1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1995-2011 University of Karlsruhe.  All right reserved.
3  *
4  * This file is part of libFirm.
5  *
6  * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
7  * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
8  * Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
9  * packaging of this file.
10  *
11  * Licensees holding valid libFirm Professional Edition licenses may use
12  * this file in accordance with the libFirm Commercial License.
13  * Agreement provided with the Software.
14  *
15  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
17  * PURPOSE.
18  */
20 /**
21  * @file
22  * @brief   Definition of the Firm IR base types, concentrated here
23  * @author  Michael Beck
24  */
25 #ifndef FIRM_IR_IRDEFS_H
26 #define FIRM_IR_IRDEFS_H
28 #include <stdbool.h>
30 #include "firm_types.h"
31 #include "irdom_t.h"
32 #include "irmode.h"
33 #include "irnode.h"
34 #include "irgraph.h"
35 #include "iredgekinds.h"
36 #include "irtypeinfo.h"
37 #include "irmemory.h"
38 #include "callgraph.h"
39 #include "irprog.h"
40 #include "bitset.h"
42 #include "pset.h"
43 #include "set.h"
44 #include "list.h"
45 #include "obst.h"
46 #include "vrp.h"
48 struct ir_nodemap {
49 	void **data;  /**< maps node indices to void* */
50 };
52 /** The type of an ir_op. */
53 struct ir_op {
54 	unsigned code;            /**< The unique opcode of the op. */
55 	ident *name;              /**< The name of the op. */
56 	size_t attr_size;         /**< Space needed in memory for private attributes
57 	                               */
58 	op_pin_state pin_state;   /**< How to deal with the node in CSE, PRE. */
59 	op_arity opar;            /**< The arity of operator. */
60 	int op_index;             /**< The index of the first data operand, 0 for
61 	                               most cases, 1 for Div etc. */
62 	int memory_index;         /**< index of memory input for memory nodes */
63 	int pn_x_regular;         /**< for fragile ops the position of the
64 	                               X_regular output */
65 	int pn_x_except;          /**< for fragile ops the position of the
66 	                               X_except output */
67 	unsigned flags;           /**< Flags describing the behavior of the ir_op,
68 	                               a bitmasks of irop_flags. */
69 	unsigned tag;             /**< Some custom TAG value the op's creator set */
70 	void *attr;               /**< custom pointer where op's creator can attach
71 	                               attribute stuff to. */
72 	ir_op_ops ops;            /**< The operations of the this op. */
73 };
75 /** Helper values for ir_mode_sort. */
76 enum ir_mode_sort_helper {
77 	irmsh_is_num   = 0x10, /**< mode represents a number */
78 	irmsh_is_data  = 0x20, /**< mode represents data (can be carried in registers) */
79 	irmsh_is_datab = 0x40, /**< mode represents data or is internal boolean */
80 	irmsh_is_dataM = 0x80, /**< mode represents data or is memory */
81 };
83 /**
84  * These values represent the different mode classes of value representations.
85  * Beware: do not change the order of these values without checking
86  * the mode_is
87  */
88 typedef enum ir_mode_sort {
89 	irms_control_flow     = 0, /**< Marks all control flow modes. */
90 	irms_block            = 1,
91 	irms_tuple            = 2,
92 	irms_any              = 3,
93 	irms_bad              = 4,
94 	irms_memory           = 5 | irmsh_is_dataM, /**< Marks the memory mode.  Not extensible. (irm_M) */
96 	/** Internal boolean representation.
97 	     Storing to memory impossible, convert first. (irm_b) */
98 	irms_internal_boolean = 6 | irmsh_is_datab,
100 	/** A mode to represent entities.
101 	    Restricted int computations can be performed */
102 	irms_reference        = 7 | irmsh_is_data | irmsh_is_datab | irmsh_is_dataM,
103 	/** A mode to represent int numbers.
104 	    Integer computations can be performed. */
105 	irms_int_number       = 8 | irmsh_is_data | irmsh_is_datab | irmsh_is_dataM | irmsh_is_num,
106 	/** A mode to represent float numbers.
