1# encoding: utf-8
3Common implementation of ID, Population, PopulationView and Assembly classes.
5These base classes should be sub-classed by the backend-specific classes.
7:copyright: Copyright 2006-2021 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
8:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.
11import numpy as np
12import logging
13import operator
14from itertools import chain
15from functools import reduce
16from collections import defaultdict
17from pyNN import random, recording, errors, standardmodels, core, space, descriptions
18from pyNN.models import BaseCellType
19from pyNN.parameters import ParameterSpace, LazyArray, simplify as simplify_parameter_array
20from pyNN.recording import files
23deprecated = core.deprecated
24logger = logging.getLogger("PyNN")
27def is_conductance(target_cell):
28    """
29    Returns True if the target cell uses conductance-based synapses, False if
30    it uses current-based synapses, and None if the synapse-basis cannot be
31    determined.
32    """
33    if hasattr(target_cell, 'local') and target_cell.local and hasattr(target_cell, 'celltype'):
34        is_conductance = target_cell.celltype.conductance_based
35    else:
36        is_conductance = None
37    return is_conductance
40class IDMixin(object):
41    """
42    Instead of storing ids as integers, we store them as ID objects,
43    which allows a syntax like:
44        p[3,4].tau_m = 20.0
45    where p is a Population object.
46    """
47    # Simulator ID classes should inherit both from the base type of the ID
48    # (e.g., int or long) and from IDMixin.
50    def __getattr__(self, name):
51        if name == "parent":
52            raise Exception("parent is not set")
53        elif name == "set":
54            errmsg = "For individual cells, set values using the parameter name directly, " \
55                     "e.g. population[0].tau_m = 20.0, or use 'set' on a population view, " \
56                     "e.g. population[0:1].set(tau_m=20.0)"
57            raise AttributeError(errmsg)
58        try:
59            val = self.get_parameters()[name]
60        except KeyError:
61            raise errors.NonExistentParameterError(name,
62                                                   self.celltype.__class__.__name__,
63                                                   self.celltype.get_parameter_names())
64        return val
66    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
67        if name == "parent":
68            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
69        elif self.celltype.has_parameter(name):
70            self.set_parameters(**{name: value})
71        else:
72            object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
74    def set_parameters(self, **parameters):
75        """
76        Set cell parameters, given as a sequence of parameter=value arguments.
77        """
78        # if some of the parameters are computed from the values of other
79        # parameters, need to get and translate all parameters
80        if self.local:
81            self.as_view().set(**parameters)
82        else:
83            raise errors.NotLocalError(
84                "Cannot set parameters for a cell that does not exist on this node.")
86    def get_parameters(self):
87        """Return a dict of all cell parameters."""
88        if self.local:
89            parameter_names = self.celltype.get_parameter_names()
90            return dict((k, v) for k, v in zip(parameter_names, self.as_view().get(parameter_names)))
91        else:
92            raise errors.NotLocalError(
93                "Cannot obtain parameters for a cell that does not exist on this node.")
95    @property
96    def celltype(self):
97        return self.parent.celltype
99    @property
100    def is_standard_cell(self):
101        return isinstance(self.celltype, standardmodels.StandardCellType)
103    def _set_position(self, pos):
104        """
105        Set the cell position in 3D space.
107        Cell positions are stored in an array in the parent Population.
108        """
109        assert isinstance(pos, (tuple, np.ndarray))
110        assert len(pos) == 3
111        self.parent._set_cell_position(self, pos)
113    def _get_position(self):
114        """
115        Return the cell position in 3D space.
117        Cell positions are stored in an array in the parent Population, if any,
118        or within the ID object otherwise. Positions are generated the first
119        time they are requested and then cached.
120        """
121        return self.parent._get_cell_position(self)
123    position = property(_get_position, _set_position)
125    @property
126    def local(self):
127        return self.parent.is_local(self)
129    def inject(self, current_source):
130        """Inject current from a current source object into the cell."""
131        current_source.inject_into([self])
133    def get_initial_value(self, variable):
134        """Get the initial value of a state variable of the cell."""
135        return self.parent._get_cell_initial_value(self, variable)
137    def set_initial_value(self, variable, value):
138        """Set the initial value of a state variable of the cell."""
139        self.parent._set_cell_initial_value(self, variable, value)
141    def as_view(self):
142        """Return a PopulationView containing just this cell."""
143        index = self.parent.id_to_index(self)
144        return self.parent[index:index + 1]
147class BasePopulation(object):
148    _record_filter = None
150    def __getitem__(self, index):
151        """
152        Return either a single cell (ID object) from the Population, if `index`
153        is an integer, or a subset of the cells (PopulationView object), if
154        `index` is a slice or array.
156        Note that __getitem__ is called when using [] access, e.g.
157            p = Population(...)
158            p[2] is equivalent to p.__getitem__(2).
159            p[3:6] is equivalent to p.__getitem__(slice(3, 6))
160        """
161        if isinstance(index, (int, np.integer)):
162            return self.all_cells[index]
163        elif isinstance(index, (slice, list, np.ndarray)):
164            return self._get_view(index)
165        elif isinstance(index, tuple):
166            return self._get_view(list(index))
167        else:
168            raise TypeError(
169                "indices must be integers, slices, lists, arrays or tuples, not %s" % type(index).__name__)
171    def __len__(self):
172        """Return the total number of cells in the population (all nodes)."""
173        return self.size
175    @property
176    def local_size(self):
177        """Return the number of cells in the population on the local MPI node"""
178        return len(self.local_cells)  # would self._mask_local.sum() be faster?
180    def __iter__(self):
181        """Iterator over cell ids on the local node."""
182        return iter(self.local_cells)
184    @property
185    def conductance_based(self):
186        """
187        Indicates whether the post-synaptic response is modelled as a change
188        in conductance or a change in current.
189        """
190        return self.celltype.conductance_based
192    @property
193    def receptor_types(self):
194        return self.celltype.receptor_types
196    def is_local(self, id):
197        """
198        Indicates whether the cell with the given ID exists on the local MPI node.
199        """
200        assert id.parent is self
201        index = self.id_to_index(id)
202        return self._mask_local[index]
204    def all(self):
205        """Iterator over cell ids on all MPI nodes."""
206        return iter(self.all_cells)
208    def __add__(self, other):
209        """
210        A Population/PopulationView can be added to another Population,
211        PopulationView or Assembly, returning an Assembly.
212        """
213        assert isinstance(other, BasePopulation)
214        return self._assembly_class(self, other)
216    def _get_cell_position(self, id):
217        index = self.id_to_index(id)
218        return self.positions[:, index]
220    def _set_cell_position(self, id, pos):
221        index = self.id_to_index(id)
222        self.positions[:, index] = pos
224    @property
225    def position_generator(self):  # "generator" is a misleading name, has no yield statement
226        def gen(i):
227            return self.positions.T[i]
228        return gen
230    def _get_cell_initial_value(self, id, variable):
231        if variable in self.initial_values:
232            assert isinstance(self.initial_values[variable], LazyArray)
233            index = self.id_to_local_index(id)
234            return self.initial_values[variable][index]
235        else:
236            logger.warning(
237                "Variable '{}' is not in initial values, returning 0.0".format(variable))
238            return 0.0
240    def _set_cell_initial_value(self, id, variable, value):
241        assert isinstance(self.initial_values[variable], LazyArray)
242        index = self.id_to_local_index(id)
243        self.initial_values[variable][index] = value
245    def nearest(self, position):
246        """Return the neuron closest to the specified position."""
