1 /******************************** -*- C -*- ****************************
2  *
3  *	Lexer Module.
4  *
5  *
6  ***********************************************************************/
8 /***********************************************************************
9  *
10  * Copyright 1988,89,90,91,92,94,95,99,2000,2001,2002,2003,
11  * 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
12  * Written by Steve Byrne.
13  *
14  * This file is part of GNU Smalltalk.
15  *
16  * GNU Smalltalk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
18  * Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
19  * version.
20  *
21  * Linking GNU Smalltalk statically or dynamically with other modules is
22  * making a combined work based on GNU Smalltalk.  Thus, the terms and
23  * conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
24  * combination.
25  *
26  * In addition, as a special exception, the Free Software Foundation
27  * give you permission to combine GNU Smalltalk with free software
28  * programs or libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with
29  * independent programs running under the GNU Smalltalk virtual machine.
30  *
31  * You may copy and distribute such a system following the terms of the
32  * GNU GPL for GNU Smalltalk and the licenses of the other code
33  * concerned, provided that you include the source code of that other
34  * code when and as the GNU GPL requires distribution of source code.
35  *
36  * Note that people who make modified versions of GNU Smalltalk are not
37  * obligated to grant this special exception for their modified
38  * versions; it is their choice whether to do so.  The GNU General
39  * Public License gives permission to release a modified version without
40  * this exception; this exception also makes it possible to release a
41  * modified version which carries forward this exception.
42  *
43  * GNU Smalltalk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
44  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
45  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
46  * more details.
47  *
48  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
49  * GNU Smalltalk; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free Software
50  * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
51  *
52  ***********************************************************************/
55 #include "gstpriv.h"
57 #if defined(__FreeBSD__)
58 #include <floatingpoint.h>
59 #endif
61 /* Define this if you want the lexer to print all the tokens that it scans,
62  * before passing them to the parser.
63  */
64 /* #define LEXDEBUG */
66 /* Define this if you're debugging the lexer and you don't want the parser
67  * to be ran -- only lexical scanning will take place.
68  */
69 /* #define NO_PARSE */
73 #define WHITE_SPACE		1
74 #define DIGIT			2
75 #define ID_CHAR			4
76 #define BIN_OP_CHAR		8
77 #define SYMBOL_CHAR		16
79 /* The obstack containing parse tree nodes.  */
80 struct obstack *_gst_compilation_obstack = NULL;
82 /* True if errors must be reported to the standard error, false if
83    errors should instead stored so that they are passed to Smalltalk
84    code.  */
85 mst_Boolean _gst_report_errors = true;
87 /* This is set to true by the parser or the compiler if an error
88    (respectively, a parse error or a semantic error) is found, and
89    avoids that _gst_execute_statements tries to execute the result of
90    the compilation.  */
91 mst_Boolean _gst_had_error = false;
93 /* This is set to true by the parser if error recovery is going on.
94    In this case ERROR_RECOVERY tokens are generated.  */
95 mst_Boolean _gst_error_recovery = false;
97 /* The location of the first error reported, stored here so that
98    compilation primitives can pass them to Smalltalk code.  */
99 char *_gst_first_error_str = NULL;
100 char *_gst_first_error_file = NULL;
101 int _gst_first_error_line = 0;
103 /* Last returned token.  */
104 static int last_token;
106 /* Balance of parentheses.  Used to turn a newline into a period.  */
107 static int parenthesis_depth;
109 /* Answer true if IC is a valid base-10 digit.  */
110 static mst_Boolean is_digit (int ic);
112 /* Answer true if C is a valid base-BASE digit.  */
113 static mst_Boolean is_base_digit (int c,
114 				  int base);
116 /* Parse the fractional part of a Float constant.  Store it in
117    NUMPTR.  Read numbers in base-BASE, the first one being C.  Answer the
118    scale (number of digits in numPtr).  If LARGEINTEGER is not NULL,
119    the digits are stored in an obstack, and LARGEINTEGER is set to true
120    if numPtr does not have sufficient precision.  */
121 static int scan_fraction (int c,
122 			  mst_Boolean negative,
123 			  unsigned base,
124 			  uintptr_t *intNumPtr,
125 			  struct real *numPtr,
126 			  mst_Boolean *largeInteger);
128 /* Parse a numeric constant and return it.  Read numbers in
129    base-BASE, the first one being C.  If a - was parsed, NEGATIVE
130    must be true so that the sign of the result is changed accordingly.
