1 /*
2  * Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK)
3  *
4  * Copyright 2013-2015 Imperial College London
5  * Copyright 2013-2015 Andreas Schuh
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
20 #include "mirtk/Common.h"
21 #include "mirtk/Options.h"
23 #include "mirtk/IOConfig.h"
25 #include "mirtk/BaseImage.h"
26 #include "mirtk/ImageReader.h"
28 #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
29 #  include "mirtk/Transformation.h"
30 #  include "mirtk/AffineTransformation.h"
31 #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
33 #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
34 #  include "mirtk/EdgeTable.h"
35 #  include "mirtk/Triangle.h"
36 #  include "mirtk/Polyhedron.h"
37 #  include "mirtk/PointSetIO.h"
38 #  include "mirtk/PointSetUtils.h"
39 #  include "mirtk/DataStatistics.h"
41 #  include "mirtk/Vtk.h"
42 #  include "mirtk/VtkMath.h"
44 #  include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
45 #  include "vtkPolyData.h"
46 #  include "vtkDataArray.h"
47 #  include "vtkCellArray.h"
48 #  include "vtkPointData.h"
49 #  include "vtkCellData.h"
50 #  include "vtkGenericCell.h"
51 #  include "vtkOctreePointLocator.h"
52 #  include "vtkUnsignedCharArray.h"
53 #  include "vtkFloatArray.h"
54 #  include "vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter.h"
55 #  include "vtkCleanPolyData.h"
56 #  include "vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter.h"
57 #  include "vtkIntersectionPolyDataFilter.h"
58 #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
60 using namespace mirtk;
64 // =============================================================================
65 // Help
66 // =============================================================================
68 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintHelp(const char * name)69 void PrintHelp(const char *name)
70 {
71   cout << "\n";
72   cout << "Usage: " << name << " <file> [options]\n";
73   cout << "\n";
74   cout << "Description:\n";
75   cout << "  Prints some useful information about the given input file, which\n";
76   cout << "  can be an image, transformation (requires MIRTK Transformation module),\n";
77   cout << "  or point set (requires MIRTK Point Set module).\n";
78   cout << "\n";
79   cout << "Arguments:\n";
80   cout << "  input   Input image";
81   #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
82     cout << " or transformation";
83   #endif
84   #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
85     cout << " or point set";
86   #endif
87   cout << " file.\n";
88   cout << "\n";
89   cout << "Image options:\n";
90   // Note: No two first named options can be identical, otherwise Sphinx
91   //       complains that the -attributes point set option below is a duplicate.
92   //       (cf. help-rst.py output).
93   cout << "  -a -attributes   Print attributes of image.\n";
94   #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
95     cout << "\n";
96     cout << "Transformation options:\n";
97     cout << "  -attributes   Print attributes of transformation. (default)\n";
98     cout << "  -type-name    Print name of transformation type.\n";
99     cout << "  -type-id      Print enum of transformation type.\n";
100   #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
101   #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
102   cout << "\n";
103   cout << "Point set options:\n";
104   cout << "  -point <id>...           Print info of points with the given zero-based indices.\n";
105   cout << "  -cell-types              Report cell types and how many of each. (default: off)\n";
106   cout << "  -bounds                  Report point set bounds and center point. (default: off)\n";
107   cout << "  -edgelength              Report edge length statistics. (default: off)\n";
108   cout << "  -self-intersections      Check for self-intersections. (default: off)\n";
109   cout << "  -area                    Display surface area information\n";
110   cout << "  -output-surface <file>   Write surface mesh to specified file. (default: none)\n";
111   #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
112   PrintStandardOptions(cout);
113   cout << "\n";
114   cout.flush();
115 }
117 // =============================================================================
118 // Point set auxiliaries
