2/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
3// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
4// | PHP version 4                                                        |
5// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
6// | Copyright (c) 2003 The PHP Group                                     |
7// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
8// | This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license,       |
9// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
10// | available through the world-wide-web at                              |
11// | http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt.                                  |
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15// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
16// | Authors: Gregory Beaver <cellog@php.net>                             |
17// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
19// $Id: Chess.php,v 1.21 2007/06/17 05:46:43 cellog Exp $
21 * The Games_Chess Package
22 *
23 * The logic of handling a chessboard and parsing standard
24 * FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) for describing a position as well as SAN
25 * (Standard Algebraic Notation) for describing individual moves is handled.  This
26 * class can be used as a backend driver for playing chess, or for validating
27 * and/or creating PGN files using the File_ChessPGN package.
28rn *
29 * Although this package is alpha, it is fully unit-tested.  The code works, but
30 * the API is fluid, and may change dramatically as it is put into use and better
31 * ways are found to use it.  When the API stabilizes, the stability will increase.
32 *
33 * To learn how to play chess, there are many sites online, try searching for
34 * "chess."  To play online, I use the Internet Chess Club at
35 * {@link http://www.chessclub.com} as CelloJi, look me up sometime :).  Don't
36 * worry, I'm not very good.
37 * @todo implement special class Games_Chess_Chess960 for Fischer Random Chess
38 * @todo implement special class Games_Chess_Wild23 for ICC Wild variant 23
39 * @author Gregory Beaver <cellog@php.net>
40 * @copyright 2003
41 * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0
42 * @version @VER@
43 */
45 * Move constants
46 */
48 * Castling move (O-O or O-O-O)
49 */
50define('GAMES_CHESS_CASTLE', 1);
52 * Pawn move (e4, e8=Q, exd5)
53 */
54define('GAMES_CHESS_PAWNMOVE', 2);
56 * Piece move (Qa4, Nfe6, Bxe5, Re2xe6)
57 */
60 * Special move type used in Wild23 like P@a4 (place a pawn at a4)
61 */
66 * Error Constants
67 */
69 * Invalid Standard Algebraic Notation was used
70 */
73 * The number of space-separated fields in a FEN passed to {@internal
74 * {@link _parseFen()} through }} {@link resetGame()} was incorrect, should be 6
75 */
78 * A FEN containing multiple spaces in a row was parsed {@internal by
79 * {@link _parseFen()}}}
80 */
83 * Too many pieces were passed in for the chessboard to fit them in a FEN
84 * {@internal passed to {@link _parseFen()}}}
85 */
88 * The indicator of which side to move in a FEN was neither "w" nor "b"
89 */
92 * The list of castling indicators was too long (longest is KQkq) of a FEN
93 */
96 * Something other than K, Q, k or q was in the castling indicators of a FEN
97 */
100 * The en passant square was neither "-" nor an algebraic square in a FEN
101 */
104 * The ply count (number of half-moves) was not a number in a FEN
105 */
108 * The move count (pairs of white/black moves) was not a number in a FEN
109 */
112 * An illegal move was attempted, the king is in check
113 */
114define('GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_IN_CHECK', 11);
116 * Can't castle kingside, either king or rook has moved
117 */
118define('GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CK', 12);
120 * Can't castle kingside, pieces are in the way on the f and/or g files
121 */
124 * Can't castle kingside, either king or rook has moved
125 */
126define('GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CQ', 14);
128 * Can't castle queenside, pieces are in the way on the d, c and/or b files
129 */
132 * Castling would place the king in check, which is illegal
133 */
136 * Performing a requested move would place the king in check
137 */
140 * The requested move does not remove a check on the king
141 */
144 * An attempt (however misguided) was made to capture one's own piece, illegal
145 */
148 * An attempt was made to capture a piece on a square that does not contain a piece
149 */
150define('GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_NO_PIECE', 20);
152 * A attempt to move an opponent's piece was made, illegal
153 */
156 * A request was made to move a piece from one square to another, but it can't
157 * move to that square legally
158 */
161 * An attempt was made to add a piece to the chessboard, but there are too many
162 * pieces of that type already on the chessboard
163 */
166 * An attempt was made to add a piece to the chessboard through the parsing of
167 * a FEN, but there are too many pieces of that type already on the chessboard
168 */
171 * An attempt was made to add a piece to the chessboard on top of an existing piece
172 */
175 * An invalid piece indicator was used in a FEN
176 */
179 * Not enough piece data was passed into the FEN to explain every square on the board
180 */
183 * Something other than "W" or "B" was passed to a method needing a color
184 */
187 * Something that isn't SAN ([a-h][1-8]) was passed to a function requiring a
188 * square location
189 */
192 * Something other than "P", "Q", "R", "B", "N" or "K" was passed to a method
193 * needing a piece type
194 */
197 * Something other than "Q", "R", "B", or "N" was passed to a method
198 * needing a piece type for pawn promotion
199 */
202 * SAN was passed in that is too ambiguous - multiple pieces could execute
203 * the move, and no disambiguation (like Naf3 or Bf3xe4) was used
204 */
207 * No piece of the current color can execute the SAN (as in, if Na3 is passed
208 * in, but there are no knights that can reach a3
209 */
212 * In loser's chess, and the current move does not capture a piece although
213 * capture is possible.
214 */
217 * When piece placement is attempted, but no pieces exist to be placed
218 */
221 * When piece placement is attempted, but there is a piece on the desired square already
222 */
225 * When a pawn placement on the first or back rank is attempted
226 */
227define('GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_PLACE_18', 37);
229 * ABSTRACT parent class - use {@link Games_Chess_Standard} for a typical
230 * chess game
231 *
232 * This class contains a few public methods that are the only thing most
233 * users of the package will ever need.  Protected methods are available
234 * for usage by child classes, and it is expected that all child classes
235 * will implement certain protected methods used by the utility methods in
236 * this class.
237 *
238 * Public API methods used are:
239 *
240 * Game-related methods
241 *
242 * - {@link resetGame()}: in order to start a new game (pass a FEN for a starting
243 *   position)
244 * - {@link blankBoard()}: in order to start with an empty chessboard
245 * - {@link addPiece()}: Use to add pieces one at a time to the board
246 * - {@link moveSAN()}: Use to move pieces based on their SAN (Qa3, exd5, etc.)
247 * - {@link moveSquare()}: Use to move pieces based on their square (a2 -> a3
248 *   for Qa3, e4 -> d5 for exd5, etc.)
249 *
250 * Game state methods:
251 *
252 * - {@link inCheck()}: Use to determine the presence of check
253 * - {@link inCheckMate()}: Use to determine a won game
254 * - {@link inStaleMate()}: Use to determine presence of stalemate draw
255 * - {@link in50MoveDraw()}: Use to determine presence of 50-move rule draw
256 * - {@link inRepetitionDraw()}: Use to determine presence of a draw by repetition
257 * - {@link inStaleMate()}: Use to determine presence of stalemate draw
258 * - {@link inDraw()}: Use to determine if any forced draw condition exists
259 *
260 * Game data methods:
261 *
262 * - {@link renderFen()}: Use to retrieve a FEN representation of the
263 *   current chessboard position, in order to transfer to another chess program
264 * - {@link toArray()}: Use to retrieve a literal representation of the
265 *   current chessboard position, in order to display as HTML or some other
266 *   format for the user
267 * - {@link getMoveList()}: Use to retrieve the list of SAN moves for this game
268 * @package Games_Chess
269 */
270class Games_Chess {
271    /**
272     * Used for transactions
273     * @var array
274     * @access private
275     */
276    var $_saveState = array();
277    /**
278     * @var array
279     * @access private
280     */
281    var $_board;
282    /**
283     * @var string
284     * @access private
285     */
286    var $_move = 'W';
287    /**
288     * @var integer
289     * @access private
290     */
291    var $_moveNumber = 1;
292    /**
293     * Half-moves since last pawn move or capture
294     * @var integer
295     * @access private
296     */
297    var $_halfMoves = 1;
298    /**
299     * Square that an en passant can happen, or "-"
300     * @var string
301     * @access private
302     */
303    var $_enPassantSquare = '-';
304    /**
305     * Moves in SAN format for easy write-out to a PGN file
306     *
307     * The format is:
308     * <pre>
309     * array(
310     *  movenumber => array(White move, Black move),
311     *  movenumber => array(White move, Black move),
312     * )
313     * </pre>
314     * @var array
315     * @access private
316     */
317    var $_moves = array();
318    /**
319     * Moves in SAN format for easy write-out to a PGN file, with check/checkmate annotations appended
320     *
321     * The format is:
322     * <pre>
323     * array(
324     *  movenumber => array(White move, Black move),
325     *  movenumber => array(White move, Black move),
326     * )
327     * </pre>
328     * @var array
329     * @access private
330     */
331    var $_movesWithCheck = array();
332    /**
333     * Store every position from the game, used to determine draw by repetition
334     *
335     * If the exact same position is encountered three times, then it is a draw
336     * @var array
337     * @access private
338     */
339    var $_allFENs = array();
340    /**#@+
341     * Castling rights
342     * @var boolean
343     * @access private
344     */
345    var $_WCastleQ = true;
346    var $_WCastleK = false;
347    var $_BCastleQ = true;
348    var $_BCastleK = false;
349    /**#@-*/
350    /**
351     * Contents of the last move returned from {@link _parseMove()}, used to
352     * process en passant.
