrings[5524])
2515 #endif
2516 #ifndef XmNcommandChangedCallback
2517 #define XmNcommandChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[5532])
2518 #endif
2519 #ifndef XmNcommandEnteredCallback
2520 #define XmNcommandEnteredCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[5555])
2521 #endif
2522 #ifndef XmNcommandWindow
2523 #define XmNcommandWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[5578])
2524 #endif
2525 #ifndef XmNcommandWindowLocation
2526 #define XmNcommandWindowLocation ((char*)&_XmStrings[5592])
2527 #endif
2528 #ifndef XmNconvertProc
2529 #define XmNconvertProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[5614])
2530 #endif
2531 #ifndef XmNcursorBackground
2532 #define XmNcursorBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[5626])
2533 #endif
2534 #ifndef XmNcursorForeground
2535 #define XmNcursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[5643])
2536 #endif
2537 #ifndef XmNcursorPosition
2538 #define XmNcursorPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[5660])
2539 #endif
2540 #ifndef XmNcursorPositionVisible
2541 #define XmNcursorPositionVisible ((char*)&_XmStrings[5675])
2542 #endif
2543 #ifndef XmNdarkThreshold
2544 #define XmNdarkThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[5697])
2545 #endif
2546 #ifndef XmNdecimalPoints
2547 #define XmNdecimalPoints ((char*)&_XmStrings[5711])
2548 #endif
2549 #ifndef XmNdecrementCallback
2550 #define XmNdecrementCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[5725])
2551 #endif
2552 #ifndef XmNdefaultActionCallback
2553 #define XmNdefaultActionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[5743])
2554 #endif
2555 #ifndef XmNdefaultButton
2556 #define XmNdefaultButton ((char*)&_XmStrings[5765])
2557 #endif
2558 #ifndef XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness
2559 #define XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[5779])
2560 #endif
2561 #ifndef XmNdefaultButtonType
2562 #define XmNdefaultButtonType ((char*)&_XmStrings[5808])
2563 #endif
2564 #ifndef XmNdefaultCopyCursorIcon
2565 #define XmNdefaultCopyCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[5826])
2566 #endif
2567 #ifndef XmNdefaultFontList
2568 #define XmNdefaultFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[5848])
2569 #endif
2570 #ifndef XmNdefaultInvalidCursorIcon
2571 #define XmNdefaultInvalidCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[5864])
2572 #endif
2573 #ifndef XmNdefaultLinkCursorIcon
2574 #define XmNdefaultLinkCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[5889])
2575 #endif
2576 #ifndef XmNdefaultMoveCursorIcon
2577 #define XmNdefaultMoveCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[5911])
2578 #endif
2579 #ifndef XmNdefaultNoneCursorIcon
2580 #define XmNdefaultNoneCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[5933])
2581 #endif
2582 #ifndef XmNdefaultPosition
2583 #define XmNdefaultPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[5955])
2584 #endif
2585 #ifndef XmNdefaultSourceCursorIcon
2586 #define XmNdefaultSourceCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[5971])
2587 #endif
2588 #ifndef XmNdefaultValidCursorIcon
2589 #define XmNdefaultValidCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[5995])
2590 #endif
2591 #ifndef XmNdeleteResponse
2592 #define XmNdeleteResponse ((char*)&_XmStrings[6018])
2593 #endif
2594 #ifndef XmNdesktopParent
2595 #define XmNdesktopParent ((char*)&_XmStrings[6033])
2596 #endif
2597 #ifndef XmNdialogStyle
2598 #define XmNdialogStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[6047])
2599 #endif
2600 #ifndef XmNdialogTitle
2601 #define XmNdialogTitle ((char*)&_XmStrings[6059])
2602 #endif
2603 #ifndef XmNdialogType
2604 #define XmNdialogType ((char*)&_XmStrings[6071])
2605 #endif
2606 #ifndef XmNdirListItemCount
2607 #define XmNdirListItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[6082])
2608 #endif
2609 #ifndef XmNdirListItems
2610 #define XmNdirListItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[6099])
2611 #endif
2612 #ifndef XmNdirListLabelString
2613 #define XmNdirListLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[6112])
2614 #endif
2615 #ifndef XmNdirMask
2616 #define XmNdirMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[6131])
2617 #endif
2618 #ifndef XmNdirSearchProc
2619 #define XmNdirSearchProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[6139])
2620 #endif
2621 #ifndef XmNdirSpec
2622 #define XmNdirSpec ((char*)&_XmStrings[6153])
2623 #endif
2624 #ifndef XmNdirectory
2625 #define XmNdirectory ((char*)&_XmStrings[6161])
2626 #endif
2627 #ifndef XmNdirectoryValid
2628 #define XmNdirectoryValid ((char*)&_XmStrings[6171])
2629 #endif
2630 #ifndef XmNdisarmCallback
2631 #define XmNdisarmCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6186])
2632 #endif
2633 #ifndef XmNdoubleClickInterval
2634 #define XmNdoubleClickInterval ((char*)&_XmStrings[6201])
2635 #endif
2636 #ifndef XmNdragCallback
2637 #define XmNdragCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6221])
2638 #endif
2639 #ifndef XmNdragContextClass
2640 #define XmNdragContextClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[6234])
2641 #endif
2642 #ifndef XmNdragDropFinishCallback
2643 #define XmNdragDropFinishCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6251])
2644 #endif
2645 #ifndef XmNdragIconClass
2646 #define XmNdragIconClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[6274])
2647 #endif
2648 #ifndef XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle
2649 #define XmNdragInitiatorProtocolStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[6288])
2650 #endif
2651 #ifndef XmNdragMotionCallback
2652 #define XmNdragMotionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6315])
2653 #endif
2654 #ifndef XmNdragOperations
2655 #define XmNdragOperations ((char*)&_XmStrings[6334])
2656 #endif
2657 #ifndef XmNdragOverMode
2658 #define XmNdragOverMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[6349])
2659 #endif
2660 #ifndef XmNdragProc
2661 #define XmNdragProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[6362])
2662 #endif
2663 #ifndef XmNdragReceiverProtocolStyle
2664 #define XmNdragReceiverProtocolStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[6371])
2665 #endif
2666 #ifndef XmNdropFinishCallback
2667 #define XmNdropFinishCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6397])
2668 #endif
2669 #ifndef XmNdropProc
2670 #define XmNdropProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[6416])
2671 #endif
2672 #ifndef XmNdropRectangles
2673 #define XmNdropRectangles ((char*)&_XmStrings[6425])
2674 #endif
2675 #ifndef XmNdropSiteActivity
2676 #define XmNdropSiteActivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[6440])
2677 #endif
2678 #ifndef XmNdropSiteEnterCallback
2679 #define XmNdropSiteEnterCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6457])
2680 #endif
2681 #ifndef XmNdropSiteLeaveCallback
2682 #define XmNdropSiteLeaveCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6479])
2683 #endif
2684 #ifndef XmNdropSiteManagerClass
2685 #define XmNdropSiteManagerClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[6501])
2686 #endif
2687 #ifndef XmNdropSiteOperations
2688 #define XmNdropSiteOperations ((char*)&_XmStrings[6522])
2689 #endif
2690 #ifndef XmNdropSiteType
2691 #define XmNdropSiteType ((char*)&_XmStrings[6541])
2692 #endif
2693 #ifndef XmNdropStartCallback
2694 #define XmNdropStartCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6554])
2695 #endif
2696 #ifndef XmNdropTransferClass
2697 #define XmNdropTransferClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[6572])
2698 #endif
2699 #ifndef XmNdropTransfers
2700 #define XmNdropTransfers ((char*)&_XmStrings[6590])
2701 #endif
2702 #ifndef XmNeditMode
2703 #define XmNeditMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[6604])
2704 #endif
2705 #ifndef XmNeditable
2706 #define XmNeditable ((char*)&_XmStrings[6613])
2707 #endif
2708 #ifndef XmNentryAlignment
2709 #define XmNentryAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[6622])
2710 #endif
2711 #ifndef XmNentryBorder
2712 #define XmNentryBorder ((char*)&_XmStrings[6637])
2713 #endif
2714 #ifndef XmNentryCallback
2715 #define XmNentryCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6649])
2716 #endif
2717 #ifndef XmNentryClass
2718 #define XmNentryClass ((char*)&_XmStrings[6663])
2719 #endif
2720 #ifndef XmNentryVerticalAlignment
2721 #define XmNentryVerticalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[6674])
2722 #endif
2723 #ifndef XmNexportTargets
2724 #define XmNexportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[6697])
2725 #endif
2726 #ifndef XmNexposeCallback
2727 #define XmNexposeCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6711])
2728 #endif
2729 #ifndef XmNextendedSelectionCallback
2730 #define XmNextendedSelectionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6726])
2731 #endif
2732 #ifndef XmNextensionType
2733 #define XmNextensionType ((char*)&_XmStrings[6752])
2734 #endif
2735 #ifndef XmNfileListItemCount
2736 #define XmNfileListItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[6766])
2737 #endif
2738 #ifndef XmNfileListItems
2739 #define XmNfileListItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[6784])
2740 #endif
2741 #ifndef XmNfileListLabelString
2742 #define XmNfileListLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[6798])
2743 #endif
2744 #ifndef XmNfileSearchProc
2745 #define XmNfileSearchProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[6818])
2746 #endif
2747 #ifndef XmNfileTypeMask
2748 #define XmNfileTypeMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[6833])
2749 #endif
2750 #ifndef XmNfillOnArm
2751 #define XmNfillOnArm ((char*)&_XmStrings[6846])
2752 #endif
2753 #ifndef XmNfillOnSelect
2754 #define XmNfillOnSelect ((char*)&_XmStrings[6856])
2755 #endif
2756 #ifndef XmNfilterLabelString
2757 #define XmNfilterLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[6869])
2758 #endif
2759 #ifndef XmNfocusCallback
2760 #define XmNfocusCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6887])
2761 #endif
2762 #ifndef XmNfocusMovedCallback
2763 #define XmNfocusMovedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6901])
2764 #endif
2765 #ifndef XmNfocusPolicyChanged
2766 #define XmNfocusPolicyChanged ((char*)&_XmStrings[6920])
2767 #endif
2768 #ifndef XmNfontList
2769 #define XmNfontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[6939])
2770 #endif
2771 #ifndef XmNforegroundThreshold
2772 #define XmNforegroundThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[6948])
2773 #endif
2774 #ifndef XmNfractionBase
2775 #define XmNfractionBase ((char*)&_XmStrings[6968])
2776 #endif
2777 #ifndef XmNgainPrimaryCallback
2778 #define XmNgainPrimaryCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[6981])
2779 #endif
2780 #ifndef XmNhelpCallback
2781 #define XmNhelpCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[7001])
2782 #endif
2783 #ifndef XmNhelpLabelString
2784 #define XmNhelpLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[7014])
2785 #endif
2786 #ifndef XmNhighlightColor
2787 #define XmNhighlightColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[7030])
2788 #endif
2789 #ifndef XmNhighlightOnEnter
2790 #define XmNhighlightOnEnter ((char*)&_XmStrings[7045])
2791 #endif
2792 #ifndef XmNhighlightPixmap
2793 #define XmNhighlightPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[7062])
2794 #endif
2795 #ifndef XmNhighlightThickness
2796 #define XmNhighlightThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[7078])
2797 #endif
2798 #ifndef XmNhistoryItemCount
2799 #define XmNhistoryItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[7097])
2800 #endif
2801 #ifndef XmNhistoryItems
2802 #define XmNhistoryItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[7114])
2803 #endif
2804 #ifndef XmNhistoryMaxItems
2805 #define XmNhistoryMaxItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[7127])
2806 #endif
2807 #ifndef XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount
2808 #define XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[7143])
2809 #endif
2810 #ifndef XmNhorizontalFontUnit
2811 #define XmNhorizontalFontUnit ((char*)&_XmStrings[7167])
2812 #endif
2813 #ifndef XmNhorizontalScrollBar
2814 #define XmNhorizontalScrollBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[7186])
2815 #endif
2816 #ifndef XmNhorizontalSpacing
2817 #define XmNhorizontalSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[7206])
2818 #endif
2819 #ifndef XmNhotX
2820 #define XmNhotX ((char*)&_XmStrings[7224])
2821 #endif
2822 #ifndef XmNhotY
2823 #define XmNhotY ((char*)&_XmStrings[7229])
2824 #endif
2825 #ifndef XmNiccHandle
2826 #define XmNiccHandle ((char*)&_XmStrings[7234])
2827 #endif
2828 #ifndef XmNimportTargets
2829 #define XmNimportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[7244])
2830 #endif
2831 #ifndef XmNincrement
2832 #define XmNincrement ((char*)&_XmStrings[7258])
2833 #endif
2834 #ifndef XmNincrementCallback
2835 #define XmNincrementCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[7268])
2836 #endif
2837 #ifndef XmNincremental
2838 #define XmNincremental ((char*)&_XmStrings[7286])
2839 #endif
2840 #ifndef XmNindicatorOn
2841 #define XmNindicatorOn ((char*)&_XmStrings[7298])
2842 #endif
2843 #ifndef XmNindicatorSize
2844 #define XmNindicatorSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[7310])
2845 #endif
2846 #ifndef XmNindicatorType
2847 #define XmNindicatorType ((char*)&_XmStrings[7324])
2848 #endif
2849 #ifndef XmNinitialDelay
2850 #define XmNinitialDelay ((char*)&_XmStrings[7338])
2851 #endif
2852 #ifndef XmNinitialFocus
2853 #define XmNinitialFocus ((char*)&_XmStrings[7351])
2854 #endif
2855 #ifndef XmNinputCallback
2856 #define XmNinputCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[7364])
2857 #endif
2858 #ifndef XmNinputCreate
2859 #define XmNinputCreate ((char*)&_XmStrings[7378])
2860 #endif
2861 #ifndef XmNinputMethod
2862 #define XmNinputMethod ((char*)&_XmStrings[7390])
2863 #endif
2864 #ifndef XmNinvalidCursorForeground
2865 #define XmNinvalidCursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[7402])
2866 #endif
2867 #ifndef XmNisAligned
2868 #define XmNisAligned ((char*)&_XmStrings[7426])
2869 #endif
2870 #ifndef XmNisHomogeneous
2871 #define XmNisHomogeneous ((char*)&_XmStrings[7436])
2872 #endif
2873 #ifndef XmNitemCount
2874 #define XmNitemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[7450])
2875 #endif
2876 #ifndef XmNitems
2877 #define XmNitems ((char*)&_XmStrings[7460])
2878 #endif
2879 #ifndef XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy
2880 #define XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[7466])
2881 #endif
2882 #ifndef XmNlabelFontList
2883 #define XmNlabelFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[7486])
2884 #endif
2885 #ifndef XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap
2886 #define XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[7500])
2887 #endif
2888 #ifndef XmNlabelPixmap
2889 #define XmNlabelPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[7523])
2890 #endif
2891 #ifndef XmNlabelString
2892 #define XmNlabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[7535])
2893 #endif
2894 #ifndef XmNlabelType
2895 #define XmNlabelType ((char*)&_XmStrings[7547])
2896 #endif
2897 #ifndef XmNleftAttachment
2898 #define XmNleftAttachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[7557])
2899 #endif
2900 #ifndef XmNleftOffset
2901 #define XmNleftOffset ((char*)&_XmStrings[7572])
2902 #endif
2903 #ifndef XmNleftPosition
2904 #define XmNleftPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[7583])
2905 #endif
2906 #ifndef XmNleftWidget
2907 #define XmNleftWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[7596])
2908 #endif
2909 #ifndef XmNlightThreshold
2910 #define XmNlightThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[7607])
2911 #endif
2912 #ifndef XmNlineSpace
2913 #define XmNlineSpace ((char*)&_XmStrings[7622])
2914 #endif
2915 #ifndef XmNlistItemCount
2916 #define XmNlistItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[7632])
2917 #endif
2918 #ifndef XmNlistItems
2919 #define XmNlistItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[7646])
2920 #endif
2921 #ifndef XmNlistLabelString
2922 #define XmNlistLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[7656])
2923 #endif
2924 #ifndef XmNlistMarginHeight
2925 #define XmNlistMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[7672])
2926 #endif
2927 #ifndef XmNlistMarginWidth
2928 #define XmNlistMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[7689])
2929 #endif
2930 #ifndef XmNlistSizePolicy
2931 #define XmNlistSizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[7705])
2932 #endif
2933 #ifndef XmNlistSpacing
2934 #define XmNlistSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[7720])
2935 #endif
2936 #ifndef XmNlistUpdated
2937 #define XmNlistUpdated ((char*)&_XmStrings[7732])
2938 #endif
2939 #ifndef XmNlistVisibleItemCount