119 // =============================================================================
120 #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
122 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 /// Convert input dataset to polygonal data, i.e., boundary surface
ConvertToPolyData(vtkDataSet * dataset)124 vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> ConvertToPolyData(vtkDataSet *dataset)
125 {
126   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(dataset);
127   if (polydata) return polydata;
128   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter> surface;
129   surface = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter>::New();
130   SetVTKInput(surface, dataset);
131   surface->PassThroughCellIdsOff();
132   surface->PassThroughPointIdsOff();
133   surface->Update();
134   return surface->GetOutput();
135 }
137 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 /// Clean polydata
CleanPolyData(vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata)139 vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> CleanPolyData(vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata)
140 {
141   vtkSmartPointer<vtkCleanPolyData> cleaner = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCleanPolyData>::New();
142   cleaner->SetAbsoluteTolerance(.0);
143   cleaner->PointMergingOn();
144   cleaner->ConvertLinesToPointsOn();
145   cleaner->ConvertPolysToLinesOn();
146   cleaner->ConvertStripsToPolysOn();
147   SetVTKInput(cleaner, polydata);
148   cleaner->Update();
149   return cleaner->GetOutput();
150 }
152 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 /// Get center point and radius of bounding sphere
GetBoundingSphereRadius(vtkGenericCell * cell,double c[3])154 inline double GetBoundingSphereRadius(vtkGenericCell *cell, double c[3])
155 {
156   double p[3];
157   // Get center of bounding sphere
158   c[0] = .0, c[1] = .0, c[2] = .0;
159   double *weights = new double[cell->GetNumberOfPoints()];
160   int subId = cell->GetParametricCenter(p);
161   cell->EvaluateLocation(subId, p, c, weights);
162   delete[] weights;
163   // Get radius of bounding sphere
164   double r = .0;
165   vtkPoints *points = cell->GetPoints();
166   for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < points->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i) {
167     points->GetPoint(i, p);
168     r = max(r, vtkMath::Distance2BetweenPoints(c, p));
169   }
170   return sqrt(r);
171 }
173 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 /// Auxiliary functor which counts the number of self-intersections of a triangulated surface mesh
175 struct CountTriangleTriangleIntersections
176 {
177   vtkPolyData             *_DataSet;
178   vtkAbstractPointLocator *_PointLocator;
179   vtkDataArray            *_Mask;
180   int                      _NumberOfIntersections;
CountTriangleTriangleIntersectionsCountTriangleTriangleIntersections182   CountTriangleTriangleIntersections() : _NumberOfIntersections(0) {}
CountTriangleTriangleIntersectionsCountTriangleTriangleIntersections184   CountTriangleTriangleIntersections(const CountTriangleTriangleIntersections &other, split)
185   :
186     _DataSet(other._DataSet),
187     _PointLocator(other._PointLocator),
188     _Mask(other._Mask),
189     _NumberOfIntersections(0)
190   {}
joinCountTriangleTriangleIntersections192   void join(const CountTriangleTriangleIntersections &other)
193   {
194     _NumberOfIntersections += other._NumberOfIntersections;
195   }
operator ()CountTriangleTriangleIntersections197   void operator ()(const blocked_range<vtkIdType> &re)
198   {
199     vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericCell> cell1   = vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericCell>::New();
200     vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericCell> cell2   = vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericCell>::New();
201     vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>      ptIds   = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();
202     vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>      cellIds = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();
204     vtkIdType cellId2;
205     vtkNew<vtkIdList> ptCellIds;
206     double r1, c1[3], v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], u1[3], u2[3], u3[3];
