1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# This file is part of beets.
3# Copyright 2016, Adrian Sampson.
5# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
6# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
7# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
8# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
9# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
10# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
11# the following conditions:
13# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
14# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
16"""Support for beets plugins."""
18from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
20import traceback
21import re
22import inspect
23from collections import defaultdict
24from functools import wraps
27import beets
28from beets import logging
29from beets import mediafile
30import six
32PLUGIN_NAMESPACE = 'beetsplug'
34# Plugins using the Last.fm API can share the same API key.
35LASTFM_KEY = '2dc3914abf35f0d9c92d97d8f8e42b43'
37# Global logger.
38log = logging.getLogger('beets')
41class PluginConflictException(Exception):
42    """Indicates that the services provided by one plugin conflict with
43    those of another.
45    For example two plugins may define different types for flexible fields.
46    """
49class PluginLogFilter(logging.Filter):
50    """A logging filter that identifies the plugin that emitted a log
51    message.
52    """
53    def __init__(self, plugin):
54        self.prefix = u'{0}: '.format(plugin.name)
56    def filter(self, record):
57        if hasattr(record.msg, 'msg') and isinstance(record.msg.msg,
58                                                     six.string_types):
59            # A _LogMessage from our hacked-up Logging replacement.
60            record.msg.msg = self.prefix + record.msg.msg
61        elif isinstance(record.msg, six.string_types):
62            record.msg = self.prefix + record.msg
63        return True
66# Managing the plugins themselves.
68class BeetsPlugin(object):
69    """The base class for all beets plugins. Plugins provide
70    functionality by defining a subclass of BeetsPlugin and overriding
71    the abstract methods defined here.
72    """
73    def __init__(self, name=None):
74        """Perform one-time plugin setup.
75        """
76        self.name = name or self.__module__.split('.')[-1]
77        self.config = beets.config[self.name]
78        if not self.template_funcs:
79            self.template_funcs = {}
80        if not self.template_fields:
81            self.template_fields = {}
82        if not self.album_template_fields:
83            self.album_template_fields = {}
84        self.early_import_stages = []
85        self.import_stages = []
87        self._log = log.getChild(self.name)
88        self._log.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)  # Use `beets` logger level.
89        if not any(isinstance(f, PluginLogFilter) for f in self._log.filters):
90            self._log.addFilter(PluginLogFilter(self))
92    def commands(self):
93        """Should return a list of beets.ui.Subcommand objects for
94        commands that should be added to beets' CLI.
95        """
96        return ()
98    def _set_stage_log_level(self, stages):
99        """Adjust all the stages in `stages` to WARNING logging level.
100        """
101        return [self._set_log_level_and_params(logging.WARNING, stage)
102                for stage in stages]
104    def get_early_import_stages(self):
105        """Return a list of functions that should be called as importer
106        pipelines stages early in the pipeline.
108        The callables are wrapped versions of the functions in
109        `self.early_import_stages`. Wrapping provides some bookkeeping for the
110        plugin: specifically, the logging level is adjusted to WARNING.
111        """
112        return self._set_stage_log_level(self.early_import_stages)
114    def get_import_stages(self):
115        """Return a list of functions that should be called as importer
116        pipelines stages.
118        The callables are wrapped versions of the functions in
119        `self.import_stages`. Wrapping provides some bookkeeping for the
120        plugin: specifically, the logging level is adjusted to WARNING.
121        """
122        return self._set_stage_log_level(self.import_stages)
124    def _set_log_level_and_params(self, base_log_level, func):
125        """Wrap `func` to temporarily set this plugin's logger level to
126        `base_log_level` + config options (and restore it to its previous
127        value after the function returns). Also determines which params may not
128        be sent for backwards-compatibility.
129        """
130        if six.PY2:
131            func_args = inspect.getargspec(func).args
132        else:
133            func_args = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args
135        @wraps(func)
136        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
137            assert self._log.level == logging.NOTSET
138            verbosity = beets.config['verbose'].get(int)
139            log_level = max(logging.DEBUG, base_log_level - 10 * verbosity)
140            self._log.setLevel(log_level)
141            try:
142                try:
143                    return func(*args, **kwargs)
144                except TypeError as exc:
145                    if exc.args[0].startswith(func.__name__):
146                        # caused by 'func' and not stuff internal to 'func'
147                        kwargs = dict((arg, val) for arg, val in kwargs.items()
148                                      if arg in func_args)
149                        return func(*args, **kwargs)
150                    else:
151                        raise
152            finally:
153                self._log.setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
154        return wrapper
156    def queries(self):
157        """Should return a dict mapping prefixes to Query subclasses.