2940 #define XmNlistVisibleItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[7744])
2941 #endif
2942 #ifndef XmNlogicalParent
2943 #define XmNlogicalParent ((char*)&_XmStrings[7765])
2944 #endif
2945 #ifndef XmNlosePrimaryCallback
2946 #define XmNlosePrimaryCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[7779])
2947 #endif
2948 #ifndef XmNlosingFocusCallback
2949 #define XmNlosingFocusCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[7799])
2950 #endif
2951 #ifndef XmNmainWindowMarginHeight
2952 #define XmNmainWindowMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[7819])
2953 #endif
2954 #ifndef XmNmainWindowMarginWidth
2955 #define XmNmainWindowMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[7842])
2956 #endif
2957 #ifndef XmNmapCallback
2958 #define XmNmapCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[7864])
2959 #endif
2960 #ifndef XmNmappingDelay
2961 #define XmNmappingDelay ((char*)&_XmStrings[7876])
2962 #endif
2963 #ifndef XmNmargin
2964 #define XmNmargin ((char*)&_XmStrings[7889])
2965 #endif
2966 #ifndef XmNmarginBottom
2967 #define XmNmarginBottom ((char*)&_XmStrings[7896])
2968 #endif
2969 #ifndef XmNmarginHeight
2970 #define XmNmarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[7909])
2971 #endif
2972 #ifndef XmNmarginLeft
2973 #define XmNmarginLeft ((char*)&_XmStrings[7922])
2974 #endif
2975 #ifndef XmNmarginRight
2976 #define XmNmarginRight ((char*)&_XmStrings[7933])
2977 #endif
2978 #ifndef XmNmarginTop
2979 #define XmNmarginTop ((char*)&_XmStrings[7945])
2980 #endif
2981 #ifndef XmNmarginWidth
2982 #define XmNmarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[7955])
2983 #endif
2984 #ifndef XmNmask
2985 #define XmNmask ((char*)&_XmStrings[7967])
2986 #endif
2987 #ifndef XmNmaxLength
2988 #define XmNmaxLength ((char*)&_XmStrings[7972])
2989 #endif
2990 #ifndef XmNmaximum
2991 #define XmNmaximum ((char*)&_XmStrings[7982])
2992 #endif
2993 #ifndef XmNmenuAccelerator
2994 #define XmNmenuAccelerator ((char*)&_XmStrings[7990])
2995 #endif
2996 #ifndef XmNmenuBar
2997 #define XmNmenuBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[8006])
2998 #endif
2999 #ifndef XmNmenuCursor
3000 #define XmNmenuCursor ((char*)&_XmStrings[8014])
3001 #endif
3002 #ifndef XmNmenuHelpWidget
3003 #define XmNmenuHelpWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[8025])
3004 #endif
3005 #ifndef XmNmenuHistory
3006 #define XmNmenuHistory ((char*)&_XmStrings[8040])
3007 #endif
3008 #ifndef XmNmenuPost
3009 #define XmNmenuPost ((char*)&_XmStrings[8052])
3010 #endif
3011 #ifndef XmNmessageAlignment
3012 #define XmNmessageAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[8061])
3013 #endif
3014 #ifndef XmNmessageProc
3015 #define XmNmessageProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[8078])
3016 #endif
3017 #ifndef XmNmessageString
3018 #define XmNmessageString ((char*)&_XmStrings[8090])
3019 #endif
3020 #ifndef XmNmessageWindow
3021 #define XmNmessageWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[8104])
3022 #endif
3023 #ifndef XmNminimizeButtons
3024 #define XmNminimizeButtons ((char*)&_XmStrings[8118])
3025 #endif
3026 #ifndef XmNminimum
3027 #define XmNminimum ((char*)&_XmStrings[8134])
3028 #endif
3029 #ifndef XmNmnemonic
3030 #define XmNmnemonic ((char*)&_XmStrings[8142])
3031 #endif
3032 #ifndef XmNmnemonicCharSet
3033 #define XmNmnemonicCharSet ((char*)&_XmStrings[8151])
3034 #endif
3035 #ifndef XmNmodifyVerifyCallback
3036 #define XmNmodifyVerifyCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8167])
3037 #endif
3038 #ifndef XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs
3039 #define XmNmodifyVerifyCallbackWcs ((char*)&_XmStrings[8188])
3040 #endif
3041 #ifndef XmNmotionVerifyCallback
3042 #define XmNmotionVerifyCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8212])
3043 #endif
3044 #ifndef XmNmoveOpaque
3045 #define XmNmoveOpaque ((char*)&_XmStrings[8233])
3046 #endif
3047 #ifndef XmNmultiClick
3048 #define XmNmultiClick ((char*)&_XmStrings[8244])
3049 #endif
3050 #ifndef XmNmultipleSelectionCallback
3051 #define XmNmultipleSelectionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8255])
3052 #endif
3053 #ifndef XmNmustMatch
3054 #define XmNmustMatch ((char*)&_XmStrings[8281])
3055 #endif
3056 #ifndef XmNmwmDecorations
3057 #define XmNmwmDecorations ((char*)&_XmStrings[8291])
3058 #endif
3059 #ifndef XmNmwmFunctions
3060 #define XmNmwmFunctions ((char*)&_XmStrings[8306])
3061 #endif
3062 #ifndef XmNmwmInputMode
3063 #define XmNmwmInputMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[8319])
3064 #endif
3065 #ifndef XmNmwmMenu
3066 #define XmNmwmMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[8332])
3067 #endif
3068 #ifndef XmNmwmMessages
3069 #define XmNmwmMessages ((char*)&_XmStrings[8340])
3070 #endif
3071 #ifndef XmNnavigationType
3072 #define XmNnavigationType ((char*)&_XmStrings[8352])
3073 #endif
3074 #ifndef XmNneedsMotion
3075 #define XmNneedsMotion ((char*)&_XmStrings[8367])
3076 #endif
3077 #ifndef XmNnoMatchCallback
3078 #define XmNnoMatchCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8379])
3079 #endif
3080 #ifndef XmNnoMatchString
3081 #define XmNnoMatchString ((char*)&_XmStrings[8395])
3082 #endif
3083 #ifndef XmNnoResize
3084 #define XmNnoResize ((char*)&_XmStrings[8409])
3085 #endif
3086 #ifndef XmNnoneCursorForeground
3087 #define XmNnoneCursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[8418])
3088 #endif
3089 #ifndef XmNnotifyProc
3090 #define XmNnotifyProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[8439])
3091 #endif
3092 #ifndef XmNnumColumns
3093 #define XmNnumColumns ((char*)&_XmStrings[8450])
3094 #endif
3095 #ifndef XmNnumDropRectangles
3096 #define XmNnumDropRectangles ((char*)&_XmStrings[8461])
3097 #endif
3098 #ifndef XmNnumDropTransfers
3099 #define XmNnumDropTransfers ((char*)&_XmStrings[8479])
3100 #endif
3101 #ifndef XmNnumExportTargets
3102 #define XmNnumExportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[8496])
3103 #endif
3104 #ifndef XmNnumImportTargets
3105 #define XmNnumImportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[8513])
3106 #endif
3107 #ifndef XmNnumRectangles
3108 #define XmNnumRectangles ((char*)&_XmStrings[8530])
3109 #endif
3110 #ifndef XmNoffsetX
3111 #define XmNoffsetX ((char*)&_XmStrings[8544])
3112 #endif
3113 #ifndef XmNoffsetY
3114 #define XmNoffsetY ((char*)&_XmStrings[8552])
3115 #endif
3116 #ifndef XmNokCallback
3117 #define XmNokCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8560])
3118 #endif
3119 #ifndef XmNokLabelString
3120 #define XmNokLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[8571])
3121 #endif
3122 #ifndef XmNoperationChangedCallback
3123 #define XmNoperationChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8585])
3124 #endif
3125 #ifndef XmNoperationCursorIcon
3126 #define XmNoperationCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[8610])
3127 #endif
3128 #ifndef XmNoptionLabel
3129 #define XmNoptionLabel ((char*)&_XmStrings[8630])
3130 #endif
3131 #ifndef XmNoptionMnemonic
3132 #define XmNoptionMnemonic ((char*)&_XmStrings[8642])
3133 #endif
3134 #ifndef XmNoutputCreate
3135 #define XmNoutputCreate ((char*)&_XmStrings[8657])
3136 #endif
3137 #ifndef XmNpacking
3138 #define XmNpacking ((char*)&_XmStrings[8670])
3139 #endif
3140 #ifndef XmNpageDecrementCallback
3141 #define XmNpageDecrementCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8678])
3142 #endif
3143 #ifndef XmNpageIncrement
3144 #define XmNpageIncrement ((char*)&_XmStrings[8700])
3145 #endif
3146 #ifndef XmNpageIncrementCallback
3147 #define XmNpageIncrementCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8714])
3148 #endif
3149 #ifndef XmNpaneMaximum
3150 #define XmNpaneMaximum ((char*)&_XmStrings[8736])
3151 #endif
3152 #ifndef XmNpaneMinimum
3153 #define XmNpaneMinimum ((char*)&_XmStrings[8748])
3154 #endif
3155 #ifndef XmNpattern
3156 #define XmNpattern ((char*)&_XmStrings[8760])
3157 #endif
3158 #ifndef XmNpendingDelete
3159 #define XmNpendingDelete ((char*)&_XmStrings[8768])
3160 #endif
3161 #ifndef XmNpopupEnabled
3162 #define XmNpopupEnabled ((char*)&_XmStrings[8782])
3163 #endif
3164 #ifndef XmNpositionIndex
3165 #define XmNpositionIndex ((char*)&_XmStrings[8795])
3166 #endif
3167 #ifndef XmNpostFromButton
3168 #define XmNpostFromButton ((char*)&_XmStrings[8809])
3169 #endif
3170 #ifndef XmNpostFromCount
3171 #define XmNpostFromCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[8824])
3172 #endif
3173 #ifndef XmNpostFromList
3174 #define XmNpostFromList ((char*)&_XmStrings[8838])
3175 #endif
3176 #ifndef XmNpreeditType
3177 #define XmNpreeditType ((char*)&_XmStrings[8851])
3178 #endif
3179 #ifndef XmNprocessingDirection
3180 #define XmNprocessingDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[8863])
3181 #endif
3182 #ifndef XmNpromptString
3183 #define XmNpromptString ((char*)&_XmStrings[8883])
3184 #endif
3185 #ifndef XmNprotocolCallback
3186 #define XmNprotocolCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8896])
3187 #endif
3188 #ifndef XmNpushButtonEnabled
3189 #define XmNpushButtonEnabled ((char*)&_XmStrings[8913])
3190 #endif
3191 #ifndef XmNqualifySearchDataProc
3192 #define XmNqualifySearchDataProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[8931])
3193 #endif
3194 #ifndef XmNradioAlwaysOne
3195 #define XmNradioAlwaysOne ((char*)&_XmStrings[8953])
3196 #endif
3197 #ifndef XmNradioBehavior
3198 #define XmNradioBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[8968])
3199 #endif
3200 #ifndef XmNrealizeCallback
3201 #define XmNrealizeCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[8982])
3202 #endif
3203 #ifndef XmNrecomputeSize
3204 #define XmNrecomputeSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[8998])
3205 #endif
3206 #ifndef XmNrectangles
3207 #define XmNrectangles ((char*)&_XmStrings[9012])
3208 #endif
3209 #ifndef XmNrefigureMode
3210 #define XmNrefigureMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[9023])
3211 #endif
3212 #ifndef XmNrepeatDelay
3213 #define XmNrepeatDelay ((char*)&_XmStrings[9036])
3214 #endif
3215 #ifndef XmNresizable
3216 #define XmNresizable ((char*)&_XmStrings[9048])
3217 #endif
3218 #ifndef XmNresizeCallback
3219 #define XmNresizeCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[9058])
3220 #endif
3221 #ifndef XmNresizeHeight
3222 #define XmNresizeHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[9073])
3223 #endif
3224 #ifndef XmNresizePolicy
3225 #define XmNresizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[9086])
3226 #endif
3227 #ifndef XmNresizeWidth
3228 #define XmNresizeWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[9099])
3229 #endif
3230 #ifndef XmNrightAttachment
3231 #define XmNrightAttachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[9111])
3232 #endif
3233 #ifndef XmNrightOffset
3234 #define XmNrightOffset ((char*)&_XmStrings[9127])
3235 #endif
3236 #ifndef XmNrightPosition
3237 #define XmNrightPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[9139])
3238 #endif
3239 #ifndef XmNrightWidget
3240 #define XmNrightWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[9153])
3241 #endif
3242 #ifndef XmNrowColumnType
3243 #define XmNrowColumnType ((char*)&_XmStrings[9165])
3244 #endif
3245 #ifndef XmNrows
3246 #define XmNrows ((char*)&_XmStrings[9179])
3247 #endif
3248 #ifndef XmNrubberPositioning
3249 #define XmNrubberPositioning ((char*)&_XmStrings[9184])
3250 #endif
3251 #ifndef XmNsashHeight
3252 #define XmNsashHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[9202])
3253 #endif
3254 #ifndef XmNsashIndent
3255 #define XmNsashIndent ((char*)&_XmStrings[9213])
3256 #endif
3257 #ifndef XmNsashShadowThickness
3258 #define XmNsashShadowThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[9224])
3259 #endif
3260 #ifndef XmNsashWidth
3261 #define XmNsashWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[9244])
3262 #endif
3263 #ifndef XmNscaleHeight
3264 #define XmNscaleHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[9254])
3265 #endif
3266 #ifndef XmNscaleMultiple
3267 #define XmNscaleMultiple ((char*)&_XmStrings[9266])
3268 #endif
3269 #ifndef XmNscaleWidth
3270 #define XmNscaleWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[9280])
3271 #endif
3272 #ifndef XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy
3273 #define XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[9291])
3274 #endif
3275 #ifndef XmNscrollBarPlacement
3276 #define XmNscrollBarPlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[9314])
3277 #endif
3278 #ifndef XmNscrollHorizontal
3279 #define XmNscrollHorizontal ((char*)&_XmStrings[9333])
3280 #endif
3281 #ifndef XmNscrollLeftSide
3282 #define XmNscrollLeftSide ((char*)&_XmStrings[9350])
3283 #endif
3284 #ifndef XmNscrollTopSide
3285 #define XmNscrollTopSide ((char*)&_XmStrings[9365])
3286 #endif
3287 #ifndef XmNscrollVertical
3288 #define XmNscrollVertical ((char*)&_XmStrings[9379])
3289 #endif
3290 #ifndef XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight
3291 #define XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[9394])
3292 #endif
3293 #ifndef XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth
3294 #define XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[9421])
3295 #endif
3296 #ifndef XmNscrollingPolicy
3297 #define XmNscrollingPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[9447])
3298 #endif
3299 #ifndef XmNselectColor
3300 #define XmNselectColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[9463])
3301 #endif
3302 #ifndef XmNselectInsensitivePixmap
3303 #define XmNselectInsensitivePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[9475])
3304 #endif
3305 #ifndef XmNselectPixmap
3306 #define XmNselectPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[9499])
3307 #endif
3308 #ifndef XmNselectThreshold
3309 #define XmNselectThreshold ((char*)&_XmStrings[9512])
3310 #endif
3311 #ifndef XmNselectedItemCount
3312 #define XmNselectedItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[9528])
3313 #endif
3314 #ifndef XmNselectedItems
3315 #define XmNselectedItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[9546])
3316 #endif
3317 #ifndef XmNselectionArrayCount
3318 #define XmNselectionArrayCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[9560])
3319 #endif
3320 #ifndef XmNselectionLabelString
3321 #define XmNselectionLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[9580])
3322 #endif
3323 #ifndef XmNselectionPolicy
3324 #define XmNselectionPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[9601])
3325 #endif
3326 #ifndef XmNseparatorOn
3327 #define XmNseparatorOn ((char*)&_XmStrings[9617])
3328 #endif
3329 #ifndef XmNseparatorType
3330 #define XmNseparatorType ((char*)&_XmStrings[9629])
3331 #endif
3332 #ifndef XmNset
3333 #define XmNset ((char*)&_XmStrings[9643])
3334 #endif
3335 #ifndef XmNshadow
3336 #define XmNshadow ((char*)&_XmStrings[9647])
3337 #endif
3338 #ifndef XmNshadowThickness
3339 #define XmNshadowThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[9654])
3340 #endif
3341 #ifndef XmNshadowType
3342 #define XmNshadowType ((char*)&_XmStrings[9670])
3343 #endif
3344 #ifndef XmNshellUnitType
3345 #define XmNshellUnitType ((char*)&_XmStrings[9681])
3346 #endif
3347 #ifndef XmNshowArrows
3348 #define XmNshowArrows ((char*)&_XmStrings[9695])
3349 #endif
3350 #ifndef XmNshowAsDefault
3351 #define XmNshowAsDefault ((char*)&_XmStrings[9706])
3352 #endif
3353 #ifndef XmNshowSeparator
3354 #define XmNshowSeparator ((char*)&_XmStrings[9720])
3355 #endif
3356 #ifndef XmNshowValue
3357 #define XmNshowValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[9734])
3358 #endif
3359 #ifndef XmNsimpleCallback
3360 #define XmNsimpleCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[9744])
3361 #endif
3362 #ifndef XmNsingleSelectionCallback
3363 #define XmNsingleSelectionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[9759])
3364 #endif
3365 #ifndef XmNsizePolicy
3366 #define XmNsizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[9783])
3367 #endif
3368 #ifndef XmNskipAdjust
3369 #define XmNskipAdjust ((char*)&_XmStrings[9794])
3370 #endif
3371 #ifndef XmNsliderSize
3372 #define XmNsliderSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[9805])
3373 #endif
3374 #ifndef XmNsource
3375 #define XmNsource ((char*)&_XmStrings[9816])
3376 #endif
3377 #ifndef XmNsourceCursorIcon
3378 #define XmNsourceCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[9823])
3379 #endif
3380 #ifndef XmNsourceIsExternal
3381 #define XmNsourceIsExternal ((char*)&_XmStrings[9840])
3382 #endif
3383 #ifndef XmNsourcePixmapIcon
3384 #define XmNsourcePixmapIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[9857])
3385 #endif
3386 #ifndef XmNsourceWidget
3387 #define XmNsourceWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[9874])
3388 #endif
3389 #ifndef XmNsourceWindow
3390 #define XmNsourceWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[9887])
3391 #endif
3392 #ifndef XmNspacing
3393 #define XmNspacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[9900])