208     for (vtkIdType cellId1 = re.begin(); cellId1 != re.end(); ++cellId1) {
209       _DataSet->GetCell(cellId1, cell1);
210       if (cell1->GetNumberOfPoints() != 3) continue;
211       _DataSet->GetPoint(cell1->GetPointId(0), v1);
212       _DataSet->GetPoint(cell1->GetPointId(1), v2);
213       _DataSet->GetPoint(cell1->GetPointId(2), v3);
214       r1 = GetBoundingSphereRadius(cell1, c1);
215       _PointLocator->FindPointsWithinRadius(3.0 * r1, c1, ptIds);
216       cellIds->Reset();
217       for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < ptIds->GetNumberOfIds(); ++i) {
218         _DataSet->GetPointCells(ptIds->GetId(i), ptCellIds.GetPointer());
219         for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < ptCellIds->GetNumberOfIds(); ++j) {
220           cellIds->InsertUniqueId(ptCellIds->GetId(j));
221         }
222       }
223       for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < cellIds->GetNumberOfIds(); ++i) {
224         cellId2 = cellIds->GetId(i);
225         if (cellId2 <= cellId1) continue; // unordered pairs of cells
226         _DataSet->GetCell(cellId2, cell2);
227         if (cell2->GetNumberOfPoints() != 3) continue;
228         if (cell1->GetPointIds()->IsId(cell2->GetPointId(0)) >= 0) continue;
229         if (cell1->GetPointIds()->IsId(cell2->GetPointId(1)) >= 0) continue;
230         if (cell1->GetPointIds()->IsId(cell2->GetPointId(2)) >= 0) continue;
231         _DataSet->GetPoint(cell2->GetPointId(0), u1);
232         _DataSet->GetPoint(cell2->GetPointId(1), u2);
233         _DataSet->GetPoint(cell2->GetPointId(2), u3);
234         if (Triangle::TriangleTriangleIntersection(v1, v2, v3, u1, u2, u3) != 0) {
235           _Mask->SetComponent(cellId1, 0, 1.0);
236           _Mask->SetComponent(cellId2, 0, 1.0);
237           ++_NumberOfIntersections;
238         }
239       }
240     }
241   }
242 };
244 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 /// Count number of self-intersections of triangulated surface mesh
NumberOfTriangleTriangleIntersections(vtkPolyData * polydata,const char * array_name=nullptr)246 int NumberOfTriangleTriangleIntersections(vtkPolyData *polydata, const char *array_name = nullptr)
247 {
248   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> mask = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray>::New();
249   mask->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
250   mask->SetNumberOfTuples(polydata->GetNumberOfCells());
251   mask->FillComponent(0, 0.);
252   vtkNew<vtkOctreePointLocator> octree;
253   octree->SetDataSet(polydata);
254   octree->BuildLocator();
255   CountTriangleTriangleIntersections count;
256   count._DataSet      = polydata;
257   count._PointLocator = octree.GetPointer();
258   count._Mask         = mask;
259   parallel_reduce(blocked_range<vtkIdType>(0, polydata->GetNumberOfCells()), count);
260   if (array_name) {
261     mask->SetName(array_name);
262     polydata->GetCellData()->AddArray(mask);
263   }
264   return count._NumberOfIntersections;
265 }
267 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 /// Auxiliary functor which counts the number of vertices inside the polyhedron
269 struct CountVerticesInsidePolyhedron
270 {
271   Polyhedron   *_Polyhedron;
272   vtkDataArray *_Mask;
273   int           _Num;
CountVerticesInsidePolyhedronCountVerticesInsidePolyhedron275   CountVerticesInsidePolyhedron() : _Num(0) {}
CountVerticesInsidePolyhedronCountVerticesInsidePolyhedron276   CountVerticesInsidePolyhedron(const CountVerticesInsidePolyhedron &other, split)
277   :
278     _Polyhedron(other._Polyhedron), _Mask(other._Mask), _Num(0)
279   {}
joinCountVerticesInsidePolyhedron281   void join(const CountVerticesInsidePolyhedron &other)
282   {
283     _Num += other._Num;
284   }
operator ()CountVerticesInsidePolyhedron286   void operator ()(const blocked_range<int> &re)
287   {
288     double p[3];
289     for (int ptId = re.begin(); ptId != re.end(); ++ptId) {
290       _Polyhedron->GetPoint(ptId, p);
291       if (_Polyhedron->IsInside(p)) {
292         _Mask->SetComponent(ptId, 0, 1);
293         ++_Num;
294       } else {
295         _Mask->SetComponent(ptId, 0, 0);
296       }
297     }
298   }
299 };
301 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
302 /// Point-inside-polyhedron test
