1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Intel Corporation
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
6  *
7  * @file ze_api.h
8  * @version v1.3-r1.3.7
9  *
10  */
11 #ifndef _ZE_API_H
12 #define _ZE_API_H
13 #if defined(__cplusplus)
14 #pragma once
15 #endif
17 // standard headers
18 #include <stdint.h>
19 #include <stddef.h>
21 #if defined(__cplusplus)
22 extern "C" {
23 #endif
25 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero API common types
26 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
27 #pragma region common
28 #endif
29 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 #ifndef ZE_MAKE_VERSION
31 /// @brief Generates generic 'oneAPI' API versions
32 #define ZE_MAKE_VERSION( _major, _minor )  (( _major << 16 )|( _minor & 0x0000ffff))
33 #endif // ZE_MAKE_VERSION
35 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 /// @brief Extracts 'oneAPI' API major version
38 #define ZE_MAJOR_VERSION( _ver )  ( _ver >> 16 )
39 #endif // ZE_MAJOR_VERSION
41 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 /// @brief Extracts 'oneAPI' API minor version
44 #define ZE_MINOR_VERSION( _ver )  ( _ver & 0x0000ffff )
45 #endif // ZE_MINOR_VERSION
47 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
48 #ifndef ZE_APICALL
49 #if defined(_WIN32)
50 /// @brief Calling convention for all API functions
51 #define ZE_APICALL  __cdecl
52 #else
53 #define ZE_APICALL
54 #endif // defined(_WIN32)
55 #endif // ZE_APICALL
57 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
58 #ifndef ZE_APIEXPORT
59 #if defined(_WIN32)
60 /// @brief Microsoft-specific dllexport storage-class attribute
61 #define ZE_APIEXPORT  __declspec(dllexport)
62 #endif // defined(_WIN32)
63 #endif // ZE_APIEXPORT
65 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
66 #ifndef ZE_APIEXPORT
67 #if __GNUC__ >= 4
68 /// @brief GCC-specific dllexport storage-class attribute
69 #define ZE_APIEXPORT  __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
70 #else
71 #define ZE_APIEXPORT
72 #endif // __GNUC__ >= 4
73 #endif // ZE_APIEXPORT
75 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 #ifndef ZE_DLLEXPORT
77 #if defined(_WIN32)
78 /// @brief Microsoft-specific dllexport storage-class attribute
79 #define ZE_DLLEXPORT  __declspec(dllexport)
80 #endif // defined(_WIN32)
81 #endif // ZE_DLLEXPORT
83 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
84 #ifndef ZE_DLLEXPORT
85 #if __GNUC__ >= 4
86 /// @brief GCC-specific dllexport storage-class attribute
87 #define ZE_DLLEXPORT  __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
88 #else
89 #define ZE_DLLEXPORT
90 #endif // __GNUC__ >= 4
91 #endif // ZE_DLLEXPORT
93 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
94 /// @brief compiler-independent type
95 typedef uint8_t ze_bool_t;
97 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
98 /// @brief Handle of a driver instance
99 typedef struct _ze_driver_handle_t *ze_driver_handle_t;
101 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102 /// @brief Handle of driver's device object
103 typedef struct _ze_device_handle_t *ze_device_handle_t;
105 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
106 /// @brief Handle of driver's context object
107 typedef struct _ze_context_handle_t *ze_context_handle_t;
109 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
110 /// @brief Handle of driver's command queue object
111 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_handle_t *ze_command_queue_handle_t;
113 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
114 /// @brief Handle of driver's command list object
115 typedef struct _ze_command_list_handle_t *ze_command_list_handle_t;
117 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
118 /// @brief Handle of driver's fence object
119 typedef struct _ze_fence_handle_t *ze_fence_handle_t;
121 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
122 /// @brief Handle of driver's event pool object
123 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_handle_t *ze_event_pool_handle_t;
125 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126 /// @brief Handle of driver's event object
127 typedef struct _ze_event_handle_t *ze_event_handle_t;
129 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
130 /// @brief Handle of driver's image object
131 typedef struct _ze_image_handle_t *ze_image_handle_t;
133 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
134 /// @brief Handle of driver's module object
135 typedef struct _ze_module_handle_t *ze_module_handle_t;
137 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
138 /// @brief Handle of module's build log object
139 typedef struct _ze_module_build_log_handle_t *ze_module_build_log_handle_t;
141 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
142 /// @brief Handle of driver's kernel object
143 typedef struct _ze_kernel_handle_t *ze_kernel_handle_t;
145 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
146 /// @brief Handle of driver's sampler object
147 typedef struct _ze_sampler_handle_t *ze_sampler_handle_t;
149 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
150 /// @brief Handle of physical memory object
151 typedef struct _ze_physical_mem_handle_t *ze_physical_mem_handle_t;
153 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
155 /// @brief Maximum IPC handle size
156 #define ZE_MAX_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE  64
157 #endif // ZE_MAX_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE
159 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
160 /// @brief IPC handle to a memory allocation
161 typedef struct _ze_ipc_mem_handle_t
162 {
163     char data[ZE_MAX_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE];              ///< [out] Opaque data representing an IPC handle
165 } ze_ipc_mem_handle_t;
167 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
168 /// @brief IPC handle to a event pool allocation
169 typedef struct _ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t
170 {
171     char data[ZE_MAX_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE];              ///< [out] Opaque data representing an IPC handle
173 } ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t;
175 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
176 #ifndef ZE_BIT
177 /// @brief Generic macro for enumerator bit masks
178 #define ZE_BIT( _i )  ( 1 << _i )
179 #endif // ZE_BIT
181 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
182 /// @brief Defines Return/Error codes
183 typedef enum _ze_result_t
184 {
185     ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0,                          ///< [Core] success
186     ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY = 1,                        ///< [Core] synchronization primitive not signaled
187     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST = 0x70000001,       ///< [Core] device hung, reset, was removed, or driver update occurred
188     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY = 0x70000002,///< [Core] insufficient host memory to satisfy call
189     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY = 0x70000003,  ///< [Core] insufficient device memory to satisfy call
190     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_MODULE_BUILD_FAILURE = 0x70000004,  ///< [Core] error occurred when building module, see build log for details
191     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_MODULE_LINK_FAILURE = 0x70000005,   ///< [Core] error occurred when linking modules, see build log for details
192     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_DEVICE_REQUIRES_RESET = 0x70000006, ///< [Core] device requires a reset
193     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_DEVICE_IN_LOW_POWER_STATE = 0x70000007, ///< [Core] device currently in low power state
194     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS = 0x70010000,  ///< [Sysman] access denied due to permission level
195     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x70010001,     ///< [Sysman] resource already in use and simultaneous access not allowed
196                                                     ///< or resource was removed
197     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_DEPENDENCY_UNAVAILABLE = 0x70020000,///< [Tools] external required dependency is unavailable or missing
198     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED = 0x78000001,     ///< [Validation] driver is not initialized
199     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = 0x78000002,   ///< [Validation] generic error code for unsupported versions
200     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE = 0x78000003,   ///< [Validation] generic error code for unsupported features
201     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 0x78000004,  ///< [Validation] generic error code for invalid arguments
202     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_HANDLE = 0x78000005,   ///< [Validation] handle argument is not valid
203     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_HANDLE_OBJECT_IN_USE = 0x78000006,  ///< [Validation] object pointed to by handle still in-use by device
204     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NULL_POINTER = 0x78000007,  ///< [Validation] pointer argument may not be nullptr
205     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_SIZE = 0x78000008,      ///< [Validation] size argument is invalid (e.g., must not be zero)
206     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SIZE = 0x78000009,  ///< [Validation] size argument is not supported by the device (e.g., too
207                                                     ///< large)
208     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ALIGNMENT = 0x7800000a, ///< [Validation] alignment argument is not supported by the device (e.g.,
209                                                     ///< too small)
210     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_SYNCHRONIZATION_OBJECT = 0x7800000b,///< [Validation] synchronization object in invalid state
211     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_ENUMERATION = 0x7800000c,   ///< [Validation] enumerator argument is not valid
212     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENUMERATION = 0x7800000d,   ///< [Validation] enumerator argument is not supported by the device
213     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_IMAGE_FORMAT = 0x7800000e,  ///< [Validation] image format is not supported by the device
214     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_NATIVE_BINARY = 0x7800000f, ///< [Validation] native binary is not supported by the device
215     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_GLOBAL_NAME = 0x78000010,   ///< [Validation] global variable is not found in the module
216     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME = 0x78000011,   ///< [Validation] kernel name is not found in the module
217     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_NAME = 0x78000012, ///< [Validation] function name is not found in the module
218     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_GROUP_SIZE_DIMENSION = 0x78000013,  ///< [Validation] group size dimension is not valid for the kernel or
219                                                     ///< device
220     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_GLOBAL_WIDTH_DIMENSION = 0x78000014,///< [Validation] global width dimension is not valid for the kernel or
221                                                     ///< device
222     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGUMENT_INDEX = 0x78000015, ///< [Validation] kernel argument index is not valid for kernel
223     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGUMENT_SIZE = 0x78000016,  ///< [Validation] kernel argument size does not match kernel
224     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_KERNEL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 0x78000017,///< [Validation] value of kernel attribute is not valid for the kernel or
225                                                     ///< device
226     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_MODULE_UNLINKED = 0x78000018,   ///< [Validation] module with imports needs to be linked before kernels can
227                                                     ///< be created from it.
228     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE = 0x78000019, ///< [Validation] command list type does not match command queue type
229     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_OVERLAPPING_REGIONS = 0x7800001a,   ///< [Validation] copy operations do not support overlapping regions of
230                                                     ///< memory
231     ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0x7ffffffe,           ///< [Core] unknown or internal error
232     ZE_RESULT_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
234 } ze_result_t;
236 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
237 /// @brief Defines structure types
238 typedef enum _ze_structure_type_t
239 {
240     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DRIVER_PROPERTIES = 0x1,      ///< ::ze_driver_properties_t
241     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DRIVER_IPC_PROPERTIES = 0x2,  ///< ::ze_driver_ipc_properties_t
242     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES = 0x3,      ///< ::ze_device_properties_t
243     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_COMPUTE_PROPERTIES = 0x4,  ///< ::ze_device_compute_properties_t
244     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_MODULE_PROPERTIES = 0x5,   ///< ::ze_device_module_properties_t
245     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_QUEUE_GROUP_PROPERTIES = 0x6, ///< ::ze_command_queue_group_properties_t
246     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_MEMORY_PROPERTIES = 0x7,   ///< ::ze_device_memory_properties_t
247     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_MEMORY_ACCESS_PROPERTIES = 0x8,///< ::ze_device_memory_access_properties_t
248     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_CACHE_PROPERTIES = 0x9,///< ::ze_device_cache_properties_t
249     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_IMAGE_PROPERTIES = 0xa,///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t
250     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_P2P_PROPERTIES = 0xb,  ///< ::ze_device_p2p_properties_t
251     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_PROPERTIES = 0xc,  ///< ::ze_device_external_memory_properties_t
252     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_CONTEXT_DESC = 0xd,           ///< ::ze_context_desc_t
253     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_QUEUE_DESC = 0xe,     ///< ::ze_command_queue_desc_t
254     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_LIST_DESC = 0xf,      ///< ::ze_command_list_desc_t
255     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EVENT_POOL_DESC = 0x10,       ///< ::ze_event_pool_desc_t
256     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EVENT_DESC = 0x11,            ///< ::ze_event_desc_t
257     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FENCE_DESC = 0x12,            ///< ::ze_fence_desc_t
258     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_DESC = 0x13,            ///< ::ze_image_desc_t
259     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_PROPERTIES = 0x14,      ///< ::ze_image_properties_t
260     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_MEM_ALLOC_DESC = 0x15, ///< ::ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t
261     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_HOST_MEM_ALLOC_DESC = 0x16,   ///< ::ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t
262     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_PROPERTIES = 0x17,  ///< ::ze_memory_allocation_properties_t
263     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_EXPORT_DESC = 0x18,   ///< ::ze_external_memory_export_desc_t
264     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_IMPORT_FD = 0x19, ///< ::ze_external_memory_import_fd_t
265     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_EXPORT_FD = 0x1a, ///< ::ze_external_memory_export_fd_t
266     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MODULE_DESC = 0x1b,           ///< ::ze_module_desc_t
267     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MODULE_PROPERTIES = 0x1c,     ///< ::ze_module_properties_t
268     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_KERNEL_DESC = 0x1d,           ///< ::ze_kernel_desc_t
269     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_KERNEL_PROPERTIES = 0x1e,     ///< ::ze_kernel_properties_t
270     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SAMPLER_DESC = 0x1f,          ///< ::ze_sampler_desc_t
271     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_MEM_DESC = 0x20,     ///< ::ze_physical_mem_desc_t
272     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_KERNEL_PREFERRED_GROUP_SIZE_PROPERTIES = 0x21,///< ::ze_kernel_preferred_group_size_properties_t
273     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_IMPORT_WIN32 = 0x22,  ///< ::ze_external_memory_import_win32_handle_t
274     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_EXPORT_WIN32 = 0x23,  ///< ::ze_external_memory_export_win32_handle_t
275     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_RAYTRACING_EXT_PROPERTIES = 0x00010001,///< ::ze_device_raytracing_ext_properties_t
276     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RAYTRACING_MEM_ALLOC_EXT_DESC = 0x10002,  ///< ::ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_desc_t
277     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FLOAT_ATOMIC_EXT_PROPERTIES = 0x10003,///< ::ze_float_atomic_ext_properties_t
278     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_CACHE_RESERVATION_EXT_DESC = 0x10004, ///< ::ze_cache_reservation_ext_desc_t
279     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EU_COUNT_EXT = 0x10005,       ///< ::ze_eu_count_ext_t
280     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SRGB_EXT_DESC = 0x10006,      ///< ::ze_srgb_ext_desc_t
281     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_LINKAGE_INSPECTION_EXT_DESC = 0x10007,///< ::ze_linkage_inspection_ext_desc_t
282     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PCI_EXT_PROPERTIES = 0x10008, ///< ::ze_pci_ext_properties_t
283     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DRIVER_MEMORY_FREE_EXT_PROPERTIES = 0x10009,  ///< ::ze_driver_memory_free_ext_properties_t
284     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_FREE_EXT_DESC = 0x1000a,   ///< ::ze_memory_free_ext_desc_t
285     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_COMPRESSION_HINTS_EXT_DESC = 0x1000b,  ///< ::ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_desc_t
286     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_ALLOCATION_EXT_PROPERTIES = 0x1000c,///< ::ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t
287     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RELAXED_ALLOCATION_LIMITS_EXP_DESC = 0x00020001,  ///< ::ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_desc_t
288     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MODULE_PROGRAM_EXP_DESC = 0x00020002, ///< ::ze_module_program_exp_desc_t
289     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SCHEDULING_HINT_EXP_PROPERTIES = 0x00020003,  ///< ::ze_scheduling_hint_exp_properties_t
290     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SCHEDULING_HINT_EXP_DESC = 0x00020004,///< ::ze_scheduling_hint_exp_desc_t
291     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW_PLANAR_EXP_DESC = 0x00020005,  ///< ::ze_image_view_planar_exp_desc_t
292     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_1_2 = 0x00020006,   ///< ::ze_device_properties_t
293     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_EXP_PROPERTIES = 0x00020007, ///< ::ze_image_memory_properties_exp_t
294     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_POWER_SAVING_HINT_EXP_DESC = 0x00020008,  ///< ::ze_context_power_saving_hint_exp_desc_t
295     ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
297 } ze_structure_type_t;
299 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
300 /// @brief External memory type flags
301 typedef uint32_t ze_external_memory_type_flags_t;
302 typedef enum _ze_external_memory_type_flag_t
303 {
304     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_OPAQUE_FD = ZE_BIT(0), ///< an opaque POSIX file descriptor handle
305     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_DMA_BUF = ZE_BIT(1),   ///< a file descriptor handle for a Linux dma_buf
306     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_OPAQUE_WIN32 = ZE_BIT(2),  ///< an NT handle
307     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT = ZE_BIT(3),  ///< a global share (KMT) handle
308     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_D3D11_TEXTURE = ZE_BIT(4), ///< an NT handle referring to a Direct3D 10 or 11 texture resource
309     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_D3D11_TEXTURE_KMT = ZE_BIT(5), ///< a global share (KMT) handle referring to a Direct3D 10 or 11 texture
310                                                     ///< resource
311     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_D3D12_HEAP = ZE_BIT(6),///< an NT handle referring to a Direct3D 12 heap resource
312     ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_D3D12_RESOURCE = ZE_BIT(7),///< an NT handle referring to a Direct3D 12 committed resource
315 } ze_external_memory_type_flag_t;
317 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
318 /// @brief Base for all properties types
319 typedef struct _ze_base_properties_t
320 {
321     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
322     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
323                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
325 } ze_base_properties_t;
327 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
328 /// @brief Base for all descriptor types
329 typedef struct _ze_base_desc_t
330 {
331     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
332     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
333                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
335 } ze_base_desc_t;
337 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
338 /// @brief Forces driver to only report devices (and sub-devices) as specified by
339 ///        values
341 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
342 /// @brief Forces driver to report devices from lowest to highest PCI bus ID
344 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
345 /// @brief Forces all shared allocations into device memory
347 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
348 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_ipc_mem_handle_t
349 typedef struct _ze_ipc_mem_handle_t ze_ipc_mem_handle_t;
351 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
352 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t
353 typedef struct _ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t;
355 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
356 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_base_properties_t
357 typedef struct _ze_base_properties_t ze_base_properties_t;
359 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
360 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_base_desc_t
361 typedef struct _ze_base_desc_t ze_base_desc_t;
363 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
364 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_driver_uuid_t
365 typedef struct _ze_driver_uuid_t ze_driver_uuid_t;
367 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
368 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_driver_properties_t
369 typedef struct _ze_driver_properties_t ze_driver_properties_t;
371 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
372 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_driver_ipc_properties_t
373 typedef struct _ze_driver_ipc_properties_t ze_driver_ipc_properties_t;
375 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
376 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_driver_extension_properties_t
377 typedef struct _ze_driver_extension_properties_t ze_driver_extension_properties_t;
379 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
380 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_uuid_t
381 typedef struct _ze_device_uuid_t ze_device_uuid_t;
383 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
384 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_properties_t
385 typedef struct _ze_device_properties_t ze_device_properties_t;
387 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
388 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_thread_t
389 typedef struct _ze_device_thread_t ze_device_thread_t;
391 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
392 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_compute_properties_t
393 typedef struct _ze_device_compute_properties_t ze_device_compute_properties_t;
395 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
396 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_native_kernel_uuid_t
397 typedef struct _ze_native_kernel_uuid_t ze_native_kernel_uuid_t;
399 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
400 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_module_properties_t
401 typedef struct _ze_device_module_properties_t ze_device_module_properties_t;
403 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
404 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_command_queue_group_properties_t
405 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_group_properties_t ze_command_queue_group_properties_t;
407 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
408 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_memory_properties_t
409 typedef struct _ze_device_memory_properties_t ze_device_memory_properties_t;
411 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
412 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_memory_access_properties_t
413 typedef struct _ze_device_memory_access_properties_t ze_device_memory_access_properties_t;
415 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
416 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_cache_properties_t
417 typedef struct _ze_device_cache_properties_t ze_device_cache_properties_t;
419 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
420 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_image_properties_t
421 typedef struct _ze_device_image_properties_t ze_device_image_properties_t;
423 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
424 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_external_memory_properties_t
425 typedef struct _ze_device_external_memory_properties_t ze_device_external_memory_properties_t;
427 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
428 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_p2p_properties_t
429 typedef struct _ze_device_p2p_properties_t ze_device_p2p_properties_t;
431 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
432 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_context_desc_t
433 typedef struct _ze_context_desc_t ze_context_desc_t;
435 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
436 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_command_queue_desc_t
437 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_desc_t ze_command_queue_desc_t;
439 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
440 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_command_list_desc_t
441 typedef struct _ze_command_list_desc_t ze_command_list_desc_t;
443 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
444 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_copy_region_t
445 typedef struct _ze_copy_region_t ze_copy_region_t;
447 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
448 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_image_region_t
449 typedef struct _ze_image_region_t ze_image_region_t;
451 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
452 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_event_pool_desc_t
453 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_desc_t ze_event_pool_desc_t;
455 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
456 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_event_desc_t
457 typedef struct _ze_event_desc_t ze_event_desc_t;
459 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
460 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_kernel_timestamp_data_t
461 typedef struct _ze_kernel_timestamp_data_t ze_kernel_timestamp_data_t;
463 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
464 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t
465 typedef struct _ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t;
467 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
468 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_fence_desc_t
469 typedef struct _ze_fence_desc_t ze_fence_desc_t;
471 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
472 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_image_format_t
473 typedef struct _ze_image_format_t ze_image_format_t;
475 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
476 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_image_desc_t
477 typedef struct _ze_image_desc_t ze_image_desc_t;
479 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
480 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_image_properties_t
481 typedef struct _ze_image_properties_t ze_image_properties_t;
483 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
484 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t
485 typedef struct _ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t;
487 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
488 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t
489 typedef struct _ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t;
491 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
492 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_memory_allocation_properties_t
493 typedef struct _ze_memory_allocation_properties_t ze_memory_allocation_properties_t;
495 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
496 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_external_memory_export_desc_t
497 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_export_desc_t ze_external_memory_export_desc_t;
499 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
500 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_external_memory_import_fd_t
501 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_import_fd_t ze_external_memory_import_fd_t;
503 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
504 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_external_memory_export_fd_t
505 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_export_fd_t ze_external_memory_export_fd_t;
507 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
508 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_external_memory_import_win32_handle_t
509 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_import_win32_handle_t ze_external_memory_import_win32_handle_t;
511 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
512 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_external_memory_export_win32_handle_t
513 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_export_win32_handle_t ze_external_memory_export_win32_handle_t;
515 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
516 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_module_constants_t
517 typedef struct _ze_module_constants_t ze_module_constants_t;
519 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
520 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_module_desc_t
521 typedef struct _ze_module_desc_t ze_module_desc_t;
523 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
524 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_module_properties_t
525 typedef struct _ze_module_properties_t ze_module_properties_t;
527 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
528 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_kernel_desc_t
529 typedef struct _ze_kernel_desc_t ze_kernel_desc_t;
531 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
532 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_kernel_uuid_t
533 typedef struct _ze_kernel_uuid_t ze_kernel_uuid_t;
535 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
536 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_kernel_properties_t
537 typedef struct _ze_kernel_properties_t ze_kernel_properties_t;
539 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
540 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_kernel_preferred_group_size_properties_t
541 typedef struct _ze_kernel_preferred_group_size_properties_t ze_kernel_preferred_group_size_properties_t;
543 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
544 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_group_count_t
545 typedef struct _ze_group_count_t ze_group_count_t;
547 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
548 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_module_program_exp_desc_t
549 typedef struct _ze_module_program_exp_desc_t ze_module_program_exp_desc_t;
551 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
552 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_device_raytracing_ext_properties_t
553 typedef struct _ze_device_raytracing_ext_properties_t ze_device_raytracing_ext_properties_t;
555 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
556 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_desc_t
557 typedef struct _ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_desc_t ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_desc_t;
559 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
560 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_sampler_desc_t
561 typedef struct _ze_sampler_desc_t ze_sampler_desc_t;
563 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
564 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_physical_mem_desc_t
565 typedef struct _ze_physical_mem_desc_t ze_physical_mem_desc_t;
567 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
568 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_float_atomic_ext_properties_t
569 typedef struct _ze_float_atomic_ext_properties_t ze_float_atomic_ext_properties_t;
571 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
572 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_desc_t
573 typedef struct _ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_desc_t ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_desc_t;
575 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
576 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_cache_reservation_ext_desc_t
577 typedef struct _ze_cache_reservation_ext_desc_t ze_cache_reservation_ext_desc_t;
579 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
580 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_image_memory_properties_exp_t
581 typedef struct _ze_image_memory_properties_exp_t ze_image_memory_properties_exp_t;
583 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
584 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_image_view_planar_exp_desc_t
585 typedef struct _ze_image_view_planar_exp_desc_t ze_image_view_planar_exp_desc_t;
587 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
588 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_scheduling_hint_exp_properties_t
589 typedef struct _ze_scheduling_hint_exp_properties_t ze_scheduling_hint_exp_properties_t;
591 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
592 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_scheduling_hint_exp_desc_t
593 typedef struct _ze_scheduling_hint_exp_desc_t ze_scheduling_hint_exp_desc_t;
595 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
596 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_context_power_saving_hint_exp_desc_t
597 typedef struct _ze_context_power_saving_hint_exp_desc_t ze_context_power_saving_hint_exp_desc_t;
599 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
600 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_eu_count_ext_t
601 typedef struct _ze_eu_count_ext_t ze_eu_count_ext_t;
603 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
604 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_pci_address_ext_t
605 typedef struct _ze_pci_address_ext_t ze_pci_address_ext_t;
607 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
608 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_pci_speed_ext_t
609 typedef struct _ze_pci_speed_ext_t ze_pci_speed_ext_t;
611 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
612 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_pci_ext_properties_t
613 typedef struct _ze_pci_ext_properties_t ze_pci_ext_properties_t;
615 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
616 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_srgb_ext_desc_t
617 typedef struct _ze_srgb_ext_desc_t ze_srgb_ext_desc_t;
619 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
620 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t
621 typedef struct _ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t;
623 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
624 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_linkage_inspection_ext_desc_t
625 typedef struct _ze_linkage_inspection_ext_desc_t ze_linkage_inspection_ext_desc_t;
627 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
628 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_desc_t
629 typedef struct _ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_desc_t ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_desc_t;
631 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
632 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_driver_memory_free_ext_properties_t
633 typedef struct _ze_driver_memory_free_ext_properties_t ze_driver_memory_free_ext_properties_t;
635 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
636 /// @brief Forward-declare ze_memory_free_ext_desc_t
637 typedef struct _ze_memory_free_ext_desc_t ze_memory_free_ext_desc_t;
640 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
641 #pragma endregion
642 #endif
643 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs
644 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
645 #pragma region driver
646 #endif
647 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
648 /// @brief Supported initialization flags
649 typedef uint32_t ze_init_flags_t;
650 typedef enum _ze_init_flag_t
651 {
652     ZE_INIT_FLAG_GPU_ONLY = ZE_BIT(0),              ///< only initialize GPU drivers
653     ZE_INIT_FLAG_VPU_ONLY = ZE_BIT(1),              ///< only initialize VPU drivers
654     ZE_INIT_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
656 } ze_init_flag_t;
658 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
659 /// @brief Initialize the 'oneAPI' driver(s)
660 ///
661 /// @details
662 ///     - The application must call this function before calling any other
663 ///       function.
664 ///     - If this function is not called then all other functions will return
666 ///     - Only one instance of each driver will be initialized per process.
667 ///     - The application may call this function multiple times with different
668 ///       flags or environment variables enabled.
669 ///     - The application must call this function after forking new processes.
670 ///       Each forked process must call this function.
671 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
672 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe for scenarios
673 ///       where multiple libraries may initialize the driver(s) simultaneously.
674 ///
675 /// @returns
676 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
680 ///         + `0x3 < flags`
683 zeInit(
684     ze_init_flags_t flags                           ///< [in] initialization flags.
685                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a combination of ::ze_init_flag_t.
686     );
688 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
689 /// @brief Retrieves driver instances
690 ///
691 /// @details
692 ///     - A driver represents a collection of physical devices.
693 ///     - Multiple calls to this function will return identical driver handles,
694 ///       in the same order.
695 ///     - The application may pass nullptr for pDrivers when only querying the
696 ///       number of drivers.
697 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
698 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
699 ///
700 /// @remarks
701 ///   _Analogues_
702 ///     - clGetPlatformIDs
703 ///
704 /// @returns
705 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
709 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
711 zeDriverGet(
712     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of driver instances.
713                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the loader shall update the value with the
714                                                     ///< total number of drivers available.
715                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of drivers available, then the
716                                                     ///< loader shall update the value with the correct number of drivers available.
717     ze_driver_handle_t* phDrivers                   ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of driver instance handles.
718                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of drivers available, then the loader
719                                                     ///< shall only retrieve that number of drivers.
720     );
722 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
723 /// @brief Supported API versions
724 ///
725 /// @details
726 ///     - API versions contain major and minor attributes, use
728 typedef enum _ze_api_version_t
729 {
730     ZE_API_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),   ///< version 1.0
731     ZE_API_VERSION_1_1 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 1 ),   ///< version 1.1
732     ZE_API_VERSION_1_2 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 2 ),   ///< version 1.2
733     ZE_API_VERSION_1_3 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 3 ),   ///< version 1.3
734     ZE_API_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 3 ),   ///< latest known version
735     ZE_API_VERSION_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
737 } ze_api_version_t;
739 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
740 /// @brief Returns the API version supported by the specified driver
741 ///
742 /// @details
743 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
744 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
745 ///
746 /// @returns
747 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
751 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
753 ///         + `nullptr == version`
755 zeDriverGetApiVersion(
756     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver instance
757     ze_api_version_t* version                       ///< [out] api version
758     );
760 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
762 /// @brief Maximum driver universal unique id (UUID) size in bytes
763 #define ZE_MAX_DRIVER_UUID_SIZE  16
766 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
767 /// @brief Driver universal unique id (UUID)
768 typedef struct _ze_driver_uuid_t
769 {
770     uint8_t id[ZE_MAX_DRIVER_UUID_SIZE];            ///< [out] opaque data representing a driver UUID
772 } ze_driver_uuid_t;
774 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
775 /// @brief Driver properties queried using ::zeDriverGetProperties
776 typedef struct _ze_driver_properties_t
777 {
778     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
779     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
780                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
781     ze_driver_uuid_t uuid;                          ///< [out] universal unique identifier.
782     uint32_t driverVersion;                         ///< [out] driver version
783                                                     ///< The driver version is a non-zero, monotonically increasing value where
784                                                     ///< higher values always indicate a more recent version.
786 } ze_driver_properties_t;
788 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
789 /// @brief Retrieves properties of the driver.
790 ///
791 /// @details
792 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
793 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
794 ///
795 /// @remarks
796 ///   _Analogues_
797 ///     - **clGetPlatformInfo**
798 ///
799 /// @returns
800 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
804 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
806 ///         + `nullptr == pDriverProperties`
808 zeDriverGetProperties(
809     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver instance
810     ze_driver_properties_t* pDriverProperties       ///< [in,out] query result for driver properties
811     );
813 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
814 /// @brief Supported IPC property flags
815 typedef uint32_t ze_ipc_property_flags_t;
816 typedef enum _ze_ipc_property_flag_t
817 {
818     ZE_IPC_PROPERTY_FLAG_MEMORY = ZE_BIT(0),        ///< Supports passing memory allocations between processes. See
819                                                     ///< ::zeMemGetIpcHandle.
820     ZE_IPC_PROPERTY_FLAG_EVENT_POOL = ZE_BIT(1),    ///< Supports passing event pools between processes. See
821                                                     ///< ::zeEventPoolGetIpcHandle.
822     ZE_IPC_PROPERTY_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
824 } ze_ipc_property_flag_t;
826 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
827 /// @brief IPC properties queried using ::zeDriverGetIpcProperties
828 typedef struct _ze_driver_ipc_properties_t
829 {
830     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
831     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
832                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
833     ze_ipc_property_flags_t flags;                  ///< [out] 0 (none) or a valid combination of ::ze_ipc_property_flag_t
835 } ze_driver_ipc_properties_t;
837 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
838 /// @brief Retrieves IPC attributes of the driver
839 ///
840 /// @details
841 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
842 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
843 ///
844 /// @returns
845 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
849 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
851 ///         + `nullptr == pIpcProperties`
853 zeDriverGetIpcProperties(
854     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver instance
855     ze_driver_ipc_properties_t* pIpcProperties      ///< [in,out] query result for IPC properties
856     );
858 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
860 /// @brief Maximum extension name string size
861 #define ZE_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME  256
864 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
865 /// @brief Extension properties queried using ::zeDriverGetExtensionProperties
866 typedef struct _ze_driver_extension_properties_t
867 {
868     char name[ZE_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME];               ///< [out] extension name
869     uint32_t version;                               ///< [out] extension version using ::ZE_MAKE_VERSION
871 } ze_driver_extension_properties_t;
873 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
874 /// @brief Retrieves extension properties
875 ///
876 /// @details
877 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
878 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
879 ///
880 /// @remarks
881 ///   _Analogues_
882 ///     - **vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties**
883 ///
884 /// @returns
885 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
889 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
891 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
893 zeDriverGetExtensionProperties(
894     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver instance
895     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of extension properties.
896                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
897                                                     ///< total number of extension properties available.
898                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of extension properties available,
899                                                     ///< then the driver shall update the value with the correct number of
900                                                     ///< extension properties available.
901     ze_driver_extension_properties_t* pExtensionProperties  ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of query results for
902                                                     ///< extension properties.
903                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of extension properties available,
904                                                     ///< then driver shall only retrieve that number of extension properties.
905     );
907 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
908 /// @brief Retrieves function pointer for vendor-specific or experimental
909 ///        extensions
910 ///
911 /// @details
912 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
913 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
914 ///
915 /// @returns
916 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
920 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
922 ///         + `nullptr == name`
923 ///         + `nullptr == ppFunctionAddress`
925 zeDriverGetExtensionFunctionAddress(
926     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver instance
927     const char* name,                               ///< [in] extension function name
928     void** ppFunctionAddress                        ///< [out] pointer to function pointer
929     );
931 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
932 #pragma endregion
933 #endif
934 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Device
935 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
936 #pragma region device
937 #endif
938 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
939 /// @brief Retrieves devices within a driver
940 ///
941 /// @details
942 ///     - Multiple calls to this function will return identical device handles,
943 ///       in the same order.
944 ///     - The number and order of handles returned from this function is
945 ///       affected by the ::ZE_AFFINITY_MASK and ::ZE_ENABLE_PCI_ID_DEVICE_ORDER
946 ///       environment variables.
947 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
948 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
949 ///
950 /// @returns
951 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
955 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
957 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
959 zeDeviceGet(
960     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver instance
961     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of devices.
962                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
963                                                     ///< total number of devices available.
964                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of devices available, then the
965                                                     ///< driver shall update the value with the correct number of devices available.
966     ze_device_handle_t* phDevices                   ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of handle of devices.
967                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of devices available, then driver
968                                                     ///< shall only retrieve that number of devices.
969     );
971 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
972 /// @brief Retrieves a sub-device from a device
973 ///
974 /// @details
975 ///     - Multiple calls to this function will return identical device handles,
976 ///       in the same order.
977 ///     - The number of handles returned from this function is affected by the
978 ///       ::ZE_AFFINITY_MASK environment variable.
979 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
980 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
981 ///
982 /// @remarks
983 ///   _Analogues_
984 ///     - clCreateSubDevices
985 ///
986 /// @returns
987 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
991 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
993 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
995 zeDeviceGetSubDevices(
996     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
997     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of sub-devices.
998                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
999                                                     ///< total number of sub-devices available.
1000                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of sub-devices available, then the
1001                                                     ///< driver shall update the value with the correct number of sub-devices available.
1002     ze_device_handle_t* phSubdevices                ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of handle of sub-devices.
1003                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of sub-devices available, then driver
1004                                                     ///< shall only retrieve that number of sub-devices.
1005     );
1007 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1008 /// @brief Supported device types
1009 typedef enum _ze_device_type_t
1010 {
1011     ZE_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU = 1,                         ///< Graphics Processing Unit
1012     ZE_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU = 2,                         ///< Central Processing Unit
1013     ZE_DEVICE_TYPE_FPGA = 3,                        ///< Field Programmable Gate Array
1014     ZE_DEVICE_TYPE_MCA = 4,                         ///< Memory Copy Accelerator
1015     ZE_DEVICE_TYPE_VPU = 5,                         ///< Vision Processing Unit
1016     ZE_DEVICE_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1018 } ze_device_type_t;
1020 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1022 /// @brief Maximum device universal unique id (UUID) size in bytes
1023 #define ZE_MAX_DEVICE_UUID_SIZE  16
1024 #endif // ZE_MAX_DEVICE_UUID_SIZE
1026 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1027 /// @brief Device universal unique id (UUID)
1028 typedef struct _ze_device_uuid_t
1029 {
1030     uint8_t id[ZE_MAX_DEVICE_UUID_SIZE];            ///< [out] opaque data representing a device UUID
1032 } ze_device_uuid_t;
1034 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1035 #ifndef ZE_MAX_DEVICE_NAME
1036 /// @brief Maximum device name string size
1037 #define ZE_MAX_DEVICE_NAME  256
1038 #endif // ZE_MAX_DEVICE_NAME
1040 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1041 /// @brief Supported device property flags
1042 typedef uint32_t ze_device_property_flags_t;
1043 typedef enum _ze_device_property_flag_t
1044 {
1045     ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_INTEGRATED = ZE_BIT(0), ///< Device is integrated with the Host.
1046     ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_SUBDEVICE = ZE_BIT(1),  ///< Device handle used for query represents a sub-device.
1047     ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_ECC = ZE_BIT(2),        ///< Device supports error correction memory access.
1048     ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_ONDEMANDPAGING = ZE_BIT(3), ///< Device supports on-demand page-faulting.
1049     ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1051 } ze_device_property_flag_t;
1053 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1054 /// @brief Device properties queried using ::zeDeviceGetProperties
1055 typedef struct _ze_device_properties_t
1056 {
1057     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1058     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1059                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1060     ze_device_type_t type;                          ///< [out] generic device type
1061     uint32_t vendorId;                              ///< [out] vendor id from PCI configuration
1062     uint32_t deviceId;                              ///< [out] device id from PCI configuration
1063     ze_device_property_flags_t flags;               ///< [out] 0 (none) or a valid combination of ::ze_device_property_flag_t
1064     uint32_t subdeviceId;                           ///< [out] sub-device id. Only valid if ::ZE_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FLAG_SUBDEVICE
1065                                                     ///< is set.
1066     uint32_t coreClockRate;                         ///< [out] Clock rate for device core.
1067     uint64_t maxMemAllocSize;                       ///< [out] Maximum memory allocation size.
1068     uint32_t maxHardwareContexts;                   ///< [out] Maximum number of logical hardware contexts.
1069     uint32_t maxCommandQueuePriority;               ///< [out] Maximum priority for command queues. Higher value is higher
1070                                                     ///< priority.
1071     uint32_t numThreadsPerEU;                       ///< [out] Maximum number of threads per EU.
1072     uint32_t physicalEUSimdWidth;                   ///< [out] The physical EU simd width.
1073     uint32_t numEUsPerSubslice;                     ///< [out] Maximum number of EUs per sub-slice.
1074     uint32_t numSubslicesPerSlice;                  ///< [out] Maximum number of sub-slices per slice.
1075     uint32_t numSlices;                             ///< [out] Maximum number of slices.
1076     uint64_t timerResolution;                       ///< [out] Returns the resolution of device timer used for profiling,
1077                                                     ///< timestamps, etc. When stype==::ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES the
1078                                                     ///< units are in nanoseconds. When
1079                                                     ///< stype==::ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES_1_2 units are in
1080                                                     ///< cycles/sec
1081     uint32_t timestampValidBits;                    ///< [out] Returns the number of valid bits in the timestamp value.
1082     uint32_t kernelTimestampValidBits;              ///< [out] Returns the number of valid bits in the kernel timestamp values
1083     ze_device_uuid_t uuid;                          ///< [out] universal unique identifier. Note: Subdevices will have their
1084                                                     ///< own uuid.
1085     char name[ZE_MAX_DEVICE_NAME];                  ///< [out] Device name
1087 } ze_device_properties_t;
1089 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1090 /// @brief Device thread identifier.
1091 typedef struct _ze_device_thread_t
1092 {
1093     uint32_t slice;                                 ///< [in,out] the slice number.
1094                                                     ///< Must be UINT32_MAX (all) or less than ::ze_device_properties_t.numSlices.
1095     uint32_t subslice;                              ///< [in,out] the sub-slice number within its slice.
1096                                                     ///< Must be UINT32_MAX (all) or less than ::ze_device_properties_t.numSubslicesPerSlice.
1097     uint32_t eu;                                    ///< [in,out] the EU number within its sub-slice.
1098                                                     ///< Must be UINT32_MAX (all) or less than ::ze_device_properties_t.numEUsPerSubslice.
1099     uint32_t thread;                                ///< [in,out] the thread number within its EU.
1100                                                     ///< Must be UINT32_MAX (all) or less than ::ze_device_properties_t.numThreadsPerEU.
1102 } ze_device_thread_t;
1104 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1105 /// @brief Retrieves properties of the device.