107 	    Floating point computations can be performed. */
108 	irms_float_number     = 9 | irmsh_is_data | irmsh_is_datab | irmsh_is_dataM | irmsh_is_num,
109 } ir_mode_sort;
111 /**
112  * A descriptor for an IEEE754 float value.
113  */
114 typedef struct float_descriptor_t {
115 	unsigned char exponent_size;    /**< size of exponent in bits */
116 	unsigned char mantissa_size;    /**< size of mantissa in bits */
117 	bool          explicit_one;     /**< set if the leading one is explicit */
118 } float_descriptor_t;
120 /**
121  * Contains relevant information about a mode.
122  *
123  * Necessary information about a mode is stored in this struct
124  * which is used by the tarval module to perform calculations
125  * and comparisons of values of a such described mode.
126  *
128  *  -  ident *name:             Name of this mode. Two modes are different if the name is different.
129  *  -  ir_mode_sort sort:       sort of mode specifying possible usage categories
130  *  -  int    size:             size of the mode in Bits.
131  *  -  unsigned sign:1:         signedness of this mode
132  *  -  ... more to come
133  *  -  modulo_shift             specifies for modes of kind irms_int_number
134  *                              whether shift applies modulo to value of bits to shift
135  *
136  * SEE ALSO:
137  *    The tech report 1999-44 describing FIRM and predefined modes
138  *    tarval.h
139  */
140 struct ir_mode {
141 	firm_kind         kind;       /**< distinguishes this node from others */
142 	ident             *name;      /**< Name ident of this mode */
143 	ir_type           *type;      /**< corresponding primitive type */
145 	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
146 	/* On changing this struct you have to evaluate the mode_are_equal function!*/
147 	ir_mode_sort       sort;          /**< coarse classification of this mode:
148                                            int, float, reference ...
149                                            (see irmode.h) */
150 	ir_mode_arithmetic arithmetic;    /**< different arithmetic operations possible with a mode */
151 	unsigned           size;          /**< size of the mode in Bits. */
152 	unsigned           sign:1;        /**< signedness of this mode */
153 	unsigned int       modulo_shift;  /**< number of bits a values of this mode will be shifted */
154 	float_descriptor_t float_desc;
156 	/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
157 	ir_tarval         *min;         /**< the minimum value that can be expressed */
158 	ir_tarval         *max;         /**< the maximum value that can be expressed */
159 	ir_tarval         *null;        /**< the value 0 */
160 	ir_tarval         *one;         /**< the value 1 */
161 	ir_tarval         *minus_one;   /**< the value -1 */
162 	ir_tarval         *all_one;     /**< the value ~0 */
163 	ir_mode           *eq_signed;   /**< For pointer modes, the equivalent signed integer one. */
164 	ir_mode           *eq_unsigned; /**< For pointer modes, the equivalent unsigned integer one. */
165 	void              *link;        /**< To store some intermediate information */
166 	const void        *tv_priv;     /**< tarval module will save private data here */
167 };
169 /* note: we use "long" here because that is the type used for Proj-Numbers */
170 typedef struct ir_switch_table_entry {
171 	ir_tarval *min;
172 	ir_tarval *max;
173 	long       pn;
174 } ir_switch_table_entry;
176 struct ir_switch_table {
177 	size_t                n_entries;
178 	ir_switch_table_entry entries[];
179 };
181 /* ir node attributes */
183 /** first attribute of Bad, Block, Anchor nodes */
184 typedef struct irg_attr {
185 	ir_graph *irg;              /**< The graph this block like node belongs to. */
186 } irg_attr;
188 typedef struct bad_attr {
189 	irg_attr    irg;
190 } bad_attr;
192 typedef struct anchor_attr {
193 	irg_attr  irg;
194 } anchor_attr;
196 /** Block attributes */
197 typedef struct block_attr {
198 	/* General attributes */
199 	irg_attr     irg;           /**< The graph this block belongs to. */
200 	ir_visited_t block_visited; /**< For the walker that walks over all blocks. */
201 	/* Attributes private to construction: */
202 	unsigned is_matured:1;      /**< If set, all in-nodes of the block are fixed. */
203 	unsigned dynamic_ins:1;     /**< if set in-array is an ARR_F on the heap. */
204 	unsigned marked:1;          /**< Can be set/unset to temporary mark a block. */