NumberOfVerticesInsidePolyhedron(vtkPolyData * polydata)303 int NumberOfVerticesInsidePolyhedron(vtkPolyData *polydata)
304 {
305   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> mask = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnsignedCharArray>::New();
306   mask->SetName("VertexInsidePolyhedron");
307   mask->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
308   mask->SetNumberOfTuples(polydata->GetNumberOfPoints());
309   polydata->GetPointData()->AddArray(mask);
310   Polyhedron polyhedron(polydata);
311   CountVerticesInsidePolyhedron count;
312   count._Polyhedron = &polyhedron;
313   count._Mask       = mask;
314   parallel_reduce(blocked_range<int>(0, polyhedron.NumberOfPoints()), count);
315   return count._Num;
316 }
318 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
319 /// Compute volume of cells
320 struct ComputeCellVolumes
321 {
322   vtkPointSet  *_PointSet;
323   vtkDataArray *_Volume;
operator ()ComputeCellVolumes325   void operator ()(const blocked_range<vtkIdType> &re) const
326   {
327     double volume;
328     vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericCell> cell = vtkSmartPointer<vtkGenericCell>::New();
329     for (vtkIdType cellId = re.begin(); cellId != re.end(); ++cellId) {
330       _PointSet->GetCell(cellId, cell);
331       volume = ComputeVolume(cell);
332       _Volume->SetComponent(cellId, 0, volume);
333     }
334   }
RunComputeCellVolumes336   static vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> Run(vtkPointSet *pointset)
337   {
338     vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> volume;
339     volume = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
340     volume->SetName("Volume");
341     volume->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
342     volume->SetNumberOfTuples(pointset->GetNumberOfCells());
343     pointset->GetCellData()->AddArray(volume);
344     ComputeCellVolumes body;
345     body._PointSet = pointset;
346     body._Volume   = volume;
347     parallel_for(blocked_range<vtkIdType>(0, pointset->GetNumberOfCells()), body);
348     return volume;
349   }
350 };
352 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DataObjectTypeString(int type)353 const char *DataObjectTypeString(int type)
354 {
355   switch (type) {
356     case VTK_IMAGE_DATA:        return "Image";
357     case VTK_POLY_DATA:         return "Polydata";
358     case VTK_UNSTRUCTURED_GRID: return "Unstructured grid";
359     case VTK_STRUCTURED_GRID:   return "Structured grid";
360     case VTK_STRUCTURED_POINTS: return "Structured points";
361     default: return "unknown";
362   }
363 }
365 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CellTypeString(int type)366 const char *CellTypeString(int type)
367 {
368   switch (type) {
369     case VTK_EMPTY_CELL:      return "empty cells";
370     case VTK_VERTEX:          return "vertices";
371     case VTK_POLY_VERTEX:     return "poly-vertices";
372     case VTK_LINE:            return "lines";
373     case VTK_TRIANGLE:        return "triangles";
374     case VTK_TRIANGLE_STRIP:  return "triangle strips";
375     case VTK_POLYGON:         return "polygons";
376     case VTK_QUAD:            return "quads";
377     case VTK_TETRA:           return "tetrahedra";
378     case VTK_VOXEL:           return "voxels";
379     case VTK_HEXAHEDRON:      return "hexadrons";
380     case VTK_HEXAGONAL_PRISM: return "hexagonal prisms";
381     case VTK_PYRAMID:         return "pyramids";
382     default:                  return "unknown cells";
383   }
384 }
386 #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
387 // =============================================================================
388 // Main
389 // =============================================================================
391 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
main(int argc,char * argv[])392 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
393 {
396   bool image_info = false, dof_info = false, pointset_info = false;
398   // Read input file
399   const char *fname = POSARG(1);
400   const string fext = Extension(fname, EXT_LastWithoutGz);
402   UniquePtr<ImageReader> image_reader;
403   #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
404     UniquePtr<Transformation> dof;
405     if (Transformation::CheckHeader(fname)) {
406       dof.reset(Transformation::New(fname));
