1# This file is part of Xpra.
2# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com>
3# Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Antoine Martin <antoine@xpra.org>
4# Xpra is released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2, or, at your option, any
5# later version. See the file COPYING for details.
7import os
8import sys
9import logging
10import weakref
11# This module is used by non-GUI programs and thus must not import gtk.
13LOG_PREFIX = os.environ.get("XPRA_LOG_PREFIX", "")
14LOG_FORMAT = os.environ.get("XPRA_LOG_FORMAT", "%(asctime)s %(message)s")
15NOPREFIX_FORMAT = "%(message)s"
17DEBUG_MODULES = [x for x in os.environ.get("XPRA_DEBUG_MODULES", "").split(",") if x]
22#so we can keep a reference to all the loggers in use
23#we may have multiple loggers for the same key, so use a dict
24#but we don't want to prevent garbage collection so use a list of weakrefs
25all_loggers = dict()
26def add_logger(categories, logger):
27    global all_loggers
28    categories = list(categories)
29    categories.append("all")
30    l = weakref.ref(logger)
31    for cat in categories:
32        all_loggers.setdefault(cat, set()).add(l)
34def get_all_loggers():
35    global all_loggers
36    a = set()
37    for loggers in all_loggers.values():
38        for logger in list(loggers):
39            #weakref:
40            instance = logger()
41            if instance:
42                a.add(instance)
43    return a
46debug_enabled_categories = set()
47debug_disabled_categories = set()
49def get_debug_args():
50    args = []
51    if debug_enabled_categories:
52        args += list(debug_enabled_categories)
53    if debug_disabled_categories:
54        for x in debug_disabled_categories:
55            args.append("-%s" % x)
56    return args
58class FullDebugContext:
59    __slots__ = ("debug_enabled_categories", "enabled")
60    def __enter__(self):
61        global debug_enabled_categories
62        self.debug_enabled_categories = debug_enabled_categories
63        debug_enabled_categories.clear()
64        debug_enabled_categories.add("all")
65        self.enabled = []
66        for x in get_all_loggers():
67            if not x.is_debug_enabled():
68                self.enabled.append(x)
69                x.enable_debug()
71    def __exit__(self, *_args):
72        for x in self.enabled:
73            x.disable_debug()
74        global debug_enabled_categories
75        debug_enabled_categories.clear()
76        debug_enabled_categories.add(self.debug_enabled_categories)
79def add_debug_category(*cat):
80    remove_disabled_category(*cat)
81    for c in cat:
82        debug_enabled_categories.add(c)
84def remove_debug_category(*cat):
85    for c in cat:
86        if c in debug_enabled_categories:
87            debug_enabled_categories.remove(c)
89def is_debug_enabled(category : str):
90    if "all" in debug_enabled_categories:
91        return True
92    if category in debug_enabled_categories:
93        return True
94    return isenvdebug(category) or isenvdebug("ALL")
97def add_disabled_category(*cat):
98    remove_debug_category(*cat)
99    for c in cat:
100        debug_disabled_categories.add(c)
102def remove_disabled_category(*cat):
103    for c in cat:
104        if c in debug_disabled_categories:
105            debug_disabled_categories.remove(c)
108def get_loggers_for_categories(*cat):
109    if not cat:
110        return  []
111    if "all" in cat:
112        return get_all_loggers()
113    cset = set(cat)
114    matches = set()
115    for l in get_all_loggers():
116        if set(l.categories).issuperset(cset):
117            matches.add(l)
118    return list(matches)
120def enable_debug_for(*cat):
121    loggers = []
122    for l in get_loggers_for_categories(*cat):
123        if not l.is_debug_enabled():
124            l.enable_debug()
125            loggers.append(l)
126    return loggers
128def disable_debug_for(*cat):
129    loggers = []
130    for l in get_loggers_for_categories(*cat):
131        if l.is_debug_enabled():
132            l.disable_debug()
133            loggers.append(l)
134    return loggers
137default_level = logging.DEBUG
138def set_default_level(level):
139    global default_level
140    default_level = level
143def standard_logging(log, level, msg, *args, **kwargs):
144    #this is just the regular logging:
145    log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)
147#this allows us to capture all logging and redirect it:
148#the default 'standard_logging' uses the logger,
149#but the client may inject its own handler here
150global_logging_handler = standard_logging
152def set_global_logging_handler(h):
153    assert callable(h)
154    global global_logging_handler
155    saved = global_logging_handler
156    global_logging_handler = h
157    return saved
160def setloghandler(lh):
161    logging.root.handlers = []
162    logging.root.addHandler(lh)
