1 /**
2  * \file TransverseMercatorExact.hpp
3  * \brief Header for GeographicLib::TransverseMercatorExact class
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2008-2020) <charles@karney.com> and licensed
6  * under the MIT/X11 License.  For more information, see
7  * https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/
8  **********************************************************************/
13 #include <GeographicLib/Constants.hpp>
14 #include <GeographicLib/EllipticFunction.hpp>
16 namespace GeographicLib {
18   /**
19    * \brief An exact implementation of the transverse Mercator projection
20    *
21    * Implementation of the Transverse Mercator Projection given in
22    *  - L. P. Lee,
23    *    <a href="https://doi.org/10.3138/X687-1574-4325-WM62"> Conformal
24    *    Projections Based On Jacobian Elliptic Functions</a>, Part V of
25    *    Conformal Projections Based on Elliptic Functions,
26    *    (B. V. Gutsell, Toronto, 1976), 128pp.,
27    *    ISBN: 0919870163
28    *    (also appeared as:
29    *    Monograph 16, Suppl. No. 1 to Canadian Cartographer, Vol 13).
30    *  - C. F. F. Karney,
31    *    <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-011-0445-3">
32    *    Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers,</a>
33    *    J. Geodesy 85(8), 475--485 (Aug. 2011);
34    *    preprint
35    *    <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1417">arXiv:1002.1417</a>.
36    *
37    * Lee gives the correct results for forward and reverse transformations
38    * subject to the branch cut rules (see the description of the \e extendp
39    * argument to the constructor).  The maximum error is about 8 nm (8
40    * nanometers), ground distance, for the forward and reverse transformations.
41    * The error in the convergence is 2 &times; 10<sup>&minus;15</sup>&quot;,
42    * the relative error in the scale is 7 &times; 10<sup>&minus;12</sup>%%.
43    * See Sec. 3 of
44    * <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1417">arXiv:1002.1417</a> for details.
45    * The method is "exact" in the sense that the errors are close to the
46    * round-off limit and that no changes are needed in the algorithms for them
47    * to be used with reals of a higher precision.  Thus the errors using long
48    * double (with a 64-bit fraction) are about 2000 times smaller than using
49    * double (with a 53-bit fraction).
50    *
51    * This algorithm is about 4.5 times slower than the 6th-order Kr&uuml;ger
52    * method, TransverseMercator, taking about 11 us for a combined forward and
53    * reverse projection on a 2.66 GHz Intel machine (g++, version 4.3.0, -O3).
54    *
55    * The ellipsoid parameters and the central scale are set in the constructor.
56    * The central meridian (which is a trivial shift of the longitude) is
57    * specified as the \e lon0 argument of the TransverseMercatorExact::Forward
58    * and TransverseMercatorExact::Reverse functions.  The latitude of origin is
59    * taken to be the equator.  See the documentation on TransverseMercator for
60    * how to include a false easting, false northing, or a latitude of origin.
61    *
62    * See <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm-grid.kmz"
63    * type="application/vnd.google-earth.kmz"> tm-grid.kmz</a>, for an
64    * illustration of the transverse Mercator grid in Google Earth.
65    *
66    * This class also returns the meridian convergence \e gamma and scale \e k.
67    * The meridian convergence is the bearing of grid north (the \e y axis)
68    * measured clockwise from true north.
69    *
70    * See TransverseMercatorExact.cpp for more information on the
71    * implementation.
72    *
73    * See \ref transversemercator for a discussion of this projection.
74    *
75    * Example of use:
76    * \include example-TransverseMercatorExact.cpp
77    *
78    * <a href="TransverseMercatorProj.1.html">TransverseMercatorProj</a> is a
79    * command-line utility providing access to the functionality of
80    * TransverseMercator and TransverseMercatorExact.