407       dof_info = true;
408     }
409     else
410   #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
411   {
412     InitializeIOLibrary();
413     image_reader.reset(ImageReader::TryNew(fname));
414     image_info = (image_reader != nullptr);
415   }
416   #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
417   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet> pointset;
418   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata;
419   if (!image_info && !dof_info &&
420       // FIXME: Silence errors of VTK readers instead
421       fext != ".nii"  && fext != ".hdr" && fext != ".img" && fext != ".png" &&
422       fext != ".gipl" && fext != ".pgm") {
423     const bool exit_on_failure = false;
424     pointset = ReadPointSet(POSARG(1), exit_on_failure);
425     if (pointset) {
426       polydata = ConvertToPolyData(pointset);
427       polydata->BuildLinks();
428       pointset_info = true;
429     }
430   }
431   #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
433   if (!image_info && !dof_info && !pointset_info) {
434     FatalError("Unknown input file type or file format not supported!");
435   }
437   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
438   // Image info
439   if (image_info) {
441     bool attributes = false;
443     for (ALL_OPTIONS) {
444       if (OPTION("-a") || OPTION("-attributes") || OPTION("-attr")) attributes = true;
446     }
448     UniquePtr<BaseImage> image(image_reader->Run());
449     if (!attributes) {
450       cout << "Information from ImageReader::Print\n\n";
451       image_reader->Print();
452       cout << "\nInformation from BaseImage::Print\n\n";
453     }
454     image->Print();
455     if (!attributes) {
456       double min, max;
457       image->GetMinMaxAsDouble(&min, &max);
458       cout << "\nMinimum intensity: " << min << "\n";
459       cout << "Maximum intensity: " << max << "\n";
460       cout << "\nImage to world matrix\n";
461       image->GetImageToWorldMatrix().Print();
462       cout << "\nWorld to image matrix\n";
463       image->GetWorldToImageMatrix().Print();
464       if (!image->GetAffineMatrix().IsIdentity()) {
465         cout << "Including affine transformation\n";
466         #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
467           AffineTransformation transformation;
468           transformation.PutMatrix(image->GetAffineMatrix());
469           transformation.Print(Indent(1));
470         #else // HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
471           image->GetAffineMatrix().Print();
472         #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
473       }
474     }
476   } // image_info
478   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
479   // Transformation info
480 #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
481   if (dof_info) {
483     bool attributes = false;
484     bool type_name  = false;
485     bool type_id    = false;
487     for (ALL_OPTIONS) {
488       if      (OPTION("-attributes") || OPTION("-attr") || OPTION("-a")) attributes = true;
489       else if (OPTION("-type-name")  || OPTION("-type")) type_name  = true;
490       else if (OPTION("-type-id")    || OPTION("-id"))   type_id    = true;
492     }
493     if (!type_name && !type_id && !attributes) {
494       attributes = true;
495     }
497     if (type_name) {
498       cout << dof->NameOfClass();
499     }
500     if (type_id) {
501       if (type_name) cout << " (";
502       cout << dof->TypeOfClass();
503       if (type_name) cout << ")";
504     }
505     if (attributes) {
506       if (type_name || type_id) cout << "\n";
507       dof->Print();
508     }
510   } // dof_info
511 #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_Transformation
513   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
514   // Point set info
515 #ifdef HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
516   if (pointset_info) {
518     using namespace mirtk::data::statistic;
520     const char *self_intersections_name = nullptr;
521     bool report_bounds         = false;
522     bool report_cell_types     = false;
523     bool report_cell_volumes   = false;
524     bool report_edge_lengths   = false;
525     bool report_surface_area   = false;
526     bool print_summary         = false;
527     bool print_surface_summary = false;