247        # doesn't always work correctly if a position is equidistant between
248        # two neurons, i.e. 0.5 should be rounded up, but it isn't always.
249        # also doesn't take account of periodic boundary conditions
250        pos = np.array([position] * self.positions.shape[1]).transpose()
251        dist_arr = (self.positions - pos)**2
252        distances = dist_arr.sum(axis=0)
253        nearest = distances.argmin()
254        return self[nearest]
256    def sample(self, n, rng=None):
257        """
258        Randomly sample `n` cells from the Population, and return a
259        PopulationView object.
260        """
261        assert isinstance(n, int)
262        if not rng:
263            rng = random.NumpyRNG()
264        indices = rng.permutation(np.arange(len(self), dtype=np.int))[0:n]
265        logger.debug("The %d cells selected have indices %s" % (n, indices))
266        logger.debug("%s.sample(%s)", self.label, n)
267        return self._get_view(indices)
269    def get(self, parameter_names, gather=False, simplify=True):
270        """
271        Get the values of the given parameters for every local cell in the
272        population, or, if gather=True, for all cells in the population.
274        Values will be expressed in the standard PyNN units (i.e. millivolts,
275        nanoamps, milliseconds, microsiemens, nanofarads, event per second).
276        """
277        # if all the cells have the same value for a parameter, should
278        # we return just the number, rather than an array?
279        if isinstance(parameter_names, str):
280            parameter_names = (parameter_names,)
281            return_list = False
282        else:
283            return_list = True
284        if isinstance(self.celltype, standardmodels.StandardCellType):
285            if any(name in self.celltype.computed_parameters() for name in parameter_names):
286                native_names = self.celltype.get_native_names()  # need all parameters in order to calculate values
287            else:
288                native_names = self.celltype.get_native_names(*parameter_names)
289            native_parameter_space = self._get_parameters(*native_names)
290            parameter_space = self.celltype.reverse_translate(native_parameter_space)
291        else:
292            parameter_space = self._get_parameters(*parameter_names)
293        # what if parameter space is homogeneous on some nodes but not on others?
294        parameter_space.evaluate(simplify=simplify)
295        # this also causes problems if the population size matches the number of MPI nodes
296        parameters = dict(parameter_space.items())
297        if gather == True and self._simulator.state.num_processes > 1:
298            # seems inefficient to do it in a loop - should do as single operation
299            for name in parameter_names:
300                values = parameters[name]
301                if isinstance(values, np.ndarray):
302                    all_values = {self._simulator.state.mpi_rank: values.tolist()}
303                    local_indices = np.arange(self.size,)[self._mask_local].tolist()
304                    all_indices = {self._simulator.state.mpi_rank: local_indices}
305                    all_values = recording.gather_dict(all_values)
306                    all_indices = recording.gather_dict(all_indices)
307                    if self._simulator.state.mpi_rank == 0:
308                        values = reduce(operator.add, all_values.values())
309                        indices = reduce(operator.add, all_indices.values())
310                        idx = np.argsort(indices)
311                        values = np.array(values)[idx]
312                parameters[name] = values
313        try:
314            values = [parameters[name] for name in parameter_names]
315        except KeyError as err:
316            raise errors.NonExistentParameterError("%s. Valid parameters for %s are: %s" % (
317                err, self.celltype, self.celltype.get_parameter_names()))
318        if return_list:
319            return values
320        else:
321            assert len(parameter_names) == 1
322            return values[0]
324    def set(self, **parameters):
325        """
326        Set one or more parameters for every cell in the population.
328        Values passed to set() may be:
329            (1) single values
330            (2) RandomDistribution objects
331            (3) lists/arrays of values of the same size as the population
332            (4) mapping functions, where a mapping function accepts a single
333                argument (the cell index) and returns a single value.
335        Here, a "single value" may be either a single number or a list/array of
336        numbers (e.g. for spike times). Values should be expressed in the
337        standard PyNN units (i.e. millivolts, nanoamps, milliseconds,
338        microsiemens, nanofarads, event per second).
340        Examples::
342            p.set(tau_m=20.0, v_rest=-65).
343            p.set(spike_times=[0.3, 0.7, 0.9, 1.4])
344            p.set(cm=rand_distr, tau_m=lambda i: 10 + i/10.0)
345        """
346        # TODO: add example using of function of (x,y,z) and Population.position_generator
347        if self.local_size > 0:
348            if (isinstance(self.celltype, standardmodels.StandardCellType)
349                    and any(name in self.celltype.computed_parameters() for name in parameters)
350                    and not isinstance(self.celltype, standardmodels.cells.SpikeSourceArray)):
351                      # the last condition above is a bit of hack to avoid calling expand() unecessarily
352                # need to get existing parameter space of models so we can perform calculations
353                native_names = self.celltype.get_native_names()
354                parameter_space = self.celltype.reverse_translate(
355                    self._get_parameters(*native_names))
356                if self.local_size != self.size:
357                    parameter_space.expand((self.size,), self._mask_local)
358                parameter_space.update(**parameters)
359            else:
360                parameter_space = ParameterSpace(parameters,
361                                                 self.celltype.get_schema(),
362                                                 (self.size,),
363                                                 self.celltype.__class__)
364            if isinstance(self.celltype, standardmodels.StandardCellType):
365                parameter_space = self.celltype.translate(parameter_space)
366            assert parameter_space.shape == (self.size,), "{} != {}".format(
367                parameter_space.shape, self.size)
368            self._set_parameters(parameter_space)
370    @deprecated("set(parametername=value_array)")
371    def tset(self, parametername, value_array):
372        """
373        'Topographic' set. Set the value of parametername to the values in
374        value_array, which must have the same dimensions as the Population.
375        """
376        self.set(**{parametername: value_array})
378    @deprecated("set(parametername=rand_distr)")
379    def rset(self, parametername, rand_distr):
380        """
381        'Random' set. Set the value of parametername to a value taken from
382        rand_distr, which should be a RandomDistribution object.
383        """
384        # Note that we generate enough random numbers for all cells on all nodes
385        # but use only those relevant to this node. This ensures that the
386        # sequence of random numbers does not depend on the number of nodes,
387        # provided that the same rng with the same seed is used on each node.
