1 /**
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4  * distributed with this work for additional information
5  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
19 #ifndef ZOOKEEPER_H_
20 #define ZOOKEEPER_H_
22 #include <stdlib.h>
24 /* we must not include config.h as a public header */
25 #ifndef WIN32
26 #include <sys/socket.h>
27 #include <sys/time.h>
28 #endif
30 #ifdef WIN32
31 #include <winsock2.h> /* must always be included before ws2tcpip.h */
32 #include <ws2tcpip.h> /* for struct sock_addr and socklen_t */
33 #endif
35 #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_H
36 #include <openssl/ossl_typ.h>
37 #endif
39 #include <stdio.h>
40 #include <ctype.h>
43 #include <sasl/sasl.h>
44 #endif /* HAVE_CYRUS_SASL_H */
46 #include "proto.h"
47 #include "zookeeper_version.h"
48 #include "recordio.h"
49 #include "zookeeper.jute.h"
51 /**
52  * \file zookeeper.h
53  * \brief ZooKeeper functions and definitions.
54  *
55  * ZooKeeper is a network service that may be backed by a cluster of
56  * synchronized servers. The data in the service is represented as a tree
57  * of data nodes. Each node has data, children, an ACL, and status information.
58  * The data for a node is read and write in its entirety.
59  *
60  * ZooKeeper clients can leave watches when they queries the data or children
61  * of a node. If a watch is left, that client will be notified of the change.
62  * The notification is a one time trigger. Subsequent chances to the node will
63  * not trigger a notification unless the client issues a query with the watch
64  * flag set. If the client is ever disconnected from the service, the watches do
65  * not need to be reset. The client automatically resets the watches.
66  *
67  * When a node is created, it may be flagged as an ephemeral node. Ephemeral
68  * nodes are automatically removed when a client session is closed or when
69  * a session times out due to inactivity (the ZooKeeper runtime fills in
70  * periods of inactivity with pings). Ephemeral nodes cannot have children.
71  *
72  * ZooKeeper clients are identified by a server assigned session id. For
73  * security reasons The server
74  * also generates a corresponding password for a session. A client may save its
75  * id and corresponding password to persistent storage in order to use the
76  * session across program invocation boundaries.
77  */
79 /* Support for building on various platforms */
81 // on cygwin we should take care of exporting/importing symbols properly
82 #ifdef DLL_EXPORT
83 #    define ZOOAPI __declspec(dllexport)
84 #else
85 #  if (defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(USE_STATIC_LIB)
86 #    define ZOOAPI __declspec(dllimport)
87 #  else
88 #    define ZOOAPI
89 #  endif
90 #endif
92 /** zookeeper return constants **/
94 enum ZOO_ERRORS {
95   ZOK = 0, /*!< Everything is OK */
97   /** System and server-side errors.
98    * This is never thrown by the server, it shouldn't be used other than
99    * to indicate a range. Specifically error codes greater than this
100    * value, but lesser than {@link #ZAPIERROR}, are system errors. */
101   ZSYSTEMERROR = -1,
102   ZRUNTIMEINCONSISTENCY = -2, /*!< A runtime inconsistency was found */
103   ZDATAINCONSISTENCY = -3, /*!< A data inconsistency was found */
104   ZCONNECTIONLOSS = -4, /*!< Connection to the server has been lost */
105   ZMARSHALLINGERROR = -5, /*!< Error while marshalling or unmarshalling data */
106   ZUNIMPLEMENTED = -6, /*!< Operation is unimplemented */
107   ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT = -7, /*!< Operation timeout */
108   ZBADARGUMENTS = -8, /*!< Invalid arguments */
109   ZINVALIDSTATE = -9, /*!< Invliad zhandle state */
110   ZNEWCONFIGNOQUORUM = -13, /*!< No quorum of new config is connected and
111                                  up-to-date with the leader of last commmitted
112                                  config - try invoking reconfiguration after new
113                                  servers are connected and synced */
114   ZRECONFIGINPROGRESS = -14, /*!< Reconfiguration requested while another
115                                   reconfiguration is currently in progress. This
116                                   is currently not supported. Please retry. */
117   ZSSLCONNECTIONERROR = -15, /*!< The SSL connection Error */
119   /** API errors.
120    * This is never thrown by the server, it shouldn't be used other than
121    * to indicate a range. Specifically error codes greater than this
122    * value are API errors (while values less than this indicate a
123    * {@link #ZSYSTEMERROR}).
124    */
125   ZAPIERROR = -100,
126   ZNONODE = -101, /*!< Node does not exist */
127   ZNOAUTH = -102, /*!< Not authenticated */
128   ZBADVERSION = -103, /*!< Version conflict */
129   ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS = -108, /*!< Ephemeral nodes may not have children */
130   ZNODEEXISTS = -110, /*!< The node already exists */
131   ZNOTEMPTY = -111, /*!< The node has children */
132   ZSESSIONEXPIRED = -112, /*!< The session has been expired by the server */
133   ZINVALIDCALLBACK = -113, /*!< Invalid callback specified */
134   ZINVALIDACL = -114, /*!< Invalid ACL specified */
135   ZAUTHFAILED = -115, /*!< Client authentication failed */
136   ZCLOSING = -116, /*!< ZooKeeper is closing */
137   ZNOTHING = -117, /*!< (not error) no server responses to process */
138   ZSESSIONMOVED = -118, /*!<session moved to another server, so operation is ignored */
139   ZNOTREADONLY = -119, /*!< state-changing request is passed to read-only server */
140   ZEPHEMERALONLOCALSESSION = -120, /*!< Attempt to create ephemeral node on a local session */
141   ZNOWATCHER = -121, /*!< The watcher couldn't be found */
142   ZRECONFIGDISABLED = -123, /*!< Attempts to perform a reconfiguration operation when reconfiguration feature is disabled */
143   ZSESSIONCLOSEDREQUIRESASLAUTH = -124, /*!< The session has been closed by server because server requires client to do authentication via configured authentication scheme at server, but client is not configured with required authentication scheme or configured but failed (i.e. wrong credential used.). */
144   ZTHROTTLEDOP = -127 /*!< Operation was throttled and not executed at all. please, retry! */
146   /* when adding/changing values here also update zerror(int) to return correct error message */
147 };
149 #ifdef __cplusplus
150 extern "C" {
151 #endif
153 /**
154 *  @name Debug levels
155 */
158 /**
159  * @name ACL Consts
160  */
161 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERM_READ;
162 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERM_WRITE;
163 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERM_CREATE;
164 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERM_DELETE;
165 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERM_ADMIN;
166 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERM_ALL;
169 #define ZOO_CONFIG_NODE "/zookeeper/config"
171 /* flags for zookeeper_init{,2} */
172 #define ZOO_READONLY         1
174 /** Disable logging of the client environment at initialization time. */
175 #define ZOO_NO_LOG_CLIENTENV 2
177 /** This Id represents anyone. */
178 extern ZOOAPI struct Id ZOO_ANYONE_ID_UNSAFE;
179 /** This Id is only usable to set ACLs. It will get substituted with the
180  * Id's the client authenticated with.
181  */
182 extern ZOOAPI struct Id ZOO_AUTH_IDS;
184 /** This is a completely open ACL*/
185 extern ZOOAPI struct ACL_vector ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE;
186 /** This ACL gives the world the ability to read. */
187 extern ZOOAPI struct ACL_vector ZOO_READ_ACL_UNSAFE;
188 /** This ACL gives the creators authentication id's all permissions. */
189 extern ZOOAPI struct ACL_vector ZOO_CREATOR_ALL_ACL;
191 /**
192  * @name Interest Consts
193  * These constants are used to express interest in an event and to
194  * indicate to zookeeper which events have occurred. They can
195  * be ORed together to express multiple interests. These flags are
196  * used in the interest and event parameters of
197  * \ref zookeeper_interest and \ref zookeeper_process.
198  */
199 // @{
200 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOOKEEPER_WRITE;
201 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOOKEEPER_READ;
202 // @}
204 /**
205  * @name Create Mode
206  *
207  * These modes are used by zoo_create to affect node create.
208  */
209 // @{
210 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERSISTENT;
211 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_EPHEMERAL;
214 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_CONTAINER;
215 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_PERSISTENT_WITH_TTL;
218 /**
219  * \deprecated ZOO_SEQUENCE Create Flag has been deprecated. Use ZOO_PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL
220  * or ZOO_EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL instead of it.
221  */
222 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_SEQUENCE;
223 // @}
225 /**
226  * @name State Consts
227  * These constants represent the states of a zookeeper connection. They are
228  * possible parameters of the watcher callback.
229  */
230 // @{
232 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_AUTH_FAILED_STATE;
233 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_CONNECTING_STATE;
234 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_ASSOCIATING_STATE;
235 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE;
236 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_READONLY_STATE;
238 // @}
240 /**
241  * @name Watch Types
242  * These constants indicate the event that caused the watch event. They are
243  * possible values of the first parameter of the watcher callback.
244  */
245 // @{
246 /**
247  * \brief a node has been created.
248  *
249  * This is only generated by watches on non-existent nodes. These watches
250  * are set using \ref zoo_exists.
251  */
252 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_CREATED_EVENT;
253 /**
254  * \brief a node has been deleted.
255  *
256  * This is only generated by watches on nodes. These watches
257  * are set using \ref zoo_exists and \ref zoo_get.
258  */
259 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_DELETED_EVENT;
260 /**
261  * \brief a node has changed.
262  *
263  * This is only generated by watches on nodes. These watches
264  * are set using \ref zoo_exists and \ref zoo_get.
265  */
266 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_CHANGED_EVENT;
267 /**
268  * \brief a change as occurred in the list of children.
