1 /**
2  ** drwcpoly.c ---- draw the outline of a custom (wide and/or dashed) polygon
3  **
4  ** Copyright (c) 1995 Csaba Biegl, 820 Stirrup Dr, Nashville, TN 37221
5  ** [e-mail: csaba@vuse.vanderbilt.edu]
6  **
7  ** This file is part of the GRX graphics library.
8  **
9  ** The GRX graphics library is free software; you can redistribute it
10  ** and/or modify it under some conditions; see the "copying.grx" file
11  ** for details.
12  **
13  ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  **
17  **/
19 #include "libgrx.h"
20 #include "shapes.h"
21 #include "clipping.h"
22 #include "arith.h"
23 #include "memcopy.h"
25 /*
26  * update the end point of line #1 and the starting point of line #2
27  * so that they intersect
28  */
intersect(int l1s[2],int l1e[2],int l2s[2],int l2e[2])29 static void intersect(int l1s[2],int l1e[2],int l2s[2],int l2e[2])
30 {
31 #   define x11 l1s[0]
32 #   define y11 l1s[1]
33 #   define x12 l1e[0]
34 #   define y12 l1e[1]
35 #   define x21 l2s[0]
36 #   define y21 l2s[1]
37 #   define x22 l2e[0]
38 #   define y22 l2e[1]
39     if(x12 != x21 || y12 != y21) {
40 	int  dx1 = x12 - x11;
41 	int  dy1 = y12 - y11;
42 	int  dx2 = x22 - x21;
43 	int  dy2 = y22 - y21;
44 	long det = imul32(dx2,dy1) - imul32(dx1,dy2);
45 	if( det != 0 ) {
46 	    /* Compute t for the parametric equation of line #2 */
47 	    /* then: x = x21 + dx2 * t2, and y = y21 + dy2 * t2 */
48 	    /* but do this with integer arithmetic */
49 	    /* and do rounding instead of truncation */
50 	    long det_t2  = imul32(dx1,(y21 - y11)) - imul32(dy1,(x21 - x11));
51 	    long ldet = labs(det);
52 	    /* make sure we're still near old start point of line #2 */
53 	    if( labs(det_t2) < (((ldet<<1) + ldet)>>1) ) {
54 		int xdif2 = (int)(((long)(dx2 << 1) * det_t2) / det);
55 		int ydif2 = (int)(((long)(dy2 << 1) * det_t2) / det);
56 		if(xdif2 > 0) xdif2++;
57 		if(ydif2 > 0) ydif2++;
58 		xdif2 = x21 + (xdif2 >> 1);
59 		ydif2 = y21 + (ydif2 >> 1);
60 		/* don't create triangles */
61 		if ( xdif2 != x11 && xdif2 != x22 &&
62 		     ydif2 != y11 && ydif2 != y22    ) {
63 		  l1e[0] = l2s[0] = xdif2;
64 		  l1e[1] = l2s[1] = ydif2;
65 		  return;
66 		}
67 	    }
68 	}
69 	{   /*
70 	    ** no good intersection point till now
71 	    ** Check mean point and its eight neighbours for
72 	    ** best compromise intersection point
73 	    **
74 	    **  y-y11   y12-y11           y-y21   y22-y21
75 	    **  ----- - ------- = 0  and  ----- - ------- = 0
76 	    **  x-x11   x12-x11           x-x21   x22-x21
77 	    **
78 	    ** should hold for intersection point (x,y)
79 	    ** Measuring the errors for both lines:
80 	    **
81 	    ** e1 = (x12-x11)(y-y11)-(x-x11)(y12-y11) = dx1(y-y11)-(x-x11)dy1
82 	    ** e2 = (x22-x21)(y-y21)-(x-x21)(y22-y21) = dx2(y-y21)-(x-x21)dy2
83 	    **
84 	    ** search minimal err = |e1| + |e2|
85 	    */
86 	    static int xr[9] = { 0, -1, 0, 1,  0, -1, 1,  1, -1};
87 	    static int yr[9] = { 0,  0, 1, 0, -1,  1, 1, -1, -1};
88 	    int xc = (x12+x21) >> 1;
89 	    int yc = (y12+y21) >> 1;
90 	    int xb = 0, yb = 0;
91 	    int i;
92 	    long minerr=0, err;
93 	    for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
94 		int x = xc+xr[i];
95 		int y = yc+yr[i];
96 		long e1 = imul32(dx1,(y-y11)) - imul32(dy1,(x-x11));
