1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6 #include <list>
7 #include <memory>
8 #include <limits>
9 #include <dune/common/stdstreams.hh>
10 #include <dune/common/timer.hh>
11 #include <dune/common/bigunsignedint.hh>
12 #include <dune/istl/paamg/construction.hh>
14 namespace Dune
15 {
16   namespace Amg
17   {
18     /**
19      * @addtogroup ISTL_PAAMG
20      *
21      * @{
22      */
24     /** @file
25      * @author Markus Blatt
26      * @brief Provides a classes representing the hierarchies in AMG.
27      */
29     /**
30      * @brief A hierarchy of containers (e.g. matrices or vectors)
31      *
32      * Because sometimes a redistribution of the parallel data might be
33      * advisable one can add redistributed version of the container at
34      * each level.
35      */
36     template<typename T, typename A=std::allocator<T> >
37     class Hierarchy
38     {
39     public:
40       /**
41        * @brief The type of the container we store.
42        */
43       typedef T MemberType;
45       template<typename T1, typename T2>
46       class LevelIterator;
48     private:
49       /**
50        * @brief An element in the hierarchy.
51        */
52       struct Element
53       {
54         friend class LevelIterator<Hierarchy<T,A>, T>;
55         friend class LevelIterator<const Hierarchy<T,A>, const T>;
57         /** @brief The next coarser element in the list. */
58         std::weak_ptr<Element> coarser_;
60         /** @brief The next finer element in the list. */
61         std::shared_ptr<Element> finer_;
63         /** @brief Pointer to the element. */
64         std::shared_ptr<MemberType> element_;
66         /** @brief The redistributed version of the element. */
67         std::shared_ptr<MemberType> redistributed_;
68       };
69     public:
71       /**
72        * @brief The allocator to use for the list elements.
73        */
74       using Allocator = typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<Element>;
76       typedef typename ConstructionTraits<T>::Arguments Arguments;
78       /**
79        * @brief Construct a new hierarchy.
80        * @param first std::shared_ptr to the first element in the hierarchy.
81        */
82       Hierarchy(const std::shared_ptr<MemberType> & first);
84       /**
85        * @brief Construct an empty hierarchy.
86        */
Hierarchy()87       Hierarchy() : levels_(0)
88       {}
90       /**
91        * @brief Copy constructor (deep copy!).
92        */
93       Hierarchy(const Hierarchy& other);
95       /**
96        * @brief Add an element on a coarser level.
97        * @param args The arguments needed for the construction.
98        */
99       void addCoarser(Arguments& args);
101       void addRedistributedOnCoarsest(Arguments& args);
103       /**
104        * @brief Add an element on a finer level.
105        * @param args The arguments needed for the construction.
106        */
107       void addFiner(Arguments& args);
109       /**
110        * @brief Iterator over the levels in the hierarchy.
111        *
112        * operator++() moves to the next coarser level in the hierarchy.
113        * while operator--() moves to the next finer level in the hierarchy.
114        */
115       template<class C, class T1>
116       class LevelIterator
117         : public BidirectionalIteratorFacade<LevelIterator<C,T1>,T1,T1&>
118       {
119         friend class LevelIterator<typename std::remove_const<C>::type,
120             typename std::remove_const<T1>::type >;
121         friend class LevelIterator<const typename std::remove_const<C>::type,
122             const typename std::remove_const<T1>::type >;
124       public:
125         /** @brief Constructor. */
LevelIterator()126         LevelIterator()
127         {}
LevelIterator(std::shared_ptr<Element> element)129         LevelIterator(std::shared_ptr<Element> element)
130           : element_(element)
131         {}
133         /** @brief Copy constructor. */
LevelIterator(const LevelIterator<typename std::remove_const<C>::type,typename std::remove_const<T1>::type> & other)134         LevelIterator(const LevelIterator<typename std::remove_const<C>::type,
135                           typename std::remove_const<T1>::type>& other)
136           : element_(other.element_)
137         {}
139         /** @brief Copy constructor. */
LevelIterator(const LevelIterator<const typename std::remove_const<C>::type,const typename std::remove_const<T1>::type> & other)140         LevelIterator(const LevelIterator<const typename std::remove_const<C>::type,
141                           const typename std::remove_const<T1>::type>& other)
142           : element_(other.element_)
143         {}
145         /**
146          * @brief Equality check.