131    If LARGEINTEGER is not NULL, the digits are stored in an obstack,
132    and LARGEINTEGER is set to true if the return value does not have
133    sufficient precision.  */
134 static uintptr_t scan_digits (int c,
135 			      mst_Boolean negative,
136 			      unsigned base,
137 			      struct real * n,
138 			      mst_Boolean * largeInteger);
140 /* Parse the large integer constant stored as base-BASE
141    digits in the buffer maintained by str.c, adjusting
142    the sign if NEGATIVE is true.  Return an embryo of the
143    LargeInteger object as a byte_object structure.  */
144 static byte_object scan_large_integer (mst_Boolean negative,
145 					int base);
147 /* Raise an error.  */
148 static int invalid (int c,
149 		    YYSTYPE * lvalp);
151 /* Parse a comment.  C is '"'.  Return 0 to indicate the lexer
152    that this lexeme must be ignored.  */
153 static int comment (int c,
154 		    YYSTYPE * lvalp);
156 /* Parse a character literal.  C is '$' */
157 static int char_literal (int c,
158 			 YYSTYPE * lvalp);
160 /* Remember the current balance of open/close parentheses, used to treat
161    newlines as periods.  */
162 static int scan_open_paren (int c,
163 			    YYSTYPE * lvalp);
165 /* Remember the current balance of open/close parentheses, used to treat
166    newlines as periods.  */
167 static int scan_close_paren (int c,
168 			     YYSTYPE * lvalp);
170 /* Remember the current balance of open/close parentheses, used to treat
171    newlines as periods.  */
172 static int scan_reset_paren (int c,
173 			     YYSTYPE * lvalp);
175 /* If the current balance of open/close parentheses is zero, and the
176    last token was not a period or bang, treat the newline as a period.  */
177 static int scan_newline (int c,
178 			 YYSTYPE * lvalp);
180 /* Parse a binary operator.  C is the first symbol in the selector */
181 static int scan_bin_op (int c,
182 			YYSTYPE * lvalp);
184 /* Actual work for scan_bin_op is done here.  MAYBE_NUMBER is false if
185    we cannot parse a negative number in this context.  */
186 static int scan_bin_op_1 (int c,
187 			  YYSTYPE * lvalp,
188 			  mst_Boolean maybe_number);
191 /* Parse a string literal.  C is '\'' */
192 static int string_literal (int c,
193 			   YYSTYPE * lvalp);
195 /* Parse a number.  C is the first digit.  */
196 static int scan_number (int c,
197 			 YYSTYPE * lvalp);
199 /* Parse an identifier.  C is the first letter.  */
200 static int scan_ident (int c,
201 			YYSTYPE * lvalp);
203 /* Try to parse an assignment operator or namespace separator.  C is ':'.  */
204 static int scan_colon (int c,
205 			YYSTYPE * lvalp);
207 /* Try to parse a symbol constant, or return '#'.  C is '#'.  */
208 static int scan_symbol (int c,
209 			 YYSTYPE * lvalp);
211 /* Convert the digit C (if it is a valid base-BASE digit) to its
212    value.  Raise an error if it is invalid.  */
213 static int digit_to_int (int c,
214 			 int base);
216 #ifdef LEXDEBUG
217 static void print_token (int token,
218 			 YYSTYPE *yylval);
219 #endif
221 typedef struct
222 {
223   int (*lexFunc) (int,
224 		  YYSTYPE *);
225   int retToken;
226   int char_class;
227 }
228 lex_tab_elt;
230 /* This macro is needed to properly handle 8-bit characters */
231 #define CHAR_TAB(x)		((x) < 128 ? char_table + (x) : char_table)
233 static const lex_tab_elt char_table[128] = {
234 /*   0 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
235 /*   1 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
236 /*   2 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
237 /*   3 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
238 /*   4 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
239 /*   5 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
240 /*   6 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
241 /*   7 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
242 /*   8 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
243 /*   9 */ {0, 0, WHITE_SPACE},
244 /*  10 */ {scan_newline, 0, 0},
245 /*  11 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
246 /*  12 */ {0, 0, WHITE_SPACE},
247 /*  13 */ {0, 0, WHITE_SPACE},
248 /*  14 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
249 /*  15 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
250 /*  16 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
251 /*  17 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
252 /*  18 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
253 /*  19 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
254 /*  20 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
255 /*  21 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
256 /*  22 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
257 /*  23 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
258 /*  24 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
259 /*  25 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
260 /*  26 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
261 /*  27 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
262 /*  28 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
263 /*  29 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
264 /*  30 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
265 /*  31 */ {invalid, 0, 0},
266 /*     */ {0, 0, WHITE_SPACE},
267 /*   ! */ {scan_reset_paren, 0, 0},
268 /*   " */ {comment, 0, 0},
269 /*   # */ {scan_symbol, 0, 0},
270 /*   $ */ {char_literal, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
271 /*   % */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
272 /*   & */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
273 /*   ' */ {string_literal, 0, 0},
274 /*   ( */ {scan_open_paren, 0, 0},
275 /*   ) */ {scan_close_paren, 0, 0},
276 /*   * */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
277 /*   + */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
278 /*   , */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
279 /*   - */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
280 /*   . */ {0, '.', 0},
281 /*   / */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
282 /*   0 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
283 /*   1 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
284 /*   2 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
285 /*   3 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
286 /*   4 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
287 /*   5 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
288 /*   6 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
289 /*   7 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
290 /*   8 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
291 /*   9 */ {scan_number, 0, DIGIT | ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
292 /*   : */ {scan_colon, 0, SYMBOL_CHAR},
293 /*   ; */ {0, ';', 0},
294 /*   < */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
295 /*   = */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
296 /*   > */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
297 /*   ? */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
298 /*   @ */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
299 /*   A */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
300 /*   B */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
301 /*   C */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
302 /*   D */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
303 /*   E */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
304 /*   F */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
305 /*   G */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
306 /*   H */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
307 /*   I */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
308 /*   J */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
309 /*   K */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
310 /*   L */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