3394 #endif
3395 #ifndef XmNspotLocation
3396 #define XmNspotLocation ((char*)&_XmStrings[9908])
3397 #endif
3398 #ifndef XmNstartTime
3399 #define XmNstartTime ((char*)&_XmStrings[9921])
3400 #endif
3401 #ifndef XmNstateCursorIcon
3402 #define XmNstateCursorIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[9931])
3403 #endif
3404 #ifndef XmNstringDirection
3405 #define XmNstringDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[9947])
3406 #endif
3407 #ifndef XmNsubMenuId
3408 #define XmNsubMenuId ((char*)&_XmStrings[9963])
3409 #endif
3410 #ifndef XmNsymbolPixmap
3411 #define XmNsymbolPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[9973])
3412 #endif
3413 #ifndef XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback
3414 #define XmNtearOffMenuActivateCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[9986])
3415 #endif
3416 #ifndef XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback
3417 #define XmNtearOffMenuDeactivateCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10014])
3418 #endif
3419 #ifndef XmNtearOffModel
3420 #define XmNtearOffModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[10044])
3421 #endif
3422 #ifndef XmNtextAccelerators
3423 #define XmNtextAccelerators ((char*)&_XmStrings[10057])
3424 #endif
3425 #ifndef XmNtextColumns
3426 #define XmNtextColumns ((char*)&_XmStrings[10074])
3427 #endif
3428 #ifndef XmNtextFontList
3429 #define XmNtextFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[10086])
3430 #endif
3431 #ifndef XmNtextString
3432 #define XmNtextString ((char*)&_XmStrings[10099])
3433 #endif
3434 #ifndef XmNtextTranslations
3435 #define XmNtextTranslations ((char*)&_XmStrings[10110])
3436 #endif
3437 #ifndef XmNtextValue
3438 #define XmNtextValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[10127])
3439 #endif
3440 #ifndef XmNtitleString
3441 #define XmNtitleString ((char*)&_XmStrings[10137])
3442 #endif
3443 #ifndef XmNtoBottomCallback
3444 #define XmNtoBottomCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10149])
3445 #endif
3446 #ifndef XmNtoPositionCallback
3447 #define XmNtoPositionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10166])
3448 #endif
3449 #ifndef XmNtoTopCallback
3450 #define XmNtoTopCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10185])
3451 #endif
3452 #ifndef XmNtopAttachment
3453 #define XmNtopAttachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[10199])
3454 #endif
3455 #ifndef XmNtopCharacter
3456 #define XmNtopCharacter ((char*)&_XmStrings[10213])
3457 #endif
3458 #ifndef XmNtopItemPosition
3459 #define XmNtopItemPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[10226])
3460 #endif
3461 #ifndef XmNtopLevelEnterCallback
3462 #define XmNtopLevelEnterCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10242])
3463 #endif
3464 #ifndef XmNtopLevelLeaveCallback
3465 #define XmNtopLevelLeaveCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10264])
3466 #endif
3467 #ifndef XmNtopOffset
3468 #define XmNtopOffset ((char*)&_XmStrings[10286])
3469 #endif
3470 #ifndef XmNtopPosition
3471 #define XmNtopPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[10296])
3472 #endif
3473 #ifndef XmNtopShadowColor
3474 #define XmNtopShadowColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[10308])
3475 #endif
3476 #ifndef XmNtopShadowPixmap
3477 #define XmNtopShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[10323])
3478 #endif
3479 #ifndef XmNtopWidget
3480 #define XmNtopWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[10339])
3481 #endif
3482 #ifndef XmNtransferProc
3483 #define XmNtransferProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[10349])
3484 #endif
3485 #ifndef XmNtransferStatus
3486 #define XmNtransferStatus ((char*)&_XmStrings[10362])
3487 #endif
3488 #ifndef XmNtraversalCallback
3489 #define XmNtraversalCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10377])
3490 #endif
3491 #ifndef XmNtraversalOn
3492 #define XmNtraversalOn ((char*)&_XmStrings[10395])
3493 #endif
3494 #ifndef XmNtraversalType
3495 #define XmNtraversalType ((char*)&_XmStrings[10407])
3496 #endif
3497 #ifndef XmNtraverseObscuredCallback
3498 #define XmNtraverseObscuredCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10421])
3499 #endif
3500 #ifndef XmNtreeUpdateProc
3501 #define XmNtreeUpdateProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[10446])
3502 #endif
3503 #ifndef XmNtroughColor
3504 #define XmNtroughColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[10461])
3505 #endif
3506 #ifndef XmNunitType
3507 #define XmNunitType ((char*)&_XmStrings[10473])
3508 #endif
3509 #ifndef XmNunmapCallback
3510 #define XmNunmapCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10482])
3511 #endif
3512 #ifndef XmNunpostBehavior
3513 #define XmNunpostBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[10496])
3514 #endif
3515 #ifndef XmNunselectPixmap
3516 #define XmNunselectPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[10511])
3517 #endif
3518 #ifndef XmNupdateSliderSize
3519 #define XmNupdateSliderSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[10526])
3520 #endif
3521 #ifndef XmNuseAsyncGeometry
3522 #define XmNuseAsyncGeometry ((char*)&_XmStrings[10543])
3523 #endif
3524 #ifndef XmNuserData
3525 #define XmNuserData ((char*)&_XmStrings[10560])
3526 #endif
3527 #ifndef XmNvalidCursorForeground
3528 #define XmNvalidCursorForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[10569])
3529 #endif
3530 #ifndef XmNvalueChangedCallback
3531 #define XmNvalueChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[10591])
3532 #endif
3533 #ifndef XmNvalueWcs
3534 #define XmNvalueWcs ((char*)&_XmStrings[10612])
3535 #endif
3536 #ifndef XmNverifyBell
3537 #define XmNverifyBell ((char*)&_XmStrings[10621])
3538 #endif
3539 #ifndef XmNverticalFontUnit
3540 #define XmNverticalFontUnit ((char*)&_XmStrings[10632])
3541 #endif
3542 #ifndef XmNverticalScrollBar
3543 #define XmNverticalScrollBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[10649])
3544 #endif
3545 #ifndef XmNverticalSpacing
3546 #define XmNverticalSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[10667])
3547 #endif
3548 #ifndef XmNvisibleItemCount
3549 #define XmNvisibleItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[10683])
3550 #endif
3551 #ifndef XmNvisibleWhenOff
3552 #define XmNvisibleWhenOff ((char*)&_XmStrings[10700])
3553 #endif
3554 #ifndef XmNvisualPolicy
3555 #define XmNvisualPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[10715])
3556 #endif
3557 #ifndef XmNwhichButton
3558 #define XmNwhichButton ((char*)&_XmStrings[10728])
3559 #endif
3560 #ifndef XmNwordWrap
3561 #define XmNwordWrap ((char*)&_XmStrings[10740])
3562 #endif
3563 #ifndef XmNworkWindow
3564 #define XmNworkWindow ((char*)&_XmStrings[10749])
3565 #endif
3566 #ifndef XmRAlignment
3567 #define XmRAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[10760])
3568 #endif
3569 #ifndef XmRAnimationMask
3570 #define XmRAnimationMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[10770])
3571 #endif
3572 #ifndef XmRAnimationPixmap
3573 #define XmRAnimationPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[10784])
3574 #endif
3575 #ifndef XmRAnimationStyle
3576 #define XmRAnimationStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[10800])
3577 #endif
3578 #ifndef XmRArrowDirection
3579 #define XmRArrowDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[10815])
3580 #endif
3581 #ifndef XmRAtomList
3582 #define XmRAtomList ((char*)&_XmStrings[10830])
3583 #endif
3584 #ifndef XmRAttachment
3585 #define XmRAttachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[10839])
3586 #endif
3587 #ifndef XmRAudibleWarning
3588 #define XmRAudibleWarning ((char*)&_XmStrings[10850])
3589 #endif
3590 #ifndef XmRAvailability
3591 #define XmRAvailability ((char*)&_XmStrings[10865])
3592 #endif
3593 #ifndef XmRBackgroundPixmap
3594 #define XmRBackgroundPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[10878])
3595 #endif
3596 #ifndef XmRBlendModel
3597 #define XmRBlendModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[10895])
3598 #endif
3599 #ifndef XmRBooleanDimension
3600 #define XmRBooleanDimension ((char*)&_XmStrings[10906])
3601 #endif
3602 #ifndef XmRBottomShadowPixmap
3603 #define XmRBottomShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[10923])
3604 #endif
3605 #ifndef XmRButtonType
3606 #define XmRButtonType ((char*)&_XmStrings[10942])
3607 #endif
3608 #ifndef XmRCallbackProc
3609 #define XmRCallbackProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[10953])
3610 #endif
3611 #ifndef XmRChar
3612 #define XmRChar ((char*)&_XmStrings[10966])
3613 #endif
3614 #ifndef XmRCharSetTable
3615 #define XmRCharSetTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[10971])
3616 #endif
3617 #ifndef XmRChildHorizontalAlignment
3618 #define XmRChildHorizontalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[10984])
3619 #endif
3620 #ifndef XmRChildPlacement
3621 #define XmRChildPlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[11009])
3622 #endif
3623 #ifndef XmRChildType
3624 #define XmRChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11024])
3625 #endif
3626 #ifndef XmRChildVerticalAlignment
3627 #define XmRChildVerticalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[11034])
3628 #endif
3629 #ifndef XmRCommandWindowLocation
3630 #define XmRCommandWindowLocation ((char*)&_XmStrings[11057])
3631 #endif
3632 #ifndef XmRCompoundText
3633 #define XmRCompoundText ((char*)&_XmStrings[11079])
3634 #endif
3635 #ifndef XmRDefaultButtonType
3636 #define XmRDefaultButtonType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11092])
3637 #endif
3638 #ifndef XmRDeleteResponse
3639 #define XmRDeleteResponse ((char*)&_XmStrings[11110])
3640 #endif
3641 #ifndef XmRDialogStyle
3642 #define XmRDialogStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[11125])
3643 #endif
3644 #ifndef XmRDialogType
3645 #define XmRDialogType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11137])
3646 #endif
3647 #ifndef XmRDoubleClickInterval
3648 #define XmRDoubleClickInterval ((char*)&_XmStrings[11148])
3649 #endif
3650 #ifndef XmRDragInitiatorProtocolStyle
3651 #define XmRDragInitiatorProtocolStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[11168])
3652 #endif
3653 #ifndef XmRDragReceiverProtocolStyle
3654 #define XmRDragReceiverProtocolStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[11195])
3655 #endif
3656 #ifndef XmRDropSiteActivity
3657 #define XmRDropSiteActivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[11221])
3658 #endif
3659 #ifndef XmRDropSiteOperations
3660 #define XmRDropSiteOperations ((char*)&_XmStrings[11238])
3661 #endif
3662 #ifndef XmRDropSiteType
3663 #define XmRDropSiteType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11257])
3664 #endif
3665 #ifndef XmRDropTransfers
3666 #define XmRDropTransfers ((char*)&_XmStrings[11270])
3667 #endif
3668 #ifndef XmRExtensionType
3669 #define XmRExtensionType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11284])
3670 #endif
3671 #ifndef XmRFileTypeMask
3672 #define XmRFileTypeMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[11298])
3673 #endif
3674 #ifndef XmRFontList
3675 #define XmRFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[11311])
3676 #endif
3677 #ifndef XmRGadgetPixmap
3678 #define XmRGadgetPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[11320])
3679 #endif
3680 #ifndef XmRHighlightPixmap
3681 #define XmRHighlightPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[11333])
3682 #endif
3683 #ifndef XmRHorizontalDimension
3684 #define XmRHorizontalDimension ((char*)&_XmStrings[11349])
3685 #endif
3686 #ifndef XmRHorizontalInt
3687 #define XmRHorizontalInt ((char*)&_XmStrings[11369])
3688 #endif
3689 #ifndef XmRHorizontalPosition
3690 #define XmRHorizontalPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[11383])
3691 #endif
3692 #ifndef XmRIconAttachment
3693 #define XmRIconAttachment ((char*)&_XmStrings[11402])
3694 #endif
3695 #ifndef XmRImportTargets
3696 #define XmRImportTargets ((char*)&_XmStrings[11417])
3697 #endif
3698 #ifndef XmRIndicatorType
3699 #define XmRIndicatorType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11431])
3700 #endif
3701 #ifndef XmRItemCount
3702 #define XmRItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[11445])
3703 #endif
3704 #ifndef XmRItems
3705 #define XmRItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[11455])
3706 #endif
3707 #ifndef XmRKeySym
3708 #define XmRKeySym ((char*)&_XmStrings[11461])
3709 #endif
3710 #ifndef XmRKeySymTable
3711 #define XmRKeySymTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[11468])
3712 #endif
3713 #ifndef XmRKeyboardFocusPolicy
3714 #define XmRKeyboardFocusPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[11480])
3715 #endif
3716 #ifndef XmRLabelType
3717 #define XmRLabelType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11500])
3718 #endif
3719 #ifndef XmRListMarginHeight
3720 #define XmRListMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[11510])
3721 #endif
3722 #ifndef XmRListMarginWidth
3723 #define XmRListMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[11527])
3724 #endif
3725 #ifndef XmRListSizePolicy
3726 #define XmRListSizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[11543])
3727 #endif
3728 #ifndef XmRListSpacing
3729 #define XmRListSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[11558])
3730 #endif
3731 #ifndef XmRManBottomShadowPixmap
3732 #define XmRManBottomShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[11570])
3733 #endif
3734 #ifndef XmRManForegroundPixmap
3735 #define XmRManForegroundPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[11592])
3736 #endif
3737 #ifndef XmRManHighlightPixmap
3738 #define XmRManHighlightPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[11612])
3739 #endif
3740 #ifndef XmRManTopShadowPixmap
3741 #define XmRManTopShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[11631])
3742 #endif
3743 #ifndef XmRMenuWidget
3744 #define XmRMenuWidget ((char*)&_XmStrings[11650])
3745 #endif
3746 #ifndef XmRMnemonic
3747 #define XmRMnemonic ((char*)&_XmStrings[11661])
3748 #endif
3749 #ifndef XmRMultiClick
3750 #define XmRMultiClick ((char*)&_XmStrings[11670])
3751 #endif
3752 #ifndef XmRNavigationType
3753 #define XmRNavigationType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11681])
3754 #endif
3755 #ifndef XmRPacking
3756 #define XmRPacking ((char*)&_XmStrings[11696])
3757 #endif
3758 #ifndef XmRPrimForegroundPixmap
3759 #define XmRPrimForegroundPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[11704])
3760 #endif
3761 #ifndef XmRProc
3762 #define XmRProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[11725])
3763 #endif
3764 #ifndef XmRProcessingDirection
3765 #define XmRProcessingDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[11730])
3766 #endif
3767 #ifndef XmRRectangleList
3768 #define XmRRectangleList ((char*)&_XmStrings[11750])
3769 #endif
3770 #ifndef XmRResizePolicy
3771 #define XmRResizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[11764])
3772 #endif
3773 #ifndef XmRRowColumnType
3774 #define XmRRowColumnType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11777])
3775 #endif
3776 #ifndef XmRScrollBarDisplayPolicy
3777 #define XmRScrollBarDisplayPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[11791])
3778 #endif
3779 #ifndef XmRScrollBarPlacement
3780 #define XmRScrollBarPlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[11814])
3781 #endif
3782 #ifndef XmRScrollingPolicy
3783 #define XmRScrollingPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[11833])
3784 #endif
3785 #ifndef XmRSelectedItemCount
3786 #define XmRSelectedItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[11849])
3787 #endif
3788 #ifndef XmRSelectedItems
3789 #define XmRSelectedItems ((char*)&_XmStrings[11867])
3790 #endif
3791 #ifndef XmRSelectionPolicy
3792 #define XmRSelectionPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[11881])
3793 #endif
3794 #ifndef XmRSelectionType
3795 #define XmRSelectionType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11897])
3796 #endif
3797 #ifndef XmRSeparatorType
3798 #define XmRSeparatorType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11911])
3799 #endif
3800 #ifndef XmRShadowType
3801 #define XmRShadowType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11925])
3802 #endif
3803 #ifndef XmRShellHorizDim
3804 #define XmRShellHorizDim ((char*)&_XmStrings[11936])
3805 #endif
3806 #ifndef XmRShellHorizPos
3807 #define XmRShellHorizPos ((char*)&_XmStrings[11950])
3808 #endif
3809 #ifndef XmRShellUnitType
3810 #define XmRShellUnitType ((char*)&_XmStrings[11964])
3811 #endif
3812 #ifndef XmRShellVertDim
3813 #define XmRShellVertDim ((char*)&_XmStrings[11978])
3814 #endif
3815 #ifndef XmRShellVertPos
3816 #define XmRShellVertPos ((char*)&_XmStrings[11991])
3817 #endif
3818 #ifndef XmRSizePolicy
3819 #define XmRSizePolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[12004])
3820 #endif
3821 #ifndef XmRStringDirection
