1 /**
2  * @namespace   biewlib
3  * @file        biewlib/twin.h
4  * @brief       This file contains prototypes of Text Window manager functions.
5  * @version     -
6  * @remark      this source file is part of Binary vIEW project (BIEW).
7  *              The Binary vIEW (BIEW) is copyright (C) 1995 Nickols_K.
8  *              All rights reserved. This software is redistributable under the
9  *              licence given in the file "Licence.en" ("Licence.ru" in russian
10  *              translation) distributed in the BIEW archive.
11  * @note        Requires POSIX compatible development system
12  *
13  * @author      Nickols_K
14  * @since       1995
15  * @note        Development, fixes and improvements
16  * @warning     Program is destroyed, from twPrintF misapplication
17  * @bug         Limitation of twPrintF using
18 **/
20 #ifndef __TWIN_H
21 #define __TWIN_H 1
23 #ifndef __BIEWLIB_H
24 #include "biewlib/biewlib.h"
25 #endif
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
28 extern "C" {
29 #endif
31 /** Enumerates all colors used in twin library */
32 typedef enum
33 {
34   Black = 0,               /**< Equivalent of RGB: 0 0 0 */
35   Blue,                    /**< Equivalent of RGB: 0 0 128 */
36   Green,                   /**< Equivalent of RGB: 0 128 0 */
37   Cyan,                    /**< Equivalent of RGB: 0 128 128 */
38   Red,                     /**< Equivalent of RGB: 128 0 0 */
39   Magenta,                 /**< Equivalent of RGB: 128 0 128 */
40   Brown,                   /**< Equivalent of RGB: 128 128 0 */
41   LightGray,               /**< Equivalent of RGB: 192 192 192 */
42   Gray,                    /**< Equivalent of RGB: 128 128 128 */
43   LightBlue,               /**< Equivalent of RGB: 0 0 255 */
44   LightGreen,              /**< Equivalent of RGB: 0 255 0 */
45   LightCyan,               /**< Equivalent of RGB: 0 255 255 */
46   LightRed,                /**< Equivalent of RGB: 255 0 0 */
47   LightMagenta,            /**< Equivalent of RGB: 255 0 255 */
48   Yellow,                  /**< Equivalent of RGB: 255 255 0 */
49   White                    /**< Equivalent of RGB: 255 255 255 */
50 }Color;
52 /* Pseudographics and special characters support
53   Box drawing in short:
54    S - single  D - double
55    H - horizontal  V - vertical
56    u - up  d - down  l - left  r - right
57 */
59 #define TWC_DEF_FILLER        0x20  /**< default filler char */
62 #define TWC_UP_ARROW          ''   /**< Up arrow character */
63 #define TWC_DN_ARROW          ''   /**< Down arrow character */
64 #define TWC_LT_ARROW          ''   /**< Left arrow character */
65 #define TWC_RT_ARROW          ''   /**< Right arrow character */
66 #define TWC_THUMB             '\xFE'/**< Thumb character */
67 #else
68 #define TWC_UP_ARROW          '^'   /**< Up arrow character */
69 #define TWC_DN_ARROW          'v'   /**< Down arrow character */
70 #define TWC_LT_ARROW          '<'   /**< Left arrow character */
71 #define TWC_RT_ARROW          '>'   /**< Right arrow character */
72 #define TWC_THUMB             '#'   /**< Thumb character */
73 #endif
75 #define TWC_RADIO_CHAR        '*'   /**< Character for radio buttons */
76 #define TWC_CHECK_CHAR        'x'   /**< Character for check buttons */
78 #define TWC_LT_SHADE          0xB0  /**< Light shade characters */
79 #define TWC_MED_SHADE         0xB1  /**< Medium shade characters */
80 #define TWC_DK_SHADE          0xB2  /**< Dark shade characters */
82 #define TWC_SV                0xB3  /**< SINGLE VERTICAL */
83 #define TWC_SV_Sl             0xB4  /**< SINGLE VERTICAL and SINGLE left */
84 #define TWC_Sl_SV             TWC_SV_Sl
85 #define TWC_SV_Dl             0xB5  /**< SINGLE VERTICAL and DOUBLE left */
86 #define TWC_Dl_SV             TWC_SV_Dl
87 #define TWC_DV_Sl             0xB6  /**< DOUBLE VERTICAL and SINGLE left */
88 #define TWC_Sl_DV             TWC_DV_Sl
89 #define TWC_Dd_Sl             0xB7  /**< DOUBLE down and SINGLE left */
90 #define TWC_Sl_Dd             TWC_Dd_Sl
91 #define TWC_Sd_Dl             0xB8  /**< SINGLE down and DOUBLE left */
92 #define TWC_Dl_Sd             TWC_Sd_Dl
93 #define TWC_DV_Dl             0xB9  /**< DOUBLE VERTICAL and DOUBLE left */
94 #define TWC_Dl_DV             TWC_DV_Dl
95 #define TWC_DV                0xBA  /**< DOUBLE VERTICAL */
96 #define TWC_Dd_Dl             0xBB  /**< DOUBLE down and DOUBLE left */
97 #define TWC_Dl_Dd             TWC_Dd_Dl
98 #define TWC_Du_Dl             0xBC  /**< DOUBLE up and DOUBLE left */
99 #define TWC_Dl_Du             TWC_Du_Dl
100 #define TWC_Du_Sl             0xBD  /**< DOUBLE up and SINGLE left */
101 #define TWC_Sl_Du             TWC_Du_Sl
102 #define TWC_Su_Dl             0xBE  /**< SINGLE up and DOUBLE left */
103 #define TWC_Dl_Su             TWC_Su_Dl
104 #define TWC_Sd_Sl             0xBF  /**< SINGLE down and SINGLE left */
105 #define TWC_Sl_Sd             TWC_Sd_Sl
106 #define TWC_Su_Sr             0xC0  /**< SINGLE up and SINGLE right */
107 #define TWC_Sr_Su             TWC_Su_Sr
108 #define TWC_SH_Su             0xC1  /**< SINGLE HORIZONTAL and SINGLE up */
109 #define TWC_Su_SH             TWC_SH_Su
110 #define TWC_SH_Sd             0xC2  /**< SINGLE HORIZONTAL and SINGLE down */
111 #define TWC_Sd_SH             TWC_SH_Sd
112 #define TWC_SV_Sr             0xC3  /**< SINGLE VERTICAL and SINGLE right */
113 #define TWC_Sr_SV             TWC_SV_Sr
114 #define TWC_SH                0xC4  /**< SINGLE HORIZONTAL */
115 #define TWC_SH_SV             0xC5  /**< SINGLE HORIZONTAL and SINGLE VERTICAL */
116 #define TWC_SV_SH             TWC_SH_SV
117 #define TWC_SV_Dr             0xC6  /**< SINGLE VERTICAL and DOUBLE right */
118 #define TWC_Dr_SV             TWC_SV_Dr
119 #define TWC_DV_Sr             0xC7  /**< DOUBLE VERTICAL and SINGLE right */
120 #define TWC_Sr_DV             TWC_DV_Sr
121 #define TWC_Du_Dr             0xC8  /**< DOUBLE up and DOUBLE right */
122 #define TWC_Dr_Du             TWC_Du_Dr
123 #define TWC_Dd_Dr             0xC9  /**< DOUBLE down and DOUBLE right */
124 #define TWC_Dr_Dd             TWC_Dd_Dr
125 #define TWC_DH_Du             0xCA  /**< DOUBLE HORIZONTAL and DOUBLE up */
126 #define TWC_Du_DH             TWC_DH_Du
127 #define TWC_DH_Dd             0xCB  /**< DOUBLE HORIZONTAL and DOUBLE down */
128 #define TWC_Dd_DH             TWC_DH_Dd
129 #define TWC_DV_Dr             0xCC  /**< DOUBLE VERTICAL and DOUBLE right */