1106 ///
1107 /// @details
1108 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1109 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1110 ///
1111 /// @remarks
1112 ///   _Analogues_
1113 ///     - clGetDeviceInfo
1114 ///
1115 /// @returns
1116 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1120 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1122 ///         + `nullptr == pDeviceProperties`
1123 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1124 zeDeviceGetProperties(
1125     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1126     ze_device_properties_t* pDeviceProperties       ///< [in,out] query result for device properties
1127     );
1129 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1131 /// @brief Maximum number of subgroup sizes supported.
1135 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1136 /// @brief Device compute properties queried using ::zeDeviceGetComputeProperties
1137 typedef struct _ze_device_compute_properties_t
1138 {
1139     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1140     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1141                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1142     uint32_t maxTotalGroupSize;                     ///< [out] Maximum items per compute group. (groupSizeX * groupSizeY *
1143                                                     ///< groupSizeZ) <= maxTotalGroupSize
1144     uint32_t maxGroupSizeX;                         ///< [out] Maximum items for X dimension in group
1145     uint32_t maxGroupSizeY;                         ///< [out] Maximum items for Y dimension in group
1146     uint32_t maxGroupSizeZ;                         ///< [out] Maximum items for Z dimension in group
1147     uint32_t maxGroupCountX;                        ///< [out] Maximum groups that can be launched for x dimension
1148     uint32_t maxGroupCountY;                        ///< [out] Maximum groups that can be launched for y dimension
1149     uint32_t maxGroupCountZ;                        ///< [out] Maximum groups that can be launched for z dimension
1150     uint32_t maxSharedLocalMemory;                  ///< [out] Maximum shared local memory per group.
1151     uint32_t numSubGroupSizes;                      ///< [out] Number of subgroup sizes supported. This indicates number of
1152                                                     ///< entries in subGroupSizes.
1153     uint32_t subGroupSizes[ZE_SUBGROUPSIZE_COUNT];  ///< [out] Size group sizes supported.
1155 } ze_device_compute_properties_t;
1157 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1158 /// @brief Retrieves compute properties of the device.
1159 ///
1160 /// @details
1161 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1162 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1163 ///
1164 /// @remarks
1165 ///   _Analogues_
1166 ///     - clGetDeviceInfo
1167 ///
1168 /// @returns
1169 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1173 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1175 ///         + `nullptr == pComputeProperties`
1176 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1177 zeDeviceGetComputeProperties(
1178     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1179     ze_device_compute_properties_t* pComputeProperties  ///< [in,out] query result for compute properties
1180     );
1182 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1184 /// @brief Maximum native kernel universal unique id (UUID) size in bytes
1188 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1189 /// @brief Native kernel universal unique id (UUID)
1190 typedef struct _ze_native_kernel_uuid_t
1191 {
1192     uint8_t id[ZE_MAX_NATIVE_KERNEL_UUID_SIZE];     ///< [out] opaque data representing a native kernel UUID
1194 } ze_native_kernel_uuid_t;
1196 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1197 /// @brief Supported device module flags
1198 typedef uint32_t ze_device_module_flags_t;
1199 typedef enum _ze_device_module_flag_t
1200 {
1201     ZE_DEVICE_MODULE_FLAG_FP16 = ZE_BIT(0),         ///< Device supports 16-bit floating-point operations
1202     ZE_DEVICE_MODULE_FLAG_FP64 = ZE_BIT(1),         ///< Device supports 64-bit floating-point operations
1203     ZE_DEVICE_MODULE_FLAG_INT64_ATOMICS = ZE_BIT(2),///< Device supports 64-bit atomic operations
1204     ZE_DEVICE_MODULE_FLAG_DP4A = ZE_BIT(3),         ///< Device supports four component dot product and accumulate operations
1205     ZE_DEVICE_MODULE_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1207 } ze_device_module_flag_t;
1209 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1210 /// @brief Supported floating-Point capability flags
1211 typedef uint32_t ze_device_fp_flags_t;
1212 typedef enum _ze_device_fp_flag_t
1213 {
1214     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_DENORM = ZE_BIT(0),           ///< Supports denorms
1215     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_INF_NAN = ZE_BIT(1),          ///< Supports INF and quiet NaNs
1216     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_ROUND_TO_NEAREST = ZE_BIT(2), ///< Supports rounding to nearest even rounding mode
1217     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_ROUND_TO_ZERO = ZE_BIT(3),    ///< Supports rounding to zero.
1218     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_ROUND_TO_INF = ZE_BIT(4),     ///< Supports rounding to both positive and negative INF.
1219     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_FMA = ZE_BIT(5),              ///< Supports IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add.
1220     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_ROUNDED_DIVIDE_SQRT = ZE_BIT(6),  ///< Supports rounding as defined by IEEE754 for divide and sqrt
1221                                                     ///< operations.
1222     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_SOFT_FLOAT = ZE_BIT(7),       ///< Uses software implementation for basic floating-point operations.
1223     ZE_DEVICE_FP_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1225 } ze_device_fp_flag_t;
1227 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1228 /// @brief Device module properties queried using ::zeDeviceGetModuleProperties
1229 typedef struct _ze_device_module_properties_t
1230 {
1231     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1232     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1233                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1234     uint32_t spirvVersionSupported;                 ///< [out] Maximum supported SPIR-V version.
1235                                                     ///< Returns zero if SPIR-V is not supported.
1236                                                     ///< Contains major and minor attributes, use ::ZE_MAJOR_VERSION and ::ZE_MINOR_VERSION.
1237     ze_device_module_flags_t flags;                 ///< [out] 0 or a valid combination of ::ze_device_module_flag_t
1238     ze_device_fp_flags_t fp16flags;                 ///< [out] Capabilities for half-precision floating-point operations.
1239                                                     ///< returns 0 (if ::ZE_DEVICE_MODULE_FLAG_FP16 is not set) or a
1240                                                     ///< combination of ::ze_device_fp_flag_t.
1241     ze_device_fp_flags_t fp32flags;                 ///< [out] Capabilities for single-precision floating-point operations.
1242                                                     ///< returns a combination of ::ze_device_fp_flag_t.
1243     ze_device_fp_flags_t fp64flags;                 ///< [out] Capabilities for double-precision floating-point operations.
1244                                                     ///< returns 0 (if ::ZE_DEVICE_MODULE_FLAG_FP64 is not set) or a
1245                                                     ///< combination of ::ze_device_fp_flag_t.
1246     uint32_t maxArgumentsSize;                      ///< [out] Maximum kernel argument size that is supported.
1247     uint32_t printfBufferSize;                      ///< [out] Maximum size of internal buffer that holds output of printf
1248                                                     ///< calls from kernel.
1249     ze_native_kernel_uuid_t nativeKernelSupported;  ///< [out] Compatibility UUID of supported native kernel.
1250                                                     ///< UUID may or may not be the same across driver release, devices, or
1251                                                     ///< operating systems.
1252                                                     ///< Application is responsible for ensuring UUID matches before creating
1253                                                     ///< module using
1254                                                     ///< previously created native kernel.
1256 } ze_device_module_properties_t;
1258 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1259 /// @brief Retrieves module properties of the device
1260 ///
1261 /// @details
1262 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1263 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1264 ///
1265 /// @returns
1266 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1270 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1272 ///         + `nullptr == pModuleProperties`
1273 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1274 zeDeviceGetModuleProperties(
1275     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1276     ze_device_module_properties_t* pModuleProperties///< [in,out] query result for module properties
1277     );
1279 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1280 /// @brief Supported command queue group property flags
1281 typedef uint32_t ze_command_queue_group_property_flags_t;
1282 typedef enum _ze_command_queue_group_property_flag_t
1283 {
1284     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAG_COMPUTE = ZE_BIT(0),   ///< Command queue group supports enqueing compute commands.
1285     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAG_COPY = ZE_BIT(1),  ///< Command queue group supports enqueing copy commands.
1286     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAG_COOPERATIVE_KERNELS = ZE_BIT(2),   ///< Command queue group supports cooperative kernels.
1287                                                     ///< See ::zeCommandListAppendLaunchCooperativeKernel for more details.
1288     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAG_METRICS = ZE_BIT(3),   ///< Command queue groups supports metric queries.
1291 } ze_command_queue_group_property_flag_t;
1293 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1294 /// @brief Command queue group properties queried using
1295 ///        ::zeDeviceGetCommandQueueGroupProperties
1296 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_group_properties_t
1297 {
1298     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1299     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1300                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1301     ze_command_queue_group_property_flags_t flags;  ///< [out] 0 (none) or a valid combination of
1302                                                     ///< ::ze_command_queue_group_property_flag_t
1303     size_t maxMemoryFillPatternSize;                ///< [out] maximum `pattern_size` supported by command queue group.
1304                                                     ///< See ::zeCommandListAppendMemoryFill for more details.
1305     uint32_t numQueues;                             ///< [out] the number of physical engines within the group.
1307 } ze_command_queue_group_properties_t;
1309 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1310 /// @brief Retrieves command queue group properties of the device.
1311 ///
1312 /// @details
1313 ///     - Properties are reported for each physical command queue type supported
1314 ///       by the device.
1315 ///     - Multiple calls to this function will return properties in the same
1316 ///       order.
1317 ///     - The order in which the properties are returned defines the command
1318 ///       queue group's ordinal.
1319 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1320 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1321 ///
1322 /// @remarks
1323 ///   _Analogues_
1324 ///     - **vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties**
1325 ///
1326 /// @returns
1327 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1331 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1333 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
1334 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1335 zeDeviceGetCommandQueueGroupProperties(
1336     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1337     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of command queue group properties.
1338                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
1339                                                     ///< total number of command queue group properties available.
1340                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of command queue group properties
1341                                                     ///< available, then the driver shall update the value with the correct
1342                                                     ///< number of command queue group properties available.
1343     ze_command_queue_group_properties_t* pCommandQueueGroupProperties   ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of query results for
1344                                                     ///< command queue group properties.
1345                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of command queue group properties
1346                                                     ///< available, then driver shall only retrieve that number of command
1347                                                     ///< queue group properties.
1348     );
1350 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1351 /// @brief Supported device memory property flags
1352 typedef uint32_t ze_device_memory_property_flags_t;
1353 typedef enum _ze_device_memory_property_flag_t
1354 {
1355     ZE_DEVICE_MEMORY_PROPERTY_FLAG_TBD = ZE_BIT(0), ///< reserved for future use
1358 } ze_device_memory_property_flag_t;
1360 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1361 /// @brief Device local memory properties queried using
1362 ///        ::zeDeviceGetMemoryProperties
1363 typedef struct _ze_device_memory_properties_t
1364 {
1365     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1366     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1367                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1368     ze_device_memory_property_flags_t flags;        ///< [out] 0 (none) or a valid combination of
1369                                                     ///< ::ze_device_memory_property_flag_t
1370     uint32_t maxClockRate;                          ///< [out] Maximum clock rate for device memory.
1371     uint32_t maxBusWidth;                           ///< [out] Maximum bus width between device and memory.
1372     uint64_t totalSize;                             ///< [out] Total memory size in bytes that is available to the device.
1373     char name[ZE_MAX_DEVICE_NAME];                  ///< [out] Memory name
1375 } ze_device_memory_properties_t;
1377 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1378 /// @brief Retrieves local memory properties of the device.
1379 ///
1380 /// @details
1381 ///     - Properties are reported for each physical memory type supported by the
1382 ///       device.
1383 ///     - Multiple calls to this function will return properties in the same
1384 ///       order.
1385 ///     - The order in which the properties are returned defines the device's
1386 ///       local memory ordinal.
1387 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1388 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1389 ///
1390 /// @remarks
1391 ///   _Analogues_
1392 ///     - clGetDeviceInfo
1393 ///
1394 /// @returns
1395 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1399 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1401 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
1402 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1403 zeDeviceGetMemoryProperties(
1404     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1405     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of memory properties.
1406                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
1407                                                     ///< total number of memory properties available.
1408                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of memory properties available,
1409                                                     ///< then the driver shall update the value with the correct number of
1410                                                     ///< memory properties available.
1411     ze_device_memory_properties_t* pMemProperties   ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of query results for
1412                                                     ///< memory properties.
1413                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of memory properties available, then
1414                                                     ///< driver shall only retrieve that number of memory properties.
1415     );
1417 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1418 /// @brief Memory access capability flags
1419 ///
1420 /// @details
1421 ///     - Supported access capabilities for different types of memory
1422 ///       allocations
1423 typedef uint32_t ze_memory_access_cap_flags_t;
1424 typedef enum _ze_memory_access_cap_flag_t
1425 {
1426     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_CAP_FLAG_RW = ZE_BIT(0),       ///< Supports load/store access
1427     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_CAP_FLAG_ATOMIC = ZE_BIT(1),   ///< Supports atomic access
1428     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_CAP_FLAG_CONCURRENT = ZE_BIT(2),   ///< Supports concurrent access
1429     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_CAP_FLAG_CONCURRENT_ATOMIC = ZE_BIT(3),///< Supports concurrent atomic access
1430     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_CAP_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1432 } ze_memory_access_cap_flag_t;
1434 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1435 /// @brief Device memory access properties queried using
1436 ///        ::zeDeviceGetMemoryAccessProperties
1437 typedef struct _ze_device_memory_access_properties_t
1438 {
1439     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1440     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1441                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1442     ze_memory_access_cap_flags_t hostAllocCapabilities; ///< [out] host memory capabilities.
1443                                                     ///< returns 0 (unsupported) or a combination of ::ze_memory_access_cap_flag_t.
1444     ze_memory_access_cap_flags_t deviceAllocCapabilities;   ///< [out] device memory capabilities.
1445                                                     ///< returns 0 (unsupported) or a combination of ::ze_memory_access_cap_flag_t.
1446     ze_memory_access_cap_flags_t sharedSingleDeviceAllocCapabilities;   ///< [out] shared, single-device memory capabilities.
1447                                                     ///< returns 0 (unsupported) or a combination of ::ze_memory_access_cap_flag_t.
1448     ze_memory_access_cap_flags_t sharedCrossDeviceAllocCapabilities;///< [out] shared, cross-device memory capabilities.
1449                                                     ///< returns 0 (unsupported) or a combination of ::ze_memory_access_cap_flag_t.
1450     ze_memory_access_cap_flags_t sharedSystemAllocCapabilities; ///< [out] shared, system memory capabilities.
1451                                                     ///< returns 0 (unsupported) or a combination of ::ze_memory_access_cap_flag_t.
1453 } ze_device_memory_access_properties_t;
1455 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1456 /// @brief Retrieves memory access properties of the device.
1457 ///
1458 /// @details
1459 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1460 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1461 ///
1462 /// @remarks
1463 ///   _Analogues_
1464 ///     - clGetDeviceInfo
1465 ///
1466 /// @returns
1467 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1471 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1473 ///         + `nullptr == pMemAccessProperties`
1474 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1475 zeDeviceGetMemoryAccessProperties(
1476     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1477     ze_device_memory_access_properties_t* pMemAccessProperties  ///< [in,out] query result for memory access properties
1478     );
1480 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1481 /// @brief Supported cache control property flags
1482 typedef uint32_t ze_device_cache_property_flags_t;
1483 typedef enum _ze_device_cache_property_flag_t
1484 {
1485     ZE_DEVICE_CACHE_PROPERTY_FLAG_USER_CONTROL = ZE_BIT(0), ///< Device support User Cache Control (i.e. SLM section vs Generic Cache)
1488 } ze_device_cache_property_flag_t;
1490 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1491 /// @brief Device cache properties queried using ::zeDeviceGetCacheProperties
1492 typedef struct _ze_device_cache_properties_t
1493 {
1494     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1495     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1496                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1497     ze_device_cache_property_flags_t flags;         ///< [out] 0 (none) or a valid combination of
1498                                                     ///< ::ze_device_cache_property_flag_t
1499     size_t cacheSize;                               ///< [out] Per-cache size, in bytes
1501 } ze_device_cache_properties_t;
1503 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1504 /// @brief Retrieves cache properties of the device
1505 ///
1506 /// @details
1507 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1508 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1509 ///
1510 /// @remarks
1511 ///   _Analogues_
1512 ///     - clGetDeviceInfo
1513 ///
1514 /// @returns
1515 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1519 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1521 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
1522 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1523 zeDeviceGetCacheProperties(
1524     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1525     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of cache properties.
1526                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
1527                                                     ///< total number of cache properties available.
1528                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of cache properties available,
1529                                                     ///< then the driver shall update the value with the correct number of
1530                                                     ///< cache properties available.
1531     ze_device_cache_properties_t* pCacheProperties  ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of query results for cache properties.
1532                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of cache properties available, then
1533                                                     ///< driver shall only retrieve that number of cache properties.
1534     );
1536 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1537 /// @brief Device image properties queried using ::zeDeviceGetImageProperties
1538 typedef struct _ze_device_image_properties_t
1539 {
1540     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1541     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1542                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1543     uint32_t maxImageDims1D;                        ///< [out] Maximum image dimensions for 1D resources. if 0, then 1D images
1544                                                     ///< are unsupported.
1545     uint32_t maxImageDims2D;                        ///< [out] Maximum image dimensions for 2D resources. if 0, then 2D images
1546                                                     ///< are unsupported.
1547     uint32_t maxImageDims3D;                        ///< [out] Maximum image dimensions for 3D resources. if 0, then 3D images
1548                                                     ///< are unsupported.
1549     uint64_t maxImageBufferSize;                    ///< [out] Maximum image buffer size in bytes. if 0, then buffer images are
1550                                                     ///< unsupported.
1551     uint32_t maxImageArraySlices;                   ///< [out] Maximum image array slices. if 0, then image arrays are
1552                                                     ///< unsupported.
1553     uint32_t maxSamplers;                           ///< [out] Max samplers that can be used in kernel. if 0, then sampling is
1554                                                     ///< unsupported.
1555     uint32_t maxReadImageArgs;                      ///< [out] Returns the maximum number of simultaneous image objects that
1556                                                     ///< can be read from by a kernel. if 0, then reading images is
1557                                                     ///< unsupported.
1558     uint32_t maxWriteImageArgs;                     ///< [out] Returns the maximum number of simultaneous image objects that
1559                                                     ///< can be written to by a kernel. if 0, then writing images is
1560                                                     ///< unsupported.
1562 } ze_device_image_properties_t;
1564 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1565 /// @brief Retrieves image properties of the device
1566 ///
1567 /// @details
1568 ///     - See ::zeImageGetProperties for format-specific capabilities.
1569 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1570 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1571 ///
1572 /// @returns
1573 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1577 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1579 ///         + `nullptr == pImageProperties`
1580 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1581 zeDeviceGetImageProperties(
1582     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1583     ze_device_image_properties_t* pImageProperties  ///< [in,out] query result for image properties
1584     );
1586 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1587 /// @brief Device external memory import and export properties
1588 typedef struct _ze_device_external_memory_properties_t
1589 {
1590     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1591     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1592                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1593     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t memoryAllocationImportTypes;///< [out] Supported external memory import types for memory allocations.
1594     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t memoryAllocationExportTypes;///< [out] Supported external memory export types for memory allocations.
1595     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t imageImportTypes;   ///< [out] Supported external memory import types for images.
1596     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t imageExportTypes;   ///< [out] Supported external memory export types for images.
1598 } ze_device_external_memory_properties_t;
1600 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1601 /// @brief Retrieves external memory import and export of the device
1602 ///
1603 /// @details
1604 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1605 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1606 ///
1607 /// @returns
1608 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1612 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1614 ///         + `nullptr == pExternalMemoryProperties`
1615 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1616 zeDeviceGetExternalMemoryProperties(
1617     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1618     ze_device_external_memory_properties_t* pExternalMemoryProperties   ///< [in,out] query result for external memory properties
1619     );
1621 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1622 /// @brief Supported device peer-to-peer property flags
1623 typedef uint32_t ze_device_p2p_property_flags_t;
1624 typedef enum _ze_device_p2p_property_flag_t
1625 {
1626     ZE_DEVICE_P2P_PROPERTY_FLAG_ACCESS = ZE_BIT(0), ///< Device supports access between peer devices.
1627     ZE_DEVICE_P2P_PROPERTY_FLAG_ATOMICS = ZE_BIT(1),///< Device supports atomics between peer devices.
1628     ZE_DEVICE_P2P_PROPERTY_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1630 } ze_device_p2p_property_flag_t;
1632 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1633 /// @brief Device peer-to-peer properties queried using
1634 ///        ::zeDeviceGetP2PProperties
1635 typedef struct _ze_device_p2p_properties_t
1636 {
1637     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1638     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1639                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1640     ze_device_p2p_property_flags_t flags;           ///< [out] 0 (none) or a valid combination of
1641                                                     ///< ::ze_device_p2p_property_flag_t
1643 } ze_device_p2p_properties_t;
1645 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1646 /// @brief Retrieves peer-to-peer properties between one device and a peer
1647 ///        devices
1648 ///
1649 /// @details
1650 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1651 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1652 ///
1653 /// @returns
1654 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1658 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1659 ///         + `nullptr == hPeerDevice`
1661 ///         + `nullptr == pP2PProperties`
1662 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1663 zeDeviceGetP2PProperties(
1664     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device performing the access
1665     ze_device_handle_t hPeerDevice,                 ///< [in] handle of the peer device with the allocation
1666     ze_device_p2p_properties_t* pP2PProperties      ///< [in,out] Peer-to-Peer properties between source and peer device
1667     );
1669 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1670 /// @brief Queries if one device can directly access peer device allocations
1671 ///
1672 /// @details
1673 ///     - Any device can access any other device within a node through a
1674 ///       scale-up fabric.
1675 ///     - The following are conditions for CanAccessPeer query.
1676 ///         + If both device and peer device are the same then return true.
1677 ///         + If both sub-device and peer sub-device are the same then return
1678 ///           true.
1679 ///         + If both are sub-devices and share the same parent device then
1680 ///           return true.
1681 ///         + If both device and remote device are connected by a direct or
1682 ///           indirect scale-up fabric or over PCIe (same root complex or shared
1683 ///           PCIe switch) then true.
1684 ///         + If both sub-device and remote parent device (and vice-versa) are
1685 ///           connected by a direct or indirect scale-up fabric or over PCIe
1686 ///           (same root complex or shared PCIe switch) then true.
1687 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1688 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1689 ///
1690 /// @returns
1691 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1695 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1696 ///         + `nullptr == hPeerDevice`
1698 ///         + `nullptr == value`
1699 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1700 zeDeviceCanAccessPeer(
1701     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device performing the access
1702     ze_device_handle_t hPeerDevice,                 ///< [in] handle of the peer device with the allocation
1703     ze_bool_t* value                                ///< [out] returned access capability
1704     );
1706 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1707 /// @brief Returns current status of the device.
1708 ///
1709 /// @details
1710 ///     - Once a device is reset, this call will update the OS handle attached
1711 ///       to the device handle.
1712 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads with
1713 ///       the same device handle.
1714 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
1715 ///
1716 /// @returns
1717 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1721 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1722 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1723 ///         + Device is available for use.
1725 ///         + Device is lost; must be reset for use.
1726 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1727 zeDeviceGetStatus(
1728     ze_device_handle_t hDevice                      ///< [in] handle of the device
1729     );
1731 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1732 /// @brief Returns synchronized Host and device global timestamps.
1733 ///
1734 /// @details
1735 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads with
1736 ///       the same device handle.
1737 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
1738 ///
1739 /// @returns
1740 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1744 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1746 ///         + `nullptr == hostTimestamp`
1747 ///         + `nullptr == deviceTimestamp`
1748 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1749 zeDeviceGetGlobalTimestamps(
1750     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
1751     uint64_t* hostTimestamp,                        ///< [out] value of the Host's global timestamp that correlates with the
1752                                                     ///< Device's global timestamp value
1753     uint64_t* deviceTimestamp                       ///< [out] value of the Device's global timestamp that correlates with the
1754                                                     ///< Host's global timestamp value
1755     );
1757 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
1758 #pragma endregion
1759 #endif
1760 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Context
1761 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
1762 #pragma region context
1763 #endif
1764 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1765 /// @brief Supported context creation flags
1766 typedef uint32_t ze_context_flags_t;
1767 typedef enum _ze_context_flag_t
1768 {
1769     ZE_CONTEXT_FLAG_TBD = ZE_BIT(0),                ///< reserved for future use
1770     ZE_CONTEXT_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1772 } ze_context_flag_t;
1774 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1775 /// @brief Context descriptor
1776 typedef struct _ze_context_desc_t
1777 {
1778     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1779     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1780                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1781     ze_context_flags_t flags;                       ///< [in] creation flags.
1782                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_context_flag_t;
1783                                                     ///< default behavior may use implicit driver-based heuristics.
1785 } ze_context_desc_t;
1787 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1788 /// @brief Creates a context for the driver.
1789 ///
1790 /// @details
1791 ///     - The application must only use the context for the driver which was
1792 ///       provided during creation.
1793 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1794 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
1795 ///
1796 /// @returns
1797 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1801 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
1803 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
1804 ///         + `nullptr == phContext`
1806 ///         + `0x1 < desc->flags`
1809 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1810 zeContextCreate(
1811     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver object
1812     const ze_context_desc_t* desc,                  ///< [in] pointer to context descriptor
1813     ze_context_handle_t* phContext                  ///< [out] pointer to handle of context object created
1814     );
1816 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1817 /// @brief Creates a context for the driver.
1818 ///
1819 /// @details
1820 ///     - The application must only use the context for the driver which was
1821 ///       provided during creation.
1822 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1823 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
1824 ///
1825 /// @returns
1826 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1830 ///         + `nullptr == hDriver`
1832 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
1833 ///         + `nullptr == phContext`
1835 ///         + `0x1 < desc->flags`
1839 ///         + `(nullptr == phDevices) && (0 < numDevices)`
1840 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1841 zeContextCreateEx(
1842     ze_driver_handle_t hDriver,                     ///< [in] handle of the driver object
1843     const ze_context_desc_t* desc,                  ///< [in] pointer to context descriptor
1844     uint32_t numDevices,                            ///< [in][optional] number of device handles; must be 0 if `nullptr ==
1845                                                     ///< phDevices`
1846     ze_device_handle_t* phDevices,                  ///< [in][optional][range(0, numDevices)] array of device handles which
1847                                                     ///< context has visibility.
1848                                                     ///< if nullptr, then all devices supported by the driver instance are
1849                                                     ///< visible to the context.
1850                                                     ///< otherwise, context only has visibility to devices in this array.
1851     ze_context_handle_t* phContext                  ///< [out] pointer to handle of context object created
1852     );
1854 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1855 /// @brief Destroys a context.
1856 ///
1857 /// @details
1858 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
1859 ///       the context before it is deleted.
1860 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
1861 ///       Device allocations associated with this context.
1862 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
1863 ///       threads with the same context handle.
1864 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
1865 ///
1866 /// @returns
1867 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1871 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
1873 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1874 zeContextDestroy(
1875     ze_context_handle_t hContext                    ///< [in][release] handle of context object to destroy
1876     );
1878 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1879 /// @brief Returns current status of the context.
1880 ///
1881 /// @details
1882 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads with
1883 ///       the same context handle.
1884 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
1885 ///
1886 /// @returns
1887 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1891 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
1892 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1893 ///         + Context is available for use.
1895 ///         + Context is invalid; due to device lost or reset.
1896 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1897 zeContextGetStatus(
1898     ze_context_handle_t hContext                    ///< [in] handle of context object
1899     );
1901 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
1902 #pragma endregion
1903 #endif
1904 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Command Queue
1905 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
1906 #pragma region cmdqueue
1907 #endif
1908 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1909 /// @brief Supported command queue flags
1910 typedef uint32_t ze_command_queue_flags_t;
1911 typedef enum _ze_command_queue_flag_t
1912 {
1913     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_EXPLICIT_ONLY = ZE_BIT(0),///< command queue should be optimized for submission to a single device engine.
1914                                                     ///< driver **must** disable any implicit optimizations for distributing
1915                                                     ///< work across multiple engines.
1916                                                     ///< this flag should be used when applications want full control over
1917                                                     ///< multi-engine submission and scheduling.
1918     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1920 } ze_command_queue_flag_t;
1922 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1923 /// @brief Supported command queue modes
1924 typedef enum _ze_command_queue_mode_t
1925 {
1926     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_MODE_DEFAULT = 0,              ///< implicit default behavior; uses driver-based heuristics
1927     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS = 1,          ///< Device execution always completes immediately on execute;
1928                                                     ///< Host thread is blocked using wait on implicit synchronization object
1929     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS = 2,         ///< Device execution is scheduled and will complete in future;
1930                                                     ///< explicit synchronization object must be used to determine completeness
1931     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_MODE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
1933 } ze_command_queue_mode_t;
1935 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1936 /// @brief Supported command queue priorities
1937 typedef enum _ze_command_queue_priority_t
1938 {
1939     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 0,           ///< [default] normal priority
1940     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_PRIORITY_LOW = 1,     ///< lower priority than normal
1941     ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_PRIORITY_HIGH = 2,    ///< higher priority than normal
1944 } ze_command_queue_priority_t;
1946 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1947 /// @brief Command Queue descriptor
1948 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_desc_t
1949 {
1950     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
1951     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
1952                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
1953     uint32_t ordinal;                               ///< [in] command queue group ordinal
1954     uint32_t index;                                 ///< [in] command queue index within the group;
1955                                                     ///< must be zero if ::ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAG_EXPLICIT_ONLY is not set
1956     ze_command_queue_flags_t flags;                 ///< [in] usage flags.
1957                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_command_queue_flag_t;
1958                                                     ///< default behavior may use implicit driver-based heuristics to balance
1959                                                     ///< latency and throughput.
1960     ze_command_queue_mode_t mode;                   ///< [in] operation mode
1961     ze_command_queue_priority_t priority;           ///< [in] priority
1963 } ze_command_queue_desc_t;
1965 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1966 /// @brief Creates a command queue on the context.
1967 ///
1968 /// @details
1969 ///     - A command queue represents a logical input stream to the device, tied
1970 ///       to a physical input stream.
1971 ///     - The application must only use the command queue for the device, or its
1972 ///       sub-devices, which was provided during creation.
1973 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
1974 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
1975 ///
1976 /// @remarks
1977 ///   _Analogues_
1978 ///     - **clCreateCommandQueue**
1979 ///
1980 /// @returns
1981 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
1985 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
1986 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
1988 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
1989 ///         + `nullptr == phCommandQueue`
1991 ///         + `0x1 < desc->flags`
1992 ///         + `::ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS < desc->mode`
1993 ///         + `::ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_PRIORITY_HIGH < desc->priority`
1996 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
1997 zeCommandQueueCreate(
1998     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
1999     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
2000     const ze_command_queue_desc_t* desc,            ///< [in] pointer to command queue descriptor
2001     ze_command_queue_handle_t* phCommandQueue       ///< [out] pointer to handle of command queue object created
2002     );
2004 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2005 /// @brief Destroys a command queue.
2006 ///
2007 /// @details
2008 ///     - The application must destroy all fence handles created from the
2009 ///       command queue before destroying the command queue itself
2010 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
2011 ///       the command queue before it is deleted
2012 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
2013 ///       Device allocations associated with this command queue
2014 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2015 ///       threads with the same command queue handle.
2016 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
2017 ///
2018 /// @remarks
2019 ///   _Analogues_
2020 ///     - **clReleaseCommandQueue**
2021 ///
2022 /// @returns
2023 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2027 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandQueue`
2029 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2030 zeCommandQueueDestroy(
2031     ze_command_queue_handle_t hCommandQueue         ///< [in][release] handle of command queue object to destroy
2032     );
2034 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2035 /// @brief Executes a command list in a command queue.
2036 ///
2037 /// @details
2038 ///     - The command lists are submitted to the device in the order they are
2039 ///       received, whether from multiple calls (on the same or different
2040 ///       threads) or a single call with multiple command lists.
2041 ///     - The application must ensure the command lists are accessible by the
2042 ///       device on which the command queue was created.
2043 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
2044 ///       the command list since the implementation is allowed to modify the
2045 ///       contents of the command list for submission.
2046 ///     - The application must only execute command lists created with an
2047 ///       identical command queue group ordinal to the command queue.
2048 ///     - The application must use a fence created using the same command queue.
2049 ///     - The application must ensure the command queue, command list and fence
2050 ///       were created on the same context.
2051 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
2052 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2053 ///
2054 /// @remarks
2055 ///   _Analogues_
2056 ///     - vkQueueSubmit
2057 ///
2058 /// @returns
2059 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2063 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandQueue`
2065 ///         + `nullptr == phCommandLists`
2067 ///         + `0 == numCommandLists`
2070 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2071 zeCommandQueueExecuteCommandLists(
2072     ze_command_queue_handle_t hCommandQueue,        ///< [in] handle of the command queue
2073     uint32_t numCommandLists,                       ///< [in] number of command lists to execute
2074     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandLists,       ///< [in][range(0, numCommandLists)] list of handles of the command lists
2075                                                     ///< to execute
2076     ze_fence_handle_t hFence                        ///< [in][optional] handle of the fence to signal on completion
2077     );
2079 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2080 /// @brief Synchronizes a command queue by waiting on the host.
2081 ///
2082 /// @details
2083 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
2084 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2085 ///
2086 /// @returns
2087 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2091 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandQueue`
2092 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY
2093 ///         + timeout expired
2094 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2095 zeCommandQueueSynchronize(
2096     ze_command_queue_handle_t hCommandQueue,        ///< [in] handle of the command queue
2097     uint64_t timeout                                ///< [in] if non-zero, then indicates the maximum time (in nanoseconds) to
2098                                                     ///< yield before returning ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS or ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY;
2099                                                     ///< if zero, then immediately returns the status of the command queue;
2100                                                     ///< if UINT64_MAX, then function will not return until complete or device
2101                                                     ///< is lost.
2102                                                     ///< Due to external dependencies, timeout may be rounded to the closest
2103                                                     ///< value allowed by the accuracy of those dependencies.
2104     );
2106 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2107 #pragma endregion
2108 #endif
2109 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Command List
2110 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2111 #pragma region cmdlist
2112 #endif
2113 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2114 /// @brief Supported command list creation flags
2115 typedef uint32_t ze_command_list_flags_t;
2116 typedef enum _ze_command_list_flag_t
2117 {
2118     ZE_COMMAND_LIST_FLAG_RELAXED_ORDERING = ZE_BIT(0),  ///< driver may reorder commands (e.g., kernels, copies) between barriers
2119                                                     ///< and synchronization primitives.
2120                                                     ///< using this flag may increase Host overhead of ::zeCommandListClose.
2121                                                     ///< therefore, this flag should **not** be set for low-latency usage-models.
2122     ZE_COMMAND_LIST_FLAG_MAXIMIZE_THROUGHPUT = ZE_BIT(1),   ///< driver may perform additional optimizations that increase execution
2123                                                     ///< throughput.
2124                                                     ///< using this flag may increase Host overhead of ::zeCommandListClose and ::zeCommandQueueExecuteCommandLists.
2125                                                     ///< therefore, this flag should **not** be set for low-latency usage-models.
2126     ZE_COMMAND_LIST_FLAG_EXPLICIT_ONLY = ZE_BIT(2), ///< command list should be optimized for submission to a single command
2127                                                     ///< queue and device engine.
2128                                                     ///< driver **must** disable any implicit optimizations for distributing
2129                                                     ///< work across multiple engines.
2130                                                     ///< this flag should be used when applications want full control over
2131                                                     ///< multi-engine submission and scheduling.
2132     ZE_COMMAND_LIST_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
2134 } ze_command_list_flag_t;
2136 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2137 /// @brief Command List descriptor
2138 typedef struct _ze_command_list_desc_t
2139 {
2140     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
2141     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
2142                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
2143     uint32_t commandQueueGroupOrdinal;              ///< [in] command queue group ordinal to which this command list will be
2144                                                     ///< submitted
2145     ze_command_list_flags_t flags;                  ///< [in] usage flags.
2146                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_command_list_flag_t;
2147                                                     ///< default behavior may use implicit driver-based heuristics to balance
2148                                                     ///< latency and throughput.
2150 } ze_command_list_desc_t;
2152 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2153 /// @brief Creates a command list on the context.
2154 ///
2155 /// @details
2156 ///     - A command list represents a sequence of commands for execution on a
2157 ///       command queue.
2158 ///     - The command list is created in the 'open' state.
2159 ///     - The application must only use the command list for the device, or its
2160 ///       sub-devices, which was provided during creation.
2161 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
2162 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
2163 ///
2164 /// @returns
2165 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2169 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
2170 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
2172 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
2173 ///         + `nullptr == phCommandList`
2175 ///         + `0x7 < desc->flags`
2178 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2179 zeCommandListCreate(
2180     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
2181     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
2182     const ze_command_list_desc_t* desc,             ///< [in] pointer to command list descriptor
2183     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList         ///< [out] pointer to handle of command list object created
2184     );
2186 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2187 /// @brief Creates an immediate command list on the context.
2188 ///
2189 /// @details
2190 ///     - An immediate command list is used for low-latency submission of
2191 ///       commands.
2192 ///     - An immediate command list creates an implicit command queue.
2193 ///     - The command list is created in the 'open' state and never needs to be
2194 ///       closed.
2195 ///     - The application must only use the command list for the device, or its
2196 ///       sub-devices, which was provided during creation.
2197 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
2198 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
2199 ///
2200 /// @returns
2201 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2205 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
2206 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
2208 ///         + `nullptr == altdesc`
2209 ///         + `nullptr == phCommandList`
2211 ///         + `0x1 < altdesc->flags`
2212 ///         + `::ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS < altdesc->mode`
2213 ///         + `::ZE_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY_PRIORITY_HIGH < altdesc->priority`
2216 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2217 zeCommandListCreateImmediate(
2218     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
2219     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
2220     const ze_command_queue_desc_t* altdesc,         ///< [in] pointer to command queue descriptor
2221     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList         ///< [out] pointer to handle of command list object created
2222     );
2224 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2225 /// @brief Destroys a command list.
2226 ///
2227 /// @details
2228 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
2229 ///       the command list before it is deleted.
2230 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
2231 ///       Device allocations associated with this command list.
2232 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2233 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2234 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
2235 ///
2236 /// @returns
2237 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2241 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2243 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2244 zeCommandListDestroy(
2245     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList           ///< [in][release] handle of command list object to destroy
2246     );
2248 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2249 /// @brief Closes a command list; ready to be executed by a command queue.
2250 ///
2251 /// @details
2252 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2253 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2254 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2255 ///
2256 /// @returns
2257 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2261 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2262 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2263 zeCommandListClose(
2264     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList           ///< [in] handle of command list object to close
2265     );
2267 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2268 /// @brief Reset a command list to initial (empty) state; ready for appending
2269 ///        commands.
2270 ///
2271 /// @details
2272 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
2273 ///       the command list before it is reset
2274 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2275 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2276 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2277 ///
2278 /// @returns
2279 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2283 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2284 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2285 zeCommandListReset(
2286     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList           ///< [in] handle of command list object to reset
2287     );
2289 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2290 /// @brief Appends a memory write of the device's global timestamp value into a
2291 ///        command list.
2292 ///
2293 /// @details
2294 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
2295 ///       which the command list was created.
2296 ///     - The timestamp frequency can be queried from
2297 ///       ::ze_device_properties_t.timerResolution.
2298 ///     - The number of valid bits in the timestamp value can be queried from
2299 ///       ::ze_device_properties_t.timestampValidBits.
2300 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by dstptr is
2301 ///       accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
2302 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created,
2303 ///       and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2304 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2305 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2306 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2307 ///
2308 /// @returns
2309 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2313 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2315 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
2318 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2319 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2320 zeCommandListAppendWriteGlobalTimestamp(
2321     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
2322     uint64_t* dstptr,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to memory where timestamp value will be written; must
2323                                                     ///< be 8byte-aligned.
2324     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2325     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before executing query;
2326                                                     ///< must be 0 if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2327     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2328                                                     ///< on before executing query
2329     );
2331 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2332 #pragma endregion
2333 #endif
2334 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Barrier
2335 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2336 #pragma region barrier
2337 #endif
2338 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2339 /// @brief Appends an execution and global memory barrier into a command list.
2340 ///
2341 /// @details
2342 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
2343 ///       which the command list was created.
2344 ///     - If numWaitEvents is zero, then all previous commands, enqueued on same
2345 ///       command queue, must complete prior to the execution of the barrier.
2346 ///       This is not the case when numWaitEvents is non-zero.
2347 ///     - If numWaitEvents is non-zero, then only all phWaitEvents must be
2348 ///       signaled prior to the execution of the barrier.
2349 ///     - This command blocks all following commands from beginning until the
2350 ///       execution of the barrier completes.
2351 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2352 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2353 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2354 ///
2355 /// @remarks
2356 ///   _Analogues_
2357 ///     - **vkCmdPipelineBarrier**
2358 ///     - clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList
2359 ///
2360 /// @returns
2361 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2365 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2368 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2369 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2370 zeCommandListAppendBarrier(
2371     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
2372     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2373     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before executing barrier;
2374                                                     ///< must be 0 if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2375     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2376                                                     ///< on before executing barrier
2377     );
2379 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2380 /// @brief Appends a global memory ranges barrier into a command list.