3822 #define XmRStringDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[12015])
3823 #endif
3824 #ifndef XmRTearOffModel
3825 #define XmRTearOffModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[12031])
3826 #endif
3827 #ifndef XmRTopShadowPixmap
3828 #define XmRTopShadowPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[12044])
3829 #endif
3830 #ifndef XmRTransferStatus
3831 #define XmRTransferStatus ((char*)&_XmStrings[12060])
3832 #endif
3833 #ifndef XmRTraversalType
3834 #define XmRTraversalType ((char*)&_XmStrings[12075])
3835 #endif
3836 #ifndef XmRUnitType
3837 #define XmRUnitType ((char*)&_XmStrings[12089])
3838 #endif
3839 #ifndef XmRUnpostBehavior
3840 #define XmRUnpostBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[12098])
3841 #endif
3842 #ifndef XmRValueWcs
3843 #define XmRValueWcs ((char*)&_XmStrings[12113])
3844 #endif
3845 #ifndef XmRVerticalAlignment
3846 #define XmRVerticalAlignment ((char*)&_XmStrings[12122])
3847 #endif
3848 #ifndef XmRVerticalDimension
3849 #define XmRVerticalDimension ((char*)&_XmStrings[12140])
3850 #endif
3851 #ifndef XmRVerticalInt
3852 #define XmRVerticalInt ((char*)&_XmStrings[12158])
3853 #endif
3854 #ifndef XmRVerticalPosition
3855 #define XmRVerticalPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[12170])
3856 #endif
3857 #ifndef XmRVirtualBinding
3858 #define XmRVirtualBinding ((char*)&_XmStrings[12187])
3859 #endif
3860 #ifndef XmRVisibleItemCount
3861 #define XmRVisibleItemCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[12202])
3862 #endif
3863 #ifndef XmRVisualPolicy
3864 #define XmRVisualPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[12219])
3865 #endif
3866 #ifndef XmRWhichButton
3867 #define XmRWhichButton ((char*)&_XmStrings[12232])
3868 #endif
3869 #ifndef XmRXmBackgroundPixmap
3870 #define XmRXmBackgroundPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[12244])
3871 #endif
3872 #ifndef XmRXmString
3873 #define XmRXmString ((char*)&_XmStrings[12263])
3874 #endif
3875 #ifndef XmRXmStringCharSet
3876 #define XmRXmStringCharSet ((char*)&_XmStrings[12272])
3877 #endif
3878 #ifndef XmRXmStringTable
3879 #define XmRXmStringTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[12288])
3880 #endif
3881 #ifndef XmVosfActivate
3882 #define XmVosfActivate ((char*)&_XmStrings[12302])
3883 #endif
3884 #ifndef XmVosfAddMode
3885 #define XmVosfAddMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[12314])
3886 #endif
3887 #ifndef XmVosfBackSpace
3888 #define XmVosfBackSpace ((char*)&_XmStrings[12325])
3889 #endif
3890 #ifndef XmVosfBeginLine
3891 #define XmVosfBeginLine ((char*)&_XmStrings[12338])
3892 #endif
3893 #ifndef XmVosfCancel
3894 #define XmVosfCancel ((char*)&_XmStrings[12351])
3895 #endif
3896 #ifndef XmVosfClear
3897 #define XmVosfClear ((char*)&_XmStrings[12361])
3898 #endif
3899 #ifndef XmVosfCopy
3900 #define XmVosfCopy ((char*)&_XmStrings[12370])
3901 #endif
3902 #ifndef XmVosfCut
3903 #define XmVosfCut ((char*)&_XmStrings[12378])
3904 #endif
3905 #ifndef XmVosfDelete
3906 #define XmVosfDelete ((char*)&_XmStrings[12385])
3907 #endif
3908 #ifndef XmVosfDown
3909 #define XmVosfDown ((char*)&_XmStrings[12395])
3910 #endif
3911 #ifndef XmVosfEndLine
3912 #define XmVosfEndLine ((char*)&_XmStrings[12403])
3913 #endif
3914 #ifndef XmVosfHelp
3915 #define XmVosfHelp ((char*)&_XmStrings[12414])
3916 #endif
3917 #ifndef XmVosfInsert
3918 #define XmVosfInsert ((char*)&_XmStrings[12422])
3919 #endif
3920 #ifndef XmVosfLeft
3921 #define XmVosfLeft ((char*)&_XmStrings[12432])
3922 #endif
3923 #ifndef XmVosfMenu
3924 #define XmVosfMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[12440])
3925 #endif
3926 #ifndef XmVosfMenuBar
3927 #define XmVosfMenuBar ((char*)&_XmStrings[12448])
3928 #endif
3929 #ifndef XmVosfPageDown
3930 #define XmVosfPageDown ((char*)&_XmStrings[12459])
3931 #endif
3932 #ifndef XmVosfPageLeft
3933 #define XmVosfPageLeft ((char*)&_XmStrings[12471])
3934 #endif
3935 #ifndef XmVosfPageRight
3936 #define XmVosfPageRight ((char*)&_XmStrings[12483])
3937 #endif
3938 #ifndef XmVosfPageUp
3939 #define XmVosfPageUp ((char*)&_XmStrings[12496])
3940 #endif
3941 #ifndef XmVosfPaste
3942 #define XmVosfPaste ((char*)&_XmStrings[12506])
3943 #endif
3944 #ifndef XmVosfPrimaryPaste
3945 #define XmVosfPrimaryPaste ((char*)&_XmStrings[12515])
3946 #endif
3947 #ifndef XmVosfQuickPaste
3948 #define XmVosfQuickPaste ((char*)&_XmStrings[12531])
3949 #endif
3950 #ifndef XmVosfRight
3951 #define XmVosfRight ((char*)&_XmStrings[12545])
3952 #endif
3953 #ifndef XmVosfSelect
3954 #define XmVosfSelect ((char*)&_XmStrings[12554])
3955 #endif
3956 #ifndef XmVosfUndo
3957 #define XmVosfUndo ((char*)&_XmStrings[12564])
3958 #endif
3959 #ifndef XmVosfUp
3960 #define XmVosfUp ((char*)&_XmStrings[12572])
3961 #endif
3963 #define XmSFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG_STRING ((char*)&_XmStrings[12578])
3964 #endif
3966 #define XmSXmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG_STRING ((char*)&_XmStrings[12606])
3967 #endif
3968 #ifndef XmRTopItemPosition
3969 #define XmRTopItemPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[12636])
3970 #endif
3971 #ifndef XmNtearOffTitle
3972 #define XmNtearOffTitle ((char*)&_XmStrings[12652])
3973 #endif
3974 #ifndef XmCTearOffTitle
3975 #define XmCTearOffTitle ((char*)&_XmStrings[12665])
3976 #endif
3977 #ifndef XmNpopupHandlerCallback
3978 #define XmNpopupHandlerCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[12678])
3979 #endif
3980 #ifndef XmNconvertCallback
3981 #define XmNconvertCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[12699])
3982 #endif
3983 #ifndef XmNdestinationCallback
3984 #define XmNdestinationCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[12715])
3985 #endif
3986 #ifndef XmNselectedItem
3987 #define XmNselectedItem ((char*)&_XmStrings[12735])
3988 #endif
3989 #ifndef XmCSelectedItem
3990 #define XmCSelectedItem ((char*)&_XmStrings[12748])
3991 #endif
3992 #ifndef XmNselectionCallback
3993 #define XmNselectionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[12761])
3994 #endif
3995 #ifndef XmNmatchBehavior
3996 #define XmNmatchBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[12779])
3997 #endif
3998 #ifndef XmCMatchBehavior
3999 #define XmCMatchBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[12793])
4000 #endif
4001 #ifndef XmNnoFontCallback
4002 #define XmNnoFontCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[12807])
4003 #endif
4004 #ifndef XmNtextPath
4005 #define XmNtextPath ((char*)&_XmStrings[12822])
4006 #endif
4007 #ifndef XmNeditingPath
4008 #define XmNeditingPath ((char*)&_XmStrings[12831])
4009 #endif
4010 #ifndef XmCEditingPath
4011 #define XmCEditingPath ((char*)&_XmStrings[12843])
4012 #endif
4013 #ifndef XmNbidirectionalCursor
4014 #define XmNbidirectionalCursor ((char*)&_XmStrings[12855])
4015 #endif
4016 #ifndef XmCBidirectionalCursor
4017 #define XmCBidirectionalCursor ((char*)&_XmStrings[12875])
4018 #endif
4019 #ifndef XmNcollapsedStatePixmap
4020 #define XmNcollapsedStatePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[12895])
4021 #endif
4022 #ifndef XmNdetailColumnHeading
4023 #define XmNdetailColumnHeading ((char*)&_XmStrings[12916])
4024 #endif
4025 #ifndef XmNdetailCount
4026 #define XmNdetailCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[12936])
4027 #endif
4028 #ifndef XmNdetailTabList
4029 #define XmNdetailTabList ((char*)&_XmStrings[12948])
4030 #endif
4031 #ifndef XmNexpandedStatePixmap
4032 #define XmNexpandedStatePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[12962])
4033 #endif
4034 #ifndef XmNlargeCellHeight
4035 #define XmNlargeCellHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[12982])
4036 #endif
4037 #ifndef XmNlargeCellWidth
4038 #define XmNlargeCellWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[12998])
4039 #endif
4040 #ifndef XmNlayoutType
4041 #define XmNlayoutType ((char*)&_XmStrings[13013])
4042 #endif
4043 #ifndef XmNoutlineIndentation
4044 #define XmNoutlineIndentation ((char*)&_XmStrings[13024])
4045 #endif
4046 #ifndef XmNoutlineLineStyle
4047 #define XmNoutlineLineStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[13043])
4048 #endif
4049 #ifndef XmNprimaryOwnership
4050 #define XmNprimaryOwnership ((char*)&_XmStrings[13060])
4051 #endif
4052 #ifndef XmNselectionTechnique
4053 #define XmNselectionTechnique ((char*)&_XmStrings[13077])
4054 #endif
4055 #ifndef XmNsmallCellHeight
4056 #define XmNsmallCellHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[13096])
4057 #endif
4058 #ifndef XmNsmallCellWidth
4059 #define XmNsmallCellWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[13112])
4060 #endif
4061 #ifndef XmNspatialStyle
4062 #define XmNspatialStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[13127])
4063 #endif
4064 #ifndef XmNentryParent
4065 #define XmNentryParent ((char*)&_XmStrings[13140])
4066 #endif
4067 #ifndef XmNlargeIconX
4068 #define XmNlargeIconX ((char*)&_XmStrings[13152])
4069 #endif
4070 #ifndef XmNlargeIconY
4071 #define XmNlargeIconY ((char*)&_XmStrings[13163])
4072 #endif
4073 #ifndef XmNsmallIconX
4074 #define XmNsmallIconX ((char*)&_XmStrings[13174])
4075 #endif
4076 #ifndef XmNsmallIconY
4077 #define XmNsmallIconY ((char*)&_XmStrings[13185])
4078 #endif
4079 #ifndef XmCCollapsedStatePixmap
4080 #define XmCCollapsedStatePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[13196])
4081 #endif
4082 #ifndef XmCDetailColumnHeading
4083 #define XmCDetailColumnHeading ((char*)&_XmStrings[13217])
4084 #endif
4085 #ifndef XmCDetailCount
4086 #define XmCDetailCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[13237])
4087 #endif
4088 #ifndef XmCDetailMask
4089 #define XmCDetailMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[13249])
4090 #endif
4091 #ifndef XmCEntryViewType
4092 #define XmCEntryViewType ((char*)&_XmStrings[13260])
4093 #endif
4094 #ifndef XmCLineStyle
4095 #define XmCLineStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[13274])
4096 #endif
4097 #ifndef XmCDetailTabList
4098 #define XmCDetailTabList ((char*)&_XmStrings[13284])
4099 #endif
4100 #ifndef XmCExpandedStatePixmap
4101 #define XmCExpandedStatePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[13298])
4102 #endif
4103 #ifndef XmCIncludeModel
4104 #define XmCIncludeModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[13318])
4105 #endif
4106 #ifndef XmCCellHeight
4107 #define XmCCellHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[13331])
4108 #endif
4109 #ifndef XmCCellWidth
4110 #define XmCCellWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[13342])
4111 #endif
4112 #ifndef XmCLayoutType
4113 #define XmCLayoutType ((char*)&_XmStrings[13352])
4114 #endif
4115 #ifndef XmCOutlineIndentation
4116 #define XmCOutlineIndentation ((char*)&_XmStrings[13363])
4117 #endif
4118 #ifndef XmCPlaceModel
4119 #define XmCPlaceModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[13382])
4120 #endif
4121 #ifndef XmCPrimaryOwnership
4122 #define XmCPrimaryOwnership ((char*)&_XmStrings[13393])
4123 #endif
4124 #ifndef XmCSelectionTechnique
4125 #define XmCSelectionTechnique ((char*)&_XmStrings[13410])
4126 #endif
4127 #ifndef XmCSpatialStyle
4128 #define XmCSpatialStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[13429])
4129 #endif
4130 #ifndef XmCEntryDetail
4131 #define XmCEntryDetail ((char*)&_XmStrings[13442])
4132 #endif
4133 #ifndef XmCExpandState
4134 #define XmCExpandState ((char*)&_XmStrings[13454])
4135 #endif
4136 #ifndef XmNlargeIcon
4137 #define XmNlargeIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[13466])
4138 #endif
4139 #ifndef XmNlargeIconMask
4140 #define XmNlargeIconMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[13476])
4141 #endif
4142 #ifndef XmNlargeIconPixmap
4143 #define XmNlargeIconPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[13490])
4144 #endif
4145 #ifndef XmNsmallIcon
4146 #define XmNsmallIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[13506])
4147 #endif
4148 #ifndef XmNsmallIconMask
4149 #define XmNsmallIconMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[13516])
4150 #endif
4151 #ifndef XmNsmallIconPixmap
4152 #define XmNsmallIconPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[13530])
4153 #endif
4154 #ifndef XmCIcon
4155 #define XmCIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[13546])
4156 #endif
4157 #ifndef XmCViewType
4158 #define XmCViewType ((char*)&_XmStrings[13551])
4159 #endif
4160 #ifndef XmCVisualEmphasis
4161 #define XmCVisualEmphasis ((char*)&_XmStrings[13560])
4162 #endif
4163 #ifndef XmNcurrentPageNumber
4164 #define XmNcurrentPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13575])
4165 #endif
4166 #ifndef XmNfirstPageNumber
4167 #define XmNfirstPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13593])
4168 #endif
4169 #ifndef XmNlastPageNumber
4170 #define XmNlastPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13609])
4171 #endif
4172 #ifndef XmNbackPagePlacement
4173 #define XmNbackPagePlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[13624])
4174 #endif
4175 #ifndef XmNbackPageNumber
4176 #define XmNbackPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13642])
4177 #endif
4178 #ifndef XmNbackPageSize
4179 #define XmNbackPageSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[13657])
4180 #endif
4181 #ifndef XmNbackPageForeground
4182 #define XmNbackPageForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[13670])
4183 #endif
4184 #ifndef XmNbackPageBackground
4185 #define XmNbackPageBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[13689])
4186 #endif
4187 #ifndef XmNframeBackground
4188 #define XmNframeBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[13708])
4189 #endif
4190 #ifndef XmNbindingType
4191 #define XmNbindingType ((char*)&_XmStrings[13724])
4192 #endif
4193 #ifndef XmNbindingPixmap
4194 #define XmNbindingPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[13736])
4195 #endif
4196 #ifndef XmNbindingWidth
4197 #define XmNbindingWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[13750])
4198 #endif
4199 #ifndef XmNmajorTabSpacing
4200 #define XmNmajorTabSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[13763])
4201 #endif
4202 #ifndef XmNminorTabSpacing
4203 #define XmNminorTabSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[13779])
4204 #endif
4205 #ifndef XmNinnerMarginWidth
4206 #define XmNinnerMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[13795])
4207 #endif
4208 #ifndef XmNinnerMarginHeight
4209 #define XmNinnerMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[13812])
4210 #endif
4211 #ifndef XmNframeShadowThickness
4212 #define XmNframeShadowThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[13830])
4213 #endif
4214 #ifndef XmNpageNumber
4215 #define XmNpageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13851])
4216 #endif
4217 #ifndef XmCCurrentPageNumber
4218 #define XmCCurrentPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13862])
4219 #endif
4220 #ifndef XmCFirstPageNumber
4221 #define XmCFirstPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13880])
4222 #endif
4223 #ifndef XmCLastPageNumber
4224 #define XmCLastPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13896])
4225 #endif
4226 #ifndef XmCBackPagePlacement
4227 #define XmCBackPagePlacement ((char*)&_XmStrings[13911])
4228 #endif
4229 #ifndef XmCBackPageNumber
4230 #define XmCBackPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[13929])
4231 #endif
4232 #ifndef XmCBackPageSize
4233 #define XmCBackPageSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[13944])
4234 #endif
4235 #ifndef XmCBackPageForeground
4236 #define XmCBackPageForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[13957])
4237 #endif
4238 #ifndef XmCBackPageBackground
4239 #define XmCBackPageBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[13976])
4240 #endif
4241 #ifndef XmCFrameBackground
4242 #define XmCFrameBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[13995])
4243 #endif
4244 #ifndef XmCBindingType
4245 #define XmCBindingType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14011])
4246 #endif
4247 #ifndef XmCBindingPixmap
4248 #define XmCBindingPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[14023])
4249 #endif
4250 #ifndef XmCBindingWidth
4251 #define XmCBindingWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[14037])
4252 #endif
4253 #ifndef XmCMajorTabSpacing
4254 #define XmCMajorTabSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[14050])
4255 #endif
4256 #ifndef XmCMinorTabSpacing
4257 #define XmCMinorTabSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[14066])
4258 #endif
4259 #ifndef XmCInnerMarginWidth
4260 #define XmCInnerMarginWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[14082])
4261 #endif
4262 #ifndef XmCInnerMarginHeight
4263 #define XmCInnerMarginHeight ((char*)&_XmStrings[14099])
4264 #endif
4265 #ifndef XmCPageChangeCallback
4266 #define XmCPageChangeCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[14117])
4267 #endif
4268 #ifndef XmCPageNumber
4269 #define XmCPageNumber ((char*)&_XmStrings[14136])
4270 #endif