97 		long e2 = imul32(dx2,(y-y21)) - imul32(dy2,(x-x21));
98 		err = labs(e1) + labs(e2);
99 		if ( i==0 || err < minerr) {
100 		  minerr = err;
101 		  xb = xr[i]; yb = yr[i];
102 		  if (minerr == 0) break;
103 		}
104 	    }
105 	    l1e[0] = l2s[0] = xc + xb;
106 	    l1e[1] = l2s[1] = yc + yb;
107 	}
108     }
109 #   undef x11
110 #   undef y11
111 #   undef x12
112 #   undef y12
113 #   undef x21
114 #   undef y21
115 #   undef x22
116 #   undef y22
117 }
119 /*
120  * generate the four corner points of a wide line segment
121  *
122  * p1 end : rect[0]  rect[1]
123  * p2 end : rect[2]  rect[3]
124  *
125  */
genrect(int p1[2],int p2[2],int w,int rect[4][2])126 static void genrect(int p1[2],int p2[2],int w,int rect[4][2])
127 {
128 	int dx  = p2[0] - p1[0];
129 	int dy  = p2[1] - p1[1];
130 	int wx,wy,wx1,wy1,wx2,wy2;
132 	if(dx == 0) {
133 	    wx = w;
134 	    wy = 0;
135 	}
136 	else if (dy == 0) {
137 	   wx = 0;
138 	   wy = w;
139 	}
140 	else {
141 	    unsigned long minerr,error = ~0UL,w2 = imul32(w,w);
142 	    int mindelta = umin(iabs(dx),iabs(dy));
143 	    int maxdelta = umax(iabs(dx),iabs(dy));
144 	    wx1 = w/2;
145 	    if (wx1 <= 0) wx1 = 1;
146 	    if (wx1+wx1 < w) ++wx1;
147 	    wy1 = 0;
148 	    do {
149 		wx  = wx1++;
150 		wy  = wy1;
151 		wy1 = urscale(wx1,mindelta,maxdelta);
152 		minerr = error;
153 		error  = imul32(wx1,wx1) + imul32(wy1,wy1) - w2;
154 		error  = labs(error);
155 	    } while(error <= minerr);
156 	    if(iabs(dx) > iabs(dy)) iswap(wx,wy);
157 	}
158 	if(dx <  0) wy = (-wy);
159 	if(dy >= 0) wx = (-wx);
160 	wx1 = -(wx >> 1);
161 	wy1 = -(wy >> 1);
162 	wx2 = wx + wx1;
163 	wy2 = wy + wy1;
164 	if((wx1 + wx2) < 0) wx1++,wx2++;
165 	if((wy1 + wy2) < 0) wy1++,wy2++;
166 	rect[0][0] = p1[0] + wx1;
167 	rect[0][1] = p1[1] + wy1;
168 	rect[1][0] = p1[0] + wx2;
169 	rect[1][1] = p1[1] + wy2;
170 	rect[2][0] = p2[0] + wx2;
171 	rect[2][1] = p2[1] + wy2;
172 	rect[3][0] = p2[0] + wx1;
173 	rect[3][1] = p2[1] + wy1;
174 }
176 /*
177  * working version of the line pattern and fill argument structures
178  */
179 typedef struct {
180     int       w;                /* line width */
181     int       psegs;            /* number of pattern segments */
182     int       plength;          /* total length of pattern in pixels */
183     int       ppos;             /* current pattern position (modulo plength) */
184     int       on;               /* is the pattern currently on ? */
185     unsigned char *patt;        /* the pattern bits */
186     GrFiller *f;                /* the filler functions */
187     GrFillArg c;                /* the filler argument */
188 } linepatt;
solidsegment1(int p1[2],int p2[2],int prev[2],int next[2],linepatt * p)190 static void solidsegment1(
191     int p1[2],  int p2[2],
192     int prev[2],int next[2],
193     linepatt *p
194 ){
195 	int x1 = p1[0], y1 = p1[1];
196 	int x2 = p2[0], y2 = p2[1];
197 	(*p->f->line)(
198 	    (x1 + CURC->gc_xoffset),
199 	    (y1 + CURC->gc_yoffset),
200 	    (x2 - x1),
201 	    (y2 - y1),
202 	    p->c
203 	);
204 }
solidsegmentw(int p1[2],int p2[2],int prev[2],int next[2],linepatt * p)206 static void solidsegmentw(
207     int p1[2],  int p2[2],
208     int prev[2],int next[2],
209     linepatt *p
210 ){
211 	int rect[4][2], prect[4][2], nrect[4][2];
212 	genrect(p1,p2,p->w,rect);