130 #define TWC_Dr_DV             TWC_DV_Dr
131 #define TWC_DH                0xCD  /**< DOUBLE HORIZONTAL */
132 #define TWC_DH_DV             0xCE  /**< DOUBLE HORIZONTAL and DOUBLE VERTICAL */
133 #define TWC_DV_DH             TWC_DH_DV
134 #define TWC_DH_Su             0xCF  /**< DOUBLE HORIZONTAL and SINGLE up */
135 #define TWC_Su_DH             TWC_DH_Su
136 #define TWC_SH_Du             0xD0  /**< SINGLE HORIZONTAL and DOUBLE up */
137 #define TWC_Du_SH             TWC_SH_Du
138 #define TWC_DH_Sd             0xD1  /**< DOUBLE HORIZONTAL and SINGLE down */
139 #define TWC_Sd_DH             TWC_DH_Sd
140 #define TWC_SH_Dd             0xD2  /**< SINGLE HORIZONTAL and DOUBLE down */
141 #define TWC_Dd_SH             TWC_SH_Dd
142 #define TWC_Du_Sr             0xD3  /**< DOUBLE up and SINGLE right */
143 #define TWC_Sr_Du             TWC_Du_Sr
144 #define TWC_Su_Dr             0xD4  /**< SINGLE up and DOUBLE right */
145 #define TWC_Dr_Su             TWC_Su_Dr
146 #define TWC_Sd_Dr             0xD5  /**< SINGLE down and DOUBLE right */
147 #define TWC_Dr_Sd             TWC_Sd_Dr
148 #define TWC_Dd_Sr             0xD6  /**< DOUBLE down and SINGLE right */
149 #define TWC_Sr_Dd             TWC_Sr_Dd
150 #define TWC_DV_SH             0xD7  /**< DOUBLE VERTICAL and SINGLE HORIZONTAL */
151 #define TWC_SH_DV             TWC_DV_SH
152 #define TWC_SV_DH             0xD8  /**< SINGLE VERTICAL and DOUBLE HORIZONTAL */
153 #define TWC_DH_SV             TWC_SV_DH
154 #define TWC_Su_Sl             0xD9  /**< SINGLE up and SINGLE left */
155 #define TWC_Sl_Su             TWC_Su_Sl
156 #define TWC_Sd_Sr             0xDA  /**< SINGLE down and SINGLE right */
157 #define TWC_Sr_Sd             TWC_Sd_Sr
159 #define TWC_FL_BLK            0xDB  /**< Full block character */
160 #define TWC_LW_HBLK           0xDC  /**< Lower half block character */
161 #define TWC_LF_HBLK           0xDD  /**< Left half block character */
162 #define TWC_RT_HBLK           0xDE  /**< Right half block character */
163 #define TWC_UP_HBLK           0xDF  /**< Up half block character */
165 #define TWC_BLACK_SQUARE      0xFE  /**< Black square */
167 /** Describes window-related coordinate type */
168 #if __WORDSIZE == 16
169 typedef unsigned char tRelCoord;
170 #else
171 typedef unsigned tRelCoord;
172 #endif
174 /** align modes for title and footer */
175 typedef enum
176 {
177   TW_TMODE_LEFT = 0,      /**< left alignment */
178   TW_TMODE_CENTER,        /**< center alignment */
179   TW_TMODE_RIGHT          /**< right alignment */
180 }tTitleMode;
182 /** Flags of twCreateWin */
183 #define TWS_NONE           0x0000 /**< Indicates no flags @see twCreateWin */
184 #define TWS_FRAMEABLE      0x0001 /**< Indicates that window has frame border @see twCreateWin */
185 #define TWS_VISIBLE        0x0002 /**< Indicates that window creates in visible state @see twCreateWin */
186 #define TWS_CURSORABLE     0x0004 /**< Indicates that window has text cursor @see twCreateWin */
187 #define TWS_NLSOEM         0x0100 /**< Indicates that window works in OEM mode @see twCreateWin */
189 extern const char TW_SINGLE_FRAME[];    /**< Flat single-line frame @see twinDrawFrame */
190 extern const char TW_DOUBLE_FRAME[];    /**< Flat double-line frame @see twinDrawFrame */
191 #define TW_THIN_FRAME   TW_SINGLE_FRAME /**< Synonym for TW_SINGLE_LINE @see twinDrawFrame */
192 extern const char TW_MEDIUM_FRAME[];    /**< Flat frame of medium width (filles 50% of the character cells) @see twinDrawFrame */
193 extern const char TW_THICK_FRAME[];     /**< Flat frame of full width (filles 100% of the character cells) @see twinDrawFrame */
194 extern const char TW_UP3D_FRAME[];      /**< Emulates 3D-frame that similar unpressed button @see twinDrawFrame */
195 extern const char TW_DN3D_FRAME[];      /**< Emulates 3D-frame that similar pressed button @see twinDrawFrame */
197 /** Defines color pair that contains original user color and converted system color */
198 typedef struct tagDefColor
199 {
200   ColorAttr user;        /**< Original user color value */
201   ColorAttr system;      /**< Converted system color value */
202 }DefColor;
204                       /** Converts logical foreground and background into physical color attributes */
205 #define LOGFB_TO_PHYS(fore,back) ((((back) << 4) & 0xF0) | ((fore) & 0x0F))
206                       /** Gets background color from physical attributes */
207 #define BACK_COLOR(attr) (((attr) >> 4) & 0x0F)
208                       /** Gets foreground color from physical attributes */
209 #define FORE_COLOR(attr) ((attr) & 0x0F)
210                       /** Converts physical color attributes into logical foreground and background */
211 #define PHYS_TO_LOGFB(attr,fore,back) { fore = FORE_COLOR(attr); back = BACK_COLOR(attr); }
213 /*
214    This struct is ordered as it documented in Athlon manual
215    Publication # 22007 Rev: D
216 */
217 /** Internal structure of text window */
218 typedef struct tagTWindow
219 {
220   char           Frame[8];    /**< Buffer, contaning frame component */
221                               /* Frame encoding:   1---2---3 */
222                               /*                   |       | */
223                               /*                   4       5 */
224                               /*                   |       | */
225                               /*                   6---7---8 */
226   unsigned long  iflags;      /**< contains internal flags of window state */
227   struct tagTWindow *next;    /**< pointer to next window in list */
228   void *         usrData;     /**< user data pointer */
229   tvioBuff       body;        /**< Buffer containing image of window frame */
230   tvioBuff       saved;       /**< Buffer containing saved image under window */
231   char *         Title;       /**< Caption of window */
232   char *         Footer;      /**< Footer of window */
233   void *         method;      /**< Class callback */
234   unsigned       class_flags; /**< Class flags */
235   unsigned       wsize;       /**< Size of buffers in bytes */
236   unsigned       wwidth;      /**< width of window */
237   unsigned       wheight;     /**< height of window */
238   unsigned       flags;       /**< Window flags */
239   tAbsCoord      X1,Y1,X2,Y2; /**< coordinates of window on the screen */
240   tRelCoord      cur_x,cur_y; /**< coordinates of cursor position inside the window */
241   tTitleMode     TitleMode;   /**< alignment mode of title */