147          */
equals(const LevelIterator<typename std::remove_const<C>::type,typename std::remove_const<T1>::type> & other) const148         bool equals(const LevelIterator<typename std::remove_const<C>::type,
149                         typename std::remove_const<T1>::type>& other) const
150         {
151           return element_ == other.element_;
152         }
154         /**
155          * @brief Equality check.
156          */
equals(const LevelIterator<const typename std::remove_const<C>::type,const typename std::remove_const<T1>::type> & other) const157         bool equals(const LevelIterator<const typename std::remove_const<C>::type,
158                         const typename std::remove_const<T1>::type>& other) const
159         {
160           return element_ == other.element_;
161         }
163         /** @brief Dereference the iterator. */
dereference() const164         T1& dereference() const
165         {
166           return *(element_->element_);
167         }
169         /** @brief Move to the next coarser level */
increment()170         void increment()
171         {
172           element_ = element_->coarser_.lock();
173         }
175         /** @brief Move to the next fine level */
decrement()176         void decrement()
177         {
178           element_ = element_->finer_;
179         }
181         /**
182          * @brief Check whether there was a redistribution at the current level.
183          * @return True if there is a redistributed version of the container at the current level.
184          */
isRedistributed() const185         bool isRedistributed() const
186         {
187           return (bool)element_->redistributed_;
188         }
190         /**
191          * @brief Get the redistributed container.
192          * @return The redistributed container.
193          */
getRedistributed() const194         T1& getRedistributed() const
195         {
196           assert(element_->redistributed_);
197           return *element_->redistributed_;
198         }
addRedistributed(std::shared_ptr<T1> t)199         void addRedistributed(std::shared_ptr<T1> t)
200         {
201           element_->redistributed_ = t;
202         }
deleteRedistributed()204         void deleteRedistributed()
205         {
206           element_->redistributed_ = nullptr;
207         }
209       private:
210         std::shared_ptr<Element> element_;
211       };
213       /** @brief Type of the mutable iterator. */
214       typedef LevelIterator<Hierarchy<T,A>,T> Iterator;
216       /** @brief Type of the const iterator. */
217       typedef LevelIterator<const Hierarchy<T,A>, const T> ConstIterator;
219       /**
220        * @brief Get an iterator positioned at the finest level.
221        * @return An iterator positioned at the finest level.
222        */
223       Iterator finest();
225       /**
226        * @brief Get an iterator positioned at the coarsest level.
227        * @return An iterator positioned at the coarsest level.
228        */
229       Iterator coarsest();
232       /**
233        * @brief Get an iterator positioned at the finest level.
234        * @return An iterator positioned at the finest level.
235        */
236       ConstIterator finest() const;
238       /**
239        * @brief Get an iterator positioned at the coarsest level.
240        * @return An iterator positioned at the coarsest level.
241        */
242       ConstIterator coarsest() const;
244       /**
245        * @brief Get the number of levels in the hierarchy.
246        * @return The number of levels.
247        */
248       std::size_t levels() const;
250     private:
251       /** @brief fix memory management of the finest element in the hierarchy
253           This object is passed in from outside, so that we have to
254           deal with shared ownership.
255       */
256       std::shared_ptr<MemberType> originalFinest_;
257       /** @brief The finest element in the hierarchy. */
258       std::shared_ptr<Element> finest_;
259       /** @brief The coarsest element in the hierarchy. */
260       std::shared_ptr<Element> coarsest_;
261       /** @brief The allocator for the list elements. */
262       Allocator allocator_;
263       /** @brief The number of levels in the hierarchy. */
264       int levels_;
265     };
267     template<class T, class A>
Hierarchy(const std::shared_ptr<MemberType> & first)268     Hierarchy<T,A>::Hierarchy(const std::shared_ptr<MemberType> & first)
269       : originalFinest_(first)
270     {
271       finest_ = std::allocate_shared<Element>(allocator_);
272       finest_->element_ = originalFinest_;
273       coarsest_ = finest_;
274       levels_ = 1;
275     }
277     //! \brief deep copy of a given hierarchy
278     //TODO: do we actually want to support this? This might be very expensive?!