2381 ///
2382 /// @details
2383 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
2384 ///       which the command list was created.
2385 ///     - If numWaitEvents is zero, then all previous commands are completed
2386 ///       prior to the execution of the barrier.
2387 ///     - If numWaitEvents is non-zero, then then all phWaitEvents must be
2388 ///       signaled prior to the execution of the barrier.
2389 ///     - This command blocks all following commands from beginning until the
2390 ///       execution of the barrier completes.
2391 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2392 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2393 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2394 ///
2395 /// @returns
2396 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2400 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2402 ///         + `nullptr == pRangeSizes`
2403 ///         + `nullptr == pRanges`
2406 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2407 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2408 zeCommandListAppendMemoryRangesBarrier(
2409     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
2410     uint32_t numRanges,                             ///< [in] number of memory ranges
2411     const size_t* pRangeSizes,                      ///< [in][range(0, numRanges)] array of sizes of memory range
2412     const void** pRanges,                           ///< [in][range(0, numRanges)] array of memory ranges
2413     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2414     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before executing barrier;
2415                                                     ///< must be 0 if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2416     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2417                                                     ///< on before executing barrier
2418     );
2420 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2421 /// @brief Ensures in-bound writes to the device are globally observable.
2422 ///
2423 /// @details
2424 ///     - This is a special-case system level barrier that can be used to ensure
2425 ///       global observability of writes;
2426 ///       typically needed after a producer (e.g., NIC) performs direct writes
2427 ///       to the device's memory (e.g., Direct RDMA writes).
2428 ///       This is typically required when the memory corresponding to the writes
2429 ///       is subsequently accessed from a remote device.
2430 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
2431 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2432 ///
2433 /// @returns
2434 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2438 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
2439 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
2440 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2441 zeContextSystemBarrier(
2442     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of context object
2443     ze_device_handle_t hDevice                      ///< [in] handle of the device
2444     );
2446 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2447 #pragma endregion
2448 #endif
2449 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Copies
2450 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2451 #pragma region copy
2452 #endif
2453 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2454 /// @brief Copies host, device, or shared memory.
2455 ///
2456 /// @details
2457 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by dstptr and srcptr
2458 ///       is accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
2459 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by dstptr and
2460 ///       srcptr as they are free to be modified by either the Host or device up
2461 ///       until execution.
2462 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
2463 ///       which the command list was created.
2464 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created,
2465 ///       and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2466 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2467 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2468 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2469 ///
2470 /// @remarks
2471 ///   _Analogues_
2472 ///     - **clEnqueueCopyBuffer**
2473 ///     - **clEnqueueReadBuffer**
2474 ///     - **clEnqueueWriteBuffer**
2475 ///     - **clEnqueueSVMMemcpy**
2476 ///
2477 /// @returns
2478 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2482 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2484 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
2485 ///         + `nullptr == srcptr`
2488 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2489 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2490 zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopy(
2491     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2492     void* dstptr,                                   ///< [in] pointer to destination memory to copy to
2493     const void* srcptr,                             ///< [in] pointer to source memory to copy from
2494     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to copy
2495     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2496     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2497                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2498     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2499                                                     ///< on before launching
2500     );
2502 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2503 /// @brief Initializes host, device, or shared memory.
2504 ///
2505 /// @details
2506 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by dstptr is
2507 ///       accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
2508 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by dstptr as
2509 ///       it is free to be modified by either the Host or device up until
2510 ///       execution.
2511 ///     - The value to initialize memory to is described by the pattern and the
2512 ///       pattern size.
2513 ///     - The pattern size must be a power-of-two and less than or equal to
2514 ///       ::ze_command_queue_group_properties_t.maxMemoryFillPatternSize.
2515 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
2516 ///       which the command list was created.
2517 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created,
2518 ///       and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2519 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2520 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2521 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2522 ///
2523 /// @remarks
2524 ///   _Analogues_
2525 ///     - **clEnqueueFillBuffer**
2526 ///     - **clEnqueueSVMMemFill**
2527 ///
2528 /// @returns
2529 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2533 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2535 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
2536 ///         + `nullptr == pattern`
2539 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2540 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2541 zeCommandListAppendMemoryFill(
2542     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2543     void* ptr,                                      ///< [in] pointer to memory to initialize
2544     const void* pattern,                            ///< [in] pointer to value to initialize memory to
2545     size_t pattern_size,                            ///< [in] size in bytes of the value to initialize memory to
2546     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to initialize
2547     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2548     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2549                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2550     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2551                                                     ///< on before launching
2552     );
2554 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2555 /// @brief Copy region descriptor
2556 typedef struct _ze_copy_region_t
2557 {
2558     uint32_t originX;                               ///< [in] The origin x offset for region in bytes
2559     uint32_t originY;                               ///< [in] The origin y offset for region in rows
2560     uint32_t originZ;                               ///< [in] The origin z offset for region in slices
2561     uint32_t width;                                 ///< [in] The region width relative to origin in bytes
2562     uint32_t height;                                ///< [in] The region height relative to origin in rows
2563     uint32_t depth;                                 ///< [in] The region depth relative to origin in slices. Set this to 0 for
2564                                                     ///< 2D copy.
2566 } ze_copy_region_t;
2568 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2569 /// @brief Copies a region from a 2D or 3D array of host, device, or shared
2570 ///        memory.
2571 ///
2572 /// @details
2573 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by dstptr and srcptr
2574 ///       is accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
2575 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by dstptr and
2576 ///       srcptr as they are free to be modified by either the Host or device up
2577 ///       until execution.
2578 ///     - The region width, height, and depth for both src and dst must be same.
2579 ///       The origins can be different.
2580 ///     - The src and dst regions cannot be overlapping.
2581 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
2582 ///       which the command list was created.
2583 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created,
2584 ///       and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2585 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2586 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2587 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2588 ///
2589 /// @returns
2590 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2594 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2596 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
2597 ///         + `nullptr == dstRegion`
2598 ///         + `nullptr == srcptr`
2599 ///         + `nullptr == srcRegion`
2603 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2604 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2605 zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopyRegion(
2606     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2607     void* dstptr,                                   ///< [in] pointer to destination memory to copy to
2608     const ze_copy_region_t* dstRegion,              ///< [in] pointer to destination region to copy to
2609     uint32_t dstPitch,                              ///< [in] destination pitch in bytes
2610     uint32_t dstSlicePitch,                         ///< [in] destination slice pitch in bytes. This is required for 3D region
2611                                                     ///< copies where ::ze_copy_region_t.depth is not 0, otherwise it's
2612                                                     ///< ignored.
2613     const void* srcptr,                             ///< [in] pointer to source memory to copy from
2614     const ze_copy_region_t* srcRegion,              ///< [in] pointer to source region to copy from
2615     uint32_t srcPitch,                              ///< [in] source pitch in bytes
2616     uint32_t srcSlicePitch,                         ///< [in] source slice pitch in bytes. This is required for 3D region
2617                                                     ///< copies where ::ze_copy_region_t.depth is not 0, otherwise it's
2618                                                     ///< ignored.
2619     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2620     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2621                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2622     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2623                                                     ///< on before launching
2624     );
2626 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2627 /// @brief Copies host, device, or shared memory from another context.
2628 ///
2629 /// @details
2630 ///     - The current active and source context must be from the same driver.
2631 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by dstptr and srcptr
2632 ///       is accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
2633 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by dstptr and
2634 ///       srcptr as they are free to be modified by either the Host or device up
2635 ///       until execution.
2636 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
2637 ///       which the command list was created.
2638 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created,
2639 ///       and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2640 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2641 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2642 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2643 ///
2644 /// @returns
2645 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2649 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2650 ///         + `nullptr == hContextSrc`
2652 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
2653 ///         + `nullptr == srcptr`
2656 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2657 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2658 zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopyFromContext(
2659     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2660     void* dstptr,                                   ///< [in] pointer to destination memory to copy to
2661     ze_context_handle_t hContextSrc,                ///< [in] handle of source context object
2662     const void* srcptr,                             ///< [in] pointer to source memory to copy from
2663     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to copy
2664     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2665     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2666                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2667     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2668                                                     ///< on before launching
2669     );
2671 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2672 /// @brief Copies an image.
2673 ///
2674 /// @details
2675 ///     - The application must ensure the image and events are accessible by the
2676 ///       device on which the command list was created.
2677 ///     - The application must ensure the image format descriptors for both
2678 ///       source and destination images are the same.
2679 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, images and events were
2680 ///       created on the same context.
2681 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2682 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2683 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2684 ///
2685 /// @remarks
2686 ///   _Analogues_
2687 ///     - **clEnqueueCopyImage**
2688 ///
2689 /// @returns
2690 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2694 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2695 ///         + `nullptr == hDstImage`
2696 ///         + `nullptr == hSrcImage`
2699 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2700 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2701 zeCommandListAppendImageCopy(
2702     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2703     ze_image_handle_t hDstImage,                    ///< [in] handle of destination image to copy to
2704     ze_image_handle_t hSrcImage,                    ///< [in] handle of source image to copy from
2705     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2706     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2707                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2708     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2709                                                     ///< on before launching
2710     );
2712 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2713 /// @brief Region descriptor
2714 typedef struct _ze_image_region_t
2715 {
2716     uint32_t originX;                               ///< [in] The origin x offset for region in pixels
2717     uint32_t originY;                               ///< [in] The origin y offset for region in pixels
2718     uint32_t originZ;                               ///< [in] The origin z offset for region in pixels
2719     uint32_t width;                                 ///< [in] The region width relative to origin in pixels
2720     uint32_t height;                                ///< [in] The region height relative to origin in pixels
2721     uint32_t depth;                                 ///< [in] The region depth relative to origin. For 1D or 2D images, set
2722                                                     ///< this to 1.
2724 } ze_image_region_t;
2726 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2727 /// @brief Copies a region of an image to another image.
2728 ///
2729 /// @details
2730 ///     - The application must ensure the image and events are accessible by the
2731 ///       device on which the command list was created.
2732 ///     - The region width and height for both src and dst must be same. The
2733 ///       origins can be different.
2734 ///     - The src and dst regions cannot be overlapping.
2735 ///     - The application must ensure the image format descriptors for both
2736 ///       source and destination images are the same.
2737 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, images and events were
2738 ///       created, and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2739 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2740 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2741 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2742 ///
2743 /// @returns
2744 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2748 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2749 ///         + `nullptr == hDstImage`
2750 ///         + `nullptr == hSrcImage`
2754 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2755 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2756 zeCommandListAppendImageCopyRegion(
2757     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2758     ze_image_handle_t hDstImage,                    ///< [in] handle of destination image to copy to
2759     ze_image_handle_t hSrcImage,                    ///< [in] handle of source image to copy from
2760     const ze_image_region_t* pDstRegion,            ///< [in][optional] destination region descriptor
2761     const ze_image_region_t* pSrcRegion,            ///< [in][optional] source region descriptor
2762     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2763     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2764                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2765     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2766                                                     ///< on before launching
2767     );
2769 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2770 /// @brief Copies from an image to device or shared memory.
2771 ///
2772 /// @details
2773 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by dstptr is
2774 ///       accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
2775 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by dstptr as
2776 ///       it is free to be modified by either the Host or device up until
2777 ///       execution.
2778 ///     - The application must ensure the image and events are accessible by the
2779 ///       device on which the command list was created.
2780 ///     - The application must ensure the image format descriptor for the source
2781 ///       image is a single-planar format.
2782 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, image and events were
2783 ///       created, and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2784 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2785 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2786 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2787 ///
2788 /// @remarks
2789 ///   _Analogues_
2790 ///     - clEnqueueReadImage
2791 ///
2792 /// @returns
2793 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2797 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2798 ///         + `nullptr == hSrcImage`
2800 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
2803 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2804 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2805 zeCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemory(
2806     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2807     void* dstptr,                                   ///< [in] pointer to destination memory to copy to
2808     ze_image_handle_t hSrcImage,                    ///< [in] handle of source image to copy from
2809     const ze_image_region_t* pSrcRegion,            ///< [in][optional] source region descriptor
2810     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2811     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2812                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2813     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2814                                                     ///< on before launching
2815     );
2817 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2818 /// @brief Copies to an image from device or shared memory.
2819 ///
2820 /// @details
2821 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by srcptr is
2822 ///       accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
2823 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by srcptr as
2824 ///       it is free to be modified by either the Host or device up until
2825 ///       execution.
2826 ///     - The application must ensure the image and events are accessible by the
2827 ///       device on which the command list was created.
2828 ///     - The application must ensure the image format descriptor for the
2829 ///       destination image is a single-planar format.
2830 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, image and events were
2831 ///       created, and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
2832 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2833 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2834 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2835 ///
2836 /// @remarks
2837 ///   _Analogues_
2838 ///     - clEnqueueWriteImage
2839 ///
2840 /// @returns
2841 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2845 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2846 ///         + `nullptr == hDstImage`
2848 ///         + `nullptr == srcptr`
2851 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
2852 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2853 zeCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemory(
2854     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2855     ze_image_handle_t hDstImage,                    ///< [in] handle of destination image to copy to
2856     const void* srcptr,                             ///< [in] pointer to source memory to copy from
2857     const ze_image_region_t* pDstRegion,            ///< [in][optional] destination region descriptor
2858     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
2859     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
2860                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
2861     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
2862                                                     ///< on before launching
2863     );
2865 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2866 /// @brief Asynchronously prefetches shared memory to the device associated with
2867 ///        the specified command list
2868 ///
2869 /// @details
2870 ///     - This is a hint to improve performance only and is not required for
2871 ///       correctness.
2872 ///     - Only prefetching to the device associated with the specified command
2873 ///       list is supported.
2874 ///       Prefetching to the host or to a peer device is not supported.
2875 ///     - Prefetching may not be supported for all allocation types for all devices.
2876 ///       If memory prefetching is not supported for the specified memory range
2877 ///       the prefetch hint may be ignored.
2878 ///     - Prefetching may only be supported at a device-specific granularity,
2879 ///       such as at a page boundary.
2880 ///       In this case, the memory range may be expanded such that the start and
2881 ///       end of the range satisfy granularity requirements.
2882 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by ptr is accessible
2883 ///       by the device on which the command list was created.
2884 ///     - The application must ensure the command list was created, and the
2885 ///       memory was allocated, on the same context.
2886 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2887 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
2888 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2889 ///
2890 /// @remarks
2891 ///   _Analogues_
2892 ///     - clEnqueueSVMMigrateMem
2893 ///
2894 /// @returns
2895 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2899 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2901 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
2902 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2903 zeCommandListAppendMemoryPrefetch(
2904     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2905     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] pointer to start of the memory range to prefetch
2906     size_t size                                     ///< [in] size in bytes of the memory range to prefetch
2907     );
2909 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2910 /// @brief Supported memory advice hints
2911 typedef enum _ze_memory_advice_t
2912 {
2913     ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_SET_READ_MOSTLY = 0,           ///< hint that memory will be read from frequently and written to rarely
2914     ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_CLEAR_READ_MOSTLY = 1,         ///< removes the affect of ::ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_SET_READ_MOSTLY
2915     ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_SET_PREFERRED_LOCATION = 2,    ///< hint that the preferred memory location is the specified device
2917     ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_SET_NON_ATOMIC_MOSTLY = 4,     ///< hints that memory will mostly be accessed non-atomically
2919     ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_BIAS_CACHED = 6,               ///< hints that memory should be cached
2920     ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_BIAS_UNCACHED = 7,             ///< hints that memory should be not be cached
2921     ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
2923 } ze_memory_advice_t;
2925 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2926 /// @brief Provides advice about the use of a shared memory range
2927 ///
2928 /// @details
2929 ///     - Memory advice is a performance hint only and is not required for
2930 ///       functional correctness.
2931 ///     - Memory advice can be used to override driver heuristics to explicitly
2932 ///       control shared memory behavior.
2933 ///     - Not all memory advice hints may be supported for all allocation types
2934 ///       for all devices.
2935 ///       If a memory advice hint is not supported by the device it will be ignored.
2936 ///     - Memory advice may only be supported at a device-specific granularity,
2937 ///       such as at a page boundary.
2938 ///       In this case, the memory range may be expanded such that the start and
2939 ///       end of the range satisfy granularity requirements.
2940 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by ptr is accessible
2941 ///       by the device on which the command list was created.
2942 ///     - The application must ensure the command list was created, and memory
2943 ///       was allocated, on the same context.
2944 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
2945 ///       threads with the same command list handle, and the memory was
2946 ///       allocated.
2947 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
2948 ///
2949 /// @returns
2950 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
2954 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
2955 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
2957 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
2959 ///         + `::ZE_MEMORY_ADVICE_BIAS_UNCACHED < advice`
2960 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
2961 zeCommandListAppendMemAdvise(
2962     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
2963     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] device associated with the memory advice
2964     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] Pointer to the start of the memory range
2965     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] Size in bytes of the memory range
2966     ze_memory_advice_t advice                       ///< [in] Memory advice for the memory range
2967     );
2969 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2970 #pragma endregion
2971 #endif
2972 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Event
2973 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
2974 #pragma region event
2975 #endif
2976 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2977 /// @brief Supported event pool creation flags
2978 typedef uint32_t ze_event_pool_flags_t;
2979 typedef enum _ze_event_pool_flag_t
2980 {
2981     ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_HOST_VISIBLE = ZE_BIT(0),    ///< signals and waits are also visible to host
2982     ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_IPC = ZE_BIT(1),             ///< signals and waits may be shared across processes
2983     ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_KERNEL_TIMESTAMP = ZE_BIT(2),///< Indicates all events in pool will contain kernel timestamps; cannot be
2984                                                     ///< combined with ::ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_IPC
2985     ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
2987 } ze_event_pool_flag_t;
2989 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2990 /// @brief Event pool descriptor
2991 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_desc_t
2992 {
2993     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
2994     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
2995                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
2996     ze_event_pool_flags_t flags;                    ///< [in] creation flags.
2997                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_event_pool_flag_t;
2998                                                     ///< default behavior is signals and waits are visible to the entire device
2999                                                     ///< and peer devices.
3000     uint32_t count;                                 ///< [in] number of events within the pool; must be greater than 0
3002 } ze_event_pool_desc_t;
3004 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3005 /// @brief Creates a pool of events on the context.
3006 ///
3007 /// @details
3008 ///     - The application must only use events within the pool for the
3009 ///       device(s), or their sub-devices, which were provided during creation.
3010 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3011 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
3012 ///
3013 /// @returns
3014 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3018 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
3020 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
3021 ///         + `nullptr == phEventPool`
3023 ///         + `0x7 < desc->flags`
3027 ///         + `0 == desc->count`
3028 ///         + `(nullptr == phDevices) && (0 < numDevices)`
3029 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3030 zeEventPoolCreate(
3031     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
3032     const ze_event_pool_desc_t* desc,               ///< [in] pointer to event pool descriptor
3033     uint32_t numDevices,                            ///< [in][optional] number of device handles; must be 0 if `nullptr ==
3034                                                     ///< phDevices`
3035     ze_device_handle_t* phDevices,                  ///< [in][optional][range(0, numDevices)] array of device handles which
3036                                                     ///< have visibility to the event pool.
3037                                                     ///< if nullptr, then event pool is visible to all devices supported by the
3038                                                     ///< driver instance.
3039     ze_event_pool_handle_t* phEventPool             ///< [out] pointer handle of event pool object created
3040     );
3042 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3043 /// @brief Deletes an event pool object.
3044 ///
3045 /// @details
3046 ///     - The application must destroy all event handles created from the pool
3047 ///       before destroying the pool itself.
3048 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
3049 ///       the any event within the pool before it is deleted.
3050 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
3051 ///       Device allocations associated with this event pool.
3052 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3053 ///       threads with the same event pool handle.
3054 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
3055 ///
3056 /// @returns
3057 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3061 ///         + `nullptr == hEventPool`
3063 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3064 zeEventPoolDestroy(
3065     ze_event_pool_handle_t hEventPool               ///< [in][release] handle of event pool object to destroy
3066     );
3068 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3069 /// @brief Supported event scope flags
3070 typedef uint32_t ze_event_scope_flags_t;
3071 typedef enum _ze_event_scope_flag_t
3072 {
3073     ZE_EVENT_SCOPE_FLAG_SUBDEVICE = ZE_BIT(0),      ///< cache hierarchies are flushed or invalidated sufficient for local
3074                                                     ///< sub-device access
3075     ZE_EVENT_SCOPE_FLAG_DEVICE = ZE_BIT(1),         ///< cache hierarchies are flushed or invalidated sufficient for global
3076                                                     ///< device access and peer device access
3077     ZE_EVENT_SCOPE_FLAG_HOST = ZE_BIT(2),           ///< cache hierarchies are flushed or invalidated sufficient for device and
3078                                                     ///< host access
3079     ZE_EVENT_SCOPE_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
3081 } ze_event_scope_flag_t;
3083 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3084 /// @brief Event descriptor
3085 typedef struct _ze_event_desc_t
3086 {
3087     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
3088     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
3089                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
3090     uint32_t index;                                 ///< [in] index of the event within the pool; must be less-than the count
3091                                                     ///< specified during pool creation
3092     ze_event_scope_flags_t signal;                  ///< [in] defines the scope of relevant cache hierarchies to flush on a
3093                                                     ///< signal action before the event is triggered.
3094                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_event_scope_flag_t;
3095                                                     ///< default behavior is synchronization within the command list only, no
3096                                                     ///< additional cache hierarchies are flushed.
3097     ze_event_scope_flags_t wait;                    ///< [in] defines the scope of relevant cache hierarchies to invalidate on
3098                                                     ///< a wait action after the event is complete.
3099                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_event_scope_flag_t;
3100                                                     ///< default behavior is synchronization within the command list only, no
3101                                                     ///< additional cache hierarchies are invalidated.
3103 } ze_event_desc_t;
3105 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3106 /// @brief Creates an event from the pool.
3107 ///
3108 /// @details
3109 ///     - An event is used to communicate fine-grain host-to-device,
3110 ///       device-to-host or device-to-device dependencies have completed.
3111 ///     - The application must ensure the location in the pool is not being used
3112 ///       by another event.
3113 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3114 ///       threads with the same event pool handle.
3115 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3116 ///
3117 /// @remarks
3118 ///   _Analogues_
3119 ///     - **clCreateUserEvent**
3120 ///     - vkCreateEvent
3121 ///
3122 /// @returns
3123 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3127 ///         + `nullptr == hEventPool`
3129 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
3130 ///         + `nullptr == phEvent`
3132 ///         + `0x7 < desc->signal`
3133 ///         + `0x7 < desc->wait`
3135 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3136 zeEventCreate(
3137     ze_event_pool_handle_t hEventPool,              ///< [in] handle of the event pool
3138     const ze_event_desc_t* desc,                    ///< [in] pointer to event descriptor
3139     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent                      ///< [out] pointer to handle of event object created
3140     );
3142 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3143 /// @brief Deletes an event object.
3144 ///
3145 /// @details
3146 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
3147 ///       the event before it is deleted.
3148 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
3149 ///       Device allocations associated with this event.
3150 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3151 ///       threads with the same event handle.
3152 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3153 ///
3154 /// @remarks
3155 ///   _Analogues_
3156 ///     - **clReleaseEvent**
3157 ///     - vkDestroyEvent
3158 ///
3159 /// @returns
3160 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3164 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3166 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3167 zeEventDestroy(
3168     ze_event_handle_t hEvent                        ///< [in][release] handle of event object to destroy
3169     );
3171 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3172 /// @brief Gets an IPC event pool handle for the specified event handle that can
3173 ///        be shared with another process.
3174 ///
3175 /// @details
3176 ///     - Event pool must have been created with ::ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_IPC.
3177 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3178 ///
3179 /// @returns
3180 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3184 ///         + `nullptr == hEventPool`
3186 ///         + `nullptr == phIpc`
3188 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3189 zeEventPoolGetIpcHandle(
3190     ze_event_pool_handle_t hEventPool,              ///< [in] handle of event pool object
3191     ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t* phIpc               ///< [out] Returned IPC event handle
3192     );
3194 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3195 /// @brief Opens an IPC event pool handle to retrieve an event pool handle from
3196 ///        another process.
3197 ///
3198 /// @details
3199 ///     - Multiple calls to this function with the same IPC handle will return
3200 ///       unique event pool handles.
3201 ///     - The event handle in this process should not be freed with
3202 ///       ::zeEventPoolDestroy, but rather with ::zeEventPoolCloseIpcHandle.
3203 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3204 ///
3205 /// @returns
3206 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3210 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
3212 ///         + `nullptr == phEventPool`
3213 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3214 zeEventPoolOpenIpcHandle(
3215     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object to associate with the IPC event pool
3216                                                     ///< handle
3217     ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t hIpc,                ///< [in] IPC event pool handle
3218     ze_event_pool_handle_t* phEventPool             ///< [out] pointer handle of event pool object created
3219     );
3221 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3222 /// @brief Closes an IPC event handle in the current process.
3223 ///
3224 /// @details
3225 ///     - Closes an IPC event handle by destroying events that were opened in
3226 ///       this process using ::zeEventPoolOpenIpcHandle.
3227 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3228 ///       threads with the same event pool handle.
3229 ///
3230 /// @returns
3231 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3235 ///         + `nullptr == hEventPool`
3236 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3237 zeEventPoolCloseIpcHandle(
3238     ze_event_pool_handle_t hEventPool               ///< [in][release] handle of event pool object
3239     );
3241 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3242 /// @brief Appends a signal of the event from the device into a command list.
3243 ///
3244 /// @details
3245 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
3246 ///       which the command list was created.
3247 ///     - The duration of an event created from an event pool that was created
3248 ///       using ::ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_KERNEL_TIMESTAMP flag is undefined.
3249 ///       However, for consistency and orthogonality the event will report
3250 ///       correctly as signaled when used by other event API functionality.
3251 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created
3252 ///       on the same context.
3253 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3254 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
3255 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3256 ///
3257 /// @remarks
3258 ///   _Analogues_
3259 ///     - **clSetUserEventStatus**
3260 ///     - vkCmdSetEvent
3261 ///
3262 /// @returns
3263 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3267 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
3268 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3270 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3271 zeCommandListAppendSignalEvent(
3272     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
3273     ze_event_handle_t hEvent                        ///< [in] handle of the event
3274     );
3276 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3277 /// @brief Appends wait on event(s) on the device into a command list.
3278 ///
3279 /// @details
3280 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
3281 ///       which the command list was created.
3282 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created
3283 ///       on the same context.
3284 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3285 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
3286 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3287 ///
3288 /// @returns
3289 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3293 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
3295 ///         + `nullptr == phEvents`
3297 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3298 zeCommandListAppendWaitOnEvents(
3299     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
3300     uint32_t numEvents,                             ///< [in] number of events to wait on before continuing
3301     ze_event_handle_t* phEvents                     ///< [in][range(0, numEvents)] handles of the events to wait on before
3302                                                     ///< continuing
3303     );
3305 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3306 /// @brief Signals a event from host.
3307 ///
3308 /// @details
3309 ///     - The duration of an event created from an event pool that was created
3310 ///       using ::ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_KERNEL_TIMESTAMP flag is undefined.
3311 ///       However, for consistency and orthogonality the event will report
3312 ///       correctly as signaled when used by other event API functionality.
3313 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3314 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3315 ///
3316 /// @remarks
3317 ///   _Analogues_
3318 ///     - clSetUserEventStatus
3319 ///
3320 /// @returns
3321 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3325 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3327 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3328 zeEventHostSignal(
3329     ze_event_handle_t hEvent                        ///< [in] handle of the event
3330     );
3332 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3333 /// @brief The current host thread waits on an event to be signaled.
3334 ///
3335 /// @details
3336 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3337 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3338 ///
3339 /// @remarks
3340 ///   _Analogues_
3341 ///     - clWaitForEvents
3342 ///
3343 /// @returns
3344 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3348 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3350 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY
3351 ///         + timeout expired
3352 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3353 zeEventHostSynchronize(
3354     ze_event_handle_t hEvent,                       ///< [in] handle of the event
3355     uint64_t timeout                                ///< [in] if non-zero, then indicates the maximum time (in nanoseconds) to
3356                                                     ///< yield before returning ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS or ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY;
3357                                                     ///< if zero, then operates exactly like ::zeEventQueryStatus;
3358                                                     ///< if UINT64_MAX, then function will not return until complete or device
3359                                                     ///< is lost.
3360                                                     ///< Due to external dependencies, timeout may be rounded to the closest
3361                                                     ///< value allowed by the accuracy of those dependencies.
3362     );
3364 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3365 /// @brief Queries an event object's status on the host.
3366 ///
3367 /// @details
3368 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3369 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3370 ///
3371 /// @remarks
3372 ///   _Analogues_
3373 ///     - **clGetEventInfo**
3374 ///     - vkGetEventStatus
3375 ///
3376 /// @returns
3377 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3381 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3383 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY
3384 ///         + not signaled
3385 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3386 zeEventQueryStatus(
3387     ze_event_handle_t hEvent                        ///< [in] handle of the event
3388     );
3390 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3391 /// @brief Appends a reset of an event back to not signaled state into a command
3392 ///        list.
3393 ///
3394 /// @details
3395 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
3396 ///       which the command list was created.
3397 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created
3398 ///       on the same context.
3399 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3400 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
3401 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3402 ///
3403 /// @remarks
3404 ///   _Analogues_
3405 ///     - vkResetEvent
3406 ///
3407 /// @returns
3408 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3412 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
3413 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3415 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3416 zeCommandListAppendEventReset(
3417     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
3418     ze_event_handle_t hEvent                        ///< [in] handle of the event
3419     );
3421 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3422 /// @brief The current host thread resets an event back to not signaled state.
3423 ///
3424 /// @details
3425 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3426 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3427 ///
3428 /// @remarks
3429 ///   _Analogues_
3430 ///     - vkResetEvent
3431 ///
3432 /// @returns
3433 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3437 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3439 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3440 zeEventHostReset(
3441     ze_event_handle_t hEvent                        ///< [in] handle of the event
3442     );
3444 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3445 /// @brief Kernel timestamp clock data
3446 ///
3447 /// @details
3448 ///     - The timestamp frequency can be queried from
3449 ///       ::ze_device_properties_t.timerResolution.
3450 ///     - The number of valid bits in the timestamp value can be queried from
3451 ///       ::ze_device_properties_t.kernelTimestampValidBits.
3452 typedef struct _ze_kernel_timestamp_data_t
3453 {
3454     uint64_t kernelStart;                           ///< [out] device clock at start of kernel execution
3455     uint64_t kernelEnd;                             ///< [out] device clock at end of kernel execution
3457 } ze_kernel_timestamp_data_t;
3459 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3460 /// @brief Kernel timestamp result
3461 typedef struct _ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t
3462 {
3463     ze_kernel_timestamp_data_t global;              ///< [out] wall-clock data
3464     ze_kernel_timestamp_data_t context;             ///< [out] context-active data; only includes clocks while device context
3465                                                     ///< was actively executing.
3467 } ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t;
3469 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3470 /// @brief Queries an event's timestamp value on the host.
3471 ///
3472 /// @details
3473 ///     - The application must ensure the event was created from an event pool
3474 ///       that was created using ::ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_KERNEL_TIMESTAMP flag.
3475 ///     - The destination memory will be unmodified if the event has not been
3476 ///       signaled.
3477 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3478 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3479 ///
3480 /// @returns
3481 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3485 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
3487 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
3489 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY
3490 ///         + not signaled
3491 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3492 zeEventQueryKernelTimestamp(
3493     ze_event_handle_t hEvent,                       ///< [in] handle of the event
3494     ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t* dstptr            ///< [in,out] pointer to memory for where timestamp result will be written.
3495     );
3497 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3498 /// @brief Appends a query of an events' timestamp value(s) into a command list.
3499 ///
3500 /// @details
3501 ///     - The application must ensure the events are accessible by the device on
3502 ///       which the command list was created.
3503 ///     - The application must ensure the events were created from an event pool
3504 ///       that was created using ::ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_KERNEL_TIMESTAMP flag.
3505 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by both dstptr and
3506 ///       pOffsets is accessible by the device on which the command list was
3507 ///       created.
3508 ///     - The value(s) written to the destination buffer are undefined if any
3509 ///       timestamp event has not been signaled.
3510 ///     - If pOffsets is nullptr, then multiple results will be appended
3511 ///       sequentially into memory in the same order as phEvents.
3512 ///     - The application must ensure the command list and events were created,
3513 ///       and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
3514 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3515 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
3516 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3517 ///
3518 /// @returns
3519 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3523 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
3525 ///         + `nullptr == phEvents`
3526 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
3529 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
3530 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3531 zeCommandListAppendQueryKernelTimestamps(
3532     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
3533     uint32_t numEvents,                             ///< [in] the number of timestamp events to query
3534     ze_event_handle_t* phEvents,                    ///< [in][range(0, numEvents)] handles of timestamp events to query
3535     void* dstptr,                                   ///< [in,out] pointer to memory where ::ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t will
3536                                                     ///< be written; must be size-aligned.
3537     const size_t* pOffsets,                         ///< [in][optional][range(0, numEvents)] offset, in bytes, to write
3538                                                     ///< results; address must be 4byte-aligned and offsets must be
3539                                                     ///< size-aligned.
3540     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
3541     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before executing query;
3542                                                     ///< must be 0 if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
3543     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
3544                                                     ///< on before executing query
3545     );
3547 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
3548 #pragma endregion
3549 #endif
3550 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Fence
3551 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
3552 #pragma region fence
3553 #endif
3554 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3555 /// @brief Supported fence creation flags
3556 typedef uint32_t ze_fence_flags_t;
3557 typedef enum _ze_fence_flag_t
3558 {
3559     ZE_FENCE_FLAG_SIGNALED = ZE_BIT(0),             ///< fence is created in the signaled state, otherwise not signaled.
3560     ZE_FENCE_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
3562 } ze_fence_flag_t;
3564 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3565 /// @brief Fence descriptor
3566 typedef struct _ze_fence_desc_t
3567 {
3568     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
3569     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
3570                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
3571     ze_fence_flags_t flags;                         ///< [in] creation flags.
3572                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_fence_flag_t.
3574 } ze_fence_desc_t;
3576 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3577 /// @brief Creates a fence for the command queue.
3578 ///
3579 /// @details
3580 ///     - A fence is a heavyweight synchronization primitive used to communicate
3581 ///       to the host that command list execution has completed.
3582 ///     - The application must only use the fence for the command queue which
3583 ///       was provided during creation.
3584 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3585 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
3586 ///
3587 /// @remarks
3588 ///   _Analogues_
3589 ///     - **vkCreateFence**
3590 ///
3591 /// @returns
3592 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3596 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandQueue`
3598 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
3599 ///         + `nullptr == phFence`
3601 ///         + `0x1 < desc->flags`
3604 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3605 zeFenceCreate(
3606     ze_command_queue_handle_t hCommandQueue,        ///< [in] handle of command queue
3607     const ze_fence_desc_t* desc,                    ///< [in] pointer to fence descriptor
3608     ze_fence_handle_t* phFence                      ///< [out] pointer to handle of fence object created
3609     );
3611 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3612 /// @brief Deletes a fence object.
3613 ///
3614 /// @details
3615 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
3616 ///       the fence before it is deleted.
3617 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
3618 ///       Device allocations associated with this fence.
3619 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3620 ///       threads with the same fence handle.
3621 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
3622 ///
3623 /// @remarks
3624 ///   _Analogues_
3625 ///     - **vkDestroyFence**
3626 ///
3627 /// @returns
3628 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3632 ///         + `nullptr == hFence`
3634 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3635 zeFenceDestroy(
3636     ze_fence_handle_t hFence                        ///< [in][release] handle of fence object to destroy
3637     );
3639 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3640 /// @brief The current host thread waits on a fence to be signaled.
3641 ///
3642 /// @details
3643 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3644 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3645 ///
3646 /// @remarks
3647 ///   _Analogues_
3648 ///     - **vkWaitForFences**
3649 ///
3650 /// @returns
3651 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3655 ///         + `nullptr == hFence`
3657 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY
3658 ///         + timeout expired
3659 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3660 zeFenceHostSynchronize(
3661     ze_fence_handle_t hFence,                       ///< [in] handle of the fence
3662     uint64_t timeout                                ///< [in] if non-zero, then indicates the maximum time (in nanoseconds) to
3663                                                     ///< yield before returning ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS or ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY;
3664                                                     ///< if zero, then operates exactly like ::zeFenceQueryStatus;
3665                                                     ///< if UINT64_MAX, then function will not return until complete or device
3666                                                     ///< is lost.
3667                                                     ///< Due to external dependencies, timeout may be rounded to the closest
3668                                                     ///< value allowed by the accuracy of those dependencies.
3669     );
3671 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3672 /// @brief Queries a fence object's status.
3673 ///
3674 /// @details
3675 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3676 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3677 ///
3678 /// @remarks
3679 ///   _Analogues_
3680 ///     - **vkGetFenceStatus**
3681 ///
3682 /// @returns
3683 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3687 ///         + `nullptr == hFence`
3689 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_NOT_READY
3690 ///         + not signaled
3691 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3692 zeFenceQueryStatus(
3693     ze_fence_handle_t hFence                        ///< [in] handle of the fence
3694     );
3696 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3697 /// @brief Reset a fence back to the not signaled state.
3698 ///
3699 /// @details
3700 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3701 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3702 ///
3703 /// @remarks
3704 ///   _Analogues_
3705 ///     - **vkResetFences**
3706 ///
3707 /// @returns
3708 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3712 ///         + `nullptr == hFence`
3713 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3714 zeFenceReset(
3715     ze_fence_handle_t hFence                        ///< [in] handle of the fence
3716     );
3718 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
3719 #pragma endregion
3720 #endif
3721 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Images
3722 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
3723 #pragma region image
3724 #endif
3725 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3726 /// @brief Supported image creation flags
3727 typedef uint32_t ze_image_flags_t;
3728 typedef enum _ze_image_flag_t
3729 {
3730     ZE_IMAGE_FLAG_KERNEL_WRITE = ZE_BIT(0),         ///< kernels will write contents
3731     ZE_IMAGE_FLAG_BIAS_UNCACHED = ZE_BIT(1),        ///< device should not cache contents
3732     ZE_IMAGE_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
3734 } ze_image_flag_t;
3736 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3737 /// @brief Supported image types
3738 typedef enum _ze_image_type_t
3739 {
3740     ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_1D = 0,                           ///< 1D
3741     ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_1DARRAY = 1,                      ///< 1D array
3742     ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_2D = 2,                           ///< 2D
3743     ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_2DARRAY = 3,                      ///< 2D array
3744     ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_3D = 4,                           ///< 3D
3745     ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER = 5,                       ///< Buffer
3746     ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
3748 } ze_image_type_t;
3750 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3751 /// @brief Supported image format layouts
3752 typedef enum _ze_image_format_layout_t
3753 {
3754     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_8 = 0,                   ///< 8-bit single component layout
3755     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_16 = 1,                  ///< 16-bit single component layout
3756     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_32 = 2,                  ///< 32-bit single component layout
3757     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_8_8 = 3,                 ///< 2-component 8-bit layout
3758     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_8_8_8_8 = 4,             ///< 4-component 8-bit layout
3759     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_16_16 = 5,               ///< 2-component 16-bit layout
3760     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_16_16_16_16 = 6,         ///< 4-component 16-bit layout
3761     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_32_32 = 7,               ///< 2-component 32-bit layout
3762     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_32_32_32_32 = 8,         ///< 4-component 32-bit layout
3763     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_10_10_10_2 = 9,          ///< 4-component 10_10_10_2 layout
3764     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_11_11_10 = 10,           ///< 3-component 11_11_10 layout
3765     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_5_6_5 = 11,              ///< 3-component 5_6_5 layout
3766     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_5_5_5_1 = 12,            ///< 4-component 5_5_5_1 layout
3767     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_4_4_4_4 = 13,            ///< 4-component 4_4_4_4 layout
3768     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_Y8 = 14,                 ///< Media Format: Y8. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3769     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_NV12 = 15,               ///< Media Format: NV12. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3770     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_YUYV = 16,               ///< Media Format: YUYV. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3771     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_VYUY = 17,               ///< Media Format: VYUY. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3772     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_YVYU = 18,               ///< Media Format: YVYU. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3773     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_UYVY = 19,               ///< Media Format: UYVY. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3774     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_AYUV = 20,               ///< Media Format: AYUV. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3775     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_P010 = 21,               ///< Media Format: P010. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3776     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_Y410 = 22,               ///< Media Format: Y410. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3777     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_P012 = 23,               ///< Media Format: P012. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3778     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_Y16 = 24,                ///< Media Format: Y16. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3779     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_P016 = 25,               ///< Media Format: P016. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3780     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_Y216 = 26,               ///< Media Format: Y216. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3781     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_P216 = 27,               ///< Media Format: P216. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3782     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_P8 = 28,                 ///< Media Format: P8. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3783     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_YUY2 = 29,               ///< Media Format: YUY2. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3784     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_A8P8 = 30,               ///< Media Format: A8P8. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3785     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_IA44 = 31,               ///< Media Format: IA44. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3786     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_AI44 = 32,               ///< Media Format: AI44. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3787     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_Y416 = 33,               ///< Media Format: Y416. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3788     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_Y210 = 34,               ///< Media Format: Y210. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3789     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_I420 = 35,               ///< Media Format: I420. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3790     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_YV12 = 36,               ///< Media Format: YV12. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3791     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_400P = 37,               ///< Media Format: 400P. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3792     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_422H = 38,               ///< Media Format: 422H. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3793     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_422V = 39,               ///< Media Format: 422V. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3794     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_444P = 40,               ///< Media Format: 444P. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3795     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_RGBP = 41,               ///< Media Format: RGBP. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3796     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_BRGP = 42,               ///< Media Format: BRGP. Format type and swizzle is ignored for this.