528     bool list_pointdata_arrays = false;
529     bool list_celldata_arrays  = false;
531     const char *output_pointset_name = NULL;
532     const char *output_surface_name  = NULL;
534     Array<int> point_indices;
535     int        max_point_index = -1;
537     for (ALL_OPTIONS) {
538       if (OPTION("-self-intersections")) {
539         if (HAS_ARGUMENT) self_intersections_name = ARGUMENT;
540         else self_intersections_name = "SelfIntersectionsMask";
541       }
542       else if (OPTION("-edgelength")) report_edge_lengths = true;
543       else if (OPTION("-bounds")) report_bounds = true;
544       else if (OPTION("-cell-types")) report_cell_types = true;
545       else if (OPTION("-pointdata")) list_pointdata_arrays = true;
546       else if (OPTION("-celldata")) list_celldata_arrays = true;
547       else if (OPTION("-data") || OPTION("-arrays") || OPTION("-data-arrays")) {
548         list_pointdata_arrays = list_celldata_arrays = true;
549       }
550       else if (OPTION("-summary")) print_summary = true;
551       else if (OPTION("-surface-graph") || OPTION("-surface-mesh") || OPTION("-surface-summary") || OPTION("-surface")) {
552         print_surface_summary = true;
553       }
554       else if (OPTION("-area") || OPTION("-surface-area")) {
555         report_surface_area = true;
556       }
557       else if (OPTION("-point")) {
558         int i;
559         do {
560           PARSE_ARGUMENT(i);
561           if (i < 0) FatalError("Invalid -point ID, must be non-negative: " << i);
562           point_indices.push_back(i);
563           if (i > max_point_index) max_point_index = i;
564         } while (HAS_ARGUMENT);
565       }
566       else if (OPTION("-vol") || OPTION("-volume") || OPTION("-volumes")) {
567         report_cell_volumes = true;
568       }
569       else if (OPTION("-o") || OPTION("-out") || OPTION("-output")) {
570         output_pointset_name = ARGUMENT;
571       }
572       else if (OPTION("-s") || OPTION("-output-surface")) {
573         output_surface_name = ARGUMENT;
574       }
576     }
578     // Read input dataset
579     vtkSmartPointer<vtkPointSet> pointset = ReadPointSet(POSARG(1));
580     vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata = ConvertToPolyData(pointset);
581     polydata->BuildLinks();
583     // What info to print by default
584     if (!self_intersections_name &&
585         !report_bounds &&
586         !report_cell_types &&
587         !report_cell_volumes &&
588         !report_edge_lengths &&
589         !report_surface_area &&
590         !print_summary &&
591         !print_surface_summary &&
592         !list_pointdata_arrays &&
593         !list_celldata_arrays &&
594         point_indices.empty()) {
595       print_summary         = true;
596       print_surface_summary = (polydata->GetNumberOfPolys() != 0);
597       list_pointdata_arrays = true;
598       list_celldata_arrays  = true;
599     }
601     if (max_point_index >= pointset->GetNumberOfPoints()) {
602       FatalError("Invalid -point ID, point set has only " << pointset->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points!");
603     }
605     // Point set type and size
606     if (print_summary) {
607       cout << DataObjectTypeString(pointset->GetDataObjectType()) << ":" << endl;
608       cout << "  No. of points:             " << pointset->GetNumberOfPoints() << endl;
609       cout << "  No. of edges:              " << NumberOfEdges(pointset) << endl;
610       cout << "  No. of cells:              " << pointset->GetNumberOfCells() << endl;
611     }
613     // Cell types
614     if (report_cell_types && pointset->GetNumberOfCells() > 0) {
615       OrderedMap<int, int> cellTypeHist;
616       OrderedMap<int, int>::iterator it;
617       for (vtkIdType cellId = 0; cellId < pointset->GetNumberOfCells(); ++cellId) {
618         int type = pointset->GetCellType(cellId);
619         it = cellTypeHist.find(type);
620         if (it == cellTypeHist.end()) cellTypeHist[type] = 1;
621         else ++it->second;
622       }
623       for (it = cellTypeHist.begin(); it != cellTypeHist.end(); ++it) {
624         string s = CellTypeString(it->first);
625         cout << "    No. of " << setw(18) << left << (s + ": ") << it->second << endl;
626       }
627       cout << "  Maximum cell size:         " << pointset->GetMaxCellSize() << endl;