269  *
270  * This is only generated by watches on the child list of a node. These watches
271  * are set using \ref zoo_get_children or \ref zoo_get_children2.
272  */
273 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_CHILD_EVENT;
274 /**
275  * \brief a session has been lost.
276  *
277  * This is generated when a client loses contact or reconnects with a server.
278  */
279 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_SESSION_EVENT;
281 /**
282  * \brief a watch has been removed.
283  *
284  * This is generated when the server for some reason, probably a resource
285  * constraint, will no longer watch a node for a client.
286  */
287 extern ZOOAPI const int ZOO_NOTWATCHING_EVENT;
288 // @}
290 /**
291  * \brief ZooKeeper handle.
292  *
293  * This is the handle that represents a connection to the ZooKeeper service.
294  * It is needed to invoke any ZooKeeper function. A handle is obtained using
295  * \ref zookeeper_init.
296  */
297 typedef struct _zhandle zhandle_t;
299 /**
300  * This structure represents the certificates to zookeeper.
301  */
302 typedef struct _zcert {
303     char *certstr;
304     char *ca;
305     char *cert;
306     char *key;
307     char *passwd;
308 } zcert_t;
310 /**
311  * This structure represents the socket to zookeeper.
312  */
313 typedef struct _zsock {
314 #ifdef WIN32
315     SOCKET sock;
316 #else
317     int sock;
318 #endif
319     zcert_t *cert;
320 #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_H
321     SSL *ssl_sock;
322     SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;
323 #endif
324 } zsock_t;
327 /**
328  * \brief client id structure.
329  *
330  * This structure holds the id and password for the session. This structure
331  * should be treated as opaque. It is received from the server when a session
332  * is established and needs to be sent back as-is when reconnecting a session.
333  */
334 typedef struct {
335     int64_t client_id;
336     char passwd[16];
337 } clientid_t;
339 /**
340  * \brief zoo_op structure.
341  *
342  * This structure holds all the arguments necessary for one op as part
343  * of a containing multi_op via \ref zoo_multi or \ref zoo_amulti.
344  * This structure should be treated as opaque and initialized via
345  * \ref zoo_create_op_init, \ref zoo_delete_op_init, \ref zoo_set_op_init
346  * and \ref zoo_check_op_init.
347  */
348 typedef struct zoo_op {
349     int type;
350     union {
351         // CREATE
352         struct {
353             const char *path;
354             const char *data;
355             int datalen;
356 	        char *buf;
357             int buflen;
358             const struct ACL_vector *acl;
359             int flags;
360             int64_t ttl;
361         } create_op;
363         // DELETE
364         struct {
365             const char *path;
366             int version;
367         } delete_op;
369         // SET
370         struct {
371             const char *path;
372             const char *data;
373             int datalen;
374             int version;
375             struct Stat *stat;
376         } set_op;
378         // CHECK
379         struct {
380             const char *path;
381             int version;
382         } check_op;
383     };
384 } zoo_op_t;
386 /**
387  * \brief zoo_create_op_init.
388  *
389  * This function initializes a zoo_op_t with the arguments for a ZOO_CREATE_OP.
390  *
391  * \param op A pointer to the zoo_op_t to be initialized.
392  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
393  * separating ancestors of the node.
394  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
395  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data. To set the data to be NULL use
396  * value as NULL and valuelen as -1.
397  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
398  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
399  * \param path_buffer Buffer which will be filled with the path of the
400  *    new node (this might be different than the supplied path
401  *    because of the ZOO_SEQUENCE flag).  The path string will always be
402  *    null-terminated. This parameter may be NULL if path_buffer_len = 0.
403  * \param path_buffer_len Size of path buffer; if the path of the new
404  *    node (including space for the null terminator) exceeds the buffer size,
405  *    the path string will be truncated to fit.  The actual path of the
406  *    new node in the server will not be affected by the truncation.
407  *    The path string will always be null-terminated.
408  */
409 void zoo_create_op_init(zoo_op_t *op, const char *path, const char *value,
410         int valuelen,  const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode,
411         char *path_buffer, int path_buffer_len);
413 /**
414  * \brief zoo_delete_op_init.
415  *
416  * This function initializes a zoo_op_t with the arguments for a ZOO_DELETE_OP.
417  *
418  * \param op A pointer to the zoo_op_t to be initialized.
419  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
420  * separating ancestors of the node.
421  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if the
422  *    actual version of the node does not match the expected version.
423  *  If -1 is used the version check will not take place.
424  */
425 void zoo_delete_op_init(zoo_op_t *op, const char *path, int version);
427 /**
428  * \brief zoo_set_op_init.
429  *
430  * This function initializes an zoo_op_t with the arguments for a ZOO_SETDATA_OP.
431  *
432  * \param op A pointer to the zoo_op_t to be initialized.
433  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
434  * separating ancestors of the node.
435  * \param buffer the buffer holding data to be written to the node.
436  * \param buflen the number of bytes from buffer to write. To set NULL as data
437  * use buffer as NULL and buflen as -1.
438  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if
439  * the actual version of the node does not match the expected version. If -1 is
440  * used the version check will not take place.
441  */
442 void zoo_set_op_init(zoo_op_t *op, const char *path, const char *buffer,
443         int buflen, int version, struct Stat *stat);
445 /**
446  * \brief zoo_check_op_init.
447  *
448  * This function initializes an zoo_op_t with the arguments for a ZOO_CHECK_OP.
449  *
450  * \param op A pointer to the zoo_op_t to be initialized.
451  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
452  * separating ancestors of the node.
453  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if the
454  *    actual version of the node does not match the expected version.
455  */
456 void zoo_check_op_init(zoo_op_t *op, const char *path, int version);
458 /**
459  * \brief zoo_op_result structure.
460  *
461  * This structure holds the result for an op submitted as part of a multi_op
462  * via \ref zoo_multi or \ref zoo_amulti.
463  */
464 typedef struct zoo_op_result {
465     int err;
466     char *value;
467 	int valuelen;
468     struct Stat *stat;
469 } zoo_op_result_t;
471 /**
472  * \brief signature of a watch function.
473  *
474  * There are two ways to receive watch notifications: legacy and watcher object.
475  * <p>
476  * The legacy style, an application wishing to receive events from ZooKeeper must
477  * first implement a function with this signature and pass a pointer to the function
478  * to \ref zookeeper_init. Next, the application sets a watch by calling one of
479  * the getter API that accept the watch integer flag (for example, \ref zoo_aexists,
480  * \ref zoo_get, etc).
481  * <p>
482  * The watcher object style uses an instance of a "watcher object" which in
483  * the C world is represented by a pair: a pointer to a function implementing this
484  * signature and a pointer to watcher context -- handback user-specific data.
485  * When a watch is triggered this function will be called along with
486  * the watcher context. An application wishing to use this style must use
487  * the getter API functions with the "w" prefix in their names (for example, \ref
488  * zoo_awexists, \ref zoo_wget, etc).
489  *
490  * \param zh zookeeper handle
491  * \param type event type. This is one of the *_EVENT constants.
492  * \param state connection state. The state value will be one of the *_STATE constants.
493  * \param path znode path for which the watcher is triggered. NULL if the event
494  * type is ZOO_SESSION_EVENT
495  * \param watcherCtx watcher context.
496  */
497 typedef void (*watcher_fn)(zhandle_t *zh, int type,
498         int state, const char *path,void *watcherCtx);
500 /**
501  * \brief typedef for setting the log callback. It's a function pointer which
502  * returns void and accepts a const char* as its only argument.
503  *
504  * \param message message to be passed to the callback function.
505  */
506 typedef void (*log_callback_fn)(const char *message);
508 /**
509  * \brief create a handle to used communicate with zookeeper.
510  *
511  * This method creates a new handle and a zookeeper session that corresponds
512  * to that handle. Session establishment is asynchronous, meaning that the
513  * session should not be considered established until (and unless) an
514  * event of state ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE is received.
515  * \param host comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk
516  *   server. e.g. ",,"
517  * \param fn the global watcher callback function. When notifications are
518  *   triggered this function will be invoked.
519  * \param clientid the id of a previously established session that this
520  *   client will be reconnecting to. Pass 0 if not reconnecting to a previous
521  *   session. Clients can access the session id of an established, valid,
522  *   connection by calling \ref zoo_client_id. If the session corresponding to
523  *   the specified clientid has expired, or if the clientid is invalid for
524  *   any reason, the returned zhandle_t will be invalid -- the zhandle_t
525  *   state will indicate the reason for failure (typically
527  * \param context the handback object that will be associated with this instance
528  *   of zhandle_t. Application can access it (for example, in the watcher
529  *   callback) using \ref zoo_get_context. The object is not used by zookeeper
530  *   internally and can be null.
531  * \param flags reserved for future use. Should be set to zero.
532  * \return a pointer to the opaque zhandle structure. If it fails to create
533  * a new zhandle the function returns NULL and the errno variable
534  * indicates the reason.
535  */
536 ZOOAPI zhandle_t *zookeeper_init(const char *host, watcher_fn fn,
537   int recv_timeout, const clientid_t *clientid, void *context, int flags);
539 #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_H
540 ZOOAPI zhandle_t *zookeeper_init_ssl(const char *host, const char *cert, watcher_fn fn,
541   int recv_timeout, const clientid_t *clientid, void *context, int flags);
542 #endif
544 ZOOAPI void close_zsock(zsock_t *zsock);
546 /**
547  * \brief create a handle to communicate with zookeeper.
548  *
549  * This function is identical to \ref zookeeper_init except it allows one
550  * to specify an additional callback to be used for all logging for that
551  * specific connection. For more details on the logging callback see
552  * \ref zoo_get_log_callback and \ref zoo_set_log_callback.
