2# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
4# Copyright (C) 2000-2008  Donald N. Allingham
5# Copyright (C) 2010       Nick Hall
6# Copyright (C) 2011       Tim G L Lyons
8# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11# (at your option) any later version.
13# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16# GNU General Public License for more details.
18# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
24Provide the Berkeley DB (DbBsddb) database backend for Gramps.
25This is used since Gramps version 3.0
30# Standard python modules
33import sys
34import pickle
35import os
36import time
37import bisect
38from functools import wraps
39import logging
40from sys import maxsize, getfilesystemencoding, version_info
41from ast import literal_eval as safe_eval
43from bsddb3 import dbshelve, db
46DBFLAGS_O = DB_CREATE | DB_AUTO_COMMIT  # Default flags for database open
47DBFLAGS_R = DB_RDONLY                   # Flags to open a database read-only
48DBFLAGS_D = DB_DUP | DB_DUPSORT         # Default flags for duplicate keys
52# Gramps modules
55from gramps.gen.lib.person import Person
56from gramps.gen.lib.family import Family
57from gramps.gen.lib.src import Source
58from gramps.gen.lib.citation import Citation
59from gramps.gen.lib.event import Event
60from gramps.gen.lib.place import Place
61from gramps.gen.lib.repo import Repository
62from gramps.gen.lib.media import Media
63from gramps.gen.lib.note import Note
64from gramps.gen.lib.tag import Tag
65from gramps.gen.lib.genderstats import GenderStats
66from gramps.gen.lib.researcher import Researcher
68from . import (DbBsddbRead, DbWriteBase, BSDDBTxn,
69                    DbTxn, BsddbBaseCursor, BsddbDowngradeError, DbVersionError,
70                    DbEnvironmentError, DbUpgradeRequiredError, find_surname,
71                    find_byte_surname, find_surname_name, DbUndoBSDDB as DbUndo)
73from gramps.gen.db import exceptions
74from gramps.gen.db.dbconst import *
75from gramps.gen.db.utils import write_lock_file, clear_lock_file
76from gramps.gen.utils.callback import Callback
77from gramps.gen.utils.id import create_id
78from gramps.gen.updatecallback import UpdateCallback
79from gramps.gen.errors import DbError, HandleError
80from gramps.gen.const import HOME_DIR, GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
81_ = glocale.translation.gettext
83_LOG = logging.getLogger(DBLOGNAME)
84LOG = logging.getLogger(".citation")
86#_hdlr = logging.StreamHandler()
87#_hdlr.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt="%(name)s.%(levelname)s: %(message)s"))
92IDTRANS = "person_id"
93FIDTRANS = "family_id"
94PIDTRANS = "place_id"
95OIDTRANS = "media_id"
96EIDTRANS = "event_id"
97RIDTRANS = "repo_id"
98NIDTRANS = "note_id"
99SIDTRANS = "source_id"
100CIDTRANS = "citation_id"
101TAGTRANS = "tag_name"
102SURNAMES = "surnames"
103NAME_GROUP = "name_group"
104META = "meta_data"
105PPARENT = "place_parent"
107FAMILY_TBL = "family"
108PLACES_TBL = "place"
109SOURCES_TBL = "source"
110CITATIONS_TBL = "citation"
111MEDIA_TBL = "media"
112EVENTS_TBL = "event"
113PERSON_TBL = "person"
114REPO_TBL = "repo"
115NOTE_TBL = "note"
116TAG_TBL = "tag"
118REF_MAP = "reference_map"
119REF_PRI = "primary_map"
120REF_REF = "referenced_map"
122DBERRS = (db.DBRunRecoveryError, db.DBAccessError,
123               db.DBPageNotFoundError, db.DBInvalidArgError)
125# The following two dictionaries provide fast translation
126# between the primary class names and the keys used to reference
127# these classes in the database tables. Beware that changing
128# these maps or modifying the values of the keys will break
129# existing databases.
133# Helper functions
137def find_idmap(key, data):
138    """ return id for association of secondary index.
139    returns a byte string
140    """
141    val = data[1]
142    if val is not None:
143        val = val.encode('utf-8')
144    return val
146def find_parent(key, data):
147    if hasattr(data[5], '__len__') and len(data[5]) > 0:
148        val = data[5][0][0]
149    else:
150        val = ''
151    return val.encode('utf-8')
153# Secondary database key lookups for reference_map table
154# reference_map data values are of the form:
155#   ((primary_object_class_name, primary_object_handle),
156#    (referenced_object_class_name, referenced_object_handle))
158def find_primary_handle(key, data):
159    """ return handle for association of indexes
160    returns byte string
161    """
162    val = (data)[0][1]
163    return val.encode('utf-8')
165def find_referenced_handle(key, data):
166    """ return handle for association of indexes
167    returns byte string
168    """
169    val = (data)[1][1]
170    return val.encode('utf-8')
174# BsddbWriteCursor
177class BsddbWriteCursor(BsddbBaseCursor):
179    def __init__(self, source, txn=None, **kwargs):
180        BsddbBaseCursor.__init__(self, txn=txn, **kwargs)
181        self.cursor = source.db.cursor(txn)
182        self.source = source
186# DbBsddbAssocCursor
189class DbBsddbAssocCursor(BsddbBaseCursor):
191    def __init__(self, source, txn=None, **kwargs):
192        BsddbBaseCursor.__init__(self, txn=txn, **kwargs)
193        self.cursor = source.cursor(txn)
194        self.source = source
198# DbBsddb
201class DbBsddb(DbBsddbRead, DbWriteBase, UpdateCallback):
202    """
203    Gramps database write access object.
204    """
206    # Set up dictionary for callback signal handler
207    # ---------------------------------------------
208    # 1. Signals for primary objects
209    __signals__ = dict((obj+'-'+op, signal)
210            for obj in
211                ['person', 'family', 'event', 'place',
212                 'source', 'citation', 'media', 'note', 'repository', 'tag']
213            for op, signal in zip(
214                ['add',   'update', 'delete', 'rebuild'],
215                [(list,), (list,),  (list,),   None]
216                )
217            )
219    # 2. Signals for long operations
220    __signals__.update(('long-op-'+op, signal) for op, signal in zip(
221        ['start',  'heartbeat', 'end'],
222        [(object,), None,       None]
223        ))
225    # 3. Special signal for change in home person
226    __signals__['home-person-changed'] = None
228    # 4. Signal for change in person group name, parameters are
229    __signals__['person-groupname-rebuild'] = (str, str)
231    def __init__(self):
232        """Create a new GrampsDB."""
234        self.txn = None
235        DbBsddbRead.__init__(self)
236        DbWriteBase.__init__(self)
237        #UpdateCallback.__init__(self)
238        self.secondary_connected = False
239        self.has_changed = False
240        self.brief_name = None
241        self.update_env_version = False
242        self.update_python_version = False
243        self.update_pickle_version = False
245    def catch_db_error(func):
246        """
247        Decorator function for catching database errors.  If *func* throws
248        one of the exceptions in DBERRS, the error is logged and a DbError
249        exception is raised.
250        """
251        @wraps(func)
252        def try_(self, *args, **kwargs):
253            try:
254                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
255            except DBERRS as msg:
256                self.__log_error()
257                raise DbError(msg)
258        return try_
260    def __open_db(self, file_name, table_name, dbtype=db.DB_HASH, flags=0):
261        dbmap = db.DB(self.env)
262        dbmap.set_flags(flags)
264        fname = os.path.join(file_name, table_name + DBEXT)
266        if self.readonly:
267            dbmap.open(fname, table_name, dbtype, DBFLAGS_R)
268        else:
269            dbmap.open(fname, table_name, dbtype, DBFLAGS_O, DBMODE)
270        return dbmap
272    def __open_shelf(self, file_name, table_name, dbtype=db.DB_HASH):
273        dbmap = dbshelve.DBShelf(self.env)
275        fname = os.path.join(file_name, table_name + DBEXT)
277        if self.readonly:
278            dbmap.open(fname, table_name, dbtype, DBFLAGS_R)
279        else:
280            dbmap.open(fname, table_name, dbtype, DBFLAGS_O, DBMODE)
281        return dbmap
283    def __log_error(self):
284        mypath = os.path.join(self.get_save_path(),DBRECOVFN)
285        with open(mypath, "w") as ofile:
286            pass
287        try:
288            clear_lock_file(self.get_save_path())
289        except:
290            pass
292    _log_error = __log_error
294    # Override get_cursor method from the superclass to add udpate
295    # capability
297    @catch_db_error
298    def get_cursor(self, table, txn=None, update=False, commit=False):
299        """ Helper function to return a cursor over a table """
300        if update and not txn:
301            txn = self.env.txn_begin(self.txn)
302        return BsddbWriteCursor(table, txn=txn or self.txn,
303                                    update=update, commit=commit)
305    # cursors for lookups in the reference_map for back reference
306    # lookups. The reference_map has three indexes:
307    # the main index: a tuple of (primary_handle, referenced_handle)
308    # the primary_handle index: the primary_handle
309    # the referenced_handle index: the referenced_handle
310    # the main index is unique, the others allow duplicate entries.
312    @catch_db_error
313    def _get_reference_map_primary_cursor(self):
314        """
315        Returns a reference to a cursor over the reference map primary map
316        """
317        return DbBsddbAssocCursor(self.reference_map_primary_map,
318                                        self.txn)
320    @catch_db_error
321    def _get_reference_map_referenced_cursor(self):
322        """
323        Returns a reference to a cursor over the reference map referenced map
324        """
325        return DbBsddbAssocCursor(self.reference_map_referenced_map,
326                                        self.txn)
328    @catch_db_error
329    def get_place_parent_cursor(self):
330        """
331        Returns a reference to a cursor over the place parents
332        """
333        return DbBsddbAssocCursor(self.parents, self.txn)
335    # These are overriding the DbBsddbRead's methods of saving metadata
336    # because we now have txn-capable metadata table
338    @catch_db_error
339    def set_default_person_handle(self, handle):
340        """Set the default Person to the passed instance."""