4271 #ifndef XmRArrowLayout
4272 #define XmRArrowLayout ((char*)&_XmStrings[14147])
4273 #endif
4274 #ifndef XmRArrowSensitivity
4275 #define XmRArrowSensitivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[14159])
4276 #endif
4277 #ifndef XmRSpinBoxChildType
4278 #define XmRSpinBoxChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14176])
4279 #endif
4280 #ifndef XmNarrowLayout
4281 #define XmNarrowLayout ((char*)&_XmStrings[14193])
4282 #endif
4283 #ifndef XmCArrowLayout
4284 #define XmCArrowLayout ((char*)&_XmStrings[14205])
4285 #endif
4286 #ifndef XmNarrowSensitivity
4287 #define XmNarrowSensitivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[14217])
4288 #endif
4289 #ifndef XmCArrowSensitivity
4290 #define XmCArrowSensitivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[14234])
4291 #endif
4292 #ifndef XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity
4293 #define XmNdefaultArrowSensitivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[14251])
4294 #endif
4295 #ifndef XmCDefaultArrowSensitivity
4296 #define XmCDefaultArrowSensitivity ((char*)&_XmStrings[14275])
4297 #endif
4298 #ifndef XmNarrowSize
4299 #define XmNarrowSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[14299])
4300 #endif
4301 #ifndef XmCArrowSize
4302 #define XmCArrowSize ((char*)&_XmStrings[14309])
4303 #endif
4304 #ifndef XmNspinBoxChildType
4305 #define XmNspinBoxChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14319])
4306 #endif
4307 #ifndef XmCSpinBoxChildType
4308 #define XmCSpinBoxChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14336])
4309 #endif
4310 #ifndef XmNposition
4311 #define XmNposition ((char*)&_XmStrings[14353])
4312 #endif
4313 #ifndef XmNnumValues
4314 #define XmNnumValues ((char*)&_XmStrings[14362])
4315 #endif
4316 #ifndef XmCNumValues
4317 #define XmCNumValues ((char*)&_XmStrings[14372])
4318 #endif
4319 #ifndef XmNvalues
4320 #define XmNvalues ((char*)&_XmStrings[14382])
4321 #endif
4322 #ifndef XmCValues
4323 #define XmCValues ((char*)&_XmStrings[14389])
4324 #endif
4325 #ifndef XmNminimumValue
4326 #define XmNminimumValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[14396])
4327 #endif
4328 #ifndef XmCMinimumValue
4329 #define XmCMinimumValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[14409])
4330 #endif
4331 #ifndef XmNmaximumValue
4332 #define XmNmaximumValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[14422])
4333 #endif
4334 #ifndef XmCMaximumValue
4335 #define XmCMaximumValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[14435])
4336 #endif
4337 #ifndef XmNincrementValue
4338 #define XmNincrementValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[14448])
4339 #endif
4340 #ifndef XmCIncrementValue
4341 #define XmCIncrementValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[14463])
4342 #endif
4343 #ifndef XmRAutomaticSelection
4344 #define XmRAutomaticSelection ((char*)&_XmStrings[14478])
4345 #endif
4346 #ifndef XmRLineStyle
4347 #define XmRLineStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[14497])
4348 #endif
4349 #ifndef XmREntryViewType
4350 #define XmREntryViewType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14507])
4351 #endif
4352 #ifndef XmRDirection
4353 #define XmRDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[14521])
4354 #endif
4355 #ifndef XmRLayoutType
4356 #define XmRLayoutType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14531])
4357 #endif
4358 #ifndef XmRPrimaryOwnership
4359 #define XmRPrimaryOwnership ((char*)&_XmStrings[14542])
4360 #endif
4361 #ifndef XmRSelectionTechnique
4362 #define XmRSelectionTechnique ((char*)&_XmStrings[14559])
4363 #endif
4364 #ifndef XmRSpatialStyle
4365 #define XmRSpatialStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[14578])
4366 #endif
4367 #ifndef XmRTabList
4368 #define XmRTabList ((char*)&_XmStrings[14591])
4369 #endif
4370 #ifndef XmRViewType
4371 #define XmRViewType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14599])
4372 #endif
4373 #ifndef XmRVisualEmphasis
4374 #define XmRVisualEmphasis ((char*)&_XmStrings[14608])
4375 #endif
4376 #ifndef XmRBindingType
4377 #define XmRBindingType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14623])
4378 #endif
4379 #ifndef XmRNBChildType
4380 #define XmRNBChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14635])
4381 #endif
4382 #ifndef XmNentryViewType
4383 #define XmNentryViewType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14647])
4384 #endif
4385 #ifndef XmNinsensitiveStippleBitmap
4386 #define XmNinsensitiveStippleBitmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[14661])
4387 #endif
4388 #ifndef XmNlayoutDirection
4389 #define XmNlayoutDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[14686])
4390 #endif
4391 #ifndef XmNviewType
4392 #define XmNviewType ((char*)&_XmStrings[14702])
4393 #endif
4394 #ifndef XmNvisualEmphasis
4395 #define XmNvisualEmphasis ((char*)&_XmStrings[14711])
4396 #endif
4397 #ifndef XmCLayoutDirection
4398 #define XmCLayoutDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[14726])
4399 #endif
4400 #ifndef XmNsnapBackMultiple
4401 #define XmNsnapBackMultiple ((char*)&_XmStrings[14742])
4402 #endif
4403 #ifndef XmNslidingMode
4404 #define XmNslidingMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[14759])
4405 #endif
4406 #ifndef XmNsliderVisual
4407 #define XmNsliderVisual ((char*)&_XmStrings[14771])
4408 #endif
4409 #ifndef XmNautoDragModel
4410 #define XmNautoDragModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[14784])
4411 #endif
4412 #ifndef XmNcolorCalculationProc
4413 #define XmNcolorCalculationProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[14798])
4414 #endif
4415 #ifndef XmNbitmapConversionModel
4416 #define XmNbitmapConversionModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[14819])
4417 #endif
4418 #ifndef XmNcolorAllocationProc
4419 #define XmNcolorAllocationProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[14841])
4420 #endif
4421 #ifndef XmNselectionMode
4422 #define XmNselectionMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[14861])
4423 #endif
4424 #ifndef XmNselectedPositions
4425 #define XmNselectedPositions ((char*)&_XmStrings[14875])
4426 #endif
4427 #ifndef XmNselectedPositionCount
4428 #define XmNselectedPositionCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[14893])
4429 #endif
4430 #ifndef XmCSnapBackMultiple
4431 #define XmCSnapBackMultiple ((char*)&_XmStrings[14915])
4432 #endif
4433 #ifndef XmCSliderVisual
4434 #define XmCSliderVisual ((char*)&_XmStrings[14932])
4435 #endif
4436 #ifndef XmCSlidingMode
4437 #define XmCSlidingMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[14945])
4438 #endif
4439 #ifndef XmCAutoDragModel
4440 #define XmCAutoDragModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[14957])
4441 #endif
4442 #ifndef XmCColorCalculationProc
4443 #define XmCColorCalculationProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[14971])
4444 #endif
4445 #ifndef XmCBitmapConversionModel
4446 #define XmCBitmapConversionModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[14992])
4447 #endif
4448 #ifndef XmCColorAllocationProc
4449 #define XmCColorAllocationProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[15014])
4450 #endif
4451 #ifndef XmCInsensitiveStippleBitmap
4452 #define XmCInsensitiveStippleBitmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[15034])
4453 #endif
4454 #ifndef XmCSelectionMode
4455 #define XmCSelectionMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[15059])
4456 #endif
4457 #ifndef XmCSelectedPositions
4458 #define XmCSelectedPositions ((char*)&_XmStrings[15073])
4459 #endif
4460 #ifndef XmCSelectedPositionCount
4461 #define XmCSelectedPositionCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[15091])
4462 #endif
4463 #ifndef XmRSlidingMode
4464 #define XmRSlidingMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[15113])
4465 #endif
4466 #ifndef XmRShowArrows
4467 #define XmRShowArrows ((char*)&_XmStrings[15125])
4468 #endif
4469 #ifndef XmRSliderVisual
4470 #define XmRSliderVisual ((char*)&_XmStrings[15136])
4471 #endif
4472 #ifndef XmRShowValue
4473 #define XmRShowValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[15149])
4474 #endif
4475 #ifndef XmRAutoDragModel
4476 #define XmRAutoDragModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[15159])
4477 #endif
4478 #ifndef XmRSWChildType
4479 #define XmRSWChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15173])
4480 #endif
4481 #ifndef XmRBitmapConversionModel
4482 #define XmRBitmapConversionModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[15185])
4483 #endif
4484 #ifndef XmRSelectionMode
4485 #define XmRSelectionMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[15207])
4486 #endif
4487 #ifndef XmNinputPolicy
4488 #define XmNinputPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[15221])
4489 #endif
4490 #ifndef XmCInputPolicy
4491 #define XmCInputPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[15233])
4492 #endif
4493 #ifndef XmRInputPolicy
4494 #define XmRInputPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[15245])
4495 #endif
4496 #ifndef XmNtoggleMode
4497 #define XmNtoggleMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[15257])
4498 #endif
4499 #ifndef XmCToggleMode
4500 #define XmCToggleMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[15268])
4501 #endif
4502 #ifndef XmRToggleMode
4503 #define XmRToggleMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[15279])
4504 #endif
4505 #ifndef XmRIndicatorOn
4506 #define XmRIndicatorOn ((char*)&_XmStrings[15290])
4507 #endif
4508 #ifndef XmRSet
4509 #define XmRSet ((char*)&_XmStrings[15302])
4510 #endif
4511 #ifndef XmNindeterminatePixmap
4512 #define XmNindeterminatePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[15306])
4513 #endif
4514 #ifndef XmCIndeterminatePixmap
4515 #define XmCIndeterminatePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[15326])
4516 #endif
4517 #ifndef XmNunselectColor
4518 #define XmNunselectColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[15346])
4519 #endif
4520 #ifndef XmCUnselectColor
4521 #define XmCUnselectColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[15360])
4522 #endif
4523 #ifndef XmNselectedPosition
4524 #define XmNselectedPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[15374])
4525 #endif
4526 #ifndef XmNarrowSpacing
4527 #define XmNarrowSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[15391])
4528 #endif
4529 #ifndef XmCArrowSpacing
4530 #define XmCArrowSpacing ((char*)&_XmStrings[15404])
4531 #endif
4532 #ifndef XmRMatchBehavior
4533 #define XmRMatchBehavior ((char*)&_XmStrings[15417])
4534 #endif
4535 #ifndef XmRComboBoxType
4536 #define XmRComboBoxType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15431])
4537 #endif
4538 #ifndef XmCSelectedPosition
4539 #define XmCSelectedPosition ((char*)&_XmStrings[15444])
4540 #endif
4541 #ifndef XmNenableWarp
4542 #define XmNenableWarp ((char*)&_XmStrings[15461])
4543 #endif
4544 #ifndef XmCEnableWarp
4545 #define XmCEnableWarp ((char*)&_XmStrings[15472])
4546 #endif
4547 #ifndef XmREnableWarp
4548 #define XmREnableWarp ((char*)&_XmStrings[15483])
4549 #endif
4550 #ifndef XmNmotifVersion
4551 #define XmNmotifVersion ((char*)&_XmStrings[15494])
4552 #endif
4553 #ifndef XmCMotifVersion
4554 #define XmCMotifVersion ((char*)&_XmStrings[15507])
4555 #endif
4556 #ifndef XmNdefaultGlyphPixmap
4557 #define XmNdefaultGlyphPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[15520])
4558 #endif
4559 #ifndef XmCDefaultGlyphPixmap
4560 #define XmCDefaultGlyphPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[15539])
4561 #endif
4562 #ifndef XmCRendition
4563 #define XmCRendition ((char*)&_XmStrings[15558])
4564 #endif
4565 #ifndef XmNtag
4566 #define XmNtag ((char*)&_XmStrings[15568])
4567 #endif
4568 #ifndef XmCTag
4569 #define XmCTag ((char*)&_XmStrings[15572])
4570 #endif
4571 #ifndef XmNfontName
4572 #define XmNfontName ((char*)&_XmStrings[15576])
4573 #endif
4574 #ifndef XmCFontName
4575 #define XmCFontName ((char*)&_XmStrings[15585])
4576 #endif
4577 #ifndef XmNfontType
4578 #define XmNfontType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15594])
4579 #endif
4580 #ifndef XmCFontType
4581 #define XmCFontType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15603])
4582 #endif
4583 #ifndef XmRFontType
4584 #define XmRFontType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15612])
4585 #endif
4586 #ifndef XmNloadModel
4587 #define XmNloadModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[15621])
4588 #endif
4589 #ifndef XmCLoadModel
4590 #define XmCLoadModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[15631])
4591 #endif
4592 #ifndef XmRLoadModel
4593 #define XmRLoadModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[15641])
4594 #endif
4595 #ifndef XmNtabList
4596 #define XmNtabList ((char*)&_XmStrings[15651])
4597 #endif
4598 #ifndef XmCTabList
4599 #define XmCTabList ((char*)&_XmStrings[15659])
4600 #endif
4601 #ifndef XmRRenditionPixel
4602 #define XmRRenditionPixel ((char*)&_XmStrings[15667])
4603 #endif
4604 #ifndef XmNunderlineType
4605 #define XmNunderlineType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15682])
4606 #endif
4607 #ifndef XmCUnderlineType
4608 #define XmCUnderlineType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15696])
4609 #endif
4610 #ifndef XmNstrikethruType
4611 #define XmNstrikethruType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15710])
4612 #endif
4613 #ifndef XmCStrikethruType
4614 #define XmCStrikethruType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15725])
4615 #endif
4616 #ifndef XmRLineType
4617 #define XmRLineType ((char*)&_XmStrings[15740])
4618 #endif
4619 #ifndef XmNrenderTable
4620 #define XmNrenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15749])
4621 #endif
4622 #ifndef XmCRenderTable
4623 #define XmCRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15761])
4624 #endif
4625 #ifndef XmRRenderTable
4626 #define XmRRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15773])
4627 #endif
4628 #ifndef XmNbuttonRenderTable
4629 #define XmNbuttonRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15785])
4630 #endif
4631 #ifndef XmCButtonRenderTable
4632 #define XmCButtonRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15803])
4633 #endif
4634 #ifndef XmRButtonRenderTable
4635 #define XmRButtonRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15821])
4636 #endif
4637 #ifndef XmNlabelRenderTable
4638 #define XmNlabelRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15839])
4639 #endif
4640 #ifndef XmCLabelRenderTable
4641 #define XmCLabelRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15856])
4642 #endif
4643 #ifndef XmRLabelRenderTable
4644 #define XmRLabelRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15873])
4645 #endif
4646 #ifndef XmNtextRenderTable
4647 #define XmNtextRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15890])
4648 #endif
4649 #ifndef XmCTextRenderTable
4650 #define XmCTextRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15906])
4651 #endif
4652 #ifndef XmRTextRenderTable
4653 #define XmRTextRenderTable ((char*)&_XmStrings[15922])
4654 #endif
4655 #ifndef XmNdragStartCallback
4656 #define XmNdragStartCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[15938])
4657 #endif
4658 #ifndef XmNnoRenditionCallback
4659 #define XmNnoRenditionCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[15956])
4660 #endif
4661 #ifndef XmSXmAS_IS
4662 #define XmSXmAS_IS ((char*)&_XmStrings[15976])
4663 #endif
4664 #ifndef XmMIsWhiteSpaceMethod
4665 #define XmMIsWhiteSpaceMethod ((char*)&_XmStrings[15984])
4666 #endif
4667 #ifndef XmMIsScanBreakMethod
4668 #define XmMIsScanBreakMethod ((char*)&_XmStrings[16003])
4669 #endif
4670 #ifndef XmMCharDirection
4671 #define XmMCharDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[16021])
4672 #endif
4673 #ifndef XmMInitialCharsDirection
4674 #define XmMInitialCharsDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[16035])
4675 #endif
4676 #ifndef XmNpatternType
4677 #define XmNpatternType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16057])
4678 #endif
4679 #ifndef XmNsubstitute
4680 #define XmNsubstitute ((char*)&_XmStrings[16069])
4681 #endif
4682 #ifndef XmNinvokeParseProc
4683 #define XmNinvokeParseProc ((char*)&_XmStrings[16080])
4684 #endif
4685 #ifndef XmNincludeStatus
4686 #define XmNincludeStatus ((char*)&_XmStrings[16096])
4687 #endif
4688 #ifndef XmVosfBackTab
4689 #define XmVosfBackTab ((char*)&_XmStrings[16110])
4690 #endif
4691 #ifndef XmVosfBeginData
4692 #define XmVosfBeginData ((char*)&_XmStrings[16121])
4693 #endif
4694 #ifndef XmVosfDeselectAll
4695 #define XmVosfDeselectAll ((char*)&_XmStrings[16134])
4696 #endif
4697 #ifndef XmVosfEndData
4698 #define XmVosfEndData ((char*)&_XmStrings[16149])
4699 #endif
4700 #ifndef XmVosfEscape
4701 #define XmVosfEscape ((char*)&_XmStrings[16160])
4702 #endif
4703 #ifndef XmVosfExtend
4704 #define XmVosfExtend ((char*)&_XmStrings[16170])
4705 #endif
4706 #ifndef XmVosfLeftLine