353     * @var false|array
354     * @access private
355     */
356    var $_lastMove = false;
358    function &factory($type = 'Standard')
359    {
360        if (!class_exists("Games_Chess_$type")) {
361            @include_once 'Games/Chess/' . ucfirst(strtolower($type)) . '.php';
362        }
363        if (class_exists("Games_Chess_$type")) {
364            $type = "Games_Chess_$type";
365            $a = new $type;
366            return $a;
367        } else {
368            $a = false;
369            return $a;
370        }
371    }
373    /**
374     * Create a blank chessboard with no pieces on it
375     */
376    function blankBoard()
377    {
378        $this->_board = array();
379        for ($j = 8; $j >= 1; $j--) {
380            for ($i = ord('a'); $i <= ord('h'); $i++) {
381                $this->_board[chr($i) . $j] = chr($i) . $j;
382            }
383        }
384    }
386    /**
387     * Create a new game with the starting position, or from the position
388     * specified by $fen
389     *
390     * @param false|string
391     * @return PEAR_Error|true returns any errors thrown by {@link _parseFen()}
392     */
393    function resetGame($fen = false)
394    {
395        $this->_saveState = array();
396        if (!$fen) {
397            $this->_setupStartingPosition();
398        } else {
399            return $this->_parseFen($fen);
400        }
401        return true;
402    }
404    /**
405     * Make a move from a Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN) format
406     *
407     * SAN is just a normal chess move like Na4, instead of the English Notation,
408     * like NR4
409     * @param string
410     * @return true|PEAR_Error
411     */
412    function moveSAN($move)
413    {
414        if (!is_array($this->_board)) {
415            $this->resetGame();
416        }
417        if (!$this->isError($parsedMove = $this->_parseMove($move))) {
418            if (!$this->isError($err = $this->_validMove($parsedMove))) {
419                list($key, $parsedMove) = each($parsedMove);
420                $this->_moves[$this->_moveNumber][($this->_move == 'W') ? 0 : 1] = $move;
421                $oldMoveNumber = $this->_moveNumber;
422                $this->_moveNumber += ($this->_move == 'W') ? 0 : 1;
423                $this->_halfMoves++;
424                if ($key == GAMES_CHESS_CASTLE) {
425                    $a = ($parsedMove == 'Q') ? 'K' : 'Q';
426                    // clear castling rights
427                    $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'Castle' . $parsedMove} = false;
428                    $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'Castle' . $a} = false;
429                    $row = ($this->_move == 'W') ? 1 : 8;
430                    switch ($parsedMove) {
431                        case 'K' :
432                            $this->_moveAlgebraic("e$row", "g$row");
433                            $this->_moveAlgebraic("h$row", "f$row");
434                        break;
435                        case 'Q' :
436                            $this->_moveAlgebraic("e$row", "c$row");
437                            $this->_moveAlgebraic("a$row", "d$row");
438                        break;
439                    }
440                    $this->_enPassantSquare = '-';
441                } else {
442                    $movedfrom = $this->_getSquareFromParsedMove($parsedMove);
443                    $promote = isset($parsedMove['promote']) ?
444                        $parsedMove['promote'] : '';
445                    $this->_moveAlgebraic($movedfrom, $parsedMove['square'], $promote);
446                    if ($parsedMove['takes']) {
447                        $this->_halfMoves = 1;
448                    }
449                    if ($parsedMove['piece'] == 'P') {
450                        $this->_halfMoves = 1;
451                        $this->_enPassantSquare = '-';
452                        if (in_array($movedfrom{1} - $parsedMove['square']{1},
453                              array(2, -2))) {
454                            $direction = ($this->_move == 'W' ? 1 : -1);
455                            $this->_enPassantSquare = $parsedMove['square']{0} .
456                                ($parsedMove['square']{1} - $direction);
457                        }
458                    } else {
459                        $this->_enPassantSquare = '-';
460                    }
461                    if ($parsedMove['piece'] == 'K') {
462                        $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'CastleQ'} = false;
463                        $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'CastleK'} = false;
464                    }
465                    if ($parsedMove['piece'] == 'R') {
466                        if ($movedfrom{0} == 'a') {
467                        $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'CastleQ'} = false;
468                        }
469                        if ($movedfrom{0} == 'h') {
470                        $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'CastleK'} = false;
471                        }
472                    }
473                }
474                $moveWithCheck = $move;
475                if ($this->inCheckMate(($this->_move == 'W') ? 'B' : 'W')) {
476                    $moveWithCheck .= '#';
477                } elseif ($this->inCheck(($this->_move == 'W') ? 'B' : 'W')) {
478                    $moveWithCheck .= '+';
479                }
480                $this->_movesWithCheck[$oldMoveNumber][($this->_move == 'W') ? 0 : 1] = $moveWithCheck;
481                $this->_move = ($this->_move == 'W' ? 'B' : 'W');
483                // increment the position counter for this position
484                $x = $this->renderFen(false);
485                if (!isset($this->_allFENs[$x])) {
486                    $this->_allFENs[$x] = 0;
487                }
488                $this->_allFENs[$x]++;
489                return true;
490            } else {
491                return $err;
492            }
493        } else {
494            return $parsedMove;
495        }
496    }
498    /**
499     * Move a piece from one square to another, and mark the old square as empty
500     *
501     * @param string [a-h][1-8] square to move from
502     * @param string [a-h][1-8] square to move to
503     * @param string piece to promote to, if this is a promotion move
504     * @return true|PEAR_Error
505     */
506    function moveSquare($from, $to, $promote = '')
507    {
508        $move = $this->_convertSquareToSAN($from, $to, $promote);
509        if ($this->isError($move)) {
510            return $move;
511        } else {
512            return $this->moveSAN($move);
513        }
514    }
516    /**
517     * Get the list of moves in Standard Algebraic Notation
518     *
519     * Can be used to populate a PGN file.
520     * @param boolean If true, then moves that check will be postfixed with "+" and checkmate with "#"
521     *                as in Nf3+ or Qxg7#
522     * @return array
523     */
524    function getMoveList($withChecks = false)
525    {
526        if ($withChecks) {
527            return $this->_movesWithCheck;
528        }
529        return $this->_moves;
530    }
532    /**
533     * @return W|B|D|false winner of game, or draw, or false if still going
534     */
535    function gameOver()
536    {
537        $opposite = $this->_move == 'W' ? 'B' : 'W';
538        if ($this->inCheckmate()) {
539            return $opposite;
540        }
541        if ($this->inDraw()) {
542            return 'D';
543        }
544        return false;
545    }
547    /**
548     * Determine whether a side is in checkmate
549     * @param W|B color of side to check, defaults to the current side
550     * @return boolean
552     */
553    function inCheckMate($color = null)
554    {
555        if (is_null($color)) {
556            $color = $this->_move;
557        }
558        $color = strtoupper($color);
559        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
560            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
561                array('color' => $color));
562        }
563        if (!($checking = $this->inCheck($color))) {
564            return false;
565        }
566        $moves = $this->getPossibleKingMoves($king = $this->_getKing($color), $color);
567        foreach ($moves as $escape) {
568            $this->startTransaction();
569            $this->_move = $color;
570            if (!class_exists('PEAR')) {
571                require_once 'PEAR.php';
572            }
573            PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
574            $this->moveSquare($king, $escape);
575            PEAR::popErrorHandling();
576            $this->_move = $color;
577            $stillchecked = $this->inCheck($color);
578            $this->rollbackTransaction();
579            if (!$stillchecked) {
580                return false;
581            }
582        }
583        // if we're in double check, and the king can't move, that's checkmate
584        if (is_array($checking) && count($checking) > 1) {
585            return true;
586        }
587        $squares = $this->_getPathToKing($checking, $king);
588        if ($this->_interposeOrCapture($squares, $color)) {
589            return false;
590        }
591        return true;
592    }
594    /**
595     * Determine whether a side is in stalemate
596     * @param W|B color of the side to look at, defaults to the current side
597     * @return boolean
599     */
600    function inStaleMate($color = null)
601    {
602        if (is_null($color)) {
603            $color = $this->_move;
604        }
605        $color = strtoupper($color);
606        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
607            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
608                array('color' => $color));
609        }
610        if ($this->inCheck($color)) {
611            return false;
612        }
613        $moves = $this->_getPossibleChecks($color);
614        foreach($moves as $name => $canmove) {
615            if (count($canmove)) {
616                $a = $this->_getPiece($name);
617                foreach($canmove as $move) {
618                    $this->startTransaction();
619                    $this->_move = $color;
620                    if (!class_exists('PEAR')) {
621                        require_once 'PEAR.php';
622                    }
623                    PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
624                    $err = $this->moveSquare($a, $move);
625                    PEAR::popErrorHandling();
626                    $this->rollbackTransaction();
627                    if (!is_object($err)) {
628                        return false;
629                    }
630                }
631            }
632        }
633        return true;
634    }
636    /**
637     * Determines the presence of a forced draw
638     * @param W|B
639     * @return boolean
640     */
641    function inDraw($color = null)
642    {
643        return $this->inStaleMate($color) ||
644               $this->inRepetitionDraw() ||
645               $this->in50MoveDraw() ||
646               $this->inBasicDraw();
647    }
649    /**
650     * Determine whether draw by repetition has happened
651     *
652     * From FIDE rules:
653     * <pre>
654     * 10.10
655     *
656     * The game is drawn, upon a claim by the player having the move, when the
657     * same position, for the third time:
658     * (a) is about to appear, if he first writes the move on his
659     *     scoresheet and declares to the arbiter his intention of making
660     *     this move; or
661     * (b) has just appeared, the same player having the move each time.