213 	if(prev) genrect(prev,p1,p->w,prect);
214 	if(next) genrect(p2,next,p->w,nrect);
215 	if(prev && next) {
216 	    int points[2];
217 	    points[0] = rect[1][0]; points[1] = rect[1][1];
218 	    intersect(prect[1],prect[2],rect[1],rect[2]);
219 	    intersect(points,rect[2],nrect[1],nrect[2]);
220 	    points[0] = rect[0][0]; points[1] = rect[0][1];
221 	    intersect(prect[0],prect[3],rect[0],rect[3]);
222 	    intersect(points,rect[3],nrect[0],nrect[3]);
223 	} else
224 	if(prev) {
225 	    intersect(prect[1],prect[2],rect[1],rect[2]);
226 	    intersect(prect[0],prect[3],rect[0],rect[3]);
227 	} else
228 	if(next) {
229 	    intersect(rect[1],rect[2],nrect[1],nrect[2]);
230 	    intersect(rect[0],rect[3],nrect[0],nrect[3]);
231 	}
232 	_GrScanConvexPoly(4,rect,p->f,p->c);
233 }
dashedsegment(int p1[2],int p2[2],int prev[2],int next[2],linepatt * p,void (* doseg)(int[2],int[2],int[2],int[2],linepatt *))235 static void dashedsegment(
236     int p1[2],  int p2[2],
237     int prev[2],int next[2],
238     linepatt *p,
239     void (*doseg)(int[2],int[2],int[2],int[2],linepatt*)
240 ){
241 	int on,pos,len,seg;
242 	int x,y,dx,dy;
243 	int error,erradd,errsub,count;
244 	int xinc1,xinc2,yinc1,yinc2;
245 	int start[2],end[2], se_init;
247 	/* find the current starting segment for the pattern */
248 	pos = (p->ppos %= p->plength);
249 	for(on = 1,seg = 0; ; ) {
250 	    len = p->patt[seg];
251 	    if(pos < len) { len -= pos; break; }
252 	    if(++seg >= p->psegs) seg = 0;
253 	    on  ^= 1;
254 	    pos -= len;
255 	}
256 	/* Can't have a zero length element here */
258 	/* set up line drawing */
259 	x = p1[0]; dx = p2[0] - x;
260 	y = p1[1]; dy = p2[1] - y;
261 	if(dx >= 0) { xinc2 =  1; }
262 	else        { xinc2 = -1; dx = -dx; }
263 	if(dy >= 0) { yinc2 =  1; }
264 	else        { yinc2 = -1; dy = -dy; }
265 	if(dx >= dy) {
266 	    count  = dx +  1;
267 	    error  = dx >> 1;
268 	    errsub = dy;
269 	    erradd = dx;
270 	    xinc1  = xinc2;
271 	    yinc1  = 0;
272 	}
273 	else {
274 	    count  = dy +  1;
275 	    error  = dy >> 1;
276 	    errsub = dx;
277 	    erradd = dy;
278 	    yinc1  = yinc2;
279 	    xinc1  = 0;
280 	}
281 	se_init = 0;
282 	if(on) {
283 	    start[0] = x;
284 	    start[1] = y;
285 	    se_init = 1;
286 	}
287 	else {
288 	    prev = NULL;
289 	}
290 	/* go */
291 	while(--count >= 0) {
292 	    if(on) {
293 		end[0] = x;
294 		end[1] = y;
295 		se_init |= 2;
296 	    }
297 	    if((error -= errsub) < 0) {
298 		error += erradd;
299 		x += xinc2;
300 		y += yinc2;
301 	    }
302 	    else {
303 		x += xinc1;
304 		y += yinc1;
305 	    }
306 	    if(--len <= 0) {
307 		/* end of current segment */
308 		int old_state = on;
309 		do {
310 		  if(++seg >= p->psegs) seg = 0;
311 		  len = p->patt[seg];
312 		  on ^= 1;
313 		} while (len == 0);
314 		if ( !old_state &&  on && count > 0) {
315 		    start[0] = x;
316 		    start[1] = y;
317 		    se_init = 1;
318 		} else
319 		if (  old_state && !on) {
320 		    (*doseg)(start,end,prev,NULL,p);
321 		    prev = NULL;
322 		    se_init = 0;
323 		}
324 		/* else: zero length element(s), continue current segment */
325 	    }
326 	}
327 	if(on && se_init==3) {
328 	    (*doseg)(start,end,prev,next,p);
329 	}
330 	p->on = on;
331 }
dashedsegment1(int p1[2],int p2[2],int prev[2],int next[2],linepatt * p)333 static void dashedsegment1(