311 /*   M */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
312 /*   N */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
313 /*   O */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
314 /*   P */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
315 /*   Q */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
316 /*   R */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
317 /*   S */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
318 /*   T */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
319 /*   U */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
320 /*   V */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
321 /*   W */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
322 /*   X */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
323 /*   Y */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
324 /*   Z */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
325 /*   [ */ {scan_open_paren, 0, 0},
326 /*   \ */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
327 /*   ] */ {scan_close_paren, 0, 0},
328 /*   ^ */ {0, '^', 0},
329 /*   _ */ {0, ASSIGNMENT, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
330 /*   ` */ {invalid, 0, 0},
331 /*   a */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
332 /*   b */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
333 /*   c */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
334 /*   d */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
335 /*   e */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
336 /*   f */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
337 /*   g */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
338 /*   h */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
339 /*   i */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
340 /*   j */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
341 /*   k */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
342 /*   l */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
343 /*   m */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
344 /*   n */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
345 /*   o */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
346 /*   p */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
347 /*   q */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
348 /*   r */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
349 /*   s */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
350 /*   t */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
351 /*   u */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
352 /*   v */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
353 /*   w */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
354 /*   x */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
355 /*   y */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
356 /*   z */ {scan_ident, 0, ID_CHAR | SYMBOL_CHAR},
357 /*   { */ {scan_open_paren, 0, 0},
358 /*   | */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
359 /*   } */ {scan_close_paren, 0, 0},
360 /*   ~ */ {scan_bin_op, 0, BIN_OP_CHAR},
361 /*  ^? */ {invalid, 0, 0}
362 };
365 #if defined(LEXDEBUG)
366 static inline int yylex_internal ();
368 int
_gst_yylex(PTR lvalp,YYLTYPE * llocp)369 _gst_yylex (PTR lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp)
370 {
371   int result;
373   result = yylex_internal (lvalp, llocp);
374   print_token (result, lvalp);
375   return (result);
376 }
378 #define _gst_yylex yylex_internal
379 #endif /* LEXDEBUG */
381 int
_gst_yylex(PTR lvalp,YYLTYPE * llocp)382 _gst_yylex (PTR lvalp, YYLTYPE *llocp)
383 {
384   int ic, result;
385   const lex_tab_elt *ct;
387   while ((ic = _gst_next_char ()) != EOF)
388     {
389       ct = CHAR_TAB (ic);
390       if ((ct->char_class & WHITE_SPACE) == 0)
391 	{
392 	  *llocp = _gst_get_location ();
393 	  assert (ct->lexFunc || ct->retToken);
394 	  if (ct->lexFunc)
395 	    result = (*ct->lexFunc) (ic, (YYSTYPE *) lvalp);
396 	  else
397 	    result = ct->retToken;
399 	  if (result)
400 	    {
401 	      if (_gst_get_cur_stream_prompt ())
402 		last_token = result;
403 	      return (result);
404 	    }
405 	}
406     }
408   *llocp = _gst_get_location ();
409   return (EOF);
410 }
415 int
invalid(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)416 invalid (int c,
417 	 YYSTYPE * lvalp)
418 {
419   char cp[5];
421   if (c < ' ' || c == 127)
422     {
423       cp[0] = '^';
424       cp[1] = c ^ 64;		/* uncontrolify */
425       cp[2] = '\0';
426     }
427   else if (c & 128)
428     sprintf (cp, "%#02x", c & 255);
429   else
430     {
431       cp[0] = c;
432       cp[1] = '\0';
433     }
435   _gst_errorf ("Invalid character %s", cp);
436   _gst_had_error = true;
437   return (0);			/* tell the lexer to ignore this */
438 }
441 int
scan_reset_paren(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)442 scan_reset_paren (int c,
443 	         YYSTYPE * lvalp)
444 {
445   if (_gst_get_cur_stream_prompt ())
446     parenthesis_depth = 0;
447   return c;
448 }
450 int
scan_open_paren(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)451 scan_open_paren (int c,
452 	         YYSTYPE * lvalp)
453 {
454   if (_gst_get_cur_stream_prompt ())
455     parenthesis_depth++;
456   return c;
457 }
459 int
scan_close_paren(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)460 scan_close_paren (int c,
461 	          YYSTYPE * lvalp)
462 {
463   if (_gst_get_cur_stream_prompt ())
464     parenthesis_depth--;
465   return c;
466 }
468 int
scan_newline(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)469 scan_newline (int c,
470 	      YYSTYPE * lvalp)
471 {
472   if (_gst_get_cur_stream_prompt ())
473     {
474       /* Newline is special-cased in the REPL.  */
475       if (_gst_error_recovery)
476         return ERROR_RECOVERY;
478       if (parenthesis_depth == 0
479           && last_token != 0
480           && last_token != '.' && last_token != '!' && last_token != KEYWORD
481           && last_token != BINOP && last_token != '|' && last_token != '<'
482           && last_token != '>' && last_token != ';'
483           && last_token != ASSIGNMENT && last_token != SCOPE_SEPARATOR)
484         return ('.');
485     }
487   return 0;
488 }
491 int
comment(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)492 comment (int c,
493 	 YYSTYPE * lvalp)
494 {
495   int ic;
497   do
498     {
499       ic = _gst_next_char ();
500       if (ic == EOF)
501 	{
502 	  _gst_errorf ("Unterminated comment, attempting recovery");
503 	  _gst_had_error = true;
504 	  break;
505 	}
506     }
507   while (ic != c);
508   return (0);
509 }
511 int
char_literal(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)512 char_literal (int c,
513 	      YYSTYPE * lvalp)
514 {
515   int ic;
517   ic = _gst_next_char ();
518   if (ic == EOF)
519     {
520       _gst_errorf
521 	("Unterminated character literal, attempting recovery");
522       _gst_unread_char (ic);
523       _gst_had_error = true;
524       return (0);
525     }
526   else
527     {
528       if (ic > 127)
529         {
530           _gst_errorf
531 	    ("Invalid character literal, only character codes from 0 to 127 are valid");
532           _gst_had_error = true;
533         }
534       lvalp->ival = ic;
535       return (CHAR_LITERAL);
536     }
537 }
539 int
scan_colon(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)540 scan_colon (int c,
541 	     YYSTYPE * lvalp)
542 {
543   int ic;
545   ic = _gst_next_char ();
546   if (ic == '=')
547     return (ASSIGNMENT);
548   else if (ic == ':')
549     return (SCOPE_SEPARATOR);
550   else
551     _gst_unread_char (ic);
553   return (':');
554 }
557 int
scan_symbol(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)558 scan_symbol (int c,
559 	      YYSTYPE *lvalp)
560 {
561   int ic;
563   ic = _gst_next_char ();
564   if (ic == EOF)
565     return '#';
567   /* Look for a shebang (#! /).  */
568   if (ic == '!')
