1 #ifndef _WIN32_H_
2 #define _WIN32_H_
3 #include <windows.h>
4 #include <winspool.h>
5 #include <wtypes.h>
6 #define Rect xxRect
7 #define Color xxColor
8 #define Point xxPoint
9 #include <gdiplus/gdiplus.h>
10 #undef Rect
11 #undef Color
12 #undef Point
13 #include "apricot.h"
15 #ifdef __cplusplus
16 extern "C" {
17 #endif
20 #define SEVERE_DEBUG
23 #ifdef __CYGWIN__
24 typedef int SOCKETHANDLE;
25 #else
27 #endif
29 #undef  HWND_DESKTOP
30 #define HWND_DESKTOP         guts. desktopWindow
33 #ifdef UNICODE
34 #error This version of apc_Win32 does not support Unicode
35 #endif
37 #define DEFAULT_SYSTEM_FONT              "System"
38 #define DEFAULT_WIDGET_FONT              (((DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(guts.version)))>5)?"Segoe UI":"MS Shell Dlg")
39 #define DEFAULT_WIDGET_FONT_SIZE         (((DWORD)(LOBYTE(LOWORD(guts.version)))>5)?9:8)
40 #define COLOR_TOLERANCE                  4
41 #define HASMATE_MAGIC                    0xDEAF0CE1
42 #define MENU_ID_AUTOSTART                100
43 #define TID_USERMAX                      32767
44 #define REG_STORAGE                      "SOFTWARE\\Perl\\Prima"
45 #define MAXREGLEN                        1024
47 #define WM_WRITE_TO_LOG                   ( WM_USER + 0)
48 #define WM_PRIMA_CREATE                   ( WM_USER + 1)
49 #define WM_POSTAL                         ( WM_USER + 2)
50 #define WM_DLGENTERMODAL                  ( WM_USER + 3)
51 #define WM_ZORDERSYNC                     ( WM_USER + 4)
52 #define WM_MOUSEENTER                     ( WM_USER + 6)
53 #define WM_MOUSEEXIT                      ( WM_USER + 7)
54 #define WM_SETVISIBLE                     ( WM_USER + 8)
55 #define WM_KEYPACKET                      ( WM_USER + 9)
56 #define WM_LMOUSECLICK                    ( WM_USER + 10)
57 #define WM_MMOUSECLICK                    ( WM_USER + 11)
58 #define WM_RMOUSECLICK                    ( WM_USER + 12)
59 #define WM_FORCEFOCUS                     ( WM_USER + 13)
60 #define WM_SYNCMOVE                       ( WM_USER + 14)
61 #define WM_SOCKET                         ( WM_USER + 15)
62 #define WM_SOCKET_REHASH                  ( WM_USER + 16)
63 #define WM_EXTERNAL                       ( WM_USER + 17)
64 #define WM_HASMATE                        ( WM_USER + 18)
65 #define WM_FILE                           ( WM_USER + 19)
66 #define WM_CROAK                          ( WM_USER + 20)
67 #define WM_REPAINT_LAYERED                ( WM_USER + 21)
68 #define WM_DRAG_RESPONSE                  ( WM_USER + 22)
69 #define WM_XMOUSECLICK                    ( WM_USER + 23)
70 #define WM_TERMINATE                      ( WM_USER + 99)
71 #define WM_FIRST_USER_MESSAGE             ( WM_USER +100)
72 #define WM_LAST_USER_MESSAGE              ( WM_USER +900)
74 #ifndef WM_DPICHANGED
75 #define WM_DPICHANGED                     0x02E0
76 #endif
78 #define WC_CUSTOM       0
79 #define WC_DLG          1
80 #define WC_APPLICATION  2
81 #define WC_FRAME        3
82 #define WC_MENU         4
83 #define WC_POPUP        5
85 #define exsLinePattern  1
86 #define exsLineEnd      2
87 #define exsLineJoin     4
89 #define stbPen          0x01
90 #define stbBrush        0x02
91 #define stbText         0x04
92 #define stbBacking      0x08
93 #define stbGDIMask      0x0F
94 #define stbGPBrush      0x10
96 #define SOCKETS_NONE         ( guts. socket_version == -1)
97 #define SOCKETS_AS_HANDLES   ( guts. socket_version == 1)
98 #define SOCKETS_NATIVE       ( guts. socket_version == 2)
100 #define FHT_SOCKET  1
101 #define FHT_PIPE    2
102 #define FHT_OTHER   3
104 #define apcWarn \
105 	if (debug) \
106 		warn( "win32 error 0x%x: '%s' at line %d in %s\n", (unsigned int)rc, \
107 			err_msg( rc, NULL), __LINE__, __FILE__);   \
108 	else \
109 		err_msg( rc, NULL)
111 #define apcErr( err) apcError = err
112 #define apiErr {           \
113 	rc = GetLastError();    \
114 	apcError = errApcError; \
115 	apcWarn;                \