341        if not self.readonly:
342            # Start transaction
343            with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.metadata) as txn:
344                txn.put(b'default', handle)
345            self.emit('home-person-changed')
347    @catch_db_error
348    def get_default_person(self):
349        """Return the default Person of the database."""
350        person_handle = self.get_default_handle()
351        if person_handle:
352            person = self.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
353            if person:
354                return person
355            elif (self.metadata) and (not self.readonly):
356                # Start transaction
357                with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.metadata) as txn:
358                    txn.put(b'default', None)
359                return None
360        else:
361            return None
363    def set_mediapath(self, path):
364        """Set the default media path for database."""
365        if self.metadata and not self.readonly:
366            # Start transaction
367            with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.metadata) as txn:
368                txn.put(b'mediapath', path)
370    def __make_zip_backup(self, dirname):
371        import zipfile
372        # In Windows reserved characters is "<>:"/\|?*"
373        reserved_char = r':,<>"/\|?* '
374        replace_char = "-__________"
375        title = self.get_dbname()
376        trans = title.maketrans(reserved_char, replace_char)
377        title = title.translate(trans)
379        if not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK):
380            _LOG.warning("Can't write technical DB backup for %s" % title)
381            return
382        (grampsdb_path, db_code) = os.path.split(dirname)
383        dotgramps_path = os.path.dirname(grampsdb_path)
384        zipname = title + time.strftime("_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ".zip"
385        zippath = os.path.join(dotgramps_path, zipname)
386        with zipfile.ZipFile(zippath, 'w') as myzip:
387            for filename in os.listdir(dirname):
388                pathname = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
389                myzip.write(pathname, os.path.join(db_code, filename))
390        _LOG.warning("If upgrade and loading the Family Tree works, you can "
391                     "delete the zip file at %s" %
392                     zippath)
394    def __check_bdb_version(self, name, force_bsddb_upgrade=False,
395                            force_bsddb_downgrade=False):
396        """Older version of Berkeley DB can't read data created by a newer
397        version."""
398        bdb_version = db.version()
399        versionpath = os.path.join(self.path, str(BDBVERSFN))
400        # Compare the current version of the database (bsddb_version) with the
401        # version of the database code (env_version). If it is a downgrade,
402        # raise an exception because we can't do anything. If they are the same,
403        # return. If it is an upgrade, raise an exception unless  the user has
404        # already told us we can upgrade.
405        if os.path.isfile(versionpath):
406            with open(versionpath, "r") as version_file:
407                bsddb_version = version_file.read().strip()
408                env_version = tuple(map(int, bsddb_version[1:-1].split(', ')))
409        else:
410            # bsddb version is unknown
411            bsddb_version = "Unknown"
412            env_version = "Unknown"
413#        _LOG.debug("db version %s, program version %s" % (bsddb_version, bdb_version))
415        if env_version == "Unknown" or \
416            (env_version[0] < bdb_version[0]) or \
417            (env_version[0] == bdb_version[0] and
418             env_version[1] < bdb_version[1]) or \
419            (env_version[0] == bdb_version[0] and
420             env_version[1] == bdb_version[1] and
421             env_version[2] < bdb_version[2]):
422            # an upgrade is needed
423            if not force_bsddb_upgrade:
424                _LOG.debug("Bsddb upgrade required from %s to %s" %
425                           (bsddb_version, str(bdb_version)))
426                clear_lock_file(name)
427                raise exceptions.BsddbUpgradeRequiredError(bsddb_version,
428                                                           str(bdb_version))
429            if not self.readonly:
430                _LOG.warning("Bsddb upgrade requested from %s to %s" %
431                             (bsddb_version, str(bdb_version)))
432                self.update_env_version = True
433            # Make a backup of the database files anyway
434            self.__make_zip_backup(name)
435        elif (env_version[0] > bdb_version[0]) or \
436            (env_version[0] == bdb_version[0] and
437             env_version[1] > bdb_version[1]):
438            clear_lock_file(name)
439            raise BsddbDowngradeError(env_version, bdb_version)
440        elif (env_version[0] == bdb_version[0] and
441             env_version[1] == bdb_version[1] and
442             env_version[2] > bdb_version[2]):
443            # A down-grade may be possible
444            if not force_bsddb_downgrade:
445                _LOG.debug("Bsddb downgrade required from %s to %s" %
446                           (bsddb_version, str(bdb_version)))
447                clear_lock_file(name)
448                raise exceptions.BsddbDowngradeRequiredError(bsddb_version,
449                                                           str(bdb_version))
450            # Try to do a down-grade
451            if not self.readonly:
452                _LOG.warning("Bsddb downgrade requested from %s to %s" %
453                             (bsddb_version, str(bdb_version)))
454                self.update_env_version = True
455            # Make a backup of the database files anyway
456            self.__make_zip_backup(name)
457        elif env_version == bdb_version:
458            # Bsddb version is OK
459            pass
460        else:
461            # This can't happen
462            raise "Comparison between Bsddb version failed"
464    def __check_python_version(self, name, force_python_upgrade=False):
465        """
466        The 'pickle' format (may) change with each Python version, see
467        http://docs.python.org/3.2/library/pickle.html#pickle. Code commits
468        21777 and 21778 ensure that when going from python2 to python3, the old
469        format can be read. However, once the data has been written in the
470        python3 format, it will not be possible to go back to pyton2. This check
471        test whether we are changing python versions. If going from 2 to 3 it
472        warns the user, and allows it if he confirms. When going from 3 to 3, an
473        error is raised. Because code for python2 did not write the Python
474        version file, if the file is absent, python2 is assumed.
475        """
476        current_python_version = version_info[0]
477        versionpath = os.path.join(self.path, "pythonversion.txt")
478        if os.path.isfile(versionpath):
479            with open(versionpath, "r") as version_file:
480                db_python_version = int(version_file.read().strip())
481        else:
482            db_python_version = 2
484        if db_python_version == 3 and current_python_version == 2:
485            clear_lock_file(name)
486            raise exceptions.PythonDowngradeError(db_python_version,
487                                                  current_python_version)
488        elif db_python_version == 2 and current_python_version > 2:
489            if not force_python_upgrade:
490                _LOG.debug("Python upgrade required from %s to %s" %
491                           (db_python_version, current_python_version))
492                clear_lock_file(name)
493                raise exceptions.PythonUpgradeRequiredError(db_python_version,
494                                                        current_python_version)
495            # Try to do an upgrade
496            if not self.readonly:
497                _LOG.warning("Python upgrade requested from %s to %s" %
498                             (db_python_version, current_python_version))
499                self.update_python_version = True
500            # Make a backup of the database files anyway
501            self.__make_zip_backup(name)
502        elif db_python_version == 2 and current_python_version == 2:
503            pass
505    @catch_db_error
506    def version_supported(self):
507        dbversion = self.metadata.get(b'version', default=0)
508        return ((dbversion <= _DBVERSION) and (dbversion >= _MINVERSION))
510    @catch_db_error
511    def _need_schema_upgrade(self):
512        dbversion = self.metadata.get(b'version', default=0)
513        return not self.readonly and dbversion < _DBVERSION
515    def __check_readonly(self, name):
516        """
517        Return True if we don't have read/write access to the database,
518        otherwise return False (that is, we DO have read/write access)
519        """
521        # See if we write to the target directory at all?
522        if not os.access(name, os.W_OK):
523            return True
525        # See if we lack write access to any files in the directory
527                     MEDIA_TBL,  EVENTS_TBL, PERSON_TBL, REPO_TBL,
528                     NOTE_TBL, REF_MAP, META]:
529            path = os.path.join(name, base + DBEXT)
530            if os.path.isfile(path) and not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
531                return True
533        # All tests passed.  Inform caller that we are NOT read only
534        return False
536    @catch_db_error
537    def load(self, name, callback=None, mode=DBMODE_W, force_schema_upgrade=False,
538             force_bsddb_upgrade=False, force_bsddb_downgrade=False,
539             force_python_upgrade=False, update=True,
540             username=None, password=None):
541        """
542        If update is False: then don't update any files; open read-only
543        """
545        if self.__check_readonly(name):
546            mode = DBMODE_R
547        elif update:
548            write_lock_file(name)
549        else:
550            mode = DBMODE_R
552        if self.db_is_open:
553            self.close()
555        self.readonly = mode == DBMODE_R
556        #super(DbBsddbRead, self).load(name, callback, mode)
557        if callback:
558            callback(12)
560        # Save full path and base file name
561        self.full_name = os.path.abspath(name)
562        self.path = self.full_name
563        self.brief_name = os.path.basename(name)
565        # We use the existence of the person table as a proxy for the database
566        # being new
567        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path, 'person.db')):
568            self._write_version(name)
570        # If we re-enter load with force_python_upgrade True, then we have
571        # already checked the bsddb version, and then checked python version,
572        # and are agreeing on the upgrade
573        if not force_python_upgrade:
574            self.__check_bdb_version(name, force_bsddb_upgrade,
575                                     force_bsddb_downgrade)
577        self.__check_python_version(name, force_python_upgrade)
579        # Check for pickle upgrade
580        versionpath = os.path.join(self.path, str(PCKVERSFN))
581        # Up to gramps 3.4.x PCKVERSFN was not written
582        # Gramps 4.2 incorrectly wrote PCKVERSFN = 'Yes' for Python2, so check
583        # whether python is upgraded
584        if ((not self.readonly and not self.update_pickle_version) and
585            (not os.path.isfile(versionpath) or self.update_python_version)):
586            _LOG.debug("Make backup in case there is a pickle upgrade")
587            self.__make_zip_backup(name)
588            self.update_pickle_version = True
590        # Check for schema upgrade
591        versionpath = os.path.join(self.path, str(SCHVERSFN))
592        if os.path.isfile(versionpath):
593            with open(versionpath, "r") as version_file:
594                schema_version = int(version_file.read().strip())
595        else:
596            schema_version = 0
597        if not self.readonly and schema_version < _DBVERSION and \
598                                 force_schema_upgrade:
599            _LOG.debug("Make backup in case there is a schema upgrade")
600            self.__make_zip_backup(name)
602        # Set up database environment
603        self.env = db.DBEnv()
604        self.env.set_cachesize(0, DBCACHE)
606        # These env settings are only needed for Txn environment
607        self.env.set_lk_max_locks(DBLOCKS)
608        self.env.set_lk_max_objects(DBOBJECTS)
610        # Set to auto remove stale logs
611        self._set_auto_remove()
613        # Set not to flush to disk synchronous, this greatly speeds up
614        # database changes, but comes at the cause of loss of durability, so
615        # power loss might cause a need to run db recovery, see BSDDB manual
616        ## NOTE: due to pre 4.8 bsddb bug it is needed to set this flag before
617        ## open of env, #16492 - http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17076_02/html/installation/changelog_4_8.html
618        self.env.set_flags(db.DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC, 1)
620        # The DB_PRIVATE flag must go if we ever move to multi-user setup
621        env_flags = db.DB_CREATE | db.DB_PRIVATE |\
622                    db.DB_INIT_MPOOL
623        if not self.readonly:
624            env_flags |= db.DB_INIT_LOG | db.DB_INIT_TXN
625            # As opposed to before, we always try recovery on databases
626            env_flags |= db.DB_RECOVER
628        # Environment name is now based on the filename
629        env_name = name
631        try:
632            self.env.open(env_name, env_flags)
633        except Exception as msg:
634            _LOG.warning("Error opening db environment: " + str(msg))
635            try:
636                self.__close_early()
637            except:
638                pass
639            raise DbEnvironmentError(msg)
641        if not self.readonly:
642            self.env.txn_checkpoint()
644        if callback:
645            callback(25)
647        # Process metadata
648        self.metadata = self.__open_shelf(self.full_name, META)
650        # If we cannot work with this DB version,
651        # it makes no sense to go further
652        if not self.version_supported():
653            tree_vers = self.metadata.get(b'version', default=0)
654            self.__close_early()
655            raise DbVersionError(tree_vers, _MINVERSION, _DBVERSION)
657        gstats = self.metadata.get(b'gender_stats', default=None)
659        # Ensure version info in metadata
660        if not self.readonly:
661            # Start transaction
662            with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.metadata) as txn:
663                if gstats is None:
664                    # New database. Set up the current version.
