1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2021 Detlev Offenbach <detlev@die-offenbachs.de>
7Module implementing the base class of the VCS project browser helper.
10import os
12from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QCoreApplication
13from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog
15from E5Gui.E5Application import e5App
17from UI.DeleteFilesConfirmationDialog import DeleteFilesConfirmationDialog
19from Project.ProjectBrowserModel import (
20    ProjectBrowserSimpleDirectoryItem, ProjectBrowserFileItem,
21    ProjectBrowserDirectoryItem
24import Preferences
27class VcsProjectBrowserHelper(QObject):
28    """
29    Class implementing the base class of the VCS project browser helper.
30    """
31    def __init__(self, vcsObject, browserObject, projectObject,
32                 isTranslationsBrowser, parent=None, name=None):
33        """
34        Constructor
36        @param vcsObject reference to the vcs object
37        @param browserObject reference to the project browser object
38        @param projectObject reference to the project object
39        @param isTranslationsBrowser flag indicating, the helper is requested
40            for the translations browser (this needs some special treatment)
41        @param parent parent widget (QWidget)
42        @param name name of this object (string)
43        """
44        super().__init__(parent)
45        if name:
46            self.setObjectName(name)
48        self.vcs = vcsObject
49        self.browser = browserObject
50        self.isTranslationsBrowser = isTranslationsBrowser
51        self.project = projectObject
53    def addVCSMenus(self, mainMenu, multiMenu, backMenu, dirMenu,
54                    dirMultiMenu):
55        """
56        Public method to add the VCS entries to the various project browser
57        menus.
59        @param mainMenu reference to the main menu (QPopupMenu)
60        @param multiMenu reference to the multiple selection menu (QPopupMenu)
61        @param backMenu reference to the background menu (QPopupMenu)
62        @param dirMenu reference to the directory menu (QPopupMenu)
63        @param dirMultiMenu reference to the multiple selection directory
64            menu (QPopupMenu)
65        """
66        self._addVCSMenu(mainMenu)
67        self._addVCSMenuMulti(multiMenu)
68        self._addVCSMenuBack(backMenu)
69        self._addVCSMenuDir(dirMenu)
70        self._addVCSMenuDirMulti(dirMultiMenu)
72    def showContextMenu(self, menu, standardItems):
73        """
74        Public slot called before the context menu is shown.
76        It enables/disables the VCS menu entries depending on the overall
77        VCS status and the file status.
79        @param menu reference to the menu to be shown
80        @param standardItems array of standard items that need
81            activation/deactivation depending on the overall VCS status
82        @exception RuntimeError to indicate that this method must be
83            implemented by a subclass
84        """
85        raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
87    def showContextMenuMulti(self, menu, standardItems):
88        """
89        Public slot called before the context menu (multiple selections) is
90        shown.
92        It enables/disables the VCS menu entries depending on the overall
93        VCS status and the files status.
95        @param menu reference to the menu to be shown
96        @param standardItems array of standard items that need
97            activation/deactivation depending on the overall VCS status
98        @exception RuntimeError to indicate that this method must be
99            implemented by a subclass
100        """
101        raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
103    def showContextMenuDir(self, menu, standardItems):
104        """
105        Public slot called before the context menu is shown.
107        It enables/disables the VCS menu entries depending on the overall
108        VCS status and the directory status.
110        @param menu reference to the menu to be shown
111        @param standardItems array of standard items that
112            need activation/deactivation depending on the overall VCS status
113        @exception RuntimeError to indicate that this method must be
114            implemented by a subclass
115        """
116        raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
118    def showContextMenuDirMulti(self, menu, standardItems):
119        """
120        Public slot called before the context menu is shown.
122        It enables/disables the VCS menu entries depending on the overall
123        VCS status and the directory status.
125        @param menu reference to the menu to be shown
126        @param standardItems array of standard items that need
127            activation/deactivation depending on the overall VCS status
128        @exception RuntimeError to indicate that this method must be
129            implemented by a subclass
130        """
131        raise RuntimeError('Not implemented')
133    ###########################################################################
134    ## General menu handling methods below
135    ###########################################################################
137    def _VCSUpdate(self):
138        """