242   tTitleMode     FooterMode;  /**< alignment mode of footer */
243   DefColor       text;        /**< default color of text */
244   DefColor       frame;       /**< default color of frame */
245   DefColor       title;       /**< default color of title */
246   DefColor       footer;      /**< default color of footer text */
247 }TWindow;
249 /* Below located list of window messages. Prefix WM_ was imported from
250    MSWindows SDK, but I hope it so understandable. */
252 #define WM_NULL          0x0000 /**< Never to send */
253 #define WM_CREATE        0x0001 /**< It sent when window is being created, has no parameters */
254 #define WM_DESTROY       0x0002 /**< It sent when window is being destroyed, has no parameters*/
255 #define WM_SHOW          0x0003 /**< It sent when window is being displayed, has no parameters*/
256 #define WM_TOPSHOW       0x0004 /**< It sent when window is being displayed on top of all windows, has no parameters*/
257 #define WM_SHOWBENEATH   0x0005 /**< It sent when window is being displayed beneath of other window, has handle of top window as event_data*/
258 #define WM_HIDE          0x0006 /**< It sent when window is being hidded, has no parameters */
260                    /** Calls window function with given arguments
261                      * @return                function answer
262                      * @param event           one of WM_* commands
263                      * @param event_param     command related parameter
264                      * @param event_data      command related data
265                      * @see                   twcRegisterClass
266                     **/
267 long __FASTCALL__ twinSendMessage(TWindow *win,unsigned event,unsigned long event_param, void *event_data);
269                    /** Draws frame of given type in active window
270                      * @return                none
271                      * @param x1_,y1_,x2_,y2_ indicate coordinates inside window
272                      * @param frame           indicates frame type
273                      * @param fore,back       indicate logical foreground and background attributes
274                      * @see                   twinDrawFrameAttr
275                     **/
276 void __FASTCALL__ twinDrawFrame(tRelCoord x1_, tRelCoord y1_, tRelCoord x2_, tRelCoord y2_,const char *frame,Color fore, Color back);
278                    /** Draws frame of given type in active window
279                      * @return                none
280                      * @param x1_,y1_,x2_,y2_ indicate coordinates inside window
281                      * @param frame           indicates frame type
282                      * @param attr            indicates physical color attributes
283                      * @see                   twinDrawFrame
284                     **/
285 void __FASTCALL__ twinDrawFrameAttr(tRelCoord x1_, tRelCoord y1_, tRelCoord x2_, tRelCoord y2_,const char *frame,ColorAttr attr);
287 #define TWIF_FORCEMONO   0x00000001L /**< forces monochrome mode of video output @see twInit */
289                    /** Initialization of twin library and video subsystem
290                      * @param user_cp     indicates character's codepage or IBM866 if NULL
291                      * @param vio_flags   flags for _init_vio
292                      * @param twin_flgs   flags of twin library (see above)
293                      * @return            none
294                      * @note              Call this function before any other
295                      * @see               twDestroy
296                     **/
297 void              __FASTCALL__ twInit(const char *user_cp, unsigned long vio_flags, unsigned long twin_flgs );
299                    /** Terminates twin library and video subsystem
300                      * @return            none
301                      * @note              Call this function after all other
302                      * @see               twInit
303                     **/
304 void              __FASTCALL__ twDestroy( void );
306                    /** Creates window
307                      * @param x1_,y1_      indicate upper-left cornen of window
308                      * @param width,height indicate width and height of window
309                      * @param flags        indicates TWS_* flags
310                      * @return             handle of window
311                      * @see                twDestroyWin twCreateWinEx
312                     **/
313 TWindow *         __FASTCALL__ twCreateWin(tAbsCoord x1_, tAbsCoord y1_, tAbsCoord width, tAbsCoord height, unsigned flags);
315                    /** Creates extended window
316                      * @param x1_,y1_      indicate upper-left cornen of window
317                      * @param width,height indicate width and height of window
318                      * @param flags        indicates TWS_* flags
319                      * @param parent       indicates parent window
320                      * @param classname    indicates name of class
321                      * @return             handle of window
322                      * @note               name of class must be registered before
323                                            calling of this function
324                      * @see                twDestroyWin twCreateWin twRegisterClass
325                     **/
326 TWindow *         __FASTCALL__ twCreateWinEx(tAbsCoord x1_, tAbsCoord y1_,
327                                              tAbsCoord width, tAbsCoord height,
328                                              unsigned flags, TWindow *parent,
329                                              const char *classname);
331                    /** Destroys given window
332                      * @param              handle of window
333                      * @return             none
334                      * @see                twCreateWin
335                     **/
336 void              __FASTCALL__ twDestroyWin(TWindow *win);
338                    /** Hides given window
339                      * @param win          handle of window
340                      * @return             none
341                      * @note               All operations are available for
342                      *                     hidden window. Does not change
343                      *                     Z-order of window.