205 	ir_node **graph_arr;        /**< An array to store all parameters. */
206 	/* Attributes holding analyses information */
207 	ir_dom_info dom;            /**< Datastructure that holds information about dominators. */
208 	ir_dom_info pdom;           /**< Datastructure that holds information about post-dominators. */
209 	bitset_t *backedge;         /**< Bitfield n set to true if pred n is backedge.*/
210 	ir_entity *entity;          /**< entitiy representing this block */
211 	ir_node  *phis;             /**< The list of Phi nodes in this block. */
212 	double    execfreq;         /**< block execution frequency */
213 } block_attr;
215 /** Cond attributes. */
216 typedef struct cond_attr {
217 	cond_jmp_predicate jmp_pred; /**< only for binary Conds: The jump predication. */
218 } cond_attr;
220 /** Const attributes. */
221 typedef struct const_attr {
222 	ir_tarval *tarval;  /**< the target value */
223 } const_attr;
225 /** SymConst attributes. */
226 typedef struct symconst_attr {
227 	symconst_symbol sym;  // old tori
228 	symconst_kind   kind;
229 } symconst_attr;
231 /** Sel attributes. */
232 typedef struct sel_attr {
233 	ir_entity *entity;    /**< entity to select */
234 } sel_attr;
236 /** Exception attributes. */
237 typedef struct except_attr {
238 	unsigned  pin_state : 2;         /**< the pin state for operations with
239 	                                      variable pinned state. Contains a
240 	                                      op_pin_state */
241 	unsigned  throws_exception : 1; /**< if true a fragile op throws and
242 	                                     must produce X_except and X_regular
243 	                                     values */
244 } except_attr;
246 /** Call attributes. */
247 typedef struct call_attr {
248 	except_attr exc;               /**< the exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
249 	ir_type     *type;             /**< type of called procedure */
250 	ir_entity   **callee_arr;      /**< result of callee analysis */
251 } call_attr;
253 /** Builtin attributes. */
254 typedef struct builtin_attr {
255 	except_attr     exc;           /**< the exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
256 	ir_builtin_kind kind;          /**< kind of the called builtin procedure */
257 	ir_type         *type;         /**< type of called builtin procedure */
258 } builtin_attr;
260 /** Alloc attributes. */
261 typedef struct alloc_attr {
262 	except_attr    exc;           /**< the exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
263     ir_where_alloc where;         /**< stack, heap or other managed part of memory */
264 	ir_type        *type;         /**< Type of the allocated object.  */
265 } alloc_attr;
267 /** Free attributes. */
268 typedef struct free_attr {
269 	ir_type *type;                /**< Type of the allocated object.  */
270 	ir_where_alloc where;         /**< stack, heap or other managed part of memory */
271 } free_attr;
273 /** InstOf attributes. */
274 typedef struct io_attr {
275 	except_attr    exc;           /**< the exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
276 	ir_type *type;                /**< the type of which the object pointer must be */
277 } io_attr;
279 /** Cast attributes. */
280 typedef struct cast_attr {
281 	ir_type *type;                /**< Type of the casted node. */
282 } cast_attr;
284 /** Load attributes. */
285 typedef struct load_attr {
286 	except_attr   exc;            /**< The exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
287     ir_volatility volatility:1;   /**< The volatility of this Load operation. */
288     ir_align      unaligned:1;    /**< The align attribute of this Load operation. */
289 	ir_mode       *mode;          /**< The mode of this Load operation. */
290 } load_attr;
292 /** Store attributes. */
293 typedef struct store_attr {
294 	except_attr   exc;            /**< the exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
295 	ir_volatility volatility:1;   /**< The volatility of this Store operation. */
296 	ir_align      unaligned:1;    /**< The align attribute of this Store operation. */
297 } store_attr;
299 typedef struct phi_attr {
300 	ir_node        *next;         /**< Points to the next Phi in the Phi list of a block. */
301 	union {
302 		bitset_t      *backedge;     /**< Raw Bitfield: bit n is set to true if pred n is backedge. */
303 		int            pos;           /**< For Phi0. Used to remember the value defined by