4707 #define XmVosfLeftLine ((char*)&_XmStrings[16180])
4708 #endif
4709 #ifndef XmVosfNext
4710 #define XmVosfNext ((char*)&_XmStrings[16192])
4711 #endif
4712 #ifndef XmVosfNextField
4713 #define XmVosfNextField ((char*)&_XmStrings[16200])
4714 #endif
4715 #ifndef XmVosfNextMenu
4716 #define XmVosfNextMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[16213])
4717 #endif
4718 #ifndef XmVosfNextMinor
4719 #define XmVosfNextMinor ((char*)&_XmStrings[16225])
4720 #endif
4721 #ifndef XmVosfPrevField
4722 #define XmVosfPrevField ((char*)&_XmStrings[16238])
4723 #endif
4724 #ifndef XmVosfPrevMenu
4725 #define XmVosfPrevMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[16251])
4726 #endif
4727 #ifndef XmVosfPrior
4728 #define XmVosfPrior ((char*)&_XmStrings[16263])
4729 #endif
4730 #ifndef XmVosfPriorMinor
4731 #define XmVosfPriorMinor ((char*)&_XmStrings[16272])
4732 #endif
4733 #ifndef XmVosfReselect
4734 #define XmVosfReselect ((char*)&_XmStrings[16286])
4735 #endif
4736 #ifndef XmVosfRestore
4737 #define XmVosfRestore ((char*)&_XmStrings[16298])
4738 #endif
4739 #ifndef XmVosfRightLine
4740 #define XmVosfRightLine ((char*)&_XmStrings[16309])
4741 #endif
4742 #ifndef XmVosfSelectAll
4743 #define XmVosfSelectAll ((char*)&_XmStrings[16322])
4744 #endif
4745 #ifndef XmVosfSwitchDirection
4746 #define XmVosfSwitchDirection ((char*)&_XmStrings[16335])
4747 #endif
4748 #ifndef XmNnotebookChildType
4749 #define XmNnotebookChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16354])
4750 #endif
4751 #ifndef XmCNotebookChildType
4752 #define XmCNotebookChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16372])
4753 #endif
4754 #ifndef XmRNotebookChildType
4755 #define XmRNotebookChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16390])
4756 #endif
4757 #ifndef XmNscrolledWindowChildType
4758 #define XmNscrolledWindowChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16408])
4759 #endif
4760 #ifndef XmCScrolledWindowChildType
4761 #define XmCScrolledWindowChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16432])
4762 #endif
4763 #ifndef XmRScrolledWindowChildType
4764 #define XmRScrolledWindowChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16456])
4765 #endif
4766 #ifndef XmNselectedObjects
4767 #define XmNselectedObjects ((char*)&_XmStrings[16480])
4768 #endif
4769 #ifndef XmCSelectedObjects
4770 #define XmCSelectedObjects ((char*)&_XmStrings[16496])
4771 #endif
4772 #ifndef XmNselectedObjectCount
4773 #define XmNselectedObjectCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[16512])
4774 #endif
4775 #ifndef XmCSelectedObjectCount
4776 #define XmCSelectedObjectCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[16532])
4777 #endif
4778 #ifndef XmNcomboBoxType
4779 #define XmNcomboBoxType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16552])
4780 #endif
4781 #ifndef XmCComboBoxType
4782 #define XmCComboBoxType ((char*)&_XmStrings[16565])
4783 #endif
4784 #ifndef XmNtabValue
4785 #define XmNtabValue ((char*)&_XmStrings[16578])
4786 #endif
4787 #ifndef XmNoffsetModel
4788 #define XmNoffsetModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[16587])
4789 #endif
4790 #ifndef XmNdecimal
4791 #define XmNdecimal ((char*)&_XmStrings[16599])
4792 #endif
4793 #ifndef XmNdetail
4794 #define XmNdetail ((char*)&_XmStrings[16607])
4795 #endif
4796 #ifndef XmCDetail
4797 #define XmCDetail ((char*)&_XmStrings[16614])
4798 #endif
4799 #ifndef XmNdetailCount
4800 #define XmNdetailCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[16621])
4801 #endif
4802 #ifndef XmCDetailCount
4803 #define XmCDetailCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[16633])
4804 #endif
4805 #ifndef XmNcontainerID
4806 #define XmNcontainerID ((char*)&_XmStrings[16645])
4807 #endif
4808 #ifndef XmCContainerID
4809 #define XmCContainerID ((char*)&_XmStrings[16657])
4810 #endif
4811 #ifndef XmSCLIENT_WINDOW
4812 #define XmSCLIENT_WINDOW ((char*)&_XmStrings[16669])
4813 #endif
4814 #ifndef XmSCLIP_TEMPORARY
4815 #define XmSCLIP_TEMPORARY ((char*)&_XmStrings[16683])
4816 #endif
4817 #ifndef XmSCLIPBOARD
4818 #define XmSCLIPBOARD ((char*)&_XmStrings[16698])
4819 #endif
4820 #ifndef XmSCOMPOUND_TEXT
4821 #define XmSCOMPOUND_TEXT ((char*)&_XmStrings[16708])
4822 #endif
4823 #ifndef XmSDELETE
4824 #define XmSDELETE ((char*)&_XmStrings[16722])
4825 #endif
4826 #ifndef XmSFILE
4827 #define XmSFILE ((char*)&_XmStrings[16729])
4828 #endif
4829 #ifndef XmSFILE_NAME
4830 #define XmSFILE_NAME ((char*)&_XmStrings[16734])
4831 #endif
4832 #ifndef XmSINCR
4833 #define XmSINCR ((char*)&_XmStrings[16744])
4834 #endif
4836 #define XmSINSERT_PROPERTY ((char*)&_XmStrings[16749])
4837 #endif
4839 #define XmSINSERT_SELECTION ((char*)&_XmStrings[16765])
4840 #endif
4841 #ifndef XmSLENGTH
4842 #define XmSLENGTH ((char*)&_XmStrings[16782])
4843 #endif
4844 #ifndef XmSLINK_SELECTION
4845 #define XmSLINK_SELECTION ((char*)&_XmStrings[16789])
4846 #endif
4847 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_ATOM_0
4848 #define XmS_MOTIF_ATOM_0 ((char*)&_XmStrings[16804])
4849 #endif
4850 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_BINDINGS
4851 #define XmS_MOTIF_BINDINGS ((char*)&_XmStrings[16818])
4852 #endif
4854 #define XmS_MOTIF_DEFAULT_BINDINGS ((char*)&_XmStrings[16834])
4855 #endif
4857 #define XmS_MOTIF_CANCEL_DROP_EFFECT ((char*)&_XmStrings[16858])
4858 #endif
4859 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_HEADER
4860 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_HEADER ((char*)&_XmStrings[16884])
4861 #endif
4863 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_DATA_REQUEST ((char*)&_XmStrings[16903])
4864 #endif
4866 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_DATA_DELETE ((char*)&_XmStrings[16928])
4867 #endif
4868 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_ITEM
4869 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_ITEM ((char*)&_XmStrings[16952])
4870 #endif
4871 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_LOCK
4872 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_LOCK ((char*)&_XmStrings[16969])
4873 #endif
4875 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_LOCK_ACCESS_VALID ((char*)&_XmStrings[16986])
4876 #endif
4878 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_MESSAGE ((char*)&_XmStrings[17016])
4879 #endif
4880 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_NEXT_ID
4881 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_NEXT_ID ((char*)&_XmStrings[17036])
4882 #endif
4883 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_TIME
4884 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIP_TIME ((char*)&_XmStrings[17056])
4885 #endif
4887 #define XmS_MOTIF_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS ((char*)&_XmStrings[17073])
4888 #endif
4890 #define XmS_MOTIF_COMPOUND_STRING ((char*)&_XmStrings[17098])
4891 #endif
4893 #define XmS_MOTIF_DEFERRED_CLIPBOARD_TARGETS ((char*)&_XmStrings[17121])
4894 #endif
4896 #define XmS_MOTIF_DESTINATION ((char*)&_XmStrings[17155])
4897 #endif
4898 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_DRAG_OFFSET
4899 #define XmS_MOTIF_DRAG_OFFSET ((char*)&_XmStrings[17174])
4900 #endif
4901 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_DROP
4902 #define XmS_MOTIF_DROP ((char*)&_XmStrings[17193])
4903 #endif
4905 #define XmS_MOTIF_ENCODING_REGISTRY ((char*)&_XmStrings[17205])
4906 #endif
4908 #define XmS_MOTIF_EXPORT_TARGETS ((char*)&_XmStrings[17230])
4909 #endif
4911 #define XmS_MOTIF_LOSE_SELECTION ((char*)&_XmStrings[17252])
4912 #endif
4914 #define XmS_MOTIF_RENDER_TABLE ((char*)&_XmStrings[17274])
4915 #endif
4916 #ifndef XmS_MOTIF_WM_QUERY
4917 #define XmS_MOTIF_WM_QUERY ((char*)&_XmStrings[17294])
4918 #endif
4920 #define XmS_MOTIF_WM_ALL_CLIENTS ((char*)&_XmStrings[17310])
4921 #endif
4922 #ifndef XmSMULTIPLE
4923 #define XmSMULTIPLE ((char*)&_XmStrings[17332])
4924 #endif
4925 #ifndef XmSNULL
4926 #define XmSNULL ((char*)&_XmStrings[17341])
4927 #endif
4928 #ifndef XmSTARGETS
4929 #define XmSTARGETS ((char*)&_XmStrings[17346])
4930 #endif
4931 #ifndef XmSTEXT
4932 #define XmSTEXT ((char*)&_XmStrings[17354])
4933 #endif
4934 #ifndef XmSTIMESTAMP
4935 #define XmSTIMESTAMP ((char*)&_XmStrings[17359])
4936 #endif
4937 #ifndef XmSWM_STATE
4938 #define XmSWM_STATE ((char*)&_XmStrings[17369])
4939 #endif
4941 #define XmSTRANSFER_SUCCESS ((char*)&_XmStrings[17378])
4942 #endif
4944 #define XmSTRANSFER_FAILURE ((char*)&_XmStrings[17397])
4945 #endif
4946 #ifndef XmNpathMode
4947 #define XmNpathMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[17416])
4948 #endif
4949 #ifndef XmRPathMode
4950 #define XmRPathMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[17425])
4951 #endif
4952 #ifndef XmCPathMode
4953 #define XmCPathMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[17434])
4954 #endif
4955 #ifndef XmNfileFilterStyle
4956 #define XmNfileFilterStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[17443])
4957 #endif
4958 #ifndef XmRFileFilterStyle
4959 #define XmRFileFilterStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[17459])
4960 #endif
4961 #ifndef XmCFileFilterStyle
4962 #define XmCFileFilterStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[17475])
4963 #endif
4964 #ifndef XmNdirTextLabelString
4965 #define XmNdirTextLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[17491])
4966 #endif
4967 #ifndef XmCDirTextLabelString
4968 #define XmCDirTextLabelString ((char*)&_XmStrings[17510])
4969 #endif
4970 #ifndef XmNenableBtn1Transfer
4971 #define XmNenableBtn1Transfer ((char*)&_XmStrings[17529])
4972 #endif
4973 #ifndef XmCEnableBtn1Transfer
4974 #define XmCEnableBtn1Transfer ((char*)&_XmStrings[17548])
4975 #endif
4976 #ifndef XmNenableButtonTab
4977 #define XmNenableButtonTab ((char*)&_XmStrings[17567])
4978 #endif
4979 #ifndef XmCEnableButtonTab
4980 #define XmCEnableButtonTab ((char*)&_XmStrings[17583])
4981 #endif
4982 #ifndef XmNenableEtchedInMenu
4983 #define XmNenableEtchedInMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[17599])
4984 #endif
4985 #ifndef XmCEnableEtchedInMenu
4986 #define XmCEnableEtchedInMenu ((char*)&_XmStrings[17618])
4987 #endif
4988 #ifndef XmNdefaultButtonEmphasis
4989 #define XmNdefaultButtonEmphasis ((char*)&_XmStrings[17637])
4990 #endif
4991 #ifndef XmCDefaultButtonEmphasis
4992 #define XmCDefaultButtonEmphasis ((char*)&_XmStrings[17659])
4993 #endif
4994 #ifndef XmRDefaultButtonEmphasis
4995 #define XmRDefaultButtonEmphasis ((char*)&_XmStrings[17681])
4996 #endif
4997 #ifndef XmNenableToggleColor
4998 #define XmNenableToggleColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[17703])
4999 #endif
5000 #ifndef XmCEnableToggleColor
5001 #define XmCEnableToggleColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[17721])
5002 #endif
5003 #ifndef XmNenableToggleVisual
5004 #define XmNenableToggleVisual ((char*)&_XmStrings[17739])
5005 #endif
5006 #ifndef XmCEnableToggleVisual
5007 #define XmCEnableToggleVisual ((char*)&_XmStrings[17758])
5008 #endif
5009 #ifndef XmNenableDragIcon
5010 #define XmNenableDragIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[17777])
5011 #endif
5012 #ifndef XmCEnableDragIcon
5013 #define XmCEnableDragIcon ((char*)&_XmStrings[17792])
5014 #endif
5015 #ifndef XmNenableUnselectableDrag
5016 #define XmNenableUnselectableDrag ((char*)&_XmStrings[17807])
5017 #endif
5018 #ifndef XmCEnableUnselectableDrag
5019 #define XmCEnableUnselectableDrag ((char*)&_XmStrings[17830])
5020 #endif
5021 #ifndef XmNdragOverActiveMode
5022 #define XmNdragOverActiveMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[17853])
5023 #endif
5024 #ifndef XmCDragOverActiveMode
5025 #define XmCDragOverActiveMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[17872])
5026 #endif
5027 #ifndef XmNinstallColormap
5028 #define XmNinstallColormap ((char*)&_XmStrings[17891])
5029 #endif
5030 #ifndef XmCInstallColormap
5031 #define XmCInstallColormap ((char*)&_XmStrings[17907])
5032 #endif
5033 #ifndef XmCOwnerEvents
5034 #define XmCOwnerEvents ((char*)&_XmStrings[17923])
5035 #endif
5036 #ifndef XmNownerEvents
5037 #define XmNownerEvents ((char*)&_XmStrings[17935])
5038 #endif
5039 #ifndef XmCGrabStyle
5040 #define XmCGrabStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[17947])
5041 #endif
5042 #ifndef XmNgrabStyle
5043 #define XmNgrabStyle ((char*)&_XmStrings[17957])
5044 #endif
5045 #ifndef XmNforegroundState
5046 #define XmNforegroundState ((char*)&_XmStrings[17967])
5047 #endif
5048 #ifndef XmNbackgroundState
5049 #define XmNbackgroundState ((char*)&_XmStrings[17983])
5050 #endif
5051 #ifndef XmCGroundState
5052 #define XmCGroundState ((char*)&_XmStrings[17999])
5053 #endif
5054 #ifndef XmRGroundState
5055 #define XmRGroundState ((char*)&_XmStrings[18011])
5056 #endif
5057 #ifndef XmRSelectColor
5058 #define XmRSelectColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[18023])
5059 #endif
5060 #ifndef XmRLargeIconPixmap
5061 #define XmRLargeIconPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[18035])
5062 #endif
5063 #ifndef XmRSmallIconPixmap
5064 #define XmRSmallIconPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[18051])
5065 #endif
5066 #ifndef XmNoutlineState
5067 #define XmNoutlineState ((char*)&_XmStrings[18067])
5068 #endif
5069 #ifndef XmCOutlineState
5070 #define XmCOutlineState ((char*)&_XmStrings[18080])
5071 #endif
5072 #ifndef XmROutlineState
5073 #define XmROutlineState ((char*)&_XmStrings[18093])
5074 #endif
5075 #ifndef XmNspatialIncludeModel
5076 #define XmNspatialIncludeModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18106])
5077 #endif
5078 #ifndef XmCSpatialIncludeModel
5079 #define XmCSpatialIncludeModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18126])
5080 #endif
5081 #ifndef XmRSpatialIncludeModel
5082 #define XmRSpatialIncludeModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18146])
5083 #endif
5084 #ifndef XmNspatialResizeModel
5085 #define XmNspatialResizeModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18166])
5086 #endif
5087 #ifndef XmCSpatialResizeModel
5088 #define XmCSpatialResizeModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18185])
5089 #endif
5090 #ifndef XmRSpatialResizeModel
5091 #define XmRSpatialResizeModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18204])
5092 #endif
5093 #ifndef XmNspatialSnapModel
5094 #define XmNspatialSnapModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18223])
5095 #endif
5096 #ifndef XmCSpatialSnapModel
5097 #define XmCSpatialSnapModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18240])
5098 #endif
5099 #ifndef XmRSpatialSnapModel
5100 #define XmRSpatialSnapModel ((char*)&_XmStrings[18257])
5101 #endif
5102 #ifndef XmNdetailColumnHeadingCount
5103 #define XmNdetailColumnHeadingCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[18274])
5104 #endif
5105 #ifndef XmCDetailColumnHeadingCount
5106 #define XmCDetailColumnHeadingCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[18299])
5107 #endif
5108 #ifndef XmNdetailOrder
5109 #define XmNdetailOrder ((char*)&_XmStrings[18324])
5110 #endif
5111 #ifndef XmCDetailOrder
5112 #define XmCDetailOrder ((char*)&_XmStrings[18336])
5113 #endif
5114 #ifndef XmRCardinalList
5115 #define XmRCardinalList ((char*)&_XmStrings[18348])
5116 #endif
5117 #ifndef XmNdetailOrderCount
5118 #define XmNdetailOrderCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[18361])
5119 #endif
5120 #ifndef XmCDetailOrderCount
5121 #define XmCDetailOrderCount ((char*)&_XmStrings[18378])
5122 #endif
5123 #ifndef XmNoutlineColumnWidth
5124 #define XmNoutlineColumnWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[18395])
5125 #endif
5126 #ifndef XmCOutlineColumnWidth
5127 #define XmCOutlineColumnWidth ((char*)&_XmStrings[18414])
5128 #endif
5129 #ifndef XmNoutlineChangedCallback
5130 #define XmNoutlineChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[18433])
5131 #endif
5132 #ifndef XmCOutlineChangedCallback
5133 #define XmCOutlineChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[18456])
5134 #endif
5135 #ifndef XmNoutlineButtonPolicy
5136 #define XmNoutlineButtonPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[18479])
5137 #endif
5138 #ifndef XmCOutlineButtonPolicy
5139 #define XmCOutlineButtonPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[18499])
5140 #endif
5141 #ifndef XmROutlineButtonPolicy
5142 #define XmROutlineButtonPolicy ((char*)&_XmStrings[18519])
5143 #endif
5144 #ifndef XmCDefaultVirtualBindings
5145 #define XmCDefaultVirtualBindings ((char*)&_XmStrings[18539])
5146 #endif
5147 #ifndef XmNdefaultVirtualBindings
5148 #define XmNdefaultVirtualBindings ((char*)&_XmStrings[18562])
5149 #endif
5150 #ifndef XmCResizable
5151 #define XmCResizable ((char*)&_XmStrings[18585])
5152 #endif
5153 #ifndef XmRDynamicPixmap
5154 #define XmRDynamicPixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[18595])
5155 #endif
5156 #ifndef XmNpageChangedCallback
5157 #define XmNpageChangedCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[18609])
5158 #endif
5159 #ifndef XmNarea
5160 #define XmNarea ((char*)&_XmStrings[18629])
5161 #endif