662     *
663     * The position is considered the same if pieces of the same kind and
664     * colour occupy the same squares, and if all the possible moves of
665     * all the pieces are the same, including the rights to castle [at
666     * some future time] or to capture a pawn "en passant".
667     * </pre>
668     *
669     * This class determines draw by comparing FENs rendered after every move
670     * @return boolean
671     */
672    function inRepetitionDraw()
673    {
674        $fen = $this->renderFen(false);
675        if (isset($this->_allFENs[$fen]) && $this->_allFENs[$fen] == 3) {
676            return true;
677        }
678        return false;
679    }
681    /**
682     * Determine whether any pawn move or capture has occurred in the past 50 moves
683     * @return boolean
684     */
685    function in50MoveDraw()
686    {
687        return $this->_halfMoves >= 50;
688    }
690    /**
691     * Determine the presence of a basic draw as defined by FIDE rules
692     *
693     * The rule states:
694     * <pre>
695     * 10.4
696     *
697     * The game is drawn when one of the following endings arises:
698     * (a) king against king;
699     * (b) king against king with only bishop or knight;
700     * (c) king and bishop against king and bishop, with both bishops
701     *     on diagonals of the same colour.
702     * </pre>
703     * @return boolean
704     */
705    function inBasicDraw()
706    {
707        $pieces = $this->_getPieceTypes();
708        $blackpieces = array_keys($pieces['B']);
709        $whitepieces = array_keys($pieces['W']);
710        if (count($blackpieces) > 2 || count($whitepieces) > 2) {
711            return false;
712        }
713        if (count($blackpieces) == 1) {
714            if (count($whitepieces) == 1) {
715                return true;
716            }
717            if ($whitepieces[0] == 'K') {
718                if (in_array($whitepieces[1], array('N', 'B'))) {
719                    return true;
720                } else {
721                    return false;
722                }
723            } else {
724                if (in_array($whitepieces[0], array('N', 'B'))) {
725                    return true;
726                } else {
727                    return false;
728                }
729            }
730        }
732        if (count($whitepieces) == 1) {
733            if (count($blackpieces) == 1) {
734                return true;
735            }
736            if ($blackpieces[0] == 'K') {
737                if (in_array($blackpieces[1], array('N', 'B'))) {
738                    return true;
739                } else {
740                    return false;
741                }
742            } else {
743                if (in_array($blackpieces[0], array('N', 'B'))) {
744                    return true;
745                } else {
746                    return false;
747                }
748            }
749        }
750        $wpindex = ($whitepieces[0] == 'K') ? 1 : 0;
751        $bpindex = ($blackpieces[0] == 'K') ? 1 : 0;
752        if ($whitepieces[$wpindex] == 'B' && $blackpieces[$bpindex] == 'B') {
753            // bishops of same color?
754            if ($pieces['B']['B'][0] == $pieces['W']['B'][0]) {
755                return true;
756            }
757        }
758        return false;
759    }
761    /**
762     * render the FEN notation for the current board
763     * @param boolean private parameter, used to determine whether to include
764     *                move number/ply count - this is used to keep track of
765     *                positions for draw detection
766     * @return string
767     */
768    function renderFen($include_moves = true)
769    {
770        $fen = $this->_renderFen() . ' ';
772        // render who's to move
773        $fen .= strtolower($this->_move) . ' ';
775        // render castling rights
776        if (!$this->_WCastleQ && !$this->_WCastleK && !$this->_BCastleQ
777              && !$this->_BCastleK) {
778            $fen .= '- ';
779        } else {
780            if ($this->_WCastleK) {
781                $fen .= 'K';
782            }
783            if ($this->_WCastleQ) {
784                $fen .= 'Q';
785            }
786            if ($this->_BCastleK) {
787                $fen .= 'k';
788            }
789            if ($this->_BCastleQ) {
790                $fen .= 'q';
791            }
792            $fen .= ' ';
793        }
795        // render en passant square
796        $fen .= $this->_enPassantSquare;
798        if (!$include_moves) {
799            return $fen;
800        }
802        // render half moves since last pawn move or capture
803        $fen .=  ' ' . $this->_halfMoves . ' ';
805        // render move number
806        $fen .= $this->_moveNumber;
807        return $fen;
808    }
810    /**
811     * Add a piece to the chessboard
812     *
813     * Must be overridden in child classes
814     * @abstract
815     * @param W|B Color of piece
816     * @param P|N|K|Q|R|B Piece type
817     * @param string algebraic location of piece
818     */
819    function addPiece($color, $type, $square)
820    {
821        trigger_error("Error: do not use abstract Games_Chess class", E_USER_ERROR);
822    }
824    /**
825     * Generate a representation of the chess board and pieces for use as a
826     * direct translation to a visual chess board
827     *
828     * Must be overridden in child classes
829     * @return array
830     * @abstract
831     */
832    function toArray()
833    {
834        trigger_error("Error: do not use abstract Games_Chess class", E_USER_ERROR);
835    }
837    /**
838     * Determine whether moving a piece from one square to another requires
839     * a pawn promotion
840     * @param string [a-h][1-8] location of the piece to move
841     * @param string [a-h][1-8] place to move the piece to
842     * @return boolean true if the move represented by moving from $from to $to
843     *                 is a pawn promotion move
844     */
845    function isPromoteMove($from, $to)
846    {
847        $test = $this->_convertSquareToSAN($from, $to);
848        if ($this->isError($test)) {
849            return false;
850        }
851        if (strpos($test, '=Q') !== false) {
852            return true;
853        }
854        return false;
855    }
857    /**
858     * @return W|B return the color of the side to move (white or black)
859     */
860    function toMove()
861    {
862        return $this->_move;
863    }
865    /**
866     * Determine legality of kingside castling
867     * @return boolean
868     */
869    function canCastleKingside()
870    {
871        return $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'CastleK'};
872    }
875    /**
876     * Determine legality of queenside castling
877     * @return boolean
878     */
879    function canCastleQueenside()
880    {
881        return $this->{'_' . $this->_move . 'CastleQ'};
882    }
884    /**
885     * Move a piece from one square to another, and mark the old square as empty
886     *
887     * NO validation is performed, use {@link moveSquare()} for validation.
