1 /**********************************************************************
2 align.h - Align two molecules or vectors of vector3
4 Copyright (C) 2010 by Noel M. O'Boyle
6 This file is part of the Open Babel project.
7 For more information, see <http://openbabel.org/>
9 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ***********************************************************************/
19 #ifndef OB_ALIGN_H
20 #define OB_ALIGN_H
22 #include <openbabel/mol.h>
23 #include <openbabel/math/vector3.h>
24 #include <openbabel/math/matrix3x3.h>
25 #include <openbabel/isomorphism.h>
26 #include <Eigen/Core>
28 namespace OpenBabel
29 {
30   /**
31    * \class OBAlign align.h <openbabel/math/align.h>
32    * \brief Perform a least-squares alignment of two molecules or two vectors of vector3 objects
33    *
34    * This class may be used to perform a least-squares alignment of two OBMol
35    * objects or two vector<vector3> objects. The Kabsch algorithm is used
36    * for the alignment.
37    *
38    * During the alignment, the Target is aligned to the Reference. Note that
39    * mutiple alignments to the same Reference will be much faster than multiple
40    * alignments to the same Target. When carrying out multiple alignments,
41    * a single OBAlign instance should be reused by calling
42    * SetTarget() or SetTargetMol() for each additional Target and then calling
43    * Align().
44    *
45    * When aligning molecules, the atoms of the two molecules must be in the same
46    * order for the results to be sensible. By default, hydrogens are not
47    * included in the least-squares fitting procedure (set @p includeH to
48    * true if you wish to include them) and so the resulting RMSD is the
49    * heavy-atom RMSD (which is usually what you want).
50    *
51    * By default, symmetry is taken
52    * into account when comparing molecules. For example, if a benzene is flipped
53    * by 180 degrees along one of its 2-fold symmetry axes, it will only have an
54    * RMSD of 0 (with respect to its original orientation) if symmetry is
55    * enabled. To turn off handling of symmetry set @p symmetry to false (this
56    * will speed up the alignment).
57    *
58    * Note that neither the Target nor the Reference
59    * are modified by the algorithm. As a result, to update a TargetMol with the
60    * new coordinates from the alignment, you need to use UpdateCoords().
61    *
62    * @since version 2.3
63    */
64   class OBAPI OBAlign {
65   public:
66     ///@name Constructors
67     //@{
68     /**
69      * If this constructor is used, the Target and Reference must be
70      * set using SetRef/SetRefMol and SetTarget/SetTargetMol before running
71      * the alignment.
72      */
73     OBAlign(bool includeH=false, bool symmetry=true);
74     /**
75      * Align two molecules.
76      */
77     OBAlign(const OBMol &refmol, const OBMol &targetmol, bool includeH=false, bool symmetry=true);
78     /**
79      * Align two vectors of vector3 objects.
80      */
81     OBAlign(const std::vector<vector3> &ref, const std::vector<vector3> &target);
82     //@}
84     ///@name Partial Setup
85     //@{
86     /**
87      * Set the Reference (to which the Target will be aligned) in
88      * terms of a vector of vector3 objects. Note that it is faster
89      * to perform multiple alignments to the same Reference, rather than
90      * multiple alignments to the same Target.
91      */
92     void SetRef(const std::vector<vector3> &ref);
93     /**
94      * Set the Target (which will be aligned to the Reference) in
95      * terms of a vector of vector3 objects.
96      */
97     void SetTarget(const std::vector<vector3> &target);
98     /**
99      * Set the Reference Molecule (to which the Target Molecule must
100      * be aligned). Note that is faster to perform multiple alignments
101      * to the same Reference Molecule, rather than multple alignments
102      * to the same Target Molecule.
103      */
104     void SetRefMol(const OBMol &refmol);
105     /**
106      * Set the Target Molecule (which will be aligned to the
107      * Reference Molecule).