304 		                               this Phi node.  Needed when the Phi is completed
305 		                               to call get_r_internal_value() to find the
306 		                               predecessors. If this attribute is set, the Phi
307 		                               node takes the role of the obsolete Phi0 node,
308 		                               therefore the name. */
309 	} u;
310 } phi_attr;
312 /**< Cmp attribute. */
313 typedef struct cmp_attr {
314 	ir_relation relation;         /**< comparison condition. */
315 } cmp_attr;
317 /**< Confirm attribute. */
318 typedef struct confirm_attr {
319 	ir_relation relation;         /**< relation between value and bound */
320 } confirm_attr;
322 /** CopyB attribute. */
323 typedef struct copyb_attr {
324 	except_attr    exc;           /**< The exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
325 	ir_type        *type;         /**< Type of the copied entity. */
326 } copyb_attr;
328 /** Bound attribute. */
329 typedef struct bound_attr {
330 	except_attr exc;              /**< The exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
331 } bound_attr;
333 /** Div attribute. */
334 typedef struct div_attr {
335 	except_attr    exc;           /**< The exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
336 	ir_mode        *resmode;      /**< Result mode for the division. */
337 	char           no_remainder;  /**< Set, if known that a division can be done without a remainder. */
338 } div_attr;
340 /** Mod attribute. */
341 typedef struct mod_attr {
342 	except_attr    exc;           /**< The exception attribute. MUST be the first one. */
343 	ir_mode        *resmode;      /**< Result mode for the division. */
344 } mod_attr;
346 /** Inline Assembler support attribute. */
347 typedef struct asm_attr {
348 	/* BEWARE: pin state MUST be the first attribute */
349 	op_pin_state      pin_state;            /**< the pin state for operations that might generate a exception */
350 	ident             *text;                /**< The inline assembler text. */
351 	ir_asm_constraint *input_constraints;   /**< Input constraints. */
352 	ir_asm_constraint *output_constraints;  /**< Output constraints. */
353 	ident             **clobbers;           /**< List of clobbered registers. */
354 } asm_attr;
356 typedef struct proj_attr {
357 	long  proj;           /**< position of tuple sub-value which is projected */
358 } proj_attr;
360 typedef struct switch_attr {
361 	unsigned         n_outs;
362 	ir_switch_table *table;
363 } switch_attr;
365 /** Some IR-nodes just have one attribute, these are stored here,
366    some have more. Their name is 'irnodename_attr' */
367 typedef union ir_attr {
368 	irg_attr       irg;           /**< For Blocks and Bad: its belonging irg */
369 	bad_attr       bad;           /**< for Bads: irg reference */
370 	anchor_attr    anchor;        /**< for Anchor: irg reference */
371 	block_attr     block;         /**< For Block: Fields needed to construct it */
372 	cmp_attr       cmp;           /**< For Cmp. */
373 	cond_attr      cond;          /**< For Cond. */
374 	const_attr     con;           /**< For Const: contains the value of the constant and a type */
375 	symconst_attr  symc;          /**< For SymConst. */
376 	sel_attr       sel;           /**< For Sel. */
377 	call_attr      call;          /**< For Call. */
378 	builtin_attr   builtin;       /**< For Builtin. */
379 	alloc_attr     alloc;         /**< For Alloc. */
380 	free_attr      free;          /**< For Free. */
381 	io_attr        instof;        /**< For InstOf */
382 	cast_attr      cast;          /**< For Cast. */
383 	load_attr      load;          /**< For Load. */
384 	store_attr     store;         /**< For Store. */
385 	phi_attr       phi;           /**< For Phi. */
386 	proj_attr      proj;          /**< For Proj. */
387 	confirm_attr   confirm;       /**< For Confirm: compare operation and region. */
388 	except_attr    except;        /**< For Phi node construction in case of exceptions */
389 	copyb_attr     copyb;         /**< For CopyB operation */
390 	bound_attr     bound;         /**< For Bound operation */
391 	div_attr       div;           /**< For Div operation */
392 	mod_attr       mod;           /**< For Mod operation */
393 	asm_attr       assem;         /**< For ASM operation. */
394 	switch_attr    switcha;       /**< For Switch operation. */
395 } ir_attr;
397 /**
398  * Edge info to put into an irn.