569     {
570       YYLTYPE loc = _gst_get_location ();
571       if (loc.first_line == 1 && loc.first_column == 2)
572         {
573           while (((ic = _gst_next_char ()) != EOF)
574                  && ic != '\r' && ic != '\n')
575             continue;
576           return (SHEBANG);
577         }
578     }
580   /* We can read a binary operator and return a SYMBOL_LITERAL,... */
581   if (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & BIN_OP_CHAR)
582     {
583       scan_bin_op_1 (ic, lvalp, false);
584       return SYMBOL_LITERAL;
585     }
587   if (ic == '\'')
588     {
589       string_literal (ic, lvalp);
590       return SYMBOL_LITERAL;
591     }
593   /* ...else, we can absorb identifier characters and colons, but
594      discard anything else. */
595   if ((CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & (DIGIT | SYMBOL_CHAR)) != SYMBOL_CHAR)
596     {
597       _gst_unread_char (ic);
598       return '#';
599     }
601   obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, ic);
603   while (((ic = _gst_next_char ()) != EOF)
604          && (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & SYMBOL_CHAR))
605     obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, ic);
607   _gst_unread_char (ic);
608   obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, '\0');
609   lvalp->sval = obstack_finish (_gst_compilation_obstack);
610   return SYMBOL_LITERAL;
611 }
614 int
scan_bin_op_1(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp,mst_Boolean maybe_number)615 scan_bin_op_1 (int c,
616 	       YYSTYPE *lvalp,
617 	       mst_Boolean maybe_number)
618 {
619   char buf[3];
620   int ic;
622   buf[0] = c;
624   ic = _gst_next_char ();
625   if (ic != EOF && (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & BIN_OP_CHAR))
626     {
627       buf[1] = ic, buf[2] = 0;	/* temptatively accumulate next char */
629       /* This may be a two-character binary operator, except if
630          the second character is a - and is followed by a digit.  */
631       if (ic == '-')
632 	{
633 	  ic = _gst_next_char ();
634 	  _gst_unread_char (ic);
635 	  if (is_digit (ic))
636 	    {
637 	      _gst_unread_char ('-');
638 	      buf[1] = '\0';
639 	    }
640 	}
641     }
642   else
643     {
644       _gst_unread_char (ic);
645       buf[1] = 0;
646     }
648   lvalp->sval = xstrdup (buf);
650   if ((buf[0] == '|' || buf[0] == '<' || buf[0] == '>' || buf[0] == '-')
651       && buf[1] == '\0')
652     return (buf[0]);
654   else
655     return (BINOP);
656 }
658 int
scan_bin_op(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)659 scan_bin_op (int c,
660 	     YYSTYPE *lvalp)
661 {
662   return scan_bin_op_1 (c, lvalp, true);
663 }
665 int
string_literal(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)666 string_literal (int c,
667 		YYSTYPE * lvalp)
668 {
669   int ic;
671   for (;;)
672     {
673       ic = _gst_next_char ();
674       if (ic == EOF)
675 	{
676 	  _gst_errorf ("Unterminated string, attempting recovery");
677 	  _gst_had_error = true;
678 	  break;
679 	}
680       if (ic == c)
681 	{
682 	  /* check for doubled delimiters */
683 	  ic = _gst_next_char ();
684 	  if (ic != c)
685 	    {
686 	      _gst_unread_char (ic);
687 	      break;
688 	    }
689 	}
690       obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, ic);
691     }
692   obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, '\0');
693   lvalp->sval = obstack_finish (_gst_compilation_obstack);
694   return (STRING_LITERAL);
695 }
697 int
scan_ident(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)698 scan_ident (int c,
699 	     YYSTYPE * lvalp)
700 {
701   int ic, identType;
703   obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, c);
705   identType = IDENTIFIER;
707   while (((ic = _gst_next_char ()) != EOF)
708 	 && (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & ID_CHAR))
709     obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, ic);
711   /* Read a dot as '::' if followed by a letter.  */
712   if (ic == '.')
