1 /**
2  * @namespace   biewlib
3  * @file        biewlib/biewlib.h
4  * @brief       This file contains extensions of standard C library, that needed
5  *              for BIEW project.
6  * @version     -
7  * @remark      this source file is part of Binary vIEW project (BIEW).
8  *              The Binary vIEW (BIEW) is copyright (C) 1995 Nickols_K.
9  *              All rights reserved. This software is redistributable under the
10  *              licence given in the file "Licence.en" ("Licence.ru" in russian
11  *              translation) distributed in the BIEW archive.
12  * @note        Requires POSIX compatible development system
13  *
14  * @author      Nickols_K
15  * @since       1995
16  * @note        Development, fixes and improvements
17 **/
18 #ifndef __BIEWLIB_H
19 #define __BIEWLIB_H 1
21 typedef enum { False = 0, True = 1 }tBool; /**< This is the data type used to represent boolean objects */
23 #ifndef __NORECURSIVE
24 #ifndef __SYS_DEP_H
25 #include "biewlib/sysdep/_sys_dep.h"
26 #endif
28 #ifndef __OS_DEP_H
29 #include "biewlib/sysdep/__os_dep.h"
30 #endif
32 #ifndef __HRD_INF_H
33 #include "biewlib/sysdep/_hrd_inf.h"
34 #endif
36 #endif
38 #ifdef __cplusplus
39 extern "C" {
40 #endif
42 #define TESTFLAG(x,y) (((x) & (y)) == (y)) /**< Test y bits in x */
43 #define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x)) /**< Removes warning about unused arguments */
45 typedef int tCompare; /**< This is the data type used to represent comparition results */
47                    /** Pointer to a user supplied function that compares array elements.
48                      * @return                tCompare value indicated relationship between elements of array:
49                                               if e1 < e2, return < 0
50                                               if e1 > e2, return > 0
51                                               if e1 == e2, return = 0
52                      * @param e1,e2           pointers to array elements
53                     **/
54 typedef tCompare (__FASTCALL__ *func_compare)(const void __HUGE__ *e1,const void __HUGE__ *e2);
56                    /** Implements quick sort algorithm.
57                      * @return                none
58                      * @param base            specifies array being sorted
59                      * @param num             specifies number of elements in array
60                      * @param width           specifies with (in bytes) of one element of array
61                      * @param fcompare        specifies pointer to user defined function
62                      * @warning               After function call the original array
63                      *                        is overwritten with sorted array in
64                      *                        ascending order.
65                      * @note                  Using own code for qsort and bsearch
66                      *                        functions is guarantee of stable work
67                      * @see                   HLFind HLFindNearest
68                     **/
69 extern void  __FASTCALL__ HQSort(void __HUGE__ *base, unsigned long num, unsigned width,
70                                  func_compare fcompare);
72                    /** Performs a quick search on a sorted array.
73                      * @return                pointer to the first matching element if found, otherwise NULL is returned
74                      * @param key             pointer to the key
75                      * @param base            specifies array being sorted
76                      * @param nelem           specifies number of elements in array
77                      * @param width           specifies with (in bytes) of one element of array
78                      * @param fcompare        specifies pointer to user defined function
79                      * @warning               Function can to cause infinity loop
80                      *                        if array is unsorted
81                      * @note                  Using own code for qsort and bsearch
82                      *                        functions is guarantee of stable work
83                      * @see                   HQSort HLFindNearest
84                     **/
85 extern void __HUGE__ * __FASTCALL__ HLFind(const void *key,
86                                      void __HUGE__ *base,
87                                      unsigned long nelem,unsigned width,
88                                      func_compare fcompare);
90                    /** Performs a quick search on a sorted array of nearest element.
91                      * @return                index of nearest element of array toward zero.