399  */
400 typedef struct irn_edge_kind_info_t {
401 	struct list_head outs_head;  /**< The list of all outs. */
402 	unsigned edges_built : 1;    /**< Set edges where built for this node. */
403 	unsigned out_count : 31;     /**< Number of outs in the list. */
404 } irn_edge_info_t;
406 typedef irn_edge_info_t irn_edges_info_t[EDGE_KIND_LAST];
408 /**
409  * A Def-Use edge.
410  */
411 typedef struct ir_def_use_edge {
412 	ir_node *use;            /** The use node of that edge. */
413 	int     pos;             /** The position of this edge in use's input array. */
414 } ir_def_use_edge;
416 typedef struct ir_def_use_edges {
417 	unsigned        n_edges;
418 	ir_def_use_edge edges[];
419 } ir_def_use_edges;
421 /**
422  * The common structure of an irnode.
423  * If the node has some attributes, they are stored in the attr field.
424  */
425 struct ir_node {
426 	/* ------- Basics of the representation  ------- */
427 	firm_kind kind;          /**< Distinguishes this node from others. */
428 	unsigned node_idx;       /**< The node index of this node in its graph. */
429 	ir_op *op;               /**< The Opcode of this node. */
430 	ir_mode *mode;           /**< The Mode of this node. */
431 	struct ir_node **in;     /**< The array of predecessors / operands. */
432 	ir_visited_t visited;    /**< The visited counter for walks of the graph. */
433 	void *link;              /**< To attach additional information to the node, e.g.
434 	                              used during optimization to link to nodes that
435 	                              shall replace a node. */
436 	long node_nr;            /**< A globally unique node number for each node. */
437 	/* ------- Fields for optimizations / analysis information ------- */
438 	union {
439 		ir_def_use_edges *out;    /**< array of def-use edges. */
440 		unsigned          n_outs; /**< number of def-use edges (temporarily used
441 		                               during construction of datastructure ) */
442 	} o;
443 	struct dbg_info  *dbi;   /**< A pointer to information for debug support. */
444 	/* ------- For analyses -------- */
445 	ir_loop *loop;           /**< the loop the node is in. Access routines in irloop.h */
446 	struct ir_node **deps;   /**< Additional dependencies induced by state. */
447 	void            *backend_info;
448 	irn_edges_info_t edge_info;  /**< Everlasting out edges. */
450 	/* ------- Opcode depending fields -------- */
451 	ir_attr attr;            /**< The set of attributes of this node. Depends on opcode.
452 	                              Must be last field of struct ir_node. */
453 };
455 #include "iredgeset.h"
457 /**
458  * Edge info to put into an irg.
459  */
460 typedef struct irg_edge_info_t {
461 	ir_edgeset_t     edges;          /**< A set containing all edges of the current graph. */
462 	struct list_head free_edges;     /**< list of all free edges. */
463 	struct obstack   edges_obst;     /**< Obstack, where edges are allocated on. */
464 	unsigned         allocated : 1;  /**< Set if edges are allocated on the obstack. */
465 	unsigned         activated : 1;  /**< Set if edges are activated for the graph. */
466 } irg_edge_info_t;
468 typedef irg_edge_info_t irg_edges_info_t[EDGE_KIND_LAST];
470 /**
471  * Index constants for nodes that can be accessed through the graph anchor node.
472  */
473 typedef enum irg_anchors {
474 	anchor_first,
475 	anchor_end_block = anchor_first, /**< block the end node will belong to,
476 	                                      same as Anchors block */
477 	anchor_start_block,      /**< block the start node will belong to */
478 	anchor_end,              /**< end node of this ir_graph */
479 	anchor_start,            /**< start node of this ir_graph */
480 	anchor_initial_exec,     /**< methods initial control flow */
481 	anchor_frame,            /**< methods frame */
482 	anchor_initial_mem,      /**< initial memory of this graph */
483 	anchor_args,             /**< methods arguments */
484 	anchor_no_mem,           /**< NoMem node of this ir_graph, the one and only in this graph */
485 	anchor_last = anchor_no_mem
486 } irg_anchors;
487 ENUM_COUNTABLE(irg_anchors)
489 /** A callgraph entry for callees. */
490 typedef struct cg_callee_entry {
491 	ir_graph  *irg;        /**< The called irg. */
492 	ir_node  **call_list;  /**< The list of all calls to the irg. */
493 	size_t     max_depth;  /**< Maximum depth of all Call nodes to irg. */
494 } cg_callee_entry;
496 typedef struct ir_vrp_info {
497 	struct ir_nodemap infos;
498 	struct obstack    obst;
499 } ir_vrp_info;
501 /**
502  * An ir_graph holds all information for a procedure.