888     *
889     * @param string [a-h][1-8] square to move from
890     * @param string [a-h][1-8] square to move to
891     * @param string piece to promote to, if this is a promotion move
892     * @access protected
893     */
894    function _moveAlgebraic($from, $to, $promote = '')
895    {
896        if ($to == $this->_enPassantSquare && $this->isPawn($this->_board[$from])) {
897            $rank = ($to{1} == '3') ? '4' : '5';
898            // this piece was just taken
899            $this->_takePiece($to{0} . $rank);
900            $this->_board[$to{0} . $rank] = $to{0} . $rank;
901        }
902        if ($this->_board[$to] != $to) {
903            // this piece was just taken
904            $this->_takePiece($to);
905        }
906        // mark the piece as moved
907        $this->_movePiece($from, $to, $promote);
908        $this->_board[$to] = $this->_board[$from];
909        $this->_board[$from] = $from;
910    }
912    /**
913     * Parse out the segments of a move (minus any annotations)
914     * @param string
915     * @return array
916     * @access protected
917     */
918    function _parseMove($move)
919    {
920        if ($move == 'O-O') {
921            return array(GAMES_CHESS_CASTLE => 'K');
922        }
923        if ($move == 'O-O-O') {
924            return array(GAMES_CHESS_CASTLE => 'Q');
925        }
926        // pawn moves
927        if (preg_match('/^P?(([a-h])([1-8])?(x))?([a-h][1-8])(=?([QRNB]))?$/', $move, $match)) {
928            if ($match[2]) {
929                $takesfrom = $match[2]{0};
930            } else {
931                $takesfrom = '';
932            }
933            $res = array(
934                'takesfrom' => $takesfrom,
935                'takes' => $match[4],
936                'disambiguate' => '',
937                'square' => $match[5],
938                'promote' => '',
939                'piece' => 'P',
940            );
941            if (isset($match[7])) {
942                $res['promote'] = $match[7];
943            }
944            return array(GAMES_CHESS_PAWNMOVE => $res);
945        // piece moves
946        } elseif (preg_match('/^(K)(x)?([a-h][1-8])$/', $move, $match)) {
947            $res = array(
948                'takesfrom' => false,
949                'piece' => $match[1],
950                'disambiguate' => '',
951                'takes' => $match[2],
952                'square' => $match[3],
953            );
954            return array(GAMES_CHESS_PIECEMOVE => $res);
955        } elseif (preg_match('/^([QRBN])([a-h]|[1-8]|[a-h][1-8])?(x)?([a-h][1-8])$/', $move, $match)) {
956            $res = array(
957                'takesfrom' => false,
958                'piece' => $match[1],
959                'disambiguate' => $match[2],
960                'takes' => $match[3],
961                'square' => $match[4],
962            );
963            return array(GAMES_CHESS_PIECEMOVE => $res);
964        } elseif (preg_match('/^([QRBN])@([a-h][1-8])$/', $move, $match)) {
965            $res = array(
966                'piece' => $match[1],
967                'square' => $match[2],
968            );
969            return array(GAMES_CHESS_PIECEPLACEMENT => $res);
970        // error
971        } elseif (preg_match('/^([P])@([a-h][2-7])$/', $move, $match)) {
972            $res = array(
973                'piece' => $match[1],
974                'square' => $match[2],
975            );
976            return array(GAMES_CHESS_PIECEPLACEMENT => $res);
977        // error
978        } elseif (preg_match('/^([P])@([a-h][18])$/', $move, $match)) {
979            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_PLACE_18, array('san' => $move));
980        // error
981        } else {
982            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SAN,
983                array('pgn' => $move));
984        }
985    }
988    /**
989     * Set up the board with the starting position
990     *
991     * Must be overridden in child classes
992     * @abstract
993     * @access protected
994     */
995    function _setupStartingPosition()
996    {
997        trigger_error("Error: do not use abstract Games_Chess class", E_USER_ERROR);
998    }
1000    /**
1001     * Parse a Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) chessboard position string, and
1002     * set up the chessboard with this position
1003     * @param string
1004     * @access private
1005     */
1006    function _parseFen($fen)
1007    {
1008        $splitfen = explode(' ', $fen);
1009        if (count($splitfen) != 6) {
1010            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_COUNT,
1011                array('fen' => $fen, 'sections' => count($splitfen)));
1012        }
1014        foreach($splitfen as $index => $test) {
1015            if ($test == '') {
1016                return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_EMPTY_FEN,
1017                    array('fen' => $fen, 'section' => $index));
1018            }
1019        }
1021        $this->blankBoard();
1022        $loc = 'a8';
1023        $idx = 0;
1024        $FEN = $splitfen[0];
1026        // parse position section
1027        while ($idx < strlen($FEN)) {
1028            $c = $FEN{$idx};
1029            switch ($c) {
1030                case "K" :
1031                case "Q" :
1032                case "R" :
1033                case "B" :
1034                case "N" :
1035                case "P" :
1036                    if (!class_exists('PEAR')) {
1037                        require_once 'PEAR.php';
1038                    }
1039                    PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
1040                    $err = $this->addPiece('W', $c, $loc);
1041                    PEAR::popErrorHandling();
1042                    if ($this->isError($err)) {
1043                        if ($err->getCode() == GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_MULTIPIECE) {
1044                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_MULTIPIECE,
1045                            array('fen' => $fen, 'color' => 'W', 'piece' => $c));
1046                        } else {
1047                            return $err;
1048                        }
1049                    }
1050                break;
1051                case "k" :
1052                case "q" :
1053                case "r" :
1054                case "b" :
1055                case "n" :
1056                case "p" :
1057                    if (!class_exists('PEAR')) {
1058                        require_once 'PEAR.php';
1059                    }
1060                    PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
1061                    $err = $this->addPiece('B', strtoupper($c), $loc);
1062                    PEAR::popErrorHandling();
1063                    if ($this->isError($err)) {
1064                        if ($err->getCode() == GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_MULTIPIECE) {
1065                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_MULTIPIECE,
1066                            array('fen' => $fen, 'color' => 'B', 'piece' => $c));
1067                        } else {
1068                            return $err;
1069                        }
1070                    }
1071                break;
1073                case "1" :
1074                case "2" :
1075                case "3" :
1076                case "4" :
1077                case "5" :
1078                case "6" :
1079                case "7" :
1080                case "8" :
1081                    $loc{0} = chr(ord($loc{0}) + ($c - 1));
1082                break;
1083                case "/" :
1084                    $loc{1} = $loc{1} - 1;
1085                    $loc{0} = 'a';
1086                    $idx++;
1087                    continue 2;
1088                break;
1089                default :
1090                    return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_INVALIDPIECE,
1091                        array('fen' => $fen, 'fenchar' => $c));
1092                break;
1093            }
1094            $idx++;
1095            $loc{0} = chr(ord($loc{0}) + 1);
1096            if (ord($loc{0}) > ord('h')) {
1097                if (strlen($FEN) > $idx && $FEN{$idx} != '/') {
1098                    return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_TOOMUCH,
1099                        array('fen' => $fen));
1100                }
1101            }
1102        }
1103        if ($loc != 'i1') {
1104            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_TOOLITTLE,
1105                array('fen' => $fen));
1106        }
1108        // parse who's to move
1109        if (!in_array($splitfen[1], array('w', 'b', 'W', 'B'))) {
1110            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_TOMOVEWRONG,
1111                array('fen' => $fen, 'tomove' => $splitfen[1]));
1112        }
1113        $this->_move = strtoupper($splitfen[1]);
1115        // parse castling rights
1116        if (strlen($splitfen[2]) > 4) {
1117            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_CASTLETOOLONG,
1118                array('fen' => $fen, 'castle' => $splitfen[2]));
1119        }
1120        $this->_WCastleQ = false;
1121        $this->_WCastleK = false;
1122        $this->_BCastleQ = false;
1123        $this->_BCastleK = false;
1124        if ($splitfen[2] != '-') {
1125            for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
1126                if ($i >= strlen($splitfen[2])) {
1127                    continue;
1128                }
1129                switch ($splitfen[2]{$i}) {
1130                    case 'K' :
1131                        $this->_WCastleK = true;
1132                    break;
1133                    case 'Q' :
1134                        $this->_WCastleQ = true;
1135                    break;
1136                    case 'k' :
1137                        $this->_BCastleK = true;
1138                    break;
1139                    case 'q' :
1140                        $this->_BCastleQ = true;
1141                    break;
1142                    default:
1143                        return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_CASTLEWRONG,
1144                            array('fen' => $fen, 'castle' => $splitfen[2]{$i}));
1145                    break;
1146                }
1147            }
1148        }
1150        // parse en passant square
1151        $this->_enPassantSquare = '-';
1152        if ($splitfen[3] != '-') {
1153            if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][36]$/', $splitfen[3])) {
1154                return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_INVALID_EP,
1155                    array('fen' => $fen, 'enpassant' => $splitfen[3]));
1156            }
1157            $this->_enPassantSquare = $splitfen[3];
1158        }
1160        // parse half moves since last pawn move or capture
1161        if (!is_numeric($splitfen[4])) {
1162            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_INVALID_PLY,
1163                array('fen' => $fen, 'ply' => $splitfen[4]));
1164        }
1165        $this->_halfMoves = $splitfen[4];
1167        // parse move number
1168        if (!is_numeric($splitfen[5])) {
1169            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_INVALID_MOVENUMBER,
1170                array('fen' => $fen, 'movenumber' => $splitfen[5]));
1171        }
1172        $this->_moveNumber = $splitfen[5];
1173        return true;
1174    }
1176    /**
1177     * Validate a move
1178     * @param array parsed move array from {@link _parsedMove()}
1179     * @return true|PEAR_Error
1180     * @throws GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_IN_CHECK
1181     * @throws GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CK
1183     * @throws GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CQ
1189     * @access protected
1190     */
1191    function _validMove($move)
1192    {
1193        list($type, $info) = each($move);
1194        $this->startTransaction();
1195        $valid = false;
1196        switch ($type) {
1197            case GAMES_CHESS_CASTLE :
1198                if ($this->inCheck($this->_move)) {
1199                    $this->rollbackTransaction();
1200                    return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_IN_CHECK);
1201                }
1202                if ($info == 'K') {
1203                    if ($this->_move == 'W') {
1204                        if (!$this->_WCastleK) {
1205                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1206                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CK);
1207                        }
1208                        if ($this->_board['f1'] != 'f1' || $this->_board['g1'] != 'g1') {
1209                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1210                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CK_PIECES_IN_WAY);
1211                        }
1212                        $kingsquares = array('f1', 'g1');
1213                        $on = 'e1';
1214                    } else {
1215                        if (!$this->_BCastleK) {
1216                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1217                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CK);
1218                        }
1219                        if ($this->_board['f8'] != 'f8' || $this->_board['g8'] != 'g8') {