344                      * @see                twShowWin twShowWinBeneath twShowWinOnTop
345                     **/
346 void              __FASTCALL__ twHideWin(TWindow *win);
348                    /** Shows given window.
349                      * @param win          handle of window
350                      * @return             none
351                      * @note               Does not change Z-order of window.
352                      * @see                twHideWin
353                     **/
354 void              __FASTCALL__ twShowWin(TWindow *win);
356                    /** Shows given window beneath other window.
357                      * @param win          handle of window
358                      * @return             none
359                      * @note               Does change Z-order of window
360                      * @see                twHideWin
361                     **/
362 void              __FASTCALL__ twShowWinBeneath(TWindow *win,TWindow *prev);
364                    /** Shows given window on the top of the window stack.
365                      * @param win          handle of window
366                      * @return             none
367                      * @note               Does change Z-order of window
368                      * @see                twHideWin
369                     **/
370 void              __FASTCALL__ twShowWinOnTop(TWindow *win);
372                    /** Updates the window buffer from the screen.
373                      * @param win          handle of window
374                      * @return             none
375                     **/
376 void              __FASTCALL__ twSnapShot(TWindow *win);
378                    /** Causes all subsequent output to appear in the given window.
379                      * @param win          handle of window to be used
380                      * @return             none
381                      * @note               \e win need not be the top window; not
382                      *                     does \e win even have to be visible on
383                      *                     the screen.
384                      * @see                twUsedWin
385                     **/
386 TWindow *         __FASTCALL__ twUseWin(TWindow *);
388                    /** Returns the window currently being used for output.
389                      * @return             handle of window currently being used
390                      * @note               If no window has been assigned by
391                      *                     twUse, then handle of last created
392                      *                     window is returned.
393                      * @see                twUseWin
394                     **/
395 TWindow *         __FASTCALL__ twUsedWin( void );
397                    /** Alters position of given window.
398                      * @param win          handle of window to be moved
399                      * @param dx,dy        specify relative change of x and y coordinates.
400                      * @return             none
401                      * @note               The contents of the window will be moved with it.
402                      * @see                twCentredWin twResizeWin twGetWinPos
403                     **/
404 void              __FASTCALL__ twMoveWin(TWindow *win,tAbsCoord dx, tAbsCoord dy);
406                    /** Alters size of given window.
407                      * @param win          handle of window to be resized
408                      * @param width,height specify new width and height of the window.
409                      * @return             none
410                      * @note               If the window is expanded, blanks are filled in;
411                                            If the window is contracted, text is clipped
412                      * @see                twCentredWin twMoveWin twGetWinPos
413                     **/
414 void              __FASTCALL__ twResizeWin(TWindow *win,tAbsCoord width, tAbsCoord height);
416                    /** Scrolls part of given window up.
417                      * @param win          handle of window to be scrolled
418                      * @param ypos         specifies vertical coordinate of line. All lines above it and line itself will be scrolled up
419                      * @param npos         specifies number of lines to be inserted.
420                      * @return             none
421                      * @note               If 0 is specified as npos, no lines are scrolled.
422                      * @see                twScrollWinDn twScrollWinLf twScrollWinRt
423                     **/
424 void              __FASTCALL__ twScrollWinUp(TWindow *win,tRelCoord ypos, unsigned npos);
426                    /** Scrolls part of given window down.
427                      * @param win          handle of window to be scrolled
428                      * @param ypos         specifies vertical coordinate of line. All lines below it and line itself will be scrolled down
429                      * @param npos         specifies number of lines to be inserted.
430                      * @return             none
431                      * @note               If 0 is specified as npos, no lines are scrolled.
432                      * @see                twScrollWinUp twScrollWinLf twScrollWinRt
433                     **/
434 void              __FASTCALL__ twScrollWinDn(TWindow *win,tRelCoord ypos, unsigned npos);
436                    /** Scrolls part of given window left.
437                      * @param win          handle of window to be scrolled
438                      * @param xpos         specifies horizontal coordinate of column. All columns most left it and column itself will be scrolled left
439                      * @param npos         specifies number of columns to be inserted.
440                      * @return             none
441                      * @note               If 0 is specified as npos, no columns are scrolled.
442                      * @see                twScrollWinUp twScrollWinDn twScrollWinRt
443                     **/
444 void              __FASTCALL__ twScrollWinLf(TWindow *win,tRelCoord xpos, unsigned npos);
446                    /** Scrolls part of given window right.
447                      * @param win          handle of window to be scrolled
448                      * @param xpos         specifies horizontal coordinate of column. All columns most right it and column itself will be scrolled right
449                      * @param npos         specifies number of columns to be inserted.
450                      * @return             none
451                      * @note               If 0 is specified as npos, no columns are scrolled.