388        self.set(**{parametername: rand_distr})
390    def initialize(self, **initial_values):
391        """
392        Set initial values of state variables, e.g. the membrane potential.
394        Values passed to initialize() may be:
395            (1) single numeric values (all neurons set to the same value)
396            (2) RandomDistribution objects
397            (3) lists/arrays of numbers of the same size as the population
398            (4) mapping functions, where a mapping function accepts a single
399                argument (the cell index) and returns a single number.
401        Values should be expressed in the standard PyNN units (i.e. millivolts,
402        nanoamps, milliseconds, microsiemens, nanofarads, event per second).
404        Examples::
406            p.initialize(v=-70.0)
407            p.initialize(v=rand_distr, gsyn_exc=0.0)
408            p.initialize(v=lambda i: -65 + i/10.0)
409        """
410        for variable, value in initial_values.items():
411            logger.debug("In Population '%s', initialising %s to %s" %
412                         (self.label, variable, value))
413            initial_value = LazyArray(value, shape=(self.size,), dtype=float)
414            self._set_initial_value_array(variable, initial_value)
415            self.initial_values[variable] = initial_value
417    def find_units(self, variable):
418        """
419        Returns units of the specified variable or parameter, as a string.
420        Works for all the recordable variables and neuron parameters of all standard models.
421        """
422        return self.celltype.units[variable]
424    def annotate(self, **annotations):
425        self.annotations.update(annotations)
427    def can_record(self, variable):
428        """Determine whether `variable` can be recorded from this population."""
429        return self.celltype.can_record(variable)
431    @property
432    def injectable(self):
433        return self.celltype.injectable
435    def record(self, variables, to_file=None, sampling_interval=None):
436        """
437        Record the specified variable or variables for all cells in the
438        Population or view.
440        `variables` may be either a single variable name or a list of variable
441        names. For a given celltype class, `celltype.recordable` contains a list of
442        variables that can be recorded for that celltype.
444        If specified, `to_file` should be either a filename or a Neo IO instance and `write_data()`
445        will be automatically called when `end()` is called.
447        `sampling_interval` should be a value in milliseconds, and an integer
448        multiple of the simulation timestep.
449        """
450        if variables is None:  # reset the list of things to record
451            # note that if record(None) is called on a view of a population
452            # recording will be reset for the entire population, not just the view
453            self.recorder.reset()
454        else:
455            logger.debug("%s.record('%s')", self.label, variables)
456            if self._record_filter is None:
457                self.recorder.record(variables, self.all_cells, sampling_interval)
458            else:
459                self.recorder.record(variables, self._record_filter, sampling_interval)
460        if isinstance(to_file, str):
461            self.recorder.file = to_file
462            self._simulator.state.write_on_end.append((self, variables, self.recorder.file))
464    @deprecated("record('v')")
465    def record_v(self, to_file=True):
466        """
467        Record the membrane potential for all cells in the Population.
468        """
469        self.record('v', to_file)
471    @deprecated("record(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'])")
472    def record_gsyn(self, to_file=True):
473        """
474        Record synaptic conductances for all cells in the Population.
475        """
476        self.record(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'], to_file)
478    def write_data(self, io, variables='all', gather=True, clear=False, annotations=None):
479        """
480        Write recorded data to file, using one of the file formats supported by
481        Neo.
483        `io`:
484            a Neo IO instance
485        `variables`:
486            either a single variable name or a list of variable names.
487            Variables must have been previously recorded, otherwise an
488            Exception will be raised.
490        For parallel simulators, if `gather` is True, all data will be gathered
491        to the master node and a single output file created there. Otherwise, a
492        file will be written on each node, containing only data from the cells
493        simulated on that node.
495        If `clear` is True, recorded data will be deleted from the `Population`.
497        `annotations` should be a dict containing simple data types such as
498        numbers and strings. The contents will be written into the output data
499        file as metadata.
500        """
501        logger.debug("Population %s is writing %s to %s [gather=%s, clear=%s]" % (
502            self.label, variables, io, gather, clear))
503        self.recorder.write(variables, io, gather, self._record_filter, clear=clear,
504                            annotations=annotations)
506    def get_data(self, variables='all', gather=True, clear=False):
507        """
508        Return a Neo `Block` containing the data (spikes, state variables)
509        recorded from the Population.
511        `variables` - either a single variable name or a list of variable names
512                      Variables must have been previously recorded, otherwise an
513                      Exception will be raised.
515        For parallel simulators, if `gather` is True, all data will be gathered
516        to all nodes and the Neo `Block` will contain data from all nodes.
517        Otherwise, the Neo `Block` will contain only data from the cells
518        simulated on the local node.
520        If `clear` is True, recorded data will be deleted from the `Population`.
521        """
522        return self.recorder.get(variables, gather, self._record_filter, clear)
524    @deprecated("write_data(file, 'spikes')")
525    def printSpikes(self, file, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
526        self.write_data(file, 'spikes', gather)
528    @deprecated("get_data('spikes')")
529    def getSpikes(self, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
530        return self.get_data('spikes', gather)
532    @deprecated("write_data(file, 'v')")
533    def print_v(self, file, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
534        self.write_data(file, 'v', gather)
536    @deprecated("get_data('v')")
537    def get_v(self, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
538        return self.get_data('v', gather)
540    @deprecated("write_data(file, ['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'])")
541    def print_gsyn(self, file, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
542        self.write_data(file, ['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'], gather)
544    @deprecated("get_data(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'])")
545    def get_gsyn(self, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
546        return self.get_data(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'], gather)
548    def get_spike_counts(self, gather=True):
549        """
550        Returns a dict containing the number of spikes for each neuron.
552        The dict keys are neuron IDs, not indices.
553        """
554        # arguably, we should use indices
555        return self.recorder.count('spikes', gather, self._record_filter)
557    @deprecated("mean_spike_count()")
558    def meanSpikeCount(self, gather=True):
559        return self.mean_spike_count(gather)
561    def mean_spike_count(self, gather=True):
562        """
563        Returns the mean number of spikes per neuron.
564        """
565        spike_counts = self.get_spike_counts(gather)
566        total_spikes = sum(spike_counts.values())
567        if self._simulator.state.mpi_rank == 0 or not gather:  # should maybe use allgather, and get the numbers on all nodes
568            if len(spike_counts) > 0:
569                return float(total_spikes) / len(spike_counts)
570            else:
571                return 0
572        else:
573            return np.nan
575    def inject(self, current_source):
576        """
577        Connect a current source to all cells in the Population.
578        """
579        if not self.celltype.injectable:
580            raise TypeError("Can't inject current into a spike source.")