665                    #self.metadata.put(b'version', _DBVERSION, txn=the_txn)
666                    txn.put(b'version', _DBVERSION)
667                    txn.put(b'upgraded', 'Yes')
668                elif b'version' not in self.metadata:
669                    # Not new database, but the version is missing.
670                    # Use 0, but it is likely to fail anyway.
671                    txn.put(b'version', 0)
673        self.genderStats = GenderStats(gstats)
675        # Open main tables in gramps database
676        db_maps = [
677                    ("family_map",     FAMILY_TBL,  db.DB_HASH),
678                    ("place_map",      PLACES_TBL,  db.DB_HASH),
679                    ("source_map",     SOURCES_TBL, db.DB_HASH),
680                    ("citation_map",   CITATIONS_TBL, db.DB_HASH),
681                    ("media_map",      MEDIA_TBL,   db.DB_HASH),
682                    ("event_map",      EVENTS_TBL,  db.DB_HASH),
683                    ("person_map",     PERSON_TBL,  db.DB_HASH),
684                    ("repository_map", REPO_TBL,    db.DB_HASH),
685                    ("note_map",       NOTE_TBL,    db.DB_HASH),
686                    ("tag_map",        TAG_TBL,     db.DB_HASH),
687                    ("reference_map",  REF_MAP,     db.DB_BTREE),
688                  ]
690        dbflags = DBFLAGS_R if self.readonly else DBFLAGS_O
691        for (dbmap, dbname, dbtype) in db_maps:
692            _db = self.__open_shelf(self.full_name, dbname, dbtype)
693            setattr(self, dbmap, _db)
695        if callback:
696            callback(37)
698        # Open name grouping database
699        self.name_group = self.__open_db(self.full_name, NAME_GROUP,
700                              db.DB_HASH, db.DB_DUP)
702        # We have now successfully opened the database, so if the BSDDB version
703        # has changed, we update the DBSDB version file.
705        if self.update_env_version:
706            versionpath = os.path.join(name, BDBVERSFN)
707            with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
708                version = str(db.version())
709                version_file.write(version)
710            _LOG.debug("Updated bsddb version file to %s" % str(db.version()))
712        if self.update_python_version:
713            versionpath = os.path.join(name, "pythonversion.txt")
714            version = str(version_info[0])
715            _LOG.debug("Updated python version file to %s" % version)
716            with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
717                version_file.write(version)
719        # Here we take care of any changes in the tables related to new code.
720        # If secondary indices change, then they should removed
721        # or rebuilt by upgrade as well. In any case, the
722        # self.secondary_connected flag should be set accordingly.
723        if self.update_pickle_version:
724            from . import upgrade
725            UpdateCallback.__init__(self, callback)
726            upgrade.gramps_upgrade_pickle(self)
727            versionpath = os.path.join(name, str(PCKVERSFN))
728            with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
729                version = "Yes"
730                version_file.write(version)
731            _LOG.debug("Updated pickle version file to %s" % str(version))
733        self.__load_metadata()
735        if self._need_schema_upgrade():
736            oldschema = self.metadata.get(b'version', default=0)
737            newschema = _DBVERSION
738            _LOG.debug("Schema upgrade required from %s to %s" %
739                       (oldschema, newschema))
740            if force_schema_upgrade == True:
741                self._gramps_upgrade(callback)
742                versionpath = os.path.join(name, str(SCHVERSFN))
743                with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
744                    version = str(_DBVERSION)
745                    version_file.write(version)
746                _LOG.debug("Updated schema version file to %s" % str(version))
747            else:
748                self.__close_early()
749                clear_lock_file(name)
750                raise DbUpgradeRequiredError(oldschema, newschema)
752        if callback:
753            callback(50)
755        # Connect secondary indices
756        if not self.secondary_connected:
757            self.__connect_secondary()
759        if callback:
760            callback(75)
762        # Open undo database
763        self.__open_undodb()
764        self.db_is_open = True
766        if callback:
767            callback(87)
769        self.abort_possible = True
770        return 1
772    def __open_undodb(self):
773        """
774        Open the undo database
775        """
776        if not self.readonly:
777            self.undolog = os.path.join(self.full_name, DBUNDOFN)
778            self.undodb = DbUndo(self, self.undolog)
779            self.undodb.open()
781    def __close_undodb(self):
782        if not self.readonly:
783            try:
784                self.undodb.close()
785            except db.DBNoSuchFileError:
786                pass
788    def get_undodb(self):
789        """
790        Return the database that keeps track of Undo/Redo operations.
791        """
792        return self.undodb
794    def __load_metadata(self):
795        # name display formats
796        self.name_formats = self.metadata.get(b'name_formats', default=[])
797        # upgrade formats if they were saved in the old way
798        for format_ix in range(len(self.name_formats)):
799            format = self.name_formats[format_ix]
800            if len(format) == 3:
801                format = format + (True,)
802                self.name_formats[format_ix] = format
804        # database owner
805        try:
806            owner_data = self.metadata.get(b'researcher')
807            if owner_data:
808                if len(owner_data[0]) == 7: # Pre-3.3 format
809                    owner_data = upgrade_researcher(owner_data)
810                self.owner.unserialize(owner_data)
811        except ImportError: #handle problems with pre-alpha 3.0
812            pass
814        # bookmarks
815        def meta(key):
816            return self.metadata.get(key, default=[])
818        self.bookmarks.set(meta(b'bookmarks'))
819        self.family_bookmarks.set(meta(b'family_bookmarks'))
820        self.event_bookmarks.set(meta(b'event_bookmarks'))
821        self.source_bookmarks.set(meta(b'source_bookmarks'))
822        self.citation_bookmarks.set(meta(b'citation_bookmarks'))
823        self.repo_bookmarks.set(meta(b'repo_bookmarks'))
824        self.media_bookmarks.set(meta(b'media_bookmarks'))
825        self.place_bookmarks.set(meta(b'place_bookmarks'))
826        self.note_bookmarks.set(meta(b'note_bookmarks'))
828        # Custom type values
829        self.event_names = set(meta(b'event_names'))
830        self.family_attributes = set(meta(b'fattr_names'))
831        self.individual_attributes = set(meta(b'pattr_names'))
832        self.source_attributes = set(meta(b'sattr_names'))
833        self.marker_names = set(meta(b'marker_names'))
834        self.child_ref_types = set(meta(b'child_refs'))
835        self.family_rel_types = set(meta(b'family_rels'))
836        self.event_role_names = set(meta(b'event_roles'))
837        self.name_types = set(meta(b'name_types'))
838        self.origin_types = set(meta(b'origin_types'))
839        self.repository_types = set(meta(b'repo_types'))
840        self.note_types = set(meta(b'note_types'))
841        self.source_media_types = set(meta(b'sm_types'))
842        self.url_types = set(meta(b'url_types'))
843        self.media_attributes = set(meta(b'mattr_names'))
844        self.event_attributes = set(meta(b'eattr_names'))
845        self.place_types = set(meta(b'place_types'))
847        # surname list
848        self.surname_list = meta(b'surname_list')
850    def __connect_secondary(self):
851        """
852        Connect or creates secondary index tables.
854        It assumes that the tables either exist and are in the right
855        format or do not exist (in which case they get created).
857        It is the responsibility of upgrade code to either create
858        or remove invalid secondary index tables.