713     {
714       ic = _gst_next_char ();
715       _gst_unread_char (ic);
716       if (ic != EOF && (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & ID_CHAR))
717 	{
718 	  _gst_unread_char (':');
719 	  _gst_unread_char (':');
720         }
721       else
722 	_gst_unread_char ('.');
723     }
725   else if (ic == ':')
726     {
727       ic = _gst_next_char ();
728       _gst_unread_char (ic);
729       if (ic == ':' || ic == '=') /* foo:: and foo:= split before colon */
730 	_gst_unread_char (':');
731       else
732 	{
733           obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, ':');
734           identType = KEYWORD;
735 	}
736     }
738   else
739     _gst_unread_char (ic);
741   obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, '\0');
742   lvalp->sval = obstack_finish (_gst_compilation_obstack);
743   return (identType);
744 }
747 /* TODO: We track the number in *three* formats: struct real, uintptr_t,
748  * and just save the bytes for large integers.  We should just save
749  * the bytes and work on those.  */
751 int
scan_number(int c,YYSTYPE * lvalp)752 scan_number (int c,
753 	      YYSTYPE * lvalp)
754 {
755   OOP intNumOOP;
756   int base, exponent, ic;
757   uintptr_t intNum;
758   struct real num, dummy;
759   int floatExponent;
760   mst_Boolean isNegative = false, largeInteger = false;
761   int float_type = 0;
763   base = 10;
764   exponent = 0;
765   ic = c;
767   assert (ic != '-');
768   intNum = scan_digits (ic, false, 10, &num, &largeInteger);
769   ic = _gst_next_char ();
770   if (ic == 'r')
771     {
772       char *p = obstack_finish (_gst_compilation_obstack);
773       obstack_free (_gst_compilation_obstack, p);
775       if (intNum > 36 || largeInteger)
776         {
777           _gst_errorf ("Numeric base too large %d", base);
778           _gst_had_error = true;
779         }
780       else
781         base = intNum;
782       ic = _gst_next_char ();
784       /* Having to support things like 16r-123 is a pity :-) because we
785 	 actually incorrectly accept -16r-0.  */
786       if (ic == '-')
787 	{
788 	  isNegative = true;
789 	  ic = _gst_next_char ();
790 	}
792       intNum = scan_digits (ic, isNegative, base, &num, &largeInteger);
793       ic = _gst_next_char ();
794     }
796   if (ic == '.')
797     {
798       ic = _gst_next_char ();
799       if (!is_base_digit (ic, base))
800 	{
801 	  /* OOPS...we gobbled the '.' by mistake...it was a statement
802 	     boundary delimiter.  We have an integer that we need to
803 	     return, and need to push back both the . and the character
804 	     that we just read.  */
805 	  _gst_unread_char (ic);
806 	  ic = '.';
807 	}
808       else
809 	{
810 	  float_type = FLOATD_LITERAL;
811 	  exponent = scan_fraction (ic, isNegative, base, &intNum, &num, &largeInteger);
812 	  ic = _gst_next_char ();
813 	}
814     }
816   if (ic == 's')
817     do
818       {
819         /* By default the same as the number of decimal points
820 	   we used.  */
821 	floatExponent = -exponent;
823 	ic = _gst_next_char ();
824 	if (ic == EOF)
825 	  ;
826 	else if (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & DIGIT)
827 	  {
828 	    /* 123s4 format -- parse the exponent */
829 	    floatExponent = scan_digits (ic, false, 10, &dummy, NULL);
830 	  }
831 	else if (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & ID_CHAR)
832 	  {
833 	    /* 123stuvwxyz sends #stuvwxyz to 123!!! */
834 	    _gst_unread_char (ic);
835 	    ic = 's';
836 	    break;
837 	  }
838 	else
839 	  _gst_unread_char (ic);
841         if (largeInteger)
842           {
843 	    /* Make a LargeInteger constant and create an object out of
844 	       it.  */
845 	    byte_object bo = scan_large_integer (isNegative, base);
846 	    gst_object result = instantiate_with (bo->class, bo->size, &intNumOOP);
847             memcpy (result->data, bo->body, bo->size);
848 	  }
849         else
850           intNumOOP = FROM_INT((intptr_t) (isNegative ? -intNum : intNum));
852 	/* too much of a chore to create a Fraction, so we call-in. We
853 	   lose the ability to create ScaledDecimals during the very
854 	   first phases of bootstrapping, but who cares?...