581        current_source.inject_into(self)
583    # name should be consistent with saving/writing data, i.e. save_data() and save_positions() or write_data() and write_positions()
584    def save_positions(self, file):
585        """
586        Save positions to file. The output format is ``index x y z``
587        """
588        if isinstance(file, str):
589            file = recording.files.StandardTextFile(file, mode='w')
590        cells = self.all_cells
591        result = np.empty((len(cells), 4))
592        result[:, 0] = np.array([self.id_to_index(id) for id in cells])
593        result[:, 1:4] = self.positions.T
594        if self._simulator.state.mpi_rank == 0:
595            file.write(result, {'population': self.label})
596            file.close()
599class Population(BasePopulation):
600    """
601    A group of neurons all of the same type. "Population" is used as a generic
602    term intended to include layers, columns, nuclei, etc., of cells.
604    Arguments:
605        `size`:
606            number of cells in the Population. For backwards-compatibility,
607            `size` may also be a tuple giving the dimensions of a grid,
608            e.g. ``size=(10,10)`` is equivalent to ``size=100`` with ``structure=Grid2D()``.
610        `cellclass`:
611            a cell type (a class inheriting from :class:`pyNN.models.BaseCellType`).
613        `cellparams`:
614            a dict, or other mapping, containing parameters, which is passed to
615            the neuron model constructor.
617        `structure`:
618            a :class:`pyNN.space.Structure` instance, used to specify the
619            positions of neurons in space.
621        `initial_values`:
622            a dict, or other mapping, containing initial values for the neuron
623            state variables.
625        `label`:
626            a name for the population. One will be auto-generated if this is not
627            supplied.
628    """
629    _nPop = 0
631    def __init__(self, size, cellclass, cellparams=None, structure=None,
632                 initial_values={}, label=None):
633        """
634        Create a population of neurons all of the same type.
635        """
636        if not hasattr(self, "_simulator"):
637            errmsg = "`common.Population` should not be instantiated directly. " \
638                     "You should import Population from a PyNN backend module, " \
639                     "e.g. pyNN.nest or pyNN.neuron"
640            raise Exception(errmsg)
641        if not isinstance(size, (int, np.integer)):  # also allow a single integer, for a 1D population
642            assert isinstance(
643                size, tuple), "`size` must be an integer or a tuple of ints. You have supplied a %s" % type(size)
644            # check the things inside are ints
645            for e in size:
646                assert isinstance(
647                    e, int), "`size` must be an integer or a tuple of ints. Element '%s' is not an int" % str(e)
649            assert structure is None, "If you specify `size` as a tuple you may not specify structure."
650            if len(size) == 1:
651                structure = space.Line()
652            elif len(size) == 2:
653                nx, ny = size
654                structure = space.Grid2D(nx / float(ny))
655            elif len(size) == 3:
656                nx, ny, nz = size
657                structure = space.Grid3D(nx / float(ny), nx / float(nz))
658            else:
659                raise Exception(
660                    "A maximum of 3 dimensions is allowed. What do you think this is, string theory?")
661            # NEST doesn't like np.int, so to be safe we cast to Python int
662            size = int(reduce(operator.mul, size))
663        self.size = size
664        self.label = label or 'population%d' % Population._nPop
665        self._structure = structure or space.Line()
666        self._positions = None
667        self._is_sorted = True
668        if isinstance(cellclass, BaseCellType):
669            self.celltype = cellclass
670            assert cellparams is None   # cellparams being retained for backwards compatibility, but use is deprecated
671        elif issubclass(cellclass, BaseCellType):
672            self.celltype = cellclass(**cellparams)
673            # emit deprecation warning
674        else:
675            raise TypeError(
676                "cellclass must be an instance or subclass of BaseCellType, not a %s" % type(cellclass))
677        self.annotations = {}
678        self.recorder = self._recorder_class(self)
679        # Build the arrays of cell ids
680        # Cells on the local node are represented as ID objects, other cells by integers
681        # All are stored in a single numpy array for easy lookup by address
682        # The local cells are also stored in a list, for easy iteration
683        self._create_cells()
684        self.first_id = self.all_cells[0]
685        self.last_id = self.all_cells[-1]
686        self.initial_values = {}
687        all_initial_values = self.celltype.default_initial_values.copy()
688        all_initial_values.update(initial_values)
689        self.initialize(**all_initial_values)
690        Population._nPop += 1
692    def __repr__(self):
693        return "Population(%d, %r, structure=%r, label=%r)" % (self.size, self.celltype, self.structure, self.label)
695    @property
696    def local_cells(self):
697        """
698        An array containing cell ids for the local node.
699        """
700        return self.all_cells[self._mask_local]
702    def id_to_index(self, id):
703        """
704        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their) index
705        (order in the Population).
707            >>> assert p.id_to_index(p[5]) == 5
708        """
709        if not np.iterable(id):
710            if not self.first_id <= id <= self.last_id:
711                raise ValueError("id should be in the range [%d,%d], actually %d" % (
712                    self.first_id, self.last_id, id))
713            return int(id - self.first_id)  # this assumes ids are consecutive
714        else:
715            if isinstance(id, PopulationView):
716                id = id.all_cells
717            id = np.array(id)
718            if (self.first_id > id.min()) or (self.last_id < id.max()):
719                raise ValueError("ids should be in the range [%d,%d], actually [%d, %d]" % (
720                    self.first_id, self.last_id, id.min(), id.max()))
721            return (id - self.first_id).astype(np.int)  # this assumes ids are consecutive
723    def id_to_local_index(self, id):
724        """
725        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their) index
726        (order in the Population), counting only cells on the local MPI node.
727        """
728        if self._simulator.state.num_processes > 1:
729            return self.local_cells.tolist().index(id)          # probably very slow
730            # return np.nonzero(self.local_cells == id)[0][0] # possibly faster?
731            # another idea - get global index, use idx-sum(mask_local[:idx])?
732        else:
733            return self.id_to_index(id)
735    def _get_structure(self):
736        """The spatial structure of the Population."""
737        return self._structure
739    def _set_structure(self, structure):
740        assert isinstance(structure, space.BaseStructure)
741        if self._structure is None or structure != self._structure:
742            self._positions = None  # setting a new structure invalidates previously calculated positions
743            self._structure = structure
744    structure = property(fget=_get_structure, fset=_set_structure)
745    # arguably structure should be read-only, i.e. it is not possible to change it after Population creation
747    def _get_positions(self):
748        """
749        Try to return self._positions. If it does not exist, create it and then
750        return it.
751        """
752        if self._positions is None:
753            self._positions = self.structure.generate_positions(self.size)
754        assert self._positions.shape == (3, self.size)
755        return self._positions
757    def _set_positions(self, pos_array):
758        assert isinstance(pos_array, np.ndarray)
759        assert pos_array.shape == (3, self.size), "%s != %s" % (pos_array.shape, (3, self.size))
760        self._positions = pos_array.copy()  # take a copy in case pos_array is changed later
761        self._structure = None  # explicitly setting positions destroys any previous structure
763    positions = property(_get_positions, _set_positions,
764                         doc="""A 3xN array (where N is the number of neurons in the Population)
765                         giving the x,y,z coordinates of all the neurons (soma, in the
766                         case of non-point models).""")