628     }
630     // Bounding box
631     if (report_bounds) {
632       double bounds[6];
633       pointset->GetBounds(bounds);
634       cout << "  Bounding box:              [" << bounds[0] << ", " << bounds[1]
635                                     << "] x [" << bounds[2] << ", " << bounds[3]
636                                     << "] x [" << bounds[4] << ", " << bounds[5] << "]" << endl;
637       cout << "  Center point:              (" << .5 * (bounds[1] + bounds[0]) << ", "
638                                                << .5 * (bounds[3] + bounds[2]) << ", "
639                                                << .5 * (bounds[5] + bounds[4]) << ")" << endl;
640     }
642     if (pointset->GetNumberOfCells() > 0) {
644       // Compute cell volumes
645       if (report_cell_volumes && !IsSurfaceMesh(pointset)) {
646         vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> volume = ComputeCellVolumes::Run(pointset);
647         double min_volume, max_volume, avg_volume, std_volume;
648         Extrema::Calculate(min_volume, max_volume, volume);
649         NormalDistribution::Calculate(avg_volume, std_volume, volume);
650         cout << "\n";
651         cout << "  Average cell volume: " << avg_volume << "\n";
652         cout << "  Cell volume StDev:   " << std_volume << "\n";
653         cout << "  Minimum cell volume: " << min_volume << "\n";
654         cout << "  Maximum cell volume: " << max_volume << "\n";
655         cout.flush();
656       }
658       // Discard degenerate cells and unused points
659       polydata = CleanPolyData(polydata);
660       polydata->SetVerts(NULL);
661       polydata->SetLines(NULL);
662       polydata = CleanPolyData(polydata);
663       polydata->BuildLinks();
665       // Compute edge table
666       EdgeTable edgeTable(polydata);
668       // Euler characteristic / Genus
669       if (print_surface_summary) {
671         int npoints, nedges, nfaces, nbounds, ncomps, euler;
672         double genus = Genus(polydata, edgeTable, &npoints, &nedges, &nfaces,
673                                                   &nbounds, &ncomps, &euler);
674         cout << "\n";
675         cout << "Surface mesh:\n";
676         cout << "  V " << npoints << "\n";
677         cout << "  E " << nedges << "\n";
678         cout << "  F " << nfaces << "\n";
679         cout << "  B " << nbounds << "\n";
680         cout << "  C " << ncomps << "\n";
681         cout << "\n";
682         cout << "  Euler characteristic / Genus (V - E + F = 2C - 2g - B)\n";
683         cout << "    Euler: " << euler << "\n";
684         cout << "    Genus: " << genus << "\n";
685         cout.flush();
687         if (nbounds > 0 && output_surface_name) {
688           UnorderedSet<int> boundaryPtIds = BoundaryPoints(polydata);
689           vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> boundaryMask = NewVTKDataArray(VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR);
690           boundaryMask->SetName("BoundaryMask");
691           boundaryMask->SetNumberOfComponents(1);
692           boundaryMask->SetNumberOfTuples(polydata->GetNumberOfPoints());
693           boundaryMask->FillComponent(0, .0);
694           for (auto it = boundaryPtIds.begin(); it != boundaryPtIds.end(); ++it) {
695             boundaryMask->SetComponent(*it, 0, 1.0);
696           }
697           polydata->GetPointData()->AddArray(boundaryMask);
698         }
699       }
701       if (report_edge_lengths) {
702         double min_length, max_length, avg_length, std_length;
703         EdgeLengthNormalDistribution(polydata->GetPoints(), edgeTable, avg_length, std_length);
704         GetMinMaxEdgeLength(polydata->GetPoints(), edgeTable, min_length, max_length);
705         cout << "\n";
706         cout << "  Average edge length: " << avg_length << "\n";
707         cout << "  Edge length StDev:   " << std_length << "\n";
708         cout << "  Minimum edge length: " << min_length << "\n";
709         cout << "  Maximum edge length: " << max_length << "\n";
710         cout.flush();
711       }
713       if (report_surface_area) {
714         double sum_area = Area(polydata, true);
715         vtkDataArray *area = polydata->GetCellData()->GetArray("Area");
716         double min_area, max_area, avg_area, std_area;
717         Extrema::Calculate(min_area, max_area, area);
