1 /**
2  * @namespace   biewlib
3  * @file        biewlib/bbio.h
4  * @brief       This file contains prototypes of BBIO technology functions.
5  * @version     -
6  * @remark      this source file is part of Binary vIEW project (BIEW).
7  *              The Binary vIEW (BIEW) is copyright (C) 1995 Nickols_K.
8  *              All rights reserved. This software is redistributable under the
9  *              licence given in the file "Licence.en" ("Licence.ru" in russian
10  *              translation) distributed in the BIEW archive.
11  * @note        Requires POSIX compatible development system
12  *
13  * @author      Nickols_K
14  * @since       1995
15  * @note        Development, fixes and improvements
16 **/
17 #ifndef __BBIO_H
18 #define __BBIO_H 1
20 #ifndef __BIEWLIB_H
21 #include "biewlib/biewlib.h"
22 #endif
23 /******************************************************************\
24 *  Buffered binary file streams input/output section               *
25 *  Helpful for read/write small size objects from/to file          *
26 \******************************************************************/
28                          /** FORWARD: default (forward scan)
29                              reposition of cache as 100% forward
30                              from current file position */
31 #define BIO_OPT_FORWARD  0x0000
32 #define BIO_OPT_DB       BIO_OPT_FORWARD
33                          /** RANDOM: middle scan
34                              reposition of cache as 50% forward & 50%
35                              backward from current file position */
36 #define BIO_OPT_RANDOM   0x0001
37                          /** BACKWARD: backward scan
38                              reposition of cache as 100% backward
39                              from current file position */
40 #define BIO_OPT_BACKSCAN 0x0002
41                          /** RANDOM FORWARD: reposition of cache as 90% forward
42                              & 10% backward from current file position */
43 #define BIO_OPT_RFORWARD 0x0003
44                          /** RANDOM BACKWARD: reposition of cache as 10% forward
45                              & 90% backward from current file position */
46 #define BIO_OPT_RBACKSCAN 0x0004
47 #define BIO_OPT_DIRMASK  0x000F /**< direction mask */
48 #define BIO_OPT_USEMMF   0xFFFF /**< Use mmf instead buffering i/o. This covers all optimizations */
49 #define BIO_OPT_NOCACHE  0x8000 /**< disable cache */
51 #define BIO_SEEK_SET     SEEKF_START /**< specifies reference location from begin of file */
52 #define BIO_SEEK_CUR     SEEKF_CUR   /**< specifies reference location from current position of file */
53 #define BIO_SEEK_END     SEEKF_END   /**< specifies reference location from end of file */
55 typedef void * BGLOBAL;       /**< This is the data type used to represent buffered stream objects */
57 /*
58    This struct is ordered as it documented in Athlon manual
59    Publication # 22007 Rev: D
60 */
61 /** Virtual file buffer structure */
62 typedef struct tagvfb
63 {
64  bhandle_t       handle;    /**< file handle */
65  __filesize_t    FBufStart; /**< logical position of mirror the buffer onto file */
66  char *          MBuffer;   /**< NULL - not buffered i/o */
67  unsigned        MBufLen;   /**< length data, actually contains in buffer */
68  unsigned        MBufSize;  /**< real size of buffer */
69  tBool           updated;   /**< True if buffer contains data, that not pesent in file */
70 }vfb;
72 /** Memory mapped buffer structure */
73 typedef struct tagmmb
74 {
75  mmfHandle       mmf;       /**< If OS support MMF contains handle of memory-mapped file */
76  void *          mmf_addr;  /**< If OS support MMF contains base address of memory where file is mapped */
77 }mmb;
79 typedef struct tagBFILE
80 {
81  __filesize_t    FilePos;   /**< current logical position in file */
82  __filesize_t    FLength;   /**< real length of the file */
83  char *          FileName;  /**< Real file name of opened file */
84  unsigned        openmode;  /**< mode,that OsOpen this file */
85  int             optimize;  /**< seek optimization */
86  tBool           is_mmf;    /**< indicates that 'mmb' is used */
87  tBool           primary_mmf; /**< If this is set then we have not duplicated handle */
88  union                      /**< cache subsystem */
89  {
90     vfb          vfb;       /**< buffered file */
91     mmb *        mmb;       /**< Pointer to memory mapped file. We must have pointer, but not object!!! It for bioDupEx */
92  }b;
93  tBool           is_eof;    /**< Indicates EOF for buffering streams */
94 }BFILE;
96 extern struct tagBFILE bNull; /**< Stream associated with STDERR */
98                    /** Opens existed file and buffered it
99                      * @return                handle of stream
100                      * @param fname           indicates name of file to be open
101                      * @param openmode        indicates opening mode flags - BIO_*
102                      * @param buffSize        indicates size of buffer. Value UINT_MAX indicates - buffering entire file.