5162 #ifndef XmNdetailShadowThickness
5163 #define XmNdetailShadowThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[18634])
5164 #endif
5165 #ifndef XmNsliderMark
5166 #define XmNsliderMark ((char*)&_XmStrings[18656])
5167 #endif
5168 #ifndef XmCSliderMark
5169 #define XmCSliderMark ((char*)&_XmStrings[18667])
5170 #endif
5171 #ifndef XmRSliderMark
5172 #define XmRSliderMark ((char*)&_XmStrings[18678])
5173 #endif
5174 #ifndef XmREnableBtn1Transfer
5175 #define XmREnableBtn1Transfer ((char*)&_XmStrings[18689])
5176 #endif
5177 #ifndef XmNrenditionBackground
5178 #define XmNrenditionBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[18708])
5179 #endif
5180 #ifndef XmNrenditionForeground
5181 #define XmNrenditionForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[18728])
5182 #endif
5183 #ifndef XmCRenditionBackground
5184 #define XmCRenditionBackground ((char*)&_XmStrings[18748])
5185 #endif
5186 #ifndef XmCRenditionForeground
5187 #define XmCRenditionForeground ((char*)&_XmStrings[18768])
5188 #endif
5189 #ifndef XmNindeterminateInsensitivePixmap
5190 #define XmNindeterminateInsensitivePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[18788])
5191 #endif
5192 #ifndef XmCIndeterminateInsensitivePixmap
5193 #define XmCIndeterminateInsensitivePixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[18819])
5194 #endif
5195 #ifndef XmNframeChildType
5196 #define XmNframeChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[18850])
5197 #endif
5198 #ifndef XmCFrameChildType
5199 #define XmCFrameChildType ((char*)&_XmStrings[18865])
5200 #endif
5201 #ifndef XmNtextField
5202 #define XmNtextField ((char*)&_XmStrings[18880])
5203 #endif
5204 #ifndef XmCTextField
5205 #define XmCTextField ((char*)&_XmStrings[18890])
5206 #endif
5207 #ifndef XmNenableThinThickness
5208 #define XmNenableThinThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[18900])
5209 #endif
5210 #ifndef XmCEnableThinThickness
5211 #define XmCEnableThinThickness ((char*)&_XmStrings[18920])
5212 #endif
5213 #ifndef XmNprimaryColorSetId
5214 #define XmNprimaryColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[18940])
5215 #endif
5216 #ifndef XmCPrimaryColorSetId
5217 #define XmCPrimaryColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[18958])
5218 #endif
5219 #ifndef XmNsecondaryColorSetId
5220 #define XmNsecondaryColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[18976])
5221 #endif
5222 #ifndef XmCSecondaryColorSetId
5223 #define XmCSecondaryColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[18996])
5224 #endif
5225 #ifndef XmNtextColorSetId
5226 #define XmNtextColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[19016])
5227 #endif
5228 #ifndef XmCTextColorSetId
5229 #define XmCTextColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[19031])
5230 #endif
5231 #ifndef XmNactiveColorSetId
5232 #define XmNactiveColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[19046])
5233 #endif
5234 #ifndef XmCActiveColorSetId
5235 #define XmCActiveColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[19063])
5236 #endif
5237 #ifndef XmNinactiveColorSetId
5238 #define XmNinactiveColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[19080])
5239 #endif
5240 #ifndef XmCInactiveColorSetId
5241 #define XmCInactiveColorSetId ((char*)&_XmStrings[19099])
5242 #endif
5243 #ifndef XmNuseColorObj
5244 #define XmNuseColorObj ((char*)&_XmStrings[19118])
5245 #endif
5246 #ifndef XmCUseColorObj
5247 #define XmCUseColorObj ((char*)&_XmStrings[19130])
5248 #endif
5249 #ifndef XmNuseTextColor
5250 #define XmNuseTextColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[19142])
5251 #endif
5252 #ifndef XmCUseTextColor
5253 #define XmCUseTextColor ((char*)&_XmStrings[19155])
5254 #endif
5255 #ifndef XmNuseTextColorForList
5256 #define XmNuseTextColorForList ((char*)&_XmStrings[19168])
5257 #endif
5258 #ifndef XmCUseTextColorForList
5259 #define XmCUseTextColorForList ((char*)&_XmStrings[19188])
5260 #endif
5261 #ifndef XmNuseMask
5262 #define XmNuseMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[19208])
5263 #endif
5264 #ifndef XmCUseMask
5265 #define XmCUseMask ((char*)&_XmStrings[19216])
5266 #endif
5267 #ifndef XmNuseMultiColorIcons
5268 #define XmNuseMultiColorIcons ((char*)&_XmStrings[19224])
5269 #endif
5270 #ifndef XmCUseMultiColorIcons
5271 #define XmCUseMultiColorIcons ((char*)&_XmStrings[19243])
5272 #endif
5273 #ifndef XmNuseIconFileCache
5274 #define XmNuseIconFileCache ((char*)&_XmStrings[19262])
5275 #endif
5276 #ifndef XmCUseIconFileCache
5277 #define XmCUseIconFileCache ((char*)&_XmStrings[19279])
5278 #endif
5279 #ifndef XmSPIXEL_SET
5280 #define XmSPIXEL_SET ((char*)&_XmStrings[19296])
5281 #endif
5282 #ifndef XmSCUSTOMIZE_DATA
5283 #define XmSCUSTOMIZE_DATA ((char*)&_XmStrings[19307])
5284 #endif
5285 #ifndef XmSCOLOR_SRV_NAME
5286 #define XmSCOLOR_SRV_NAME ((char*)&_XmStrings[19323])
5287 #endif
5288 #ifndef XmNlist
5289 #define XmNlist ((char*)&_XmStrings[19335])
5290 #endif
5291 #ifndef XmCList
5292 #define XmCList ((char*)&_XmStrings[19340])
5293 #endif
5294 #ifndef XmNarrowOrientation
5295 #define XmNarrowOrientation ((char*)&_XmStrings[19345])
5296 #endif
5297 #ifndef XmCArrowOrientation
5298 #define XmCArrowOrientation ((char*)&_XmStrings[19362])
5299 #endif
5300 #ifndef XmRArrowOrientation
5301 #define XmRArrowOrientation ((char*)&_XmStrings[19379])
5302 #endif
5303 #ifndef XmNpositionType
5304 #define XmNpositionType ((char*)&_XmStrings[19396])
5305 #endif
5306 #ifndef XmCPositionType
5307 #define XmCPositionType ((char*)&_XmStrings[19409])
5308 #endif
5309 #ifndef XmRPositionType
5310 #define XmRPositionType ((char*)&_XmStrings[19422])
5311 #endif
5312 #ifndef XmNwrap
5313 #define XmNwrap ((char*)&_XmStrings[19435])
5314 #endif
5315 #ifndef XmCWrap
5316 #define XmCWrap ((char*)&_XmStrings[19440])
5317 #endif
5318 #ifndef XmNpositionMode
5319 #define XmNpositionMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[19445])
5320 #endif
5321 #ifndef XmCPositionMode
5322 #define XmCPositionMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[19458])
5323 #endif
5324 #ifndef XmRPositionMode
5325 #define XmRPositionMode ((char*)&_XmStrings[19471])
5326 #endif
5327 #ifndef XmNprintOrientation
5328 #define XmNprintOrientation ((char*)&_XmStrings[19484])
5329 #endif
5330 #ifndef XmCPrintOrientation
5331 #define XmCPrintOrientation ((char*)&_XmStrings[19501])
5332 #endif
5333 #ifndef XmNprintOrientations
5334 #define XmNprintOrientations ((char*)&_XmStrings[19518])
5335 #endif
5336 #ifndef XmCPrintOrientations
5337 #define XmCPrintOrientations ((char*)&_XmStrings[19536])
5338 #endif
5339 #ifndef XmNprintResolution
5340 #define XmNprintResolution ((char*)&_XmStrings[19554])
5341 #endif
5342 #ifndef XmCPrintResolution
5343 #define XmCPrintResolution ((char*)&_XmStrings[19570])
5344 #endif
5345 #ifndef XmNprintResolutions
5346 #define XmNprintResolutions ((char*)&_XmStrings[19586])
5347 #endif
5348 #ifndef XmCPrintResolutions
5349 #define XmCPrintResolutions ((char*)&_XmStrings[19603])
5350 #endif
5351 #ifndef XmNdefaultPixmapResolution
5352 #define XmNdefaultPixmapResolution ((char*)&_XmStrings[19620])
5353 #endif
5354 #ifndef XmCDefaultPixmapResolution
5355 #define XmCDefaultPixmapResolution ((char*)&_XmStrings[19644])
5356 #endif
5357 #ifndef XmNstartJobCallback
5358 #define XmNstartJobCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19668])
5359 #endif
5360 #ifndef XmNendJobCallback
5361 #define XmNendJobCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19685])
5362 #endif
5363 #ifndef XmNpageSetupCallback
5364 #define XmNpageSetupCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19700])
5365 #endif
5366 #ifndef XmNpdmNotificationCallback
5367 #define XmNpdmNotificationCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19718])
5368 #endif
5369 #ifndef XmNminX
5370 #define XmNminX ((char*)&_XmStrings[19742])
5371 #endif
5372 #ifndef XmNminY
5373 #define XmNminY ((char*)&_XmStrings[19747])
5374 #endif
5375 #ifndef XmNmaxX
5376 #define XmNmaxX ((char*)&_XmStrings[19752])
5377 #endif
5378 #ifndef XmNmaxY
5379 #define XmNmaxY ((char*)&_XmStrings[19757])
5380 #endif
5381 #ifndef XmCMinX
5382 #define XmCMinX ((char*)&_XmStrings[19762])
5383 #endif
5384 #ifndef XmCMinY
5385 #define XmCMinY ((char*)&_XmStrings[19767])
5386 #endif
5387 #ifndef XmCMaxX
5388 #define XmCMaxX ((char*)&_XmStrings[19772])
5389 #endif
5390 #ifndef XmCMaxY
5391 #define XmCMaxY ((char*)&_XmStrings[19777])
5392 #endif
5393 #ifndef XmNpreeditStartCallback
5394 #define XmNpreeditStartCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19782])
5395 #endif
5396 #ifndef XmNpreeditDoneCallback
5397 #define XmNpreeditDoneCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19803])
5398 #endif
5399 #ifndef XmNpreeditDrawCallback
5400 #define XmNpreeditDrawCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19823])
5401 #endif
5402 #ifndef XmNpreeditCaretCallback
5403 #define XmNpreeditCaretCallback ((char*)&_XmStrings[19843])
5404 #endif
5405 #ifndef XmNverifyPreedit
5406 #define XmNverifyPreedit ((char*)&_XmStrings[19864])
5407 #endif
5408 #ifndef XmCVerifyPreedit
5409 #define XmCVerifyPreedit ((char*)&_XmStrings[19878])
5410 #endif
5411 #ifndef XmNenableMultiKeyBindings
5412 #define XmNenableMultiKeyBindings ((char*)&_XmStrings[19892])
5413 #endif
5414 #ifndef XmCEnableMultiKeyBindings
5415 #define XmCEnableMultiKeyBindings ((char*)&_XmStrings[19915])
5416 #endif
5417 #ifndef XmRButtonFontList
5418 #define XmRButtonFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[19938])
5419 #endif
5420 #ifndef XmRLabelFontList
5421 #define XmRLabelFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[19953])
5422 #endif
5423 #ifndef XmRTextFontList
5424 #define XmRTextFontList ((char*)&_XmStrings[19967])
5425 #endif
5426 #ifndef XmSPIXEL_SET_PROP
5427 #define XmSPIXEL_SET_PROP ((char*)&_XmStrings[19980])
5428 #endif
5429 #ifndef XmS50_foreground
5430 #define XmS50_foreground ((char*)&_XmStrings[19994])
5431 #endif
5432 #ifndef XmSunspecified_pixmap
5433 #define XmSunspecified_pixmap ((char*)&_XmStrings[20008])
5434 #endif
5435 #endif /* XMSTRINGDEFINES */
5437 #ifdef __cplusplus
5438 }  /* Close scope of 'extern "C"' declaration */
5439 #endif
5441 #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
5443 #ifdef __cplusplus
5444 extern "C" {
5445 #endif
5448 #define XmSTRING_ISO8859_1		"ISO8859-1"
5452 #define XmVaCASCADEBUTTON		"cascadeButton"
5453 #define XmVaCHECKBUTTON			"checkButton"
5454 #define XmVaDOUBLE_SEPARATOR		"doubleSeparator"
5455 #define XmVaPUSHBUTTON			"pushButton"
5456 #define XmVaRADIOBUTTON			"radioButton"
5457 #define XmVaSEPARATOR			"separator"
5458 #define XmVaSINGLE_SEPARATOR		"singleSeparator"
5459 #define XmVaTOGGLEBUTTON		"checkButton"
5461 #ifndef XmVaTITLE
5462 #define XmVaTITLE			XtNtitle
5463 #endif
5465 #ifndef XtCKeyboardFocusPolicy
5466 #define XtCKeyboardFocusPolicy		XmCKeyboardFocusPolicy
5467 #endif
5469 #ifndef XtCShellUnitType
5470 #define XtCShellUnitType		XmCShellUnitType
5471 #endif
5473 #ifndef XtNkeyboardFocusPolicy
5474 #define XtNkeyboardFocusPolicy		XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy
5475 #endif
5477 #ifndef XtNshellUnitType
5478 #define XtNshellUnitType		XmNshellUnitType
5479 #endif
5481 #ifndef XtRKeyboardFocusPolicy
5482 #define XtRKeyboardFocusPolicy		XmRKeyboardFocusPolicy
5483 #endif
5485 #ifndef XmRPrimBottomShadowPixmap
5486 #define XmRPrimBottomShadowPixmap       XmRBottomShadowPixmap
5487 #endif
5489 #ifndef XmRPrimHighlightPixmap
5490 #define XmRPrimHighlightPixmap          XmRHighlightPixmap
5491 #endif
5493 #ifndef XmRPrimTopShadowPixmap
5494 #define XmRPrimTopShadowPixmap          XmRTopShadowPixmap
5495 #endif
5497 #ifndef XmCAccelerators
5498 #define XmCAccelerators			XtCAccelerators
5499 #endif
5501 #ifndef XmCAllowShellResize
5502 #define XmCAllowShellResize		XtCAllowShellResize
5503 #endif
5505 #ifndef XmCArgc
5506 #define XmCArgc				XtCArgc
5507 #endif
5509 #ifndef XmCArgv
5510 #define XmCArgv				XtCArgv
5511 #endif
5513 #ifndef XmCBackground
5514 #define XmCBackground			XtCBackground
5515 #endif
5517 #ifndef XmCBaseHeight
5518 #define XmCBaseHeight			XtCBaseHeight
5519 #endif
5521 #ifndef XmCBaseHeight
5522 #define XmCBaseHeight			XtCBaseHeight
5523 #endif
5525 #ifndef XmCBaseWidth
5526 #define XmCBaseWidth			XtCBaseWidth
5527 #endif
5529 #ifndef XmCBaseWidth
5530 #define XmCBaseWidth			XtCBaseWidth
5531 #endif
5533 #ifndef XmCBitmap
5534 #define XmCBitmap			XtCBitmap
5535 #endif
5537 #ifndef XmCBoolean
5538 #define XmCBoolean			XtCBoolean
5539 #endif
5541 #ifndef XmCBorderColor
5542 #define XmCBorderColor			XtCBorderColor
5543 #endif
5545 #ifndef XmCBorderWidth
5546 #define XmCBorderWidth			XtCBorderWidth
5547 #endif
5549 #ifndef XmCCallback
5550 #define XmCCallback			XtCCallback
5551 #endif
5553 #ifndef XmCColor
5554 #define XmCColor			XtCColor
5555 #endif
5557 #ifndef XmCColormap
5558 #define XmCColormap			XtCColormap
5559 #endif
5561 #ifndef XmCCreatePopupChildProc
5562 #define XmCCreatePopupChildProc		XtCCreatePopupChildProc
5563 #endif
5565 #ifndef XmCCursor
5566 #define XmCCursor			XtCCursor
5567 #endif
5569 #ifndef XmCDepth
5570 #define XmCDepth			XtCDepth
5571 #endif
5573 #ifndef XmCDimension
5574 #define XmCDimension			XtRDimension
5575 #endif
5577 #ifndef XmCEditMode
5578 #define XmCEditMode			XtREditMode
5579 #endif
5581 #ifndef XmCEditType
5582 #define XmCEditType			XtCEditType
5583 #endif
5585 #ifndef XmCEventBindings
5586 #define XmCEventBindings		XtCEventBindings
5587 #endif
5589 #ifndef XmCFile
5590 #define XmCFile				XtCFile
5591 #endif
5593 #ifndef XmCFont
5594 #define XmCFont				XtCFont
5595 #endif
5597 #ifndef XmCFontSet
5598 #define XmCFontSet			XtCFontSet
5599 #endif
5601 #ifndef XmCForeground
5602 #define XmCForeground			XtCForeground
5603 #endif
5605 #ifndef XmCFraction
5606 #define XmCFraction			XtCFraction
5607 #endif
5609 #ifndef XmCFunction
5610 #define XmCFunction			XtCFunction
5611 #endif
5613 #ifndef XmCGeometry
5614 #define XmCGeometry			XtCGeometry
5615 #endif
5617 #ifndef XmCHSpace
5618 #define XmCHSpace			XtCHSpace
5619 #endif
5621 #ifndef XmCHeight
5622 #define XmCHeight			XtCHeight
5623 #endif
5625 #ifndef XmCHeightInc
5626 #define XmCHeightInc			XtCHeightInc
5627 #endif
5629 #ifndef XmCIconMask
5630 #define XmCIconMask			XtCIconMask
5631 #endif
5633 #ifndef XmCIconName
5634 #define XmCIconName			XtCIconName
5635 #endif
5637 #ifndef XmCIconNameEncoding
5638 #define XmCIconNameEncoding		XtCIconNameEncoding
5639 #endif
5641 #ifndef XmCIconPixmap
5642 #define XmCIconPixmap			XtCIconPixmap
5643 #endif
5645 #ifndef XmCIconWindow
5646 #define XmCIconWindow			XtCIconWindow
5647 #endif
5649 #ifndef XmCIconX
5650 #define XmCIconX			XtCIconX
5651 #endif
5653 #ifndef XmCIconY
5654 #define XmCIconY			XtCIconY
5655 #endif
5657 #ifndef XmCIconic
5658 #define XmCIconic			XtCIconic
5659 #endif
5661 #ifndef XmCIndex
5662 #define XmCIndex			XtCIndex
5663 #endif
5665 #ifndef XmCInitialResourcesPersistent
5666 #define XmCInitialResourcesPersistent	XtCInitialResourcesPersistent
5667 #endif
5669 #ifndef XmCInitialState
5670 #define XmCInitialState			XtCInitialState
5671 #endif
5673 #ifndef XmCInput
5674 #define XmCInput			XtCInput
5675 #endif
5677 #ifndef XmCInsertPosition
5678 #define XmCInsertPosition		XtCInsertPosition
5679 #endif
5681 #ifndef XmCInterval
5682 #define XmCInterval			XtCInterval
5683 #endif
5685 #ifndef XmCJustify
5686 #define XmCJustify			XtCJustify
5687 #endif
5689 #ifndef XmCLabel
5690 #define XmCLabel			XtCLabel
5691 #endif
5693 #ifndef XmCLength
5694 #define XmCLength			XtCLength
5695 #endif
5697 #ifndef XmCMappedWhenManaged
5698 #define XmCMappedWhenManaged		XtCMappedWhenManaged
5699 #endif
5701 #ifndef XmCMargin
5702 #define XmCMargin			XtCMargin
5703 #endif
5706 #ifndef XmCMaxAspectX
5707 #define XmCMaxAspectX			XtCMaxAspectX
5708 #endif
5711 #ifndef XmCMaxAspectY
5712 #define XmCMaxAspectY			XtCMaxAspectY
5713 #endif
5715 #ifndef XmCMaxHeight
5716 #define XmCMaxHeight			XtCMaxHeight
5717 #endif
5719 #ifndef XmCMaxWidth
5720 #define XmCMaxWidth			XtCMaxWidth
5721 #endif
5723 #ifndef XmCMenuEntry
5724 #define XmCMenuEntry			XtCMenuEntry
5725 #endif
5727 #ifndef XmCMinAspectX
5728 #define XmCMinAspectX			XtCMinAspectX
5729 #endif
5731 #ifndef XmCMinAspectY
5732 #define XmCMinAspectY			XtCMinAspectY
5733 #endif
5735 #ifndef XmCMinHeight
5736 #define XmCMinHeight			XtCMinHeight
5737 #endif
5739 #ifndef XmCMinWidth
5740 #define XmCMinWidth			XtCMinWidth
5741 #endif
5743 #ifndef XmCNotify
5744 #define XmCNotify			XtCNotify
5745 #endif
5747 #ifndef XmCOrientation
5748 #define XmCOrientation			XtCOrientation
5749 #endif
5751 #ifndef XmCOverrideRedirect
5752 #define XmCOverrideRedirect		XtCOverrideRedirect
5753 #endif
5755 #ifndef XmCParameter
5756 #define XmCParameter			XtCParameter
5757 #endif
5759 #ifndef XmCPixmap
5760 #define XmCPixmap			XtCPixmap
5761 #endif
5764 #ifndef XmCPosition
5765 #define XmCPosition			XtCPosition
5766 #endif
5768 #ifndef XmCReadOnly
5769 #define XmCReadOnly			XtCReadOnly
5770 #endif
5772 #ifndef XmCResize