164def enable_color(to=sys.stdout, format_string=NOPREFIX_FORMAT):
165    if not hasattr(to, "fileno"):
166        #on win32 sys.stdout can be a "Blackhole",
167        #which does not have a fileno
168        return
169    from xpra.colorstreamhandler import ColorStreamHandler
170    csh = ColorStreamHandler(to)
171    csh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(format_string))
172    setloghandler(csh)
174def enable_format(format_string):
175    try:
176        logging.root.handlers[0].formatter = logging.Formatter(format_string)
177    except (AttributeError, IndexError):
178        pass
182    "Client" : {
183                "client"        : "All client code",
184                "paint"         : "Client window paint code",
185                "draw"          : "Client draw packets",
186                "cairo"         : "Cairo paint code used with the GTK3 client",
187                "opengl"        : "Client OpenGL rendering",
188                "info"          : "About and Session info dialogs",
189                "launcher"      : "The client launcher program",
190                },
191    "General" : {
192                "clipboard"     : "All clipboard operations",
193                "notify"        : "Notification forwarding",
194                "tray"          : "System Tray forwarding",
195                "printing"      : "Printing",
196                "file"          : "File transfers",
197                "keyboard"      : "Keyboard mapping and key event handling",
198                "screen"        : "Screen and workarea dimension",
199                "fps"           : "Frames per second",
200                "xsettings"     : "XSettings synchronization",
201                "dbus"          : "DBUS calls",
202                "rpc"           : "Remote Procedure Calls",
203                "menu"          : "Menus",
204                "events"        : "System and window events",
205                },
206    "Window" : {
207                "window"        : "All window code",
208                "damage"        : "Window X11 repaint events",
209                "geometry"      : "Window geometry",
210                "shape"         : "Window shape forwarding (XShape)",
211                "focus"         : "Window focus",
212                "workspace"     : "Window workspace synchronization",
213                "metadata"      : "Window metadata",
214                "alpha"         : "Window Alpha channel (transparency)",
215                "state"         : "Window state",
216                "icon"          : "Window icons",
217                "frame"         : "Window frame",
218                "grab"          : "Window grabs (both keyboard and mouse)",
219                "dragndrop"     : "Window drag-n-drop events",
220                "filters"       : "Window filters",
221                },
222    "Encoding" : {
223                "codec"         : "Codec loader and video helper",
224                "loader"        : "Pixel compression codec loader",
225                "video"         : "Video encoding",
226                "score"         : "Video pipeline scoring and selection",
227                "encoding"      : "Server side encoding selection and compression",
228                "scaling"       : "Picture scaling",
229                "scroll"        : "Scrolling detection and compression",
230                "xor"           : "XOR delta pre-compression",
231                "subregion"     : "Video subregion processing",
232                "regiondetect"  : "Video region detection",
233                "regionrefresh" : "Video region refresh",
234                "refresh"       : "Refresh of lossy screen updates",
235                "compress"      : "Pixel compression (non video)",
236                },
237    "Codec" : {
238                #codecs:
239                "csc"           : "Colourspace conversion codecs",
240                "cuda"          : "CUDA device access (nvenc)",
241                "cython"        : "Cython CSC module",
242                "swscale"       : "swscale CSC module",
243                "libyuv"        : "libyuv CSC module",
244                "decoder"       : "All decoders",
245                "encoder"       : "All encoders",
246                "avcodec"       : "avcodec decoder",
247                "libav"         : "libav common code (used by swscale, avcodec and ffmpeg)",
248                "ffmpeg"        : "ffmpeg encoder",
249                "pillow"        : "Pillow encoder and decoder",
250                "spng"          : "spng codec",
251                "jpeg"          : "JPEG codec",
252                "vpx"           : "libvpx encoder and decoder",
253                "nvjpeg"        : "nvidia nvjpeg hardware encoder",
254                "nvenc"         : "nvidia nvenc video hardware encoder",
255                "nvfbc"         : "nvidia nvfbc screen capture",