1220                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1221                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CK_PIECES_IN_WAY);
1222                        }
1223                        $kingsquares = array('f8', 'g8');
1224                        $on = 'e8';
1225                    }
1226                } else {
1227                    if ($this->_move == 'W') {
1228                        if (!$this->_WCastleQ) {
1229                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1230                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CQ);
1231                        }
1232                        if ($this->_board['d1'] != 'd1' ||
1233                              $this->_board['c1'] != 'c1' ||
1234                              $this->_board['b1'] != 'b1') {
1235                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1236                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CQ_PIECES_IN_WAY);
1237                        }
1238                        $kingsquares = array('d1', 'c1');
1239                        $on = 'e1';
1240                    } else {
1241                        if (!$this->_BCastleQ) {
1242                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1243                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CQ);
1244                        }
1245                        if ($this->_board['d8'] != 'd8' ||
1246                              $this->_board['c8'] != 'c8' ||
1247                              $this->_board['b8'] != 'b8') {
1248                            $this->rollbackTransaction();
1249                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CQ_PIECES_IN_WAY);
1250                        }
1251                        $kingsquares = array('d8', 'c8');
1252                        $on = 'e8';
1253                    }
1254                }
1256                // check every square the king could move to and make sure
1257                // we wouldn't be in check
1258                foreach ($kingsquares as $square) {
1259                    $this->_moveAlgebraic($on, $square);
1260                    if ($this->inCheck($this->_move)) {
1261                        $this->rollbackTransaction();
1262                        return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CASTLE_WOULD_CHECK);
1263                    }
1264                    $on = $square;
1265                }
1266                $valid = true;
1267            break;
1268            case GAMES_CHESS_PIECEMOVE :
1269            case GAMES_CHESS_PAWNMOVE :
1270                if (!$this->isError($piecesq = $this->_getSquareFromParsedMove($info))) {
1271                    $wasinCheck = $this->inCheck($this->_move);
1272                    $piece = $this->_board[$info['square']];
1273                    if ($info['takes'] && $this->_board[$info['square']] ==
1274                          $info['square']) {
1275                        if (!($info['square'] == $this->_enPassantSquare &&
1276                              $info['piece'] == 'P')) {
1277                            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_NO_PIECE,
1278                                array('square' => $info['square']));
1279                        }
1280                    }
1281                    $this->_moveAlgebraic($piecesq, $info['square']);
1282                    $valid = !$this->inCheck($this->_move);
1283                    if ($wasinCheck && !$valid) {
1284                        $this->rollbackTransaction();
1285                        return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_STILL_IN_CHECK);
1286                    } elseif (!$valid) {
1287                        $this->rollbackTransaction();
1288                        return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_MOVE_WOULD_CHECK);
1289                    }
1290                } else {
1291                    $this->rollbackTransaction();
1292                    return $piecesq;
1293                }
1294            break;
1295        }
1296        $this->rollbackTransaction();
1297        return $valid;
1298    }
1300    /**
1301     * Convert a starting and ending algebraic square into SAN
1302     * @access protected
1303     * @param string [a-h][1-8] square piece is on
1304     * @param string [a-h][1-8] square piece moves to
1305     * @param string Q|R|B|N
1306     * @return string|PEAR_Error
1309     * @throws GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_NO_PIECE
1312     */
1313    function _convertSquareToSAN($from, $to, $promote = '')
1314    {
1315        if ($promote == '') {
1316            $promote = 'Q';
1317        }
1318        $promote = strtoupper($promote);
1319        if (!in_array($promote, array('Q', 'B', 'N', 'R'))) {
1320            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_PROMOTE,
1321                array('piece' => $promote));
1322        }
1323        $SAN = '';
1324        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $from)) {
1325            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
1326                array('square' => $from));
1327        }
1328        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $to)) {
1329            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
1330                array('square' => $to));
1331        }
1332        $piece = $this->_squareToPiece($from);
1333        if (!$piece) {
1334            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_NO_PIECE,
1335                array('square' => $from));
1336        }
1337        if ($piece['color'] != $this->_move) {
1338            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_WRONG_COLOR,
1339                array('square' => $from));
1340        }
1341        $moves = $this->getPossibleMoves($piece['piece'], $from, $piece['color']);
1342        if (!in_array($to, $moves)) {
1343            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_MOVE_THAT_WAY,
1344                array('from' => $from, 'to' => $to));
1345        }
1346        if ($piece['piece'] == 'K' && !in_array($to, $this->_getKingSquares($from))) {
1347            // this is a castling attempt
1348            if ($to{0} == 'g') {
1349                return 'O-O';
1350            } else {
1351                return 'O-O-O';
1352            }
1353        }
1354        $others = array();
1355        if ($piece['piece'] != 'K' && $piece['piece'] != 'P') {
1356            $others = $this->_getAllPieceSquares($piece['piece'],
1357                                                 $piece['color'], $from);
1358        }
1359        $disambiguate = '';
1360        $ambiguous = array();
1361        if (count($others)) {
1362            foreach ($others as $square) {
1363                if (in_array($to, $this->getPossibleMoves($piece['piece'], $square,
1364                                                          $piece['color']))) {
1365                    // other pieces can move to this square - need to disambiguate
1366                    $ambiguous[] = $square;
1367                }
1368            }
1369        }
1370        if (count($ambiguous) == 1) {
1371            if ($ambiguous[0]{0} != $from{0}) {
1372                $disambiguate = $from{0};
1373            } elseif ($ambiguous[0]{1} != $from{1}) {
1374                $disambiguate = $from{1};
1375            } else {
1376                $disambiguate = $from;
1377            }
1378        } elseif (count($ambiguous)) {
1379            $disambiguate = $from;
1380        }
1381        if ($piece['piece'] == 'P') {
1382            if ($from{0} != $to{0}) {
1383                $SAN = $from{0};
1384            }
1385        } else {
1386            $SAN = $piece['piece'];
1387        }
1388        $SAN .= $disambiguate;
1389        if ($this->_board[$to] != $to) {
1390            $SAN .= 'x';
1391        } else {
1392            if ($piece['piece'] == 'P' && $to == $this->_enPassantSquare) {
1393                $SAN .= 'x';
1394            }
1395        }
1396        $SAN .= $to;
1397        if ($piece['piece'] == 'P' && ($to{1} == '1' || $to{1} == '8')) {
1398            $SAN .= '=' . $promote;
1399        }
1400        return $SAN;
1401    }
1403    /**
1404     * Get a list of all possible theoretical squares a piece of this nature
1405     * and color could move to with the current board and game setup.
1406     *
1407     * This method will return all valid moves without determining the presence
1408     * of check
1409     * @param K|P|Q|R|B|N Piece name
1410     * @param string [a-h][1-8] algebraic location of the piece
1411     * @param B|W color of the piece
1412     * @param boolean Whether to return shortcut king moves for castling
1413     * @return array|PEAR_Error
1417     */
1418    function getPossibleMoves($piece, $square, $color = null, $returnCastleMoves = true)
1419    {
1420        if (is_null($color)) {
1421            $color = $this->_move;
1422        }
1423        $color = strtoupper($color);
1424        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
1425            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
1426                array('color' => $color));
1427        }
1428        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $square)) {
1429            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
1430                array('square' => $square));
1431        }
1432        $piece = strtoupper($piece);
1433        if (!in_array($piece, array('K', 'Q', 'B', 'N', 'R', 'P'))) {
1434            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_PIECE,
1435                array('piece' => $piece));
1436        }
1437        switch ($piece) {
1438            case 'K' :
1439                return $this->getPossibleKingMoves($square, $color, $returnCastleMoves);
1440            break;
1441            case 'Q' :
1442                return $this->getPossibleQueenMoves($square, $color);
1443            break;
1444            case 'B' :
1445                return $this->getPossibleBishopMoves($square, $color);
1446            break;
1447            case 'N' :
1448                return $this->getPossibleKnightMoves($square, $color);
1449            break;
1450            case 'R' :
1451                return $this->getPossibleRookMoves($square, $color);
1452            break;
1453            case 'P' :
1454                return $this->getPossiblePawnMoves($square, $color);
1455            break;
1456        }
1457    }
1459    /**
1460     * Get the set of squares that are diagonals from this square on an empty board.
1461     *
1462     * WARNING: assumes valid input
1463     * @param string [a-h][1-8]
1464     * @param boolean if true, simply returns an array of all squares
1465     * @return array Format:
1466     *
1467     * <pre>
1468     * array(
1469     *   'NE' => array(square, square),
1470     *   'NW' => array(square, square),
1471     *   'SE' => array(square, square),
1472     *   'SW' => array(square, square)
1473     * )
1474     * </pre>
1475     *
1476     * Think of the diagonal directions as on a map.  squares are listed with
1477     * closer squares first
1478     */
1479    function _getDiagonals($square, $returnFlatArray = false)
1480    {
1481        $nw = ($square{0} != 'a') && ($square{1} != '8');
1482        $ne = ($square{0} != 'h') && ($square{1} != '8');
1483        $sw = ($square{0} != 'a') && ($square{1} != '1');
1484        $se = ($square{0} != 'h') && ($square{1} != '1');
1485        if ($nw) {
1486            $nw = array();
1487            $i = $square;
1488            while(ord($i{0}) > ord('a') && ord($i{1}) < ord('8')) {
1489                $i{0} = chr(ord($i{0}) - 1);
1490                $i{1} = chr(ord($i{1}) + 1);
1491                $nw[] = $i;
1492            }
1493        }
1494        if ($ne) {
1495            $ne = array();
1496            $i = $square;
1497            while(ord($i{0}) < ord('h') && ord($i{1}) < ord('8')) {
1498                $i{0} = chr(ord($i{0}) + 1);
1499                $i{1} = chr(ord($i{1}) + 1);
1500                $ne[] = $i;
1501            }
1502        }
1503        if ($sw) {
1504            $sw = array();
1505            $i = $square;
1506            while(ord($i{0}) > ord('a') && ord($i{1}) > ord('1')) {
1507                $i{0} = chr(ord($i{0}) - 1);
1508                $i{1} = chr(ord($i{1}) - 1);
1509                $sw[] = $i;
1510            }
1511        }
1512        if ($se) {
1513            $se = array();
1514            $i = $square;
1515            while(ord($i{0}) < ord('h') && ord($i{1}) > ord('1')) {
1516                $i{0} = chr(ord($i{0}) + 1);
1517                $i{1} = chr(ord($i{1}) - 1);
1518                $se[] = $i;
1519            }
1520        }
1521        if ($returnFlatArray) {
1522            if (!$nw) {
1523                $nw = array();
1524            }
1525            if (!$sw) {
1526                $sw = array();
1527            }
1528            if (!$ne) {
1529                $ne = array();
1530            }
1531            if (!$se) {
1532                $se = array();
1533            }
1534            return array_merge($ne, array_merge($nw, array_merge($se, $sw)));
1535        }
1536        return array('NE' => $ne, 'NW' => $nw, 'SE' => $se, 'SW' => $sw);
1537    }
1539    /**
1540     * Get the set of squares that are diagonals from this square on an empty board.