859        """
861        # index tables used just for speeding up searches
862        self.surnames = self.__open_db(self.full_name, SURNAMES, db.DB_BTREE,
863                            db.DB_DUP | db.DB_DUPSORT)
865        db_maps = [
866            ("id_trans",  IDTRANS,  db.DB_HASH, 0),
867            ("fid_trans", FIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
868            ("eid_trans", EIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
869            ("pid_trans", PIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
870            ("sid_trans", SIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
871            ("cid_trans", CIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
872            ("oid_trans", OIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
873            ("rid_trans", RIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
874            ("nid_trans", NIDTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
875            ("tag_trans", TAGTRANS, db.DB_HASH, 0),
876            ("parents", PPARENT, db.DB_HASH, 0),
877            ("reference_map_primary_map",    REF_PRI, db.DB_BTREE, 0),
878            ("reference_map_referenced_map", REF_REF, db.DB_BTREE, db.DB_DUPSORT),
879            ]
881        for (dbmap, dbname, dbtype, dbflags) in db_maps:
882            _db = self.__open_db(self.full_name, dbname, dbtype,
883                db.DB_DUP | dbflags)
884            setattr(self, dbmap, _db)
886        if not self.readonly:
888            assoc = [
889                (self.person_map, self.surnames,  find_byte_surname),
890                (self.person_map, self.id_trans,  find_idmap),
891                (self.family_map, self.fid_trans, find_idmap),
892                (self.event_map,  self.eid_trans, find_idmap),
893                (self.place_map,  self.pid_trans, find_idmap),
894                (self.place_map, self.parents, find_parent),
895                (self.source_map, self.sid_trans, find_idmap),
896                (self.citation_map, self.cid_trans, find_idmap),
897                (self.media_map,  self.oid_trans, find_idmap),
898                (self.repository_map, self.rid_trans, find_idmap),
899                (self.note_map,   self.nid_trans, find_idmap),
900                (self.tag_map,    self.tag_trans, find_idmap),
901                (self.reference_map, self.reference_map_primary_map,
902                    find_primary_handle),
903                (self.reference_map, self.reference_map_referenced_map,
904                    find_referenced_handle),
905                ]
907            flags = DBFLAGS_R if self.readonly else DBFLAGS_O
908            for (dbmap, a_map, a_find) in assoc:
909                dbmap.associate(a_map, a_find, flags=flags)
911        self.secondary_connected = True
912        self.smap_index = len(self.source_map)
913        self.cmap_index = len(self.citation_map)
914        self.emap_index = len(self.event_map)
915        self.pmap_index = len(self.person_map)
916        self.fmap_index = len(self.family_map)
917        self.lmap_index = len(self.place_map)
918        self.omap_index = len(self.media_map)
919        self.rmap_index = len(self.repository_map)
920        self.nmap_index = len(self.note_map)
922    @catch_db_error
923    def rebuild_secondary(self, callback=None):
924        if self.readonly:
925            return
927        table_flags = DBFLAGS_O
929        # remove existing secondary indices
931        items = [
932            ( self.id_trans,  IDTRANS ),
933            ( self.surnames,  SURNAMES ),
934            ( self.fid_trans, FIDTRANS ),
935            ( self.pid_trans, PIDTRANS ),
936            ( self.oid_trans, OIDTRANS ),
937            ( self.eid_trans, EIDTRANS ),
938            ( self.rid_trans, RIDTRANS ),
939            ( self.nid_trans, NIDTRANS ),
940            ( self.cid_trans, CIDTRANS ),
941            ( self.tag_trans, TAGTRANS ),
942            ( self.parents, PPARENT ),
943            ( self.reference_map_primary_map, REF_PRI),
944            ( self.reference_map_referenced_map, REF_REF),
945            ]
947        index = 1
948        for (database, name) in items:
949            database.close()
950            _db = db.DB(self.env)
951            try:
952                _db.remove(_mkname(self.full_name, name), name)
953            except db.DBNoSuchFileError:
954                pass
955            if callback:
956                callback(index)
957            index += 1
959        if callback:
960            callback(11)
962        # Set flag saying that we have removed secondary indices
963        # and then call the creating routine
964        self.secondary_connected = False
965        self.__connect_secondary()
966        if callback:
967            callback(12)
969    @catch_db_error
970    def find_place_child_handles(self, handle):
971        """
972        Find all child places having the given place as the primary parent.
973        """
974        parent_cur = self.get_place_parent_cursor()
976        try:
977            ret = parent_cur.set(handle.encode('utf-8'))
978        except:
979            ret = None
981        while (ret is not None):
982            (key, data) = ret
984            ### FIXME: this is a dirty hack that works without no
985            ### sensible explanation. For some reason, for a readonly
986            ### database, secondary index returns a primary table key
987            ### corresponding to the data, not the data.
988            if self.readonly:
989                data = self.place_map.get(data)
990            else:
991                data = pickle.loads(data)
993            yield data[0]
994            ret = parent_cur.next_dup()
996        parent_cur.close()
998    @catch_db_error
999    def find_backlink_handles(self, handle, include_classes=None):
1000        """
1001        Find all objects that hold a reference to the object handle.
1003        Returns an interator over a list of (class_name, handle) tuples.
1005        :param handle: handle of the object to search for.
1006        :type handle: database handle
1007        :param include_classes: list of class names to include in the results.
1008            Default: None means include all classes.
1009        :type include_classes: list of class names
1011        Note that this is a generator function, it returns a iterator for
1012        use in loops. If you want a list of the results use::
1014            result_list = list(find_backlink_handles(handle))
1015        """
1016        # Use the secondary index to locate all the reference_map entries
1017        # that include a reference to the object we are looking for.
1018        referenced_cur = self._get_reference_map_referenced_cursor()
1020        try:
1021            ret = referenced_cur.set(handle.encode('utf-8'))
1022        except:
1023            ret = None
1025        while (ret is not None):
1026            (key, data) = ret
1028            # data values are of the form:
1029            #   ((primary_object_class_name, primary_object_handle),
1030            #    (referenced_object_class_name, referenced_object_handle))
1031            # so we need the first tuple to give us the type to compare
1033            ### FIXME: this is a dirty hack that works without no
1034            ### sensible explanation. For some reason, for a readonly
1035            ### database, secondary index returns a primary table key
1036            ### corresponding to the data, not the data.
1037            if self.readonly:
1038                data = self.reference_map.get(data)
1039            else:
1040                data = pickle.loads(data)
1042            key, handle = data[0][:2]
1043            name = KEY_TO_CLASS_MAP[key]
1044            assert name == KEY_TO_CLASS_MAP[data[0][0]]
1045            assert handle == data[0][1]
1046            if (include_classes is None or
1047                name in include_classes):
1048                    yield (name, handle)
1050            ret = referenced_cur.next_dup()
1052        referenced_cur.close()
1054    def _delete_primary_from_reference_map(self, handle, transaction, txn=None):
1055        """
1056        Remove all references to the primary object from the reference_map.
1057        handle should be utf-8
1058        """
1059        primary_cur = self._get_reference_map_primary_cursor()
1061        try:
1062            ret = primary_cur.set(handle)
1063        except:
1064            ret = None
1066        remove_list = set()
1067        while (ret is not None):
1068            (key, data) = ret
1070            # data values are of the form:
1071            #   ((primary_object_class_name, primary_object_handle),
1072            #    (referenced_object_class_name, referenced_object_handle))
1074            # so we need the second tuple give us a reference that we can
1075            # combine with the primary_handle to get the main key.
1076            main_key = (handle.decode('utf-8'), pickle.loads(data)[1][1])
1078            # The trick is not to remove while inside the cursor,
1079            # but collect them all and remove after the cursor is closed
1080            remove_list.add(main_key)
1082            ret = primary_cur.next_dup()
1084        primary_cur.close()
1086        # Now that the cursor is closed, we can remove things
1087        for main_key in remove_list:
1088            self.__remove_reference(main_key, transaction, txn)
1090    def _update_reference_map(self, obj, transaction, txn=None):
1091        """
1092        If txn is given, then changes are written right away using txn.
1093        """
1095        # Add references to the reference_map for all primary object referenced
1096        # from the primary object 'obj' or any of its secondary objects.
1097        handle = obj.handle
1098        existing_references = set()
1099        primary_cur = self._get_reference_map_primary_cursor()
1100        key = handle.encode('utf-8')
1101        try:
1102            ret = primary_cur.set(key)
1103        except:
1104            ret = None
1106        while (ret is not None):
1107            (key, data) = ret
1108                # data values are of the form:
1109                #   ((primary_object_class_name, primary_object_handle),
1110                #    (referenced_object_class_name, referenced_object_handle))
1111                # so we need the second tuple give us a reference that we can
1112                # compare with what is returned from
1113                # get_referenced_handles_recursively
1115                # secondary DBs are not DBShelf's, so we need to do pickling
1116                # and unpickling ourselves here
1117            existing_reference = pickle.loads(data)[1]
1118            existing_references.add((KEY_TO_CLASS_MAP[existing_reference[0]],
1119                                     existing_reference[1]))
1120            ret = primary_cur.next_dup()
1121        primary_cur.close()
1123        # Once we have the list of rows that already have a reference
1124        # we need to compare it with the list of objects that are
1125        # still references from the primary object.
1126        current_references = set(obj.get_referenced_handles_recursively())
1127        no_longer_required_references = existing_references.difference(
1128                                                            current_references)
1129        new_references = current_references.difference(existing_references)
1131        # handle addition of new references
1132        for (ref_class_name, ref_handle) in new_references:
1133            data = ((CLASS_TO_KEY_MAP[obj.__class__.__name__], handle),
1134                    (CLASS_TO_KEY_MAP[ref_class_name], ref_handle),)
1135            self.__add_reference((handle, ref_handle), data, transaction, txn)
1137        # handle deletion of old references
1138        for (ref_class_name, ref_handle) in no_longer_required_references:
1139            try:
1140                self.__remove_reference((handle, ref_handle), transaction, txn)
1141            except:
1142                # ignore missing old reference
1143                pass
1145    def __remove_reference(self, key, transaction, txn):
1146        """
1147        Remove the reference specified by the key, preserving the change in
1148        the passed transaction.
