1 /****************************************************************************/
2 /* This file is part of FreeFEM.                                            */
3 /*                                                                          */
4 /* FreeFEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          */
5 /* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as           */
6 /* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of           */
7 /* the License, or (at your option) any later version.                      */
8 /*                                                                          */
9 /* FreeFEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               */
10 /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           */
12 /* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                      */
13 /*                                                                          */
14 /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
15 /* along with FreeFEM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.          */
16 /****************************************************************************/
17 // SUMMARY : ...
18 // LICENSE : LGPLv3
19 // ORG     : LJLL Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE
20 // AUTHORS : Frederic Hecht
21 // E-MAIL  : frederic.hecht@sorbonne-universite.fr
23 #include "array_tlp.hpp"
24 #include "array_init.hpp"
25 const basicForEachType *aatypeknlongp;
27 /*
28 void initArrayOperators() {
29   ArrayOperator<double>();
30   ArrayOperator<Complex>();
31   ArrayOperator<long>();
32 }
34 void initArrayDCL() {
35   ArrayDCL<double>();
36   ArrayDCL<Complex>();
37   ArrayDCL<long>();
38 }
39 */
41 aType aaaa_knlp;
initArrayDCLlong()42 void initArrayDCLlong() {
43   // ArrayOperator<long>();
44   Dcl_Type<Inv_KN_long>(); // Add FH mars 2005
45   ArrayDCL<long>();
46   aaaa_knlp = atype<KN<long>*>();
47 }
49 class OneBinaryOperatorInv_KN_long : public OneOperator {
50   public:
OneBinaryOperatorInv_KN_long(basicForEachType * ti)51     OneBinaryOperatorInv_KN_long(basicForEachType * ti) : OneOperator(atype<Inv_KN_long >(), ti ,atype<long>()) {}
code(const basicAC_F0 & args) const52     E_F0 * code(const basicAC_F0 & args) const {
53       Expression p=args[1];
54       if (!p->EvaluableWithOutStack()) {
55         bool bb = p->EvaluableWithOutStack();
56         cout << bb << " " << *p << endl;
57         CompileError("Inverse: int[int] I, array, with I^p, The p must be a constant == -1, sorry");
58       }
59       long pv = GetAny<long>((*p)(NullStack));
60       if (pv !=-1) {
61         char buf[100];
62         sprintf(buf, "Inverse: int[int] I, array, I^%ld, The pow must be == -1, sorry", pv);
63         CompileError(buf);
64       }
65       return new E_F_F0<Inv_KN_long, KN_<long> >(Build<Inv_KN_long, KN_<long> >, to< KN_<long> >(args[0]));
66     }
67 };
69 // Add mars 2010
set_init_init(R * const & a,const long & n)70 template<class R> R *set_init_init( R* const & a,const long & n) {
71   SHOWVERB(cout << " set_init " << typeid(R).name() << " " << n << endl);
72   a->init(n);
73   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
74     (*a)[i].init();
75   return a;
76 }
get_elements(KN<String> * const & a,long const & b)78 inline string **get_elements(KN<String> *const &a, long const &b) {
79   ffassert(a && b >=0 && b < a->size());
80   String &Sret = (*a)[b]; // correction FH feb 2004
81   // delete b; la chaine est detruire automatiquement en fin d'instruction FH jan 2010
82   return Sret.getap();
83 }
Destroy_KN(Stack,const AnyType & x)85 template<class A> inline AnyType Destroy_KN(Stack,const AnyType &x) {
86   KN<A> *a = GetAny<KN<A>*>(x);
87   for (int i = 0; i <a->N(); i++)
88     (a)[i].destroy();
89   a->destroy();
90   return Nothing;
91 }
92 // end add
94 template<class A,class B>
95 struct set_Inv_KN_long : public binary_function<A,B,A> {
fset_Inv_KN_long96   static A f(const A & a, B const & b) {
97     int n = a.N();
98     KN_<long> I(b.t);
99     for (int i = 0; i < I.N(); ++i) {
100       int j = I[i];
101       if (j >= 0 && j < n)
102         a[j] = i;
103     }
104     return a;
105   }
106 };
108 template<class A,class B>
109 struct set_Inv_pKN_longI: public binary_function<A,B,A> {
fset_Inv_pKN_longI110   static A f(const A & a, B const & b) {
111     KN_<long> I(b.t);
112     int n = I.max() + 1;
113     a->init(n);
114     (*a) = -1;
115     for (int i = 0; i < I.N(); ++i) {
116       int j = I[i];
117       if (j >= 0 && j < n)
118         (*a)[j] = i;
119     }
120     return a;
121   }
122 };
initArrayOperatorlong()126 void initArrayOperatorlong()
127 {
128   typedef long K;
