1 #ifndef __OPTIMIZATION_H
2 #define __OPTIMIZATION_H
3 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
4 #include "config.h"
5 #endif
6 #include "first.h"
7 #include "gen.h"
8 #include "unary.h"
11 namespace giac {
12 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
14 enum critical_point_classification {
16     _CPCLASS_MIN=1,
17     _CPCLASS_MAX=2,
21 };
23 enum kernel_density_estimation_method {
27 };
29 enum bandwidth_selection_method {
32 };
34 enum bvp_output_type {
35     _BVP_LIST,
36     _BVP_DIFF,
38     _BVP_SPLINE
39 };
41 class ipdiff {
42     /* IPDIFF CLASS (Implicit Partial DIFFerentiation)
43      * This class is used for implicit differentiation of f with respect to g=0.
44      * Here, f:R^(n+m)->R, g:R^(n+m)->R^m with rank(g')=m and J(x)=f(x,h(x)) where x in R^n and h is
45      * the implicit function guaranteed to exist (in a neighborhood of some point x0) by the
46      * Implicit Function Theorem if rank(g')=m. Function J may now be differentiated wrt x1,x2,...,xn. */
47 public:
48     typedef std::vector<int> ivector;
49     typedef ivector::const_iterator ivector_iter;
50     typedef std::vector<ivector> ivectors;
51     typedef std::map<ivector,int> ivector_map;
52     typedef std::pair<ivector,ivector_map> diffterm;
53     typedef std::map<diffterm,int> diffterms;
54     typedef std::map<ivector,gen> pd_map;
55 private:
56     vecteur vars; // list of variables [x1,x2,..,xn,y1,y2,..,ym] where x are free and y are dependent
57     gen f; // the expression f(x1,x2,..,xn,y1,y2,..,ym)
58     vecteur g; // list [g1,g2,..,gm], it is assumed that gj(x1,x2,..,xn,y1,y2,..,ym)=0 for all j=1,2,..,m
59     const context *ctx; // giac context
60     pd_map pdv; // partial derivatives of J
61     pd_map pdf; // partial derivatives of f
62     pd_map pdg; // partial derivatives of g
63     pd_map pdh; // partial derivatives of h
64     std::map<ivector,diffterms> cterms;
65     int ord; // the maximal order of the currently computed partial derivatives of h
66     int nvars; // the number of free variables
67     int nconstr; // the number of constraints = the number of dependent variables
68     diffterms derive_diffterms(const diffterms &terms,ivector &sig);
69     void find_nearest_terms(const ivector &sig,diffterms &match,ivector &excess);
70     const gen &differentiate(const gen &e,pd_map &pds,const ivector &sig);
71     void compute_h(const std::vector<diffterms> &grv,int order);
72     void compute_pd(int order,const ivector &sig=ivector(0));
73     void raise_order(int order); // compute the missing partial derivatives of h
74     const gen &get_pd(const pd_map &pds,const ivector &sig) const;
75 public:
76     /* construct the ipdiff instance for function f_orig(vars_orig) subject to
77      * the constraints in g_orig, the Jacobian of g_orig must have maximal rank */
78     ipdiff(const gen &f_orig,const vecteur &g_orig,const vecteur &vars_orig,GIAC_CONTEXT);
79     /* return the partial derivative of J represented by sig */
80     const gen &derivative(const ivector &sig);
81     /* return the partial derivative of J with respect to the variables in dvars */
82     const gen &derivative(const vecteur &dvars);
83     /* store all partial derivatives of the specified order to pd_map */
84     void partial_derivatives(int order,pd_map &pdmap);
85     /* return 1/k!*(sum(i=1)^n (xi-ai)*d/dxi)^k f(x)|a */
86     gen taylor_term(const vecteur &a,int k,bool shift=true);
87     /* return the Taylor polynomial, with the specified order, of J in the vicinity of a */
88     gen taylor(const vecteur &a,int order);
89     /* store grad(J) as vector res */
90     void gradient(vecteur &res);
91     /* store Hessian(J) as matrix res */
92     void hessian(matrice &res);
93     /* generate all partitions of m into n terms and store them to vector c */
94     static void ipartition(int m,int n,ivectors &c,const ivector &p=ivector(0));
95     /* return the sum the elements of a vector v of integers, ignore the last element if drop_last=true */
96     static int sum_ivector(const ivector &v,bool drop_last=false);
97 };
99 class tprob {
100     /* TPROB CLASS (Transportation PROBlem)
101      * The class implementing the MODI method for balanced TP with degeneracy handling */
102 public:
103     typedef std::pair<int,int> ipair;
104     typedef std::vector<ipair> ipairs;
105 private:
106     const context *ctx;
107     vecteur demand;
108     vecteur supply;
109     gen eps; // epsilon
110     gen M; // symbol for marking forbidden routes in cost matrix
111     void north_west_corner(matrice &feas);
112     ipairs stepping_stone_path(ipairs &path_orig,const matrice &X);
113     void modi(const matrice &P_orig,matrice &X);
114 public:
115     /* construct the TP with supply s and demand d, m marks forbidden routes */
116     tprob(const vecteur &s,const vecteur &d,const gen &m,GIAC_CONTEXT);
117     /* solve the transportation problem with the given cost matrix, output in sol */
118     void solve(const matrice &cost_matrix,matrice &sol);
119 };
121 gen _implicitdiff(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
122 gen _minimize(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
123 gen _maximize(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
124 gen _extrema(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
125 gen _minimax(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
126 gen _tpsolve(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
127 gen _nlpsolve(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
128 gen _thiele(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
129 gen _triginterp(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
130 gen _kernel_density(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
131 gen _fitdistr(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
132 gen _bvpsolve(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
133 gen _euler_lagrange(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
134 gen _jacobi_equation(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
135 gen _conjugate_equation(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
136 gen _convex(const gen &g,GIAC_CONTEXT);
138 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_implicitdiff;
139 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_minimize;
140 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_maximize;
141 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_extrema;
142 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_minimax;
143 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_tpsolve;
144 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_nlpsolve;
145 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_thiele;
146 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_triginterp;
147 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_kernel_density;
148 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_fitdistr;
149 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_bvpsolve;
150 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_euler_lagrange;
151 extern const unary_function_ptr * const at_convex;
154 } // namespace giac
155 #endif // ndef NO_NAMESPACE_GIAC
156 #endif // __OPTIMIZATION_H