553  *
554  * This method creates a new handle and a zookeeper session that corresponds
555  * to that handle. Session establishment is asynchronous, meaning that the
556  * session should not be considered established until (and unless) an
557  * event of state ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE is received.
558  * \param host comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk
559  *   server. e.g. ",,"
560  * \param fn the global watcher callback function. When notifications are
561  *   triggered this function will be invoked.
562  * \param clientid the id of a previously established session that this
563  *   client will be reconnecting to. Pass 0 if not reconnecting to a previous
564  *   session. Clients can access the session id of an established, valid,
565  *   connection by calling \ref zoo_client_id. If the session corresponding to
566  *   the specified clientid has expired, or if the clientid is invalid for
567  *   any reason, the returned zhandle_t will be invalid -- the zhandle_t
568  *   state will indicate the reason for failure (typically
570  * \param context the handback object that will be associated with this instance
571  *   of zhandle_t. Application can access it (for example, in the watcher
572  *   callback) using \ref zoo_get_context. The object is not used by zookeeper
573  *   internally and can be null.
574  * \param flags reserved for future use. Should be set to zero.
575  * \param log_callback All log messages will be passed to this callback function.
576  *   For more details see \ref zoo_get_log_callback and \ref zoo_set_log_callback.
577  * \return a pointer to the opaque zhandle structure. If it fails to create
578  * a new zhandle the function returns NULL and the errno variable
579  * indicates the reason.
580  */
581 ZOOAPI zhandle_t *zookeeper_init2(const char *host, watcher_fn fn,
582   int recv_timeout, const clientid_t *clientid, void *context, int flags,
583   log_callback_fn log_callback);
585 #ifdef HAVE_CYRUS_SASL_H
587 /**
588  * \brief zoo_sasl_params structure.
589  *
590  * This structure holds the SASL parameters for the connection.
591  *
592  * Its \c service, \c host and \c callbacks fields are used with Cyrus
593  * SASL's \c sasl_client_new; its \c mechlist field with \c
594  * sasl_client_start.  Please refer to these functions for precise
595  * semantics.
596  *
597  * Note while "string" parameters are copied into the ZooKeeper
598  * client, the callbacks array is simply referenced: its lifetime must
599  * therefore cover that of the handle.
600  */
601 typedef struct zoo_sasl_params {
602   const char *service;          /*!< The service name, usually "zookeeper" */
603   const char *host;             /*!< The server name, e.g. "zk-sasl-md5" */
604   const char *mechlist;         /*!< Mechanisms to try, e.g. "DIGEST-MD5" */
605   const sasl_callback_t *callbacks;  /*!< List of callbacks */
606 } zoo_sasl_params_t;
608 /**
609  * \brief create a handle to communicate with zookeeper.
610  *
611  * This function is identical to \ref zookeeper_init2 except that it
612  * allows specifying optional SASL connection parameters.  It is only
613  * available if the client library was configured to link against the
614  * Cyrus SASL library, and only visible when \c HAVE_CYRUS_SASL_H is defined.
615  *
616  * This method creates a new handle and a zookeeper session that corresponds
617  * to that handle. Session establishment is asynchronous, meaning that the
618  * session should not be considered established until (and unless) an
619  * event of state ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE is received.
620  * \param host comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk
621  *   server. e.g. ",,"
622  * \param fn the global watcher callback function. When notifications are
623  *   triggered this function will be invoked.
624  * \param clientid the id of a previously established session that this
625  *   client will be reconnecting to. Pass 0 if not reconnecting to a previous
626  *   session. Clients can access the session id of an established, valid,
627  *   connection by calling \ref zoo_client_id. If the session corresponding to
628  *   the specified clientid has expired, or if the clientid is invalid for
629  *   any reason, the returned zhandle_t will be invalid -- the zhandle_t
630  *   state will indicate the reason for failure (typically
632  * \param context the handback object that will be associated with this instance
633  *   of zhandle_t. Application can access it (for example, in the watcher
634  *   callback) using \ref zoo_get_context. The object is not used by zookeeper
635  *   internally and can be null.
636  * \param flags reserved for future use. Should be set to zero.
637  * \param log_callback All log messages will be passed to this callback function.
638  *   For more details see \ref zoo_get_log_callback and \ref zoo_set_log_callback.
639  * \param sasl_params a pointer to a \ref zoo_sasl_params_t structure
640  *   specifying SASL connection parameters, or NULL to skip SASL
641  *   authentication
642  * \return a pointer to the opaque zhandle structure. If it fails to create
643  * a new zhandle the function returns NULL and the errno variable
644  * indicates the reason.
645  */
646 ZOOAPI zhandle_t *zookeeper_init_sasl(const char *host, watcher_fn fn,
647   int recv_timeout, const clientid_t *clientid, void *context, int flags,
648   log_callback_fn log_callback, zoo_sasl_params_t *sasl_params);
650 /**
651  * \brief allocates and initializes a basic array of Cyrus SASL callbacks.
652  *
653  * This small helper function makes it easy to pass "static"
654  * parameters to Cyrus SASL's underlying callback-based API.  Its use
655  * is not mandatory; you can still implement interactive dialogs by
656  * defining your own callbacks.
657  *
658  * \param user the "canned" response to \c SASL_CB_USER and \c SASL_CB_AUTHNAME,
659  *   or NULL for none
660  * \param realm the "canned" response to \c SASL_CB_GETREALM, or NULL for none
661  * \param password_file the name of a file whose first line is read in
662  *   response to \c SASL_CB_PASS, or NULL for none
663  * \return the freshly-malloc()ed callbacks array, or NULL if allocation
664  *   failed.  Deallocate with free(), but only after the corresponding
665  *   ZooKeeper handle is closed.
666  */
667 ZOOAPI sasl_callback_t *zoo_sasl_make_basic_callbacks(const char *user,
668   const char *realm, const char* password_file);
670 #endif /* HAVE_CYRUS_SASL_H */
672 /**
673  * \brief update the list of servers this client will connect to.
674  *
675  * This method allows a client to update the connection string by providing
676  * a new comma separated list of host:port pairs, each corresponding to a
677  * ZooKeeper server.
678  *
679  * This function invokes a probabilistic load-balancing algorithm which may cause
680  * the client to disconnect from its current host to achieve expected uniform
681  * connections per server in the new list. In case the current host to which the
682  * client is connected is not in the new list this call will always cause the
683  * connection to be dropped. Otherwise, the decision is based on whether the
684  * number of servers has increased or decreased and by how much.
685  *
686  * If the connection is dropped, the client moves to a special "reconfig" mode
687  * where he chooses a new server to connect to using the probabilistic algorithm.
688  * After finding a server or exhaustively trying all the servers in the new list,
689  * the client moves back to the normal mode of operation where it will pick an
690  * arbitrary server from the 'host' string.
691  *
692  * See {@link https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-1355} for the
693  * protocol and its evaluation,
694  *
695  * \param host comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk
696  *   server. e.g. ",,"
697  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
698  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
700  * ZSYSTEMERROR -- a system (OS) error occured; it's worth checking errno to get details
701  */
702 ZOOAPI int zoo_set_servers(zhandle_t *zh, const char *hosts);
704 /**
705  * \brief sets a minimum delay to observe between "routine" host name
706  * resolutions.
707  *
708  * The client performs regular resolutions of the list of servers
709  * passed to \ref zookeeper_init or set with \ref zoo_set_servers in
710  * order to detect changes at the DNS level.
711  *
712  * By default, it does so every time it checks for socket readiness.
713  * This results in low latency in the detection of changes, but can
714  * lead to heavy DNS traffic when the local cache is not effective.
715  *
716  * This method allows an application to influence the rate of polling.
717  * When delay_ms is set to a value greater than zero, the client skips
718  * most "routine" resolutions which would have happened in a window of
719  * that many milliseconds since the last succesful one.
720  *
721  * Setting delay_ms to 0 disables this logic, reverting to the default
722  * behavior.  Setting it to -1 disables network resolutions during
723  * normal operation (but not, e.g., on connection loss).
724  *
725  * \param delay_ms 0, -1, or the window size in milliseconds
726  * \return ZOK on success or ZBADARGUMENTS for invalid input parameters
727  */
728 ZOOAPI int zoo_set_servers_resolution_delay(zhandle_t *zh, int delay_ms);
730 /**
731  * \brief cycle to the next server on the next connection attempt.
732  *
733  * Note: typically this method should NOT be used outside of testing.
734  *
735  * This method allows a client to cycle through the list of servers in it's
736  * connection pool to be used on the next connection attempt. This function does
737  * not actually trigger a connection or state change in any way. Its purpose is
738  * to allow testing changing servers on the fly and the probabilistic load
739  * balancing algorithm.
740  */
741 ZOOAPI void zoo_cycle_next_server(zhandle_t *zh);
743 /**
744  * \brief get current host:port this client is connecting/connected to.
745  *
746  * Note: typically this method should NOT be used outside of testing.
747  *
748  * This method allows a client to get the current host:port that this client
749  * is either in the process of connecting to or is currently connected to. This
750  * is mainly used for testing purposes but might also come in handy as a general
751  * purpose tool to be used by other clients.
752  */
753 ZOOAPI const char* zoo_get_current_server(zhandle_t* zh);
755 /**
756  * \brief close the zookeeper handle and free up any resources.
757  *
758  * After this call, the client session will no longer be valid. The function
759  * will flush any outstanding send requests before return. As a result it may
760  * block.
761  *
762  * This method should only be called only once on a zookeeper handle. Calling
763  * twice will cause undefined (and probably undesirable behavior). Calling any other
764  * zookeeper method after calling close is undefined behaviour and should be avoided.