452                      * @see                twScrollWinUp twScrollWinDn twScrollWinLf
453                     **/
454 void              __FASTCALL__ twScrollWinRt(TWindow *win,tRelCoord xpos, unsigned npos);
456                    /** Does centring of given window relatively other window or screen.
457                      * @param it           handle of window to be centred
458                      * @param parent       handle of centring window.
459                      * @return             none
460                      * @note               If \e parent is NULL, the window will
461                      *                     be centred for screen
462                      * @see                twMoveWin twResizeWin twGetWinPos
463                     **/
464 void              __FASTCALL__ twCentredWin(TWindow *it,const TWindow *parent);
466                    /** Freezes redrawing of window.
467                      * @param parent       handle of centring window.
468                      * @return             none
469                      * @note               Freezed only redrawing of the window.
470                      *                     All output will be produced, but
471                      *                     screen will not be updated.
472                      * @see                twRefreshLine twRefreshPiece twRefreshWin twRefreshFullWin
473                     **/
474 void              __FASTCALL__ twFreezeWin(TWindow *win);
476                    /** Updates the line of screen by line of buffer of given window.
477                      * @param win          handle of refreshing window.
478                      * @param y            specify relative y coordinate of line to be refreshed.
479                      * @return             none
480                      * @note               If window is not freezed all output
481                      *                     is automatically displayed on
482                      *                     the screen.
483                      * @see                twFreezeWin twRefreshPiece twRefreshWin twRefreshFullWin
484                     **/
485 void              __FASTCALL__ twRefreshLine(TWindow *win,tRelCoord y);
487                    /** Updates the piece of screen line by piece of buffer of given window.
488                      * @param win          handle of refreshing window.
489                      * @param stx,endx     specify range of x coordinate of line to be refreshed.
490                      * @param y            specify relative y coordinate of line to be refreshed.
491                      * @return             none
492                      * @note               If window is not freezed all output
493                      *                     is automatically displayed on
494                      *                     the screen.
495                      * @see                twFreezeWin twRefreshLine twRefreshWin twRefreshFullWin
496                     **/
497 void              __FASTCALL__ twRefreshPiece(TWindow *win,tRelCoord stx, tRelCoord endx,tRelCoord y);
499                    /** Updates the screen buffer by client area of given window.
500                      * @param win          handle of refreshing window.
501                      * @return             none
502                      * @note               If window is not freezed all output
503                      *                     is automatically displayed on
504                      *                     the screen.
505                      * @see                twFreezeWin twRefreshLine twRefreshPiece twRefreshFullWin
506                     **/
507 void              __FASTCALL__ twRefreshWin(TWindow *win);
509                    /** Updates the screen buffer by buffer of given window entire.
510                      * @param win          handle of refreshing window.
511                      * @return             none
512                      * @note               If window is not freezed all output
513                      *                     is automatically displayed on
514                      *                     the screen.
515                      * @see                twFreezeWin twRefreshLine twRefreshPiece twRefreshWin
516                     **/
517 void              __FASTCALL__ twRefreshFullWin(TWindow *win);
519                    /** Returns pointer to the user data that stored in window.
520                      * @param win          handle of window.
521                      * @return             pointer to user data
522                      * @note               If no user data previously stored
523                      *                     in window then NULL is returned.
524                      * @see                twSetUsrData
525                     **/
526 void *            __FASTCALL__ twGetUsrData(TWindow *win);
528                    /** Saves pointer to the user data in window.
529                      * @param win          handle of window.
530                      * @param data         pointer to the user data to be stored.
531                      * @return             pointer to user data that previously stored in window
532                      * @note               Pointer to previously stored user
533                      *                     data is overwrited.
534                      * @see                twGetUsrData
535                     **/
536 void *            __FASTCALL__ twSetUsrData(TWindow *win,void *data);
538                    /** Returns screen position of window.
539                      * @param win          handle of window.
540                      * @param x1_,y1_,x2_,y2_ pointers to coordinates where will be saved window position.
541                      * @return             none
542                      * @see                twMoveWin twResizeWin twCentredWin twGetWinAtPos
543                     **/
544 void              __FASTCALL__ twGetWinPos(TWindow *win,tAbsCoord *x1_,tAbsCoord *y1_,tAbsCoord *x2_,tAbsCoord *y2_);
546                    /** Returns width of window.
547                      * @param win          handle of window.
548                      * @return             width of window
549                      * @see                twGetWinHeight twGetClientHeight twGetClientWidth
550                     **/
551 unsigned          __FASTCALL__ twGetWinWidth(TWindow *win);
553                    /** Returns width of height.
554                      * @param win          handle of window.
555                      * @return             height of window
556                      * @see                twGetWinWidth twGetClientHeight twGetClientWidth
557                     **/
558 unsigned          __FASTCALL__ twGetWinHeight(TWindow *win);
560                    /** Returns width of window which is available for output.
561                      * @param win          handle of window.
562                      * @return             width of window which is available for output
563                      * @see                twGetWinWidth twGetWinHeight twGetClientHeight
564                     **/
565 unsigned          __FASTCALL__ twGetClientWidth(TWindow *win);
567                    /** Returns height of window which is available for output.
568                      * @param win          handle of window.
569                      * @return             height of window which is available for output
570                      * @see                twGetWinWidth twGetWinHeight twGetClientWidth
571                     **/
572 unsigned          __FASTCALL__ twGetClientHeight(TWindow *win);
574                    /** Returns handle of the window currently displayed at the absolute position x and y.
575                      * @param x,y          specify coordinates of the location.
576                      * @return             Handle for the window displayed at the
577                      *                     specified position if a window is
578                      *                     displayed. If no window is displayed
579                      *                     at the this position, NULL is returned.
580                      * @see                twGetWinPos
581                     **/
582 TWindow *         __FASTCALL__ twGetWinAtPos(tAbsCoord x, tAbsCoord y);
584                    /** Checks visibility of window piece.
585                      * @param x,y          specify coordinates of the location.
586                      * @return             True if specified window is visible
587                      *                     in specified location (Is not obscured).