139        Protected slot called by the context menu to update a file from the
140        VCS repository.
141        """
142        if self.isTranslationsBrowser:
143            names = [itm.dirName()
144                     for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems(
145                         [ProjectBrowserSimpleDirectoryItem])]
146            if not names:
147                names = [itm.fileName()
148                         for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems(
149                             [ProjectBrowserFileItem])]
150        else:
151            names = []
152            for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems():
153                try:
154                    name = itm.fileName()
155                except AttributeError:
156                    name = itm.dirName()
157                names.append(name)
158        self.vcs.vcsUpdate(names)
160    def _VCSCommit(self):
161        """
162        Protected slot called by the context menu to commit the changes to the
163        VCS repository.
164        """
165        if self.isTranslationsBrowser:
166            names = [itm.dirName()
167                     for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems(
168                         [ProjectBrowserSimpleDirectoryItem])]
169            if not names:
170                names = [itm.fileName()
171                         for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems(
172                             [ProjectBrowserFileItem])]
173        else:
174            names = []
175            for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems():
176                try:
177                    name = itm.fileName()
178                except AttributeError:
179                    name = itm.dirName()
180                names.append(name)
181        if Preferences.getVCS("AutoSaveFiles"):
182            vm = e5App().getObject("ViewManager")
183            for name in names:
184                vm.saveEditor(name)
185        self.vcs.vcsCommit(names, '')
187    def _VCSAdd(self):
188        """
189        Protected slot called by the context menu to add the selected file to
190        the VCS repository.
191        """
192        if self.isTranslationsBrowser:
193            items = self.browser.getSelectedItems(
194                [ProjectBrowserSimpleDirectoryItem])
195            if items:
196                names = [itm.dirName() for itm in items]
197                qnames = []
198            else:
199                items = self.browser.getSelectedItems([ProjectBrowserFileItem])
200                names = []
201                qnames = []
202                for itm in items:
203                    name = itm.fileName()
204                    if name.endswith('.qm'):
205                        qnames.append(name)
206                    else:
207                        names.append(name)
208        else:
209            names = []
210            for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems():
211                try:
212                    name = itm.fileName()
213                except AttributeError:
214                    name = itm.dirName()
215                names.append(name)
216            qnames = []
218        if not len(names + qnames):
219            return
221        if len(names + qnames) == 1:
222            if names:
223                self.vcs.vcsAdd(names[0], os.path.isdir(names[0]))
224            else:
225                if self.vcs.canDetectBinaries:
226                    self.vcs.vcsAdd(qnames)
227                else:
228                    self.vcs.vcsAddBinary(qnames)
229        else:
230            if self.vcs.canDetectBinaries:
231                self.vcs.vcsAdd(names + qnames)
232            else:
233                self.vcs.vcsAdd(names)
234                if len(qnames):
235                    self.vcs.vcsAddBinary(qnames)
236        for fn in names + qnames:
237            self._updateVCSStatus(fn)
239    def _VCSAddTree(self):
240        """
241        Protected slot called by the context menu.
243        It is used to add the selected
244        directory tree to the VCS repository.
245        """
246        names = []
247        for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems():
248            try:
249                name = itm.fileName()
250            except AttributeError:
251                name = itm.dirName()
252            names.append(name)
253        self.vcs.vcsAddTree(names)
254        for fn in names:
255            self._updateVCSStatus(fn)
257    def _VCSRemove(self):
258        """
259        Protected slot called by the context menu to remove the selected file
260        from the VCS repository.