116 }
117 #define apiAltErr( err) {  \
118 	apcError = errApcError; \
119 	rc = err;               \
120 	apcWarn;                \
121 }
122 #define apiErrRet         { apiErr;               return false; }
123 #define apcErrRet(err)    { apcErr(err);          return false; }
124 #define apcErrClear       { apcError = errOk;                   }
126 #define GPCALL rc = (DWORD)
127 #define apiGPErr { \
128 	apcError = errApcError; \
129 	if ( debug ) \
130 		warn( "win32 error 0x%x: '%s' at line %d in %s\n", (unsigned int)rc, \
131 			err_msg_gplus( rc, NULL), __LINE__, __FILE__);   \
132 	rc |= 0x40000;    \
133 }
134 #define apiGPErrCheck if (rc) apiGPErr;
135 #define apiGPErrCheckRet(f) if (rc) { apiGPErr; return f; }
136 #define apiHErr(hr) {           \
137 	apcError = errApcError; \
138 	rc = hr;                \
139 	apcWarn;                \
140 }
142 #define apiHErrRet(hr)     { apiHErr(hr);           return false; }
144 #define objCheck          if ( var stage == csDead) return
145 #define dobjCheck(handle) if ((( PObject)handle)-> stage == csDead) return
147 #define SHIFT_X(X)    X + sys gp_transform.x
148 #define SHIFT_Y(Y)    sys lastSize.y - (Y) - 1 + sys gp_transform.y
149 #define SHIFT_XY(X,Y) X += sys gp_transform.x,Y = sys lastSize.y - (Y) - 1 + sys gp_transform.y
151 typedef struct _HandleOptions_ {
152 	unsigned aptWM_PAINT             : 1;       // true if inside WM_PAINT
153 	unsigned aptWinPS                : 1;       // window PS was passed to paint
154 	unsigned aptCompatiblePS         : 1;       // PS is screen-compatible
155 	unsigned aptFontExists           : 1;       // font is selected on HPS
156 	unsigned aptCursorVis            : 1;       // cursor visible flag
157 	unsigned aptFocused              : 1;       // set if control if focused
158 	unsigned aptFirstClick           : 1;       // set if control can process WM_BUTTONXDOWN without pre-activation
159 	unsigned aptClipOwner            : 1;       // if set, parent of this window is HWND_DESKTOP
160 	unsigned aptLockVisState         : 1;       // visible/locked flag
161 	unsigned aptTransparent          : 1;       // transparency flag
162 	unsigned aptSyncPaint            : 1;       // WS_SYNCPAINT analog
163 	unsigned aptVisible              : 1;       // visibility flag
164 	unsigned aptTaskList             : 1;       // Window flag - set if in task list
165 	unsigned aptDeviceBitmap         : 1;       // == kind_of( CDeviceBitmap)
166 	unsigned aptBitmap               : 1;       // buffered widget
167 	unsigned aptImage                : 1;       // == kind_of( CImage)
168 	unsigned aptIcon                 : 1;       // == kind_of( CIcon)
169 	unsigned aptPrinter              : 1;       // == kind_of( CPrinter)
170 	unsigned aptExtraFont            : 1;       // extra font styles ( angle, shear) has been applied
171 	unsigned aptDCChangeLock         : 1;       // locks SelectObject() calls
172 	unsigned aptEnabled              : 1;       // enabled flag
173 	unsigned aptTextOpaque           : 1;       // gp text drawing flag
174 	unsigned aptTextOutBaseline      : 1;       // gp text drawing flag
175 	unsigned aptWinPosDetermined     : 1;       // 0 when size is set, but position is not
176 	unsigned aptOnTop                : 1;       // HWND_TOPMOST is set
177 	unsigned aptLayered              : 1;       // WS_EX_LAYERED
178 	unsigned aptRepaintPending       : 1;       // for optLayered
179 	unsigned aptMovePending          : 1;       // for optLayered
180 	unsigned aptLayeredPaint         : 1;       // painting children of layered window
181 	unsigned aptLayeredRequested     : 1;       // Prima wants layered
182 	unsigned aptClipByChildren       : 1;       // cached clipping by children
183 	unsigned aptIgnoreSizeMessages   : 1;       // during window recreation
184 	unsigned aptGDIPlus              : 1;       // uses GDI+
185 } HandleOptions;
187 #define CLIPBOARD_MAIN 0