768    def describe(self, template='population_default.txt', engine='default'):
769        """
770        Returns a human-readable description of the population.
772        The output may be customized by specifying a different template
773        together with an associated template engine (see :mod:`pyNN.descriptions`).
775        If template is None, then a dictionary containing the template context
776        will be returned.
777        """
778        context = {
779            "label": self.label,
780            "celltype": self.celltype.describe(template=None),
781            "structure": None,
782            "size": self.size,
783            "size_local": len(self.local_cells),
784            "first_id": self.first_id,
785            "last_id": self.last_id,
786        }
787        context.update(self.annotations)
788        if len(self.local_cells) > 0:
789            first_id = self.local_cells[0]
790            context.update({
791                "local_first_id": first_id,
792                "cell_parameters": {}  # first_id.get_parameters(),
793            })
794        if self.structure:
795            context["structure"] = self.structure.describe(template=None)
796        return descriptions.render(engine, template, context)
799class PopulationView(BasePopulation):
800    """
801    A view of a subset of neurons within a Population.
803    In most ways, Populations and PopulationViews have the same behaviour, i.e.
804    they can be recorded, connected with Projections, etc. It should be noted
805    that any changes to neurons in a PopulationView will be reflected in the
806    parent Population and vice versa.
808    It is possible to have views of views.
810    Arguments:
811        selector:
812            a slice or numpy mask array. The mask array should either be a
813            boolean array of the same size as the parent, or an integer array
814            containing cell indices, i.e. if p.size == 5::
816                PopulationView(p, array([False, False, True, False, True]))
817                PopulationView(p, array([2,4]))
818                PopulationView(p, slice(2,5,2))
820            will all create the same view.
821    """
823    def __init__(self, parent, selector, label=None):
824        """
825        Create a view of a subset of neurons within a parent Population or
826        PopulationView.
827        """
828        if not hasattr(self, "_simulator"):
829            errmsg = "`common.PopulationView` should not be instantiated directly. " \
830                     "You should import PopulationView from a PyNN backend module, " \
831                     "e.g. pyNN.nest or pyNN.neuron"
832            raise Exception(errmsg)
833        self.parent = parent
834        self.mask = selector  # later we can have fancier selectors, for now we just have numpy masks
835        # maybe just redefine __getattr__ instead of the following...
836        self.celltype = self.parent.celltype
837        # If the mask is a slice, IDs will be consecutives without duplication.
838        # If not, then we need to remove duplicated IDs
839        if not isinstance(self.mask, slice):
840            if isinstance(self.mask, list):
841                self.mask = np.array(self.mask)
842            if self.mask.dtype is np.dtype('bool'):
843                if len(self.mask) != len(self.parent):
844                    raise Exception("Boolean masks should have the size of Parent Population")
845                self.mask = np.arange(len(self.parent))[self.mask]
846            else:
847                if len(np.unique(self.mask)) != len(self.mask):
848                    logging.warning(
849                        "PopulationView can contain only once each ID, duplicated IDs are removed")
850                    self.mask = np.unique(self.mask)
851                self.mask.sort()  # needed by NEST. Maybe emit a warning or exception if mask is not already ordered?
852        self.all_cells = self.parent.all_cells[self.mask]
853        idx = np.argsort(self.all_cells)
854        self._is_sorted = np.all(idx == np.arange(len(self.all_cells)))
855        self.size = len(self.all_cells)
856        self.label = label or "view of '%s' with size %s" % (parent.label, self.size)
857        self._mask_local = self.parent._mask_local[self.mask]
858        self.local_cells = self.all_cells[self._mask_local]
859        # only works if we assume all_cells is sorted, otherwise could use min()
860        self.first_id = np.min(self.all_cells)
861        self.last_id = np.max(self.all_cells)
862        self.annotations = {}
863        self.recorder = self.parent.recorder
864        self._record_filter = self.all_cells
866    def __repr__(self):
867        return "PopulationView(parent=%r, selector=%r, label=%r)" % (self.parent, self.mask, self.label)
869    @property
870    def initial_values(self):
871        # this is going to be complex - if we keep initial_values as a dict,
872        # need to return a dict-like object that takes account of self.mask
873        raise NotImplementedError
875    @property
876    def structure(self):
877        """The spatial structure of the parent Population."""
878        return self.parent.structure
879    # should we allow setting structure for a PopulationView? Maybe if the
880    # parent has some kind of CompositeStructure?
882    @property
883    def positions(self):
884        # make positions N,3 instead of 3,N to avoid all this transposing?
885        return self.parent.positions.T[self.mask].T
887    def id_to_index(self, id):
888        """
889        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the PopulationView, return its/their
890        index/indices (order in the PopulationView).
892            >>> assert pv.id_to_index(pv[3]) == 3
893        """
894        if not np.iterable(id):
895            if self._is_sorted:
896                if id not in self.all_cells:
897                    raise IndexError("ID %s not present in the View" % id)
898                return np.searchsorted(self.all_cells, id)
899            else:
900                result = np.where(self.all_cells == id)[0]
901            if len(result) == 0:
902                raise IndexError("ID %s not present in the View" % id)
903            else:
904                return result
905        else:
906            if self._is_sorted:
907                return np.searchsorted(self.all_cells, id)
908            else:
909                result = np.array([], dtype=np.int)
910                for item in id:
911                    data = np.where(self.all_cells == item)[0]
912                    if len(data) == 0:
913                        raise IndexError("ID %s not present in the View" % item)
914                    elif len(data) > 1:
915                        raise Exception("ID %s is duplicated in the View" % item)
916                    else:
917                        result = np.append(result, data)
918                return result
920    @property
921    def grandparent(self):
922        """
923        Returns the parent Population at the root of the tree (since the
924        immediate parent may itself be a PopulationView).
926        The name "grandparent" is of course a little misleading, as it could
927        be just the parent, or the great, great, great, ..., grandparent.
928        """
929        if hasattr(self.parent, "parent"):
930            return self.parent.grandparent
931        else:
932            return self.parent
934    def index_in_grandparent(self, indices):
935        """
936        Given an array of indices, return the indices in the parent population
937        at the root of the tree.
938        """
939        indices_in_parent = np.arange(self.parent.size)[self.mask][indices]
940        if hasattr(self.parent, "parent"):
941            return self.parent.index_in_grandparent(indices_in_parent)
942        else:
943            return indices_in_parent
945    def index_from_parent_index(self, indices):
946        """
947        Given an index(indices) in the parent population, return
948        the index(indices) within this view.
949        """
950        # todo: add check that all indices correspond to cells that are in this view
951        if isinstance(self.mask, slice):
952            start = self.mask.start or 0
953            step = self.mask.step or 1
954            return (indices - start) / step
955        else:
956            if isinstance(indices, int):
957                return np.nonzero(self.mask == indices)[0][0]
958            elif isinstance(indices, np.ndarray):
959                # Lots of ways to do this. Some profiling is in order.