158        """
159        return {}
161    def track_distance(self, item, info):
162        """Should return a Distance object to be added to the
163        distance for every track comparison.
164        """
165        return beets.autotag.hooks.Distance()
167    def album_distance(self, items, album_info, mapping):
168        """Should return a Distance object to be added to the
169        distance for every album-level comparison.
170        """
171        return beets.autotag.hooks.Distance()
173    def candidates(self, items, artist, album, va_likely):
174        """Should return a sequence of AlbumInfo objects that match the
175        album whose items are provided.
176        """
177        return ()
179    def item_candidates(self, item, artist, title):
180        """Should return a sequence of TrackInfo objects that match the
181        item provided.
182        """
183        return ()
185    def album_for_id(self, album_id):
186        """Return an AlbumInfo object or None if no matching release was
187        found.
188        """
189        return None
191    def track_for_id(self, track_id):
192        """Return a TrackInfo object or None if no matching release was
193        found.
194        """
195        return None
197    def add_media_field(self, name, descriptor):
198        """Add a field that is synchronized between media files and items.
200        When a media field is added ``item.write()`` will set the name
201        property of the item's MediaFile to ``item[name]`` and save the
202        changes. Similarly ``item.read()`` will set ``item[name]`` to
203        the value of the name property of the media file.
205        ``descriptor`` must be an instance of ``mediafile.MediaField``.
206        """
207        # Defer impor to prevent circular dependency
208        from beets import library
209        mediafile.MediaFile.add_field(name, descriptor)
210        library.Item._media_fields.add(name)
212    _raw_listeners = None
213    listeners = None
215    def register_listener(self, event, func):
216        """Add a function as a listener for the specified event.
217        """
218        wrapped_func = self._set_log_level_and_params(logging.WARNING, func)
220        cls = self.__class__
221        if cls.listeners is None or cls._raw_listeners is None:
222            cls._raw_listeners = defaultdict(list)
223            cls.listeners = defaultdict(list)
224        if func not in cls._raw_listeners[event]:
225            cls._raw_listeners[event].append(func)
226            cls.listeners[event].append(wrapped_func)
228    template_funcs = None
229    template_fields = None
230    album_template_fields = None
232    @classmethod
233    def template_func(cls, name):
234        """Decorator that registers a path template function. The
235        function will be invoked as ``%name{}`` from path format
236        strings.
237        """
238        def helper(func):
239            if cls.template_funcs is None:
240                cls.template_funcs = {}
241            cls.template_funcs[name] = func
242            return func
243        return helper
245    @classmethod
246    def template_field(cls, name):
247        """Decorator that registers a path template field computation.
248        The value will be referenced as ``$name`` from path format
249        strings. The function must accept a single parameter, the Item
250        being formatted.
251        """
252        def helper(func):
253            if cls.template_fields is None:
254                cls.template_fields = {}
255            cls.template_fields[name] = func
256            return func
257        return helper
260_classes = set()
263def load_plugins(names=()):
264    """Imports the modules for a sequence of plugin names. Each name
265    must be the name of a Python module under the "beetsplug" namespace
266    package in sys.path; the module indicated should contain the
267    BeetsPlugin subclasses desired.
268    """
269    for name in names:
270        modname = '{0}.{1}'.format(PLUGIN_NAMESPACE, name)
271        try:
272            try:
273                namespace = __import__(modname, None, None)
274            except ImportError as exc:
275                # Again, this is hacky:
276                if exc.args[0].endswith(' ' + name):
277                    log.warning(u'** plugin {0} not found', name)
278                else:
279                    raise
280            else:
281                for obj in getattr(namespace, name).__dict__.values():
282                    if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, BeetsPlugin) \
283                            and obj != BeetsPlugin and obj not in _classes:
284                        _classes.add(obj)
286        except Exception:
287            log.warning(
288                u'** error loading plugin {}:\n{}',
289                name,
290                traceback.format_exc(),
291            )
294_instances = {}
297def find_plugins():
298    """Returns a list of BeetsPlugin subclass instances from all
299    currently loaded beets plugins. Loads the default plugin set
300    first.