765  *
766  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
767  * \return a result code. Regardless of the error code returned, the zhandle
768  * will be destroyed and all resources freed.
769  *
770  * ZOK - success
771  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
772  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
773  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT - failed to flush the buffers within the specified timeout.
774  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS - a network error occurred while attempting to send request to server
775  * ZSYSTEMERROR -- a system (OS) error occurred; it's worth checking errno to get details
776  */
777 ZOOAPI int zookeeper_close(zhandle_t *zh);
779 /**
780  * \brief return the client session id, only valid if the connections
781  * is currently connected (ie. last watcher state is ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE)
782  */
783 ZOOAPI const clientid_t *zoo_client_id(zhandle_t *zh);
785 /**
786  * \brief return the timeout for this session, only valid if the connections
787  * is currently connected (ie. last watcher state is ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE). This
788  * value may change after a server re-connect.
789  */
790 ZOOAPI int zoo_recv_timeout(zhandle_t *zh);
792 /**
793  * \brief return the context for this handle.
794  */
795 ZOOAPI const void *zoo_get_context(zhandle_t *zh);
797 /**
798  * \brief set the context for this handle.
799  */
800 ZOOAPI void zoo_set_context(zhandle_t *zh, void *context);
802 /**
803  * \brief set a watcher function
804  * \return previous watcher function
805  */
806 ZOOAPI watcher_fn zoo_set_watcher(zhandle_t *zh,watcher_fn newFn);
808 /**
809  * \brief returns the socket address for the current connection
810  * \return socket address of the connected host or NULL on failure, only valid if the
811  * connection is current connected
812  */
813 ZOOAPI struct sockaddr* zookeeper_get_connected_host(zhandle_t *zh,
814         struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addr_len);
816 #ifndef THREADED
817 /**
818  * \brief Returns the events that zookeeper is interested in.
819  *
820  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
821  * \param fd is the file descriptor of interest
822  * \param interest is an or of the ZOOKEEPER_WRITE and ZOOKEEPER_READ flags to
823  *    indicate the I/O of interest on fd.
824  * \param tv a timeout value to be used with select/poll system call
825  * \return a result code.
826  * ZOK - success
827  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
829  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS - a network error occurred while attempting to establish
830  * a connection to the server
831  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
832  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT - hasn't received anything from the server for 2/3 of the
833  * timeout value specified in zookeeper_init()
834  * ZSYSTEMERROR -- a system (OS) error occurred; it's worth checking errno to get details
835  */
836 #ifdef WIN32
837 ZOOAPI int zookeeper_interest(zhandle_t *zh, SOCKET *fd, int *interest,
838 	struct timeval *tv);
839 #else
840 ZOOAPI int zookeeper_interest(zhandle_t *zh, int *fd, int *interest,
841 	struct timeval *tv);
842 #endif
844 /**
845  * \brief Notifies zookeeper that an event of interest has happened.
846  *
847  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
848  * \param events will be an OR of the ZOOKEEPER_WRITE and ZOOKEEPER_READ flags.
849  * \return a result code.
850  * ZOK - success
851  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
853  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS - a network error occurred while attempting to send request to server
854  * ZSESSIONEXPIRED - connection attempt failed -- the session's expired
855  * ZAUTHFAILED - authentication request failed, e.i. invalid credentials
856  * ZRUNTIMEINCONSISTENCY - a server response came out of order
857  * ZSYSTEMERROR -- a system (OS) error occurred; it's worth checking errno to get details
858  * ZNOTHING -- not an error; simply indicates that there no more data from the server
859  *              to be processed (when called with ZOOKEEPER_READ flag).
860  */
861 ZOOAPI int zookeeper_process(zhandle_t *zh, int events);
862 #endif
864 /**
865  * \brief signature of a completion function for a call that returns void.
866  *
867  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
868  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
869  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
870  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
871  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
872  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
873  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
874  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
875  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
876  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
877  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
878  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
879  *   pointer.
880  */
881 typedef void (*void_completion_t)(int rc, const void *data);
883 /**
884  * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a Stat structure.
885  *
886  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
887  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
888  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
889  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
890  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
891  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
892  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
893  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
894  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
895  * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in
896  *   this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of
897  *   stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat.
898  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
899  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
900  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
901  *   pointer.
902  */
903 typedef void (*stat_completion_t)(int rc, const struct Stat *stat,
904         const void *data);
906 /**
907  * \brief signature of a completion function that returns data.
908  *
909  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
910  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
911  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
912  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
913  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
914  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
915  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
916  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
917  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
918  * \param value the value of the information returned by the asynchronous call.
919  *   If a non zero error code is returned, the content of value is undefined.
920  *   The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing value.
921  * \param value_len the number of bytes in value.
922  * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in
923  *   this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of
924  *   stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat.
925  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
926  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
927  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
928  *   pointer.
929  */
930 typedef void (*data_completion_t)(int rc, const char *value, int value_len,
931         const struct Stat *stat, const void *data);
933 /**
934  * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a list of strings.
935  *
936  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
937  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
938  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
939  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
940  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
941  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
942  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
943  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
944  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
945  * \param strings a pointer to the structure containng the list of strings of the
946  *   names of the children of a node. If a non zero error code is returned,
947  *   the content of strings is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible
948  *   for freeing strings.
949  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
950  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
951  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
952  *   pointer.
953  */
954 typedef void (*strings_completion_t)(int rc,
955         const struct String_vector *strings, const void *data);
957 /**
958  * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a string and stat.
959  * .
960  *
961  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
962  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
963  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
964  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
965  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
966  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
967  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
968  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
969  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
970  * \param value the value of the string returned.
971  * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in
972  *   this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of
973  *   stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat.
974  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
975  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
976  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
977  *   pointer.
978  */
979 typedef void (*string_stat_completion_t)(int rc,
980         const char *string, const struct Stat *stat, const void *data);
982 /**
983  * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a list of strings and stat.
984  * .
985  *
986  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
987  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
988  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
989  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
990  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
991  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
992  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
993  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
994  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
995  * \param strings a pointer to the structure containng the list of strings of the
996  *   names of the children of a node. If a non zero error code is returned,
997  *   the content of strings is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible
998  *   for freeing strings.
999  * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in
1000  *   this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of
1001  *   stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat.
1002  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
1003  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
1004  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
1005  *   pointer.
1006  */
1007 typedef void (*strings_stat_completion_t)(int rc,
1008         const struct String_vector *strings, const struct Stat *stat,
1009         const void *data);
1011 /**
1012  * \brief signature of a completion function that returns a list of strings.
1013  *
1014  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
1015  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
1016  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
1017  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
1018  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
1019  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
1020  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
1021  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
1022  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
1023  * \param value the value of the string returned.
1024  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
1025  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
1026  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
1027  *   pointer.
1028  */
1029 typedef void
1030         (*string_completion_t)(int rc, const char *value, const void *data);
1032 /**
1033  * \brief signature of a completion function that returns an ACL.
1034  *
1035  * This method will be invoked at the end of a asynchronous call and also as
1036  * a result of connection loss or timeout.
1037  * \param rc the error code of the call. Connection loss/timeout triggers
1038  * the completion with one of the following error codes:
1039  * ZCONNECTIONLOSS -- lost connection to the server
1040  * ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT -- connection timed out
1041  * Data related events trigger the completion with error codes listed the
1042  * Exceptions section of the documentation of the function that initiated the
1043  * call. (Zero indicates call was successful.)
1044  * \param acl a pointer to the structure containng the ACL of a node. If a non
1045  *   zero error code is returned, the content of strings is undefined. The
1046  *   programmer is NOT responsible for freeing acl.
1047  * \param stat a pointer to the stat information for the node involved in
1048  *   this function. If a non zero error code is returned, the content of
1049  *   stat is undefined. The programmer is NOT responsible for freeing stat.
1050  * \param data the pointer that was passed by the caller when the function
1051  *   that this completion corresponds to was invoked. The programmer
1052  *   is responsible for any memory freeing associated with the data
1053  *   pointer.
1054  */
1055 typedef void (*acl_completion_t)(int rc, struct ACL_vector *acl,
1056         struct Stat *stat, const void *data);
1058 /**
1059  * \brief get the state of the zookeeper connection.
1060  *
1061  * The return value will be one of the \ref State Consts.
1062  */
1063 ZOOAPI int zoo_state(zhandle_t *zh);
1065 /**
1066  * \brief create a node.
1067  *
1068  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1069  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1070  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1071  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1072  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1073  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1074  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded.
1075  *
1076  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1077  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1078  * separating ancestors of the node.
1079  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1080  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data.
1081  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1082  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1083  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1084  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1085  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1086  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
1087  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
1088  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1089  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
1090  * \param data The data that will be passed to the completion routine when the
1091  * function completes.
1092  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1093  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1095  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1096  */
1097 ZOOAPI int zoo_acreate(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
1098         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode,
1099         string_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1101 /**
1102  * \brief create a node.
1103  *
1104  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1105  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1106  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1107  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1108  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1109  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1110  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded. When ZOO_*_WITH_TTL is selected, a ttl node will be
1111  * created.
1112  *
1113  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1114  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1115  * separating ancestors of the node.
1116  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1117  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data.
1118  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1119  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1120  * \param ttl the value of ttl in milliseconds. It must be positive for ZOO_*_WITH_TTL
1121  *    Create modes, otherwise it must be -1.
1122  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1123  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1124  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1125  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
1126  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
1127  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1128  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
1129  * \param data The data that will be passed to the completion routine when the
1130  * function completes.
1131  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1132  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1134  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1135  */
1136 ZOOAPI int zoo_acreate_ttl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
1137         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode, int64_t ttl,
1138         string_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1140 /**
1141  * \brief create a node asynchronously and returns stat details.