856 	   This is equivalent to
857 		(intNumOOP * (10 raisedToInteger: exponent)
858 		   asScaledDecimal: floatExponent) */
859 	lvalp->oval =
860 	  _gst_msg_send (intNumOOP, _gst_as_scaled_decimal_radix_scale_symbol,
861 			 FROM_INT (exponent),
862 			 FROM_INT (base),
863 			 FROM_INT ((int) floatExponent),
864 			 NULL);
866 	/* incubator is set up by _gst_compile_method */
867 	INC_ADD_OOP (lvalp->oval);
868 	MAKE_OOP_READONLY (lvalp->oval, true);
870       }
871     while (0);
873   if (ic == 'e' || ic == 'd' || ic == 'q')
874     {
875       int exp_char = ic;
877       switch (ic) {
878 	case 'e': float_type = FLOATE_LITERAL; break;
879 	case 'd': float_type = FLOATD_LITERAL; break;
880 	case 'q': float_type = FLOATQ_LITERAL; break;
881       }
883       ic = _gst_next_char ();
884       if (ic == EOF)
885         ;
886       else if (ic == '-') {
887 	  floatExponent =
888 	    scan_digits (_gst_next_char (), true, 10, &dummy, NULL);
889 	  exponent -= (int) floatExponent;
890 	}
891       else if (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & DIGIT)
892 	{
893 	  floatExponent = scan_digits (ic, false, 10, &dummy, NULL);
894 	  exponent += (int) floatExponent;
895 	}
896       else if (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & ID_CHAR)
897 	{
898 	  /* 123def sends #def to 123!!! */
899 	  _gst_unread_char (ic);
900 	  ic = exp_char;
901 	}
902       else
903 	_gst_unread_char (ic);
905     }
906   else
907     _gst_unread_char (ic);
909   if (float_type)
910     {
911       char *p = obstack_finish (_gst_compilation_obstack);
912       obstack_free (_gst_compilation_obstack, p);
914       if (exponent)
915 	{
916 	  struct real r;
917 	  _gst_real_from_int (&r, base);
918 	  _gst_real_powi (&r, &r, exponent < 0 ? -exponent : exponent);
919 	  if (exponent < 0)
920 	    _gst_real_div (&num, &num, &r);
921 	  else
922 	    _gst_real_mul (&num, &r);
923 	}
924       lvalp->fval = _gst_real_get_ld (&num);
925       if (isNegative)
926 	lvalp->fval = -lvalp->fval;
927       return (float_type);
928     }
929   else if (largeInteger)
930     {
931       lvalp->boval = scan_large_integer (isNegative, base);
932       return (LARGE_INTEGER_LITERAL);
933     }
934   else
935     {
936       char *p = obstack_finish (_gst_compilation_obstack);
937       obstack_free (_gst_compilation_obstack, p);
938       lvalp->ival = (intptr_t) (isNegative ? -intNum : intNum);
939       return (INTEGER_LITERAL);
940     }
941 }
943 uintptr_t
scan_digits(int c,mst_Boolean negative,unsigned base,struct real * n,mst_Boolean * largeInteger)944 scan_digits (int c,
945 	     mst_Boolean negative,
946 	     unsigned base,
947 	     struct real * n,
948 	     mst_Boolean * largeInteger)
949 {
950   uintptr_t result;
951   mst_Boolean oneDigit = false;
953   while (c == '_')
954     c = _gst_next_char ();
956   memset (n, 0, sizeof (*n));
957   for (result = 0.0; is_base_digit (c, base); )
958     {
959       unsigned  value = digit_to_int (c, base);
960       if (largeInteger)
961 	{
962 	  obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, digit_to_int (c, base));
963 	  if (result >
964 	      (negative
965 	       /* We want (uintptr_t) -MIN_ST_INT, but it's the same.  */
966 	       ? (uintptr_t) MIN_ST_INT - value
967 	       : (uintptr_t) MAX_ST_INT - value) / base)
968 	    *largeInteger = true;
969 	}
971       _gst_real_mul_int (n, base);
972       _gst_real_add_int (n, value);
973       oneDigit = true;
974       result *= base;
975       result += value;
976       do
977 	c = _gst_next_char ();
978       while (c == '_');
979     }
981   if (!oneDigit)
982     {
983       _gst_errorf ("Unexpected EOF while scanning number");
984       _gst_had_error = true;
985     }
987   _gst_unread_char (c);
989   return (result);
990 }
992 int
scan_fraction(int c,mst_Boolean negative,unsigned base,uintptr_t * intNumPtr,struct real * numPtr,mst_Boolean * largeInteger)993 scan_fraction (int c,
994 	       mst_Boolean negative,
995 	       unsigned base,
996 	       uintptr_t *intNumPtr,
997 	       struct real *numPtr,
998 	       mst_Boolean *largeInteger)
999 {
1000   uintptr_t intNum;
1001   int scale;
1003   scale = 0;
1005   while (c == '_')
1006     c = _gst_next_char ();
1008   for (intNum = *intNumPtr; is_base_digit (c, base); )
1009     {
1010       unsigned value = digit_to_int (c, base);
1011       if (largeInteger)
1012 	{
1013 	  obstack_1grow (_gst_compilation_obstack, digit_to_int (c, base));
1014 	  if (intNum >
1015 	      (negative
1016 	       /* We want (uintptr_t) -MIN_ST_INT, but it's the same.  */
1017 	       ? (uintptr_t) MIN_ST_INT - value
1018 	       : (uintptr_t) MAX_ST_INT - value) / base)
1019 	    *largeInteger = true;
1020 	}
1022       _gst_real_mul_int (numPtr, base);