503  */
504 struct ir_graph {
505 	firm_kind         kind;        /**< Always set to k_ir_graph. */
506 	/* --  Basics of the representation -- */
507 	unsigned last_node_idx;        /**< The last IR node index for this graph. */
508 	ir_entity  *ent;               /**< The entity of this procedure, i.e.,
509 	                                    the type of the procedure and the
510 	                                    class it belongs to. */
511 	ir_type *frame_type;           /**< A class type representing the stack frame.
512 	                                    Can include "inner" methods. */
513 	ir_node *anchor;               /**< Pointer to the anchor node of this graph. */
514 	struct obstack *obst;          /**< The obstack where all of the ir_nodes live. */
515 	ir_node *current_block;        /**< Current block for newly gen_*()-erated ir_nodes. */
517 	/* -- Fields indicating different states of irgraph -- */
518 	ir_graph_properties_t  properties;
519 	ir_graph_constraints_t constraints;
520 	op_pin_state           irg_pinned_state;  /**< Flag for status of nodes. */
521 	ir_typeinfo_state      typeinfo_state;    /**< Validity of type information. */
522 	irg_callee_info_state  callee_info_state; /**< Validity of callee information. */
523 	ir_class_cast_state    class_cast_state;  /**< Kind of cast operations in code. */
524 	unsigned mem_disambig_opt;               /**< Options for the memory disambiguator. */
525 	unsigned fp_model;                       /**< floating point model of the graph. */
527 	/* -- Fields for construction -- */
528 	int n_loc;                         /**< Number of local variables in this
529 	                                        procedure including procedure parameters. */
530 	void **loc_descriptions;           /**< Storage for local variable descriptions. */
532 	/* -- Fields for optimizations / analysis information -- */
533 	pset *value_table;                 /**< Hash table for global value numbering (cse)
534 	                                        for optimizing use in iropt.c */
535 	struct obstack   out_obst;         /**< Space for the Def-Use arrays. */
536 	bool             out_obst_allocated;
537 	ir_vrp_info      vrp;              /**< vrp info */
539 	ir_loop *loop;                     /**< The outermost loop for this graph. */
540 	ir_dom_front_info_t domfront;      /**< dominance frontier analysis data */
541 	void *link;                        /**< A void* field to link any information to
542 	                                        the node. */
544 	ir_graph **callers;                /**< For callgraph analysis: list of caller graphs. */
545 	unsigned *caller_isbe;             /**< For callgraph analysis: raw bitset if backedge info calculated. */
546 	cg_callee_entry **callees;         /**< For callgraph analysis: list of callee calls */
547 	unsigned *callee_isbe;             /**< For callgraph analysis: raw bitset if backedge info calculated. */
548 	ir_loop   *l;                            /**< For callgraph analysis. */
549 	size_t     callgraph_loop_depth;         /**< For callgraph analysis */
550 	size_t     callgraph_recursion_depth;    /**< For callgraph analysis */
551 	double     method_execution_frequency;   /**< For callgraph analysis */
554 	/* -- Fields for Walking the graph -- */
555 	ir_visited_t visited;             /**< this flag is an identifier for
556 	                  ir walk. it will be incremented
557 	                  every time someone walks through
558 	                  the graph */
559 	ir_visited_t block_visited;        /**< same as visited, for a complete block */
561 	ir_visited_t self_visited;         /**< visited flag of the irg */
563 	unsigned estimated_node_count;     /**< estimated number of nodes in this graph,
564 	                                        updated after every walk */
565 	irg_edges_info_t edge_info;        /**< edge info for automatic outs */
566 	ir_node **idx_irn_map;             /**< Array mapping node indexes to nodes. */
568 	size_t index;                      /**< a unique number for each graph */
569 	/** extra info which should survive accross multiple passes */
570 	void     *be_data;                 /**< backend can put in private data here */
572 	unsigned  dump_nr;                 /**< number of graph dumps */
573 #ifdef DEBUG_libfirm
574 	long graph_nr;                     /**< a unique graph number for each
575 	                                        graph to make output readable. */
576 #endif
578 #ifndef NDEBUG
579 	ir_resources_t reserved_resources; /**< Bitset for tracking used local resources. */
580 #endif
581 };
583 /**
584  * Data structure that holds central information about a program
585  * or a module.