129   Dcl_Type< Eye > ();// OK this is the fist array def ..
130   Global.Add("eye","(",new OneOperator1<Eye,long>(fEye));
131   Global.Add("eye","(",new OneOperator2<Eye,long>(fEye));
132   ArrayOperator<long, long>();
133   // to define inverse permutation // Add FH mars 2005
134   TheOperators->Add("^", new OneBinaryOperatorInv_KN_long(atype<KN_<long> >()));
135   //- TheOperators->Add("^", new OneBinaryOperatorInv_KN_long(atype<KN<long> *>()));
136   aatypeknlongp = atype<KN<long>*>(); // for compilation error with g++ 3.2.2
138   Add<KN_<long> >("sort", ".", new OneOperator1_<KN_<K>, KN_<K> >(SortKn<K, KN_<K> >));
139   // Add<KN<long> >("sort", ".", new OneOperator1_<KN<K>,KN<K> >(SortKn<K, KN<K> >));
140   Add<KN<long> *>("sort", ".", new OneOperator1_<KN<K>*, KN<K>* >(SortpKn<K>));
141   Global.Add("sort", "(", new OneOperator2_<KN<K>*, KN<K>*, KN<long>* >(SortpKn2<K,long>));
143   // ArrayDCL<long>();
144   Dcl_TypeandPtr_<KN_<String>, KN<String> *>(0, 0, 0, ::Destroy<KN<String> >, ::ClearReturnKK_<K,KN<String>, KN_<String> >, ::ClearReturnpKK<String, KN<String> >);
145   atype<KN<String>* >()->Add("[", "", new OneOperator2_<string**, KN<String>*, long >(get_elements));
146   TheOperators->Add("<-", new OneOperator2_<KN<String> *, KN<String> *, long>(&set_init_init), new InitArrayfromArray<string*, KN<String>*, true>);
147   map_type_of_map[make_pair(atype<long>(), atype<string*>())] = atype<KN<String>*>(); // vector
148   Add<KN<String> *>("n", ".", new OneOperator1<long, KN<String> *>(get_n));
149   extern KN<String> *pkarg;
150   Global.New("ARGV", CPValue<KN<String> >(*pkarg));// add FH mars 2010
151   Global.Add("toZarray", "(", new OneOperator_2KN_<long>);
152   TheOperators->Add("=", new OneBinaryOperator<set_Inv_KN_long<KN_<long>, Inv_KN_long> >);
153   TheOperators->Add("<-", new OneBinaryOperator<set_Inv_pKN_longI<KN<long>*, Inv_KN_long> >);
155   Add<KN<K> *>("imin", ".", new OneOperator1<long, KN<K> *>(get_imin));
156   Add<KN<K> *>("imax", ".", new OneOperator1<long, KN<K> *>(get_imax));
157   Add<KNM<K> *>("imin", ".", new OneOperator1<long, KNM<K> *>(get_imin)); // Add april 2018 FH
158   Add<KNM<K> *>("imax", ".", new OneOperator1<long, KNM<K> *>(get_imax)); // Add april 2018 FH
159   Add<KNM<K> *>("jmin", ".", new OneOperator1<long, KNM<K> *>(get_jmin)); // Add april 2018 FH
160   Add<KNM<K> *>("jmax", ".", new OneOperator1<long, KNM<K> *>(get_jmax)); // Add april 2018 FH
161   TheOperators->Add("ijmax", new OneOperator3_<NothingType,KNM<K> *, long*, long*>(get_ijmax)); // Add april 2018 FH
162   TheOperators->Add("ijmin", new OneOperator3_<NothingType,KNM<K> *, long*, long*>(get_ijmin)); // Add april 2018 FH
163   // madd FH. march 2015 ...
164   Global.Add("Unique", "(", new Unique<K, K>);
165   Global.Add("Unique", "(", new Unique<K, double>);
166   // convertion double -> long (via lround)
167   Dcl_Type<F_KN_<K, K, double> >();
168   Global.Add("lround", "(", new OneOperator1F_KN_<F_KN_<K, K, double>, K, double, KN_<double> >(lround));
169   TheOperators->Add("=", new OneBinaryOperator<set_eq_array<KN_<K>, F_KN_<K, K,double> > >); // add FH juin 2005
170   TheOperators->Add("+=", new OneBinaryOperator<set_eq_array_add<KN_<K>, F_KN_<K, K, double> > >); // add FH juin 2005
171   TheOperators->Add("-=", new OneBinaryOperator<set_eq_array_sub<KN_<K>, F_KN_<K, K, double> > >); // add FH juin 2005
172   TheOperators->Add("/=", new OneBinaryOperator<set_eq_array_div<KN_<K>, F_KN_<K, K, double> > >); // add FH juin 2005
173   TheOperators->Add("*=", new OneBinaryOperator<set_eq_array_mul<KN_<K>, F_KN_<K, K, double> > >); // add FH juin 2005
175   TheOperators->Add("<-", new InitMapfromArray<MyMap<String,String>*, string *, string*, true> );
177   TheOperators->Add("<<", new OneBinaryOperator<PrintPnd<KN<String> * > >); // add may 2018 FH
178 }
180 // void xxxx() {
181 // }