3797     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_LAYOUT_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
3799 } ze_image_format_layout_t;
3801 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3802 /// @brief Supported image format types
3803 typedef enum _ze_image_format_type_t
3804 {
3805     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_TYPE_UINT = 0,                  ///< Unsigned integer
3806     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_TYPE_SINT = 1,                  ///< Signed integer
3807     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_TYPE_UNORM = 2,                 ///< Unsigned normalized integer
3808     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_TYPE_SNORM = 3,                 ///< Signed normalized integer
3809     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_TYPE_FLOAT = 4,                 ///< Float
3810     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
3812 } ze_image_format_type_t;
3814 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3815 /// @brief Supported image format component swizzle into channel
3816 typedef enum _ze_image_format_swizzle_t
3817 {
3818     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_R = 0,                  ///< Red component
3819     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_G = 1,                  ///< Green component
3820     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_B = 2,                  ///< Blue component
3821     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_A = 3,                  ///< Alpha component
3822     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_0 = 4,                  ///< Zero
3823     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_1 = 5,                  ///< One
3824     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_X = 6,                  ///< Don't care
3825     ZE_IMAGE_FORMAT_SWIZZLE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
3827 } ze_image_format_swizzle_t;
3829 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3830 /// @brief Image format
3831 typedef struct _ze_image_format_t
3832 {
3833     ze_image_format_layout_t layout;                ///< [in] image format component layout
3834     ze_image_format_type_t type;                    ///< [in] image format type. Media formats can't be used for
3835                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER.
3836     ze_image_format_swizzle_t x;                    ///< [in] image component swizzle into channel x
3837     ze_image_format_swizzle_t y;                    ///< [in] image component swizzle into channel y
3838     ze_image_format_swizzle_t z;                    ///< [in] image component swizzle into channel z
3839     ze_image_format_swizzle_t w;                    ///< [in] image component swizzle into channel w
3841 } ze_image_format_t;
3843 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3844 /// @brief Image descriptor
3845 typedef struct _ze_image_desc_t
3846 {
3847     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
3848     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
3849                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
3850     ze_image_flags_t flags;                         ///< [in] creation flags.
3851                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_image_flag_t;
3852                                                     ///< default is read-only, cached access.
3853     ze_image_type_t type;                           ///< [in] image type
3854     ze_image_format_t format;                       ///< [in] image format
3855     uint64_t width;                                 ///< [in] width dimension.
3856                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER: size in bytes; see
3857                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageBufferSize for limits.
3858                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_1D, ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_1DARRAY: width in pixels; see
3859                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageDims1D for limits.
3860                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_2DARRAY: width in pixels; see
3861                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageDims2D for limits.
3862                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_3D: width in pixels; see
3863                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageDims3D for limits.
3864     uint32_t height;                                ///< [in] height dimension.
3865                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_2D, ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_2DARRAY: height in pixels; see
3866                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageDims2D for limits.
3867                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_3D: height in pixels; see
3868                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageDims3D for limits.
3869                                                     ///< other: ignored.
3870     uint32_t depth;                                 ///< [in] depth dimension.
3871                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_3D: depth in pixels; see
3872                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageDims3D for limits.
3873                                                     ///< other: ignored.
3874     uint32_t arraylevels;                           ///< [in] array levels.
3875                                                     ///< ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_1DARRAY, ::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_2DARRAY: see
3876                                                     ///< ::ze_device_image_properties_t.maxImageArraySlices for limits.
3877                                                     ///< other: ignored.
3878     uint32_t miplevels;                             ///< [in] mipmap levels (must be 0)
3880 } ze_image_desc_t;
3882 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3883 /// @brief Supported sampler filtering flags
3884 typedef uint32_t ze_image_sampler_filter_flags_t;
3885 typedef enum _ze_image_sampler_filter_flag_t
3886 {
3887     ZE_IMAGE_SAMPLER_FILTER_FLAG_POINT = ZE_BIT(0), ///< device supports point filtering
3888     ZE_IMAGE_SAMPLER_FILTER_FLAG_LINEAR = ZE_BIT(1),///< device supports linear filtering
3891 } ze_image_sampler_filter_flag_t;
3893 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3894 /// @brief Image properties
3895 typedef struct _ze_image_properties_t
3896 {
3897     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
3898     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
3899                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
3900     ze_image_sampler_filter_flags_t samplerFilterFlags; ///< [out] supported sampler filtering.
3901                                                     ///< returns 0 (unsupported) or a combination of ::ze_image_sampler_filter_flag_t.
3903 } ze_image_properties_t;
3905 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3906 /// @brief Retrieves supported properties of an image.
3907 ///
3908 /// @details
3909 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3910 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
3911 ///
3912 /// @returns
3913 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3917 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
3919 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
3920 ///         + `nullptr == pImageProperties`
3922 ///         + `0x3 < desc->flags`
3923 ///         + `::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER < desc->type`
3924 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3925 zeImageGetProperties(
3926     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
3927     const ze_image_desc_t* desc,                    ///< [in] pointer to image descriptor
3928     ze_image_properties_t* pImageProperties         ///< [out] pointer to image properties
3929     );
3931 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3932 /// @brief Creates an image on the context.
3933 ///
3934 /// @details
3935 ///     - The application must only use the image for the device, or its
3936 ///       sub-devices, which was provided during creation.
3937 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
3938 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
3939 ///
3940 /// @remarks
3941 ///   _Analogues_
3942 ///     - clCreateImage
3943 ///
3944 /// @returns
3945 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3949 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
3950 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
3952 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
3953 ///         + `nullptr == phImage`
3955 ///         + `0x3 < desc->flags`
3956 ///         + `::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER < desc->type`
3960 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3961 zeImageCreate(
3962     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
3963     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
3964     const ze_image_desc_t* desc,                    ///< [in] pointer to image descriptor
3965     ze_image_handle_t* phImage                      ///< [out] pointer to handle of image object created
3966     );
3968 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3969 /// @brief Deletes an image object.
3970 ///
3971 /// @details
3972 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
3973 ///       the image before it is deleted.
3974 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
3975 ///       Device allocations associated with this image.
3976 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
3977 ///       threads with the same image handle.
3978 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
3979 ///
3980 /// @returns
3981 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
3985 ///         + `nullptr == hImage`
3987 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
3988 zeImageDestroy(
3989     ze_image_handle_t hImage                        ///< [in][release] handle of image object to destroy
3990     );
3992 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
3993 #pragma endregion
3994 #endif
3995 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Memory
3996 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
3997 #pragma region memory
3998 #endif
3999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4000 /// @brief Supported memory allocation flags
4001 typedef uint32_t ze_device_mem_alloc_flags_t;
4002 typedef enum _ze_device_mem_alloc_flag_t
4003 {
4004     ZE_DEVICE_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_BIAS_CACHED = ZE_BIT(0),   ///< device should cache allocation
4005     ZE_DEVICE_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_BIAS_UNCACHED = ZE_BIT(1), ///< device should not cache allocation (UC)
4006     ZE_DEVICE_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_BIAS_INITIAL_PLACEMENT = ZE_BIT(2),///< optimize shared allocation for first access on the device
4007     ZE_DEVICE_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
4009 } ze_device_mem_alloc_flag_t;
4011 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4012 /// @brief Device memory allocation descriptor
4013 typedef struct _ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t
4014 {
4015     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4016     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4017                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4018     ze_device_mem_alloc_flags_t flags;              ///< [in] flags specifying additional allocation controls.
4019                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_device_mem_alloc_flag_t;
4020                                                     ///< default behavior may use implicit driver-based heuristics.
4021     uint32_t ordinal;                               ///< [in] ordinal of the device's local memory to allocate from.
4022                                                     ///< must be less than the count returned from ::zeDeviceGetMemoryProperties.
4024 } ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t;
4026 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4027 /// @brief Supported host memory allocation flags
4028 typedef uint32_t ze_host_mem_alloc_flags_t;
4029 typedef enum _ze_host_mem_alloc_flag_t
4030 {
4031     ZE_HOST_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_BIAS_CACHED = ZE_BIT(0), ///< host should cache allocation
4032     ZE_HOST_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_BIAS_UNCACHED = ZE_BIT(1),   ///< host should not cache allocation (UC)
4033     ZE_HOST_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_BIAS_WRITE_COMBINED = ZE_BIT(2), ///< host memory should be allocated write-combined (WC)
4034     ZE_HOST_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_BIAS_INITIAL_PLACEMENT = ZE_BIT(3),  ///< optimize shared allocation for first access on the host
4035     ZE_HOST_MEM_ALLOC_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
4037 } ze_host_mem_alloc_flag_t;
4039 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4040 /// @brief Host memory allocation descriptor
4041 typedef struct _ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t
4042 {
4043     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4044     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4045                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4046     ze_host_mem_alloc_flags_t flags;                ///< [in] flags specifying additional allocation controls.
4047                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_host_mem_alloc_flag_t;
4048                                                     ///< default behavior may use implicit driver-based heuristics.
4050 } ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t;
4052 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4053 /// @brief Allocates shared memory on the context.
4054 ///
4055 /// @details
4056 ///     - Shared allocations share ownership between the host and one or more
4057 ///       devices.
4058 ///     - Shared allocations may optionally be associated with a device by
4059 ///       passing a handle to the device.
4060 ///     - Devices supporting only single-device shared access capabilities may
4061 ///       access shared memory associated with the device.
4062 ///       For these devices, ownership of the allocation is shared between the
4063 ///       host and the associated device only.
4064 ///     - Passing nullptr as the device handle does not associate the shared
4065 ///       allocation with any device.
4066 ///       For allocations with no associated device, ownership of the allocation
4067 ///       is shared between the host and all devices supporting cross-device
4068 ///       shared access capabilities.
4069 ///     - The application must only use the memory allocation for the context
4070 ///       and device, or its sub-devices, which was provided during allocation.
4071 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4072 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4073 ///
4074 /// @returns
4075 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4079 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4081 ///         + `nullptr == device_desc`
4082 ///         + `nullptr == host_desc`
4083 ///         + `nullptr == pptr`
4085 ///         + `0x7 < device_desc->flags`
4086 ///         + `0xf < host_desc->flags`
4088 ///         + `0 == size`
4090 ///         + Must be zero or a power-of-two
4091 ///         + `0 != (alignment & (alignment - 1))`
4094 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4095 zeMemAllocShared(
4096     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4097     const ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t* device_desc,  ///< [in] pointer to device memory allocation descriptor
4098     const ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t* host_desc,      ///< [in] pointer to host memory allocation descriptor
4099     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to allocate; must be less-than
4100                                                     ///< ::ze_device_properties_t.maxMemAllocSize.
4101     size_t alignment,                               ///< [in] minimum alignment in bytes for the allocation; must be a power of
4102                                                     ///< two.
4103     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in][optional] device handle to associate with
4104     void** pptr                                     ///< [out] pointer to shared allocation
4105     );
4107 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4108 /// @brief Allocates device memory on the context.
4109 ///
4110 /// @details
4111 ///     - Device allocations are owned by a specific device.
4112 ///     - In general, a device allocation may only be accessed by the device
4113 ///       that owns it.
4114 ///     - The application must only use the memory allocation for the context
4115 ///       and device, or its sub-devices, which was provided during allocation.
4116 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4117 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4118 ///
4119 /// @returns
4120 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4124 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4125 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
4127 ///         + `nullptr == device_desc`
4128 ///         + `nullptr == pptr`
4130 ///         + `0x7 < device_desc->flags`
4132 ///         + `0 == size`
4134 ///         + Must be zero or a power-of-two
4135 ///         + `0 != (alignment & (alignment - 1))`
4138 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4139 zeMemAllocDevice(
4140     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4141     const ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t* device_desc,  ///< [in] pointer to device memory allocation descriptor
4142     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to allocate; must be less-than
4143                                                     ///< ::ze_device_properties_t.maxMemAllocSize.
4144     size_t alignment,                               ///< [in] minimum alignment in bytes for the allocation; must be a power of
4145                                                     ///< two.
4146     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
4147     void** pptr                                     ///< [out] pointer to device allocation
4148     );
4150 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4151 /// @brief Allocates host memory on the context.
4152 ///
4153 /// @details
4154 ///     - Host allocations are owned by the host process.
4155 ///     - Host allocations are accessible by the host and all devices within the
4156 ///       driver's context.
4157 ///     - Host allocations are frequently used as staging areas to transfer data
4158 ///       to or from devices.
4159 ///     - The application must only use the memory allocation for the context
4160 ///       which was provided during allocation.
4161 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4162 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4163 ///
4164 /// @returns
4165 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4169 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4171 ///         + `nullptr == host_desc`
4172 ///         + `nullptr == pptr`
4174 ///         + `0xf < host_desc->flags`
4176 ///         + `0 == size`
4178 ///         + Must be zero or a power-of-two
4179 ///         + `0 != (alignment & (alignment - 1))`
4182 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4183 zeMemAllocHost(
4184     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4185     const ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t* host_desc,      ///< [in] pointer to host memory allocation descriptor
4186     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to allocate; must be less-than
4187                                                     ///< ::ze_device_properties_t.maxMemAllocSize.
4188     size_t alignment,                               ///< [in] minimum alignment in bytes for the allocation; must be a power of
4189                                                     ///< two.
4190     void** pptr                                     ///< [out] pointer to host allocation
4191     );
4193 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4194 /// @brief Frees allocated host memory, device memory, or shared memory on the
4195 ///        context.
4196 ///
4197 /// @details
4198 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
4199 ///       the memory before it is freed
4200 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
4201 ///       Device allocations associated with this memory
4202 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
4203 ///       threads with the same pointer.
4204 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4205 ///
4206 /// @returns
4207 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4211 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4213 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
4214 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4215 zeMemFree(
4216     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4217     void* ptr                                       ///< [in][release] pointer to memory to free
4218     );
4220 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4221 /// @brief Memory allocation type
4222 typedef enum _ze_memory_type_t
4223 {
4224     ZE_MEMORY_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0,                     ///< the memory pointed to is of unknown type
4225     ZE_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST = 1,                        ///< the memory pointed to is a host allocation
4226     ZE_MEMORY_TYPE_DEVICE = 2,                      ///< the memory pointed to is a device allocation
4227     ZE_MEMORY_TYPE_SHARED = 3,                      ///< the memory pointed to is a shared ownership allocation
4228     ZE_MEMORY_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
4230 } ze_memory_type_t;
4232 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4233 /// @brief Memory allocation properties queried using ::zeMemGetAllocProperties
4234 typedef struct _ze_memory_allocation_properties_t
4235 {
4236     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4237     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4238                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4239     ze_memory_type_t type;                          ///< [out] type of allocated memory
4240     uint64_t id;                                    ///< [out] identifier for this allocation
4241     uint64_t pageSize;                              ///< [out] page size used for allocation
4243 } ze_memory_allocation_properties_t;
4245 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4246 /// @brief Retrieves attributes of a memory allocation
4247 ///
4248 /// @details
4249 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4250 ///     - The application may query attributes of a memory allocation unrelated
4251 ///       to the context.
4252 ///       When this occurs, the returned allocation type will be
4253 ///       ::ZE_MEMORY_TYPE_UNKNOWN, and the returned identifier and associated
4254 ///       device is unspecified.
4255 ///
4256 /// @returns
4257 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4261 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4263 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
4264 ///         + `nullptr == pMemAllocProperties`
4265 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4266 zeMemGetAllocProperties(
4267     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4268     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] memory pointer to query
4269     ze_memory_allocation_properties_t* pMemAllocProperties, ///< [in,out] query result for memory allocation properties
4270     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice                    ///< [out][optional] device associated with this allocation
4271     );
4273 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4274 /// @brief Retrieves the base address and/or size of an allocation
4275 ///
4276 /// @details
4277 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4278 ///
4279 /// @returns
4280 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4284 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4286 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
4287 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4288 zeMemGetAddressRange(
4289     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4290     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] memory pointer to query
4291     void** pBase,                                   ///< [in,out][optional] base address of the allocation
4292     size_t* pSize                                   ///< [in,out][optional] size of the allocation
4293     );
4295 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4296 /// @brief Creates an IPC memory handle for the specified allocation
4297 ///
4298 /// @details
4299 ///     - Takes a pointer to a device memory allocation and creates an IPC
4300 ///       memory handle for exporting it for use in another process.
4301 ///     - The pointer must be base pointer of the device memory allocation; i.e.
4302 ///       the value returned from ::zeMemAllocDevice.
4303 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4304 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4305 ///
4306 /// @returns
4307 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4311 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4313 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
4314 ///         + `nullptr == pIpcHandle`
4315 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4316 zeMemGetIpcHandle(
4317     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4318     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] pointer to the device memory allocation
4319     ze_ipc_mem_handle_t* pIpcHandle                 ///< [out] Returned IPC memory handle
4320     );
4322 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4323 /// @brief Supported IPC memory flags
4324 typedef uint32_t ze_ipc_memory_flags_t;
4325 typedef enum _ze_ipc_memory_flag_t
4326 {
4327     ZE_IPC_MEMORY_FLAG_BIAS_CACHED = ZE_BIT(0),     ///< device should cache allocation
4328     ZE_IPC_MEMORY_FLAG_BIAS_UNCACHED = ZE_BIT(1),   ///< device should not cache allocation (UC)
4329     ZE_IPC_MEMORY_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
4331 } ze_ipc_memory_flag_t;
4333 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4334 /// @brief Opens an IPC memory handle to retrieve a device pointer on the
4335 ///        context.
4336 ///
4337 /// @details
4338 ///     - Takes an IPC memory handle from a remote process and associates it
4339 ///       with a device pointer usable in this process.
4340 ///     - The device pointer in this process should not be freed with
4341 ///       ::zeMemFree, but rather with ::zeMemCloseIpcHandle.
4342 ///     - Multiple calls to this function with the same IPC handle will return
4343 ///       unique pointers.
4344 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4345 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4346 ///
4347 /// @returns
4348 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4352 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4353 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
4355 ///         + `0x3 < flags`
4357 ///         + `nullptr == pptr`
4358 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4359 zeMemOpenIpcHandle(
4360     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4361     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device to associate with the IPC memory handle
4362     ze_ipc_mem_handle_t handle,                     ///< [in] IPC memory handle
4363     ze_ipc_memory_flags_t flags,                    ///< [in] flags controlling the operation.
4364                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_ipc_memory_flag_t.
4365     void** pptr                                     ///< [out] pointer to device allocation in this process
4366     );
4368 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4369 /// @brief Closes an IPC memory handle
4370 ///
4371 /// @details
4372 ///     - Closes an IPC memory handle by unmapping memory that was opened in
4373 ///       this process using ::zeMemOpenIpcHandle.
4374 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
4375 ///       threads with the same pointer.
4376 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4377 ///
4378 /// @returns
4379 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4383 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4385 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
4386 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4387 zeMemCloseIpcHandle(
4388     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4389     const void* ptr                                 ///< [in][release] pointer to device allocation in this process
4390     );
4392 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4393 /// @brief Additional allocation descriptor for exporting external memory
4394 ///
4395 /// @details
4396 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemAllocDevice, via the `pNext`
4397 ///       member of ::ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t, to indicate an exportable
4398 ///       memory allocation.
4399 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeImageCreate, via the `pNext`
4400 ///       member of ::ze_image_desc_t, to indicate an exportable image.
4401 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_export_desc_t
4402 {
4403     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4404     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4405                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4406     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t flags;          ///< [in] flags specifying memory export types for this allocation.
4407                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_external_memory_type_flags_t
4409 } ze_external_memory_export_desc_t;
4411 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4412 /// @brief Additional allocation descriptor for importing external memory as a
4413 ///        file descriptor
4414 ///
4415 /// @details
4416 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemAllocDevice, via the `pNext`
4417 ///       member of ::ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t, to import memory from a file
4418 ///       descriptor.
4419 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeImageCreate, via the `pNext`
4420 ///       member of ::ze_image_desc_t, to import memory from a file descriptor.
4421 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_import_fd_t
4422 {
4423     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4424     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4425                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4426     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t flags;          ///< [in] flags specifying the memory import type for the file descriptor.
4427                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_external_memory_type_flags_t
4428     int fd;                                         ///< [in] the file descriptor handle to import
4430 } ze_external_memory_import_fd_t;
4432 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4433 /// @brief Exports an allocation as a file descriptor
4434 ///
4435 /// @details
4436 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemGetAllocProperties, via the
4437 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_memory_allocation_properties_t, to export a
4438 ///       memory allocation as a file descriptor.
4439 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeImageGetAllocPropertiesExt, via
4440 ///       the `pNext` member of ::ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t, to
4441 ///       export an image as a file descriptor.
4442 ///     - The requested memory export type must have been specified when the
4443 ///       allocation was made.
4444 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_export_fd_t
4445 {
4446     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4447     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4448                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4449     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t flags;          ///< [in] flags specifying the memory export type for the file descriptor.
4450                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_external_memory_type_flags_t
4451     int fd;                                         ///< [out] the exported file descriptor handle representing the allocation.
4453 } ze_external_memory_export_fd_t;
4455 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4456 /// @brief Additional allocation descriptor for importing external memory as a
4457 ///        Win32 handle
4458 ///
4459 /// @details
4460 ///     - When `handle` is `nullptr`, `name` must not be `nullptr`.
4461 ///     - When `name` is `nullptr`, `handle` must not be `nullptr`.
4462 ///     - When `flags` is ::ZE_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_TYPE_FLAG_OPAQUE_WIN32_KMT,
4463 ///       `name` must be `nullptr`.
4464 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemAllocDevice, via the `pNext`
4465 ///       member of ::ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t, to import memory from a Win32
4466 ///       handle.
4467 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeImageCreate, via the `pNext`
4468 ///       member of ::ze_image_desc_t, to import memory from a Win32 handle.
4469 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_import_win32_handle_t
4470 {
4471     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4472     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4473                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4474     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t flags;          ///< [in] flags specifying the memory import type for the Win32 handle.
4475                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_external_memory_type_flags_t
4476     void* handle;                                   ///< [in][optional] the Win32 handle to import
4477     const void* name;                               ///< [in][optional] name of a memory object to import
4479 } ze_external_memory_import_win32_handle_t;
4481 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4482 /// @brief Exports an allocation as a Win32 handle
4483 ///
4484 /// @details
4485 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemGetAllocProperties, via the
4486 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_memory_allocation_properties_t, to export a
4487 ///       memory allocation as a Win32 handle.
4488 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeImageGetAllocPropertiesExt, via
4489 ///       the `pNext` member of ::ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t, to
4490 ///       export an image as a Win32 handle.
4491 ///     - The requested memory export type must have been specified when the
4492 ///       allocation was made.
4493 typedef struct _ze_external_memory_export_win32_handle_t
4494 {
4495     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4496     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4497                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4498     ze_external_memory_type_flags_t flags;          ///< [in] flags specifying the memory export type for the Win32 handle.
4499                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_external_memory_type_flags_t
4500     void* handle;                                   ///< [out] the exported Win32 handle representing the allocation.
4502 } ze_external_memory_export_win32_handle_t;
4504 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
4505 #pragma endregion
4506 #endif
4507 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Module
4508 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
4509 #pragma region module
4510 #endif
4511 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4512 /// @brief Supported module creation input formats
4513 typedef enum _ze_module_format_t
4514 {
4515     ZE_MODULE_FORMAT_IL_SPIRV = 0,                  ///< Format is SPIRV IL format
4516     ZE_MODULE_FORMAT_NATIVE = 1,                    ///< Format is device native format
4517     ZE_MODULE_FORMAT_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
4519 } ze_module_format_t;
4521 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4522 /// @brief Specialization constants - User defined constants
4523 typedef struct _ze_module_constants_t
4524 {
4525     uint32_t numConstants;                          ///< [in] Number of specialization constants.
4526     const uint32_t* pConstantIds;                   ///< [in][range(0, numConstants)] Array of IDs that is sized to
4527                                                     ///< numConstants.
4528     const void** pConstantValues;                   ///< [in][range(0, numConstants)] Array of pointers to values that is sized
4529                                                     ///< to numConstants.
4531 } ze_module_constants_t;
4533 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4534 /// @brief Module descriptor
4535 typedef struct _ze_module_desc_t
4536 {
4537     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4538     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4539                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4540     ze_module_format_t format;                      ///< [in] Module format passed in with pInputModule
4541     size_t inputSize;                               ///< [in] size of input IL or ISA from pInputModule.
4542     const uint8_t* pInputModule;                    ///< [in] pointer to IL or ISA
4543     const char* pBuildFlags;                        ///< [in][optional] string containing compiler flags. Following options are supported.
4544                                                     ///<  - "-ze-opt-disable"
4545                                                     ///<       - Disable optimizations
4546                                                     ///<  - "-ze-opt-level"
4547                                                     ///<       - Specifies optimization level for compiler. Levels are
4548                                                     ///< implementation specific.
4549                                                     ///<           - 0 is no optimizations (equivalent to -ze-opt-disable)
4550                                                     ///<           - 1 is optimize minimally (may be the same as 2)
4551                                                     ///<           - 2 is optimize more (default)
4552                                                     ///<  - "-ze-opt-greater-than-4GB-buffer-required"
4553                                                     ///<       - Use 64-bit offset calculations for buffers.
4554                                                     ///<  - "-ze-opt-large-register-file"
4555                                                     ///<       - Increase number of registers available to threads.
4556                                                     ///<  - "-ze-opt-has-buffer-offset-arg"
4557                                                     ///<       - Extend stateless to stateful optimization to more
4558                                                     ///<         cases with the use of additional offset (e.g. 64-bit
4559                                                     ///<         pointer to binding table with 32-bit offset).
4560                                                     ///<  - "-g"
4561                                                     ///<       - Include debugging information.
4562     const ze_module_constants_t* pConstants;        ///< [in][optional] pointer to specialization constants. Valid only for
4563                                                     ///< SPIR-V input. This must be set to nullptr if no specialization
4564                                                     ///< constants are provided.
4566 } ze_module_desc_t;
4568 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4569 /// @brief Creates a module on the context.
4570 ///
4571 /// @details
4572 ///     - Compiles the module for execution on the device.
4573 ///     - The application must only use the module for the device, or its
4574 ///       sub-devices, which was provided during creation.
4575 ///     - The module can be copied to other devices and contexts within the same
4576 ///       driver instance by using ::zeModuleGetNativeBinary.
4577 ///     - A build log can optionally be returned to the caller. The caller is
4578 ///       responsible for destroying build log using ::zeModuleBuildLogDestroy.
4579 ///     - The module descriptor constants are only supported for SPIR-V
4580 ///       specialization constants.
4581 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4582 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4583 ///
4584 /// @returns
4585 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4589 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
4590 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
4592 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
4593 ///         + `nullptr == desc->pInputModule`
4594 ///         + `nullptr == phModule`
4596 ///         + `::ZE_MODULE_FORMAT_NATIVE < desc->format`
4599 ///         + `0 == desc->inputSize`
4603 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4604 zeModuleCreate(
4605     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
4606     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
4607     const ze_module_desc_t* desc,                   ///< [in] pointer to module descriptor
4608     ze_module_handle_t* phModule,                   ///< [out] pointer to handle of module object created
4609     ze_module_build_log_handle_t* phBuildLog        ///< [out][optional] pointer to handle of module's build log.
4610     );
4612 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4613 /// @brief Destroys module
4614 ///
4615 /// @details
4616 ///     - The application must destroy all kernel and build log handles created
4617 ///       from the module before destroying the module itself.
4618 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
4619 ///       the module before it is deleted.
4620 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
4621 ///       Device allocations associated with this module.
4622 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
4623 ///       threads with the same module handle.
4624 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4625 ///
4626 /// @returns
4627 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4631 ///         + `nullptr == hModule`
4633 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4634 zeModuleDestroy(
4635     ze_module_handle_t hModule                      ///< [in][release] handle of the module
4636     );
4638 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4639 /// @brief Dynamically link modules together that share import/export linkage
4640 ///        dependencies.
4641 ///
4642 /// @details
4643 ///     - Modules support SPIR-V import and export linkage types for functions
4644 ///       and global variables. See the SPIR-V specification for linkage
4645 ///       details.
4646 ///     - Modules can have both import and export linkage.
4647 ///     - Modules that do not have any imports or exports do not need to be
4648 ///       linked.
4649 ///     - All module import requirements must be satisfied via linking before
4650 ///       kernel objects can be created from them.
4651 ///     - Modules cannot be partially linked. Unsatisfiable import dependencies
4652 ///       in the set of modules passed to ::zeModuleDynamicLink will result in
4653 ///       ::ZE_RESULT_ERROR_MODULE_LINK_FAILURE being returned.
4654 ///     - Modules will only be linked once. A module can be used in multiple
4655 ///       link calls if it has exports but its imports will not be re-linked.
4656 ///     - Ambiguous dependencies, where multiple modules satisfy the same import
4657 ///       dependencies for a module, are not allowed.
4658 ///     - The application must ensure the modules being linked were created on
4659 ///       the same context.
4660 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads as
4661 ///       long as the import modules being linked are not the same.
4662 ///     - ModuleGetNativeBinary can be called on any module regardless of
4663 ///       whether it is linked or not.
4664 ///     - A link log can optionally be returned to the caller. The caller is
4665 ///       responsible for destroying the link log using
4666 ///       ::zeModuleBuildLogDestroy.
4667 ///     - The link log may contain a list of the unresolved import dependencies
4668 ///       if present.
4669 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4670 ///
4671 /// @returns
4672 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4676 ///         + `nullptr == phModules`
4678 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4679 zeModuleDynamicLink(
4680     uint32_t numModules,                            ///< [in] number of modules to be linked pointed to by phModules.
4681     ze_module_handle_t* phModules,                  ///< [in][range(0, numModules)] pointer to an array of modules to
4682                                                     ///< dynamically link together.
4683     ze_module_build_log_handle_t* phLinkLog         ///< [out][optional] pointer to handle of dynamic link log.
4684     );
4686 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4687 /// @brief Destroys module build log object
4688 ///
4689 /// @details
4690 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host
4691 ///       allocations associated with this object.
4692 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
4693 ///       threads with the same build log handle.
4694 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4695 ///     - This function can be called before or after ::zeModuleDestroy for the
4696 ///       associated module.
4697 ///
4698 /// @returns
4699 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4703 ///         + `nullptr == hModuleBuildLog`
4705 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4706 zeModuleBuildLogDestroy(
4707     ze_module_build_log_handle_t hModuleBuildLog    ///< [in][release] handle of the module build log object.
4708     );
4710 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4711 /// @brief Retrieves text string for build log.
4712 ///
4713 /// @details
4714 ///     - The caller can pass nullptr for pBuildLog when querying only for size.
4715 ///     - The caller must provide memory for build log.
4716 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4717 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4718 ///
4719 /// @returns
4720 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4724 ///         + `nullptr == hModuleBuildLog`
4726 ///         + `nullptr == pSize`
4727 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4728 zeModuleBuildLogGetString(
4729     ze_module_build_log_handle_t hModuleBuildLog,   ///< [in] handle of the module build log object.
4730     size_t* pSize,                                  ///< [in,out] size of build log string.
4731     char* pBuildLog                                 ///< [in,out][optional] pointer to null-terminated string of the log.
4732     );
4734 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4735 /// @brief Retrieve native binary from Module.
4736 ///
4737 /// @details
4738 ///     - The native binary output can be cached to disk and new modules can be
4739 ///       later constructed from the cached copy.
4740 ///     - The native binary will retain debugging information that is associated
4741 ///       with a module.
4742 ///     - The caller can pass nullptr for pModuleNativeBinary when querying only
4743 ///       for size.
4744 ///     - The implementation will copy the native binary into a buffer supplied
4745 ///       by the caller.
4746 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4747 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4748 ///
4749 /// @returns
4750 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4754 ///         + `nullptr == hModule`
4756 ///         + `nullptr == pSize`
4757 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4758 zeModuleGetNativeBinary(
4759     ze_module_handle_t hModule,                     ///< [in] handle of the module
4760     size_t* pSize,                                  ///< [in,out] size of native binary in bytes.
4761     uint8_t* pModuleNativeBinary                    ///< [in,out][optional] byte pointer to native binary
4762     );
4764 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4765 /// @brief Retrieve global variable pointer from Module.
4766 ///
4767 /// @details
4768 ///     - The application may query global pointer from any module that either
4769 ///       exports or imports it.
4770 ///     - The application must dynamically link a module that imports a global
4771 ///       before the global pointer can be queried from it.
4772 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4773 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4774 ///
4775 /// @returns
4776 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4780 ///         + `nullptr == hModule`
4782 ///         + `nullptr == pGlobalName`
4784 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4785 zeModuleGetGlobalPointer(
4786     ze_module_handle_t hModule,                     ///< [in] handle of the module
4787     const char* pGlobalName,                        ///< [in] name of global variable in module
4788     size_t* pSize,                                  ///< [in,out][optional] size of global variable
4789     void** pptr                                     ///< [in,out][optional] device visible pointer
4790     );
4792 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4793 /// @brief Retrieve all kernel names in the module.
4794 ///
4795 /// @details
4796 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4797 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4798 ///
4799 /// @returns
4800 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4804 ///         + `nullptr == hModule`
4806 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
4807 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4808 zeModuleGetKernelNames(
4809     ze_module_handle_t hModule,                     ///< [in] handle of the module
4810     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of names.
4811                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
4812                                                     ///< total number of names available.
4813                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of names available, then the
4814                                                     ///< driver shall update the value with the correct number of names available.
4815     const char** pNames                             ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of names of functions.
4816                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of names available, then driver shall
4817                                                     ///< only retrieve that number of names.
4818     );
4820 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4821 /// @brief Supported module property flags
4822 typedef uint32_t ze_module_property_flags_t;
4823 typedef enum _ze_module_property_flag_t
4824 {
4825     ZE_MODULE_PROPERTY_FLAG_IMPORTS = ZE_BIT(0),    ///< Module has imports (i.e. imported global variables and/or kernels).
4826                                                     ///< See ::zeModuleDynamicLink.
4827     ZE_MODULE_PROPERTY_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
4829 } ze_module_property_flag_t;
4831 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4832 /// @brief Module properties
4833 typedef struct _ze_module_properties_t
4834 {
4835     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4836     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4837                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4838     ze_module_property_flags_t flags;               ///< [out] 0 (none) or a valid combination of ::ze_module_property_flag_t
4840 } ze_module_properties_t;
4842 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4843 /// @brief Retrieve module properties.
4844 ///
4845 /// @details
4846 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4847 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4848 ///
4849 /// @returns
4850 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4854 ///         + `nullptr == hModule`
4856 ///         + `nullptr == pModuleProperties`
4857 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4858 zeModuleGetProperties(
4859     ze_module_handle_t hModule,                     ///< [in] handle of the module
4860     ze_module_properties_t* pModuleProperties       ///< [in,out] query result for module properties.
4861     );
4863 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4864 /// @brief Supported kernel creation flags
4865 typedef uint32_t ze_kernel_flags_t;
4866 typedef enum _ze_kernel_flag_t
4867 {
4868     ZE_KERNEL_FLAG_FORCE_RESIDENCY = ZE_BIT(0),     ///< force all device allocations to be resident during execution
4869     ZE_KERNEL_FLAG_EXPLICIT_RESIDENCY = ZE_BIT(1),  ///< application is responsible for all residency of device allocations.
4870                                                     ///< driver may disable implicit residency management.
4871     ZE_KERNEL_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
4873 } ze_kernel_flag_t;
4875 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4876 /// @brief Kernel descriptor
4877 typedef struct _ze_kernel_desc_t
4878 {
4879     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
4880     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
4881                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
4882     ze_kernel_flags_t flags;                        ///< [in] creation flags.
4883                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_kernel_flag_t;
4884                                                     ///< default behavior may use driver-based residency.
4885     const char* pKernelName;                        ///< [in] null-terminated name of kernel in module
4887 } ze_kernel_desc_t;
4889 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4890 /// @brief Create a kernel from the module.
4891 ///
4892 /// @details
4893 ///     - Modules that have unresolved imports need to be dynamically linked
4894 ///       before a kernel can be created from them. (See ::zeModuleDynamicLink)
4895 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4896 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4897 ///
4898 /// @returns
4899 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4903 ///         + `nullptr == hModule`
4905 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
4906 ///         + `nullptr == desc->pKernelName`
4907 ///         + `nullptr == phKernel`
4909 ///         + `0x3 < desc->flags`
4912 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4913 zeKernelCreate(
4914     ze_module_handle_t hModule,                     ///< [in] handle of the module
4915     const ze_kernel_desc_t* desc,                   ///< [in] pointer to kernel descriptor
4916     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel                    ///< [out] handle of the Function object
4917     );
4919 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4920 /// @brief Destroys a kernel object
4921 ///
4922 /// @details
4923 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
4924 ///       the kernel before it is deleted.
4925 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
4926 ///       Device allocations associated with this kernel.
4927 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
4928 ///       threads with the same kernel handle.
4929 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
4930 ///
4931 /// @returns
4932 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4936 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
4938 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4939 zeKernelDestroy(
4940     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel                      ///< [in][release] handle of the kernel object
4941     );
4943 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4944 /// @brief Retrieve a function pointer from a module by name
4945 ///
4946 /// @details
4947 ///     - The function pointer is unique for the device on which the module was
4948 ///       created.
4949 ///     - The function pointer is no longer valid if module is destroyed.
4950 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
4951 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4952 ///
4953 /// @returns
4954 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4958 ///         + `nullptr == hModule`
4960 ///         + `nullptr == pFunctionName`
4961 ///         + `nullptr == pfnFunction`
4963 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4964 zeModuleGetFunctionPointer(
4965     ze_module_handle_t hModule,                     ///< [in] handle of the module
4966     const char* pFunctionName,                      ///< [in] Name of function to retrieve function pointer for.
4967     void** pfnFunction                              ///< [out] pointer to function.
4968     );
4970 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4971 /// @brief Set group size for a kernel.
4972 ///
4973 /// @details
4974 ///     - The group size will be used when a ::zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernel
4975 ///       variant is called.
4976 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
4977 ///       threads with the same kernel handle.
4978 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
4979 ///
4980 /// @returns
4981 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
4985 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
4987 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
4988 zeKernelSetGroupSize(
4989     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
4990     uint32_t groupSizeX,                            ///< [in] group size for X dimension to use for this kernel
4991     uint32_t groupSizeY,                            ///< [in] group size for Y dimension to use for this kernel
4992     uint32_t groupSizeZ                             ///< [in] group size for Z dimension to use for this kernel
4993     );
4995 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4996 /// @brief Query a suggested group size for a kernel given a global size for each
4997 ///        dimension.
4998 ///
4999 /// @details
5000 ///     - This function ignores the group size that is set using
5001 ///       ::zeKernelSetGroupSize.
5002 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5003 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5004 ///
5005 /// @returns
5006 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5010 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5012 ///         + `nullptr == groupSizeX`
5013 ///         + `nullptr == groupSizeY`
5014 ///         + `nullptr == groupSizeZ`
5016 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5017 zeKernelSuggestGroupSize(
5018     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5019     uint32_t globalSizeX,                           ///< [in] global width for X dimension
5020     uint32_t globalSizeY,                           ///< [in] global width for Y dimension
5021     uint32_t globalSizeZ,                           ///< [in] global width for Z dimension
5022     uint32_t* groupSizeX,                           ///< [out] recommended size of group for X dimension
5023     uint32_t* groupSizeY,                           ///< [out] recommended size of group for Y dimension
5024     uint32_t* groupSizeZ                            ///< [out] recommended size of group for Z dimension
5025     );
5027 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5028 /// @brief Query a suggested max group count for a cooperative kernel.
5029 ///
5030 /// @details
5031 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5032 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5033 ///
5034 /// @returns
5035 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5039 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5041 ///         + `nullptr == totalGroupCount`
5042 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5043 zeKernelSuggestMaxCooperativeGroupCount(
5044     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5045     uint32_t* totalGroupCount                       ///< [out] recommended total group count.