588                      * @see                twGetWinPos
589                     **/
590 tBool             __FASTCALL__ twIsPieceVisible(TWindow *win,tRelCoord x, tRelCoord y);
592                    /** Converts window-relative coordinates to absolute screen coordinates
593                      * @param win          handle of window
594                      * @param x,y          specify the relative coordinates.
595                      * @param xa,ya        specify pointers to the absolute coordinates.
596                      * @return             none
597                      * @see                twCvtScreenCoord
598                     **/
599 void              __FASTCALL__ twCvtWinCoords(TWindow *win,tRelCoord x, tRelCoord y,tAbsCoord *xa,tAbsCoord *ya);
601                    /** Converts screen-relative coordinates to relative window coordinates
602                      * @param win          handle of window
603                      * @param x,y          specify screen coordinates.
604                      * @param xr,yr        specify pointers to the relative coordinates.
605                      * @return             True if successful, False otherwise.
606                      * @see                twCvtWinCoord
607                     **/
608 tBool            __FASTCALL__ twCvtScreenCoords(TWindow *win,tAbsCoord x, tAbsCoord y,tRelCoord *xr,tRelCoord *yr);
610                    /** Clears the current window window with default filler.
611                      * @return             none
612                      * @see                twClearWinEx
613                     **/
614 void              __FASTCALL__ twClearWin(void);
616                    /** Clears the current window window with given filler.
617                      * @param filler       character for filling the window
618                      * @return             none
619                      * @see                twClearWin
620                     **/
621 void              __FASTCALL__ twClearWinEx(unsigned char filler);
623                    /** Clears the current window from current position to the end of line with default filler.
624                      * @return             none
625                      * @see                twClrEOLEx
626                     **/
627 void              __FASTCALL__ twClrEOL(void);
629                    /** Clears the current window from current position to the end of line with given filler.
630                      * @param filler       character for filling the window
631                      * @return             none
632                      * @see                twClrEOL
633                     **/
634 void              __FASTCALL__ twClrEOLEx(unsigned char filler);
636                    /** Sets logical foreground and background colors of the text.
637                      * @param fore,back    specify colors to be set.
638                      * @return             Previously set color attributes
639                      * @note               The function affects only those
640                      *                     characters output after the call to
641                      *                     foreground and background; the function
642                      *                     does not affect characters that are
643                      *                     already displayed.
644                      * @see                twSetColorAttr twGetColor twGetColorAttr twTextColor twTextBkGnd
645                     **/
646 ColorAttr         __FASTCALL__ twSetColor(Color fore,Color back);
648                    /** Sets physical color attributes of the text.
649                      * @param attr         specifies color attributes.
650                      * @return             Previously set color attributes
651                      * @note               The function affects only those
652                      *                     characters output after the call to
653                      *                     foreground and background; the function
654                      *                     does not affect characters that are
655                      *                     already displayed.
656                      * @see                twSetColor twGetColor twGetColorAttr twTextColor twTextBkGnd
657                     **/
658 ColorAttr         __FASTCALL__ twSetColorAttr(ColorAttr attr);
660                    /** Returns logical foreground and background colors of the text.
661                      * @param fore,back    specify pointers to memory where will be saved logical background and foreground of the text.
662                      * @return             none
663                      * @see                twSetColorAttr twSetColor twGetColorAttr twTextColor twTextBkGnd
664                     **/
665 void              __FASTCALL__ twGetColor(Color *fore, Color *back );
667                    /** Returns physical color attributes of the text.
668                      * @return             physical attributes of the text
669                      * @see                twSetColorAttr twSetColor twGetColor twTextColor twTextBkGnd
670                     **/
671 ColorAttr         __FASTCALL__ twGetColorAttr( void );
673                    /** Sets logical foreground color of the text.
674                      * @param col          specifies color to be set.
675                      * @return             Previously set foreground color
676                      * @note               The function affects only those
677                      *                     characters output after the call to
678                      *                     foreground; the function does not
679                      *                     affect characters that are already
680                      *                     displayed.
681                      * @see                twSetColorAttr twSetColor twGetColor twTextBkGnd
682                     **/
683 Color             __FASTCALL__ twTextColor( Color col );
685                    /** Sets logical background color of the text.
686                      * @param col          specifies color to be set.
687                      * @return             Previously set background color
688                      * @note               The function affects only those
689                      *                     characters output after the call to
690                      *                     background; the function does not
691                      *                     affect characters that are already
692                      *                     displayed.
693                      * @see                twSetColorAttr twSetColor twGetColor twTextColor
694                     **/
695 Color             __FASTCALL__ twTextBkGnd( Color col );
697                    /** Returns frame and frame attributes of given window.
698                      * @param win          handle of window.
699                      * @param frame        pointer to memory area (8-byte length) where will be stored frame.
700                      * @param fore,back    pointers to memory area where will be stored logical colors of frame.
701                      * @return             none
702                      * @see                twGetFrameAttr twSetFrame twSetFrameAttr
703                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
704                      *                     twGetFooter twGetFooterAttr twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
705                     **/
706 void              __FASTCALL__ twGetFrame(TWindow *win,char *frame,Color* fore,Color* back);
708                    /** Returns title and title attributes of given window.
709                      * @param win          handle of window.
710                      * @param title        pointer to memory area where will be stored title.
711                      * @param cb_title     size of memory area where will be stored title.
712                      * @param fore,back    pointers to memory area where will be stored logical colors of title.
713                      * @return             alignment mode of title
714                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twSetFrame twSetFrameAttr twGetFrame
715                      *                     twGetTitleAttr twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
716                      *                     twGetFooter twGetFooterAttr twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
717                     **/
718 tTitleMode        __FASTCALL__ twGetTitle(TWindow *win,char* title,unsigned cb_title,Color* fore,Color* back);
720                    /** Returns footer and footer attributes of given window.
721                      * @param win          handle of window.
722                      * @param footer       pointer to memory area where will be stored footer.
723                      * @param cb_footer    size of memory area where will be stored footer.
724                      * @param fore,back    pointers to memory area where will be stored logical colors of footer.