103                      * @note                  Returns bNull if opening is fail.
104                      * @warning               Carefully use parameter - buffSize.
105                      *                        If you created new file with 0 bytes
106                      *                        of length, and value of buffSize =
107                      *                        UINT_MAX, then i/o will be unbuffered.
108                      *                        It better to use values < UINT_MAX.
109                      *                        Value UINT_MAX better to use for readonly
110                      *                        operations for small files to load those into
111                      *                        memory entire.
112                      * @see                   bioClose
113                     **/
114 BGLOBAL               __FASTCALL__ bioOpen(const char * fname,unsigned openmode,unsigned buffSize,unsigned optimization);
116                    /** Changes size of opened file.
117                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
118                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
119                      * @param newsize         new size of file in bytes
120                      * @warning               If file is truncated, the data from
121                      *                        the new end of file to the original
122                      *                        end of the file are lost.
123                     **/
124 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioChSize(BGLOBAL bioFile,__filesize_t newsize);
126                    /** Closes opened stream.
127                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
128                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
129                      * @see                   bioOpen
130                     **/
131 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioClose(BGLOBAL bioFile);
133                    /** Determines whether a opened stream has reached the End of File.
134                      * @return                True if EOF has reached
135                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
136                     **/
137 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioEOF(BGLOBAL bioHandle);
139                    /** Returns the length (in bytes) of file associated with opened stream.
140                      * @return                file length
141                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
142                     **/
143 __filesize_t         __FASTCALL__ bioFLength(BGLOBAL bioFile);
145                    /** Flushes buffer onto disk.
146                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
147                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
148                      * @note                  This operation performs automatically
149                      *                        when bioClose is called and
150                      *                        openmode == READWRITE || WRITE, or
151                      *                        when bioSeek is called and logical
152                      *                        file position is out of buffer.
153                      * @see                   bioReRead
154                     **/
155 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioFlush(BGLOBAL bioFile);
157                    /** Reads one byte from stream.
158                      * @return                Readed byte
159                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
160                      * @note                  Logical file position is
161                      *                        incremented after operation.
162                      * @see                   bioWriteByte bioReadWord bioReadDWord bioReadBuffer
163                     **/
164 tUInt8               __FASTCALL__ bioReadByte(BGLOBAL bioFile);
166                    /** Reads two bytes from stream.
167                      * @return                Readed word
168                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
169                      * @note                  Logical file position is
170                      *                        incremented after operation.
171                      * @see                   bioWriteWord bioReadByte bioReadDWord bioReadBuffer
172                     **/
173 tUInt16              __FASTCALL__ bioReadWord(BGLOBAL bioFile);
175                    /** Reads four bytes from stream.
176                      * @return                Readed double word
177                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
178                      * @note                  Logical file position is
179                      *                        incremented after operation.
180                      * @see                   bioWriteDWord bioReadByte bioReadWord bioReadBuffer
181                     **/
182 tUInt32              __FASTCALL__ bioReadDWord(BGLOBAL bioFile);
184                    /** Reads 8 bytes from stream.
185                      * @return                Readed double word
186                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
187                      * @note                  Logical file position is
188                      *                        incremented after operation.
189                      * @see                   bioWriteDWord bioReadByte bioReadWord bioReadBuffer
190                     **/
191 tUInt64              __FASTCALL__ bioReadQWord(BGLOBAL bioFile);
193                    /** Reads specified number of bytes from stream.
194                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
195                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
196                      * @param buffer          specifies buffer, where readed information will be stored
197                      * @param cbBuffer        specifies size of buffer
198                      * @note                  Function increments logical file
199                      *                        position by the number of bytes read.
200                      * @see                   bioWriteBuffer bioReadByte bioReadWord bioReadByte
201                     **/
202 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioReadBuffer(BGLOBAL bioFile,void * buffer,unsigned cbBuffer);
204                    /** Rereads opened file from disk.
205                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
206                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
207                      * @see                   bioFlush
208                     **/
209 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioReRead(BGLOBAL bioFile);
211                    /** Positions logical file pointer at the specified position.
212                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
213                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
214                      * @param offset          specifies new offset of file pointer
215                      * @param origin          specifies reference location from which offset will be computed
216                      * @see                   bioTell BIO_SEEK_SET BIO_SEEK_CUR BIO_SEEK_END
217                     **/
218 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioSeek(BGLOBAL bioFile,__fileoff_t offset,int origin);
220                    /** Returns current optimization of buffering.
221                      * @return                optimization (BIO_OPT_*)
222                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
223                      * @see                   bioSetOptimization
224                     **/
225 unsigned              __FASTCALL__ bioGetOptimization(BGLOBAL bioFile);
227                    /** Sets new optimization of buffering and returns previous.