92                      * @param key             pointer to the key
93                      * @param base            specifies array being sorted
94                      * @param nelem           specifies number of elements in array
95                      * @param width           specifies with (in bytes) of one element of array
96                      * @param fcompare        specifies pointer to user defined function
97                      * @warning               Function can to cause infinity loop
98                      *                        if array is unsorted
99                      * @note                  Using own code for qsort and bsearch
100                      *                        functions is guarantee of stable work
101                      * @see                   HQSort HLFind
102                     **/
103 extern unsigned long __FASTCALL__ HLFindNearest(const void *key,
104                                      void __HUGE__ *base,
105                                      unsigned long nelem,unsigned width,
106                                      func_compare fcompare);
108                    /** Tests wether character is a separator
109                      * @return                True if given character is separator
110                      * @param ch              character to be tested
111                      * @note                  returns true if character is space
112                      *                        or punctuator
113                     **/
114 extern tBool  __FASTCALL__ isseparate(int ch);
116 /** ASCIIZ string extended support */
118                    /** Removes all trailing spaces from string
119                      * @return                number of removed spaces
120                      * @param str             pointer to string to be trimmed
121                      * @see                   szTrimLeadingSpace szKillSpaceAround
122                     **/
123 extern int   __FASTCALL__ szTrimTrailingSpace(char *str);
125                    /** Removes all leading spaces from string
126                      * @return                number of removed spaces
127                      * @param str             pointer to string to be trimmed
128                      * @see                   szTrimTrailingSpace szKillSpaceAround
129                     **/
130 extern int   __FASTCALL__ szTrimLeadingSpace(char *str);
132                    /** Converts space into tabulation characters
133                      * @return                none
134                      * @param dest            pointer to string where will be placed result
135                      * @param src             pointer to source string
136                      * @see                   szTab2Space
137                     **/
138 extern void  __FASTCALL__ szSpace2Tab(char *dest,const char *src);
140                    /** Expands all tabulation characters with spaces
141                      * @return                length of new string
142                      * @param dest            pointer to string where will be placed result
143                      * @param src             pointer to source string
144                      * @see                   szSpace2Tab
145                     **/
146 extern int   __FASTCALL__ szTab2Space(char *dest,const char *src);
148                    /** Removes all spaces around given position
149                      * @return                pointer onto next non space character
150                      * @param str             pointer to string to be converted
151                      * @param point_to        specifies position to be unspaced
152                      * @see                   szTrimLeadingSpace szTrimTrailingSpace
153                     **/
154 extern char *__FASTCALL__ szKillSpaceAround(char *str,char *point_to);
156                    /** Prints formatted message into standard error stream
157                      * @return                number of printed characters
158                      * @param str             pointer to formatted string
159                      * @warning               Only this function must be used
160                      *                        for error reporting. (do not use
161                      *                        printf, fprintf, etc. !)
162                     **/
163 extern int  printm(const char *str,...);
165 /** Internal structure of Linear memory container */
166 typedef struct tag_linearArray
167 {
168   unsigned long   nItems;    /**< Number of stored items */
169   void __HUGE__ * data;      /**< Pointer into linear array */
170   unsigned long   nSize;     /**< Size of linear array (May differ from nItems) */
171   unsigned        itemSize;  /**< Size of one item in linear array */
172 }linearArray;
174                    /** Builds linear arrays
175                      * @return                pointer to builded array or NULL if error
176                      * @param maxitems        specifies maximal number of item that can be stored in array. 0 - indicates dynamic change of size
177                      * @param size_of_item    specifies size of each array element.
178                      * @param mem_out         specifies user-defined function to be called when low-memory. May be NULL.
179                      * @note                  Linear array consist from elements
180                      *                        same width.
181                      * @see                   la_Destroy la_IterDestroy
182                     **/
183 extern linearArray *__FASTCALL__ la_Build( unsigned long maxitems,unsigned size_of_item,
184                                            void (__FASTCALL__ *mem_out)(const char *));
186                    /** Adds new element to linear array
187                      * @return                location of new element or NULL if no memory
188                      * @param obj             specifies linear array where new element will be stored
189                      * @param data            specifies new element
190                      * @param mem_out         specifies user-defined function to be called when low-memory. May be NULL.