1142  *
1143  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1144  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1145  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1146  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1147  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1148  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1149  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded.
1150  *
1151  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1152  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1153  * separating ancestors of the node.
1154  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1155  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data.
1156  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1157  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1158  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1159  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1160  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1161  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
1162  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
1163  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1164  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
1165  * \param data The data that will be passed to the completion routine when the
1166  * function completes.
1167  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1168  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1170  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1171  */
1172 ZOOAPI int zoo_acreate2(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
1173         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode,
1174         string_stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1176 /**
1177  * \brief create a node asynchronously and returns stat details.
1178  *
1179  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1180  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1181  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1182  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1183  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1184  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1185  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded. When ZOO_*_WITH_TTL is selected, a ttl node will be
1186  * created.
1187  *
1188  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1189  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1190  * separating ancestors of the node.
1191  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1192  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data.
1193  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1194  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1195  * \param ttl the value of ttl in milliseconds. It must be positive for ZOO_*_WITH_TTL
1196  *    Create modes, otherwise it must be -1.
1197  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1198  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1199  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1200  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
1201  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
1202  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1203  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
1204  * \param data The data that will be passed to the completion routine when the
1205  * function completes.
1206  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1207  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1209  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1210  */
1211 ZOOAPI int zoo_acreate2_ttl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
1212         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode, int64_t ttl,
1213         string_stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1215 /**
1216  * \brief delete a node in zookeeper.
1217  *
1218  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1219  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1220  * separating ancestors of the node.
1221  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if the
1222  *    actual version of the node does not match the expected version.
1223  *  If -1 is used the version check will not take place.
1224  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1225  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1226  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1227  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1228  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1229  * ZBADVERSION expected version does not match actual version.
1230  * ZNOTEMPTY children are present; node cannot be deleted.
1231  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1232  * the function completes.
1233  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1234  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1236  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1237  */
1238 ZOOAPI int zoo_adelete(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int version,
1239         void_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1241 /**
1242  * \brief checks the existence of a node in zookeeper.
1243  *
1244  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1245  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1246  * separating ancestors of the node.
1247  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify the
1248  * client if the node changes. The watch will be set even if the node does not
1249  * exist. This allows clients to watch for nodes to appear.
1250  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1251  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1252  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1253  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1254  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1255  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when the
1256  * function completes.
1257  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1258  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1260  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1261  */
1262 ZOOAPI int zoo_aexists(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch,
1263         stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1265 /**
1266  * \brief checks the existence of a node in zookeeper.
1267  *
1268  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_axists except it allows one specify
1269  * a watcher object - a function pointer and associated context. The function
1270  * will be called once the watch has fired. The associated context data will be
1271  * passed to the function as the watcher context parameter.
1272  *
1273  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1274  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1275  * separating ancestors of the node.
1276  * \param watcher if non-null a watch will set on the specified znode on the server.
1277  * The watch will be set even if the node does not exist. This allows clients
1278  * to watch for nodes to appear.
1279  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
1280  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
1281  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
1282  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1283  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1284  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1285  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1286  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1287  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when the
1288  * function completes.
1289  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1290  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1292  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1293  */
1294 ZOOAPI int zoo_awexists(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1295         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
1296         stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1298 /**
1299  * \brief gets the data associated with a node.
1300  *
1301  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1302  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1303  * separating ancestors of the node.
1304  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1305  * the client if the node changes.
1306  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1307  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1308  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1309  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1310  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1311  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1312  * the function completes.
1313  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1314  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1316  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1317  */
1318 ZOOAPI int zoo_aget(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch,
1319         data_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1321 /**
1322  * \brief gets the data associated with a node.
1323  *
1324  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_aget except it allows one specify
1325  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
1326  *
1327  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1328  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1329  * separating ancestors of the node.
1330  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1331  * the client if the node changes.
1332  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
1333  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
1334  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
1335  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1336  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1337  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1338  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1339  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1340  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1341  * the function completes.
1342  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1343  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1345  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1346  */
1347 ZOOAPI int zoo_awget(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1348         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
1349         data_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1351 /**
1352  * \brief gets the last committed configuration of the ZooKeeper cluster as it is known to
1353  * the server to which the client is connected.
1354  *
1355  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1356  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1357  * the client if the configuration changes.
1358  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1359  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1360  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1361  * ZNONODE the configuration node (/zookeeper/config) does not exist.
1362  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission to access the configuration node.
1363  * \param data the configuration data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1364  * the function completes.
1365  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1366  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1368  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1369  */
1370 ZOOAPI int zoo_agetconfig(zhandle_t *zh, int watch,
1371         data_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1373 /**
1374  * \brief gets the last committed configuration of the ZooKeeper cluster as it is known to
1375  * the server to which the client is connected.
1376  *
1377  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_agetconfig except it allows one specify
1378  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
1379  *
1380  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1381  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1382  * the client if the node changes.
1383  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
1384  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
1385  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
1386  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1387  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1388  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1389  * ZNONODE the configuration node (/zookeeper/config) does not exist.
1390  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission to access the configuration node.
1391  * \param data the configuration data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1392  * the function completes.
1393  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1394  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1396  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1397  */
1398 ZOOAPI int zoo_awgetconfig(zhandle_t *zh, watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
1399         data_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1401 /**
1402  * \brief asynchronous reconfiguration interface - allows changing ZK cluster
1403  * ensemble membership and roles of ensemble peers.
1404  *
1405  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1406  * \param joining - comma separated list of servers to be added to the ensemble.
1407  * Each has a configuration line for a server to be added (as would appear in a
1408  * configuration file), only for maj. quorums.  NULL for non-incremental reconfiguration.
1409  * \param leaving - comma separated list of server IDs to be removed from the ensemble.
1410  * Each has an id of a server to be removed, only for maj. quorums.  NULL for
1411  * non-incremental reconfiguration.
1412  * \param members - comma separated list of new membership (e.g., contents of a
1413  * membership configuration file) - for use only with a non-incremental
1414  * reconfiguration. NULL for incremental reconfiguration.
1415  * \param version - version of config from which we want to reconfigure - if
1416  * current config is different reconfiguration will fail. Should be -1 to disable
1417  * this option.
1418  * \param completion - the routine to invoke when the request completes. The
1419  * completion will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the
1420  * rc argument:
1421  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1422  * \param data the configuration data that will be passed to the completion routine
1423  * when the function completes.
1424  * \return return value of the function call.
1425  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1426  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters (one case when this is returned is
1427  * when the new config has less than 2 servers)
1429  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1430  * ZNEWCONFIGNOQUORUM - no quorum of new config is connected and up-to-date with
1431  * the leader of last committed config - try invoking reconfiguration after new servers are connected and synced
1432  * ZRECONFIGINPROGRESS - another reconfig is currently in progress
1433  */
1434 ZOOAPI int zoo_areconfig(zhandle_t *zh, const char *joining, const char *leaving,
1435        const char *members, int64_t version, data_completion_t dc, const void *data);
1437 /**
1438  * \brief sets the data associated with a node.
1439  *
1440  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1441  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1442  * separating ancestors of the node.
1443  * \param buffer the buffer holding data to be written to the node.
1444  * \param buflen the number of bytes from buffer to write.
1445  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if
1446  * the actual version of the node does not match the expected version. If -1 is
1447  * used the version check will not take place. * completion: If null,
1448  * the function will execute synchronously. Otherwise, the function will return
1449  * immediately and invoke the completion routine when the request completes.
1450  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1451  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1452  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1453  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1454  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1455  * ZBADVERSION expected version does not match actual version.
1456  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1457  * the function completes.
1458  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1459  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1461  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1462  */
1463 ZOOAPI int zoo_aset(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *buffer, int buflen,
1464         int version, stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1466 /**
1467  * \brief lists the children of a node.
1468  *
1469  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1470  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1471  * separating ancestors of the node.
1472  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1473  * the client if the node changes.
1474  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1475  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1476  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1477  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1478  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1479  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1480  * the function completes.
1481  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1482  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1484  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1485  */
1486 ZOOAPI int zoo_aget_children(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch,
1487         strings_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1489 /**
1490  * \brief lists the children of a node.
1491  *
1492  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_aget_children except it allows one specify
1493  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
1494  *
1495  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1496  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1497  * separating ancestors of the node.
1498  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1499  * the client if the node changes.
1500  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
1501  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
1502  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
1503  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1504  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1505  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1506  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1507  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1508  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1509  * the function completes.
1510  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1511  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1513  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1514  */
1515 ZOOAPI int zoo_awget_children(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1516         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
1517         strings_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1519 /**
1520  * \brief lists the children of a node, and get the parent stat.
1521  *
1522  * This function is new in version 3.3.0
1523  *
1524  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1525  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1526  * separating ancestors of the node.
1527  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1528  * the client if the node changes.
1529  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1530  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1531  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1532  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1533  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1534  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1535  * the function completes.
1536  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1537  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1539  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1540  */
1541 ZOOAPI int zoo_aget_children2(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch,
1542         strings_stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1544 /**
1545  * \brief lists the children of a node, and get the parent stat.
1546  *
1547  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_aget_children2 except it allows one specify
1548  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
1549  *
1550  * This function is new in version 3.3.0
1551  *
1552  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1553  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1554  * separating ancestors of the node.
1555  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
1556  * the client if the node changes.
1557  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
1558  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
1559  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
1560  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1561  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1562  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1563  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1564  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1565  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1566  * the function completes.
1567  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1568  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1570  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1571  */
1572 ZOOAPI int zoo_awget_children2(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1573         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
1574         strings_stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1576 /**
1577  * \brief Flush leader channel.
1578  *
1579  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1580  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1581  * separating ancestors of the node.