228                      * @return                optimization (BIO_OPT_*)
229                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
230                      * @see                   bioGetOptimization
231                     **/
232 unsigned              __FASTCALL__ bioSetOptimization(BGLOBAL bioFile,unsigned flags);
234                    /** Returns logical file position of opened stream.
235                      * @return                offset from begin of file
236                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
237                      * @see                   bioSeek
238                     **/
239 __filesize_t         __FASTCALL__ bioTell(BGLOBAL bioFile);
241                    /** Writes one byte to stream.
242                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
243                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
244                      * @param bVal            Byte to be written
245                      * @note                  Logical file position is
246                      *                        incremented after operation.
247                      * @see                   bioReadByte bioWriteWord bioWriteWord bioWriteBuffer
248                     **/
249 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioWriteByte(BGLOBAL bioFile,tUInt8 bVal);
251                    /** Writes two bytes to stream.
252                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
253                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
254                      * @param wVal            Word to be written
255                      * @note                  Logical file position is
256                      *                        incremented after operation.
257                      * @see                   bioReadWord bioWriteWord bioWriteWord bioWriteBuffer
258                     **/
259 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioWriteWord(BGLOBAL bioFile,tUInt16 wVal);
261                    /** Writes four bytes to stream.
262                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
263                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
264                      * @param dwVal           Double word to be written
265                      * @note                  Logical file position is
266                      *                        incremented after operation.
267                      * @see                   bioReadDWord bioWriteWord bioWriteWord bioWriteBuffer
268                     **/
269 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioWriteDWord(BGLOBAL bioFile,tUInt32 dwVal);
271                    /** Writes 8 bytes to stream.
272                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
273                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
274                      * @param dwVal           Double word to be written
275                      * @note                  Logical file position is
276                      *                        incremented after operation.
277                      * @see                   bioReadDWord bioWriteWord bioWriteWord bioWriteBuffer
278                     **/
279 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioWriteQWord(BGLOBAL bioFile,tUInt64 dwVal);
281                    /** Writes specified number of bytes opened to stream.
282                      * @return                True if operation was succesfully performed
283                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
284                      * @param buffer          specifies buffer to be written
285                      * @param cbBuffer        specifies size of buffer
286                      * @note                  Function increments logical file
287                      *                        position by the number of bytes writed.
288                      * @see                   bioReadBuffer bioWriteWord bioWriteWord bioByte
289                     **/
290 tBool                 __FASTCALL__ bioWriteBuffer(BGLOBAL bioFile,const void * buffer,unsigned cbBuffer);
292                    /** Returns name of file associated with opened stream.
293                      * @return                name of file
294                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
295                     **/
296 char *                __FASTCALL__ bioFileName(BGLOBAL bioFile);
298                    /** Causes opened stream to be duplicated.
299                      * @return                handle of duplicted stream
300                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
301                      * @note                  function duplicates OS handle
302                      *                        of stream and buffer with all
303                      *                        characteristics.
304                      * @see                   bioDupEx
305                     **/
306 BGLOBAL               __FASTCALL__ bioDup(BGLOBAL bioFile);
308                    /** Causes opened stream to be duplicated.
309                      * @return                handle of duplicted stream
310                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
311                      * @param buffSize        specifies new size of buffer to be used with duplicated stream
312                      * @note                  function duplicates OS handle
313                      *                        of stream and buffer with all
314                      *                        possible characteristics.
315                      * @see                   bioDup
316                     **/
317 BGLOBAL               __FASTCALL__ bioDupEx(BGLOBAL bioFile,unsigned buffSize);
319                    /** Returns low-level OS handle of opened stream.
320                      * @return                OS handle of opened stream
321                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
322                     **/
323 bhandle_t             __FASTCALL__ bioHandle(BGLOBAL bioFile);
325                    /** Returns pointer to buffer of opened stream.
326                      * @return                pointer to buffer
327                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
328                      * @note                  This function allowes direct
329                      *                        access to file cache.
330                      * @see                   bioBuffLen bioBuffPos
331                     **/
332 void *                __FASTCALL__ bioBuffer(BGLOBAL bioFile);
334                    /** Returns length of opened stream buffer.
335                      * @return                length of buffer
336                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
337                      * @note                  This function allowes direct
338                      *                        access to file cache.
339                      * @see                   bioBuff bioBuffPos
340                     **/
341 unsigned              __FASTCALL__ bioBuffLen(BGLOBAL  bioFile);
343                    /** Returns logical buffer position.
344                      * @return                length of buffer
345                      * @param bioFile         handle of opened stream
346                      * @note                  This function allowes direct
347                      *                        access to file cache.
348                      * @warning               Logical buffer position is not
349                      *                        logical file position.
350                      * @see                   bioBuff bioBuffLen
351                     **/
352 unsigned              __FASTCALL__ bioBuffPos(BGLOBAL bioFile);
354 #endif