5046     );
5048 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5049 /// @brief Set kernel argument for a kernel.
5050 ///
5051 /// @details
5052 ///     - The argument values will be used when a
5053 ///       ::zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernel variant is called.
5054 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
5055 ///       threads with the same kernel handle.
5056 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5057 ///
5058 /// @returns
5059 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5063 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5066 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5067 zeKernelSetArgumentValue(
5068     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5069     uint32_t argIndex,                              ///< [in] argument index in range [0, num args - 1]
5070     size_t argSize,                                 ///< [in] size of argument type
5071     const void* pArgValue                           ///< [in][optional] argument value represented as matching arg type. If
5072                                                     ///< null then argument value is considered null.
5073     );
5075 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5076 /// @brief Kernel indirect access flags
5077 typedef uint32_t ze_kernel_indirect_access_flags_t;
5078 typedef enum _ze_kernel_indirect_access_flag_t
5079 {
5080     ZE_KERNEL_INDIRECT_ACCESS_FLAG_HOST = ZE_BIT(0),///< Indicates that the kernel accesses host allocations indirectly.
5081     ZE_KERNEL_INDIRECT_ACCESS_FLAG_DEVICE = ZE_BIT(1),  ///< Indicates that the kernel accesses device allocations indirectly.
5082     ZE_KERNEL_INDIRECT_ACCESS_FLAG_SHARED = ZE_BIT(2),  ///< Indicates that the kernel accesses shared allocations indirectly.
5085 } ze_kernel_indirect_access_flag_t;
5087 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5088 /// @brief Sets kernel indirect access flags.
5089 ///
5090 /// @details
5091 ///     - The application should specify which allocations will be indirectly
5092 ///       accessed by the kernel to allow driver to optimize which allocations
5093 ///       are made resident
5094 ///     - This function may **not** be called from simultaneous threads with the
5095 ///       same Kernel handle.
5096 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5097 ///
5098 /// @returns
5099 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5103 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5105 ///         + `0x7 < flags`
5106 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5107 zeKernelSetIndirectAccess(
5108     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5109     ze_kernel_indirect_access_flags_t flags         ///< [in] kernel indirect access flags
5110     );
5112 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5113 /// @brief Retrieve kernel indirect access flags.
5114 ///
5115 /// @details
5116 ///     - This function may be called from simultaneous threads with the same
5117 ///       Kernel handle.
5118 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5119 ///
5120 /// @returns
5121 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5125 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5127 ///         + `nullptr == pFlags`
5128 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5129 zeKernelGetIndirectAccess(
5130     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5131     ze_kernel_indirect_access_flags_t* pFlags       ///< [out] query result for kernel indirect access flags.
5132     );
5134 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5135 /// @brief Retrieve all declared kernel attributes (i.e. can be specified with
5136 ///        __attribute__ in runtime language).
5137 ///
5138 /// @details
5139 ///     - This function may be called from simultaneous threads with the same
5140 ///       Kernel handle.
5141 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5142 ///
5143 /// @returns
5144 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5148 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5150 ///         + `nullptr == pSize`
5151 ///         + `nullptr == pString`
5152 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5153 zeKernelGetSourceAttributes(
5154     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5155     uint32_t* pSize,                                ///< [in,out] pointer to size of string in bytes.
5156     char** pString                                  ///< [in,out] pointer to null-terminated string, whose lifetime is tied to
5157                                                     ///< the kernel object, where kernel source attributes are separated by
5158                                                     ///< space.
5159     );
5161 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5162 /// @brief Supported Cache Config flags
5163 typedef uint32_t ze_cache_config_flags_t;
5164 typedef enum _ze_cache_config_flag_t
5165 {
5166     ZE_CACHE_CONFIG_FLAG_LARGE_SLM = ZE_BIT(0),     ///< Large SLM size
5167     ZE_CACHE_CONFIG_FLAG_LARGE_DATA = ZE_BIT(1),    ///< Large General Data size
5168     ZE_CACHE_CONFIG_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
5170 } ze_cache_config_flag_t;
5172 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5173 /// @brief Sets the preferred cache configuration.
5174 ///
5175 /// @details
5176 ///     - The cache configuration will be used when a
5177 ///       ::zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernel variant is called.
5178 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
5179 ///       threads with the same kernel handle.
5180 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5181 ///
5182 /// @returns
5183 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5187 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5189 ///         + `0x3 < flags`
5191 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5192 zeKernelSetCacheConfig(
5193     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5194     ze_cache_config_flags_t flags                   ///< [in] cache configuration.
5195                                                     ///< must be 0 (default configuration) or a valid combination of ::ze_cache_config_flag_t.
5196     );
5198 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5200 /// @brief Maximum kernel universal unique id (UUID) size in bytes
5201 #define ZE_MAX_KERNEL_UUID_SIZE  16
5202 #endif // ZE_MAX_KERNEL_UUID_SIZE
5204 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5206 /// @brief Maximum module universal unique id (UUID) size in bytes
5207 #define ZE_MAX_MODULE_UUID_SIZE  16
5208 #endif // ZE_MAX_MODULE_UUID_SIZE
5210 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5211 /// @brief Kernel universal unique id (UUID)
5212 typedef struct _ze_kernel_uuid_t
5213 {
5214     uint8_t kid[ZE_MAX_KERNEL_UUID_SIZE];           ///< [out] opaque data representing a kernel UUID
5215     uint8_t mid[ZE_MAX_MODULE_UUID_SIZE];           ///< [out] opaque data representing the kernel's module UUID
5217 } ze_kernel_uuid_t;
5219 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5220 /// @brief Kernel properties
5221 typedef struct _ze_kernel_properties_t
5222 {
5223     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
5224     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
5225                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
5226     uint32_t numKernelArgs;                         ///< [out] number of kernel arguments.
5227     uint32_t requiredGroupSizeX;                    ///< [out] required group size in the X dimension,
5228                                                     ///< or zero if there is no required group size
5229     uint32_t requiredGroupSizeY;                    ///< [out] required group size in the Y dimension,
5230                                                     ///< or zero if there is no required group size
5231     uint32_t requiredGroupSizeZ;                    ///< [out] required group size in the Z dimension,
5232                                                     ///< or zero if there is no required group size
5233     uint32_t requiredNumSubGroups;                  ///< [out] required number of subgroups per thread group,
5234                                                     ///< or zero if there is no required number of subgroups
5235     uint32_t requiredSubgroupSize;                  ///< [out] required subgroup size,
5236                                                     ///< or zero if there is no required subgroup size
5237     uint32_t maxSubgroupSize;                       ///< [out] maximum subgroup size
5238     uint32_t maxNumSubgroups;                       ///< [out] maximum number of subgroups per thread group
5239     uint32_t localMemSize;                          ///< [out] local memory size used by each thread group
5240     uint32_t privateMemSize;                        ///< [out] private memory size allocated by compiler used by each thread
5241     uint32_t spillMemSize;                          ///< [out] spill memory size allocated by compiler
5242     ze_kernel_uuid_t uuid;                          ///< [out] universal unique identifier.
5244 } ze_kernel_properties_t;
5246 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5247 /// @brief Additional kernel preferred group size properties
5248 ///
5249 /// @details
5250 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeKernelGetProperties, via the
5251 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_kernel_properties_t, to query additional kernel
5252 ///       preferred group size properties.
5253 typedef struct _ze_kernel_preferred_group_size_properties_t
5254 {
5255     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
5256     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
5257                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
5258     uint32_t preferredMultiple;                     ///< [out] preferred group size multiple
5260 } ze_kernel_preferred_group_size_properties_t;
5262 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5263 /// @brief Retrieve kernel properties.
5264 ///
5265 /// @details
5266 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5267 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5268 ///
5269 /// @returns
5270 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5274 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5276 ///         + `nullptr == pKernelProperties`
5277 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5278 zeKernelGetProperties(
5279     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5280     ze_kernel_properties_t* pKernelProperties       ///< [in,out] query result for kernel properties.
5281     );
5283 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5284 /// @brief Retrieve kernel name from Kernel.
5285 ///
5286 /// @details
5287 ///     - The caller can pass nullptr for pName when querying only for size.
5288 ///     - The implementation will copy the kernel name into a buffer supplied by
5289 ///       the caller.
5290 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5291 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5292 ///
5293 /// @returns
5294 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5298 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5300 ///         + `nullptr == pSize`
5301 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5302 zeKernelGetName(
5303     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5304     size_t* pSize,                                  ///< [in,out] size of kernel name string, including null terminator, in
5305                                                     ///< bytes.
5306     char* pName                                     ///< [in,out][optional] char pointer to kernel name.
5307     );
5309 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5310 /// @brief Kernel dispatch group count.
5311 typedef struct _ze_group_count_t
5312 {
5313     uint32_t groupCountX;                           ///< [in] number of thread groups in X dimension
5314     uint32_t groupCountY;                           ///< [in] number of thread groups in Y dimension
5315     uint32_t groupCountZ;                           ///< [in] number of thread groups in Z dimension
5317 } ze_group_count_t;
5319 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5320 /// @brief Launch kernel over one or more work groups.
5321 ///
5322 /// @details
5323 ///     - The application must ensure the kernel and events are accessible by
5324 ///       the device on which the command list was created.
5325 ///     - This may **only** be called for a command list created with command
5326 ///       queue group ordinal that supports compute.
5327 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, kernel and events were
5328 ///       created on the same context.
5329 ///     - This function may **not** be called from simultaneous threads with the
5330 ///       same command list handle.
5331 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5332 ///
5333 /// @returns
5334 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5338 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
5339 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5341 ///         + `nullptr == pLaunchFuncArgs`
5344 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
5345 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5346 zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernel(
5347     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
5348     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5349     const ze_group_count_t* pLaunchFuncArgs,        ///< [in] thread group launch arguments
5350     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
5351     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
5352                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
5353     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
5354                                                     ///< on before launching
5355     );
5357 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5358 /// @brief Launch kernel cooperatively over one or more work groups.
5359 ///
5360 /// @details
5361 ///     - The application must ensure the kernel and events are accessible by
5362 ///       the device on which the command list was created.
5363 ///     - This may **only** be called for a command list created with command
5364 ///       queue group ordinal that supports compute.
5365 ///     - This may only be used for a command list that are submitted to command
5366 ///       queue with cooperative flag set.
5367 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, kernel and events were
5368 ///       created on the same context.
5369 ///     - This function may **not** be called from simultaneous threads with the
5370 ///       same command list handle.
5371 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5372 ///     - Use ::zeKernelSuggestMaxCooperativeGroupCount to recommend max group
5373 ///       count for device for cooperative functions that device supports.
5374 ///
5375 /// @returns
5376 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5380 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
5381 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5383 ///         + `nullptr == pLaunchFuncArgs`
5386 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
5387 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5388 zeCommandListAppendLaunchCooperativeKernel(
5389     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
5390     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5391     const ze_group_count_t* pLaunchFuncArgs,        ///< [in] thread group launch arguments
5392     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
5393     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
5394                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
5395     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
5396                                                     ///< on before launching
5397     );
5399 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5400 /// @brief Launch kernel over one or more work groups using indirect arguments.
5401 ///
5402 /// @details
5403 ///     - The application must ensure the kernel and events are accessible by
5404 ///       the device on which the command list was created.
5405 ///     - The application must ensure the launch arguments are visible to the
5406 ///       device on which the command list was created.
5407 ///     - The implementation must not access the contents of the launch
5408 ///       arguments as they are free to be modified by either the Host or device
5409 ///       up until execution.
5410 ///     - This may **only** be called for a command list created with command
5411 ///       queue group ordinal that supports compute.
5412 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, kernel and events were
5413 ///       created, and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
5414 ///     - This function may **not** be called from simultaneous threads with the
5415 ///       same command list handle.
5416 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5417 ///
5418 /// @returns
5419 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5423 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
5424 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
5426 ///         + `nullptr == pLaunchArgumentsBuffer`
5429 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
5430 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5431 zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernelIndirect(
5432     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
5433     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
5434     const ze_group_count_t* pLaunchArgumentsBuffer, ///< [in] pointer to device buffer that will contain thread group launch
5435                                                     ///< arguments
5436     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
5437     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
5438                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
5439     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
5440                                                     ///< on before launching
5441     );
5443 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5444 /// @brief Launch multiple kernels over one or more work groups using an array of
5445 ///        indirect arguments.
5446 ///
5447 /// @details
5448 ///     - The application must ensure the kernel and events are accessible by
5449 ///       the device on which the command list was created.
5450 ///     - The application must ensure the array of launch arguments and count
5451 ///       buffer are visible to the device on which the command list was
5452 ///       created.
5453 ///     - The implementation must not access the contents of the array of launch
5454 ///       arguments or count buffer as they are free to be modified by either
5455 ///       the Host or device up until execution.
5456 ///     - This may **only** be called for a command list created with command
5457 ///       queue group ordinal that supports compute.
5458 ///     - The application must enusre the command list, kernel and events were
5459 ///       created, and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
5460 ///     - This function may **not** be called from simultaneous threads with the
5461 ///       same command list handle.
5462 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5463 ///
5464 /// @returns
5465 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5469 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
5471 ///         + `nullptr == phKernels`
5472 ///         + `nullptr == pCountBuffer`
5473 ///         + `nullptr == pLaunchArgumentsBuffer`
5476 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
5477 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5478 zeCommandListAppendLaunchMultipleKernelsIndirect(
5479     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of the command list
5480     uint32_t numKernels,                            ///< [in] maximum number of kernels to launch
5481     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernels,                  ///< [in][range(0, numKernels)] handles of the kernel objects
5482     const uint32_t* pCountBuffer,                   ///< [in] pointer to device memory location that will contain the actual
5483                                                     ///< number of kernels to launch; value must be less-than or equal-to
5484                                                     ///< numKernels
5485     const ze_group_count_t* pLaunchArgumentsBuffer, ///< [in][range(0, numKernels)] pointer to device buffer that will contain
5486                                                     ///< a contiguous array of thread group launch arguments
5487     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
5488     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
5489                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
5490     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
5491                                                     ///< on before launching
5492     );
5494 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5495 #pragma endregion
5496 #endif
5497 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting module programs.
5498 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5499 #pragma region program
5500 #endif
5501 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5503 /// @brief Module Program Extension Name
5504 #define ZE_MODULE_PROGRAM_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_module_program"
5507 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5508 /// @brief Module Program Extension Version(s)
5509 typedef enum _ze_module_program_exp_version_t
5510 {
5511     ZE_MODULE_PROGRAM_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< version 1.0
5512     ZE_MODULE_PROGRAM_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< latest known version
5515 } ze_module_program_exp_version_t;
5517 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5518 /// @brief Module extended descriptor to support multiple input modules.
5519 ///
5520 /// @details
5521 ///     - Implementation must support ::ZE_experimental_module_program extension
5522 ///     - Modules support import and export linkage for functions and global
5523 ///       variables.
5524 ///     - SPIR-V import and export linkage types are used. See SPIR-V
5525 ///       specification for linkage details.
5526 ///     - pInputModules, pBuildFlags, and pConstants from ::ze_module_desc_t is
5527 ///       ignored.
5528 ///     - Format in ::ze_module_desc_t needs to be set to
5529 ///       ::ZE_MODULE_FORMAT_IL_SPIRV.
5530 typedef struct _ze_module_program_exp_desc_t
5531 {
5532     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
5533     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
5534                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
5535     uint32_t count;                                 ///< [in] Count of input modules
5536     const size_t* inputSizes;                       ///< [in][range(0, count)] sizes of each input IL module in pInputModules.
5537     const uint8_t** pInputModules;                  ///< [in][range(0, count)] pointer to an array of IL (e.g. SPIR-V modules).
5538                                                     ///< Valid only for SPIR-V input.
5539     const char** pBuildFlags;                       ///< [in][optional][range(0, count)] array of strings containing build
5540                                                     ///< flags. See pBuildFlags in ::ze_module_desc_t.
5541     const ze_module_constants_t** pConstants;       ///< [in][optional][range(0, count)] pointer to array of specialization
5542                                                     ///< constant strings. Valid only for SPIR-V input. This must be set to
5543                                                     ///< nullptr if no specialization constants are provided.
5545 } ze_module_program_exp_desc_t;
5547 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5548 #pragma endregion
5549 #endif
5550 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for Raytracing
5551 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5552 #pragma region raytracing
5553 #endif
5554 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5556 /// @brief Raytracing Extension Name
5557 #define ZE_RAYTRACING_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_raytracing"
5560 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5561 /// @brief Raytracing Extension Version(s)
5562 typedef enum _ze_raytracing_ext_version_t
5563 {
5564     ZE_RAYTRACING_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< version 1.0
5565     ZE_RAYTRACING_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< latest known version
5568 } ze_raytracing_ext_version_t;
5570 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5571 /// @brief Supported raytracing capability flags
5572 typedef uint32_t ze_device_raytracing_ext_flags_t;
5573 typedef enum _ze_device_raytracing_ext_flag_t
5574 {
5575     ZE_DEVICE_RAYTRACING_EXT_FLAG_RAYQUERY = ZE_BIT(0), ///< Supports rayquery
5578 } ze_device_raytracing_ext_flag_t;
5580 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5581 /// @brief Raytracing properties queried using ::zeDeviceGetModuleProperties
5582 ///
5583 /// @details
5584 ///     - This structure may be returned from ::zeDeviceGetModuleProperties, via
5585 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_device_module_properties_t.
5586 typedef struct _ze_device_raytracing_ext_properties_t
5587 {
5588     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
5589     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
5590                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
5591     ze_device_raytracing_ext_flags_t flags;         ///< [out] 0 or a valid combination of ::ze_device_raytracing_ext_flags_t
5592     uint32_t maxBVHLevels;                          ///< [out] Maximum number of BVH levels supported
5594 } ze_device_raytracing_ext_properties_t;
5596 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5597 /// @brief Supported raytracing memory allocation flags
5598 typedef uint32_t ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_flags_t;
5599 typedef enum _ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_flag_t
5600 {
5601     ZE_RAYTRACING_MEM_ALLOC_EXT_FLAG_TBD = ZE_BIT(0),   ///< reserved for future use
5604 } ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_flag_t;
5606 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5607 /// @brief Raytracing memory allocation descriptor
5608 ///
5609 /// @details
5610 ///     - This structure must be passed to ::zeMemAllocShared or
5611 ///       ::zeMemAllocDevice, via `pNext` member of
5612 ///       ::ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t, for any memory allocation that is to be
5613 ///       accessed by raytracing fixed-function of the device.
5614 typedef struct _ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_desc_t
5615 {
5616     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
5617     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
5618                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
5619     ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_flags_t flags;      ///< [in] flags specifying additional allocation controls.
5620                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_flag_t;
5621                                                     ///< default behavior may use implicit driver-based heuristics.
5623 } ze_raytracing_mem_alloc_ext_desc_t;
5625 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5626 #pragma endregion
5627 #endif
5628 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Memory Residency
5629 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5630 #pragma region residency
5631 #endif
5632 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5633 /// @brief Makes memory resident for the device.
5634 ///
5635 /// @details
5636 ///     - The application must ensure the memory is resident before being
5637 ///       referenced by the device
5638 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5639 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5640 ///
5641 /// @returns
5642 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5646 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5647 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
5649 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
5652 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5653 zeContextMakeMemoryResident(
5654     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of context object
5655     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
5656     void* ptr,                                      ///< [in] pointer to memory to make resident
5657     size_t size                                     ///< [in] size in bytes to make resident
5658     );
5660 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5661 /// @brief Allows memory to be evicted from the device.
5662 ///
5663 /// @details
5664 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
5665 ///       the memory before it is evicted
5666 ///     - The application may free the memory without evicting; the memory is
5667 ///       implicitly evicted when freed.
5668 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5669 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5670 ///
5671 /// @returns
5672 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5676 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5677 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
5679 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
5682 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5683 zeContextEvictMemory(
5684     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of context object
5685     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
5686     void* ptr,                                      ///< [in] pointer to memory to evict
5687     size_t size                                     ///< [in] size in bytes to evict
5688     );
5690 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5691 /// @brief Makes image resident for the device.
5692 ///
5693 /// @details
5694 ///     - The application must ensure the image is resident before being
5695 ///       referenced by the device
5696 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5697 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5698 ///
5699 /// @returns
5700 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5704 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5705 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
5706 ///         + `nullptr == hImage`
5709 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5710 zeContextMakeImageResident(
5711     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of context object
5712     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
5713     ze_image_handle_t hImage                        ///< [in] handle of image to make resident
5714     );
5716 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5717 /// @brief Allows image to be evicted from the device.
5718 ///
5719 /// @details
5720 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
5721 ///       the image before it is evicted
5722 ///     - The application may destroy the image without evicting; the image is
5723 ///       implicitly evicted when destroyed.
5724 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5725 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
5726 ///
5727 /// @returns
5728 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5732 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5733 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
5734 ///         + `nullptr == hImage`
5737 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5738 zeContextEvictImage(
5739     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of context object
5740     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
5741     ze_image_handle_t hImage                        ///< [in] handle of image to make evict
5742     );
5744 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5745 #pragma endregion
5746 #endif
5747 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Sampler
5748 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5749 #pragma region sampler
5750 #endif
5751 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5752 /// @brief Sampler addressing modes
5753 typedef enum _ze_sampler_address_mode_t
5754 {
5755     ZE_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_NONE = 0,               ///< No coordinate modifications for out-of-bounds image access.
5756     ZE_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT = 1,             ///< Out-of-bounds coordinates are wrapped back around.
5757     ZE_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP = 2,              ///< Out-of-bounds coordinates are clamped to edge.
5758     ZE_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER = 3,    ///< Out-of-bounds coordinates are clamped to border color which is (0.0f,
5759                                                     ///< 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) if image format swizzle contains alpha, otherwise
5760                                                     ///< (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f).
5761     ZE_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_MIRROR = 4,             ///< Out-of-bounds coordinates are mirrored starting from edge.
5762     ZE_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
5764 } ze_sampler_address_mode_t;
5766 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5767 /// @brief Sampler filtering modes
5768 typedef enum _ze_sampler_filter_mode_t
5769 {
5770     ZE_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_NEAREST = 0,             ///< No coordinate modifications for out of bounds image access.
5771     ZE_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_LINEAR = 1,              ///< Out-of-bounds coordinates are wrapped back around.
5772     ZE_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
5774 } ze_sampler_filter_mode_t;
5776 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5777 /// @brief Sampler descriptor
5778 typedef struct _ze_sampler_desc_t
5779 {
5780     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
5781     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
5782                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
5783     ze_sampler_address_mode_t addressMode;          ///< [in] Sampler addressing mode to determine how out-of-bounds
5784                                                     ///< coordinates are handled.
5785     ze_sampler_filter_mode_t filterMode;            ///< [in] Sampler filter mode to determine how samples are filtered.
5786     ze_bool_t isNormalized;                         ///< [in] Are coordinates normalized [0, 1] or not.
5788 } ze_sampler_desc_t;
5790 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5791 /// @brief Creates sampler on the context.
5792 ///
5793 /// @details
5794 ///     - The application must only use the sampler for the device, or its
5795 ///       sub-devices, which was provided during creation.
5796 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5797 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
5798 ///
5799 /// @returns
5800 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5804 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5805 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
5807 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
5808 ///         + `nullptr == phSampler`
5810 ///         + `::ZE_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_MIRROR < desc->addressMode`
5811 ///         + `::ZE_SAMPLER_FILTER_MODE_LINEAR < desc->filterMode`
5813 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5814 zeSamplerCreate(
5815     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
5816     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
5817     const ze_sampler_desc_t* desc,                  ///< [in] pointer to sampler descriptor
5818     ze_sampler_handle_t* phSampler                  ///< [out] handle of the sampler
5819     );
5821 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5822 /// @brief Destroys sampler object
5823 ///
5824 /// @details
5825 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
5826 ///       the sampler before it is deleted.
5827 ///     - The implementation of this function may immediately free all Host and
5828 ///       Device allocations associated with this sampler.
5829 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
5830 ///       threads with the same sampler handle.
5831 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
5832 ///
5833 /// @returns
5834 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5838 ///         + `nullptr == hSampler`
5840 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5841 zeSamplerDestroy(
5842     ze_sampler_handle_t hSampler                    ///< [in][release] handle of the sampler
5843     );
5845 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5846 #pragma endregion
5847 #endif
5848 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero APIs for Virtual Memory Management
5849 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
5850 #pragma region virtual
5851 #endif
5852 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5853 /// @brief Virtual memory page access attributes
5854 typedef enum _ze_memory_access_attribute_t
5855 {
5856     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 0,            ///< Indicates the memory page is inaccessible.
5857     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_ATTRIBUTE_READWRITE = 1,       ///< Indicates the memory page supports read write access.
5858     ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 2,        ///< Indicates the memory page supports read-only access.
5861 } ze_memory_access_attribute_t;
5863 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5864 /// @brief Reserves pages in virtual address space.
5865 ///
5866 /// @details
5867 ///     - The application must only use the memory allocation on the context for
5868 ///       which it was created.
5869 ///     - The starting address and size must be page aligned. See
5870 ///       ::zeVirtualMemQueryPageSize.
5871 ///     - If pStart is not null then implementation will attempt to reserve
5872 ///       starting from that address. If not available then will find another
5873 ///       suitable starting address.
5874 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5875 ///     - The access attributes will default to none to indicate reservation is
5876 ///       inaccessible.
5877 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
5878 ///
5879 /// @returns
5880 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5884 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5886 ///         + `nullptr == pStart`
5887 ///         + `nullptr == pptr`
5889 ///         + `0 == size`
5892 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5893 zeVirtualMemReserve(
5894     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
5895     const void* pStart,                             ///< [in] pointer to start of region to reserve. If nullptr then
5896                                                     ///< implementation will choose a start address.
5897     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to reserve; must be page aligned.
5898     void** pptr                                     ///< [out] pointer to virtual reservation.
5899     );
5901 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5902 /// @brief Free pages in a reserved virtual address range.
5903 ///
5904 /// @details
5905 ///     - Any existing virtual mappings for the range will be unmapped.
5906 ///     - Physical allocations objects that were mapped to this range will not
5907 ///       be destroyed. These need to be destroyed explicitly.
5908 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5909 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
5910 ///
5911 /// @returns
5912 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5916 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5918 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
5920 ///         + `0 == size`
5922 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5923 zeVirtualMemFree(
5924     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
5925     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] pointer to start of region to free.
5926     size_t size                                     ///< [in] size in bytes to free; must be page aligned.
5927     );
5929 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5930 /// @brief Queries page size to use for aligning virtual memory reservations and
5931 ///        physical memory allocations.
5932 ///
5933 /// @details
5934 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5935 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
5936 ///
5937 /// @returns
5938 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5942 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5943 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
5945 ///         + `nullptr == pagesize`
5947 ///         + `0 == size`
5948 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
5949 zeVirtualMemQueryPageSize(
5950     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
5951     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
5952     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] unaligned allocation size in bytes
5953     size_t* pagesize                                ///< [out] pointer to page size to use for start address and size
5954                                                     ///< alignments.
5955     );
5957 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5958 /// @brief Supported physical memory creation flags
5959 typedef uint32_t ze_physical_mem_flags_t;
5960 typedef enum _ze_physical_mem_flag_t
5961 {
5962     ZE_PHYSICAL_MEM_FLAG_TBD = ZE_BIT(0),           ///< reserved for future use.
5963     ZE_PHYSICAL_MEM_FLAG_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
5965 } ze_physical_mem_flag_t;
5967 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5968 /// @brief Physical memory descriptor
5969 typedef struct _ze_physical_mem_desc_t
5970 {
5971     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
5972     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
5973                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
5974     ze_physical_mem_flags_t flags;                  ///< [in] creation flags.
5975                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_physical_mem_flag_t.
5976     size_t size;                                    ///< [in] size in bytes to reserve; must be page aligned.
5978 } ze_physical_mem_desc_t;
5980 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5981 /// @brief Creates a physical memory object for the context.
5982 ///
5983 /// @details
5984 ///     - The application must only use the physical memory object on the
5985 ///       context for which it was created.
5986 ///     - The size must be page aligned. See ::zeVirtualMemQueryPageSize.
5987 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
5988 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
5989 ///
5990 /// @returns
5991 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
5995 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
5996 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
5998 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
5999 ///         + `nullptr == phPhysicalMemory`
6001 ///         + `0x1 < desc->flags`
6003 ///         + `0 == desc->size`
6006 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6007 zePhysicalMemCreate(
6008     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
6009     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
6010     ze_physical_mem_desc_t* desc,                   ///< [in] pointer to physical memory descriptor.
6011     ze_physical_mem_handle_t* phPhysicalMemory      ///< [out] pointer to handle of physical memory object created
6012     );
6014 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6015 /// @brief Destroys a physical memory object.
6016 ///
6017 /// @details
6018 ///     - The application must ensure the device is not currently referencing
6019 ///       the physical memory object before it is deleted
6020 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
6021 ///       threads with the same physical memory handle.
6022 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
6023 ///
6024 /// @returns
6025 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6029 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
6030 ///         + `nullptr == hPhysicalMemory`
6032 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6033 zePhysicalMemDestroy(
6034     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
6035     ze_physical_mem_handle_t hPhysicalMemory        ///< [in][release] handle of physical memory object to destroy
6036     );
6038 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6039 /// @brief Maps pages in virtual address space to pages from physical memory
6040 ///        object.
6041 ///
6042 /// @details
6043 ///     - The virtual address range must have been reserved using
6044 ///       ::zeVirtualMemReserve.
6045 ///     - The application must only use the mapped memory allocation on the
6046 ///       context for which it was created.
6047 ///     - The virtual start address and size must be page aligned. See
6048 ///       ::zeVirtualMemQueryPageSize.
6049 ///     - The application should use, for the starting address and size, the
6050 ///       same size alignment used for the physical allocation.
6051 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
6052 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
6053 ///
6054 /// @returns
6055 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6059 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
6060 ///         + `nullptr == hPhysicalMemory`
6062 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
6064 ///         + `::ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY < access`
6066 ///         + `0 == size`
6070 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6071 zeVirtualMemMap(
6072     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
6073     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] pointer to start of virtual address range to map.
6074     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes of virtual address range to map; must be page
6075                                                     ///< aligned.
6076     ze_physical_mem_handle_t hPhysicalMemory,       ///< [in] handle to physical memory object.
6077     size_t offset,                                  ///< [in] offset into physical memory allocation object; must be page
6078                                                     ///< aligned.
6079     ze_memory_access_attribute_t access             ///< [in] specifies page access attributes to apply to the virtual address
6080                                                     ///< range.
6081     );
6083 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6084 /// @brief Unmaps pages in virtual address space from pages from a physical
6085 ///        memory object.
6086 ///
6087 /// @details
6088 ///     - The page access attributes for virtual address range will revert back
6089 ///       to none.
6090 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
6091 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
6092 ///
6093 /// @returns
6094 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6098 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
6100 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
6103 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ALIGNMENT - "Address must be page aligned"
6105 ///         + `0 == size`
6106 ///         + Size must be page aligned
6107 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6108 zeVirtualMemUnmap(
6109     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
6110     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] pointer to start of region to unmap.
6111     size_t size                                     ///< [in] size in bytes to unmap; must be page aligned.
6112     );
6114 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6115 /// @brief Set memory access attributes for a virtual address range.
6116 ///
6117 /// @details
6118 ///     - This function may be called from simultaneous threads with the same
6119 ///       function handle.
6120 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
6121 ///
6122 /// @returns
6123 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6127 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
6129 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
6131 ///         + `::ZE_MEMORY_ACCESS_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY < access`
6132 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ALIGNMENT - "Address must be page aligned"
6134 ///         + `0 == size`
6135 ///         + Size must be page aligned
6136 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6137 zeVirtualMemSetAccessAttribute(
6138     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
6139     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] pointer to start of reserved virtual address region.
6140     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes; must be page aligned.
6141     ze_memory_access_attribute_t access             ///< [in] specifies page access attributes to apply to the virtual address
6142                                                     ///< range.
6143     );
6145 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6146 /// @brief Get memory access attribute for a virtual address range.
6147 ///
6148 /// @details
6149 ///     - If size and outSize are equal then the pages in the specified virtual
6150 ///       address range have the same access attributes.
6151 ///     - This function may be called from simultaneous threads with the same
6152 ///       function handle.
6153 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
6154 ///
6155 /// @returns
6156 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6160 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
6162 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
6163 ///         + `nullptr == access`
6164 ///         + `nullptr == outSize`
6165 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ALIGNMENT - "Address must be page aligned"
6167 ///         + `0 == size`
6168 ///         + Size must be page aligned
6169 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6170 zeVirtualMemGetAccessAttribute(
6171     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
6172     const void* ptr,                                ///< [in] pointer to start of virtual address region for query.
6173     size_t size,                                    ///< [in] size in bytes; must be page aligned.
6174     ze_memory_access_attribute_t* access,           ///< [out] query result for page access attribute.
6175     size_t* outSize                                 ///< [out] query result for size of virtual address range, starting at ptr,
6176                                                     ///< that shares same access attribute.
6177     );
6179 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6180 #pragma endregion
6181 #endif
6182 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for Floating-Point Atomics
6183 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6184 #pragma region floatAtomics
6185 #endif
6186 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6188 /// @brief Floating-Point Atomics Extension Name
6189 #define ZE_FLOAT_ATOMICS_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_float_atomics"
6192 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6193 /// @brief Floating-Point Atomics Extension Version(s)
6194 typedef enum _ze_float_atomics_ext_version_t
6195 {
6196     ZE_FLOAT_ATOMICS_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< version 1.0
6197     ZE_FLOAT_ATOMICS_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< latest known version
6200 } ze_float_atomics_ext_version_t;
6202 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6203 /// @brief Supported floating-point atomic capability flags
6204 typedef uint32_t ze_device_fp_atomic_ext_flags_t;
6205 typedef enum _ze_device_fp_atomic_ext_flag_t
6206 {
6207     ZE_DEVICE_FP_ATOMIC_EXT_FLAG_GLOBAL_LOAD_STORE = ZE_BIT(0), ///< Supports atomic load, store, and exchange
6208     ZE_DEVICE_FP_ATOMIC_EXT_FLAG_GLOBAL_ADD = ZE_BIT(1),///< Supports atomic add and subtract
6209     ZE_DEVICE_FP_ATOMIC_EXT_FLAG_GLOBAL_MIN_MAX = ZE_BIT(2),///< Supports atomic min and max
6210     ZE_DEVICE_FP_ATOMIC_EXT_FLAG_LOCAL_LOAD_STORE = ZE_BIT(16), ///< Supports atomic load, store, and exchange
6211     ZE_DEVICE_FP_ATOMIC_EXT_FLAG_LOCAL_ADD = ZE_BIT(17),///< Supports atomic add and subtract
6212     ZE_DEVICE_FP_ATOMIC_EXT_FLAG_LOCAL_MIN_MAX = ZE_BIT(18),///< Supports atomic min and max
6215 } ze_device_fp_atomic_ext_flag_t;
6217 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6218 /// @brief Device floating-point atomic properties queried using
6219 ///        ::zeDeviceGetModuleProperties
6220 ///
6221 /// @details
6222 ///     - This structure may be returned from ::zeDeviceGetModuleProperties, via
6223 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_device_module_properties_t.
6224 typedef struct _ze_float_atomic_ext_properties_t
6225 {
6226     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6227     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6228                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6229     ze_device_fp_atomic_ext_flags_t fp16Flags;      ///< [out] Capabilities for half-precision floating-point atomic operations
6230     ze_device_fp_atomic_ext_flags_t fp32Flags;      ///< [out] Capabilities for single-precision floating-point atomic
6231                                                     ///< operations
6232     ze_device_fp_atomic_ext_flags_t fp64Flags;      ///< [out] Capabilities for double-precision floating-point atomic
6233                                                     ///< operations
6235 } ze_float_atomic_ext_properties_t;
6237 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6238 #pragma endregion
6239 #endif
6240 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting kernel global work offset.
6241 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6242 #pragma region globaloffset
6243 #endif
6244 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6246 /// @brief Global Offset Extension Name
6247 #define ZE_GLOBAL_OFFSET_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_global_offset"
6250 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6251 /// @brief Global Offset Extension Version(s)
6252 typedef enum _ze_global_offset_exp_version_t
6253 {
6254     ZE_GLOBAL_OFFSET_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< version 1.0
6255     ZE_GLOBAL_OFFSET_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< latest known version
6258 } ze_global_offset_exp_version_t;
6260 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6261 /// @brief Set global work offset for a kernel.
6262 ///
6263 /// @details
6264 ///     - The global work offset will be used when
6265 ///       a ::zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernel() variant is called.
6266 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
6267 ///       threads with the same kernel handle.
6268 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
6269 ///
6270 /// @returns
6271 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6275 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
6276 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6277 zeKernelSetGlobalOffsetExp(
6278     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
6279     uint32_t offsetX,                               ///< [in] global offset for X dimension to use for this kernel
6280     uint32_t offsetY,                               ///< [in] global offset for Y dimension to use for this kernel
6281     uint32_t offsetZ                                ///< [in] global offset for Z dimension to use for this kernel
6282     );
6284 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6285 #pragma endregion
6286 #endif
6287 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting relaxed allocation limits.
6288 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6289 #pragma region relaxedAllocLimits
6290 #endif
6291 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6293 /// @brief Relaxed Allocation Limits Extension Name
6294 #define ZE_RELAXED_ALLOCATION_LIMITS_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_relaxed_allocation_limits"
6297 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6298 /// @brief Relaxed Allocation Limits Extension Version(s)
6299 typedef enum _ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_version_t
6300 {
6301     ZE_RELAXED_ALLOCATION_LIMITS_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< version 1.0
6302     ZE_RELAXED_ALLOCATION_LIMITS_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< latest known version
6305 } ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_version_t;
6307 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6308 /// @brief Supported relaxed memory allocation flags
6309 typedef uint32_t ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_flags_t;
6310 typedef enum _ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_flag_t
6311 {
6312     ZE_RELAXED_ALLOCATION_LIMITS_EXP_FLAG_MAX_SIZE = ZE_BIT(0), ///< Allocation size may exceed ::ze_device_properties_t.maxMemAllocSize
6315 } ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_flag_t;
6317 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6318 /// @brief Relaxed limits memory allocation descriptor
6319 ///
6320 /// @details
6321 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemAllocShared or
6322 ///       ::zeMemAllocDevice, via `pNext` member of
6323 ///       ::ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t.
6324 ///     - This structure may also be passed to ::zeMemAllocHost, via `pNext`
6325 ///       member of ::ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t.
6326 typedef struct _ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_desc_t
6327 {
6328     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6329     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6330                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6331     ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_flags_t flags; ///< [in] flags specifying allocation limits to relax.
6332                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_flag_t;
6334 } ze_relaxed_allocation_limits_exp_desc_t;
6336 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6337 #pragma endregion
6338 #endif
6339 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for Cache Reservation
6340 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6341 #pragma region cacheReservation
6342 #endif
6343 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6345 /// @brief Cache_Reservation Extension Name
6346 #define ZE_CACHE_RESERVATION_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_cache_reservation"
6349 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6350 /// @brief Cache_Reservation Extension Version(s)
6351 typedef enum _ze_cache_reservation_ext_version_t
6352 {
6353     ZE_CACHE_RESERVATION_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< version 1.0
6354     ZE_CACHE_RESERVATION_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< latest known version
6357 } ze_cache_reservation_ext_version_t;
6359 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6360 /// @brief Cache Reservation Region
6361 typedef enum _ze_cache_ext_region_t
6362 {
6363     ZE_CACHE_EXT_REGION_ZE_CACHE_REGION_DEFAULT = 0,///< utilize driver default scheme
6364     ZE_CACHE_EXT_REGION_ZE_CACHE_RESERVE_REGION = 1,///< Utilize reserver region
6365     ZE_CACHE_EXT_REGION_ZE_CACHE_NON_RESERVED_REGION = 2,   ///< Utilize non-reserverd region
6366     ZE_CACHE_EXT_REGION_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
6368 } ze_cache_ext_region_t;
6370 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6371 /// @brief CacheReservation structure
6372 ///
6373 /// @details
6374 ///     - This structure must be passed to ::zeDeviceGetCacheProperties via
6375 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_device_cache_properties_t
6376 ///     - Used for determining the max cache reservation allowed on device. Size
6377 ///       of zero means no reservation available.
6378 typedef struct _ze_cache_reservation_ext_desc_t
6379 {
6380     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6381     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6382                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6383     size_t maxCacheReservationSize;                 ///< [out] max cache reservation size
6385 } ze_cache_reservation_ext_desc_t;
6387 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6388 /// @brief Reserve Cache on Device
6389 ///
6390 /// @details
6391 ///     - The application may call this function but may not be successful as
6392 ///       some other application may have reserve prior
6393 ///
6394 /// @remarks
6395 ///   _Analogues_
6396 ///     - None
6397 ///
6398 /// @returns
6399 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6403 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
6404 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6405 zeDeviceReserveCacheExt(
6406     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
6407     size_t cacheLevel,                              ///< [in] cache level where application want to reserve. If zero, then the
6408                                                     ///< driver shall default to last level of cache and attempt to reserve in
6409                                                     ///< that cache.