191                      * @see                   la_Build la_Find
192                     **/
193 extern void __HUGE__*__FASTCALL__ la_AddData(linearArray *obj,const void *data,void (__FASTCALL__ *mem_out)(const char *));
195                    /** Removes given element from linear array
196                      * @param obj             specifies linear array where element will be removed
197                      * @param idx             specifies index of element to be removed
198                      * @param mem_out         specifies user-defined function to be called when low-memory. May be NULL.
199                      * @see                   la_Build la_Find
200                     **/
201 extern void __FASTCALL__          la_DeleteData(linearArray *obj,unsigned long idx);
203                    /** Destroys of linear array
204                      * @return                none
205                      * @param obj             specifies linear array to be destroyed
206                      * @warning               if elements contain pointers to
207                      *                        dynamically allocated memory, then
208                      *                        it will be lost
209                      * @see                   la_Build la_IterDestroy
210                     **/
211 extern void         __FASTCALL__ la_Destroy(linearArray *obj);
213                    /** Destroys of linear array and calls "destructor" for each element of array.
214                      * @return                none
215                      * @param obj             specifies linear array to be destroyed
216                      * @param del_func        specifies user-defined function, that will be used as destructor
217                      * @note                  Before freeing memory of linear array
218                      *                        will be called user-defined function
219                      *                        with pointer onto each elemet as
220                      *                        arguments
221                      * @see                   la_Build la_Destroy
222                     **/
223 extern void         __FASTCALL__ la_IterDestroy(linearArray *obj,void (__FASTCALL__ *del_func)(void __HUGE__ *));
225                    /** Calls the given iterator function on each array element
226                      * @return                none
227                      * @param obj             specifies linear array to be destroyed
228                      * @param iter_func       specifies iterator function which is to be called for each array element
229                      * @see                   la_IterDestroy
230                     **/
231 extern void         __FASTCALL__ la_ForEach(linearArray *obj,void (__FASTCALL__ *iter_func)(void __HUGE__ *));
233                    /** Implements quick sort algorithm for linear array
234                      * @return                none
235                      * @param obj             specifies linear array to be destroyed
236                      * @param fcompare        specifies pointer to user defined function
237                      * @warning               After function call the original array
238                      *                        is overwritten with sorted array in
239                      *                        ascending order.
240                      * @note                  Based on HQSort function
241                      * @see                   la_Find la_FindNearest
242                     **/
243 extern void         __FASTCALL__ la_Sort(linearArray *obj,func_compare fcompare);
245                    /** Performs a quick search on a sorted linear array.
246                      * @return                pointer to the first matching element if found, otherwise NULL is returned
247                      * @param key             pointer to the key
248                      * @param fcompare        specifies pointer to user defined function
249                      * @warning               Function can to cause infinity loop
250                      *                        if array is unsorted
251                      * @note                  Based on HLFind function
252                      *                        functions is guarantee of stable work
253                      * @see                   la_Sort la_FindNearest
254                     **/
255 extern void __HUGE__ *__FASTCALL__ la_Find(linearArray *obj,const void *key,
256                                            func_compare fcompare);
258                    /** Performs a quick search on a sorted linear array of nearest element.
259                      * @return                index of nearest element of array toward zero.
260                      * @param key             pointer to the key
261                      * @param fcompare        specifies pointer to user defined function
262                      * @warning               Function can to cause infinity loop
263                      *                        if array is unsorted
264                      * @note                  Based on HLFindNearest function
265                      * @see                   HQSort HLFind
266                     **/
267 extern unsigned long __FASTCALL__ la_FindNearest(linearArray *obj, const void *key,
268                                            func_compare fcompare);
270 #ifdef __cplusplus
271 }
272 #endif
274 #endif