1 /***
2 *dbgrpt.c - Debug CRT Reporting Functions
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
5 *
6 *Purpose:
7 *
8 *******************************************************************************/
9 #ifndef _DEBUG
10 #error This file is supported only in debug builds
11 #endif
13 #include <corecrt_internal.h>
14 #include <corecrt_internal_traits.h>
15 #include <intrin.h>
16 #include <malloc.h>
17 #include <minmax.h>
18 #include <signal.h>
19 #include <stdarg.h>
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
24 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 *
26 * Debug Reporting
27 *
28 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
30 extern "C" _CRT_REPORT_HOOK _pfnReportHook;
31 extern "C" __crt_report_hook_node<char>* _pReportHookList;
32 extern "C" __crt_report_hook_node<wchar_t>* _pReportHookListW;
get_report_hook_list(char)34 static __crt_report_hook_node<char>*& __cdecl get_report_hook_list(char) throw() { return _pReportHookList; }
get_report_hook_list(wchar_t)35 static __crt_report_hook_node<wchar_t>*& __cdecl get_report_hook_list(wchar_t) throw() { return _pReportHookListW; }
37 static wchar_t const* const report_type_messages[_CRT_ERRCNT] =
38 {
39 L"Warning",
40 L"Error",
41 L"Assertion Failed"
42 };
44 // Enclaves only support MODE_DEBUG for error output
get_output_message_format(char)47 static wchar_t const* __cdecl get_output_message_format(char) throw()
48 {
49 return L"Debug %ls!\n\nProgram: %hs%ls%ls%hs%ls%hs%ls%hs%ls%ls%hs%ls\n\n(Press Retry to debug the application)\n";
50 }
get_output_message_format(wchar_t)52 static wchar_t const* __cdecl get_output_message_format(wchar_t) throw()
53 {
54 return L"Debug %ls!\n\nProgram: %ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls%ls\n\n(Press Retry to debug the application)\n";
55 }
57 static wchar_t const* const more_info_string =
58 L"\n\nFor information on how your program can cause an assertion"
59 L"\nfailure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.";
61 _GENERATE_TCHAR_STRING_FUNCTIONS(program_name_unknown_text, "<program name unknown>")
63 #endif /* _UCRT_ENCLAVE_BUILD */
65 /***
66 *_CRT_REPORT_HOOK _CrtSetReportHook2() - configure client report hook in list
67 *
68 *Purpose:
69 * Install or remove a client report hook from the report list. Exists
70 * separately from _CrtSetReportHook because the older function doesn't
71 * work well in an environment where DLLs that are loaded and unloaded
72 * dynamically out of LIFO order want to install report hooks.
73 * This function exists in 2 forms - ANSI & UNICODE
74 *
75 *Entry:
77 * _CRT_REPORT_HOOK pfnNewHook - report hook to install/remove/query
78 *
79 *Exit:
80 * Returns -1 if an error was encountered, with EINVAL or ENOMEM set,
81 * else returns the reference count of pfnNewHook after the call.
82 *
83 *Exceptions:
84 * Input parameters are validated. Refer to the validation section of the function.
85 *
86 *******************************************************************************/
87 template <typename Character, typename Hook>
common_set_report_hook(int const mode,Hook const new_hook)88 static int __cdecl common_set_report_hook(
89 int const mode,
90 Hook const new_hook
91 ) throw()
92 {
93 using node_type = __crt_report_hook_node<Character>;
96 _VALIDATE_RETURN(new_hook != nullptr, EINVAL, -1);
98 return __acrt_lock_and_call(__acrt_debug_lock, [&]
99 {
100 node_type*& hook_list = get_report_hook_list(Character());
102 node_type* p;
103 int ret = 0;
105 // Search for new hook function to see if it's already installed
106 for (p = hook_list; p != nullptr; p = p->next)
107 if (p->hook == new_hook)
108 break;
110 if (mode == _CRT_RPTHOOK_REMOVE)
111 {
112 // Remove request - free list node if refcount goes to zero
113 if (p != nullptr)
114 {
115 if ((ret = --p->refcount) == 0)
116 {
117 if (p->next)
118 {
119 p->next->prev = p->prev;
120 }
121 if (p->prev)
122 {
123 p->prev->next = p->next;
124 }
125 else
126 {
127 hook_list = p->next;
128 }
130 _free_crt(p);
131 }
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 _ASSERTE(("The hook function is not in the list!", 0));
136 errno = EINVAL;
137 return -1;
138 }
139 }
140 else
141 {
142 // Insert request
143 if (p != nullptr)
144 {
145 // Hook function already registered, move to head of list
146 ret = ++p->refcount;
147 if (p != hook_list)
148 {
149 if (p->next)
150 p->next->prev = p->prev;
151 p->prev->next = p->next;
152 p->prev = nullptr;
153 p->next = hook_list;
154 hook_list->prev = p;
155 hook_list = p;
156 }
157 }
158 else
159 {
160 // Hook function not already registered, insert new node
161 __crt_unique_heap_ptr<node_type> new_node(_calloc_crt_t(node_type, 1));
162 if (!new_node)
163 {
164 ret = -1;
165 errno = ENOMEM;
166 }
167 else
168 {
169 new_node.get()->prev = nullptr;
170 new_node.get()->next = hook_list;
172 if (hook_list)
173 {
174 hook_list->prev = new_node.get();
175 }
177 ret = new_node.get()->refcount = 1;
178 new_node.get()->hook = new_hook;
179 hook_list = new_node.detach();
180 }
181 }
182 }
184 return ret;
185 });
186 }
_CrtSetReportHook2(int const mode,_CRT_REPORT_HOOK const new_hook)188 extern "C" int __cdecl _CrtSetReportHook2(
189 int const mode,
190 _CRT_REPORT_HOOK const new_hook
191 )
192 {
193 return common_set_report_hook<char>(mode, new_hook);
194 }
_CrtSetReportHookW2(int const mode,_CRT_REPORT_HOOKW const new_hook)196 extern "C" int __cdecl _CrtSetReportHookW2(
197 int const mode,
198 _CRT_REPORT_HOOKW const new_hook
199 )
200 {
201 return common_set_report_hook<wchar_t>(mode, new_hook);
202 }
204 #define MAXLINELEN 64
206 /***
207 *int _CrtDbgReport() - primary reporting function
208 *
209 *Purpose:
210 * Display a message window with the following format.