1023       _gst_real_add_int (numPtr, value);
1024       intNum *= base;
1025       intNum += value;
1026       scale--;
1028       do
1029 	c = _gst_next_char ();
1030       while (c == '_');
1031     }
1033   _gst_unread_char (c);
1035   *intNumPtr = intNum;
1036   return scale;
1037 }
1040 int
digit_to_int(int c,int base)1041 digit_to_int (int c,
1042 	      int base)
1043 {
1044   if (c < '0' || (c > '9' && c < 'A') || c > 'Z')
1045     {
1046       _gst_errorf ("Invalid digit %c in number", c);
1047       _gst_had_error = true;
1048       return (0);
1049     }
1051   if (c >= 'A')
1052     c = c - 'A' + 10;
1054   else
1055     c -= '0';
1057   if (c >= base)
1058     {
1059       _gst_errorf ("Digit '%c' too large for base %d", c, base);
1060       _gst_had_error = true;
1061       return (0);
1062     }
1064   return (c);
1065 }
1067 mst_Boolean
is_base_digit(int c,int base)1068 is_base_digit (int c,
1069 	       int base)
1070 {
1071   if (c < '0' || (c > '9' && c < 'A') || c > 'Z')
1072     return (false);
1074   if (c >= 'A')
1075     c = c - 'A' + 10;
1077   else
1078     c -= '0';
1080   return (c < base);
1081 }
1084 mst_Boolean
is_digit(int ic)1085 is_digit (int ic)
1086 {
1087   return (ic != EOF && (CHAR_TAB (ic)->char_class & DIGIT) != 0);
1088 }
1090 byte_object
scan_large_integer(mst_Boolean negative,int base)1091 scan_large_integer (mst_Boolean negative,
1092 		     int base)
1093 {
1094   int i;
1095   int size, digitsLeft;
1096   gst_uchar *digits, *result;
1097   byte_object bo;
1099   /* Copy the contents of the currently grown obstack on the stack.  */
1100   size = obstack_object_size (_gst_compilation_obstack);
1101   digits = (gst_uchar *) alloca (size);
1102   memcpy (digits, obstack_base (_gst_compilation_obstack), size);
1104   /* And reuse the area on the obstack for a struct byte_object.  */
1105   obstack_blank (_gst_compilation_obstack, sizeof (struct byte_object));
1106   bo = (byte_object) obstack_finish (_gst_compilation_obstack);
1108   bo->class =
1109     negative ? _gst_large_negative_integer_class :
1110     _gst_large_positive_integer_class;
1111   result = bo->body;
1112   memset (result, 0, size);
1114   /* On each pass, multiply the previous partial result by the base,
1115      and sum each of the digits as they were retrieved by scan_digits.
1116    */
1117   for (digitsLeft = size; digitsLeft--;)
1118     {
1119       int total, carry;
1121       total = result[0] * base + *digits++;
1122       carry = total >> 8;
1123       result[0] = (gst_uchar) total;
1124       for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
1125 	{
1126 	  total = result[i] * base + carry;
1127 	  carry = total >> 8;
1128 	  result[i] = (gst_uchar) total;
1129 	}
1130     }
1132   if (negative)
1133     {
1134       /* Do two's complement -- first invert, then increment with carry
1135        */
1136       for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
1137 	result[i] ^= 255;
1139       for (i = 0; (++result[i]) == 0; i++);
1141       /* Search where the number really ends -- discard trailing 111...
1142          bytes but remember, the most significant bit of the last digit
1143          must be 1! */
1144       for (; size > 0 && result[size - 1] == 255; size--);
1145       if (result[size - 1] < 128)
1146 	size++;
1147     }
1148   else
1149     {
1150       /* Search where the number really ends -- discard trailing 000...
1151          bytes but remember, the most significant bit of the last digit
1152          must be 0! */
1153       for (; size > 0 && result[size - 1] == 0; size--);
1154       if (result[size - 1] > 127)
1155 	size++;
1156     }
1158   /* Only now can we set the size! */
1159   bo->size = size;
1160   return (bo);
1161 }
1164 void
_gst_parse_stream(mst_Boolean method)1165 _gst_parse_stream (mst_Boolean method)
1166 {
1167   struct obstack thisObstack, *oldObstack;
1169   /* Allow re-entrancy by allocating a different obstack every time
1170      _gst_parse_stream is called */
1171   oldObstack = _gst_compilation_obstack;
1172   _gst_compilation_obstack = &thisObstack;
1173   obstack_init (&thisObstack);
1175   {
1176 #ifdef NO_PARSE
1177     YYSTYPE yylval;
1178     while (_gst_yylex (&yylval));
1179 #else /* !NO_PARSE */
1180     _gst_had_error = false;
1181     if (method)
1182       {
1183 	_gst_parse_method ();
1184 	_gst_reset_compilation_category ();
1185       }
1186     else
1187       _gst_parse_chunks ();
1188 #endif /* !NO_PARSE */
1189   }
1191   obstack_free (&thisObstack, NULL);
1192   _gst_compilation_obstack = oldObstack;
1193 }
1197 #ifdef LEXDEBUG
1198 void
print_token(token,yylval)1199 print_token (token,
1200 	     yylval)
1201      int token;
1202      YYSTYPE *yylval;
1203 {
1204   switch (token)