1541     *
1542     * WARNING: assumes valid input
1543     * @param string [a-h][1-8]
1544     * @param boolean if true, simply returns an array of all squares
1545     * @return array Format:
1546     *
1547     * <pre>
1548     * array(
1549     *   'N' => array(square, square),
1550     *   'E' => array(square, square),
1551     *   'S' => array(square, square),
1552     *   'W' => array(square, square)
1553     * )
1554     * </pre>
1555     *
1556     * Think of the horizontal directions as on a map.  squares are listed with
1557     * closer squares first
1558     * @access protected
1559     */
1560    function _getRookSquares($square, $returnFlatArray = false)
1561    {
1562        $n = ($square{1} != '8');
1563        $e = ($square{0} != 'h');
1564        $s = ($square{1} != '1');
1565        $w = ($square{0} != 'a');
1566        if ($n) {
1567            $n = array();
1568            $i = $square;
1569            while(ord($i{1}) < ord('8')) {
1570                $i{1} = chr(ord($i{1}) + 1);
1571                $n[] = $i;
1572            }
1573        }
1574        if ($e) {
1575            $e = array();
1576            $i = $square;
1577            while(ord($i{0}) < ord('h')) {
1578                $i{0} = chr(ord($i{0}) + 1);
1579                $e[] = $i;
1580            }
1581        }
1582        if ($s) {
1583            $s = array();
1584            $i = $square;
1585            while(ord($i{1}) > ord('1')) {
1586                $i{1} = chr(ord($i{1}) - 1);
1587                $s[] = $i;
1588            }
1589        }
1590        if ($w) {
1591            $w = array();
1592            $i = $square;
1593            while(ord($i{0}) > ord('a')) {
1594                $i{0} = chr(ord($i{0}) - 1);
1595                $w[] = $i;
1596            }
1597        }
1598        if ($returnFlatArray) {
1599            if (!$n) {
1600                $n = array();
1601            }
1602            if (!$s) {
1603                $s = array();
1604            }
1605            if (!$e) {
1606                $e = array();
1607            }
1608            if (!$w) {
1609                $w = array();
1610            }
1611            return array_merge($n, array_merge($s, array_merge($e, $w)));
1612        }
1613        return array('N' => $n, 'E' => $e, 'S' => $s, 'W' => $w);
1614    }
1616    /**
1617     * Get all the squares a queen could go to on a blank board
1618     *
1619     * WARNING: assumes valid input
1620     * @return array combines contents of {@link _getRookSquares()} and
1621     *               {@link _getDiagonals()}
1622     * @param string [a-h][1-8]
1623     * @param boolean if true, simply returns an array of all squares
1624     * @access protected
1625     */
1626    function _getQueenSquares($square, $returnFlatArray = false)
1627    {
1628        return array_merge($this->_getRookSquares($square, $returnFlatArray),
1629                           $this->_getDiagonals($square, $returnFlatArray));
1630    }
1632    /**
1633     * Get all the squares a knight could move to on an empty board
1634     *
1635     * WARNING: assumes valid input
1636     * @param string [a-h][1-8]
1637     * @param boolean if true, simply returns an array of all squares
1638     * @return array Returns an array of all the squares organized by compass
1639     *               point, that a knight can go to.  These squares may be indexed
1640     *               by any of WNW, NNW, NNE, ENE, ESE, SSE, SSW or WSW, unless
1641     *               $returnFlatArray is true, in which case an array of squares
1642     *               is returned
1643     * @access protected
1644     */
1645    function _getKnightSquares($square, $returnFlatArray = false)
1646    {
1647        $squares = array();
1648        // west-northwest square
1649        if (ord($square{0}) > ord('b') && $square{1} < 8) {
1650            $squares['WNW'] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 2) . ($square{1} + 1);
1651        }
1652        // north-northwest square
1653        if (ord($square{0}) > ord('a') && $square{1} < 7) {
1654            $squares['NNW'] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . ($square{1} + 2);
1655        }
1656        // north-northeast square
1657        if (ord($square{0}) < ord('h') && $square{1} < 7) {
1658            $squares['NNE'] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . ($square{1} + 2);
1659        }
1660        // east-northeast square
1661        if (ord($square{0}) < ord('g') && $square{1} < 8) {
1662            $squares['ENE'] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 2) . ($square{1} + 1);
1663        }
1664        // east-southeast square
1665        if (ord($square{0}) < ord('g') && $square{1} > 1) {
1666            $squares['ESE'] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 2) . ($square{1} - 1);
1667        }
1668        // south-southeast square
1669        if (ord($square{0}) < ord('h') && $square{1} > 2) {
1670            $squares['SSE'] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . ($square{1} - 2);
1671        }
1672        // south-southwest square
1673        if (ord($square{0}) > ord('a') && $square{1} > 2) {
1674            $squares['SSW'] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . ($square{1} - 2);
1675        }
1676        // west-southwest square
1677        if (ord($square{0}) > ord('b') && $square{1} > 1) {
1678            $squares['WSW'] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 2) . ($square{1} - 1);
1679        }
1680        if ($returnFlatArray) {
1681            return array_values($squares);
1682        }
1683        return $squares;
1684    }
1686    /**
1687     * Get a list of all the squares a king could castle to on an empty board
1688     *
1689     * WARNING: assumes valid input
1690     * @param string [a-h][1-8]
1691     * @return array
1692     * @access protected
1693     * @since 0.7alpha
1694     */
1695    function _getCastleSquares($square)
1696    {
1697        $ret = array();
1698        if ($this->_move == 'W') {
1699            if ($square == 'e1' && $this->_WCastleK) {
1700                $ret[] = 'g1';
1701            }
1702            if ($square == 'e1' && $this->_WCastleQ) {
1703                $ret[] = 'c1';
1704            }
1706        } else {
1707            if ($square == 'e8' && $this->_BCastleK) {
1708                $ret[] = 'g8';
1709            }
1710            if ($square == 'e8' && $this->_BCastleQ) {
1711                $ret[] = 'c8';
1712            }
1713        }
1714        return $ret;
1715    }
1717    /**
1718     * Get a list of all the squares a king could move to on an empty board
1719     *
1720     * WARNING: assumes valid input
1721     * @param string [a-h][1-8]
1722     * @return array
1723     * @access protected
1724     */
1725    function _getKingSquares($square)
1726    {
1727        $squares = array();
1728        if (ord($square{0}) - ord('a')) {
1729            $squares[] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . $square{1};
1730            if ($square{1} < 8) {
1731                $squares[] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . ($square{1} + 1);
1732            }
1733            if ($square{1} > 1) {
1734                $squares[] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . ($square{1} - 1);
1735            }
1736        }
1737        if (ord($square{0}) - ord('h')) {
1738            $squares[] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . $square{1};
1739            if ($square{1} < 8) {
1740                $squares[] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . ($square{1} + 1);
1741            }
1742            if ($square{1} > 1) {
1743                $squares[] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . ($square{1} - 1);
1744            }
1745        }
1746        if ($square{1} > 1) {
1747            $squares[] = $square{0} . ($square{1} - 1);
1748        }
1749        if ($square{1} < 8) {
1750            $squares[] = $square{0} . ($square{1} + 1);
1751        }
1752        return $squares;
1753    }
1755    /**
1756     * Get the location of all pieces on the board of a certain color
1757     *
1758     * Default is the color that is about to move
1759     * @param W|B
1760     * @return array|PEAR_Error
1762     */
1763    function getPieceLocations($color = null)
1764    {
1765        if (is_null($color)) {
1766            $color = $this->_move;
1767        }
1768        $color = strtoupper($color);
1769        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
1770            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
1771                array('color' => $color));
1772        }
1773        return $this->_getAllPieceLocations($color);
1774    }
1776    /**
1777     * Get the location of every piece on the board of color $color
1778     * @param W|B color of pieces to check
1779     * @return array
1780     * @abstract
1781     * @access protected
1782     */
1783    function _getAllPieceLocations($color)
1784    {
1785        trigger_error('Error: do not use abstract Games_Chess class', E_USER_ERROR);
1786    }
1788    /**
1789     * Get all legal Knight moves (checking of the king is not taken into account)
1790     * @param string [a-h][1-8] Location of piece
1791     * @param W|B color of piece, or null to use current piece to move
1792     * @return array
1793     */
1794    function getPossibleKnightMoves($square, $color = null)
1795    {
1796        if (is_null($color)) {
1797            $color = $this->_move;
1798        }
1799        $color = strtoupper($color);
1800        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
1801            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
1802                array('color' => $color));
1803        }
1804        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $square)) {
1805            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
1806                array('square' => $square));
1807        }
1808        $allmoves = $this->_getKnightSquares($square);
1809        $mypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color);
1810        return array_values(array_diff($allmoves, $mypieces));
1811    }
1813    /**
1814     * Get all legal Bishop moves (checking of the king is not taken into account)
1815     * @param string [a-h][1-8] Location of piece
1816     * @param W|B color of piece, or null to use current piece to move
1817     * @return array
1818     */
1819    function getPossibleBishopMoves($square, $color = null)
1820    {
1821        if (is_null($color)) {
1822            $color = $this->_move;
1823        }
1824        $color = strtoupper($color);
1825        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
1826            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
1827                array('color' => $color));
1828        }
1829        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $square)) {
1830            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
1831                array('square' => $square));
1832        }
1833        $allmoves = $this->_getDiagonals($square);
1834        $mypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color);
1835        foreach($mypieces as $loc) {
1836            // go through the diagonals, and remove squares behind our own pieces
1837            // and also remove the piece's square
1838            // as bishops cannot pass through any pieces.