1149        """
1150        if isinstance(key, tuple):
1151            #create a byte string key, first validity check in python 3!
1152            for val in key:
1153                if isinstance(val, bytes):
1154                    raise DbError(_('An attempt is made to save a reference key '
1155                                    'which is partly bytecode, this is not allowed.\n'
1156                                    'Key is %s') % str(key))
1157            key = str(key)
1158        key = key.encode('utf-8')
1159        if not self.readonly:
1160            if not transaction.batch:
1161                old_data = self.reference_map.get(key, txn=txn)
1162                transaction.add(REFERENCE_KEY, TXNDEL, key, old_data, None)
1163                #transaction.reference_del.append(str(key))
1164            self.reference_map.delete(key, txn=txn)
1166    def __add_reference(self, key, data, transaction, txn):
1167        """
1168        Add the reference specified by the key and the data, preserving the
1169        change in the passed transaction.
1170        """
1171        if isinstance(key, tuple):
1172            #create a string key
1173            key = str(key)
1174        key = key.encode('utf-8')
1175        if self.readonly or not key:
1176            return
1178        self.reference_map.put(key, data, txn=txn)
1179        if not transaction.batch:
1180            transaction.add(REFERENCE_KEY, TXNADD, key, None, data)
1181            #transaction.reference_add.append((str(key), data))
1183    @catch_db_error
1184    def reindex_reference_map(self, callback):
1185        """
1186        Reindex all primary records in the database.
1188        This will be a slow process for large databases.
1189        """
1191        # First, remove the reference map and related tables
1193        db_maps = [
1194                    ("reference_map_referenced_map", REF_REF),
1195                    ("reference_map_primary_map", REF_PRI),
1196                    ("reference_map", REF_MAP),
1197                  ]
1199        for index, (dbmap, dbname) in enumerate(db_maps):
1200            getattr(self, dbmap).close()
1201            _db = db.DB(self.env)
1202            try:
1203                _db.remove(_mkname(self.full_name, dbname), dbname)
1204            except db.DBNoSuchFileError:
1205                pass
1206            callback(index+1)
1208        # Open reference_map and primary map
1209        self.reference_map = self.__open_shelf(self.full_name, REF_MAP,
1210                                  dbtype=db.DB_BTREE)
1212        self.reference_map_primary_map = self.__open_db(self.full_name,
1213                                            REF_PRI, db.DB_BTREE, db.DB_DUP)
1215        self.reference_map.associate(self.reference_map_primary_map,
1216                                     find_primary_handle, DBFLAGS_O)
1218        # Make a tuple of the functions and classes that we need for
1219        # each of the primary object tables.
1221        with DbTxn(_("Rebuild reference map"), self, batch=True,
1222                                    no_magic=True) as transaction:
1223            callback(4)
1225            primary_table = (
1226                            (self.get_person_cursor, Person),
1227                            (self.get_family_cursor, Family),
1228                            (self.get_event_cursor, Event),
1229                            (self.get_place_cursor, Place),
1230                            (self.get_source_cursor, Source),
1231                            (self.get_citation_cursor, Citation),
1232                            (self.get_media_cursor, Media),
1233                            (self.get_repository_cursor, Repository),
1234                            (self.get_note_cursor, Note),
1235                            (self.get_tag_cursor, Tag),
1236                            )
1238            # Now we use the functions and classes defined above
1239            # to loop through each of the primary object tables.
1241            for cursor_func, class_func in primary_table:
1242                logging.info("Rebuilding %s reference map" %
1243                                class_func.__name__)
1244                with cursor_func() as cursor:
1245                    for found_handle, val in cursor:
1246                        obj = class_func()
1247                        obj.unserialize(val)
1248                        with BSDDBTxn(self.env) as txn:
1249                            self._update_reference_map(obj,
1250                                                       transaction, txn.txn)
1252            callback(5)
1254        self.reference_map_referenced_map = self.__open_db(self.full_name,
1255            REF_REF, db.DB_BTREE, db.DB_DUP|db.DB_DUPSORT)
1257        flags = DBFLAGS_R if self.readonly else DBFLAGS_O
1258        self.reference_map.associate(self.reference_map_referenced_map,
1259                                     find_referenced_handle, flags=flags)
1260        callback(6)
1262    def __close_metadata(self):
1263        if not self.readonly:
1264            # Start transaction
1265            with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.metadata) as txn:
1267            # name display formats
1268                txn.put(b'name_formats', self.name_formats)
1270                # database owner
1271                owner_data = self.owner.serialize()
1272                txn.put(b'researcher', owner_data)
1274                # bookmarks
1275                txn.put(b'bookmarks', self.bookmarks.get())
1276                txn.put(b'family_bookmarks', self.family_bookmarks.get())
1277                txn.put(b'event_bookmarks', self.event_bookmarks.get())
1278                txn.put(b'source_bookmarks', self.source_bookmarks.get())
1279                txn.put(b'citation_bookmarks', self.citation_bookmarks.get())
1280                txn.put(b'place_bookmarks', self.place_bookmarks.get())
1281                txn.put(b'repo_bookmarks', self.repo_bookmarks.get())
1282                txn.put(b'media_bookmarks', self.media_bookmarks.get())
1283                txn.put(b'note_bookmarks', self.note_bookmarks.get())
1285                # gender stats
1286                txn.put(b'gender_stats', self.genderStats.save_stats())
1288                # Custom type values
1289                txn.put(b'event_names', list(self.event_names))
1290                txn.put(b'fattr_names', list(self.family_attributes))
1291                txn.put(b'pattr_names', list(self.individual_attributes))
1292                txn.put(b'sattr_names', list(self.source_attributes))
1293                txn.put(b'marker_names', list(self.marker_names))
1294                txn.put(b'child_refs', list(self.child_ref_types))
1295                txn.put(b'family_rels', list(self.family_rel_types))
1296                txn.put(b'event_roles', list(self.event_role_names))
1297                txn.put(b'name_types', list(self.name_types))
1298                txn.put(b'origin_types', list(self.origin_types))
1299                txn.put(b'repo_types', list(self.repository_types))
1300                txn.put(b'note_types', list(self.note_types))
1301                txn.put(b'sm_types', list(self.source_media_types))
1302                txn.put(b'url_types', list(self.url_types))
1303                txn.put(b'mattr_names', list(self.media_attributes))
1304                txn.put(b'eattr_names', list(self.event_attributes))
1305                txn.put(b'place_types', list(self.place_types))
1307                # name display formats
1308                txn.put(b'surname_list', self.surname_list)
1310        self.metadata.close()
1312    def __close_early(self):
1313        """
1314        Bail out if the incompatible version is discovered:
1315        * close cleanly to not damage data/env
1316        """
1317        if hasattr(self, 'metadata') and self.metadata:
1318            self.metadata.close()
1319        self.env.close()
1320        self.metadata = None
1321        self.env = None
1322        self.db_is_open = False
1324    @catch_db_error
1325    def close(self, update=True, user=None):
1326        """
1327        Close the database.
1328        if update is False, don't change access times, etc.
1329        """
1330        if not self.db_is_open:
1331            return
1332        if self.txn:
1333            self.transaction_abort(self.transaction)
1334        if not self.readonly:
1335            self.env.txn_checkpoint()
1337        self.__close_metadata()
1338        self.name_group.close()
1339        self.surnames.close()
1340        self.parents.close()
1341        self.id_trans.close()
1342        self.fid_trans.close()
1343        self.eid_trans.close()
1344        self.rid_trans.close()
1345        self.nid_trans.close()
1346        self.oid_trans.close()
1347        self.sid_trans.close()
1348        self.cid_trans.close()
1349        self.pid_trans.close()
1350        self.tag_trans.close()
1351        self.reference_map_primary_map.close()
1352        self.reference_map_referenced_map.close()
1353        self.reference_map.close()
1354        self.secondary_connected = False
1356        # primary databases must be closed after secondary indexes, or
1357        # we run into problems with any active cursors.
1358        self.person_map.close()
1359        self.family_map.close()
1360        self.repository_map.close()
1361        self.note_map.close()
1362        self.place_map.close()
1363        self.source_map.close()
1364        self.citation_map.close()
1365        self.media_map.close()
1366        self.event_map.close()
1367        self.tag_map.close()
1368        self.env.close()
1369        self.__close_undodb()
1371        self.person_map = None
1372        self.family_map = None
1373        self.repository_map = None
1374        self.note_map = None
1375        self.place_map = None
1376        self.source_map = None
1377        self.citation_map = None
1378        self.media_map = None
1379        self.event_map = None
1380        self.tag_map = None
1381        self.surnames = None
1382        self.env = None
1383        self.metadata = None
1384        self.db_is_open = False
1385        self.surname_list = None
1387        DbBsddbRead.close(self)
1389        self.person_map = None
1390        self.family_map = None
1391        self.repository_map = None
1392        self.note_map = None
1393        self.place_map = None
1394        self.source_map = None
1395        self.citation_map = None
1396        self.media_map = None
1397        self.event_map = None
1398        self.tag_map = None
1399        self.reference_map_primary_map = None
1400        self.reference_map_referenced_map = None
1401        self.reference_map = None
1402        self.undo_callback = None
1403        self.redo_callback = None
1404        self.undo_history_callback = None
1405        self.undodb = None
1407        try:
1408            clear_lock_file(self.get_save_path())
1409        except IOError:
1410            pass
1412    def __add_object(self, obj, transaction, find_next_func, commit_func):
1413        if find_next_func and not obj.gramps_id:
1414            obj.gramps_id = find_next_func()
1415        if not obj.handle:
1416            obj.handle = create_id()
1417        commit_func(obj, transaction)
1418        return obj.handle
1420    def add_person(self, person, transaction, set_gid=True):
1421        """