188 #define CLIPBOARD_DND  1
190 typedef struct _WinGuts
191 {
192 	HINSTANCE      instance;           // application instance
193 	int            cmdShow;            // run command state
194 	int            appLock;            // application lock count
195 	int            pointerLock;        // pointer lock count
196 	DWORD          mainThreadId;       // Id of main thread
197 	Point          displayResolution;  // screen resolution in ppi
198 	char           defaultFixedFont    [ 256];
199 	char           defaultVariableFont [ 256];
200 	char           defaultSystemFont   [ 256];
201 	Font           windowFont;         // window default font
202 	Font           menuFont;           // menu default font
203 	Font           msgFont;            // message default font
204 	Font           capFont;            // caption default font
205 	BITMAPINFO     displayBMInfo;      // display bpp & size
206 	HWND           desktopWindow;      // GetDesktopWindow() result
207 	Bool           insertMode;         // fake insert mode
208 	Point          iconSizeLarge;
209 	Point          iconSizeSmall;
210 	Point          pointerSize;
211 	BYTE           keyState[ 256];     // application key buffer state
212 	BYTE           emptyKeyState[ 256];// just zeros
213 	BYTE          *currentKeyState;    // current virtual key buffer state
214 	HKL            keyLayout;          // key layout, most likely latin for Ctrl+Key mapping
215 	NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncmData;         // windows system data
216 	List           transp;             // transparent controls list
217 	int            topWindows;         // count of top-level windows in app
218 	Bool           focSysDisabled;     // focus system disabled
219 	Bool           focSysGranted;      // SetFocus() was called inside apc_widget_set_focused
220 	Bool           focSysDialog;       // system dialog is in action
221 	UINT           errorMode;          // SetErrorMode() result
222 	DWORD          version;            // GetVersion() cached result
223 	Point          smDblClk;           // cached SM_CxDOUBLECLK values
224 	int            socket_version;     // socket behavior type
225 	List           files;              // List of active File objects
226 	int            mouseTimer;         // is mouse timer started
227 	Bool           popupActive;        // flag to avoid double popup activation
228 	Bool           pointerInvisible;
229 	HWND           console;            // win32-bound console window
230 	Byte           msgMask[100];       // 800 user-defined messages allowed
231 // socket variables
232 	List           sockets;            // List of watchable sockets
233 	HANDLE         socketMutex;        // thread semaphore
234 	HANDLE         socketThread;       // thread id
235 	Bool           socketPostSync;     // semaphore
236 	Bool           dont_xlate_message; // one-time stopper to TranslateMessage() call
237 	int            utf8_prepend_0x202D;// newer windows do automatic bidi conversion, this is to cancel it
238 	WCHAR *      (*alloc_utf8_to_wchar_visual)(const char*,int,int*);
239 	ULONG_PTR      gdiplusToken;       // GDI+ handle
240 	Handle         clipboards[2];
241 	Bool           ole_initialized;
242 	void*          dndDataSender;      // IDropTarget.DragEnter.DataObject dnd storage object
243 	void*          dndDataReceiver;    // CLIPBOARD_DND storage object
244 	Bool           dndInsideEvent;     // to distinguish whether the clipboard is read-only or not
245 	Bool           dndDefaultCursors;
246 	void*          dragSource;         // not null if dragging
247 	Handle         dragSourceWidget;   //
248 	Handle         dragTarget;         // last successful drop
249 	WORD           language_id;        // default shaping language
250 	char           language_descr[32];
251 	Bool           application_stop_signal;
252 } WinGuts, *PWinGuts;
254 typedef struct _WindowData
255 {