301    """
302    load_plugins()
303    plugins = []
304    for cls in _classes:
305        # Only instantiate each plugin class once.
306        if cls not in _instances:
307            _instances[cls] = cls()
308        plugins.append(_instances[cls])
309    return plugins
312# Communication with plugins.
314def commands():
315    """Returns a list of Subcommand objects from all loaded plugins.
316    """
317    out = []
318    for plugin in find_plugins():
319        out += plugin.commands()
320    return out
323def queries():
324    """Returns a dict mapping prefix strings to Query subclasses all loaded
325    plugins.
326    """
327    out = {}
328    for plugin in find_plugins():
329        out.update(plugin.queries())
330    return out
333def types(model_cls):
334    # Gives us `item_types` and `album_types`
335    attr_name = '{0}_types'.format(model_cls.__name__.lower())
336    types = {}
337    for plugin in find_plugins():
338        plugin_types = getattr(plugin, attr_name, {})
339        for field in plugin_types:
340            if field in types and plugin_types[field] != types[field]:
341                raise PluginConflictException(
342                    u'Plugin {0} defines flexible field {1} '
343                    u'which has already been defined with '
344                    u'another type.'.format(plugin.name, field)
345                )
346        types.update(plugin_types)
347    return types
350def named_queries(model_cls):
351    # Gather `item_queries` and `album_queries` from the plugins.
352    attr_name = '{0}_queries'.format(model_cls.__name__.lower())
353    queries = {}
354    for plugin in find_plugins():
355        plugin_queries = getattr(plugin, attr_name, {})
356        queries.update(plugin_queries)
357    return queries
360def track_distance(item, info):
361    """Gets the track distance calculated by all loaded plugins.
362    Returns a Distance object.
363    """
364    from beets.autotag.hooks import Distance
365    dist = Distance()
366    for plugin in find_plugins():
367        dist.update(plugin.track_distance(item, info))
368    return dist
371def album_distance(items, album_info, mapping):
372    """Returns the album distance calculated by plugins."""
373    from beets.autotag.hooks import Distance
374    dist = Distance()
375    for plugin in find_plugins():
376        dist.update(plugin.album_distance(items, album_info, mapping))
377    return dist
380def candidates(items, artist, album, va_likely):
381    """Gets MusicBrainz candidates for an album from each plugin.
382    """
383    for plugin in find_plugins():
384        for candidate in plugin.candidates(items, artist, album, va_likely):
385            yield candidate
388def item_candidates(item, artist, title):
389    """Gets MusicBrainz candidates for an item from the plugins.
390    """
391    for plugin in find_plugins():
392        for item_candidate in plugin.item_candidates(item, artist, title):
393            yield item_candidate
396def album_for_id(album_id):
397    """Get AlbumInfo objects for a given ID string.
398    """
399    for plugin in find_plugins():
400        album = plugin.album_for_id(album_id)
401        if album:
402            yield album
405def track_for_id(track_id):
406    """Get TrackInfo objects for a given ID string.
407    """
408    for plugin in find_plugins():
409        track = plugin.track_for_id(track_id)
410        if track:
411            yield track
414def template_funcs():
415    """Get all the template functions declared by plugins as a
416    dictionary.
417    """
418    funcs = {}
419    for plugin in find_plugins():
420        if plugin.template_funcs:
421            funcs.update(plugin.template_funcs)
422    return funcs
425def early_import_stages():
426    """Get a list of early import stage functions defined by plugins."""
427    stages = []
428    for plugin in find_plugins():
429        stages += plugin.get_early_import_stages()
430    return stages
433def import_stages():
434    """Get a list of import stage functions defined by plugins."""
435    stages = []
436    for plugin in find_plugins():
437        stages += plugin.get_import_stages()
438    return stages
441# New-style (lazy) plugin-provided fields.