1582  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1583  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1584  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1585  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1586  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1587  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1588  * the function completes.
1589  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1590  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1592  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1593  */
1595 ZOOAPI int zoo_async(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1596         string_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1599 /**
1600  * \brief gets the acl associated with a node.
1601  *
1602  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1603  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1604  * separating ancestors of the node.
1605  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1606  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1607  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1608  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1609  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1610  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1611  * the function completes.
1612  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1613  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1615  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1616  */
1617 ZOOAPI int zoo_aget_acl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, acl_completion_t completion,
1618         const void *data);
1620 /**
1621  * \brief sets the acl associated with a node.
1622  *
1623  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1624  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1625  * separating ancestors of the node.
1626  * \param buffer the buffer holding the acls to be written to the node.
1627  * \param buflen the number of bytes from buffer to write.
1628  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1629  * will be triggered with one of the following codes passed in as the rc argument:
1630  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1631  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
1632  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1633  * ZINVALIDACL invalid ACL specified
1634  * ZBADVERSION expected version does not match actual version.
1635  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1636  * the function completes.
1637  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1638  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1640  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1641  */
1642 ZOOAPI int zoo_aset_acl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int version,
1643         struct ACL_vector *acl, void_completion_t, const void *data);
1645 /**
1646  * \brief atomically commits multiple zookeeper operations.
1647  *
1648  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1649  * \param count the number of operations
1650  * \param ops an array of operations to commit
1651  * \param results an array to hold the results of the operations
1652  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. The completion
1653  * will be triggered with any of the error codes that can that can be returned by the
1654  * ops supported by a multi op (see \ref zoo_acreate, \ref zoo_adelete, \ref zoo_aset).
1655  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when
1656  * the function completes.
1657  * \return the return code for the function call. This can be any of the
1658  * values that can be returned by the ops supported by a multi op (see
1659  * \ref zoo_acreate, \ref zoo_adelete, \ref zoo_aset).
1660  */
1661 ZOOAPI int zoo_amulti(zhandle_t *zh, int count, const zoo_op_t *ops,
1662         zoo_op_result_t *results, void_completion_t, const void *data);
1664 /**
1665  * \brief return an error string.
1666  *
1667  * \param return code
1668  * \return string corresponding to the return code
1669  */
1670 ZOOAPI const char* zerror(int c);
1672 /**
1673  * \brief specify application credentials.
1674  *
1675  * The application calls this function to specify its credentials for purposes
1676  * of authentication. The server will use the security provider specified by
1677  * the scheme parameter to authenticate the client connection. If the
1678  * authentication request has failed:
1679  * - the server connection is dropped
1680  * - the watcher is called with the ZOO_AUTH_FAILED_STATE value as the state
1681  * parameter.
1682  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1683  * \param scheme the id of authentication scheme. Natively supported:
1684  * "digest" password-based authentication
1685  * \param cert application credentials. The actual value depends on the scheme.
1686  * \param certLen the length of the data parameter
1687  * \param completion the routine to invoke when the request completes. One of
1688  * the following result codes may be passed into the completion callback:
1689  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1690  * ZAUTHFAILED authentication failed
1691  * \param data the data that will be passed to the completion routine when the
1692  * function completes.
1693  * \return ZOK on success or one of the following errcodes on failure:
1694  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1696  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1697  * ZSYSTEMERROR - a system error occurred
1698  */
1699 ZOOAPI int zoo_add_auth(zhandle_t *zh,const char* scheme,const char* cert,
1700 	int certLen, void_completion_t completion, const void *data);
1702 /**
1703  * \brief checks if the current zookeeper connection state can't be recovered.
1704  *
1705  *  The application must close the zhandle and try to reconnect.
1706  *
1707  * \param zh the zookeeper handle (see \ref zookeeper_init)
1708  * \return ZINVALIDSTATE if connection is unrecoverable
1709  */
1710 ZOOAPI int is_unrecoverable(zhandle_t *zh);
1712 /**
1713  * \brief sets the debugging level for the library
1714  */
1715 ZOOAPI void zoo_set_debug_level(ZooLogLevel logLevel);
1717 /**
1718  * \brief sets the stream to be used by the library for logging
1719  *
1720  * The zookeeper library uses stderr as its default log stream. Application
1721  * must make sure the stream is writable. Passing in NULL resets the stream
1722  * to its default value (stderr).
1723  */
1724 ZOOAPI void zoo_set_log_stream(FILE* logStream);
1726 /**
1727  * \brief gets the callback to be used by this connection for logging.
1728  *
1729  * This is a per-connection logging mechanism that will take priority over
1730  * the library-wide default log stream. That is, zookeeper library will first
1731  * try to use a per-connection callback if available and if not, will fallback
1732  * to using the logging stream. Passing in NULL resets the callback and will
1733  * cause it to then fallback to using the logging stream as described in \ref
1734  * zoo_set_log_stream.
1735  */
1736 ZOOAPI log_callback_fn zoo_get_log_callback(const zhandle_t *zh);
1738 /**
1739  * \brief sets the callback to be used by the library for logging
1740  *
1741  * Setting this callback has the effect of overriding the default log stream.
1742  * Zookeeper will first try to use a per-connection callback if available
1743  * and if not, will fallback to using the logging stream. Passing in NULL
1744  * resets the callback and will cause it to then fallback to using the logging
1745  * stream as described in \ref zoo_set_log_stream.
1746  *
1747  * Note: The provided callback will be invoked by multiple threads and therefore
1748  * it needs to be thread-safe.
1749  */
1750 ZOOAPI void zoo_set_log_callback(zhandle_t *zh, log_callback_fn callback);
1752 /**
1753  * \brief enable/disable quorum endpoint order randomization
1754  *
1755  * Note: typically this method should NOT be used outside of testing.
1756  *
1757  * If passed a non-zero value, will make the client connect to quorum peers
1758  * in the order as specified in the zookeeper_init() call.
1759  * A zero value causes zookeeper_init() to permute the peer endpoints
1760  * which is good for more even client connection distribution among the
1761  * quorum peers.
1762  */
1763 ZOOAPI void zoo_deterministic_conn_order(int yesOrNo);
1765 /**
1766  * Type of watches: used to select which type of watches should be removed
1767  */
1768 typedef enum {
1772 } ZooWatcherType;
1774 /**
1775  * \brief removes the watches for the given path and watcher type.
1776  *
1777  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1778  * \param path the path for which watches will be removed
1779  * \param wtype the watcher type to be removed
1780  * \param watcher the watcher to be removed, if null all watches for that
1781  * path (and watcher type) will be removed
1782  * \param watcherCtx the contex associated with the watcher to be removed
1783  * \param local whether the watches will be removed locally even if there is
1784  * no server connection
1785  * \return the return code for the function call.
1786  * ZOK - operation completed successfully
1787  * ZNOWATCHER - the watcher couldn't be found.
1788  * ZINVALIDSTATE - if !local, zhandle state is either ZOO_SESSION_EXPIRED_STATE
1790  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1791  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1792  * ZSYSTEMERROR - a system error occured
1793  */
1794 ZOOAPI int zoo_aremove_watches(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1795         ZooWatcherType wtype, watcher_fn watcher, void *watcherCtx, int local,
1796         void_completion_t *completion, const void *data);
1798 /**
1799  * \brief removes all the watches for the given path and watcher type.
1800  *
1801  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1802  * \param path the path for which watches will be removed
1803  * \param wtype the watcher type to be removed
1804  * \param local whether the watches will be removed locally even if there is
1805  * no server connection
1806  * \return the return code for the function call.
1807  * ZOK - operation completed successfully
1808  * ZNOWATCHER - the watcher couldn't be found.
1809  * ZINVALIDSTATE - if !local, zhandle state is either ZOO_SESSION_EXPIRED_STATE
1811  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1812  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1813  * ZSYSTEMERROR - a system error occured
1814  */
1815 ZOOAPI int zoo_remove_all_watches(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1816         ZooWatcherType wtype, int local);
1818 /**
1819  * \brief removes all the watches for the given path and watcher type.
1820  *
1821  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1822  * \param path the path for which watches will be removed
1823  * \param wtype the watcher type to be removed
1824  * \param local whether the watches will be removed locally even if there is
1825  * no server connection
1826  * \return the return code for the function call.
1827  * ZOK - operation completed successfully
1828  * ZNOWATCHER - the watcher couldn't be found.
1829  * ZINVALIDSTATE - if !local, zhandle state is either ZOO_SESSION_EXPIRED_STATE
1831  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1832  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1833  * ZSYSTEMERROR - a system error occured
1834 */
1835 ZOOAPI int zoo_aremove_all_watches(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
1836         ZooWatcherType wtype, int local, void_completion_t *completion,
1837         const void *data);
1839 #ifdef THREADED
1840 /**
1841  * \brief create a node synchronously.
1842  *
1843  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1844  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1845  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1846  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1847  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1848  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1849  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded.
1850  *
1851  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1852  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1853  * separating ancestors of the node.
1854  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1855  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data. To set the data to be NULL use
1856  * value as NULL and valuelen as -1.
1857  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1858  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1859  * \param path_buffer Buffer which will be filled with the path of the
1860  *    new node (this might be different than the supplied path
1861  *    because of the ZOO_SEQUENCE flag).  The path string will always be
1862  *    null-terminated. This parameter may be NULL if path_buffer_len = 0.
1863  * \param path_buffer_len Size of path buffer; if the path of the new
1864  *    node (including space for the null terminator) exceeds the buffer size,
1865  *    the path string will be truncated to fit.  The actual path of the
1866  *    new node in the server will not be affected by the truncation.
1867  *    The path string will always be null-terminated.