256 	int    borderIcons;
257 	int    borderStyle;
258 	Point  hiddenPos;
259 	Point  hiddenSize;
260 	int    state;
261 	Handle oldFoc;
262 	HWND   oldActive;
263 	PHash  effects;
264 } WindowData;
266 typedef struct _TimerData
267 {
268 	int  timeout;
269 } TimerData;
271 typedef struct _MenuItemData
272 {
273 	int  saved_dc;
274 } MenuItemData;
276 typedef struct _FileData
277 {
278 	SOCKETHANDLE object;
279 	int          type;
280 } FileData;
282 typedef struct
283 {
284 	HRGN region;
285 	int aperture;
286 } RegionData;
289 typedef struct _XLOGPALETTE {
290 	WORD         palVersion;
291 	WORD         palNumEntries;
292 	PALETTEENTRY palPalEntry[ 256];
295 typedef struct _XBITMAPINFO {
297 	RGBQUAD          bmiColors[ 256];
300 #define BM_NONE    0
301 #define BM_BITMAP  1
302 #define BM_PIXMAP  2
303 #define BM_LAYERED 3
304 #define BM_AUTO    4
306 typedef struct _ImageCache
307 {
308 	int         cacheType;
309 	XBITMAPINFO rawHeader;
310 	Byte*       rawBits;
311 	Bool        freeBits;
312 	HBITMAP     bitmap; /* copy of sys bm, if any */
313 } ImageCache;
315 typedef struct _ImageData
316 {
317 	HRGN        imgCachedRegion;
318 	uint32_t*   argbBits;
319 	ImageCache  cache;
320 } ImageData;
322 typedef struct _PrinterData
323 {
324 	PRINTER_INFO_2 ppi;
325 	char           defPrnBuf[ 256];
326 	char          *device;
327 	char          *driver;
328 	char          *port;
329 } PrinterData;
331 typedef struct _PaintSaveData
332 {
333 	Bool        antialias;
334 	int         alpha;
335 	Color       lbs[2];
336 	Bool        fillMode;
337 	float       lineWidth;
338 	int         lineEnd;
339 	int         lineJoin;
340 	unsigned char * linePattern;
341 	int         linePatternLen;
342 	float       miterLimit;
343 	FillPattern fillPattern;
344 	Point       fillPatternOffset;
345 	int         rop;
346 	int         rop2;
347 	Point       transform;
348 	Font        font;
349 	Bool        textOpaque;
350 	Bool        textOutB;
351 } PaintSaveData, *PPaintSaveData;
353 typedef struct _PatResource
354 {
355 	DWORD  dotsCount;
356 	DWORD* dotsPtr;
357 	DWORD  dots[ 1];
358 } PatResource, *PPatResource;
360 typedef struct _EXTPEN
361 {
362 	Bool            actual;
363 	DWORD           style;
364 	DWORD           lineEnd;
365 	DWORD           lineJoin;
366 	float           lineWidth;
367 	PatResource  *  patResource;
370 typedef struct _EXTLOGBRUSH
371 {
372 	LOGBRUSH     lb;
373 	COLORREF     backColor;
374 	FillPattern  pattern;
377 typedef struct _DIBMONOBRUSH
378 {
380 	RGBQUAD          bmiColors[2];
381 	unsigned char    bmiData[32];
384 typedef struct _Stylus
385 {
386 	LOGPEN       pen;
387 	EXTLOGBRUSH  brush;
388 	EXTPEN       extPen;
389 } Stylus, *PStylus;
391 typedef struct _DCStylus
392 {
393 	Stylus        s;
394 	int           refcnt;
395 	HPEN          hpen;
396 	HBRUSH        hbrush;
397 } DCStylus, *PDCStylus;
399 typedef struct _DCFont
400 {
401 	Font          font;
402 	int           refcnt;
403 	HFONT         hfont;
404 } DCFont, *PDCFont;
406 #define GP_BRUSH_SOLID       0
408 #define GP_SOLID_PEN         2
410 typedef struct _GPStylus
411 {
412 	int type, opaque;
413 	uint32_t fg, bg;
414 	FillPattern fill;
415 } GPStylus, *PGPStylus;
417 typedef struct _DCGPStylus
418 {
419 	GPStylus s;
420 	int refcnt;
421 	GpBrush * brush;
422 	GpPen   * pen;
423 } DCGPStylus, *PDCGPStylus;
425 typedef struct _DrawableData
426 {
427 	/* Drawable basic data*/
428 	HDC            ps;                      // general HDC
429 	GpGraphics    *graphics;                // GDI+ context
430 	PAINTSTRUCT    paintStruc;              // HDC counterpart
431 	HBITMAP        bm;                      // cached bitmap
432 	HPALETTE       pal;                     // cached palette
434 	/* stylus and font hash management fields */
435 	PDCStylus      stylusResource;          // current stylus pointer
436 	int            stylusFlags;             // stylus resource cache( stbXXXX)