960                # - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16992713/translate-every-element-in-numpy-array-according-to-key
961                # - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3403973/fast-replacement-of-values-in-a-numpy-array
962                # - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13572448/replace-values-of-a-numpy-index-array-with-values-of-a-list
963                parent_indices = self.mask  # assert mask is sorted
964                view_indices = np.arange(self.size)
965                index = np.digitize(indices, parent_indices, right=True)
966                return view_indices[index]
967            else:
968                raise ValueError("indices must be an integer or an array of integers")
970    def __eq__(self, other):
971        """
972        Determine whether two views are the same.
973        """
974        return not self.__ne__(other)
976    def __ne__(self, other):
977        """
978        Determine whether two views are different.
979        """
980        # We can't use the self.mask, as different masks can select the same cells
981        # (e.g. slices vs arrays), therefore we have to use self.all_cells
982        if isinstance(other, PopulationView):
983            return self.parent != other.parent or not np.array_equal(self.all_cells, other.all_cells)
984        elif isinstance(other, Population):
985            return self.parent != other or not np.array_equal(self.all_cells, other.all_cells)
986        else:
987            return True
989    def describe(self, template='populationview_default.txt', engine='default'):
990        """
991        Returns a human-readable description of the population view.
993        The output may be customized by specifying a different template
994        togther with an associated template engine (see ``pyNN.descriptions``).
996        If template is None, then a dictionary containing the template context
997        will be returned.
998        """
999        context = {"label": self.label,
1000                   "parent": self.parent.label,
1001                   "mask": self.mask,
1002                   "size": self.size}
1003        context.update(self.annotations)
1004        return descriptions.render(engine, template, context)
1007class Assembly(object):
1008    """
1009    A group of neurons, may be heterogeneous, in contrast to a Population where
1010    all the neurons are of the same type.
1012    Arguments:
1013        populations:
1014            Populations or PopulationViews
1015        kwargs:
1016            May contain a keyword argument 'label'
1017    """
1018    _count = 0
1020    def __init__(self, *populations, **kwargs):
1021        """
1022        Create an Assembly of Populations and/or PopulationViews.
1023        """
1024        if not hasattr(self, "_simulator"):
1025            errmsg = "`common.Assembly` should not be instantiated directly. " \
1026                     "You should import Assembly from a PyNN backend module, " \
1027                     "e.g. pyNN.nest or pyNN.neuron"
1028            raise Exception(errmsg)
1029        if kwargs:
1030            assert list(kwargs.keys()) == ['label']
1031        self.populations = []
1032        for p in populations:
1033            self._insert(p)
1034        self.label = kwargs.get('label', 'assembly%d' % Assembly._count)
1035        assert isinstance(self.label, str), "label must be a string"
1036        self.annotations = {}
1037        Assembly._count += 1
1039    def __repr__(self):
1040        return "Assembly(*%r, label=%r)" % (self.populations, self.label)
1042    def _insert(self, element):
1043        if not isinstance(element, BasePopulation):
1044            raise TypeError("argument is a %s, not a Population." % type(element).__name__)
1045        if isinstance(element, PopulationView):
1046            if not element.parent in self.populations:
1047                double = False
1048                for p in self.populations:
1049                    data = np.concatenate((p.all_cells, element.all_cells))
1050                    if len(np.unique(data)) != len(p.all_cells) + len(element.all_cells):
1051                        logging.warning(
1052                            'Adding a PopulationView to an Assembly containing elements already present is not posible')
1053                        double = True  # Should we automatically remove duplicated IDs ?
1054                        break
1055                if not double:
1056                    self.populations.append(element)
1057            else:
1058                logging.warning(
1059                    'Adding a PopulationView to an Assembly when parent Population is there is not possible')
1060        elif isinstance(element, BasePopulation):
1061            if not element in self.populations:
1062                self.populations.append(element)
1063            else:
1064                logging.warning('Adding a Population twice in an Assembly is not possible')
1066    @property
1067    def local_cells(self):
1068        result = self.populations[0].local_cells
1069        for p in self.populations[1:]:
1070            result = np.concatenate((result, p.local_cells))
1071        return result
1073    @property
1074    def all_cells(self):
1075        result = self.populations[0].all_cells
1076        for p in self.populations[1:]:
1077            result = np.concatenate((result, p.all_cells))
1078        return result
1080    def all(self):
1081        """Iterator over cell ids on all nodes."""
1082        return iter(self.all_cells)
1084    @property
1085    def _is_sorted(self):
1086        idx = np.argsort(self.all_cells)
1087        return np.all(idx == np.arange(len(self.all_cells)))
1089    @property
1090    def _homogeneous_synapses(self):
1091        cb = [p.celltype.conductance_based for p in self.populations]
1092        return all(cb) or not any(cb)
1094    @property
1095    def conductance_based(self):
1096        """
1097        `True` if the post-synaptic response is modelled as a change
1098        in conductance, `False` if a change in current.
1099        """
1100        return all(p.celltype.conductance_based for p in self.populations)
1102    @property
1103    def receptor_types(self):
1104        """
1105        Return a list of receptor types that are common to all populations
1106        within the assembly.
1107        """
1108        rts = self.populations[0].celltype.receptor_types
1109        if len(self.populations) > 1:
1110            rts = set(rts)
1111            for p in self.populations[1:]:
1112                rts = rts.intersection(set(p.celltype.receptor_types))
1113        return list(rts)
1115    def find_units(self, variable):
1116        """
1117        Returns units of the specified variable or parameter, as a string.
1118        Works for all the recordable variables and neuron parameters of all standard models.
1119        """
1120        units = set(p.find_units(variable) for p in self.populations)
1121        if len(units) > 1:
1122            raise ValueError("Inconsistent units")
1123        return units
1125    @property
1126    def _mask_local(self):
1127        result = self.populations[0]._mask_local
1128        for p in self.populations[1:]:
1129            result = np.concatenate((result, p._mask_local))
1130        return result
1132    @property
1133    def first_id(self):
1134        return np.min(self.all_cells)
1136    @property
1137    def last_id(self):
1138        return np.max(self.all_cells)
1140    def id_to_index(self, id):
1141        """
1142        Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Assembly, return its (their) index
1143        (order in the Assembly)::
1145            >>> assert p.id_to_index(p[5]) == 5
1146            >>> assert p.id_to_index(p.index([1, 2, 3])) == [1, 2, 3]
1147        """
1148        all_cells = self.all_cells
1149        if not np.iterable(id):
1150            if self._is_sorted:
1151                return np.searchsorted(all_cells, id)
1152            else:
1153                result = np.where(all_cells == id)[0]
1154            if len(result) == 0:
1155                raise IndexError("ID %s not present in the View" % id)
1156            else:
1157                return result
1158        else:
1159            if self._is_sorted:
1160                return np.searchsorted(all_cells, id)
1161            else:
1162                result = np.array([], dtype=np.int)
1163                for item in id:
1164                    data = np.where(all_cells == item)[0]
1165                    if len(data) == 0:
1166                        raise IndexError("ID %s not present in the Assembly" % item)
1167                    elif len(data) > 1:
1168                        raise Exception("ID %s is duplicated in the Assembly" % item)
1169                    else:
1170                        result = np.append(result, data)
1171                return result
1173    @property
1174    def positions(self):
1175        result = self.populations[0].positions
1176        for p in self.populations[1:]:
1177            result = np.hstack((result, p.positions))
1178        return result
1180    @property
1181    def size(self):
1182        return sum(p.size for p in self.populations)
1184    def __iter__(self):
1185        """
1186        Iterator over cells in all populations within the Assembly, for cells
1187        on the local MPI node.