1205     {
1206     case 0:
1207       break;
1208     case '.':
1209     case '!':
1210     case ':':
1211     case '|':
1212     case '^':
1213     case '#':
1214     case ';':
1215     case '(':
1216     case ')':
1217     case '[':
1218     case ']':
1219     case '{':
1220     case '}':
1221       printf ("%c\n", token);
1222       break;
1223     case SCOPE_SEPARATOR:
1224       printf ("::\n");
1225       break;
1226     case ASSIGNMENT:
1227       printf (":=\n");
1228       break;
1229     case IDENTIFIER:
1230       printf ("IDENTIFIER: `%s'\n", yylval->sval);
1231       break;
1232     case KEYWORD:
1233       printf ("KEYWORD: `%s'\n", yylval->sval);
1234       break;
1235     case SYMBOL_LITERAL:
1236       printf ("SYMBOL_LITERAL: #'%s'\n", yylval->sval);
1237       break;
1239       printf ("LARGE_INTEGER_LITERAL\n");
1240     case INTEGER_LITERAL:
1241       printf ("INTEGER_LITERAL: %ld\n", yylval->ival);
1242       break;
1243     case FLOATD_LITERAL:
1244       printf ("FLOATD_LITERAL: %g\n", (double) yylval->fval);
1245       break;
1246     case FLOATE_LITERAL:
1247       printf ("FLOATE_LITERAL: %g\n", (float) yylval->fval);
1248       break;
1249     case FLOATQ_LITERAL:
1250       printf ("FLOATQ_LITERAL: %Lg\n", yylval->fval);
1251       break;
1252     case CHAR_LITERAL:
1253       printf ("CHAR_LITERAL: %d", yylval->ival,
1254       if (yylval->ival >= 32 && yylval->ival <= 126)
1255 	printf (" ($%c)", (char) yylval->ival);
1256       printf ("\n");
1257       break;
1258     case STRING_LITERAL:
1259       printf ("STRING_LITERAL: '%s'\n", yylval->sval);
1260       break;
1261     case BINOP:
1262       printf ("BINOP: `%s'\n", yylval->sval);
1263       break;
1264     }
1265 }
1266 #endif
1268 void
1269 _gst_yyprint (FILE * file,
1270 	      int token,
1271 	      PTR lval)
1272 {
1273   YYSTYPE *yylval = (YYSTYPE *) lval;
1275   switch (token)
1276     {
1277     case IDENTIFIER:
1278     case BINOP:
1279     case KEYWORD:
1280       fprintf (file, ": `%s'", yylval->sval);
1281       break;
1282     case SYMBOL_LITERAL:
1283       fprintf (file, ": #'%s'", yylval->sval);
1284       break;
1285     case STRING_LITERAL:
1286       fprintf (file, ": '%s'", yylval->sval);
1287       break;
1288     case INTEGER_LITERAL:
1289       fprintf (file, ": %ld", yylval->ival);
1290       break;
1291     case FLOATD_LITERAL:
1292       fprintf (file, ": %g", (double) yylval->fval);
1293       break;
1294     case FLOATE_LITERAL:
1295       fprintf (file, ": %g", (float) yylval->fval);
1296       break;
1297     case FLOATQ_LITERAL:
1298       fprintf (file, ": %Lg", yylval->fval);
1299       break;
1300     case CHAR_LITERAL:
1301       fprintf (file, ": %d", yylval->ival);
1302       if (yylval->ival >= 32 && yylval->ival <= 126)
1303 	fprintf (file, " ($%c)", (char) yylval->ival);
1304       fprintf (file, "\n");
1305       break;
1306     default:
1307       break;
1308     }
1309 }
1311 mst_Boolean
1312 _gst_negate_yylval (int token, YYSTYPE *yylval)
1313 {
1314   switch (token)
1315     {
1316     case INTEGER_LITERAL:
1317       if (yylval->ival < 0)
1318 	return false;
1319       yylval->ival = -yylval->ival;
1320       break;
1321     case FLOATD_LITERAL:
1322     case FLOATE_LITERAL:
1323     case FLOATQ_LITERAL:
1324       if (yylval->fval < 0)
1325 	return false;
1326       yylval->fval = -yylval->fval;
1327       break;
1330       {
1331 	int sign;
1332         _gst_msg_sendf (&sign, "%i %o sign", yylval->oval);
1333 	if (sign < 0)
1334 	  return false;
1336         _gst_msg_sendf (&yylval->oval, "%o %o negated", yylval->oval);
1337         INC_ADD_OOP (yylval->oval);
1338         MAKE_OOP_READONLY (yylval->oval, true);
1339         break;
1340       }
1343       {
1344         byte_object bo = yylval->boval;
1345         gst_uchar *digits = bo->body;
1346         int size = bo->size;
1347         int i;
1349 	/* The input value must be positive.  */
1350         if (digits[size - 1] >= 128)
1351 	  return false;
1353         /* Do two's complement -- first invert, then increment with carry */
1354         for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
1355 	  digits[i] ^= 255;
1357         for (i = 0; (++digits[i]) == 0; i++);
1359         /* Search where the number really ends -- discard trailing 111...
1360            bytes but remember, the most significant bit of the last digit
1361            must be 1! */
1362         for (; size > 0 && digits[size - 1] == 255; size--);
1363         if (digits[size - 1] < 128)
1364 	  size++;
1366         assert (size <= bo->size);
1367 	bo->size = size;
1368 	bo->class = _gst_large_negative_integer_class;
1369 	break;
1370       }
1372     default:
1373       abort ();
1374     }
1376   return true;
1377 }