437 	Stylus         stylus;                  // widgets stylus record
438 	PDCFont        fontResource;            // font resource pointer
439 	PDCGPStylus    stylusGPResource;        // GDI+ resource pointer
441 	/* Stock objects of HDC - to be restored after paint mode */
442 	HPEN           stockPen;
443 	HBRUSH         stockBrush;
444 	HFONT          stockFont;
445 	HBITMAP        stockBM;
446 	HPALETTE       stockPalette;
448 	/* HDC info fields */
449 	int            bpp;                     // bits per pixel
450 	Point          res;                     // resolution
452 	/* for opaque stroke emulation */
453 	int            currentROP;
454 	int            currentROP2;
455 	int            alpha;
456 	HPEN	       opaquePen;
458 	/* cached GetTextMetrics */
459 	BYTE           tmPitchAndFamily;
460 	LONG           tmOverhang;
461 	int            otmsStrikeoutSize, otmsStrikeoutPosition, otmsUnderscoreSize, otmsUnderscorePosition;
462 	float          font_sin, font_cos;
464 	/* HDC attributes storage outside paint mode */
465 	Color          lbs[2];
466 	int            fillMode, psFillMode;
467 	float          lineWidth;
468 	int            lineEnd;
469 	int            lineJoin;
470 	unsigned char *linePattern;
471 	int            linePatternLen;
472 	FillPattern    fillPattern;
473 	FillPattern    fillPattern2;
474 	Point          fillPatternOffset;
475 	int            rop;
476 	int            rop2;
477 	float          miterLimit;
478 	Point          transform;
479 	Point          gp_transform;
480 	PPaintSaveData psd;                     // Their values during paint saved in sys psd
482 	/* Basic widget fields */
483 	HWND           handle;                  // Windows handle of a widget
484 	HWND           owner;                   // Windows owner of a widget
485 	HWND           parent;                  // Windows parent of a widget
486 	HWND           parentHandle;
487 	int            className;               // class name ( WC_XXX)
489 	/* Widget properties */
490 	HandleOptions  options;                 // apt_XXX settings
491 	ColorSet       viewColors;              // widget color palette
492 	PXLOGPALETTE   p256;                    // cached squeezed palette
493 	void *         recreateData;            // ViewProfile custom area
495 	/* Custom data for widget paint in optBuffered state */
496 	HDC            ps2;                     // original HDC
497 	HPALETTE       pal2;                    // original palette
498 	Point          transform2;              // necessary additional transposition
500 	/* Positioning support fields */
501 	Point          lastSize;                // last actual size
502 	int            sizeLockLevel;           // size locking flag
503 	int            yOverride;               // special cached height value. Used in WM_SIZE<->WM_MOVE interactions
505 	/* Widget attributes - timers, cursor, pointers, menu, shape */
506 	Point          cursorPos;               // cursor position
507 	Point          cursorSize;              // cursor size
508 	HCURSOR        pointer;                 // pointer handle
509 	HCURSOR        pointer2;                // user pointer data
510 	int            pointerId;               // pointer id
511 	Handle         lastMenu;                // last menu activated by WM_INITMENU or WM_INITMENUPOPUP
512 	Point          extraBounds;             // used in region calculations
513 	Point          extraPos;                // used in region calculations
514 	Point          layeredPos;              // delayed layered window positioning
516 	/* Widget DND stuff */
517 	void*          dropTarget;
519 	/* Layered subpaint */
520 	Point          layeredPaintOffset;
521 	HDC            layeredPaintSurface;
522 	HRGN           layeredParentRegion;
524 	/* alpha text amulation */
525 	HDC            alphaArenaDC;
526 	HBITMAP        alphaArenaBitmap;
527 	uint32_t*      alphaArenaPtr;
528 	Point          alphaArenaSize;