261        """
262        if self.isTranslationsBrowser:
263            items = self.browser.getSelectedItems(
264                [ProjectBrowserSimpleDirectoryItem])
265            if items:
266                return      # not supported
268            isRemoveDirs = False
269            items = self.browser.getSelectedItems([ProjectBrowserFileItem])
270            names = [itm.fileName() for itm in items]
272            dlg = DeleteFilesConfirmationDialog(
273                self.parent(),
274                QCoreApplication.translate(
275                    "VcsProjectBrowserHelper",
276                    "Remove from repository (and disk)"),
277                QCoreApplication.translate(
278                    "VcsProjectBrowserHelper",
279                    "Do you really want to remove these translation files from"
280                    " the repository (and disk)?"),
281                names)
282        else:
283            items = self.browser.getSelectedItems()
284            isRemoveDirs = (
285                len(items) == self.browser.getSelectedItemsCount(
286                    [ProjectBrowserSimpleDirectoryItem,
287                     ProjectBrowserDirectoryItem])
288            )
289            if isRemoveDirs:
290                names = [itm.dirName() for itm in items]
291            else:
292                names = [itm.fileName() for itm in items]
293            files = [self.browser.project.getRelativePath(name)
294                     for name in names]
296            dlg = DeleteFilesConfirmationDialog(
297                self.parent(),
298                QCoreApplication.translate(
299                    "VcsProjectBrowserHelper",
300                    "Remove from repository (and disk)"),
301                QCoreApplication.translate(
302                    "VcsProjectBrowserHelper",
303                    "Do you really want to remove these files/directories"
304                    " from the repository (and disk)?"),
305                files)
307        if dlg.exec() == QDialog.DialogCode.Accepted:
308            status = self.vcs.vcsRemove(names)
309            if status:
310                if isRemoveDirs:
311                    self.browser._removeDir()
312                    # remove directories from Project
313                else:
314                    self.browser._removeFile()  # remove file(s) from project
316    def _VCSLog(self):
317        """
318        Protected slot called by the context menu to show the VCS log of a
319        file/directory.
320        """
321        # kept for backward compatibility for plug-ins
322        self._VCSLogBrowser()
324    def _VCSLogBrowser(self):
325        """
326        Protected slot called by the context menu to show the log browser for a
327        file.
328        """
329        itm = self.browser.currentItem()
330        try:
331            fn = itm.fileName()
332            isFile = True
333        except AttributeError:
334            fn = itm.dirName()
335            isFile = False
336        self.vcs.vcsLogBrowser(fn, isFile=isFile)
338    def _VCSDiff(self):
339        """
340        Protected slot called by the context menu to show the difference of a
341        file/directory to the repository.
342        """
343        names = []
344        for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems():
345            try:
346                name = itm.fileName()
347            except AttributeError:
348                name = itm.dirName()
349            names.append(name)
350        self.vcs.vcsDiff(names)
352    def _VCSStatus(self):
353        """
354        Protected slot called by the context menu to show the status of a file.
355        """
356        if self.isTranslationsBrowser:
357            items = self.browser.getSelectedItems(
358                [ProjectBrowserSimpleDirectoryItem])
359            if items:
360                names = [itm.dirName() for itm in items]
361            else:
362                items = self.browser.getSelectedItems([ProjectBrowserFileItem])
363                names = [itm.fileName() for itm in items]
364        else:
365            names = []
366            for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems():
367                try:
368                    name = itm.fileName()
369                except AttributeError:
370                    name = itm.dirName()
371                names.append(name)
372        self.vcs.vcsStatus(names)
374    def _VCSRevert(self):
375        """
376        Protected slot called by the context menu to revert changes made to a
377        file.
378        """
379        names = []
380        for itm in self.browser.getSelectedItems():
381            try:
382                name = itm.fileName()
383            except AttributeError:
384                name = itm.dirName()
385            names.append(name)
386        self.vcs.vcsRevert(names)
388    def _VCSMerge(self):
389        """
390        Protected slot called by the context menu to merge changes into to a
391        file.
392        """
393        itm = self.browser.currentItem()
394        try:
395            name = itm.fileName()
396        except AttributeError:
397            name = itm.dirName()
398        self.vcs.vcsMerge(name)
400    def _VCSInfoDisplay(self):
401        """
402        Protected slot called to show some vcs information.
403        """
404        from .RepositoryInfoDialog import VcsRepositoryInfoDialog
405        info = self.vcs.vcsRepositoryInfos(self.project.ppath)
406        dlg = VcsRepositoryInfoDialog(None, info)
407        dlg.exec()
409    def _updateVCSStatus(self, name):
410        """
411        Protected method to update the VCS status of an item.
413        @param name filename or directoryname of the item to be updated
414            (string)
415        """
416        self.project.getModel().updateVCSStatus(name)