1868  * \return  one of the following codes are returned:
1869  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1870  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
1871  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
1872  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1873  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
1874  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1876  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1877  */
1878 ZOOAPI int zoo_create(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
1879         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode,
1880         char *path_buffer, int path_buffer_len);
1882 /**
1883  * \brief create a node synchronously.
1884  *
1885  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1886  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1887  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1888  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1889  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1890  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1891  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded. When ZOO_*_WITH_TTL is selected, a ttl node will be
1892  * created.
1893  *
1894  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1895  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1896  * separating ancestors of the node.
1897  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1898  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data. To set the data to be NULL use
1899  * value as NULL and valuelen as -1.
1900  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1901  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1902  * \param ttl the value of ttl in milliseconds. It must be positive for ZOO_*_WITH_TTL
1903  *    Create modes, otherwise it must be -1.
1904  * \param path_buffer Buffer which will be filled with the path of the
1905  *    new node (this might be different than the supplied path
1906  *    because of the ZOO_SEQUENCE flag).  The path string will always be
1907  *    null-terminated. This parameter may be NULL if path_buffer_len = 0.
1908  * \param path_buffer_len Size of path buffer; if the path of the new
1909  *    node (including space for the null terminator) exceeds the buffer size,
1910  *    the path string will be truncated to fit.  The actual path of the
1911  *    new node in the server will not be affected by the truncation.
1912  *    The path string will always be null-terminated.
1913  * \return  one of the following codes are returned:
1914  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1915  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
1916  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
1917  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1918  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
1919  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1921  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1922  */
1923 ZOOAPI int zoo_create_ttl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
1924         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode, int64_t ttl,
1925         char *path_buffer, int path_buffer_len);
1927 /**
1928  * \brief create a node synchronously and collect stat details.
1929  *
1930  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1931  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1932  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1933  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1934  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1935  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1936  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded.
1937  *
1938  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1939  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1940  * separating ancestors of the node.
1941  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1942  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data. To set the data to be NULL use
1943  * value as NULL and valuelen as -1.
1944  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1945  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1946  * \param path_buffer Buffer which will be filled with the path of the
1947  *    new node (this might be different than the supplied path
1948  *    because of the ZOO_SEQUENCE flag).  The path string will always be
1949  *    null-terminated. This parameter may be NULL if path_buffer_len = 0.
1950  * \param path_buffer_len Size of path buffer; if the path of the new
1951  *    node (including space for the null terminator) exceeds the buffer size,
1952  *    the path string will be truncated to fit.  The actual path of the
1953  *    new node in the server will not be affected by the truncation.
1954  *    The path string will always be null-terminated.
1955  * \param stat The Stat struct to store Stat info into.
1956  * \return  one of the following codes are returned:
1957  * ZOK operation completed successfully
1958  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
1959  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
1960  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
1961  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
1962  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
1964  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
1965  */
1966 ZOOAPI int zoo_create2(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
1967         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode,
1968         char *path_buffer, int path_buffer_len, struct Stat *stat);
1970 /**
1971  * \brief create a node synchronously and collect stat details.
1972  *
1973  * This method will create a node in ZooKeeper. A node can only be created if
1974  * it does not already exist. The Create Mode affects the creation of nodes.
1975  * If ZOO_EPHEMERAL mode is chosen, the node will automatically get removed if the
1976  * client session goes away. If ZOO_CONTAINER flag is set, a container node will be
1977  * created. For ZOO_*_SEQUENTIAL modes, a unique monotonically increasing
1978  * sequence number is appended to the path name. The sequence number is always fixed
1979  * length of 10 digits, 0 padded. When ZOO_*_WITH_TTL is selected, a ttl node will be
1980  * created.
1981  *
1982  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
1983  * \param path The name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
1984  * separating ancestors of the node.
1985  * \param value The data to be stored in the node.
1986  * \param valuelen The number of bytes in data. To set the data to be NULL use
1987  * value as NULL and valuelen as -1.
1988  * \param acl The initial ACL of the node. The ACL must not be null or empty.
1989  * \param mode this parameter should be one of the Create Modes.
1990  * \param ttl the value of ttl in milliseconds. It must be positive for ZOO_*_WITH_TTL
1991  *    Create modes, otherwise it must be -1.
1992  * \param path_buffer Buffer which will be filled with the path of the
1993  *    new node (this might be different than the supplied path
1994  *    because of the ZOO_SEQUENCE flag).  The path string will always be
1995  *    null-terminated. This parameter may be NULL if path_buffer_len = 0.
1996  * \param path_buffer_len Size of path buffer; if the path of the new
1997  *    node (including space for the null terminator) exceeds the buffer size,
1998  *    the path string will be truncated to fit.  The actual path of the
1999  *    new node in the server will not be affected by the truncation.
2000  *    The path string will always be null-terminated.
2001  * \param stat The Stat struct to store Stat info into.
2002  * \return  one of the following codes are returned:
2003  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2004  * ZNONODE the parent node does not exist.
2005  * ZNODEEXISTS the node already exists
2006  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2007  * ZNOCHILDRENFOREPHEMERALS cannot create children of ephemeral nodes.
2008  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2010  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2011  */
2012 ZOOAPI int zoo_create2_ttl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value,
2013         int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int mode, int64_t ttl,
2014         char *path_buffer, int path_buffer_len, struct Stat *stat);
2016 /**
2017  * \brief delete a node in zookeeper synchronously.
2018  *
2019  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2020  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2021  * separating ancestors of the node.
2022  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if the
2023  *    actual version of the node does not match the expected version.
2024  *  If -1 is used the version check will not take place.
2025  * \return one of the following values is returned.
2026  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2027  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2028  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2029  * ZBADVERSION expected version does not match actual version.
2030  * ZNOTEMPTY children are present; node cannot be deleted.
2031  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2033  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2034  */
2035 ZOOAPI int zoo_delete(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int version);
2037 /**
2038  * \brief checks the existence of a node in zookeeper synchronously.
2039  *
2040  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2041  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2042  * separating ancestors of the node.
2043  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify the
2044  * client if the node changes. The watch will be set even if the node does not
2045  * exist. This allows clients to watch for nodes to appear.
2046  * \param the return stat value of the node.
2047  * \return  return code of the function call.
2048  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2049  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2050  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2051  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2053  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2054  */
2055 ZOOAPI int zoo_exists(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch, struct Stat *stat);
2057 /**
2058  * \brief checks the existence of a node in zookeeper synchronously.
2059  *
2060  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_exists except it allows one specify
2061  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
2062  *
2063  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2064  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2065  * separating ancestors of the node.
2066  * \param watcher if non-null a watch will set on the specified znode on the server.
2067  * The watch will be set even if the node does not exist. This allows clients
2068  * to watch for nodes to appear.
2069  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
2070  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
2071  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
2072  * \param the return stat value of the node.
2073  * \return  return code of the function call.
2074  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2075  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2076  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2077  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2079  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2080  */
2081 ZOOAPI int zoo_wexists(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
2082         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx, struct Stat *stat);
2084 /**
2085  * \brief gets the data associated with a node synchronously.
2086  *
2087  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2088  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2089  * separating ancestors of the node.
2090  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2091  * the client if the node changes.
2092  * \param buffer the buffer holding the node data returned by the server
2093  * \param buffer_len is the size of the buffer pointed to by the buffer parameter.
2094  * It'll be set to the actual data length upon return. If the data is NULL, length is -1.
2095  * \param stat if not NULL, will hold the value of stat for the path on return.
2096  * \return return value of the function call.
2097  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2098  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2099  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2100  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2102  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2103  */
2104 ZOOAPI int zoo_get(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch, char *buffer,
2105                    int* buffer_len, struct Stat *stat);
2106 /**
2107  * \brief gets the data associated with a node synchronously.
2108  *
2109  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_get except it allows one specify
2110  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
2111  *
2112  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2113  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2114  * separating ancestors of the node.
2115  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2116  * the client if the node changes.
2117  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
2118  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
2119  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
2120  * \param buffer the buffer holding the node data returned by the server
2121  * \param buffer_len is the size of the buffer pointed to by the buffer parameter.
2122  * It'll be set to the actual data length upon return. If the data is NULL, length is -1.
2123  * \param stat if not NULL, will hold the value of stat for the path on return.
2124  * \return return value of the function call.
2125  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2126  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2127  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2128  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2130  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2131  */
2132 ZOOAPI int zoo_wget(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
2133         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
2134         char *buffer, int* buffer_len, struct Stat *stat);
2136 /**
2137  * \brief gets the last committed configuration of the ZooKeeper cluster as it is known to
2138  * the server to which the client is connected, synchronously.
2139  *
2140  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2141  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2142  * the client if the node changes.
2143  * \param buffer the buffer holding the configuration data returned by the server
2144  * \param buffer_len is the size of the buffer pointed to by the buffer parameter.
2145  * It'll be set to the actual data length upon return. If the data is NULL, length is -1.
2146  * \param stat if not NULL, will hold the value of stat for the path on return.
2147  * \return return value of the function call.
2148  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2149  * ZNONODE the configuration node (/zookeeper/config) does not exist.
2150  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission to access the configuration node.
2151  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2153  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2154  */
2155 ZOOAPI int zoo_getconfig(zhandle_t *zh, int watch, char *buffer,
2156                          int* buffer_len, struct Stat *stat);
2158 /**
2159  * \brief gets the last committed configuration of the ZooKeeper cluster as it is known to
2160  * the server to which the client is connected, synchronously.
2161  *
2162  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_getconfig except it allows one specify
2163  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
2164  *
2165  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2166  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2167  * the client if the node changes.
2168  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
2169  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
2170  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
2171  * \param buffer the buffer holding the configuration data returned by the server
2172  * \param buffer_len is the size of the buffer pointed to by the buffer parameter.