6410     size_t cacheReservationSize                     ///< [in] value for reserving size, in bytes. If zero, then the driver
6411                                                     ///< shall remove prior reservation
6412     );
6414 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6415 /// @brief Assign VA section to use reserved section
6416 ///
6417 /// @details
6418 ///     - The application may call this function to assign VA to particular
6419 ///       reservartion region
6420 ///
6421 /// @returns
6422 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6426 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
6428 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
6430 ///         + `::ZE_CACHE_EXT_REGION_::ZE_CACHE_NON_RESERVED_REGION < cacheRegion`
6431 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6432 zeDeviceSetCacheAdviceExt(
6433     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object
6434     void* ptr,                                      ///< [in] memory pointer to query
6435     size_t regionSize,                              ///< [in] region size, in pages
6436     ze_cache_ext_region_t cacheRegion               ///< [in] reservation region
6437     );
6439 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6440 #pragma endregion
6441 #endif
6442 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting event query timestamps.
6443 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6444 #pragma region eventquerytimestamps
6445 #endif
6446 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6448 /// @brief Event Query Timestamps Extension Name
6449 #define ZE_EVENT_QUERY_TIMESTAMPS_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_event_query_timestamps"
6452 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6453 /// @brief Event Query Timestamps Extension Version(s)
6454 typedef enum _ze_event_query_timestamps_exp_version_t
6455 {
6456     ZE_EVENT_QUERY_TIMESTAMPS_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< version 1.0
6457     ZE_EVENT_QUERY_TIMESTAMPS_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< latest known version
6460 } ze_event_query_timestamps_exp_version_t;
6462 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6463 /// @brief Query event timestamps for a device or sub-device.
6464 ///
6465 /// @details
6466 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
6467 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
6468 ///     - The implementation must support
6469 ///       ::ZE_experimental_event_query_timestamps.
6470 ///     - The implementation must return all timestamps for the specified event
6471 ///       and device pair.
6472 ///     - The implementation must return all timestamps for all sub-devices when
6473 ///       device handle is parent device.
6474 ///     - The implementation may return all timestamps for sub-devices when
6475 ///       device handle is sub-device or may return 0 for count.
6476 ///
6477 /// @remarks
6478 ///   _Analogues_
6479 ///     - None
6480 ///
6481 /// @returns
6482 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6486 ///         + `nullptr == hEvent`
6487 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
6489 ///         + `nullptr == pCount`
6490 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6491 zeEventQueryTimestampsExp(
6492     ze_event_handle_t hEvent,                       ///< [in] handle of the event
6493     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device to query
6494     uint32_t* pCount,                               ///< [in,out] pointer to the number of timestamp results.
6495                                                     ///< if count is zero, then the driver shall update the value with the
6496                                                     ///< total number of timestamps available.
6497                                                     ///< if count is greater than the number of timestamps available, then the
6498                                                     ///< driver shall update the value with the correct number of timestamps available.
6499     ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t* pTimestamps       ///< [in,out][optional][range(0, *pCount)] array of timestamp results.
6500                                                     ///< if count is less than the number of timestamps available, then driver
6501                                                     ///< shall only retrieve that number of timestamps.
6502     );
6504 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6505 #pragma endregion
6506 #endif
6507 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting image memory properties.
6508 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6509 #pragma region imagememoryproperties
6510 #endif
6511 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6513 /// @brief Image Memory Properties Extension Name
6514 #define ZE_IMAGE_MEMORY_PROPERTIES_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_image_memory_properties"
6517 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6518 /// @brief Image Memory Properties Extension Version(s)
6519 typedef enum _ze_image_memory_properties_exp_version_t
6520 {
6521     ZE_IMAGE_MEMORY_PROPERTIES_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),   ///< version 1.0
6522     ZE_IMAGE_MEMORY_PROPERTIES_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),   ///< latest known version
6525 } ze_image_memory_properties_exp_version_t;
6527 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6528 /// @brief Image memory properties
6529 typedef struct _ze_image_memory_properties_exp_t
6530 {
6531     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6532     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6533                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6534     uint64_t size;                                  ///< [out] size of image allocation in bytes.
6535     uint64_t rowPitch;                              ///< [out] size of image row in bytes.
6536     uint64_t slicePitch;                            ///< [out] size of image slice in bytes.
6538 } ze_image_memory_properties_exp_t;
6540 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6541 /// @brief Query image memory properties.
6542 ///
6543 /// @details
6544 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
6545 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
6546 ///     - The implementation must support
6547 ///       ::ZE_experimental_image_memory_properties extension.
6548 ///
6549 /// @remarks
6550 ///   _Analogues_
6551 ///     - None
6552 ///
6553 /// @returns
6554 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6558 ///         + `nullptr == hImage`
6560 ///         + `nullptr == pMemoryProperties`
6561 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6562 zeImageGetMemoryPropertiesExp(
6563     ze_image_handle_t hImage,                       ///< [in] handle of image object
6564     ze_image_memory_properties_exp_t* pMemoryProperties ///< [in,out] query result for image memory properties.
6565     );
6567 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6568 #pragma endregion
6569 #endif
6570 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting image views.
6571 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6572 #pragma region imageview
6573 #endif
6574 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6576 /// @brief Image View Extension Name
6577 #define ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_image_view"
6578 #endif // ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_EXP_NAME
6580 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6581 /// @brief Image View Extension Version(s)
6582 typedef enum _ze_image_view_exp_version_t
6583 {
6584     ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< version 1.0
6585     ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< latest known version
6586     ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_EXP_VERSION_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
6588 } ze_image_view_exp_version_t;
6590 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6591 /// @brief Create image view on the context.
6592 ///
6593 /// @details
6594 ///     - The application must only use the image view for the device, or its
6595 ///       sub-devices, which was provided during creation.
6596 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
6597 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
6598 ///     - The implementation must support ::ZE_experimental_image_view
6599 ///       extension.
6600 ///     - Image views are treated as images from the API.
6601 ///     - Image views provide a mechanism to redescribe how an image is
6602 ///       interpreted (e.g. different format).
6603 ///     - Image views become disabled when their corresponding image resource is
6604 ///       destroyed.
6605 ///     - Use ::zeImageDestroy to destroy image view objects.
6606 ///
6607 /// @remarks
6608 ///   _Analogues_
6609 ///     - None
6610 ///
6611 /// @returns
6612 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6616 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
6617 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
6618 ///         + `nullptr == hImage`
6620 ///         + `nullptr == desc`
6621 ///         + `nullptr == phImageView`
6623 ///         + `0x3 < desc->flags`
6624 ///         + `::ZE_IMAGE_TYPE_BUFFER < desc->type`
6628 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6629 zeImageViewCreateExp(
6630     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
6631     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device
6632     const ze_image_desc_t* desc,                    ///< [in] pointer to image descriptor
6633     ze_image_handle_t hImage,                       ///< [in] handle of image object to create view from
6634     ze_image_handle_t* phImageView                  ///< [out] pointer to handle of image object created for view
6635     );
6637 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6638 #pragma endregion
6639 #endif
6640 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting image views for planar images.
6641 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6642 #pragma region imageviewplanar
6643 #endif
6644 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6646 /// @brief Image View Planar Extension Name
6647 #define ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_PLANAR_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_image_view_planar"
6650 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6651 /// @brief Image View Planar Extension Version(s)
6652 typedef enum _ze_image_view_planar_exp_version_t
6653 {
6654     ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_PLANAR_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< version 1.0
6655     ZE_IMAGE_VIEW_PLANAR_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< latest known version
6658 } ze_image_view_planar_exp_version_t;
6660 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6661 /// @brief Image view planar descriptor
6662 typedef struct _ze_image_view_planar_exp_desc_t
6663 {
6664     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6665     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6666                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6667     uint32_t planeIndex;                            ///< [in] the 0-based plane index (e.g. NV12 is 0 = Y plane, 1 UV plane)
6669 } ze_image_view_planar_exp_desc_t;
6671 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6672 #pragma endregion
6673 #endif
6674 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for specifying kernel scheduling hints.
6675 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6676 #pragma region kernelSchedulingHints
6677 #endif
6678 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6680 /// @brief Kernel Scheduling Hints Extension Name
6681 #define ZE_KERNEL_SCHEDULING_HINTS_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_scheduling_hints"
6684 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6685 /// @brief Kernel Scheduling Hints Extension Version(s)
6686 typedef enum _ze_scheduling_hints_exp_version_t
6687 {
6688     ZE_SCHEDULING_HINTS_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
6689     ZE_SCHEDULING_HINTS_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
6692 } ze_scheduling_hints_exp_version_t;
6694 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6695 /// @brief Supported kernel scheduling hint flags
6696 typedef uint32_t ze_scheduling_hint_exp_flags_t;
6697 typedef enum _ze_scheduling_hint_exp_flag_t
6698 {
6699     ZE_SCHEDULING_HINT_EXP_FLAG_OLDEST_FIRST = ZE_BIT(0),   ///< Hint that the kernel prefers oldest-first scheduling
6700     ZE_SCHEDULING_HINT_EXP_FLAG_ROUND_ROBIN = ZE_BIT(1),///< Hint that the kernel prefers round-robin scheduling
6701     ZE_SCHEDULING_HINT_EXP_FLAG_STALL_BASED_ROUND_ROBIN = ZE_BIT(2),///< Hint that the kernel prefers stall-based round-robin scheduling
6704 } ze_scheduling_hint_exp_flag_t;
6706 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6707 /// @brief Device kernel scheduling hint properties queried using
6708 ///        ::zeDeviceGetModuleProperties
6709 ///
6710 /// @details
6711 ///     - This structure may be returned from ::zeDeviceGetModuleProperties, via
6712 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_device_module_properties_t.
6713 typedef struct _ze_scheduling_hint_exp_properties_t
6714 {
6715     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6716     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6717                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6718     ze_scheduling_hint_exp_flags_t schedulingHintFlags; ///< [out] Supported kernel scheduling hints.
6719                                                     ///< May be 0 (none) or a valid combination of ::ze_scheduling_hint_exp_flag_t.
6721 } ze_scheduling_hint_exp_properties_t;
6723 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6724 /// @brief Kernel scheduling hint descriptor
6725 ///
6726 /// @details
6727 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeKernelSchedulingHintExp.
6728 typedef struct _ze_scheduling_hint_exp_desc_t
6729 {
6730     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6731     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6732                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6733     ze_scheduling_hint_exp_flags_t flags;           ///< [in] flags specifying kernel scheduling hints.
6734                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_scheduling_hint_exp_flag_t.
6736 } ze_scheduling_hint_exp_desc_t;
6738 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6739 /// @brief Provide kernel scheduling hints that may improve performance
6740 ///
6741 /// @details
6742 ///     - The scheduling hints may improve performance only and are not required
6743 ///       for correctness.
6744 ///     - If a specified scheduling hint is unsupported it will be silently
6745 ///       ignored.
6746 ///     - If two conflicting scheduling hints are specified there is no defined behavior;
6747 ///       the hints may be ignored or one hint may be chosen arbitrarily.
6748 ///     - The application must not call this function from simultaneous threads
6749 ///       with the same kernel handle.
6750 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
6751 ///
6752 /// @returns
6753 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6757 ///         + `nullptr == hKernel`
6759 ///         + `nullptr == pHint`
6761 ///         + `0x7 < pHint->flags`
6762 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6763 zeKernelSchedulingHintExp(
6764     ze_kernel_handle_t hKernel,                     ///< [in] handle of the kernel object
6765     ze_scheduling_hint_exp_desc_t* pHint            ///< [in] pointer to kernel scheduling hint descriptor
6766     );
6768 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6769 #pragma endregion
6770 #endif
6771 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for One-Definition-Rule Linkage Types
6772 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6773 #pragma region linkonceodr
6774 #endif
6775 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6777 /// @brief Linkonce ODR Extension Name
6778 #define ZE_LINKONCE_ODR_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_linkonce_odr"
6781 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6782 /// @brief Linkonce ODR Extension Version(s)
6783 typedef enum _ze_linkonce_odr_ext_version_t
6784 {
6785     ZE_LINKONCE_ODR_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
6786     ZE_LINKONCE_ODR_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
6789 } ze_linkonce_odr_ext_version_t;
6791 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6792 #pragma endregion
6793 #endif
6794 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting power saving hint.
6795 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6796 #pragma region powersavinghint
6797 #endif
6798 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6800 /// @brief Power Saving Hint Extension Name
6801 #define ZE_CONTEXT_POWER_SAVING_HINT_EXP_NAME  "ZE_experimental_power_saving_hint"
6804 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6805 /// @brief Power Saving Hint Extension Version(s)
6806 typedef enum _ze_power_saving_hint_exp_version_t
6807 {
6808     ZE_POWER_SAVING_HINT_EXP_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< version 1.0
6809     ZE_POWER_SAVING_HINT_EXP_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ), ///< latest known version
6812 } ze_power_saving_hint_exp_version_t;
6814 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6815 /// @brief Supported device types
6816 typedef enum _ze_power_saving_hint_type_t
6817 {
6818     ZE_POWER_SAVING_HINT_TYPE_MIN = 0,              ///< Minumum power savings. The device will make no attempt to save power
6819                                                     ///< while executing work submitted to this context.
6820     ZE_POWER_SAVING_HINT_TYPE_MAX = 100,            ///< Maximum power savings. The device will do everything to bring power to
6821                                                     ///< a minimum while executing work submitted to this context.
6822     ZE_POWER_SAVING_HINT_TYPE_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
6824 } ze_power_saving_hint_type_t;
6826 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6827 /// @brief Extended context descriptor containing power saving hint.
6828 typedef struct _ze_context_power_saving_hint_exp_desc_t
6829 {
6830     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6831     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6832                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6833     uint32_t hint;                                  ///< [in] power saving hint (default value = 0). This is value from [0,100]
6834                                                     ///< and can use pre-defined settings from ::ze_power_saving_hint_type_t.
6836 } ze_context_power_saving_hint_exp_desc_t;
6838 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6839 #pragma endregion
6840 #endif
6841 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for Subgroups
6842 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6843 #pragma region subgroups
6844 #endif
6845 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6847 /// @brief Subgroups Extension Name
6848 #define ZE_SUBGROUPS_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_subgroups"
6849 #endif // ZE_SUBGROUPS_EXT_NAME
6851 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6852 /// @brief Subgroups Extension Version(s)
6853 typedef enum _ze_subgroup_ext_version_t
6854 {
6855     ZE_SUBGROUP_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
6856     ZE_SUBGROUP_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
6857     ZE_SUBGROUP_EXT_VERSION_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
6859 } ze_subgroup_ext_version_t;
6861 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6862 #pragma endregion
6863 #endif
6864 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for EU Count
6865 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6866 #pragma region EUCount
6867 #endif
6868 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6869 #ifndef ZE_EU_COUNT_EXT_NAME
6870 /// @brief EU Count Extension Name
6871 #define ZE_EU_COUNT_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_eu_count"
6872 #endif // ZE_EU_COUNT_EXT_NAME
6874 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6875 /// @brief EU Count Extension Version(s)
6876 typedef enum _ze_eu_count_ext_version_t
6877 {
6878     ZE_EU_COUNT_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
6879     ZE_EU_COUNT_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
6880     ZE_EU_COUNT_EXT_VERSION_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
6882 } ze_eu_count_ext_version_t;
6884 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6885 /// @brief EU count queried using ::zeDeviceGetProperties
6886 ///
6887 /// @details
6888 ///     - This structure may be returned from ::zeDeviceGetProperties via
6889 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_device_properties_t
6890 ///     - Used for determining the total number of EUs available on device.
6891 typedef struct _ze_eu_count_ext_t
6892 {
6893     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6894     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6895                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6896     uint32_t numTotalEUs;                           ///< [out] Total number of EUs available
6898 } ze_eu_count_ext_t;
6900 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6901 #pragma endregion
6902 #endif
6903 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for PCI Properties
6904 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6905 #pragma region PCIProperties
6906 #endif
6907 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6909 /// @brief PCI Properties Extension Name
6910 #define ZE_PCI_PROPERTIES_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_pci_properties"
6913 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6914 /// @brief PCI Properties Extension Version(s)
6915 typedef enum _ze_pci_properties_ext_version_t
6916 {
6917     ZE_PCI_PROPERTIES_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< version 1.0
6918     ZE_PCI_PROPERTIES_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< latest known version
6921 } ze_pci_properties_ext_version_t;
6923 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6924 /// @brief Device PCI address
6925 ///
6926 /// @details
6927 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeDevicePciGetPropertiesExt as an
6928 ///       attribute of ::ze_pci_ext_properties_t.
6929 ///     - A PCI BDF address is the bus:device:function address of the device and
6930 ///       is useful for locating the device in the PCI switch fabric.
6931 typedef struct _ze_pci_address_ext_t
6932 {
6933     uint32_t domain;                                ///< [out] PCI domain number
6934     uint32_t bus;                                   ///< [out] PCI BDF bus number
6935     uint32_t device;                                ///< [out] PCI BDF device number
6936     uint32_t function;                              ///< [out] PCI BDF function number
6938 } ze_pci_address_ext_t;
6940 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6941 /// @brief Device PCI speed
6942 typedef struct _ze_pci_speed_ext_t
6943 {
6944     int32_t genVersion;                             ///< [out] The link generation. A value of -1 means that this property is
6945                                                     ///< unknown.
6946     int32_t width;                                  ///< [out] The number of lanes. A value of -1 means that this property is
6947                                                     ///< unknown.
6948     int64_t maxBandwidth;                           ///< [out] The theoretical maximum bandwidth in bytes/sec (sum of all
6949                                                     ///< lanes). A value of -1 means that this property is unknown.
6951 } ze_pci_speed_ext_t;
6953 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6954 /// @brief Static PCI properties
6955 typedef struct _ze_pci_ext_properties_t
6956 {
6957     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
6958     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
6959                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
6960     ze_pci_address_ext_t address;                   ///< [out] The BDF address
6961     ze_pci_speed_ext_t maxSpeed;                    ///< [out] Fastest port configuration supported by the device (sum of all
6962                                                     ///< lanes)
6964 } ze_pci_ext_properties_t;
6966 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6967 /// @brief Get PCI properties - address, max speed
6968 ///
6969 /// @details
6970 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
6971 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
6972 ///
6973 /// @remarks
6974 ///   _Analogues_
6975 ///     - None
6976 ///
6977 /// @returns
6978 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
6982 ///         + `nullptr == hDevice`
6984 ///         + `nullptr == pPciProperties`
6985 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
6986 zeDevicePciGetPropertiesExt(
6987     ze_device_handle_t hDevice,                     ///< [in] handle of the device object.
6988     ze_pci_ext_properties_t* pPciProperties         ///< [in,out] returns the PCI properties of the device.
6989     );
6991 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6992 #pragma endregion
6993 #endif
6994 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for sRGB
6995 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
6996 #pragma region SRGB
6997 #endif
6998 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6999 #ifndef ZE_SRGB_EXT_NAME
7000 /// @brief sRGB Extension Name
7001 #define ZE_SRGB_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_srgb"
7002 #endif // ZE_SRGB_EXT_NAME
7004 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7005 /// @brief sRGB Extension Version(s)
7006 typedef enum _ze_srgb_ext_version_t
7007 {
7008     ZE_SRGB_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
7009     ZE_SRGB_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
7010     ZE_SRGB_EXT_VERSION_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
7012 } ze_srgb_ext_version_t;
7014 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7015 /// @brief sRGB image descriptor
7016 ///
7017 /// @details
7018 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeImageCreate via the `pNext` member
7019 ///       of ::ze_image_desc_t
7020 ///     - Used for specifying that the image is in sRGB format.
7021 typedef struct _ze_srgb_ext_desc_t
7022 {
7023     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
7024     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
7025                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
7026     ze_bool_t sRGB;                                 ///< [in] Is sRGB.
7028 } ze_srgb_ext_desc_t;
7030 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7031 #pragma endregion
7032 #endif
7033 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for Image Copy To/From Memory
7034 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7035 #pragma region imageCopy
7036 #endif
7037 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7039 /// @brief Image Copy Extension Name
7040 #define ZE_IMAGE_COPY_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_image_copy"
7041 #endif // ZE_IMAGE_COPY_EXT_NAME
7043 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7044 /// @brief Image Copy Extension Version(s)
7045 typedef enum _ze_image_copy_ext_version_t
7046 {
7047     ZE_IMAGE_COPY_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< version 1.0
7048     ZE_IMAGE_COPY_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< latest known version
7049     ZE_IMAGE_COPY_EXT_VERSION_FORCE_UINT32 = 0x7fffffff
7051 } ze_image_copy_ext_version_t;
7053 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7054 /// @brief Copies from an image to device or shared memory.
7055 ///
7056 /// @details
7057 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by dstptr is
7058 ///       accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
7059 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by dstptr as
7060 ///       it is free to be modified by either the Host or device up until
7061 ///       execution.
7062 ///     - The application must ensure the image and events are accessible by the
7063 ///       device on which the command list was created.
7064 ///     - The application must ensure the image format descriptor for the source
7065 ///       image is a single-planar format.
7066 ///     - The application must ensure that the rowPitch is set to 0 if image is
7067 ///       a 1D image. Otherwise the rowPitch must be greater than or equal to
7068 ///       the element size in bytes × width.
7069 ///     - If rowPitch is set to 0, the appropriate row pitch is calculated based
7070 ///       on the size of each element in bytes multiplied by width
7071 ///     - The application must ensure that the slicePitch is set to 0 if image
7072 ///       is a 1D or 2D image. Otherwise this value must be greater than or
7073 ///       equal to rowPitch × height.
7074 ///     - If slicePitch is set to 0, the appropriate slice pitch is calculated
7075 ///       based on the rowPitch × height.
7076 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, image and events were
7077 ///       created, and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
7078 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
7079 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
7080 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
7081 ///
7082 /// @remarks
7083 ///   _Analogues_
7084 ///     - clEnqueueReadImage
7085 ///
7086 /// @returns
7087 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
7091 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
7092 ///         + `nullptr == hSrcImage`
7094 ///         + `nullptr == dstptr`
7097 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
7098 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
7099 zeCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemoryExt(
7100     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
7101     void* dstptr,                                   ///< [in] pointer to destination memory to copy to
7102     ze_image_handle_t hSrcImage,                    ///< [in] handle of source image to copy from
7103     const ze_image_region_t* pSrcRegion,            ///< [in][optional] source region descriptor
7104     uint32_t destRowPitch,                          ///< [in] size in bytes of the 1D slice of the 2D region of a 2D or 3D
7105                                                     ///< image or each image of a 1D or 2D image array being written
7106     uint32_t destSlicePitch,                        ///< [in] size in bytes of the 2D slice of the 3D region of a 3D image or
7107                                                     ///< each image of a 1D or 2D image array being written
7108     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
7109     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
7110                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
7111     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
7112                                                     ///< on before launching
7113     );
7115 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7116 /// @brief Copies to an image from device or shared memory.
7117 ///
7118 /// @details
7119 ///     - The application must ensure the memory pointed to by srcptr is
7120 ///       accessible by the device on which the command list was created.
7121 ///     - The implementation must not access the memory pointed to by srcptr as
7122 ///       it is free to be modified by either the Host or device up until
7123 ///       execution.
7124 ///     - The application must ensure the image and events are accessible by the
7125 ///       device on which the command list was created.
7126 ///     - The application must ensure the image format descriptor for the
7127 ///       destination image is a single-planar format.
7128 ///     - The application must ensure that the rowPitch is set to 0 if image is
7129 ///       a 1D image. Otherwise the rowPitch must be greater than or equal to
7130 ///       the element size in bytes × width.
7131 ///     - If rowPitch is set to 0, the appropriate row pitch is calculated based
7132 ///       on the size of each element in bytes multiplied by width
7133 ///     - The application must ensure that the slicePitch is set to 0 if image
7134 ///       is a 1D or 2D image. Otherwise this value must be greater than or
7135 ///       equal to rowPitch × height.
7136 ///     - If slicePitch is set to 0, the appropriate slice pitch is calculated
7137 ///       based on the rowPitch × height.
7138 ///     - The application must ensure the command list, image and events were
7139 ///       created, and the memory was allocated, on the same context.
7140 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
7141 ///       threads with the same command list handle.
7142 ///     - The implementation of this function should be lock-free.
7143 ///
7144 /// @remarks
7145 ///   _Analogues_
7146 ///     - clEnqueueWriteImage
7147 ///
7148 /// @returns
7149 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
7153 ///         + `nullptr == hCommandList`
7154 ///         + `nullptr == hDstImage`
7156 ///         + `nullptr == srcptr`
7159 ///         + `(nullptr == phWaitEvents) && (0 < numWaitEvents)`
7160 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
7161 zeCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemoryExt(
7162     ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList,          ///< [in] handle of command list
7163     ze_image_handle_t hDstImage,                    ///< [in] handle of destination image to copy to
7164     const void* srcptr,                             ///< [in] pointer to source memory to copy from
7165     const ze_image_region_t* pDstRegion,            ///< [in][optional] destination region descriptor
7166     uint32_t srcRowPitch,                           ///< [in] size in bytes of the 1D slice of the 2D region of a 2D or 3D
7167                                                     ///< image or each image of a 1D or 2D image array being read
7168     uint32_t srcSlicePitch,                         ///< [in] size in bytes of the 2D slice of the 3D region of a 3D image or
7169                                                     ///< each image of a 1D or 2D image array being read
7170     ze_event_handle_t hSignalEvent,                 ///< [in][optional] handle of the event to signal on completion
7171     uint32_t numWaitEvents,                         ///< [in][optional] number of events to wait on before launching; must be 0
7172                                                     ///< if `nullptr == phWaitEvents`
7173     ze_event_handle_t* phWaitEvents                 ///< [in][optional][range(0, numWaitEvents)] handle of the events to wait
7174                                                     ///< on before launching
7175     );
7177 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7178 #pragma endregion
7179 #endif
7180 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for Querying Image Allocation Properties.
7181 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7182 #pragma region imageQueryAllocProperties
7183 #endif
7184 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7186 /// @brief Image Query Allocation Properties Extension Name
7187 #define ZE_IMAGE_QUERY_ALLOC_PROPERTIES_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_image_query_alloc_properties"
7190 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7191 /// @brief Image Query Allocation Properties Extension Version(s)
7192 typedef enum _ze_image_query_alloc_properties_ext_version_t
7193 {
7194     ZE_IMAGE_QUERY_ALLOC_PROPERTIES_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
7195     ZE_IMAGE_QUERY_ALLOC_PROPERTIES_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
7198 } ze_image_query_alloc_properties_ext_version_t;
7200 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7201 /// @brief Image allocation properties queried using
7202 ///        ::zeImageGetAllocPropertiesExt
7203 typedef struct _ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t
7204 {
7205     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
7206     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
7207                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
7208     uint64_t id;                                    ///< [out] identifier for this allocation
7210 } ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t;
7212 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7213 /// @brief Retrieves attributes of an image allocation
7214 ///
7215 /// @details
7216 ///     - The application may call this function from simultaneous threads.
7217 ///
7218 /// @returns
7219 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
7223 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
7224 ///         + `nullptr == hImage`
7226 ///         + `nullptr == pImageAllocProperties`
7227 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
7228 zeImageGetAllocPropertiesExt(
7229     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
7230     ze_image_handle_t hImage,                       ///< [in] handle of image object to query
7231     ze_image_allocation_ext_properties_t* pImageAllocProperties ///< [in,out] query result for image allocation properties
7232     );
7234 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7235 #pragma endregion
7236 #endif
7237 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for Linkage Inspection
7238 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7239 #pragma region linkageInspection
7240 #endif
7241 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7243 /// @brief Linkage Inspection Extension Name
7244 #define ZE_LINKAGE_INSPECTION_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_linkage_inspection"
7247 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7248 /// @brief Linkage Inspection Extension Version(s)
7249 typedef enum _ze_linkage_inspection_ext_version_t
7250 {
7251     ZE_LINKAGE_INSPECTION_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< version 1.0
7252     ZE_LINKAGE_INSPECTION_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),///< latest known version
7255 } ze_linkage_inspection_ext_version_t;
7257 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7258 /// @brief Supported module linkage inspection flags
7259 typedef uint32_t ze_linkage_inspection_ext_flags_t;
7260 typedef enum _ze_linkage_inspection_ext_flag_t
7261 {
7262     ZE_LINKAGE_INSPECTION_EXT_FLAG_IMPORTS = ZE_BIT(0), ///< List all imports of modules
7263     ZE_LINKAGE_INSPECTION_EXT_FLAG_UNRESOLVABLE_IMPORTS = ZE_BIT(1),///< List all imports of modules that do not have a corresponding export
7264     ZE_LINKAGE_INSPECTION_EXT_FLAG_EXPORTS = ZE_BIT(2), ///< List all exports of modules
7267 } ze_linkage_inspection_ext_flag_t;
7269 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7270 /// @brief Module linkage inspection descriptor
7271 ///
7272 /// @details
7273 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeModuleInspectLinkageExt.
7274 typedef struct _ze_linkage_inspection_ext_desc_t
7275 {
7276     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
7277     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
7278                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
7279     ze_linkage_inspection_ext_flags_t flags;        ///< [in] flags specifying module linkage inspection.
7280                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a valid combination of ::ze_linkage_inspection_ext_flag_t.
7282 } ze_linkage_inspection_ext_desc_t;
7284 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7285 /// @brief List Imports & Exports
7286 ///
7287 /// @details
7288 ///     - List all the import & unresolveable import dependencies & exports of a
7289 ///       set of modules
7290 ///
7291 /// @remarks
7292 ///   _Analogues_
7293 ///     - None
7294 ///
7295 /// @returns
7296 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
7300 ///         + `nullptr == pInspectDesc`
7301 ///         + `nullptr == phModules`
7302 ///         + `nullptr == phLog`
7304 ///         + `0x7 < pInspectDesc->flags`
7305 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
7306 zeModuleInspectLinkageExt(
7307     ze_linkage_inspection_ext_desc_t* pInspectDesc, ///< [in] pointer to linkage inspection descriptor structure.
7308     uint32_t numModules,                            ///< [in] number of modules to be inspected pointed to by phModules.
7309     ze_module_handle_t* phModules,                  ///< [in][range(0, numModules)] pointer to an array of modules to be
7310                                                     ///< inspected for import dependencies.
7311     ze_module_build_log_handle_t* phLog             ///< [out] pointer to handle of linkage inspection log. Log object will
7312                                                     ///< contain separate lists of imports, un-resolvable imports, and exports.
7313     );
7315 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7316 #pragma endregion
7317 #endif
7318 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension for supporting memory compression hints.
7319 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7320 #pragma region memoryCompressionHints
7321 #endif
7322 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7324 /// @brief Memory Compression Hints Extension Name
7325 #define ZE_MEMORY_COMPRESSION_HINTS_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_memory_compression_hints"
7328 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7329 /// @brief Memory Compression Hints Extension Version(s)
7330 typedef enum _ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_version_t
7331 {
7332     ZE_MEMORY_COMPRESSION_HINTS_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
7333     ZE_MEMORY_COMPRESSION_HINTS_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
7336 } ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_version_t;
7338 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7339 /// @brief Supported memory compression hints flags
7340 typedef uint32_t ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_flags_t;
7341 typedef enum _ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_flag_t
7342 {
7343     ZE_MEMORY_COMPRESSION_HINTS_EXT_FLAG_COMPRESSED = ZE_BIT(0),///< Hint Driver implementation to make allocation compressible
7344     ZE_MEMORY_COMPRESSION_HINTS_EXT_FLAG_UNCOMPRESSED = ZE_BIT(1),  ///< Hint Driver implementation to make allocation not compressible
7347 } ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_flag_t;
7349 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7350 /// @brief Compression hints memory allocation descriptor
7351 ///
7352 /// @details
7353 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemAllocShared or
7354 ///       ::zeMemAllocDevice, via `pNext` member of
7355 ///       ::ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t.
7356 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeMemAllocHost, via `pNext` member
7357 ///       of ::ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t.
7358 ///     - This structure may be passed to ::zeImageCreate, via `pNext` member of
7359 ///       ::ze_image_desc_t.
7360 typedef struct _ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_desc_t
7361 {
7362     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
7363     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
7364                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
7365     ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_flags_t flags;  ///< [in] flags specifying if allocation should be compressible or not.
7366                                                     ///< Must be set to one of the ::ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_flag_t;
7368 } ze_memory_compression_hints_ext_desc_t;
7370 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7371 #pragma endregion
7372 #endif
7373 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero Extension APIs for Memory Free Policies
7374 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7375 #pragma region memoryFreePolicies
7376 #endif
7377 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7379 /// @brief Memory Free Policies Extension Name
7380 #define ZE_MEMORY_FREE_POLICIES_EXT_NAME  "ZE_extension_memory_free_policies"
7383 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7384 /// @brief Memory Free Policies Extension Version(s)
7385 typedef enum _ze_memory_free_policies_ext_version_t
7386 {
7387     ZE_MEMORY_FREE_POLICIES_EXT_VERSION_1_0 = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< version 1.0
7388     ZE_MEMORY_FREE_POLICIES_EXT_VERSION_CURRENT = ZE_MAKE_VERSION( 1, 0 ),  ///< latest known version
7391 } ze_memory_free_policies_ext_version_t;
7393 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7394 /// @brief Supported memory free policy capability flags
7395 typedef uint32_t ze_driver_memory_free_policy_ext_flags_t;
7396 typedef enum _ze_driver_memory_free_policy_ext_flag_t
7397 {
7398     ZE_DRIVER_MEMORY_FREE_POLICY_EXT_FLAG_BLOCKING_FREE = ZE_BIT(0),///< blocks until all commands using the memory are complete before freeing
7399     ZE_DRIVER_MEMORY_FREE_POLICY_EXT_FLAG_DEFER_FREE = ZE_BIT(1),   ///< schedules the memory to be freed but does not free immediately
7402 } ze_driver_memory_free_policy_ext_flag_t;
7404 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7405 /// @brief Driver memory free properties queried using ::zeDriverGetProperties
7406 ///
7407 /// @details
7408 ///     - All drivers must support an immediate free policy, which is the
7409 ///       default free policy.
7410 ///     - This structure may be returned from ::zeDriverGetProperties, via
7411 ///       `pNext` member of ::ze_driver_properties_t.
7412 typedef struct _ze_driver_memory_free_ext_properties_t
7413 {
7414     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
7415     void* pNext;                                    ///< [in,out][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
7416                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
7417     ze_driver_memory_free_policy_ext_flags_t freePolicies;  ///< [out] Supported memory free policies.
7418                                                     ///< must be 0 or a combination of ::ze_driver_memory_free_policy_ext_flag_t.
7420 } ze_driver_memory_free_ext_properties_t;
7422 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7423 /// @brief Memory free descriptor with free policy
7424 typedef struct _ze_memory_free_ext_desc_t
7425 {
7426     ze_structure_type_t stype;                      ///< [in] type of this structure
7427     const void* pNext;                              ///< [in][optional] must be null or a pointer to an extension-specific
7428                                                     ///< structure (i.e. contains sType and pNext).
7429     ze_driver_memory_free_policy_ext_flags_t freePolicy;///< [in] flags specifying the memory free policy.
7430                                                     ///< must be 0 (default) or a supported ::ze_driver_memory_free_policy_ext_flag_t;
7431                                                     ///< default behavior is to free immediately.
7433 } ze_memory_free_ext_desc_t;
7435 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7436 /// @brief Frees allocated host memory, device memory, or shared memory using the
7437 ///        specified free policy.
7438 ///
7439 /// @details
7440 ///     - The memory free policy is specified by the memory free descriptor.
7441 ///     - The application must **not** call this function from simultaneous
7442 ///       threads with the same pointer.
7443 ///     - The implementation of this function must be thread-safe.