81    **********************************************************************/
83   class GEOGRAPHICLIB_EXPORT TransverseMercatorExact {
84   private:
85     typedef Math::real real;
86     static const int numit_ = 10;
87     real tol_, tol2_, taytol_;
88     real _a, _f, _k0, _mu, _mv, _e;
89     bool _extendp;
90     EllipticFunction _Eu, _Ev;
92     void zeta(real u, real snu, real cnu, real dnu,
93               real v, real snv, real cnv, real dnv,
94               real& taup, real& lam) const;
96     void dwdzeta(real u, real snu, real cnu, real dnu,
97                  real v, real snv, real cnv, real dnv,
98                  real& du, real& dv) const;
100     bool zetainv0(real psi, real lam, real& u, real& v) const;
101     void zetainv(real taup, real lam, real& u, real& v) const;
103     void sigma(real u, real snu, real cnu, real dnu,
104                real v, real snv, real cnv, real dnv,
105                real& xi, real& eta) const;
107     void dwdsigma(real u, real snu, real cnu, real dnu,
108                   real v, real snv, real cnv, real dnv,
109                   real& du, real& dv) const;
111     bool sigmainv0(real xi, real eta, real& u, real& v) const;
112     void sigmainv(real xi, real eta, real& u, real& v) const;
114     void Scale(real tau, real lam,
115                real snu, real cnu, real dnu,
116                real snv, real cnv, real dnv,
117                real& gamma, real& k) const;
119   public:
121     /**
122      * Constructor for a ellipsoid with
123      *
124      * @param[in] a equatorial radius (meters).
125      * @param[in] f flattening of ellipsoid.
126      * @param[in] k0 central scale factor.
127      * @param[in] extendp use extended domain.
128      * @exception GeographicErr if \e a, \e f, or \e k0 is not positive.
129      *
130      * The transverse Mercator projection has a branch point singularity at \e
131      * lat = 0 and \e lon &minus; \e lon0 = 90 (1 &minus; \e e) or (for
132      * TransverseMercatorExact::UTM) x = 18381 km, y = 0m.  The \e extendp
133      * argument governs where the branch cut is placed.  With \e extendp =
134      * false, the "standard" convention is followed, namely the cut is placed
135      * along \e x > 18381 km, \e y = 0m.  Forward can be called with any \e lat
136      * and \e lon then produces the transformation shown in Lee, Fig 46.
137      * Reverse analytically continues this in the &plusmn; \e x direction.  As
138      * a consequence, Reverse may map multiple points to the same geographic
139      * location; for example, for TransverseMercatorExact::UTM, \e x =
140      * 22051449.037349 m, \e y = &minus;7131237.022729 m and \e x =
141      * 29735142.378357 m, \e y = 4235043.607933 m both map to \e lat =
142      * &minus;2&deg;, \e lon = 88&deg;.
143      *
144      * With \e extendp = true, the branch cut is moved to the lower left
145      * quadrant.  The various symmetries of the transverse Mercator projection
146      * can be used to explore the projection on any sheet.  In this mode the
147      * domains of \e lat, \e lon, \e x, and \e y are restricted to
148      * - the union of
149      *   - \e lat in [0, 90] and \e lon &minus; \e lon0 in [0, 90]
150      *   - \e lat in (-90, 0] and \e lon &minus; \e lon0 in [90 (1 &minus; \e
151            e), 90]
152      * - the union of
153      *   - <i>x</i>/(\e k0 \e a) in [0, &infin;) and
154      *     <i>y</i>/(\e k0 \e a) in [0, E(<i>e</i><sup>2</sup>)]
155      *   - <i>x</i>/(\e k0 \e a) in [K(1 &minus; <i>e</i><sup>2</sup>) &minus;
156      *     E(1 &minus; <i>e</i><sup>2</sup>), &infin;) and <i>y</i>/(\e k0 \e
157      *     a) in (&minus;&infin;, 0]
158      * .
159      * See Sec. 5 of
160      * <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1417">arXiv:1002.1417</a> for a full
161      * discussion of the treatment of the branch cut.
162      *
163      * The method will work for all ellipsoids used in terrestrial geodesy.