1422        Add a Person to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1423        not already been defined.
1425        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1426        """
1427        handle = self.__add_object(person, transaction,
1428                    self.find_next_person_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1429                    self.commit_person)
1430        return handle
1432    def add_family(self, family, transaction, set_gid=True):
1433        """
1434        Add a Family to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1435        not already been defined.
1437        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1438        """
1439        return self.__add_object(family, transaction,
1440                    self.find_next_family_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1441                    self.commit_family)
1443    def add_source(self, source, transaction, set_gid=True):
1444        """
1445        Add a Source to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1446        not already been defined.
1448        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1449        """
1450        return self.__add_object(source, transaction,
1451                    self.find_next_source_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1452                    self.commit_source)
1454    def add_citation(self, citation, transaction, set_gid=True):
1455        """
1456        Add a Citation to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1457        not already been defined.
1459        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1460        """
1461        return self.__add_object(citation, transaction,
1462                    self.find_next_citation_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1463                    self.commit_citation)
1465    def add_event(self, event, transaction, set_gid=True):
1466        """
1467        Add an Event to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1468        not already been defined.
1470        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1471        """
1472        if event.type.is_custom():
1473            self.event_names.add(str(event.type))
1474        return self.__add_object(event, transaction,
1475                    self.find_next_event_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1476                    self.commit_event)
1478    def add_place(self, place, transaction, set_gid=True):
1479        """
1480        Add a Place to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1481        not already been defined.
1483        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1484        """
1485        return self.__add_object(place, transaction,
1486                    self.find_next_place_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1487                    self.commit_place)
1489    def add_media(self, media, transaction, set_gid=True):
1490        """
1491        Add a Media to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1492        not already been defined.
1494        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1495        """
1496        return self.__add_object(media, transaction,
1497                    self.find_next_media_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1498                    self.commit_media)
1500    def add_repository(self, obj, transaction, set_gid=True):
1501        """
1502        Add a Repository to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1503        not already been defined.
1505        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1506        """
1507        return self.__add_object(obj, transaction,
1508                    self.find_next_repository_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1509                    self.commit_repository)
1511    def add_note(self, obj, transaction, set_gid=True):
1512        """
1513        Add a Note to the database, assigning internal IDs if they have
1514        not already been defined.
1516        If not set_gid, then gramps_id is not set.
1517        """
1518        return self.__add_object(obj, transaction,
1519                    self.find_next_note_gramps_id if set_gid else None,
1520                    self.commit_note)
1522    def add_tag(self, obj, transaction):
1523        """
1524        Add a Tag to the database, assigning a handle if it has not already
1525        been defined.
1526        """
1527        return self.__add_object(obj, transaction, None, self.commit_tag)
1529    def __do_remove(self, handle, transaction, data_map, key):
1530        if self.readonly or not handle:
1531            return
1533        handle = handle.encode('utf-8')
1534        if transaction.batch:
1535            with BSDDBTxn(self.env, data_map) as txn:
1536                self._delete_primary_from_reference_map(handle, transaction,
1537                                                        txn=txn.txn)
1538                txn.delete(handle)
1539        else:
1540            self._delete_primary_from_reference_map(handle, transaction,
1541                                                    txn=self.txn)
1542            old_data = data_map.get(handle, txn=self.txn)
1543            data_map.delete(handle, txn=self.txn)
1544            transaction.add(key, TXNDEL, handle, old_data, None)
1546    def remove_person(self, handle, transaction):
1547        """
1548        Remove the Person specified by the database handle from the database,
1549        preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1550        """
1552        if self.readonly or not handle:
1553            return
1554        person = self.get_person_from_handle(handle)
1555        self.genderStats.uncount_person (person)
1556        self.remove_from_surname_list(person)
1557        handle = handle.encode('utf-8')
1558        if transaction.batch:
1559            with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.person_map) as txn:
1560                self._delete_primary_from_reference_map(handle, transaction,
1561                                                        txn=txn.txn)
1562                txn.delete(handle)
1563        else:
1564            self._delete_primary_from_reference_map(handle, transaction,
1565                                                    txn=self.txn)
1566            self.person_map.delete(handle, txn=self.txn)
1567            transaction.add(PERSON_KEY, TXNDEL, handle, person.serialize(), None)
1569    def remove_source(self, handle, transaction):
1570        """
1571        Remove the Source specified by the database handle from the
1572        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1573        """
1574        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.source_map,
1575                              SOURCE_KEY)
1577    def remove_citation(self, handle, transaction):
1578        """
1579        Remove the Citation specified by the database handle from the
1580        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1581        """
1582        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.citation_map,
1583                              CITATION_KEY)
1585    def remove_event(self, handle, transaction):
1586        """
1587        Remove the Event specified by the database handle from the
1588        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1589        """
1590        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.event_map,
1591                              EVENT_KEY)
1593    def remove_media(self, handle, transaction):
1594        """
1595        Remove the MediaPerson specified by the database handle from the
1596        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1597        """
1598        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.media_map,
1599                              MEDIA_KEY)
1601    def remove_place(self, handle, transaction):
1602        """
1603        Remove the Place specified by the database handle from the
1604        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1605        """
1606        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.place_map,
1607                              PLACE_KEY)
1609    def remove_family(self, handle, transaction):
1610        """
1611        Remove the Family specified by the database handle from the
1612        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1613        """
1614        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.family_map,
1615                              FAMILY_KEY)
1617    def remove_repository(self, handle, transaction):
1618        """
1619        Remove the Repository specified by the database handle from the
1620        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1621        """
1622        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.repository_map,
1623                              REPOSITORY_KEY)
1625    def remove_note(self, handle, transaction):
1626        """
1627        Remove the Note specified by the database handle from the
1628        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1629        """
1630        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.note_map,
1631                              NOTE_KEY)
1633    def remove_tag(self, handle, transaction):
1634        """
1635        Remove the Tag specified by the database handle from the
1636        database, preserving the change in the passed transaction.
1637        """
1638        self.__do_remove(handle, transaction, self.tag_map,
1639                              TAG_KEY)
1641    @catch_db_error
1642    def set_name_group_mapping(self, name, group):
1643        if not self.readonly:
1644            # Start transaction
1645            with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.name_group) as txn:
1646                sname = name.encode('utf-8')
1647                data = txn.get(sname)
1648                if data is not None:
1649                    txn.delete(sname)
1650                if group is not None:
1651                    txn.put(sname, group.encode('utf-8'))
1652            if group is None:
1653                grouppar = ''
1654            else:
1655                grouppar = group
1656            self.emit('person-groupname-rebuild', (name, grouppar))
1658    @catch_db_error
1659    def __build_surname_list(self):
1660        """
1661        Build surname list for use in autocompletion
1662        This is a list of unicode objects, which are decoded from the utf-8 in
1663        bsddb
1664        """
1665        self.surname_list = sorted(
1666                        [s.decode('utf-8') for s in set(self.surnames.keys())],
1667                        key=glocale.sort_key)
1669    def add_to_surname_list(self, person, batch_transaction):
1670        """
1671        Add surname to surname list
1672        """
1673        if batch_transaction:
1674            return
1675        name = find_surname_name(person.handle,
1676                                 person.get_primary_name().serialize())
1677        i = bisect.bisect(self.surname_list, name)
1678        if 0 < i <= len(self.surname_list):
1679            if self.surname_list[i-1] != name:
1680                self.surname_list.insert(i, name)
1681        else:
1682            self.surname_list.insert(i, name)
1684    @catch_db_error
1685    def remove_from_surname_list(self, person):
1686        """
1687        Check whether there are persons with the same surname left in
1688        the database.
1690        If not then we need to remove the name from the list.
1691        The function must be overridden in the derived class.
1692        """
1693        uname = find_surname_name(person.handle,
1694                                  person.get_primary_name().serialize())
1695        name = uname.encode('utf-8')
1696        try:
1697            cursor = self.surnames.cursor(txn=self.txn)
1698            cursor_position = cursor.set(name)
1699            if cursor_position is not None and cursor.count() == 1:
1700                #surname list contains unicode objects
1701                i = bisect.bisect(self.surname_list, uname)
1702                if 0 <= i-1 < len(self.surname_list):
1703                    del self.surname_list[i-1]
1704        except db.DBError as err:
1705            if str(err) == "(0, 'DB object has been closed')":
1706                pass # A batch transaction closes the surnames db table.
1707            else:
1708                raise
1709        finally:
1710            if 'cursor' in locals():
1711                cursor.close()
1713    def _commit_base(self, obj, data_map, key, transaction, change_time):
1714        """
1715        Commit the specified object to the database, storing the changes as
1716        part of the transaction.
1717        """
1718        if self.readonly or not obj or not obj.handle:
1719            return
1721        obj.change = int(change_time or time.time())
1722        handle = obj.handle
1723        handle = handle.encode('utf-8')
1725        self._update_reference_map(obj, transaction, self.txn)
1727        new_data = obj.serialize()
1728        old_data = None
1729        if not transaction.batch:
1730            old_data = data_map.get(handle, txn=self.txn)
1731            op = TXNUPD if old_data else TXNADD
1732            transaction.add(key, op, handle, old_data, new_data)
1733        data_map.put(handle, new_data, txn=self.txn)
1734        return old_data
1736    def commit_person(self, person, transaction, change_time=None):
1737        """
1738        Commit the specified Person to the database, storing the changes as
1739        part of the transaction.