718         NormalDistribution::Calculate(avg_area, std_area, area);
719         double sum_volume = Volume(polydata);
720         cout << "\n";
721         cout << "  Average cell area:   " << avg_area << "\n";
722         cout << "  Cell area StDev:     " << std_area << "\n";
723         cout << "  Minimum cell area:   " << min_area << "\n";
724         cout << "  Maximum cell area:   " << max_area << "\n";
725         cout << "  Total surface area:  " << sum_area << "\n";
726         cout << "  Total volume:        " << sum_volume << "\n";
727         cout.flush();
728       }
730       // Self-intersections
731       if (self_intersections_name) {
732         cout << endl;
733         cout << "  No. of triangle/triangle intersections: ", cout.flush();
734         cout << NumberOfTriangleTriangleIntersections(polydata, self_intersections_name) << endl;
735         if (verbose > 2) {
736           int count = 0;
737           vtkDataArray *tritri = polydata->GetCellData()->GetArray(self_intersections_name);
738           for (vtkIdType cellId = 0; cellId < polydata->GetNumberOfCells(); ++cellId) {
739             if (tritri->GetComponent(cellId, 0) != .0) {
740               ++count;
741               cout << "  " << right << setw(5) << count;
742               if      (count == 1) cout << "st";
743               else if (count == 2) cout << "nd";
744               else if (count == 3) cout << "rd";
745               else                 cout << "th";
746               cout << " intersected cell: ID = " << cellId;
747               double area = ComputeArea(polydata->GetCell(cellId));
748               cout << ", area = " << area << "\n";
749             }
750           }
751           cout.flush();
752         }
753     //    cout << "  No. of vertices inside polyhedron: ", cout.flush();
754     //    cout << NumberOfVerticesInsidePolyhedron(polydata) << endl;
755       }
756     }
758     // Points
759     if (!point_indices.empty()) {
760       double p[3];
761       const int w = static_cast<int>(ToString(max_point_index).length());
762       for (size_t i = 0; i < point_indices.size(); ++i) {
763         if (point_indices[i] < 0 || point_indices[i] >= pointset->GetNumberOfPoints()) {
764           cout << "Invalid point index: " << point_indices[i] << "\n";
765         } else {
766           pointset->GetPoint(point_indices[i], p);
767           cout << "Point " << ToString(point_indices[i], w)
768                << ": [" << p[0] << ", " << p[1] << ", " << p[2] << "]\n";
769         }
770       }
771     }
773     // Attributes
774     if (list_pointdata_arrays) {
775       vtkPointData *pd = pointset->GetPointData();
776       if (pd->GetNumberOfArrays() > 0) {
777         cout << "\nPoint data attributes:\n";
778         for (int i = 0; i < pd->GetNumberOfArrays(); ++i) {
779           vtkDataArray *array = pd->GetArray(i);
780           printf(" %2d %-24s (dim: %2d, type: %-7s kind: %s)\n", i,
781               array->GetName(),
782               array->GetNumberOfComponents(),
783               (VtkDataTypeString(array->GetDataType()) + ",").c_str(),
784               VtkAttributeTypeString(pd->IsArrayAnAttribute(i)).c_str());
785         }
786       }
787     }
788     if (list_celldata_arrays) {
789       vtkCellData *cd = pointset->GetCellData();
790       if (cd->GetNumberOfArrays() > 0) {
791         cout << "\nCell data attributes:\n";
792         for (int i = 0; i < cd->GetNumberOfArrays(); ++i) {
793           vtkDataArray *array = cd->GetArray(i);
794           printf(" %2d %-24s (dim: %2d, type: %-7s kind: %s)\n", i,
795               array->GetName(),
796               array->GetNumberOfComponents(),
797               (VtkDataTypeString(array->GetDataType()) + ",").c_str(),
798               VtkAttributeTypeString(cd->IsArrayAnAttribute(i)).c_str());
799         }
800       }
801     }
802     cout.flush();
804     // Write output point set (possibly with additional attributes)
805     if (output_pointset_name) WritePointSet(output_pointset_name, pointset);
807     // Write output surface mesh (possibly with additional attributes)
808     if (output_surface_name && polydata->GetNumberOfCells() > 0) {
809       WritePointSet(output_surface_name, polydata);
810     }
812   } // dof_info
813 #endif // HAVE_MIRTK_PointSet
815   return 0;
816 }