211 *
212 * ================= Microsft Visual C++ Debug Library ================
213 *
214 * {Warning! | Error! | Assertion Failed!}
215 *
216 * Program: c:\test\mytest\foo.exe
217 * [Module: c:\test\mytest\bar.dll]
218 * [File: c:\test\mytest\bar.c]
219 * [Line: 69]
220 *
221 * {<warning or error message> | Expression: <expression>}
222 *
223 * [For information on how your program can cause an assertion
224 * failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts]
225 *
226 * (Press Retry to debug the application)
227 *
228 * ===================================================================
229 *
230 *Entry:
231 * int nRptType - report type
232 * void * returnAddress - return address of caller
233 * const TCHAR * szFile - file name
234 * int nLine - line number
235 * const TCHAR * szModule - module name
236 * const TCHAR * szFormat - format string
237 * ... - var args
238 *
239 *Exit:
240 * if (MessageBox)
241 * {
242 * Abort -> aborts
243 * Retry -> return TRUE
244 * Ignore-> return FALSE
245 * }
246 * else
247 * return FALSE
248 *
249 *Exceptions:
250 * If something goes wrong, we do not assert, but we return -1.
251 *
252 *******************************************************************************/
_CrtDbgReport(int const report_type,char const * const file_name,int const line_number,char const * const module_name,char const * const format,...)253 extern "C" int __cdecl _CrtDbgReport(
254 int const report_type,
255 char const* const file_name,
256 int const line_number,
257 char const* const module_name,
258 char const* const format,
259 ...)
260 {
261 va_list arglist;
262 va_start(arglist, format);
263 int const result = _VCrtDbgReportA(report_type, _ReturnAddress(), file_name, line_number, module_name, format, arglist);
264 va_end(arglist);
265 return result;
266 }
_CrtDbgReportW(int const report_type,wchar_t const * const file_name,int const line_number,wchar_t const * const module_name,wchar_t const * const format,...)268 extern "C" int __cdecl _CrtDbgReportW(
269 int const report_type,
270 wchar_t const* const file_name,
271 int const line_number,
272 wchar_t const* const module_name,
273 wchar_t const* const format,
274 ...)
275 {
276 va_list arglist;
277 va_start(arglist, format);
278 int const result = _VCrtDbgReportW(report_type, _ReturnAddress(), file_name, line_number, module_name, format, arglist);
279 va_end(arglist);
280 return result;
281 }
283 // Enclaves only support MODE_DEBUG for error output
284 #if !defined _UCRT_ENCLAVE_BUILD
286 /***
287 *int __crtMessageWindow() - report to a message window
288 *
289 *Purpose:
290 * put report into message window, allow user to choose action to take
291 *
292 *Entry:
293 * int nRptType - report type
294 * const TCHAR * szFile - file name
295 * const TCHAR * szLine - line number
296 * const TCHAR * szModule - module name
297 * const TCHAR * szUserMessage - user message
298 *
299 *Exit:
300 * if (MessageBox)
301 * {
302 * Abort -> aborts
303 * Retry -> return TRUE
304 * Ignore-> return FALSE
305 * }
306 * else
307 * return FALSE
308 *
309 *Exceptions:
310 * If something goes wrong, we do not assert, but we simply return -1,
311 * which will trigger the debugger automatically (the same as the user
312 * pressing the Retry button).