2173  * It'll be set to the actual data length upon return. If the data is NULL, length is -1.
2174  * \param stat if not NULL, will hold the value of stat for the path on return.
2175  * \return return value of the function call.
2176  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2177  * ZNONODE the configuration node (/zookeeper/config) does not exist.
2178  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission to access the configuration node.
2179  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2181  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2182  */
2183 ZOOAPI int zoo_wgetconfig(zhandle_t *zh, watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
2184         char *buffer, int* buffer_len, struct Stat *stat);
2186 /**
2187  * \brief synchronous reconfiguration interface - allows changing ZK cluster
2188  * ensemble membership and roles of ensemble peers.
2189  *
2190  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2191  * \param joining - comma separated list of servers to be added to the ensemble.
2192  * Each has a configuration line for a server to be added (as would appear in a
2193  * configuration file), only for maj. quorums.  NULL for non-incremental reconfiguration.
2194  * \param leaving - comma separated list of server IDs to be removed from the ensemble.
2195  * Each has an id of a server to be removed, only for maj. quorums.  NULL for
2196  * non-incremental reconfiguration.
2197  * \param members - comma separated list of new membership (e.g., contents of a
2198  *  membership configuration file) - for use only with a non-incremental
2199  * reconfiguration. NULL for incremental reconfiguration.
2200  * \param version - zxid of config from which we want to reconfigure - if
2201  * current config is different reconfiguration will fail. Should be -1 to
2202  * disable this option.
2203  * \param buffer the buffer holding the configuration data returned by the server
2204  * \param buffer_len is the size of the buffer pointed to by the buffer parameter.
2205  * It'll be set to the actual data length upon return. If the data is NULL, length
2206  * is -1.
2207  * \param stat if not NULL, will hold the value of stat for the path on return.
2208  * \return return value of the function call.
2209  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2210  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters (one case when this is returned is
2211  * when the new config has less than 2 servers)
2212  * ZINVALIDSTATE - zhandle state is either in ZOO_SESSION_EXPIRED_STATE or
2214  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2215  * ZNEWCONFIGNOQUORUM - no quorum of new config is connected and up-to-date with
2216  * the leader of last committed config - try invoking reconfiguration after new
2217  * servers are connected and synced
2218  * ZRECONFIGINPROGRESS - another reconfig is currently in progress
2219  */
2220 ZOOAPI int zoo_reconfig(zhandle_t *zh, const char *joining, const char *leaving,
2221        const char *members, int64_t version, char *buffer, int* buffer_len,
2222        struct Stat *stat);
2224 /**
2225  * \brief sets the data associated with a node. See zoo_set2 function if
2226  * you require access to the stat information associated with the znode.
2227  *
2228  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2229  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2230  * separating ancestors of the node.
2231  * \param buffer the buffer holding data to be written to the node.
2232  * \param buflen the number of bytes from buffer to write. To set NULL as data
2233  * use buffer as NULL and buflen as -1.
2234  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if
2235  * the actual version of the node does not match the expected version. If -1 is
2236  * used the version check will not take place.
2237  * \return the return code for the function call.
2238  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2239  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2240  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2241  * ZBADVERSION expected version does not match actual version.
2242  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2244  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2245  */
2246 ZOOAPI int zoo_set(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *buffer,
2247                    int buflen, int version);
2249 /**
2250  * \brief sets the data associated with a node. This function is the same
2251  * as zoo_set except that it also provides access to stat information
2252  * associated with the znode.
2253  *
2254  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2255  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2256  * separating ancestors of the node.
2257  * \param buffer the buffer holding data to be written to the node.
2258  * \param buflen the number of bytes from buffer to write. To set NULL as data
2259  * use buffer as NULL and buflen as -1.
2260  * \param version the expected version of the node. The function will fail if
2261  * the actual version of the node does not match the expected version. If -1 is
2262  * used the version check will not take place.
2263  * \param stat if not NULL, will hold the value of stat for the path on return.
2264  * \return the return code for the function call.
2265  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2266  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2267  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2268  * ZBADVERSION expected version does not match actual version.
2269  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2271  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2272  */
2273 ZOOAPI int zoo_set2(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *buffer,
2274                    int buflen, int version, struct Stat *stat);
2276 /**
2277  * \brief lists the children of a node synchronously.
2278  *
2279  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2280  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2281  * separating ancestors of the node.
2282  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2283  * the client if the node changes.
2284  * \param strings return value of children paths.
2285  * \return the return code of the function.
2286  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2287  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2288  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2289  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2291  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2292  */
2293 ZOOAPI int zoo_get_children(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch,
2294                             struct String_vector *strings);
2296 /**
2297  * \brief lists the children of a node synchronously.
2298  *
2299  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_get_children except it allows one specify
2300  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
2301  *
2302  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2303  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2304  * separating ancestors of the node.
2305  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2306  * the client if the node changes.
2307  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
2308  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
2309  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
2310  * \param strings return value of children paths.
2311  * \return the return code of the function.
2312  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2313  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2314  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2315  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2317  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2318  */
2319 ZOOAPI int zoo_wget_children(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
2320         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
2321         struct String_vector *strings);
2323 /**
2324  * \brief lists the children of a node and get its stat synchronously.
2325  *
2326  * This function is new in version 3.3.0
2327  *
2328  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2329  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2330  * separating ancestors of the node.
2331  * \param watch if nonzero, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2332  * the client if the node changes.
2333  * \param strings return value of children paths.
2334  * \param stat return value of node stat.
2335  * \return the return code of the function.
2336  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2337  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2338  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2339  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2341  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2342  */
2343 ZOOAPI int zoo_get_children2(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch,
2344                             struct String_vector *strings, struct Stat *stat);
2346 /**
2347  * \brief lists the children of a node and get its stat synchronously.
2348  *
2349  * This function is similar to \ref zoo_get_children except it allows one specify
2350  * a watcher object rather than a boolean watch flag.
2351  *
2352  * This function is new in version 3.3.0
2353  *
2354  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2355  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2356  * separating ancestors of the node.
2357  * \param watcher if non-null, a watch will be set at the server to notify
2358  * the client if the node changes.
2359  * \param watcherCtx user specific data, will be passed to the watcher callback.
2360  * Unlike the global context set by \ref zookeeper_init, this watcher context
2361  * is associated with the given instance of the watcher only.
2362  * \param strings return value of children paths.
2363  * \param stat return value of node stat.
2364  * \return the return code of the function.
2365  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2366  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2367  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2368  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2370  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2371  */
2372 ZOOAPI int zoo_wget_children2(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
2373         watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx,
2374         struct String_vector *strings, struct Stat *stat);
2376 /**
2377  * \brief gets the acl associated with a node synchronously.
2378  *
2379  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2380  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2381  * separating ancestors of the node.
2382  * \param acl the return value of acls on the path.
2383  * \param stat returns the stat of the path specified.
2384  * \return the return code for the function call.
2385  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2386  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2387  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2388  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2390  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2391  */
2392 ZOOAPI int zoo_get_acl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, struct ACL_vector *acl,
2393                        struct Stat *stat);
2395 /**
2396  * \brief sets the acl associated with a node synchronously.
2397  *
2398  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2399  * \param path the name of the node. Expressed as a file name with slashes
2400  * separating ancestors of the node.
2401  * \param version the expected version of the path.
2402  * \param acl the acl to be set on the path.
2403  * \return the return code for the function call.
2404  * ZOK operation completed successfully
2405  * ZNONODE the node does not exist.
2406  * ZNOAUTH the client does not have permission.
2407  * ZINVALIDACL invalid ACL specified
2408  * ZBADVERSION expected version does not match actual version.
2409  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2411  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2412  */
2413 ZOOAPI int zoo_set_acl(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int version,
2414                            const struct ACL_vector *acl);
2416 /**
2417  * \brief atomically commits multiple zookeeper operations synchronously.
2418  *
2419  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2420  * \param count the number of operations
2421  * \param ops an array of operations to commit
2422  * \param results an array to hold the results of the operations
2423  * \return the return code for the function call. This can be any of the
2424  * values that can be returned by the ops supported by a multi op (see
2425  * \ref zoo_acreate, \ref zoo_adelete, \ref zoo_aset).
2426  */
2427 ZOOAPI int zoo_multi(zhandle_t *zh, int count, const zoo_op_t *ops, zoo_op_result_t *results);
2429 /**
2430  * \brief removes the watches for the given path and watcher type.
2431  *
2432  * \param zh the zookeeper handle obtained by a call to \ref zookeeper_init
2433  * \param path the path for which watches will be removed
2434  * \param wtype the watcher type to be removed
2435  * \param watcher the watcher to be removed, if null all watches for that
2436  * path (and watcher type) will be removed
2437  * \param watcherCtx the contex associated with the watcher to be removed
2438  * \param local whether the watches will be removed locally even if there is
2439  * no server connection
2440  * \return the return code for the function call.
2441  * ZOK - operation completed successfully
2442  * ZNOWATCHER - the watcher couldn't be found.
2443  * ZINVALIDSTATE - if !local, zhandle state is either ZOO_SESSION_EXPIRED_STATE
2445  * ZBADARGUMENTS - invalid input parameters
2446  * ZMARSHALLINGERROR - failed to marshall a request; possibly, out of memory
2447  * ZSYSTEMERROR - a system error occured
2448  */
2449 ZOOAPI int zoo_remove_watches(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
2450         ZooWatcherType wtype, watcher_fn watcher, void *watcherCtx, int local);
2451 #endif
2452 #ifdef __cplusplus
2453 }
2454 #endif
2456 #endif /*ZOOKEEPER_H_*/