108      */
109     void SetTargetMol(const OBMol &targetmol);
110     //@}
112     ///@name Execute the alignment
113     //@{
114     /**
115      * Align the Target to the Reference using a least-squares alignment.
116      */
117     bool Align();
119     enum AlignMethod {
120       Kabsch = 0,   // Returns matrix and RMSD
121       QCP    = 1    // Returns just RMSD (fast)
122     };
124     void SetMethod(enum AlignMethod method);
125     //@}
127     ///@name Access the result of the alignment
128     //@{
129     /**
130      * Return the root mean squared deviation of the target from
131      * the reference. This function should only
132      * be called after running the alignment (using Align()).
133      */
134     double GetRMSD();
135     /**
136      * Return the rotation matrix associated with the least squares
137      * alignment. This function should only
138      * be called after running the alignment (using Align()).
139      *
140      * The following example shows how to use the rotation matrix
141      * to rotate all of the atoms in a molecule.
142      * \code
143      * matrix3x3 rotmatrix = align.GetRotMatrix();
144      * for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= mol.NumAtoms(); ++i) {
145      *    vector3 tmpvec = mol.GetAtom(i)->GetVector();
146      *    tmpvec *= rotmatrix; //apply the rotation
147      *    mol.GetAtom(i)->SetVector(tmpvec);
148      * }
149      * \endcode
150      * Note that if you wish to use the rotation matrix to find the
151      * aligned coordinates (that is, the same coordinates returned by
152      * GetAlignment()), you should first translate the set of coordinates
153      * to the origin by subtracting the centroid, then apply the rotation,
154      * and finally add the centroid of the reference coordinates.
155      */
156     matrix3x3 GetRotMatrix();
157     /**
158      * Return the actual alignment of the Target to the Reference
159      * in terms of a vector of vector3 objects. If you want an OBMol
160      * with the aligned coordinates, you should use UpdateCoords() instead.
161      * This function should only
162      * be called after running the alignment (using Align()).
163      */
164     std::vector<vector3> GetAlignment();
165     /**
166      * Set the coordinates of an OBMol to those from the alignment.
167      * This function should only
168      * be called after running the alignment (using Align()).
169      */
170     bool UpdateCoords(OBMol* target);
171     //@}
173   private:
174     bool _ready;
175     bool _fail;
176     bool _symmetry;
177     bool _includeH;
178     enum AlignMethod _method;
179     double _rmsd;
180     OBBitVec _frag_atoms;
181     Automorphisms _aut;
182     const OBMol* _prefmol;
183     const OBMol* _ptargetmol;
184     Eigen::MatrixXd _rotMatrix;
185     Eigen::Vector3d _ref_centr, _target_centr;
186     const std::vector<vector3> *_pref;
187     const std::vector<vector3> *_ptarget;
188     std::vector<vector3> _refmol_coords;
189     std::vector<vector3> _targetmol_coords;
190     Eigen::MatrixXd _result;
191     Eigen::MatrixXd _mref, _mtarget;
192     void VectorsToMatrix(const std::vector<vector3> *pcoords, Eigen::MatrixXd &coords);
193     Eigen::Vector3d MoveToOrigin(Eigen::MatrixXd &coords);
194     void SimpleAlign(const Eigen::MatrixXd &mtarget);
195     void TheobaldAlign(const Eigen::MatrixXd &mtarget);
196     // Generate a mapping from the permutation map to the index of
197     // correct column in _mtarget. Need to handle the fact that the
198     // permutation group contains non-fragment atoms.
199     // For example, map(213465) will be converted to newidx(102354).
200     // If the atom with Idx=3 is not in the fragment, it will be
201     // converted to newidx(10X243) instead.
202     std::vector<unsigned int> _newidx;
203   };
204 }
206 #endif // OB_ALIGN_H
208 /// @file align.h
209 /// @brief Perform a least-squares alignment of two molecules or two vectors of vector3 objects