529 	Bool           alphaArenaFontChanged;
530 	HFONT          alphaArenaStockFont;
531 	HBITMAP        alphaArenaStockBitmap;
532 	uint32_t*      alphaArenaPalette;
534 	/* Other class-specific data */
535 	union {
536 		TimerData     timer;
537 		WindowData    window;
538 		PrinterData   prn;
539 		FileData      file;
540 		ImageData     image;
541 		RegionData    region;
542 		MenuItemData  menuitem;
543 	} s;
544 } DrawableData, *PDrawableData;
546 typedef struct _MenuWndData
547 {
548 	Handle     menu;
549 	int        id;
550 } MenuWndData, *PMenuWndData;
552 typedef struct _KeyPacket
553 {
554 	HWND     wnd;
555 	UINT     msg;
556 	WPARAM   mp1;
557 	LPARAM   mp2;
558 	int      mod;
559 } KeyPacket, *PKeyPacket;
561 typedef struct _MusClkRec {
562 	Bool    pending;
563 	UINT    emsg;
564 	MSG     msg;
565 } MusClkRec;
567 #define STYLUS_USE_PEN( __ps)                              \
568 	if ( !( sys stylusFlags & stbPen)) {                    \
569 		if ( __ps)                                           \
570 			SelectObject( __ps, sys stylusResource-> hpen);   \
571 		sys stylusFlags |= stbPen;                           \
572 	}
574 #define STYLUS_USE_BRUSH( __ps)                            \
575 	if ( !( sys stylusFlags & stbBrush)) {                  \
576 		if ( __ps)                                           \
577 			SelectObject( __ps, sys stylusResource-> hbrush); \
578 		sys stylusFlags |= stbBrush;                         \
579 	}
581 #define STYLUS_USE_TEXT( __ps)                             \
582 	if ( !( sys stylusFlags & stbText)) {                   \
583 		if ( __ps)                                           \
584 			SetTextColor( __ps, sys stylus. pen. lopnColor);  \
585 		sys stylusFlags |= stbText;                          \
586 	}
588 #define STYLUS_USE_BACKING( __ps)                          \
589 	if ( !( sys stylusFlags & stbBacking)) {                \
590 		if ( __ps)                                           \
591 			SetBkColor( __ps, sys stylus. brush. backColor);  \
592 		sys stylusFlags |= stbBacking;                       \
593 	}
596 #define STYLUS_USE_GP_BRUSH                          \
597 	if ( !( sys stylusFlags & stbGPBrush)) {                \
598 		if ( stylus_gp_alloc(self) == NULL ) return false; \
599 		sys stylusFlags |= stbGPBrush;                      \
600 	}
602 #define STYLUS_FREE_GP_BRUSH sys stylusFlags &= ~stbGPBrush
604 #define psDot         "\3\3"
605 #define psDash        "\x16\6"
606 #define psDashDot     "\x9\6\3\6"
607 #define psDashDotDot  "\x9\3\3\3\3\3"
609 #define csAxEvents csFrozen
611 #define apt_set( option)           ( sys options. option = 1)
612 #define apt_clear( option)         ( sys options. option = 0)
613 #define is_apt( option)            ( sys options. option)
614 #define apt_assign( option, value) ( sys options. option = (value)?1:0)
616 #define is_declipped( handle)      (                                                    \
617 	handle && ( dsys(handle) className != WC_FRAME ) &&                                  \
618 	( !dsys(handle)options.aptClipOwner || ((( PWidget)handle)-> owner == application))  \
619 )
621 #define is_declipped_child( handle) (                                                   \
622 	handle && ( dsys(handle) className != WC_FRAME ) &&                                  \
623 	!dsys(handle)options.aptClipOwner                                                    \
624 )
626 #define palette_create image_create_palette
628 typedef struct _ItemRegRec {
629 	int   cmd;
630 	void *item;
631 } ItemRegRec, *PItemRegRec;
633 extern Bool         appDead;
634 extern Bool         debug;
635 extern DIBMONOBRUSH bmiHatch;
636 extern PHash        fontMan;
637 extern PHash        myfontMan;
638 extern int          FONTSTRUCSIZE;
639 extern WinGuts      guts;
640 extern PHash        imageMan;
641 extern PHash        menuMan;
642 extern MusClkRec    musClk;
643 extern PHash        patMan;