1839            if (is_array($allmoves['NW']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['NW'])) {
1840                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['NW']);
1841                $allmoves['NW'] = array_slice($allmoves['NW'], 0, $pos);
1842            }
1843            if (is_array($allmoves['NE']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['NE'])) {
1844                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['NE']);
1845                $allmoves['NE'] = array_slice($allmoves['NE'], 0, $pos);
1846            }
1847            if (is_array($allmoves['SE']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['SE'])) {
1848                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['SE']);
1849                $allmoves['SE'] = array_slice($allmoves['SE'], 0, $pos);
1850            }
1851            if (is_array($allmoves['SW']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['SW'])) {
1852                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['SW']);
1853                $allmoves['SW'] = array_slice($allmoves['SW'], 0, $pos);
1854            }
1855        }
1856        $enemypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color == 'W' ? 'B' : 'W');
1857        foreach($enemypieces as $loc) {
1858            // go through the diagonals, and remove squares behind enemy pieces
1859            // and include the piece's square, since we can capture it
1860            // but bishops cannot pass through any pieces.
1861            if (is_array($allmoves['NW']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['NW'])) {
1862                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['NW']);
1863                $allmoves['NW'] = array_slice($allmoves['NW'], 0, $pos + 1);
1864            }
1865            if (is_array($allmoves['NE']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['NE'])) {
1866                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['NE']);
1867                $allmoves['NE'] = array_slice($allmoves['NE'], 0, $pos + 1);
1868            }
1869            if (is_array($allmoves['SE']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['SE'])) {
1870                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['SE']);
1871                $allmoves['SE'] = array_slice($allmoves['SE'], 0, $pos + 1);
1872            }
1873            if (is_array($allmoves['SW']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['SW'])) {
1874                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['SW']);
1875                $allmoves['SW'] = array_slice($allmoves['SW'], 0, $pos + 1);
1876            }
1877        }
1878        $newmoves = array();
1879        foreach($allmoves as $key => $value) {
1880            if (!$value) {
1881                continue;
1882            }
1883            $newmoves = array_merge($newmoves, $value);
1884        }
1885        return array_values(array_diff($newmoves, $mypieces));
1886    }
1888    /**
1889     * Get all legal Rook moves (checking of the king is not taken into account)
1890     * @param string [a-h][1-8] Location of piece
1891     * @param W|B color of piece, or null to use current piece to move
1892     * @return array
1893     */
1894    function getPossibleRookMoves($square, $color = null)
1895    {
1896        if (is_null($color)) {
1897            $color = $this->_move;
1898        }
1899        $color = strtoupper($color);
1900        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
1901            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
1902                array('color' => $color));
1903        }
1904        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $square)) {
1905            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
1906                array('square' => $square));
1907        }
1908        $allmoves = $this->_getRookSquares($square);
1909        $mypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color);
1910        foreach($mypieces as $loc) {
1911            // go through the rook squares, and remove squares behind our own pieces
1912            // and also remove the piece's square
1913            // as rooks cannot pass through any pieces.
1914            if (is_array($allmoves['N']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['N'])) {
1915                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['N']);
1916                $allmoves['N'] = array_slice($allmoves['N'], 0, $pos);
1917            }
1918            if (is_array($allmoves['E']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['E'])) {
1919                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['E']);
1920                $allmoves['E'] = array_slice($allmoves['E'], 0, $pos);
1921            }
1922            if (is_array($allmoves['S']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['S'])) {
1923                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['S']);
1924                $allmoves['S'] = array_slice($allmoves['S'], 0, $pos);
1925            }
1926            if (is_array($allmoves['W']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['W'])) {
1927                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['W']);
1928                $allmoves['W'] = array_slice($allmoves['W'], 0, $pos);
1929            }
1930        }
1931        $enemypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color == 'W' ? 'B' : 'W');
1932        foreach($enemypieces as $loc) {
1933            // go through the rook squares, and remove squares behind enemy pieces
1934            // and include the piece's square, since we can capture it
1935            // but rooks cannot pass through any pieces.
1936            if (is_array($allmoves['N']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['N'])) {
1937                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['N']);
1938                $allmoves['N'] = array_slice($allmoves['N'], 0, $pos + 1);
1939            }
1940            if (is_array($allmoves['E']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['E'])) {
1941                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['E']);
1942                $allmoves['E'] = array_slice($allmoves['E'], 0, $pos + 1);
1943            }
1944            if (is_array($allmoves['S']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['S'])) {
1945                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['S']);
1946                $allmoves['S'] = array_slice($allmoves['S'], 0, $pos + 1);
1947            }
1948            if (is_array($allmoves['W']) && in_array($loc, $allmoves['W'])) {
1949                $pos = array_search($loc, $allmoves['W']);
1950                $allmoves['W'] = array_slice($allmoves['W'], 0, $pos + 1);
1951            }
1952        }
1953        $newmoves = array();
1954        foreach($allmoves as $key => $value) {
1955            if (!$value) {
1956                continue;
1957            }
1958            $newmoves = array_merge($newmoves, $value);
1959        }
1960        return array_values(array_diff($newmoves, $mypieces));
1961    }
1963    /**
1964     * Get all legal Queen moves (checking of the king is not taken into account)
1965     * @param string [a-h][1-8] Location of piece
1966     * @param W|B color of piece, or null to use current piece to move
1967     * @return array
1968     */
1969    function getPossibleQueenMoves($square, $color = null)
1970    {
1971        $a = $this->getPossibleRookMoves($square, $color);
1972        if ($this->isError($a)) {
1973            return $a;
1974        }
1975        $b = $this->getPossibleBishopMoves($square, $color);
1976        if ($this->isError($b)) {
1977            return $b;
1978        }
1979        return array_merge($a, $b);
1980    }
1982    /**
1983     * Get all legal Pawn moves (checking of the king is not taken into account)
1984     * @param string [a-h][1-8] Location of piece
1985     * @param W|B color of piece, or null to use current piece to move
1986     * @return array
1987     */
1988    function getPossiblePawnMoves($square, $color = null, $enpassant = null)
1989    {
1990        if (is_null($color)) {
1991            $color = $this->_move;
1992        }
1993        $color = strtoupper($color);
1994        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
1995            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
1996                array('color' => $color));
1997        }
1998        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $square)) {
1999            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
2000                array('square' => $square));
2001        }
2002        if (is_null($enpassant)) {
2003            $enpassant = $this->_enPassantSquare;
2004        }
2005        $mypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color);
2006        $enemypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color == 'W' ? 'B' : 'W');
2007        $allmoves = array();
2008        if ($color == 'W') {
2009            $dbl = '2';
2010            $direction = 1;
2011            // en passant calculation
2012            if ($square{1} == '5' && in_array(ord($enpassant{0}) - ord($square{0}),
2013                                              array(1, -1))) {
2014                if (in_array(chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . 5,
2015                             $enemypieces)) {
2016                    $allmoves[] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . 6;
2017                }
2018                if (in_array(chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . 5,
2019                             $enemypieces)) {
2020                    $allmoves[] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . 6;
2021                }
2022            }
2023        } else {
2024            $dbl = '7';
2025            $direction = -1;
2026            // en passant calculation
2027            if ($square{1} == '4' && in_array(ord($enpassant{0}) - ord($square{0}),
2028                                              array(1, -1))) {
2029                if (in_array(chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . 4,
2030                             $enemypieces)) {
2031                    $allmoves[] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . 3;
2032                }
2033                if (in_array(chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . 4,
2034                             $enemypieces)) {
2035                    $allmoves[] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . 3;
2036                }
2037            }
2038        }
2039        if (!in_array($square{0} . ($square{1} + $direction), $mypieces) &&
2040            !in_array($square{0} . ($square{1} + $direction), $enemypieces))
2041        {
2042            $allmoves[] = $square{0} . ($square{1} + $direction);
2043        }
2044        if (count($allmoves) && $square{1} == $dbl) {
2045            if (!in_array($square{0} . ($square{1} + 2 * $direction), $mypieces) &&
2046                !in_array($square{0} . ($square{1} + 2 * $direction), $enemypieces))
2047            {
2048                $allmoves[] = $square{0} . ($square{1} + 2 * $direction);
2049            }
2050        }
2051        if (in_array(chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . ($square{1} + $direction),
2052                     $enemypieces)) {
2053            $allmoves[] = chr(ord($square{0}) - 1) . ($square{1} + $direction);
2054        }