334     int p1[2],  int p2[2],
335     int prev[2],int next[2],
336     linepatt *p
337 ){
338 	dashedsegment(p1,p2,prev,next,p,solidsegment1);
339 }
dashedsegmentw(int p1[2],int p2[2],int prev[2],int next[2],linepatt * p)341 static void dashedsegmentw(
342     int p1[2],  int p2[2],
343     int prev[2],int next[2],
344     linepatt *p
345 ){
346 	dashedsegment(p1,p2,prev,next,p,solidsegmentw);
347 }
_GrDrawCustomPolygon(int n,int pt[][2],const GrLineOption * lp,GrFiller * f,GrFillArg c,int doClose,int circle)349 void _GrDrawCustomPolygon(
350      int n,int pt[][2],
351      const GrLineOption *lp,
352      GrFiller *f,GrFillArg c,
353      int doClose,int circle
354 ){
355 #       define x1 start[0]
356 #       define y1 start[1]
357 #       define x2 end[0]
358 #       define y2 end[1]
359 	int  i,start[2],end[2];
360 	void (*doseg)(int[2],int[2],int[2],int[2],linepatt*);
361 	linepatt  p;
362 	GrContext preclip;
363 	if(n < 2) return;
364 	/* set up working pattern */
365 	p.f       = f;
366 	p.c       = c;
367 	p.w       = imax((lp->lno_width - 1),0);
368 	p.ppos    = 0;
369 	p.patt    = lp->lno_dashpat;
370 	p.psegs   = p.patt ? imax(lp->lno_pattlen,0) : 0;
371 	p.plength = 0;
372 	for(i = 0; i < p.psegs; i++) {
373 /*          if(!p.patt[i]) { p.plength = 0; break; } */
374 	    p.plength += p.patt[i];
375 	}
376 	if(p.plength)
377 	    doseg = p.w ? dashedsegmentw : dashedsegment1;
378 	else {
379 	    if (p.psegs && p.patt[0]==0 ) return; /* nothing to do */
380 	    doseg = p.w ? solidsegmentw : solidsegment1;
381 	}
382 	/* preclip */
383 	x1 = x2 = pt[0][0];
384 	y1 = y2 = pt[0][1];
385 	for(i = 1; i < n; i++) {
386 	    int *ppt = pt[i];
387 	    if(x1 > ppt[0]) x1 = ppt[0];
388 	    if(x2 < ppt[0]) x2 = ppt[0];
389 	    if(y1 > ppt[1]) y1 = ppt[1];
390 	    if(y2 < ppt[1]) y2 = ppt[1];
391 	}
392 	sttcopy(&preclip,CURC);
393 	preclip.gc_xcliplo -= p.w; preclip.gc_ycliplo -= p.w;
394 	preclip.gc_xcliphi += p.w; preclip.gc_ycliphi += p.w;
395 	clip_ordbox((&preclip),x1,y1,x2,y2);
396 	mouse_block(CURC,x1,y1,x2,y2);
397 	/* do the polygon segments */
398 	if(doClose) {
399 	    int *p1 = pt[0], *p2 = pt[n - 1];
400 	    if((n > 1) && (p1[0] == p2[0]) && (p1[1] == p2[1])) n--;
401 	    if(n < 3) doClose = FALSE;
402 	}
403 	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
404 	    int clipped,xmajor,length;
405 	    int *p1,*p2,*prev,*next;
406 	    if(!(i + doClose)) continue;
407 	    p1 = pt[(i + n - 1) % n];
408 	    p2 = pt[i];
409 	    prev = ((i > 1) || doClose) ? pt[(i + n - 2) % n] : NULL;
410 	    next = ((i < (n - 1)) || doClose) ? pt[(i + 1) % n] : NULL;
411 	    x1 = p1[0];
412 	    y1 = p1[1];
413 	    x2 = p2[0];
414 	    y2 = p2[1];
415 	    clipped = 0;
416 	    xmajor  = iabs(x1 - x2);
417 	    length  = iabs(y1 - y2);
418 	    if(xmajor > length) { length = xmajor; xmajor = 1; }
419 	    else xmajor = 0;
420 	    clip_line_((&preclip),x1,y1,x2,y2,goto outside,clipped = p.plength);
421 	    if(clipped) {
422 		clipped = xmajor ? iabs(p1[0] - x1) : iabs(p1[1] - y1);
423 		p.ppos += clipped;
424 		length -= clipped;
425 	    }
426 	    (*doseg)(start,end,prev,next,&p);
427 	  outside:
428 	    p.ppos += length;
429 	}
430 	mouse_unblock();
431 #       undef x1
432 #       undef y1
433 #       undef x2
434 #       undef y2
435 }