644 extern DWORD        rc;
645 extern PHash        stylusMan;
646 extern PHash        stylusGpMan;
647 extern HBRUSH       hBrushHollow;
648 extern PatResource  hPatHollow;
649 extern HPEN         hPenHollow;
650 extern PHash        regnodeMan;
651 extern Handle       lastMouseOver;
652 extern int          timeDefsCount;
653 extern PItemRegRec  timeDefs;
654 extern PHash        menuBitmapMan;
655 extern HBITMAP      uncheckedBitmap;
656 extern PHash        scriptCacheMan;
657 extern HCURSOR      arrowCursor;
659 LRESULT CALLBACK    generic_app_handler      ( HWND win, UINT  msg, WPARAM mp1, LPARAM mp2);
660 LRESULT CALLBACK    generic_frame_handler    ( HWND win, UINT  msg, WPARAM mp1, LPARAM mp2);
661 LRESULT CALLBACK    layered_frame_handler    ( HWND win, UINT  msg, WPARAM mp1, LPARAM mp2);
662 LRESULT CALLBACK    generic_view_handler     ( HWND win, UINT  msg, WPARAM mp1, LPARAM mp2);
664 extern int          arc_completion( double * angleStart, double * angleEnd, int * needFigure);
665 extern Bool         add_font_to_hash( const PFont key, const PFont font, Bool addSizeEntry);
666 extern void         cm_squeeze_palette( PRGBColor source, int srcColors, PRGBColor dest, int destColors);
667 extern Bool         create_font_hash( void);
668 extern Bool         cursor_update( Handle self);
669 extern HDC          dc_alloc( void);
670 extern void         dc_free( void);
671 extern HDC          dc_compat_alloc( HDC compatDC);
672 extern void         dc_compat_free( void);
673 extern void         dbm_recreate( Handle self);
674 extern Bool         destroy_font_hash( void);
675 extern char *       err_msg( DWORD errId, char * buffer);
676 extern char *       err_msg_gplus( GpStatus errId, char * buffer);
677 extern PDCFont      font_alloc( Font * data);
678 extern void         font_change( Handle self, Font * font);
679 extern void         font_clean( void);
680 extern void         font_font2logfont( Font * font, LOGFONTW * lf);
681 extern void         font_free( PDCFont res, Bool permanent);
682 extern void         font_logfont2font( LOGFONTW * lf, Font * font, Point * resolution);
683 extern void         font_pp2font( char * presParam, Font * font);
684 extern void         font_textmetric2font( TEXTMETRICW * tm, Font * fm, Bool readOnly);
685 extern Bool         get_font_from_hash( PFont font, Bool bySize);
686 extern Point        get_window_borders( int borderStyle);
687 extern Bool         hwnd_check_limits( int x, int y, Bool uint);
688 extern void         hwnd_enter_paint( Handle self);
689 extern Handle       hwnd_frame_top_level( Handle self);
690 extern void         hwnd_leave_paint( Handle self);
691 extern Handle       hwnd_to_view( HWND win);
692 extern Handle       hwnd_top_level( Handle self);
693 extern Handle       hwnd_layered_top_level( Handle self);
694 extern Bool         hwnd_repaint_layered( Handle self, Bool now);
695 extern HICON        image_make_icon_handle( Handle img, Point size, Point * hotSpot);
696 extern void         image_query_bits( Handle self, Bool forceNewImage);
697 extern void         image_argb_query_bits( Handle self);
698 extern HBITMAP      image_create_bitmap_by_type( Handle self, HPALETTE pal, XBITMAPINFO * bitmapinfo, int bm_type);
699 extern HBITMAP      image_create_bitmap( Handle self );
700 extern HBITMAP      image_create_argb_dib_section( HDC dc, int w, int h, uint32_t ** ptr);
701 extern HPALETTE     image_create_palette( Handle self);
702 extern void         image_destroy_cache( Handle self);
703 extern BITMAPINFO*  image_fill_bitmap_info( Handle self, XBITMAPINFO * bi, int bm_type);
704 extern void         mod_free( BYTE * modState);
705 extern BYTE *       mod_select( int mod);
706 extern Bool         palette_change( Handle self);
707 extern long         palette_match( Handle self, long color);
708 extern int          palette_match_color( XLOGPALETTE * lp, long clr, int * diffFactor);
709 extern PPatResource patres_fetch( unsigned char * pattern, int len);