2055        if (in_array(chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . ($square{1} + $direction),
2056                     $enemypieces)) {
2057            $allmoves[] = chr(ord($square{0}) + 1) . ($square{1} + $direction);
2058        }
2059        return $allmoves;
2060    }
2062    /**
2063     * Get all legal King moves (checking of the king is not taken into account)
2064     * @param string [a-h][1-8] Location of piece
2065     * @param W|B color of piece, or null to use current piece to move
2066     * @return array
2067     * @since 0.7alpha castling is possible by moving the king to the destination square
2068     */
2069    function getPossibleKingMoves($square, $color = null, $returnCastleMoves = true)
2070    {
2071        if (is_null($color)) {
2072            $color = $this->_move;
2073        }
2074        $color = strtoupper($color);
2075        if (!in_array($color, array('W', 'B'))) {
2076            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_COLOR,
2077                array('color' => $color));
2078        }
2079        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $square)) {
2080            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
2081                array('square' => $square));
2082        }
2083        $newret = $castleret = array();
2084        $ret = $this->_getKingSquares($square);
2085        if ($returnCastleMoves) {
2086            $castleret = $this->_getCastleSquares($square);
2087        }
2088        $mypieces = $this->getPieceLocations($color);
2089        foreach ($ret as $square) {
2090            if (!in_array($square, $mypieces)) {
2091                $newret[] = $square;
2092            }
2093        }
2094        return array_merge($newret, $castleret);
2095    }
2097    /**
2098     * Return the color of a square (black or white)
2099     * @param string [a-h][1-8]
2100     * @access protected
2101     * @return B|W
2102     */
2103    function _getDiagonalColor($square)
2104    {
2105        $map = array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4, 'e' => 5, 'f' => 6,
2106            'g' => 7, 'h' => 8);
2107        $rank = $map[$square{0}];
2108        $file = $square{1};
2109        $color = ($rank + $file) % 2;
2110        return $color ? 'W' : 'B';
2111    }
2113    function getDiagonalColor($square)
2114    {
2115        if (!preg_match('/^[a-h][1-8]$/', $square)) {
2116            return $this->raiseError(GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_INVALID_SQUARE,
2117                array('square' => $square));
2118        }
2119        return $this->_getDiagonalColor($square);
2120    }
2122    /**
2123     * Get all the squares between an attacker and the king where another
2124     * piece can interpose, or capture the checking piece
2125     *
2126     * @param string algebraic square of the checking piece
2127     * @param string algebraic square of the king
2128     */
2129    function _getPathToKing($checkee, $king)
2130    {
2131        if ($this->_isKnight($this->_board[$checkee])) {
2132            return array($checkee);
2133        } else {
2134            $path = array();
2135            // get all the paths
2136            $kingpaths = $this->_getQueenSquares($king);
2137            foreach ($kingpaths as $subpath) {
2138                if (!$subpath) {
2139                    continue;
2140                }
2141                if (in_array($checkee, $subpath)) {
2142                    foreach ($subpath as $square) {
2143                        $path[] = $square;
2144                        if ($square == $checkee) {
2145                            return $path;
2146                        }
2147                    }
2148                }
2149            }
2150        }
2151    }
2153    /**
2154     * @param integer error code from {@link Chess.php}
2155     * @param array associative array of additional error message data
2156     * @uses PEAR::raiseError()
2157     * @return PEAR_Error
2158     */
2159    function raiseError($code, $extra = array())
2160    {
2161        require_once 'PEAR.php';
2162        return PEAR::raiseError($this->getMessage($code, $extra), $code,
2163            null, null, $extra);
2164    }
2166    /**
2167     * Get an error message from the code
2168     *
2169     * Future versions of this method will be multi-language
2170     * @return string
2171     * @param integer Error code
2172     * @param array extra information to pass for error message creation
2173     */
2174    function getMessage($code, $extra)
2175    {
2176        $messages = array(
2178                '"%pgn%" is not a valid algebraic move',
2179            GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_FEN_COUNT =>
2180                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" has %sections% fields, 6 is required',
2181            GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_EMPTY_FEN =>
2182                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" has an empty field at index %section%',
2184                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" has too many pieces for a chessboard',
2186                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" has invalid to-move indicator, must be "w" or "b"',
2188                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" the castling indicator (KQkq) is too long',
2190                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" the castling indicator "%castle%" is invalid',
2192                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" the en passant square indicator "%enpassant%" is invalid',
2194                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" the half-move ply count "%ply%" is not a number',
2196                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" the move number "%movenumber%" is not a number',
2197            GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_IN_CHECK =>
2198                'The king is in check and that move does not prevent check',
2199            GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CK =>
2200                'Can\'t castle kingside, either the king or rook has moved',
2202                'Can\'t castle kingside, pieces are in the way',
2203            GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_CQ =>
2204                'Can\'t castle queenside, either the king or rook has moved',
2206                'Can\'t castle queenside, pieces are in the way',
2208                'Can\'t castle, it would put the king in check',
2210                'That move would put the king in check',
2212                'The move does not remove the check on the king',
2214                'Cannot capture your own pieces',
2215            GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_NO_PIECE =>
2216                'There is no piece on square %square%',
2218                'The piece on %square% is not your piece',
2220                'The piece on %from% cannot move to %to%',
2222                'Too many %color% %piece%s',
2224                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" Too many %color% %piece%s',
2226                '%dpiece% already occupies square %square%, cannot be replaced by %piece%',
2228                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" the character "%fenchar%" is not a valid piece, separator or number',
2230                'Invalid FEN - "%fen%" has too few pieces for a chessboard',
2232                '"%color%" is not a valid piece color, try W or B',
2234                '"%square%" is not a valid square, must be between a1 and h8',
2236                '"%piece%" is not a valid piece, must be P, Q, R, N, K or B',
2238                '"%piece%" is not a valid promotion piece, must be Q, R, N or B',
2240                '"%san%" does not resolve ambiguity between %piece%s on %squares%',
2242                'There are no %color% pieces on the board that can do "%san%"',
2244                'Capture is possible, "%san%" does not capture',
2246                'There are no captured %color% %piece%s available to place',
2248                'There is already a piece on %square%, cannot place another there',
2249            GAMES_CHESS_ERROR_CANT_PLACE_18 =>
2250                'Placing a piece on the first or back rank is illegal (%san%)',
2251        );
2252        $message = $messages[$code];
2253        foreach ($extra as $key => $value) {
2254            if (strpos($key, 'piece') !== false) {
2255                switch(strtoupper($value)) {
2256                    case 'R' :
2257                        $value = 'Rook';
2258                    break;
2259                    case 'Q' :
2260                        $value = 'Queen';
2261                    break;
2262                    case 'P' :
2263                        $value = 'Pawn';
2264                    break;
2265                    case 'B' :
2266                        $value = 'Bishop';
2267                    break;
2268                    case 'K' :
2269                        $value = 'King';
2270                    break;
2271                    case 'N' :
2272                        $value = 'Knight';
2273                    break;
2274                }
2275            }
2276            if ($key == 'color') {
2277                switch($value) {
2278                    case 'W' :
2279                        $value = 'White';
2280                    break;
2281                    case 'B' :
2282                        $value = 'Black';
2283                    break;
2284                }
2285            }
2286            $message = str_replace('%'.$key.'%', $value, $message);
2287        }
2288        return $message;
2289    }
2291    /**
2292     * Determines whether the data returned from a method is a PEAR-related
2293     * error class
2294     * @param mixed
2295     * @return boolean
2296     */
2297    function isError($err)
2298    {
2299        return is_a($err, 'PEAR_Error');
2300    }
2302    /**
2303     * Begin a chess piece transaction
2304     *
2305     * Transactions are used to attempt moves that may be revoked later, especially
2306     * in methods like {@link inCheckMate()}
2307     */
2308    function startTransaction()
2309    {
2310        $state = get_object_vars($this);
2311        unset($state['_saveState']);
2312        if (!is_array($this->_saveState)) {
2313            $this->_saveState = array();
2314        }
2315        array_push($this->_saveState, $state);
2316    }
2318    /**
2319     * Set the state of the chess game
2320     *
2321     * WARNING: this resets the state without any validation.
2322     * @param array
2323     */
2324    function setState($state)
2325    {
2326        foreach($state as $name => $value) {
2327            $this->$name = $value;
2328        }
2329    }
2331    /**
2332     * Get the current state of the chess game
2333     *
2334     * Use this in conjunction with setState
2335     * @param array
2336     */
2337    function getState()
2338    {
2339        return get_object_vars($this);
2340    }
2342    /**
2343     * Remove any possibility of undo.
2344     */
2345    function commitTransaction()
2346    {
2347        array_pop($this->_saveState);
2348    }
2350    /**
2351     * Undo any changes to state since {@link startTransaction()} was first used
2352     */
2353    function rollbackTransaction()
2354    {
2355        $vars = array_pop($this->_saveState);
2356        foreach($vars as $name => $value) {
2357            $this->$name = $value;
2358        }
2359    }