313 *
314 *******************************************************************************/
315 template <typename Character>
common_message_window(int const report_type,void * const return_address,Character const * const file_name,Character const * const line_number,Character const * const module_name,Character const * const user_message)316 static int __cdecl common_message_window(
317 int const report_type,
318 void* const return_address,
319 Character const* const file_name,
320 Character const* const line_number,
321 Character const* const module_name,
322 Character const* const user_message
323 ) throw()
324 {
325 using traits = __crt_char_traits<Character>;
327 if (user_message == nullptr)
328 {
329 return 1;
330 }
332 HMODULE module = nullptr;
333 if (!GetModuleHandleExW(
335 static_cast<LPCWSTR>(return_address),
336 &module))
337 {
338 module = nullptr;
339 }
340 #ifdef CRTDLL
341 else if (module == reinterpret_cast<HMODULE>(&__ImageBase))
342 {
343 // If the message was reported from within the CRT DLL, report it as
344 // having come from the EXE instead:
345 module = nullptr;
346 }
347 #endif
349 Character program_name[MAX_PATH + 1]{};
350 if (!traits::get_module_file_name(module, program_name, static_cast<DWORD>(_countof(program_name))))
351 {
352 _ERRCHECK(traits::tcscpy_s(program_name, _countof(program_name), get_program_name_unknown_text(Character())));
353 }
355 // Shorten the program name:
356 size_t const program_name_length = traits::tcslen(program_name);
357 Character* short_program_name = program_name;
358 if (program_name_length > MAXLINELEN)
359 {
360 short_program_name += program_name_length - MAXLINELEN;
361 static_assert(MAXLINELEN > 3, "");
362 #pragma warning(push)
363 #pragma warning(disable:__WARNING_POTENTIAL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_HIGH_PRIORITY) // 26015
364 short_program_name[0] = '.';
365 short_program_name[1] = '.';
366 short_program_name[2] = '.';
367 #pragma warning(pop)
368 }
370 // Shorten the module name:
371 size_t const module_name_length = module_name ? traits::tcslen(module_name) : 0;
372 Character const* short_module_name = nullptr;
373 if (module_name && module_name_length > MAXLINELEN)
374 {
375 short_module_name = module_name + module_name_length - MAXLINELEN + 3;
376 }
378 static Character const empty_string[] = { '\0' };
380 wchar_t message_buffer[DBGRPT_MAX_MSG];
381 int const sprintf_result = _snwprintf_s(
382 message_buffer,
383 _countof(message_buffer),
384 _countof(message_buffer) - 1,
386 get_output_message_format(Character()),
388 report_type_messages[report_type],
389 short_program_name,
390 module_name ? L"\nModule: " : L"",
391 short_module_name ? L"..." : L"",
392 short_module_name ? short_module_name : (module_name ? module_name : empty_string),
393 file_name ? L"\nFile: " : L"",
394 file_name ? file_name : empty_string,
395 line_number ? L"\nLine: " : L"",
396 line_number ? line_number : empty_string,
397 user_message[0] ? L"\n\n" : L"",
398 user_message[0] && _CRT_ASSERT == report_type ? L"Expression: " : L"",
399 user_message[0] ? user_message : empty_string,
400 _CRT_ASSERT == report_type ? more_info_string : L"");
402 _ERRCHECK_SPRINTF(sprintf_result);
404 if (sprintf_result < 0)
405 {
406 _ERRCHECK(wcscpy_s(message_buffer, DBGRPT_MAX_MSG, _CRT_WIDE(DBGRPT_TOOLONGMSG)));
407 }
409 int const message_box_result = __acrt_show_wide_message_box(
410 message_buffer,
411 L"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library",
414 switch (message_box_result)
415 {
416 case IDABORT: // Abort: Terminate execution
417 {
418 // Note that even though we are "aborting," we do not call abort()
419 // because we do not want to invoke Watson (the user has already had an
420 // opportunity to debug the error and chose not to).
421 __crt_signal_handler_t const sigabrt_action = __acrt_get_sigabrt_handler();
422 if (sigabrt_action != SIG_DFL)
423 {
424 raise(SIGABRT);
425 }
427 TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 3);
428 }
430 case IDRETRY:
431 {
432 return 1; // Retry: Debug break
433 }
435 case IDIGNORE:
436 default:
437 {
438 return 0; // Ignore: Continue execution
439 }
440 }
441 }
__acrt_MessageWindowA(int const report_type,void * const return_address,char const * const file_name,char const * const line_number,char const * const module_name,char const * const user_message)443 extern "C" int __cdecl __acrt_MessageWindowA(
444 int const report_type,
445 void* const return_address,
446 char const* const file_name,
447 char const* const line_number,
448 char const* const module_name,
449 char const* const user_message
450 )
451 {
452 return common_message_window(report_type, return_address, file_name, line_number, module_name, user_message);
453 }
__acrt_MessageWindowW(int const report_type,void * const return_address,wchar_t const * const file_name,wchar_t const * const line_number,wchar_t const * const module_name,wchar_t const * const user_message)455 extern "C" int __cdecl __acrt_MessageWindowW(
456 int const report_type,
457 void* const return_address,
458 wchar_t const* const file_name,
459 wchar_t const* const line_number,
460 wchar_t const* const module_name,
461 wchar_t const* const user_message
462 )
463 {
464 return common_message_window(report_type, return_address, file_name, line_number, module_name, user_message);
465 }
467 #endif