710 extern UINT         patres_user( unsigned char * pattern, int len);
711 extern void         process_transparents( Handle self);
712 extern long         remap_color( long clr, Bool toSystem);
713 extern void         socket_rehash( void);
714 extern PDCStylus    stylus_alloc( PStylus data);
715 extern void         stylus_change( Handle self);
716 extern void         stylus_clean( void);
717 extern Bool         stylus_complex( PStylus stylus, HDC dc);
718 extern Bool         stylus_extpenned( PStylus stylus);
719 extern void         stylus_free( PDCStylus res, Bool permanent);
720 extern DWORD        stylus_get_extpen_style( PStylus s);
721 extern GpBrush*     stylus_gp_alloc(Handle self);
722 extern void         stylus_gp_clean( void);
723 extern void         stylus_gp_free( PDCGPStylus res, Bool permanent);
724 extern GpPen*       stylus_gp_get_pen(int lineWidth, uint32_t color);
725 extern HRGN         region_create( Handle mask);
726 extern WCHAR *      alloc_utf8_to_wchar( const char * utf8, int length, int * mb_len);
727 extern WCHAR *      alloc_utf8_to_wchar_visual( const char * utf8, int length, int * mb_len);
728 extern WCHAR *      alloc_ascii_to_wchar( const char * text, int length);
729 extern char *       alloc_wchar_to_utf8( WCHAR * src, int * len );
730 extern void         wchar2char( char * dest, WCHAR * src, int lim);
731 extern void         char2wchar( WCHAR * dest, char * src, int lim);
732 extern int          apcUpdateWindow( HWND wnd );
733 extern void         reset_system_fonts(void);
734 extern void         register_mapper_fonts(void);
735 extern void         dpi_change(void);
736 extern Bool         is_dwm_enabled(void);
737 extern Bool         dnd_clipboard_create(void);
738 extern void         dnd_clipboard_destroy(void);
739 extern Bool         dnd_clipboard_open(void);
740 extern Bool         dnd_clipboard_close(void);
741 extern Bool         dnd_clipboard_clear(void);
742 extern PList        dnd_clipboard_get_formats(void);
743 extern Bool         dnd_clipboard_get_data( Handle id, PClipboardDataRec c);
744 extern Bool         dnd_clipboard_has_format( Handle id);
745 extern Bool         dnd_clipboard_set_data( Handle id, PClipboardDataRec c);
746 extern PList        dnd_clipboard_get_formats();
747 extern char *       cf2name( UINT cf );
748 extern Bool         clipboard_get_data(int cfid, PClipboardDataRec c, void * p1, void * p2);
749 extern void *       image_create_dib(Handle image, Bool global_alloc);
750 extern Bool         HWND_lock( Bool lock);
751 extern Bool         process_msg( MSG * msg);
752 extern Bool         aa_text_out( Handle self, int x, int y, void * text, int len, Bool wide);
753 extern Bool         aa_glyphs_out( Handle self, PGlyphsOutRec t, int x, int y, int * text_advance, HFONT font);
754 extern void         aa_free_arena(Handle self, Bool for_reuse);
755 extern void         gp_get_text_widths( Handle self, const char* text, int len, int flags, ABC * extents);
756 extern void         gp_get_text_box( Handle self, ABC * abc, Point * pt);
758 /* compatibility to MSVC 6 */
759 #ifndef GWLP_USERDATA
762 #	define LONG_PTR      LONG
763 #	define GetWindowLongPtr GetWindowLong
764 #	define SetWindowLongPtr SetWindowLong
765 #endif
767 #ifndef WS_EX_LAYERED
768 #define ULW_ALPHA 0x00000002
769 #define WS_EX_LAYERED 0x00080000
771 BOOL
773 UpdateLayeredWindow(
774     __in HWND hWnd,
775     __in_opt HDC hdcDst,
776     __in_opt POINT* pptDst,
777     __in_opt SIZE* psize,
778     __in_opt HDC hdcSrc,
779     __in_opt POINT* pptSrc,
780     __in COLORREF crKey,
781     __in_opt BLENDFUNCTION* pblend,
782     __in DWORD dwFlags);
783 #endif
786 #define MUI_LANGUAGE_NAME 0x8
788 #endif
790 BOOL
791 my_GetUserPreferredUILanguages(
792 	DWORD dwFlags, PULONG pulNumLanguages,
793 	PZZWSTR pwszLanguagesBuffer, PULONG pcchLanguagesBuffer
794 );
797 #ifdef __cplusplus
798 }
799 #endif
802 #endif