7444 ///
7445 /// @returns
7446 ///     - ::ZE_RESULT_SUCCESS
7450 ///         + `nullptr == hContext`
7452 ///         + `nullptr == pMemFreeDesc`
7453 ///         + `nullptr == ptr`
7455 ///         + `0x3 < pMemFreeDesc->freePolicy`
7456 ZE_APIEXPORT ze_result_t ZE_APICALL
7457 zeMemFreeExt(
7458     ze_context_handle_t hContext,                   ///< [in] handle of the context object
7459     const ze_memory_free_ext_desc_t* pMemFreeDesc,  ///< [in] pointer to memory free descriptor
7460     void* ptr                                       ///< [in][release] pointer to memory to free
7461     );
7463 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7464 #pragma endregion
7465 #endif
7466 // Intel 'oneAPI' Level-Zero API Callbacks
7467 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
7468 #pragma region callbacks
7469 #endif
7470 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7471 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeInit
7472 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7473 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7474 typedef struct _ze_init_params_t
7475 {
7476     ze_init_flags_t* pflags;
7477 } ze_init_params_t;
7479 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7480 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeInit
7481 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7482 /// @param[in] result Return value
7483 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7484 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7485 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnInitCb_t)(
7486     ze_init_params_t* params,
7487     ze_result_t result,
7488     void* pTracerUserData,
7489     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7490     );
7492 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7493 /// @brief Table of Global callback functions pointers
7494 typedef struct _ze_global_callbacks_t
7495 {
7496     ze_pfnInitCb_t                                                  pfnInitCb;
7497 } ze_global_callbacks_t;
7499 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7500 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDriverGet
7501 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7502 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7503 typedef struct _ze_driver_get_params_t
7504 {
7505     uint32_t** ppCount;
7506     ze_driver_handle_t** pphDrivers;
7507 } ze_driver_get_params_t;
7509 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7510 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDriverGet
7511 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7512 /// @param[in] result Return value
7513 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7514 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7515 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDriverGetCb_t)(
7516     ze_driver_get_params_t* params,
7517     ze_result_t result,
7518     void* pTracerUserData,
7519     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7520     );
7522 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7523 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDriverGetApiVersion
7524 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7525 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7526 typedef struct _ze_driver_get_api_version_params_t
7527 {
7528     ze_driver_handle_t* phDriver;
7529     ze_api_version_t** pversion;
7530 } ze_driver_get_api_version_params_t;
7532 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7533 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDriverGetApiVersion
7534 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7535 /// @param[in] result Return value
7536 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7537 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7538 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDriverGetApiVersionCb_t)(
7539     ze_driver_get_api_version_params_t* params,
7540     ze_result_t result,
7541     void* pTracerUserData,
7542     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7543     );
7545 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7546 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDriverGetProperties
7547 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7548 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7549 typedef struct _ze_driver_get_properties_params_t
7550 {
7551     ze_driver_handle_t* phDriver;
7552     ze_driver_properties_t** ppDriverProperties;
7553 } ze_driver_get_properties_params_t;
7555 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7556 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDriverGetProperties
7557 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7558 /// @param[in] result Return value
7559 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7560 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7561 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDriverGetPropertiesCb_t)(
7562     ze_driver_get_properties_params_t* params,
7563     ze_result_t result,
7564     void* pTracerUserData,
7565     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7566     );
7568 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7569 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDriverGetIpcProperties
7570 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7571 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7572 typedef struct _ze_driver_get_ipc_properties_params_t
7573 {
7574     ze_driver_handle_t* phDriver;
7575     ze_driver_ipc_properties_t** ppIpcProperties;
7576 } ze_driver_get_ipc_properties_params_t;
7578 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7579 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDriverGetIpcProperties
7580 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7581 /// @param[in] result Return value
7582 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7583 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7584 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDriverGetIpcPropertiesCb_t)(
7585     ze_driver_get_ipc_properties_params_t* params,
7586     ze_result_t result,
7587     void* pTracerUserData,
7588     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7589     );
7591 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7592 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDriverGetExtensionProperties
7593 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7594 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7595 typedef struct _ze_driver_get_extension_properties_params_t
7596 {
7597     ze_driver_handle_t* phDriver;
7598     uint32_t** ppCount;
7599     ze_driver_extension_properties_t** ppExtensionProperties;
7600 } ze_driver_get_extension_properties_params_t;
7602 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7603 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDriverGetExtensionProperties
7604 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7605 /// @param[in] result Return value
7606 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7607 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7608 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDriverGetExtensionPropertiesCb_t)(
7609     ze_driver_get_extension_properties_params_t* params,
7610     ze_result_t result,
7611     void* pTracerUserData,
7612     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7613     );
7615 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7616 /// @brief Table of Driver callback functions pointers
7617 typedef struct _ze_driver_callbacks_t
7618 {
7619     ze_pfnDriverGetCb_t                                             pfnGetCb;
7620     ze_pfnDriverGetApiVersionCb_t                                   pfnGetApiVersionCb;
7621     ze_pfnDriverGetPropertiesCb_t                                   pfnGetPropertiesCb;
7622     ze_pfnDriverGetIpcPropertiesCb_t                                pfnGetIpcPropertiesCb;
7623     ze_pfnDriverGetExtensionPropertiesCb_t                          pfnGetExtensionPropertiesCb;
7624 } ze_driver_callbacks_t;
7626 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7627 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGet
7628 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7629 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7630 typedef struct _ze_device_get_params_t
7631 {
7632     ze_driver_handle_t* phDriver;
7633     uint32_t** ppCount;
7634     ze_device_handle_t** pphDevices;
7635 } ze_device_get_params_t;
7637 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7638 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGet
7639 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7640 /// @param[in] result Return value
7641 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7642 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7643 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetCb_t)(
7644     ze_device_get_params_t* params,
7645     ze_result_t result,
7646     void* pTracerUserData,
7647     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7648     );
7650 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7651 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetSubDevices
7652 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7653 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7654 typedef struct _ze_device_get_sub_devices_params_t
7655 {
7656     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7657     uint32_t** ppCount;
7658     ze_device_handle_t** pphSubdevices;
7659 } ze_device_get_sub_devices_params_t;
7661 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7662 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetSubDevices
7663 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7664 /// @param[in] result Return value
7665 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7666 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7667 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetSubDevicesCb_t)(
7668     ze_device_get_sub_devices_params_t* params,
7669     ze_result_t result,
7670     void* pTracerUserData,
7671     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7672     );
7674 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7675 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetProperties
7676 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7677 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7678 typedef struct _ze_device_get_properties_params_t
7679 {
7680     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7681     ze_device_properties_t** ppDeviceProperties;
7682 } ze_device_get_properties_params_t;
7684 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7685 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetProperties
7686 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7687 /// @param[in] result Return value
7688 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7689 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7690 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetPropertiesCb_t)(
7691     ze_device_get_properties_params_t* params,
7692     ze_result_t result,
7693     void* pTracerUserData,
7694     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7695     );
7697 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7698 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetComputeProperties
7699 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7700 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7701 typedef struct _ze_device_get_compute_properties_params_t
7702 {
7703     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7704     ze_device_compute_properties_t** ppComputeProperties;
7705 } ze_device_get_compute_properties_params_t;
7707 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7708 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetComputeProperties
7709 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7710 /// @param[in] result Return value
7711 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7712 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7713 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetComputePropertiesCb_t)(
7714     ze_device_get_compute_properties_params_t* params,
7715     ze_result_t result,
7716     void* pTracerUserData,
7717     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7718     );
7720 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7721 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetModuleProperties
7722 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7723 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7724 typedef struct _ze_device_get_module_properties_params_t
7725 {
7726     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7727     ze_device_module_properties_t** ppModuleProperties;
7728 } ze_device_get_module_properties_params_t;
7730 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7731 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetModuleProperties
7732 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7733 /// @param[in] result Return value
7734 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7735 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7736 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetModulePropertiesCb_t)(
7737     ze_device_get_module_properties_params_t* params,
7738     ze_result_t result,
7739     void* pTracerUserData,
7740     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7741     );
7743 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7744 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetCommandQueueGroupProperties
7745 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7746 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7747 typedef struct _ze_device_get_command_queue_group_properties_params_t
7748 {
7749     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7750     uint32_t** ppCount;
7751     ze_command_queue_group_properties_t** ppCommandQueueGroupProperties;
7752 } ze_device_get_command_queue_group_properties_params_t;
7754 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7755 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetCommandQueueGroupProperties
7756 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7757 /// @param[in] result Return value
7758 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7759 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7760 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetCommandQueueGroupPropertiesCb_t)(
7761     ze_device_get_command_queue_group_properties_params_t* params,
7762     ze_result_t result,
7763     void* pTracerUserData,
7764     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7765     );
7767 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7768 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetMemoryProperties
7769 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7770 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7771 typedef struct _ze_device_get_memory_properties_params_t
7772 {
7773     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7774     uint32_t** ppCount;
7775     ze_device_memory_properties_t** ppMemProperties;
7776 } ze_device_get_memory_properties_params_t;
7778 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7779 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetMemoryProperties
7780 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7781 /// @param[in] result Return value
7782 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7783 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7784 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetMemoryPropertiesCb_t)(
7785     ze_device_get_memory_properties_params_t* params,
7786     ze_result_t result,
7787     void* pTracerUserData,
7788     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7789     );
7791 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7792 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetMemoryAccessProperties
7793 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7794 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7795 typedef struct _ze_device_get_memory_access_properties_params_t
7796 {
7797     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7798     ze_device_memory_access_properties_t** ppMemAccessProperties;
7799 } ze_device_get_memory_access_properties_params_t;
7801 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7802 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetMemoryAccessProperties
7803 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7804 /// @param[in] result Return value
7805 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7806 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7807 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetMemoryAccessPropertiesCb_t)(
7808     ze_device_get_memory_access_properties_params_t* params,
7809     ze_result_t result,
7810     void* pTracerUserData,
7811     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7812     );
7814 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7815 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetCacheProperties
7816 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7817 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7818 typedef struct _ze_device_get_cache_properties_params_t
7819 {
7820     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7821     uint32_t** ppCount;
7822     ze_device_cache_properties_t** ppCacheProperties;
7823 } ze_device_get_cache_properties_params_t;
7825 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7826 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetCacheProperties
7827 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7828 /// @param[in] result Return value
7829 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7830 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7831 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetCachePropertiesCb_t)(
7832     ze_device_get_cache_properties_params_t* params,
7833     ze_result_t result,
7834     void* pTracerUserData,
7835     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7836     );
7838 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7839 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetImageProperties
7840 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7841 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7842 typedef struct _ze_device_get_image_properties_params_t
7843 {
7844     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7845     ze_device_image_properties_t** ppImageProperties;
7846 } ze_device_get_image_properties_params_t;
7848 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7849 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetImageProperties
7850 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7851 /// @param[in] result Return value
7852 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7853 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7854 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetImagePropertiesCb_t)(
7855     ze_device_get_image_properties_params_t* params,
7856     ze_result_t result,
7857     void* pTracerUserData,
7858     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7859     );
7861 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7862 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetExternalMemoryProperties
7863 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7864 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7865 typedef struct _ze_device_get_external_memory_properties_params_t
7866 {
7867     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7868     ze_device_external_memory_properties_t** ppExternalMemoryProperties;
7869 } ze_device_get_external_memory_properties_params_t;
7871 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7872 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetExternalMemoryProperties
7873 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7874 /// @param[in] result Return value
7875 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7876 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7877 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetExternalMemoryPropertiesCb_t)(
7878     ze_device_get_external_memory_properties_params_t* params,
7879     ze_result_t result,
7880     void* pTracerUserData,
7881     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7882     );
7884 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7885 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetP2PProperties
7886 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7887 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7888 typedef struct _ze_device_get_p2_p_properties_params_t
7889 {
7890     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7891     ze_device_handle_t* phPeerDevice;
7892     ze_device_p2p_properties_t** ppP2PProperties;
7893 } ze_device_get_p2_p_properties_params_t;
7895 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7896 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetP2PProperties
7897 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7898 /// @param[in] result Return value
7899 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7900 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7901 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetP2PPropertiesCb_t)(
7902     ze_device_get_p2_p_properties_params_t* params,
7903     ze_result_t result,
7904     void* pTracerUserData,
7905     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7906     );
7908 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7909 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceCanAccessPeer
7910 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7911 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7912 typedef struct _ze_device_can_access_peer_params_t
7913 {
7914     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7915     ze_device_handle_t* phPeerDevice;
7916     ze_bool_t** pvalue;
7917 } ze_device_can_access_peer_params_t;
7919 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7920 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceCanAccessPeer
7921 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7922 /// @param[in] result Return value
7923 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7924 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7925 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceCanAccessPeerCb_t)(
7926     ze_device_can_access_peer_params_t* params,
7927     ze_result_t result,
7928     void* pTracerUserData,
7929     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7930     );
7932 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7933 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeDeviceGetStatus
7934 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7935 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7936 typedef struct _ze_device_get_status_params_t
7937 {
7938     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
7939 } ze_device_get_status_params_t;
7941 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7942 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeDeviceGetStatus
7943 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7944 /// @param[in] result Return value
7945 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7946 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7947 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnDeviceGetStatusCb_t)(
7948     ze_device_get_status_params_t* params,
7949     ze_result_t result,
7950     void* pTracerUserData,
7951     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7952     );
7954 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7955 /// @brief Table of Device callback functions pointers
7956 typedef struct _ze_device_callbacks_t
7957 {
7958     ze_pfnDeviceGetCb_t                                             pfnGetCb;
7959     ze_pfnDeviceGetSubDevicesCb_t                                   pfnGetSubDevicesCb;
7960     ze_pfnDeviceGetPropertiesCb_t                                   pfnGetPropertiesCb;
7961     ze_pfnDeviceGetComputePropertiesCb_t                            pfnGetComputePropertiesCb;
7962     ze_pfnDeviceGetModulePropertiesCb_t                             pfnGetModulePropertiesCb;
7963     ze_pfnDeviceGetCommandQueueGroupPropertiesCb_t                  pfnGetCommandQueueGroupPropertiesCb;
7964     ze_pfnDeviceGetMemoryPropertiesCb_t                             pfnGetMemoryPropertiesCb;
7965     ze_pfnDeviceGetMemoryAccessPropertiesCb_t                       pfnGetMemoryAccessPropertiesCb;
7966     ze_pfnDeviceGetCachePropertiesCb_t                              pfnGetCachePropertiesCb;
7967     ze_pfnDeviceGetImagePropertiesCb_t                              pfnGetImagePropertiesCb;
7968     ze_pfnDeviceGetExternalMemoryPropertiesCb_t                     pfnGetExternalMemoryPropertiesCb;
7969     ze_pfnDeviceGetP2PPropertiesCb_t                                pfnGetP2PPropertiesCb;
7970     ze_pfnDeviceCanAccessPeerCb_t                                   pfnCanAccessPeerCb;
7971     ze_pfnDeviceGetStatusCb_t                                       pfnGetStatusCb;
7972 } ze_device_callbacks_t;
7974 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7975 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextCreate
7976 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
7977 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
7978 typedef struct _ze_context_create_params_t
7979 {
7980     ze_driver_handle_t* phDriver;
7981     const ze_context_desc_t** pdesc;
7982     ze_context_handle_t** pphContext;
7983 } ze_context_create_params_t;
7985 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7986 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextCreate
7987 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
7988 /// @param[in] result Return value
7989 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
7990 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
7991 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextCreateCb_t)(
7992     ze_context_create_params_t* params,
7993     ze_result_t result,
7994     void* pTracerUserData,
7995     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
7996     );
7998 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7999 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextDestroy
8000 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8001 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8002 typedef struct _ze_context_destroy_params_t
8003 {
8004     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8005 } ze_context_destroy_params_t;
8007 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8008 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextDestroy
8009 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8010 /// @param[in] result Return value
8011 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8012 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8013 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextDestroyCb_t)(
8014     ze_context_destroy_params_t* params,
8015     ze_result_t result,
8016     void* pTracerUserData,
8017     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8018     );
8020 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8021 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextGetStatus
8022 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8023 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8024 typedef struct _ze_context_get_status_params_t
8025 {
8026     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8027 } ze_context_get_status_params_t;
8029 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8030 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextGetStatus
8031 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8032 /// @param[in] result Return value
8033 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8034 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8035 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextGetStatusCb_t)(
8036     ze_context_get_status_params_t* params,
8037     ze_result_t result,
8038     void* pTracerUserData,
8039     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8040     );
8042 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8043 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextSystemBarrier
8044 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8045 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8046 typedef struct _ze_context_system_barrier_params_t
8047 {
8048     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8049     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8050 } ze_context_system_barrier_params_t;
8052 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8053 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextSystemBarrier
8054 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8055 /// @param[in] result Return value
8056 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8057 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8058 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextSystemBarrierCb_t)(
8059     ze_context_system_barrier_params_t* params,
8060     ze_result_t result,
8061     void* pTracerUserData,
8062     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8063     );
8065 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8066 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextMakeMemoryResident
8067 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8068 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8069 typedef struct _ze_context_make_memory_resident_params_t
8070 {
8071     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8072     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8073     void** pptr;
8074     size_t* psize;
8075 } ze_context_make_memory_resident_params_t;
8077 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8078 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextMakeMemoryResident
8079 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8080 /// @param[in] result Return value
8081 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8082 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8083 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextMakeMemoryResidentCb_t)(
8084     ze_context_make_memory_resident_params_t* params,
8085     ze_result_t result,
8086     void* pTracerUserData,
8087     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8088     );
8090 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8091 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextEvictMemory
8092 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8093 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8094 typedef struct _ze_context_evict_memory_params_t
8095 {
8096     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8097     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8098     void** pptr;
8099     size_t* psize;
8100 } ze_context_evict_memory_params_t;
8102 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8103 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextEvictMemory
8104 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8105 /// @param[in] result Return value
8106 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8107 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8108 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextEvictMemoryCb_t)(
8109     ze_context_evict_memory_params_t* params,
8110     ze_result_t result,
8111     void* pTracerUserData,
8112     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8113     );
8115 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8116 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextMakeImageResident
8117 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8118 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8119 typedef struct _ze_context_make_image_resident_params_t
8120 {
8121     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8122     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8123     ze_image_handle_t* phImage;
8124 } ze_context_make_image_resident_params_t;
8126 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8127 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextMakeImageResident
8128 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8129 /// @param[in] result Return value
8130 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8131 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8132 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextMakeImageResidentCb_t)(
8133     ze_context_make_image_resident_params_t* params,
8134     ze_result_t result,
8135     void* pTracerUserData,
8136     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8137     );
8139 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8140 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeContextEvictImage
8141 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8142 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8143 typedef struct _ze_context_evict_image_params_t
8144 {
8145     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8146     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8147     ze_image_handle_t* phImage;
8148 } ze_context_evict_image_params_t;
8150 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8151 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeContextEvictImage
8152 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8153 /// @param[in] result Return value
8154 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8155 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8156 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnContextEvictImageCb_t)(
8157     ze_context_evict_image_params_t* params,
8158     ze_result_t result,
8159     void* pTracerUserData,
8160     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8161     );
8163 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8164 /// @brief Table of Context callback functions pointers
8165 typedef struct _ze_context_callbacks_t
8166 {
8167     ze_pfnContextCreateCb_t                                         pfnCreateCb;
8168     ze_pfnContextDestroyCb_t                                        pfnDestroyCb;
8169     ze_pfnContextGetStatusCb_t                                      pfnGetStatusCb;
8170     ze_pfnContextSystemBarrierCb_t                                  pfnSystemBarrierCb;
8171     ze_pfnContextMakeMemoryResidentCb_t                             pfnMakeMemoryResidentCb;
8172     ze_pfnContextEvictMemoryCb_t                                    pfnEvictMemoryCb;
8173     ze_pfnContextMakeImageResidentCb_t                              pfnMakeImageResidentCb;
8174     ze_pfnContextEvictImageCb_t                                     pfnEvictImageCb;
8175 } ze_context_callbacks_t;
8177 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8178 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandQueueCreate
8179 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8180 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8181 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_create_params_t
8182 {
8183     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8184     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8185     const ze_command_queue_desc_t** pdesc;
8186     ze_command_queue_handle_t** pphCommandQueue;
8187 } ze_command_queue_create_params_t;
8189 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8190 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandQueueCreate
8191 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8192 /// @param[in] result Return value
8193 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8194 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8195 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandQueueCreateCb_t)(
8196     ze_command_queue_create_params_t* params,
8197     ze_result_t result,
8198     void* pTracerUserData,
8199     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8200     );
8202 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8203 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandQueueDestroy
8204 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8205 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8206 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_destroy_params_t
8207 {
8208     ze_command_queue_handle_t* phCommandQueue;
8209 } ze_command_queue_destroy_params_t;
8211 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8212 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandQueueDestroy
8213 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8214 /// @param[in] result Return value
8215 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8216 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8217 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandQueueDestroyCb_t)(
8218     ze_command_queue_destroy_params_t* params,
8219     ze_result_t result,
8220     void* pTracerUserData,
8221     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8222     );
8224 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8225 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandQueueExecuteCommandLists
8226 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8227 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8228 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_execute_command_lists_params_t
8229 {
8230     ze_command_queue_handle_t* phCommandQueue;
8231     uint32_t* pnumCommandLists;
8232     ze_command_list_handle_t** pphCommandLists;
8233     ze_fence_handle_t* phFence;
8234 } ze_command_queue_execute_command_lists_params_t;
8236 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8237 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandQueueExecuteCommandLists
8238 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8239 /// @param[in] result Return value
8240 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8241 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8242 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandQueueExecuteCommandListsCb_t)(
8243     ze_command_queue_execute_command_lists_params_t* params,
8244     ze_result_t result,
8245     void* pTracerUserData,
8246     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8247     );
8249 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8250 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandQueueSynchronize
8251 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8252 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8253 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_synchronize_params_t
8254 {
8255     ze_command_queue_handle_t* phCommandQueue;
8256     uint64_t* ptimeout;
8257 } ze_command_queue_synchronize_params_t;
8259 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8260 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandQueueSynchronize
8261 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8262 /// @param[in] result Return value
8263 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8264 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8265 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandQueueSynchronizeCb_t)(
8266     ze_command_queue_synchronize_params_t* params,
8267     ze_result_t result,
8268     void* pTracerUserData,
8269     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8270     );
8272 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8273 /// @brief Table of CommandQueue callback functions pointers
8274 typedef struct _ze_command_queue_callbacks_t
8275 {
8276     ze_pfnCommandQueueCreateCb_t                                    pfnCreateCb;
8277     ze_pfnCommandQueueDestroyCb_t                                   pfnDestroyCb;
8278     ze_pfnCommandQueueExecuteCommandListsCb_t                       pfnExecuteCommandListsCb;
8279     ze_pfnCommandQueueSynchronizeCb_t                               pfnSynchronizeCb;
8280 } ze_command_queue_callbacks_t;
8282 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8283 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListCreate
8284 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8285 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8286 typedef struct _ze_command_list_create_params_t
8287 {
8288     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8289     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8290     const ze_command_list_desc_t** pdesc;
8291     ze_command_list_handle_t** pphCommandList;
8292 } ze_command_list_create_params_t;
8294 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8295 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListCreate
8296 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8297 /// @param[in] result Return value
8298 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8299 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8300 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListCreateCb_t)(
8301     ze_command_list_create_params_t* params,
8302     ze_result_t result,
8303     void* pTracerUserData,
8304     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8305     );
8307 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8308 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListCreateImmediate
8309 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8310 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8311 typedef struct _ze_command_list_create_immediate_params_t
8312 {
8313     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
8314     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8315     const ze_command_queue_desc_t** paltdesc;
8316     ze_command_list_handle_t** pphCommandList;
8317 } ze_command_list_create_immediate_params_t;
8319 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8320 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListCreateImmediate
8321 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8322 /// @param[in] result Return value
8323 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8324 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8325 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListCreateImmediateCb_t)(
8326     ze_command_list_create_immediate_params_t* params,
8327     ze_result_t result,
8328     void* pTracerUserData,
8329     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8330     );
8332 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8333 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListDestroy
8334 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8335 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8336 typedef struct _ze_command_list_destroy_params_t
8337 {
8338     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8339 } ze_command_list_destroy_params_t;
8341 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8342 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListDestroy
8343 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8344 /// @param[in] result Return value
8345 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8346 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8347 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListDestroyCb_t)(
8348     ze_command_list_destroy_params_t* params,
8349     ze_result_t result,
8350     void* pTracerUserData,
8351     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8352     );
8354 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8355 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListClose
8356 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8357 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8358 typedef struct _ze_command_list_close_params_t
8359 {
8360     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8361 } ze_command_list_close_params_t;
8363 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8364 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListClose
8365 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8366 /// @param[in] result Return value
8367 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8368 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8369 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListCloseCb_t)(
8370     ze_command_list_close_params_t* params,
8371     ze_result_t result,
8372     void* pTracerUserData,
8373     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8374     );
8376 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8377 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListReset
8378 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8379 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8380 typedef struct _ze_command_list_reset_params_t
8381 {
8382     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8383 } ze_command_list_reset_params_t;
8385 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8386 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListReset
8387 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8388 /// @param[in] result Return value
8389 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8390 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8391 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListResetCb_t)(
8392     ze_command_list_reset_params_t* params,
8393     ze_result_t result,
8394     void* pTracerUserData,
8395     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8396     );
8398 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8399 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendWriteGlobalTimestamp
8400 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8401 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8402 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_write_global_timestamp_params_t
8403 {
8404     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8405     uint64_t** pdstptr;
8406     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8407     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8408     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8409 } ze_command_list_append_write_global_timestamp_params_t;
8411 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8412 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendWriteGlobalTimestamp
8413 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8414 /// @param[in] result Return value
8415 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8416 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8417 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendWriteGlobalTimestampCb_t)(
8418     ze_command_list_append_write_global_timestamp_params_t* params,
8419     ze_result_t result,
8420     void* pTracerUserData,
8421     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8422     );
8424 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8425 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendBarrier
8426 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8427 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8428 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_barrier_params_t
8429 {
8430     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8431     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8432     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8433     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8434 } ze_command_list_append_barrier_params_t;
8436 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8437 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendBarrier
8438 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8439 /// @param[in] result Return value
8440 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8441 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8442 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendBarrierCb_t)(
8443     ze_command_list_append_barrier_params_t* params,
8444     ze_result_t result,
8445     void* pTracerUserData,
8446     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8447     );
8449 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8450 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendMemoryRangesBarrier
8451 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8452 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8453 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_memory_ranges_barrier_params_t
8454 {
8455     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8456     uint32_t* pnumRanges;
8457     const size_t** ppRangeSizes;
8458     const void*** ppRanges;
8459     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8460     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8461     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8462 } ze_command_list_append_memory_ranges_barrier_params_t;
8464 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8465 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendMemoryRangesBarrier
8466 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8467 /// @param[in] result Return value
8468 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8469 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8470 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryRangesBarrierCb_t)(
8471     ze_command_list_append_memory_ranges_barrier_params_t* params,
8472     ze_result_t result,
8473     void* pTracerUserData,
8474     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8475     );
8477 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8478 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopy
8479 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8480 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8481 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_params_t
8482 {
8483     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8484     void** pdstptr;
8485     const void** psrcptr;
8486     size_t* psize;
8487     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8488     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8489     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8490 } ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_params_t;
8492 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8493 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopy
8494 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8495 /// @param[in] result Return value
8496 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8497 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8498 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryCopyCb_t)(
8499     ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_params_t* params,
8500     ze_result_t result,
8501     void* pTracerUserData,
8502     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8503     );
8505 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8506 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendMemoryFill
8507 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8508 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8509 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_memory_fill_params_t
8510 {
8511     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8512     void** pptr;
8513     const void** ppattern;
8514     size_t* ppattern_size;
8515     size_t* psize;
8516     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8517     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8518     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8519 } ze_command_list_append_memory_fill_params_t;
8521 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8522 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendMemoryFill
8523 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8524 /// @param[in] result Return value
8525 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8526 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8527 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryFillCb_t)(
8528     ze_command_list_append_memory_fill_params_t* params,
8529     ze_result_t result,
8530     void* pTracerUserData,
8531     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8532     );
8534 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8535 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopyRegion
8536 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8537 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8538 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_region_params_t
8539 {
8540     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8541     void** pdstptr;
8542     const ze_copy_region_t** pdstRegion;
8543     uint32_t* pdstPitch;
8544     uint32_t* pdstSlicePitch;
8545     const void** psrcptr;
8546     const ze_copy_region_t** psrcRegion;
8547     uint32_t* psrcPitch;
8548     uint32_t* psrcSlicePitch;
8549     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8550     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8551     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8552 } ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_region_params_t;
8554 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8555 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopyRegion
8556 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8557 /// @param[in] result Return value
8558 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8559 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8560 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryCopyRegionCb_t)(
8561     ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_region_params_t* params,
8562     ze_result_t result,
8563     void* pTracerUserData,
8564     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8565     );
8567 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8568 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopyFromContext
8569 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8570 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8571 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_from_context_params_t
8572 {
8573     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8574     void** pdstptr;
8575     ze_context_handle_t* phContextSrc;
8576     const void** psrcptr;
8577     size_t* psize;
8578     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8579     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8580     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8581 } ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_from_context_params_t;
8583 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8584 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendMemoryCopyFromContext
8585 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8586 /// @param[in] result Return value
8587 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8588 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8589 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryCopyFromContextCb_t)(
8590     ze_command_list_append_memory_copy_from_context_params_t* params,
8591     ze_result_t result,
8592     void* pTracerUserData,
8593     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8594     );
8596 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8597 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendImageCopy
8598 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8599 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8600 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_image_copy_params_t
8601 {
8602     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8603     ze_image_handle_t* phDstImage;
8604     ze_image_handle_t* phSrcImage;
8605     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8606     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8607     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8608 } ze_command_list_append_image_copy_params_t;
8610 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8611 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendImageCopy
8612 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8613 /// @param[in] result Return value
8614 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8615 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8616 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyCb_t)(
8617     ze_command_list_append_image_copy_params_t* params,
8618     ze_result_t result,
8619     void* pTracerUserData,
8620     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8621     );
8623 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8624 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendImageCopyRegion
8625 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8626 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8627 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_image_copy_region_params_t
8628 {
8629     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8630     ze_image_handle_t* phDstImage;
8631     ze_image_handle_t* phSrcImage;
8632     const ze_image_region_t** ppDstRegion;
8633     const ze_image_region_t** ppSrcRegion;
8634     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8635     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8636     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8637 } ze_command_list_append_image_copy_region_params_t;
8639 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8640 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendImageCopyRegion
8641 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8642 /// @param[in] result Return value
8643 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8644 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8645 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyRegionCb_t)(
8646     ze_command_list_append_image_copy_region_params_t* params,
8647     ze_result_t result,
8648     void* pTracerUserData,
8649     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8650     );
8652 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8653 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemory
8654 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8655 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8656 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_image_copy_to_memory_params_t
8657 {
8658     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8659     void** pdstptr;
8660     ze_image_handle_t* phSrcImage;
8661     const ze_image_region_t** ppSrcRegion;
8662     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8663     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8664     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8665 } ze_command_list_append_image_copy_to_memory_params_t;
8667 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8668 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemory
8669 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8670 /// @param[in] result Return value
8671 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8672 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8673 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemoryCb_t)(
8674     ze_command_list_append_image_copy_to_memory_params_t* params,
8675     ze_result_t result,
8676     void* pTracerUserData,
8677     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8678     );
8680 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8681 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemory
8682 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8683 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8684 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_image_copy_from_memory_params_t
8685 {
8686     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8687     ze_image_handle_t* phDstImage;
8688     const void** psrcptr;
8689     const ze_image_region_t** ppDstRegion;
8690     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8691     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8692     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8693 } ze_command_list_append_image_copy_from_memory_params_t;
8695 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8696 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemory
8697 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8698 /// @param[in] result Return value
8699 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8700 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8701 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemoryCb_t)(
8702     ze_command_list_append_image_copy_from_memory_params_t* params,
8703     ze_result_t result,
8704     void* pTracerUserData,
8705     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8706     );
8708 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8709 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendMemoryPrefetch
8710 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8711 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8712 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_memory_prefetch_params_t
8713 {
8714     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8715     const void** pptr;
8716     size_t* psize;
8717 } ze_command_list_append_memory_prefetch_params_t;
8719 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8720 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendMemoryPrefetch
8721 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8722 /// @param[in] result Return value
8723 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8724 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8725 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryPrefetchCb_t)(
8726     ze_command_list_append_memory_prefetch_params_t* params,
8727     ze_result_t result,
8728     void* pTracerUserData,
8729     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8730     );
8732 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8733 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendMemAdvise
8734 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8735 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8736 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_mem_advise_params_t
8737 {
8738     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8739     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
8740     const void** pptr;
8741     size_t* psize;
8742     ze_memory_advice_t* padvice;
8743 } ze_command_list_append_mem_advise_params_t;
8745 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8746 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendMemAdvise
8747 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8748 /// @param[in] result Return value
8749 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8750 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8751 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemAdviseCb_t)(
8752     ze_command_list_append_mem_advise_params_t* params,
8753     ze_result_t result,
8754     void* pTracerUserData,
8755     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8756     );
8758 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8759 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendSignalEvent
8760 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8761 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8762 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_signal_event_params_t
8763 {
8764     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8765     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
8766 } ze_command_list_append_signal_event_params_t;
8768 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8769 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendSignalEvent
8770 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8771 /// @param[in] result Return value
8772 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8773 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8774 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendSignalEventCb_t)(
8775     ze_command_list_append_signal_event_params_t* params,
8776     ze_result_t result,
8777     void* pTracerUserData,
8778     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8779     );
8781 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8782 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendWaitOnEvents
8783 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8784 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8785 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_wait_on_events_params_t
8786 {
8787     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8788     uint32_t* pnumEvents;
8789     ze_event_handle_t** pphEvents;
8790 } ze_command_list_append_wait_on_events_params_t;
8792 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8793 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendWaitOnEvents
8794 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8795 /// @param[in] result Return value
8796 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8797 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8798 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendWaitOnEventsCb_t)(
8799     ze_command_list_append_wait_on_events_params_t* params,
8800     ze_result_t result,
8801     void* pTracerUserData,
8802     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8803     );
8805 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8806 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendEventReset
8807 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8808 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8809 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_event_reset_params_t
8810 {
8811     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8812     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
8813 } ze_command_list_append_event_reset_params_t;
8815 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8816 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendEventReset
8817 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8818 /// @param[in] result Return value
8819 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8820 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8821 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendEventResetCb_t)(
8822     ze_command_list_append_event_reset_params_t* params,
8823     ze_result_t result,
8824     void* pTracerUserData,
8825     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8826     );
8828 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8829 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendQueryKernelTimestamps
8830 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8831 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8832 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_query_kernel_timestamps_params_t
8833 {
8834     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8835     uint32_t* pnumEvents;
8836     ze_event_handle_t** pphEvents;
8837     void** pdstptr;
8838     const size_t** ppOffsets;
8839     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8840     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8841     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8842 } ze_command_list_append_query_kernel_timestamps_params_t;
8844 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8845 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendQueryKernelTimestamps
8846 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8847 /// @param[in] result Return value
8848 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8849 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8850 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendQueryKernelTimestampsCb_t)(
8851     ze_command_list_append_query_kernel_timestamps_params_t* params,
8852     ze_result_t result,
8853     void* pTracerUserData,
8854     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8855     );
8857 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8858 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernel
8859 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8860 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8861 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_launch_kernel_params_t
8862 {
8863     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8864     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
8865     const ze_group_count_t** ppLaunchFuncArgs;
8866     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8867     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8868     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8869 } ze_command_list_append_launch_kernel_params_t;
8871 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8872 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernel
8873 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8874 /// @param[in] result Return value
8875 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8876 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8877 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchKernelCb_t)(
8878     ze_command_list_append_launch_kernel_params_t* params,
8879     ze_result_t result,
8880     void* pTracerUserData,
8881     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8882     );
8884 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8885 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendLaunchCooperativeKernel
8886 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8887 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8888 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_launch_cooperative_kernel_params_t
8889 {
8890     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8891     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
8892     const ze_group_count_t** ppLaunchFuncArgs;
8893     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8894     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8895     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8896 } ze_command_list_append_launch_cooperative_kernel_params_t;
8898 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8899 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendLaunchCooperativeKernel
8900 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8901 /// @param[in] result Return value
8902 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8903 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8904 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchCooperativeKernelCb_t)(
8905     ze_command_list_append_launch_cooperative_kernel_params_t* params,
8906     ze_result_t result,
8907     void* pTracerUserData,
8908     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8909     );
8911 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8912 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernelIndirect
8913 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8914 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8915 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_launch_kernel_indirect_params_t
8916 {
8917     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8918     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
8919     const ze_group_count_t** ppLaunchArgumentsBuffer;
8920     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8921     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8922     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8923 } ze_command_list_append_launch_kernel_indirect_params_t;
8925 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8926 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendLaunchKernelIndirect
8927 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8928 /// @param[in] result Return value
8929 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8930 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8931 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchKernelIndirectCb_t)(
8932     ze_command_list_append_launch_kernel_indirect_params_t* params,
8933     ze_result_t result,
8934     void* pTracerUserData,
8935     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8936     );
8938 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8939 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeCommandListAppendLaunchMultipleKernelsIndirect
8940 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
8941 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
8942 typedef struct _ze_command_list_append_launch_multiple_kernels_indirect_params_t
8943 {
8944     ze_command_list_handle_t* phCommandList;
8945     uint32_t* pnumKernels;
8946     ze_kernel_handle_t** pphKernels;
8947     const uint32_t** ppCountBuffer;
8948     const ze_group_count_t** ppLaunchArgumentsBuffer;
8949     ze_event_handle_t* phSignalEvent;
8950     uint32_t* pnumWaitEvents;
8951     ze_event_handle_t** pphWaitEvents;
8952 } ze_command_list_append_launch_multiple_kernels_indirect_params_t;
8954 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8955 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeCommandListAppendLaunchMultipleKernelsIndirect
8956 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
8957 /// @param[in] result Return value
8958 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
8959 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
8960 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchMultipleKernelsIndirectCb_t)(
8961     ze_command_list_append_launch_multiple_kernels_indirect_params_t* params,
8962     ze_result_t result,
8963     void* pTracerUserData,
8964     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
8965     );
8967 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8968 /// @brief Table of CommandList callback functions pointers
8969 typedef struct _ze_command_list_callbacks_t
8970 {
8971     ze_pfnCommandListCreateCb_t                                     pfnCreateCb;
8972     ze_pfnCommandListCreateImmediateCb_t                            pfnCreateImmediateCb;
8973     ze_pfnCommandListDestroyCb_t                                    pfnDestroyCb;
8974     ze_pfnCommandListCloseCb_t                                      pfnCloseCb;
8975     ze_pfnCommandListResetCb_t                                      pfnResetCb;
8976     ze_pfnCommandListAppendWriteGlobalTimestampCb_t                 pfnAppendWriteGlobalTimestampCb;
8977     ze_pfnCommandListAppendBarrierCb_t                              pfnAppendBarrierCb;
8978     ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryRangesBarrierCb_t                  pfnAppendMemoryRangesBarrierCb;
8979     ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryCopyCb_t                           pfnAppendMemoryCopyCb;
8980     ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryFillCb_t                           pfnAppendMemoryFillCb;
8981     ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryCopyRegionCb_t                     pfnAppendMemoryCopyRegionCb;
8982     ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryCopyFromContextCb_t                pfnAppendMemoryCopyFromContextCb;
8983     ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyCb_t                            pfnAppendImageCopyCb;
8984     ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyRegionCb_t                      pfnAppendImageCopyRegionCb;
8985     ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemoryCb_t                    pfnAppendImageCopyToMemoryCb;
8986     ze_pfnCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemoryCb_t                  pfnAppendImageCopyFromMemoryCb;
8987     ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemoryPrefetchCb_t                       pfnAppendMemoryPrefetchCb;
8988     ze_pfnCommandListAppendMemAdviseCb_t                            pfnAppendMemAdviseCb;
8989     ze_pfnCommandListAppendSignalEventCb_t                          pfnAppendSignalEventCb;
8990     ze_pfnCommandListAppendWaitOnEventsCb_t                         pfnAppendWaitOnEventsCb;
8991     ze_pfnCommandListAppendEventResetCb_t                           pfnAppendEventResetCb;
8992     ze_pfnCommandListAppendQueryKernelTimestampsCb_t                pfnAppendQueryKernelTimestampsCb;
8993     ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchKernelCb_t                         pfnAppendLaunchKernelCb;
8994     ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchCooperativeKernelCb_t              pfnAppendLaunchCooperativeKernelCb;
8995     ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchKernelIndirectCb_t                 pfnAppendLaunchKernelIndirectCb;
8996     ze_pfnCommandListAppendLaunchMultipleKernelsIndirectCb_t        pfnAppendLaunchMultipleKernelsIndirectCb;
8997 } ze_command_list_callbacks_t;
8999 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9000 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeImageGetProperties
9001 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9002 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9003 typedef struct _ze_image_get_properties_params_t
9004 {
9005     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
9006     const ze_image_desc_t** pdesc;
9007     ze_image_properties_t** ppImageProperties;
9008 } ze_image_get_properties_params_t;