279     template<class T, class A>
Hierarchy(const Hierarchy & other)280     Hierarchy<T,A>::Hierarchy(const Hierarchy& other)
281     : allocator_(other.allocator_),
282       levels_(other.levels_)
283     {
284       if(!other.finest_)
285       {
286         finest_=coarsest_=nullptr;
287         return;
288       }
289       finest_ = std::allocate_shared<Element>(allocator_);
290       std::shared_ptr<Element> finer_;
291       std::shared_ptr<Element> current_ = finest_;
292       std::weak_ptr<Element> otherWeak_ = other.finest_;
294       while(! otherWeak_.expired())
295       {
296         // create shared_ptr from weak_ptr, we just checked that this is safe
297         std::shared_ptr<Element> otherCurrent_ = std::shared_ptr<Element>(otherWeak_);
298         // clone current level
299         //TODO: should we use the allocator?
300         current_->element_ =
301           std::make_shared<MemberType>(*(otherCurrent_->element_));
302         current_->finer_=finer_;
303         if(otherCurrent_->redistributed_)
304           current_->redistributed_ =
305             std::make_shared<MemberType>(*(otherCurrent_->redistributed_));
306         finer_=current_;
307         if(not otherCurrent_->coarser_.expired())
308         {
309           auto c = std::allocate_shared<Element>(allocator_);
310           current_->coarser_ = c;
311           current_ = c;
312         }
313         // go to coarser level
314         otherWeak_ = otherCurrent_->coarser_;
315       }
316       coarsest_=current_;
317     }
319     template<class T, class A>
levels() const320     std::size_t Hierarchy<T,A>::levels() const
321     {
322       return levels_;
323     }
325     template<class T, class A>
addRedistributedOnCoarsest(Arguments & args)326     void Hierarchy<T,A>::addRedistributedOnCoarsest(Arguments& args)
327     {
328       coarsest_->redistributed_ = ConstructionTraits<MemberType>::construct(args);
329     }
331     template<class T, class A>
addCoarser(Arguments & args)332     void Hierarchy<T,A>::addCoarser(Arguments& args)
333     {
334       if(!coarsest_) {
335         // we have no levels at all...
336         assert(!finest_);
337         // allocate into the shared_ptr
338         originalFinest_ = ConstructionTraits<MemberType>::construct(args);
339         coarsest_ = std::allocate_shared<Element>(allocator_);
340         coarsest_->element_ = originalFinest_;
341         finest_ = coarsest_;
342       }else{
343         auto old_coarsest = coarsest_;
344         coarsest_ = std::allocate_shared<Element>(allocator_);
345         coarsest_->finer_ = old_coarsest;
346         coarsest_->element_ = ConstructionTraits<MemberType>::construct(args);
347         old_coarsest->coarser_ = coarsest_;
348       }
349       ++levels_;
350     }
353     template<class T, class A>
addFiner(Arguments & args)354     void Hierarchy<T,A>::addFiner(Arguments& args)
355     {
356       //TODO: wouldn't it be better to do this in the constructor?'
357       if(!finest_) {
358         // we have no levels at all...
359         assert(!coarsest_);
360         // allocate into the shared_ptr
361         originalFinest_ = ConstructionTraits<MemberType>::construct(args);
362         finest_ = std::allocate_shared<Element>(allocator_);
363         finest_->element = originalFinest_;
364         coarsest_ = finest_;
365       }else{
366         finest_->finer_ = std::allocate_shared<Element>(allocator_);
367         finest_->finer_->coarser_ = finest_;
368         finest_ = finest_->finer_;
369         finest_->element = ConstructionTraits<T>::construct(args);
370       }
371       ++levels_;
372     }
374     template<class T, class A>
finest()375     typename Hierarchy<T,A>::Iterator Hierarchy<T,A>::finest()
376     {
377       return Iterator(finest_);
378     }
380     template<class T, class A>
coarsest()381     typename Hierarchy<T,A>::Iterator Hierarchy<T,A>::coarsest()
382     {
383       return Iterator(coarsest_);
384     }
386     template<class T, class A>
finest() const387     typename Hierarchy<T,A>::ConstIterator Hierarchy<T,A>::finest() const
388     {
389       return ConstIterator(finest_);
390     }
392     template<class T, class A>
coarsest() const393     typename Hierarchy<T,A>::ConstIterator Hierarchy<T,A>::coarsest() const
394     {
395       return ConstIterator(coarsest_);
396     }
397     /** @} */
398   } // namespace Amg
399 } // namespace Dune
401 #endif