1740        """
1741        old_data = self._commit_base(
1742            person, self.person_map, PERSON_KEY, transaction, change_time)
1744        if old_data:
1745            old_person = Person(old_data)
1747            # Update gender statistics if necessary
1748            if (old_person.gender != person.gender or
1749                old_person.primary_name.first_name !=
1750                  person.primary_name.first_name):
1752                self.genderStats.uncount_person(old_person)
1753                self.genderStats.count_person(person)
1755            # Update surname list if necessary
1756            if (find_surname_name(old_person.handle,
1757                                  old_person.primary_name.serialize()) !=
1758                    find_surname_name(person.handle,
1759                                  person.primary_name.serialize())):
1760                self.remove_from_surname_list(old_person)
1761                self.add_to_surname_list(person, transaction.batch)
1762        else:
1763            self.genderStats.count_person(person)
1764            self.add_to_surname_list(person, transaction.batch)
1766        self.individual_attributes.update(
1767            [str(attr.type) for attr in person.attribute_list
1768             if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)])
1770        self.event_role_names.update([str(eref.role)
1771                                      for eref in person.event_ref_list
1772                                      if eref.role.is_custom()])
1774        self.name_types.update([str(name.type)
1775                                for name in ([person.primary_name]
1776                                             + person.alternate_names)
1777                                if name.type.is_custom()])
1778        all_surn = []  # new list we will use for storage
1779        all_surn += person.primary_name.get_surname_list()
1780        for asurname in person.alternate_names:
1781            all_surn += asurname.get_surname_list()
1782        self.origin_types.update([str(surn.origintype) for surn in all_surn
1783                                if surn.origintype.is_custom()])
1784        all_surn = None
1786        self.url_types.update([str(url.type) for url in person.urls
1787                               if url.type.is_custom()])
1789        attr_list = []
1790        for mref in person.media_list:
1791            attr_list += [str(attr.type) for attr in mref.attribute_list
1792                          if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)]
1793        self.media_attributes.update(attr_list)
1795    def commit_media(self, obj, transaction, change_time=None):
1796        """
1797        Commit the specified Media to the database, storing the changes
1798        as part of the transaction.
1799        """
1800        self._commit_base(obj, self.media_map, MEDIA_KEY,
1801                            transaction, change_time)
1803        self.media_attributes.update(
1804            [str(attr.type) for attr in obj.attribute_list
1805             if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)])
1807    def commit_source(self, source, transaction, change_time=None):
1808        """
1809        Commit the specified Source to the database, storing the changes as
1810        part of the transaction.
1811        """
1812        self._commit_base(source, self.source_map, SOURCE_KEY,
1813                          transaction, change_time)
1815        self.source_media_types.update(
1816            [str(ref.media_type) for ref in source.reporef_list
1817             if ref.media_type.is_custom()])
1819        attr_list = []
1820        for mref in source.media_list:
1821            attr_list += [str(attr.type) for attr in mref.attribute_list
1822                          if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)]
1823        self.media_attributes.update(attr_list)
1825        self.source_attributes.update(
1826            [str(attr.type) for attr in source.attribute_list
1827             if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)])
1829    def commit_citation(self, citation, transaction, change_time=None):
1830        """
1831        Commit the specified Citation to the database, storing the changes as
1832        part of the transaction.
1833        """
1834        self._commit_base(citation, self.citation_map, CITATION_KEY,
1835                          transaction, change_time)
1837        attr_list = []
1838        for mref in citation.media_list:
1839            attr_list += [str(attr.type) for attr in mref.attribute_list
1840                          if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)]
1841        self.media_attributes.update(attr_list)
1843        self.source_attributes.update(
1844            [str(attr.type) for attr in citation.attribute_list
1845             if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)])
1847    def commit_place(self, place, transaction, change_time=None):
1848        """
1849        Commit the specified Place to the database, storing the changes as
1850        part of the transaction.
1851        """
1852        self._commit_base(place, self.place_map, PLACE_KEY,
1853                          transaction, change_time)
1855        if place.get_type().is_custom():
1856            self.place_types.add(str(place.get_type()))
1858        self.url_types.update([str(url.type) for url in place.urls
1859                               if url.type.is_custom()])
1861        attr_list = []
1862        for mref in place.media_list:
1863            attr_list += [str(attr.type) for attr in mref.attribute_list
1864                          if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)]
1865        self.media_attributes.update(attr_list)
1867    def commit_event(self, event, transaction, change_time=None):
1868        """
1869        Commit the specified Event to the database, storing the changes as
1870        part of the transaction.
1871        """
1872        self._commit_base(event, self.event_map, EVENT_KEY,
1873                  transaction, change_time)
1875        self.event_attributes.update(
1876            [str(attr.type) for attr in event.attribute_list
1877             if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)])
1879        if event.type.is_custom():
1880            self.event_names.add(str(event.type))
1882        attr_list = []
1883        for mref in event.media_list:
1884            attr_list += [str(attr.type) for attr in mref.attribute_list
1885                          if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)]
1886        self.media_attributes.update(attr_list)
1888    def commit_family(self, family, transaction, change_time=None):
1889        """
1890        Commit the specified Family to the database, storing the changes as
1891        part of the transaction.
1892        """
1893        self._commit_base(family, self.family_map, FAMILY_KEY,
1894                          transaction, change_time)
1896        self.family_attributes.update(
1897            [str(attr.type) for attr in family.attribute_list
1898             if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)])
1900        rel_list = []
1901        for ref in family.child_ref_list:
1902            if ref.frel.is_custom():
1903                rel_list.append(str(ref.frel))
1904            if ref.mrel.is_custom():
1905                rel_list.append(str(ref.mrel))
1906        self.child_ref_types.update(rel_list)
1908        self.event_role_names.update(
1909            [str(eref.role) for eref in family.event_ref_list
1910             if eref.role.is_custom()])
1912        if family.type.is_custom():
1913            self.family_rel_types.add(str(family.type))
1915        attr_list = []
1916        for mref in family.media_list:
1917            attr_list += [str(attr.type) for attr in mref.attribute_list
1918                          if attr.type.is_custom() and str(attr.type)]
1919        self.media_attributes.update(attr_list)
1921    def commit_repository(self, repository, transaction, change_time=None):
1922        """
1923        Commit the specified Repository to the database, storing the changes
1924        as part of the transaction.
1925        """
1926        self._commit_base(repository, self.repository_map, REPOSITORY_KEY,
1927                          transaction, change_time)
1929        if repository.type.is_custom():
1930            self.repository_types.add(str(repository.type))
1932        self.url_types.update([str(url.type) for url in repository.urls
1933                               if url.type.is_custom()])
1935    def commit_note(self, note, transaction, change_time=None):
1936        """
1937        Commit the specified Note to the database, storing the changes as part
1938        of the transaction.
1939        """
1940        self._commit_base(note, self.note_map, NOTE_KEY,
1941                          transaction, change_time)
1943        if note.type.is_custom():
1944            self.note_types.add(str(note.type))
1946    def commit_tag(self, tag, transaction, change_time=None):
1947        """
1948        Commit the specified Tag to the database, storing the changes as part
1949        of the transaction.
1950        """
1951        self._commit_base(tag, self.tag_map, TAG_KEY,
1952                          transaction, change_time)
1954    def get_from_handle(self, handle, class_type, data_map):
1955        if handle is None:
1956            raise HandleError('Handle is None')
1957        if not handle:
1958            raise HandleError('Handle is empty')
1959        data = data_map.get(handle.encode('utf-8'), txn=self.txn)
1960        if data:
1961            newobj = class_type()
1962            newobj.unserialize(data)
1963            return newobj
1964        raise HandleError('Handle %s not found' % handle)
1966    @catch_db_error
1967    def transaction_begin(self, transaction):
1968        """
1969        Prepare the database for the start of a new Transaction.
1971        Supported transaction parameters:
1973        no_magic
1974          Boolean, defaults to False, indicating if secondary indices should be
1975          disconnected.
1976        """
1977        _LOG.debug("    %s%sDbBsddb %s transaction begin for '%s'"
1978                   % ("Magic " if not getattr(transaction, 'no_magic', False)
1979                      else "",
1980                      "Batch " if transaction.batch else "",
1981                      hex(id(self)),
1982                      transaction.get_description()))
1983        if self.txn is not None:
1984            msg = self.transaction.get_description()
1985            self.transaction_abort(self.transaction)
1986            raise DbError(_('A second transaction is started while there'
1987                ' is still a transaction, "%s", active in the database.') % msg)
1989        if not isinstance(transaction, DbTxn) or len(transaction) != 0:
1990            raise TypeError("transaction_begin must be called with an empty "
1991                    "instance of DbTxn which typically happens by using the "
1992                    "DbTxn instance as a context manager.")
1994        self.transaction = transaction
1995        if transaction.batch:
1996            # A batch transaction does not store the commits
1997            # Aborting the session completely will become impossible.
1998            self.abort_possible = False
1999            # Undo is also impossible after batch transaction
2000            self.undodb.clear()
2001            self.env.txn_checkpoint()
2003            if (self.secondary_connected and
2004                    not getattr(transaction, 'no_magic', False)):
2005                # Disconnect unneeded secondary indices
2006                self.surnames.close()
2007                _db = db.DB(self.env)
2008                try:
2009                    _db.remove(_mkname(self.full_name, SURNAMES), SURNAMES)
2010                except db.DBNoSuchFileError:
2011                    pass
2013                self.reference_map_referenced_map.close()
2014                _db = db.DB(self.env)
2015                try:
2016                    _db.remove(_mkname(self.full_name, REF_REF), REF_REF)
2017                except db.DBNoSuchFileError:
2018                    pass
2019        else:
2020            self.bsddbtxn = BSDDBTxn(self.env)
2021            self.txn = self.bsddbtxn.begin()
2022        return transaction
2024    @catch_db_error
2025    def transaction_commit(self, transaction):
2026        """
2027        Make the changes to the database final and add the content of the
2028        transaction to the undo database.