443def item_field_getters():
444    """Get a dictionary mapping field names to unary functions that
445    compute the field's value.
446    """
447    funcs = {}
448    for plugin in find_plugins():
449        if plugin.template_fields:
450            funcs.update(plugin.template_fields)
451    return funcs
454def album_field_getters():
455    """As above, for album fields.
456    """
457    funcs = {}
458    for plugin in find_plugins():
459        if plugin.album_template_fields:
460            funcs.update(plugin.album_template_fields)
461    return funcs
464# Event dispatch.
466def event_handlers():
467    """Find all event handlers from plugins as a dictionary mapping
468    event names to sequences of callables.
469    """
470    all_handlers = defaultdict(list)
471    for plugin in find_plugins():
472        if plugin.listeners:
473            for event, handlers in plugin.listeners.items():
474                all_handlers[event] += handlers
475    return all_handlers
478def send(event, **arguments):
479    """Send an event to all assigned event listeners.
481    `event` is the name of  the event to send, all other named arguments
482    are passed along to the handlers.
484    Return a list of non-None values returned from the handlers.
485    """
486    log.debug(u'Sending event: {0}', event)
487    results = []
488    for handler in event_handlers()[event]:
489        result = handler(**arguments)
490        if result is not None:
491            results.append(result)
492    return results
495def feat_tokens(for_artist=True):
496    """Return a regular expression that matches phrases like "featuring"
497    that separate a main artist or a song title from secondary artists.
498    The `for_artist` option determines whether the regex should be
499    suitable for matching artist fields (the default) or title fields.
500    """
501    feat_words = ['ft', 'featuring', 'feat', 'feat.', 'ft.']
502    if for_artist:
503        feat_words += ['with', 'vs', 'and', 'con', '&']
504    return r'(?<=\s)(?:{0})(?=\s)'.format(
505        '|'.join(re.escape(x) for x in feat_words)
506    )
509def sanitize_choices(choices, choices_all):
510    """Clean up a stringlist configuration attribute: keep only choices
511    elements present in choices_all, remove duplicate elements, expand '*'
512    wildcard while keeping original stringlist order.
513    """
514    seen = set()
515    others = [x for x in choices_all if x not in choices]
516    res = []
517    for s in choices:
518        if s not in seen:
519            if s in list(choices_all):
520                res.append(s)
521            elif s == '*':
522                res.extend(others)
523        seen.add(s)
524    return res
527def sanitize_pairs(pairs, pairs_all):
528    """Clean up a single-element mapping configuration attribute as returned
529    by `confit`'s `Pairs` template: keep only two-element tuples present in
530    pairs_all, remove duplicate elements, expand ('str', '*') and ('*', '*')
531    wildcards while keeping the original order. Note that ('*', '*') and
532    ('*', 'whatever') have the same effect.
534    For example,
536    >>> sanitize_pairs(
537    ...     [('foo', 'baz bar'), ('key', '*'), ('*', '*')],
538    ...     [('foo', 'bar'), ('foo', 'baz'), ('foo', 'foobar'),
539    ...      ('key', 'value')]
540    ...     )
541    [('foo', 'baz'), ('foo', 'bar'), ('key', 'value'), ('foo', 'foobar')]
542    """
543    pairs_all = list(pairs_all)
544    seen = set()
545    others = [x for x in pairs_all if x not in pairs]
546    res = []
547    for k, values in pairs:
548        for v in values.split():
549            x = (k, v)
550            if x in pairs_all:
551                if x not in seen:
552                    seen.add(x)
553                    res.append(x)
554            elif k == '*':
555                new = [o for o in others if o not in seen]
556                seen.update(new)
557                res.extend(new)
558            elif v == '*':
559                new = [o for o in others if o not in seen and o[0] == k]
560                seen.update(new)
561                res.extend(new)
562    return res
565def notify_info_yielded(event):
566    """Makes a generator send the event 'event' every time it yields.
567    This decorator is supposed to decorate a generator, but any function
568    returning an iterable should work.
569    Each yielded value is passed to plugins using the 'info' parameter of
570    'send'.
571    """
572    def decorator(generator):
573        def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
574            for v in generator(*args, **kwargs):
575                send(event, info=v)
576                yield v
577        return decorated
578    return decorator