1 /*
2  * Copyright 2010-2014 OpenXcom Developers.
3  *
4  * This file is part of OpenXcom.
5  *
6  * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
22 #include "BattleAIState.h"
23 #include "Position.h"
24 #include <vector>
26 namespace OpenXcom
27 {
29 class SavedBattleGame;
30 class BattleUnit;
31 class BattlescapeState;
32 class Node;
34 /**
35  * This class is used by the BattleUnit AI.
36  */
37 class AlienBAIState : public BattleAIState
38 {
39 protected:
40 	BattleUnit *_aggroTarget;
41 	int _knownEnemies, _visibleEnemies, _spottingEnemies;
42 	int _escapeTUs, _ambushTUs, _reserveTUs;
43 	BattleAction *_escapeAction, *_ambushAction, *_attackAction, *_patrolAction, *_psiAction;
44 	bool _rifle, _melee, _blaster;
45 	bool _traceAI, _wasHit, _didPsi;
46 	int _AIMode, _intelligence, _closestDist;
47 	Node *_fromNode, *_toNode;
48 	std::vector<int> _reachable, _reachableWithAttack;
49 public:
50 	/// Creates a new AlienBAIState linked to the game and a certain unit.
51 	AlienBAIState(SavedBattleGame *save, BattleUnit *unit, Node *node);
52 	/// Cleans up the AlienBAIState.
53 	~AlienBAIState();
54 	/// Loads the AI state from YAML.
55 	void load(const YAML::Node& node);
56 	/// Saves the AI state to YAML.
57 	YAML::Node save() const;
58 	/// Enters the state.
59 	void enter();
60 	/// Exits the state.
61 	void exit();
62 	/// Runs state functionality every AI cycle.
63 	void think(BattleAction *action);
64 	/// Sets the "unit was hit" flag true.
65 	void setWasHit();
66 	/// Gets whether the unit was hit.
67 	bool getWasHit() const;
68 	/// setup a patrol objective.
69 	void setupPatrol();
70 	/// setup an ambush objective.
71 	void setupAmbush();
72 	/// setup a combat objective.
73 	void setupAttack();
74 	/// setup an escape objective.
75 	void setupEscape();
76 	/// count how many xcom/civilian units are known to this unit.
77 	int countKnownTargets() const;
78 	/// count how many known XCom units are able to see this unit.
79 	int getSpottingUnits(Position pos) const;
80 	/// Selects the nearest target we can see, and return the number of viable targets.
81 	int selectNearestTarget();
82 	/// Selects the closest known xcom unit for ambushing.
83 	bool selectClosestKnownEnemy();
84 	/// Selects a random known target.
85 	bool selectRandomTarget();
86 	/// Selects the nearest reachable point relative to a target.
87 	bool selectPointNearTarget(BattleUnit *target, int maxTUs) const;
88 	/// re-evaluate our situation, and make a decision from our available options.
89 	void evaluateAIMode();
90 	/// Selects a suitable position from which to attack.
91 	bool findFirePoint();
92 	/// Decides if we should throw a grenade/launch a missile to this position.
93 	bool explosiveEfficacy(Position targetPos, BattleUnit *attackingUnit, int radius, int diff, bool grenade = false) const;
94 	/// Attempts to take a melee attack/charge an enemy we can see.
95 	void meleeAction();
96 	/// Attempts to fire a waypoint projectile at an enemy we, or one of our teammates sees.
97 	void wayPointAction();
98 	/// Attempts to fire at an enemy we can see.
99 	void projectileAction();
100 	/// Selects a fire method.
101 	void selectFireMethod();
102 	/// Attempts to throw a grenade at an enemy (or group of enemies) we can see.
103 	void grenadeAction();
104 	/// Performs a psionic attack.
105 	bool psiAction();
106 	/// Performs a melee attack action.
107 	void meleeAttack();
108 	bool validTarget(BattleUnit* unit, bool assessDanger, bool includeCivs) const;
109 };
111 }
113 #endif