256                "x264"          : "libx264 encoder",
257                "x265"          : "libx265 encoder",
258                "webp"          : "libwebp encoder and decoder",
259                "webcam"        : "webcam access",
260                },
261    "Pointer" : {
262                "mouse"         : "Mouse motion",
263                "cursor"        : "Mouse cursor shape",
264                },
265    "Misc" : {
266                #libraries
267                "gtk"           : "All GTK code: bindings, client, etc",
268                "util"          : "All utility functions",
269                "gobject"       : "Command line clients",
270                #server bits:
271                "test"          : "Test code",
272                "verbose"       : "Very verbose flag",
273                #specific applications:
274                },
275    "Network" : {
276                #internal / network:
277                "network"       : "All network code",
278                "bandwidth"     : "Bandwidth detection and management",
279                "ssh"           : "SSH connections",
280                "ssl"           : "SSL connections",
281                "http"          : "HTTP requests",
282                "rfb"           : "RFB Protocol",
283                "mmap"          : "mmap transfers",
284                "protocol"      : "Packet input and output (formatting, parsing, sending and receiving)",
285                "websocket"     : "WebSocket layer",
286                "named-pipe"    : "Named pipe",
287                "crypto"        : "Encryption",
288                "auth"          : "Authentication",
289                "upnp"           : "UPnP",
290                },
291    "Server" : {
292                #Server:
293                "server"        : "All server code",
294                "proxy"         : "Proxy server",
295                "shadow"        : "Shadow server",
296                "command"       : "Server control channel",
297                "timeout"       : "Server timeouts",
298                "exec"          : "Executing commands",
299                #server features:
300                "mdns"          : "mDNS session publishing",
301                #server internals:
302                "stats"         : "Server statistics",
303                "xshm"          : "XShm pixel capture",
304                },
305    "Sound" : {
306                "sound"         : "All sound",
307                "gstreamer"     : "GStreamer internal messages",
308                "av-sync"       : "Audio-video sync",
309                },
310    "X11" : {
311                "x11"           : "All X11 code",
312                "xinput"        : "XInput bindings",
313                "bindings"      : "X11 Cython bindings",
314                "core"          : "X11 core bindings",
315                "randr"         : "X11 RandR bindings",
316                "ximage"        : "X11 XImage bindings",
317                "error"         : "X11 errors",
318                },
319    "Platform" : {
320                "platform"      : "All platform support code",
321                "import"        : "Platform support import code",
322                "osx"           : "Mac OS X platform support code",
323                "win32"         : "Microsoft Windows platform support code",
324                "posix"         : "Posix platform code",
325                },
326    }
328#flatten it:
330for d in STRUCT_KNOWN_FILTERS.values():
331    for k,v in d.items():
332        KNOWN_FILTERS[k] = v
335def isenvdebug(category : str) -> bool:
336    return os.environ.get("XPRA_%s_DEBUG" % category.upper().replace("-", "_").replace("+", "_"), "0")=="1"
339def get_info():
340    return {
341        "filters" : STRUCT_KNOWN_FILTERS,
342        "categories" : {
343            "enabled"   : tuple(debug_enabled_categories),
344            "disabled"  : tuple(debug_disabled_categories),
345            },
346        "handler"   : getattr(global_logging_handler, "__name__", "<unknown>"),
347        "prefix"    : LOG_PREFIX,
348        "format"    : LOG_FORMAT,
349        "debug-modules" : DEBUG_MODULES,
350        #all_loggers
351        }
354class Logger:
355    """
356    A wrapper around 'logging' with some convenience stuff.  In particular:
357    * You initialize it with a list of categories
358        If unset, the default logging target is set to the name of the module where
359        Logger() was called.
360    * Any of the categories can enable debug logging if the environment
361    variable 'XPRA_${CATEGORY}_DEBUG' is set to "1"
362    * We also keep a list of debug_categories, so these can get enabled
363        programatically too
364    * We keep track of which loggers are associated with each category,
365        so we can enable/disable debug logging by category
366    * You can pass exc_info=True to any method, and sys.exc_info() will be
367        substituted.