9010 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9011 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeImageGetProperties
9012 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9013 /// @param[in] result Return value
9014 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9015 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9016 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnImageGetPropertiesCb_t)(
9017     ze_image_get_properties_params_t* params,
9018     ze_result_t result,
9019     void* pTracerUserData,
9020     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9021     );
9023 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9024 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeImageCreate
9025 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9026 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9027 typedef struct _ze_image_create_params_t
9028 {
9029     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
9030     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
9031     const ze_image_desc_t** pdesc;
9032     ze_image_handle_t** pphImage;
9033 } ze_image_create_params_t;
9035 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9036 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeImageCreate
9037 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9038 /// @param[in] result Return value
9039 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9040 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9041 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnImageCreateCb_t)(
9042     ze_image_create_params_t* params,
9043     ze_result_t result,
9044     void* pTracerUserData,
9045     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9046     );
9048 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9049 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeImageDestroy
9050 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9051 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9052 typedef struct _ze_image_destroy_params_t
9053 {
9054     ze_image_handle_t* phImage;
9055 } ze_image_destroy_params_t;
9057 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9058 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeImageDestroy
9059 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9060 /// @param[in] result Return value
9061 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9062 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9063 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnImageDestroyCb_t)(
9064     ze_image_destroy_params_t* params,
9065     ze_result_t result,
9066     void* pTracerUserData,
9067     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9068     );
9070 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9071 /// @brief Table of Image callback functions pointers
9072 typedef struct _ze_image_callbacks_t
9073 {
9074     ze_pfnImageGetPropertiesCb_t                                    pfnGetPropertiesCb;
9075     ze_pfnImageCreateCb_t                                           pfnCreateCb;
9076     ze_pfnImageDestroyCb_t                                          pfnDestroyCb;
9077 } ze_image_callbacks_t;
9079 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9080 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeFenceCreate
9081 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9082 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9083 typedef struct _ze_fence_create_params_t
9084 {
9085     ze_command_queue_handle_t* phCommandQueue;
9086     const ze_fence_desc_t** pdesc;
9087     ze_fence_handle_t** pphFence;
9088 } ze_fence_create_params_t;
9090 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9091 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeFenceCreate
9092 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9093 /// @param[in] result Return value
9094 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9095 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9096 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnFenceCreateCb_t)(
9097     ze_fence_create_params_t* params,
9098     ze_result_t result,
9099     void* pTracerUserData,
9100     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9101     );
9103 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9104 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeFenceDestroy
9105 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9106 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9107 typedef struct _ze_fence_destroy_params_t
9108 {
9109     ze_fence_handle_t* phFence;
9110 } ze_fence_destroy_params_t;
9112 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9113 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeFenceDestroy
9114 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9115 /// @param[in] result Return value
9116 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9117 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9118 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnFenceDestroyCb_t)(
9119     ze_fence_destroy_params_t* params,
9120     ze_result_t result,
9121     void* pTracerUserData,
9122     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9123     );
9125 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9126 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeFenceHostSynchronize
9127 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9128 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9129 typedef struct _ze_fence_host_synchronize_params_t
9130 {
9131     ze_fence_handle_t* phFence;
9132     uint64_t* ptimeout;
9133 } ze_fence_host_synchronize_params_t;
9135 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9136 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeFenceHostSynchronize
9137 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9138 /// @param[in] result Return value
9139 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9140 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9141 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnFenceHostSynchronizeCb_t)(
9142     ze_fence_host_synchronize_params_t* params,
9143     ze_result_t result,
9144     void* pTracerUserData,
9145     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9146     );
9148 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9149 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeFenceQueryStatus
9150 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9151 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9152 typedef struct _ze_fence_query_status_params_t
9153 {
9154     ze_fence_handle_t* phFence;
9155 } ze_fence_query_status_params_t;
9157 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9158 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeFenceQueryStatus
9159 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9160 /// @param[in] result Return value
9161 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9162 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9163 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnFenceQueryStatusCb_t)(
9164     ze_fence_query_status_params_t* params,
9165     ze_result_t result,
9166     void* pTracerUserData,
9167     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9168     );
9170 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9171 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeFenceReset
9172 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9173 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9174 typedef struct _ze_fence_reset_params_t
9175 {
9176     ze_fence_handle_t* phFence;
9177 } ze_fence_reset_params_t;
9179 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9180 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeFenceReset
9181 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9182 /// @param[in] result Return value
9183 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9184 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9185 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnFenceResetCb_t)(
9186     ze_fence_reset_params_t* params,
9187     ze_result_t result,
9188     void* pTracerUserData,
9189     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9190     );
9192 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9193 /// @brief Table of Fence callback functions pointers
9194 typedef struct _ze_fence_callbacks_t
9195 {
9196     ze_pfnFenceCreateCb_t                                           pfnCreateCb;
9197     ze_pfnFenceDestroyCb_t                                          pfnDestroyCb;
9198     ze_pfnFenceHostSynchronizeCb_t                                  pfnHostSynchronizeCb;
9199     ze_pfnFenceQueryStatusCb_t                                      pfnQueryStatusCb;
9200     ze_pfnFenceResetCb_t                                            pfnResetCb;
9201 } ze_fence_callbacks_t;
9203 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9204 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventPoolCreate
9205 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9206 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9207 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_create_params_t
9208 {
9209     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
9210     const ze_event_pool_desc_t** pdesc;
9211     uint32_t* pnumDevices;
9212     ze_device_handle_t** pphDevices;
9213     ze_event_pool_handle_t** pphEventPool;
9214 } ze_event_pool_create_params_t;
9216 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9217 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventPoolCreate
9218 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9219 /// @param[in] result Return value
9220 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9221 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9222 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventPoolCreateCb_t)(
9223     ze_event_pool_create_params_t* params,
9224     ze_result_t result,
9225     void* pTracerUserData,
9226     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9227     );
9229 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9230 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventPoolDestroy
9231 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9232 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9233 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_destroy_params_t
9234 {
9235     ze_event_pool_handle_t* phEventPool;
9236 } ze_event_pool_destroy_params_t;
9238 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9239 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventPoolDestroy
9240 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9241 /// @param[in] result Return value
9242 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9243 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9244 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventPoolDestroyCb_t)(
9245     ze_event_pool_destroy_params_t* params,
9246     ze_result_t result,
9247     void* pTracerUserData,
9248     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9249     );
9251 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9252 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventPoolGetIpcHandle
9253 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9254 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9255 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_get_ipc_handle_params_t
9256 {
9257     ze_event_pool_handle_t* phEventPool;
9258     ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t** pphIpc;
9259 } ze_event_pool_get_ipc_handle_params_t;
9261 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9262 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventPoolGetIpcHandle
9263 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9264 /// @param[in] result Return value
9265 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9266 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9267 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventPoolGetIpcHandleCb_t)(
9268     ze_event_pool_get_ipc_handle_params_t* params,
9269     ze_result_t result,
9270     void* pTracerUserData,
9271     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9272     );
9274 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9275 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventPoolOpenIpcHandle
9276 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9277 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9278 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_open_ipc_handle_params_t
9279 {
9280     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
9281     ze_ipc_event_pool_handle_t* phIpc;
9282     ze_event_pool_handle_t** pphEventPool;
9283 } ze_event_pool_open_ipc_handle_params_t;
9285 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9286 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventPoolOpenIpcHandle
9287 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9288 /// @param[in] result Return value
9289 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9290 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9291 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventPoolOpenIpcHandleCb_t)(
9292     ze_event_pool_open_ipc_handle_params_t* params,
9293     ze_result_t result,
9294     void* pTracerUserData,
9295     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9296     );
9298 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9299 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventPoolCloseIpcHandle
9300 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9301 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9302 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_close_ipc_handle_params_t
9303 {
9304     ze_event_pool_handle_t* phEventPool;
9305 } ze_event_pool_close_ipc_handle_params_t;
9307 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9308 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventPoolCloseIpcHandle
9309 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9310 /// @param[in] result Return value
9311 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9312 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9313 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventPoolCloseIpcHandleCb_t)(
9314     ze_event_pool_close_ipc_handle_params_t* params,
9315     ze_result_t result,
9316     void* pTracerUserData,
9317     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9318     );
9320 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9321 /// @brief Table of EventPool callback functions pointers
9322 typedef struct _ze_event_pool_callbacks_t
9323 {
9324     ze_pfnEventPoolCreateCb_t                                       pfnCreateCb;
9325     ze_pfnEventPoolDestroyCb_t                                      pfnDestroyCb;
9326     ze_pfnEventPoolGetIpcHandleCb_t                                 pfnGetIpcHandleCb;
9327     ze_pfnEventPoolOpenIpcHandleCb_t                                pfnOpenIpcHandleCb;
9328     ze_pfnEventPoolCloseIpcHandleCb_t                               pfnCloseIpcHandleCb;
9329 } ze_event_pool_callbacks_t;
9331 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9332 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventCreate
9333 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9334 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9335 typedef struct _ze_event_create_params_t
9336 {
9337     ze_event_pool_handle_t* phEventPool;
9338     const ze_event_desc_t** pdesc;
9339     ze_event_handle_t** pphEvent;
9340 } ze_event_create_params_t;
9342 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9343 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventCreate
9344 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9345 /// @param[in] result Return value
9346 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9347 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9348 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventCreateCb_t)(
9349     ze_event_create_params_t* params,
9350     ze_result_t result,
9351     void* pTracerUserData,
9352     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9353     );
9355 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9356 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventDestroy
9357 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9358 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9359 typedef struct _ze_event_destroy_params_t
9360 {
9361     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
9362 } ze_event_destroy_params_t;
9364 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9365 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventDestroy
9366 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9367 /// @param[in] result Return value
9368 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9369 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9370 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventDestroyCb_t)(
9371     ze_event_destroy_params_t* params,
9372     ze_result_t result,
9373     void* pTracerUserData,
9374     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9375     );
9377 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9378 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventHostSignal
9379 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9380 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9381 typedef struct _ze_event_host_signal_params_t
9382 {
9383     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
9384 } ze_event_host_signal_params_t;
9386 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9387 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventHostSignal
9388 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9389 /// @param[in] result Return value
9390 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9391 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9392 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventHostSignalCb_t)(
9393     ze_event_host_signal_params_t* params,
9394     ze_result_t result,
9395     void* pTracerUserData,
9396     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9397     );
9399 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9400 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventHostSynchronize
9401 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9402 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9403 typedef struct _ze_event_host_synchronize_params_t
9404 {
9405     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
9406     uint64_t* ptimeout;
9407 } ze_event_host_synchronize_params_t;
9409 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9410 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventHostSynchronize
9411 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9412 /// @param[in] result Return value
9413 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9414 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9415 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventHostSynchronizeCb_t)(
9416     ze_event_host_synchronize_params_t* params,
9417     ze_result_t result,
9418     void* pTracerUserData,
9419     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9420     );
9422 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9423 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventQueryStatus
9424 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9425 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9426 typedef struct _ze_event_query_status_params_t
9427 {
9428     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
9429 } ze_event_query_status_params_t;
9431 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9432 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventQueryStatus
9433 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9434 /// @param[in] result Return value
9435 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9436 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9437 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventQueryStatusCb_t)(
9438     ze_event_query_status_params_t* params,
9439     ze_result_t result,
9440     void* pTracerUserData,
9441     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9442     );
9444 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9445 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventHostReset
9446 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9447 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9448 typedef struct _ze_event_host_reset_params_t
9449 {
9450     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
9451 } ze_event_host_reset_params_t;
9453 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9454 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventHostReset
9455 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9456 /// @param[in] result Return value
9457 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9458 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9459 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventHostResetCb_t)(
9460     ze_event_host_reset_params_t* params,
9461     ze_result_t result,
9462     void* pTracerUserData,
9463     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9464     );
9466 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9467 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeEventQueryKernelTimestamp
9468 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9469 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9470 typedef struct _ze_event_query_kernel_timestamp_params_t
9471 {
9472     ze_event_handle_t* phEvent;
9473     ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t** pdstptr;
9474 } ze_event_query_kernel_timestamp_params_t;
9476 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9477 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeEventQueryKernelTimestamp
9478 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9479 /// @param[in] result Return value
9480 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9481 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9482 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnEventQueryKernelTimestampCb_t)(
9483     ze_event_query_kernel_timestamp_params_t* params,
9484     ze_result_t result,
9485     void* pTracerUserData,
9486     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9487     );
9489 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9490 /// @brief Table of Event callback functions pointers
9491 typedef struct _ze_event_callbacks_t
9492 {
9493     ze_pfnEventCreateCb_t                                           pfnCreateCb;
9494     ze_pfnEventDestroyCb_t                                          pfnDestroyCb;
9495     ze_pfnEventHostSignalCb_t                                       pfnHostSignalCb;
9496     ze_pfnEventHostSynchronizeCb_t                                  pfnHostSynchronizeCb;
9497     ze_pfnEventQueryStatusCb_t                                      pfnQueryStatusCb;
9498     ze_pfnEventHostResetCb_t                                        pfnHostResetCb;
9499     ze_pfnEventQueryKernelTimestampCb_t                             pfnQueryKernelTimestampCb;
9500 } ze_event_callbacks_t;
9502 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9503 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleCreate
9504 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9505 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9506 typedef struct _ze_module_create_params_t
9507 {
9508     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
9509     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
9510     const ze_module_desc_t** pdesc;
9511     ze_module_handle_t** pphModule;
9512     ze_module_build_log_handle_t** pphBuildLog;
9513 } ze_module_create_params_t;
9515 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9516 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleCreate
9517 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9518 /// @param[in] result Return value
9519 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9520 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9521 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleCreateCb_t)(
9522     ze_module_create_params_t* params,
9523     ze_result_t result,
9524     void* pTracerUserData,
9525     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9526     );
9528 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9529 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleDestroy
9530 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9531 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9532 typedef struct _ze_module_destroy_params_t
9533 {
9534     ze_module_handle_t* phModule;
9535 } ze_module_destroy_params_t;
9537 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9538 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleDestroy
9539 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9540 /// @param[in] result Return value
9541 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9542 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9543 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleDestroyCb_t)(
9544     ze_module_destroy_params_t* params,
9545     ze_result_t result,
9546     void* pTracerUserData,
9547     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9548     );
9550 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9551 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleDynamicLink
9552 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9553 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9554 typedef struct _ze_module_dynamic_link_params_t
9555 {
9556     uint32_t* pnumModules;
9557     ze_module_handle_t** pphModules;
9558     ze_module_build_log_handle_t** pphLinkLog;
9559 } ze_module_dynamic_link_params_t;
9561 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9562 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleDynamicLink
9563 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9564 /// @param[in] result Return value
9565 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9566 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9567 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleDynamicLinkCb_t)(
9568     ze_module_dynamic_link_params_t* params,
9569     ze_result_t result,
9570     void* pTracerUserData,
9571     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9572     );
9574 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9575 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleGetNativeBinary
9576 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9577 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9578 typedef struct _ze_module_get_native_binary_params_t
9579 {
9580     ze_module_handle_t* phModule;
9581     size_t** ppSize;
9582     uint8_t** ppModuleNativeBinary;
9583 } ze_module_get_native_binary_params_t;
9585 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9586 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleGetNativeBinary
9587 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9588 /// @param[in] result Return value
9589 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9590 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9591 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleGetNativeBinaryCb_t)(
9592     ze_module_get_native_binary_params_t* params,
9593     ze_result_t result,
9594     void* pTracerUserData,
9595     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9596     );
9598 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9599 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleGetGlobalPointer
9600 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9601 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9602 typedef struct _ze_module_get_global_pointer_params_t
9603 {
9604     ze_module_handle_t* phModule;
9605     const char** ppGlobalName;
9606     size_t** ppSize;
9607     void*** ppptr;
9608 } ze_module_get_global_pointer_params_t;
9610 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9611 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleGetGlobalPointer
9612 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9613 /// @param[in] result Return value
9614 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9615 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9616 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleGetGlobalPointerCb_t)(
9617     ze_module_get_global_pointer_params_t* params,
9618     ze_result_t result,
9619     void* pTracerUserData,
9620     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9621     );
9623 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9624 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleGetKernelNames
9625 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9626 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9627 typedef struct _ze_module_get_kernel_names_params_t
9628 {
9629     ze_module_handle_t* phModule;
9630     uint32_t** ppCount;
9631     const char*** ppNames;
9632 } ze_module_get_kernel_names_params_t;
9634 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9635 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleGetKernelNames
9636 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9637 /// @param[in] result Return value
9638 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9639 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9640 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleGetKernelNamesCb_t)(
9641     ze_module_get_kernel_names_params_t* params,
9642     ze_result_t result,
9643     void* pTracerUserData,
9644     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9645     );
9647 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9648 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleGetProperties
9649 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9650 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9651 typedef struct _ze_module_get_properties_params_t
9652 {
9653     ze_module_handle_t* phModule;
9654     ze_module_properties_t** ppModuleProperties;
9655 } ze_module_get_properties_params_t;
9657 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9658 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleGetProperties
9659 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9660 /// @param[in] result Return value
9661 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9662 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9663 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleGetPropertiesCb_t)(
9664     ze_module_get_properties_params_t* params,
9665     ze_result_t result,
9666     void* pTracerUserData,
9667     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9668     );
9670 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9671 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleGetFunctionPointer
9672 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9673 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9674 typedef struct _ze_module_get_function_pointer_params_t
9675 {
9676     ze_module_handle_t* phModule;
9677     const char** ppFunctionName;
9678     void*** ppfnFunction;
9679 } ze_module_get_function_pointer_params_t;
9681 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9682 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleGetFunctionPointer
9683 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9684 /// @param[in] result Return value
9685 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9686 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9687 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleGetFunctionPointerCb_t)(
9688     ze_module_get_function_pointer_params_t* params,
9689     ze_result_t result,
9690     void* pTracerUserData,
9691     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9692     );
9694 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9695 /// @brief Table of Module callback functions pointers
9696 typedef struct _ze_module_callbacks_t
9697 {
9698     ze_pfnModuleCreateCb_t                                          pfnCreateCb;
9699     ze_pfnModuleDestroyCb_t                                         pfnDestroyCb;
9700     ze_pfnModuleDynamicLinkCb_t                                     pfnDynamicLinkCb;
9701     ze_pfnModuleGetNativeBinaryCb_t                                 pfnGetNativeBinaryCb;
9702     ze_pfnModuleGetGlobalPointerCb_t                                pfnGetGlobalPointerCb;
9703     ze_pfnModuleGetKernelNamesCb_t                                  pfnGetKernelNamesCb;
9704     ze_pfnModuleGetPropertiesCb_t                                   pfnGetPropertiesCb;
9705     ze_pfnModuleGetFunctionPointerCb_t                              pfnGetFunctionPointerCb;
9706 } ze_module_callbacks_t;
9708 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9709 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleBuildLogDestroy
9710 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9711 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9712 typedef struct _ze_module_build_log_destroy_params_t
9713 {
9714     ze_module_build_log_handle_t* phModuleBuildLog;
9715 } ze_module_build_log_destroy_params_t;
9717 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9718 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleBuildLogDestroy
9719 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9720 /// @param[in] result Return value
9721 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9722 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9723 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleBuildLogDestroyCb_t)(
9724     ze_module_build_log_destroy_params_t* params,
9725     ze_result_t result,
9726     void* pTracerUserData,
9727     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9728     );
9730 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9731 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeModuleBuildLogGetString
9732 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9733 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9734 typedef struct _ze_module_build_log_get_string_params_t
9735 {
9736     ze_module_build_log_handle_t* phModuleBuildLog;
9737     size_t** ppSize;
9738     char** ppBuildLog;
9739 } ze_module_build_log_get_string_params_t;
9741 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9742 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeModuleBuildLogGetString
9743 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9744 /// @param[in] result Return value
9745 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9746 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9747 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnModuleBuildLogGetStringCb_t)(
9748     ze_module_build_log_get_string_params_t* params,
9749     ze_result_t result,
9750     void* pTracerUserData,
9751     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9752     );
9754 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9755 /// @brief Table of ModuleBuildLog callback functions pointers
9756 typedef struct _ze_module_build_log_callbacks_t
9757 {
9758     ze_pfnModuleBuildLogDestroyCb_t                                 pfnDestroyCb;
9759     ze_pfnModuleBuildLogGetStringCb_t                               pfnGetStringCb;
9760 } ze_module_build_log_callbacks_t;
9762 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9763 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelCreate
9764 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9765 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9766 typedef struct _ze_kernel_create_params_t
9767 {
9768     ze_module_handle_t* phModule;
9769     const ze_kernel_desc_t** pdesc;
9770     ze_kernel_handle_t** pphKernel;
9771 } ze_kernel_create_params_t;
9773 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9774 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelCreate
9775 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9776 /// @param[in] result Return value
9777 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9778 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9779 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelCreateCb_t)(
9780     ze_kernel_create_params_t* params,
9781     ze_result_t result,
9782     void* pTracerUserData,
9783     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9784     );
9786 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9787 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelDestroy
9788 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9789 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9790 typedef struct _ze_kernel_destroy_params_t
9791 {
9792     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9793 } ze_kernel_destroy_params_t;
9795 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9796 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelDestroy
9797 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9798 /// @param[in] result Return value
9799 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9800 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9801 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelDestroyCb_t)(
9802     ze_kernel_destroy_params_t* params,
9803     ze_result_t result,
9804     void* pTracerUserData,
9805     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9806     );
9808 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9809 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelSetCacheConfig
9810 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9811 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9812 typedef struct _ze_kernel_set_cache_config_params_t
9813 {
9814     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9815     ze_cache_config_flags_t* pflags;
9816 } ze_kernel_set_cache_config_params_t;
9818 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9819 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelSetCacheConfig
9820 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9821 /// @param[in] result Return value
9822 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9823 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9824 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelSetCacheConfigCb_t)(
9825     ze_kernel_set_cache_config_params_t* params,
9826     ze_result_t result,
9827     void* pTracerUserData,
9828     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9829     );
9831 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9832 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelSetGroupSize
9833 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9834 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9835 typedef struct _ze_kernel_set_group_size_params_t
9836 {
9837     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9838     uint32_t* pgroupSizeX;
9839     uint32_t* pgroupSizeY;
9840     uint32_t* pgroupSizeZ;
9841 } ze_kernel_set_group_size_params_t;
9843 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9844 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelSetGroupSize
9845 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9846 /// @param[in] result Return value
9847 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9848 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9849 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelSetGroupSizeCb_t)(
9850     ze_kernel_set_group_size_params_t* params,
9851     ze_result_t result,
9852     void* pTracerUserData,
9853     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9854     );
9856 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9857 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelSuggestGroupSize
9858 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9859 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9860 typedef struct _ze_kernel_suggest_group_size_params_t
9861 {
9862     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9863     uint32_t* pglobalSizeX;
9864     uint32_t* pglobalSizeY;
9865     uint32_t* pglobalSizeZ;
9866     uint32_t** pgroupSizeX;
9867     uint32_t** pgroupSizeY;
9868     uint32_t** pgroupSizeZ;
9869 } ze_kernel_suggest_group_size_params_t;
9871 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9872 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelSuggestGroupSize
9873 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9874 /// @param[in] result Return value
9875 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9876 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9877 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelSuggestGroupSizeCb_t)(
9878     ze_kernel_suggest_group_size_params_t* params,
9879     ze_result_t result,
9880     void* pTracerUserData,
9881     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9882     );
9884 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9885 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelSuggestMaxCooperativeGroupCount
9886 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9887 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9888 typedef struct _ze_kernel_suggest_max_cooperative_group_count_params_t
9889 {
9890     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9891     uint32_t** ptotalGroupCount;
9892 } ze_kernel_suggest_max_cooperative_group_count_params_t;
9894 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9895 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelSuggestMaxCooperativeGroupCount
9896 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9897 /// @param[in] result Return value
9898 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9899 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9900 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelSuggestMaxCooperativeGroupCountCb_t)(
9901     ze_kernel_suggest_max_cooperative_group_count_params_t* params,
9902     ze_result_t result,
9903     void* pTracerUserData,
9904     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9905     );
9907 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9908 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelSetArgumentValue
9909 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9910 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9911 typedef struct _ze_kernel_set_argument_value_params_t
9912 {
9913     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9914     uint32_t* pargIndex;
9915     size_t* pargSize;
9916     const void** ppArgValue;
9917 } ze_kernel_set_argument_value_params_t;
9919 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9920 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelSetArgumentValue
9921 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9922 /// @param[in] result Return value
9923 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9924 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9925 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelSetArgumentValueCb_t)(
9926     ze_kernel_set_argument_value_params_t* params,
9927     ze_result_t result,
9928     void* pTracerUserData,
9929     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9930     );
9932 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9933 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelSetIndirectAccess
9934 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9935 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9936 typedef struct _ze_kernel_set_indirect_access_params_t
9937 {
9938     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9939     ze_kernel_indirect_access_flags_t* pflags;
9940 } ze_kernel_set_indirect_access_params_t;
9942 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9943 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelSetIndirectAccess
9944 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9945 /// @param[in] result Return value
9946 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9947 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9948 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelSetIndirectAccessCb_t)(
9949     ze_kernel_set_indirect_access_params_t* params,
9950     ze_result_t result,
9951     void* pTracerUserData,
9952     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9953     );
9955 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9956 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelGetIndirectAccess
9957 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9958 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9959 typedef struct _ze_kernel_get_indirect_access_params_t
9960 {
9961     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9962     ze_kernel_indirect_access_flags_t** ppFlags;
9963 } ze_kernel_get_indirect_access_params_t;
9965 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9966 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelGetIndirectAccess
9967 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9968 /// @param[in] result Return value
9969 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9970 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9971 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelGetIndirectAccessCb_t)(
9972     ze_kernel_get_indirect_access_params_t* params,
9973     ze_result_t result,
9974     void* pTracerUserData,
9975     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
9976     );
9978 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9979 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelGetSourceAttributes
9980 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
9981 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
9982 typedef struct _ze_kernel_get_source_attributes_params_t
9983 {
9984     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
9985     uint32_t** ppSize;
9986     char*** ppString;
9987 } ze_kernel_get_source_attributes_params_t;
9989 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9990 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelGetSourceAttributes
9991 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
9992 /// @param[in] result Return value
9993 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
9994 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
9995 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelGetSourceAttributesCb_t)(
9996     ze_kernel_get_source_attributes_params_t* params,
9997     ze_result_t result,
9998     void* pTracerUserData,
9999     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10000     );
10002 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10003 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelGetProperties
10004 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10005 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10006 typedef struct _ze_kernel_get_properties_params_t
10007 {
10008     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
10009     ze_kernel_properties_t** ppKernelProperties;
10010 } ze_kernel_get_properties_params_t;
10012 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10013 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelGetProperties
10014 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10015 /// @param[in] result Return value
10016 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10017 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10018 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelGetPropertiesCb_t)(
10019     ze_kernel_get_properties_params_t* params,
10020     ze_result_t result,
10021     void* pTracerUserData,
10022     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10023     );
10025 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10026 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeKernelGetName
10027 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10028 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10029 typedef struct _ze_kernel_get_name_params_t
10030 {
10031     ze_kernel_handle_t* phKernel;
10032     size_t** ppSize;
10033     char** ppName;
10034 } ze_kernel_get_name_params_t;
10036 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10037 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeKernelGetName
10038 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10039 /// @param[in] result Return value
10040 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10041 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10042 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnKernelGetNameCb_t)(
10043     ze_kernel_get_name_params_t* params,
10044     ze_result_t result,
10045     void* pTracerUserData,
10046     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10047     );
10049 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10050 /// @brief Table of Kernel callback functions pointers
10051 typedef struct _ze_kernel_callbacks_t
10052 {
10053     ze_pfnKernelCreateCb_t                                          pfnCreateCb;
10054     ze_pfnKernelDestroyCb_t                                         pfnDestroyCb;
10055     ze_pfnKernelSetCacheConfigCb_t                                  pfnSetCacheConfigCb;
10056     ze_pfnKernelSetGroupSizeCb_t                                    pfnSetGroupSizeCb;
10057     ze_pfnKernelSuggestGroupSizeCb_t                                pfnSuggestGroupSizeCb;
10058     ze_pfnKernelSuggestMaxCooperativeGroupCountCb_t                 pfnSuggestMaxCooperativeGroupCountCb;
10059     ze_pfnKernelSetArgumentValueCb_t                                pfnSetArgumentValueCb;
10060     ze_pfnKernelSetIndirectAccessCb_t                               pfnSetIndirectAccessCb;
10061     ze_pfnKernelGetIndirectAccessCb_t                               pfnGetIndirectAccessCb;
10062     ze_pfnKernelGetSourceAttributesCb_t                             pfnGetSourceAttributesCb;
10063     ze_pfnKernelGetPropertiesCb_t                                   pfnGetPropertiesCb;
10064     ze_pfnKernelGetNameCb_t                                         pfnGetNameCb;
10065 } ze_kernel_callbacks_t;
10067 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10068 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeSamplerCreate
10069 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10070 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10071 typedef struct _ze_sampler_create_params_t
10072 {
10073     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10074     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
10075     const ze_sampler_desc_t** pdesc;
10076     ze_sampler_handle_t** pphSampler;
10077 } ze_sampler_create_params_t;
10079 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10080 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeSamplerCreate
10081 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10082 /// @param[in] result Return value
10083 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10084 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10085 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnSamplerCreateCb_t)(
10086     ze_sampler_create_params_t* params,
10087     ze_result_t result,
10088     void* pTracerUserData,
10089     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10090     );
10092 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10093 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeSamplerDestroy
10094 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10095 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10096 typedef struct _ze_sampler_destroy_params_t
10097 {
10098     ze_sampler_handle_t* phSampler;
10099 } ze_sampler_destroy_params_t;
10101 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10102 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeSamplerDestroy
10103 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10104 /// @param[in] result Return value
10105 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10106 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10107 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnSamplerDestroyCb_t)(
10108     ze_sampler_destroy_params_t* params,
10109     ze_result_t result,
10110     void* pTracerUserData,
10111     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10112     );
10114 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10115 /// @brief Table of Sampler callback functions pointers
10116 typedef struct _ze_sampler_callbacks_t
10117 {
10118     ze_pfnSamplerCreateCb_t                                         pfnCreateCb;
10119     ze_pfnSamplerDestroyCb_t                                        pfnDestroyCb;
10120 } ze_sampler_callbacks_t;
10122 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10123 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zePhysicalMemCreate
10124 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10125 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10126 typedef struct _ze_physical_mem_create_params_t
10127 {
10128     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10129     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
10130     ze_physical_mem_desc_t** pdesc;
10131     ze_physical_mem_handle_t** pphPhysicalMemory;
10132 } ze_physical_mem_create_params_t;
10134 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10135 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zePhysicalMemCreate
10136 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10137 /// @param[in] result Return value
10138 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10139 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10140 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnPhysicalMemCreateCb_t)(
10141     ze_physical_mem_create_params_t* params,
10142     ze_result_t result,
10143     void* pTracerUserData,
10144     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10145     );
10147 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10148 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zePhysicalMemDestroy
10149 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10150 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10151 typedef struct _ze_physical_mem_destroy_params_t
10152 {
10153     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10154     ze_physical_mem_handle_t* phPhysicalMemory;
10155 } ze_physical_mem_destroy_params_t;
10157 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10158 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zePhysicalMemDestroy
10159 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10160 /// @param[in] result Return value
10161 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10162 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10163 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnPhysicalMemDestroyCb_t)(
10164     ze_physical_mem_destroy_params_t* params,
10165     ze_result_t result,
10166     void* pTracerUserData,
10167     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10168     );
10170 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10171 /// @brief Table of PhysicalMem callback functions pointers
10172 typedef struct _ze_physical_mem_callbacks_t
10173 {
10174     ze_pfnPhysicalMemCreateCb_t                                     pfnCreateCb;
10175     ze_pfnPhysicalMemDestroyCb_t                                    pfnDestroyCb;
10176 } ze_physical_mem_callbacks_t;
10178 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10179 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemAllocShared
10180 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10181 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10182 typedef struct _ze_mem_alloc_shared_params_t
10183 {
10184     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10185     const ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t** pdevice_desc;
10186     const ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t** phost_desc;
10187     size_t* psize;
10188     size_t* palignment;
10189     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
10190     void*** ppptr;
10191 } ze_mem_alloc_shared_params_t;
10193 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10194 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemAllocShared
10195 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10196 /// @param[in] result Return value
10197 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10198 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10199 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemAllocSharedCb_t)(
10200     ze_mem_alloc_shared_params_t* params,
10201     ze_result_t result,
10202     void* pTracerUserData,
10203     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10204     );
10206 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10207 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemAllocDevice
10208 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10209 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10210 typedef struct _ze_mem_alloc_device_params_t
10211 {
10212     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10213     const ze_device_mem_alloc_desc_t** pdevice_desc;
10214     size_t* psize;
10215     size_t* palignment;
10216     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
10217     void*** ppptr;
10218 } ze_mem_alloc_device_params_t;
10220 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10221 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemAllocDevice
10222 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10223 /// @param[in] result Return value
10224 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10225 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10226 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemAllocDeviceCb_t)(
10227     ze_mem_alloc_device_params_t* params,
10228     ze_result_t result,
10229     void* pTracerUserData,
10230     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10231     );
10233 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10234 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemAllocHost
10235 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10236 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10237 typedef struct _ze_mem_alloc_host_params_t
10238 {
10239     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10240     const ze_host_mem_alloc_desc_t** phost_desc;
10241     size_t* psize;
10242     size_t* palignment;
10243     void*** ppptr;
10244 } ze_mem_alloc_host_params_t;
10246 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10247 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemAllocHost
10248 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10249 /// @param[in] result Return value
10250 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10251 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10252 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemAllocHostCb_t)(
10253     ze_mem_alloc_host_params_t* params,
10254     ze_result_t result,
10255     void* pTracerUserData,
10256     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10257     );
10259 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10260 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemFree
10261 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10262 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10263 typedef struct _ze_mem_free_params_t
10264 {
10265     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10266     void** pptr;
10267 } ze_mem_free_params_t;
10269 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10270 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemFree
10271 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10272 /// @param[in] result Return value
10273 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10274 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10275 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemFreeCb_t)(
10276     ze_mem_free_params_t* params,
10277     ze_result_t result,
10278     void* pTracerUserData,
10279     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10280     );
10282 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10283 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemGetAllocProperties
10284 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10285 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10286 typedef struct _ze_mem_get_alloc_properties_params_t
10287 {
10288     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10289     const void** pptr;
10290     ze_memory_allocation_properties_t** ppMemAllocProperties;
10291     ze_device_handle_t** pphDevice;
10292 } ze_mem_get_alloc_properties_params_t;
10294 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10295 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemGetAllocProperties
10296 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10297 /// @param[in] result Return value
10298 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10299 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10300 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemGetAllocPropertiesCb_t)(
10301     ze_mem_get_alloc_properties_params_t* params,
10302     ze_result_t result,
10303     void* pTracerUserData,
10304     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10305     );
10307 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10308 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemGetAddressRange
10309 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10310 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10311 typedef struct _ze_mem_get_address_range_params_t
10312 {
10313     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10314     const void** pptr;
10315     void*** ppBase;
10316     size_t** ppSize;
10317 } ze_mem_get_address_range_params_t;
10319 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10320 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemGetAddressRange
10321 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10322 /// @param[in] result Return value
10323 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10324 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10325 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemGetAddressRangeCb_t)(
10326     ze_mem_get_address_range_params_t* params,
10327     ze_result_t result,
10328     void* pTracerUserData,
10329     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10330     );
10332 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10333 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemGetIpcHandle
10334 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10335 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10336 typedef struct _ze_mem_get_ipc_handle_params_t
10337 {
10338     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10339     const void** pptr;
10340     ze_ipc_mem_handle_t** ppIpcHandle;
10341 } ze_mem_get_ipc_handle_params_t;
10343 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10344 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemGetIpcHandle
10345 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10346 /// @param[in] result Return value
10347 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10348 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10349 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemGetIpcHandleCb_t)(
10350     ze_mem_get_ipc_handle_params_t* params,
10351     ze_result_t result,
10352     void* pTracerUserData,
10353     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10354     );
10356 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10357 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemOpenIpcHandle
10358 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10359 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10360 typedef struct _ze_mem_open_ipc_handle_params_t
10361 {
10362     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10363     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
10364     ze_ipc_mem_handle_t* phandle;
10365     ze_ipc_memory_flags_t* pflags;
10366     void*** ppptr;
10367 } ze_mem_open_ipc_handle_params_t;
10369 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10370 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemOpenIpcHandle
10371 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10372 /// @param[in] result Return value
10373 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10374 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10375 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemOpenIpcHandleCb_t)(
10376     ze_mem_open_ipc_handle_params_t* params,
10377     ze_result_t result,
10378     void* pTracerUserData,
10379     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10380     );
10382 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10383 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeMemCloseIpcHandle
10384 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10385 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10386 typedef struct _ze_mem_close_ipc_handle_params_t
10387 {
10388     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10389     const void** pptr;
10390 } ze_mem_close_ipc_handle_params_t;
10392 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10393 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeMemCloseIpcHandle
10394 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10395 /// @param[in] result Return value
10396 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10397 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10398 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnMemCloseIpcHandleCb_t)(
10399     ze_mem_close_ipc_handle_params_t* params,
10400     ze_result_t result,
10401     void* pTracerUserData,
10402     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10403     );
10405 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10406 /// @brief Table of Mem callback functions pointers
10407 typedef struct _ze_mem_callbacks_t
10408 {
10409     ze_pfnMemAllocSharedCb_t                                        pfnAllocSharedCb;
10410     ze_pfnMemAllocDeviceCb_t                                        pfnAllocDeviceCb;
10411     ze_pfnMemAllocHostCb_t                                          pfnAllocHostCb;
10412     ze_pfnMemFreeCb_t                                               pfnFreeCb;
10413     ze_pfnMemGetAllocPropertiesCb_t                                 pfnGetAllocPropertiesCb;
10414     ze_pfnMemGetAddressRangeCb_t                                    pfnGetAddressRangeCb;
10415     ze_pfnMemGetIpcHandleCb_t                                       pfnGetIpcHandleCb;
10416     ze_pfnMemOpenIpcHandleCb_t                                      pfnOpenIpcHandleCb;
10417     ze_pfnMemCloseIpcHandleCb_t                                     pfnCloseIpcHandleCb;
10418 } ze_mem_callbacks_t;
10420 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10421 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeVirtualMemReserve
10422 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10423 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10424 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_reserve_params_t
10425 {
10426     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10427     const void** ppStart;
10428     size_t* psize;
10429     void*** ppptr;
10430 } ze_virtual_mem_reserve_params_t;
10432 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10433 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeVirtualMemReserve
10434 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10435 /// @param[in] result Return value
10436 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10437 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10438 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnVirtualMemReserveCb_t)(
10439     ze_virtual_mem_reserve_params_t* params,
10440     ze_result_t result,
10441     void* pTracerUserData,
10442     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10443     );
10445 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10446 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeVirtualMemFree
10447 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10448 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10449 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_free_params_t
10450 {
10451     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10452     const void** pptr;
10453     size_t* psize;
10454 } ze_virtual_mem_free_params_t;
10456 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10457 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeVirtualMemFree
10458 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10459 /// @param[in] result Return value
10460 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10461 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10462 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnVirtualMemFreeCb_t)(
10463     ze_virtual_mem_free_params_t* params,
10464     ze_result_t result,
10465     void* pTracerUserData,
10466     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10467     );
10469 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10470 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeVirtualMemQueryPageSize
10471 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10472 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10473 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_query_page_size_params_t
10474 {
10475     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10476     ze_device_handle_t* phDevice;
10477     size_t* psize;
10478     size_t** ppagesize;
10479 } ze_virtual_mem_query_page_size_params_t;
10481 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10482 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeVirtualMemQueryPageSize
10483 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10484 /// @param[in] result Return value
10485 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10486 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10487 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnVirtualMemQueryPageSizeCb_t)(
10488     ze_virtual_mem_query_page_size_params_t* params,
10489     ze_result_t result,
10490     void* pTracerUserData,
10491     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10492     );
10494 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10495 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeVirtualMemMap
10496 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10497 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10498 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_map_params_t
10499 {
10500     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10501     const void** pptr;
10502     size_t* psize;
10503     ze_physical_mem_handle_t* phPhysicalMemory;
10504     size_t* poffset;
10505     ze_memory_access_attribute_t* paccess;
10506 } ze_virtual_mem_map_params_t;
10508 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10509 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeVirtualMemMap
10510 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10511 /// @param[in] result Return value
10512 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10513 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10514 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnVirtualMemMapCb_t)(
10515     ze_virtual_mem_map_params_t* params,
10516     ze_result_t result,
10517     void* pTracerUserData,
10518     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10519     );
10521 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10522 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeVirtualMemUnmap
10523 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10524 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10525 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_unmap_params_t
10526 {
10527     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10528     const void** pptr;
10529     size_t* psize;
10530 } ze_virtual_mem_unmap_params_t;
10532 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10533 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeVirtualMemUnmap
10534 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10535 /// @param[in] result Return value
10536 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10537 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10538 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnVirtualMemUnmapCb_t)(
10539     ze_virtual_mem_unmap_params_t* params,
10540     ze_result_t result,
10541     void* pTracerUserData,
10542     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10543     );
10545 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10546 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeVirtualMemSetAccessAttribute
10547 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10548 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10549 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_set_access_attribute_params_t
10550 {
10551     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10552     const void** pptr;
10553     size_t* psize;
10554     ze_memory_access_attribute_t* paccess;
10555 } ze_virtual_mem_set_access_attribute_params_t;
10557 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10558 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeVirtualMemSetAccessAttribute
10559 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10560 /// @param[in] result Return value
10561 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10562 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10563 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnVirtualMemSetAccessAttributeCb_t)(
10564     ze_virtual_mem_set_access_attribute_params_t* params,
10565     ze_result_t result,
10566     void* pTracerUserData,
10567     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10568     );
10570 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10571 /// @brief Callback function parameters for zeVirtualMemGetAccessAttribute
10572 /// @details Each entry is a pointer to the parameter passed to the function;
10573 ///     allowing the callback the ability to modify the parameter's value
10574 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_get_access_attribute_params_t
10575 {
10576     ze_context_handle_t* phContext;
10577     const void** pptr;
10578     size_t* psize;
10579     ze_memory_access_attribute_t** paccess;
10580     size_t** poutSize;
10581 } ze_virtual_mem_get_access_attribute_params_t;
10583 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10584 /// @brief Callback function-pointer for zeVirtualMemGetAccessAttribute
10585 /// @param[in] params Parameters passed to this instance
10586 /// @param[in] result Return value
10587 /// @param[in] pTracerUserData Per-Tracer user data
10588 /// @param[in,out] ppTracerInstanceUserData Per-Tracer, Per-Instance user data
10589 typedef void (ZE_APICALL *ze_pfnVirtualMemGetAccessAttributeCb_t)(
10590     ze_virtual_mem_get_access_attribute_params_t* params,
10591     ze_result_t result,
10592     void* pTracerUserData,
10593     void** ppTracerInstanceUserData
10594     );
10596 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10597 /// @brief Table of VirtualMem callback functions pointers
10598 typedef struct _ze_virtual_mem_callbacks_t
10599 {
10600     ze_pfnVirtualMemReserveCb_t                                     pfnReserveCb;
10601     ze_pfnVirtualMemFreeCb_t                                        pfnFreeCb;
10602     ze_pfnVirtualMemQueryPageSizeCb_t                               pfnQueryPageSizeCb;
10603     ze_pfnVirtualMemMapCb_t                                         pfnMapCb;
10604     ze_pfnVirtualMemUnmapCb_t                                       pfnUnmapCb;
10605     ze_pfnVirtualMemSetAccessAttributeCb_t                          pfnSetAccessAttributeCb;
10606     ze_pfnVirtualMemGetAccessAttributeCb_t                          pfnGetAccessAttributeCb;
10607 } ze_virtual_mem_callbacks_t;
10609 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10610 /// @brief Container for all callbacks
10611 typedef struct _ze_callbacks_t
10612 {
10613     ze_global_callbacks_t               Global;
10614     ze_driver_callbacks_t               Driver;
10615     ze_device_callbacks_t               Device;
10616     ze_context_callbacks_t              Context;
10617     ze_command_queue_callbacks_t        CommandQueue;
10618     ze_command_list_callbacks_t         CommandList;
10619     ze_fence_callbacks_t                Fence;
10620     ze_event_pool_callbacks_t           EventPool;
10621     ze_event_callbacks_t                Event;
10622     ze_image_callbacks_t                Image;
10623     ze_module_callbacks_t               Module;
10624     ze_module_build_log_callbacks_t     ModuleBuildLog;
10625     ze_kernel_callbacks_t               Kernel;
10626     ze_sampler_callbacks_t              Sampler;
10627     ze_physical_mem_callbacks_t         PhysicalMem;
10628     ze_mem_callbacks_t                  Mem;
10629     ze_virtual_mem_callbacks_t          VirtualMem;
10630 } ze_callbacks_t;
10631 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
10632 #pragma endregion
10633 #endif
10635 #if defined(__cplusplus)
10636 } // extern "C"
10637 #endif
10639 #endif // _ZE_API_H