5773 #define XmCResize			XtCResize
5774 #endif
5776 #ifndef XmCReverseVideo
5777 #define XmCReverseVideo			XtCReverseVideo
5778 #endif
5780 #ifndef XmCSaveUnder
5781 #define XmCSaveUnder			XtCSaveUnder
5782 #endif
5784 #ifndef XmCScreen
5785 #define XmCScreen			XtCScreen
5786 #endif
5788 #ifndef XmCScrollDCursor
5789 #define XmCScrollDCursor		XtCScrollDCursor
5790 #endif
5792 #ifndef XmCScrollHCursor
5793 #define XmCScrollHCursor		XtCScrollHCursor
5794 #endif
5796 #ifndef XmCScrollLCursor
5797 #define XmCScrollLCursor		XtCScrollLCursor
5798 #endif
5800 #ifndef XmCScrollProc
5801 #define XmCScrollProc			XtCScrollProc
5802 #endif
5804 #ifndef XmCScrollRCursor
5805 #define XmCScrollRCursor		XtCScrollRCursor
5806 #endif
5808 #ifndef XmCScrollUCursor
5809 #define XmCScrollUCursor		XtCScrollUCursor
5810 #endif
5812 #ifndef XmCScrollVCursor
5813 #define XmCScrollVCursor		XtCScrollVCursor
5814 #endif
5816 #ifndef XmCSelection
5817 #define XmCSelection			XtCSelection
5818 #endif
5820 #ifndef XmCSelectionArray
5821 #define XmCSelectionArray		XtCSelectionArray
5822 #endif
5824 #ifndef XmCSensitive
5825 #define XmCSensitive			XtCSensitive
5826 #endif
5828 #ifndef XmCSpace
5829 #define XmCSpace			XtCSpace
5830 #endif
5832 #ifndef XmCString
5833 #define XmCString			XtCString
5834 #endif
5836 #ifndef XmCTextOptions
5837 #define XmCTextOptions			XtCTextOptions
5838 #endif
5840 #ifndef XmCTextPosition
5841 #define XmCTextPosition			XtCTextPosition
5842 #endif
5844 #ifndef XmCTextSink
5845 #define XmCTextSink			XtCTextSink
5846 #endif
5848 #ifndef XmCTextSource
5849 #define XmCTextSource			XtCTextSource
5850 #endif
5852 #ifndef XmCThickness
5853 #define XmCThickness			XtCThickness
5854 #endif
5856 #ifndef XmCThumb
5857 #define XmCThumb			XtCThumb
5858 #endif
5860 #ifndef XmCTitle
5861 #define XmCTitle			XtCTitle
5862 #endif
5864 #ifndef XmCTitleEncoding
5865 #define XmCTitleEncoding		XtCTitleEncoding
5866 #endif
5868 #ifndef XmCTransient
5869 #define XmCTransient			XtCTransient
5870 #endif
5872 #ifndef XmCTransientFor
5873 #define XmCTransientFor			XtCTransientFor
5874 #endif
5876 #ifndef XmCTranslations
5877 #define XmCTranslations			XtCTranslations
5878 #endif
5880 #ifndef XmCVSpace
5881 #define XmCVSpace			XtCVSpace
5882 #endif
5885 #ifndef XmCValue
5886 #define XmCValue			XtCValue
5887 #endif
5889 #ifndef XmCVisual
5890 #define XmCVisual			XtCVisual
5891 #endif
5893 #ifndef XmCWaitForWm
5894 #define XmCWaitForWm			XtCWaitForWm
5895 #endif
5897 #ifndef XmCWidget
5898 #define XmCWidget			XtRWidget
5899 #endif
5901 #ifndef XmCWidth
5902 #define XmCWidth			XtCWidth
5903 #endif
5905 #ifndef XmCWidthInc
5906 #define XmCWidthInc			XtCWidthInc
5907 #endif
5909 #ifndef XmCWinGravity
5910 #define XmCWinGravity			XtCWinGravity
5911 #endif
5913 #ifndef XmCWindow
5914 #define XmCWindow			XtCWindow
5915 #endif
5917 #ifndef XmCWindowGroup
5918 #define XmCWindowGroup			XtCWindowGroup
5919 #endif
5921 #ifndef XmCWmTimeout
5922 #define XmCWmTimeout			XtCWmTimeout
5923 #endif
5925 #ifndef XmCX
5926 #define XmCX				XtCX
5927 #endif
5929 #ifndef XmCY
5930 #define XmCY				XtCY
5931 #endif
5933 #ifndef XmNaccelerators
5934 #define XmNaccelerators			XtNaccelerators
5935 #endif
5937 #ifndef XmNallowShellResize
5938 #define XmNallowShellResize		XtNallowShellResize
5939 #endif
5941 #ifndef XmNancestorSensitive
5942 #define XmNancestorSensitive		XtNancestorSensitive
5943 #endif
5945 #ifndef XmNargc
5946 #define XmNargc				XtNargc
5947 #endif
5949 #ifndef XmNargv
5950 #define XmNargv				XtNargv
5951 #endif
5953 #ifndef XmNbackground
5954 #define XmNbackground			XtNbackground
5955 #endif
5957 #ifndef XmNbackgroundPixmap
5958 #define XmNbackgroundPixmap		XtNbackgroundPixmap
5959 #endif
5961 #ifndef XmNbaseHeight
5962 #define XmNbaseHeight			XtNbaseHeight
5963 #endif
5965 #ifndef XmNbaseHeight
5966 #define XmNbaseHeight			XtNbaseHeight
5967 #endif
5969 #ifndef XmNbaseWidth
5970 #define XmNbaseWidth			XtNbaseWidth
5971 #endif
5973 #ifndef XmNbaseWidth
5974 #define XmNbaseWidth			XtNbaseWidth
5975 #endif
5977 #ifndef XmNbitmap
5978 #define XmNbitmap			XtNbitmap
5979 #endif
5981 #ifndef XmNborder
5982 #define XmNborder			XtNborder
5983 #endif
5985 #ifndef XmNborderColor
5986 #define XmNborderColor			XtNborderColor
5987 #endif
5989 #ifndef XmNborderPixmap
5990 #define XmNborderPixmap			XtNborderPixmap
5991 #endif
5993 #ifndef XmNborderWidth
5994 #define XmNborderWidth			XtNborderWidth
5995 #endif
5997 #ifndef XmNcallback
5998 #define XmNcallback			XtNcallback
5999 #endif
6001 #ifndef XmNchildren
6002 #define XmNchildren			XtNchildren
6003 #endif
6005 #ifndef XmNcolormap
6006 #define XmNcolormap			XtNcolormap
6007 #endif
6009 #ifndef XmNcreatePopupChildProc
6010 #define XmNcreatePopupChildProc		XtNcreatePopupChildProc
6011 #endif
6013 #ifndef XmNdepth
6014 #define XmNdepth			XtNdepth
6015 #endif
6017 #ifndef XmNdestroyCallback
6018 #define XmNdestroyCallback		XtNdestroyCallback
6019 #endif
6021 #ifndef XmNeditType
6022 #define XmNeditType			XtNeditType
6023 #endif
6025 #ifndef XmNfile
6026 #define XmNfile				XtNfile
6027 #endif
6029 #ifndef XmNfont
6030 #define XmNfont				XtNfont
6031 #endif
6033 #ifndef XmNfontSet
6034 #define XmNfontSet		        XtNfontSet
6035 #endif
6037 #ifndef XmNforceBars
6038 #define XmNforceBars			XtNforceBars
6039 #endif
6041 #ifndef XmNforeground
6042 #define XmNforeground			XtNforeground
6043 #endif
6045 #ifndef XmNfunction
6046 #define XmNfunction			XtNfunction
6047 #endif
6049 #ifndef XmNgeometry
6050 #define XmNgeometry			XtNgeometry
6051 #endif
6053 #ifndef XmNheight
6054 #define XmNheight			XtNheight
6055 #endif
6057 #ifndef XmNheightInc
6058 #define XmNheightInc			XtNheightInc
6059 #endif
6061 #ifndef XmNhighlight
6062 #define XmNhighlight			XtNhighlight
6063 #endif
6065 #ifndef XmNiconMask
6066 #define XmNiconMask			XtNiconMask
6067 #endif
6069 #ifndef XmNiconName
6070 #define XmNiconName			XtNiconName
6071 #endif
6073 #ifndef XmNiconNameEncoding
6074 #define XmNiconNameEncoding		XtNiconNameEncoding
6075 #endif
6077 #ifndef XmNiconPixmap
6078 #define XmNiconPixmap			XtNiconPixmap
6079 #endif
6081 #ifndef XmNiconWindow
6082 #define XmNiconWindow			XtNiconWindow
6083 #endif
6085 #ifndef XmNiconX
6086 #define XmNiconX			XtNiconX
6087 #endif
6089 #ifndef XmNiconY
6090 #define XmNiconY			XtNiconY
6091 #endif
6093 #ifndef XmNiconic
6094 #define XmNiconic			XtNiconic
6095 #endif
6097 #ifndef XmNindex
6098 #define XmNindex			XtNindex
6099 #endif
6101 #ifndef XmNinitialResourcesPersistent
6102 #define XmNinitialResourcesPersistent	XtNinitialResourcesPersistent
6103 #endif
6105 #ifndef XmNinitialState
6106 #define XmNinitialState			XtNinitialState
6107 #endif
6109 #ifndef XmNinnerHeight
6110 #define XmNinnerHeight			XtNinnerHeight
6111 #endif
6113 #ifndef XmNinnerWidth
6114 #define XmNinnerWidth			XtNinnerWidth
6115 #endif
6117 #ifndef XmNinnerWindow
6118 #define XmNinnerWindow			XtNinnerWindow
6119 #endif
6121 #ifndef XmNinput
6122 #define XmNinput			XtNinput
6123 #endif
6125 #ifndef XmNinsertPosition
6126 #define XmNinsertPosition		XtNinsertPosition
6127 #endif
6129 #ifndef XmNinternalHeight
6130 #define XmNinternalHeight		XtNinternalHeight
6131 #endif
6133 #ifndef XmNinternalWidth
6134 #define XmNinternalWidth		XtNinternalWidth
6135 #endif
6137 #ifndef XmNjumpProc
6138 #define XmNjumpProc			XtNjumpProc
6139 #endif
6141 #ifndef XmNjustify
6142 #define XmNjustify			XtNjustify
6143 #endif
6145 #ifndef XmNlength
6146 #define XmNlength			XtNlength
6147 #endif
6149 #ifndef XmNlowerRight
6150 #define XmNlowerRight			XtNlowerRight
6151 #endif
6153 #ifndef XmNmappedWhenManaged
6154 #define XmNmappedWhenManaged		XtNmappedWhenManaged
6155 #endif
6157 #ifndef XmNmaxAspectX
6158 #define XmNmaxAspectX			XtNmaxAspectX
6159 #endif
6161 #ifndef XmNmaxAspectY
6162 #define XmNmaxAspectY			XtNmaxAspectY
6163 #endif
6165 #ifndef XmNmaxHeight
6166 #define XmNmaxHeight			XtNmaxHeight
6167 #endif
6169 #ifndef XmNmaxWidth
6170 #define XmNmaxWidth			XtNmaxWidth
6171 #endif
6173 #ifndef XmNmenuEntry
6174 #define XmNmenuEntry			XtNmenuEntry
6175 #endif
6177 #ifndef XmNminAspectX
6178 #define XmNminAspectX			XtNminAspectX
6179 #endif
6181 #ifndef XmNminAspectY
6182 #define XmNminAspectY			XtNminAspectY
6183 #endif
6185 #ifndef XmNminHeight
6186 #define XmNminHeight			XtNminHeight
6187 #endif
6189 #ifndef XmNminWidth
6190 #define XmNminWidth			XtNminWidth
6191 #endif
6193 #ifndef XmNname
6194 #define XmNname				XtNname
6195 #endif
6197 #ifndef XmNnotify
6198 #define XmNnotify			XtNnotify
6199 #endif
6201 #ifndef XmNnumChildren
6202 #define XmNnumChildren			XtNnumChildren
6203 #endif
6205 #ifndef XmNorientation
6206 #define XmNorientation			XtNorientation
6207 #endif
6209 #ifndef XmNoverrideRedirect
6210 #define XmNoverrideRedirect		XtNoverrideRedirect
6211 #endif
6213 #ifndef XmNparameter
6214 #define XmNparameter			XtNparameter
6215 #endif
6217 #ifndef XmNpixmap
6218 #define XmNpixmap			XtNpixmap
6219 #endif
6221 #ifndef XmNpopdownCallback
6222 #define XmNpopdownCallback		XtNpopdownCallback
6223 #endif
6225 #ifndef XmNpopupCallback
6226 #define XmNpopupCallback		XtNpopupCallback
6227 #endif
6229 #ifndef XmNresize
6230 #define XmNresize			XtNresize
6231 #endif
6233 #ifndef XmNreverseVideo
6234 #define XmNreverseVideo			XtNreverseVideo
6235 #endif
6237 #ifndef XmNsaveUnder
6238 #define XmNsaveUnder			XtNsaveUnder
6239 #endif
6241 #ifndef XmNscreen
6242 #define XmNscreen			XtNscreen
6243 #endif
6245 #ifndef XmNscrollDCursor
6246 #define XmNscrollDCursor		XtNscrollDCursor
6247 #endif
6249 #ifndef XmNscrollHCursor
6250 #define XmNscrollHCursor		XtNscrollHCursor
6251 #endif
6253 #ifndef XmNscrollLCursor
6254 #define XmNscrollLCursor		XtNscrollLCursor
6255 #endif
6257 #ifndef XmNscrollProc
6258 #define XmNscrollProc			XtNscrollProc
6259 #endif
6261 #ifndef XmNscrollRCursor
6262 #define XmNscrollRCursor		XtNscrollRCursor
6263 #endif
6265 #ifndef XmNscrollUCursor
6266 #define XmNscrollUCursor		XtNscrollUCursor
6267 #endif
6269 #ifndef XmNscrollVCursor
6270 #define XmNscrollVCursor		XtNscrollVCursor
6271 #endif
6273 #ifndef XmNselection
6274 #define XmNselection			XtNselection
6275 #endif
6277 #ifndef XmNselectionArray
6278 #define XmNselectionArray		XtNselectionArray
6279 #endif
6281 #ifndef XmNsensitive
6282 #define XmNsensitive			XtNsensitive
6283 #endif
6285 #ifndef XmNshown
6286 #define XmNshown			XtNshown
6287 #endif
6289 #ifndef XmNspace
6290 #define XmNspace			XtNspace
6291 #endif
6293 #ifndef XmNstring
6294 #define XmNstring			XtNstring
6295 #endif
6297 #ifndef XmNtextOptions
6298 #define XmNtextOptions			XtNtextOptions
6299 #endif
6301 #ifndef XmNtextSink
6302 #define XmNtextSink			XtNtextSink
6303 #endif
6305 #ifndef XmNtextSource
6306 #define XmNtextSource			XtNtextSource
6307 #endif
6309 #ifndef XmNthickness
6310 #define XmNthickness			XtNthickness
6311 #endif
6313 #ifndef XmNthumb
6314 #define XmNthumb			XtNthumb
6315 #endif
6317 #ifndef XmNthumbProc
6318 #define XmNthumbProc			XtNthumbProc
6319 #endif
6321 #ifndef XmNtitle
6322 #define XmNtitle			XtNtitle
6323 #endif
6325 #ifndef XmNtitleEncoding
6326 #define XmNtitleEncoding		XtNtitleEncoding
6327 #endif
6329 #ifndef XmNtop
6330 #define XmNtop				XtNtop
6331 #endif
6333 #ifndef XmNtransient
6334 #define XmNtransient			XtNtransient
6335 #endif
6337 #ifndef XmNtransientFor
6338 #define XmNtransientFor			XtNtransientFor
6339 #endif
6341 #ifndef XmNtransientFor
6342 #define XmNtransientFor			XtNtransientFor
6343 #endif
6345 #ifndef XmNtranslations
6346 #define XmNtranslations			XtNtranslations
6347 #endif
6349 #ifndef XmNupdate
6350 #define XmNupdate			XtNupdate
6351 #endif
6353 #ifndef XmNuseBottom
6354 #define XmNuseBottom			XtNuseBottom
6355 #endif
6357 #ifndef XmNuseRight
6358 #define XmNuseRight			XtNuseRight
6359 #endif
6361 #ifndef XmNvalue
6362 #define XmNvalue			XtNvalue
6363 #endif
6365 #ifndef XmNvisual
6366 #define XmNvisual			XtNvisual
6367 #endif
6369 #ifndef XmNwaitForWm
6370 #define XmNwaitForWm			XtNwaitForWm
6371 #endif
6373 #ifndef XmNwidth
6374 #define XmNwidth			XtNwidth
6375 #endif
6377 #ifndef XmNwidthInc
6378 #define XmNwidthInc			XtNwidthInc
6379 #endif
6381 #ifndef XmNwinGravity
6382 #define XmNwinGravity			XtNwinGravity
6383 #endif
6385 #ifndef XmNwindow
6386 #define XmNwindow			XtNwindow
6387 #endif
6389 #ifndef XmNwindowGroup
6390 #define XmNwindowGroup			XtNwindowGroup
6391 #endif
6393 #ifndef XmNwmTimeout
6394 #define XmNwmTimeout			XtNwmTimeout
6395 #endif
6397 #ifndef XmNx
6398 #define XmNx				XtNx
6399 #endif
6401 #ifndef XmNy
6402 #define XmNy				XtNy
6403 #endif
6405 #ifndef XmRAcceleratorTable
6406 #define XmRAcceleratorTable		XtRAcceleratorTable
6407 #endif
6409 #ifndef XmRAtom
6410 #define XmRAtom				XtRAtom
6411 #endif
6413 #ifndef XmRBitmap
6414 #define XmRBitmap			XtRBitmap
6415 #endif
6417 #ifndef XmRBool
6418 #define XmRBool				XtRBool
6419 #endif
6421 #ifndef XmRBoolean
6422 #define XmRBoolean			XtRBoolean
6423 #endif
6425 #ifndef XmRCallProc
6426 #define XmRCallProc			XtRCallProc
6427 #endif
6429 #ifndef XmRCallback
6430 #define XmRCallback			XtRCallback
6431 #endif
6433 #ifndef XmRCardinal
6434 #define XmRCardinal			XtRCardinal
6435 #endif
6437 #ifndef XmRColor
6438 #define XmRColor			XtRColor
6439 #endif
6441 #ifndef XmRColormap
6442 #define XmRColormap			XtRColormap
6443 #endif
6445 #ifndef XmRCursor
6446 #define XmRCursor			XtRCursor
6447 #endif
6449 #ifndef XmRDimension
6450 #define XmRDimension			XtRDimension
6451 #endif
6453 #ifndef XmRDisplay
6454 #define XmRDisplay			XtRDisplay
6455 #endif
6457 #ifndef XmREditMode
6458 #define XmREditMode			XtREditMode
6459 #endif
6461 #ifndef XmREnum
6462 #define XmREnum			        XtREnum
6463 #endif
6465 #ifndef XmRFile
6466 #define XmRFile				XtRFile
6467 #endif
6469 #ifndef XmRFloat
6470 #define XmRFloat			XtRFloat
6471 #endif
6473 #ifndef XmRFont
6474 #define XmRFont				XtRFont
6475 #endif
6477 #ifndef XmRFontSet
6478 #define XmRFontSet		        XtRFontSet
6479 #endif
6481 #ifndef XmRFontStruct
6482 #define XmRFontStruct			XtRFontStruct
6483 #endif
6485 #ifndef XmRFunction
6486 #define XmRFunction			XtRFunction
6487 #endif
6489 #ifndef XmRGeometry
6490 #define XmRGeometry			XtRGeometry
6491 #endif
6493 #ifndef XmRImmediate
6494 #define XmRImmediate			XtRImmediate
6495 #endif
6497 #ifndef XmRInitialState
6498 #define XmRInitialState		        XtRInitialState
6499 #endif
6501 #ifndef XmRInt
6502 #define XmRInt				XtRInt
6503 #endif
6505 #ifndef XmRJustify
6506 #define XmRJustify			XtRJustify
6507 #endif
6509 #ifndef XmRLongBoolean
6510 #define XmRLongBoolean		        XtRLongBoolean
6511 #endif
6513 #ifndef XmROrientation
6514 #define XmROrientation			XtROrientation
6515 #endif
6517 #ifndef XmRObject
6518 #define XmRObject		        XtRObject
6519 #endif
6521 #ifndef XmRPixel
6522 #define XmRPixel			XtRPixel
6523 #endif
6525 #ifndef XmRPixmap
6526 #define XmRPixmap			XtRPixmap
6527 #endif
6529 #ifndef XmRPointer
6530 #define XmRPointer			XtRPointer
6531 #endif
6533 #ifndef XmRPosition
6534 #define XmRPosition			XtRPosition
6535 #endif
6537 #ifndef XmRScreen
6538 #define XmRScreen	                XtRScreen
6539 #endif
6541 #ifndef XmRShort
6542 #define XmRShort			XtRShort
6543 #endif
6545 #ifndef XmRString
6546 #define XmRString			XtRString
6547 #endif
6549 #ifndef XmRStringArray
6550 #define XmRStringArray		        XtRStringArray
6551 #endif
6553 #ifndef XmRStringTable
6554 #define XmRStringTable			XtRStringTable
6555 #endif
6557 #ifndef XmRTextPosition
6558 #define XmRTextPosition			XtCTextPosition
6559 #endif
6561 #ifndef XmRTranslationTable
6562 #define XmRTranslationTable		XtRTranslationTable
6563 #endif
6565 #ifndef XmRUnsignedChar
6566 #define XmRUnsignedChar			XtRUnsignedChar
6567 #endif
6569 #ifndef XmRVisual
6570 #define XmRVisual		        XtRVisual
6571 #endif
6573 #ifndef XmRWidget
6574 #define XmRWidget			XtRWidget
6575 #endif
6577 #ifndef XmRWidgetClass
6578 #define XmRWidgetClass			XtRWidgetClass
6579 #endif
6581 #ifndef XmRWidgetList
6582 #define XmRWidgetList			XtRWidgetList
6583 #endif
6585 #ifndef XmRWindow
6586 #define XmRWindow			XtRWindow
6587 #endif
6589 #ifndef XmNtoolTipString
6590 #define XmNtoolTipString 		"toolTipString"
6591 #endif
6593 #ifndef XmCToolTipString
6594 #define XmCToolTipString 		"ToolTipString"
6595 #endif
6597 #ifndef XmNtoolTipPostDelay
6598 #define XmNtoolTipPostDelay 		"toolTipPostDelay"
6599 #endif
6601 #ifndef XmCToolTipPostDelay
6602 #define XmCToolTipPostDelay 		"ToolTipPostDelay"
6603 #endif
6605 #ifndef XmNtoolTipPostDuration
6606 #define XmNtoolTipPostDuration 		"toolTipPostDuration"
6607 #endif
6609 #ifndef XmCToolTipPostDuration
6610 #define XmCToolTipPostDuration 		"ToolTipPostDuration"
6611 #endif
6613 #ifndef XmNtoolTipEnable
6614 #define XmNtoolTipEnable 		"toolTipEnable"
6615 #endif
6617 #ifndef XmCToolTipEnable
6618 #define XmCToolTipEnable 		"ToolTipEnable"
6619 #endif
6621 #ifndef XmNanimate
6622 #define XmNanimate			"animate"
6623 #endif
6625 #ifndef XmCAnimate
6626 #define XmCAnimate			"Animate"
6627 #endif
6629 #ifdef __cplusplus
6630 }  /* Close scope of 'extern "C"' declaration */
6631 #endif
6633 #endif /* _XmStrDefs_h_ */