164      * The method cannot be applied directly to the case of a sphere (\e f = 0)
165      * because some the constants characterizing this method diverge in that
166      * limit, and in practice, \e f should be larger than about
167      * numeric_limits<real>::epsilon().  However, TransverseMercator treats the
168      * sphere exactly.
169      **********************************************************************/
170     TransverseMercatorExact(real a, real f, real k0, bool extendp = false);
172     /**
173      * Forward projection, from geographic to transverse Mercator.
174      *
175      * @param[in] lon0 central meridian of the projection (degrees).
176      * @param[in] lat latitude of point (degrees).
177      * @param[in] lon longitude of point (degrees).
178      * @param[out] x easting of point (meters).
179      * @param[out] y northing of point (meters).
180      * @param[out] gamma meridian convergence at point (degrees).
181      * @param[out] k scale of projection at point.
182      *
183      * No false easting or northing is added. \e lat should be in the range
184      * [&minus;90&deg;, 90&deg;].
185      **********************************************************************/
186     void Forward(real lon0, real lat, real lon,
187                  real& x, real& y, real& gamma, real& k) const;
189     /**
190      * Reverse projection, from transverse Mercator to geographic.
191      *
192      * @param[in] lon0 central meridian of the projection (degrees).
193      * @param[in] x easting of point (meters).
194      * @param[in] y northing of point (meters).
195      * @param[out] lat latitude of point (degrees).
196      * @param[out] lon longitude of point (degrees).
197      * @param[out] gamma meridian convergence at point (degrees).
198      * @param[out] k scale of projection at point.
199      *
200      * No false easting or northing is added.  The value of \e lon returned is
201      * in the range [&minus;180&deg;, 180&deg;].
202      **********************************************************************/
203     void Reverse(real lon0, real x, real y,
204                  real& lat, real& lon, real& gamma, real& k) const;
206     /**
207      * TransverseMercatorExact::Forward without returning the convergence and
208      * scale.
209      **********************************************************************/
Forward(real lon0,real lat,real lon,real & x,real & y) const210     void Forward(real lon0, real lat, real lon,
211                  real& x, real& y) const {
212       real gamma, k;
213       Forward(lon0, lat, lon, x, y, gamma, k);
214     }
216     /**
217      * TransverseMercatorExact::Reverse without returning the convergence and
218      * scale.
219      **********************************************************************/
Reverse(real lon0,real x,real y,real & lat,real & lon) const220     void Reverse(real lon0, real x, real y,
221                  real& lat, real& lon) const {
222       real gamma, k;
223       Reverse(lon0, x, y, lat, lon, gamma, k);
224     }
226     /** \name Inspector functions
227      **********************************************************************/
228     ///@{
229     /**
230      * @return \e a the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid (meters).  This is
231      *   the value used in the constructor.
232      **********************************************************************/
EquatorialRadius() const233     Math::real EquatorialRadius() const { return _a; }
235     /**
236      * @return \e f the flattening of the ellipsoid.  This is the value used in
237      *   the constructor.
238      **********************************************************************/
Flattening() const239     Math::real Flattening() const { return _f; }
241     /**
242      * @return \e k0 central scale for the projection.  This is the value of \e
243      *   k0 used in the constructor and is the scale on the central meridian.
244      **********************************************************************/
CentralScale() const245     Math::real CentralScale() const { return _k0; }
247     /**
248      * \deprecated An old name for EquatorialRadius().
249      **********************************************************************/
250     GEOGRAPHICLIB_DEPRECATED("Use EquatorialRadius()")
MajorRadius() const251     Math::real MajorRadius() const { return EquatorialRadius(); }
252     ///@}
254     /**
255      * A global instantiation of TransverseMercatorExact with the WGS84
256      * ellipsoid and the UTM scale factor.  However, unlike UTM, no false
257      * easting or northing is added.
258      **********************************************************************/
259     static const TransverseMercatorExact& UTM();
260   };
262 } // namespace GeographicLib