725                      * @return             alignment mode of footer
726                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twSetFrame twSetFrameAttr
727                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
728                      *                     twGetFooterAttr twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
729                     **/
730 tTitleMode        __FASTCALL__ twGetFooter(TWindow *win,char* footer,unsigned cb_footer,Color* fore,Color* back);
732                    /** Returns frame and frame attributes of given window.
733                      * @param win          handle of window.
734                      * @param frame        pointer to memory area (8-byte length) where will be stored frame.
735                      * @param attr         pointer to memory area where will be stored physical color attributes of frame.
736                      * @return             none
737                      * @see                twGetFrame twSetFrame twSetFrameAttr
738                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
739                      *                     twGetFooter twGetFooterAttr twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
740                     **/
741 void              __FASTCALL__ twGetFrameAttr(TWindow *win,char *frame,ColorAttr* attr);
743                    /** Returns title and title attributes of given window.
744                      * @param win          handle of window.
745                      * @param title        pointer to memory area where will be stored title.
746                      * @param cb_title     size of memory area where will be stored title.
747                      * @param attr         pointers to memory area where will be stored physical color attributes of title.
748                      * @return             alignment mode of title
749                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twSetFrame twSetFrameAttr twGetFrame
750                      *                     twGetTitle twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
751                      *                     twGetFooter twGetFooterAttr twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
752                     **/
753 tTitleMode        __FASTCALL__ twGetTitleAttr(TWindow *win,char* title,unsigned cb_title,ColorAttr* attr);
755                    /** Returns footer and footer attributes of given window.
756                      * @param win          handle of window.
757                      * @param footer       pointer to memory area where will be stored footer.
758                      * @param cb_footer    size of memory area where will be stored footer.
759                      * @param fore,back    pointers to memory area where will be stored physical color attributes of footer.
760                      * @return             alignment mode of footer
761                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twSetFrame twSetFrameAttr
762                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
763                      *                     twGetFooter twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
764                     **/
765 tTitleMode        __FASTCALL__ twGetFooterAttr(TWindow *win,char* footer,unsigned cb_footer,ColorAttr* attr);
767                    /** Changes frame around given window with specified logical color attributes.
768                      * @param win          handle of window
769                      * @param frame        specifies new frame (8-byte length)
770                      * @param fore,back    specify new background and foreground colors
771                      * @return             none
772                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twGetFooterAttr twSetFrameAttr
773                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
774                      *                     twGetFooter twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
775                     **/
776 void              __FASTCALL__ twSetFrame(TWindow *win,const char *frame,Color fore,Color back);
778                    /** Updates window title with specified logical color attributes.
779                      * @param win          handle of window
780                      * @param title        specifies new title
781                      * @param titlemode    specifies new title mode
782                      * @param fore,back    specify new background and foreground colors
783                      * @return             none
784                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twGetFooterAttr twSetFrameAttr
785                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetFrame twSetTitleAttr
786                      *                     twGetFooter twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
787                     **/
788 void              __FASTCALL__ twSetTitle(TWindow *win,const char* title,tTitleMode titlemode,Color fore,Color back);
790                    /** Updates window footer with specified logical color attributes.
791                      * @param win          handle of window
792                      * @param footer       specifies new footer
793                      * @param footermode   specifies new footer mode
794                      * @param fore,back    specify new background and foreground colors
795                      * @return             none
796                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twGetFooterAttr twSetFrameAttr
797                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetFrame twSetTitleAttr
798                      *                     twGetFooter twSetTitle twSetFooterAttr
799                     **/
800 void              __FASTCALL__ twSetFooter(TWindow *win,const char* footer,tTitleMode footermode,Color fore,Color back);
802                    /** Changes frame around given window with specified physical color attributes.
803                      * @param win          handle of window
804                      * @param frame        specifies new frame (8-byte length)
805                      * @param attr         specifies new color attributes
806                      * @return             none
807                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twGetFooterAttr twSetFrame
808                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetTitle twSetTitleAttr
809                      *                     twGetFooter twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
810                     **/
811 void              __FASTCALL__ twSetFrameAttr(TWindow *win,const char *frame,ColorAttr attr);
813                    /** Updates window title with specified physical color attributes.
814                      * @param win          handle of window
815                      * @param title        specifies new title
816                      * @param titlemode    specifies new title mode
817                      * @param attr         specifies new color attributes
818                      * @return             none
819                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twGetFooterAttr twSetFrameAttr
820                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetFrame twSetTitle
821                      *                     twGetFooter twSetFooter twSetFooterAttr
822                     **/
823 void              __FASTCALL__ twSetTitleAttr(TWindow *win,const char* title,tTitleMode titlemode,ColorAttr attr);
825                    /** Updates window footer with specified physical color attributes.
826                      * @param win          handle of window
827                      * @param footer       specifies new footer
828                      * @param footermode   specifies new footer mode
829                      * @param attr         specifies new logical color attributes
830                      * @return             none
831                      * @see                twGetFrame twGetFrameAttr twGetFooterAttr twSetFrameAttr
832                      *                     twGetTitle twGetTitleAttr twSetFrame twSetTitleAttr
833                      *                     twGetFooter twSetTitle twSetFooter
834                     **/
835 void              __FASTCALL__ twSetFooterAttr(TWindow *win,const char* footer,tTitleMode footermode,ColorAttr attr);
837 #define TW_CUR_OFF   0 /**< Defines that cursor in invisible state */
838 #define TW_CUR_NORM  1 /**< Defines that cursor in normal state (filles 20% of the character cell) */
839 #define TW_CUR_SOLID 2 /**< Defines that cursor in solid state (filles 100% of the character cell) */
841                    /** Sets the size and visibility of the cursor
842                      * @param  type       indicates type of cursor
843                      * @return            none
844                      * @note              The cursor in particular window is
845                      *                    visible only when the type of cursor
846                      *                    is normal or solid and window is
847                      *                    visible and has focus. Main difference
848                      *                    between twSetCursorType and __vioSetCursorType
849                      *                    is rememberring of cursor type and caching
850                      *                    every call to the OS.