1188        """
1189        iterators = [iter(p) for p in self.populations]
1190        return chain(*iterators)
1192    def __len__(self):
1193        """Return the total number of cells in the population (all nodes)."""
1194        return self.size
1196    def __getitem__(self, index):
1197        """
1198        Where `index` is an integer, return an ID.
1199        Where `index` is a slice, tuple, list or numpy array, return a new Assembly
1200        consisting of appropriate populations and (possibly newly created)
1201        population views.
1202        """
1203        count = 0
1204        boundaries = [0]
1205        for p in self.populations:
1206            count += p.size
1207            boundaries.append(count)
1208        boundaries = np.array(boundaries, dtype=int)
1210        if isinstance(index, (int, np.integer)):  # return an ID
1211            pindex = boundaries[1:].searchsorted(index, side='right')
1212            return self.populations[pindex][index - boundaries[pindex]]
1213        elif isinstance(index, (slice, tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
1214            if isinstance(index, slice) or (hasattr(index, "dtype") and index.dtype == bool):
1215                indices = np.arange(self.size)[index]
1216            else:
1217                indices = np.array(index)
1218            pindices = boundaries[1:].searchsorted(indices, side='right')
1219            views = [self.populations[i][indices[pindices == i] - boundaries[i]]
1220                     for i in np.unique(pindices)]
1221            return self.__class__(*views)
1222        else:
1223            raise TypeError("indices must be integers, slices, lists, arrays, not %s" %
1224                            type(index).__name__)
1226    def __add__(self, other):
1227        """
1228        An Assembly may be added to a Population, PopulationView or Assembly
1229        with the '+' operator, returning a new Assembly, e.g.::
1231            a2 = a1 + p
1232        """
1233        if isinstance(other, BasePopulation):
1234            return self.__class__(*(self.populations + [other]))
1235        elif isinstance(other, Assembly):
1236            return self.__class__(*(self.populations + other.populations))
1237        else:
1238            raise TypeError("can only add a Population or another Assembly to an Assembly")
1240    def __iadd__(self, other):
1241        """
1242        A Population, PopulationView or Assembly may be added to an existing
1243        Assembly using the '+=' operator, e.g.::
1245            a += p
1246        """
1247        if isinstance(other, BasePopulation):
1248            self._insert(other)
1249        elif isinstance(other, Assembly):
1250            for p in other.populations:
1251                self._insert(p)
1252        else:
1253            raise TypeError("can only add a Population or another Assembly to an Assembly")
1254        return self
1256    def sample(self, n, rng=None):
1257        """
1258        Randomly sample `n` cells from the Assembly, and return a Assembly
1259        object.
1260        """
1261        assert isinstance(n, int)
1262        if not rng:
1263            rng = random.NumpyRNG()
1264        indices = rng.permutation(np.arange(len(self), dtype=np.int))[0:n]
1265        logger.debug("The %d cells recorded have indices %s" % (n, indices))
1266        logger.debug("%s.sample(%s)", self.label, n)
1267        return self[indices]
1269    def initialize(self, **initial_values):
1270        """
1271        Set the initial values of the state variables of the neurons in
1272        this assembly.
1273        """
1274        for p in self.populations:
1275            p.initialize(**initial_values)
1277    def get(self, parameter_names, gather=False, simplify=True):
1278        """
1279        Get the values of the given parameters for every local cell in the
1280        Assembly, or, if gather=True, for all cells in the Assembly.
1281        """
1282        if isinstance(parameter_names, str):
1283            parameter_names = (parameter_names,)
1284            return_list = False
1285        else:
1286            return_list = True
1288        parameters = defaultdict(list)
1289        for p in self.populations:
1290            population_values = p.get(parameter_names, gather, simplify=False)
1291            for name, arr in zip(parameter_names, population_values):
1292                parameters[name].append(arr)
1293        for name, value_list in parameters.items():
1294            parameters[name] = np.hstack(value_list)
1295            if simplify:
1296                parameters[name] = simplify_parameter_array(parameters[name])
1297        values = [parameters[name] for name in parameter_names]
1298        if return_list:
1299            return values
1300        else:
1301            assert len(parameter_names) == 1
1302            return values[0]
1304    def set(self, **parameters):
1305        """
1306        Set one or more parameters for every cell in the Assembly.
1308        Values passed to set() may be:
1309            (1) single values
1310            (2) RandomDistribution objects
1311            (3) mapping functions, where a mapping function accepts a single
1312                argument (the cell index) and returns a single value.
1314        Here, a "single value" may be either a single number or a list/array of
1315        numbers (e.g. for spike times).
1316        """
1317        for p in self.populations:
1318            p.set(**parameters)
1320    @deprecated("set(parametername=rand_distr)")
1321    def rset(self, parametername, rand_distr):
1322        self.set(parametername=rand_distr)
1324    def record(self, variables, to_file=None, sampling_interval=None):
1325        """
1326        Record the specified variable or variables for all cells in the Assembly.
1328        `variables` may be either a single variable name or a list of variable
1329        names. For a given celltype class, `celltype.recordable` contains a list of
1330        variables that can be recorded for that celltype.
1332        If specified, `to_file` should be either a filename or a Neo IO instance and `write_data()`
1333        will be automatically called when `end()` is called.
1334        """
1335        for p in self.populations:
1336            p.record(variables, to_file, sampling_interval)
1338    @deprecated("record('v')")
1339    def record_v(self, to_file=True):
1340        """Record the membrane potential from all cells in the Assembly."""
1341        self.record('v', to_file)
1343    @deprecated("record(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'])")
1344    def record_gsyn(self, to_file=True):
1345        """Record synaptic conductances from all cells in the Assembly."""
1346        self.record(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'], to_file)
1348    def get_population(self, label):
1349        """
1350        Return the Population/PopulationView from within the Assembly that has
1351        the given label. If no such Population exists, raise KeyError.