368    * __call__ is an alias for debug
369    * we bypass the logging system unless debugging is enabled for the logger,
370        which is much faster than relying on the python logging code
371    """
372    __slots__ = ("categories", "level_override", "logger", "debug_enabled", "__weakref__")
373    def __init__(self, *categories):
374        global default_level, debug_disabled_categories, KNOWN_FILTERS
375        self.categories = list(categories)
376        try:
377            caller = sys._getframe(1).f_globals["__name__"] #pylint: disable=protected-access
378        except AttributeError:
379            caller = None
380        if caller not in ("__main__", None):
381            self.categories.insert(0, caller)
382        self.level_override = 0
383        self.logger = logging.getLogger(".".join(self.categories))
384        self.logger.setLevel(default_level)
385        disabled = False
386        enabled = False
387        if caller in DEBUG_MODULES:
388            enabled = True
389        else:
390            for cat in self.categories:
391                if cat in debug_disabled_categories:
392                    disabled = True
393                if is_debug_enabled(cat):
394                    enabled = True
395            if len(categories)>1:
396                #try all string permutations of those categories:
397                # "keyboard", "events" -> "keyboard+events" or "events+keyboard"
398                import itertools
399                for cats in itertools.permutations(categories):
400                    cstr = "+".join(cats)
401                    if cstr in debug_disabled_categories:
402                        disabled = True
403                    if is_debug_enabled(cstr):
404                        enabled = True
405        self.debug_enabled = enabled and not disabled
406        #ready, keep track of it:
407        add_logger(self.categories, self)
408        for x in categories:
409            if x not in KNOWN_FILTERS:
410                self.warn("unknown logging category: %s", x)
411        if self.debug_enabled:
412            self.debug("debug enabled for %s / %s", caller, categories)
414    def get_info(self) -> dict:
415        return {
416            "categories"    : self.categories,
417            "debug"         : self.debug_enabled,
418            "level"         : self.logger.getEffectiveLevel(),
419            }
421    def __repr__(self):
422        return "Logger(%s)" % ", ".join(self.categories)
424    def is_debug_enabled(self) -> bool:
425        return self.debug_enabled
427    def enable_debug(self):
428        self.debug_enabled = True
430    def disable_debug(self):
431        self.debug_enabled = False
433    def critical(self, enable=False):
434        self.level_override = logging.CRITICAL if enable else 0
436    def log(self, level, msg : str, *args, **kwargs):
437        if kwargs.get("exc_info") is True:
438            ei = sys.exc_info()
439            if ei!=(None, None, None):
440                kwargs["exc_info"] = ei
441        global global_logging_handler
442        if LOG_PREFIX:
443            msg = LOG_PREFIX+msg
444        global_logging_handler(self.logger.log, self.level_override or level, msg, *args, **kwargs)
446    def __call__(self, msg : str, *args, **kwargs):
447        if self.debug_enabled:
448            self.log(logging.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kwargs)
449    def debug(self, msg : str, *args, **kwargs):
450        if self.debug_enabled:
451            self.log(logging.DEBUG, msg, *args, **kwargs)
452    def info(self, msg : str, *args, **kwargs):
453        self.log(logging.INFO, msg, *args, **kwargs)
454    def warn(self, msg : str, *args, **kwargs):
455        self.log(logging.WARN, msg, *args, **kwargs)
456    def error(self, msg : str, *args, **kwargs):
457        self.log(logging.ERROR, msg, *args, **kwargs)
460class CaptureHandler(logging.Handler):
461    def __init__(self):
462        super().__init__(logging.DEBUG)
463        self.records = []
465    def handle(self, record):
466        self.records.append(record)
468    def emit(self, record):
469        self.records.append(record)
471    def createLock(self):
472        self.lock = None
474class SIGPIPEStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
475    def flush(self):
476        try:
477            super().flush()
478        except BrokenPipeError:
479            pass
481    def emit(self, record):
482        try:
483            msg = self.format(record)
484            stream = self.stream
485            # issue 35046: merged two stream.writes into one.
486            stream.write(msg + self.terminator)
487            self.flush()
488        except RecursionError:  # See issue 36272
489            raise
490        except BrokenPipeError:
491            pass
492        except Exception:
493            self.handleError(record)