851                      * @see               twGetCursorType
852                     **/
853 void              __FASTCALL__ twSetCursorType(int type);
855                    /** Retrieves information about the size and visibility of the cursor
856                      * @param             none
857                      * @return            Current type of the cursor
858                      * @note              Main difference between twGetCursorType
859                      *                    and __vioGetCursorType is rememberring
860                      *                    of cursor type and caching every call
861                      *                    to the OS.
862                      * @see               twSetCursorType
863                     **/
864 int               __FASTCALL__ twGetCursorType( void );
866                    /** Sets the cursor coordiantes relative to the used window
867                      * @param x,y         specify horizontal and vertical coordinates for the location
868                      * @return            none
869                      * @note              If X or Y are outside the window frame,
870                      *                    they will be clipped.
871                      * @see               twWhereX twWhereY
872                     **/
873 void              __FASTCALL__ twGotoXY(tRelCoord x,tRelCoord y);
875                    /** Returns the x coordinate of the current cursor position, within currently used window.
876                      * @return            none
877                      * @note              If X or Y are outside the window frame,
878                      *                    they will be clipped.
879                      * @see               twWhereX twWhereY
880                     **/
881 tRelCoord         __FASTCALL__ twWhereX( void );
883                    /** Returns the y coordinate of the current cursor position, within currently used window.
884                      * @return            none
885                      * @note              If X or Y are outside the window frame,
886                      *                    they will be clipped.
887                      * @see               twWhereX twWhereY
888                     **/
889 tRelCoord         __FASTCALL__ twWhereY( void );
891                    /** Outputs the character to the active window at current cursor position.
892                      * @param ch          character to be written
893                      * @return            none
894                      * @see               twGetChar twPutS twPrintF twDirectWrite twWriteBuffer
895                     **/
896 void              __FASTCALL__ twPutChar(char ch);
898                    /** Reads the character from the active window at current cursor position.
899                      * @return            character read
900                      * @note              there is no error return value.
901                      * @see               twPutChar twPutS twPrintF twDirectWrite twWriteBuffer twReadBuffer
902                     **/
903 char              __FASTCALL__ twGetChar( void );
905                    /** Writes the null-terminated string to the active window at current cursor position.
906                      * @param str         null-terminated string to be written
907                      * @return            number of really written characters
908                      * @note              Function has special reaction on carriage
909                      *                    return and linefeed characters. If such
910                      *                    characters occured, then cursor position
911                      *                    will be changed automatically.
912                      *                    Character '\n' changes both x and y
913                      *                    cursor coordinates (for unix compatibility)
914                      *                    as x=1 and y++
915                      *                    Character '\r' changes only x coordinate
916                      *                    as x=1.
917                      *                    If written text is large than window, then
918                      *                    it will be clipped.
919                      * @see               twGetChar twPutChar twPrintF twDirectWrite twWriteBuffer
920                     **/
921 int               __FASTCALL__ twPutS(const char *str);
923                    /** Writes buffer directly to the active window at specified location.
924                      * @param x,y         specify location of output
925                      * @param buff        specifies buffer to be written
926                      * @param len         specifies length of buffer
927                      * @return            number of really written characters
928                      * @note              Function writes all characters as is,
929                      *                    without checking for carriage return and
930                      *                    linefeed.
931                      *                    If written text is large than window, then
932                      *                    it will be clipped.
933                      * @see               twGetChar twPutChar twPrintF twPutS twWriteBuffer
934                     **/
935 int               __FASTCALL__ twDirectWrite(tRelCoord x,tRelCoord y,const void *buff,unsigned len);
937                    /** Provides formatted output directly to the active window at current cursor position.
938                      * @param fmt         specifies formatted string
939                      * @return            number of really written characters
940                      * @note              Function has same input format as
941                      *                    standard *printf function family.
942                      *                    Functiom has same reaction on carriage
943                      *                    return and linefeed as \e twPutS.
944                      *                    If written text is large than window, then
945                      *                    it will be clipped.
946                      * @bug               Program is destroyed, when final output
947                      *                    is greated than size of console or terminal
948                      *                    screen. I.e. greated than tvioWidth*tvioHeight
949                      * @see               twGetChar twPutChar twDirectWrite twPutS twWriteBuffer
950                     **/
951 int               __FASTCALL__ twPrintF(const char *fmt,...);
953                    /** Accesses to the active window directly, writing a single line.
954                      * @param win         handle of window
955                      * @param x,y         specify location of output
956                      * @param buff        pointer to virtual video buffer to be written
957                      * @param len         specifies length of virtual video buffer
958                      * @return            none
959                      * @note              Function writes specified number of
960                      *                    characters and attributes to window,
961                      *                    beginning at specified location.
962                      *                    If written output is large than window,
963                      *                    then it will be clipped.
964                      * @see               twGetChar twPutChar twDirectWrite twPutS twReadBuffer
965                     **/
966 void              __FASTCALL__ twWriteBuffer(TWindow *win,tRelCoord x,tRelCoord y,const tvioBuff *buff,unsigned len);
968                    /** Accesses to the active window directly, reading a single line.
969                      * @param win         handle of window
970                      * @param x,y         specify location of input
971                      * @param buff        pointer to location at which readed material will be stored.
972                      * @param len         specifies length of location
973                      * @return            none
974                      * @note              Function reads specified number of
975                      *                    characters and attributes from window,
976                      *                    beginning at specified location.
977                      * @see               twGetChar twPutChar twDirectWrite twPutS twWriteBuffer
978                     **/
979 void              __FASTCALL__ twReadBuffer(TWindow *win,tRelCoord x,tRelCoord y,tvioBuff *buff,unsigned len);
981                    /** Remaps logical color with new physical value.
982                      * @param color       lopical color to be remapped
983                      * @param value       specifies new physical value of logical color
984                      * @return            none
985                      * @see               twGetRemappedColor
986                     **/
987 void              __FASTCALL__ twRemapColor(Color color,unsigned char value);
989                    /** Returns physical value of logical color.
990                      * @param color       lopical color value
991                      * @param value       specifies new physical value of logical color
992                      * @return            physical value of logical color
993                      * @see               twRemapColor
994                     **/
995 unsigned char     __FASTCALL__ twGetMappedColor(Color color);
997 #ifdef __cplusplus
998 }
999 #endif
1001 #include "biewlib/tw_class.h"
1003 #endif