2029        """
2030        msg = transaction.get_description()
2031        if self._LOG_ALL:
2032            _LOG.debug("%s: Transaction commit '%s'\n"
2033                       % (self.__class__.__name__, msg))
2035        if self.readonly:
2036            return
2038        if self.txn is not None:
2039            assert msg != ''
2040            self.bsddbtxn.commit()
2041            self.bsddbtxn = None
2042            self.txn = None
2043        self.env.log_flush()
2044        if not transaction.batch:
2045            # do deletes and adds first
2046            for trans_type in [TXNDEL, TXNADD, TXNUPD]:
2047                for obj_type in range(11):
2048                    if obj_type != REFERENCE_KEY:
2049                        self.__emit(transaction, obj_type, trans_type)
2050        self.transaction = None
2051        transaction.clear()
2052        self.undodb.commit(transaction, msg)
2053        self.__after_commit(transaction)
2054        self.has_changed = True
2055        _LOG.debug("    %s%sDbBsddb %s transaction commit for '%s'"
2056                   % ("Magic " if not getattr(transaction, 'no_magic', False)
2057                      else "",
2058                      "Batch " if transaction.batch else "",
2059                      hex(id(self)),
2060                      transaction.get_description()))
2062    def __emit(self, transaction, obj_type, trans_type):
2063        """
2064        Define helper function to do the actual emits
2065        """
2066        if (obj_type, trans_type) in transaction:
2067            if trans_type == TXNDEL:
2068                handles = [handle.decode('utf-8') for handle, data in
2069                           transaction[(obj_type, trans_type)]]
2070            else:
2071                handles = [handle.decode('utf-8') for handle, data in
2072                           transaction[(obj_type, trans_type)]
2073                           if (handle, None) not in transaction[(obj_type,
2074                                                                 TXNDEL)]]
2075            if handles:
2076                self.emit(KEY_TO_NAME_MAP[obj_type] +
2077                          ['-add', '-update', '-delete'][trans_type],
2078                          (handles, ))
2080    def transaction_abort(self, transaction):
2081        """
2082        Revert the changes made to the database so far during the transaction.
2083        """
2084        if self._LOG_ALL:
2085            _LOG.debug("%s: Transaction abort '%s'\n" %
2086                    (self.__class__.__name__, transaction.get_description()))
2088        if self.readonly:
2089            return
2091        if self.txn is not None:
2092            self.bsddbtxn.abort()
2093            self.bsddbtxn = None
2094            self.txn = None
2095        if not transaction.batch:
2096            # It can occur that the listview is already updated because of
2097            # the "model-treeview automatic update" combined with a
2098            # "while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() loop"
2099            # (typically used in a progress bar), so emit rebuild signals
2100            # to correct that.
2101            object_types = set([x[0] for x in list(transaction.keys())])
2102            for object_type in object_types:
2103                if object_type == REFERENCE_KEY:
2104                    continue
2105                self.emit('%s-rebuild' % KEY_TO_NAME_MAP[object_type], ())
2106        self.transaction = None
2107        transaction.clear()
2108        transaction.first = None
2109        transaction.last = None
2110        self.__after_commit(transaction)
2112    def __after_commit(self, transaction):
2113        """
2114        Post-transaction commit processing
2115        """
2116        if transaction.batch:
2117            self.env.txn_checkpoint()
2119            if not getattr(transaction, 'no_magic', False):
2120                # create new secondary indices to replace the ones removed
2122                self.surnames = self.__open_db(self.full_name, SURNAMES,
2123                                    db.DB_BTREE, db.DB_DUP | db.DB_DUPSORT)
2125                self.person_map.associate(self.surnames, find_byte_surname,
2126                                          DBFLAGS_O)
2128                self.reference_map_referenced_map = self.__open_db(self.full_name,
2129                    REF_REF, db.DB_BTREE, db.DB_DUP|db.DB_DUPSORT)
2131                self.reference_map.associate(self.reference_map_referenced_map,
2132                                             find_referenced_handle, DBFLAGS_O)
2134            # Only build surname list after surname index is surely back
2135            self.__build_surname_list()
2137        # Reset callbacks if necessary
2138        if transaction.batch or not len(transaction):
2139            return
2140        if self.undo_callback:
2141            self.undo_callback(_("_Undo %s") % transaction.get_description())
2142        if self.redo_callback:
2143            self.redo_callback(None)
2144        if self.undo_history_callback:
2145            self.undo_history_callback()
2147    def undo(self, update_history=True):
2148        return self.undodb.undo(update_history)
2150    def redo(self, update_history=True):
2151        return self.undodb.redo(update_history)
2153    def _gramps_upgrade(self, callback=None):
2154        UpdateCallback.__init__(self, callback)
2156        version = self.metadata.get(b'version', default=_MINVERSION)
2158        t = time.time()
2160        from . import upgrade
2162        if version < 14:
2163            upgrade.gramps_upgrade_14(self)
2164        if version < 15:
2165            upgrade.gramps_upgrade_15(self)
2166        if version < 16:
2167            upgrade.gramps_upgrade_16(self)
2168        if version < 17:
2169            upgrade.gramps_upgrade_17(self)
2170        if version < 18:
2171            upgrade.gramps_upgrade_18(self)
2172        if version < 19:
2173            upgrade.gramps_upgrade_19(self)
2175            self.reset()
2176            self.set_total(6)
2177            self.__connect_secondary()
2178            self.rebuild_secondary()
2179            # Open undo database
2180            self.__open_undodb()
2181            self.db_is_open = True
2182            self.reindex_reference_map(self.update)
2183            self.reset()
2184            # Close undo database
2185            self.__close_undodb()
2186            self.db_is_open = False
2189        _LOG.debug("Upgrade time: %d seconds" % int(time.time()-t))
2191    def _set_auto_remove(self):
2192        """
2193        BSDDB change log settings using new method with renamed attributes
2194        """
2195        autoremove_flag = None
2196        autoremove_method = None
2197        for flag in ["DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE", "DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE"]:
2198            if hasattr(db, flag):
2199                autoremove_flag = getattr(db, flag)
2200                break
2201        for method in ["log_set_config", "set_flags"]:
2202            if hasattr(self.env, method):
2203                autoremove_method = getattr(self.env, method)
2204                break
2205        if autoremove_method and autoremove_flag:
2206            autoremove_method(autoremove_flag, 1)
2207        else:
2208            _LOG.debug("Failed to set autoremove flag")
2210    def _write_version(self, name):
2211        """Write version number for a newly created DB."""
2212        full_name = os.path.abspath(name)
2214        self.env = db.DBEnv()
2215        self.env.set_cachesize(0, DBCACHE)
2217        # These env settings are only needed for Txn environment
2218        self.env.set_lk_max_locks(DBLOCKS)
2219        self.env.set_lk_max_objects(DBOBJECTS)
2221        # clean up unused logs
2222        self._set_auto_remove()
2224        # The DB_PRIVATE flag must go if we ever move to multi-user setup
2225        env_flags = db.DB_CREATE | db.DB_PRIVATE |\
2226                    db.DB_INIT_MPOOL |\
2227                    db.DB_INIT_LOG | db.DB_INIT_TXN
2229        # As opposed to before, we always try recovery on databases
2230        env_flags |= db.DB_RECOVER
2232        # Environment name is now based on the filename
2233        env_name = name
2235        self.env.open(env_name, env_flags)
2236        self.env.txn_checkpoint()
2238        self.metadata = self.__open_shelf(full_name, META)
2240        _LOG.debug("Write schema version %s" % _DBVERSION)
2241        with BSDDBTxn(self.env, self.metadata) as txn:
2242            txn.put(b'version', _DBVERSION)
2244        versionpath = os.path.join(name, BDBVERSFN)
2245        version = str(db.version())
2246        _LOG.debug("Write bsddb version %s" % version)
2247        with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
2248            version_file.write(version)
2250        versionpath = os.path.join(name, "pythonversion.txt")
2251        version = str(version_info[0])
2252        _LOG.debug("Write python version file to %s" % version)
2253        with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
2254            version_file.write(version)
2256        versionpath = os.path.join(name, str(PCKVERSFN))
2257        _LOG.debug("Write pickle version file to %s" % "Yes")
2258        with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
2259            version = "Yes"
2260            version_file.write(version)
2262        versionpath = os.path.join(name, str(SCHVERSFN))
2263        _LOG.debug("Write schema version file to %s" % str(_DBVERSION))
2264        with open(versionpath, "w") as version_file:
2265            version = str(_DBVERSION)
2266            version_file.write(version)
2268        self.metadata.close()
2269        self.env.close()
2271    def get_dbid(self):
2272        """
2273        In BSDDB, we use the file directory name as the unique ID for
2274        this database on this computer.
2275        """
2276        return self.brief_name
2278    def get_summary(self):
2279        """
2280        Returns dictionary of summary item.
2281        Should include, if possible:
2283        _("Number of people")
2284        _("Version")
2285        _("Schema version")
2286        """
2287        schema_version = self.metadata.get(b'version', default=None)
2288        bdbversion_file = os.path.join(self.path, BDBVERSFN)
2289        if os.path.isfile(bdbversion_file):
2290            with open(bdbversion_file) as vers_file:
2291                bsddb_version = vers_file.readline().strip()
2292                bsddb_version = ".".join([str(v) for v in safe_eval(bsddb_version)])
2293        else:
2294            bsddb_version = _("Unknown")
2295        return {
2296            _("Number of people"): self.get_number_of_people(),
2297            _("Number of families"): self.get_number_of_families(),
2298            _("Number of sources"): self.get_number_of_sources(),
2299            _("Number of citations"): self.get_number_of_citations(),
2300            _("Number of events"): self.get_number_of_events(),
2301            _("Number of media"): self.get_number_of_media(),
2302            _("Number of places"): self.get_number_of_places(),
2303            _("Number of repositories"): self.get_number_of_repositories(),
2304            _("Number of notes"): self.get_number_of_notes(),
2305            _("Number of tags"): self.get_number_of_tags(),
2306            _("Schema version"): schema_version,
2307            _("Database version"): bsddb_version,
2308        }
2310def _mkname(path, name):
2311    return os.path.join(path, name + DBEXT)
2313def upgrade_researcher(owner_data):
2314    """
2315    Upgrade researcher data to include a locality field in the address.
2316    This should be called for databases prior to Gramps 3.3.
2317    """
2318    addr = tuple([owner_data[0][0], ''] + list(owner_data[0][1:]))
2319    return (addr, owner_data[1], owner_data[2], owner_data[3])