586  * One irp is created by libFirm on construction, so irp should never be NULL.
587  *
588  * - main_irg:  The ir graph that is the entry point to the program.
589  *              (Anything not reachable from here may be optimized away
590  *              if this irp represents a whole program.
591  * - irg:       List of all ir graphs in the program or module.
592  * - type:      A list containing all types known to the translated program.
593  *              Some types can have several entries in this list (as a result of
594  *              using exchange_types()).
595  * - glob_type: The unique global type that is owner of all global entities
596  *              of this module.
597  */
598 struct ir_prog {
599 	firm_kind kind;                 /**< must be k_ir_prog */
600 	ident     *name;                /**< A file name or the like. */
601 	ir_graph  *main_irg;            /**< The entry point to the compiled program
602 	                                     or NULL if no point exists. */
603 	ir_graph **graphs;              /**< A list of all graphs in the ir. */
604 	ir_graph  *const_code_irg;      /**< This ir graph gives the proper environment
605 	                                     to allocate nodes the represent values
606 	                                     of constant entities. It is not meant as
607 	                                     a procedure.  */
608 	ir_entity *unknown_entity;      /**< unique 'unknown'-entity */
609 	ir_type   *segment_types[IR_SEGMENT_LAST+1];
610 	ir_type  **types;               /**< A list of all types in the ir. */
611 	ir_type   *none_type;           /**< unique 'none'-type */
612 	ir_type   *code_type;           /**< unique 'code'-type */
613 	ir_type   *unknown_type;        /**< unique 'unknown'-type */
614 	ir_type   *byte_type;           /**< type for a 'byte' */
615 	ident    **global_asms;         /**< An array of global ASM insertions. */
617 	/* -- states of and access to generated information -- */
618 	ir_node **ip_outedges;          /**< A huge Array that contains all out edges
619 	                                     in interprocedural view. */
621 	irg_callee_info_state callee_info_state; /**< Validity of callee information.
622 	                                              Contains the lowest value or all irgs.  */
623 	ir_typeinfo_state typeinfo_state;    /**< Validity of type information. */
624 	inh_transitive_closure_state inh_trans_closure_state;  /**< State of transitive closure
625 	                                                            of inheritance relations. */
627 	irp_callgraph_state callgraph_state; /**< The state of the callgraph. */
628 	ir_loop *outermost_cg_loop;          /**< For callgraph analysis: entry point
629 	                                              to looptree over callgraph. */
630 	size_t max_callgraph_loop_depth;        /**< needed in callgraph. */
631 	size_t max_callgraph_recursion_depth;   /**< needed in callgraph. */
632 	double max_method_execution_frequency;  /**< needed in callgraph. */
633 	loop_nesting_depth_state lnd_state;  /**< The state of loop nesting depth information. */
634 	ir_class_cast_state class_cast_state;    /**< The state of cast operations in code. */
635 	ir_entity_usage_computed_state globals_entity_usage_state;
637 	ir_label_t last_label_nr;            /**< The highest label number for generating unique labels. */
638 	size_t max_irg_idx;                  /**< highest unused irg index */
639 	long max_node_nr;                    /**< to generate unique numbers for nodes. */
640 	unsigned dump_nr;                    /**< number of program info dumps */
641 #ifndef NDEBUG
642 	irp_resources_t reserved_resources;  /**< Bitset for tracking used global resources. */
643 #endif
644 };
646 #endif