1352        """
1353        for p in self.populations:
1354            if label == p.label:
1355                return p
1356        raise KeyError("Assembly does not contain a population with the label %s" % label)
1358    def save_positions(self, file):
1359        """
1360        Save positions to file. The output format is id x y z
1361        """
1362        if isinstance(file, str):
1363            file = files.StandardTextFile(file, mode='w')
1364        cells = self.all_cells
1365        result = np.empty((len(cells), 4))
1366        result[:, 0] = np.array([self.id_to_index(id) for id in cells])
1367        result[:, 1:4] = self.positions.T
1368        if self._simulator.state.mpi_rank == 0:
1369            file.write(result, {'assembly': self.label})
1370            file.close()
1372    @property
1373    def position_generator(self):
1374        def gen(i):
1375            return self.positions[:, i]
1376        return gen
1378    def get_data(self, variables='all', gather=True, clear=False, annotations=None):
1379        """
1380        Return a Neo `Block` containing the data (spikes, state variables)
1381        recorded from the Assembly.
1383        `variables` - either a single variable name or a list of variable names
1384                      Variables must have been previously recorded, otherwise an
1385                      Exception will be raised.
1387        For parallel simulators, if `gather` is True, all data will be gathered
1388        to all nodes and the Neo `Block` will contain data from all nodes.
1389        Otherwise, the Neo `Block` will contain only data from the cells
1390        simulated on the local node.
1392        If `clear` is True, recorded data will be deleted from the `Assembly`.
1393        """
1394        name = self.label
1395        description = self.describe()
1396        blocks = [p.get_data(variables, gather, clear) for p in self.populations]
1397        # adjust channel_ids to match assembly channel indices
1398        offset = 0
1399        for block, p in zip(blocks, self.populations):
1400            for segment in block.segments:
1401                for signal_array in segment.analogsignals:
1402                    signal_array.array_annotations["channel_index"] += offset
1403            offset += p.size
1404        for i, block in enumerate(blocks):
1405            logger.debug("%d: %s", i, block.name)
1406            for j, segment in enumerate(block.segments):
1407                logger.debug("  %d: %s", j, segment.name)
1408                for arr in segment.analogsignals:
1409                    logger.debug("    %s %s", arr.shape, arr.name)
1410        merged_block = blocks[0]
1411        for block in blocks[1:]:
1412            merged_block.merge(block)
1413        merged_block.name = name
1414        merged_block.description = description
1415        if annotations:
1416            merged_block.annotate(**annotations)
1417        return merged_block
1419    @deprecated("get_data('spikes')")
1420    def getSpikes(self, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
1421        return self.get_data('spikes', gather)
1423    @deprecated("get_data('v')")
1424    def get_v(self, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
1425        return self.get_data('v', gather)
1427    @deprecated("get_data(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'])")
1428    def get_gsyn(self, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
1429        return self.get_data(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'], gather)
1431    def mean_spike_count(self, gather=True):
1432        """
1433        Returns the mean number of spikes per neuron.
1434        """
1435        spike_counts = self.get_spike_counts()
1436        total_spikes = sum(spike_counts.values())
1437        if self._simulator.state.mpi_rank == 0 or not gather:  # should maybe use allgather, and get the numbers on all nodes
1438            return float(total_spikes) / len(spike_counts)
1439        else:
1440            return np.nan
1442    def get_spike_counts(self, gather=True):
1443        """
1444        Returns the number of spikes for each neuron.
1445        """
1446        try:
1447            spike_counts = self.populations[0].recorder.count(
1448                'spikes', gather, self.populations[0]._record_filter)
1449        except errors.NothingToWriteError:
1450            spike_counts = {}
1451        for p in self.populations[1:]:
1452            try:
1453                spike_counts.update(p.recorder.count('spikes', gather, p._record_filter))
1454            except errors.NothingToWriteError:
1455                pass
1456        return spike_counts
1458    def write_data(self, io, variables='all', gather=True, clear=False, annotations=None):
1459        """
1460        Write recorded data to file, using one of the file formats supported by
1461        Neo.
1463        `io`:
1464            a Neo IO instance
1465        `variables`:
1466            either a single variable name or a list of variable names.
1467            Variables must have been previously recorded, otherwise an
1468            Exception will be raised.
1470        For parallel simulators, if `gather` is True, all data will be gathered
1471        to the master node and a single output file created there. Otherwise, a
1472        file will be written on each node, containing only data from the cells
1473        simulated on that node.
1475        If `clear` is True, recorded data will be deleted from the `Population`.
1476        """
1477        if isinstance(io, str):
1478            io = recording.get_io(io)
1479        if gather is False and self._simulator.state.num_processes > 1:
1480            io.filename += '.%d' % self._simulator.state.mpi_rank
1481        logger.debug("Recorder is writing '%s' to file '%s' with gather=%s" % (
1482            variables, io.filename, gather))
1483        data = self.get_data(variables, gather, clear, annotations)
1484        if self._simulator.state.mpi_rank == 0 or gather is False:
1485            logger.debug("Writing data to file %s" % io)
1486            io.write(data)
1488    @deprecated("write_data(file, 'spikes')")
1489    def printSpikes(self, file, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
1490        self.write_data(file, 'spikes', gather)
1492    @deprecated("write_data(file, 'v')")
1493    def print_v(self, file, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
1494        self.write_data(file, 'v', gather)
1496    @deprecated("write_data(['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'])")
1497    def print_gsyn(self, file, gather=True, compatible_output=True):
1498        self.write_data(file, ['gsyn_exc', 'gsyn_inh'], gather)
1500    def inject(self, current_source):
1501        """
1502        Connect a current source to all cells in the Assembly.
1503        """
1504        for p in self.populations:
1505            current_source.inject_into(p)
1507    @property
1508    def injectable(self):
1509        return all(p.injectable for p in self.populations)
1511    def describe(self, template='assembly_default.txt', engine='default'):
1512        """
1513        Returns a human-readable description of the assembly.
1515        The output may be customized by specifying a different template
1516        togther with an associated template engine (see ``pyNN.descriptions``).
1518        If template is None, then a dictionary containing the template context
1519        will be returned.
1520        """
1521        context = {"label": self.label,
1522                   "populations": [p.describe(template=None) for p in self.populations]}
1523        return descriptions.render(engine, template, context)
1525    def get_annotations(self, annotation_keys, simplify=True):
1526        """
1527        Get the values of the given annotations for each population in the Assembly.
1528        """
1529        if isinstance(annotation_keys, str):
1530            annotation_keys = (annotation_keys,)
1531        annotations = defaultdict(list)
1533        for key in annotation_keys:
1534            is_array_annotation = False
1535            for p in self.populations:
1536                annotation = p.annotations[key]
1537                annotations[key].append(annotation)
1538                is_array_annotation = isinstance(annotation, np.ndarray)
1539            if is_array_annotation:
1540                annotations[key] = np.hstack(annotations[key])
1541            if simplify:
1542                annotations[key] = simplify_parameter_array(np.array(annotations[key]))
1543        return annotations